PRESS 2005 Megan Backhouse
PRESS 2005 Megan Backhouse, 'Works with "full-body"', The Age, Melbourne, Australia, 9 November 2005 Jane Johnson, 'Strange Figures', Qantas: The Australian Way, Sydney, Australia, November 2005 Noriko Kawakami, 'Antony Gormley: Certain Made Places', Marie Claire, Japan, November 2005 Emily Stokes, 'When I was 21: Antony Gormley', The Cambridge Student, Cambridge, England, November 2005 Parvathi Nayar, 'Using the human body to engage', The Business Times, Singapore, 28 October 2005 Clara Chow, 'Go Figure', The Straits Times, Singapore, 27 October 2005 Author Unknown, 'Sublimate IV', AERA, Japan, 24 October 2005 Author Unknown, 'Architectuur: Kunst aan de lopende band',, Netherlands, 20 October 2005 Andrew Billen, 'I am still attracted to the monastic life', Times 2, London, England, 18 October 2005 Marina de Vries, 'Unieke bejaarde steelt de show', de Volkskrant, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 5 October 2005 Joseph Algazy, 'Le Traumatisme persistant des Arabes israeliens', Le Monde Diplomatique, Paris, France, October 2005 Elfi Kreis, 'Eiserne Hundertschaft: Antony Gormleys Strandläufer Wellen', Kunstzeitung, Regensburg, Germany, October 2005 Viv Groskop, 'Forces of nurture', Harpers and Queen, London, England, October 2005 Kate Thomson, 'Communal Individuals', The Japan Times, Japan, 29 September 2005 Ingrid Luycks, 'Expositie in voormalige textielfabrieken: Ze zijn er nog', Univers 5, Tilburg, Netherlands, 22 September 2005 Author Unknown, 'Contemporary Art Preview: Certain Made Places', The Window of Arts, Japan, 20 September
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