Divine Mercy Publications Divine ercy Publications P.O. Box 351, Camberwell, Victoria 3124 Australia Christmas Sale 2016 Phone: (03) 9830 4386 Fax: (03) 9830 4356 Website: www.divinemercy.com.au Sale ends on 23 December 2016 Email Orders:
[email protected] JESUS I TRUST IN YOU All prices in this sale include postage and GST. WHILE STOCKS LAST 18TH EDITION! 2017 Divine Mercy Wall Calendar Noted as the most beautiful Catholic Calendar people have ever seen! Our beautiful glossy calendar contains over 300 images of Saints (or Blesseds) throughout the year, including many that are not typically listed on Catholic calendars. Inspirational images and quotations from Our Lord, Our Lady, Pope Francis and Saint Faustina help you each month. Feast days are clearly distinguished into Solemnities, Feasts, Obligatory Memorials, Optional Memorials and ‘Other Optional Memorials’. Vestment colours are included for each day making it good reference for clergy. Also included is a detailed description of the Divine Mercy Message and Devotion as revealed to St. Faustina and an excellent mini- catechism. The back cover has a beautiful new image entitled ‘Ocean of Mercy’, painted by Scottish artist Tommy Canning. His art can be seen at: www.art-of-divinemercy.co.uk. Size: 31cm x 21cm (12” x 8.5”). Ref: CAL-W Single Price: $14.00 each (Sample of the inside of the calendar) 2 for $24.00 • Buy 4 Wall Calendars, get 1 Pocket Calendar for FREE! 4 for $38.00 • Buy 10 or more Wall Calendars, get 1 Large Edition Calendar free! (10 or more for $8.00 each) 2017 Divine Mercy Pocket Calendar Increasingly popular, the pocket-size calendar is perfectly suitable to keep in your car, handbag or shirt pocket.