Table 7: Species Changing IUCN Red List Status (2019-2020)

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Table 7: Species Changing IUCN Red List Status (2019-2020) IUCN Red List version 2020-3: Table 7 Last Updated: 10 December 2020 Table 7: Species changing IUCN Red List Status (2019-2020) Published listings of a species' status may change for a variety of reasons (genuine improvement or deterioration in status; new information being available that was not known at the time of the previous assessment; taxonomic changes; corrections to mistakes made in previous assessments, etc. To help Red List users interpret the changes between the Red List updates, a summary of species that have changed category between 2019 (IUCN Red List version 2019-3) and 2020 (IUCN Red List version 2020-3) and the reasons for these changes is provided in the table below. IUCN Red List Categories: EX - Extinct, EW - Extinct in the Wild, CR - Critically Endangered [CR(PE) - Critically Endangered (Possibly Extinct), CR(PEW) - Critically Endangered (Possibly Extinct in the Wild)], EN - Endangered, VU - Vulnerable, LR/cd - Lower Risk/conservation dependent, NT - Near Threatened (includes LR/nt - Lower Risk/near threatened), DD - Data Deficient, LC - Least Concern (includes LR/lc - Lower Risk, least concern). Reasons for change: G - Genuine status change (genuine improvement or deterioration in the species' status); N - Non-genuine status change (i.e., status changes due to new information, improved knowledge of the criteria, incorrect data used previously, taxonomic revision, etc.); E - Previous listing was an Error. IUCN Red List IUCN Red Reason for Red List Scientific name Common name (2019) List (2020) change version Category Category MAMMALS (Mammalia) Allocebus trichotis Hairy-eared Dwarf Lemur VU EN G 2020-2 Alouatta caraya Black-and-gold Howler Monkey LC NT G 2020-2 Alouatta guariba Brown Howler Monkey LC VU G 2020-2 Alouatta palliata Mantled Howler Monkey LC VU N 2020-2 Alouatta puruensis Purús Red Howler Monkey LC VU G 2020-3 Anthops ornatus Solomons Leaf-nosed Bat DD VU N 2020-3 Arielulus societatis Social Sprite VU LC N 2020-3 Ateles fusciceps Brown-headed Spider Monkey CR EN N 2020-2 Avahi cleesei Bemaraha Woolly Lemur EN CR N 2020-2 Avahi occidentalis Lorenz Von Liburnau's Woolly Lemur EN VU N 2020-2 Avahi unicolor Sambirano Woolly Lemur EN CR N 2020-2 Berardius arnuxii Arnoux's Beaked Whale DD LC N 2020-3 Berardius bairdii Baird's Beaked Whale DD LC N 2020-3 Bison bonasus European Bison VU NT G 2020-3 Cacajao ayresi Ayres Black Uakari VU LC N 2020-2 Callithrix flaviceps Buffy-headed Marmoset EN CR G 2020-2 Capra aegagrus Wild Goat VU NT G 2020-2 Capra sibirica Siberian Ibex LC NT G 2020-2 Capra walie Walia Ibex EN VU G 2020-2 Cebuella niveiventris Eastern Pygmy Marmoset LC VU G 2020-3 Cebuella pygmaea Western Pygmy Marmoset LC VU N 2020-3 Cebus cesarae Río Cesar White-fronted Capuchin DD EN N 2020-3 Cercocebus atys Sooty Mangabey NT VU G 2020-2 Cercocebus chrysogaster Golden-bellied Mangabey DD EN N 2020-2 Cercocebus galeritus Tana River Mangabey EN CR G 2020-2 Cercopithecus campbelli Campbell's Monkey LC NT G 2020-2 Cercopithecus erythrogaster Red-bellied Monkey VU EN G 2020-2 Cercopithecus mona Mona Monkey LC NT G 2020-2 Cercopithecus petaurista Spot-nosed Monkey LC NT G 2020-2 Chaerephon solomonis Solomons Free-tailed Bat LC EN N 2020-2 Chalinolobus dwyeri Large-eared Pied Bat NT VU N 2020-3 Cheirogaleus crossleyi Crossley's Dwarf Lemur DD VU N 2020-2 Cheirogaleus major Geoffroy's Dwarf Lemur DD VU N 2020-2 Cheirogaleus medius Fat-tailed Dwarf Lemur LC VU N 2020-2 Chiropotes albinasus White-nosed Saki EN VU N 2020-3 Chiropotes satanas Black Bearded Saki CR EN N 2020-3 Chiropotes utahickae Uta Hick’s Bearded Saki EN VU N 2020-3 Colobus angolensis Angolan Colobus LC VU G 2020-2 Colobus polykomos King Colobus VU EN G 2020-2 Cricetus cricetus Common Hamster LC CR G 2020-2 Cryptotis gracilis Talamancan Small-eared Shrew VU LC N 2020-3 Eonycteris robusta Philippine Dawn Bat NT VU N 2020-3 Eptesicus japonensis Japanese Short-tailed Bat EN VU N 2020-2 Erythrocebus patas Patas Monkey LC NT N 2020-2 Eubalaena glacialis North Atlantic Right Whale EN CR G 2020-2 Eulemur albifrons White-fronted Lemur EN VU N 2020-2 Eulemur fulvus Brown Lemur NT VU G 2020-2 Eulemur macaco Black Lemur VU EN G 2020-2 Eulemur rufifrons Red-fronted Brown Lemur NT VU G 2020-2 IUCN Red List IUCN Red Reason for Red List Scientific name Common name (2019) List (2020) change version Category Category Euoticus pallidus Northern Needle-clawed Galago LC NT G 2020-2 Fukomys anselli Zambian Mole Rat NT LC N 2020-2 Handleyomys saturatior Cloud Forest Rice Rat NT LC N 2020-2 Harpiola isodon Golden-tipped Tube-nosed Bat DD LC N 2020-2 Hipposideros curtus Short-tailed Roundleaf Bat VU EN G 2020-2 Hipposideros demissus Makira Leaf-nosed Bat VU EN N 2020-2 Hipposideros pomona Andersen's Roundleaf Bat LC EN N 2020-3 Ia io Great Evening Bat LC NT N 2020-2 Indopacetus pacificus Indo-pacific Beaked Whale DD LC N 2020-3 Kerivoula agnella Louisiade Woolly Bat DD EN N 2020-3 Kerivoula krauensis Krau Woolly Bat DD NT N 2020-2 Kerivoula picta Painted Woolly Bat LC NT N 2020-2 Kogia breviceps Pygmy Sperm Whale DD LC N 2020-2 Kogia sima Dwarf Sperm Whale DD LC N 2020-2 Leontocebus illigeri Illiger’s Saddle-back Tamarin LC NT G 2020-3 Lepilemur aeeclis Antafia Sportive Lemur VU EN N 2020-2 Lepilemur ahmansonori Ahmanson's Sportive Lemur EN CR N 2020-2 Lepilemur dorsalis Gray's Sportive Lemur VU EN N 2020-2 Lepilemur fleuretae Madame Fleurette's Sportive Lemur CR EN N 2020-2 Lepilemur grewcockorum Grewcock's Sportive Lemur EN CR G 2020-2 Lepilemur hollandorum Holland's Sportive Lemur EN CR N 2020-2 Lepilemur mittermeieri Mittermeier's Sportive Lemur EN CR G 2020-2 Lepilemur mustelinus Weasel Sportive Lemur NT VU N 2020-2 Lepilemur petteri Petter's Sportive Lemur VU EN G 2020-2 Lepilemur ruficaudatus Red-tailed Sportive Lemur VU CR G 2020-2 Loris lydekkerianus Grey Slender Loris LC NT G 2020-3 Lycalopex vetulus Hoary Fox LC NT G 2020-2 Macaca fascicularis Nicobar Crab-eating Macaque LC VU N 2020-2 Macaca radiata Bonnet Macaque LC VU G 2020-2 Macaca siberu Siberut Macaque VU EN N 2020-2 Melonycteris fardoulisi Fardoulis's Blossom Bat LC NT N 2020-2 Mesocapromys angelcabrerai Cabrera's Hutia EN CR N 2020-2 Mesoplodon bidens Sowerby's Beaked Whale DD LC N 2020-3 Mesoplodon densirostris Blainville's Beaked Whale DD LC N 2020-3 Mesoplodon europaeus Gervais' Beaked Whale DD LC N 2020-3 Mesoplodon grayi Gray's Beaked Whale DD LC N 2020-3 Mesoplodon layardii Strap-toothed Whale DD LC N 2020-3 Mesoplodon mirus True's Beaked Whale DD LC N 2020-3 Mesoplodon perrini Perrin's Beaked Whale DD EN N 2020-3 Mesoplodon peruvianus Pygmy Beaked Whale DD LC N 2020-3 Mesoplodon stejnegeri Stejneger's Beaked Whale DD NT N 2020-3 Mico humeralifer Black And White Tassel-ear Marmoset DD NT N 2020-3 Mico melanurus Black-tailed Marmoset LC NT G 2020-3 Microcavia shiptoni Shipton's Mountain Cavy NT LC N 2020-3 Microcebus arnholdi Arnhold's Mouse Lemur EN VU N 2020-2 Microcebus berthae Madame Berthe's Mouse Lemur EN CR G 2020-2 Microcebus danfossi Danfoss' Mouse Lemur EN VU N 2020-2 Microcebus mamiratra Claire's Mouse Lemur CR EN N 2020-2 Microcebus ravelobensis Golden-brown Mouse Lemur EN VU N 2020-2 Miniopterus africanus African Long-fingered Bat LC DD N 2020-2 Miniopterus schreibersii Schreiber's Bent-winged Bat NT VU N 2020-2 Mirza zaza Northern Giant Mouse Lemur EN VU N 2020-2 Murina aurata Tibetan Tube-nosed Bat LC DD N 2020-3 Myosorex cafer Dark-footed Forest Shrew LC VU N 2020-2 Myosorex longicaudatus Long-tailed Forest Shrew VU EN N 2020-2 Myosorex sclateri Sclater's Mouse Shrew NT VU N 2020-2 Myotis formosus Hodgson's Bat LC NT N 2020-2 Myotis montivagus Burmese Whiskered Myotis LC DD N 2020-2 Neotoma angustapalata Tamaulipan Woodrat EN NT N 2020-3 Nomascus siki Southern White-cheeked Gibbon EN CR N 2020-2 Nyctalus furvus Japanese Noctule VU EN N 2020-2 Nycticebus bengalensis Bengal Slow Loris VU EN G 2020-2 Nycticebus coucang Greater Slow Loris VU EN N 2020-2 IUCN Red List IUCN Red Reason for Red List Scientific name Common name (2019) List (2020) change version Category Category Nycticebus pygmaeus Pygmy Slow Loris VU EN G 2020-2 Nyctimene keasti Keast's Tube-nosed Fruit Bat VU NT N 2020-3 Nyctophilus howensis Lord Howe Long-eared Bat CR EX N 2020-3 Nyctophilus sherrini Tasmanian Long-eared Bat DD VU N 2020-2 Otocolobus manul Pallas's Cat, manul NT LC N 2020-2 Paragalago orinus Mountain Dwarf Galago NT VU G 2020-2 Paragalago rondoensis Rondo Dwarf Galago CR EN N 2020-2 Paragalago zanzibaricus Tanzania Coast Dwarf Galago LC NT N 2020-2 Perodicticus potto West African Potto LC NT G 2020-2 Petrogale coenensis Cape York Rock Wallaby NT EN N 2020-2 Phaner furcifer Masoala Fork-marked Lemur VU EN N 2020-2 Pharotis imogene Thomas's Big-eared Bat CR(PE) CR N 2020-2 Pipistrellus hanaki Hanaki's Pipistrelle DD VU N 2020-2 Pipistrellus sturdeei Bonin Pipistrelle DD EX N 2020-2 Pithecia milleri Miller's Saki DD VU N 2020-2 Plecotus austriacus Gray Big-eared Bat LC NT N 2020-2 Plecturocebus brunneus Brown Titi Monkey LC VU G 2020-3 Presbytis femoralis Banded Langur NT VU N 2020-2 Presbytis potenziani Golden-bellied Mentawai Island Langur EN CR N 2020-2 Presbytis rubicunda Red Langur LC VU N 2020-2 Propithecus coquereli Coquerel's Sifaka EN CR G 2020-2 Propithecus coronatus Crowned Sifaka EN CR G 2020-2 Propithecus deckenii Van der Decken's Sifaka EN CR G 2020-2 Propithecus verreauxi Verreaux's Sifaka EN CR G 2020-2 Pteropus aldabrensis Aldabra Flying-fox VU EN G 2020-2 Pteropus conspicillatus Spectacled Flying Fox LC EN N 2020-3 Pteropus gilliardorum Gilliard's Flying Fox DD VU N 2020-2
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