BOOKS-BY-MAIL Large Print Books Fiction...Non-Fiction...Biography 2012 Community Outreach and Senior Services Schenectady County Public Library 99 Clinton Street Schenectady, NY 12305-2047 518-388-4521 * The Large Print books listed in this catalog may be borrowed by any library patron and are available at the Schenectady County Public Library or its nine branches. Books are organized by fi ction genres (such as cozy mystery or romance); nonfi ction and biography follow the fi ction. Short summaries of content for each title were gathered from the online reviews found in Barnes and Noble,, and Novelist. New books in series by popular authors are found at the end of each genre and are placed in alphabetical order by author and title. All series names are in parentheses following the book title. If you or someone you know is homebound and would like to participate in the Books-By-Mail program, please contact the Outreach Services Offi ce to determine if you qualify. If you participate in the Meals-On-Wheels program and are interested in receiving library materials with your meal delivery, please contact your Schenectady County Meals-On-Wheels representative at the Glendale Nursing Home to fi le an application for our service. For more information about the Outreach Senior Services Program, please call 388-4521 or email
[email protected]. Happy Reading! TABLE OF CONTENTS Adventure, Crime, Thriller _______________________________ 1 Adventure, Crime, Thriller Series ________________________ 10 Amish Fiction _________________________________________