Monoclonal Antibodies in Asthma Therapy

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Monoclonal Antibodies in Asthma Therapy MonoclonalMonoclonal AntibodiesAntibodies inin AsthmaAsthma TherapyTherapy YehiaYehia ElEl --GamalGamal MD,MD, PhDPhD ConflictConflict ofof InterestInterest NothingNothing toto disclosedisclose ObjectivesObjectives FollowingFollowing thisthis presentation,presentation, thethe audienceaudience shouldshould bebe ableable to:to: ••RecognizeRecognize somesome importantimportant monoclonalmonoclonal antibodiesantibodies availableavailable forfor asthmaasthma therapy.therapy. ••IdentifyIdentify candidatescandidates forfor treatmenttreatment withwith monoclonalmonoclonal antibodies.antibodies. ••BeBe awareaware ofof thethe sideside effectseffects andand costcost -- benefitbenefit ofof suchsuch therapy.therapy. SinceSince thethe firstfirst publicationpublication byby KohlerKohler andand MilsteinMilstein onon thethe productionproduction ofof murinemurine monoclonalmonoclonal antibodiesantibodies (MAbs)(MAbs) byby hybridomahybridoma technology,technology, therapeutictherapeutic useuse ofof MAbsMAbs hashas becomebecome aa majormajor partpart ofof treatmentstreatments inin variousvarious diseases.diseases. Köhler G, Milstein C. Nature 1975;256: 495 -7. oclonal_antibodies SchematicSchematic representationrepresentation ofof MAbMAb productionproduction Martin -Mateos MA. Allergol Immunopathol (Madr) 2007; 35(4):145 -50. MAbsMAbs inin allergicallergic diseasesdiseases (cont(cont ’’d)d) OmalizumabOmalizumab (anti(anti --IgEIgE ab)ab) •• ItIt isis aa recombinantrecombinant humanizedhumanized monoclonalmonoclonal antibodyantibody (rhuMAb(rhuMAb --E25)E25) developeddeveloped byby immunizingimmunizing micemice withwith humanhuman IgE.IgE. •• Then,Then, aa monoclonalmonoclonal antibodyantibody waswas selectedselected thatthat recognizesrecognizes IgEIgE atat thethe samesame sitesite asas thethe highhigh --affinityaffinity receptorreceptor forfor IgEIgE (Fc(Fc εεRI).RI). Milgrom H, et al. N Engl J Med 1999;341(26):1966 -73. MAbsMAbs inin allergicallergic diseasesdiseases (cont(cont ’’d)d) OmalizumabOmalizumab isis thethe onlyonly MAbMAb toto datedate thatthat hashas beenbeen foundfound toto bebe effectiveeffective andand approvedapproved byby bothboth thethe FDAFDA andand EuropeanEuropean MedicinesMedicines AgencyAgency (EMEA)(EMEA) forfor thethe treatmenttreatment ofof difficultdifficult allergicallergic asthma.asthma. Bousquet J, et al. Expert Opin Biol Ther 2008;8(12):1921 -8. MechanismsMechanisms ofof ActionAction ofof OmalizumabOmalizumab •• ReducesReduces serumserum levelslevels ofof freefree IgEIgE •• DownDown --regulatesregulates expressionexpression ofof IgEIgE receptorsreceptors (FceRI)(FceRI) onon mastmast cellscells andand basophils.basophils. •• InIn thethe airwaysairways ofof patientspatients withwith allergicallergic asthma,asthma, itit reducesreduces FcFc εεRI+RI+ andand IgE+IgE+ cellscells andand causescauses aa profoundprofound reductionreduction inin tissuetissue eosinophilia,eosinophilia, togethertogether withwith reductionsreductions inin submucosalsubmucosal TT --cellcell andand BB --cellcell numbers.numbers. Holgate S, Casale T, Wenzel S, Bousquet J, Deniz Y, Reisner C. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2005;115(3):459 -65. MechanismsMechanisms ofof actionaction ofof omalizumabomalizumab (cont(cont ’’d)d) •• TheThe reductionsreductions inin circulatingcirculating levelslevels ofof IgEIgE resultingresulting fromfrom omalizumabomalizumab treatmenttreatment leadsleads toto reductionsreductions inin FceRIFceRI expressionexpression onon mastmast cells,cells, basophilsbasophils andand dendriticdendritic cells.cells. •• ThisThis combinedcombined effecteffect resultsresults inin attenuationattenuation ofof severalseveral markersmarkers ofof inflammation,inflammation, includingincluding peripheralperipheral andand bronchialbronchial tissuetissue eosinophilia,eosinophilia, levelslevels ofof GMGM --CSF,CSF, ILIL --2,2, ILIL --4,4, ILIL --55 andand ILIL --13.13. •• ItIt maymay alsoalso reducereduce allergenallergen presentationpresentation toto TT -- cellscells andand thethe productionproduction ofof Th2Th2 cytokines.cytokines. Holgate S, et al. Allergy 2009:64(12):1728 –36. Fig 2 ProposedProposed MechanismsMechanisms ofof ActionAction ofof OmalizumabOmalizumab Source: Journal Holgateof Allergy and ClinOI:10.1016/j.jac S, et al.i.2004.11.053 J Allergy ) Clin Immunol 2005;115(3):459 -65. TreatmentTreatment ofof allergicallergic asthmaasthma withwith monoclonalmonoclonal antianti --IgEIgE antibody:antibody: rhuMAbrhuMAb --E25E25 StudyStudy Group.Group. Serum concentrations of total and free IgE in subjects given a low dose of rhuMAb -E25 for 20 weeks Milgrom H, et al. N Engl J Med. 1999 Dec 23;341(26):1966 -73. Fig 1 ImmunohistochemicalImmunohistochemical stainingstaining ofof bronchialbronchial biopsybiopsy specimensspecimens beforebefore (( leftleft )) andand afterafter (( rightright )) 1616 weeksweeks ofof omalizumabomalizumab treatment.treatment. RepresentativeRepresentative sectionssections showshow stainingstaining withwith antibodyantibody against:against: ECPECP (A(A andand B)B) CellCell --surfacesurface IgEIgE (C(C andand D)D) HighHigh --affinityaffinity IgEIgE RR (E(E andand F)F) ILIL --44 (G(G andand H)H) Djukanovi ć R, et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2004;170:583 -93. Fig 1 EosinophilEosinophil apoptosisapoptosis atat baselinebaseline andand weekweek 1212 ofof omalizumabomalizumab therapy:therapy: TheThe omalizumabomalizumab groupgroup (n(n == 9)9) demonstrateddemonstrated aa significantsignificant increaseincrease inin AnnexinAnnexin --positivepositive eosinophilseosinophils comparedcompared withwith placeboplacebo (n(n == 10).10). ∗∗ ∗∗∗∗ ∗∗∗∗pp << 0.010.01 Noga O,et al. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2006;117:1493 –9. Individual eosinophil counts at baseline and after 12 weeks of treatment with omalizumab or placebo. Horizontal bars represent median values van Rensen E, et al. Allergy 2009;64:72 –80. ForcedForced expiratoryexpiratory volumevolume inin 11 secondsecond asas aa percentagepercentage ofof baselinebaseline inin thethe placeboplacebo (A)(A) andand omalizumabomalizumab (B)(B) groups.groups. van Rensen E, et al. Allergy 2009;64:72 –80. EffectEffect ofof addadd --onon therapytherapy withwith omalizumabomalizumab inin patientspatients withwith severesevere persistentpersistent asthmaasthma whosewhose asthmaasthma waswas inadequatelyinadequately controlledcontrolled byby therapytherapy withwith highhigh --dosedose ICSsICSs plusplus aa LABALABA Humbert M, et al. Allergy 2005; 60:309 –16 AntiAnti --IgEIgE TherapyTherapy inin ChildrenChildren •• OmalizumabOmalizumab isis approvedapproved forfor thethe treatmenttreatment ofof adultsadults andand adolescentsadolescents (12(12 years)years) withwith inadequatelyinadequately controlledcontrolled moderatemoderate --toto --severesevere (United(United States)States) oror severesevere (Europe)(Europe) allergicallergic (IgE(IgE -- mediated)mediated) asthma.asthma. m. •• AA randomizedrandomized DBPCDBPC studystudy inin 334334 childrenchildren (6(6 toto 1212 years)years) withwith moderatemoderate --toto --severesevere allergicallergic asthma,asthma, omalizumabomalizumab significantlysignificantly reducedreduced asthmaasthma exacerbationsexacerbations andand enabledenabled reductionsreductions inin ICSICS dose.dose. Milgrom H, et al. Pediatrics 2001;108:E36. AntiAnti --IgEIgE TherapyTherapy inin ChildrenChildren (cont(cont ’’d)d) MoreMore recently,recently, LanierLanier etet demonstrated,demonstrated, inin aa RDBPCRDBPC trial,trial, thatthat addadd --onon therapytherapy withwith omalizumabomalizumab hashas aa reassuringreassuring safetysafety profile,profile, withwith nono increasedincreased riskrisk ofof adverseadverse events,events, andand reducesreduces asthmaasthma exacerbationsexacerbations inin childrenchildren ((66 toto <12<12 yearsyears )) withwith inadequatelyinadequately controlledcontrolled moderatemoderate --toto -- severesevere allergicallergic asthma.asthma. Lanier B, et al. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2009;124:1210 -6. Fig 2 ClinicallyClinically significantsignificant asthmaasthma exacerbationexacerbation ratesrates overover aa periodperiod ofof 2424 weeksweeks (primary(primary outcome;outcome; A)A) andand 5252 weeksweeks (B)(B) inin patientspatients withwith moderatemoderate --toto -- severesevere asthmaasthma treatedtreated withwith addadd --onon omalizumabomalizumab Lanier B , et al. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2009;124(6):1210 -6. AsthmaAsthma symptomsymptom rere --emergenceemergence afterafter omalizumabomalizumab withdrawalwithdrawal •• TheThe reasonreason forfor omalizumabomalizumab beingbeing ineffectiveineffective inin somesome patientspatients isis unknown,unknown, butbut itit isis reasonablereasonable toto askask whetherwhether thethe ‘‘‘‘ failuresfailures ’’’’ resultresult fromfrom ineffectiveineffective reductionsreductions inin IgEIgE levels.levels. •• QuestionsQuestions areare beingbeing askedasked aboutabout whetherwhether thethe dosedose cancan bebe reducedreduced afterafter monthsmonths ofof treatmenttreatment oror whetherwhether offoff --tabletable regimensregimens cancan bebe used.used. •• ReducingReducing omalizumabomalizumab dosesdoses maymay resultresult inin increaseincrease inin freefree IgEIgE causingcausing deteriorationdeterioration inin asthmaasthma control.control. Salvin RG, et al. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2009;123(1):107 -13. MacGlashan D. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2009;123(1):114 -5. OmalizumabOmalizumab SafetySafety
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  • Novel Therapies for Eosinophilic Disorders
    Novel Therapies for Eosinophilic Disorders Bruce S. Bochner, MD KEYWORDS Eosinophil Therapies Antibodies Targets Pharmacology Biomarkers KEY POINTS A sizable unmet need exists for new, safe, selective, and effective treatments for eosinophil-associated diseases, such as hypereosinophilic syndrome, eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorders, nasal polyposis, and severe asthma. An improved panel of biomarkers to help guide diagnosis, treatment, and assessment of disease activity is also needed. An impressive array of novel therapeutic agents, including small molecules and biologics, that directly or indirectly target eosinophils and eosinophilic inflammation are undergoing controlled clinical trials, with many already showing promising results. A large list of additional eosinophil-related potential therapeutic targets remains to be pursued, including cell surface structures, soluble proteins that influence eosinophil biology, and eosinophil-derived mediators that have the potential to contribute adversely to disease pathophysiology. INTRODUCTION Eosinophilic disorders, also referred to as eosinophil-associated diseases, consist of a range of infrequent conditions affecting virtually any body compartment and organ.1 The most commonly affected areas include the bone marrow, blood, mucosal sur- faces, and skin, often with immense disease- and treatment-related morbidity, Disclosure Statement: Dr Bochner’s research efforts are supported by grants AI072265, AI097073 and HL107151 from the National Institutes of Health. He has current or recent consul- ting or scientific advisory board arrangements with, or has received honoraria from, Sanofi-A- ventis, Pfizer, Svelte Medical Systems, Biogen Idec, TEVA, and Allakos, Inc. and owns stock in Allakos, Inc. and Glycomimetics, Inc. He receives publication-related royalty payments from Elsevier and UpToDate and is a coinventor on existing and pending Siglec-8-related patents and, thus, may be entitled to a share of future royalties received by Johns Hopkins University on the potential sales of such products.
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