Diplomov ´A Pr ´Ace Embedded Asterisk

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Diplomov ´A Pr ´Ace Embedded Asterisk VSBˇ – Technick a´ univerzita Ostrava Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky Katedra telekomunika cnˇ ´ı techniky Diplomov a´ pr ace´ Embedded Asterisk PBX 2012 Josef Stoklasa Prohlašuji, že jsem tuto diplomovou práci vypracoval samostatně . Uvedl jsem všechny literární prameny a publikace, ze kterých jsem čerpal . Rad´ bych na tomto m ´ıst eˇ pod ekovalˇ panu Doc.Ing. Miroslavu Voz nˇakovi´ Ph.D. za odborn e´ konzultace, bez nich zˇ by tato pr ace´ nikdy nevznikla a tak e´ Ing. Janu Rozhonovi za asis- tenci p riˇ z at´ eˇzovˇ ych´ testech Asterisk PBX. Abstrakt VoIP telefonie je nyn ´ı v dob ach´ expanze a je st ale´ castˇ ejiˇ pou zˇ´ıvanou technologi ´ı pro real- izaci firemn ´ı, ale i soukrom e´ telefonie. Softwarov a´ pobo ckovˇ a´ ust´ rednaˇ (d ale´ jen PBX) na bazi´ Asterisk je dnes velmi obl ´ıbenou variantou pro reˇ senˇ ´ı firemn ´ı telefonie a to p rede-ˇ vsˇ´ım d ´ıky velmi n ´ızk ym´ n aklad´ um˚ na z rˇ´ızen ´ı. Nese v sakˇ s sebou nemal e´ n aklady´ na provoz a to hlavn eˇ co do spot rebyˇ elektrick e´ energie. N aklady´ jsou tedy p rˇ´ımo um´ ernˇ e´ elektrick emu´ p rˇ´ıkonu dan eho´ hardware na n emˇ zˇ Asterisk PBX provozujeme. Tato Diplo- mova´ pr ace´ pojedn av´ a´ o minimalizaci n aklad´ u˚ na provoz PBX s ohledem na co mo znˇ a´ nejmen sˇ´ı ztr atu´ vypo´ cetnˇ ´ıho v ykonu´ a z arove´ nˇ mo znostiˇ roz siˇ ritelnostiˇ takov eho´ ust´ red-ˇ ny jako celku v komplexn ´ı s ´ıt’ov y´ miniserver, jen zˇ je d ale´ naz yv´ an´ jako HomeRouter. C´ılem t eto´ pr ace´ je navrhnout a zrealizovat ucelen y´ minimalistick y´ syst em´ zvl adaj´ ´ıc ´ı vsechnyˇ b eˇznˇ e´ funkce softwarov e´ PBX, p riˇ cemˇ zˇ je kladen d uraz˚ pr av´ eˇ na minim aln´ ´ı en- ergetickou n aro´ cnost.ˇ Takov ato´ za rˇ´ızen ´ı se dnes b eˇznˇ eˇ naz yvaj´ ´ı term ´ınem SOHO (Small Office/Home Office). V posledn ´ı cˇasti´ t eto´ pr ace´ budou tak e´ zm ´ın enyˇ mo znˇ e´ roz sˇ´ırenˇ ´ı ucelen eho´ minimalistick eho´ syst emu´ o dal sˇ´ı serverov e´ aplikace u zˇ´ıvan e´ miniserverem HomeRouter jako je HTTP server, FTP server, SMB server, VPN koncentr ator´ a dal sˇ´ı. Kl´ı covˇ a´ slova: SOHO, Asterisk PBX, VoIP telefonie, Alix.2D13, Voyage Linux, protokol SIP, x86 architektura, Ethernet, Wi-fi, QoS, Abstract VoIP is currently at the time of expansion and is still more frequently used technology for real-time communication. Software branch exchange (PBX) based on Asterisk is very popular solution for corporate telephony at this time. Because Asterisk is open-source software, in that case gratis, therefor is his running related only with energy cost. En- ergy cost in this case is direct proportional for power consumption of hardware where Asterisk PBX is running. Therefor this theses is focused on minimalisation of energy cost needed for Asterisk PBX running with reference to minimal lost of computational power. Also is this project focused on chances of additional network services running also on this PBX, and thus create complex mini-server which is further named as HomeRouter. Specific of this project is emphasization for minimal energy cost related with network services running on specified hardware. This devices are usually named as SOHO (Small Office/Home Office). In last section of this theses is also described howto implement additional network services running on HomeRouter as HTTP, FTP, SMB server, VPN concentrator and so on. Keywords: SOHO, Asterisk PBX, VoIP telephony, Alix.2D13, Voyage Linux, protocol SIP, x86 architecture, Ethernet, Wi-fi, QoS, Seznam pouˇzit´ych zkratek a symbol ˚u ACD – Automatic Call Distribution ATM – Asynchronous Transfer Mode DiffServ – Differentiated Services DTMF – Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency FTP – File Transfer Protocol GNU – GNU’s Not Unix GPL – General Public Licence HTML – Hyper Text Markup Language HTTP – Hyper Text Transfer Protocol IntServ – Integrated Services ISP – Internet Service Provider IVR – Interactive Voice Response NAT – Network Address Translate PBX – Private Branch eXchange QoS – Quality of Service RTD – Round-Trip Delay SIP – Session Initiation Protocol SMB – Server Message Block SOHO – Small Office/Home Office SSH – Secure Shell SSL – Secure Socket Layer VoIP – Voice over Internet Protocol VPN – Virtual Private Network Wi-fi – Wirelless Fidelity WINS – Windows Internet Naming Service 1 Obsah 1 Uvod´ 6 1.1 Motivace . 6 1.2 Napl´ nˇ pr ace....................................´ 6 2 Projekt Asterisk 7 2.1 Doplnovˇ e´ slu zbyˇ Asterisku . 8 2.2 Popis podporovan ych´ rozhran ´ı, kan al´ u˚ a kodek u˚ v Asterisk . 11 2.3 Architektura Asterisku . 16 2.4 Priorizace toku dat, metody obsluhy paketov ych´ front a podpora zna ckovˇ an´ ´ı provozu v Asterisku . 17 3 HW platforma ALIX a green computing 26 3.1 Platforma ALIX . 26 3.2 Green Computing . 33 4 Implementace Asterisku na HW ALIX 37 4.1 Voyage Linux . 37 4.2 Instalace Voyage Linux na ALIX.2D13 . 38 4.3 Instalace a nastaven ´ı Asterisku . 41 5 Posouzen´ıenergetick´en´aroˇcnosti a porovn´an´ıse souˇcasn ymi´ syst´emy 47 5.1 Porovn an´ ´ı spot rebyˇ vzorov e´ PC sestavy a desky ALIX.2D13 . 47 5.2 Kalkulace n avratnosti´ investice do Embeded Asterisk PBX . 48 6 Zhodnocen´ıdosa zenˇ ych´ vysledk´ ˚u 50 6.1 Meˇrenˇ ´ı datov e´ propustnosti Embedded Asterisk PBX . 50 6.2 Meˇrenˇ ´ı po ctuˇ sou casnˇ eˇ obslou zenˇ ych´ SIP hovor u˚ .............. 51 6.3 Mo znostiˇ roz sˇ´ırenˇ ´ı Embedded Asterisk PBX na miniserver HomeRouter . 55 7 Z´avˇer 60 8 Reference 61 Pˇr´ılohy 64 A Konfigurace a n´avody 65 A.1 Postup pro instalaci voayge linux z LiveCD . 65 A.2 Nastaven ´ı souboru sip.conf pro testov an´ ´ı pomoc ´ı SIPP ........... 66 A.3 Soubor extensions.conf pro testov an´ ´ı pomoc ´ı SIPP bez sou casnˇ eho´ nahr av´ an´ ´ı hovor u˚ ....................................... 67 A.4 Soubor extensions.conf pro testov an´ ´ı pomoc ´ı SIPP se sou casnˇ ym´ nahr av´ an´ ´ım hovor u˚ ....................................... 67 A.5 Konfigurace extensions.conf pro funkci podm ´ın enˇ eho´ nahr av´ an´ ´ı . 68 2 A.6 Nastaven ´ı soubor u˚ interfaces a hostapd.wlan0.conf pro vytvo renˇ ´ı AP . 68 A.7 Nastaven ´ı souboru dnsmasq.conf pro funkci DHCP serveru . 69 A.8 Nastaven ´ı souboru vsftpd.conf pro funkci FTP serveru . 69 A.9 Nastaven ´ı souboru lighttpd.conf pro funkci HTTP serveru . 70 A.10 Nastaven ´ı souboru smb.conf pro sd ´ılen ´ı v s ´ıt ´ıch Windows . 70 A.11 Nastaven ´ı souboru config.xml pro sd ´ılen ´ı multim edi´ ´ı pomoc ´ı UPnP/DLNA 71 A.12 Nastaven ´ı souboru mpd.conf pro funkci s ´ıt’ov ehoˇ p rehrˇ ava´ ceˇ hudby . 74 A.13 Nastaven ´ı konfigura cnˇ ´ıch soubor u˚ pro funkci VPN koncentr atoru´ . 74 ! "# $ %# % &&& '()*(( + , "# $ ! - ". /00 12 34 + 5$ # ) %# , 6 7- 0 8 0343% 3 , 9 "# $ ! - 8 . /0 30 , ' - 0 /:; 9 + <30 - $ 3 0 3-= + ( > 7 $ . 0 0- >3 $ % ,9 > 7 > $ . 0 0- >3 (? % .@ ,9 > 7 &7 /0 30 =; >3 (? % .@ ,' . - > 7A ! &7 /0 30 =; ,' , B3# #03 0> 7 433 ,+ >3 $ 03 003 &7 /0 30 =; ( 4 Seznam obr azk´ ˚u 1 Blokov e´ sch ema´ architektury Asterisku (pou zitoˇ se souhlasem autora [3]) 16 2 Vliv variability zpo zdˇ enˇ ´ı - jitter . 17 3 Srovn an´ ´ı r amc´ u˚ ISL a 802.1Q (pou zitoˇ se souhlasem autora [10]) . 18 4 IP z ahlav´ ´ı s po zitˇ ´ım a bez pou zitˇ ´ı DiffServ (pou zitoˇ se souhlasem autora [10]) . 20 5 Princip obsluhy paketov ych´ front metodou MDRR (pou zitoˇ se souhlasem autora [11]) . 21 6 Princip obsluhy paketov ych´ front metodou WFQ (pou zitoˇ se souhlasem autora [11]) . 23 7 AMD Geode LX 800 (500MHz) CPU . 30 8 Blokov e´ sch ema´ architektury AMD Geode LX [21] . 32 9 Test v ykonosti´ AMD Geode LX800 uv ad´ enˇ v yrobcem´ [21] . 34 10 ALIX.2D13 . 35 11 Logo Voyage Linux . 38 12 Uvodn´ ´ı obrazovka LiveCD Voyage Linux v emul atoru´ Qemu . 40 13 Grafick e´ rozhran ´ı Asterisku . 42 14 V ysledek´ pr ace´ - Embedded Asterisk PBX . 49 15 Testov an´ ´ı Asterisk PBX n astrojem´ SIPP . 52 16 Graf vyt ´ızenˇ ´ı CPU v z avislosti´ na po ctuˇ sou casnˇ ych´ hovor u˚ ........ 53 17 Vyt ´ızenˇ ´ı CPU procesem asterisk priˇ 40-ti sou casnˇ ych´ hovorech bez a s nahr av´ an´ ´ım hovor u˚ ....................................... 55 18 GMPC - Klient pro ovl ad´ an´ ´ıMPDserveru................... 58 5 Seznam v´ypis ˚uzdrojov eho´ k odu´ 1 P rˇ´ıkaz pro mapov an´ ´ı Linux socket priority na 802.1p CoS . 24 2 Parametry v konfigura cnˇ ´ım souboru iax.conf pro nastaven ´ı ToS a CoS . 25 3 Parametry v konfigura cnˇ ´ım souboru sip.conf pro nastaven ´ı ToS a CoS . 25 4 Instalace virtu aln´ ´ıho stroje Qemu . 39 5 Sta zenˇ ´ı posledn ´ı verze Voyage MPD p resˇ p rˇ´ıkazovou rˇadku´ . 39 6 Kontrola identifik atoru´ disku . 39 7 Spu stˇ enˇ ´ı Qemu pro zaveden ´ı Voyage Linux ze sta zenˇ eho´ LiveCD . 39 8 Instalace Voyage Linuxu na CF kartu - krok 1 . 40 9 Instalace Voyage Linuxu na CF kartu - krok 2 . 41 10 Instalace Voyage Linuxu na CF kartu - krok 3 . 41 11 Ov eˇrenˇ ´ı korektn ´ıho zav ad´ enˇ ´ı syst emu.....................´ 41 12 Instalace Asterisku ve Voyage Linux .
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