f Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 1.

THURSDAY, 14th MAY, 1903.

Order of the Day (to take precedence) •—

1. Railways’ Employes Strike Suppression Bill—Second reading—Resumption of debate.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the ^Legislative Assembly. Deputy-Speaker,

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 13th MAY, 1903. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 1. Railways’ Employes Strike Suppression Bill—[1].


By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, . U (220 copies.) 0 Mr. SPEAKER takes the Chair at Half-past Four o’clock.


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 2.

TUESDAY, 19th MAY, 1903.

Order of the Day (to take precedence) —

1. Railways Employes Strike Suppression Bill—Second reading—Resumption of debate.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Deputy-Speaker.

. (

By Authority: Rout. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 3.

WEDNESDAY, 20th MAY, 1903.

Orders of the Day :—

1. Railways Employes Strike Suppression Bill—Consideration of Report.

2. Supply.—To be further considered in Committee.

-3. "VtfAYS and Means.—To be further considered in Committee.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.' Deputy-Speaker.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 19th. MAY, 1903. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 3. .Railways Employes Strike Suppression Bill—[1]. (To Members only.)

By Authority: Robt. & Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne.


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 4.

THURSDAY, 21st MAY, 1903.

Orders of the Day : —

1. Treasury Bonds Bill—To be further considered in Committee. ■

2. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Payment Bill—To be further considered in Committee.

3. Supply—To be further considered in Committee.

4. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Deputy-Speaker.


Railways Employes Strike Bill—[1]. (To Members of Council only.)

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 4. Treasury Bonds Bill—[2]. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Payment Bill—[3]

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain,.Government Printer, Melbourne.

(220 copies.) I

Y.V .> f


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 1.


Questions. 1. Me. Grose : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines if he will arrange for a survey of the lines of reefs north from Ballarat to Creswick and Broomfield.

2. Mr. McDonald : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if the land on. the Saltwater River, near the old Powder Magazine, is to be used for workmen’s homes or closer settlement; if so. when.

Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Irvine : To move, That Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in each week during the present Session be the days on which this House shall meet for the despatch of business, and that Four . o’clock be the h<5ur of meeting on each day ; and that no fresh business, except the postponement of business on the Notice-paper, be called on after half-past Ten o’clock.

2. Mr. Irvine : To move, That on Tuesday and Thursday in each week during the present Session. Government Business shall take precedence of all other business.

3. Mr. Irvine : To move, That on Wednesday in each week during the present Session Government Business shall take precedence of all other business until half-past Eight o’clock ; after that hour business shall be called on in the following order, viz. :— On one Wednesday— Private Bill Business : 1. Notices of Motion. 2. Orders of the Day. General Business : 1. Notices of Motion. 2. Orders of the Day.. On the alternate Wednesday—- General Business: 1. Orders of the Day. 2. 'Notices of Motion. Private Bill Business: 1. Orders of the Day. 2. Notices of Motion.

4«t Mr. Irvine : To move, That the following Members form the Library Committee of the-Legislative Assembly during the present Session, with power to confer with the Committee of the Legislative Council:—Mr. Speaker, Mr. Gavan Duffy, Mr. Fink, Mr. Madden, and Mr. Shiels ; and that the Committee have leave to sit on days on which the House does not meet.

5. Mb. Irvine : To move, That the following Members form the Standing Orders Committee during the present Session :—Mr. Speaker, Mr. Beazley, Mr. Bent, Mr. Bromley, Mr. Gair, Sir Samuel Gillott, Mr. Graves, Mr. Irvine, Mr. Mackinnon, Sir Alexander Peacock, and Mr, Trenwith ; and that the Committee have leave to sit on days on which the House does not meet; five to be the quorum. , (220 copies.) 2

6. Mr. Irvine : To move, That the following Members form the Parliament Buildings Committee of the Legislative Assembly during the present Session, with power to confer with the Committee of the Legislative Council :—Mr. Speaker, Mr. Bent, Mr. Craven, Mr. Graham, and Mr. Trenwith ; , and that the Committee have leave to sit on days on which the House does not meet.

7. Mr. Irvine : To move, That the following Members form the Printing Committee during the present Session :—Mr. Speaker, Mr. Beazley, Mr. Bowser, Mr. Bromley, Mr. Downward, Mr. Grose, Mr. A. Harris, Mr. Langdon, Mr. McCutcheon, Mr. McGregor, Mr. Prendergast, and Mr. Sterry ; and., that the Committee have leave to sit on days on which the House does not meet; three to be the quorum.

8. Mr. Irvine : To move, That the following Members form the Refreshment Rooms Committee of the Legislative Assembly during the present Session, with power to confer with the Committee of the Legislative Council:—Mr. Bennett, Captain Chirnside, Mr. Gair, Mr. Kerr, and Mr. McBride; and that the Committee have leave to sit on days on which the House does not meet. 9. Mr. Irvine : To move, That the following Members form the Committee of Public Accounts during the present Session :—Mr. Beazley, Mr. Duggan, Mr. Fink, Mr. Max Hirsch, Mr. Smith, Mr. Swinburne, and Mr. Williams ; three to be the quorum. 10. Mr. Murray: To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to continue and amend the ‘Factories and Shops Act 1896’ and the Acts amending the same." 11. Mr. Murray : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to amend the Law relating to Lunacy."

12. Mr. Maloney : To! move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to Enfranchise Women.” j

13. Mr. Bailes ; To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to abolish Tied Houses." ;

14. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to Legalize the Totalizator.”

15. Mr. Mackinnox : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to remove the Disqualification of Women at Elections of Members of the Parliament of ."

16. Mr. Fink : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to- provide for the Admission of Legal Practitioners from other States of the Commonwealth to practise in Victoria on terms of Reciprocity and for other purposes relating to the Admission of Legal Practitioners.”

17. Mr. Gavan Duffy : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled•“ A Bill to amend the ‘ Companies Act 1896.’”

18. Dr. Gratton Wilson : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to further amend the ‘ Dairying Companies Act 1900.’”

19. Mr. Bromley : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Law relating to Hackney Carriages in the Metropolitan District.” 20. Mr. Gair: To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to Actions against the Commissioners of Railways as Carriers of Passengers."

21. Mr. Shoppee : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to empower a Judge of the County Court sitting in Court or in Chambers in the Country to deal with special cases stated by a Warden'and orders to review mentioned in the Justices Acts."

22. Mr. Trenwitii : To move, That he have leave to .bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to settle Industrial isputes by means of Conciliation and Arbitration."

23. Mr. Williams : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to restrict the Employment of Women in Public Bars.”

24. Mr. Maloney : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to Legitimize Children.” P

25. Mr. Graham: To, move, That he have leave to bring in a,Bill intituled “A Bill to prevent the Adulteration of Chaff and for other purposes."

26. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, the principle of taxation on unimproved values of land be affirmed, and that the Government be requested to bring in a Bill dealing with the question. I

27. Mr. Shoppee : To;move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to the Royal Agricultural Show Day.”

28. Mr. Gavan Duffy : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing in detail thp revenue of and expenditure on .the railway from Lancefield Junction to Lancefield during the financial year 1902-3, setting out separately— 1. The rate and amount of interest charged. 2. The cost of maintaining the line, showing wages and material separately. „ 3. The cost of working the line, showing salaries, wages, fuel, and repairs separately. ■' 4. The revenue-from passengers. 5. The revenue from goods. 6. A statement showing what amounts in addition to the above-mentioned items are debited to the line, and why. 11 . - 3

29. Mr. Bennett : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend Parts II. and III. of the 1 Public Service Act 1890’ as to the provisions therein relating to the Life Assurance of

30. Mr. Graves : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the ‘ Benalla Fire Brigade Station Land Act 1903.’”

31. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to amend section six of the ‘ Meat Supervision Act 1900.’”

32. Mr. Keast : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to prevent the Adul­ teration of Jams and other Foods.”

33. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That an humble Address be presented to His Majesty the King, praying that, on the termination of the present Governor’s term of office, the question of the necessity of appointment of future State Governors for Victoria be taken into consideration.

34. Mr. Bromley : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employe shall be required to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Libraries Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 2. Supply—To be considered in Committee. 3. Ways and Means—To be considered in Committee.

THOS. G. WATSON, ' D. GILLIES, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 8th SEPTEMBER, 1903. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 1. Joint Library Committee Bill—[3],

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 1.

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne. \ LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 2.


Notice of Motion (Unopposed):— 1. Mr. Field : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing in detail the areas and localities of land recommended by the Forest Commission to be reserved for settlement and timber conservation respectively ; also the extent to which the recommendations have been carried out by the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands aud Survev. J Government Business. Notices of Motion :—

1. Mr. E. H. Cameron : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill' intituled “A Bill to further amend the Mines Acts”

2-. Mr Best : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A BUI to further amend the ■ Health Act 1890 and, for other purposes.”

Orders of the Day:—

1. Libraries Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Consideration of Report. 2. Factories and Shops Bill—Second reading. 3. Lunacy Bill—Second reading. 4. Supply—To be considered in Committee. 5. Ways and Means—To be considered in Committee. General Business. Notices of Motion :—

1. Mr. Toutcher: To move That, in the opinion of this House, the principle of taxation on unimproved values of land be affirmed, and that the Government be requested to brine in a Bill dealing with the question. ®

2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That an humble Address be presented to His Majesty the Kino- praying that, on the termination of the present Governor’s term of office, the question of the necessity ol appointment of future State Governors for Victoria be' taken into consideration. J

3. Mr. McGregor : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Justices Acts.

TUESDAY, 15th SEPTEMBER. Questions.

A. Mr. Gair : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary if he intends dealing with the Report of the Inebriate Board; if so, when. F u*

2. Mr. Prendergast : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture if it is his intention to make immediate additions to thfe cool storage accommodation in order that full provision may be made for the rapidly increasing trade in butter, rabbits, and meat.

3. Mr. Hickford : To ask the Honorab.le the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey_ 1. Whether an export on forestry has'been appointed to report on the forests of Victoria • if so what is to be the scope of his inquiry, and within what time is his report to be printed. ’ 2. Is it his intention to introduce a Bill providing for the alienation or settlement of land now reserved as forest land or in any other way to modify or repeal the provisions governing the present forest areas ; if so, does he not consider it advisable to postpone such proposed legislation until the report of the expert is made known. - p p sea (220 copies.) 6

WEDNESDAY, 16th SEPTEMBER. General Business.

Orders of tiie Day :— ,

1. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 1)—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Dairying Companies Act 1900 further Amendment Bill—(Dr. Gratton Wilson)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 23rd SEPTEMBER. General Business. - Orders of the Day :—

1. Railway Passengers’ Actions Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading, 2. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—Second reading. 3. Royal Agricultural Show Holiday Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—Second reading. 4. Benalla Fire Brigade Station Land Act 1903 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Graves)—Second reading. _ ... 5. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 30th SEPTEMBER. General Business. Orders of the Day :—

1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading.

2. Opening of Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate on the question—^That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employ^ shall he required to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience.

WEDNESDAY, 7th OCTOBER. General Business. Orders of the Day :— 1. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading, 2. County Court .Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—Second reading, 3. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 14th OCTOBER. General / usiness. Order of the Day :— 1. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 21st OCTOBER. General Business. Order of the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 28th OCTOBER. General Business. Orders of the Day :— 1. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Second reading, 2. Companies Act 1896 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gavan Duffy)—Second reading. 3. Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading. 7

WEDNESDAY, IItii NOVEMBER. General Business. Orders of the Day :— 1. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 2. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill —(Mr. Trenwitli)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 25th NOVEMBER. General Business.

Order of the Day :— 1. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEV, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. - ' Deputy-Speaker.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 9tii SEPTEMBER, 1903. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 2. Libraries Bill—[161. Factories and Shops Bill—[26].

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne. 'T-v LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 3.

. TUESDAY, 15th SEPTEMBER, 1903. Questions. 1. Mr. Gair : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary if he intends dealing with the Report of the Inebriates Board ; if so, when.

2. Mr. Prendergast: To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture if it is his intention to make immediate additions to the cool storage accommodation in order that full provision may be made for the rapidjy increasing trade in butter, rabbits, and meat.

3. Mr. Hickford : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey— 1. Whether an expert on forestry hasj been appointed to report on the forests of Victoria; if so, what is to be the scope of his inquiry, and within what time is his report to be presented. 2. Is it his intention to introduce a Bill providing for the alienation or settlement of land now reserved as forest land or in any other way to modify or repeal the provisions governing the present forest areas ; if so, does he not consider it advisable to postpone suchi proposed legislation until the report of the expert is made known.

4. Mr. Shofpee : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines if he is in a position to say on what data he proposes to pay his promised visit to Little and Sebastopol mines. Government Business. .

Orders of the Dat :— 1. Factories Bill—Second reading—Resumption of debate. 2. Lunact Bill—Second reading. 3. Mines Acts further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 4. Supply—To be considered in Committee. 5. Ways and Means—To be considered in Committee.

WEDNESDAY, 16th SEPTEMBER. Government Business. (Until half-past eight o’clock.)

Order of the Day ;—

1. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.)

Orders of the Day :— 1. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 1)—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Dairying Companies Act 1900 further Amendment Bill—(Dr. Gratton Wilson)—Second reading. (220 copies.) 10 _ i,

WEDNESDAY, 23rd SEPTEMBER, General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.)

Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, the principle of taxation on unimproved values of land be. affirmed, ,and__that„the Government be requested to bring in a Bill dealing with the question.

. 2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That an humble Address be presented to His Majesty the King, praying that, on1 the termination of the present Governor's term of office, the question of the necessity of appointment of future State Governors for Victoria be taken into consideration.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Railway-Passengers’ Actions Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 2: Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—Second reading. . 3. Royal Agricultural Show Holiday Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—Second reading. 4. Benalla Fire Brigade Station Land Act 1903 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Graves)—Second reading. 5. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 30th SEPTEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.)

Orders of the Day :— , 1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 2. Opening of Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate , on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, , and Art Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employ^ shall be required to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience.

WEDNESDAY, 7th OCTCBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.

Orders of the Day :— L

1. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading, 2. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—Second reading. 3. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 14th OCTOBER General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.)

Order of the .Day :— 1. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 21st OCTOBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.)

Orders of the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading.


General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.)

Orders of the Day :— ■ , 1. Women’s Suffrage "Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Second reading/ 2. Companies Act 1896 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gavan Duffy)—Second reading. 3. Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading. 11

WEDNESDAY, lira NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :— 1. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 2. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 25ra NOVEMBER. General Business. ' (After half-past eight o’clock.) Order of the Day :— 1. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Deputy-Speaker.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 10th SEPTEMBER, 1903. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 3. Dairying Companies Bill (No. 2)—[36]. Public Service Act Amendment Bill—[37].

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, MelbonriMb <



Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 4.


Questions. 1. Mr. G-air : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary if he intends dealing with the Report of the Inebriates Board ; if so, when.

2. Mr. Prendergast: To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture if it is his intention to make immediate additions to the cool storage accommodation in order that full provision may be made for the rapidly increasing trade in butter, rabbits, and meat.

, 3. Mr. Hickford : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey— 1. Whether an expert on forestry, has been appointed to report on the forests of Victoria; if so, what is to be the scope of his inquiry, and withip what time is his report to be presented. 2. Is it his intention to introduce a Bill providing for the .alienation or settlement of land now reserved as forest land or in any other way to modify or repeal the provisions governing the present forest areas ; if so, does he not consider it advisable to postpone such proposed legislation until the report of the expert is made known.

4. Mr. Max Hirsch : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture— 1. What is the number of stock inspectors at present employed by the Department. 2. What are the qualifications possessed by each of them for the position respectively held by them. 3. Is the Chief Inspector a veterinary surgeon. , ' ,4. What is the total amount paid to veterinary surgeons outside the Department for inspections of ■ stock, and investigations of outbreaks of disease in stock since the date of appointment of the present Chief Inspector of Stock. 5. Would such outlay have been necessary if the Department had been manned by duly qualified and experienced veterinary surgeons. 6. At what date did Mr. Cameron, veterinary surgeon to the Department of Public Health, report to the Department of Agriculture the existence of swine fever in this State. 7. When did the Department of Agriculture take action to verify Mr. Cameron’s report.

5. Mr. Shofpee ; To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines if he is in a position to say on what date he proposes to pay his promised visit to Little Bendigo and Sebastopol mines.

6. Mr. Max Hirsch ; To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary whether he will introduce a Bill during the present session for the reform of the pilot system, and a re-arrangement of the excessive emoluments now drawn by pilots.

7. Mr. Lawson : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines if he has any objection to inform the House what action he proposes to take to directly encourage and stimulate the mining, industry ; and if he proposes to make available within a reasonable time advances under the principles and provisions of the Mining Development Acts for (a) mining companies and (&J co-operative parties. (220 copies.) 14

Government Business. (Until half-past eight o’clock.)

Orders of the Day :—

1. Factories Bill—Second reading—Resumption of debate. 2. Lunacy Bill—Second reading. 3. Minks Acts further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 4. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 5. Supply—To be considered in Committee. 6. Way's and Means—To be considered in Committee.

General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.)

Orders of the Day :—

1. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 1)—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Dairying Companies Act 1900 further Amendment Bill—(Dr. Gratton Wilson)—Second reading. . ■ - r

WEDNESDAY, 23jto SEPTEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.)

Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion 'of this House, the principle of taxation on unimproved values of land be affirmed, and that the Government be requested to bring in a Bill dealing with the question.

2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That an humble Address be presented to His Majesty the King, praying that, on the termination of the present Governor’s term of office, the question of the necessity of appointment of future State Governors for Victoria be taken into consideration. . ,

Orders of the Day :— 1. Railway Passengers’ Actions Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 2. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—Second reading. 3. Royal Agricultural Show Holiday Bill—(Mr. Shoppce)—Second reading. 4. Benalla Fire Brigade Station Land Act 1903 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Graves)—Second reading. ( . 5. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 30tii SEPTEMBER. " General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.)

Orders of the Day :— • 1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 2. Opening of Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum', and Art Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employe shall be required to work seven-days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience.

, WEDNESDAY, 7th OCTOBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.)

Orders of the Day :— j 1. Hackney Cabriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading, 2. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—Second reading, 3. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 14th OCTOBER. ; General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.)

Order of the Day ' . 1. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 15

. WEDNESDAY, 21st OCTOBER. •General Business. _ (After half-past eight o■’clock.)

Orders of the Dat :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 28th OCTOBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.)

Orders of the Dat :— 1. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Second reading. 2. Companies Act 1896 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gavan Duffy)—Second reading. 3. Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading. -

WEDNESDAY, 11th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Dat :— 1. Legal Practitioners Reciprocitt Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 2. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 25th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Order of the Dat :— 1. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading.

THOS. G. WATSON, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED SINCE 10th SEPTEMBER, 1903. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Council. No. 1. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 2.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 4. > Members of the Legislative Assembly. (To Members and Departments.) Women’s Suffrage Bill—[43].

By Authority: Rout. S. Brain, Government Punter. MelN'inno 4



Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day,

No. 5.


' Notices of Motion (Unopposed):—

1. Mr. Max Hirsch : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of stock inspectors at present employed by the Department of Agriculture. 2. The qualifications possessed by each of them for the position respectively held by -them, including the Chief Inspector. 3. The total amount paid to veterinary surgeons outside the Department for inspections of stock, ' and investigations of outbreaks of disease inu stock since the date of appointment of the present Chief Inspector of Stock. 4. The outlay which would have been necessary if the Department had been manned by duly qualified and experienced veterinary surgeons. 5. The date on which Mr.- Cameron, veterinary surgeon to the Department of Public Health, reported to the Department of Agriculture the existence of swine fever in this State. 6. The date on which the Department of Agriculture took action to verify Mr. Cameron’s report. '

2. Mr. Max Hirsch : To move, That there bo laid before this House, before the conclusion of the. second reading debale on the Factories Bill (-) the Annual Report tor the year 1902 of the Chief Inspector of Factories ; (6) the reports for the year 1902 of the several District Inspectors of Factories.

3. Mr. Max Hirsch : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of schools actually closed during the twelve months ending on 31st August, 1903, distinguishing between schools in urban and rural districts. 2. The number of schools which it has been decided to close, distinguishing as before. 3. The number of schools reduced to half-time during the twelve months ending on 31st August, 1903, distinguishing as before. 4. The number of schools which it has been decided to reduce to half-time, distinguishing as before. 5. The depaitmental regulation now in force with regard to payment for carrying children to school. ,

Government Business. • _

Orders of the Dat :—

1. Factories Bill—Second reading—Resumption of debate. 2. Lunacy, Bill—Second reading. 3. Mines Acts further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 4. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 5. Supply—To be considered in Committee. 6. Ways and Means—To be considered in Committee.

General Business.

Notice of Motion :—

1. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled A Bill relating to the Limitation of Election ExpensesA (220 copies.) TUESDAY, 22nd SEPTEMBER. (Questions. 1. Mr. Hickford : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey— 1. Whether an expert on forestry-lias "been appointed to report on the forests of Victoria ; if so, what is to be the scope of his inquiry, and within what time is his report to be presented. 2. Is it his intention to introduce a Bill providing for the alienation or settlement of land now reserved as forest land or in any other way to modify' or repeal the provisions governing the present forest areas ; if so, does he not consider it advisable to postpone such proposed legislation until the report of the expert is made known. |

2. Mr. Grose : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if f he will state what change, if any, he proposes to make in connexion with the leasing of blocks of land at Koo-wee-rup Swamp.

3. Mr. Field : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if he will, pending the report of the expert- on forestry, abstain from dealing with State forests, timber reserves, 'and other forest country.

4. Mr. Argyle : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary if he will inform the House what was the total cost of the new Sunbury Lunatic Asylum.

•5. Mr. Holden : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer if he will arrange for the payment of the municipal subsidy as early as possible so that the amounts will be in the hands of the councils before the close of the municipal financial year.

6. Mr. Argyle : To ask the Honorable the ..Minister -of Mines if he'will order a geological survey to be made of the Lauriston mining district.

WEDNESDAY, 23rd SEPTEMBER. General Business. i (After'half-past eight-o’clock.) 1

' Notice of Motion :—

, 1. -Mr. Argyle : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the total number of deaths in each of the lunatic asylums of the State for each year of the past five years from (a) Diseases of the brain ; (6), Diseases of the brain and -lungs ; (c) Pneumonia ; (d) Phthisis.

Orders of the Day :— v 1. Railway Passengers’ Actions Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. - 2. Adulteration of' Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—Second reading. 3. Royal Agricultural Show Holiday Bill—(Mr. Shoppce)—Second reading. 4. Benalla Fire Brigade Station Land Act 1903 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Graves)—Second reading. o. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, ’30tii SEPTEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight olclock.) Orders of the Day :— ' : - Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 2. Opening of Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate r- - on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that tue Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employe shall be required to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience.

WEDNESDAY, 7th OCTOBER. General Business. (After half-past-eight o’clock.) Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, the principle of -taxation on unimproved values of land be affirmed, and that the Government be requested to bring in a Bill dealing with the question.. 2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That an humble Address be presented to His Majesty the King,- praying that, on the termination of the present Governor’s term of office, the question of the necessity of appointment of future State Governors for Victoria be taken into consideration.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading, 2r. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—Second reading, 3. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bmactt)—Second reading. 19

WEDNESDAY, 14th OCTOBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.)

Orders op the Dat :—

1. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 2. Womens Suffrage Bill (No. 1)—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading—Resumption of debate.

WEDNESDAY, 21st OCTOBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders op the Bat 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 28th OCTOBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.)

Orders of the Dat :—

1. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Second reading. 2. Companies Act 1896 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gavan Duffy)—Second reading 3. Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 11th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Dat :—

1. Legal Practitioners Reciprocitt Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 2. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 25th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Order of the Dat :— 1. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 16th SEPTEMBER, 1903. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 3. Licensing Amendment Bill—[47].

Notices of Motion and Orders of, the Day. No. 5. Benalla Fire Brigade Station Bill—[44].

5y Authority: Robt, S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne. 4


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day,

No. 6.

TUESDAY, 22nd SEPTEMBEE, 1903. Questions. -1. 'Mb. Hickford : .To .ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey— 1. Whether an expert on forestry has been appointed to report on the forests of Victoria ; if so, what is to be the scope of his inquiry, and within what time is his report to be presented. 2. Is it his intention to introduce a Bill providing for the alienation or settlement of land now reserved as forest land or in any other way to modify or repeal the provisions governing the present forest areas ; if so, does he not consider it advisable to postpone such proposed legislation until the report of the expert is made known.

2. Mb. Grose : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if he will state- what change, if any, he proposes to make in connexion" with the leasing of blocks of land at Koo-wee-rup Swamp.

3. Mb. Field : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if he will, pending the report of the expert on forestry, abstain from dealing with State forests, timber reserves, and other forest country.

4. Mb. Argyle : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary if he will inform the House what was the total cost of the new Sunbury Lunatic Asylum.

5. Mb. Holden : To ask the Honorable, the Treasurer if he will arrange for the payment of the municipal subsidy as early as possible so that the amounts will be in the hands' of the councils before the close of the municipal financial year.

6. Mr. Abgtle : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines if he will order a geological survey to- be made of the Lauriston mining district.

7. Mb. Andbews : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary whether he proposes to take any, and, if so, what, measures to suppress the Collingwood “ tote.”

8. Mb. 'E. Cameron : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture— 1. The total amount paid by his Department for cold storage accommodation provided by the City Council at Flinders-strcet. 2. The total expenditure oh the export and cold storage, and the total receipts from the same, for (a) meat, (b) butter, (c) rabbits, (d), eggs, and (e) fruit and sundries. 3. Has he any objection to the report by H. Newman Reid on cold storage, and Government freezing being laid on the Table of this House 4. Has the Department made any agreement with Mr. Angliss to provide cold storage accommodation ; if so, has he any objection to a copy of the agreement being laid on the Table of this House.

Notice of Motion (Unopposed):—

1. Mr. Ramsay : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the number of public officers and railways officers respectively in each of the present provinces for the Legislative Council and electorates for the Legislative Assembly whose names will be removed from the various rolls under (he provisions of the Constitution Reform Bill agreed to by Parliament early this year. (223 copies.' 22

Government Business.

Orders of the Day:—

1. Factories Bill—To be considered in Committee. 2. Lunacy Bill—Second reading. 3. Mines Acts further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 4. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 5. Supply—To be considered in Committee. 6. Ways and Means—To be considered in Committee. General Business.

Notice of Motion :— 1. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A. Bill relating to the Limitation of Election Expenses.”

WEDNESDAY, 23rd SEPTEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.)

Notice of Motion :— 1. Mr. Argyle : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the total number of deaths in each of the lunatic asylums of the State for each year of the past five years from (a) Diseases of the brain ; (6) Diseases of the brain and lungs ; (c) Pneumonia ; (d) Phthisis.

, Orders of the Day :— ' 1. Railway Passengers’ Actions Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 2. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—Second reading. 3. Royal Agricultural Show Holiday Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—Second reading. 4. Benalla Fire Brigade Station Land Act 1903 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Graves)—Second reading. 5. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 30th SEPTEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o'clock.) Orders of the Day :— > 1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 2. Opening of Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries should be opeil to the public on Sundays, provided that no employ^ shall be required to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience.

WEDNESDAY, 7th OCTOBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.)

Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, the principle of taxation on unimproved values of land be affirmed, and that the Government be requested to bring in a Bill dealing with the question. 2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That an humble Address be presented to His Majesty the King, praying that, on the termination of the present Governor’s term of office, the question of the necessity of appointment of future State Governors for Victoria be taken into consideration.

Orders otf the Day :— 1. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading. 2. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—Second reading. 3. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading.'

WEDNESDAY, 14th OCTOBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) / Orders of the Day :— 1. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 2. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 1)—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading—Resumption of debate. 23

WEDNESDAY, 21st OCTOBER. •General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.)

Orders op the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Jcstices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 28th OCTOBER. 'General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.)

Orders of the Day :— 1. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Second reading. 2. Companies Act 1896 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gavan Duffy)—Second reading. 3. Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 11th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.)

Orders of the Day :— 1. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 2. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 25th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Order of the Day :—

1. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 17th SEPTEMBER, 1903. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 6.- Royal Agricultural Show Day Bill—[42].

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne.


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No 7.

WEDNESDAY, 23rd SEPTEMBER, 1903. Questions.

1. Mr. Holden : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer if he will arrange for the payment of the municipal subsidy as early as. possible so that the amounts will be in the hands of the councils before the close of the municipal financial year.

2. Mr. Swinburne : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary if he has determined upon what action he will take to regulate the employment of Chinese in laundry work in accordance with the request of the large'deputation that waited upon him; if so, will he inform the House as to the nature of the regulations to be issued. 3. Mr. Hickford : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways— 1. If he will explain why the engine-drivers, firemen, and cleaners who went out on strike, but were not guilty of aggravated acts, and were not members of the executives of any of "the Railway societies, have been dismissed from the service. 2. On what basis was the compensation paid-to the dismissed men entitled to compensation, and why did not some receive less than others. 3. Is he aware of the memorandum of Mr. Fitzpatrick, as Commissioner, dated the 17th May last, which memorandum inter alia stated—“It is not intended to deprive the men of compensation rights unless there are aggravating circumstances.”

4. Mr. Downward : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways— 1. What is the present price paid by the Railway Department for coal. 2. Is the coal of first-class quality. 3. From what source is the 90,000 tons reserved for the Victorian collieries being supplied. 4. What is the price paid for the same. 5. Is any preference given to the imported coal. 6. For steaming purposes how does the coal at present used on the railways compare with the Victorian coal. 7. On what is the test based.

5*, Mr. J. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey — 1. If his attention has been drawn to the recent loss of human life in an excavation* near the Punt Hill Bridge, on the south bank of the river Yarra. 2. 'If he will cause immediate steps to be taken for the prevention of similar fatalities at that spot. 3. When is it likely that the woik of improving the Yarra in that locality, and for which the money has been voted, will be again proceeded with. ,

6. Mr. Keogh : lo ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture if he will take into consideration the advisability of having cattle, sheep, and pig yards erected in a suitable place.

7. Mr. Keast : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture what action, if any, the Govern­ ment proposes to take for opening up markets in other countries, seeing that there is every proba­ bility of an over-production of produce much in excess of our requirements.

8. Mr. Grose : To ask the Honorable the Premier what will be the probable cost of priming the State electoial rolls based on the present electoral boundaries. (220 copies.) 26

Government Business. (Until half-past eight o’clock.)

Notices of Motion :—

1. Mr. Taverner : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the Resumption by the Crown of the Lake Hindmarsh Aboriginal Settlement land." 2. Mr. Taverner : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to confer certain powers upon the Council of Agricultural Education, the Trustees appointed under the ‘Agricultural Colleges Act 1890,’ and the Municipality of Castle Donnington.”

Orders of the Day :—

1. Factories Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Lunacy Bill—.Second reading. 3. Mines Acts further AAiendment Bill—Second reading. ' 1 4. Health Aot 1890 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 5. Supply—To be considered in Committee. 6. Ways and Means—To be considered in Committee.

General Business. • (After half-past eight o’clock.)

Notices of Motion :— • ' 1. Mr. Argyle : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the total number of deaths in each of the lunatic asylums of the State for each year of the past five years from (a) Diseases of the brain ; (b) Diseases of the brain and lungs ; (c) Pneumonia ; (d) Phthisis.

2. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bii) intituled “ A Bill relating to the Limitation of Election Expenses.” 3. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The total amount of rent paid by the Department of Agriculture for cold storage and accommodation at Flinders-street, including electric light and power. 2. The total expenditure on'the export and cold storage, and the total receipts from the same, for (a) meat, (6) butter, (c) rabbits, (d) eggs, (e) fruit and sundries. 3. A copy of the report by Mr. H. Newman Reid on the “ System of Treatment; Handling, and Shipment of Perishable Products under Government.” 1 4. A copy of the agreements made with John Cooke and Company, the Melbourne City Council, and Mr. W. Angliss. 4. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is not desirable to lease further cold storage accommodation, but any extension required should be built on Government property.

Orders of the Day :— . 1. Railway Passengers’ Actions Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 2. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—Second reading. ' 3. Royal Agricultural Show Holiday Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—Second reading. 4. Benalla Fire Brigade Station Land Act 1903 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Graves)—Second reading. ' ’ 5. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 30tii SEPTEMBER.. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) . Orders of the Day :— 1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading.1 2. Opening of Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate &\on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employ^ shall be required to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience.

WEDNESDAY, 7th OCTOBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.)

Notices of Motion :— , • 1. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, the principle of taxation on unimproved values of land be affirmed, and that the Government be requested to bring in a Bill dealing with the question. - 2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That an humble Address be. presented to His Majesty the King, piaying that,- on the termination of the present Governor’s term of office, the question of the necessity of appointment of future Sta$e Governors for Victoria be taken into consideration. 27

Orders of the Day :— 1. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading, 2. County Court/Judges-(Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—Second reading. 3. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 14th OCTOBER. ■General Business. - . (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :— 1. Totalizator BiLL-^(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 2. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 1)—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading—Resumption of debate.

WEDNESDAY, 21st OCTOBER. ■General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day 1. Legitimation, of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 28th OCTOBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :— 1. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Second reading, 2. Companies Act 1896 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gavan Duffy)—Second reading. 3 Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 11th NOVEMBER. ■General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :— 1. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 2. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 25th NOVEMBER. General Business. - (After half-past eight o’clock.) Order of the Day :— , 1. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.


Parliament Buildings (Joint)—at three o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED SINCE 17th SEPTEMBER, 1903., Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Council. Nos. 2 and 3. Justices Bill—[23].

Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 7. Tied Houses Bill—[40]. Health Bill—[45], Railway Passengers’ Actions Bill—[48]. Chaff Sales Bill—[49]. Factories Bill. (Amendments to be proposed in Committee.) (To Members only.)

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne. I LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 8.

THURSDAY, 24th SEPTEMBER, 1903. Government Business.

- Orders of the Dat :— > 1

1. Factories Bill—To be further considered in Committee. ' 2. Lunacy Bill—Second reading.

3. Mines Acts further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 4. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 5. Lake Hindmarsh Aboriginal Settlement Land Bill—Second reading. , 6. Council of Agricultural Education and Castle Donnington Shire Bill—Second reading. 7. Supply—To be considered in Committee. j 8. Ways and Means—To be considered in Committee. , ^

General Business.

Notices of Motion

1. Mr. W. A. Hamilton : To move, That he have leave to bring inti Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the ‘ Wills Act 1890.’ ”

2. Mr; E. Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the amount paid in, salaries and wages to staff and men employed by the Department of Agriculture at Flinders-street Cool Stores, for the year ending 30th June, 1903; and the amount paid to shipping brokers for Government business, for the year ending 30th June, 1903.

TUESDAY, 29th SEPTEMBER. Questions.

1. Mr. Hickford : To ask the Honorable.the Minister of Rail,ways-?-. 1. If he will explain why the engine-drivers, firemen, and| cleaners who went out on strike, but were not guilty of aggravated acts, and were not members of the executives of any of the Railway socielics, have been dismissed from the service. 1 2. On what basis was the compensation paid to the dismisse l men entitled to' compensation, and why did some receive less than others. 3. Is he aware of the memorandum of Mr. Filzpitrick, as Commissioner,dated the 17th May last, , ' ' which’memorandum inter alia stated—“It is nor intended to deprive the men of compensation ' - rights unless there are aggravating circumstances.” (220 copies.) 30

2. Mr. Downward : To ask tlio Honorable the Minister of Railways— 1. What is tiie present price paid by the Railway Department for New South Wales coal. 2. Is the coal of first-class quality. 3. From what source is the 00,000 tons reserved for the Victorian collieries being supplied. 4. What is the price paid for the same. 5. Is any preference given to the imported coal. 6. For steaming purposes how does the coal at-present used on the railways compare with the Victorian coal. 7. On what is the test based. 8. Have any shipments ot coal been accepted by the Railway Storekeeper after having been condemned by his officers, either from Newcastle or at Melbourne. 9. Is any coal taken from collieries in New South Wales that has been reported to the Railway authorities as unsuitable for locomotive purposes.

3. Mr. J. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Works— 1. If his attention has been drawn to the recent loss of human life in an excavation near the Punt Hill Bridge, on the south bank of the river Taira. 2. If he will cause immediate steps to be taken for the prevention of similar fatalities at that spot. 3. When is it likely that the work of improving the Yarra in that locality, and for which the money has been voted, will be again proceeded with.

4. Mr. Keogh To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture if he will take into consideration the advisability of having cattle, sheep, and pig yards erected in a suitable place.

5. Mr. Grose : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey whether he will consider the making of a concession to persons holding peipetual leases of land at Koo-wee-rup Swamp, in the direction of reducing the amount of rent to be charged during, say, the first two or three years. , 6. Mr. Smith : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Works whether he is aware that the White1 Star liners and other large steam-ships are, by reason of the want of a sufficient depth of water, unable to proceed out of Port Phillip Heads with a full cargo, and if lie can inform the House as to the probability of steps being taken to do away with such a serious disability to the Port of Melbourne.

WEDNESDAY, 30tii SEPTEMBER. Question. 1. Mr. W. A. Hamilton : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines if he has any objection to lay upon the Table of this House all the papers in connexion with the retirement of Mines Inspector Agnew from the Department about two months ago. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.)

Orders or the Day :— 1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 2. Opening- of Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employe shall be required to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience.

3. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading.

Notice of Motion :— 1. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is not desirable to lease further cold storage accommodation, but any extension required should be built on Government property.

TUESDAY, 6th OCTOBER. Question. 1. Mr. Keast : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture what action, if any, the Govern, ment proposes to take for opening up markets in other countries, seeing that there is every proba­ bility of an over-production of produce much in excess of our requirements.

WEDNESDAY, 7th OCTOBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, the principle of taxation on unimproved values of land be affirmed, and that the Government be requested to bring in a Bill dealing with the question. 2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That an humble Address be presented to His Majesty the King, praying that, on the termination of the present Governor’s term of office, the question of the necessity of appointment of future State Goxernors for Victoria be taken into consideration. Orders op the Day :— 1. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading. 2. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—Second reading. 3. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 14th OCTOBER. ■General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :—

-1. Totalizator Bill'—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 2. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 1)—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading—Resumption of debate. 3. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 21st OCTOBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) ^ Orders of the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading/ 3. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To be further considered in Committee.

WEDNESDAY, 28th OCTOBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :— 1. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Second reading. 2. Companies Act 1896 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gavan Duffy)—Second reading. 3 Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 11th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :—

1. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 2. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 25th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Order of the Day :— 1. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Glerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.


Parliament Buildings (Joint)—at three o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 23rd SEPTEMBER, 1903. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 8 Mines Bill—[9],

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne.


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

■ r No. 9.


1. Mb. Hickford : To ask the Honorable tho Minister of Railways— 1. If he will explain why the engiue-drivors, firemen, ami cleaners who went out on strike, but were not guilty of aggravated acts, and were not members of the executives of any of the Railway societies, have been dismissed from the service. 2. On what basis was the compensation paid to the di.-missed men entitled to compensation, and why did some receive less than others. 3. Is he aware of the memorandum of Mr. Fitzpatrick, as Commissioner, dated the 17th May last, which memorandum tliter alia stated—“It is not intended to deprive the men of compensation rights unless there are aggravating circumstances.”

2. Mr. Downward : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Rail wavs— 1. What is the present price paid by the Railway Department for New South Wales coal. 2. Is the coal of first-class quality. 3. From what source is tho 90,000 tons reserved for the Victoiian collieries being supplied. 4. What is the price paid for the same. 5. Is any preference given to the imported coal. 1 6. For steaming purposes how does the coal at present used on the railwavs compare with the Victorian coal. 7. On what is the test based.’ 8. Have any shipments of coal been accepted by tho Railway Storekeeper after having .been condemned by his officers, either from Newcastle or at Melbourne. 9. Is any,coal taken from collieries in New South Wales that has been reported to the Railway authorities as unsuitable for locomotive purposes.

3. Mr. J. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Works— 1. If his attention has been drawn to the recent loss of human life in an excavation near the Punt 1 Hill Bridge, on-tlie south bank of the river Yana. 2. If he will cause immediate steps to bo taken for the prevention of similar fatalities at that spot. 3. When is it likely that the work of improving the Yarra in that locality, and for. which the money has been voted, will be again proceeded with.

4. Me. Keogh : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture if he will take into consideration the advisability of having cattle, sheep, and pig sale-yards erected in a suitable place.

5. Mr. Grose : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey whether lie .will consider the making of a concession to persons holding perpetual leases of land at Koo-wee‘-rup . Swamp,-in the direction of reducing the amount of rent to be charged during, say, the first two or three years. ■ •

6. : v° aS^ t*3e H°noraffile the Commissioner of Public Works whether he is aware that the White Star liners and other large steam-ships are, by reason of the want of a sufficient depth of water, unable to proceed .out of Port Phillip, Heads with a full cargo, and if he can inform the House as to the probablhty of steps being taken to do away with' such a serious disability to the Poit of Melbourne. J ^

7. Mu. A. H arris,: To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Surve)^ . . 1. Whqn will the enhanced values placed on the Noojee and Fumina lands be finally 'determined tho piesent valuation being provisional only. ‘ ’ 2. When will the construction of the roads be proceeded with in Fumina to give the settlers access to the I umina-road running through Neerim North. 3. When will permits to occupy their allotments be granted to the selectors. 4. Will he allow the selectors to pay their survey fees by instalments. 5. Wdiat was the total amount of application fees recehed in connexion with the Nooicc East and Fumina lands. J 6. Will he niako a definite announcement as to'what roads in Nooiee and Fvmina will be constructed., ■ J (220 copies.) 34

8. Mr. Kbxsr : To a-k the Honorable the Minister of Railways whether it is .the intention of the Commissioners of Railways to raise the freights on the carriage of all goods; including grain and other produce ; if so, to what extent an.l when w.ll the increase take place. Government Business,

, Orders of the Day :— 1; Supply—To be considered in Committee. 2. Ways and Means—To be considered in Committee. . 3. Factories Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 4. Mines Acts further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 5. Lunacy Bill—Second reading. 6. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 7. Lake Hindmarsh Aboriginal Settlement Land Bill—Second reading. 8. Council of Agricultural Education and Castle Donnington Siiire Bill—Second reading. General Business. Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. W. A. Hamilton : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the ‘ Wills Act 1890.’ ”

2. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the amount paid in salaries and wages to staff and men employed by the Department of Agriculture at Flinders-street Cool Stores, for the year ending 30th June, 1903 ; and the amount paid to shipping brokers for Government business, for the year ending 30th June, 1903.

WEDNESDAY, 30tii SEPTEMBER. Question. 1. Mr. W. A. Hamilton : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines if he has any objection to lay upon the Table of this House all the papers in connexion with the retirement of Mines Inspector Agnew from the Department about two months ago General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :—

1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading.

2. Opening of Public Library, Musk.um, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employe shall be required to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience. 3. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading. Notice of Motion :—

1. Mr. E-. Cameron : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is not desirable to lease further cold storage accommodation, but ' any extension required should be built on Government property.

TUESDAY, 6th OCTOBER. Question. 1. Mr. Keast : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture what action, if any, the Govern­ ment proposes to take for opening up markets in other countries, seeing that there is every proba­ bility of an over-production of produce much in excess of our requirements.

WEDNESDAY, 7th OCTOBER. General Business. ' (After half-past eight o’clock.) Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, the principle of taxation on unimproved values of land be affirmed, ‘ and that the Government be requested to bring in a Bill dealing with the question.

2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That an humble Address be presented to His Majesty the King, praying that, on the termination of the present Governor’s term of office, the question of the necessity of appointment of future .State Governors for Victoria be taken into consideration.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading 2. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—Second reading. 3. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading. 35

WEDNESDAY, 14th OCTOBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.X Orders of the Day :— 1. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 2. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 1)—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading—Resumption of debate. 3. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey.)—Second reading

WEDNESDAY, 21st OCTOBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 3. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To be further considered in Committee)

WEDNESDAY, 28th OCTOBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :— 1. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Second reading. 2. Companies Act 1896 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gavan Dnffy)—Second reading. 3 Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 11th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :— 1. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 2. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill — (Mr. Trenwitli)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 25th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Order of the Day :— 1. Meat' Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading.

THOS. G. WATSON, . W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. _ Speaker,


Parliament Buildings (Joint)—at three o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 24th SEPTEMBER, 1903. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 9. Agricultural Colleges Bill—[27 j.

By Authority: Bobt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne. ' " r*l


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 10.


1. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey— 1. When will the enhanced values placed on the Noojee and Fumina lands be finally determined, the present valuation being provisional only. 2. When will permits to occupy their allotments be granted to the selectors. 3. Will he allow the selectors to pay their survey fees by instalments. 4. What was the total amount of application fees received in connexion with the Noojee East and Fumina lands.

2. Mr. W. A. Hamilton : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines if he has any objection to lay upon the Table of this House all the papers in connexion with the retirement of Mines Inspector Agnew from the Department about two months ago.

3. Mr. Bbnnett : To ask the Honorable the Premier— 1. Whether he is aware that a certain society named the Australian Prudential Association, which has for some months closed its doors, is alleged to have started in Melbourne upon false statements in its prospectus, and that a large number of persons resident in and near Melbourne, and in chief towns in the country, have lost all money paid into the said company or association. ' 2. Will he cause inquiries to be made with a view to justice being done in the matter.

4. Mr. Prendergast : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary when he proposes to accede to the wishes of a deputation which waited upon , him some time ago by introducing an amending Weights and Measures Bill.

5. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Works— 1. When will the construction of the roads be proceeded with in Fumina to give the settlers access to the Fumina-road running through Neerim North. 2. Will he make a definite announcement as to what roads in Noojee and Fumina will be constructed.

6. Mr. Andrews : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways whether there is any intention of removing the locomotive depot from Geelong ; if so, when, and for what reason.

7. Mr. Robertson : To ask the Honorable the Premier, for the Honorable the Minister of Public Instruction— 1. Is it true that certain teachers who were unable to reach their schools by train owing to the stoppage of trains during the recent strike have had one or more days deducted from their pay. 2. Does he propose to stop this pay permanently, or will he direct that it be refunded. 3. How many teachers are affected by this deductien, and how much is involved.

Government Business. (Until half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of tub Day :— 1. Factories Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Mines Acts further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 3. Lunacy Bill—Second reading. 4. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 5. Lake Hindmarsh Aboriginal Settlement Land Bill—Second reading. 6. Council of Agricultural Education and Castle Donnington Shire Bill—Second reading. 7., Supply—To be further consideted in Committee. 8. Ways and Means—To be further considered in- Committee. 220 copies.) 38

General Business, (After half-past eight o’clock.)

Ordebs of the Day :—

1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading.

2. Opening of Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries should be open to' the public on Sundays, provided that no employe shall be required to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience.

3. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading.

Notices of Motion :—

1. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is not desirable to lease further cold storage accommodation, but any extension required should be built on Government property.

2. Mr. W. A. Hamilton : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the 36 Wills* * Act 1890.’ ”

3. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the amount paid in salaries and wages to staff and men employed by the Department of Agriculture at Flinders-street Cool^Stores, for the year ending 30th June, 1903 ; and the amount paid to shipping brokers for Government business, for the year ending 30th June, 1903.

4. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing,' for the period from 1st January, 1901, to 30th September, 1903— 1. The number of inmates permitted to obtain employment from the Immigrants’ Home, . . specifying whether from Royal Park or St. Eilda-road :—

Name of Inmate. Trade or Occupation. At what Place employed! Rate per Day of Wages Name of Employer. ■ * paid.


2. The names of the governing body or committee of the Immigrants’ Home at St. Kildn-ioad and Royal Park. 3, How the governing body is appointed.

TUESDAY, 6th OCTOBER. Questions. 1. Mr. Keast: To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture’what action, if any, the Govern­ ment proposes to take for opening up markets in other countries, seeing that there is every proba­ bility of an over-production of produce much in excess of our requirements.

2. Mr. Stanley : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if the freight on wheat is to be increased ; if so, how much.

8. Mr. Keast : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways whether it is the intention of the Commissioners of Railways to raise the freights on the carriage of all goods', including grain and other produce ; if so, to what extent and when will the increase take place.

i WEDNESDAY, 7th OCTOBER. ’General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.)

Notices of Motion :— ‘

1. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, the' principle of taxation' on unimproved values of land be affirmed, and that the Government be requested to bring in a' Bill dealing with the question.

2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That an humble Address be presented to His "Majesty the'King, praying that, on the termination of the present Governor’s term of office, the question of the necessity of appointment of future State Governors for Victoria be taken into consideration.

3. Mr. Hickford : To move, That a Select Committee be appointed to inquire into and report upon all the circumstances relating to the retirement of Mr. Jaines Blackbume, late Inspector of Forests, more especially in connexion with the withholding from him of a pension upon such -retirement, such Committee to consist of Mr. Austin, Mr. Bailes, Mr. Bennett, Mr. Field, Mr. J. Harris, Mr. McDonald, and the Mover, with power to send for persons, papers, and records, to sit on days on which the House does not meet, and to report the Minutes of Evidence from time to time ; five to be the quorum. 39

Orders of the Day :__

1. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Secondjreading. ‘ °OUNTY CoUET Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—Second reading. . Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 14th OCTOBER. General (After half-past eight o’clock.); Orders of the Day :__ 1. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 2. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. l)-(Mr. Maloney)-Second ™&ng-Resumption of delate. d. election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)-Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 21st OCTOBER. •General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :__ 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)-Second reading. 2. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)-Second reading. " 3> AI>UI'TEEATioN of Chaff Bnx_(Mr. Graham)-To be further considered in Committee.

WEDNESDAY, 28th . OCTOBER. Germrai Business. (After half-past eight "o’clock.) Orders of the Day :__

1. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)-(Mr. Mackinnon)-Second reading. 2. Companies Act 1896 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gavan Duffy)—Second reading. 3. Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 11th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :—

1. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 2. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill-(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 25th NOVEMBER. Generai Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Order of the Day :— 1. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLET, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker. MEETING- OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Tuesday, 6th October. j Parliament Buildings (Joint)—at three o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED SINCE 24th SEPTEMBER 1903. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 4, ’ Libraries Bill—[16], (To Members of Council only.) Municipal Overdrafts (Indemnity) Bill—(241. Transfer of Land Bill—(28], Dairying Companies Bill—[36]. (To Members of Council only ) Roya Agricultural Show Day Bill-[42]. (To Members of Council only.) Benalla Fire Brigade Station Bill—[44], (To Members of Council only ) Railway Passengers’ Actions Bill—[48]. (To Members of Council only )

Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. Nos. 7, 8, and 9. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 10. Weekly Report of Divisions. No. 1. Lunacy Bill—[15], Lake Hindmarsh Land Bill—[31]. Factories Bill. (New Clauses to be proposed in Committee.) (To Members only.)

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne. { LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 11.

THURSDAY, 1st OCTOBER, 1903. Government Business.

Orders- of the Day :— 1: Factories Bill—To be farther considered in Committee. 2. ' Mines Acts further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 3. Lunacy Bill—Second reading. 4. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 5. Lakh Hindmarsh Aboriginal Settlement Land Bill—Second [reading. 6. Council of Agricultural Education and Castle Donnington Shire Bill—Second reading. 7. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 8. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee."

General Business.

Notice of Motion :— 1. Mr. Prendergast: To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1‘. The total amount of money, advanced by the State to the Maffra Beet Sugar Company. 2. The original value of the security upon whicli such sum was advanced. 3. The total amount realized by the Government from sale of machinery, and any other security . (separately stated). 4. The value of any machinery, land, buildings, &c.,,taken over from the company, and at, present- in the possession of the Government 5. The total loss sustained by the Government in their transactions with the company.

TUESDAY', 6th OCTOBER. Questions. 1. Mr. Keast : To ask' the- Honorable the Minister of Agriculture what action, if any, the Govern­ ment proposes to take for opening up markets in other countries, seeing that there is every proba­ bility of an over-production of‘produce much in excess of our'requirements.

2.. Mr. Stanley : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if the freight on wheat or other agricultural'produce is to be increased ; if" so,_ how much, and'when will the proposed increase take place.

3. Mr. Keast: To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways, whether it is the intention of the Commissioners of Railways-to raise the freights on the carriage.of all goods, including grain and other produce ; if so, to what .extent and when will the increase take place.

4. Mr. Robertson : To ask the Honorable the Premier, for" the Honorable the Minister of Public Instruction— 1. Is }t true that certain teachers who were unable to reach their schools by train owing to the stoppage of trains during the recent strike have hadlone or more days deducted from their pay. ,2. Does he propose to stop this pay, permanently, or will" he direct that it be refunded. 3. How many teachers are affected by this deduction; and Mow much is involved. l.. (220 copies.),. 42

■5. Mr. Gair : To ask the Honorable the Premier if it is true that some officers in the public service entitled to pensions on attaining the age of 60 years are to be shortly dispensed with from the Law Department before attaining-that age ; if so, are they to receive pensions on the same basis as those officers over 50 years of age, who were retiied in 1893 by the Patterson Government under Act No. 1329, and, if not, what are the particulars of the basis on which their pensions are to be, calculated.

•6. Mr. Prendergast : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Public Health if he will state the names of ’ the firms concerned in the adulteration cases, and the nature of the “adulteration (as per the fol­ lowing paragraph from the Argus newspaper of the 4th September last), together with the fines imposed in each case :—“ The Minister of Health yesterday dealt with the cases of several busi­ ness people who were charged with breaches of the Trade Marks Act in selling to the public cotton goods which were purported to be.composed of linen. Fines amounting to about £70 were imposed by consent. Mr. Bent has-intimated that in future cases of a similar nature prose­ cution will be instituted.”

7. Mr. Hutchinson : To ask the Honoiable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if, in view of the fact that the Mai lee provisions of the Land Act expire at the end of next month, he will inform the House when he will be in a position to introduce his amending Mallee Bill.

WEDNESDAY, 7th OCTOBER. Question. 1. Mr. Kirkwood : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey— 1. If he is aware that there are two quartz reefs, from which good gold has been obtained, runnihg through some of the recently applied for selections at Kamarooka; the reefs being known as Jones’ and Coady’s reefs. 2. Will he delay the granting of such land until the surveys of the reefs which are being extended through these blocks of land are completed as previously promised. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.)

Notices of Motion:— 1. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, the principle of taxation on unimproved values of land be affirmed, and that the Government be requested to bring iu a Bill dealing with the question.

■ 2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That an bumble Address be presented to His Majesty the King, praying that, on tlie termination of the present Governor’s term of office, the question of the necessity of appointment of future State Governors for Victoria be taken into consideration.

3. Mr. Hickford : To move, That a Select Committee be appointed to inquire into and report upon all the circumstances relating to the retirement of Mr. James Blackburne, late Inspector of Forests, more especially in connexion with the withholding from him of a pension upon such retirement, such Committee to consist of Mr. Austin, Mr. Bailes, Mr. Bennett, Mr. Field, Mr. J. Harris, ■ Mr. McDonald, and the Mover, with power to send for persons, papers, and records, to sit on days on which the House does not meet, and to report the Minutes of Evidence from time to time ; five to be tlie quorum. - 1 - 4. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is hot desirable to lease further cold storage accommodation, but any extension required should be built on Government property.

5. Mr. W. A. Hamilton : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the ‘ Wills Act 1890.’” 6. Mr. E. Caiikron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the amount paid in salaries and wages to stall and men employed by the Department of Agriculture at Flinders-street Cool Stores, for the year ending 30th June, 1903 ; and the amount paid to shipping brokers for Government business, for the year ending 30th June, 1903.

7. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing, for the period from 1st January, 1901, to, 30th September, 1903— 1. The number of inmates permitted to obtain employment from the Immigrants’ Home, specifying whether from Royal Park or Sc. Kilda-road :—

Rate per Day of Wages Name of Inmate. Trade or Occupation. At what Place employed. Name of Employer. paid. L .. r -- . 1 - - i • ■ >' ’ - (

2, The names of the governing body or committee of the Immigrants’ Home at St. Kilda-road and Royal Park. 1 ... 3. How the governing body is appointed. 43

Orders of the Day :— . 1. Hackney Carriages Law. Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading. , • • 2. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—Second reading, 3. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading. 4. Opening of Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleriesehould be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employe shall be required to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience. 5. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 14th OCTOBER. •General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.). Orders of the Day :— , 1. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 2. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 1)—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading—Resumption of debate. 3. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 21st OCTOBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 3. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To be further considered in Committee

WEDNESDAY, 28th OCTOBER. •General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :— 1. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Second reading 2. Companies Act 1896 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gavan Duffy)—Second reading. 3 Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 11th NOVEMBER. ■General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.)

Orders of the Day :— 1. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 2. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill— (Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 25th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Order of the Day :— 1. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 9th DECEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Order of the Day :— 1. Tied Houses Abolition’Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—To be further considered in; Committee. 44

CONTINGENT NOTICE, OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Supply or Ways and Means— 1. Mr. A. Harris : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that all officers of the- police force shall retire at the age of 60 years in lieu of 65 years, thereby providing a uniform age for the retirement of all the members of the force.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.


Printing—at two o’clock. Parliament Buildings (Joint)—at three o’clock.


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 11. Factories Bill— (Amendments to be proposed in Committee.) (To Members only.) (New Clauses to be proposed in Committee.) (To Members only.)


By Authority Romv S. Brain; Government,Brinter; Melbourne^,. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY,

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day,

No. 12.


1. Mr. Keast : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture what action, if any, the Govern­ ment proposes to take for opening up markets in other countries, seeing that there is every proba­ bility of an over-production of produce much in excess of our requirements.

2. Mr. Stanley : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if the freight on wheat or other agricultural produce is to be increased ; if so, how much, and when will the proposed increase take place.

3. Mr. Keast : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways whether it is the intention of the Commissioners of Railways to raise the freights on the carriage of all goods, including grain and other produce ; if so, to what extent and when will the increase take place.

4. Mr. Robertson : To ask the Honorable the Premier, for the Honorable the Minister of Public Instruction— 1. Is it true that certain teachers who were unable to reach their schools by train owin«- to the stoppage of trains during the recent strike have had one or more days deducted from their pay. 2. Does he propose to stop this pay permanently, or will he direct that it be refunded. 3. How many teachers are affected by this deduction, and how much is involved.

5. Mr. Gair : To ask the Honorable the Premier if it is true that some officers in the public service entitled to pensions on attaining the age of 60 years are to be shortly dispensed with from the Law Department before attaining that age ; if so, are they to receive pensions on the same basis as those officers over 50 years of age, who were retired iu 1893 by the Patterson Government under Act iNo. 1329, and, if not, what are the particulars of the basis on which their pensions are to be calculated.

6. Mr. Prendergast : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Public Health if he will state the names of the firms concerned in the adulteration cases, and the nature of the adulteration (as per the fol­ lowing paragraph from the Argus newspaper of the 4th September last), together with the fines imposed in each case :—“ The Minister of Health yesterday dealt with the cases of several busi­ ness people who were charged with breaches of the Trade Marks Act iu selling to the public cotton goods which were purported to be composed of linen. Fines amounting to about £70 were imposed by consent. Mr. Bent has intimated that in future cases of a similar nature prose­ cution will be instituted.”

7. Mr. Hutchinson : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if, in view of the fact that the Mallee provisions of the Land Act expire at the end of next month, he will inform the House when he will be in a position to introduce his amending- Mallee Bill. 8

8. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if it is a fact that the permanent way on a portion of the .main Gippsland line between Moe and Morwell is badly in need of repair; if so, will he give instructions to have same promptly attended to. ’ 9

9. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if he will allow full valuation for improvements on areas for which Crown grants have not been issued, on its being proved to his satisfaction that such improvements have by some calamity been destroyed. (220 copies.) 46

Government Business.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 2 Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. 3. Factories Bill—Consideration of Report. 4. Minks Acts further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 5. Lunacy Bill—Second reading. 6. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill.—Second reading. 7. Lake Hindmarsh Aboriginal Settlement Land Bill—Second jreading. 8. Council of Agricultural Education and Castle Donnington Shirk Bill—Second reading.

General Business.

Notice of Motion :— 1. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The total amount of money advanced by the State to the Maffra Beet Sugar Company. 2. The original value of the security upon which such sum was advanced. 3. The total amount realized by the Government from sale of machinery and any other security (separately stated). 4. The value of any machinery, land, buildings, &c., taken over from the company, and at present in the possession of the Government. 5. The total loss sustained by the Government in their transactions with the company.

WEDNESDAY, 7th OCTOBER. Questions. 1. Mr. Kirkwood : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey— 1. If he is aware that there are two quartz reefs, from which good gold has been obtained, running through some of the recently applied for selections at Kamarooka; the reefs being known as Jones’ and Coady’s reefs. 2. Will he delay the granting of such land until the surveys of the reefs which are being extended through these blocks of land are completed as previously promised.

2. Mr. Bailes : To ask the Honorable the Premier whether, in view of the large areas which, during the present year, have been excised, chiefly for grazing purposes, from valuable forest reserves scheduled for permanent reservation by the Royal Commission on State Forests after careful examination and the taking of sworn evidence on the spot, he will be prepared, in order to safeguard the interests of the general community in the proper maintenance of timber and water supply, to introduce at an early date this Session the Bill drafted in 1901 by the Commission for the effective protection, working, and control of such reserves, as the said Bill, being based on an intimate knowledge of the conditions of settlement, timber distribution, and climate of Victoria, has received the unqualified approval of all competent authorities to whom it has been submitted.

3. Mr. St err y : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary whether, in view of keeping up the physical standard and eflSciency of the police force, he will consider the advisability of reverting to the former age for retirement, viz., 60 years, in lieu of 65 years as at present fixed.

General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.)

Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, the principle of taxation, on unimproved values of land be affirmed, and that the Government be requested to bring in a Bill dealing with the question.

2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That an bumble Address be presented to His Majesty the King, praying that, on the termination of the present Governor’s term of office, the question of the necessity of appointment of future State Governors for Victoria be taken into consideration.

3. Mr. Hickford : To move, That a Select Committee be appointed to inquire into and report upon all the circumstances relating to the retirement of Mr. James Blackburne, late Inspector of Forests, more especially in connexion with the withholding from him of a pension upon such retirement, such Committee to consist of Mr. Austin, Mr. Bailes, Mr. Bennett, Mr. Field, Mr. J. Harris, , Mr. McDonald, and the Mover, with power to send for persons, papers, and records, to sit on days on which the House does not meet, and to report the Minutes of Evidence from time to time ; five to be the quorum. 4. Mr. E Cameron : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is not desirable to lease further cold storage accommodation, but any extension required should be built on Government . property. 5. Mr. W. A. Hamilton : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ .1 Bill to amend the ‘ Wills Act 1890.’ ” ‘47

6. Mb. E. Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the amount paid in' salaries and wages to staff and men employed by the Department of Agriculture at Flinders-stre^t Cool Stores, for the year ending 30th June, 1903; and the amount paid to shipping brokers for Government business, for the year ending 30th June, 1903.

7. Mb. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing, for the period from 1st January, 1901, to 30th September, 1903— 1. The number of inmates permitted to obtain employment from the Immigrants’ Home, specifying whether from Royal Park or St. Kilda-road ;— >

Rate per Day of Wages Name of Inmate. Trade or Occupation. At what Place employed. Name of Employer. , paid.

2. The names of the governing body or committee of the Immigrants’ Home at St. Kilda-road and Royal Park. , 3, How the governing body is appointed.

Obdebs of the ' Day :—

1. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading, 2. County Coubt Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—Second reading. 3. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading. 4. Opening of Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employ^ shall be required to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience. 5. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 14th OCTOBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.)!, Orders of the Day :— 1. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 2. Women’s Suffrage- Bill (No. 1)—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading—Resumption of debate. 3. - Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. i •. i

WEDNESDAY, 21st OCTOBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :— „ 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 3. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To be further considered in Committee

WEDNESDAY, 28th OCTOBER. General Business. ' (Al ter half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :— 1. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Second reading. 2. Companies Act 1896 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gavan Duffy)—Second reading. 3 Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 11th NOVEMBER. • General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day ;— 1. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading.. 2. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 48

,, ■ WEPWDAX, 25th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-p^st eight o'clock!)

Order of the Day :— 1. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr, Gair)^-rSecond ri

WEDNESDAY, 9th DECEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Order of ^he Day :— 1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—To be further considered in Committee.

CONTINGENT NOTICE QF MQTIQN, Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Supply or Ways and Meansr-^- 1. Mr. A. Harris : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that all officers of the police force shall retire at the age of 60 years in lieu of 65 years, thereby providing a uniform age for the retirement of all the members of the force.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D, BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.

MEETINGS OF SELECT COMMITTEES, Tuesday, 6th October. Parliament Buildings (Joint)—at three o’clock. Wednesday, 7th October. Printing—at three o’clock.


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 12,

By Authority; Robt. Sr,Brain, Government' Printer, Melbourne. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY,

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 13.

WEDNESDAY, 7th OCTOBER, 1903. •(Questions.

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Mallee Bill. ;; t H h «he wl11 be m a positioa to introduce his amending'ii:

(220 copies.) 50'

8. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if it is a fact that the permanent way on a portion of the main Gippsland line between Moe and Morwell, is badly in need of repair; if so, will he give instructions to have same promptly attended to.

Mr. Kirkwood : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey 1. If he is aware that there are two quartz reefs, from which good gold has been obtained, running through some pi tMjmcently applied at Karo^kai ^hp-j^efs being known as Jones^and16oady’s reffev'' r ' < 1 ’ t 2. Will he'delay the granting of such land until the surveys of the reefs which are being extended , through these blocks of land are completed as previously promised. 10. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if lie will allow full valuation for improvements on areas for which Crown grants have not been issued, on its being proved to his satisfaction that such improvements have by some calamity been destroyed. 11. Mr. Bailes : To ask the Honorable the Premier whether, in view of the large areas which, during the present year, have been excised, chiefly for grazing purposes, from valuable forest reserves scheduled for permanent reservation by the Royal Commission on State Forests after careful examination and the taking of sworn evidence on the spot, he will be prepared, in order to safeguard the interests of the general community in the proper maintenance of timber and water supply, to introduce at an early date this Session the Bill, drafted in 1901 by the Commission for the effective protection, woiking, and control of.such .reserves, as the said Bill, being based on an intimate knowledge of the conditions of settlement, timber distribution, and climate of Victoria, has received the unqualified approval of all competent authorities to whom it has been submitted.

12. Mr. Sterrt : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary whether, in view of keeping up the physical standard and efficiency of the police force, he will consider the advisability of reverting to the former age for retirement, viz., 60 years, in lieu of 65 years as at present fixed. 13. Mr. Prendergast : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways when he proposes to pay the permanent repairers in his Department the 6d. per day increment promised to them after twelve months’ employment. •Government Business. ,

Orders of the Day :— 1. Factories BiliI—Consideration of Report. 2. Mines Acts further Amendment Bill—Se.cond reading. 1 , 3. Lunacy Bill—Second reading. < ; t 4. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill —Second reading.’1' - 5. Lake Hindmarsh Aboriginal Settlement Land Bill—Second reading. ■ 6. Council of Agricultural Education and Castle Donnington Shire Bill Second reading.

7. Joint Library Committee Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. ' 8. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 9. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. , 10. Ways And Means—To be further considered in Committee. &

General Business.

Notices- of Motion :— - 1. Mr; Toutcher: To move, That, in the opinion of this House, the principle of taxation on , unimproved values of-land be affirmed, and that the Government be requested to bring in a Bill i dealing with the question. 2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That an humble Address be presented to His Majesty the King, praying that, on the termination of the present Governor’s term of office,, the question of the necessity of appointment of future State Governors for Victoria be taken into consideration.

' 3. Mr. Bickford : To move, That a Select Committee be appointed to inquire into and report upon all the circumstances relating to the retirement of Mr. James Black bur ne; late Inspector of r orests, more especially in connexion with the withholding from him of a pension upon such retirement, such Committee to consist of Mr. Austin, Mr. Bailes, Mr. Bennett,. Mr. Bield, Mr. J. Harris, Mr. McDonald, and the Mover, with power to send for persons, papers, and records, to sit on days on which the House ‘does not meet, and to report the -Minutes of Evidence from time to time ; five to be the quorum. 4. Mr. E. Cameron : To move,'That, in the opinion of this House, it is not desirable to lease further : * cold storage accommodation, but any extension required should be built on Government property. , ■ mr. W. A. Hamilton : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend • the1 Wills Act 1890.’” "

6 Mr E Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the amount paid in salaries and wages to staff and men employed.by the Department of Agriculture at Flmders-street . Cool Mores, for the year, ending 30th June, 1903 ; .and the amount paid to shipping; brokers for Government business, for the year ending 30th June, 1903. ' - >"• ’ ‘,$1

MfmmTstTanutry'rcturn showinS. for ^period

1. The number of inrriiitW’-p'erMiSted*sttij di&laiff1 ^Aployment from 'the Irmhigr'arfts’1 Bfeihfe, ■ specifying whether from Royal Park or St. Kilda-road :—; taC si nil "iv rn .'gnibaoi >000sfe—(lu'pi .'til')—JJlH YTIOOKI m Jf esavtomTHA $Vi l - J Name of Inmate. ■ Rate per Day,of Wages cglliDBST J l^Z !',V>f)todi >.

2. The names of the governing body or committee of the Immigrants’ Home at St. Kilda-road and Royal Park. 3, How the. governing body is appointed......

"8. Mb. I*rendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The total amount of money advanced by the State to the Maffra Beet Sugar Company. 2. The original value of the security upon which such sum was advanced. 3. The total amount realized by the Government from sale of machinery and any other security (separately stated). . . 4. The value of any machinery, land, buildings,

"9. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— i-'" 1. The "names'of all persons" adinitted to the police force since 1st January, 1903. 2. Date and year of birth of each. 3. Height. V 4. Whether returned soldier from South Africa or sailor from China.

: Orders of the Day :—

1. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading 2. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—Second reading. 3. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading. 4.. Opening of Public Library, Museum, and Art" Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employ^ shall be required to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience. 5. Adulteration,*of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 14th OCTOBER. *General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.): Orders of the Day :— 1. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 2. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 1)—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading—Resumption of debate. 3. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 4. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 21st OCTOBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading.' 2. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. ‘ 3. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To be further considered in Committee,

WEDNESDAY, 28th OCTOBER. *General Business. (After half-pa,st eight o’clock.) , ■ Orders of the Day :— 1. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnou)—Second reading. 2. Companies Act 1896 .Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gavan Duffy)—Second reading. ■ 3 Barmaids Bill—(Mr' Witiiatos)—Second'reading.' ,52

WEDNESDAY, 11th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day _

1. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 2. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 25th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Order of. the Day :— 1. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 9th DECEMBER. " General Business. . (After half-past eight o’clock.) Order of the Day :—

1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—To be further considered in Committee.

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. Upon a Motion forgoing into Committee of Supply or Ways and Means__ 1. Mr A. Harris : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that all officers of the* police force shall retire at the age of 60 years in lieu of 65 years, thereby providing a uniform age- for the retirement of all the members of the force. 6

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLET, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.


Wednesday, 7 th October. Printing—at three o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED SINCE 1st OCTOBER, 1903. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 5.

Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. Nos. 10, 11 and 12. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 13. Weekly Report of Divisions. No. 2. Factories "and Shops Bill—[26]. (To Members only.) Joint Library Committee Bill—[3]. (To Members only.) Justices Bill—[23]. (To Members only.) Licensing Amendment Bill—[47]. (To Members only.) Courts' of Mines and General Sessions Bill—[59]. Report of the Chief Inspector of Factories, Work-rooms, and Shops for the Tear ended 31st" December 1902. No. 14. - «

By Authority; Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne^ LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 14.


Notice of Motion {Unopposed) :— 1. Mr. Hickford : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the amount of money taken at the following railway stations for the years 1901-2 and 1902-3 North Essendon, Pascoe Vale, Glenroy, Broadmeadows.

Government Business. Notice of Motion :— 1. Mr. McLeod : To move, That ho have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend and consolidate the Local Government Acts.’’

Orders of the Day :— 1. Factories Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Mines Acts further Amendment Bill—Second reading. . ; 3. Lunacy Bill—Second reading. 4. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 5. Lake Hindmarsh Aboriginal Settlement Land Bill—Second reading. 6. Council of Agricultural Education and Castle Donnington Shire Bill—Second reading. 7. Joint Library Committee Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. - 8. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 9. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 10. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. 1

General Business.

Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. W. A. Hamilton : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the'Wills Act 1890.”’ 2. Mr. Mackey : To .move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to remove some Disabilities in the Law relating to Women.”

TUESDAY, 13th OCTOBER. {Questions. 1. Mr. Robertson : To ask the Honorable the Premier, for the Honorable the Minister [of Public Instruction— , _ _> 1. Is it true that certain teachers who were unable to reach their schools by train owing to ' the stoppage of trains during the recent strike have had one or more days deducted from their pay. * 2. ' Does lie propose to stop this pay permanently, or will he direct that it be refunded. 3. How many teachers are affected by this deduction, and how much is involved. 2. Mr. Gair : To ask the Honorable the Premier if it is true that some officers in the public service entitled. to pensions on attaining the age of GO years are to be shortly dispensed with from the Law Department before attaining that age ; it so, are they to receive pensions on the same basis «s those officers over 50' vears of age, who were retired in 1893 by the Patterson Government under Act No. 1329, and, if not, what are the particulars of the basis on which their pensions are to be ' - calculated., . , ' ’ -V1 ' , . ‘ (220c>pies.) 3. Mr. Bailes : To ask the Honorable the Premier whether..in view of the large areas which, during the present year, have been excised, chiefly for grazing purposes, from valuable forest' reserves scheduled for permanent reservation by the Royal Commission on State. Forests after careful examination and the taking of sworn evidence on the spot, he will be prepared, in order to safeguard the interests of the general community in the proper maintenance of timber and water supply, to introduce at an early date this Session the Bill drafted in 1901 by the Commission for the effective protection, wot king, and control of such reserves, as the said Bill, being based on an intimate \ knowledge of the conditions of settlement, timber distribution, and climate, of Victoria, has ~ V." received-the unqualified-approval of all competent authorities to whom- it has -been - submitted. -

4. Mr. Prendergast : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways when he proposes to pay the permanent repairers in his Department the 6d. per day increment promised to them after twelve months’ employment.

5. ,Mr. Downward : .To ask the Honorable the Premier if he will inform the House— 1. If, in May last, he stated that he was willing to invite one of the County Court Judges (without further emolument) to act as umpire in a suggested Arbitration Court to settle the dispute between the Coal Creek Company and their employes ; also, that he would be glad to do any­ thing he could to assist in enabling a settlement of this unfortunate trouble at the Gipnsland coal mines to bg brought about. 2. If he has done anything in the matter referred to, and is his offer respecting a County Court Judge still open for acceptance by the parties to the present dispute. 3. Is he aware that the coal miners of Outtrim, Jumbunna, and Coal Creek have from time to time offered to the coal companies voluntary arbitration to settle existing disputes at the Gippsland • coal mines, and that the coal companies have refused that offer; also, that there are upwards oT 500 men with their wives and families still idle, and that many of the miners who- are idle now were in years past, advi-ed by the various officials of the coal mines to buy allotments to build their homesteads on'before they could secure work at the mines, and that many of those miners are in danger of losing their homes owing to the companies’ officials foreclosing for arrears on • purchase ; if so, will he appoint a Commission or a Committee of the House to investigate the causes and effects of the dispute at the Gippsland coal mines.

6. Mr. Fletcher : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary whether a system is being introduced into the working of the lunatic asylums by which female warders are being placed-in sole charge of male patients, and whether it is intended to continue or extend the practice.

7. Mr. Downward : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines and Water Supply— 1. Did the Mining Inspector of Korumburra District, in November, 1902, sue a labourer named A. Golden for a “ breach of the Mines Act ” at the Jumbunna mine. 2. Was A. Golden fined for such offence. 3. Did the Mining Inspector of Korumburra District, in February, 1903, sue two coal miners named Kirkby and McCurry for a “ breach ot the Mines Act” at the Outtrim mine 4. Were Messrs. Kirkby-and McCurry fined. 5. Did tjie Mining Inspector of Korumburra Distiict, in April, 1903, summons John Ridley, manager, and Alf. Wallace, under-manager, of the Jumbunna Coal Mine, to appear at Korumburra Court of Petty Sessions for a “ flagrant breach of the Mines Act.” 6. On what plea was the charge withdrawn.

=8. Mr. Shoppee : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways, with regard to the resolution of the House, passed on the 20th January last—“ That the question of connecting the Western District of Victoria with Mi I dura and the Darling River, by means of a railway from Hopetoun to a suitable point on thg through line to Mildura, now in course of construction, be referred to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Railways for consideration and report”— 1. If a Report has yet been submitted to him or the Government by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Railways; if so, what is the nature of such Report; if not, has he any information ns to when such Report is likely to be submitted, and what will be the character of such Report. , 2. If he has no information to give.In answer to these questions, will he', in view of the great importance of the proposed connexion to the interests of the western province of Victoria, and yi view of the early, completion of the line to Mildura, ask the Parlia­ mentary Standing Committee on Railways to submit its Report to Parliament in - accordance with the terms of the resolution of the 20th January, without delay.

9. Mb. Trenwith : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways— 1. What mileage and hours constitute a day’s work for engine-men on main line passenger trains, and what hours do they work per trip, counting time for signing on and off duty; also what ' reduction of pay has been made in this class. 2. What mileage and hours constitute a day’s work on suburban passenger trains, and what hours do engine-men work daily following the roster issued 1st, 5th, and 6th September, counting . time from signing on and off duty ; also what time is paid for each shift on roster, and what reduction ot pay has been made in this class. 3. What mileage and hours constitute a day’s work for engine-men on goods and mixed trains ; also what time allowance is made when detained at terminus waiting for trains, and what reduction of .pay has been made in this class. 4. Is it a fact that engine-men are compelled to be on duty three-quarters of an hour before starting and three-quarters of an hour afte^finishing shift without being paid for same. oo

■WEDNESDAY, 14tii OCTOBER. (After half-past eight o’clock.) General Business.

Orders of the Day :—

1. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 2. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 1)—(Mr. Maloney)—Second .reading—Resumption of debate. 3. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 4. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 5. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading 6. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—Second reading 7. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading. •8. Opening of Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employe shall be required to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience.

■9. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading.

Notices of Motion :—

1. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion 'of this House, the principle of taxation on unimproved values of land be affirmed, and that the Government be requested to bring in a Bill dealing with the question. 9. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That an humble Address be presented to His Majesty the King, praying that, on the termination of the present Governor’s term of office, the question of the, necessity of appointment of future State Governors for Victoria be taken into consideration.

3. Mr. Hickford : To move, That a Select Committee be appointed to inquire into and report upon all the circumstances relating to the retirement of Mr. James Blackburne, late Inspector of Forests, more especially in connexion with the withholding from him of a pension upon such retirement, such Committee to consist of Mr. Austin, Mr. Bailes, Mr. Bennett, Mr., Field, Mr. J. Harris, Mr. McDonald, and the Mover, with power to send for persons, papers, and records, to sit on days on which the House does not meet, and to report the Minutes of Evidence from time to time ; -five to be the quorum.

4. Mr. E Cameron : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is not desirable to lease further cold storage accommodation, but any extension required should be built on Government property.

-5. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the amount paid in salaries and wages to staff and men employed by the Department of Agriculture at Fiinders-street Cool Stores, for the year ending 30th June, 1903; and the 'amount paid to shipping brokers for Government business, for the year ending 30th June, 1903.

■6. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing, for the period from-1st January, 1-901,-to 30th September,-1903— - - - -...... 1. The number of inmates permitted to obtain employment from the Immigrants’ Home, -specifying whether from Royal Park or St. Kilda-road :—

Name of Inmate. Trade or Occupation. At what Place employed. Name of Employer. Rate per Day of Wages

• -

2. The names of ihe governing body or committee of the Immigrants’ Home at St. Kilda-road and Royal Park. 3 How the governing body is appointed.

'7. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The total amount of money advanced by the State to the Maffra Beet Sugar Company. __ 2. The original value of the security upon which such sum was advanced. 3. The total amount realized by the Government from sale of machinery and any other security (separately stated). 4. The value of any machinery, land, buildings, &c., taken over from the company, and at present in the possession of the Government 5. The total loss sustained by the Government in their transactions with the company.

-8. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The names of all persons admitted to the police force since 1st January, 1903. 2. Date and year of birth of each. 3. Height. • " , 4. Whether returned soldier from South Africa or sailor from China. 56

WEDNESDAY, 21st OCTOBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Notice of Motion :— ' . -, 1. Mr. Ramsay : To move, That there he laid before this House a copy of all the papers, correspondence, and minutes in the matter of the forcible seizure of and the removal to Launceston by the Tasmanian authorities of the registered Victorian-owued fishing schooner Doris. Orders of the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Justices Acts.Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 3. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To be further considered in Committee.

WEDNESDAY, 28th OCTOBER. ,General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.)

Orders of the Day :—

1. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Second reading. 2. Companies Act 1896 Amendment Bill—(Mr. G-avan Duffy)—Second reading. 3 Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 11th NOVEMBER. •General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day' :— 1. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 2. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill —(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 25th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Order of the Day :— • 1. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 9th DECEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Order of the Day :— 1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—To be further considered in Committee.

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Supply or Ways and Means— 1. Mr. A.-Harris : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that all officers of the police force shall retire at the age of 60 years in lieu of 65 years, thereby providing a uniform age for the retirement of all the members of the force. . ■

-THOS. G. WATSON, a W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk oj the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.


Wednesday, 14th October. Printing—At three o’clock.


Notices" of Motion and Orders of the Day. No.( 14. < Factories Bill.—(New Clauses to be-proposed on Recommittal.) (To Members only.)

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne, LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 15;

TUESDAY. 13th OCTOBER, 1903. ■Questions. 1. Mr. Robertson : To ask the Honorable the Premier, for the Honorable the Minister of Public- Instruction— 1. Is it true that certain teachers who were unable to reach their schools by train owing t°- the stoppage of trains during the recent strike have had one or more days deducted from, their pay. 2. Does he propose to stop this pay permanently, or will he direct that it be refunded. 3. How many teachers are affected by this deduction, and how much is involved. i2. Mr. Gair: To ask the Honorable the Premier if it is true that some officers in the public service entitled' to pensions on attaining the age of 60 years are to be shortly dispensed with from the Law Department before attaining that age ; if so, are they to receive pensions on the same basis as those officers over 50 years of age, who were retired in 1893 by the Patterson Government under Act No. 1329, and, if not, what are the particulars of the basis on which their pensions are to be calculated.

3. Mr. Bailes : To ask the Honorable the Premier whether, in view of the large areas which, during- tlie present year, have been excised, chiefly for grazing purposes, from valuable forest reserves scheduled for permanent reservation by the Royal Commission on State Forests after careful examination and the taking of sworn evidence on the spot, he will be prepared, in order to safeguard the interests of the general community in the proper maintenance of timber and water supply, to introduce at an early date this Session the Bill drafted in 1901 by the Commission for the effective-' protection, woi king, and control of such reserves, as the said Bill, being based on an intimate knowledge of the conditions of settlement, timber distribution, and climate of Victoria, has received the unqualified approval of all competent authorities to whom it has been submitted.

4. Mr. Prkndergast : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways when he proposes to pay the permanent repairers in his Department the 6d. per day increment promised to them after twelve months’ employment.

5. Mr. Downward :.To ask the Honorable the Premier if he will inform the House— 1. If, in May last, he stated that he was willing to invite one of the County Court Judges (without further emolument) to act as umpire in a suggested Arbitration Court to settle the, dispute between the Coal Creek Company and their employes ; also, that he would be glad to do any­ thing he could to assist in enabling a settlement of this unfortunate "trouble at the Gippsland. coal mines to bo brought about. 2. If he has done anything in the matter referred to, and is his offer respecting a County Court Judge still open for acceptance by the parties to the present dispute. 3. Is he aware that the coal miners of Outtrim, Jumbunna, and Coal Creek have from time to "time offered to the coal companies voluntary arbitration to settle existing disputes at the Gippsland coal mines, and that the coal companies have'refused that offer; also, that there are upwards of 500 men with their wives and families still idle, and that many of the miners who are idle now were in years past advised by the various officials of the coal mines to buy allotments to build their homesteads on before they could secure work at the mines, and that many of those miners are in danger of losing their homes owing to the companies’ officials foreclosing for arrears-on purchase ; if so, will he appoint a Commission or a Committee of the House to investigate the causes and effects of .the dispute at the Gippsland coal mines. - ° 1 (220 copies.) 58

•6. Mr. Fletcher: To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary whether a system is being introduced into the working- of the lunatic asylums by which female warders are being placed in sole charge of male patient-, and whether it is intended to continue or extend the practice.

7. Mr. Downward : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines and Water Supply— 1. Did the Mining Inspector of Korumburra District, in November, 1902, sue a labourer named A. Golden for a “breach of the Mines Act” at the Jumbunna mine. 2. Was A. Golden fined for such offence. 3. Did the Mining Inspector of Korumburra District, in February, 1903, sue two coal miners named Kirkby and McCurry for a “breach ot the Mines Act” at the Outtrim mine. 4. Were Messrs Kirkby and McCurry fined. 5. Did the Mining Inspector of Korumburra Distiict, in April, 1903, summons John Ridley* manager, and Alf. Wallace, under-manager, of the Jumbunna Coal Mine, to appear at Korumburra Court of Petty Sessions for a “ flagrant breach of the Mines Act.” 6. On what plea was the charge withdrawn.

8. Mr. Shoppee : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways, with regard to the resolution of the House, passed on the 20th January last—“ That the question of connecting the Western District of Victoria with Mildura and the Darling River, by means of a railway from Hopetoun to a suitable point on the through line to Mildura, now in course of construction, be referred to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Railways for consideration and report”— 1. If a Report has yet been submitted to him or the Government by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Railways; if so, what is the nature of such Report; if not, has he any information ns to when such Report is likely to be submitted, and what will be the character of such Report. 2. If he has no information to give in answer to these questions, will he, in view of the great importance of the proposed connexion to the interests of the western province of Victoria, and in view of the early completion of the line to Mildura, ask the Parlia­ mentary Standing Committee on Railways to submit its Report to Parliament in accordance with the terms of the resolution of the 20th January, without delay.

9. Mr. Trenwith : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways— 1. What mileage and hours constitute a day’s work for engine-men on main line passenger trains, and what hours do they work per trip, counting time for signing on and off duly; also what reduction of pay has been made in this class. 2. What mileage and hours constitute a day’s work on suburban passenger trains, and what hours do engine-men work daily following the roster issued 1st, 5th, and 6th September, counting time from signing on and off duty ; also what time is paid for each shift on roster, and what reduction ot pay has been made in this class. 3. What mileage and hours constitute a day’s work for engine-men on goods and mixed trains ; also what time allowance is made when detained at terminus waiting for trains, and what reduction of pay has been made in this class. 4. Is it a fact that engine-men are compelled to be on duty three-quarters of an hour before starting and three-quarters of an hour after finishing shift without being paid for same.

10. Mr. Swinburne : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary— 1. If he is aware that young women arrested for soliciting in the streets are still regularly bailed out without any questions being asked, within an hour of their arrest, by well-known criminals and keepers of immoral houses, and whether he will take steps, in accordance with his promise to the laige deputation from the various-women’s societies, («) to prevent keepers of immoral and disorderly houses giving bail for young women arrested for soliciting in the streets ; (6) to refuse bail to all women arrested for soliciting in the streets between the hours of seven o’clock p.m. and seven o’clock a.m. 2. Will he inform the House whether he has con-idered the other reforms suggested, especially the urgent necessity for the appointment of matrons at the various city lock-ups, and the advisa­ bility of admitting prisoners to the gaol by means of the door through the gaol wall instead of driving them round by the street in “ Black Maria.”

11. Mr. Holden ; To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines if the complete geological reports of Mr. Bradford on the Egerton and Gordons districts are being printed, and, if so, when will they be available.

12. Mr. Gay an Duffy : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture— 1. If any cases of swine fever have occurred in the shires of Broadford, Pyalong, Lancefield, Springfield, Merriang, or Kilmore. 2. If there have been none, cannot these districts be proclaimed clean. 3. If a distiict is proclaimed clean, can the farmers in it sell their pigs without further restriction. 4. Has he any information as to the progress of swine fever.

13. Mr. Brown : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture whether, now that swine fever is known not to exist in most of the districts north of the Dividing Range, he is prepared to relax the regulations.

14. Mr. McGregor : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he will refund to the railway employes not in receipt of £125 per year the percentage leductions deducted contrary to the promise of the Premier that no deduction would be made from pay under £125 per year. 59

Government Business.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Lunacy Bill—Second reading. 3. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill —To be further considered in Committee. 4. Lake Hindmarsh Aboriginal Settlement Land Bill—Second reading. 5. Joint Library Committee Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 6. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 7. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee.

WEDNESDAY, 14th OCTOBER. (After half-past eight o’clock.) General Business. Orders of the Day :— 1. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 2. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 1)—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading—Resumption of debate. 3. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 4. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 5. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading 6. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—Second reading 7. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading. 8. Opening of Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employe shall be required to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience.

9. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading.

Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this Home, the principle of taxation on unimproved values of land be affirmed, and that the Government be requested to bring in a Bill dealing with the question.

2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That an humble Address be presented to His Majesty the King, praying that, on the termination of the present Governor’s term of office, the question of the necessity of appointment of future State Governors for Victoria be taken into consideration.

-3. Mr. Hickford : To move, That a Select Committee be appointed to inquire into and report upon all the circumstances relating to the retirement of Mr. James Blackburne, late Inspector of Forests more especially in connexion with the withholding from him of a pension upon such retirement, such Committee to consist of Mr. Austin, Mr. Bailes, Mr. Bennett, Mr. Field, Mr. J. Harris Mr. McDonald, and the Mover, with power to send for persons, papers, and records, to sit on days on which the House does not meet, and to report the Minutes of Evidence from time to time ; five to be the quorum.

4. Mr. E Cameron : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is not desirable to lease further cold storage accommodation, but any extension required should be built on Government property.

5. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the amount paid in salaries and wages to staff and men employed by the Department of Agriculture at Flinders-street Cool Stores, for the year ending 30th June, 1903 ; and the amount paid to shipping brokers for Government business, for the year ending 30th June, 1903.

■6. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing, for the period from 1st January, 1901, to 30th September, 1903— 1. The number of inmates permitted to obtain employment from the Immigrants’ Home, specifying whether from Royal Park or S'. Kild.i-rond :—

Name of Inmate. Trade or Occupation. At what Place employed. Name of Employer. Hate per D iv of Wages

2. The names of the governing body or committee of the Immigrants’ Home at St. Kilda-road and Royal Park. 3 How the governing body is appointed. 60

7. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid Before this House a return showing— 1. The total amount of money advanced by the State to the Mafira Beet Sugar Company. 2. The original value of the security upon which such sum was advanced. * " he(separato°ynsttartead)Zed ^ G°Vernment from sale of machinei7 and any other security 4' Th6inlUfle Ir7 ™achin«r7> lanj, buildings, Ac, taken over from the company, and at present in the possession of the Government. J F 5. The total loss sustained by the Government in their transactions with the company.

8. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The names of all persons admitted to the police force since 1st January, 1903. Date and year of birth of each. J 3. Height. 4. Whether returned soldier from South Africa or sailor from China.

THURSDAY, 15th OCTOBER. •Government Business. Order of the Day 1. Mines Acts further Amendment Bill—Second reading—Resumption of debate.

TUESDAY, 20th OCTOBER. Government Business. Order -of the Day

1. Local Government Bill—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 21st OCTOBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Notice of Motion :—

L Mr Ramsay : To move, That there be laid before this House a copy of all the papers, correspondence and mmutes m the matter of the forcible seizure of and the removal \o Laun^ Tasmanian authorities of the registered Victorian-owned fishing schooner Doris. * Orders of the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)-Second reading: 2. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)-Second reading 3. Adulteration of Chaff Bill (Mr. Graham)-To be further considered in Committee.

WEDNESDAY, 28th OCTOBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day

1. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)-(Mr. Mackinnon)-Second reading.

2. Companies Act 1896 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gavan Duffy)—Second reading. 3- Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 11th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :— 1. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 2. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 25th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) '

Orders of the Day :— L.Meat Supervision Act'1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading 2. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill (Mr. W, A. Hamilton)-Second reading. 3. Womens Disability Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)-Second reading 1 61

WEDNESDAY, 9th DECEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Obdbb of the Day :— 1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailee)—To be further considered in Committee.

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Supply or Ways and Means— 1. Mb. A. Harris : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that all officers of the police force shall retire at the age of 60 years in lieu of 65 years, thereby providing a uniform age for the retirement of all the members of the force. THOS. G. WATSON, . W. D. BEAZLET, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.

MEETINGS OF SELECT COMMITTEES. Wednesday, 14<7t October.

Printing—At three o’clock. Tuesday, 20th October. ■ Refreshment Rooms (Joint)—At three o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 8th OCTOBER, 1903. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No.' 15. ■Companies Bill—[41]. Estimates of the Revenue and Expenditure for the Year ending 30th June. 1904. B.—No. 7. (To* Members of Assembly only.)

PRINTED PAPERS. The 'following Printed Papers can now be obtained by Honorable Members from the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly (Telephones 3065 and 3179), and by others on the circulation list, from the Government Printer. They can also be purchased by the Public from the Government Printer:— Census of Victoria, 1901.—Part VI.—Education of the People (No. I). „ „ „ Part VII.—Sickness and Infirmity (No. 2). „ „ „ Part VIII.—Land and Live Stock (No. 6). Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure, 1903-4 (B. No. 7). , „ Supplementary Estimates for 1902-3 (B. No. 6). - Factories, Work-rooms, and Shops.—Chief Inspector’s Report for year ended 31st December* 1902. (2nd. Sess. No. 14.) Railways.—Victorian Railways Commissioners’ Report for year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd. Sess. No. 19.) Railways Standing Committee.—Twelfth General Report. (2nd Sess. No. 12.) Statistical Register for 1902.—Part I.—Blue Book. (2nd Sess. No. 4.) „ „ „ Part III.—Accumulation. (2nd Sess. No. 8.) „ „ „ Part V.—Vital Statistics, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 10.)

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne,


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 16.

WEDNESDAY, 14th OCTOBER, 1903. Question.

1. Mr. Sfioppee : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines—- 1. When the reports of Mr. W. Bradford upon the following mining fields of the State will be published, viz.St. Arnaud, the Pyrenees Mountains. Stawell, Egerlon, Ballarat East Ranges, Enfield, CInnes, Dunolly, and other fields reported upon by him. 2. How many of each of the reports does he propose having printed, and at what price will ttier be sold to the public. , J 3. Can he state the cost of 500 copies of each report.

Notice op Motion (Unopposed):— „ ■ 1

1. Mr. Trenwith : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing_ 1. What mileage and hours.constitute a day’s work for engine-men on main line passenger trains and what hours they work per trip, counting time for signing on and off dutyfalso what , > , reduction of pay has been made in this class. 2. What mileage and hours constitute a day’s work on suburban passenger trains, and what hours engine-men work daily following the roster issued 1st, ‘5th, and 6th September, counting time from signing on and off duty ; also what time is paid for each shift oh roster and what reduction of pay has been made in this class. ’ 3. What mileage and hours constitute a day’s work for engine-men on goods and mixed trains - also,what time allowance is made when detained at terminus waiting for trains, and what reduction of pay has been made in this class. 4. Whether it is a fact that engine-men are compelled to be on duty three-quarters of an hour before starting and three-quarters of an hour after finishing shift without being naid for same. 6 r

Government Business. (Until half-past eight o’clock.)

Orders op the Day :—

IV Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Lunacy Bill—Second reading. 3. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—To be further considered in Committee. , 4. Lake Hindmarsh Aboriginal Settlement Land Bill—Second reading.

5. Joint Library Committee Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 6. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 7. Municipal Overdrafts Indemnity Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 8. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee.' (220 copies.) 64

(After half-past*eight o’clock.) General Business. Orders of the Day 1. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 2. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. .1)—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading—Resumption of debate. 3. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 4. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 5. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading. 6. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—Second reading. 7. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading. 8. Opening of Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employ^ shall be required * to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience.

9. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading. ' \

Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, the principle of taxation on unimproved values of land be affirmed, and that the Government be requested to bring in a Bill dealing with the question.

2. Mr.-Toutcher : To move, That an humble Address be presented to His Majesty the King, praying that, on the termination of the present Governor’s term of office, the question of the necessity of appointment of future State Governors for Victoria be taken into consideration.

3. Mr. Hickford : To move, That a Select Committee be appointed to inquire into and report upon all the circumstances relating to the retirement of. Mr. James Blackburne, late Inspector of Forests more especially in connexion with the withholding from him of a pension upon such retirement, such Committee to consist of Mr. Austin, Mr. Bailee, Mr. Bennett, Mr. Field, Mr. J. Harris Mr. McDonald, and the Mover, with power to send for persons, papers, and records, to sit on days on which the Housa does not meet, and to report the Minutes of Evidence from time to time ; five to be the quorum.

4. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is not desirable to lease further cold storage accommodation, but any extension required should be built on Government property.

■5. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the amount paid in salaries and wages to staff and men employed by the Department of Agriculture at Flinders-street Cool Stores, for the yeaf ending 30th June, 1903; and the amount paid to shipping brokers for Government business, for the year ending 30th June, 1903.

6. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this-House a return showing, for the period from 1st January, 1901, to 30th September* 1903— 1. The number of inmates permitted to obtain employment from the Immigrants’ Home, specifying whether from Royal Park or St. Kilda-road :—

Name of Inmate. Trade or Occupation. At what Place employed. Name of Employer. Rate per Day of Wages paid.

2. The names of the governing body or committee of the Immigrants’ Home at'St. Kilda-road and Royal Park. 3. How the governing body is appointed.

7. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The total amount of money advanced by the State to the Maffra Beet Sugar Company. 2. The original value of the security upon which such sum was advanced. 3. The total amount realized by the Government from sale of machinery and any other security (separately stated). 4. The value of any machinery, land, buildings, &c., taken over from the company, and at present in the possession of the Government. 5. The total loss sustained by the Government in their transactions with the company.

8. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The names of all persons admitted to the police force since 1st January, 1903. 2. Date and year of birth of each. ' ' 3. Height. ■ 4. Whether returned soldier from- South Africa or sailor from China 65

9. Me. Gair : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the number of persons injured during shunting operations on the Victorian railways for the period of ten years ending 30th June, 1903, and the number of such accidents which proved fatal. 10. Mr. McDonald : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the * Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Act 1890' so as to enable the Ratepayers of the various municipalities to elect their representatives on the Board instead of the said representatives being elected by the Municipal Councils'’ 11. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The actual monetary loss to the Railway revenue of this State caused by the engine-drivers, and firemen’s strike in May last. 2. The annual and total sum saved, or estimated to be saved, under the following conditions :— (a) The total or partial forfeiture of compensations, pensions, &c. (as the case may be), in all branches of the Railway service affected by the said strike, or by orders issued by the Com­ missioner or Minister preceding the strike ; (6) the number of dismissals and failures to reinstate workmen who then struck ; (c) the reduction of wages below the rates in existence preceding the strike, both to reinstated and new employes.

THURSDAY, 15th OCTOBER. Government Business.

Order op the Day :— 1* Mines Acts further Amendment Bill—Second reading—Resumption of debate.

TUESDAY, 20th OCTOBER. •Question. 1. Mr. Swinburne : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if, seeing that it would be for the benefit of the State that the apprentices at Newport workshops , should receive a good general engineering education, and that the elements of scientific work should be taught hand in hand with the practical work of the shops, he will consult with the Commissioners with a view of adopting the methods of instruction introduced by some of the British railway companies, particulars of whicli ■ _ kt® given by the engineer of the and South-Western Railway Company in The Engineer of 26th June, 1903, page 642, and if he will pmke arrangements for teaching to be in conjunction with the Working Men’s College.. ' Government Business. Order of the Day s— 1. Local Government Bill—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 21st OCTOBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Notice of Motion :—

1. Mr. Ramsay : To move, That there be laid before this House a copy of all the papers, correspondence, and minutes in the matter of the forcible seizure of and the ■ removal to Launceston by the Tasmanian authorities of the registered Victorian-owned fishing schooner Doris.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. “2. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 3. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To be further considered in Committee.

WEDNESDAY, 28th OCTOBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders or the Day :— 1., Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Second reading. 2. Companies Act 1896 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gavan Duffy)—Second rending. 3 Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 11th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :—

1. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 2. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 66

WEDNESDAY, 25th NOVEMBER.^ General Business. ' (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :— 1. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 2. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 3. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 9th DECEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Order of the Day :— 1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill-—(Mr. Bailes)—To be further considered in Committee.

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Supply or Ways and Means— 1. Mr. A. Harris : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that all officers of the. police force shall retire at the age of 60 years in lieu of 65 years, thereby providing a uniform age for the retirement of all the members of the force. THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, * . Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker. MEETINGS OF SELECT COMMITTEES. Wednesday, 14th October. Printing—At three o’clock. Tuesday, 20th October. Refreshment Rooms (Joint)—At three o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED SINCE 8th OCTOBER, 1903. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Council. Nos. 4 and 5. „ Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 6. Factories and Shops Bill—[26]. (To Members of Council only.) Agricultural Colleges Bill—[27]. (To Members of Council only.) * Libraries Act 1890 Further Amendment Bill— (New Clauses to be proposed by the Hon. Sir Henry Cuthbert.) (To Members only.) (New Clauses to be proposed by the Hon. J. H. Abbott.) (To Members only.)

Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. Nos. 13, 14, and 15. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 16. . ' . Weekly Report of Divisions. No. 3. Municipal Overdrafts (Indemnity) Bill—[24]. (To Members only.) Transfer of Land Bill—[28]. (To Members only.) Barmaids Restriction Bill—[61]. Mines Acts Further Amendment Bill.—(Amendments to be proposed in Committee.) (To Members'only.)

PRINTED PAPERS. The following Printed Papers can now be obtained by Honorable Members from the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly (Telephones 3065 and 3179), and by others on the circulation list, from the Government Printer. They can also be purchased by the Public from the Government Printer:— Census of Victoria, 1901.—Part VI.—Education of the People (No. 1). „ „ „ Part VII.—Sickness and Infirmity (No. 2). „ „ " „ Part VIII.—Land and Live Stock (No. 6). Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure, 1903-4 (B. No. 7).- „ Supplementary Estimates for 1902-3 (B. No. 6). ; Factories, Work-rooms, and Shops.—Chief Inspector’s Report for year ended 31st December, 1902. (2nd. Sess. No. 14.) Public Service Commissioner.—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 16.) Railways—Victorian Railways Commissioners’ Report for year .ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd. Sess. No. 19.) ■ Railways Standing Committee.—Twelfth General Report. (2nd Sess. No. 12 ) Statistical Register for 1902.—Part I.—Blue Book. (2nd Sess. No. 4.) ' „ „ „ Part III.—Accumulation. (2nd Sess. No. 8.) „ „ „ Part V.—Vital Statistics, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 10.)

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne, LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 17.


Notice of Motion {Unopposed) :—

1. Mr. Gaik : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the number of persons. 3u3rh'e?,mArum nt^o °P6rTnS ?n th® Vi^orian railways for the period of ten years ending doth June, 1903, and tlie number of such accidents which proved fatal. •

Government Business.

Orders of the Day :—

1. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Lunacy Bill—Second reading. 3. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—To be further considered in Committee.

4. Lake Hindmarsh Aboriginal Settlement Land Bill—Second reading. 5. Joint Library Committee Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 6. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 7. Municipal Overdrafts Indemnity Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

8. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 9. Mines Acts further Amendment Bill—Second reading—Resumption of debate. 10. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee.*

TUESDAY, 20th OCTOBER. Question. Mb'!rNfTE LT.° theuH°norable the Minister of Railways if, seeing that it would be for the benefit of the State that the apprentices at Newport workshops should receive a good general engineering education, and that the elements of scientific work should be taught hand in hand with le practtcal work of the shops, he will consult with the Commissioners with a view of adopting the methods of instruction introduced by some of the British railway companies, particulars of which 0fi.iflTen nnt enSme®r of the London and South-Western Railway Company in The Engineer of the Working M^’saceoBege’.and * ^ ^ arraDSements for teaclling *> be in conjunction with

Government Business. Order of the Day

1. Local Government Bill—Second reading.

(220 copies.) 68

WEDNESDAY, 21st OCTOBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.)

Notices op Motion :—

1. Mr. Ramsay : To move, That there be laid before this House a copy of all the papers, correspondence, and minutes in the matter of the forcible seizure of and the removal to Launceston by the Tasmanian'authorities of the registered Victoriau-owued fishing schooner Doris.

2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, the principle of taxation on unimproved values of land he affirmed, and that the Government be requested to bring in a Bill dealing with the question.

3. Mr. Hickford : To move, That a Select Committee be appointed to inquire into and report upon all the circumstances relating to the retirement of Mr. James Blackburne, late Inspector of 1 orests, more especially in connexion with the withholding from him of a pension upon such retirement, such Committee to consist of Mr. Austin, Mr. Bailes, Mr. Bennett, Mr. Field,. Mr. J. Harris, Mr. McDonald, and the Mover, with power to send for persons, papers, and records, to sit on days on which the House does not meet, and to report:the Minutes of Evidence from time to time ; five to be the quorum.

4. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is not desirable to lease further cold storage accommodation, but any extension required should be built on Government property.

5. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the amount paid in salaries and wages to staff and men employed by the Department of Agriculture at Flinders-strect Cool htores, for the year ending 30th June, 1903 ; and the amount paid to shipping brokeis for Government business, for the year ending 30th June, 1903.

6. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing, for the period from 1st January, 1901, to 30th September, 1903— 1. The number of inmates permitted to obtain employment from the Immigrants’ Home, Specifying whether from Royal Park or St. Kilda-road :—

Rate per Day of Wages Name of Inmate. Trade or Occupation. At what Place employed. Name of Employer. paid.

2. The names of the governing body or committee of the Immigrants’ Home at St. Kilda-road and Royal Park. 3. How the governing body is appointed.

7. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The total amount of money advanced by the State to the Maffra Beet Sugar Company. 2. The original value of the security upon which such sum was advanced. 3. The total amount realized by the Government from sale of machinery and any other security (separately stated). 4. The value of any machinery, land, buildings, &c., taken over from the company, and at present in the possession of the Government. 5. The total loss sustained by the Government in their transactions with the company.

8. Mr Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The names of all persons admitted to the-police force since 1st January, 1903. 2. Date.and year of birth of each. 3. Height. 4. Whether returned soldier from South Africa or sailor from China.

Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The actual monetary loss to the Railway revenue of this State caused by the engine-drivers, and firemen’s strike in May last. . 2. The annual and total sum saved, or estimated to be saved, under the following conditions (a) The total or partial forfeiture of compensations, pensions, &c. (as the case may be), in all branches of the Railway service affected by the said strike, or by orders issued by the Com­ missioner or Minister preceding the strike ; (6) the number of dismissals and. failures to reinstate workmen who then struck ; (c) the reduction of wages below the rates in existence preceding the strike, both to reinstated and new employes.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2: Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 3. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To "be further considered in Committee. 69

WEDNESDAY, 28tii OCTOBER. ■ •General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :—

1. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Second reading. 2. Companies Act 1896 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gavan Duffy)—Second rending. 3 B.armaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading. 4. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 5. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 6. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading 7. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To be further considered In Committee. 8. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—-(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading. 9. ' Opening of Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employe shall be required — -to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience. 10. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 4th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Order of the Day :—

1. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. McDonald)—Second reading. .

WEDNESDAY, 11th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of tiie Day :—

1. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 2. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill — (Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 3. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 25th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :— 1. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second.reading. , 2. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 3. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 9tu DECEMBER. General Business. ' (After half-past eight o’clock.) Order of t-he,Day :— 1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—To be further considered in Committee.

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. ■Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Supply or Ways and Means— 1. Mr. A. Harris : To move, That, in the opinion of- this House, it is desirable that all officers of the police force shall retire at the age of 60 years in lieu of 65 years, thereby providing a unifoi m acre for the retirement of all the members of the force.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY. ~Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. , Speaker.

\ 70 MEETING OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Tuesday, 20th October.

Refreshment Rooms (Joint)—At three o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS.ISSUED 14th OCTOBER, 1903. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 7.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No, 17. Municipal .Overdrafts (Indemnity) Bill. (New Clause to be proposed in Committee.) (To Members- only.)

PRINTED PAPERS. The following Printed Papers can now be obtained by Honorable Members from the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly (telephones 3065 and 3179), and by others on the circulation list, from the Government Printer. They can also be purchased by the Public from the Government Printer:— Census of Victoria, 1901.—Part VI.—Education of the People (No. 1). » » „ Part VII.—Sickness and Infirmity (No. 2). » i) „ Part VIII.—Land and Live. Stock (No. 6). Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure, 1903-4 (B. No. 7). „ Supplementary Estimates for 1902-3 (B. No. 6)’. Factories, Work-rooms, and Shops.—Chief Inspector’s Report for year ended 31st December.. 1902. (2nd. Sess. No. 14.) Public Service Commissioner.—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 16.) Railways.—Victorian Railways Commissioners’ Report for year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd. Sess. No. 19.)' Railways Standing Committee.—Twelfth General Report. (2nd Sess. No. 12.) Statistical Register for 1902.—Part I.—Blue Book. (2nd Sess. No. 4.) » n n Part II.—Interchange. (2nd Sess. No. 5.) » n „ Part III.—Accumulation. (2nd Sess. No.' 8.) n jj „ Part V.—Vital Statistics, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 10.)

By Authority: Root. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY*

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 18.

TUESDAY, 20th OCTOBER, 1903. Questions.

1. Mr. Swinburne : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if, seeing that it would be for the benefit of the State that the apprentices at Newport .workshops should receive a good general engineering education, and that the elements of scientific work should be taught hand in hand with the practical work of the shops, he will consult with the Commissioners with a view of adopting the methods of instruction introduced by some 'of the British railway companies, particulars of which are given by the engineer of the London and South-Western Railway Company in The Engineer of 26th June, 1903, page 642, and if he will make arrangements for teaching to be in conjunction with the Working Men’s College.

2. Mr. Graham : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer if, in view of the misunderstanding that has arisen with grain merchants and farmers as to what is meant by the proposed increase, of grain freights, he will state what the increase means per ton on freights at the distances given in the present scale of charges, viz.:—Up to 50 miles, 75 miles, 100 miles, 120 miles, 140 miles, 160 miles, 180 miles, 200 miles, 250 miles, 300 miles.

Government Business.

Orders of the Day :—

1. Lunacy Bill—Second reading. x

2. Mines Acts further Amendment Bill—Second reading—Resumption of debate. .

3. Municipal Overdrafts Indemnity Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

4. Lakh Hindmarsh Aboriginal Settlement Land Bill—Second] reading.

5. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Consideration of Report.

6. Local Government Bill—Second reading,

7. Joint Library Committee Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

8. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

9. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Qot|ucil)^SecQn

10. Supply—To be further considered in Committee.

11, Wats and Means—To be further considered in Committee,' (220 copies,) WEDNESDAY, 21st OCTOBER. General Business. (Affer half-past eight o’clock.)

Notices of Motion :—

1. Mr. Ramsay : To move, That there be laid before this House a copy of all the papers, correspondence, and minutes in the matter of the forcible seizure of and the removal to Launceston by the Tasmanian authorities of the registered yictoriau-ovvned fishing schooner Doris.

2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, the principle of taxation on unimproved values of land be affirmed, and that the Government be requested to bring in a Bill dealing with the question.

3. Mr. Hickford : To move, That a Select Committee be appointed to inquire into and report upon all the circumstances relating to the retirement of Mr. James Blackburne, late Inspector of Forests, more especially in connexion with the withholding from him of a, pension upon such retirement, .such Committee to consist of Mr. Austin, Mr. Bailes, Mr...Bennett, Mr. Field,. Mr. J. Harris, Mr. McDonald, and the Mover, with power to send for persons, papers, and records, to sit on days on which the House does not meet, and to report the Minutes of Evidence from time to time ; five to be the quorum.

I. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is not desirable to lease further cold storage accommodation, but any extension required should be built on Government property.

o. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the amount paid in salaries and wages to staff and men employed by the Department of Agriculture at Flinders-street Cool Stores, for the year ending 30th June, 1903 ; and the amount paid to shipping brokers for. Government business, for the year ending 30th June, 1903.

6. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing, for the period from 1st January, 1901, to 30th September, 1903— 1. The number of inmates permitted to obtain employment from the Immigrants’ Home, specifying whether from Royal Park or St. Kilda-road :—

Name of Inmate. Trade or Occupation. Rate per Day of .Wagon At what Place employed. Name of Employer. paid.

' ■

2. The names of (he governing body or committee of. the Immigrants’ Home at St. -Kilda-road and Royal Park. 3. How the governing body is appointed.

7. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this. House a return .showing— 1. The total amount of money advanced by the State to the Maffra Beet,Sugar,C.ompany. 2. The original value of the security upon which such sum was advanced. 3. The total amount realized by. theGoyernment.from ,sale of, machinery (and-any,.other.,security / (separately stated). - 4., The value.of any machinery, land, buildings, &c., taken over from the company,1 and at present in the possession of the.Government 5. The total loss sustained by the Government in,their, transactions;.with, the .company,

8. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The names of all persons admitted to the police force since 1st January, 1903. . 2. Date and year of birth of each. : 3. Height. 4. Whether returned soldier from South Africa or sailor from China.

9. Mr. Tucker : To move, That .there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The actual monetary loss to the Railway revenue of this State caused by the engine-drivers, and firemen’s strikedn May last. , ' " 2. The annual and total sum saved, or estimated to be saved, under the^following coiiditions :— (a.) The total or partial forfeiture of compensations, pensions, &c. (as the case may be), in all branches of the Railway, service affected by the said strike,, or by orders, issued, by the Com­ missioner or Minister preceding the strike ; (b) the number of dismissals and failures to reinstate workmen who then struck ; (c) the reduction of wages below the rates in existence preceding the strike, both to reinstated and new employes.

Orders of the Day :—

1. Legitimation of Children BiLL-^(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading; 2. Jcstices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 3. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To be further considered in Committee. 73

: WEDNESDAY, i28tii OCTOBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :— 1. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Second reading. 2. Companies Act 1896 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gavan Duffy)—Second teaiding. 3 Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading. 4. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 5. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(fromtCouncil)—Second reading. 6. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading. 7. County Court .Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To be further considered in Committee. 8. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading. • S._--0pening of. P-ublic-Library,--Museum, -and Art • Gallerieson-S unday—-Resumption '6f~debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries should be open-to ;the public on iSundays; provided that no employe shall be required to work seven days per week', or on any Sunday, against’ his conscience, i i 10: Adulteration of Jams -Bill—^-(Mr. Keast)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 4th NOVEMBER. r.General-Business. ~ (After half-past eight*1 o ’clock.) Order of the Day :— 1. Melbourne and Metropolitan. .Board of , Works: Act 1890 .^Amendment Bill—(Mr. McDonald)—Second reading.

, WEDNESDAY, lira NOVEMBER. General Business. ' (After "half-past, eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :— 1. Legal iPractitionersi Reciprocity: Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 2. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 3. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 25ra NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :— 1. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 2. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 3. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr, Mackey)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 9ra DECEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Order of the Day :— 1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—To be further considered in Committee.

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Supply or Ways and Means— 1. Mr. 'A. Harris : To" move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that all officers of the police force shall retire at the age of 60 years in lieu of 65 years, thereby providing a uniform age for the retirement of all the members of the force.

THOS. G. WATSON, • W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. • Speaker, 74 MEETING OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Tuesday, 20th October. Refreshment Rooms (Joint)—At three o’clock. Wednesday, 21st October. Library (Joint)—At three o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 15th OCTOBER, 1903. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 18.

PRINTED PAPERS. The following Printed Papers can now be obtained by Honorable Members from the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly (Telephones 3065 and 3179), and by others on the circulation list, from the Government Printer. They can also be purchased by the Public from the Government xrinter:— • Census of Victoria, 1901.—Part VI.—Education of the People (No. 1). » » ,, Part VII.—Sickness and Infirmity (No. 2). » _ » » Part VIII.—Land and Live Stock (No. 6).-' Constitution Statute.—Statement of Expenditure under Schedule D, during 1902-3 (2nd Sess. No. 15.) ‘ v Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure, 1903-4 (B. No. 7). ii Supplementary Estimates for 1902-3 (B. No. 6). Factories, Work-rooms, and Shops.-Chief Inspector’s Report for year ended 31st December, 1902. (2nd. Sess. No. 14.) Public Service Commissioner.—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 16.) Railways.—Victorian Railways Commissioners’ Report for year ended 30th June 1903 (2nd. Sess. No. 19.) ’ Railways Standing Committee.-—Twelfth General Report. (2nd Sess. No. 12.) Statistical Register for 1902.—Part I.—Blue Book. (2nd Sess. No. 4.) » » ii Part II.—Interchange. (2nd Sess. No. 5.) » » ii Part III.—Accumulation. (2nd Sess. No. 8.) ’ ” » i, Part V.—Vital Statistics, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 10.)

By Authority: Root. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne, j LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLE,

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 19.

WEDNESDAY, 21st OCTOBER, 1903. ■Questions. -;

1. Mr. Keogh : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer if he will ascertain and inform this House— 1. What has been the total cost to Victoria of the White policy of the Federal Govern­ ment as represented by the duties collected on sugar consumed in Victoria in the years 1900-1, 1901-2, 1902-3, as compared with 1899-1900. 2. What is the estimate for the current financial year of the rebates to growers of sugar produced by white labour. . ' 3. Does he think this estimate will bo increased in future years.

2. Mr. J. Cameron : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if he will bring in a Bill to protect licensees under clause 187 of the Land Act 1901.

3. Mr. Holden : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if it is true that arrangements are being made to bring a man from to act as Weighmas'ter at the Williamstown Pier. Government Business. (Until half-past eight o’clock.) Notice of Motion :— 1. Mr. Irvine : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Old-age- Pensions Act 1901.”

Orders of the Dat :— 1. Mines Acts further Amendment BiLL-^Second reading—Resumption of debate.

2. Wats and-Means—To be further-considered in Committee.

3. Lake Hindmarsh Aboriginal Settlement Land Bill—To be further considered in Committee,

4. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill —Consideration of Report.

5. Lunacy Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 1 ,

6. Local Government Bill—Second reading. , ■

7. Justices Act.1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Counpil)—Second reading.

8. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

9. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.)

Notices of Motion ... 1, Mr. Ramsay : To move, That there be laid before this House a copy of all the papers, correspondence* and , minutes in the matter of the forcible seizure of and the removal to Launceston by the- Tasmanian authorities of the registered Victorian-owned fishing schooner Doris. >

2. Mr. Toutcuer : To move, That, in the opinion of this-House, the principle of taxation on, unimproved values of land be affirmed, and that the.Government be requested to bring in a Bill dealing with the,question. ' (220 copies.) 76

-3. Me. Hickford : To move, That a Select Committee be appointed to inquire into and report upon all the circumstances relating to the retirement of Mr. James Blackburne, late Inspector of Forests, more especially in connexion with the withholding from him of a pension upon such retirement, such Committee to consist of Mr. Austin, Mr. Bailes, Mr. Bennett, Mr. Field, Mr. J. Harris, Mr. McDonald, and the Mover, with power to send for persons, papers, and records, to sit on days on which the House does n"ot meet, and to report the Minutes of Evidence from time to time ; five to be the quorum.

4. Mr. E. Cameron : To move. That, in the opinion of this House, it is not desirable to lease further cold storage accommodation, but any extension required should be built on Government property.

-5. Mr. E. Gameron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the amount paid in salaries and wages to staff and men employed by the Department of Agriculture at FHnders-streat Cool Stores, for the year ending 30th June, 1903 ; and the amount paid to shipping brokers for Government business, for the year ending 30th June, 1903.

*6. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing, for the period from 1st January, 1901, to 30th September, 1903— 1. The number of inmates permitted to obtain employment from the Immigrants’ Home, specifying whether from Royal Park or St. Kilda-road :—

Name of Inmate. Trade or Occupation. At what Place employed. Name of Employer. Rate per Day of Wages


. 2. The names of the governing body or committee of the Immigrants’ Home at St. Kilda-road and Royal Park. 3. How the governing body is appointed.

7. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The total amount of money advanced by the State to the Maffra Beet Sugar Company. 2. The original value of the security upon which such sum was advanced. 3. The total amount realized by the Government from sale of machinery and any other security (separately stated). 4. The value of any machinery, land, buildings, &c., taken over from the company, and at present in the possession of the Government. 5. The total loss sustained by the Government in their transactions with the company.

8. Mr Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing-— 1. The names of all persons admitted to the police force since 1st January, 1903. 2. Date and year of birth of each. 3. Height. 4. Whether returned soldier from South Africa or sailor from China.

“■’9. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The actual monetary loss to the Railway revenue of this State caused by the engine-drivers’ and firemen’s strike in May last. 2. The annual and total sum saved, or estimated to be saved, under the following conditions :— (a) I he total or partial forfeiture of compensations, pensions, &c. (as the case may be), in all branches of the Railway service affected by the said strike, or by orders issued by the Com­ missioner or Minister preceding the strike ; (6) the number of dismissals and failures to reinstate workmen who then struck ; (c) the reduction of wages below the rates in existence preceding the strike, both to reinstated and new employes.

10, Mr. Maloney : To move, That the Bill intituled u A Sill to Enfranchise Women ” be read a second time on Wednesday, 4th November next.

11. Mr. Maloney : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it would be in the true interests of economy and reform to adopt the Federal rolls of the State of -Victoria for the election of Members of the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council of Victoria., ■Contingent on the foregoing being carried—

12. Mr. Maloney : To move,, That it be au instruction to the Government to bring in a Bill to carry such resolution'into effect. * 1

13. Mr. J. Cameron : To move, That "he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to amend the "• Law relating to the Recent Possession-of Stolen-Cattle.” ■

Orders of the Day :— . . 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 3. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To be further considered in Committee. i 77

WEDNESDAY, 28th OCTOBER. 'General Business. ' (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day

1. Women s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Second reading, - ^* Companies Act 1896 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gavan Duffy)—Second reading. 3 Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading. 4. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 5. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 6. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading 7. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To be further considered in Committee. 8. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading. 9. Opening of Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate on the question That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employ^ shall be required to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience. 10. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 4th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) ,, Order of the Day :— L Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. McDonald)—Second reading.

< WEDNESDAY, 11th NOVEMBER. ■General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :—

1. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 2. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill —(Mr. Trenwitli)—Second reading. 3.. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 25th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :—

1. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 2. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 3. Women s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 9th DECEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Order of the Day :—

1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—To be further considered in Committee,

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. ■Upon a Motion forgoing into Committee of Supply or Ways and Means— 1. Mr. A. Harris : To move, That, m the opinion of this House, it is desirable that all officers of the police force shall retire at the age of 60 years in lieu of 65 years,-, thereby providing a uniform awe for the retirement of all the members of the force. ° °

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Glerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speak er. 78

MEETING OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Wednesday, 21 st October. Library (Joint)—At three p'plock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED SINCE 15th OCTOBER, 1903. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Council. Nos. 6 and 7. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 8. Factories Bill.—(Amendments to be proposed.) (To Members of Council only.)

Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. Nos. 16, 17, and 18. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 19. Health Bill—[45]. (To Members only.) Police Offences Bill—[71]. Mines Acts Further Amendment Bill— (Amendments to be proposed in Committee.) (To Members only.) (Amendments and New Clauses to be proposed- in Committee.) i^To Members only.) Lunacy Bill— (New Clause to be proposed in Committee.) (To Members only.) (Amendments to be proposed in .Committee:) i(To Members only.) Duties under Administration and Probate Acts.—(Resplution to be proposed by Mr. Irvine in Committee-- of Ways and Means.) (To Members only.) Income Tax.—(Resolution to be proposed by Mr; Irvine in Committee of -Ways -and Means.) (To- Members only.)

PRINTED PAPERS. l*he following Printed Papers can now be obtained by Honorable Members from the Clerk of the- Legislative Assembly (Telephones 3065 and 3179), and by others on the circulation list, from the Government Printer. They can also be purchased by the Public from the Government Printer:— Census of Victoria, 1901.—Part VI.—Education of the People (No. 1). „ „ „ Part VII.—Sickness and Infirmity (No. 2). „ „ „ Part VIII.—Land and Live Stock (No. 6). Constitution Statute.—Statement of Expenditure under Schedule D, during 1902-3. ' (2nd Sess. No. 15.) Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure, 1903-4 (B. No. „ Supplementary Estimates for 1902-3 (B. No. 6). Factories, Work-rooms, and Shops.—Chief Inspector’s Report for year ended 31st December,. 1902. (2nd. Sess. No. 14.) Public Service Commissioner.—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 16.) Railways.—Victorian Railways Commissioners' Report for year ended 30th June, 1903.. (2nd. Sess. No. 19.) Railways Standing Committee.—Twelfth General Report. (2nd Sess. No. 12.) Statistical Register for 1902.—Parti.—Bine Book. (2nd Sess. No. 4.) „ „ „ Part II.—Interchange. (2nd Sess. No. 5.) „ „ „ Part III.—Accumulation. (2nd Sess. No. 8.) . „ „ „ Part V.—Vital Statistics, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 10.)

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne. ) i LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY,

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 20.

THURSDAY, 22nd OCTOBER, 1903. Government Business.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Mines Acts further Amendment Bill—Second reading—Res umplion\of debate.

2. Ways and Means—To be farther considered in Committee.

3. Lake Hindmarsh Aboriginal Settlement Land Bill—To be farther considered in Committee.

4. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Consideration of Report.

5. Lunacy Bill—To be farther considered in Committee.

6. Local Government Bill—Second reading.

7. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. ■

8. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

9. Old-age Pensions Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading.

10. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. General Business. Notice of Motion :— 1. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the ‘ Building Societies Act 1890.’ ’ 2 Mr. Maloney : To move, That the Bill intituled “ A Bill to Enfranchise Women ” be read a second time on Wednesday, 4th November next.

Order of the Day :— 1. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To be farther considered in Committee.

TUESDAY, 27th OCTOBER. ifriestions. 1. Mr. Keogh : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer if he will ascertain and inform this House— 1. What has been the total cost to Victoria of the White Australia policy of the Federal Govern­ ment as represented by the duties collected on sugar consumed in Victoria in the years 1900-1, 1901-2, 1902-3, as compared with 1899-1900. 2. What is the estimate for the current financial year of the rebates to growers of sugar produced by white labour. 3. Does he think this estimate will be increased in future years. 2. Mr. J. Cameron : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if he will bring in a Bill to protect licensees under clause 187 of the Land Act 1901. 3. Mr. Smith : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways whether he has looked into the question of a weekly or fortnightly pay-day for the employes of the Railway Department; if so, will he promise to try the experiment of one or other of these methods. (220 copies.) 80

4. Mb. Hoi,„ : To n,k the Honer.ble the Minis,o, of B.ih.j, if he will inform tbe Honse- ‘hr'ggL'omeutm'k" ““ "“shl|ridS* ”1”‘ •"*»**• •“ England, and for »h,t term is

in fte” iiwv .tSLlbotoio",!0' “”5'it‘Y,““h“ ■»«" who were being paid for the timeihev wl nni 8tnke* .then su?Pended> and afterwards dismissed, are not following ,he n.„7p“£«Tp^nT;pTS71! SttlT * ““ *' *

6' M^)f*\vater supplied^perSannurn^to0theleyfto^-in*SRr'l°^ ifhe wil1 state the *>*! quantity Metropolitan Board of Works for the last fiv^v RIways^Commissioners by the Melbourne and f am or works lor the last five years for which no payment has been made. ' privSge * Rai.l-JS whether he will consider the issue, as able revenue to the Railway Department! n8‘°ners’ seeinS that these tickets brought in a consider-

WEDNESDAY, 28th OCTOBER. Gene™1 £mmess- (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Dat s__

1. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)_(Mr. Mackinnon)-Second reading. 2. Companies Act 1896 Amendment Bill (Mr. Gavan Dnffy)-Second reading. 3 Bariiaids BiLL-(Mr. Williams)—Second reading. 4. Election Expenses Limitation Bill (Mr. Mackey)-Second reading. 5. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)-Second reading 6. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)-Second readier Com'mitMe™’ (C°””BT SlI™63> B.hh-(Mr. Shoppen)_T« b,° fnrlter con.idered 1„ ; SSSa-

10. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)-Second reading "• T52,o,„foaiy -f **"? - * ^^-Th.., „ ,h=

th.t ,h. Government be requeeted ,o bring in . Bm d.™gPwIa tbt q“.*,i“d ^ *°d

12. Justices Acts Amendment Bill (Mr. McGregor)-Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 4th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Notices of Motion :—

* fflSwHwSS-wSiaas Gorer-menl business, fte to P"d to ‘“PP^ <<"

3' thi' Hoa“ *

1 »« P-'S--.- Heme,

Name of Inmate. Trade or Occupation. At what Place employed. Name of Employer. Rate per Day of Waves paid.

i ■ —-- - ■“« ^viviuiug vvujr vi u< and Royal Park. 3. How tho governing body is appointed. 81

4. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— ■2 Th!r!r;tal T°U,Ut of,m1oney advanced by the State to the MaffraBeet Sugar Company. 2. The original value of the secunty upon which such sum was advanced. P 7 ' b,r ,roi" "'1 "-r «h.r security The,"h«6 ,ate,‘ 0r” ,rom ,he -1 ** P"~‘ o. The total loss sustained by the Government in their transactions with the company.

5. Mr. Prendbrgast : To mo/o, That there be laid before this House a return showing- I. The names of all persons admitted to the police force since 1st January, 1903 i. Hate and year of birth of each. 3. Height. 4. Whether returned soldier from South Africa or sailor from China.

6. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— L TSe“S K,;hC E‘il’r*, °‘ ,hi, SMe C*°,6d ^ ““ end

T.ed’ or estimated to be saved, under the following conditions 2‘ LanlhesrlTir of thA rtotapPa-rV| 8l1! mforfen ^ture £f compensations, pensions, &c. (as the case may be), in all mTss^ner L xr R ; Way 8erT.lCe a®ected,b7 the said strike, or by orders issued by the Com­ missioner or Minister preceding the strike; (6) the number of dismissals and failures to nmZrt6 TkT,n XTh°, then struck ; (c) the reduction of wages below the rates in existence preceding the strike, both to reinstated and new employes.

7' = ° m°ve> Thal;> in the opinion of this House, it would be in the true interests of of the /J“1 ? 7 ^ *° a

9. Mr. J. Cameron: To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill tn nmenJ Law relating to the Recent Possession of Stolen Cattle.’’ W Bill to amend the

Order of thb Day :— '' Bo“D OF Wo"a ACT 1890 B'-'-.-cmp.

WEDNESDAY, 11th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :■

1. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 9. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 3. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 25th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :—

1. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 2. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading 3. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading

WEDNESDAY, 9th DECEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :—

1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill-(Mt. Bailes)-To be further considered in Committee.

2. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 82

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Supply or Ways and Means— 1. Mr. A. Harris : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that all officers of the police force shall retire at the age of 60 years in lieu of 65 years, thereby providing a uniform age for the retirement of all the members of the force.

THOS. G. WATSON, w- D- BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.

MEETING OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Wednesday, 28th October. Public Accounts—At half-past two o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 21st OCTOBER, 1903. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 9. . Municipal Overdrafts (Indemnity) Bill.—(Amendment made by the Legislative Assembly.) (To Members only.) Factories Bill— (New Clause to be proposed by the Hon. W. Cain.) (To Members only.) (Amendment to be proposed by the Hon. Dr. W. H. Embling.) (To Members only.)

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 20. _ . z_, , ■ Mines Acts Further Amendment Bill—(Amendments to be proposed in Committee.) (To Members only.)

PRINTED PAPERS. The following Printed Papers can now be obtained by Honorable Members from the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly (Telephones 3065 and 3179), and by others on the circulation list, from the Government Printer. They can also be purchased by the Public from the Government Printer:— Census of Victoria, 1901.—Part VI.—Education of the People (No. 1). „ Part VII.—Sickness and Infirmity (No. 2). ” ” n Part VIII.—Land and Live Stock (No. 6). Constitution ’’statute.—Statement of Expenditure under Schedule D, during 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 15.) Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure, 1903-4 (B. No. 7). „ Supplementary Estimates for 1902-3 (B. No. 6). Factories, Work-rooms, and Shops.—Chief Inspector’s Report for year ended 31st December, 1902. (2nd. Sess. No. 14.) Public Service Commissioner.—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 16.) Railways.__Victorian Railways Commissioners’ Report for year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd. Sess. No. 19.) Railways Standing Committee.—Twelfth General Report. (2nd Sess. No. 12.) Statistical Register for 1902.—Part I.—Blue Book. (2nd Sess. No. 4.) n „ Part II.—Interchange. (2nd Sess. No. 5.) ” ” „ Part III.—Accumulation. (2nd Sess. No. 8.) ” ” Part V.—Vital Statistics, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 10.)

By Authority • Rol-t. S. f'lul (loCurmnent Printer, Melbourne. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day,

No. 21.

TUESDAY, 27th OCTOBER, 1903. Questions, 1. Mr. Keogh : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer if he will ascertain and inform this House— 1. What has been the total cost to Victoria of the White Australia policy of the Federal Govern­ ment as represented by the duties collected on sugar consumed in Victoria in the years 1900-1, 1901-2, 1902-3, as compared with 1899-1900. 2. What is the esiimate for the current financial year of the rebates to growers of sugar produced by white labour. 3. Does he think this estimate will bo increased in future years.

2. Mr. J. Cameron : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if he will bring in a Bill to protect licensees under clause 187 of the Land Act 1901.

3. Mr. Smith : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways whether he has looked into the question of a weekly or fortnightly pay-day for the employes of the Railway Department; if so, will he promise to try the experiment of one or other of these methods.

4. Mr. Holden : To ask the Honorable the Minisler of Railways if he will inform the House__ 1. What salary is to be paid to the weighbridge expert engaged in England, and for what term is the engagement made. 2. What will be the probable cost of the appointment, including cabling, travelling expenses, &c. 3. Were applications called for the position in Victoria before cabling to England.”

5. Mr. Ramsat : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if it is a fact that men who were reinstated in the railway service after the strike, then suspended, and afterwards dismissed, are not being paid for the time they were under suspension ; and, if so, will he see that justice is done by following the usual practice of paying up to the date of dismissal.

6. Mr. Andrews : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways whether he has yet received the opinion of counsel on the question as to whether certain railways employes are entitled on retirement to compensation or only to pension ; if so, what is the opinion.

7. Mr. Ramsay: To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways whether he will consider the issue, as hitherto, of privilege tickets to railways pensioners, seeing that these tickets brought in a consider­ able revenue to the Railway Department.

8. Mr. Andrews : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he has yet taken into con­ sideration the question of the tapering rates charged on the railways for shipping produce being made to cease at the nearest port of shipment ; if so, has he arrived at any determination.

9. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines if he will inform the House whether it is the intention of the Government to set apart a sum of money to aid and encourage mining prospecting ; if so, when will the money be made available. °

Notices of Motion (Unopposed):— R Swinburne : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the amount which twiiT113*01^611 Railwa?s Commissioners would have paid per annum during the last five years to the Melbourne Harbor Trust if wharfage had been paid in accordance with the usual rates charged to the public on (a) Coal imported ; (6) General 'Goods imported for maintenance requirements; v) General Goods imported on accpunt capital expenditure. (220 copies.) 84

2. Mb. Swinburne : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the total quantity of water supplied per annum to the Victorian Railways Commissioners by the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works for the last five years lor which no payment has been made.

Government Business,' r ■, ' , > , ", „ r l _ , ; Orders of the Day 1. Supply—To be further considered in Committee.

2 Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee.'-

3. Minks Acts further Amendment Bill—Second reading—Resumption of debate.

4. Lake Hindmarsh Aboriginal Settlement Land Bill—To be further considered in Committee.

5. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Consideration of Report.

6. Lunacy Bill—To be further considered in Committee. - ~

7- Local Government Bill—Second reading. - - ‘

8. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

9. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

10. Old-age Pensions Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. General Business.

Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the ‘ Building Societies Act 1890.”’

2 Mr. Maloney : To move, That the Bill intituled “A Bill to Enfranchise Women” be read a second time on Wednesday, 4th November next.

WEDNESDAY, 28th OCTOBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :— 1. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Second reading. 2. Companies Act 1896 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gavan Duffy)—Second reading. 3 Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading. 4. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 5. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 6. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading 7. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To be further considered in Committee. 8. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading 9. Opening of Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employe shall be required to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience. 10. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading. 11. Taxation on Unimproved Land Values—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, the principle of taxation on unimproved values of land be affirmed, and that the Government be requested to bring in a Bill dealing with the question. 12. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 4th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is not desirable to lease further cold storage accommodation, but any extension required should be built on Government property.

2. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the amount paid in , salaries and wages to staff and men employed by the Department of Agriculture at Flinders-street ; Cool Stores, for the year ending 30th June, 1903 ; and the amount paid to shipping brokers for Government business, for the year.ending 30th June, 1903. 85

Mk. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing, for the period from 1st January, 1901, to 30th September, 1903— ■ P 1. The number of inmates permitted to obtain employment from the Immigrants’ Home, specifying whether from Royal Park or St. Kilda-road i Name of Inmate.. Trade or Occupation. At what Place employed. Name of Employer. Rate per Day of Wog-ea paid,


2. The names of ihe governing body or committee of the Immigrants’ Home at St. Kilda-road ' and Royal Park. 3. How the governing body is appointed. " ■

-4. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing__ ' 1. The total amount of money advanced by the State to the Maffra Beet Sugar Company. 2. 1 he original value of the security upon which such sum was advanced. 3‘ The(^tpaara™”ynsttartead)Zetl ^ ^ GoVernment frotn sale °f machinery and any other security 4. The value of any machinery land, buildings, &c., taken over from the company, and at present in the possession of the Government. J r 5. The total loss sustained by the Government in their transactions with the company. "

-5. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The names of all persons admitted to the police force since 1st January. 1903. 2. Date and year of birth of each. J 3. Height. 4. Whether returned soldier from South Africa or sailor from China. . - . . -

6. Mr. Pucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing__ 1. The actual monetary loss to the Railway revenue of this State caused by the engine-drivers’ and firemen’s strike in May last. 6 2. The annual and total sum saved, or estimated to be saved, under the following conditions :— (a.) I he total or partial forfeiture of compensations, pensions, &c. (as the case may be), in all branches of the Railway service affected by the said strike, or by orders issued by the Com­ missioner or Minister preceding the strike ; (6) the number of dismissals and failures to remstate workmen who then struck ; (c) the reduction of wages below the rates in existence preceding the strike, both to reinstated and new employes.

7. Mr Maloney : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it would be in the true interests of economy and reform to adopt the Federal rolls of the State of Victoria for the election of Members oi the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council of Victoria. Contingent on the foregoing being carried—

8. Mr. Maloney : To move, That it be aii instruction to the Government to bring in a isill to carry such resolution into effect. °

9. Mr. J. Cameron : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Law relating to the Recent Possession of Stolen Cattle.” Order of the Day :— L Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Act 1890 Amendment McDonald)—Second reading. Bill—(Mr.

WEDNESDAY, 11th NOVEMBER. •General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :—

1. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 2. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 3. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 4. Adulteration of Chaff Bill (Mr. Graham)—To be further considered in Committee.

WEDNESDAY, 25th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :—

1. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 2. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading 3. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 86


General Business. (After half-past 6ight o'clock.) ' 1 Orders uf the Dat o

1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Baites)—To be further considered..in Committee.

2. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading, ! CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. i Upon a Motion fo'x going into Committee of Supply or Ways and Means— 1. Mr. A. Harris : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that all officeis of the — police force shall retire at the age of 60 years in lieu of 65 years, thereby providing a unifor.n age v for the retirement of all the members of the force. THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZlEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker,

MEETINGS OF SELECT COMMITTEES. Tuesday, 27th October. Refreshment Rooms (Joint)—At seven o’clock. Wednesday, 28th October. Public Accounts—At half-past two o’clock. Thursday, 2uz/i October. Printing—At half-past two o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 22nd OCTOBER, 1903. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 10.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 21. Old-age Pensions Bill—[14]. Women’s Suffrage Bill—[74]. Wills Bill—[75]. Lunacy Bill—(New Clause to be proposed in Committee). (To Members only.) Mines Acts Further Amendment Bill— (New Clause to be proposed in Committee.) (To Members only.) (Amendments to be proposed in Committee by Mr. Bailes.) (To Members only ) (Amendments to be proposed in Committee by Mr. W. A. Hamilton.) (To Members only.)

PRINTED PAPERS. The following Printed Papers can now be obtained by Honorable Members from the Clerk of the- Legislative Assembly (Telephones 3065 and 3179), and by others on the circulation list, from' the Government Printer. They can also be purchased by the Public from the Government Printer:— Census of Victoria, 1901.—Part VI.—Education of the People (No. 1). „ „ „ Part VII.—Sickness and Infirmity (No. 2). „ „ „ Part VIII.—Land and Live Stock (No. 6). Constitution Statute.—Statement of Expenditure under Schedule D, during 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 15.) Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure, 1903-4 (B. No. 7). „ Supplementary Estimates for 1902-3 (B. No. 6). Factories, Work-rooms, and Shops.—Chief Inspector’s Report for year ended 31st December,. 1902. (2nd, Sess. No. 14.) Public Service Commissioner.—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 16.) Railways—Victorian Railways Commissioners’ Report for year ended 30th June, 1903, (2nd. Sess. No. 19.) Railways Standing Committee.—Twelfth General Report. (2nd Sess. No. 12.) Statistical Register for 1902.—Part I.—Blue Book. (2nd Sess. No. 4.) „ „ „ Part II.—Interchange. (2nd Sess. No. 5.) „ „ „ Part III.—Accumulation. (2nd Sess. No. 8.) „ „ „ Part IV.—Finance, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 9.) „ „ „ Part V.—Vital Statistics, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 10.)

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Me)bourne. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY,

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 22.

WEDNESDAY, 28tii OCTOBER, 1903. Questions. 1. Mr. Keogh : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer if he will ascertain'and. inform this House— 1. What has been the total cost to Victoria of the White Australia policy of the Federal Govern­ ment as represented by the duties collected on sugar consumed in Victoria in the years 1900-1, 1901-2, 1902-3, as compared with 1899-1900. 2. What is the estimate for the current financial year of the rebates to growers of sugar produced by white labour. 3. Does he think this estimate will be increased in future years. •;

2. Mr. Lang don : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary whether, in view of the possibilities of bush fires occurring on account of the present luxuriant growth of all kinds of vegetation, he will direct that special instructions be issued to all police constables stationed in the country districts to keep vigilant supervision over the careless use of fire by travellers and others. 1

3. Mr. Ramsay : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he will inform the House what is the profit or loss which has accrued to the Railway Department through the abolition of privilege tickets.

4. Mr. McDonald : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if it is a fact that the railway employes who work on Sundays do not get paid, but are compelled to take time off instead ; and, if so, will he take steps to have this system discontinued.

5. Mr. Boyd : To ask the Honorable the Premier— 1. If it is the intention of the Honorable the Attorney-General to give the Eight Hours Anniversary Committee permission to hold an ai t union next year, in view of the revelations made as to the disposal of the receipts of the art unions conducted by the Eight Hours Anniversary Com­ mittee during the last three years. 2. Has the Honorable the Attorney-General obtained any information as to the income and expenditure in connexion with the Eight Hours Art Union held under the authority of the Government. 3. Does the Honorable the Attorney-General know how the surplus funds of such art union, supposed to be divided among the charities, have been distributed. 4. Can the Honorable the Attorney-General give the names of the charities or hospitals that benefited by this or last year’s Eight Hours Fete. .

Notice of Motion (Unopposed):— 1. Mr. Shoppee : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The names and ages of the Medical Superintendents and other medical officers employed at eaich lunatic asylum in the State. 2. The degrees taken by each, qualifying them for the position. 3. The Idugth of service of each in the State lunatic asylums.

Government Business. _ (Until half-past eight o’clock.) Notice of Motion :— 1. Mr. McLeod : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to provide for the Leasing of certain Lands for the purpose of working Mineral Springs at ILepburn.” ■ (220 copies.) / 88

Orders of the Day :— 1. Mines Acts further Amendment Bill—Second reading—Resumption of debate. 2. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. 3. Lake Hindmarsh Aboriginal Settlement Land Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 4. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill —Consideration of Report. 5. Lunacy Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 6. Local Government Bill—Second reading. 7. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 8. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 9. Old-age Pensions Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. , 10. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :— 1. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Second reading. 2. Companies Act 1896 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gavan Duffy)—Second reading. 3. Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading. 4. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 5. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 6. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading 7. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To be further considered in Committee. 8. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading. 9. Opening of Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employe shall be required to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience. 10. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading. 11. Taxation on Unimproved Land Values—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, the principle of taxation on unimproved values of land be affirmed, and that the Government be requested to bring in a Bill dealing with the question. 12. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading.

Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to amend the ‘ Building Societies Act 1890.’”

2. Mr. Maloney : To move, That the Bill intituled “A Bill to Enfranchise Women” be read a second time on Wednesday, 4th November next.

WEDNESDAY, 4th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. E Cameron : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is not desirable to lease further cold storage accommodation, but any extension required should be built on Government property.

2. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the amount paid in salaries and wages to stall and men employed by the Department of Agriculture at Flinders-street Cool Stores, for the year ending 30th June, 1903 ; and the amount paid to shipping brokers for Government business, for the year ending 30th June, 1903.

3. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing, for the period from 1st January, 1901, to 30th September, 1903— 1. The number of inmates permitted to obtain employment from the Immigrants’ Home, specifying whether from Royal Park or St. Kilda-road :—

Name of Inmate. Trade or Occupation. At what Place employed. Name of Employer. Rate per Day of Waged paid.

2. The names of the governing body or committee of the Immigrants’ Home at St. Kilda-road and Royal Park. f 3. How the governing body is appointed. 89

4. Mn. Prihjdergast trTomove, That there be laid before thisHouse a return showing—- 1. Tft^otal -amoitutrof money-advanced bytlio'State' to the'Maffra Beet Sugar Company. 2. The original value of the security upon which such sum was advanced.‘ ■'.•'iV 3. The total amount realized by the Government "from sale ..of machinery and any; other security (separately stated). " ' . 4. The value of any machinery, land, buildings, &c., taken over from the company,j and .at.present in the possession, of the Government - • , _ _ ^•_'Lhe total loss sustained by the Government in their transactions witli the company.

■5. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The names of all persons admitted to the police force since 1st January, 1903. 2. Date and year of birth of each. 3. Height. ' ‘ 4. Whether returned soldier from South Africa or sailor from China.

6. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— ■ *1 1. The actual monetary loss to the Railway revenue of this State caused by the engine-drivers’ and firemen’s strike in May last. 2. The annual and total sum' saved, or estimated to be saved, under the following conditions (a) The total or partial forfeiture of compensations, pensions, &c. (as the case may be)j in all branches of the Railway service affected by the said strike, or by orders issued by the Com­ missioner or Minister preceding the strike ; (6) the number of dismissals and failures to reinstate workmen who then struck ; (c) the reduction of wages below the rates in existence <’ preceding the strike, both to reinstated and new employes. t Maloney : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it would be in the true interests pf •economy and reform to adopt the Federal rolls of the State of Victoria for the election of Members of the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council of Victoria. -Contingent on the foregoing being carried— 8. Mr. Maloney : To move, That it be an instruction to the Government to bring in a Bill to carry such resolution into effect. ■9. Mr. J. Cameron : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the [ ■ ■ Law relating to the Recent Possession of Stolen Cattle.”

Order of the Day :—

1. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Act 1890 Amendment.. Bill—(Mr. McDonald)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 11th NOVEMBER. General Business. • (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of.the Day:— 1. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 2. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 3. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. . 4. - Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To be further considered in Committee.

WEDNESDAY, 25th NOVEMBER. General Business. ■ • (After half-past eight o’clock.) , Orders of the Day :— 1. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading, 2. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 3. Women s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 9th DECEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :— 1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—To be further considered in Committee, 2. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading.

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Supply or Ways and Means— 1. Mr. A. Harris : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that all officers of the police force shall retire at the age of 60 years in lieu of 65 years, thereby providing a uniform acre for the retirement of all the members of the force. ° THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, Speaker, 90 MEETINGS OF SELECT COMMITTEES. Wednesday, 28th October. Public Accounts—At half-past two o’clock. .Thursday, 29/A October. Printing—At half-past two o’clock.


Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Council. Nos. 8, 9, and 10. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Bay. No. 11. Factories and Shops Bill—[28]. ■ (To Members of Council only.) Senate Elections (.Times and Places) Bill—[76]. Factories Bill—New Clauses and Amendments to be proposed. (To Members of Council only.)

Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. Nos. 19, 20, and 21. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 22. Election Expenses Bill—[78]. Mines Acts Further Amendment Bill— (New Clauses to be proposed in Committee.) (To Members only.) (Schedule of Amendments to be proposed in Committee, of which notice has been given up to 26th October.) Transfer of Land.Bill 1903—(New Clauses to be proposed in Committee by Mr. W. A. Hamilton.) (To Members only.)

PRINTED PAPERS. The following Printed Papers can now be obtained by Honorable Members from the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly (Telephones 3065 and 3179), and by others on the circulation list, from the Government Printer. They can also be purchased by the Public from the Government Printer:— Census of Victoria, 1901.—Part VI.—Education of the People (No. 1). SJ „ „ Part VII.—Sickness and Infirmity (No. 2). J} H „ Part VIII.—Land and Live Stock (No. 6). Constitution Statute.—Statement of Expenditure under Schedule D, during 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 15.) Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure, 1903-4 (B. No. 7). „ Supplementary Estimates for 1902—3 (B. No. 6). Factories, Work-rooms, and Shops.—Chief Inspector’s Report for year ended 31st December, 1902. (2nd. Sess. No. 14.) Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of Victoria—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 3.) Public Service Commissioner.—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 16.) Railways.—Victorian Railways Commissioners’ Report for year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd. Sess. No. 19.) Railways Standing Committee.—Twelfth General Report. (2nd Sess. No. 12.) Settlement on Lands Act 1893—Report for year 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 13.) Statistical Register for 1902.—Parti.—Blue Book. (2nd Sess. No. 4.) () n „ Part II.—Interchange. (2nd Sess. No. 5.) }) „ „ Part III.—Accumulation. (2nd Sess. No. 8.) „ n „ Part IV.—Finance, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 9.) ” „ Part V.—Vital Statistics, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 10.)

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day,

No. 23.

THURSDAY, 29th OCTOBER, 1903. - : Government Business. Notice of Motion :—

I. Mb. Irvine : To move, That the House, at its rising, adjourn until Wednesday next.

Orders of the Day :—

1. Mines Acts further Amendment BiLL-Second reading—Resumption of debate. 2. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. •

3. Lake Hindmarsh Aboriginal Settlement Land Bill-To be further considered in Committee. 4. Health Act 1890 further Amendment BiLL-Consideration of Report. 5. Lunacy Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 6. Local Government Bill—Second reading.

7. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment BiLL-(from Council)—Second reading. 8. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment BiLL-(from]Council)-Second reading. 9. Old-age Pensions Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 10. Hepburn Mineral Springs Bill—Second reading.

11. Supply—To be further considered in Committee.

General Business. Notices of Motion :— ^ *' kaTe 10 bring " * Bm i-,itul«d "A SM <• amnd a.

2' MLYrw=dLTd°.M.b *b, “‘U,ei “AMiU " BnfmneMu W°•“»" be read . .=o„d

1UESDAY, 3rd NOVEMBER. (Questions.

L MBi Wh!tV T,° "l‘,1‘hC Ho"or‘b,e the Tre“™ “ he will aacertain and iaf.rm ,hia Hoase-

' „ -=01A 19024t COn",med 11 TiMOria ““ 7— X^etK:f"‘heC"rren‘”',",lial7e" “■« »»•*» 1° growers of aagarp,^ ‘ 3. Does he think this estimate will be increased in future years

(220 copies.) 92

3. Mr. Andrews : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture whether, in dealing with the regulations in connexion with stock coming into Victoria for export, he will give Geelong and other ports of export equal facilities in conducting their business to those granted in Melbourne.

4. Mr, Boyd ; To ask the Honorable the Premier— 1. H it is the intention of the Honorable the Attorney-General to give the Eight Hours Anniversary Committee permission to hold an art union next year, in view of the revelations made as to the disposal of the receipts of the art unions conducted by the Eight Hours Anniversary Com­ mittee during the last three years. 2. Has the Honorable the Attorney-General obtained any information as to the income and expenditure in connexion with the Eight Hours Art Union held under the authority of the Government. 3. Does the Honorable the Attorney-General know how the surplus funds of such art union, supposed to be divided among the charities,have been distributed. 4. Can the Honorable the Attorney-General give the names of the charities or hospitals that benefited by this or last year’s Eight Hours Fete.

3. Mb. Andrews: To ask'the Honorable the Minister of Railways— 1. If it is a fact that any grain for shipment is carried past the port of Geelong and thence to Williamstown or Melbourne (an increased distance of between 40 and 50 miles) for an additional freight of 0-3d. per ton or thereabouts. 2. What is the estimated cost per ton of carrying grain over this increased distance, taking into consideration haulage, wear and tear, delay to trucks, &c.

WEDNESDAY, 4th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is not desirable to lease further cold storage accommodation, but any extension required should be built on .Government property.

2. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing, the amounf paid in salaries and wages to staff and men employed by the Department of Agriculture at Flinders-street Cool Stores, for the year ending 30th June, 1903 ; and the amount paid to shipping brokers for Government business, for the year-ending 30th June, 1903.

3. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing, for the period from 1st January, 1901, to 30th September, 1903— 1. The number of inmates permitted to obtain employment from the Immigrants’ Home, specifying whether from Royal Park or St. Kilda-road :—

Rate per Day of Wages Name of Inmate. Trade or Occupation. At what Place employed. Name of Employer. paid.

2. The names of the governing body or committee of the Immigrants’ Home at St. Kilda-road and Royal Park. 3. How the governing body is appointed.

4. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The total amount of money advanced by the State to the Maffra Beet Sugar Company. 2. The original value of the security upon which such sum was advanced. 3. The total amount realized by the Government from sale of machinery and any other security (separately stated). 4. The value of any machinery, land, buildings, &c., taken over from the company, and at present in the possession of the Government, 5. The total loss sustained by the Government in their transactions with the company.

3. Mr. Prendergast:- To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The names of all persons admitted to the police force since 1st January, 1903. 2. Date and year of birth of each. 3. Height. 4. Whether returned soldier from South"Africa or sailor from China.

6., Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The actual monetary loss to the Railway revenue of this State caused by the engine-drivers’ and firemen’s strike in May last. 2. The annual and total sum saved, or estimated to be saved, under the following conditions • (a) The total or partial forfeiture of compensations, pensions, &c. (as the case may be), in all branches of the Railway service affected by the said strike, or by orders issued by the Com­ missioner or Minister preceding the strike; (6) the number of dismissals and failures to- • reinstate workmen who then struck ; (c) the reduction of wages below the rates in existence preceding the strike, both to reinstated and new employes. 93

7. Mr. Maloney : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it would be in the true interests of economy and reform to adopt the Federal rolls'of.the State of Victoria for the election of Members of the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council of Victoria. ■Contingent on the foregoing being carried— 8. Mr. Maloney : To move, That it be an instruction to the Government to bring in a Bill to carry such resolution into effect. 9. Mr. J. Cameron : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to amend the _ Lawjrelating to the Recent Possession of Stolen Cattle.” - , —

Order of the Day :— ” ,

1. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. McDonald)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 11th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :—

1. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 2. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. _3. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 4. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To be further considered in Committee. 5. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Consideration of Report. 6. Companies Act 1896 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gavan Duffy)—Second reading. 7. Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading. 8. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 9. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 10. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading 11. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To. be further considered in Committee. 12. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading. 13. Opening of Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate , on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employ^ shall be required to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience. ' 14. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading. 15. Taxation on Unimproved Land Values—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, the principle of taxation on unimproved values of land be affirmed, and that the Government be requested to bring in a Bill .dealing with the question.. 16. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 25th NOVEMBER. General Business,. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :— . 1. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 2. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 3. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 9tu DECEMBER. ■General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :— 1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney) - Second reading.

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Supply or Ways and Means— 1. Mr. A. Harris : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that all officers of the police force shall retire at the age of 60 years in lieu of 65 years, thereby providing a uniform age for the retirement of all the members of the force. THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, ■Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.- Speaker, 94 MEETINGS OF SELECT COMMITTEES. Thursday, 29th October. Printing—At half-past two o’clock. Thursday, 5th November. Public Accounts—At half-past two o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 28th OCTOBER, 1908. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 12. Factories Bill.—(Amendments made by the Legislative Council.) (To Members of Council only.)

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 23. Mines Acts further Amendment Bill— (New Clauses to be proposed in Committee.) (To Members only.) (Amendments to be proposed in Committee.) (To Members only.) Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill.—(New Clauses to be proposed in Committee). (To Members

PRINTED PAPERS. The following Printed Papers can now be obtained by Honorable Members from the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly (Telephones 3065 and 3179), and by others on the circulation list, from the Government Printer. They can also be purchased by the Public from the. Government .Printer:—

Census of Victoria, 1901.—Part VI.—Education of the People (No. 1). » ,, » Part VII.—Sickness and Infirmity (No. 2). n ' » ,, Part VIII.—Land and Live Stock (No. 6). Constitution Statute.—Statement of Expenditure under Schedule D during 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 15.) ’ Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure, 1903-4 (B. No. 7). „ Supplementary Estimates for 1902-3 (B. No. 6). Factories, Work-rooms, and Shops.—Chief Inspector’s Report for year ended 31st December 1902. (2nd. Sess. No. 14.) Forests Commission Recommendations. (2nd Sess. C. No. 1.) Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of Victoria—Report for 1902 (2nd bess. No. 3.) v Public Service Commissioner.—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 16.) Railways.—Victorian Railways Commissioners’ Report for year ended 30th June 1903 (2nd. Sess. No. 19.) ’ Railways Standing Committee—Twelfth General Report. (2nd Sess. No. 12.) Settlement on Lands Act 1893—Report for year 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 13.) Statistical Register for 1902.—Part I.—Blue Book. (2nd Sess. No. 4.) » » » Part II.—Interchange. (2nd Sess. No. 5.) » n ii Part III.—Accumulation. (2nd Sess. No. 8.) ii ii ii Part IV.—Finance, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 9.) » » ii Part V.—Vital Statistics, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 10.)

j c j

By Authority: Root. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne, 3 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY,

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 24.


-Questions. 1. Me. Keogh : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer if he will ascertain and inform this House— 1. What has been the total cost to Victoria of the White Australia policy of the Federal Govern­ ment as represented by the duties collected on sugar consumed in Victoria in the years 1900-1, 1901-2, 1902-3, as compared with 1899-1900. . 2. What is the estimate for the current financial year of the rebates to growers of sugar produced by white labour. 3. Does he think this estimate will be "increased in future years..

*2 Mr. Ramsay : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he will inform the House what is the profit or loss which has accrued to the Railway Department through the abolition of privilege- tickets. , '

3. Mr. Andrews : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture whether, in dealing with the regulations in connexion with stock coming into Victoria for export, he will give Geelong and other ports of export equal facilities in conducting their business to those granted in Melbourne.

4. Mr. Boyd : To ask the Honorable the Premier— 1. If it is the intention of the Honorable the Attorney-General to give the Eight Hours Anniversary Committee permission to hold an art union next year, in view of the revelations made as to the disposal of the receipts of the art unions conducted by the Eight Hours Anniversary Com­ mittee during the last three years. 2. Has the Honorable the Attorney-General obtained any information as to the income and expenditure in connexion with the Eight' Hours Art Union held under the authority of the Government. , ... , 3. Does the Honorable the Attorney-General know how the surplus funds of such art union, supposed to be divided among the charities, have been distributed. 4. Can the Honorable the Attorney-General give,.the names of the charities or hospitals that- benefited by this or last year’s Eight Hours Fete.

5. Mb. Andrews : To ask > the Honorable the Minister of Railways 1. If it is a fact that any grain for shipment is carried past the port of Geelong and thence tfr Williamstown or Melbourne (an increased distance of between 40 and 50 miles) for an additional freight of 0‘3d. per ton or thereabouts...... 2. What is the estimated cost per ton'of carrying grain over this increased distance, taking into consideration haulage, wear and tear, delay to trucks, &c.

Government Business. (Until half-past eight o clock.) /

Notice of Motion :— 1. Mr. Irvine' : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to ratify an Agree- , rnent between the States of Victoria, New South Wales, and South Australia with regard to ther Waters of the River Murray (220 copies.) tK96

Orders op the Day :— 1. Mines Acts further Amendment Bill—Second reading—Resumption of debate. 2. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. -3. Lake Hindmarsh Aboriginal Settlement Land Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 4. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Consideration of Report. 5. Lunacy Bill—To be further considered in Committee. ■6. Local Government Bill—Second reading. 7. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 8. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 9. Old-age Pensions Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 10. Hepburn Mineral Springs Bill—Second reading. 11. Supply—To be further considered in Committee.

'General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Notices of Motion :— , 1. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is not desirable to lease further cold storage accommodation, but any extension required should be built on Government property.

2. ' Mr. E." Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the amount paid in salaries and wages to staff and men employed by the Department of Agriculture at Flimlers-«treet Cool Stores, for the year ending 30th June, 1903; and the amount paid to shipping btokeis for Government business, for the year ending 30th June, 1903.

3 Mr. Prf.ndergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing, for the period from 1st January, 1901, to 30th September, 1903— . ' 1. The number of inmates permitted to obtain employment from the Immigrants’ Home, specifying whether from Royal Park or St. Kilda-road

At what Place employed. Rate per Day of Waged Name of Inmate. Trade or Occupation. N^me of Employer. paid.

■ • •

2. The names of ihe governing body dr committee of - the Immigrants! HpmeTat'St. Kilda-road and Royal Park. 3. How the governing body is appointed. 4. Mr Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— i k* ► . j- ,< ^'t 1 Tr r.f U * ; L "i\j ’ V f } 1 {»’ ; - r } ^ « « L V . f. •, - , « 1. The total amount of money advanced by the State to the Maffra Beet Sugar Company. 2 The original value of the security upon which such sum was advanced. 1 3. The total amount" realized by the Government from sale of machinery and any other security - (separately, v stated). ■ ■■■'' i1 - r 1 • - t .■(. r fu», mi.1, f ui „?■’ 4. The value of any machinery, land, buildings, &c., taken over from the company, and at present in the possession of the Government. 1 ..... , 11 The total loss sustained by the Government in their transactions with the company. 5. J . -u.' ■ i>- tj ■ a i o.r J '7, 5. Mr Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return sfiowing— 1. The names of all persons admitted to the police force since 1st January, 1903. k. Daite and year of birth of each...... • ' ‘ 1 3. Height. 4. Whether returned soldier from South Africa or sailor from China.

6. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The actual monetary loss to the Railway revenue of this State caused by the engine-drivers’ and firemen’s strike in1 May last. z ", 2. The annual and total sum saved, or estimated to be saved, under the following conditions :— (a) The total or partial forfeiture of compensations, pensions, &c."(as the case-may be), in all branches of the Railway service affected by the said strike, or by orders issued by the Com­ missioner or Minister preceding the "strike; (6) the number of dismissals and' failures to • reinstate workmen who then struck ; (c) the reduction of wages below the rates in existence preceding the strike, both to reinstated and new employes.

7. Mr Maloney : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it would be in the true interests of -economy and reform to adopt the Federal rolls of the State of Victoria" for the election of Members of the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Councuof Victoria"".' 4 :’,v" -•». Contingent on the foregoing being carried— •8. Mr. Maloney : To move, That it be an instruction to the Government to bring in a - Bill to carry such resolution into effect.

9. Mr. J. Cameron : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Law relating to the Recent Possession of Stolen Cattle.” 97

10. Me. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A BUI to amend the ■ Building-Societies Act 1890.’’’ z 1 ^ r■' r ’ *1

11. Mr. Maloney : To move, That the Bill intituled “A Bill to Enfranchise Women” be .read a second ,. TXT .1 J XT , . J tl'OKV Ty v

Order ofthITDAy :— ■ - - - — 1. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works .Act 189,0 Amendment Bill—(Mr. McDonald)—Second'readingr53 “ x',! 5 11 " ’ '

WEDNESDAY, 11th NOVEMBER. •general Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) f.'CA ' . .. , T f, , . „ ”| ... x 1 Orders of the Day :— 1. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 2. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. nt\r '•— i. /lr ° 3. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 4. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To be further considered in Committee.- r I -t !.-> *», I .1 ,, , „ ,.l|„ - [ ... /n\' I (' " . .. J • r . . • ’ • * 5. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Consideration of Report. 6. Companies Act 1896 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gavan Duffy)—Second reading. 7. Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading. 8. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. r 9. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from .Council)—Second reading. ' ~» V d \ ' L l1J .V il . v*l ' 1 o', * P . "i * ' ~ ,* < r hMr 10. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading 11. County Court Judges (Country Sittings)* Bill—(Jfr. Shoppee)—To be further considered in Committee.< ’ vc r„„ ' “ / ~ - ' 12. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading. ■ 13. Opening of Public Library, Museum, and Art (3-alleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate on fhe question—.That, in tjhe opinion of this House, -t—™kiA-*k;.N.-'*k>X •Tb.lki.-_ + ------and Art Galleries should be open to the'public on Sun to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience^ ,.14. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading. 15. Taxation on Unimproved Land Values—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion1 of'this House,' the principle1 "of "taxation On' unimproved values of land be affirmed, and * that the Government be requested1 to bring in a’Bill’dealih'g with the question. • • ■ - ’ / ax "i * / vU f . O' - ^ a

WEDNESDAY, 25th NOVEMBER. . General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :— • 1. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 2. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 3. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 9th DECEMBER. ■General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :— 1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading.

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Supply or Ways and Means— 1. Mr. A. Harris : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that all officers of the police force shall retire at the age of 60 years in lieu of 65 years, thereby providing a uniform age for the retirement of all the members of the force.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. beazlet, ■Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker. '98 MEETING OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Thursday', 5th November. Public Accounts—At half-past two o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 29th OCTOBER, 1908. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 13.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 23. Women’s Suffrage Bill—[74]. (To Members only.) . Mines Acts further Amendment Bill.—(Amendment and New Clauses to be proposed in Committee.) (To Members only.)

PRINTED PAPERS. The following Printed Papers can now be obtained by Honorable Members from the Clerk of the- Legislative Assembly (Telephones 3065 and 3179), and by others on the circulation list, from- the Government Printer.. They can also be purchased by the Public from the Government Printer:— Census of Victoria, 1901.—Part VI.—Education of the People (No.. 1). „ Part VII.—Sickness and Infirmity (No. 2). ” n n Part VIII.—Land and Live Stock (No. 6). Constitution Statute.—Statement of Expenditure under Schedule D, during 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 15.) Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure, 1903r4 (B. No. 7). „ Supplementary Estimates for 1902—3 (B. No. 6). Factories, Work-rooms, and Shops.—Chief Inspector’s Report for year ended 31st December,, 1902. (2nd. Sess. No. 14.) Forests Commission Recommendations. (2nd Sess. C. No. 1.) . Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of Victoria—Report for 1902. (2nd' Sess. No. 3.) Public Service Commissioner.—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 16.) Railways.—Victorian Railways Commissioners’ Report for year ended 30th June, 1903.- (2nd. Sess. No. 19.) x Railways Standing Committee.—Twelfth General Report. (2nd Sess. No. 12.) Settlement on Lands Act 1893—Report for year 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 13.) . * Statistical Register for 1902.—Part I.—Blue Book. (2nd Sess. No. 4.) f H „ Part II.—Interchange. (2nd Sess. No. 5.) ” „ Part III.—Accumulation. (2nd Sess. No. 8.) ” n „ Part IV.—Finance, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 9.) ” ' n Part V.—Vital Statistics, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 10.)


By Authority Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day*

No. 25.



Notices op Motion (Unopposed) 1. Me. Pbendeegast :■ To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing, for the period from 1st January, 1901, to 30th September, 1903— 1. The number of inmates permitted to obtain employment from the Immigrants’ Home, specifying whether from Royal Park or St. Kilda-road :— ,

Rate per Day of Wages, Name of Inmate. » Trade or Occupation. At what Place employed. Name of Employer.

2. The names of the governing body or committee of the Immigrants’ Home at St. Kilda-roaA and Royal Park:: . . 3. How the governing body is appointed,

2'. Mr. Prbndergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing--, 1. The total amount of money advanced by the State to the Maffra Beet Sugar Company. 2. The original value of the security upon whicli such sum was advanced. 3. The total amount realized by the Government from sale of machinery and any other security" (separately stated). 4. The value of any machinery, land, buildings, &c., taken over from the company, and at present- in the possession of the Government. 5. The total loss sustained by the Government in their transactions with the company.

3. Mr. Prbndergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The names of all -persons admitted to the police force since 1st January, 1903. 2. Date and year of birth of each.. 3. Height. „ ' _ 4. Whether returned soldier from South Africa or sailor from China.

-4. Mr. Ashworth : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of attendants at the Hospitals for the Insane who are at present solely employed in- doing farm work.' 2. The saving which would be effected if carters were substituted for attendants doing such work. 3. The' number of attendants doing farm work who have been promoted to the first and second • grade during the past three years. _ - -

Government Business. Orders of the Day :— 1. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Mines Acts further Amendment Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 3. Ways and Means—To b6 further considered in Committee. 4. LariI. Hindmarsh Aboriginal Settlement Land Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 5. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Consideration of Report. 6. Lunacy Bill—To be further considered in Committee. (220 copies.) - ’ ' 100

7‘. Local Government Bill—Second reading. 8. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 9. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 10. Old-age Pensions Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 11. Hepburn Mineral Springs Bill—Second reading. 12. Murray Waters Inter-State Agreement Bill—Second reading. .General Business. ' ‘ Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a' Bill jintituled “ A Bill to amend the 1 Building Societies Act 1890.’ ” 2. Mr. Maloney : To move, That the Bill intituled “A Bill to Enfranchise Women ” be read a second time on Wednesday, 11th November next.

3. Mr. Hennessy : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the Registration of Farriers and for other purposes.”

Order of the Day 1. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of W orks Act 1890 , Amendment Bill—(Mr. McDonald)—Second reading. ■

TUESDAY, IOth-NOVEMBER. Questions. 1. Mr. Keogh : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer if he will ascertain and inform this House—. 1. What has been the total cost to Victoria of the White Australia policy of the Federal Govern­ ment as represented by the duties collected on sugar consumed in Victoria in the years __ 1900-1, 1901-2, 1902-3, as compared with 1899-1900. 2. What is the estimate for the current financial year of the rebates to growers of sugar produced by white labour. 3. Does he think this estimate will be increased in future years. • ' . 2. Mr. Ramsay : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he will inform the House what is the profit or loss which has accrued to the Railway Department through the abolition of privilege tickets.

3. Mr. Andrews : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture whether, in dealing with the regulations in connexion with stock coming into Victoria for export, he will give Geelong and other ports of export equal facilities in conducting their business to those granted in1 Melbourne.

4. Mr. Keast : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture if, as regards Division No. 77, under the heading of “Miscellaneous,” on which votes on account have been taken in Committee of Supply, totalling £l6,206j he will lay upon the Table of the House a.detailed statement of the items of expenditure which this sum represents. 5. Mr. Hutchinson : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Water Supply if he will inform the - House— 1. When, he.intends to call for tenders for the commencement of the Eversley storage basin, the construction of which was promised last year. ' 2. If, in view of the altered circumstances, he will be prepared to recommend that the Railways Standing Committee be asked to reconsider the question of constructing the Glenorchy cut. - 3. If it is not a fact that the' expert opinion of the Water Supply Department has been declared as entirely favorable to the making of the Glenorchy cut.,

1 6. Mr. Andrews : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he will inform the House— 1. What is the departmental objection to Mr. Sharland’s proposed scheme for utilizing the Freezing Company’s Wharf, at-North Shore, Geelong, for the shipment of grain during the ensuing season. . 2. Have the Commissioners any, and, if so, what, alternative scheme to cope with the necessities of the grain export trade at Geelong this season.

WEDNESDAY, 11th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :— 1. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 2. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 3. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. - 4. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To be further considered in Committee. 5. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Consideration of Report, 6. Companies Act 1896 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gavan Duffy)—Second reading. 7. Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading. 101

8. Ei/ECTion Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 9. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from,Council)—Second reading. 10. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading 11. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To be further considered in Committee. 12. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading. 13. Opening of Public Libr'ary, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, -=—and™Art Galleries-should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employe shall be required ‘ to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience. 14. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading. 15. Taxation on Unimproved Land Values—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, the principle of taxation on unimproved values of land be affirmed, and that the Government be requested to bring in a Bill dealing with the question. „16. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 18th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight "o’clock.) Notices of Motion :— r i. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That, in the.opinion of this House, it is not desirable to lease further cold storage accommodation, but

2. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the amount paid in- salaries and wages to staff and men employed by the Department of Agriculture at Flinders-street Cool Stores, for the year ending 30th June, 1903 ; and the amount paid to shipping brokers for Government business, for the year ending 30th June, 1903.

3. Mr. Tucker :-To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— I 1. The actual monetary loss to the Railway revenue of this State caused by the engine-drivers’ and firemen’s strike in May last. . 2. The annual and total sum saved, or estimated to be saved, under the following conditions :— (a) The total or partial forfeiture cf compensations, pensions, &c. (as the case may be), in all branches of the Railway service affected by the said strike, or by orders issued by the Com- * missioner or Minister preceding the strike ; (b) the number of dismissals and failures to reinstate workmen who then struck ; (c) the reduction of wages below the rates in existence preceding the strike, both to reinstated and new employes.

- 4. Mr Maloney : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it would be in the true interests of economy and reform to adopt the Federal rolls of the State of Victoria for the election of Members of the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council of Victoria. -Contingent on the foregoing being carried— 5. Mr. Maloney : To move, That it be an instruction to the Government to bring in a Bill to carry such resolution into, effect.

6. Mr. J. Cameron: To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to amend the Law relating to the Recent Possession of Stolen Cattle.”

WEDNESDAY, 25th NOVEMBER. ■General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of.the Day :— 1. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second, reading. 2. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 3. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading.


-General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) ' 1 Orders of the Day :— 1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Legitimation of. Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading., _ t0'2

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Supply or Ways and' Means— 1. Mr. A. Harris : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that all1 officers of the police force shall retire at the age of fib years in lien'.of 65 years, thereby providing, a nnifqrm age for the retirement of all the members of the force. THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. ' Speaker,•

. MEETING OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Thursday, oth November. Public Accounts—At half-past two o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 4th NOVEMBER, 1908. Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. Nos. 22, 23, and 24. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 25. Weekly Report of Divisions. No. 4. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Bill—[70]. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—[81].

PRINTED PAPERS. "The following Printed Papers can now be obtained by Honorable Members from the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly (Telephones 3065 and 3179), and by others on the circulation list, from " the Government Printer. They can also be purchased by the Public from the Government Printer Census of Victoria, 1901.—Part VI.—Education of the People (No. 1). n n Part VII.—Sickness and Infirmity (No. 2). j. r Jf. n „ Part VIII.—Land and Live Stock (No. 6). Constitution Statute.—Statement of Expenditure under Schedule D, during 1902-3. (2n

By Authority: Rout. S. Brain, Government Printer, Me)bourne. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of, the Day.

No. 26.

TUESDAY, 10th NOVEMBER, 1903. ■Questions.'

1. Mr. Keogh : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer if he will ascertain and inform this House— 1. What has been the total cost to Victoria of the White Australia policy of the Federal Govern­ ment as represented by the duties collected on sugar consumed in Victoria in the years 1900-1, 1901-2, 1902-3, as compared with 1899-1900. 2. What is the estimate for the current financial year of the rebates to growers of sugar produced by white labour. 3. Does he think this estimate will be increased in future years.

2. Mr. Ramsay : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he will inform the House what is the profit or loss which has .accrued to the Railway Department through the abolition of privilege tickets. . '

3. Mr. Andrews : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture whether, in dealing with the regulations in connexion with stock coming into Victoria for export, he will give Geelong and other ports of export equal facilities in conducting their business to those granted in Melbourne.

4. Mr. Keast : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture if, as regards Division No. 77, under the heading of “Miscellaneous,” on which votes on account have been taken in Committee of Supply, totalling £16,206, he will lay upon the Table of the House a detailed statement of the items of expenditure which this sum repsesents. ' >

5. Mr. Hutchinson : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Water Supply if he will inform the . House— 1. When he intends to call for tenders for the commencement of the Eversley storage basin, the construction of which was promised last year. 2. If, in view of the altered circumstances, he will be prepared to recomme'nd that the Railways Standing Committee be asked to reconsider the question of constructing the Glenorchy cut. 3. If it is not a fact that the expert opinion of the Water Supply Department has been declared as entirely favorable to the making of the Glenorchy cut.

6. Mr. McCutcheon : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he will inform the House— 1. Have any denominational or private charities received for their agents free passes over the State railways ; if so, what are the names of the charities to whom these passes have been granted." 2. Will the Department grant a free pass, for charity purposes only," to any bond fide agent or servant of a denominational or private charity.

7. Mr. Andrews : To ask the Honorable'the Minister of Railways if he will inform the House— 1. What is the departmental objection to Mr Sharland’s proposed scheme for utilizing the Freezing Company’s Wharf, at North Shore, Geelong, for the shipment of grain during the ensuing season. ' ° 2. Have the Commissioners any, and, if so, what, alternative scheme to cope with the necessities of the grain export trade at Geelong this season.

8. Mr. McCutcheon : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer if he will,inform the House— 1. If it is true that the former and usual practice of paying old-age’pensions through the'local postmaster is not now followed at North Melbourne. 2. Does the practice now in force there require the services of an Inspector of Police and two or three constables for three days in each fortnight, whereas the postmaster did the same work in about three hours. 3. Did the local bench of magistrates, on or about the 25th June last, draw the attention of the Law Department to the extravagance of the present system ; if so, why has this extra­ vagance not been stopped, and will he now take steps to end it. (220 copies.) 104

9. Mr'. Hickford : To ask the Honorable the Premier if he is aware that several officers who have already qualified by examination for the office of Police Magistrate, Warden, and Coroner, which carries a minimum salary of £600 a year, are required to pass another examination to get into the Third Class of the Clerical Division of the Public Service, the minimum salary of which is £310 a year ; if so, can the Honorable the Premier see his way to exempt those officers from an examina­ tion which will qualify them for a position very much lower than that they have already proved their fitness for.

Notice of Motion (Unopposed) :— 1. Mr. Toutchbr : To move, That there -be laid before this House a return showing the total expenditure on the State Government House for rent, maintenance, repairs, and all other expenses and expenditure from the date the Government took over the tenancy of the mansion to the present date. Government Business. Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Irvine : To move, That the Sessional Order appointing the days on which the House shall meet for the despatch of business and limiting the hour for calling on fresh business be rescinded, and that the following be adopted in place thereof, viz.:—That Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in each week be the days on which this House shall meet for the despatch of business ; that Four o’clock -be the hour of meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday, and that Two o’clock be the hour of meeting on Thursday; and that no fresh business, except the postponement of business on the Notice Paper, be called on after eleven o’clock.

2. Mr. Irvine : To move, That the Sessional Order limiting the time for giving precedence to Government Business on Wednesday be suspended for the remainder of the Session, and that Government Business shall take precedence of all other business on every Wednesday.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Income Tax Bill—Second reading. 2. Mines Acts further Amendment Bill—To be further .considered in Committee. 3. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. 4. Lake Hindmarsh Aboriginal Settlement Land, Bill—To be further considered in Committee. , 5. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill —Consideration of Report. 6. Lunacy Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 7. Local Government Bill—Second reading. • 8. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 9. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 10. Old-age Pensions Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 11. Hepburn Mineral Springs Bill—Second reading. 12. Murray Waters Inter-State Agreement Bill—Second reading. 13. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. General Business. Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill [intituled “ A Bill to amend the ‘ Building Societies Act 1890.’ ” > ' 2. Mr. Maloney : To move, That the Bill intituled “ A Bill to Enfranchise Women ” be read a second time on Wednesday, 11th November next.

3. Mr. Hennessy : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the Registration of Farriers and for other purposes.”

Order of the Day :— 1. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. McDonald)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 11th NOVEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :— , 1. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 2. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr..Trenwith)—Second reading. • 3. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 4. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To be further considered in Committee. 5. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Consideration of Report. - 6. Companies Act 1896 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gavan Duffy)—Second reading. 7. Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading. 8. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 9. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 10. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading 11. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To be further considered in Committee. 12. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading. 13. Opening of Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate on the question—That,' in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, _ and Art Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employ^ shall be required to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience. 14. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading. 15. Taxation on Unimproved Land Values—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of. this House, the principle'of taxation on unimproved values of land be affirmed, and that the Government be requested to bring in a Bill dealing with the question. 16. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 18th NOVEMBER. General Business. ' (After half-past eight o’clock.) Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. E Cameron : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is not desirable to lease further cold storage accommodation, but any extension required 1 should be built on Government property.

2. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the amount paid in salaries and wages to staff and men employed by the Department of Agriculture at 1 linders-streat Cool Stores, for the year ending 30th' June, 1903 ; and the amount paid to shipping brokers for Government business, for the year ending 30th June, 1903.

3. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The actual monetary loss to the Bailway revenue of this State caused by the engine-drivers’ and firemen’s strike in May last. j 2. The annual and total sum saved, or estimated • to be saved, under the following conditions : (a) The total or partial forfeiture of compensations, pensions, &c. (as the case may be), in all branches of the Railway service affected by the said strike, or by orders issued by the Com­ missioner or Minister preceding the strike ; (6) the number of dismissals and failures to reinstate workmen who then struck ; (c) the reduction of wages below the rates in existence preceding the strike, both to reinstated and new employes.

4. Mr Maloney : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it would be in the true interests of economy and reform to adopt the Federal rolls of the State of Victoria for the. election of Members , of the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council of Victoria. Contingent on the foregoing being carried— - .5, Mr. Maloney: To move, That it be an instruction to the Government to bring in a. Bill to carry such resolution into effect:

6. Mr. J. Cameron: To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to amend the' Law relating to the Recent Possession of Stolen Cattle.”

WEDNESDAY, 25th NOVEMBER. General Business. , (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :— 1. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr, Gair)—Second' reading. 2. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 3. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 9th DECEMBER. General Business. (After half-past eight o’clock.) Orders of the Day :— 1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 106

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Supply or -Ways and Means— 1. Me. A. Harris : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that all officers of the police force shall retire at the age of 60 years in lieu of 65 years, thereby providing a uniform acre for the retirement of all the members of the force. • °

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.

MEETING- OF SELECT COMMITTEE. i Wednesday, Wth November.' Public Accounts—At two o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 5th (NOVEMBER, 1903. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 26. Income Tax Bill—[33]. Income Tax.—Papers quoted from by'the Honorable the Treasurer in moving the Income Tax Resolution in Committee of Ways and Means, 5th November, 1903. Companies Bill—[83]. Mines Acts further Amendment Bill.—(New Clauses to be proposed by Mr. Anstey.) (To Members , only.) ' ' . Lunacy Bill.—(New Clause to be proposed in Committee.) (To Members only.) Election Expenses Limitation Bill.—(New Clause to be proposed in Committee.) (To Members only.)

PRINTED PAPERS. The following Printed Papers can now be obtained by Honorable Members from the Clerk of the- . Legislative Assembly (Telephones 3065 and 3179), and by others on the circulation list from the Government Printer. They can also be purchased -by the Public from the Government Printer:—

Census of Victoria, 1901.—Part VI.—Education of the People (No. 1). » » » Part VII.—Sickness and Infirmity (No. 2). » » ,» Part VIII.—Land and Live Stock (No. 6). Constitution Statute.—Statement of Expenditure under Schedule D, during 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 15.) ' • , " • v -Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure, 1903-4 (B. No. 7). „ Supplementary Estimates for 1902-3 (B. No. 6). Factories, Work-rooms, and Shops.—Chief Inspector’s Report for year ended 31st December 1902. (2nd. Sess. No. 14.) * Forests Commission Recommendations: (2nd Sess. C. No. 1.) Printing Committee.—First Report., (2nd Sess. D. No. 1.) . Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery .of Victoria—Report for 1902 (2nd , Sess. No. 3.) . ‘ v Public Service Commissioner.—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 16.) Railways.—Victorian Railways Commissioners’ Report for year ended 30th June 1903 (2nd. Sess. No. 19.) ’ Railways Standing.Committee—Twelfth General Report. (2nd Sess. No. 12.) Settlement on Lands Act 1893—Report for year 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 13.) Statistical Register for 1902.—Part I.—Blue Book. (2nd Sess. No. 4.) ', )> n n Part II.—Interchange. (2nd Sess. No. 5.) » » » Part III.—Accumulation. (2nd Sess. No. 8.) » » » Part IV.—Finance, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 9.) • » » » Part V.—Vital Statistics, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 10.)

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day,

No. 27.



1. Mb. Graham : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if his attenlion has been called to the numerous losses by theft sustained by owners, of sheep and lambs in transit by rail to the Melbourne market,; if so, will he consult the Commissioners with a view of adopting the New South Wales system of sealing the sheep-truck doors at the loading station so as to prevent any tampering with the stock while on the journey.

2. Mr. Bowser : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways— 1. If, at a recent excursion from Wangaratta to Beechworth, 750 children and adults were packed into nine small second-class carriages on a hot day. 2. Is it also a fact that 100 passengers were refused tickets for this excursion ; if so, will he kindly explain why. | , • ,

3. Mr. Prendergast ; To ask the Honorable the Premier if he will inform the House how he proposes to allocate the salary attaching to the position of Governor during the absence of His Excellency Sir George Sydenham Clarke from the State.

4. Mr. Andrews : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary if he will inform the House— 1. If it is a fact, as has been stated in the metropolitan press, that, while the police are hi' possession of the premises known as “ Wren’s Tote,” a new tote is in full swing around the corner, and another is conducted in Bourke-street without hindrance from the authorities. 2. If he intends to bring in fresh legislation to deal effectually with this matter ; if so, when. V! j

Notices of Motion (Unopposed) :— 1. Mr. McCutcheon : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The names of the charities,j public or private, to which free passes over the railways have been granted. 2. The names of the charities receiving such passes which also receive a Government grant.

2. Mr. Bailes : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The total amounts 'paid in salaries and contingencies for the Public Service alone for the year 1902-3. 2. The expenditure on salaries and contingencies in the Railway Department for the year 1902-3.

Government Business. 4 :

Notice of Motion ;—

1. Mr. Murray : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to the preparation of Electoral Rolls for the Legislative Council and for the Legislative Assembly.” (220 copies.) Orders of the Day :—

1. Income Tax Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Mines Acts further Amendment Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 3. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. 4. Lake Hindmarsh Aboriginal Settlement Land Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 5. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Consideration of Report. 6. Lunacy Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 7. Local Government Bill—Second reading. 8. Justices Act 1890 further.Amendment Bill—(from Counoil)—“Second-reading. 9. Transfer of Land ' Act 1890 A4ien6ment Bill—(from Council)—Secorid-o-eading.. 10. Old-age Pensions Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 11. Hepburn Mineral Springs Bill—Second reading. 12. Murray Waters Inter-State Agreement Bill—Second reading. 13. Senate Elections (Times and Places) Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 14. Supply—To be further considered in Committee.

General Business.

Orders of the Day :—

1. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 2. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 3. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 4. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To be further considered" in Committee. 5. Women’s Suffrage Bill, (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Consideration of Report. 6. Companies Act 1896 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gavan Duffy)—Second reading. 7. Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading. 8. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. ( 9. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. , 10. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading. 11. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To be further considered in Committee. 12. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading. ,13. Opening of Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employ^ shall be required . to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience. 14. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr.'Keast)—Second reading. 15. Taxation on Cnimproved Land Values—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, the principle of taxation, on unimproved" values of land be affirmed, and that the Government be requested to bring in a Bill dealing with the question. 16. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 17. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. McDonald)—Second reading.

Notices of Motion :— 0 1. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill [intituled “ A Bill to amend the ‘ Building Societies Act 1890.’ ”

2. Mr. Maloney : To move, That the Bill intituled “A Bill to Enfranchise Women” be read a second time on Wednesday, 11th November next.

■ 3. Mr. Hennessy : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to provide for the Registration of Farriers and for otherpurposes.”

THURSDAY, 12th NOVEMBER. General Business.

Order of the Day :—

1. Cremation Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 109

TUESDAY, 17th NOVEMBER." Question. 1. Mr. Keogh : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer if he will ascertain and inform this House 1. What has been the total cost to Victoria of the White Australia policy of the.Federal Govern- - ment as represented by the duties collected on sugar consumed in Victoria in the years 1900-1, 1901-2, 1902-3, as compared with 1899-1900. 2. What is the estimate for the current financial year of the rebates to growers of sugar produced by white labour. 3. Does he think this estimate will be increased in future years.

WEDNESDAY, 18th NOVEMBER. General Business. Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is not desirable to lease further cold storage accommodation, but any extension required should be built on Government property. *

2. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return 'Showing the amount paid in salaries and wages to staff and men employed by the Department of Agriculture at Flinders-street Cool Stores, for the year ending 30th June, 1903 ; and the amount paid to shipping brokers for Government business, for the year ending 30th June, 1903.

3. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing 1. The actual monetary loss to the Railway revenue of this State caused by the engine-drivers and firemen’s strike in May last. > 2. The annual and total sum saved, or estimated to be saved, under the following conditions :— (a) The total or partial forfeiture of compensations, pensions, &c. (as the case may be), in all branches of the Railway service affected by the said strike, or by orders issued by the Com­ missioner or Minister preceding the strike ; (6) the number of dismissals and failures to reinstate workmen who then struck ; (c) the reduction of wages below the rates in existence preceding the strike, both to reinstated and new employes.

4. Mr Maloney : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it would be in the true interests of economy and reform to adopt the Federal rolls of the State of Victoria for the election of Members of the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council of Victoria.

Contingent on the foregoing being carried— 5. Mr. Maloney : To move, That it be an instruction to the Government to bring in a Bill to carry such resolution into effect.

6. Mr. J. Cameron: To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to amend the Law relating to the Recent Possession of Stolen Cattle.”

WEDNESDAY, 25th NOVEMBER. General Business. Orders of the Day :— 1. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—:(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 2. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 3. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 9th DECEMBER. General Business. Orders of the Day :— 1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—To be further considered in Committee 2. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading.

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Supply or Ways and Means— 1. Mr. A. Harris : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that all officers of the police force shall retire at the age of 60 years in lieu of 65 years, thereby providing a uniform age 1 for the' retirement of all the members of the force.

THOS. G. WATSON, .W. D. BEAZLEV, - Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. ' Speaker. 110 MEETING OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Wednesday, ,11 th November. "Public Account §—At two o’clock. -

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED SINCE 5th NOVEMBER, 1903. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 14.

Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. Nos. 25 and 26. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 27. Weekly Report of Divisions. No. 5. Cremation Bill—[57]. (To Members only.) Senate Elections (Times and Places) Bill—[76]. (To Members only.) Mines Acts Further Amendment Bill.—(To be proposed by Mr. E. H. Cameron.) (To Members only.) First Report of the Printing Committee. D.—No. 1. '

PRINTED PAPERS. The following Printed Papers can now be obtained by Honorable Members from the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly (Telephones 3065 and 3179), and by others on the circulation list, from the Government Printer. They can also be purchased by the Public from the Government Printer:— Census of Victoria, 1901.—Part VI.—Education of the People (No. 1). ' „ „ „ Part VII.—Sickness and Infirmity (No. 2). „ „ „ Part VIII.—Land and Live Stock (No. 6). Constitution Statute.—Statement of Expenditure under Schedule D, during 1902-3. (2nd • Sess. No. 15.) Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure, 1903-4 (B. No. 7). „ Supplementary Estimates for 1902-3 (B. No. 6). Factories, Work-rooms, and Shops.—Chief Inspector’s Report for year ended 31st December, 1902. (2nd. Sess. No. 14.) Forests Commission Recommendations. (2nd Sess. C. No. 1.) Printing Committee.—First Report. (2nd Sess. D. No- 1.) Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of Victoria—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 3.) Public Service Commissioner.—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 16.) - Railways.—Victorian Railways Commissioners’ Report for year ended 30th June, 1903- (2nd. Sess. No. 19.) Railways Standing Committee.—Twelfth General Report. (2nd Sess. No. 12.) Settlement on Lands Act 1893—Report for year 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 13.) Statistical Register for 1902.—Parti.—Blue Book. (2nd Sess. No. 4.) n „ „ Part II.—Interchange. (2nd Sess No. 5.) „ „ „ Part III.—Accumulation. (2nd Sess. No. 8.) „ „ ,, Part IV.—Finance, &e. (2nd Sess. No. 9.) „ „ „ Part V.—Vital Statistics, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 10.)

By Authority: Rob®. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne* LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 28,.

THURSDAY, 12th NOVEMBER, 1903. Government Business. Orders of the Day :— 1. Administration and Probate Duties Bill—Second reading. 2. Lunacy Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 3. Mines Acts further Amendment Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 4. Lake Hindmarsh Aboriginal Settlement Land Bill—To be further considered in Committee, o. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—C9nsideration of Report. 6. Local Government Bill—Second reading. 7. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 8. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 9. Old-age Pensions Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. • 10. Hepburn Mineral Springs Bill—Second reading. 11. Murray Waters Inter-State Agreement Bill—Second reading. 12. Electoral Rolls Bill—Second reading. 13. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 14. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee.-

General Business.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Cremation Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 2. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 3. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading.) 4. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 5. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To be further considered in Committee. 6. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Consideration of Report. 7. Companies Act 1896 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gavan Duffy)—Second reading. 8. Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading. 9. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 10. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 11. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading. 12. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To be further considered in Committee. 13. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading. 14. Opening of Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and Ari Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employe shall be required to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience. 15. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading. 16. Taxation on Unimproved Land Values—Resumption oj debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this (House, the principle of taxation on unimproved values of land be affirmed,, and that the Government be requested to bring in a Bill dealing with the question. 17. Justices,Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 18. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr, McDonald)—Second- reading. (220 copies.) 112

Notices of Motion s—

1. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the ‘ Building Societies Act 1890.’” .

2. Mr. Maloney : To.move, That the Bill intituled “ A Bill to Enfranchise Women ” be read a second time to-morrow.

3. Mr. Hennessy •„ To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide foir the Registration of Farriers and for other purposes.”

TUESDAY, 17th NOVEMBER. Question. 1. Mr. Keogh : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer if he will ascertain and inform this House— 1. What has been the total cost to Victoria of the White Australia policy of the Federal Govern­ ment as represented by the duties collected on sugar consumed in Victoria in the years 1900-1, 1901-2, 1902-3, as compared with 1899-1900. 2. What is the estimate for the current financial year* of the rebates to growers of sugar produced by white labpur. . , , . . 3. Does he think this estimate will be increased in future years.

, 2. Mr. Fletcher : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary if he will inform the House whether, after his assurance to the House on the 14th October last, female probationers in the lunatic asylums are being compelled to undertake the duties of attending upon male patients on pain of being dismissed from the service, and whether a number of probationers who have refused to perform these duties have been notified that their services will be dispensed with at the end of the present month on the plea of unsuitability.

3. Mr. Austin : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture if he will, this Session, bring in a , Bill to provide for the compulsory dipping'.of sheep.

4. Mr. Warde : To ask the Honorable the' Premier if he will give instructions that the resolution passed by this House on the 20th November, 1901, prohibiting the purchase or use of any furniture on behalf of the State of Victoria unless such furniture bears a stamp that it has been manufactured by European labour only, shall be carried out by the various Departments

5. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he is aware that on some lines of railway in England where there is only a light local traffic ordinary trains have been abolished, arid motor trains adopted with advantage both to the public and to the companies ; if so, will he refer to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Railways, for inquiry and report, the question of the advisability of giving the system a trial on some of our lines where the traffic is too light to pay under existing working conditions.

WEDNESDAY, 18th NOVEMBER. General Business. Notices of, Motion :— 1. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is not desirable to lease further cold storage accommodation, but any extension required should be built on Government * property.

2. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the amount paid in salaries and wages to stall and men employed by the Department of Agriculture at Flinders-street Cool Stores, for the year ending 30th June, 1903 and the amount paid to shipping brokers for Government business, for the year ending 30th June, 1903.

3. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The actual monetary loss to the Railway revenue of this State caused by the engine-drivers’ and firemen’s strike in May last. 2. The annual and total sum saved, or estimated to be saved, under the following conditions :— ' (a) The total or partial forfeiture of compensations, pensions, &c. (as the case may be), in all . branches of the Railway service affected by the said strike, or by orders issued by the Com­ missioner or Minister preceding the strike ; (b) the number of dismissals and failures to . reinstate workmen who then struck ; (c) the reduction of wages below the rates in existence preceding the strike, both to reinstated and new employes.

4. Mr. Maloney : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it would be in the true interests of economy and reform to adopt the Federal rolls of the State of Victoria for the election of Members of the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council of Victoria. Contingent on the foregoing being carried— 5. Mr. Maloney : To move, That it be an instruction to the Government to bring in a Bill to carry such resolution into effect. . , ,

i 6. Mr. J. Cameron : ,To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to amend the Law relating to the Recent Possession of Stolen Cattle.” 113

WEDNESDAY, 25th NOVEMBER. General Business. Orders of the Day :— 1. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 2. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 3. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. r

WEDNESDAY, 9th DECEMBER. General Business. Orders of the Day :— 1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailee)—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading.

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going-into Committee of Supply or Ways and Means— 1. Mr. A. Harris : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that all officers of the police force shall retire at the age of 60 years in lieu of '65 years, thereby providing a uniform age for the retirement of all the members of the force.

THOS. G. WATSON, ’ W. D. BEAZLET, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, Speaker,

MEETING OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Tuesday, 17th November. Public Accounts—At three o’clock.


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.1 No. 28. * Administration and Probate Duties Bill—[68 J.

PRINTED PAPERS. The following Printed Papers can now be obtained by Honorable Members from the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly (Telephones 3065 and 3179), and by others on the circulation list, from the Government Printer. ' They can also be purchased by the Public from the Government Printer:— - Census of Victoria, 1901.—Part VI.—Education of the People (No. 1). „ „ „ Part VII.—Sickness and Infirmity (No. 2). „ „ „ Part VIII.—Land and Live Stock (No. 6). Constitution Statute.—Statement of Expenditure under Schedule D, during 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 15.) Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure, 1903-4 (B. No. 7). „ supplementary Estimates for 1902-3 (B. No. 6). Factories, Work-rooms, and Shops.—Chief Inspector’s Report for year ended 31st December, 1902. (2nd. Sess. No. 14.) Forests Commission Recommendations. (2nd Sess. C. No. 1.) Printing Committee.—First Report. (2nd Sess. D. No 1.) Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of Victoria—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 3 ) ■ Public Service Commissioner.—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 16.) Railways—Victorian Railways Commissioners’ Report for year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd. Sess. No. 19.) j Railways Standing Committee.—Twelfth General Report. (2nd Sess. No. 12.) Settlement on Lands Act 1893—Report for year 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 13.) Statistical Register for 1902.—Parti.—Blue Book. (2nd Sess. No. 4.) „ „ „ Part II.—Interchange. (2nd Sess. No. 5.) „ „ „ Part III.—Accumulation. (2nd Sess. No. 8.) „ „ „ Part IV.—Finance, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 9.) „ „ „ Part V.—Vital Statistics, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 10.) „ „ ,, Part VI.—Populationand Municipal Finance. (2nd Sess.No.il.)

• By Authority. Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne. X


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 29.



1. Mb: Keogh : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer if he will ascertain and inform this House—

1. What has been the total cost to Victoria of the White Australia policy of the Federal Govern­ ment as represented by the duties collected on sugar consumed in Victoria in the years 1900-1, 1901-2, 1902-3, as compared with 1899-1900. 2. What is the estimate for the current financial year of the rebates to growers of sugar produced by white labour. 3. Does he think this estimate will be increased in future years.

2. Mr. Fletcher : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary if he will inform the House whether, after his assurance to the House on the 14th October last, female probationers in the lunatic asylums are being compelled to undertake the duties of attending upon male patients op pain of being dismissed from the service, and whether a number of probationers who have refused to perform these duties have been notified that their services will be dispensed with at the end of the present month on the plea of unsuitability.

3. Mr. Austin : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture if he will, this Session, bring in a Bill to provide for the compulsory dipping of sheep.

4. Mr. Warde: To ask the Honorable the Premier if he will give instructions that the resolution passed by this House on the 20th November, 1901, prohibiting the purchase or use of any furniture on behalf of the State of Victoria unless such furniture bears a stamp that it has been manufactured by European labour only, shall be carried out by the various Departments.

5. Mb. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he is aware that on some lines of 'railway in England where there is only a light local traffic ordinary trains have been abolished, and motor trains adopted with advantage both to the public and to the companies ; if so, will he refer to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Railways, for inquiry, and report, the question of the advisability of giving the system a trial on some of our lines where the traffic is too light to pay under existing working conditions.

■6. Mr. Andrews : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways— 1. If it is a fact that material for relaying or regrading work has been recently removed from alongside the line between Geelong and Colac to the line from Geelong to .Ballarat; if so',, how long had this material been lying on the ground prior to such removal. 2. What is the approximate cost of such removal.

(220 copies.) 116

Government Business. ' ■ •• - -

Notices of Motion :—

1. Mr. Taverner : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the• resumption by the Grown of certain Land in the County of Ripon, Town of Learmonth, and for other purposes. ”

2. Mr. Taverner : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to provide for the sale of certain Land granted as a Site for a Race-course in the Parish of Meran, near Kerang.”

3. Mr. McLeod : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to revoke the Permanent Reservation of certain Land in the Parish of Wombat.”

Orders of the Day :—

1. Lunacy Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Mines Acts further Amendment Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 3. Lake Hindmarsh Aboriginal Settlement Land Bill—To be further considered in Committee- 4. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Consideration of Report. 5. Local Government Bill—Second reading. 6. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. :. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 8. Old-age Pensions Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 9. Hepburn Mineral Springs Bill—Second reading. 10. Murray Waters Inter-State Agreement Bill—Second reading. 11. Electoral Rolls Bill—Second reading. 12. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 13. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee.

General Business.

Notices' of Motion:—

1. Mr Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to amend the- ‘ Budding Societies Act 1890.”’

2. Mr. Maloney : To move, That the Bill intituled “ A Bill to Enfranchise Women ” be read a second. time to-morrow.

3. Mr. Hennessy: To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to piovide for the Registi ation of Farriers and for other purposes.3’

Orders of tiie Day :—

1. Cremation Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 2. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 3. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwitli)—Second reading, 4. TotalizatO t Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 5. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To be further considered in Committee. 6. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Consideration of Report. 7. Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading. 8. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 9. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 10. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading 11. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To be further considered in Committee. 12. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading. 13. Opening of Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate- on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employ^ shall be required, to vork seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience. 14 Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading. 15. Taxation on Unimproved Land Values—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of ibis House, the principle of taxation on unimproved values of land he affirmed, and that the Government be requested to bring in a Bill dealing with the question. 16. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 17. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. McDonald)—Second reading. 117

WEDNESDAY, -18th N-QVEM^Et?, ^ Question, 1. Mr. Bailes : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines and Water Supply if it is a fact thaf lie has had framed a new scale of Charges for the supply of water within the Cplibau water area * if so, will he give the House an opportunity of discussing the new rates before they are brought into force. 5- ' \ , , • ' ■ ■ " General Business. ■ r - , \ Notices op Motion :— 1. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That, in the opinion of this lloiite, it is not desirable to lease further cold storage accommodation, but any extension require 1 should be built on Government property. f

2. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this Hous” a return showing the amount paid in salaries and wages to staff and men employed by the Departme it of Agriculture at Flinders-street Cool Stores, for the year ending 30th June, 1903 ; and the amount paid to shipping brokers for Government business, for the year ending 30th June, 1903.

3. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The actual monetary loss to the Railway revenue of this State caused by the engine-drivers’ and firemen’s strike in May last. 2. The annual and total sum saved, or estimated to be saved, under the following conditions :— (a) The total or partial forfeiture of compensations, pensions, &c. (as the case may be), in all branches of the Railway service affected by the said strike, or by orders issued by the Com­ missioner or Minister preceding the strike ; (6) the number of dismissals and failures to reinstate workmen who then struck ; (c) the reduction of wages below the rates in existence preceding the strike, both to reinstated and new employes.

4. Mr. Maloney : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it would be in the true interests of economy and reform to adopt the Federal rolls of the State of Victoria for the election of Members of the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council of Victoria. Contingent on the foregoing being carried— 5. Mr. Maloney : To move, That it be an instruction to the Government to bring in a , Bill to carry such resolution into effect.

6. Mr. J. Cameron: To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Law relating to the Recent Possession of Stolen Cattle.”

WEDNESDAY, 25th NOVEMBER. General Business. Orders of the Day :— 1. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 2. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second realing. 3. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 9th DECEMBER. General Business. Orders of the Day :— 1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—To be further considered in Committee 2. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading.

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Supply or Ways and Means— 1. Mr. A. Harris : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that all officers of the police force shall retire at the age of 60 years in lieu of 65 years, thereby providing a uniform age for the retirement of all the members of the force.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.

MEETING OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Tuesday, 17th November. Public Accounts—At three o’clock. PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 12th NOVEMBER, 1903.

Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Council. Nos. 11, 12, 13, and 14. Companies Bill. (Amendment and New Clauses to be. proposed). (To Members of Council only.)

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 29. Hepburn Springs Land Bill—[50],

PRINTED PAPERS. The following Printed Papers can now be obtained by Honorable Members from the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly (Telephones 3065 and 3179), and by others on the circulation list, from the Government Printer. They can also be purchased by the Public from the Government Printer:—

Census of Victoria, 1901.—Part VI.—Education of the People (No. 1). » ,, „ Part VII.—Sickness and Infirmity (No. 2). » ii ii Part VIII.—Land and Live Stock (No. 6). Constitution Statute.—Statement of Expenditure under Schedule D, during 1902—3. (2nd Sess. No. 15.) Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure, 1903-4 (B. No. 7). „ Supplementary Estimates for 1902-3 (B. No. 6). Factories, Work-rooms, and Shops.—Chief Inspector’s Report for year ended 31st December, 1902. - (2nd. Sess. No. 14.) Forests Commission Recommendations. (2nd Sess. C. No. 1.) Printing Committee.—First Report. (2nd Sess. D. No. 1.) Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of Victoria—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 3.) Public Service Commissioner.—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 16.) Railways.—Victorian Railways Commissioners’ Report for year ended 30th June, 1903. - (2nd. Sess. No. 19.) ' Railways Standing Committee__Twelfth General Report. (2nd Sess. No. 12.) Savings Banks—Statements and Returns for Tear ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd Sess. No. 22.) Settlement on Lands Act 1893—Report for year 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 13.) Statistical Register for 1902.—Part I.—Blue Book. (2nd Sess. No! 4,) „ „ „ Part II.—Interchange. (2nd Sestf. No. 5.) ,, „ „ Part III.—Accumulation. (2nd Sess. No. 8.) ,» „ „ Part IV.—Finance, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 9.) .» „ „ Part V.—Vital Statistics, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 10.) ,, ,, ,, . PartVI.—Populationand Municipal Finance. (2nd Sess.No.il.),

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 30.


■Questions. 1. Mb. Austin : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture if he will, this Session, bring in a. Bill to provide for the compulsory dipping of sheep.

2. Mr, Bailes : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines and Water Supply if it is a fact that he has had framed a new scale of charges for the supply of water within the Colibau water area j if so, will be give the House an opportunity of discussing the new rates before they are brought into force.

3. Mb. Anstky : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary— 1. If his attention has been drawn to statements in the Age and Argus newspapers of 3rd Novem­ ber instant of gambling transactions carried on in the premises of the Victorian Club. 2. Does he inten4 to take any action for the suppression of gambling ou such premises; if so, what action. 3. Why has action not already been taken for the suppression of gambling on such premises. 4. Does he propose to take any action for the suppression of accounts of gambling transactions in tbo daily press; if not, why not. 5. Is he aware that Sandown, Aspendnle, and Mentone paiks aie the property of one individual— Mr. hkinner, caterer. 6. Does he know that a club licence to sell alcoholic liquors is permitted to that individual. 7. Does he think it proper that a club licence lo sell liquor should be allowed to such individual. 8. Does he know that extensive gambling is carried on upon the private parks of such individual ; if so, what action does he intend to take for its suppression, and for the cancelling of such clhb licence 4. Mr. GrAiR : To ask the Honorable the Premier if his attention has been called to a leport in the Age newspaper of the 12 th instant, headed “Peculiar Case of Insulting Behaviour.—-An Extraordinary Decision,” from which it appears that an elderly man named Patrick V hite was fined Ten shillings with Ten shillings costs for insulting behaviour at a recent drowning fatality at West Brunswick, although it was stated that the offence appeared to be trivial, and that the constable did not wish to press the charge ; if so, will he take steps to have the fine and costs refunded.

5. Mr. Anstey : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary if the names of those attendants in lunatic asylums who have passed the clerical examination will be retained in the Public Service Commissioner's list of “ qualified candidates ” until vacancies occur for them in the clerical branch of the public service proper.

Government Business,

Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Murray : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to limit Parliamen­ tary Election Expenses.3’

2. Mr. Bent : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to reduce for One Tear the Municipal Endowment.”

3. Mr. Bent : To move, That lie have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to derive Revenue from Unused Public Roads and Water Frontages and for Reducing the Width ot Roads. (220 copies.) 120

Orders of the Day :— ' 1. Lunacy Bill—Consideration of Report. 2. Old-age Pensions Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading.

•3. Mines Acts further Amendment Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 4. Lake Hindmarsh Aboriginal Settlement Land Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 5. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Consideration of Report.

6. Local Government Bill—Second reading. 7. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 8. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 9. Hepburn Mineral Springs Bill—Second reading. IV. Murray Waters Inter-State-Agreement Bill—Second reading. - , 11. Electoral Rolls Bill—Second reading. 12. Learmonth Land Resumption Bill— Second reading. 13. Mkran Race-course Site Sale Bill —Second reading. 14. Wombat Land Reserve Revocation Bill—Second reading. 15. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 16. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee.

General Business. Notices of Motion :—

1. Mr. E Cameron : To move. That, in the opinion of this House, it is not desirable to lease further cold storage accommodation, but any extension required should be built on Government property.

2. Mr. E. Cameron : rl o move, lhat there be laid before this House a return showing the amount paid in salaries and wages' to staff and men employed by the Department of Agriculture at Flinders-street Cool Stores, for the year ending 30th June, 1903 ; and the amount paid to shipping brokers for Government business, for the year ending 30th June, 1903.

3. Mr. Pucker : Po move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The actual monetary loss to the Railway revenue of this State caused by the en°-iue-drivers’ and firemen’s strike in May last. ° 2. The annual and total sum saved, or estimated to be saved, under the following conditions :__ (a) The total or partial forfeiture of compensations, pensions, &c. (as the case may be), in all branches of the Railway service affected by the said strike, or by orders issued by the Com­ missioner or Minister preceding the strike ; (b) the number of dismissals and failures to reinstate workmen who then struck ; (c) the reduction of wages below the rates in existence preceding the strike, both to reinstated and new employes.

4. Mr. J. Cameron: To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to amend the Law relating to the Recent Possession of Stolen Cattle.”

5. Mr. Smith : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to authorize the City of South Melbourne to construct and provide certain Permanent Works and Undertakings in lieu of certain other Permanent Works and Undertakings.”

6. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the ‘ Building Societies Act 1890.’ ”

7. Mr. Hennessy : To move, That be have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the Registi ation of Farriers and for other purposes.”

Orders of the Day :— 1. Cremation Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 2. Legal 1 ractitioners Reciprocity Bili.—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 3. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill —(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 4. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 5. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To be further considered in Committee. 6. Women s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Consideration of Report. 7. Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading. 8. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 9. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. JO. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading 11. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill— (Mr. Shoppee)—To be further considered in Committee. 12. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading 13. Opening of Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and 4rt Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employ^ shall be required’ to work seven days per week, or,on any Sunday, against his conscience.

t 121

14. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading. 15. Taxation on Unimproved Land Values—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, the principle of taxation on unimproved values of land be affirmed, and that the Government,be requested to bring in a Bill dealing with the question. 16. ' Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 17. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Act 1890 Amendment Bill (Mr McDonald)—Second reading. ' 18. Police Offences Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second leading.

WEDNESDAY, 25th NOVEMBER. General Business. Orders of the Day :— ]. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 2. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading, g. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 9th DECEMBER. General Business. Orders of the Day :— 1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—To be further considered in Committee, 2. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading.

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Supply or Ways and Means— 1. Mr. A. Harris : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that all officers of the police force shall retire at the age of 60 years in lieu of 65 years, thereby providing a uniform age for the retirement of all the members of the force. Upon Consideration of Report of the Lunacy Bill— 2. Mr. Prendergast : To move the following new clause :— C. Female nurses shall be paid the same rate of wages as male nurses for attending lunatic patients.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk- of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.

MEETING- OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Wednesday, 18th November. Refreshment Rooms (Joint)—at seven o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED SINCE 12th NOVEMBER, 1903. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 15. Income Tax Bill (No. 2)—[33]. (To Members of Council only.) Transfer of Securities Bill—[58]. Administration and Probate Duties Bill (No. 2)—[68]. (To Members of Council only.) Companies Acts Amendment Bill— (New Clauses to bo proposed by the Hon. Edward Miller.) (To Members of Council only.) (New Clause to be proposed by the Hon. F. S. Grimwade.) (To Members of Council only.)

Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. Nos. 27, 28, and 29. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 30. Weekly Report of Divisions. No. 6. Lunacy Bill—[15]. (To Members only.) Murray River Distribution Bill—[60]. Police Offences Bill—[71]. (To Members only.) Local Government Bill—[72]. Electoral Rolls Bill—[82]. Lunacy Bill —(Amendment to be. proposed in Committee). (To Members only.) Electoral Rolls Bill.—(New Clause to be proposed in Committee.) (To Members only.) 122

PRINTED PAPERS. The following Printed Papers can now be obtained by Honorable Members from the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly (Telephones 3065 and 3179), and by others on the circulation list, from the Government Printer. They can also be purchased by the Public from the Government Printer:— Census of Victoria, 1901.—Part VI.—Education of the People (No. 1)., „ ii . „ Part VII.—Sickness and Infirmity (No, 2). „ „ „ Part VIII.—Land and Live Stock (No. 6). Constitution Statute.—Statement of Expenditure under Schedule D, during 1902—3. (2nd Sess. No. 15.) Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure, 1903-4 (B. No. 7). „ Supplementary Estimates for 1902-3 (B. No. 6). Factories, Work-rooms, and Shops.—Chief Inspector’s Report for year ended 81st December, 1902. (2nd. Sess. No. 14.) Forests Commission Recommendations. (2nd Sess. C- No. 1.) Printing Committee.—First Report. (2nd Sess. D. No. 1.) Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of Victoria—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 3.) Public Service Commissioner.—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 16.) Railways.—Victorian Railways Commissioners’ Report for year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd. Sess. No. 19.) Railways Standing Committee—Twelfth General Report. (2nd Sess. No. 12.) Savings Banks—Statements and Returns for Year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd Sess. No. 22.) Settlement on Lands Act 1893—Report for year 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 13.) Statistical Register for 1902.—Parti.—Blue Book. (2nd Sess. No. 4.) >i „ „ Part II.—Interchange. (2nd Sess. No. 5.) » ii „ Part III.—Accumulation. (2nd Sess. No. 8.) ,i ii „ Part IV.—Finance, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 9.) ,i „ - „ Part V.—Vital Statistics, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 10.) » ii ii Part VI.—Populationand Municipal Finance (2nd Sess.No.il.)

By. Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne, LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and ©refers, of the; Day*

No. 31.s


Government Business.

Notice of Motion I. Mr. Irvine : To move,That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to the Surplus: Revenue of the Financial Year ended on the thirtieth day of June One thousand mne hundred and three.”

Orders of the, Day :— 1. Old-age Pensions Act., 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 2. Mines Acts further Amendment Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 3. -Lake Hindmarsh Aboriginal Settlement Land, Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 4. Local Government Bill—Second reading., 5. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 6. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 7. Murray Waters Inter-State Agreement Bill—Second reading. 8. Electoral Rolls Bill—Second reading. 9. Learmonth Land Resumption Bill—Second reading. . 10. Mkran Race-course Site Sale Bill—Second reading. II. Wombat Land Reserve Revocation, Bill—Second reading. 12. Public Officers Retirement Bill—Second reading. 13. Election. Expenses Limitation. Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. » 14. Municipal Endowment Reduction Bill—Second reading. 15. Unused. Roads Bill—Second reading. 16. Libraries, Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—-Amendments of the Legislative Council—To be- considered. L7. Supply-—To be further considered in Committee., 18. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee.,

General Business'. Notices of- Motion :— 1. Mr. E. Cameron : To move,, That, in the opinion of this House, it is not desirable to lease .further cold storage accommodation, but any extension required should be built on Government- property. - -

2. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the amount paid in. salaries and wages to staff and men employed by the Department of Agriculture at Flinders-street Cool Stores, for the year ending 30th June, 1903 ; and the amount paid to shipping brokers for Government business; for the year ending 30th June, 1903'. (220 copies.)' 124

3* Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— ' 1. The actual monetary loss to the Railway revenue of this State caused by the engine-drivers’ an

6. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the ‘ Building Societies Act 1890.’ ”

7. Mr. Hennessy : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the Registration of Farriers and for other, purposes.”

Orders of the Day :— , 1. Cremation Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 2. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 3. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill —(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 4. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 5. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To be further considered in Committee. 6. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Consideration of Report. 7. Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading. 8. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 9. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 10. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading 11. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To be further considered in Committee. 12. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading. 13. Opening of Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employe shall be required to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience. 14. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading. 15. Taxation on Unimproved Land Values—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this Hou^e, the principle of taxation on unimproved values of land be affirmed, and that the Government be requested to bring in a Bill dealing with the question. , 16. Jcstices Acts Amendment Bill—(Ml McGregor)—Second reading. 17. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. McDonald)—Second reading. 18. Police Offences Act 1893 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

TUESDAY, 24th NOVEMBER. Questions. 1. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable tbe Minister of Railways if it is a fact that on some lines of railway in England, where there is only a light local traffic, ordinary trains have been abolished, and motor trains adopted, with advantage both to the public and to the companies ; if so, will he confer with tbe Commissioners with a view of ascertaining if,'in their opinion, it is desirable to give the system a trial on some of bur lines where the traffic is too light to pay under existing working conditions.

2. Mr. Sangster : To ask the Honorable the Premier if a circular is being issued to railway employes in connexion with the compilation of the roll for the election of tlieir representative to the Legis­ lative Council; if 'so, will employes who do not receive a circular, or who fail to send it back when received, or who do not fully supply all the information asked for, be disfranchised.

, , WEDNESDAY, 25th NOVEMBER. . General Business. Orders of the Day :— • , - , 1. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—r(Mr. Gair)—Second reading." * >;■•.. 2. Wills Act. 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 3. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. WEDNESDAY, 9th DECEMBER. General Business. Orders of the Day :— 1. Tied Houses Abolition. Rill—(Mr. Bailes)—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Legitimation of Children, Bill—(Mr. Maloney)— Second reading.

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. Upon a-Motion for going into Committee of Supply or Ways and Means 1. Mr. A. Harris : To move, That, m the opinion of this House, it is desirable that all officers of the police force shall retire at the age of 60 years in lieu of 65 years, thereby providing a uniform age fbr the retirement of all the members of the force.

THOS. G. WATSON, w- D- BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.


Wednesday, 25th November. "Public Accounts—At two o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 18th NOVEMBER, 1903: Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 16. _ . Standing Orders Committee.—Report on the filling up of Vacancies in the Legislative Council. D. 1.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 31. . .. Libraries Act 1890 'Further Amendment Bill.—Amendments made by the Legislative Council.) (lo Members only.) ' '

PRINTED PAPERS. The followin" Printed Papers can now be obtained by Honorable Members from the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly (Telephones 3065 and 3179), and by others on the circulation list, from the3 Government Printer. They can also be purchased by the Public from the Government Printer:— Census of Victoria, 1901.—Part VI.—Education of the People (No. 1). „ Part VII.—Sickness and Infirmity (No. 2). ” n , „ Part VIII.—Land and Live Stock (No. 6). Constitution Statute.—Statement of Expenditure under Schedule D, during 1902-3. (2nd ' Sess. No. 15.) Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure, 1903-4 (B. No. 7). „ Supplementary Estimates for 1902—3 (B. No. 6). Factories, Work-rooms, and Shops.—Chief Inspector’s Report for year ended 31st December, . 1902. (2nd.-Sees. No. 14.) Forests Commission Recommendations. (2nd Sess. C. No. 1.) t Printing Committee.—First Report. (2nd Sess. D. No- 1.) Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of Victoria—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 3.) Public Service Commissioner.—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 16.) Railways.-_Victorian Railways Commissioners’ Report for year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd. Sess. No. 19.) Railways Standing Committee.—Twelfth General Report. (2nd Sess. No. 12.) Savings Banks—Statements and Returns for Year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd Sess. No. 22.) Settlement on Lands Act 1893—Report for year 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 13.) Statistical Register for 1902.—Part I.—Blue Book. (2nd Sess. No. 4.) M „ „ Part II.—Interchange. (2nd Sess No. 5.) ’ „ „ Part III.—Accumulation. (2nd Sess. No. 8.) ” „ „ Part IV.—Finance, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 9.) ” „ „ Part V.—Vital Statistics, &c. - (2nd Sess. No. 10.) ” n Part VI.—Populationand Municipal Finance. (2nd Sess. No. 11.)' University of Melbourne.—Royal Commission on—Minutes of Evidence on Administration, Teaching Work, and Governmpnt.pf. •;

By Authority: Robt. S. Beats, Government Printer, Melbourne. 6 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 32.

TUESDAY, 24th NOVEMBER, 1903. Questions. 1. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if it is a fact that on some lines of' railway in England, where there is only a light local traffic, ordinary trains have been abolished, and motor trains adopted, with advantage both to the public and to the companies ; if so, will he confer with the Commissioners with a view of ascertaining if, in their opinion, it is desirable to give the system a trial on some, of our lines where the traffic is too light to pay under existing working conditions.

2. Mr. Sangster : To ask the Honorable the Premier if a circular is being issued to railway employes in connexion with the compilation of the roll for the election of their representative to the Legis­ lative Council ; if so, will .employes who do not receive a circular, or who fail to send it back when received, or who do not fully supply all the information asked for, be disfranchised.

3. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture if it is true, as stated in a cablegram which appeared in the Age and Argus newspapers of the 19th November instant, that Russian live cattle have an advantage under the Malta meat duties to the extent of a halfpenny per pound; compared with Australian frozen meat ; if so, what action has he taken in the matter on behalf of this State.

4. Mr. Prendergast : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he will state when he intends to pay the balance of the compensation money due to Mr. Duggan, late a platelayer in the Victorian Railways.

Government Business.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Old-age Pensions Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading—Resumption of debate. 2. Mines Acts further Amendment Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 3. Lake Hindmarsh Aboriginal Settlement Land Bill—To be further considered in Committee.- 4. Local Government Bill—Second reading. 5. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 6. Transfer of -Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 7. Murray Waters Inter-State Agreement Bill—Second reading! . 8. Learmonth Land Resumption Bill—Second reading; 9. Mkran Race-course Site Sale Bill—Second reading. 10. Wombat Land Reserve Revocation Bill—Second reading. 11. Public Officers Retirement Bill—Second reading. 12. Election Expenses Limitation Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. 13. Municipal Endowment Reduction Bill—Second reading. 14. Unused Roads Bill—Second reading. 15. Libraries Act 1890 further Amendment Bill-^ Amendments of the Legislative Council__To her considered. 1 % 16. Surplus Revenue Bill—Second reading. 17. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 18. Ways and Means—To be further considered (n C.ommittee. . _ (220‘copies.) , ■ ,128 ■

'General Business. Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. E Cameron : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is not desirable to lease further cold storage accommodiition, but any extension required should be built on Government, property.

2. Mr. E.‘Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the amount paid in salaries and wages to staff and men employed by the Department of Agriculture at Flinders-street Cool Stores, for the year ending 30th June, 1903 ; and the amount paid to shipping brokers for Government business, for the year ending 30th June, 1903.

•3. ita, Tucker.: To move, That there he laid .before this House a return showing— 1-. The actual monetary loss to the Railway,revenue of this State caused by the engine-drivers’ and firemen’s strike in May last. 2. The annual and total sum saved, or estimated to be saved, under the' following conditions :— (a) The total or partial forfeiture of compensations, pensions, &c. (as the case may be), in all branches of the Railway service affected by the said strike,1 or by orders issued by the Com­ missioner or Minister preceding the strike ; (6) the number of dismissals and failures to reinstate workmen who then struck ; (c) the reduction of wages below the rates in existence preceding the strike, both to reinstated and new employes.

4. Mr. J. Cameron : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Law relating to the Recent Possession of Stolen Cattle.”

J. Mr. Smith : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to authorize the City of South Melbourne to construct and provide certain Permanent Works and Undertakings in lieu of certain other Permanent Works and Undertakings.”

6. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the ‘ Building Societies Act 1890.”’

' '7. Mr. Hennkssy : To move,'That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the Registration of Farriers and for other purposes.”

Orders of the Day:— 'I 1. Cremation Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 2. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. : 3. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 4. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 5. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To be further considered in Committee. ■ '6. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Consideration of Report. ‘ 1. Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading. 8. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 9. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. r 10. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr.1 Bromley)—Second reading . 11. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To be further considered in Committee. , , 12. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading. . 13. Oi entng of Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate on-.the^question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employd shall be required to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience. ■ 14. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading. 15. Taxation on Unimproved Land Values—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, the principle of .taxation on unimproved values of land be affirmed, and that the Government .be requested to bring in a Bill dealing with the question. 16. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 17. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. McDonald)—Second reading. 18. Police Offences Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 25th NOVEMBER. General Business. Orders of the Day :— ■ 1. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment [Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 2. Wills Act 1890" Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 3. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. fc 129

WEDNESDAY, 9th DECEMBER. •’General Business. Orders of the Day :— 1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading.

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee■ of Supply or Ways and Means— 1. Mr. A. Harris : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that all officers of the police force shall retire at the age of 6() years in lien of 65 years, thereby providing a uniform age for the retirement of all the members of the force.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. .BEAZLEY, -Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.


Tuesday, 24th November. Printing—at three o’clock. Wednesday, 25th November. Public Accounts—at two o’clock'.

r PARLIAMENTARY PAPER ISSUED 19th NOVEMBER, 1903. "Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 32.

PRINTED PAPERS. The following Printed Papers can now be obtained by Honorable Members from the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly (Telephones 3065 and 3179), and by others on the circulation list, from the Government Printer. They can also be purchased by the Public from the Government Printer:— Census of Victoria, 1901.—Part VI.—Education of the People (No. 1). „ „ „ , Part VII.—Sickness and Infirmity (No. 2). „ „ „ Part VIII.—Land and Live Stock (No. 6). Charitable Institutions.—Report'of Inspection for year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd Sess. No. 24.) Constitution Statute.—Statement of Expenditure under Schedule D, during 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 15.) Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure, 1903—4 (B. No. 7). „ Supplementary Estimates for 1902—3 (B. No. 6). Factories, Work-rooms, and Shops.—Chief Inspector’s Report for year ended 31st December, 1902. (2nd., Sess. No. 14.) Forests Commission Recommendations. (2nd Sess. C. No. 1.) Friendly Societies—Report of Registrar of, for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 27.) Printing Committee.—First Report. (2nd Sess. D. No- 1.) Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of Victoria—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 3.) Public Service Commissioner.—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 16.) Railways.—Victorian Railways Commissioners’ Report for year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd. Sess. No. 19.) Railways Standing Committee.—Twelfth General Report. (2nd Sess. No. 12.) Savings Banks—Statements and Returns for Year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd Sess. No. 22.). Settlement on Lands Act 1893—Report for year 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 13.) Statistical Register for 1902.—Part I.—Blue Book. (2nd Sess. No. 4.) „ „ Part II.—Interchange. (2nd Sess. No. 5.) 9J „ „ Part III.—Accumulation. (2nd Sess. No. 8.) „ „ „ Part IV.—Finance, &e. (2nd Sess. No. 9.) ,f „ „ Part V.—Vital Statistics, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 10.) „ - „ PartVI.—Populationand Municipal Finance. (2nd Sess.No.il.) University of Melbourne.—Royal Commission on—Minutes of Evidence on Administration, Teaching Work, and Government of, (2nd Sess. No. 20.)

By Authority • Rost. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne.


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i.&'wi & Zi ‘l '! 3L y’J/i

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day*

No. 33.

WEDNESDAY, 25th NOVEMBER, 1903. Questions. >

1. Mr. Graham : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he will inform the House who is- •responsible for the increase on railway freights on agricultural produce as set out in the by-law gazetted last month. J

2. Mr. Sangster : To ask the Honorable the Premier if the representative of the Public Officers and Railways Officers in the Legislative Council under the Constitution Reform Bill (section 10) will be obliged to qualify before taking his seat by proving, under section 35 of The Constitution Act Amendment Act 1890, as amended by section 18 of the Constitution Reform Bill, that he is possessed bona fide of a freehold estate of the annual value of £50 or of the capital value of

3. Mr. McDonald : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary— 1. Whether there is,any powder, not made up into ammunition, stored in the magazine, Saltwater River ; if so, how much, and will he take steps to have it removed. 2. What, quantity of ammunition is stored in the same magazine.

4. Mr. Mitchell : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture if, in view of the imminent danger to the State of an outbreak of bush fires, owing to the extraordinary growth of grass, ho j i will take steps to have fire-bieaks made in the State forests, or take any other precautions that may be necessary to minimize the danger. J

Notice of Motion ( Unopposed):— 1. Mr. Sangster : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the average rate of pay for locomotive drivers, firemen, and cleaners employed by the Railway Department at the end of September, 1903. Government Business. Notice of Motion :—

I. Mr. Murray : To move. That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill for determining the Boundaries and Divisions of the Legislative Assembly Electoral Districts and for other purposes."

Orders of the Day :— 1. Old-age Pensions Act 1901 Amendment Bill—To be considered in Committee. 2. Mines Acts further Amendment Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 3. Lake Hindmarsh Aboriginal Settlement Land Bill—To be further considered in Committee . 4. Local Government Bill—Second reading. 5. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. ”■ ^kansfer OF Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 7. Murray Waters Inter-State Agreement Bill—Second reading. 8. Learmontii Land Resumption Bill—Second reading. 9.

'General Business'. ' A ~ • ■ |V' ' ' Orders of the Day s— 1. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr, Gair)—Second reading. 2. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 3. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 4. Cremation Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 5. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 6. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 7. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. ' 8. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To be further considered in Committee. 9. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Consideration of Report. 10. Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading. 11. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 12. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 13. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading 14. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To be further considered in Committee. 15. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading. 16. Opening of Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of Mate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employe shall be required to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience. 17. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading. 18. Taxation on Unimproved Land Values—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this Hou.-e, the principle of taxation on unimproved values of land be affirmed, and that the Government be requested to bring in a Bill dealing with the question. 19. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 20: Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Act 1890 Amendment Bill (Mr. McDonald)—Second reading. - 21. Police Offences Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. E. Cameron : To move; That, in the opinion of this House, it is not desirable to lease further • cold storage accommodation, but any extension required should be built on Government property. 2 Mr E Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the amount paid in salaries and wages to staff and men employed by the Department of Agriculture at t lmders-street Cool Stores, for the year ending 30th June, 1903 ; and the amount paid to shipping brokers for Government business, for the year ending 30th June, 1903.

2. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing 1. The actual monetary loss to the Railway revenue of this State caused by the engine-drivers and firemen’s strike in May last. __a;*;,™, . 2. The annual and total sum saved, or estimated to be saved, under the following condition . (a) The total or partial forfeiture of compensations, pensions, &c. (as the case may be), m all , branches of the Railway service affected by the said strike, or by orders issued by the Com- ' missioner or Minister preceding the strike ; (b) the number of dismissals and failures to reinstate workmen who then struck ; (c) the reduction of wages below the rates in existence preceding the strike, both to reinstated and new employes.

4. Mr. J. Cameron : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to amend the Law relating to the Recent Possession of Stolen Cattle.”- Mr. Smith : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to authorize the City f>. of South Melbourne to construct and provide certain Permanent Works and Undei takings m lieu of certain other Permanent TFot’&s and Undertakings, 6. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the ‘ Building Societies Act 1890.’ ” 7. Mr. Hennessy : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide tor the Registration of Farriers and for other purposes.”

WEDNESDAY, 9th DECEMBER. General Business. Orders of the Day :— 1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Biiles)—To be further considered.in Committee.

2. Legit imation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 133

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION, . JJpon a Motion for going into Committee of Supply or Ways and Means— 1 Me. A. Harris : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that all officers of the police force shall retire at the age of 60 years in lieu of 65 years, thereby providing a uniform age for the retirement of all the members of the force. W. D. BEAZLEY, THOS. G. WATSON, Speaker -Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. .

MEETING OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Wednesday, 25th November. Public Accounts—at two o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED SINCE 19th NOVEMBER, 1903. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 17. Lunacy Bill—[15]. (To Members of Council only.) Health Bill—[45]. (To Members of Council only.) Hepburn Springs Land Bill-[50]. (To Members of Council only.) Electoral Rolls Bill—[82]. (To Members of Council only.)

Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. Nos. 30, 31, and 32. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 33. "Weekly Report of Divisions. No. 7. "Wombat Land Bill—[20]. Kerang Lands Bill—[53]. , ^... r,,-, > Ballarat Agricultural and Pastoral Society s Land Bill—[54J. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—[56], Municipal Endowment Reduction Bill [65]. -Surplus Revenue Bill—[66]. Public Officers Retirement Bill—[80]. ______


£? P-eha»d l, the F.blic ,h= G.—.

Printer:— . ,, Census of Victoria, 1901,-Part VI—Education ofthePeopie^Nol). Part VII.—Sickness and Infirmity (No. 2). ” ” ” part VIII.—Land and Live Stock (No. 6). Charitable Institutions.—Report of Inspection for year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd Sess.

Constitution^ Statute.—Statement of Expenditure under Schedule D, during 1902-3. (2nd

Estimates ^Revenue and Expenditure, 1903-4 (B. No. 7). Supplementary Estimates for 1902-3 (B. No. 6). "• , Factories, Work-rooms, and Shops.-Chief Inspector’s Report for .year ended 31st December, 1902. (2nd. Sess. No. 14.) . «»■ «•) Slier, o°f Victori—Repct for 1902. (2nd

Public Service Commissioner.—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 16.) Railways.—Victorian Railways Commissioners Report for year ended 30th June, 1903.

■ ' ® Part II.—Intel change. (2nd Sess. Ino. 5.) 1 ait III.—Accumulation. (2nd Sess. No. 8.) Part IV.—Finance, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 9.) Part V.—Vital Statistics, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 10.) Part VI._Populationand Municipal Finance. (2nd Sess.No.il.) Part VIII.—Law, Crime, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 21.) Universitv of Melbourne-Royal Commission on -Minutes of Evidence on Administration, Teaching Work, and Government of. (2nd Sess. No. 20.)

By Authority; Rout. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 34.


Government Business. Notices of Motion :— 1 Mr Murray : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill for determining^ the Boundaries and Divisions of the Legislative Assembly Electoral Districts and for other purposes. 2. Mr. Irvine : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “,A Bill to further amend the Savings Ban18 Acts.” ' 3. Mr. Irvine : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to the Committee of Public Accounts.”

. Orders of the Day :— , - 1. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Old-age Pensions Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Consideration of Report. 3. Mines Acts further Amendment Bill—To be further considered in Committee. , 4. Lake Hindmarsh Aboriginal Settlement Land Bill—To be further considered in Committee.

5. Local Government Bill—Second reading. 6. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 7. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

8. Murray Waters Inter-State Agreement Bill—Second reading. 9. Learmonth Land Resumption Bill—Second reading. 10. Mkran Race-course Site Sale Bill —Second reading. 11. Wombat Land Reserve Revocation Bill—Second reading. 12. Public Officers Retirement Bill—Second reading. 13. Election Expenses Limitation Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. 14. Municipal Endowment Reduction Bill—Second reading.

15. Unused Roads Bill—Second reading.1 16. Libraries Act 1890 further Amendment Bili^—Amendments of the Legislative Council—To bo considered. 17. Surplus Revenue Bill—Second reading. 18. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee.

General Business. , . Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is not desirable to lease further cold storage accommodation, but any extension required should be built on Government property. 2 Mr E Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the amount paid in salaries and wages to staff and men employed by the Department of Agriculture at Flinders-street Cool Stores, for the year ending 30th June, 1903 ; and the amount paid to shipping brokers for Government business, for the year ending 30th June, 1903. - (220 copies.) 136

3. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing—■ 1. The actual monetary loss to the Railway' revenue of this State caused by the engine-drivers’ and firemen’s strike in May last. 2. The annual and total sum saved, or estimated to be saved, under the following conditions :— (a) The total or partial forfeiture of compensations, pensions, &c. (as the case may be), in all branches of the Railway service affected by the said strike, or by orders issued by the Com­ missioner or Minister preceding the strike ; (6) the number of dismissals and failures to reinstate workmen who then struck ; (c) the reduction of wages below the rates in existence preceding the strike, both to reinstated and new employes.

Orders of the Dat :— 1. Stolen Cattle (Recent Possession) Bill—(Mr. J. Cameron)—Second reading. 2. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 3. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 4. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. , . i 5. Cremation Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 6. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 7. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 8. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 9. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To be further considered in Committee. 10. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Consideration of Report. 11. Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading. 12. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 14. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading 15. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To be further considered in Committee. 16. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading. 17. Opening of Public Library, .Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employ^ shall be required to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience. 18. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading. 19. Taxation on Unimproved Land Values—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, the principle of taxation.on unimproved values of land be affirmed,* and that the Government be requested to bring in a Bill dealing with the question. 20. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 21. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. McDonald)—Second reading. 22. Police Offences Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

. TUESDAY, 1st DECEMBER. Question. 1. Mr. Hutchinson : To ask the Honorable the Premier when he will give the House an opportunity of discussing the question dealt with by the Railways Standing Committee in its last Repoft, viz.:— The proposed Hopetoun-Mlldura Railway connexion.

WEDNESDAY,' 9th DECEMBER. ■General Business. Orders of the Day :— 1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailee)—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 3. South Melbourne Loan Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 4. Building Societies Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 5. Farriers Registration Bill—(Mr. Hennessy)—Second reading.

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF ^tOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Supply or Ways and 'Means— 1. Mr. A. Harris : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that all officers of the police force shall retire at the age of 60 years in lieu-of 65 years, thereby providing a uniform age for the retirement of all the members of the force. THOS. G. WATSON, j W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker 137 MEETINGS OF SELECT COMMITTEES. Thursday, 26th November. Printing—at two o’clock. Wednesday, 2nd December. Public Accounts—at half-past two o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 25th NOVEMBER, 1905. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 18. Lunacy Bill—[15], (To Members of Council only.)

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 34. Old-age Pensions Bill—[14]. Unused Hoads and Water Frontages Bill—[55], Recent Possession Bill—[73]. , . ' _ . ,, , , N Mines Acts Further Amendment Bill.—(New Clause to-be proposed in Committee.) (To Members only.)

PRINTED PAPERS. The following Printed Papers can now be obtained by Honorable Members from the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly (Telephones 3065 and 3179), and by others on the circulation list, from I the Government Printer. They can also be purchased by the Public from the Government Printer:— Census of Victoria, 1901.—Part VI.—Education of the People (No. 1). ' Part VII.—Sickness and Infirmity (No. 2). ” ” J# Part VIII.—Land and Live Stock (No. 6). Charitable Institutions.—Report of Inspection for year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd Sess. No. 24.) Constitution Statute.—Statement of Expenditure under Schedule D, during 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 15.) • Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure, 1903-4 (B. No. 7). „ Supplementary Estimates for 1902-3 (B. No. 6). Factories, Work-rooms, and Shops.—Chief Inspector’s Report for year ended 31st December, 1902. (2nd. Sess. No.' 14.) . . Forests Commission Recommendations. (2nd Sess. C. No. 1.) Friendly Societies—Report of Registrar of, for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 27.) Printing Committee.—First Report. (2nd Sess. D. No- 1.) Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of Victoria—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 3.) Public Service Commissioner.—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 16.) Railways.__Victorian Railways Commissioners’ Report for year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd. Sess. No. 19.) Railways Standing Committee.—Twelfth General Report. (2nd Sess. No. 12.) Savings Banks—Statements and Returns for Year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd Sess. No. 22.) Settlement on Lands Act 1893—Report for year 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 13.) Statistical Register for 1902.—Part I.—Blue Book. (2nd Sess. No. 4.) Part II.—Interchange. (2nd Sess. No. 5.) Part III.—Accumulation. (2nd Sess. No. 8.) Part IV.—Finance, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 9.) Part V.—Vital Statistics, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 10.) PartVI.—Populationand Municipal Finance. (2nd Sess.No.il.) n n n Part VIII.—Law, Crime, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 21.) University of Melbourne—Royal Commission on.—Minutes of Evidence on Administration, Teaching Work, and Government of. (2nd Sess. No. 20.)

- By Authority: Root. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne, : t LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 35.



1. Mb. Hutchinson : To ask the Honorable the Premier when he will give the House an opportunity of discussing the question dealt with by the Railways Standing Committee in its last Report, viz. The proposed Hopetoun-Mildura Railway connexion.

2. Mb. Hunt : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Works if he will inform the House when he will he prepared to remit the question of the construction of a railway from Alexandra- road to Alexandra to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Railways for consideration and report.

Government Business.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Old-age Pensions Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Consideration of Report. 2. Assembly Electoral Boundabies Bill—Second reading. 3. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 4. Local GoVebnment Bill—Second reading. i 5. Mines Acts fuetheb Amendment Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 6. Lake Hindmarsh Aboriginal Settlement Land Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 7. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 8. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 9. Murray Waters Inter-State Agreement Bill—Second reading. 10. Unused Roads Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 11. Election Expenses Limitation Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. 12. Public Officers Retirement Bill—Second reading. 13. Savings Banks Acts further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 14. Public Accounts Committee Bill—Second reading. 15. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee.

General Business. -

Notices of Motion :— 1. 'Mr. E. Cameron. : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is. not desirable to. lease further . cold storage accommodation, but any extension required should be built on Government property.

2. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the amount paid in salaries and wages to staff and men employed by the Department of Agriculture at Flinders-street Cool Stores, for the year ending 30th June, 1903 ; and the amount paid to shipping brokers for Government business, for the year ending 30th June, 1903. (220 copies.) 140

3. Me. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The actual monetary loss to the Railway revenue of this State caused by the engine-drivers’ and , firemen’s strike,in May last. 2. The annual, and total sum saved, or estimated to be saved, under the following conditions :— (a) The total or partial forfeiture of compensations, pensions, &c. (as the case may be), in all branches of the Railway service affected by the said strike, or by orders issued by the Com­ missioner or Minister preceding the strike; (6) the number of dismissals and failures to reinstate workmen who then struck ; '(c) the reduction of wages below the rates in existence preceding the strike, both to reinstated and new employes.

Orders of the Day :—

1. Stolen Cattle (Recent Possession) Bill—(Mr. J. Cameron)—Second reading. 2. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. _ 3. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 4. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 5. Cremation Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 6. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 7. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 8. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 9. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To be further considered in Committee. 10. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Consideration of Report. 11. Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading. 12. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 14. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading - T5. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To be further considered in Committee. 16. Public Service Act 1890 further, Amendment- Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading. 17. Opening of Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employd shall be required to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience. 18. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading. 19. Taxation on Unimproved Land Values—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this' House, the principle of taxation on unimproved values of land be affirmed, arid that the Government be requested to bring in a Bill dealing with the question. 20. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 21. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. McDonald)—Second reading. 22. Police Offences Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.


General Business. Orders of the Day :— 1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 3. South Melbourne Loan Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 4. Building Societies Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 5. Farriers Registration Bill—(Mr. Hennessy)—Second reading.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.

MEETING OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Wednesday, 2nd December. Public Accounts—at half-past two o’clock. 141

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 26th NOVEMBER, 1903. Health Act 1890 Further Amendment Bill— (New Clause to be proposed by the Hon. Walter Manifold.) (To Members of Council only.) (Amendments to be proposed by the Hon. S. G-. Black.) (To Members of Council only.) Electoral Bolls Bill.—(New Clause to be proposed by the Hon. D. Melville.) (To Members of Council only.)

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 35.

PRINTEt) PAPERS. The following Printed Papers can now be obtained by Honorable Members from the Clerk of the • Legislative Assembly (Telephones 3065 and 3179), aud by others on the circulation list, from the Government Printer. They can also be purchased by the Public from the Government Printer:— Census of Victoria, 1901.—Part VI.—Education of the People (No. 1). „ „ „ Part VII.—Sickness and Infirmity (No. 2). „ „ „ Part VIII.—Land and Live Stock (No. 6). Charitable Institutions.—Report of Inspection for year, ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd Sess. No. 24.) Constitution Statute.—Statement of Expenditure under Schedule D, during 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 15.) Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure, 1903-4 (B. No. 7). „ Supplementary Estimates for 1902-3 (B. No. 6). Factories, Work-rooms, and Shops.—Chief Inspector’s Report for year ended 31st December, 1902. (2nd. Sess. No. 14.) Forests Commission Recommendations. (2nd Sess. C. No. 1.) Friendly Societies-1—Repoyt of Registrar of, for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 27.) Printing Committee.—First Report. (2nd Sess. D. No. 1.) Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of Victoria—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 3.) Public Service Commissioner.—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 16.) Railways.—Victorian Railways Commissioners’ Report for year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd. Sess. No. 19.) Railways Standing Committee.—Twelfth General Report. (2nd Sess. No. 12.) Savings Banks—Statements and Returns for Year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd Sess. No, 22.) Settlement on Lands Act 1893—Report for year 1902—3. (2nd Sess. No. 13.) Statistical Register for 1902.—Part I.—Blue Book. (2nd Sess. No. 4.) Part II.—Interchange. (2nd Sess. No. 5.) Part III.—Accumulation. (2nd Sess. No. 8.) Part IV.—Finance, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 9.) Part V.—Vital Statistics, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 10.) Part VI.—Populationand Municipal Finance. (2nd Sess.No.il.) Part VIII.—Law, Crime, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 21.) University of Melbourne—Royal Commission on.—Minutes of Evidence on Administration, Teaching Work, and Government of. (2nd Sess. No. 20.)

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne. 1M x

- - )






Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No: 36.

WEDNESDAY, 2nd DECEMBER, 1903. Questions.

1. Mr. Hutchinson : To ask the Honorable the Premier when he will give the House an opportunity of discussing the question dealt with by the Railways Standing Committee in its last Report, viz.:— The proposed Hopetoun-Mildura Railway connexion.

2. Mr. Kirton : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines if he will inform the House when Mr. Bradford’s report on the Berringa Gold-field will be available.

3. Mr. Graves : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary what steps have been taken to supply the maps and returns (as submitted to Parliament) in connexion with the Assembly Electoral Boundaries Bill to the various Shire Councils and centres of population afiected, so that persons interested may have an opportunity, of communicating with their Parliamentary representatives before the Schedules of the Bill are dealt with.

4. Mr. Toutcher : To ask the Honorable the Premier, in view of the fact that His Excellency the Governor, Sir [George Sydenham Clarke, has left the State of.Victoria for an indefinite period, what steps lie proposes to take to give effect to the following resolution which was adopted by this House on the 14th October last, viz., “ That an humble Address be presented to His Majesty the King, praying that, on the termination of the present Governor’s term of office, the question of the necessity of appointment of future State Governors for Victoria be taken into consideration.” Government Business. p Notice of Motion :— ' 1. Mr. Irvine : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Juries Acts.”

Orders of the Day :— , 1. Lunacy Bill—Amendments of the Legislative Council—To be considered. 2. Unused Roads Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 3. Local Government Bill—Second reading. 4. Mines Acts further Amendment Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 5. Lake Hindmarsii Aboriginal Settlement Land Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 6. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 7. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 8. Murray Waters Inter-State Agreement Bill—Second reading. 9. Election Expenses Limitation Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. 10. Public Officers Retirement Bill—Second reading. 11. Savings Banks Acts further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 12. Public Accounts Committee Bill—Second reading. 13. Supply—To be further considered in Committee.1 14. Supply—Resolutions to be reported. 1 15. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee^ . ■ ’ . .." (220 copies.) 144

General Business.

Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is not desirable to lease further cold storage accommodation, t but any extension required should be built on Government property. 2. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the amount paid in salaries and wages to staff and men employed by the Department of Agriculture at Flinders-street Cool Stores, for the year ending 30th June, 1903 ; and the amount paid to shipping brokers for Government business, for the year ending 30th June, 1903. 3. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The actual monetary loss to the Railway revenue of this State caused by the engiue-drivers and firemen’s strike in May last. 2. The annual and total sum saved, or estimated to be saved, under the following conditions (a) The total or partial forfeiture of compensations, pensions, &c. (as the case may be), in all branches of the Railway service affected by the said strike, or by orders issued by the Com­ missioner or Minister preceding the strike ; (b) the number of dismissals and failures to reinstate workmen who then struck ; (c) the reduction of wages below the rates in existence preceding the strike, both to reinstated and new employes.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Stolen Cattle (Recent Possession) Bill—(Mr. J. Cameron)—Second reading. 2. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gain)—Second reading. 3. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 4. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 5. Cremation Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 6. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 7. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 8. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. y 9. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To be further considered in Committee. - -10. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Consideration of Report. 11. Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading. 12. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. ' 14. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading. 15. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To be further considered in Committee. 16. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading. 17. Opening of Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employ^ shall be required to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience. . 18. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading. 1 19. Taxation on Unimproved Land Values—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, the principle of taxation on unimproved values of land be affirmed, and that the Government be requested to bring in a Bill dealing with the question. 20. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 21. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of W orks Act 1890 Amendment Bill (Mr. McDonald)—Second reading. 22. Police Offences Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

TUESDAY, 8th DECEMBER. Government Business. Order of the Day :— 1. Assembly Electoral Boundaries Bill—To be further considered in Committee.

WEDNESDAY, 9th DECEMBER. General Business. . Orders of the Day :— . . 1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—To be further considered in Committee. • 2. Legitimation of Children Bill—:(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. , , 3. South Melbourne Loan Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 4. Building Societies Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 5. Farriers Registration Bill—‘(Mr. Hennessy)—Second reading. , _ THOS. G. WATSON, - W. D. BEAZLET, * Cleric of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker. 145 MEETING' OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Wednesday, 2nd December. Public Accounts—at half-past two o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED SINCE 26th NOVEMBER, 1903. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Council. Nos. 15, 16, 17, and 18. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 19. Old-age Pensions Bill—[14]. (To Members of Council only.) Wombat Land Bill—[20]. (To Members of Council only.) Kerang Lands Bill—[53]. (To Members of Council only.) Ballarat Agricultural and Pastoral Society’s Land Bill—[54]. (To Members of Council only.) Municipal Endowment'Reduction Bill—[65]. (To Members of Council only.) Surplus Revenue Bill—[66]. (To Members of Council only.) Companies Acts Amendment Bill—(Amendments to be proposed by the Hon. N. Levi.) (To Members of Council only.) Libraries Act 1890 Further Amendment Bill.—(Amendments made by the Legislative Council disagreed with by the Legislative Assembly.) (To Members of Council only.)

Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. Nos. 33, 34, and 35. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 36. Weekly Report of Divisions. No. 8. Savings Bunks Bill—[17]. Committee of Public Accounts Bill—[79]. Electoral Districts Boundaries Bill—[87]. Lunacy Bill.—(Amendments of the Legislative Council.) (To Members only.) Second Report of the Printing Committee.—D.—No. 2. ll PRINTED PAPERS. The following Printed Papers can now be obtained by Honorable Members from the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly (Telephones 3065 and 3179), and by others on the circulation list, from the Government Printer. They can also be purchased by the Public from the Government Printer:— Census of Victoria, 1901.—Part VI.—Education of the People(No. 1). „ 1 „ „ Part VIL—Sickness and Infirmity (No. 2). „ „ „ Part VIII.—Land and Live Stock (No. 6). Charitable Institutions.—Report of Inspection-for year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd Sess. No. 24.) ! Constitution Statute.—Statement of Expenditure under Schedule D, during 1902-3. (2nd . Sess. No. 15.) Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure, 1903-4 (B. No. 7). „• Supplementary Estimates for 1902-3 (B. No. 6). Factories, Workrooms, and Shops.—Chief Inspector’s Report for year ended 31st December, 1902. (2nd. Sess. No. 14.) Forests Commission Recommendations. (2nd Sess. C. No. 1.) - Friendly Societies—Report of Registrar of, for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 27.) Printing Committee.—First Report. (2nd Sess. D. No. 1.) Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of Victoria—Report for 1902. (2nd , Sess. No. 3.) " Public Service Commissioner.—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 16.) Railways.—Victorian Railways Commissioners’ Report for year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd. Sess. No. 19.) Railways Standing Committee.—Twelfth General Report. (2nd Sess. No. 12.) Savings Banks—Statements and Returns for Year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd Sess. No. 22.) Settlement on Lands Act 1893—Report for year 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 13.) ■ Statistical Register for 1902.—Part I.—Blue Book. (2nd Sess. No. 4.) „ „ „ Part II.—Interchange. (2nd Sess. No. 5.) „ „ „ Part III.—Accumulation. (2nd Sess. No. 8.) „ „ „ Part IV.—Finance, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 9.) „ „ „ Part V.—Vital Statistics, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 10.) „ „ „ Part VI.—Populationand Municipal Finance. (2nd Sess.No.il.) „ „ „ Part VIII.—Law, Crime, &c. (2nd Sess.-No. 21.) University of Melbourne—Royal Commission on.—Minutes of Evidence on Administration, • Teaching Work, and Government of. (2nd Sess. No. 20.)

Ck By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne. 4 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day,

No. 37,


Notice of Motion (Unopposed):— 1, Me. Graves : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the. names and addresses of the Commissioners for taking declarations who have been appointed within the city of Melbourne under the Declarations and Affidavits Act 1390, No. 1191.

Government Business.

Notice of Motion :— .1. Mb. Bent : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for vesting certain Land on the south of the Yarra Yarra River in the Board of Land and Works and the City of Melbourne jointly for the purposes of a Public Park."

Orders of the Day :—

1: Unused Roads Bill—Consideration of Report. 2. Local Government Bill—Second reading. 3. Mines Acts further Amendment Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 4. Lake Hindmabsh Aboriginal Settlement Land Bill—To be further considered in Committee, 5, Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 6, Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading, i 7, Murray Waters Inter-State Agreement Bill—Second reading,. 8. Election Expenses Limitation Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. j 9, Public Officers Retirement Bill—Second reading. 10. Savings Banks Acts further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 11. Public Accounts Committee Bill—Second reading. 12. Juries Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 13. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Amendments of the Legislative Council—To be considered. 14. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 15. Supply—Resolutions to be reported. 16. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. (220 copies.) 148

General Business.

Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That, iu the opinion of this House, it is not desirable to lease further cold storage accommodation, , but any extension required should be built on Government property.

2. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the amount paid in salaries and wages to staff and men employed by the Department of Agriculture at Flinders-street Cool Stores, for the year ending 30th June, 1903 ; and the amount paid to shipping brokers for Government business, for the year ending 30th June, 1903.

3. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The actual monetary loss to the Railway revenue of this State caused by the engine-drivers’ and firemen’s strike in May last. 2. The annual and total sum saved, or estimated to be saved, under the following conditions :— (a) The total or partial forfeiture of compensations, pensions, &c. (as the case may be), in all branches of the Railway service affected by the said strike, or by orders issued by the Com- ' missioner or Minister preceding the strike ; (b) the number of dismissals and failures to reinstate workmen who then struck ; (c) the reduction of wages below the rates in existence preceding the strike, both to reinstated and new employes.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Stolen Cattle (Recent Possession) Bill—(Mr. J. Cameron)—Second reading. 2. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gaiv)—Second reading. 3. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 4. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 5. Cremation Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 6. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 7. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 8. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 9. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To be further considered in Committee. 10. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Consideration of Report. 11. Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading. 12. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 14. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second- reading t -15. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To be further considered in . ■ Committee. 16. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading. 17. Opening of Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museuip, and Art Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employe shall be required to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience. 1 ' 18. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading. , - . , . 1' 19. Taxation on Unimproved Land Values—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, the principle of taxation on unimproved values of land be affirmed, and that the Government be requested to bring in a Bill dealing with the question. 20. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. - 21. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Act 1890 Amendment Bill—:(Mr. McDonald)—Second reading. 22. Police Offences Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

• TUESDAY, 8th DECEMBER. ■Questions.

1. Mr. Brown : To ask the Honorable the Premier if, in view of the great importance of the Federal elections, he will adjourn the House over polling day.

2. Mr. Brown : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if the statement made through the press that he has put-chased the Gooramadda property at £8 5s. per acre is L correct; if so, does he know that the same property was offered to a previous Government for £7 10s. per acre. If not committed to the purchase, will he get evidence as to value. Government Business. Order of the Day :— 1. Assembly Electoral Boundaries Bill—To be further considered in Committee. ( . J 149

WEDNESDAY, 9th DECEMBER. General Business. Orders of the Day :— 1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—To be farther considered in Committee. 2. ' Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 3. South Melbourne Loan Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 4. Building Societies Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 5. Farriers Registration Bill—(Mr. Hennessy)—Second reading. THOS. G.' WATSON, . W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.

MEETING OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Tuesday, 8th December. Public Accounts—at half-past three o’clock.


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 20.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 37. ,Unused Roads and Water Frontages Bill—[do]. (To Members only.)

PRINTED PAPERS. The following Printed Papers can now be obtained by Honorable Members from the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly (Telephones 3065 and 3179), and by others on the circulation list, from the Government Printer. They can also be purchased by the Public from the Government Printer:— ■ . Census of Victoria, 1901.—Part VI.—Education of the People (No. 1). „ „ „ Part VII.—Sickness and Infirmity (No. 2). „ „ . „ ' Part VIII.—Land and Live Stock (No. 6). Charitable Institutions.—Report of Inspection for year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd Sess. No. 24.) . , Cold Storage Expenditure. (2nd Sess. C. No. 3.) Constitution Statute.—Statement of Expenditure under Schedule D, during 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 15.) Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure, 1903-4 (B. No. 7). „ Supplementary Estimates for 1902-3 (B. No. 6). Explosives.—Report of Chief Inspector for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 25.) , Factories, Work-rooms, and Shops.—Chief Inspector’s Report for year ended 31st December, 1902. (2nd. Sess. No. 14.) Forests Commission Recommendations. (2nd Sess. C. No. 1.) Friendly Societies—Report of Registrar of, for d 902. (2nd Sess. No. 27.) Printing Committee.—First Report. (2nd Sess. D. No 1.) ,, ,, Second Report.- (2nd Sess. D. No. 2 ) Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery" of Victoria—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 3.) Public Service Commissioner.—Report for 1902, (2nd Sess. No. 16.) Railways.—Victorian Railways Commissioners’ Report for year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd. Sess. No. 19.).,' Railways Standing Committee.—Twelfth General Report. (2nd Sess. No. 12.) Railway Engine Men’s Hours and Pay. (2nd Sess. C. No. 2.) . Savings Banks—Statements and Returns for Year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd Sess. No. 22.y Settlement on Lands Act 1893—Report for year 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 13.) Statistical Register-for 1902.—Part I.—Blue Book. (2nd Sess. No. 4.) „* „ „ Part II.—Interchange. (2nd Sess. No. 5.) „ „ „ Part III.—Accumulation. (2nd Sess. No. 8.) „ „ . „ Part IV.—:Finnnce, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 9.) „ „ „ Part V.—Vital Statistics, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 10.) „ „ „ .PartVI.—Populationand Municipal Finance. (2nd Sess.No.il.) „ , „ Part VIII.—Law, Crime, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 21.) University of Melbourne—Royal Commission on.—Minutes of Evidence on Administration, Teaching Work, and Government of. (2nd Sess. No. 20.)

By Authority: Robt. S. Bbain, Government Printer, Melbourne. 1


- -o



Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 38.



1. Mr. Brown : To ask the Honoiable the Premier if, in view of the great importance of the Federal elections, he will adjourn the House over polling day.

2. Mr. Smith : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer if he will inform the House when the Annual Report of the Actuary for Friendly Societies for the year 1902 will be printed and circulated.

3. Mr. Brown : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if the statement made through the press that he has purchased the Gooramadda property at JE8 5s. per acre is correct ; if so, does he know that the same property was offered to a previous Government for £7 10s. per acre.- If not committed to the purchase, will he get evidence as to value. -

4. Mr. Prendergast : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if it is his intention to direct that the Commissioners of Railways shall pay to employes of the Newport Workshops the overtime rates customary in the engineering trade.

Notice of Motion (Unopposed) :—

1. Mr: McCutcheon : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The names of the charities, public or private, which have received, for their own agents or ser?ants, free passes over the State railways. 2. The names of the charities which, in addition to any Government' grant, also receive such passes as above mentioned. •Government Business. Orders of the Day:— 1. Local Government Bill—Third reading. 2. Assembly Electoral Boundaries Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 3. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 4. Supply—Resolutions to be reported. 5. Mines Acts further Amendment Bill—To be further considered in Committee. ■6. Lake Hindmarsh Aboriginal Settlement Land Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 7. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 8. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 9. Murray Waters Inter-State Agreement Bill—Second reading. •10. Election Expenses Limitation Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. 11. Public Officers Retirement Bill—Second reading. \ ' ' 12. Savings ’ Banks Acts further Amendment Bill—Second reading. > - ' 13. Public Accounts Committee Bill—Second reading. • - ' 1 14. Juries Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. •15. Alexandra Park Bill—Second reading. 16.* Ways And Means—To be further considered in Committee. (220 copies.) 152

General Business..

, Notices of Motion :—

1. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That, Lu the opinion of this House, it is not desirable to lease further- cold storage accommodation, but any extension required should be built on Government- property.

2. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the amount paid in salaries and wages to staff and men employed by the Department of Agriculture at Flinders-s treat Cool Stores, for the year ending 30th June, 1903 ; and the amount paid to shipping brokers for- Government business, for the year ending 30th June, 1903.

3. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The actual monetary loss to the Railway revenue of this State caused by the engine-drivers’ and- firemen’s strike in May last. i , . 2. The annual and. total sum saved, or estimated to be saved, under the following.conditions :----- (a) The total or partial forfeiture of compensations, pensions, &c. (as. the case may be), in all branches of the Railway service affected by the said strike, or by orders issued by the Com­ missioner or Minister preceding the strike ; (b) the number of dismissals and failures to reinstate workmen who then struck ; (c) the-reduction of wages below the rates in existence- , preceding the strike, both to reinstated and new employes.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Stolen Cattle (Recent Possession) Bill—(Mr. J. Cameron)—Second reading. 2. Meat Supervision Act. 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 3. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 4. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 5. Cremation Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 6. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 7. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 8. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 9. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To be further considered in Committee. 10. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Consideration of Report. 11. Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading. 12. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 14. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading 15. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)-rTo be further considered in Committee. 16. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading. 17. Opening of Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate' on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employ^ shall be required to work seven-days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience. 18. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading. 19. ' Taxation on Unimproved Land Values—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, the principle of taxation on unimproved values of land be affirmed, and that the Government be requested to bring in a Bill dealing with the question. 20. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 21. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr.- McDonald)—Second reading. 22. Police Offences Ac,t 1893 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 9th DECEMBER. General Business. Orders of the Day :— ■ 1.. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailee)—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 3. South Melbourne Loan Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 4. Building Societies Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 5. Farriers Registration Bill—(Mr. Hennessy)—Second reading.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker#- 153 MEETING OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Tuesday, 8th December. Public Accounts—at, half-past three o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 3rd DECEMBER, 1903. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 38. Juries Bill—[88]. South Melbourne Loan Bill—[90]. Health Act 1890 Further Amendment Bill.—(Amendments of the Legislative Council.) (To Members only.) Local Government. Bill.—(Amendments to be proposed in Committee). (To Members only.)

PRINTED PAPERS. The following Printed Papers can now be obtained by Honorable Members from the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly (Telephones 3065 ancl 3179), and by others on the circulation list, from, the Government Printer. They can also be purchased by the Public from the Government Printer:— Census of Victoria, 1901.—Part VI.—Education of the People (No. 1). ,, ,, „ Part VII.—Sickness and Infirmity (No. 2). „ „ „ Part VIII.—Land and Live Stock (No. 6). Charitable Institutions.—Report of Inspection for year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd Sess. ' - No. 24.) Cold Storage Expenditure. (2nd Sess. C. No. 3.) Constitution Statute.—Statement of Expenditure under' Schedule D, during 1902-3. (2nd. Sess. No. 15.) Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure, 1903-4 (B. No. 7). „ Supplementary Estimates for 1902-

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne. ' *


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day,

. No. 39.

WEDNESDAY, 9th DECEMBER, 1903. Questions. 1. MAnnuaTReport Tn Clotr'sett Wn'lor 1902 L7 bef ^ ^ Survey if the .... wh„ eL printed copie, "J M’ “ ’« b““ > “


run from Melbourne to Ballarat in connexion w,>h il/t foil,* by the sPecial tram which was to stop at Ingliston to pick up a horse belongingto M^J O^nilK W?’ altb,?ugh the trainhad order to be ccelled, „d He, „7 one „ trLfio if .uSf^.^iJip it" 3. heT;„balc s”iettile‘ttt^rt^frjrr!

4. M« ta,,: To „k the Honor.We the Mini,!., of R.ilw.,, if he win th, H„„„_

' * -—J ~ ^ «v«**v*i*j. uiuioy ttiti U ™ «-= Treffie Br.och .t ,h. metropolitan and suburban stations ■o SMhoeneparttment Pay for accumulated Sunday time owing. 3. W,ll the Department pay any increments due to juniors before Christmas.

5' “toptg iofZst d“Z?U,t:.tttdo7.Ti'thi’rbhe T111 «”»“» “e«dvi»ble„e„ o, the Commonwealth elections of voting as has been adopted in connexion with

Government Business. Notices oe Motion :__ L • - *

cMn™w££'«Lii*iV°rrmm for"

Orders op the Day - 1. Local Government Bill—Third reading. 3 Sn’^rfbeT^1 B°TTS B'"_T0 b" ™ Committee, o. SUPPLY ho be further considered in Committee. 4. Supply—Resolutions to be reported

:■8. Jzr:r1RANBFER OF LAND “ ACT 1890*■--** AMENDMENT Birr If S in co""'“e“- 9. *^ir„.„^in^^Blli^n|^'H*»d ’

10. Election Expenses Limitation Bill (No. 2)-Second reading. 11. Public Officers Retirement BiLL-Second reading. ' 12. Savings Banks Acts further Amendment Bn.L-Second reading 13. Public Accounts Committee BiLL-Second reading. 14. Juries Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 15. Alexandra Park Bill—Second reading. 1& 1890 A“*™ ^.bt- Message from the Legi.l.tive C.u,eiI_T. be

17. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee.

(220 copies.) 156

General Business. . , - - -

' Orders of the Day :—

1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—To be further considered in Committee

2. Legitimation of Children Bill—^ (Mr. -Maloney)—-;Second reading.

8. South Melbourne Loan Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading.

4. Building' Societies Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading.

5. Farriers Registration Bill—(Mr. Hennessy) —Second reading. , [ ,

6. Stolen Cattle (Recent Possession) Bill—(Mr. J. Cameron)—Second reading.

7. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading.

8. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading.

9. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading.

10. Cremation Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

11. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. c." _ - , 12. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading.

13. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading.

14. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To be further considered.in:Committee.

15. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinn'on)—Consideration of Report.

16. Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading. 1

17. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—rSecond reading.

18. Licensing Act ,1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

19. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading.

20. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To 'be further considered in Committee.

21. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—’Second reading.

22. Opening of Public Library, 'Museum, and Art Galleries-on 'SmokY—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it isdesira'bie' that'th'e Public Library., Museum, and Art Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that ho employe shall ,be required to work seven days ,per w.eek, or on 'any (Sunday, against his -conscience. 23. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading. 24. Taxation on Unimproved -Land -Values—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, the principle of taxation on unimproved values of ’lahti he affirmed, and that the Government be requested to bring in a Bill dealing with the question. , 25. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 26. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. McDonald)—Second’reading. 27. Police Offences Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

Notices of Motion-:— 1. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring-in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to 'amend the Law relating to Warehousemen's Certificates." •

2. Mr. Barr : To move, That he have leave 'to bring in a Bill 'intituledA Bill to enable

3. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is not -desirable 'to'leaSe'further cold storage accommodation, but any extension required should be built • on Government property.

4. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the amount paid in salaries and wages to staff and men employed by the Department of Agriculture at FlinderSySitreet Cool Stores, for the year ending -30th June, T90S ; - and the -amount paid’ to" shipping" Brokers for Government business, for the year ending 30th June, 1903. 1 1 '

5. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid -before this House a return showing— 1. The actual monetary loss to the Railway revenue'of this' State caused by the engine-drivers’ and firemen’s strike in May last. ' 2. The annual and ’ total sum saved, or estimated to be saved,'under'the following-conditicms :— (a) The total or partial forfeiture of compensations, pensions, ,&c. (as the,tease -mayr bet),' un all branches of the Railway service affected by the said stVike, or by orders issued by, the Com­ missioner or Minister preceding the strike ; (b) the number of dismissals and failures to reinstate workmen, who then struck-; (c) the reduction of -wages below 'the rates in'existence preceding the strike, both to reinstated and new employes. 167

THURSDAY, 10th DECEMBER. General Business. Order of the Day :— L. Companies Acts Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.

MEETINGS OF SELECT COMMITTEES. Wednesday, 9th December. Refreshment Rooms (Joint)—At seven o’clock. Wednesday, 16/A December. Public Accounts—at half-past two o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED SINCE 3rd DECEMBER, 1903. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Council. Nos. 19 and 20. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.' . No. 21. Electoral Provinces Boundaries Bill—[91]." *: Unused Roads and Water Frontages Bill—[55]. (To Members of Council only.)

Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. Nos. 36, 37, and 38. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 39. Weekly Report of Divisions. No. 9. Companies Bill—[83]. (To Members only.) Alexandra Park Bill—[95]. Assembly Electoral Boundaries Bill".—(Amendments to be proposed in Committee.) (To Members only.) Libraries Act 1890 Further Amendment Bill.—(Amendments made and insisted on by the Legislative Council.) (To Members only.) .Local Government Bill— (Amendments to be proposed after Third Reading by Mr. Boyd.) (To Members only.) (Amendments to be proposed after Third Reading by Mr. Shoppee). (To Members only.)

PRINTED PAPERS. . The following Printed Papers cap now be obtained by Honorable Members from the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly (Telephones 3065 and 3179), and by others on the circulation list, from the Government Printer. They can also be -purchased by the Public from the Government Printer:— Census of Victoria, 1901.—Part VI.—Education of the People (No. 1). „ „ .Part VII.—Sickness and Infirmity (No. 2). „ „ „ Part VIII.—Land and Live Stock (No. 6). Charitable Institutions.—Report of Inspection for year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd Sess. No. 24.) Cold Storage Expenditure. (2nd Sess. C. No. 3.) ~ Constitution Statute.—Statement of Expenditure under Schedule D, during 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 15.) Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure, 1903-4 (B. No. 7). „ Supplementary Estimates for 1902-3 (B,. No. 6). Explosives.—Report of Chief Inspector for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 25.) Factories, Work-rooms, and Shops.—Chief Inspector’s Report for year ended 31st December, 1902. (2nd. Sess. No. 14.) . Forests Commission Recommendations. (2nd Sess. C. No. 1.) '' Friendly Societies—Report of Registrar of, for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 27.) Printing Committee.—First Report. (2nd Sess. D. No- 1.) ,, „ Second Report. (2nd Sess. D. No. 2 ) Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of Victoria—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 3.) Public Service Commissioner.—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 16.) - Railways.—Victorian Railways Commissioners’ Report for year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd. Sess. No. 19.) Railways Standing Committee.—Twelfth General Report. (2nd Sess. No. 12.) Railway Engine Men’s Hours and Pay. (2nd Sess. C. No. 2.) Savings Banks—Statements and Returns for Year ended 30th June', 1903. (2nd Sess. No. 22.) Settlement on Lands Act 1893—Report for year 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 13.) Statistical Register for 1902.—Parti.—Blue Book. (2nd Sess. No. 4.) „ „ „ Part II.—Interchange. (2nd Sess. No. 5.) , „ „ Part III.—Accumulation. (2nd Sess. No. 8.) „ „ „ Part IV.—Finance, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 9.) ' „■ „ „ Part V.—Vital Statistics, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 10.) „ „ „ Part VI.—Populationand Municipal Finance. (2nd Sess. No. 1-1.) „ „ „ Part VIII.—Law, Crime, &c. (2nd Sess..No. 21.) University of Melbourne—Royal Commission on.—Minutes of Evidence on Administration, Teaching Work, and Government of. (2nd Sess. No. 20.)

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne. >


* 'Wifi'

4 -



Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 40.


Government Business.

Orders of the Bay :— . " 1. Local Government Bill—Third reading. " 2. Assembly Electoral Boundaries Bill—Consideration- of Report. I 3. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 4. Supply—Resolutions to be reported. 5 Council Electoral Boundaries Bill—Second reading. 6. Mines Acts further Amendment Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 7. Lake Hindmarsh Aboriginal Settlement Land Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 8. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 9. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 10. Murray Waters Inter-State Agreement Bill—Second reading. 11. Election Expenses Limitation Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. 12. Public Officers Retirement Bill—Second reading. 13. Savings Banks Acts further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 14. Public Accounts Committee Bill —Second reading. 15. Juries Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 16. Alexandra Park Bill—Second reading. 17. Libraries Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Message from the Legislative Council—To be considered. 18. Burrumbeet Park Railway Construction Bill—Second reading. 19. Yarrowee Channel Loan Bill—Second reading. 20. Ways and Means—To be further considered.in Committee.

General Business. Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend Section Fifty- four of the ‘Public Service Act 1890.’ ”

2. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Lam relating to Warehousemen’s (ertifieates.”

3. Mr. Barr : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to enable the Fitzroy . City Council to carry out certain Worhs with the surplus moneys in hand from the No. 6 Loan.”

4. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is not desirable to lease further cold storage accommoJittion, but any extension required should be built on Government1 property.

5. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the amount paid in salaries and wages to staff and men employed by the Department of Agriculture at Flinders-street Cool Stores, for the year ending 30th June, 1903 ; and the amount paid to shipping brokers for Government business, for the year ending 30th June, 1903. (220 copies.) * 160

> 6. Mr. Tucker r To "move, That there be laid before this House a return showing---- 1. The actual monetary loss to the Railway revenue of- this State caused by the engine-drivers’ and firemen’s strike in May last. 2. The annual and total sum saved, or estimated to be saved, under the following conditions :— (a) The total or partial forfeiture of compensations, pensions, &c. (as the case may be), in all branches of the Railway service affected by the said strike, or by orders issued by the Com­ missioner or Minister preceding the strike ; (6) the number of dismissals and failures to reinstate workmen who then struck ; (c) the reduction of wages below the rates in existence preceding the strike, both to reinstated and new employes.

■ - - Orderspof the Day-:— , 1. Companies Acts "Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.' 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—To be further considered in Committee. 3. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 4. South Melbourne Loan Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 5. Building Societies Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 6. Farriers Registration Bill—(Mr. Hennessy) — Second reading. 7. Stolen Cattle (Recent Possession) Bill—(Mr. J. Cameron)—Second reading. 8. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 9. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 11. Cremation Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. - 12. Legal Practitioners Reciprocitt Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 13. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill —(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. * 14. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 15. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To be further considered in Committee 16. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Consideration of Report. 17. Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading. 18. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 19. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 20. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading 21. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To be further considered, in Committee. 22. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading. 23. Opening of Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employ^ shall be required to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience. . . 24. Adulteration oE Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading. 25. Taxation on Unimproved Land Values—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in. the opinion of this House, the principle of taxation on unimproved values of land be affirmed, and that the Government be requested to bring in a Bill dealing with the question. 26. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 27. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. McDonald)—Second reading. 28. Police Offences Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

TUESDAY, 15th DECEMBER. Question. gl. Mr. Kirton : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he will inform the House whether the Government has considered the advisability of giving the Phoenix Foundry an additional order for locomotives.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.

MEETING OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Wednesday, 16th December. Public Accounts—at half-past two o’clock 161

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 9m DECEMBER, 1903. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 22.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 40. Electoral Districts Boundaries Bill—[87]. (To Members only.) Electoral Provinces Boundaries Bill—[91]. (To Members only.) Local Government Bill.—(New Clause to be proposed after Third Reading ) (To Members only.)

PRINTED PAPERS. The following Printed Papers can now be obtained by Honorable Members from the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly (Telephones 3065 and 3179), and by others on the circulation list, from the Government Printer. They can also be purchased by the Public from the Government Printer:— Census of Victoria, 1901.—rPart VI.—Education of the People (No. 1). „ n „ Part VII.—Sickness and Infirmity (No. 2). ” n „ . Part VIII.—Land and Live Stock (No. 6). Charitable Institutions.—Report of Inspection for year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd Sess. No. 24.) Cold Storage Expenditure. (2nd Sess. C. No. 3.) ° Constitution Statute.—Statement of Expenditure under Schedule D, during 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 15.) Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure, 1903—4 (B. No. 7). ,, Supplementary-Estimates for 1902—3 (B. No. 6). Explosives.—Report of Chief Inspector for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 25.) Eactories, Work-rooms, and Shops.—Chief Inspector's Report for year ended 31st December, 1902. (2nd. Sess. No. 14.) Porests Commission Recommendations. (2nd Sess. C. No. 1.) Friendly Societies—Report of Registrar of, for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 27.) Printing Committee.—First Report. (2nd Sess. D. No. 1.) ,, „ • • Second Report. (2nd Sess. D. No. 2) . . Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of Victoria—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 3.) Public Service Commissioner.—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess.. No. 16.) Railways.—Victorian Railways Commissioners’ Report for year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd. Sess. No. 19.) Railways Standing Committee.—Twelfth General Report. (2nd Sess. No. 12.) Railway Engine Men’s Hours and Pay. (2nd Sess. C. No; 2.) Savings Banks—Statements and Returns for Year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd Sess. No. 22.) Settlement on Lands Act 1893—Report for year 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 13.) Statistical Register for 1902.—Part I.—Blue Book. (2nd Sess. No. 4.) n ‘ n „ Part II.—Interchange. (2nd Sess. No. 5.) n „ Part III.—Accumulation. (2nd Sess. No. 8.\ J7 „ „ Part IV.—Finance, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 9.) n }) Part V.—Vital Statistics, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 10.) j n „ PartVI.—Populationand Municipal Finance. (2nd Sess.No.il.) ” „ „ Part VIII.—Law, Crime, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 21.) University of Melbourne—Royal Commission on.—Minutes of Evidence on Administration, Teaching Work, and Government of. (2nd Sess. No. 20.)

By Authority: Robt. S. Bbain, Government Printer, Melbourne. -v.. - 51.. i v':.. ■vY- LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 41.

TUESDAY, 15th DECEMBER, 1903. Questions. 1. Mr. Kirton : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he will inform the House whether the Government has considered the advisability of giving the Phoenix Foundry an additional order for locomotives.

2. Mr. Graham : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Work9 if; in view of the fact that the Government of New South Wales has agreed to the joint construction of a short line of railway from Strathmerton to Tocumwal, he will take steps to have the work carried out with the least possible delay. Government Business. Notices of Motion :—. 1. Mr. Bent : To move, That he have leave to bring.in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Game Acts."

2.. Mr. Bent : To move, That he have leave to;bring in'a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the ‘ Fisheries . Act 1890.’ ”

Orders of the Day :— 1. Assembly Electoral Boundaries Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 3. Supply—Resolutions to be reported. 4. Council Electoral Boundaries Bill—Second reading. 5. Mines Acts further Amendment Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 6. Lake Hinpmarsh Aboriginal Settlement Land Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 7. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 8. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 9. Murray- Waters Inter-State Agreement Bill—Second reading. 10. Election Expenses Limitation Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. 11. Public Officers Retirement Bill—Second reading. . 12. Savings Banks Acts further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 13. Public Accounts Committee Bill—Second reading. 14. Juries Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 15. Alexandra Park Bill—Second reading. 16. Libraries Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Message from the Legislative Council—To be ' considered. 17. Burrumbeet Park Railway Construction Bill—Second-reading. 18. Yarrowee Channel Loan BiLL^Second reading. 19. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. General Business. Notices of Motion :— ■ ” 1. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is not (lesirable to lease further cold storage accommodation, but any extension required should be built on Government property. (220 copies.) 164

2. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the amount paid in salaries and wages to staff and men employed by the Department of Agriculture at Flinders-street Cool Stores, for the year ending 30th June, 1903 ; and the amount paid to shipping brokers for Government business, for the year ending 30th June, 1903.

3. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The actual monetary loss to the Railway revenue of this State caused by the engine-drivers’ and firemen’s strike in May last. 2. The annual and total sum saved, or estimated to be saved, under the following conditions :— (a) The total or partial forfeiture of compensations, pensions, &c. (as the case may be), in all branches of the Railway service affected by the said strike, or by orders issued by the Com­ missioner or Minister preceding the strike ; (6) the number of dismissals and failures to reinstate workmen who then struck ; (c) the reduction of wages below the rates in existence preceding the strike, both to reinstated and new employes.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Companies Acts Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—To be further considered in Committee 8. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 4. South Melbourne Loan Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 5. Building Societies Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 6. Farriers Registration Bill—(Mr. Hennessy)—Second reading. 7. Stolen Cattle (Recent Possession) Bill—(Mr. J. Cameron)—Second reading. 8. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 9. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 11. Cremation Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 12. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 13. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 14. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 15. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To be further considered in Committee. 16. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Consideration of Report. 17. Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading. 18. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 19. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 20. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading 21. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To be further considered in Committee. "22. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading. 23. Opening of Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employ^ shall be required to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience. 24. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading. • 25. Taxation on Unimproved Land Values—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, the principle of taxation on unimproved values of land be affirmed, and that the,Government be requested to bring iu a Bill dealing with the question. 26. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 27. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. McDonald)—Second reading. 28. Police Offences Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 29. Public Service Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 30. Warehousemen’s Certificates Bill—(Mr. Mackey) — Second reading. 31. Fitzroy Loan Bill—(Mr. Barr)—Second reading.

THOS. G. WATSON, - W. D. BEAZLEY, ' Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.


Public Accounts—at half-past two o’clock. 165

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 10tii DECEMBER, 1903.. Unused Roads Bill.—(Amendment to be proposed by the Hon, J. Y. McDonald.) (To Members of Council only.)

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 41, Yarrowee Channel Further Loan Bill—[5], Metropolitan Hackney Carriages Bill—[96). Election Expenses Limitation Bill (No. 2).—(New Clause to be proposed in Committee.) (To Members only.)

PRINTED PAPERS. The following Printed Papers can now be obtained by Honorable Members from the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly (Telephones 3065 and 3179), and by others on the circulation list, from the Government Printer. They can also be purchased by the Public from the Government Printer:— Census of Victoria, 1901.—Part VI.—Education of the People (No. 1). „ „ „ ' Part VII.—Sickness and Infirmity (No. 2). „ „ „ Part VIII.—Land and Live Stock (No. 6). Charitable Institutions.—Report of Inspection for year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd Sess. No. 24.) Cold Storage Expenditure. (2nd Sess. C. No. 3.) Constitution Statute.—Statement of Expenditure under Schedule D, during 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 15.) Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure, 1903-4 (B. No. 7). „ Supplementary Estimates for 1902-3 (B. No. 6). Explosives.—Report of Chief Inspector for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 25.) Factories, Work-rooms, and Shops.—Chief Inspector’s Report for year ended 31st December," 1902. (2nd. Sess. No. 14.) Forests Commission Recommendations. (2nd Sess. C. No. 1.) Friendly Societies—Report of Registrar of, for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 27.) Judges—Report of the Council of. Neglected Children and Reformatory Schools.—Report of Secretary ■ and Inspector for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 30.) Penal Establishments and Gaols.—Report of Inspector-General for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 26.) Printing Committee.—First Report. (2nd S’ess. D. No- 1.) ,, ,, Second Report. (2nd Sess. D. No. 2 ) Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of Victoria—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 3.) Public Service Commissioner.—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 16.) Railway Engine Men’s Hours and Pay. (2nd Sess. C. No. 2.) Railways.—Victorian Railways Commissioners’ Report for year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd. Sess. No. 19.) Railways Standing Committee.—Twelfth General Report. (2nd Sess. No. 12.) „ „ „ St. Hilda to Brighton Electric Tramway and Conversion of St, Hilda Railway to Electric ’fraction.—Progress Report. (2nd Sess. Report No. 1.) Savings Banks—Statements and Returns for Year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd Sess. No. 22.) Settlement on Lands Act 1893—Report for year 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 13.) Statistical Register for 1902.—Part I.—Blue Book. (2nd Sess. No. 4.) Part II.—Interchange. (2nd Sess. No. 5.) Part III.—Accumulation. (2nd Sess. No. 8.) Part IV.—Finance, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 9.) Part V.—Vital Statistics, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 10.) PartVI.—Populationand Municipal Finance. (2nd Sess.No.il.) Part VIII.—Law, Crime, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 21.) University of Melbourne—Royal Commission on.—Minutes of Evidence on Administration, Teaching Work, and Government of. (2nd Sess. No. 20.)

By Authority; Root, S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne. !r






Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

Nq, 42,

WEDNESDAY, 16th DECEMBER, 1903. Questions.

1. Mr. Bromlet : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary if jam-tin makers are excluded from the findings of the Tinsmiths Board under the new- Factories Act; if so, under what section are they excluded.

2. Mr. Andrews : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he will inform the House-— 1. How often during the present month has the last up train to Melbourne from the Western District been more than fifteen minutes late in leaving Geelong. 2. What have been the causes thereof. 3. Will steps be taken to provide a waiting-room for male passengers on the Geelong Station, so that they may not have to wait on the platform, as at present.

3 - MR- A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Premier if, in view of the fact that the Constitution Reform Act provides for Public Service Representation in Parliament, he will inform the House— 1. If the various branches of the Public Service, including the Police Force, will be permitted to appoint delegates to representative meetings of Public Servants for the purpose of selecting candidates to contest the election. 2. If members of the Public Service, including the Police Force, may at their election meetings question the candidates, take the chair if desired so to do, move votes of confidence or otherwise, and generally comport themselves in all matters in a manner similar to reputable electors in other constituencies.

Government Business.

Notices of Motion :—

1. Mr. Irvine : To move, That the Sessional Order limiting the time for calling on fresh business be suspended for the remainder of the Session so far as Government Business is concerned,

2. Mr. Irvine : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to sanction .the issue and application of certain Sums of Money available under Loan Acts for Water Supply in Country Districts and for other % urposesA’

3. Mr. Irvine : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled <( A Bill to sanction the issue and application of certain Sums of Money available under Loan Acts for Publio Works and other purposes.'1

-4. Mr. Irvine : "To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to sanction the issue and applicaticn of certain Sums of Money available under Loan Acts for Railways.” (220 copies.) . 168

. Orders of the Day :— 1. Council Electoral Boundaries Bill —Second rending. 2. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 8. Supply—Resolutions to be reported. 4. Mines Acts further Amendment Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 5. Lake Hindmarsh Aboriginal Settlement Land Bill—To be further considered in Committee.

6. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 7. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 8. Murray Waters Inter-State Agreement Bill—Second reading. 9. Election Expenses Limitation Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. 10. Public Officers Retirement Bill—Second reading. 11. Savings-Banks Acts further Amendment Bill—Second reading. " 12. Public Accounts Committee Bill—Second reading. 13. Juries Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 14. Alexandra Park Bill—Second reading. 15. Libraries Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Message from the Legislative Council—To be considered. 16. Burrumbeet Park Railway Construction Bill—Second reading.

17. Yarrowee Channel Loan Bill—Second reading. 18. Game Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 19. Fisheries Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 20. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee.

General Business. Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Menzies : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to repeal the ‘ Gold Buyers Act 1901.’ ” ' 2. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is not desirable to lease further cold storage accommodation, but. any extension required should be built on Government, property. 3 Mr E Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the amount paid in salaries and wages to staff and men employed by the Departments Agriculture at Flinders-street Cool Stores, for the year ending 30th June, 1903 ; and the amount paid to shipping brokers tor * Government business, for the year ending 30th June, 1903.

4. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The actual monetary loss to the Railway revenue of this State caused by the engine-drivers’ and firemen’s strike in May last. 2. The annual and total sum saved, or estimated to be saved, under the following conditions (a) The total or partial forfeiture of compensations, pensions, &c. (as the case may be), in all branches of the Railway service affected by the said strike, or by orders issued by the Com­ missioner or Minister preceding the strike ; (b) the number of dismissals and failures to reinstate workmen who then struck ; (c) the reduction of wages below the rates in existence preceding the strike, both to reinstated and new employes.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—To be further considered in Committee -

2. Legitimation- of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 3. South Melbourne Loan Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. - 4. Building Societies Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 5. Farriers Registration Bill—(Mr. Hennessy)—Second reading. 6. Stolen Cattle (Recent Possession) Bill—(Mr. J. Cameron)—Second reading. - 7. Meat Supervision Act-1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 8. WillS Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 9. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. ,

10. Cremation Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. , , 11. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. - 12. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—SecpntLreading. , . 13. Totalizator-Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading: ■ 14. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To be further considered in Committee. , 15. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Consideration of Report. , , 16. Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading. . , , • ' , 17. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading.

/ 169

18. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 19. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading - 20. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To be further considered in Committee. 21. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading. 22. Opening of Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday— Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employe shall be required to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience. 23. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading. 24. Taxation on Unimproved Land Values—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, the principle of taxation on unimproved values of land be affirmed, and that the Government be requested to bring in a Bill dealing with the question. 25. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 26. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Act 1890 Amendment Bill (Mr. McUonald)—Second reading. 27. Police Offences Act 189J Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 28. Public Service Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 29. Warehousemen’s Certificates Bill—(Mr. Mackey) — Second reading. 30. Fitzroy Loan Bill—(Mr. Barr)—Second reading.

THURSDAY, 17tii DECEMBER. Government Business. Notice of Motion :— I. Mr. Irvine : To move, That the House, at its rising, adjourn until to-morrow, at ten o’clock.

FRIDAY, 18th DECEMBER. General Business. Order of the Day :— l. Companies Acts Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. THOS. G. WATSON, w> D- BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.

MEETING OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Wednesday, 16th December. Public Accounts—at half-past two o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED SINCE 10th DECEMBER, 1903. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Council. Nos. 21 and 22. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 23. Unused Roads and Water Frontages Bill—[55]. (To Members of Council only.) Local Government Bill—[72], (To Members of Council only.) Unused Roads Bill— (Amendments to be proposed by the Hon. Walter Manifold.) (To Members of Council only. ) (Amendments to be proposed.) (To Members of Council only.) Local Government Bill— (Amendment to be proposed by the Hon. J. H. Abbott.) (To Members of Council only.) (Amendment to be proposed by the Hon. W. L. Baillieu.) (To Members of Council only.)

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 42. Electoral Districts Boundaries Bill—[87], (To Members only.) Public Service Bill—[98]. Burrumbeet Park Railway Construction Bill—[99]. Fitzroy Loan Bill—[100], , Assembly Electoral Boundaries Bill.—(Amendments to be proposed on the consideration of Report or after the Third reading.) (To Members only.) . ' 170 PRINTED PAPERS. The following Printed Papers can now bo obtained by Honorable Members from the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly (Telephones 3065 and 3179), and by others on the circulation list, from the Government Printer. They can also be purchased by the Public from the Government Printer:— Census of Victoria, 1901.—Part VI.—Education of the People (No. 1). „ „ „ Part VII.—Sickness and Infirmity (No. 2). „ „ „ Part VIII.—Land and Live Stock (No. 6). Charitable Institutions.—Report of Inspection for year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd Sess. No. 24.) Cold Storage Expenditure. (2nd Sess. C. No. 3.) Constitution Statute.—Statement of Expenditure under Schedule D, during 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 15.) Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure, 1903-4 (B. No. 7). „ supplementary Estimates for 1902-3 (B. No. 6). . ' Explosives.—Report of Chief Inspector for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 25.) Factories, Work-rooms, and Shops.—Chief Inspector’s Report for year ended 31st Decembor, 1902. (2nd. Sess. No. 14,) Forests Commission Recommendations. (2nd Sess. O. Ne. 1.) Friendly Societies—Report of Registrar of, for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 27.) . Judges—Report of the Council of. Neglected Children and Reformatory Schools.—Report of Secretary and Inspector for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 30.) Penal Establishments and Gaols.—Report of Inspector-General for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 26.) Printing Committee.—First Report. (2nd Sess. D. No- 1.) ,, ,, Second Report. (2nd Sess. D. No. 2 ) Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of Victoria—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 3.) Public Service Commissioner.—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 16.) Railway Engine Men’s Hours and Pay. (2nd Sess. C. No. 2.) Railways.—Victorian Railways Commissioners’ Report for year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd. Sess. No. 19.) Railways Standing Committee__Twelfth General Report. (2nd Sess. No. 12.) „ „ „ S-t. Kilda to Brighton Electric Tramway and Conversion of St. Kilda Railway to Electric 1'raction.—Progress Report. (2nd Sess Report No. 1.) Savings Banks—Statements and Returns for Year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd Sess. No. 22.) Settlement on Lands Act 1893—Report for year 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 13.) Statistical Register for 1902.—Part I.—Blue Book. (2nd Sess. No. 4.) „ „ Part II.—Interchange. (2nd Sess. No. 5.) ,, „ Part III.—Accumulation. (2nd Sess. No. 8.) ,, - „ „ Part IV.—Finance, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 9.) „ „ Part V.—Vital Statistics, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 10.) „ „ „ PartVI.—Populationand Municipal Finance. (2nd Sess.No.il.) „ „ „ Part VIII.—Law, Crime, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 21.) University of Melbourne—Royal Commission on.—Minutes of Evidence on Administration, Teaching Work, and Government of. (2nd Sess. No. 20.)

By Authority: Rost. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne,' LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 43. \


Government Business. Notice of Motion :— 1. Mn. Irvine : To move, That the House, at its rising, adjourn'until to-morrow, at ten o’clock. ,

Orders of the Day :— 1. Council Electoral Boundaries Bill—Consideration of Report.. • 2. Water Supply Loans Application Bill—Second reading. 3. Public Works Loan . Application Bill—Second reading. 4. Railway Loan Application Bill—Second reading. 5. Supply—Resolutions to be reported. 6. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 7. Mines Acts further Amendment Bill—To be further considered in Committee.; 8. Lake Hindmarsh Aboriginal Settlement Land Bill—To be further considered in Committee- 9. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 10. Murray Waters Inter-State Agreement Bill—Second reading. 11. Election Expenses Limitation Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. 12. Public Officers Retirement Bill—Second reading. . . 13. Juries Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 14. Alexandra Park Bill—Second reading. ' 15. Game Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. -- i ' • 16. Fisheries Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 17. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee.

General Business. . Notices of Motion :— t I.-Mr. E. Cameron : To move,. That, in the opinion of this House, it is not desirable to lease further cold storage accommodation, but any extension required should be built on Government property. (220 copies.) 172

2. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this Housea return showing the amount paid in salaries and wages to staff and men employed by the Department of Agriculture at Flinders-street Cool Stores, for the year ending 3Qth June, 1903; and the amount paid to shipping brokers for Government business, for the year ending 30th June, 1903.

-3. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The actual monetary loss to the Railway revenue of this State caused by the engine-drivers’ and firemen’s strike in May last. 2. The annual and total sum saved, or estimated to be saved, under the following conditions :— (a) The total or partial forfeiture of compensations, pensions, &c. (as the case may be), in all branches of the Railway service affected by the said strike, or by orders issued by the Com­ missioner or Minister preceding the strike; (b) the number of • dismissals and failures to reinstate workmen who then struck ; (c) the reduction of wages below the rates in existence preceding the strike, both to reinstated and new employes.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Tied'Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Legitimation of Childrex Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 3. South Melbourne Loan Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 4. Building Societies Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 5. Farriers Registration Bill—(Mr. Hennessy)—Second reading. 6. Stolen Cattle .(Recent Possession) Bill—(Mr. J. Cameron)—Second reading. 7. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr.Gair)—Second reading. 8. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 9. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 10. Cremation Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 11. Legal.Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr/ Fink)—Second reading. 12. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 13. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 14. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To be further considered in Committee. 15. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Consideration of Report. 16. Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading. 17. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 18. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 19. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading 20. County Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To be further considered in Committee. 21. Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading. 22. Opening of Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this'House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries shoukl-be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employ^ shall be required to work seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience. 23. Adulteration of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast)—Second reading. 24. Taxation on Unimproved Land Values—Resumption of debate on the questiori—That, in the opinion of this House, the principle of taxation on unimproved values of' land be affirmed, and that the Government be requested to bring in.a Bill dealing with the question. 25. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr; McGregor)—Second reading. 26. Melbourne and- Metropolitan- Board of Works Act, 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. McDonald)—Second-reading. 27. Police Offences Act 1890 Amendment* Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 28. Public Service Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 29. Warehousemen’s Certificates Bill—(Mr. Mackey.)—Second reading. 30. Fitzroy Loan Bill—(Mr. Barr)—Second reading.

FRIDAY, 18th DECEMBER. ■Questions. 1. Mr. Andrews : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he will inform the House—' 1. How often during the present month has the last up train to Melbourne from the' Western District been more than fifteen minutes late' inTeaving Geelongv 2. What have teen the,causes thereof; 3. Will steps be taken to provide a waiting-room for male passengers on the Geelong Station, so . that they may not have to wait on the platform,-as at present. 173

2. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Premier if, in view of the fact that the ^Constitution Reform Act provides for Public Service Representation in Parliament, lie will inform the House— 1. If the various branches of the Public Service, including the Police Force, will be permitted to appoint delegates to representative meetings of Public Servants for the purpose of selecting candidates to contest the election. 2. If members of the Public Service, including the Police Force, may at their election meetings question the candidates, take the chair if desired so to do, 'move votes of confidence or otherwise# and generally comport themselves in all matters in a manner similar to reputable electors in other constituencies.

3. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines if he will inform the House, prior to the closing of this Session— 1. Has any provision yet been made to aid mining prospecting. 2. If money is not yet provided, when is it likely that a sum will be available. . 3. Will he amend the regulations, so that diamond drills may he available to the public on more reasonable terms than those at present existing.

4. Mr. Holdkn : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines if he will inform, the House when Mr. • Bradford’s reports on the Gordons and Egerton gold-fields will be available.

General Business. Orders of the Day •— 1. Companies Acts Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 2. Gold Buyers Act 1931 Repeal Bill—(Mr. Menzies)—Second reading. THOS. G. WATSON, . W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.

* MEETING OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Tuesday, 22nd December.

Public Accounts—at half-past two o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 16th DECEMBER, 1903. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 24'. Electoral Districts Boundaries Bill—[87 j. (To Members of Council only.)

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 43.

PRINTED PAPERS. The following Printed Papers can now be obtained by Honorable Members from the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly (Telephones 3065 and 3179), and by others on the circulation list, from the Government Printer. They can also be purchased by the Public from the Government ' , Printer:— Census of Victoria, 1901.—Part VI.—Education of the People (No. 1). „ • „ „ Part VII.—Sickness and Infirmity (No. 2). Part VIII.—Land and Live Stock (No. 6). Charitable Institutions.—Report of Inspection for year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd Sess. No. 24.) Cold .Storage Expenditure. (2nd Sess. C. No. 3.) Constitution Statute.—Siatement of Expenditure under Schedule D, during 1902—3. (2nd Sess. No. 15.) Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure, 1903-4 (B. No. 7). „ Supplementary Estimates for 1902-3 (B. No. 6). ^ Explosives.—Report of Chief Inspector for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 25.) ' Factories, Work-rooms, and Shops.—Chief Inspector’s Report for year ended 31st December, 1902. (2nd. Sess. No. 14.) Forests Commission Recommendations. (2nd Sess. C. No. 1.) Friendly Societies—Report of Registrar of, for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 27.) Judges—Report of the Council of. ' Neglected Children and Reformatory Schools.—Report of Secretary and Inspector for t 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 30.) Penal Establishments and Gaols.—Report of Inspector-General for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 26.) Printing Committee.—First Report. (2nd Sess. D. No- 1.) ,, ,, Second Report. (2nd Sess. D. No; 2 ) Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of Victoria—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. Nd. 3'r)”1 • ■ ' t

) 174 t I , Public Service Commissioner.—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 16.) Railway Engine Men’s Hours and Pay. (2nd Sess. C. No. 2.) Railways.—Victorian Railways Commissioners’ Report for year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd. Sess. No. 19.) Railways Standing Committee.—Twelfth General Report. (2nd Sess. No. 12.) „ „ „ St. Kilda to Brighton Electric Tramway and Conversion of St. Kilda Railway to Electric Traction.—Progress • Report. (2nd Sess. Report No. 1.) Savings Banks—Statements and Returns for Year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd Sess. No. 22.) Settlement on Lands Act 1893—Report for year 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 13.) Statistical Register for 1902.—Part I.—Blue Book. (2nd Sess. No. 4.) Part II.—Interchange. (2nd Sess. No. 5.) Part III.—Accumulation. (2nd Sess. No. 8.) Part IV.—Finance, &c. - (2nd Sess. No. 9.) Part V.—Vital Statistics, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 10.) PartVI.—Populationand Municipal Finance. (2nd Sess.No.il.) 1 Part VIII.—Law, Crime,- &c. (2nd Sess. No. 21.) University of Melbourne—Royal Commission on.—Minutes of Evidence on Administration. Teaching Work, and Government of. (2nd Sess. No. 20.)

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne^ ] , Mr. SPEAKER takes the Chair at iia; f-past Ten o'clock.


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 44.

FRIDAY, 18th DECEMBER, 1903. , Questions. I. Mr. Andrews : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he will inform the House— ]. How often during the present month has the last up train to Melbourne from the Western Di'trict been more than fifteen minutes late in leaving Geelong. 2. What have been the causes thcieof. 3. Will steps be taken to provide a waiting-room for male passengers on the Geelong Station, so that they may not have to wait on the platform, as at present.

2 Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Premier if, in view of the fact that the Constitution Reform Act provides for Public Service Representation in Parliament, he will inform the House— 1. If the vaiious branches-of the Public Service, including the Police Force, will be permitted to appoint delegates to representative meetiugs of Public Servants for the purpos,e of selecting candidates to contest the election. 2. If members of the Public Service, including the Police Force, may at their election meetings question the candidates, take the chair if desired so to do, move votes of confidence or otherwise, and generally comport themselves in all matters in a manner similar to reputable , electors in other constituencies.

3. Mr. Holden : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines if he will inform the House when Mr. Bradford’s reports on the Gordons and Egerton gold-fields will be available.

4. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines if he will inform the House, prior to the closing of this Session— 1. Has any provision yet been made to aid mining prospecting. 2. If money is not yet provided, when is it likely that a sum will be available. 3. Will he amend the regulations, so that diamond drills may be available to the public on more reasonable terms than those at present existing. ■

Government Business. Orders of the Day :—

1. Water Sduply Loans Application Bill—Second reading. 2. Public Works Loan Application Bill—Second reading. 3. Railway Loan Application Bill—Second reading. 4. Supply—Resolutions to be reported. 5. Supply—To be further considered in Commiltee. 6. Lake Hindmarsh Aboriginal Settlement Land Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 7. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second rea ling. 8. Murray Waters Inter-State Agreement Bill—Second reading. 9. Election Expenses Limitation Bill (No. 2)—Second reading—Resumption of debate. 10. Juries Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. II. Alexandra Park Bill—Second reading. 12. Game Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 13. Fisheries Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. *14. Unused Roads Bill—Amendments of the Legislative Council—To be considered. « 15. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. * Notifications to which an asterisk (*) is prefixed appear, for the first lime. (660 copies.) 176

General Business.

Notices of Motion

1. Mr. E Cameron : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is not desirable to lease further cold storage accommodation, but any extension required should be built on Government properly.

2. Mit. E. Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the amount paid in salaries and wages to staff and men employe I by the Department of Agriculture at Flinders-street Cool Stores, for the year ending 30th June, 1903 ; and the amount paid to shipping brokers for Government business, for the year ending 30th Jfune, 1903.

3. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The actual monetary loss to the Railway revenue of this State caused by the engine-drivers’ and firemen’s strike in May last. 2. The annual and total sum saved, or estimated to be saved, under the following conditions :— (a) The total or partial forfeiture cf compensations, pensions, &c. (as the case may be), in all branches of the Railway service affected by the said strike, or by orders issued by the Com­ missioner or Minister preceding the strike ; (6) the number of dismissals and failures to reinstate workmen who then struck ; (c) the reduction of wages below the rates in existence • preceding the strike, both to reinstated and new employes.

Orders ok the Day

L. Companies Acts Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 2. Gold Buyers Ac r 1931 Repeal Bill—(Mr. Menzies)—Second reading. *3. Old Colonists’ Association (Ballarat) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—Second reading. 4. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—To be further considered in Committee 5. Legitim vtion of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney) —Second reading. 6. South Melbourne Loan Bill—.(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 7. Building Societies Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Mackey) —Second reading. 8. Farriers Registration Bill—(Mr. Hennessy) — Second reading. 9. Stolen' Cattle (Recent Possession) Bill—(Mr. J. Cameron)—Second reading. 10. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr, Gair)—Second reading. 11. Wills Act ,1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second realing. 12. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 13. Cremation Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 14. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 15. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill — (Mr. Trenwith)—Second read.ng. 16. Totai.iz vtor Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 17. Adulteration of. Chaff Bill — (Mr. Graham)—To be further considered in Committee. 18. Women’s,. Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Consideration of Report. 19. Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading. 20. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading.. 21. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 22. Hack'EY Carriages Laav Amend went Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading 23. Couvm Court Judges (Country Sittings) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To be further considered in Committee. 24 Public Service Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Bennett)—Second reading. 25. Opening of Public Library, Mushum, and Art Galleries on Sunday—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Public Library, Museum, and Art Galleries should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employe shall be required to m erk seven days per week, or on any Sunday, against his conscience. 26 Adult era i ion of Jams Bill—(Mr. Keast).—Second reading. 27. 1 axa i ion on U,\ improved Land Values—Resumption of debate on the question—That, in the- opinion of this Hou-e, the principle of taxation on unimproved values of l_and be affirmed, and that the Go\oriimei.t be requested to br.ng m a Bill dealing with the question. * 28. Justices Alts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 29. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr.. McDonald) — Second reading. 30. Police Oifences Act 1893 Amendment Bill—(from Conned)—Second reading. 31. Public Service Act 1890 Amendment Bill1—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 32. Warehousemen’s Certificates Bill—(Mr. Mackey) — Second reading. 33. Fitzroy Loan Bill—(Mr. Bari)—Second reading. TUESDAY, 22nd DECEMBER Government Business. Oxide u of the Da y 1. Public Officers, Retirement J|ii,%.--=Tq be further considered in Committee.

THOS. G. WATSON, Wv D. RKAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.

MEETING OP SELECT COMMITTEE. Tuesday, 22nd December. _ ' ‘ Public Accounts—at half-past two o'clock. ' ‘ 1

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 17th DECEMBER, 1903. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 25. Yarrowee Channel Further Loan Bill—[5]. (To Members of Council only.) Savings Banks Bill—[17]. (To Members of Council only.) Committee of Public Accounts Bill—[79]. (To Members of Council only.) Burrumbeet Park Railway Construction Bill—[99]. (To Members of Council only.) Council Electoial Boundaries Bill.—(Amendments of the Legislative Assembly.) (To Members of Council only.)

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 44. Public Works Loan Application Bill (with accompanying Statement)—[101].- Railway Loan Application Bill—[102]. Gold Buyers Bill—[103], Water Supply Loans Application Bill—[104]. Ballarat Old Colonists’ Association Bill—[105]. Unused Roads Bill.—(Amendments of the Legislative Council.) (To Members only.) Election Expenses Limitation Bill (No. 2).—(New Clauses to bo proposed in Committee.) (To Members only.) Companies Acts Amendment Bill.—(Amendment proposed on consideration of Report or after Third Reading.) (To Members only.)

PRINTED PAPERS. The following Printed Papers can now be obtained by Honorable Members from the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly (Telephones 3065 and 3179), and by others on the circulation list, from the Government Printer. They can also be purchased by the Public from the Government • Printer:— Census of Victoria, 1901.—Part VI.—Education of the People (No. 1). „ ,, „ Part VJI.—Sickness and Infirmity (No. 2). „ „ „ Part VIII.—Land .and Live Stock (No. 6). Charitable Institutions.—Report of Inspection for year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd Sess. No. 24 ) ■ Cold Storage Expenditure. (2nd Sess. C. No. 3.) Constitution Statute.—Slatement of Expenditure under Schedule D, during 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 15.) Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure, 1903-4 (B. No. 7). „ supplementary Estimates for 1902—3 (B. No. 6). Explosives.—Report of Chief Inspector for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 25.) Factories, Work-rooms, and Shops.—Chief Inspector’s Report for year ended 31st December, 1902. (2nd. Sess. No. 14.) Forests Commission Recommendations. (2nd Sess. C. No. 1.) Friendly Societies—Report of Registrar of, for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 27.) Judges—Report of the Council ol. Neglected Children and Reformatory Schools.—Report of Secretary and Inspector for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 30.) Penal Establishments and Gaols.—Report of Inspector-General for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 26.) Printing Committee.—First Report. (2nd Sess. D. No- 1.) ,, ,, Second Report. (2nd Sess. D. No. 2 ) Public Accounts Committee.—Progress Report. (2nd Sess. D. No. 3.)' Public Library, • Museums, and National Gallery of Victoria—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 3.) Public Service Commissioner.—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 16.) Railway Engine MenVHonrs and Pay. (2nd Sess.’C. No'. 2.) - ” s 178

Railways.—Victorian Railways Commissioners’ Report for year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd. Sess. No. 19.) Railways Standing Committee.- -Twelfth General Report. (2nd Sess. No. .12.) „ „ „ St. Kilda to Brighton Electric Tramway and Conversion of St. Kilda Railway to Electric fraction.—Progress Report. (2nd Sess Report No. 1.) ' Savings Banks—Statements and Returns for Year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd Sess. No. 22.) Settlement on Lands Act 1893—Report for year 1902-3. (2nd Sess No. 13.)- Statistical Register for 1902.—Part I.—Blue Book. (2nd Sess. No. 4.) „ „ „ Part II.—Interchange. (2nd Sess. No. 5.) „ „ „ Part III.—Accumulation. (2nd Sess. No. 8.) „ „ „ Part IV.—^Finance, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 9.) „ „ Part V.—Vital Statistics, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 10.) „ t . e, PartVI.—Populationand Municipal Finance. (2nd Sess.No. 11.) : „ „ Part VIII.—Law, Crime, &c. (2nd Sess No. 21.) University of Melbourne—Royal Commission ou.—Minutes of Evidence on Administration* Teaching Work, and Government of. (2nd Sess. No. 20.)


Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbonmfc LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

* • {

^Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 45. j

TUESDAY, 22nd DECEMBER, 1903. "Questions. 1. Mr. Brown : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if he will inform the House— 1 1 1. How much of the Fumina country, recently thrown open, has been selected. ______2. How many people have been granted the land. . ... _____ 3. Has the Department any information as to the amount of settlement to date.

2. Mr. Craven : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture in what stage the long-promised Registration of Brands Bill now is, and whether it is intended to introduce it at the commencement , of the next Session.

3. Mr. Smith : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he will state what steps, if any, are being taken towards pushing on with the erection,of the Central Railway Station at Flinders-street. Government Business. Orders of the Day :— 1. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. - 2. Supply—Resolutions to be reported. 3. Election Expenses Limitation Bill (No. 2)—Second reading—Resumption of debate.-, 4. Public Officers .Retirement Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 5. Ways "and Means—To be further considered in Committee. -General Business. Notices of Motion :— , . 1., Mr. E. Cameron : To move. That, in the opinion of this House, it is not desirable to lease further cold storage accommodation, but any extension required should' be built on Government property. . ••

2. Mr. E. Cameron : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the amount paid in salaries and wages to staff and men employed by the Department of Agriculture at Flinders-street Cool Stores, for the year ending 30th June, 1903 ; and the amount paid to shipping brokers for Government business, for the year ending 30th June, 1903.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Gold Buyers Act 1901 Repeal Bill—(Mr. Menzies)—Second reading —Resumption of debate. 2. Old Colonists’ Association (Ballarat) Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—Consideration of Report. 3. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Consideration of Report. -4. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second-rea ling. 5. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 6. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To be further considered in Committee. 7. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Third reading. 8. Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading. 9. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading 10. Police Offences Act J890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—To "be further considered in Committee.' 11. Warehousemen’s Certificates Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading.

THOS. G. WATSON, - W. D. BEAZLEY, ■Clerk■ of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.

MEETING OF SELECT COMMITTEE. JTuesday, 22nd December. " Public Accounts—at half-past two o’clock.

(220 copies.) 180

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 18th DECEMBER, 1903. ^Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 26. Mines Bill—[9], (To Members of Council only.) Public Service Act Amendment Bill—[37]. - (To* Members-of Council only.) Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—[81]. (To Members of Council only.) South Melbourne Loan Bill—[90]. (To Members of Council only.) Public Service Bill—[98]. (To Members of Council only.) / r 'FitzroyljLoa'riiBill;—[100]. (To Members of Council only.) • '' 1 Public Worts Loan Application Bill—[10]]. (To Members-of Council only.) Water Supply Loans Application Bill—[104], (To Members of Council only.) •Companies Acts Amendment Bill.—(Amendments made by the Legislative Assembly.) (To Members of Council only.) ■Unused Roads Bill.—(Amendments made by the Legislative Council.—How dealt with by the Legislative Assembly). (To Members of Council only.)

‘Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 45. .Tied Houses Bill—[40]. (To Members only.) "'Ballarat Old Colonists’ Association Bill—[105]. (To Members only.) lElection Expenses Limitation Bill.—(New Clause to bo proposed by Mr.. Ashworth.) (To Members only.)

PRINTED PAPERS. TThe following Printed Papers, can now be obtained, by Honorable; Members from theuClerk-l of the Legislative Assembly (Telephones 3065 and 3179), and by others onuthe 'circulation> list, from the Government Printer. They can also be purchased, by the Public from the Government „ '/'Printer:— " Aborigines—Thirty-ninth Report of the Board for the Protection of the. (2nd Sess. No. 36.) Census of Victoria, 1901.—Part VI.—Education of the People (No. 1). „ „ * „ Part VII.—Sickness and Infirmity (No. 2). „ „ „ Part VIII.—Land and Live Stock (No. .6). Charitable Institutions.—Report of Inspection*for year ended'30th" June,' 1903. ‘ (2nd Sess. No. 24.) Gold Storage Expenditure: (2nd Sess. C. No.1,.3.) Constitution Statute.—Statement 6'f Expenditure "linder Schedule D,-during 1902-31.(2nd Sess. No. 15.) Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure, 1903-4 (B. No. 7). , „ • Supplementary. Estimates for 1902-3 (B. No. 6). Explosives.—Report of Chief Inspector for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 25.) i Factories, Work-rooms, and Shops.—Chief "Inspector's Report'for year ended' 31st December 1902. (2nd. Sess. No: 14.) Forests Commission Recommendations. (2nd Sess. C. No. 1.) Friendly Societies—Report of Registrar of, for 1902. . (2nd, Sess. No. 27.) Judges—Report of the Council of.'1 (2nd Sess. No.1 32.) Neglected Children and Reformatory Schools.L-Report‘ of Secretary and Inspector for ■'-1902. (2nd Sess. Nb 30.) Penal Establishments and Gaols.—Report of Inspector-General for 1902. (2nd Sess’. No. 26.)' Pi inting Committee.—First Report. (2nd Sess. D. No 1.) ,, ,, -Second Report. . (2nd Sess.,D. No..2 ) v Public Accounts Committee.—Progress Report. “ (2nd Sess. D. No. 3.) Public Library,' Museums,/land .National Gallery.'" of 'Victoria—Report for 1902. i (2nd Sess. No. 3.) Public Service Commissioner.—Report for 19,02.' (2nd Sess". No.' 16.) Railway Engine Men’s Hours arid Pay.''(2nd1 Sess. C.' No.,2.) Railways.—Victorian Railways Commissioners’ Report ,for year ended 30th.June, 1903. (2nd. Sess. No. 19.) Railways Standing Committee.—Twelfth General Report.,' (2nd Sess'. No712.) „ „ . „ St. Hilda to Brighton' Electric Tramway .and -Conversion, of St1. ICilda Railway to Electric 1 raction.—Progress Report. . (2nd Sess Report No.-.l.) Savings Banks—'Statements arid Returris/for'Year ended'30th June,‘19037 (2nd Sess. No. 22.) Settlement on.Lands Act 1893—Report for year 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 13.) • Statistical-Register for 1902.—Parti:—Blue Book. (2nd Sess. No.‘4.) „ „ „ Part II.—Interchange. (2nd SesswNo. 5.) „ „ „ I ait III.—Accumulation. (2nd Sess. No..8.) - „ -r „ — „ ~J^mp'I-V.^=Fiuftnoe-'‘'&cr,'":(2iTd-“Ses^:-N9.'9.) ., „ , „ Part V.—Vital Statistics, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 10.) „ „ „ Part VI.—Populationand Municipal Finance. (2nd Sess.No. 11.) ■ .., ’ ; „ Part VIII.—Law, Crime, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 21.) University of Melbourne—Royal Commission on.—Minutes of Evidence on Administration, Teaching Work, and Government of. (2nd Sess. No. 20.) 1 • 1

By Authority: Root. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne^ Mr. SPEAKER takes the Chair at iiai.f-past One o'clock.


Notices of Motion and Orders, of the Day.

No. 46.

THURSDAY, 24th DECEMBER, 1903. General Business. - .

Orders of the Day :— '

1. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Consideration of Report. 2. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 3. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 4. Adulteration of Chaff Bill—(Mr. Graham)—To be further considered in Committee. 5. Women’s Suffrage Bill (No. 2)—(Mr. Mackinnon)—Third reading. 6. Barmaids Bill—(Mr. Williams)—Second reading. 7. Hackney Carriages Law Amendment Bill (Mr. Bromley)—Second reading. 8. Police Offences Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—To be further considered in Committee. 9. Warehousemen’s Certificates Bill—(Mr. Mackey) —Second reading.

TUESDAY, 29th* DECEMBER. Questions. x

*1. Mr. Gair : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer if he will, pending a Bill being passed next Session to amend section 31 of the Police Offences Act 1890, favorably consider any application made by a fruit-grower for the refund of any fine inflicted under that section where it is.proved that the fruit­ grower carried the fire-arm on his own property only, and bona fide used the same for the protection of his fruit or trees against birds or other vermin.

*2. Mr. Robertson : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture if it is true— 1. That stock from anthrax-infested areas in New South Wales are being sold at the Newmarket sale-yards under condition that they must be killed within seven days. 2. That the stock from infected areas, some of which may be purchased by graziers and others, and removed to other parts of Victoria, are allowed to mix in the yard with stock from clean districts. • . 3. That the trucks which are used to bring stock fiom the infected districts are also used to convey stock from clean districts to diiierent parts of the State. 4. That the trucks used for the conveyance of stock from infected areas are not thoroughly cleansed and disinfected before being used again. 5. That, in some cases, dealers who purchased stock across the border have placed stock from clean. districts in the same truck with those from infected areas, so as to make up the full truck, and have had the same conveyed to Newmarket for sale. 6. Tnat there is no .proper supervision to prevent a dealer or butcher who purchases clean and. infected stock at Newmarket from evading the regulations by substituting the “ clean stock ” for slaughter, in place of the stock from the infected district. 7. That no extra"precautions are taken at the Newmarket yards to dispose of the “ droppings ” from stock coming from infected areas: 8. That cases of anthrax have already been reported at Warrnambool and Dookie ; if so, have the . owners been quarantined. 9. Will he make arrangements for dividing the State into conveniently-sized districts, each under the supervision of an experienced inspector, to cope with stock diseases generally, and, more particularly, an outbreak of anthrax, or a further outbreak of swine fever.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker. * Notifications to which an asterisk (*) is prefixed appear for the first time. " ' - (660 copies.) 1 . „ L ■ '. ’ PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED SINCE 18th DECEMBER, 1903. Notices of Motion ami Orders of the Day. No. 27. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—[81], (To Members of Council only.) Election Expenses Limitation (Legislative Council) Bill—[107]. Mines Acts Further Amendment Bill.—(New Clauses to be proposed by the Hon. J. Sternberg.) (To Members of Council only.) Mines Bill 1903.—(Amendments to be proposed by the Hon. J. M. Davies.) (To Members of Council only.) Public Service Act 1890 Amendment Bill.—(New Clause to be proposed by the Hon. J. Bell.) (To Members of;Council only.) Election Expenses Limitation Bill.—(New Clause to be proposed by the Hon. N. Levi.) " (To Members of Council only.)

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 46. Election Expenses Limitation Bill (No 2).—(Amendments to be proposed in Committee.) (To Members only.) Progress Report from the Committee of Public Accounts. D.—No. 3. (To Members of Assembly only.)

PRINTED PAPERS. The following Printed Papers can now be obtained by Honorable Members from the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly (Telephones 3065 and 3179), and by others on the circulation list, from the Government Printer. They can also be purchased by the Public from the Government Printer:— Abotigines—Thirty-ninth Report of the Board for the Protection of the. (2nd Sess. No. 36.) Census of Victoria, 1901.—Part VI.—Education of the People (No. l). „ „ „ Part VII.—Sickness and Infirmity (No. 2). „ „ „ Part VIII.—Land and Live Stock (No. 6). Charitable Institutions.—Report of Inspection for year ended 30tb June, 1903. (2nd Sess. No. 24.) Cold Storage Expenditure. (2nd Sess. C. No. 3.) Constitution Statute.—Statement of Expenditure under Schedule D, during 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 15.) Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure, 1903-4 (B. No. 7). „ Supplementary Estimates for 1902-3 (B. No. 6). . Explosives.—Report of Chief Inspector for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 25.) Factories, Work-rooms, and Shops.—Chief Inspector’s Report for year ended 31st December, 1902. (2nd. Sess. No. 14.) Forests Commission Recommendations. (2fid Sess. C. No. 1.) Friendly Societies—Report of Registrar of, for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 27.) ^Hospitals for the Insane.—Report of Inspector of Lunatic Asylums for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 31.) Judges—Report of the Council of. (2nd Sess. No. 32.) Neglected Children and Reformatory Schools.—Report of Secretary and Inspector for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 30.) Penal Establishments and Gaols.—Report of Inspector-General for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 26.) Pi inting Committee.—First Report. (2nd Sess. D. No- 1.) ,, ,, Second Report. (2nd Sess. D. No. 2 ) Public Accounts Committee.—Progress Report. (2nd Sess. D. No. 3.) Public Library, Museums, ' and National Gallery of Victoria—Report for 1902, (2nd Sess. No. 3.) Public Service Commissioner.—Report for 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 16.) Railway Engine Men’s Hours and Pay. (2nd Sess. C. No. 2.) Railways—Victorian Railways Commissioners’ Report for year ended 30th June, 1903 (2nd. Sess. No. 19.) Railways Standing Committee.—Twelfth General Report. (2nd Sess. No. 12.) „ „ „ St. Hilda to Brighton Electric Tramway and Conversion of St. Hilda Railway to Electric Traction.—Progress Report. (2nd Sess Report No. 1.) Savings Banks—Statements and Returns for Year ended 30th June, 1903. (2nd Sess. No. 22.) Settlement on Lands Act 1893—Report for year 1902-3. (2nd Sess. No. 13.) Statistical Register for 1902.—Part I.—Blue Book. (2nd Sess. No. 4.) „ „ „ Part II.—Interchange. (2nd Sess. No. 5.) „ „ „ Part III.—Accumulation. (2nd Sess. No. 8.) „ „ „ Part IV.—Finance, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 9.) „ „ „ Part V.—Vital Statistics, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 10.) „ „ PartVI.—Populationand Municipal Finance. (2nd Sess.No.il.) „ „ „ Part VIII.—Law, Crime, &c. (2nd Sess. No. 21.) * „ „ „ Part IX.—Social Condition. (2nd Sess. No. 23.) University of Melbourne- Royal Commission on.—Minutes of Evidence on Administration, Teaching Work, and Government of. (2nd Sess. No. 20.) Report of the Proceedings from 31st July, 1902, to 31st July, 1903 ; and Statement of Accounts for the year 1902. (2nd Sess. No. 34 )

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Pi inter, Melbourne.