EMS “Mission Moves” Team Visit II Church of South India (CSI) October 2015 The Team Visit Team at worship at the Shanthi Cathedral in Mangalore on Oct. 4, 2015. From left: Rev. Ebenezer Jathanna, Ni Made Rai Margharita Sunami, Rev. Lisjon Bagang, Christiane Rößler, Rev. Riley Edwards-Raudonat, Rev. Ralf Rohrbach-Koop, Jo Hanns Lehmann, Rev. Dr. Royce Victor Table of Contents: 1. Introduction: The Team Visit Concept . Page 2 2. The Team . Page 2 3. The Itinerary . Page 3 4. The Team Visit Team on Mission, Before and After . Page 7 5. Addressing the Questions: The Team at Work . Page 8 6. Word of Thanks . Page 16 „Mission Moves“ Team Visit II / CSI Evangelical Mission in Solidarity (EMS) Vogelsangstr. 62, D-70197 Stuttgart, Germany Tel: +49 (0)711 63678 -14 // Fax: -45 Email:
[email protected] 1. Introduction: The Team Visit Concept At its meeting in November 2014, the EMS General Meeting resolved that the EMS Secretariat would conduct a series of Team Visits in order to ‘mirror’ the differing understandings and practices of mission in the churches and missions of the EMS Fellowship and also of churches which are linked to Basel Mission German Branch. It was agreed that four such visits would take place, the hosting churches being in Ghana, India, Indonesia and Germany. The teams themselves would be international in composition, their members being nominated by their respective churches or mission organizations. These Teams would not be composed of persons who already knew the hosting churches well. The idea was rather to look for first impressions which could lead the team to new insights.