Hay field reminder John and Judy Steffensen had a Ozark COunTy hay harvest of 2.4 tons per acre this year on their farm near Locust. The Steffensons cut and baled their hay last week, finishing up on May 25. John said every hay sea- son he is reminded of the late Benton Breeding, who grew up on the property the Steffensens now own and farm; Breeding died in Times March 2017. “He’d always come down and say, ‘I’ve never seen this field put out that much hay.’ It didn’t matter if it was a good year or bad year or how much hay was out there. He’d say it every year,” John told the Times. 75¢ GAINESVILLE, Mo. www.ozArkcouNtytimes.coM wEdNESdAy, JuNE 5, 2019 Hammond Campground hit by vandalism, possibly delaying opening To be held June 11 in Ava By Sue Ann Jones
[email protected] Public meeting Ozark County and U.S. Forest Service law enforcement officers are investigating damage and focuses on Bryant vandalism at the North Fork Recreation Area on the North Fork of the White River in the Mark Creek State Park Twain National Forest near Dora. The public campground and river access off CC Highway, known locally as Hammond Campground, is currently closed while repairs and improvements are An informational meeting made, including repaving the day-use area and also building two river-access ramps, one for load- about Bryant Creek State ing and unloading boats, and the other for swimming and “water play.” Park, a few miles north of The vandalism and property destruction were discovered last week by Ava/Cassville/Willow Rockbridge in Douglas Springs Ranger District employees who found graffiti spray-painted onto newly paved asphalt County, will be held at 5:30 and other “harassing information” posted around the recreation area, according to a MTNF news p.m.