Klementina Batina UDK 069.01:008 Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts 008:069.01 Institute for Historical and Social Sciences in Zagreb 316.74:069 Department of Ethnology Review paper Zagreb Received: March 27, 2009 Croatia Accepted: April 7, 2009
[email protected] Cultural Studies and its Contribution to Understanding the Phenomena of Rapid Museum Growth The “museum boom” is the phenomenon of rapid growth in the number of museums over the last several decades. I will try to find the reasons for the progressive growth of the number of museums from the stand- point of the discourse of cultural studies, explain the meaning of the role of museums in contemporary society and in the context of various rela- tions of power through the analysis of texts of the several most promi- nent cultural theorists (R. Williams, S. Hall, R. Johnson, T. Bennett, T. Eagleton). Through the questioning of the terms “lived”/’recorded” culture, the culture of the “selective tradition’, ‘documentary’, “ideal” and ‘social” culture, the ‘structure of feelings”, identity /”identifica- tion”, I will try to answer the question whether museums really meet the needs they create and whether we need them at all. Key words: cultural studies, role of museum, contemporary society Introduction n the last quarter of the last century great changes in Imuseum practice and museums as cultural and heritage institutions took place. One of the more significant ones is the trend of the museum boom, i.e., the phenomenon of the progressive growth in the number of newly built and reconstructed