A Description of Paabingkon Ceremony by Simalungun Society
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A DESCRIPTION OF PAABINGKON CEREMONY BY SIMALUNGUN SOCIETY A PAPER BY CITRA NAPITUPULU REG.NO : 162202017 DIPLOMA III ENGLISH STUDY PROGRAM FACULTY OF CULTURAL STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF NORTH SUMATERA MEDAN 2019 Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara AUTHOR’S DECLARATION I am CITRA NAPITUPULU declare that I am the sole author of this paper. Except references are made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree. No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the main text of the paper. This paper has not been submitted for the award of another degree in any tertiary education. Signed : …………….. Date : July 2019 i Universitas Sumatera Utara COPYRIGHT DECRALATION Name : CITRA NAPITUPULU Title of paper : A DESCRIPTION OF PAABINGKON CEREMONY BY SIMALUNGUN SOCIETY Qualification : D-III / Ahli Madya Study program : English I am willing that my paper should be available for reproduction at the discretion of the librarian of the Diploma III English Department Faculty of Culture Study USU on the understanding that users are made aware of their obligation under law of the Republic of Indonesia. Signed : …………………. Date : July 2019 ii Universitas Sumatera Utara ABSTRAK Kertas karya ini berjudul “The Ceremony of Paabingkon by Simalungun Society”. Orang Simalungun menganggap bahwa suku Simalungun merupakan suatu suku yang begitu kuat disatukan oleh bahasa Simalungun, tradisi dan ciri khas budaya Simalungun. Suku Simalungun memiliki suatu tradisi yaitu Paabingkon. Paabingkon merupakan satu salah kebiasaan masyarakat simalungun, kebiasaan ini dianggap juga sebagai suatu upacara adat yang resmi pada budaya simalungun dimana cucu pertama yang belum memiliki adik harus di Paabingkon kepada kakek/Neneknya. Upacara ini dilakukan karena di adat simalungun harus Paabingkon untuk mensahkan kakek/nenek nya.Metode yang digunakan dalam menyusun kertas karya ini adalah melalui membaca buku – buku yang berhubungan dengan topik, informan, dan internet. Dalam karya tulis ini penulis mencoba menjelaskan tentang maksud dan fungsi dari acara Paabingkon serta makna dari makanan tradisional serta ulos yang diperlukan pada saat upacara menurut pandangan orang Simalungun. Penulis berharap melalui kertas karya ini, para pembaca khususnya para generasi muda mengerti dan memahami maksud dan fungsi dari upacara Paabingkon ini serta makna dari makanan dan ulos yang digunakan pada saat upacara. Dan karya tulis ini bisa memberikan pemahaman kepada pembaca mengenai suku Batak Simalungun serta budaya dan tradisi yang dimiliki. Kata kunci: Paabingkon, Batak Simalungun, Upacara, Suku, Adat, Metode iii Universitas Sumatera Utara ABSTRACT This paper is titled "The Ceremony of Paabingkon by Simalungun Society". The Simalungun people consider that the Simalungun tribe is a tribe that is so strongly united by the Simalungun language, traditions and characteristics o. Paabingkon f the Simalungun culture. The Simalungun tribe has a tradition namely Paabingkon is one of the habits of the simalungun people, this habit is also considered as an official traditional ceremony in the simalungun culture where the first grandchildren who do not have a sister must be at Paabingkon to their grandparents. This ceremony is done because the simalungun custom must be Paabingkon to ratify his grandparents.The methods which use in doing this paper is by reading some books that relate to the topic, asking the informant and searching by internet. In this paper, the writer tries to explain the meaning and the function of Paabingkon ceremony, and also explain the symbolical meaning of traditional foods and sarong which are needed in the ceremony base on Simalungun point of view. The writer hopes by this paper all the readers specially the young generations will know and understand meaning and the function of Paabingkon ceremony, the symbolical meaning of traditional foods and sarong which are needed in the ceremony of Paabingkon. This paper also can give a good understanding to the readers about Simalungun Batak etnic group and also the culture and the tradition which is have by Simalungung Batak etnic group. Keywords: Paabingkon, Batak Simalungun, Ceremony, Tribes, Custom, Method iv Universitas Sumatera Utara ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, all honors and worship just for Almighty God, God for his blessing and giving me health, strength and capability to accomplish this paper as one of the requirement to get Diploma III certificate from English Department Faculty of Culture Study, University of Sumatera Utara. Thank you Father because of your blood I can save from sins, get a new life and be your child. After that I would like to express a deep gratitude and appreciation to: • Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S. The dean of Faculty of Cultural Study, University of Sumatera Utara • Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M.Hum The head of English Diploma Program, Who has paid attention, guided and supported me in finishing my study. • Riko Andika Rahmat Pohan,S.S. M.Hum, my supervisor who has given advices, suggestions, guidances, and helpings in writing this paper. • Thanks to all of the lectures who have guided and given valuable knowledge and advice during the years of my study. For beloved people in my life : • My parents, Wanaidul Barus and My mother Lesmin Sipayung. I deeply thank you for your endless loves, supports, advices and prayers for me. I love you so much, I can’t survive until this time without both of you. I will struggle hard to make you happy, be your best daughter, and create your happiest smiling by my behavior and achievement. • To all my big Sipayung and Saragih families, my aunt and uncle (bapak, mamak ,Tulang) thank you for your helping and understanding me when I just graduated from my senior high school, specially to my beloved grandmother (+)Rastina Saragih , I love u so much grandma, thank you for keeping and taking care of me when I was a baby, now I’ve been adult, pray for me so that I can be your boast grand-daughter, who always try to help you doing your working in your old age. • My love brother Nael sipayung who always give me support, care, and understanding. Thank you for loving me. • My beloved siblings Marlina Sipayung, Novalina sipayung, Dear sifra sipayung and Vionita Napitupulu, my beloved young brother Boy Rado Barus I do love you all thank you for your silent prayers and supports. v Universitas Sumatera Utara • My beloved Nephew Glory Cheline Oktania Sipayung as my observation material so that I raised this title. • My boarding house friends Juraida Elpiana Tamba and my campus friend Sekar Ameta Phramesti, Shery Syahira Nasution and Yose Fany Hutajulu and pare club Albert sidauruk. Thank you for all your kindness and support as long as we are in Ayuke Dirta Kost, Gang purba and campus. I do hope we can meet 6 years later when we’ve been in our success moment. • I would like to say thank you to all my friends inl. Diploma III English Study Program / Solidas 2016. Thank you for your support that help me to complete this paper. I will be missing you al Finally, I do realize that this paper is still far from being perfect. Therefore, I welcome any constructive critics and suggestions towards this paper. The writer does hope that this paper can be useful for anybody who wants to enrich their knowledge about the custom and the society life. Medan, Juli 2019 The Writer, Citra Napitupulu Reg. 162202017 vi Universitas Sumatera Utara TABLE OF CONTENTS AUTHOR’S DECLARATION ........................................................................... i COPYRIGHT DECLARATION ....................................................................... ii ABSTRACK......................................................................................................... iii ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................... iv ACKNOWLEGEMENTS................................................................................... v TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................... vii 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................... 1 1. 1 Background of the Study ........................................................................... 1 1. 2 The Problem of the Study .......................................................................... 4 1. 3 The Objective of the Study ........................................................................ 4 1. 4 The Scope of the Study ............................................................................. 4 1. 5 The Significance of the Study ................................................................... 5 1. 6 The Method of the Study ........................................................................... 5 2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ............................................ 6 2. 1 Culture ....................................................................................................... 6 2. 2 History of Simalungun .............................................................................. 7 2. 3 The Meaning and Function of Tolu Sahundulan in Paabingkon Ceremony .............................................................................. 9 2. 4 Adat Values of Simalungun ..................................................................... 10 2. 5 Symbols in The Paabingkon Ceremony