The Supporter Newsletter 23 July 2021 Wakefield Recovery and Wellbeing College
[email protected] 01924 316946 @W5TRC Do you care for someone, need a chat with other carers? Looking for a bit of me time? You are welcome to join our friendly group. Contact the college for the joining link… TAKE A LOOK AT WHAT’S ON IN THE COMMUNITY… Mini-disco at St Georges Community Centre, Wakefield To book Thur 5th August: centre... To book Fri 6th August centre... Friarwood Festival, Pontefract Saturday 21st August 2-9pm What a day they have in store for you!!!!!!! Get your tickets now (don't forget under 11s are free but still require a ticket) festival... Ossett Community Centre is re-opening its doors!!! From August 2nd, 2021 they will be fully reopening. They have decided to set out their plans for reopening for your awareness. 1. Masks are optional within the centre. Please respect everyone's choices on this matter. 2. Sanitising stations will remain in place in the entrances. 3. Please use common sense and stay away from the centre if you are at all unsure as to whether you have covid symptoms. They look forward to welcoming existing and new customers to the centre and thank you for your continued support in these challenging times. Course guide Course Time Loneliness and isolation 22 July online 2.30-4.00pm