APPENDIX D Forest Service Species Lists

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APPENDIX D Forest Service Species Lists APPENDIX D Forest Service Species Lists USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region Sensitive Animal Species by Forest Mar-13 Scientific Name Common Name Shasta-Trinity BIRDS (12) Accipiter gentilis Northern goshawk X Coturnicops noveboracensis Yellow rail X Empidonax traillii Willow flycatcher X Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald Eagle X MAMMALS (13) Antrozous pallidus Pallid bat X Corynorhinus townsendii Townsend's big-eared bat X Gulo gulo luteus California wolverine X Martes caurina American marten X Martes pennanti pacifica Pacific fisher X Myotis thysanodes Fringe-tailed myotis X AMPHIBIANS (22) Hydromantes shastae Shasta salamander X Rana aurora aurora Northern red-legged frog X Rana boylii Foothill yellow-legged frog X Rana cascadae Cascade frog X Rhyacotriton variegatus Southern torrent salamander X REPTILES (12) Actinemys marmorata Western pond turtle X INVERTEBRATES, TERRESTRIAL (24) Bombus occidentalis western bumble bee X Monadenia troglodytes troglodytes Shasta sideband snail X Monadenia troglodytes wintu Wintu sideband snail X Trilobopsis roperi Shasta chaparral snail X Trilobopsis tehamana Tehama chaparral snail X Vespericola pressleyi Big Bar hesperian snail X Vespericola shasta Shasta hesperian snail X AQUATIC INVERTEBRATES - springsnails, mussels, limpets (17) Anodonta californiensis California floater (freshwater mussel) X Fluminicola seminalis nugget pebblesnail X Juga nigrina black juga (snail) X Juga (Calibasis) occata scalloped juga (snail) X Lanx patelloides kneecap lanx (limpet) X Pisidium (Cyclocalyx) ultramontanum montane peaclam X FISHES (23) Entosphenus tridentatus Pacific lamprey X Mylopharodon conocephalus Hardhead X Oncorhynchus mykiss Steelhead - Klamath Mtn. Prov. ESU X Oncorhynchus mykiss pop 7 McCloud River redband trout X Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Upper Klamath-Trinty chinook ESU X R5 Total Sensitive Animals = 124 Total # Sensitive Animals per Forest 34 S-T Page 1 of 1 AEF I L N 1 LIST OF SURVEY AND MANAGE SPECIES, NORTHWEST FOREST PLAN AREA 2 JANUARY 2001 Record of Decision LIST 3 Common Name (common names provided for animals and Name and Geographic Area on January 2001 ROD List vascular plants only) Alternative Names/ Synonyms 4 Kingdom NRCS Plants Code/GeoBOB species code column (for K) January 2001 ROD Category 5 F ACFA2 B ACANTHOPHYSIUM FARLOWII FUNGUS syn. Aleurodiscus farlowii in Table C-3 1994 S&Gs 6 F ALAV B ALBATRELLUS AVELLANEUS FUNGUS 7 F ALCA20 B ALBATRELLUS CAERULEOPORUS FUNGUS 8 F ALEL4 B ALBATRELLUS ELLISII FUNGUS 9 F ALFL6 B ALBATRELLUS FLETTII FUNGUS 10 F ALAL15 B ALPOVA ALEXSMITHII FUNGUS 11 F ALOL3 B ALPOVA OLIVACEOTINCTUS FUNGUS Arcangeliella sp. nov. #Trappe 12359, 12382 in Table C-3 1994 S&Gs; syn. Elasmomyces 12 F ARCA46 B ARCANGELIELLA CAMPHORATA FUNGUS camphoratus 13 F ARCR10 B ARCANGELIELLA CRASSA FUNGUS 14 F ARLA29 B ARCANGELIELLA LACTARIOIDES FUNGUS 15 F ASLY3 B ASTEROPHORA LYCOPERDOIDES FUNGUS 16 F ASPA42 B ASTEROPHORA PARASITICA FUNGUS 17 F BAMY3 B BAEOSPORA MYRIADOPHYLLA FUNGUS Balsamia nigra in Table C-3 1994 S&Gs; Balsamia nigrescens in ORNHIC Rare, T&E Species of 18 F BANI6 B BALSAMIA NIGRENS FUNGUS Oregon, March 2007 19 F BOHA2 B BOLETUS HAEMATINUS FUNGUS 20 F BOPU4 B BOLETUS PULCHERRIMUS FUNGUS syn. Bondarzewia montana (BOMO3, GeoBOB 21 F BOME4 B BONDARZEWIA MESENTERICA FUNGUS species CN 603) syn. Oxyporus nobilissimus in Table C-3 1994 22 F BRNO8 A BRIDGEOPORUS NOBILISSIMUS FUNGUS S&Gs 23 F CASU63 D CANTHARELLUS SUBALBIDUS FUNGUS 24 F CAVE23 B CATATHELASMA VENTRICOSA FUNGUS 25 F CHPI11 D CHALCIPORUS PIPERATUS FUNGUS syn. Boletus piperatus in Table C-3 1994 S&Gs Chamonixia pacifica sp. nov. #Trappe 12768 in 26 F CHCA36 B CHAMONIXIA CAESPITOSA FUNGUS Table C-3 1994 S&Gs 27 F CHAL23 B CHOIROMYCES ALVEOLATUS FUNGUS 28 F CHVE12 B CHOIROMYCES VENOSUS FUNGUS 29 F CHCY4 B CHROMOSERA CYANOPHYLLA FUNGUS Mycena lilacifolia in Table C-3 1994 S&Gs 30 F CHLO2 B CHROOGOMPHUS LOCULATUS FUNGUS 31 F CHGR23 B CHRYSOMPHALINA GROSSULA FUNGUS 32 F CLLI7 B CLAVARIADELPHUS LIGULA FUNGUS Clavariadelphus pistillaris, but species incorrectly 33 F CLOC4 B CLAVARIADELPHUS OCCIDENTALIS FUNGUS spelled "pistilaris" in Table C-3 1994 S&Gs 34 F CLSA9 B CLAVARIADELPHUS SACHALINENSIS FUNGUS 35 F CLSU20 B CLAVARIADELPHUS SUBFASTIGIATUS FUNGUS 36 F CLTR4 B CLAVARIADELPHUS TRUNCATUS FUNGUS syn. Clavariadelphus borealis Clavulina ornatipes in Table C-3 1994 S&Gs; C. castanopes var. lignicola was a spelling error on 38 F CLCAL3 B CLAVULINA CASTANOPES V. LIGNICOLA FUNGUS the species name 39 F CLSE4 B CLITOCYBE SENILIS FUNGUS 40 F CLSU18 B CLITOCYBE SUBDITOPODA FUNGUS 41 F COBA11 B COLLYBIA BAKERENSIS FUNGUS 42 F CORA16 B COLLYBIA RACEMOSA FUNGUS 43 F COCA43 B CORDYCEPS CAPITATA FUNGUS 44 F COOP3 B CORDYCEPS OPHIOGLOSSOIDES FUNGUS 45 F COBA12 B CORTINARIUS BARLOWENSIS FUNGUS syn. Cortinarius azureus 46 F COBO7 B CORTINARIUS BOULDERENSIS FUNGUS 47 F COCY8 B CORTINARIUS CYANITES FUNGUS Page 1 of 9 AEF I L N Common Name (common names provided for animals and Name and Geographic Area on January 2001 ROD List vascular plants only) Alternative Names/ Synonyms 4 Kingdom NRCS Plants Code/GeoBOB species code column (for K) January 2001 ROD Category syn. Cortinarius spilomeus var. depauperatus; 48 F CODE12 B CORTINARIUS DEPAUPERATUS FUNGUS Cortinarius spilomius in Table C-3 1994 S&Gs 49 F COMA22 B CORTINARIUS MAGNIVELATUS FUNGUS 50 F COOL4 B CORTINARIUS OLYMPIANUS FUNGUS Cortinarius rainierensis in Table C-3 1994 S&Gs; 2003 Fungi Handbook states C. rainierensis is the preferred name but Index Fungorum did not 51 F COSP11 B CORTINARIUS SPECIOSISSIMUS FUNGUS confirm these as synonyms 2003 Fungi Handbook states this does not occur in North America; Index Fungorum could not 52 F COTA B CORTINARIUS TABULARIS FUNGUS confirm or negate 53 F COUM3 B CORTINARIUS UMIDICOLA FUNGUS Cortinarius canabarba in Table C-3 1994 S&Gs 54 F COVA8 B CORTINARIUS VALGUS FUNGUS 55 F COVA7 B CORTINARIUS VARIIPES FUNGUS 56 F COVE12 B CORTINARIUS VERRUCISPORUS FUNGUS 57 F COWI3 B CORTINARIUS WIEBEAE FUNGUS syn. Cantharellus tubaeformis in Table C-3 1994 58 F CRTU3 D CRATERELLUS TUBAEFORMIS FUNGUS S&Gs 59 F CUMO2 B CUDONIA MONTICOLA FUNGUS 60 F CYLA13 B CYPHELLOSTEREUM LAEVE FUNGUS 61 F DEHU4 B DERMOCYBE HUMBOLDTENSIS FUNGUS 62 F DEFU2 B DESTUNTZIA FUSCA FUNGUS 63 F DERU7 B DESTUNTZIA RUBRA FUNGUS Dichostereum granulosum in Table C-3 1994 64 F DIBO4 B DICHOSTEREUM BOREALE FUNGUS S&Gs 65 F ELAN4 B ELAPHOMYCES ANTHRACINUS FUNGUS 66 F ELSU4 B ELAPHOMYCES SUBVISCIDUS FUNGUS 67 F ENAC3 B ENDOGONE ACROGENA FUNGUS 68 F ENOR2 B ENDOGONE OREGONENSIS FUNGUS Rhodocybe nitida in Table C-3 1994 S&Gs; syn. 69 F ENNI B ENTOLOMA NITIDUM FUNGUS Rhodophyllus nitidus 70 F FABI B FAYODIA BISPHAERIGERA FUNGUS syn. Fayodia gracilipes in Table C-3 1994 S&Gs Alpova sp. nov. # Trappe 1966 in Table C-3 1994 S&Gs; Alpova aurantiaca noted as synonym in Table 1-1, January 2001 ROD S&M list (but 71 F FEAU4 B FEVANSIA AURANTIACA FUNGUS cannot confirm this) 72 F GAAT2 B GALERINA ATKINSONIANA FUNGUS 73 F GACE B GALERINA CERINA FUNGUS 74 F GAHE10 E GALERINA HETEROCYSTIS FUNGUS 75 F GASP13 E GALERINA SPHAGNICOLA FUNGUS 76 F GAVI8 B GALERINA VITTAEFORMIS FUNGUS 77 F GAIM B GASTROBOLETUS IMBELLUS FUNGUS 78 F GARU2 B GASTROBOLETUS RUBER FUNGUS 79 F GASU6 B GASTROBOLETUS SUBALPINUS FUNGUS 80 F GATU B GASTROBOLETUS TURBINATUS FUNGUS Gastroboletus sp. nov. #Trappe 2897, 7515 in 81 F GAVI7 B GASTROBOLETUS VIVIDUS FUNGUS Table C-3 1994 S&Gs Gastrosuillus sp. nov. #Trappe 9608 in Table C-3 82 F GAAM4 E GASTROSUILLUS AMARANTHII FUNGUS 1994 S&Gs Gastroboletus sp. nov. #Trappe 7516 in Table C-3 83 F GAUM B GASTROSUILLUS UMBRINUS FUNGUS 1994 S&Gs 84 F GAMA11 B GAUTIERIA MAGNICELLARIS FUNGUS 85 F GAOT B GAUTIERIA OTTHII FUNGUS 86 F GEFL5 B GELATINODISCUS FLAVIDUS FUNGUS 87 F GLRA3 B GLOMUS RADIATUS FUNGUS Page 2 of 9 AEF I L N Common Name (common names provided for animals and Name and Geographic Area on January 2001 ROD List vascular plants only) Alternative Names/ Synonyms 4 Kingdom NRCS Plants Code/GeoBOB species code column (for K) January 2001 ROD Category 88 F GOBO2 B GOMPHUS BONARII FUNGUS 89 F GOCL B GOMPHUS CLAVATUS FUNGUS syn. Gomphus floccosus and CURRENT NAME 90 F TRFLX1 F GOMPHUS FLOCCOSUS (GOFL), In California FUNGUS according to Index Fungorum 91 F GOKA B GOMPHUS KAUFFMANII FUNGUS Gymnomyces sp. nov. #Trappe 1690, 1706, 1710, 4703, 5576, 5052, 7545 and Martellia sp. nov. 92 F GYAB B GYMNOMYCES ABIETIS FUNGUS #Trappe 311, 1700, 5903 in Table C-3 1994 S&Gs Martellia sp. nov. #Trappe 649 in Table C-3 1994 93 F GYNO B GYMNOMYCES NONDISTINCTA FUNGUS S&Gs 94 F GYPU2 B GYMNOPILUS PUNCTIFOLIUS FUNGUS 95 F GYCA4 B GYROMITRA CALIFORNICA FUNGUS 96 F GYES F GYROMITRA ESCULENTA FUNGUS 97 F GYIN4 B GYROMITRA INFULA FUNGUS 98 F GYME B GYROMITRA MELALEUCOIDES FUNGUS Gyromitra gigas (GYGI, GeoBOB species CN 99 F GYMO F GYROMITRA MONTANA FUNGUS 34218) noted as synonym in Table C-3 1994 S&Gs 100 F HEOL3 B HEBELOMA OLYMPIANUM FUNGUS Hebeloma olympiana in Table C-3 1994 S&Gs 101 F HECR13 B HELVELLA CRASSITUNICATA FUNGUS 102 F HEEL6 B HELVELLA ELASTICA FUNGUS 103 F HEMA19 B HELVELLA MACULATA FUNGUS Hydontrya sp. nov. #Trappe 787, 792 in Table C-3 104 F HYIN8 B HYDNOTRYA INORDINATA FUNGUS 1994 S&Gs Hydnotrya subnix sp. nov. #Trappe 1861 in Table 105 F HYSU9 B HYDNOTRYA SUBNIX FUNGUS C-3 1994 S&Gs 106 F HYUM4 B HYDNUM UMBILICATUM FUNGUS 107 F HYMA8 B HYDROPUS MARGINELLUS FUNGUS Mycena marginella in Table C-3 1994 S&Gs 108 F HYCA21 B HYGROPHORUS CAERULEUS FUNGUS Hygrophorus saxatilis noted as preferred name in 109 F HYKA2 B HYGROPHORUS KARSTENII FUNGUS 2003 Fungi Handbook 110 F HYVE9 B
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