f ! h» yl. ma* -_’*•' imvvw.nr^ 7U “Vbt Sclcbratcil tfaard Kur Aer;, | Cticbiuitj 7Zii^li*’i aiiiotJf SiuUijrl) 1 W O K D E R, Guult, Peace Ktdthgs, to

rirengthenv W.l). WKl.N return'. HUthanhs told* friends Ais a negro about 12 or ]4 v* ;«rs old >vv UritM attention f<» the fibres of the can come well recommended, will meet with h!/e- boy yell jiay every Outnr, lu tka* th-v adhere ,|n a of v hand, large gratuity well slotted tim- THOa feafon thee were 12 r- coutioned r.» be on of n^xr, l shall at WILLS, Jr. Jailor, notwithftanding imp tbeir guard again.'l which the twenty-second day May a^rntl eo. purehafing I>ert (with assistance of some c sttiiavle do, pers indebted the may li^J, ment, foe cott.itry coach-o.ftkrrs Ar.be ens, defendants estate are to come forward on that J Dr RAWsOK'l receive* it d rr from ♦h'* manufV h* w.l requested dry ry. to their and defenilm: Thomas Inglh not —A» the icnuest of Mr. Cdw’J T >r. have i» in hi werto prepared discharge respective debts, having f.'ertificair sell at moderate entered his *0 Anti-Bilious Patent P:i!s. very prices. those claims the t state are 1 appearance according law and clan, who has the inns,* M ich i' ! holding against tie sir* lately purchased imported the rules of this and it to LBR's ed to bring them forwatd properly authenticated. court, appearing the Whip, I dr 1 ertify tha* the said horse has stood Jicu retehfd and satisfartton of the court the of Andrew for the two last seasons a Genuine Wind for Those who fail may be assured thar it e law will by within.? qurs. of mde ham Bilious Pills, fi 1/<.!:• that the said is not an inhabitant of «>f tliat 1 nave ,V/r re, nrarthr JBru’tfi, be rigorously indited and every advantage taken I’eery, Inglis my re-iider.ee, seen in the pastures "I) RE PA RED hy .Samuel Per, r( Wind. j tins : jun. of tins commonwealth On the motion of the plain- attached to his sT.i'.J, the last s« icon, so* 1 in the THK FO l.l.G i i'f \ G C F MV INF. notice, by during ham, Stare of Co-tm iti, r ; iur width tills hr or. CII v M.F.S James their attorney, It it vetal colts iillics ur a tir.ro least a d-zen in he SMITH, Thompson (a: difcov.ry ohraine l a Patent t.'ie Pre- that the said Thoms* figred '.y Administrator of the estate of derd, Inglis donpprar here in: nber) got hy him, e,an 1 in su- bdent of the Patent Medicines. Agnes my opinion United Stare., .u, a- on the fir^t dav of the next term and an- 111 April 17,yfi. tteceastd August perior of form a.ul si/.e to a to an I nilH* Balsam of obstinate Su: Anderson, point >y equal grceable id of Coo..rtf., Honey erupt ions, swer the bill of the and that a co- Ncw-Kent eoun y, 1.5, lfiOl. wU complainant* innnter I have ever wen, pot otliar 1. >»■«■.■»_I 1 he an’s Hal .am Bri tshf il A.prd by numerous the Ttirlingf of this order be inserted in some pulling impofrttons upon pith, py newspaper also believe him to be .is sure a foal as and Godfrey’. C ro al li ,* er’s Kmaie •lelr*r any lie, Hate men: of remarkable cures I’ills in this state, and continued for three horse in n~vrrm*?i»e» sg|^Arr Teste, ing signature. Hr *" *n BHWft, it,sore lexs,burns. ward lhles. tr.-1 jf the Virtual o' t.'.;* MCf Frilling Wttce. 12t* JOHN WARD, c. x. c- I’rk.cc Dec. iii .alaabie nu- Bk George county, II, 18C3. "*iM* ||kig. _MM*. WiiW
