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Colorado CDASS “Cost To You” Worksheet

As an employer, the cost of hiring attendants includes paying , , and Workers’ Compensation insurance. Palco charges you at your individual employer rate giving you the potentially cheapest rate for your individual situation.

✓ Your SUTA rate varies depending on your employer experience. Your rate is not blended with other employers on CDASS, and you are able to fully take advantage of any SUTA rate decreases. ✓ Your employer rate varies depending on the attendant’s relationship to the employer. You can take full advantage of individual tax exemptions, so more money goes into the hands of your attendants! ✓ For 2021- The Colorado minimum is $12.32 and the maximum wage allowed for CDASS is $45.09. o Some cities may have instituted a citywide that is higher than the minimum. Contact your enrollment specialist at Palco for more information on your individual circumstance.

Default Rate for New Employers with No Rate with Exemptions Exemptions Social Security (FICA) Relationship to Employer Total Rate 6.20% Spouse working for a Spouse 2.21% Medicare (FICA) 1.45% Child employed by Parent (under 2.21% Federal Tax (FUTA) the age of 21) 0.60% Child employed by Parent State Unemployment Tax (SUTA) 3.91%** 1.70%** (At the age of 21) Workers’ Compensation Insurance Parent, Adoptive Parent and/or 2.21% Stepparent Employed by an Adult 3.91%** TOTAL Employer Cost Rate 12.16% Child **Default rate for new employers assigned by the CO **SUTA is individualized, your rate may be cheaper as DOL; Your individual rate may be cheaper. you enroll with Palco. Multiply your attendants’ hourly rate by the percentage to determine your employer cost to you amount. Example: $14.00 x 1.0221 = $14.31

Table below illustrates the cost for a new employer with no exemptions at a 12.16%. You should use an individual percent that meets your circumstances and multiply the rate by that percent. Rate you want not on here? You can pay any rate you want by multiplying the rate by your individual percentage amount. Example: $14.25 x 1.1216 = $15.98

Hourly Cost to Hourly Cost to You Hourly Cost to Hourly Cost to Rate You Rate Rate Rate Rate You Rate Rate You Rate $12.32 $13.82 $17.50 $19.63 $23.00 $25.80 $28.50 $31.97 $12.50 $14.02 $18.00 $20.19 $23.50 $26.36 $29.00 $32.53 $13.00 $14.58 $18.50 $20.75 $24.00 $26.92 $29.50 $33.09 $13.50 $15.14 $19.00 $21.31 $24.50 $27.48 $30.00 $33.65 $14.00 $15.70 $19.50 $21.87 $25.00 $28.04 $30.50 $34.21 $14.50 $16.26 $20.00 $22.43 $25.50 $28.60 $31.00 $34.77 $15.00 $16.82 $20.50 $22.99 $26.00 $29.16 $31.50 $35.33 $15.50 $17.38 $21.00 $23.55 $26.50 $29.72 $32.00 $35.89 $16.00 $17.95 $21.50 $24.11 $27.00 $30.28 $32.50 $36.45 $16.50 $18.51 $22.00 $24.68 $27.50 $30.84 $33.00 $37.02 $17.00 $19.07 $22.50 $25.24 $28.00 $31.40 $33.50 $37.58 Family Members are limited to 40 hours in a single work week, Sunday through Saturday. Attendants must be paid at , time and a half the hourly rate, for any time over 40 hours in a week or more than 12 in a shift/day. EN-060043-CWE-1.0