Indawgyi Lake The One and Only Tectonic Lake in Myanmar Experimental report of reconnaissance survey on 4-13 January 2015 Prepared by Dr. Bishnu B. Bhandari Hidetsugu Nakamura Shiina Suzuki Ramsar Center Japan 2015 Published by Ramsar Center Japan 2-10-3 Minami-Kugahara, Ota-ku Tokyo 146-0084, Japan. Tel: +81-3-3758-7926 E-mail:
[email protected] Publication year: 2015 Copyright: Ramsar Center Japan 2015 Suggested Citation Bhangari, Bishnu B. Hidetsugu Nakamura. & Shiina Suzuki (2015). Indawgyi Lake: The One and Only Tectonic Lake in Myanmar-Experimental report of reconnaissance survey on 4-13 January 2015. Tokyo: Ramsar Center Japan. This survey was supported by Keidanren Nature Conservation Fund (KNCF). Table of Contents What Where Acknowledgements 3 Acronyms 4 Executive Summary 5 1. Introduction 6 2. Rationale, Objective & Methods 8 3. Field Diary 9 4. Indawgyi Lake: The One and Only Tectonic Lake 19 4.1 Physical Characteristics 19 4.2 Wildlife 20 4.3 Policy, Institution and legal situation 22 4.4 Socio-economic Status 25 5. Partners Mapping 33 6. Major Issues and Problems 36 7. Some Suggestions 37 References 38 Photo Essay 39 Figure 1. Map of Myanmar and Indawgyi Lake 8 2. Places Visited in Indawgyi Lake 20 Boxes A. Indawgyi Lake at a Glance 6 B. Case of Community-based Tourism 30 Tables 1: Categories of Land in the Indawgyi Area 26 2: Bird Species Observed During the Trip 45 3: Mammal Species Observed During the Trip 46 4: Amphibian Species Observed During the Trip 46 5: Bird species Found in the Indawgyi Area 47 6: Mammal species Found in the Indawgyi Area 52 7: Reptile species Found in the Indawgyi Area 53 8: Fish Species Found in the Indawgyi Lake 54 Annexes I.