THENew MOST RELIABLE NEWSPAPER LightAROUND YOU of Myanmar Volume XXI, Number 333 Fullmoon Day of Tabaung 1375 ME Saturday, 15 March, 2014 Vice-President discusses animal health, INSIDE INSIDE Russia ships Myanmar, UAE banking sector with foreign officials troops into sign Air Services NAY PYI TAW, 14 eration between Myanmar March — Vice-President and OIE. Ukraine, repeats Agreement U Nyan Tun held two sep- Regarding the talks on invasion threat PAGE-8 arate talks with foreign of- the banking service devel- ficials in Nay Pyi Taw on opment, Deputy President of Bagan cultural Friday, with one meeting Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi heritage site focusing on improvement UFJ Takashi Morimura dis- of animal health and the cussed opening his bank in welcomes Dutch other held on the develop- Myanmar, human resources PAGE-3 tourism students ment of the banking sector development in the banking PAGE-9 in Myanmar. sector, financial assistance Radar data Director-General Dr. for small-and medium-scale suggests Senior South Bernard Vall of the World economic enterprises and missing Malaysia Korean advisors Organization for Animal the agricultural sector, in- plane flown hold talks on aid, Health (OIE) led a delega- frastructure development for tion to discuss laws on vet- Myanmar’s banking service deliberately politics erinary matters, the estab- and closer cooperation be- toward PAGE-9 lishment of animal health tween the Central Bank of Andamans and veterinary laboratories, Myanmar and Bank of To- Japan, Lithuania adherence to international kyo-Mitsubishi UFJ. agree to cooperate standards and close coop- MNA over Ukraine Vice-President U Nyan Tun shakes hands with political unrest Director-General Dr. Bernard Vall of the World PAGE-5 Organization for Animal Health (OIE).—MNA PAGE-3 ing at Lashio General Myanmar under the GGP Japanese government grants US$ 1,104,672 for eight Hospital in Lashio Town- scheme since 1993. Among ship, Shan State with US$ them, 305 school construc- grass-roots projects for education and health sectors 193,894 and the Project tion projects, 174 health High School in Pantanaw with US$ 103,710; the for Construction of Kun care projects, 133 public Township, Ayeyawady Project for Construction Long Basic Education welfare and environment Region with US$ 113,365; of Rural Health Centre in High School in Kun Long projects and 65 others are the Project for Construc- Taung Pauk Village, Gwa Township, Shan State included. It is expected that tion of Two Basic Edu- Township, Rakhine State with US$ 246,047 today, these assistance will further cation Primary Schools in with US$ 105,985; the under its Grant Assistance strengthen existing friendly Kyaunggone Township, Project for Construction for Grass-roots Human relations between Japan Ayeyawady Region with of Rural Health Centre in Security Projects (GGP) and Myanmar. This year US$ 112,859; the Project Zalun Village in Thandwe Scheme, totaling US$ marks the 60th anniversary for Construction of Rural Township, Rakhine State 1,104,672. of the establishment of dip- Health Centre in Ashay with US$ 106,910; the The Government of lomatic relation between Bet Village in Taunggup Project for Construction Japan has assisted 677 var- the two countries. Township, Rakhine State of Isolation Unit Build- ious grass-roots projects in MNA NAY PYI TAW, 13 Project for Construction March—H.E. Mr Mikio of Kyar Inn Gyi Village Officials urge chicken farmers to take measures against NUMATA, Ambassador Basic Education Middle of the Embassy of Japan School in Kyar Inn Seik possible bird flu outbreak By Aye Min Soe and Chairman of the Com- Kyi Township, Kayin The Ministry of Live- mittees from State and State with US$ 121,902; stock, Fisheries and Rural Region concerned, signed the Project for Construc- Development has urged the grant contracts for tion Kyunkyar Village chicken farmers to take eight projects namely the Basic Education Branch preventative measures to prevent an outbreak of Media Accreditation for ASEAN bird flu, including wear- ing protective clothes Socio-Cultural Community at the farm and keeping NAY PYI TAW, 14 Hotel. Information on good personnel hygiene. March —The11th ASEAN the meetings is available According to ministry of- Socio-Cultural Communi- from the Ministry of Cul- ficials, it is “the time of ty (ASCC) Council Meet- ture, Ph: 067-408384, and year” and season in which ing and related meetings information on media ac- infectious diseases can be will be held at the Grand creditation can be obtained transmitted from chick- Amara Hotel in the State from News and Periodi- ens, without elaborating guesthouse area from 2 to 4 cals Enterprise, Ph: 067- further. April, with officials saying 412126. For more informa- The ministry also local and foreign journalists tion journalists should go to called on officials to be must register for media ac- www.asean2014.gov.mm, vigilant when monitoring creditationby 27 March. where they will find links live-fowl and fowl prod- Accreditation cards on upcoming events and the bird flu here. H5N1 bird 2010 and 2011, with offi- A farmer works at a uct imports from neigh chicken farm in will be issued to journalists registration requirements. bouring countries in a bid flu outbreaks occurred in cials saying there have been Myanmar in 2006, 2007, no reports of fatalities. central Myanmar. on 2 April at Grand Amara MNA to prevent the outbreak of Photo: Aye Min Soe 2 Saturday, 15 March, 2014 New Light of Myanmar LOCAL NEWS Locals in Myingyan call Thai pilgrims visit Dhamma Gambiya Cave on authorities to build in Shan State tube wells MYINGYAN, 14 as paddy fields. Farmers March—Farmers in said the need to improve Talokemyo Village in their livelihoods by culti- Mandalay Region have vating rice, stressing that called on authorities to tube wells and support with build tube wells to allow irrigation are needed. locals to grow rice. According to locals, They have so far been the nearest canal is three cultivating beans and puls- miles away from the vil- es, corn, wheat, tobacco, lage and can not easily be onion and wheat, as they do accessed.—Zaw Min Naing not require as much water (Myingyan) Historic Bawkyo Modedaw Pagoda festival kicks off HSIWPA , 14 Mar ch— Shan singers Sai Aung The Historic Bawkyo Htee Kham, Sai Laik and Modedaw Pagoda festival Sai Sae Han also put on a is being held in Hsipaw show in front of an enthu- Township, northern Shan siastic crowd. Shan Liter- State from 13-16 March. ature events were also MO NGYAWNG, 14 vation works. in Mongyawng Town- and development of So far, Vocalists Lashio held. Officials said the March—17 Thai pilgrims All-round renova- ship in Shan State for the tourism industry. Thein Aung, Tekkatho Ye number of festival visitors visited the Dhamma tion works are being car- promotion of Buddhism Maung Yin Kyay Aung and Shan singer Sai has been higher than ex- Gambiya Cave in Shan ried out by local authori- Kham Khone have per- pected. State on 13 March. Offi- ties and social New hotel opens in Mohnyin, formed at the festival. Ko Latt (Hsipaw) cials explained the his- organizations led by torical background of the Monglin Sayadaw Agga Kachin State National Census 2014 cave, with the pilgrims Maha Saddhamma Jotika exploring the cave and Bhaddanta Wimala at signboard set up in Kyauktan donating cash for reno- Dhamma Gambiya Cave KYAUT K AN, 14 March—Kyauktan Town- ship Immigration and Na- tional Registration De- partment set up a National Census 2014 signboard on Minkyaung Street in the township on Friday. Kyauktan Township administrator U Zaw Min, Bago Region Hluttaw MOHNYIN, 14 The opening of “Hotel Representative U Myo March—“Hotel Mohnyin” Mohnyin” is a symbol of Myint and head of the de- opened near Shwebo-Myit- regional development, ac- partment U Ko Ko Naing kyina Motor Road in cording to officials. unveiled the signboard. Ashaesu Ward, Mohnyin Mohnyin District has a fa- Township IPRD Township, Kachin State on vorable climate to grow ag- 11 March. The hotel has ricultural products, and is Inter-village 24/7 air conditioning sys- popular with foreign “in- tem, CCTV security cam- vestors” who frequent the New resurface put on Kyauktaga circular road earthen eras, view point, car park- area to exploit natural re- ing and will offer breakfast sources. Jade, gold and KYAUKTAGA, 14 road under services to the customers. teak can be widely found in March—A new resurface construction on was put on No.4 circular Hotel room rates from K Mohnyin. Two colleges for road on a self reliant basis self reliant basis 30,000 for a two-bed room higher education have also to K 50,000 for four-bed opened in the region. in Kyauktaga Township in NAY PYI TAW, 14 room. NLM-001 Bago Region on 12 March. March—An earthen road Pyithu Hluttaw repre- is under construction on sentative Dr Khin Maung a self reliant basis of the Swe, Ward administrator U local people in Zeyathiri Min Aung and local people Township in Nay Pyi Taw. actively participated in re- The local residents surfacing the 800 ft long contributed money to con- road. struct the road along Hle- Construction of RC kan-Ywathitkon-Kyauk- type bridge financed by phya villages that will be Bago Region Government 4 miles and 6 furlong in on the road was also carried length and 10 feet in width. out. So the local people Upon completion, the resi- will see good transporta- dents will have easy access tion any season. to nearby towns. Khin Ko (Kyauktaga) Myint Than (Oxygen) New Light of Myanmar Saturday, 15 March, 2014 3 WORLD US, ASEAN to Radar data suggests missing Malaysia plane hold defence flown deliberately toward Andamans ministerial KUALA LUMPUR, 14 information on the investi- meeting March — Military ra- gation, did not return calls dar-tracking evidence sug- seeking comment.
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