
Cool Clear, cool tonight; sunny WEATHER Saturday. Details on page 2

Vol. XCIX, No. 299 — Manchester, Conn., Friday, September 19, 1900 YOLK HOMETOWy yEWSHAPER • Since 1881 • 20ii; Blast rocks missile site DAMASCUS, Ark. (UPI) - An The explosion jarred the area near set up three evacuee centers at tgxjc fumes in the atmosphere. explosion rocked a TiUn II missile the small town of Damascus, popula­ Conway, Clinton and Morrilton. "The fuel is liquid when it’s under silo early today, shaking the Arkan­ tion 225 about 3 a.m. CDT and Even if the missile were armed, pressure but when it (a fuel tank) sas countryside, lighting up the pre­ followed a night of worry over a fuel Fullerton said, "there is no way you ruptures it becomes a gas, a heavy dawn sky "like daylight” and in­ leak that had caused an earlier could get an accidental nuclear vapor and there are toxic fumes juring 10 Air Force personnel. evacuation of about 100 people within detonation from it. You could get floating around up there,” Fullerton The Air Force would neither con­ a one-mile radius of the site. some burning of material and a said. firm nor deny the presence of any The missile silo is about four miles scattering of radioactive material A fuel leak at the site was reported nuclear weapons at the site in central north of Damascus and 45 miles but there is no way you could get a about 7:15 p.m. Thursday and a dis­ Arkansas, but toxic fumes did pre­ north of Little Rock. nuclear explosion.” team was sent from Little Rock sent a hazard for nearby residents. "We are already evacuating as In Washington, a Defense Depart­ Air Force Base. The explosion oc­ An estimated 800 to 1,000 people were * much as a 10-mile area,” said dis­ ment spokesman said, "We’re not curred while a maintenance crew evacuated. patcher Jack Ward of the Van Buren confirming or denying the presence was trying to neutralize the fuel leak John Fullerton, operations super­ County sheriff’s office. "We did have of a nuclear weapon at this time.” in the missile’s first stage, the Air visor of the state Office of Emergen­ an explosion down there. One or two At Strategic Air Command Force said. cy Services, said, "I don’t know if it explosions. We’re evacuating headquarters in Omaha, Neb., Lt. had a nuclear warhead on it. The Air everything (within) as much as a 10- Col. Richard Kline said it was Air Force won't tell you because that’s There are 54 Titan silos in the mile area. We may have to go Force policy neither to confirm or , 18 of which are in classified but I assume it did.” farther.” deny the presence of any nuclear Air force maintenance men, suf­ Arkansas. The silo near Damascus is The explosion "shook the ground weapons anyplace. He also would not a unit of the 308th Strategic Missile fering from burns and inhalation of and the area lit up like daylight,” a comment on the threat of any danger toxic fumes, were hospitalized in Lit­ Wing. spokesman at the state Office of of radioactivity in the area. The Titan II missile is an intercon­ tle Rock and Conway. They were not Emergency Services said. Fullerton said the injured suffered immediately identified and the ex­ tinental ballistic missile that is 103 OES supervisor Fullerton said mostly from burns, although some feet high and 10 feet in diameter. It tent of their injuries was not im­ everyone in a five-mile area south of suffered from inhaling toxic fumes. mediately disclosed. can deliver a nuclear warhead the site was evacuted. The office also He said his principal concern was anywhere in the world. Writ asks for tax vote By MARY KITZMAINN Since he will have to testify as a although O’Brien’s ruling on its il­ expressed confidence in the town witness, O’Brien said he wanted legality was already given, and a Herald Reporter winning the case. The town attorney another lawyer to handle the case. rejection was expected. When the 45 will have to show cause why the ac­ MANCHESTER- The town at­ "It’s hard to remain objective when days expired, O’Brien ruled the town tion requested by the writ should not An explosion ripped through a Titan missile silo early this torney has been named in a writ of you’re so involved,” he said. did not need to accept or reject an il­ be performed. He said Shea will morning. A similar silo is shown in this file photo. (UPI) mandamus obtained by the The writ was leveled at O’Brien, legal petition. probably argue he cannot be forced Manchester Property Owner's who was representing die town when The MPOA, which had been to perform an improper action, ac­ Association. he ruled in March that khe petition waiting for an adverse ruling to begin cording to the Town Charter. O’Brien The writ, and complaint, was circulated by the MPOA ‘did not legal proceedings, sought the writ also noted that attorneys are allowed Bolton estimates served upon Kevin O’Brien, town at­ require a town referendum. The peti­ regardless of the town’s inaction and a greater margin of discretion in torney since last December, on tion submitted to the Town Clerk’s directed it toward O’Brien. public actions than other public of­ Wednesday. The writ seeks to force Office, signed by about 1,8(X) persons, A writ of mandamus is a court ficials. asked for a referendum on a tax order, in the absence of any other school costs O’Brien to change his ruling that a The association had hoped to set petition circulated by the MPOA is il­ freeze. The MPOA seeks to limit in­ legal remedy, to require a public of­ the referendum for the November Story Page 17 legal. creases in the mill rate solely to in­ ficial to perform a public duty. presidential election, avoiding the The action by the citizen’s group creases in the Grand List, keeping The writ is b a s ^ on the Town cost of a special vote. The legal was expected for some time, but present property owner’s taxes at the Charter Section 3-10 which requires proceedings and town’s 45-day wait, there had been speculation the writ same level. the town to review any petitions sub­ pushed it past the date referendums would be served upon the Board of Petitions signed by about 1,4(X) mitted for referendum. could be scheduled :rtops Directors or the town clerk. voters, must be schedule for a The section requires the town at­ Betty Sadloski, president of the Grasso tests O’Brien, confirming today he was referendum, according to the Town torney to correct any illegality, MPOA, has charged the town with ountertop served with the writ, was not sur­ Charter. clarify problems, or unneccessary “dragging its feet” on the petition. r and In a prised he was named as the defen­ However, last March OTrien ruled wording. She says the town must bear respon­ i new and dant. "I think this is the action they that the petition was illegal. He Since O’Brien has ruled the peti­ sibility for the cost of the special found clear have to take, if they want a ruling,” maintains, according to his inter­ tion is invalid, for him to correct it election, amounting to about $10,(KK), would change the petition’s focus. HARTFORD (UPI) - Gov. Ella he said. pretation of the Town Charter, that since it delayed. the past several weeks included a The court hearing will revolve Grasso’s doctor says the latest tests 90" mitre Itje writ and complaint sets a Sept. only the Board of Directors can set A similar ordinance to the one complete body CAT scan and ul­ 1 around, and decide whether, O’Brien on the governor, who was operated rge Is 4’ 29 cSurt appearance in Hartford the mill rate and act on fiscal policy. sought by the MPOA has been trasound studies; an intravenous SuperiV Court. O’Brien, however, When the MPOA gave the petitions to can be ordered to perform the task, on in April for ovarian cancer, show enacted in several towns, including no evidence of any new tumors. colangiogram; upper and lower GI said he has a conflict for that date. the town clerk, the Board of Direc­ subsequently deciding the petition’s Woodstock, the MPOA is repi'esented But the governor still is suffering series; and blood profiles, including But he directed questions on another tors, acting on O’Brien’s advice, legality. b‘y Carl Neilson, who won the enzyme studies. While noting he could not predict from gastritis. Dr. Joseph Russo, a date to William Shea, assistant town required a 45 day wait before any Woodstock ordinance in a court bat­ Press secretary Larrye deBear ruling. The wait was required the judge's decision, O’Brien Hartford gynecologist, said IAIN-4-CfNTtS attorney. Shea will be representing tle. Thursday. said the governor’s weight loss, O’Brien in the case. •5 2 0 Mrs. Grasso, 61, was in Hartford which has become very noticeable in ^ Hk 5M 05 Hospital Thursday morning for a recent weeks, was a result of the gas­ barium enema and a large bowel tritis. He said the governor refused series, which is an X-ray of the to say how much weight she had lost. stomach and intestines. “There really is nothing you can do * Office complex to be built to cure it as such. The system has to 11.99 “During the past few weeks, a By PATRICK REILLY six unnamed developers. have purposely been vague about revenue. "U s going to be exciting number of routine tests have been get back in kilter. You can’t hurry Herald R eporter The names of the developers and what will be in the complex, but here in the next five to six years," conducted on Gov. Ella Grasso to that," deBear said. "Once she gets*' specifics about the complex are sources have said luxury con­ Dentamaro said. assess the effects of her radiation set again she’ll start eating normally EAST HARTFORD - In this expected to be answered at the for­ and put some of it back on.” season of television premieres and dominiums. a marina, a hotel, shops Dentamaro said the proposed com­ therapy,” Russo said. "The results of mal unveiling of the center Tuesday The recurring upset stomach automobile unveilings, town officials and recreation facilities are definite­ plex has a very good chance of being each test have been completely at 10 a.m. in Mayor George A. ly planned for the site, south of the built, barring unexpected problems negative and have demonstrated no forced Mrs. Grasso to cancel her an­ here are preparing to formally Dagon’s office. nual appearance Wednesday at the divulge their latest pride and joy. It’s 14-story Founder’s Plaza. the developers may incur. recurrence of malignancy what­ The developers, who have hired a Knover has said the firm hopes to "They aren’t speculators, they are soever.” Eastern States Exposition in West called The Commerce Center. New York City public relations firm Springfield, Mass. Lt. Gov. William The Commerce Center is the name have a 1981 ground breaking for the developers," Dentamaro said. "They He said the governor still has gas­ to handle publicity about the center, 0 Neill stood in for her. given the proposed 1 million-square- first structure. have already invested a lot of money tritis. an inflammation of the are calling it "America’s Newest DeBear said the governor was well twin foot plus office complex planned here Development Director Joseph Den- in the project.” stomach lining, but that a gas­ Corporate Community." enough to work briefly in her office along the Connecticut River. West tamaro said Thursday the complex "This is not just something that’s troscopy showed it was regressing. The developers have already hired Wednesday “but she just didn’t want LF RIMMING Hartford developers Simon Konover would be the largest of its kind in the just happened,” Dentamaro said. The test involves inserting a tube the Hartford architectural firm of to take the long ride up and back and and Harry A. Gampel have said they Capitol Region. "The Economic Development Com­ through the mouth and into the Russell & Dawson to work on the have a fancy lunch. She thought that 23.40 plan building a $20 million office Town officials have been excited mission and this department stomach. ■ first design portion of the complex. just might aggravate everything.” UU building next year as the start of the about the complex because of the ad­ (Development) have worked to Russo said the gastritis was a Knover, Gampel and towp officials "It comes and goes," he said. "She complex they are planning along with dition it will make to the town’s tax develop the land along the river. result of precautionary radiation <31.45 therapy Mrs. Grasso underwent from has good days and bad. There are early May through July 4 and that days when her stomach kicks up a lit­ many of the side effects were only tle bit. This was one of those.” now in their peak stage. None of the tests have been made Feds ‘penalize’ effieiency "It is expected that these effects of public, although Mrs. Grasso made the radiation will continue to abate, " mention of the lower g astro ­ By PATRICK REILLY away and give it to some one who expenses-or catastrophe at one of the he said. "These are not usually long intestinal series conducted at Hart­ can’t walk," Giamalis said. "We are payments. The payments are then Hi-rulil Repiirlrr apartment complexes. added to the rent payments and used lasting." ford Hospital in an interview with a being penalized (or operating He said using rent payments plus Russo said other tests conducted in television station Wfednesday. EAST HARIFORD— Nicholas prudently while thqse who waste get to determine what the agency should A. Giamalis, executive director of the reserve, the Housing Authority spend, Giamalis said.' Any money the money” will break even in the upcoming the town’s Housing Authority, said To make up for the cut in subsidies, remaining after expenses is invested, fiscal year, leaving the reserve ac­ he said. Thursday the agency is being Giamalis said the agency will use count with about $200,000. penalized by the federal government about two-thirds of the $500,(»0 it has In other Housing Authority action "The federal cuts will chew up our Thursday, Giamalis said the agen­ for running an efficient organization, accumulated in a reserve account reserves that we usually use for but there is nothing he can do about during the past five years. Giamalis cy’s board of commissioners ap­ frid o y . buying refrigerators and what if a proved a $46,000 plan to modernize it. said when he took over at the agency roof is blown off in a storm. That’s Giamalis was informed last week and renovate the elevator system at five years ago the contingency fund another unexpected cost," Giamalis Swim team status by federal officials the Housing totaled 429,000. Since then, through the Meadow Hill apartment complex In Sports Authority wouldn't receive $320,000 said. for the elderly on Connecticut The status of the swim team in good investments, rents, and excess Giamalis said he hadn’t an­ Manchester Sports Hall of Fame the Manchester Recreatfon in federal subsidies for the fiscal Boulevard. subsidies, the agency has developed a ticipated the subsidy cut and that it dinner tonight. Yanks pull out Department setup again discussed year starting Oct 1. large reserve, he said. He said General Elevator of Hart­ suspedned game then lose regular came as ’’quite a shock.” ford had submitted the lowest bid on by the Park and Recreation Ad­ Giamalis said the cut is afi attempt However Giamalis would rather sch^uled tilt to Toranto...PaKe He said the federal subsidies nor­ the project and will begin'^he work visory Commission. Page 3 to take money from an agency that not use the reserve, w^hich is usually mally come in the form of 12 13. operates in the "black ” and give it to used in case of unanticipated within 30 days. National Football League those who are struggling with their weekend scheduled. Puge 14. inside today payments or operating in the "red.” Classified...... 18-22 East Hartford is not alone; all agen­ Comics...... 13 cies able to save more than they Oswald grave opening denied Editorial ...... 4 spend are having their subsidies cut FORT WORTH, Texas (UPI) - A Michael Eddowes. Wright also said a profit. Fam ily...... 6 by the U.S. Department of Housing civil district judge today denied a hearing on making the injunction Wright, however, declined to Headquarters open Obituaries ...... 12 and Urban Development. British author permission to open the permanent will be held later. enjoin the second defendant in the Peopletalk...... 2 The Housin^Authority provides grave of alleged presidential The injunction was requested by case. Rose Hill Burial Park, the site The Manchester Republican par­ Sports...... ;. .13-16 rent subsidizednousing for the elder­ assassin Lee Harvey Oswald for an Oswald’s brother, Robert Oswald of of the grave. ty opened its campaign Television ...... 1 1 ly and low and 'moderate-income autopsy and identification. Wichita Falls, Texas, who had said In the order,. Wright said Oswald headquarters on Main Street just Town T alk...... ” — 12 families in 13 apartment complexes In a seven-page letter mailed to at­ an exhumation would cause him had shown a potential for harm and one day after Democrats had U pdate...... 2 ' in town. torney’s, District Judge James "grave mental anguish." Oswald injury to himself if the grave was opened theirs. Page .5 W eather...... 2 "We have tried to walk on our own Wright issued a temporary injunction also had claimed Ecldowes sought to opened, but that Eddowes had not Weekend...... 1-9 and all of a sudden the (HUD) take it against British author and attorney open the grave purely (or financial shown a clear reason ;

( EVENING HERALD, Fri., Sept. 19, 1960 - 3 2 - EVENING HERALD, Fri., Sept. 19, 1980 FULL Brass Hammer LSERVICEJ Mpdote. Hazing injury wasn't interested in shutting the recycling plant down, inmates^ bonds set Athanson angered just in making it smell better. WINDSOR (UPI) - Bond has been set at 61()0,000 for PLAINFIELD, (UPI) - Police were investigating in­ gets license two inmates charged in the death of another prisoner at juries suffered by a Plainfield High School freshman HARTFORD (UPl) — A burning cross on the lawn of a during an initiation ritual by the school's football team. black man's home has prompted an angry Mayor George the Enfield minimum security prison. she would continue the exotic dancing for­ PJag^frir dptllh The two men were arraign^ Thursday in the death of Day Kimball HospiUl officials said Thursday Kevin Athanson to call for a police investigation of the incident. By MARTIN KEARNS mat. Although she has not said the dan­ prisoner Thomas Gay, 31, who died earlier this week of Cornelison, 16, was treated for an injury comparable to Athanson denounced the burning of a three foot WINDSOR (UPI) - Police say a 60-year-old woman sunburn over 30 percent of his body. Herald Rrpurlrr cing will be eliminated, her financial makeshift cross Thursday on the lawn of Darrell died in a fire they believe was started in her home when hums suffered in a fire in his prison room. backers, Dwfght Scherban and John Bond was set at $100,000 each for Frank J. Coppola, 22, Police said members of the freshman football squad HARTFORD — The state Liquor Con­ Gardner, co-host of radio station WKND's public affairs the dwelling was struck by a lightening bolt. Marin, testified before the commission of Danhury, and Michael F. Kozak, 24, of Madison, and were apparently sprayed with a muscle liniment during trol Commission Thursday granted Rhon­ program as a "despicable act." Florence Welch was pronounced dead at Mt. Sinai that they would limit dancing —if such a the case was transferred to Hartford Superior Court. the Tuesday hazing. da Foster a liquor permit to operate the It was the third cross burning in the state since two Ku Hospital where she was taken after firemen responded to Schools superentendent Albert Mizak said school of­ Brass Hammer Cafe. move proved profitable. Klux Klan rallies in rural Scotland last weekend — the a blaze in her home at 12:15 a.m. Thursday. ficials were also looking into the incident, adding “1 can The permit is effective immediately, About 20 persons signed a petition, for­ The lightening occurred during a storm that knocked first public KKK rallies and cross burnings in Connec­ say this will not happen again." but allows for the sale of soups, cing the commission to. conduct a public ticut in more than 70 years. out power to more than 35,000 Connecticut homes. Steel firm cited sandwiches and alcoholic beverages at the hearing into Foster's application for a Northeast Utilities spokesman Emmanuel Forde said NEW LONDON, (UPI) — State Department of En­ cafe, and does not authorize exotic dan­ liquor permit. At the hearing, residents all areas of the state suffered some blackouts, but most vironmental Protection officials have cited a New Lon- Waste probes cing on the premises. said the dancing endangered their /Vo walkout of the power was quickly restored. don steel firm for violating clean air standards. ^ Thomas Poplawski. chief inspector for children. One group of nearly 2,000 customers in New Britain HARTFORD (UPI) — The state Department of En­ NORWALK (UPI) — An agreement to rehire six Air quality inspector David Nash said Thursday two the commission, said Thursday that no They also sought assurances from the were without power for more than seven hours, he said. vironmental Protection has confirmed it was probing Norwalk janitors who were laid off after budget cuts last violations were sent to the Thames Valley Steel Corp. application for live entertainment had applicant that safety and aesthetic im­ The largest number of homes lost power in the state's after a neighbor complained the firm's plant was emit­ possible waste incidents at two burned-out mills. been received by the commission. provements would be made at the cafe. year has averted a possible strike in the city's school Investigators said Thursday they were examining eastern region, where 16,000 families were without ser­ ting an objectionable odor. In applying for a live entertainment per­ Although they failed to win concessions, system. leaking drums of dye at the Revere textile factory in Union president John Mosby said Thursday although vice. Nash says one complaint stemmed from outdoor spray mit, Poplawski said applicants must Scherban told the group he would be Another 6,400 customers lost electricity in the the six will "ease the pain," the district still needs ad­ painting and the other from “fugitive dust" from a shop Sterling, which burned last March, explain the type of entertainment that will willing to discuss their concerns at a later Waterbury-Torrington area, 4,500 in the greater Hartford Officials said they didn't think the leaking dyes posed ditional workers to meet the increased work load of blasting stack. be featured, as well as where it will take date. area, 6,400 in the Stamford area and 2,000 in the Enfield any health problem, but they were keeping track of the higher enrollments. It was the fifth time since 1975 the company had been place. According to the spokeswoman, Mosby said he will push for another six or seven part region. cited for violating clean air standards. situation. Poplawski said the commission had not Foster's permit became effective im­ time workers. received an entertainment application mediately. The Herald was unable to con­ from Foster. tact Foster or the manager at the Brass Peopletalk' Such applications are normally Hammer Thursday to determine if an Smelly problem Carter decries race issue, processed within a couple of weeks time. entertainment permit would be sought. Should Foster seek a permit for live enter­ The cafe permit allows the Brass BRIDGEPORT (UPI) - Officials at the Bridgeport tainment. Poplawski said another hearing Hammer to open for business Monday Refuse Recycling plant have been ordered to appear in Back in the box could be scheduled if commissioners felt through Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 a.m., and Superior Court next week to show why they should keep says it should be dropped It may be the most simplistic one-liner in the the entertainment would create a on Friday and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2 the plant open if it continues to pump a bad smell into the history of comedy, but it never failed — even in a.m. Business hours on Sunday are from By liniird Premi Inlernulionul nuisance. air. endless repetition — to bring the house down on the The cafe's former owners, Curtiss and noon to 11 p.m. Earlier this week a nearby company had to send its old Ed Sullivpn show. President Carter says he is not Ellen Heinz, were sued by the commission Cars parked in the cafe parking lot have employees home because the odor was so foul. It crackled in moronic dialogue between a disem­ mean, Ronald Reagan is not a racist, been vandalized on two occasions this Acrieite Co. filed for a temporary injunction to force after dancers at the cafe allegedly bodied head in a box and a little man with a funny the press is obsessed with the issue violated state law. The commission, week. Tuesday night 10 cars had between the show cause hearing. accent. “S'awright?" and the whole matter "should be one and three tires slashed. Again on But company president Lawrence Schwartz said he however, offered to dismiss its charges if Senor Wences would ask, snapping the lid open. dropped." the Heinzes agreed to sell the business. Wednesday four cars had tires cut, "S'awright!" Pedro would reply, just as the lid What about charges that he runs a With Thursday s decision, the state has resulting in what police have estimated to SPEC IALS snapped shut again. mean" campaign? indefinitely postponed charges against the be $560 in damages. (FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th) Senor Wences, Pedro and Johnny — who serves as “I try to keep a moderate tone and Heinzes. a commission spokeswoman Police have no suspects, although a Wences' left hand when he isn't being lippy — try to discuss issues and I do not in­ said. white male, estimated to be in his early moved to the Crazy Horse Saloon in Paris and out of dulge in attacking personally the in­ Residents in the Charter Oak area had twenties was seen Tuesday in the cafe's the American consciousness with the fading of the tegrity of my opponents and I hope I protested the cafe's sale to Foster, saying parking lot prior to the incidents. 1960s — but they're back now. never shall," he said. s \ The racism issue dominated four of •ANrnAMOtCO They open Tuesday at the Chateau Madrid in New TONIGHT York, and fans can bet nothing has changed. In the the 12 questions asked of the presi­ LMAT----- box, it's still "awright." dent during the halfhour news con­ ference Thursday, and Carter said at Water contract one point, "The press seems to be lowiii m»rn*iuM» /HCWOHLeAM obsessed with this issue." -JO Belated brotherhood With one exception — on his un­ E Robert Shafran couldn't understand why willingness to join the League of accord fails everyone at Sullivan County Community College in Women Voters debate Sunday — all MA.NCHESTFR — Town officials plan tor, has said the town doesn't wish to wait n [T ^ I howito'' pfow Liberty, N.Y., kept calling him Eddy. the political questions that were to rebid a contract which began a suit until the suit is settled to seek new bids. UPI WlATHin fOTOCAIT €> He kept telling them he wasn't Eddy Galland, a asked dealt with some'aspect of his claiming tbe town used unfair bidding He scheduled an Oct. 7 opening of the new student at the school the year before, but everyone charge Tuesday that Reagan had in­ practices. bids, a week after the continuation of insisted he was at least Eddy's — even Ed­ je c t^ the “stirrings" of racism into After town representatives failed to court arguments. If the original bids are Weather dy's ex-girlfriend. the campaign by using code words reach an out-of-court settlement with upheld, the newer bids can thrown out, So Shafran tracked down his mysterious mirror like “Ku Klux Klan" and "states' Spiniello Construction Company, which he said. Mostly sunny today. Highs in the low 70s, 22 C. Clear image and learned he was born on July 12. was put rights." brought the suit, plans for rebidding the Pass said if the contract, awarding it to and cool tonight. Lows in the 40s. Saturday mostly sunny up for adoption, wrestled in high school, dates older Carter explained Thursday he had contract began. Spiniello, of New Jersey, Raymond is thrown out, the town will be becoming breezy and warmer. Highs in the upper 70s. women and has been in therapy. been speaking to a black group in lost the contract on bids submitted in July ready with new ones, hoping to complete Probability of precipitation near zero through tonight and Ditto Shafran — in every particular. Said he, Atlanta that understands the code to Raymond International, also of New the project this fall. 10 percent Saturday. Winds gfentle northwesterly today "Eddy, you won't believe this, but 1 think you're my words. Jersey. Spiniello claims the town unfairly Along with the disputed project, two \ and light variable tonight. Saturday southerly winds in­ twin brother." “My message to them was that the allowed their competitor to include a dis­ other water main work projects will be creasing to 15 to 20 mph in the afternoon. The adoption agency that handled both of them presidential election is no place for count clause if awarded both contracts for advertised. Extemled outlook isn't talking, but Shafran and Galland don't care. the reviving of the issue of racism cleaning and lining water mains. Pass said in the new bid specifications They figure they have all the evidence they need. Spiniello was awarded a temporary in­ Extended outlook for New England Sunday through under any circumstances and that's he will Include an addendum which allows junction on beginning the water main Tuesday: how I feel about it," he said. companies to quote prices for one, or any work, and arguments were heard in court AT OUR Ma»i«arliU!i«'lt!i. Rliuile UluntI & Connrriirul: Fair He insisted there was no implica­ combination of the projects. He also will this week on a permanent injunction. The weather Sunday through Tuesday. Daytime highs will be Jihad tion that R ea^n is a racist, and said include an allowance for discounts. arguments were continued to Sept. 30 in 70s. Overnight lows will be in 50s. Dr. Bailey Smith, president of the Southern Bap­ he admired the Republican candidate In granting the temporary injunction after no settlement could be reached. yeriiioni: Variable cloudiness and mild through the tist Convention, touched off a holy war with his con­ for rejecting the Klan's endorse­ last month, a Hartford Superior Court 725 E. MIDDLE TURNPIKE period with a chance of showers, mainly north and west. tention, "God Almighty does not hear (he prayer of ment. meets the press Since the suit's inception the town of­ found no fraud or collusion in the town's Highs in the upper 60s and 70s. Lows in the upper 40s and a Jew." "I would hope that from now on President Carter ficials have been concerned about action allowing Raymond's discount. But TOP NOTCH STORE ONLY! 50s. He made the comment at a Dallas rally sponsored after this news conference we could other candidates would have a economy, Casey said, "could not delaying the project It was scheduled to noted the error was technical. be completed before the end of this year's Maine and New ilamimliire: Chance of showers Sun­ by fundamentalist TV evangelists who, according to leave out references to allegations chance to respond. have been a more blatantly political Raymond bid $272,2(X) to clean and line construction season. The project is part of day. Chance of showers north and fair south Monday. U.S. News and World Report, were promised by that anybody thinks I'm a racist or But the Republican nominee's commercial if he had paid for the one set of water mains and $397,860 for the time ... an obvious partisan an­ the town's $20 million water system im­ Fair all sections Tuesday. Highs in the 60s to low 70s. GOP presidential candidate Ronald Reagan any other candidates are racist. I campaign director, William Casey, second job. It included however a $35,000 ONE “ SPECIAL” ON SALE nouncement, not responsive to provement program, and other parts of Lows mostlv in the 40s. evangelicals would be considered for top posts in his don't believe they are and it ought to fired off a telegram to all three com­ discount if awarded both contracts. questions from the press, separate the project depend on its completion. administation. be dropped." mercial networks to demand equal Spiniello bid $268,450 for the first If a permanent injunction is granted, it Jewish leaders deplored. Smith's stand, but one Reagan issued a brief statement time for Carter's five-minute from the press conference." project and $399,160 for the second. The EVERY HOUR UNTIL MIDNIGHT! New York Christian of Jewish origin posed a saying Carter obviously was using opening statement. Carter never mentioned indepen­ could be too late to solicit new bids to company claims it should have been The Almanac counter question. the news conference as a device to Carter's description of his ac­ dent candidate John Anderson, either complete the project before the winter notified of the town's acceptance of dis­ Says media consultant Jerome Goldblatt. “I avoid debating the issues where the tivities and of the state of the by name or indirectly, in the half- months. counts. hour news conference. KRAFT By United Press InlernaliunnI wonder how Jesus views organized public Maurice Pass, general services direc­ Today is Friday, Sept. 19, the 263rd day of 1980 and 103 demonstrations of 'born-again' televised piety — es­ to follow. pecially during an election year?" Moffetti Carter make peace The moon is moving toward its full phase. C 1 MIRACLE The morning stars are Venus and Jupiter. Swim team issue \ The evening stars are , Mars and . Quote of the day HARTFORD (UPI) - Rep. Toby view he agreed to help Carter with The meeting was arranged last Those born on this date are under the sign of Virgo. Cliff Robertson, on his view of the future for the Moffett, in a fence mending conver­ labor forces and on college campuses weekend when First Lady Rosalynn Uto# / Irvin Westheimer, who founded the Big Brothers move­ second anniversary issue of Omni magazine: “We sation with President Carter, has in the state and to make three or four Carter, in Hartford for a Democratic discussed again ment in Cincinnati in 1903. was born Sept. 19, <879 told the chief executive it will be campaign trips for the president to fundraiser Saturday night, pulled the On this date in history: all have fears of holocausts and self-destruction and tough for him to win in Connecticut in New York, where Carter aides are congressman aside and said Carter 500 ML. BOTTLE In 1777, American soldiers won the first Battle of nuclear war, I have one major fear — that too few By LAI REN DAVIS SHEA of us possess the one thing that can stop all of this, a November. "obviously concerned" about the wanted to meet with him. swim club fundraisers incorrect. Saratoga in the Revolutionary War. Moffett and Carter met at the Moffett, who was also one of the lirrultl R<‘|iorl<'r However, the panel also found that the In 1863. Union and Confederate soldiers met in the bat­ sense of moral outrage. It was moral outrage that election's outcome. 6 PACK PLUS DEPOSIT White House Thursday in an effort to In return. Carter agreed that a leaders of the open convention move­ MANCHESTER - The Advisory Park swim club's regular usq of the [tool was tle of Chickamauga. Ga.. during the Civil War. The rebels propelled most of our ancestors to this country and make peace between sharply divided ment, said he told the president and Recreation Commission at its proper. won the following day. we have lost that quality." rank-"and-file Kennedy campaign Connecticut supporters of the presi­ "there are serious problems" in meeting Thursday night discussed the LIMIT In 1881. President James Garfield died in Elberon, N.J. worker should be add^ to the top dent and Sen. Edward M. Kennedy. leadership of the president's Connec­ Connecticut and it is "going to be propriety of including the Manchester TWO of gunshot wounds inflicted by a disgruntled office- By sanctioning this payment by the town COCA-COLA "There will continue to be some tough.” seeker on July 2. Glimpses ticut campaign. Swim Team in the winter program of for regular swim club watertime, Siebold differences, but we're going to do our Moffett, a key leader of Kennedy's He also told reporters “it's going to Recreation Department. said the town was partially subsidizing the 7.8 Charles Bronson and Robert Mitchum will be best to work things out," Moffett said winning state primary campaign, be very tough" for Carter to win re- A thought for the day: James A. Garfield. 20th presi­ Commissioner Dot Brindamour asked team. Siebold said thus the sentences among show biz folk honored Oct. 8. at the 24th San after the 20-minute session in the said he will discuss the appointment election because of labor dissidence DOMESTIC dent of the United States, said: "This great nation is too whether Recreation Department Director “Manchester Red Swim Team will con­ Francisco International Film Festival ... Bette Oval Office. “It was friendly. We and voter apathy. great to look for mere revenge but for the security of the with Gov. Ella Grasso, one of the Melvin Siebold should include the swim duct tryouts for new swimmers Monday Midler, who just made a guest appearance on John­ talked about our past differences and president's strongest supporters, and Moffett said Carter and team in the program, in view of past future I would do everything," ny Carson's "Tonight Show," is in New York for the October 6th — 5:30 p.m. at Manchester how we need to wipe the slate clean hoped someone could be named Republican nominee Ronald Reagan allegations that he improperly used his High School. Contact Recreation Office \ COOKED opening of her new film, “Divine Madness" ... to win this election." within 24 hours. were running "neck and neck" in position to help the private swimming Robert StigwOod will hold a special premiere Oct. for'details" could rightfully be included in Moffett said in a telephone inter- Connecticut and that labor shop club financially 14 of his new "Times Square," co-starring Trini the program. stewards were saying workers were Siebold defended the inclusion of the two Lottery numbers Alvarado and Robin Johnson, for the benefit of the toU/HAM AAACHINE SLICED lb. ■ 2LBS. turned off and “we're afraid of peo­ sentences in the four-page, single-spaced New York Police Athletic League of which he is a Numbers drawn Thursday: ple staying home." schedule of winter programs. He said director ... Berlin-born Werner Klemperer, whose Cup race Siebold said the summer recreation Conn, daily 810 makes The congressman said he sup­ U.S,NO, 1 role as Col. Klink in “Hogan's Heroes" took two since the swim team is partially spon­ program includes mention of programs Conn, weekly 21. 986, 562848 red ported Carter because "I see the sored by the town and other programs by Manchester Community College Emmy awards, has been named host and Maine daily 518 choice clearly." but added that similarly sponsored are included in activi­ and by a private bowling firm. Maine weekly 58350 spokesman for his hometown's bicentennial festival Newport, R.I. rich "some people who supported Senator ty programs, there is no favoritism. lOLB. BAG — a 200th anniversary gift to sister city Los Angeles 0 New Hampshire 2823 Kennedy don't" see it so clearly. NEWPORT, R.I. (UPI) - come by tbe busload from the Commission Chairman Joel Janenda Rhode Island 1066 "I think on a political level, we will The bowling program has been included America's Cup yacht racing, turn-of- Midwest, Mrs. Oakley said. commented "Since there is a definite sen­ LIMIT Massachusetts 4798 continue to have our differences with for years, even though the town's only the-century mansions and the “One of the most frequently asked sitivity about the issue, the connection has the president on some issues. But 1 connection to it is the town owns the TWO mystique of the very rich are questions is ‘Where is Ted Turner? Is to be carefully handled." think on the campaign level you're playgrounds where children are pickeo up POTATOES Janenda referred to anonymous charges Evening Herald expect^ to draw a record three he still around?'" she said. bv buses to take them to the bowling alley. 9.10 seeing a vast improvement," Moffett I'SHS 327-500 To Advartia* To Report New* million tourists to this city-by-the- Turner and the crew on his 12- against Siebold made in April that lie im­ For a classified advertisement, call To report a news item or story idea: said. properly mixed his position as Recreation ASSORTED Published daily except Sunday and cer­ sea in 1980. meter yacht Courageous were Mrs. Brindamour said she didn't feel tain holidays by the Manchester 643-2711 and ask (or Classified. OHice Manchester .... Alex GIrelli, 643-2711 The visitors will spend an es­ eliminated from America's Cup com­ “I'm not authorized to say the fric­ Department director with his position ns a hours are 8 30 a m. to 5 p.m Monday this bowling pro^am should be included Publishing Co,, Herald Square, East Hartford ... .Pat Reilly, StS-2711- timated $75 million, and the city's 88- petition earlier this sumnier. tion is over because I don't control paid coach with the swim team. through Friday When the office is Glastonbury .. Dave Lavallee, 643-2711 in the program either. Manchester, Conn 06040. Second class member police department and local Kennedy workers. Some of them will Those charges were investigated by a postage paid at Manchester, Conn. closed, classified ads mav be placed bv Andover...... Donna Holland, 646-0375 be angry for years, never mind the PORK 3 RIB, businessmen are making sure they The Cup contest crowned a frantic three-member panel, whose report in POSTMASTEIt: Send address changes calling 643-2718 Bolton...... IXinna Holland, 646-0375 next eight weeks." For information about display adver­ feel welcome. season of international yacht racing June found Siebold's use of town funds tor Siebold replied the issue concerns to the Evening Herald. P.O. Box 591. Coventry ...... Doug Bevins, 643-2711 He said the meeting with Carter tising. Call Tom Hooper, advertising Hebron ..Barbara Richmond, 643-2711 • “A large volume of people are — including the Observer aquainting townspeople with the activities QQ^\ Manchester. Conn 06040 director, at 643-2711 South Windsor Dave Lavallee,643-2711 spending a lot of dollars. 1980 is the Singlehanded TransAtlantic Race, was “nice" and “helps to send the that are available to them. CHOPS 3 CENTER lb PKGS.B Haw* a Complaint? right signal to the Kennedy sup­ To Subacrib* Vernon . .Barbara Richmond, 643-2711 best year we've ever had," said the biennial Newport to Bermuda P in o c h lt* Race and Olympic sailing trials. porters." H*** — II you have .i question or To subscribe, call Customer Service Stephen Alexander, Chamber of M Wt.HFS'l'FR — Top scorers In the^ lotnplaint ahout news coverage, call at 647-9946. Office hours are 8:30 a m. to On any summer weekend an es­ “It's a clear choice to me but not to To report special news: Commerce public relations director Manchester Senior Citizens Pinochle Club" frank Hurbanl^. managing editor, or 5:30 p.m Monday through Friday and 7 timated 50,(X)0 motorists paid the $2 some of the people who support me," Gasoline plentiful Business Alex Girelll. 643-2711 who called his estimates “conser­ Sieve Harry executive editor. 643-2711 to 10 a m. Saturday toll to cross the Newport Bridge, said Moffett said. group Sept 18 at the Army and Navy Club Opinion . Frank Burbank. 643-2711 vative." for foliage trips Circulation — Ii you have a problem Suggested carrier rates are $1.20 "It definitely enhances Carter's were as follows; , 0 Family . Betty Rvder, 643-2711 “Newport has become very, very James Canning, the state's turnpike regarding service or delivery weekly, $5.12 for one month. $15.35 for chances in the state. It's no secret Gladys Seelert, 646; Hans Bensche, 616; call Sports ' . Earl Yost, 643-2711 popular," said Ann Oakley, manager and bridge authority director. BOSTON (UPI) - Gasoline Customer Service. 647-9946 Delivery three months. $30.70 (or six months, and the Kennedy workers in the com­ Ann Fortier, 593; Edna Farmer, 592; supplies should be plentiful for should be made by 5.00 p m. ,„„„uay of Tours and its affiliated "Newport is the place to be, and LIMIT Monday $61.40 for one year. Mail rates are Ofljce hours are 8 ,30 a m to 5 p m we have benefited from that," he munities are very important. Harold Bagot, 587, Ann Plourd, 584; motorists who plan to take weekend through Friday and by 7 30 a m Satur- available on request. Monday through Friday Newport Guide Service. Amelia Anastasio, 583. Helena Gavello, 10LBS. ilav “Intrigued by the water" they said. They're an absolute necessity. But fall foliage trips through New there's more to be done." 576; Jennie Fogarty, t72; A1 Gates, 571. England, the American Automobile Association says. NOT responsible FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO 4 UNITS UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ^ EVENING HERALD, Fri.. Sept. 19. 1980 - 5 4 - EVENING HERALD, FrI., S«pl. 19. 1960 Letters Editorial " Youth commission vows Constitution week Teacher’s position to be more outspoken We are being reminded this damental Orders, voted Jan. To the editor: week, which is designated 14, 1638. MANCHESTER - The Commis­ another Is a part time coach. The The following is a copy of the of­ With all the members of the com­ The spirit of the document O p in io n sion on Children and Youth met students all attend MHS. Constitution Week, of our mission attached to the high school in ficial position of the Manchester w as that of a sermon Wednesday night with a complete some way, the group decided it was The commission learned of a snag constitutional heritage. Education Association on the recent in its plans to open a Teen Center at preached by the Rev. Thomas roster of new student members, only appropriate that they take such In Manchester, the Orford controversy over humanistic educa­ deciding to take a more active role In an action. the Nike site. In earlier discussions Parish Chapter of the Hooker a short time before tion. presenting young people’s opinions to One adult member is a teacher at with Recreation Department Direc­ Daughters of the American the fundamental orders were The MEA Representative Council the Board of Directors. the high school, who said he would tor Mel Siebold the funds existed, unanimously endorsed this position Among the issues the youths intend abstain from any vote. Another adult only the organization was lacking. Revolution is taking an ac­ formally adopted by the At last night’s meeting, which on Sept. 17, at its first meeting of the to make a stand on are the proposed member tutors immigrant children tive hand in the commemora­ colony. renovations to Manchester High Siebold had been slated to attend but Constitution State. for nearly 200 years and has year. in English at the high school, while tion. Hooker’s sermon proposed, year. School couldn’t, he sent word the funding been copied by other The Manchester Education The Orford Parish Chapter " The foundation of authority This state has carried on a The Constitution was then had been lost. Commissioners agreed freedom-loving peoples Association has been closely to investigate what happened to the is urging display of the is laid in the consent of the continuity of constitutional submitted to the existing monitoring the debate on the- around the world. money. American Flag and people.” According to government beyond that of states for ratification, with a teaching of "humanism” in the In other business, the commission recognition of the tenets of historian William M. Maltbie the rest of the nation. provision it would be effec­ Only once has it been Manchester School System. elected Laura Gatzkiewicz chair­ man, Greg Kane vice-chairman, and the Constitution of our na­ the early Fundamental Those constitutional tive when ratified by nine The association actively supports seriously endangered. ’That Type blood needed Linda Weiss secretary. parental involvment in the education B tion. Orders paid no allegiance to guarantees that are states. was during the War Between Thecommission agreed to continue of their children and encourages MANCHESTER— A special New Hampshire was the have not been overly successful and its efforts to support emergency It is particularly important England, but, in effect, set up celebrated during this week the States. communication between home and appeal is being made for persons many additional donors are needed to shelter for youth, a topic which over that this observance be noted an independent government. are the framework of all ninth state to ratify June 21, school. However, we feel the recent with type B Positive and B Negative Official opening meet the monthly quota of 160 pints. the years has been discussed by each 1789. It is a to read and blood to come to the bloodmobile in ours, " The Constitution Those early orders were in­ liberty known to Americans. debate on “humanism" is misguided "Residents areboing asked,” states Commission on Children and Youth. such reading is an excellent The Manchester Republican Headquarters, Republican town chairman and Mrs. Beverly when it will be in Manchester next State.” tended to be a more perma­ The document, establishing The United States Constitu­ and contrqpy to accepted ethical uii i.oie, Manchester Blood Com­ Network homes, which involve located in the former House and Hale Malone, Manchester coordinator for U.S. week. tion is the oldest federal con­ reminder to us all that ours is practice. mittee chairman, "to give a thought Manchester families who have Connecticut’s con­ nent framework of govern­ the nation, has been amended Blood Center officials state that At the very least, it is unethical for building. Main St., were opened Thursday Senate candidate Jam es Buckley. (Herald to those people in hospitals whose agreed to open their homes to a stitutional government out­ ment and, as such, they were only 26 times since its adop­ stitution in existence. It was a nation with government of, there continues to be a shortage of all a group so vehemently opposed to night. From left, Mrs. Ellen Bickford, photo by Burbank) lives depend on receiving whole- homeless youth for up to two weeks, so well-framed that it has laws, not of man. We urge all blood types however at this time distances that of the rest of a constitution. tion Sept. 17, 1787 by a con­ headquarters coordinator; Robert Von Deck, blood and blood components. There is was supported by group members. ‘humanism " not to define and pin­ there is a critical need for type B That’s how Connecticut vention of delegates that meL served as the basis for for to again read the document no substitute for human blood and a On a long range basis, the group the nation. point what they are against. This tac­ blood. this country’s governmont this week. few minutes time is little enough to felt it should begin contacting state It was called The Fun­ became known as the in Philadelphia in Mav o' that tic allows the group to categorize The bloodmobile will be at the spend when it means so much to representatives to try to get a crisis anything they wish as "humanism." Knights of Columbus Home, 138 Main Republicans return barbs someone else,” center for young people who have no Through public statements, it Street on Monday from 12:30 to 5:30 Appointments can be made by place to go. The commission will also p.m. became quite obvious that this was calling the Manchester Red Cross at seek funding support from a civic Local Blood Service Committee indeed being done. 643-5111. Walk-in-donors will also be organization for a crisis center. representatives are concerned that The Manchester Educational welcome all day. Congressional Quarterly to town’s Democrats recruitment efforts for this operation Association finds its cynical and deceiving for individuals to arbitrari­ MANCHESTER — Manchester Republicans opened Mahoney two years ago, listed a number of issues she ly assign religious significances to their headquarters Thursday night in a bedecked version says are of concern to people of the 13th Assembly District in which she is a candidate. secular ideas and activities, and then of the former House store on Main St. and Town Congress losing interest in review She spoke of poor follow-up on the license plate law at ft our custom — to attack the schools for teaching Republican Chairman Robert Von Deck returned some On task force jibes delivered by his Democratic counterpart when the which makes it difficult for old persons to find a way to we will be closed all day religion. MANCHESTER— Three area By ALAN MURRAY force federal programs to be ter­ its strength, and a House committee sons to the staff of his Labor and Democrats open^ their headquarters around the comer. turn in their second plate, of poor machinery for infor­ Saturday In observance of Human Resources Committee, at a Such attacks appear to be cing the law which prohibits, a grocer from raising the persons have been named by Gov. WASHINGTON - Congress minated after 10 years if not probably will not act at all on a “’The Republicans want to be out in the open; we have motivated by individuals’ religious price of food items once it has been on the shelves, of a Ella Grasso to serve on the Connec­ the Jewitb holiday ... specifically reapproved by Congress. similarly watered-down version. cost of $525,000 annually. nothing to hide," Von Deck said in reference to the appears to have given up on yet and moral values, but we find it un­ need for more technical education, of need from ticut Heritage Task Force for terms Cosponsors of the bill have included Although the Senate bill still And Sen. ’Thomas F. Eagleton, D- spacious quarters opening onto Main Street. Ted Cum­ another of its bright ideas for curbing acceptable for them to force their programs to prevent child abuse and abuse of the elderly, ending July 1, 1982. more than half the senators from carries the name "sunset." the sub­ Mo., heir-apparent to the mings, Democratic town chairman, had said the night They are Ms. Ronna L. Reynolds of the federal bureaucracy. ideas on the public school system, and of day care centers: both parties, ranging from conserva­ stitute contains virtually none of the Governmental Affairs Committee before of his party, “We don’t need a grand storefront. Manchester, a member of the Hart­ "Sunset” legislation, once a great which by its very nature, serves a We have the people." She said she would favor a state income tax if people tive Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C.. to elements that the concept’s principal and also an original cosponsor, says ford Architectural Conservancy; ‘‘every bipartisan hope for reining in the pluralistic population holding a Urging those in ^ tend w ce to work for the election of voted in favor of it in referendum. galloping growth of government liberals Edward M. Kennedv. D- sponsors had cited as key provisions. sunset is "an idea whose time has Marge Anderson, candidate for United States represen­ Russell L. Brenneman of Glaston­ little variety of values and religious all Republican candidaj^N^on Deck listed all the races Under the new bill, no government come — and gone.” bury, president of the Connecticut programs, may now have entered its Mass., and George McGovern. D-S.D. and criticized each dem ocratic candidate in turn. tative from the First Congressional District, addressed thing" Not all the bill’s supporters have beliefs. The association Wlieves that Resource Recovery Authority; and twilight. Now. a Senate com m ittee has program would die automatically " ’The people can only afford a Republican administra­ the group briefly. defected, and those who remain dis­ any attempt by individuals to block John Hibbard of Hebron, secretary of The Senate has been toying since recommended a weak substitute for and no program would have to be tion, Von Deck concluded. Neither Edward Wilson nor Walter Joyner were per- miss the criticisms. ’The bill as activities incongruous with their the Connecticut Forest and Park z . the sunset bill that would gut most of reviewed. Congressional committees Carl Zinsser, candidate for the state Senate from the sent. Wilson is a candidate for the State Senate from the 1976 with a sunset bill that would religious beliefs is a form of cen­ Association. would be allowed to choose the originally conceived "is strong Fourth District, said the Democrats do not address the 3rd Senatorial District. Joyner, incumbent, is a candidate sorship. and we totally reject such for the State House of Representatives from Assembly RONALD REAGAN DEMONSTRATES programs they wished to review, sub­ medicine," says Sen. Jim Sasser, D- real issue —the budget. practice. ject to the approval of the full Tenn. "But it is medicine we have to He repeated his criticism of the oil profits tax which District 12. Further, the MEA believes it total­ Thoughts Congress, take." he says will be passed on to consumers in January and ly appalling to condemn a teacher at THE rm DRAW In short, the sun would only set Congress, however, is unlikely to February. KseA )erh forces movth opea Hood a public forum without first dis­ "We don’t need an income tax: we don’t want an in­ It ikw M tiw «e H t ri|lM huA. H«dA p«IU |W Irom bolster «s haee when Congress said it could. take Sasser’s medicine. Even if rtmtrkaMy tteady Iw Hs a|<. rmvc jerki c«mp«Ulvcly. cotUnoes to bri«8 gan up. come tax," Zinsser said. Senate supporters of the stronger sunset supporters can overcome the cussing the situation with the teacher (•warAtWgw. “We are outnumbered, but we are not going to be out­ This is success measure have vowed to fight for it. swelling dissent in the Senate, they and giving him or her a chance to worked,’’ Zinsser said. To live well, to laugh often. To love face greater opposition in the House, explain the methods in question. The But enthusiasm has waned con­ Elsie Swensson, who said she began her door-to-door much. To gain the respect of in­ where sunset legislation also has Association finds it reprehensible • • SEPTENIBER siderably since 1978, when senators campaign the day after she lost the election to Francis telligent men. that the accused teachers were not approved a sunset. bill by an been diluted. To win the love of little children. So, unless enthusiasm gets an un­ even allowed their fundamental overwhelming 87-1 vote — although “a bed or not a bed, To fill one’s niche and accomplish too late for the House to act on it that expected boost, the sun may have set rights before being condemned in Sylvester heads one’s task. year. on the sunset concept. public. that Is the question.” To leave the world better than one The authors of the substitute The association also condemns the SAVINGS Since then, sunset’s chief advocate, At Castro the choice Is yours! finds it, whether by an improved former Sen. Edmund S. Muskie, D- Senate bill argue that their measure deliberate misconstruing of some Swensson team flower, a perfect poem or another Hundred of decorator fabrics to choose from! Maine, has left Congress for the will add order and logic to con­ course descriptions. To insinuate life ennobled. Al Ihb potet wc M c Ibc complex .. loot ierbcd opward by baee aciloa Mr. Reagaa trammalea aurh aa Quaan Size Colonial Sola Quaan Size Conlamporary won’t give me the answers, maybe report for 1979 appears to be his $60,- placed a call to a man’s house at 1 Large RoHad Arm Design Colonial Racliner covered In Blue Quiltad Print Sola and he’ll give some to the voters of 662 Senate salary, plus a modest $4,- for the Carter-Mondale campaign. lloualon Oilrra, referring to hia Ernie Gross (as shown above) covered In Sola, fitted back and rolled a.m. Sola featuring upholstered stunning rust nylon velvet. Matching Lovassal (as shown above) Queen Alabama before Tuesday. In that 500 in speaking engagement fees and When Rutledge hesitated, the The com plaints originated in Clarinet'" legs and large loose nylon, rust fabric (opens to queen size bed) size bed. hope. I’ll report the latest a maximum of $2,500 in rental in­ senator chided him, saying, "What’s Springfield, Mass., Traverse-City, cushions. (Opens to queen developments in the Stewart case. come. the matter. Gene, are you afraid to Mich., and Muskogee, Okla. The iBmirliriiln* Euniiiuji HrralJi >tee Page size bed.)_ Immediajtely after his election in tell me where you live?” most serious charges came from a *479Rao.$699 *799 Rag. $879 Assistant Attorney General Philip 5 string banjo *699 11049 1978, Stewart managed to make a "Look it up in the phone book," ad­ high-level census officer in Muskogee Manchester — A City of Village Charm *799■ ^•'Rag.$94# *289“ ••••*Rag.$399. Heymann released a pre-election down payment of about $28,000 on his vised the lawyer, befcie hanging up who was fired after she complained Founded Oct. 1, 1881 statement saying that the Justice Washington home, valued at ap­ and going back to sleep. ^ to the inspector general’s office. Jeff Keithline Department had found "no evidence proximately $150,000. Incredibly, Footnote; The 40-year-old Stewart The Muskogee official charged that Published by the Manchester Publishing Co.. Herald Square, electric bass DAILY 10-6 that federal criminal law has been that was a year when he report^ came to Washington with promise of prospective census workers were Manchester, Conn. 06040. Telephone (203) 643-27.11. WED., THURS., FRI. v iolated ” in connection with Call For Information earnings of only $24,000, had a bright future. He brought with him told they’d have to do political work. Morrber. Audit Bureau of Circulation Member. United Preaa International mo P.M. Specials only a t Stewart’s 1978 campaign finances. borrowed more than $239,000 for his a populist reputation for taking on She also charged that female and time arrangements. The FBI, however, has been in­ Steven Harry. Executive Editor Senate campaign and was already the big utilities, and he quickly im­ applicants were told they’d be Customer Service 647-9946 Frank A. Burbank. Managing Editor Ti -5 283 W. MNHMi TPKL, MANCHESTER vestigating the senator’s personal Raymond F. Robinson, Editor-Publisher Harold E Turkington. Editor Emeritus engaged in a number of sizable pressed his Senate elders by working expected to provide sexual favors for Belter’s Music Shop 6 4 6 - 0 0 4 0 finances and has developed evidence 1013 Main St 040-2030 ACROSS FROM THE MANCHESTER PARKADE mortgage ventures. hard and learning the legislative visiting Democratic politicians. ______Pratm loiwl tWII • dniim. Ihita. Inimiwt. ate,______EVENING HERALD, Fri., Sept 19, 1980 - 7 h - EVENING HERALD. Fri„ Sept. 19. 1980 ^ c lc lin q s . 60th anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Robb of 58 Center Road, Ver­ Carilli’LeBlanc non, celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary recently. Gail Almeda LeBIanc of Coventry and Joseph Michael They were married Sept. 15, 1920 in Talcottville. Carilli of Coventry were married Sept. 5 at Second They were honored at a surprise party at their home Congregational Church of Coventry. given by their children: Edward J. Robb of California, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Ralph H. Robb of Rhode Island, Mrs. Thomas Martin of LeBIanc of 28 Alice Drive, Coventry. The bridegroom is Tolland and Mrs. Scott Brown of Vernon. Yankee Traveler 'the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carilli of 1908 South St., The couple also has 11 grandchildren and 5 great­ Coventry. grandchildren. (Kington photo) The Rev. Robert Bechtold officiated. Mrs. Sherry Carpenter of Texas was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Debra DeCarli and Patricia Leet, both Mystic hosts schooner race^ rendezvous of Coventry; Laurie Starkweather of Manchester; and If Eileen Ryan of Chaplin. Weady Carilli of Vernon, the Constitution Week the largest schooners in the race. demonstrations, whaleboat talks and Interstate 95; take Exit 90 for the The picnic on the Common, an The concert begins at 8 p.m. Sun­ bridegroom's cousin, was flower girl. VERNON — Mayor Marie Herbst By NANCY MALOOF There will be three classes in all, the other special activities which are Seaport Museum. ideal family event, begins at 11 a.m,, Sunday; it will continue until 3 p.m. day and will be followed by a laser Gerald Carilli of Coventry was his brother's best man. has proclaimed this week, through Al..\ Auto and Travel Club with the first race beginning at 9:30 a customary part of the museum Boaton Jubilee 350 with free ice cream and cake for show. f/ Ushers were Mark .Carilli Sr. of Coventry, the Sept. 23, as Constitution Week in Ver­ WELLESLEY, Mass. (UPI) - a m. Saturday, and the other two program. bridegroom's brother, Gary LeBIanc of Coventry, the non on request of the Captain Noah More than 30 vessels, ranging from staggered at half-hour intervals. Current admission fee at Mystic This Sunday is the big day (or everybody. All of Sunday's festivities are free bride's brother; and Richard Akerlind and James Grant Chapter of the Daughters of 31 to 103 feet and some dating back to This race is one of the few for Seaport is $7 for adults and $3.50 for Boston's Jubilee 350 celebration. The parade will include floats, and open to the public. For more in­ Rossiter, both of Coventry. Mark Carilli Jr. of Coventry, the American Revolution. . the 1920s, will participate in Satur­ schooners which is held on the East children 5-15. After 5 p.m., visitors A giant birthday party marking the marching units and bands from all formation, call (617 ) 367-9275. The the bride's nephew, was ring bearer. All citizens are asked to pay day's 13th annual Schooner Race and coast. Most of these vessel are gaff- can enter the museum grounds to see city's 350th anniversary will take over the world, plus Massachusetts' A reception was held at Piano's Restaurant in Bolton, special attention during the week to Rendezvous at Mystic Seaport in riggers; the Long Island course is 16 the schooners at berth. The seaport is place on Boston Common, including own National Guard, and the Ancient after which the couple left for Florida. They are^esiding an old-fashioned picnic with a huge ALA advises motorists not to drive the federal Constitution and the ad­ Connecticut. miles. now open until 8 p.m.; admission and Honorable Artillery Company. into the downtown areas where Sun­ in Coventry. vantages of American citizenship. The 103-foot Puritan, registered in Spectators can watch the race during the evening is only $1 for birthday cake , a six-hour Jubilee 350 Mrs. Carilli graduated from Creative School of Hair­ Jersey, the Channel Islands, U.K., is adults and 50 cents for children (the Grand Parade through the Back Bay, The line of march will form at 1 p.m. from various locations along the day's activities are being held; the dressing in August. the largest vessel participating. It downtown area and the waterfront — on Boston Common, then follow a Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Robb Mystic waterfront, including the buildings are closed at 5 p.m.). use of parking garages and public Mr. Carilli is serving as a private first class in the will be joined by the 82-foot Seaport Museum grounds. If you For more information on Satur­ capped off by a special Boston Pops Army National Guard. He is employed at Mansfield Deliverance from Boston and the day's race, call (203) 5362631. To Jubilee Concert on City Hall Plaza route passing Government Center, choose to watch the race from inside transportation, where possible, is Mrs. Joseph M. Carilli Training School. (Gerrick photo) 1923 John Alden-designed schooner reach MystiCj Conn., the ALA Auto with John Williams conducting the Faneuil Hall, State Street and the Mystic Seaport, you can also enjoy recommended. Drink lots of water Totem among those in the class for chantey singing, sail furling and Travel Club recommends taking Boston Pops Esplanade Orchestra. waterfront area. spinacn. part ot the oay. By Lawrence Lamb, M.D. calcium oxalate stone. 'i T ' You're fortunate because Regardless of the type of There are chemical sub­ Births. DEAR DR. LAMB - I stone you or anybody else stances that act like water State exhibits at Big E many times one stone is all am a 41-year-old-male and has, the one recommenda­ conditioners and help keep Lribfried, Kathryn Irmgard, Mrs. Adolphe Gomez of Fajardo, a man will have. WEST SPRINGFIELD, Ma. - The million. Despite this devastating set­ in Connecticut. I had a kidney stone tion that everybody agrees chemicals in solution. daughter of Peter and Terri Wolver- Puerto Rico. ____ It used to be said that you Eastern States Exposition is well un­ back, an “interim exhibit” was set The oldest is a Smith engine built in removed last summer. In upon is that it's important These are believed to pre­ ton Leibfried of 64 Russell St.. should limit your calcium der way in its 59th year, and has up in June, 1980 on a portion of the 1910 by Connecticut resident George order to remain on-flight vent stone formation. Milk Manchester, was born Sept. 12 at Florio, Alfred Ralph, son of intake if you had stones. to keep you urine dilute.. many fine exhibits to please airport ramp area. Some 25 surviving Smith. The propeller is hand carved status and retain my job, is loaded with water con­ Manchester Memorial Hospital. His Phillip T. and Donna J. Zweeres Now it's appreciated that You do that by drinking everyone! aircraft are displayed there, ranging and the engine itself is home-built. A Florio of 96 Wells St., Manchester, it's essential that I do not ditioners that help in this maternal grandparents are Mr. and the biggest problem for adequate am ounts of .The Connecticut Building, on the from the famous WW II fighters to Pratt & Whitney engine called the was born Sept. 8 at Manchester develop another stone. My regard. Mrs. John Wolverton of Hales first one was an average Big E's unique Avenue of States, the largest Navy carrier-based Corners, Wise. His paternal grand­ Memorial Hospital. His maternal Twin Wasp Junior, it was built and grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. calculus type. However, I The current recotilmen- boasts a totally non-commercial bomber. used in the 1930's. Next to it. is a parents are Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Leib­ The Air Museum, now celebrating Alfred Zweeres of Bolton. His pater­ have talked to two dation of restricting milk lineup of exhibitors including many fried of Milford, Mich. Hamilton Standard hydromatic nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. urologists and two other state institutions and Connecticut its 20th birthday, is operated by the doctors and they don't and calcium to prevent businesses. Connecticut Aeronautical Historical propeller, which revolutionized Doyon, Lynneka Nicole, daughter Michael Florio of Coventry. He hhs a brother, Phillip T. Jr. seem to agree as to the l Lomb kidney stones is primarily A display by Bradley Air Museum Association. On display in the propeller-driven aircraft in 1938. A of Robert P. and Patricia L. Jacob­ D proper diet to prevent the for stones associated with is placed to the left of the front en­ Connecticut Building is a selection of son Doyon of Ellington, was born helicopter engine, built in 1957, il­ McCann, Amy Rose, daughter of formation of another stone. a kidney infection. These trance to the building. A freak tor­ Connecticut propulsion engines. The Sept. 12 at Manchester Memorial If you could give me acceptable liquids. One of nado in October 1979 destroyed the Propulsion exhibit at the Museum is lustrates how horsepower and size Peter J. and Denise Enders McCann people who form calcium are more often seen in have improved engine efficiency in Hospital. Her maternal grandfather some guidance, I would be oxalate stones is the the best is water. To do this women than in men. existing facilities at Bradley Air the 3rd largest in the U.S. All the un­ is Lou V. Jacobson of San Antonio, of 54 Reed St., Rockville, was bom just 30 years. Sept. 8, at Manchester Memorial most appreciative. Coffee oxalate and not the properly a person should Museum, with damage exceeding $10 its on display at the fair were made Texas. Her paternal grandmother is is one item in question and calcium. Beer just happens drink enough water to pass As far as the kidney Theresa Doyon of Manchester. Her Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Patricia Enders of Manchester Carlene Ouellete it would be tough for me to to be a rich source of about three quarts of urine stones are concerned, 1 see maternal great-grandmother is give that up. But, of oxalate, so current a day. It's important to no reason you couldn't use Virginia Dewey, of Pampa, Texas. and Robert Enders of Granby. Her Danbury fair is coming paternal grandparents are Mr. and course, I would if you think thinking is that you should space the liquid intake coffee but for other it best. I do not smoke or around the clock so that reasons I don't like for peo­ Mrs. John McCann of South Windsor. not drink it if you have this DANBURY - A hint of New The afternoon show, each day, will Add to that, the daily oxen-drawing Oddis, Cynthia Rose, daughter of drink. However, it was you have dilute urine all ple to use an escessive Her maternal great-grandparents President problem. England fall colors and a hint of the be preceeded by the traditional Dan­ competition at Blue Ribbon Stadium, Terrance H. and Cynthis N. Blay Od­ suggested that I drink I'm sending you The day and night and not just amount of it. the authentic Dutch Village with 26 dis of 61 Grand Ave.. Vernon, was are Lena Raymond of Manchester harvest season is in the air, signaling bury State Fair Midway Street and Mr. and Mrs. John Enders of Health Letter number 11-2, buildings depicting the early settle­ born Sept. 13 at Manchester Carlene Ouellete, past president of that the beginning of lllth version of Parade which wends its way around Simsbury. Her paternal great- DEAR READER - The Kidney Stones: Treatment ment of New York City ; the carnival Memorial Hospital. Her maternal the East Hartford Emblem Club No. the Danbury State Fair. the many paved road and walkways grandparents are Carol McCann, concepts about treating Has Changed. It will give area with rides and games of every grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. 341, was installed as the charter G roiw of mothers, The dates have been set — Satur­ of the spacious fairgrounds before Edith McCann and Rose Stubits, all kidney stones have you a rather complete entering the grandstand arena for its description; New England Villlage Albino Blay of Willimantic. Her president of the newly formed changed in recent years. day, Oct. 4, through Monday, Colum­ of Pennsylvania. review of what you can do daughters to meet bus Day, Oct. 13, with gates opening introductory performance to the with its 60-foot-high church spire as paternal grandparents are Mr. and Connecticut State Association of Most stones can either be for yourself. Other readers the centerpiece; petting zoos for Mrs. Henry Oddis of Irwin, Pa. She Emblem Clubs recently. daily at 9:30 a.m. and closing at 7 grandstand show. prevented from enlarging who want this issue can through 6. Its purpose is to has a brother, Jusiah T., 21 months. Spak, Joseph Ryan, son of Other area officers are: Alyce The YWCA will conduct p.m. youngsters, animals on parade, or recurring with careful send 75 cents with a long, strengthen the relationship Once again, the Big Top will be Stephen and Barbara Keeney Spak of Ponticelli, Manchester 251, cor­ an organizational meeting Fred G. Fearn, president and lumberjack exhibitions; a variety of medical management. stamped, self-addressed between mother and filled with grain, fruits, vegetables Conn, Jason Robert, son of Brian 50 Watrous Road, Bolton. He was responding secretary; Pearl Collier, for mothers and daughters general manager of the fair, and museums and many more attrac­ born Sept. 10 at Manchester The first requirement in envelope for it. Send your daughter at an early age by and floral displays, along with the H. and Deborah Mackey Conn of East Hartford 341, first trustee; interested in the ^ Owls John H. Stetson, vice president and tions, and the Danbury State Fair Memorial Hospital. His maternal deciding how to prevent request to me, in care of sharing activities.' competitive Grange displays and an Dover, N.H. He was born Sept. 9 at Elaine Zahaba, Manchester, 251, recurrences of stones is to on Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the secretary, report all stops have been outer ring of commercial exhibits of easily lives up to its reputation as one grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Gor­ this newspaper, P.O. Box YWCA building, 78 N. Main pulled to make ready for this spec­ Wentworth Douglas Hospital in fifth trustee; Teresla Garity, know what kind of stone 1551, Radio a ty Station, All interested mothers every kind. of the best in the East. don F. Keeney of Manchester. His St., Manchester. tacular New England exposition Dover. His maternal grandparents Rockville 5, sixth trustee; Gloria you had in the first place. New York, NY 10019. Peo­ and daughters are invited. paternal grandparents are Mr. and "Annie,” the Tony Award-winning musical, ford’s Bushnell Memorial Hall Sept. 24 to which is expected to attract some are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mackey of B o ttaro , E a st H artfo rd 351, That requires chemical ple who have calcium The group is comprised Refreshments will be Mrs. Alex Spak of Manchester. His Oct. 5. 400,000 patrons from near and far. South Windsor. His paternal grand­ marshal and Ann Burns, East Hart­ analysis. Most men in your oxalate stones should avoid of mothers and their served. For more informa­ will play a two-week engagement at Hart­ maternal gread-grandmother is Mrs. In previous years there have been Foliage guide offered parents are Mr. and Mrs. Howard ford 341, historian. age group who have their tea, beer, fruit juices, daughters who are in tion, call the Nutmeg Howard B. Keeney of Manchester. one grandstand show daily, with free Conn of Manchester. His maternal Carolyn Randall of Warebam, first stone do have a chocolate, cola drinks and grades Kindergarten Branch at 647-1437. EAST HARTFORD— John E. ‘L e q p t r t ’ admission on the two Saturdays and association's Connecticut fall leaf- great-grandmother is Mrs. Mary Mass., supreme president of the Lizards^ Hibbard, secretary-forester of the Ensling, Robert Carl Jr,, son of Sundays of the fair. peaker offer for the “Connecticut Cannarella of Wilton. United States, was the installing of­ Connecticut Forest and Park Robert C. and Margo Hawthorne This year, the fair management Outdoor Recreation Guide," the ficer assisted by officers of the Association Inc., announced today Ensling of 91 Larrabee St., East has proudly announced two grands­ organization is offering a package of Gomez, Stacy Lynn, daughter of Massachusetts State Association of Exercise classes to begin that the Association is offering its Hartford, was born Sept. 12 at tand shows daily, the first at 11:30 publications at a reduced rate. Thomas Stephen and Susan Linett Emblem Clubs. ‘Annie’ due in Hartford “Connecticut Outdoor Recreation Manchester Memorial Hospital. His Gomez of 82 MeadowlartHoad, Ver­ The state association unites Exercise classes sponsored by area the South Windsor Recreation years. She is presently doing an exer­ a.m. and the second at 2 p.m. Admis­ Included in the offer is the “Cor ec- maternal grandmother is Gertrude Department. cise series foe' WPOP News radio. HARTFORD— Broadway's most and a chorus of the most adorable, the Michael Bennett musical Guide” to persons viewing the fall non. She was born Aug. 30 at Emblem Clubs in the state and town recreation departments, will sion will be free to both shows all 10 ticut Outdoor Recreation Guide,” the C. Hawthorrib of East Hartford. His (jiastonbury: Wednesday, 9:30 There is a/minimum fee charged beguiling waif wows Hartford as show-stopping orphans ever to grace "Ballroom." foliage in Connecticut this fall at a Rockville General Hospital. Her through this unity will be able to ex­ begin next week as follows: days. "Connecticut Walk Book." and paternal grandparents are Mr. and a.m., Griswold Street School. Call because it is sponsored by the towns “Annie. " the Tony Award-winning Bushnell's stage. Roseanne Sorrentino launches her The grandstand attractions will reduced price. maternal grandparents are Mr. and pand its charitable work. Bolton: Wednesday, 10 a.m., “ Forest Trees of Southern New Mrs. Robert B. Ensling of East Hart­ the Glastonbury Recreation Depart­ for their residents. musical based on the indomitable Harve Presnell stars as the avun­ professional acting career as Annie also highlight the aerial thrills of the Hibbard said increased numbers of Mrs. Philip Linett of Hamden. Her Bolton Town Hall. Participants may England." The Walk Book is a guide ford. ment to register. Ms. Frankie says the exercises are comic strip character Little Orphan cular Oliver Warbucks in “ Annie." in this production. Before winning famous Coronas; the world-famous Connecticut's citizens are paternal grandparents are Mr. and register before class. to the 500 miles of blue blazed hiking Classes will be taught by Sheila geared to tone muscles, minimize in­ Annie, opens Bushnell Memorial's An opera of international repute. the role at an open audition, the 12- Budweiser ei);ht-horse Clydesdale vacationing in their home state this South Windsor: Thursday, 9:30 year and are visiting state parks, trails in Connecticut. “Forest Trees Frankie, who has been teaching in ches, condition for sports and 1980-81 season "Annie” plays an un­ Presnell made his acclaimed yera-old Lindenhurst. New York, Hitch, and R.C. Connally's a m., 10:30 a.m. or 2 p.m., Wapping forests, and private sanctuaries of Southern New England" is a Elementary School. To register call Hartford area towns for the past four ' promote agility. precedented two-week engagement Broadway bow in “The Unsinkable resident attended the fifth grade. Her Hurricane Hell Drivers, billed as Family History Research at Bushnell Wednesday. Sept. 24 Molly Brown.” a role he repeated in previous stage experience includes a described in the guide. He said the pocket manual giving names and “the aristocrats of automobile sec­ guide will be a valuable asset to per­ descriptions of 48 forest trees with through Sunday. Oct. 5. the movie version opposite Debbie 1976 appearance as a schoolgirl in the tion artistry." sons visiting these areas as it black line illustrations. “Annie," which recently started Reynolds. In opera he has been American Academy of Dramatic It can truly be said that the daily At the BITTERSWEET o n its fourth smash year at the Alvin cheered for numerous performances, Arts Summer Workshop production provides information about the Information and order forms for grandstand attractions, at 11:30 a.m. this special offer can be obtained by topic of UConn seminar Theater on Broadway, has three including the title role in Milhaud's of "The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie.” history of these areas as well as in­ and 2 p.m. each of the ten days of the writing to the Connecticut Forest and national companies touring "David” and in “Carmina Burana." “Annie" is presented by Mike formation about directions to the produce display and c m u s t m iis SHOP exposition, offer pleasure and excite­ Park Association, P.O. Box 389,1010 Persons seeking information on Trout Brook Dr. and Asylum Ave., You; and a workshop. throughout the United States, as well Musical comedy fans have also Nichols. areas included in the book. regarding their own family West Hartford. Special features of the course in­ (Formerly of the Marlbourough ment for every age. Main St., East Hartford, CT 06108. Tavern) In conjuction witht as companies in London. Japan. applauded him nationwide in “I Do! I Hibbard said that in addition to the background have a rare opportunity This seminar is designed as an in­ clude field trips to the Boston Public Admire the fresh fruit These are just a few of the South Africa and Australia. Do!." “Carousel," "Oklahoma!," The performance schedule for to learn how to uncover their roots in troduction for beginners in the field Library, Massachusetts State and vegetable display at fruits and vegetables cited “Annie" brings to life America's "Camelot" and “Showboat" among “ Annie" is: Sept. 24 through Sept. 28 a seminar offered here by the Archives, New England Historic and of genealogical research. your grocery store or by agricultural and market most beloved comic strip characters, others. at 7:30 p.m.. with matinees Sept. 27 University of Connecticut. Genealogical Society as well as other produce market. It is a experts to illustrate the ECONOMY AND WARMTH including: the winsome foundling Patricia Drylie stars as the and Sept. 28 at 2 p.m.. Sept. 30 Featured topics will include: In­ places of related interest. The trips’ colorful and appetizing breadth of choice available Little Orphan Annie; Daddy War- villainous orphanage matron Miss through Oct. 4 at 7:30 p.m., with troduction to Family History and are not required. Titled, “Introduction to Family sight. to consumers at this time m v ile YOU to an bucks, the world's most lovable Hannigan. Last season Miss Drylie matinees Oct. 4 at 2 p.m. and Oct. 5 Where to Start; Charts and Library History Research,” the seminar will Registration and fee information The display begins with of year. The list was billionaire: Miss Hannigan. the wild­ won many new fans as well as a at 1:30 p.m. Research; History and Introduction be taught by David Francis Stoddard, may be obtained by contacting the fresh strawberries from prepared by the United ly wicked orphanage supervisor; the nomination for a New York Drama For more information, call the of Cadastral (Property Records) a professional genealogical records Division of Extended and Continuing California. There will be Fresh Fruit and Vegetable scene-stealing canine star Sandy; Desk Award for her performance in Bushnell box office at 246-6807. searcher. Classes in the eight-session Maps and Research and County Education, Office of Non-credit asparagus from now until Association, a non-profit OPEN HOUSE course will meet Thursdays, begin­ Records: Land, Probate, and Court programs, Box U-56D, University of end of June. And from organization devot^ to Records; the Census; National Stte Connecticut, Storrs, Ct. 06268, furthering sales of fresh HOROSCOPES. ning Sept. 25 at 7:30 p.m. at the Mexico, Puerto Rico and University Greater Hartford Campus Archives; the Family Historian — telephone (203 ) 486-3234. Central America comes produce and to delivering it Look-alike contest slated pineapple, which will be in top condition as to taste, Antiquaa abundant until July. looks and nutritional con­ Baakata K E R g m HARTFORD — Bushnell Memorial star," Sandy. dog's name to: Sandy Look-Alike California also provides tent. Carda Hall and the Connecticut Humane All dog-owning elementary and Contest. Bushnell Memorial Hall. Despard earns Navy medal artichokes for adventurous Society jointly will host a Sandy secondary students are eligible to Station A, Box 6420, Hartford, CT allk A dried conffnuous Pvt. David R. Shultz Jr., whose eaters. Rhubarb, that old- Look-Alike Contest on Saturday, enter the contest. The winning owner 06106. Navy Senior Chief Fire Control He is currently a student at the Fr6m New Jersey, we arrangamanta Koro-Sun Technician Richard C. Despard, son Bangor Trident Training Facility in wife, Sharon, lives in Rockville, time pie favorite, is back learn that a dandelion Sept. 27, at 11 a.m. on the grounds of will receive four tickets to “Annie," M SDum y. to delight the old-fashioned deiponofreffono valued at $70, an autographed copy of Then plan to be present with your of Mr. and Mrs. James Despard of Bremberton, Wash. recently completed basic training at festival is celebrated every chrlatmaa ahoppe the Memorial. Sandy, who hails from Aries or Pisces. Dial Jeane Dixon's Horoscopes-By-Phone‘. an(j Laurel Trail, Coventry, has been A 1963 graduate of Windham Fort Knox, Ky. appetite; right now it com­ year in the town of cratta. and Information the Humane Society’s headquarters Sandy's story, “Sandy; The dog on Bushnell Memorial's side awarded the Navy Achievement Regional Technical High School, and His parents are Mr. and Mrs. es mainly from Florida and Vineland. RIbbona G ra in Newington, is the animal star in Autobiography of a Star," and will lawn promptly at 11 a.m. on Sept. 27 you'll be on your way to some surprising insights on how to handle Medal a 1975 graduate of Tidewater Com­ David R. Shultz of , Mass. Mexico, but later in the the Broadway musical “Annie," personally be introduced to Sandy for the judging. today's happenings. Dial direct for today's one-minute message. He was cited for superior perfor­ munity College, Virginia Beach, Va., season it will be picked in That reminds us that the Refreahmenta scheduled to play at Bushnell Sept. 24 and his trainer Bill Berloni on Mon­ All contestants will be awarded mance of duty from April 1975 to with an associate of science degree, Navy Mess Management Specialist gardens, commercial and dandelion's tender green through Oct. 5. The winner of the con­ day. Sept. 29 at a ceremony in the certificates and a Connecticut For tomorrow's horoscope, call after 9 p.m. December 1979 while serving as the he joined the Navy in August 1963. Seaman Mark R. Krob, son of Mr. domestic, throughout this leaves can be used to make test will be the dog that most closely winner's honor. To register for the Humane Society centennial poster First Additional fertile land. for their participation. Free command senior chief of the fleet His wife, Rita, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen C. Krob of 119 Maple a tasty salad. They are full resembles the lovable, sandy- contest, send, by Sept. 22, your name, Minute St., Manchester, has reported for Cucumbers, green peas colored, brown-eyed “mutt-turned- address, phone nurhber and your refreshments will be served. Dial New York Direct!*' Minute ballistic missile submarine USS and Mrs. G erard Mailhoit of of vitamins A and C and OUR NEW LOCATION 30' Alexander Hamilton. Mansfield. duty aboard the guided missile and carrots are abundant high in iron. Monday-Friday Sam 5 p m 45' destroyer USS Benjamin Stoddert and excellent. Celery is Sunday Friday 5 p.m -11 p.m. 29' 20' ' homeported at Pearl Harbor, always with us, and So, pick up a bunch if N e w g a m e s Brother Blue is coming Sunday-Friday 11 p m -8 a m 18' - 12' Hawaii. Chinese cabbage is only for an experiment. Sunday 8 a m 5 p.m 18' 12' Buckley PTA A 1978 graduate of Manchester appearing at the market Trying new or different HARTFORD — A New Games Imite 441 BOITWI WILLIMANTIC- Brother Blue is what he calls his “Rainbow Book" Saturday All Day 18' 12' High School, he joined the Navy in for our experiments in fo(^s is the beginning of Festival will be held on the campus coming to Eastern Connecticut State He travels the world, giving lecture- August 1978. Oriental cooking. wisdom. of Trinity College Sunday from 2 to College and the college community is demonstrations and workshops in C.infer L't)'a Capricorn meets Monday 4 p.m. ready for anything. next to A-1 Gas The festival will take place on the storytelling in many universities, Real Estate Principles & Practices Brother Blue is Dr. Hugh Morgan colleges, churches, libraries, and 1-212-976-5050 1-212-076-5353 1-212-076-5757 1-212-976-6000 Buckley School PTA will College, will speak on the across from St. Maurice Church Life Sciences’ Center Quadrangle. Hill of Cambridge, Mass., and many prisons all over the United States, Taurus Leo ScO'piO Ar)'.»anus conduct its first meeting of futuristics of education. In Manchester wim James Murphy FERRANDO ORCHARDS Competitive and non-competitive say he is "the world's greatest Canada and Europe. the new school year on M/Wd evenings from 6:30-9:30 p.m. games will be offered, including storyteller." He is also, according to 1-212-076-5151 1-212-076-5454 1-212-076-5050 1-212-976-0161 Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the Jacob Ludes III, for 6 weeks beginning October 8,1980 Earthball, DumDumDaDa, Catch- those who have seen him, a musician, Since 1975, he has been a Field Gemini V.fCjO Saqiiiarius Pisue? • school cafeteria. NA1WE SWEET JUCV MNE PEMHES the Dragon's-Tail, and the Lap prinicipal of Manchester Fee: $95 (text extra) Information: 486-3234 Excellent (or freezing and canning SAT. Sept 20 104! a dancer, a mime, and a poet. He will Education Supervisor at the Harvard High School, will discuss ’Game. appear at Shafer Hall Auditorium Divinity School. He has authored 1-212-076-5252 1-212-076-5650 1-212-076-5950 1-212-076-6262 T k h rourie mrrU Ike minimum eduralionnt requiremenlt for fhe Macintosh and Milton Apples Children and adults are invited to Dr. Lee Hay, who is af­ the referendum question 5 Monday, Sept. 22, at 2 p.m. Admis­ several plays, and the book and mleHtertont Urrntr ns $el forth by The r’onnerfiruf Heat E$tate rommis- Sweet apple cider participate. They should wear old Southern New England Telephone filiated with Manchester and speak with parents. •l(in. SIM. Sept 21 12-5 sion is free. Apple cider vinegar play clothes and sneakers. libretto of an opera, with productions High School and has taught Edward Timbrel), Buckley Ni»Cn« rnpanafilM M 1 C M lW n EUcHiM Brother Blue appears dressed in in the U.S. and Europe. He has ‘ A service mark ol Horoscopes-By-Phone. Inc at the University of school prinicpal, will be The event is sponsored by Trinity blue, with butterflies on hat, shirt, * Rales quoled are Irom Manchester for calls dialed direct without operator help (tax not

TV tonight DR. DAVID VAIS HOEWYK 0:00 2:30 3:15 ^ *-00 I S M The Midnight Special Host: lion. (Rated PU) (2 hrs.. 15 mins.) News DMovle-(Drama)**Vs '*Betwaen (B)Movle-

Weekend Scholastic 'don’t fix it,” she reminded the the Housing Court," spoke at a providing poor services in a cussing problems with school Commission chairman, asked the pro grid results Page 15 TouinTolkdangerous environment.” busing at a recent meeting of the committee. League of Women Voters meeting audience if it had any comments to Glastonbury Town Manager this week. At the end of the attractive Transportation Committee of the mdke on the subject of reducing the Page 14 Richard Borden commenting on It seems that everyone is eyeing meeting he looked at his watch an Why was the fountain at Fountain Vernon school board. One mother width of new roads in Bolton. No Page 14 SCOREBOARD the Still Hill Boarding Home for the clocks at meetings to see if they said, " I don’t know whether I kept Village Apartments in Manchester questioned why a change was made one had any comments. There impoverished men at an ad hoc can make it home to see another you away from ’Shonuf.” 6ports for her child when the system spraying pink water this morning? wasn't any audience because no committee meeting: "It was our worked out last year. “There’s a television chapter of the movie At a public hearing in Bolton one from the public attended the original judgment that we were saying, you know, ‘If it ain’t broke. "Shogun.” Judge Arthur Spata, of A group of parents was dis­ recently, Robert Gorton, Planning hearing. Obituaries Chairman to resign Hetoid Leal uo clay pigeon

Sherie A.'Cole NEW YORK (UPI) - Luis Leal so Mattick sWitcHed signals and went and unlucky to lose the second,” said Kovals 5, A iir i'I s 2 SOMKRS - Sherie A. Cole, 22, of from historic panel By was one member of the Toronto Blue for Leal. , Scully Road, died Wednesday of in­ Stories new John. Ranee Mulliniks singled home two Jays Thursday night who refused to The only hits off Leal, who bested juries suffered in an accident on "The split left the first place runs and set an AL Earl Yost be a clay pigeon for the New York Tommy John, were back-to-back Route 83 in Vernon. MANCHESTER - The chairman Proposed plans for the district in­ Yankees five games ahead of record for consecutive stolen bases Yankees. singles by Reggie Jackson and Jim Baltimore in the American^ague Miss Cole was born in Springfield, of the Cheney National Historic clude restoring the factories into Sports Editor and old due to carry Kansas City. Wilson singled After watching his team squander Spencer in the fourth inning. Jackson East with only 16 games remaining. Mass., the daughter of Patricia Lom­ District Commission, Durward commercials and residential com­ in the second inning and stole both se­ a four-run lead in the 10th inning and scored the Yankees’ run when Elsewhere in the AL, Baltimore bard Cole of Somers and the late Miller, is resigning. plexes. Housing for elderly and at­ cond and third base to extend his here tonight lose 8-7 in 13 in the completion of Spencer was caught in a rundown defeated 7-3, Milwaukee Benjamin H. Cole. She had lived in ^ Miller, commission chairman tracting businesses into the areas has string of consecutive thefts to 28, Wednesday night’s suspended game. between first and second, swept a doubleheader from Somers for 17 years, was a graduate since its creation in 1678, will resign been the commission’s main con­ breaking the previous AL record of 27 It took some time but the his day, was a two-way, 60-minute Leal was given the ball on short Toronto capitalized on two John Minnesota 9-8 and 5-0, Kansas City of Somers High School and Bay Path at the month's end. He will begin a cerns. set by Ron LeFlore in 1978. Kansas Manchester Sports Hall of Fame will performer on the field, long before notice in the second game and went miscues to score both runs. The Jays downed California 5-2, Boston Junior College. At the time of her new job outside of Manchester Oct. A report prepared by a Boston- City’s George Brett stroked two football became a game for out and stopped the Yankees on two took a 1-0 lead in the third when Paul death she was employed as an assis­ officially get off the ground tonight whipped Cleveland 8-3, Texas beat singles in three at-bats to raise his 1, but declined to reveal his new posi­ based consulting firm recently out­ hits, 2-1, tant personnel manager at Gerber with the first annual induction dinner specialists. Oakland 10-6 and edged Seat­ average two points to .398. tion. lined plans for the historlal area. “Leal was in command all the Systems South Windsor. She was a slated at the Army & Navy Club. Tony Lupien literally tore the tle 5-4. Keel Sox 8, Indians 3 Last February poor health Miller who began work at the way,” said Yankee manager Dick communicant of the All Saints There will be many stories tossed cover off the baseball while playing Hodgsen singled, and'with two out, OrioU-H 7, Tigfrrt Jim Rice had three hits and drove prompted his resignation as vice Cheney Mills in 1948 as a employee in Howser after the 23-year-old right­ Church. around, before, during and after the for Harvard. He compiled .442 and scored when John dropped a throw Ken Singleton's two-run single in four runs and Garry Hancock president and plant manager at the yarm-n division says he is sad to hander, pitching on 20 minutes Besides her mother she leaves her program ends, many serious and fac­ .475 batting marks in pacing the from first baseman Spencer while capped a three-run seventh inning clouted a two-run homer in sparking Cheney Brothers Inc.’s velvet mills. leave the commission and the town. notice, snapped the Yankees’ seven- tual. others humorous and bigger and Eastern Intercollegiate League and covering first. rally that gave Baltimore a victory. Boston to victory. Rice's two-run paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. His resignation from the commission He cited the consultant’s report, game winning streak. better with the pa.ssing of time. while attracting the attention of In the sixth. Bob Bailor singled and Singleton, who had doubled in a run double gave the Red Sox a 4-2 lead in William Cole of Bay City, Mich., and has been scheduled at the Oct. 2 the first step in developing and in­ "We scored our only run on a freak stituting a plan tor the area as the Joe McCluskey. one of the nine in­ m ajor league clubs he was not went to second when John Mayberry in the first, bounced a single to right the third and he delivered a two-run her maternal grandmother, Mrs. meeting. play,” Howser continued. "H e did a Theresa Lombard of West The commission was created to 'commission’s greatest achievement ductees and Manchester's most offered the big bonuses available to was credited with a single after John field with the bases-loaded off single in the seventh to cap Boston’s the top college players today. number on us. We went out there to scoring. Springfield, Mass. oversee the development of the in its two-year tenure. famous native son on the sports failed to cover first on a ground ball reliever Aurelio Lopez to snap a 3-3 Lupe signed and played with the win. Leal just plain beat us.” Rangers 10, A's 6 Funeral services will be Saturday national historic district. The dis­ Revitalizing the district has been scene, told one story some time back into the hole. Damaso Garcia forced tie after Dan Graham led off the in­ Boston Red Sox and in later years at 8:13 a.m. from the Somers trict, covering about 175 acres in­ called a key in Manchester that de.serves repealing. Toronto manager Bobby Mattick Mayberry and Bailor scored as Lloyd ning with his 12th . Scott had four hits, in­ with the and McGregor, 197, had his 10th victory Funeral Home, 354 Main St., with a cludes the factories and houses built renovating the downtown, and During World War If, when said he was not surprised at Leal’s Moseby reached on an error by se­ cluding a two-run single, to help before moving mass of Christian burial at 9 a.m. at by the Cheney family for its thriving preserving the old mill town McCluskey was a lieutenant com­ perfopnance. cond baseman Willie Randolph. in his last 12 decisions preserved by Texas over Oakland. Danny Darwin, the All Saints Church. Burial will be silk manufacturing. The Cheneys memories. mander in the Navy and stationed at on to a 21-year coaching career at -'We think he has a chance to be a Randolph came up with the big hit Tim Stoddard’s 23rd save. 12-4. earned the victory by retiring 11 Brewers 9-5, Twins 8-0 in West Cemetery, Somers. Friends moved most of their operation south Election of new commission of­ the submarine base in Groton, he was Dartmouth College. heck_o(^pitcher," said Mattick. "He in helping the Yankees win the straight batters before being lifted may call at the funeral home today and sold the mills. The area ficers is scheduled for the next also the base’s athletic officer. By today’s standards, on the gave a lesson on how to use the opener. His double with the bases Gorman Thomas’ two-run homer, when the A’s scored two runs in the strength of what he did in college on from 7 to 9 p.m. Memorial donations deteriorated and the commission is meeting. One of his prized characters was changeup tonight." loaded in the 10th drove in three runs his 35th, with two out in the ninth in­ eighth. Steve McCatty, 12-14, took the may be made to the Connecticut planning for its revitalization. Yogi Berra, the one and only. During the baseball diamond. Lupien would Leal said the sudden assignment and capped a four-run inning that ning gave Milwaukee a 9-8 victory in loss. be able to command a bonus in the Branch of the Juvenile Diabetes the summer months. Berra, along never fazed him. enabled the Yankees to tie the score the first game, Lary Sorensen fired a \t liilc Sox 3, Mariners 4 Association. with a host of major leaguers in un­ six-figure class. "They told me I was pitching,” at 7-7. six-hitter and Ben Oglivie hit his 36th Harold Baines drove in Chet iform. performed with the service said Leal. " I told them to give me the The Yankees won the game in the home run to help the Brewers com­ Lemon from third base with one out plete a sweep. In the opener, Raymond W. Brooks Auto emission test team. ball.” 13th inning when Johnny Oates in the ninth inning to lift Chicago. It was during the basketball season Ahead of his time Dave Stieb was originally singled and scored on a double by Minnesota's Gary Ward had a single, Lemon walked with one out off loser VER.N'O.N — Raymond W. Brooks, that a funny story occurred. Leo Katkaveck was another who scheduled to start the second game, Bucky Dent. double, triple and homer to become Shane Rawley, 7-7, and pinch hitter 80, of 6 Nye St., died Thursday at his With McCluskey coaching the was ahead of his time. The only but the Yankees pounced on him for "We were supposed to lose the first the first player in the 27-year history Rusty Kuntz followed with a double home. He was born in Rockville and scheduled Sept. 22 squad, Berra was the manager, an Manchester native to play in either game and win the second, so I would of Milwaukee County Stadium to hit off the right field wall to set up the was a lifelong resident. He was the four runs in the 10th inning of the easy way to get out of any work the Basketball Association of say we were lucky to win the first for the cycle. winning run. husband of the late Emily Lipke suspended game to tie the score and MANCHESTER - There will be maintenance is a key item m the detail, as were a number of jobs for America or the National Basketball Brooks who died Aug. 30. an free auto emissions testing state’s plan to clean the air. pro athletes stationed in the New Association, both with the Mr. Brooks was a member of the program on Sept. 22 at the Bradlee The tests, which will take about London area. Washington Capitols. Senior Citizens of Rockville and the Shopping Center, 1250 Park St., Hart­ five minutes each, is a prelude to the "One night just before a game at Average salaries shortly after local chapter of the AARP. He was ford. required emissions program which the base, 1 noticed that the best World War II. in the formative years Astros’ power employed by the local mills for many From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., a van begins in Connecticut in 1982. basketball that we were going to use of the NBA, ranged between $4,000 years and upon their closing he was staffed by the state Department of The Environmental Protection in the game was soft and needed air. and $5,000. modest salaries during employed by Pratt & Whitney Air­ Environmental Protection will con­ Agency, the state DEP, the Connec­ '■ 1 told Yogi to get it blown up," that period. craft Group of United Technologies duct the free emission checks. The ticut Lung Association and the Joe recalled. Moe Morhardt came along the Corp. He leaves several nieces and beats Redlegs Capitol Region Council of After about 10 minutes and Berra baseball trail, via the college ranks, tests will determine amounts of air NEW YORK (UPI) - Every year nephews. Funeral services will be Governments are sponsoring the hadn’t returned, McCluskey went pollutates cars release. The tests in 1959 to sift over a number of offers about this time, breaths get shorter, than we can get out of, ” said Reds’ Saturday at 10 a.m. at the Burke- program. looking for the team manager. He may show that some vehicles may and settle on a $50,000 bonus from the pulses beat faster and explanations third baseman Ray Knight. Fortin Funeral Home, 76 Prospect All citizens are invited to drive was no where to be found in the need improved maintenance such Chicago Cubs. get more hackneyed. So, Houston In other NL games, Los Angeles St. Burial will be in Grove Hill over to the shopping center and have equipment room where the pumps repairing its exhaust system or an Twenty years later, Morhardt, lik.e Astros’ Manager Bill Virdon can be dropped San Diego. 7-3, and Atlanta ■ Cemetery. There are no calling their cars test^. For more informa­ were located. engine tune-up. Since the checks are Lupien. would have received at least excused for restating the obvious. nipped Atlanta, 2-1. hours. tion contact CRCOG at 522-2217. "He finally showed up, with the voluntary, there is no iegai obligation double or triple the bonus offered. “This is very definitely a big win Baltimore beat Detroit, 7-3, New ball under his arm and a big grin on York nipped Toronto, 8-3, in 13 in­ to correct the problems. But doing so Cathy Dyak was proficient in the for us," he said, after the Astros had Jaws i n ? his face," McCluskey said. wrong form of bowling - duckpins. If nings, in the completion of a Giuseppe Zaino may reduce gas consumption along whipped Cincinnati, 10-2, Thursday, “I had to go down to the gas station the only women among the nine in­ suspended game, before Toronto SOUTH WINDSOR - Giuseppe with air pollution. Rings stolen to snap a three game losing streak 19S3 Eldorado convertible on Bum- to get it blown up and it took me quite ductees tonight did as well with 10 Zaino, 83, of 183 Northview Drive, Joe Sillman of East Hartford may look like Auto emissions account for 70 per­ and remain one game behind the Los cam e back in the regular game, 2-1, M ANCHESTER - About $500 a while," Berra told an astonished of­ pins, she would be living on easy South Windsor, husband of the late he’s being swallowed up by his car but he’s side Avenue Thursday afternoon. (Herald cent of the air quality problems in Angeles Dodgers for the lead in the Milwaukee swept a double-header worth of rings were reported stolen ficer. street today. Mary Dione Zaino, died Thursday photo by Reilly) Connecticut. Auto inspectors and National League West, from Minnesota. 9-8 and 5-0, Kansas only making some engine adjustments to his from a Ridgewood Street home Seven times Dyak was the No. 1 night at Hartford Hospital. " I t ’s a big win because at this City defeated California, 5-2, Texas Thursday night. Police are in­ Low pay period female duckpinner in the National Mr. Zaino was bom in Italy, he had stage, you can’t stay down too long. ” topped Oakland. 10-6. and Chicago vestigating. Several of the honorees tonight Ducking Bowling Congress lived in Hartford for 55 years, Trials program Virdon said. edged Seattle, 5-4. An assault took place at J84 Tolland came along at the "wrong" time in membership with the highest season Duilgera 7, Padres ,3 moving to South Windsor nine years Joe Morgan, who turns 37 today, Turnpike Wednesday night as a man sports before big money was being average. Dusty Baker smashed a two-run: ago. delivered a two-run homer to used a pay phone. tossed around Duckpins never caught the fancy of homer to highlight a three run out­ He was formeriy employed by highlight a three-run seventh inning An unidentified assailant struck a The late Jerry Fay, who played television interests like the big pins Cohen Bros, of Hartford for many that broke open a 2-2 game. burst in the third inning, sparking the and big money in the spot sporT'bf-^ years and also by Hartford Hospital Roller skating unpopular Pennsylvania man as he used the professional football with and "People say we don’t have power, division-leading Dodgers over San as a mason, retiring 18 years ago. phone, and ran before he got the against the best in the 1920s. Red bowling is still in 10-pins but on the road we have just as much Diego. The Dodgers collected two Grange. Ernie Nevers, Chris Cagle. McCluskey. Lupien. Katkaveck. He leaves one son, Frank Zaino of Jaycees met with the commission to program, that has openings in its ® money. The assault victim power as anyone,” Morgan said, more homers in the eighth from Ron Benny Friedman, averaged $175 a Marlborough: two daughters, Mrs. MANCHESTER — The Advisory although Siebold had hoped to start it discuss the pianned fitness trial. enrollment. could only imagine he was Morhardt and Dyak will be called referring to his eighth homer and Cey and Mickey Hatcher, game with the Philadelphia Quakers, front and center tonight as well as itruvfs 2. Giants I Agnes Young of Hartford and Mrs. Park and Recreation Commission at six weeks earlier. The delay was In the talking stages for two years. The commission praised Siebold assaulted for the jar of change he had another two-run shot by teammate better known today as the Matt Moriarty Sr. to be recognized. Chris Chambliss hit a two-run Diane Smith of South Windsor; 11 its meeting Thursday night traced to opposition by a resident with delays traced to the difficulty of for offering courses for youngsters in with him as he made his call, accor- Jose Cruz. " I t ’s just the ballpark we Philadelphia Eagles in the NFL. His The same honor will be accorded homer and reliever Rick Camp grandchildren and eight great­ bemoaned the lack of participation in near the Bentley site, which took the finding a site suitable for both older the town center at the West Side Rec, ding to police, play in — the Astrodome — where annual salary was just over $2,000 posthumously to Ty Holland. Hugh pitched out of bases-loaded, none-out grandchildren. the trial roller skating program held full period to resolve. persons who want to walk it and gg opposed to only at the Nike Site, nobody has any power." younger persons who want to run it, Greer and Fay. Funeral services will be Saturday this summer. Commissioner Dot Brindamour which Brindamour commented is an Maine schools The 6-4, 240-pound'Fay. a giant in The loss to Houston dropped third- situation in the ninth to lift Atlanta. at 9:15 a.m. from the Samsel- In his recreation report. Director said the timing probably contributed everyone concerned stressed the out-of-the-way location. shut for harvest Reason to leap place Cincinnati St'z games behind The Giants scored their only run in Bassinger Funeral Home, 419 Mel Siebold said an attempted to the poor turnout, and Sieboid need to get something concrete ac- As the Thursday meeting was the the Dodgers, who beat San Diego, 7-3. the eighth on a sacrifice fly by Milt Toronto pitcher Luis Leal Buckland Road, South Windsor, program at Bentley School three agreed. compiished. first after the summer recess, PRESQUE ISLE, Maine (UPI) - Hall of Fame dinner tonight "We might be in too deep, deeper May. followed by a mass of Christian evenings for each of two weeks had a The commission agreed to sponsor Siebold said the clearing of trees at DiDonato questioned Siebold about Schools throughout northern Maine jumps with joy after limiting burial in St, Francis of Assisi top attendance of seven children. the program again in the spring, if the most recent site, the Highiand the use of the Y during the summer have been closed so students can help Yankees to two hits in posting ^Hello there^ Church. South Windsor, at 10 a.m. The Recreation Department there are funds in the budget. Park area, should begin in three by youths from out of town. out in the annual harvest of the 2-1 win last night in New York. Willie Wilson tips hat to Burial will be in Mount St. Benedict provided music and supervision in Without such funds, at the urging of weeks. Siebold said two groups of about state’s potato crop. One more series (UPI photo). crowd after he stole 28th con­ Cemetery, Bloomfield. the school's parking lot from 5:30 to 8 Commented Jaycee Treasurer The schools, which closed their Commissioner John DiDonato, com­ each time use the Y for one night, Sports shrine secutive base to set American Calling hours are today from 7 to 9 Peter Ramey, “I don’t know how p.m., expecting participants to supp­ missioners agreed they would donate sleeping on the gym floor. They also doors Thursday, were expected to re­ p.m. ly their own skates. the supervisory time. much longer the organization can be use town landromats and doughnut main shut about three weeks until the League record. Theft gave enthused about the project.” Com­ harvest is completed. Yastremski goal Kansas City star 70 for the The program began in August, In other business, a contingent of shops on their way to other mission Chairman Joel Janenda First day leader destinations. in M<*moridtii BOSTON (UPI) - Carl race — 15 games behind the front­ season. (UPI). Man found dead replied that the commission was The groups, who are chaperoned by In sad and loving meinorv’ of our son and brother. to open doors OVERLAND PARK, Kan. ( U P D - Yastremski is intent upon playing in running New York Yankees in the AL David K Mdrphv. who passed away September 21st, Looking for keys and contact lenses MANCHESTER — Innar Nurmis, equally as concerned as the Jaycees an old friend of Siebold’s, pay $1 per \vn one more for the Boston East — Yaz disclosed he is sitting out that the project become a reality, as and Dyak for nearly a decade ranked inside your car is not a good way to 43, of 132 Bissell St., died Thursday in person for the use bf the Y. The Time has come and the time has gone. Red Sox, but it had better be next the rest of this season because of the Poll favors By EARL YOST start a day, but shooting a course Eagles to host quickly as possible. > Hut the meniories of you lingers on as the No. 1 high average woman season. Hebron. State Police said Nurmis program has been ongoing for seven Sporlt* Editor injury he suffered three weeks ago. The commission (qlso decided to years, and hax been approved by the All our love we give to you. bowler in the National Duckpin record 6-under 67 provided a good "Win. lose or draw," the 41-year- was found hanging from a tree on And every tear wo shed All is in readiness for tonight’s ■'It's so sore it hurts when I scrap a planned self-d ^ n se course town Health Department. Siebold Bowling Congress membership. day’s end for Shelley Hamlin. old American Leaguer told the SouthWindsor property he owned on Slocum Road Until wo meei .igain. first annual Manchester Sports Hall breathe,” he said. "I haven’t been in Hebron. Maine nukes for women. Siebold'^^id the said the funds paid go into the town’s May you have eternal peace Moriarty was selected out of a list It also gave the LPGA president Boston Globe Wednesday, “next of Fame induction dinner at the able to sleep. I go to bed, sleep for Manchester High School Adult l/)ve. of more than 100 nominees for his from Fresno, Calif,, the first-day season is my last,” and because of a tonight at 7:30 Police said Nurmis was found by general revenue account. Mom Dad and Cathv two hours, and then get up again. I Evening School already offered a Army & Navy Club. A turnout of 300 assistance for more than 40 years in lead in the Kansas City LPGA his father and was pronounced dead broken rib he doubts very much he’ll watch television until 1 can go back AUGUSTA, Maine (UPI) - The Save Maine Yankee Committee, is expected. keeping the Manchester sports Classic, and kept her flying high — Trying to break into the win at the scene by Dr. Petro, medical be able to play anymore in the to sleep. Save Maine Yankee Committee has said. “We’re of the opinion that if we Witness had no records Eight men and one woman will of­ program, particularly baseball, on and quite a bit differently than the column in 1980. East Catholic makes examiner. current campaign. Despite his age, Yastremski still chalked up nearly a 2-1 margin get a high voter turnout, we wilt win. At Pern's Kathy Saysl ficially enter th^ long-projected way she began Thursday. its second appearance tonight alleged actions. the level of other communities. With his team out of the pennant against the anti-nuclear movement “This poll is certainly good news, HARTFORD (UPI) - A shrine of local figures who have feels he’s got something to offer. against South Windsor High at Mt. Pettinelli, a retired New \ PUMPKINS ARE INI COME PICK FROM OUR Holland was an all around athlete. to close the state’s only nuclear but we are taking nothing for key state witness in the made sizable contributions in or to "If 1 didn’t think I was capable of Nebo at 7:30 in non-conference foot­ Britain personnel director, 1 LARGE SELECTION OF PUMPKINS, Dee Rowe, former UConn coach, Flea market plant, a poll shows. granted. We won’t be distracted by corruption trial of a the world of sports. playing well enough to help this team ball action. returned to the stand for a > I GOURDS A INDIAN CORN. will accept the award for Mr.Greer Results of the statewide poli con­ polls, whatever they show.” suspended New Britain Three of the inductees are Brophy vs. Brophy win it all next year. I wouldn’t be The Eagles kicked off their season MANCHESTER - Martin School third day of defense cross- while Walter Shea, a relative, will ducted Sept. 14-17 by the Maine Infor­ The MIRN poll asked respondents police detective admitted deceased. Waller "Ty” Holland, back,” he told the Globe. "But I feel on the wrong end of a 28-6 score to PTA will sponsor a flea market Sept. examination in Sahadi’s IM MK MM: Tim Im , C««. CmM smt, speak for the late Mr. Fay. Walter mation Radio Network, showed 49 if they were registered voters and if Thursday he had no M MH n n kMHl b k i. M M Hugh Greer and Jerry Fay. I ’m capable, and I want one more Penney while the Bobcats in­ 27 from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the I frM I IpHh, M Nppsn, M kHd*|kiM .kiM aM ikH,L. , Holland Jr ., will stand in for his late It will be Brophy versus League program this percent of the 618 respondents want records to back up his trial on four counts of I frw I M Nffin, LsOm . htlinMt I chance at it (a world cham­ school, Dartmouth Road. they intended to vote. Of those who W km . Ik it ir l »MM. k k H lU ik i, On hand will be Joe McCluskey, father. Brophy in the finals of the augurated their campaign with a 7-6 to keep the Maine Yankee nuclear allegations the defendant bribery and two cpunts of I t a n Spnh. tankiii. 0*M. Lsshi. As*. M e . Oh m kM. OkM CkkM. I mmI Tony Lupien, Leo Katkaveck, Cathy summer. pionship).” success over a big Enfield High Items included in the sale will be answered "y es” to both questions I ta b , Jm M Cataft. Ufltal. ttas, Members of the committee who plant operajjng, while 27 percent bought civil service conspiracy. Nkkn. M M ikn. Rmh, C«w| M m , Dyak. Moe Morhardt and Matt ll-year-old division of the Yaz said he’s already planning a clothing, books, furniture and and were included in the results, 41 ilM, Kik, C tan TsMtstf, sbs CrMinH. iKUrlMt, MH. InalM, will make presentations of plaques eleven. want the Wiscasset plant turned off. promotions. *11. t a i . tac fMn, M b f t n . Moriarty Sr. annual Pitch, Hit and Run super-human conditioning program household items. percent were male and 59 percent are: There is only one area contest on Twenty-four percent of the voters Alfred S. Pettinelli, who N hms, Ciscta Grata. Ac t. Toastmaster will be Bob Digan. for the off-season in preparation for Refreshments will be available. female. lO vAta kwiirtitii. taftartn, Ca» Carl Silver to Morhardt, Wally competition at Abner Saturday’s slate, pitting 1-0 Penney polled said they were undecided. has testified he received The speaking program will his 21sl and final year with the Red Safety and health were most Fortin to Katkaveck, Nate Agostinelli Doubleday Field in High at 1-0 Bloomfield Iligh at 1:30. Maine Tuesday will stage the money from suspended frequently cited as reasons for wan­ TMUKSfilVIiG WE HAVE A WIDE VARIETY OF WICKER : spotlight the recipients with each to Dyak, Walter Moske to Fay, Tom Cooperstown, N.Y., next Sox. Manchester High and East Hartford Tires slashed nation’s first statewide single-issue Detective Sgt. George F. IIWIWWVifMU ting the plant closed, the poll showed. FUJRNITURE A BASKETS limited to 10 minutes. Conran, to Greer, Fran Mahoney to ”1 started in January this past are each idle. MANCHESTER - Vandals referendum that could close an Sahadi to fix three exams, Mtf 4JKiitte Lotfry Tfe*Xs too._____ weekend. Most favoring a Maine Yankee shut­ NOVDU TO ST. JUDE Each member of the nine-man Hall Holland, Tom Kelley to Lupien. Steve year,” he said. “This time I’m star­ slashed tires on four cars parked at atomic piant and ban future nuclear admitted as he had Brian Brophy of down also cited fear of a nuclear ac­ 0 Wp IL lita, It a A t a aartir. VMl THIS m t m 8PECIAL8 of Fame committee will make one Cassano to Moriarty and this writer ting on Nov. 1. I’ll take a few weeks the Brass Hammer Cafe Wednesday construction. Wednesday that he off when the season is over, and then cident. biilrta M rtt b nar A m : Aeom i luttam il NATIVE ■ARTLITT presentation. to McCluskey, Manchester, local, state, morning, police report. The inqident Leaders of both the pro-and anti­ destroyed all records of the SI MM WwWy IMM HMMHi fl ■ SQUASH COMOMOMKS Greer. Fay, McCluskey, Lupien. I’m going after it. 1 plan to do a lot of The cost of buying power to replace f U M The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Edward Rear­ regional and New England Money for runners was the second of its kind reported at nuclear campaigns said they were ill iMb i»mW Um Katkaveck, Dyak and Morhardt running and some strength work. And that generated by I^lne Yankee was 2A ./39* don will given the invocation. winner, will face Todd the cafe in the last week. pleased with the poll results. the major reason cited by those who il M l I. !■ I Im n a m Ini •» 49 «. 4 9 « l. boasted credentials on a national I’m going to try like hell to give up NEW YORK (UPI) - The *•• •) ■) Mit aU M l. Ill k k , basketball coach. Fay played will undergo surgery on his left elbow "The final consideration by people for answering "THE KING S ix a g e bracket Correction "When we first began the cam­ Hi M m.’ MMIm MMl k p n M professional baseball and football seeded over­ Friday for chronic bursitis, a club national Amateur Athletic Federa­ will come when they actually turn OF came her erratic serve Thursday semifinalist from all over tion has given TAC the go-ahead to MANCHESTER - The PTA Open paign, there were very few un­ my prayers. n m Ik ■ ki i> * unk |M while McCluskey was a track star of spokesman said Thursday. their feet to the polls,” he said. "We __ ___ PRODUCE!" night to post a 7-5, 5-7, 7-5 victory the country will compete. implement a Long Distance Running House to be held at Nathan Hale decided,” he said. "The increase of kl IMH Ml MM k. M* kM note. “ His elbow became swollen and in­ have continualiy gained ground and I Grand Prix for a trial period of 12 Elementary School Sept. 23 will undecideds means we are doing well kHi k kt I kk iMl w kpkl 276 OMOAND iT ., MANCHESTER Lupien and Morhardt played major over unseeded and Brian Brophy starred with flamed last evening,” said club Dr, think that in the next four days, we'll advance to the quarterfinals of the months. The lAAF is the world begin at 7 p.m, The_.time was listed in capturing a lot of soft ’no’ votes E.B.W. e43-e884 league baseball. Katkaveck is the the Army & Navy entry in Gilles Campeau. “X-rays this mor­ catch up.” $200,000 Las Vegas Women’s Tennis governing body for athletics, and incorrectly in Thur^ay's Herald. (people who want the plant to remain only native to play top-level pro the Manchester Little ning disclosed that elbow surgery But John Menario, leader of the Classic at the Riviera Hotel. Brian Brophy open).” basketball in both the BAA and NBA would be necessary (tomorrow).” 'FAC is its U S. affiliate. I » - EVENING HERALD, Fri , Sept. 19, 1980 EVENING HERALD, Fri., Sept. 19, 1980 - l.t Indians trip Fermi Shift to Markus -With midfielder Alex Britnell Britnell split two defenders and slid a pass to Rob Morell and he drilled a turned in fine performances for scoring twice, Manchester High pass over to Wood on the right wing. 12-yarder past Tribe keeper Marty Manchester. stopped vastly improved Fermi Wood went in alone on goal and Simon. “Our kids played well in spots plus for UConn High, 3-1, in CCIL soccer action dented the back of the twine for his The Indians concluded the scoring today,” McCarthy stated, “They are yesterday in Enfield. second goal of the season. at 9:50 of the fourth quarter as trying to do what we’re asking them The victory pushes the Silk Britnell made it 2-0 two minutes Britnell, gathering in a rebound, which is important. Our wing play STORRS (UPI) - The University surprised me a little,” Markus said. Brookline, Mass., on Saturday to Towners to 2-0-1 for the season while later as he blasted a 20-yard direct blasted a 25-yarder off the left post was much more in evidence today.We of Connecticut football team was “I’d like to get my rushing total up a take on Northeastern University, the'setback drops Fermi to 1-2. kick into the upper right corner of the into the cage past startled Fermi net- just have to distribute the ball nearing the end of its 1979 season little higher this week.” If UConn wins, it will be the first "Fermi is a coming bail club and cage, finding a crack in the Falcon minder Dave Gaio. quicker and use both sides of the when head coach Walt Nadzak For a while before the Bucknell time since 1940 they have started a with a couple more ball players it wall. Gaio had nine saves between the field. We’re coming.” decided to make some moves. game, it was doubtful Markus would season 3-0. will be a spoiler in the CCIL,” Fermi got ba'ck into the contest p ip e^ h ile Simon recorded six. Manchester’s next tilt is In the next-to-the-last game Nad­ even play. He practiced Tuesday and “Northeastern has a lot of talent, warned Manchester Coach Bill 5:07 into the second stanza as WpM and Scott Goehring offen­ Wednesday at home at Memorial zak inserted freshman running back Wednesday but missed practice but they’re kind of like we were last McCarthy. Mathias Moeller, an exchange stu­ sively and midfielder Mike Roy and Field against unbeaten 3-0 Enfield Joe Markus of into the se­ Thursday with the flu. year,” Markus said. “You never Junior Tommy Wood put the In­ dent from West Germany, chipped a fullback Bill Herflb defensively High at 3:30. cond half o f a game against the “I was weak in the first half, es­ know what they are going to do," dians in trnnt at the 15:30 mark. University of Rhode Island. pecially my legs,” he said, “But in Northeastern lost its home opener Markus, who previously had seen the second half I felt like all my last weekend to Rhode Island 24-19. action only as a punt return strength was back.” The game will be played at specialist, rushed for 138 yards in The installation of UConn's new Northeastern’s Parsons Field, which leading the Huskies to a 10-9 victory. wishbone offense with multiple for­ is covered with Astroturf, which S o ftb a ll tournam ent The following week, Markus again mations has played a major role in Markus said he didn’t like since it led the Huskies’ rushing' attack with the Huskies’ success so far this was “like playing on cement.” 97 yards against Holy Cross. season, Markus claimed. But Markus said the team was Outstanding Little Leaguers This season, with the new-look “I love it, we all just love it,” he preparing for the game, putting aside Huskies sporting a 2-0 record, said. “It gives us all a chance to show Winner of the first annual Raymond Phelps Memorial Trophy thoughts of their annual meeting with dow n to ^Final Four^ Markus has picked up where he left what we can do. We all have to work Yale a week later in an interstate in the Manchester Little League baseball program was Jimmy off. His performance against with each other back there for it to rivalry. Just like some some major tour­ Alliance Printers, 6-4, and Acadia Powers as the outstanding player in the 1980 program. Making had three hits and Bob Quaglia two Bucknell in UConn’s 38-7 win last go. And it’s so exciting. We gained “Our coaches are working us hard naments, the Final Four in the first Restaurant snapped a 3-3 tie with a for Vernon. Mark Roscio, Mike Con- '7 530 yards with it on Saturday.” this week though. They don’t want us the presentation at last night’s annual banquet at the Army & annual Fall "B” Slow Pitch Softball three-run sixth to best Turnpike TV, week earned him the Yankee trotto, Dave Martin and Keith Markus, though, does not talk looking ahead to Yale," Markus said., Navy Club was John Phelps. (Herald photo by Burbank) Tournament was decided last night in 6-3. Conference offensive player of the Livingston each had a pair of blows week award. about his achievements without men­ “Northeastern is in our way first." play at Robertson Park and The slate Monday finds Lathrop for Pizza. Fitzgerald Field. The 6-foot, 190-pound sophomore tioning the efforts of the team’s If everything goes well, Markus versus Vernon in the 6 o’clock opener Jim Clifford, John Colletti and offensive linemen. The 'Final Four’ will continue with and DeMolay against Acadia in the caught five passes for 64 yards — one and his teammates look ahead to a John DeAngelis each had two “They make the whole thing go,” Catholic runners double elimination play with the ac­ 7:30 nightcap. a 13-yard touchdown — and returned possible Yankee Conference cham­ safeties for DeMolay while Tom three punts for 70 yards. He also he said. “They’re not as big as other pionship. tion picking up Monday night at Dave Bidwell homered twice and Vecsey, Dan Jones and Bob Watts U. Fitzgerald Field. Lathrop Insurance Nowhere to hide rushed for 35 yards and scored his se­ offensive linemen, but they’re quick “There’s a winning attitude on our singled and Wayne Ostrou lashed two had a like number for Alliance. Kevin and they love to win. Four of them downed Cooper Package, 13-9, in the bingles to pace Lathrop. John cond touchdown on a 1-yard run — club this year,” he said. "We re just record easy wins Flanagan singled and homered for UConn’s first rushing touchdown by a are seniors and they want to win going to take it one game at a time opener last night at Robertson with Wollenberg had four hits and Jeff East Catholic running back Jim McKenna moves up on play. East returns to the the Printers. more than anybody else after the Vernon Cine coming up with a tally in Woods, Bruce Davidson, John (20) finds he's not going too far as Penney STidiron tonight against South Windsor at Mt. running back since its last game in and see what happens. Everybody’s Taking the top 10 placements. East Rusty Franklin. Mike Kilby and Ed 1978. losing seasons they’ve been tight, we’re all friends. If somebody Sweeping the top eight placements. the seventh frame to nip Manchester Kildish, Dave Burnett and Dave Reyngoust each had two blows for linebacker Wade Brewster (51) jumps aboard Nebo at 7:30 while Penney is at Bloomfield Catholic boys’ cross country team “I was pretty pleased With my per­ through.” makes a mistake, nobody gets on whitewashed Windsor Locks, 15-50, East Catholic girls' cross country Pizza, 8-7, in the nightcap. Over at Hoffman two apiece for Cooper. Acadia while Dick Fantanella had to make stop last Saturday at Mt. Nebo. ^^^UTday afternoon. (Herald photo by Pinto) Fitzgerald, DeMolay ra lli^ with five formance, but the 35 yards rushing The Huskies will be traveling to him. We encourage him instead." yesterday at Wickham Park. team opened its dual meet competi­ Carli Hunt homered and singled. two blows for Turnpike. runs in the seventh stanza to trip Black Knight defender Jack Sexton (21) It was the initial dual meet for 1980 tion yesterday by blanking Windsor Bnn Rickard and Steve Barrera each for the thinclads. Locks, 15-50, at Wickham Park. Lion end Steve Kittredge took individual Senior Kathy Kittredge took in­ Former East Catholic run­ honors for East with a 15:32 clocking dividual honors for the Eaglettes ning back Kevin Shorey is set over the 2.8 mile layout. He was with an 18:24 clocking over the 2.8 Poor ‘old man’Billy Sims mile course. Teammate Linda Reddy for his third season of varsity Ability of swimmefi followed by nine Eagle teammates, including Bob Blake, Steve Matteo, was second, 21 seconds behind, while play this fall with Columbia Favorite^s role Vinnie White and Jack Fitzgerald, freshman Terri Kittredge garnered University. The 6-3, 223-pound who rounded out the top five. third place with an 18:56 clocking. enjoys NFL spotlight role Shorey was used at tight end "It's too early in the season to see last year with the Ivy tremendous improvement in the Alice Charest and Felicia NEW YORK (UPI) - Poor, old rushing average (6.8) and at New Orleans, Miami at Atlanta unknown with Tribe Leaguers. team as a whole." noted East Coach Falkowski rounded out the top five Billy Sims, the pro scouts touchdowns (five) and has gained 158 and San Francisco at the New York for Ivy winner Jack Hull, "Sophomore Steve Matteo for East. propounded, always with the yards on just four pass receptions. Jets. The New York Giants travel to individual medley and 500 freestyle. across as a pessimist ... but as a 13-12 when the Elis turned two Dartmouth, winners of the title in By LEN AUSTER and Jack Fitzgerald are coming on The Eaglettes next meet is emphasis on “old.” Ironically,, Sims will be matched Philadelphia Monday night. NEW YORK (UPI) - The annual Senior Chris Scott is pegged in the realist.” Lack of wind blocked punts by Kevin Czinger into 1978 and a serious contender this Herald Sporlswriter strong along with junior Jim Dean,” Thursday against Rockville High and The 25-year-old rookie rusher for against last year’s outstanding San Francisco, 2-0, is looking for Ivy League scramble opens in 50 free and 100 breaststroke while Schedule; Sept. 23 Windsor Locks scores. year, open their 100th season with There are 25 new faces, most he added. host St. Paul in Bristol at 3:30. the Detroit Lions, whose only critics rookie rusher — Ottis Anderson — its best start since going 5-0 to begin earnest Saturday- with Yale and sophomore Lynne Sampson, a A, 26 Penney H, Oct. 3 East Hartford in Cup racing At Harvard, coach Joe Restic is their home game against Penn. The whose ability level is still unknown, Results: 1. Kittredge (EC) 15:32 Results: 1. K. Kittredge (EC) 18:24 were those who researched his birth who also gained more than 100 yards the 1952 season when it visits the Brown, the defender and the annual transfer from Brockton, Mass., is H, 10 Hall A 5:30 p.m., 14 Conard A date, has buried the doubters who keeping quiet about his starting Big Green finished with three prevalent on the Manchester High seen in the 100 and 200 free events. fo^ 2.8 miles. 2. Blake (EC), 3. for 2.8 miles, 2. Reddy (EC), 3. T. in his first two rookie games in 1979 Jets, 0-2. A victory by the 49ers would NEWPORT, R I. (UPI) - The pretender, staging their own battle in 5:30 p.m., 17 Wethersfield H, 21 East felt the Oklahoma Heisman Trophy but fell short of the record in the quarterback, a precious commodity straight wins last year and return the girls’ swimming team for 1980. Tracy O’Brien, the best looking of Matteo )EC), 4. V. White (EC), S. Kittredge (EC), 4. Charest (EC), 5. exceed their entire victory output Australians were determined to Providence, R I. where the winner Catholic A (at EHHS), 24 Enfield H, winner might have a limited life in for the Crimson. Last year Restic passing combination of Jeff Kemp to “This is the newest team I’ve ever eight freshmen prospects, is an­ Fitzgerald (EC), 6. Barry (EC), 7. Falkowski (EC), 6. E. Evans (EC), third game. last year. The Jets' highly touted match the U S. defender's record will grab the early favorite's role. 28 Fermi H, 21 Windham A. Meets the NFL. lost five quarterbacks in as many Dave Shula. Penn is just looking for a had in six years,” remarked Tribe ticipated in the IM and possibly Colliton (EC), 8. Dean (EC), 9, 7. M. Evans (EC), 8, Sullivan (EC), “O.J. Anderson is one. heck of a offense has sputtered to just three today in the America's Cup series Yale has not lost to Brown since not noted 3:30 p.m. weeks. Mike Buchanan, Ron Cuccia win, its last victory coming on Oct, 7, Coach Dave Frost, preparing for the backstroke. Falkowski (EC), 10. D. White (EC). 9. Wenc (WL), 10. Leonard (WL). For an old man, Sims has been run­ runner," Clark said. “Jim Hart has touchdowns in two games. after watching their chance for a 1976. but the Bulldogs are underdogs and Brian Buckley are the three 1978, or 15 starts ago. season opener Tuei^ay on the road Diving, which more than held its ning circles around defenses so far also got to be stopped, and (Mel) San Diego, 2-0, seeks its first vic­ dramatic victory evaporate in this time around. Other contests against Windsor Locks at 3:30 p.m., this season and has a chance Sunday Gray is one heck of a receiver. tory in Denver since 1968 and AFC possibilities for the Columbia game. “I wish people would stop asking own a year ago, returns only one McHale satisfied softening winds have Columbia, under new coach Bob “We expect to throw the ball and about the streak^’ lam ent^ coach “and that is quite evident by the 25 to do what no rookie ever has ac­ They’ve got a potent offense. We’ve Player of the Year Dan Foots comes Naso, invading Harvard: Dartmouth veteran in senior Allise Bayer. “We BROOKLINE, Mass. (UPI) - Top The yacht Australia was ahead by try to capitalize on their in­ Harry Gamble. I can truthfully say new faces. Hedlund's tallies complished — rush for at least 100 got to get some points and hold them off a club-record performance in the hosting Penn and Cornell enter­ expect the diving will be hurt by the draft choice Kevin McHale flew in almost four minutes Thursday when experience in the secondary. All the we’ll have a better season. But Dart­ Manchester two straight years ran yards in each of his first three NFL down in order to’win.” Chargers' 30-24 overtime triumph taining Princeton. loss of Judy Stoker and Lisa from Italy Wednesday to sign a games. the five hour and 15 minute time quarterbacks are in the picture,” mouth is picked by some to win the up 10-0 marks, copping the CCIL Bouchard but we’re working hard to Detroit has had as little trouble over Oakland. Fouts, who was also limit for completing the race Yale, which has led the Ivy League three-year contract with the Boston Restic says. championship.” crown each campaign. A year ago a fill the gap,” Frost states. spice hockey victory Sims, who won the Heisman in 1978 scoring as Sims’ has had breaking intercepted five times, completed a expired, forcing the New York Yacht in defense the last eight years and Celtics and was whisked off to the Columbia has a new coach. Bob Cornell hosts Princeton and Bob 9-1 record was logged. But a lot of as the deer-like halfback in the tackles. After two games, the Lions club-record 29 passes for 389 yards. Club's committee to call the contest. the country in 1979. returns three team’s Hellenic College training Sooners’ wishbone attack, rushed for lead the league with 70 points — com­ The Denver offense bounced back Naso, who was ah assistant for 21 Blackman’s Big Red are also in the talent has graduate over the three- Among tliose who are looked to for camp. Only twice before in Cup history members of the starting defensive year span, and there is unknown Three goals by senior striker Jen­ 153 yards in his NFL debut against ing in a 41-20 crushing of the Rams years at Rutgers. Naso has installed title chase. Princeton surprised point production are sophomores McHale signed the contract, es­ from a miserable first game perfor­ have races been thrown out because line. They also have John Rogan back quality among the replacements. nifer Hedlund powered Manchester Los Angeles and added a 134-yard ef­ a new offense (I formation) and a Cornell 26-14 last year for their first Laurie Dama (IM and fly), junior timated at 1200,000 a year, at the and a 29-7 rout of the Packers. mance and scored on the first three the time limit expired, most recently at quarterback and some gifted “We have several good front liners High girls’ field hockey team to a 4-0 fort against Green Bay last week. Rookie kicker Eddie Murray of possessions against the Cowboys to new defense (4-4). winning season since 1970. Sandy Stauffer (free and team’s Boston Garden office, then, victory over Fermi High yesterday in 1977 when the U S. defender receivers, although they have to but at this time the question is how Sims will seek to complete the hat Tulane also leads all NFL kickers even their record at 1-1. "It has taken, awhile to develop The Tigers have two top running breaststroke), junior Dani Zotta was immediately taken to Hellenic at the Indians' field. Courageous missed victory over rebuild their offensive line and well the other kids come along,” trick Sunday against the winless St. with 28 points on 7-of-7 field goals and Tampa Bay has won both of its both fronts. We’re going to be con­ backs in Cris Crissy and Larry Van (sprint freestyles), senior tri-captain for a two-hour closed practice with 20 The triumph was the initial one for Australia by 200 yards. backfield Frost assessed, “Because we are so Louis Cardinals. But more impor­ seven extra points. games in the final moments by a cerned about execution. Harvard is Belt. Blackman has his usual strong Carol Mumford (fly and free) and other team hopefuls. the Silk Towners in 1980 after two "We were very unlucky not to win Brown coach John Anderson still young, we don’t have the depth in junior Jerry Tucker (distance tantly, Detroit, which finished tied St. Louis coach Jim Hanifan has combined total of six points, and it thinks the Elis will be tough on both well coached and talented," Naso defense with quarterback Mike Ryan opening deadlocks while the reversal the race," said Australia owner Alan quality.” freestyle). with the worst record in the league in been keeping busy looking for op­ will face a Cowboy team (1-1) that ends said. returning to lead the offense. drops the visiting Falcons to 0-3. Bond. "We re disappointed that lady The front liners on the Silk “I have 25 new kids and I really Surgery for Frost 1979, could win their third con­ timistic signs in two losses to the has performed alternately like world "I have a lot of apprehension about "It feels great to win, ” remarked luck didn’t shine for us. On the other Towners include the MacDonald don’t know them that well,” Frost INGLEWOOD, Calif. (UPI) - secutive gatiie to get off to their New York Giants and San Francisco. beaters and cellar bums. this game." Anderson said "You Indian Coach Mary Faignant, "From hand, it wasn't a day wasted. twins. Beth and Marcy. The seniors, admits. Among the 25 are first-year Dave Frost, the California Angels’ fastest start in a decade. “I would venture to say that as fine Miami coach Don Shula has named Australia has every capability of always know Yale will be great two of three tri-captains selected, here on we hope to continue our A triumph at the Silverdome also Tanker prospects eligible ninth graders. top pitcher last season in their drive a team as the Pittsburgh Steelers is Don Strock to replace Bob Griese as winning races and we will continue defensively and that their offense between them hold five individual positive ways." would give the Lions one more vic­ going to lose two games this year." ‘Tve been very impressed with to the American League West title, Hedlund opened the scoring 17 the Dolphins' starter against Atlanta. until proven wrong.” would be good, but not great. This school records. Beth is slated to com­ tory than they recorded all last Hanifan said. “ And whether it’s at Strock completed lO-of-17 passes for willingness of the new kids to work underwent surgery Wednesday to minutes into the first half as she The match will be rerun today with year they have a great offense, the pete in the butterfly and backstroke very hard. My goal is to have a win­ remove bone chips from his right season. The change in Lions’ fortunes the start, in the middle, or at the end. 145 yards in a 17-16 win over Cincin­ best I’ve faced since coming to high at Catholic collected a rebound off the goalie’s Australia hoping to make up its 1-0 has not been lost on Detroit coach they all count the same when it com­ nati, while Griese was ineffective. while Marcy should compete in the ning season. I don’t want to come elbow. pads and slammed it into the cage. deficit in the best-of-seven series. Brown." Monte Clark. es down to the final shot." She made it 2-0 eight minutes later, The Falcons, 1-1, are coming off a 37- The Aussies caught a freshening Brown returns starting quarter­ By LEN AUSTER backstroke. ‘Tve been fortunate in my career In other games Sunday, San Diego 21 pasting of New England. accepting a pass from the right wing breeze on the next-to-last downwind back Larry Carbone and running Herald Sportawriler There are seven freshmen and two to taste a lot of the good things that is at Denver, Washington at Oakland, from Sandy Caouette and drilling a Earl Campbell, who lost a bridge leg, while Freedom sat dead in the back Rick Villella, but both are sophomore transfers who figure come with winning.” Clark said. “If Baltimore at Houston, Kansas City at There is strength in numbers. But Down South, Mississippi season, second to the Trojans’ five-footer into the twine. and a cap on a tooth and suffered a water, its sails flapping hopelessly. bothered by injuries and haven't prominently in the Eaglettes’ plans. the Wisconsin Badgers a win­ you keep on winning, keep on perfor­ Cleveland, New EnglarfPbt Seattle, there also can be strength in quality hosts Alabama, Florida State ning one as it takes home a Heisman Award winner, The senior tri-captain completed groin injury in the Oilers’ victory A dramatic 180-degree wind shift practiced, th e Bruins also boast a Freshman Laura Negri, Beth’s M^jorHoople’s entertains rough-and-ready ming right, there will be enough Pittsburgh at Cincinnati, Green Bay — not quantity — and that appears to hard-won 35-28 victory. The Charles White. the true hat trick early in the second over Cleveland, will start for turned that leg into a windward pair of fine linebackers in John sister, should rewrite East’s record East Carolina, and Auburn is This should be a real crowd credit to go around." at Los Angeles. Minnesota at be the story of the Blast Catholic High Pitt Panthers, shooting for the half by blasting a 16-yarder from the Houston. 1-1, when it entertains climb. Woodring and John Prassas. book in distance freestyles, notes at home to Duke. pleaser as Southern Cal takes Sims leads the NFL in rushing. Chicago, St. Louis at Detroit, Buffalo girls’ swimming team in 1980. national title, will romp over top of the penalty area from the left Jennifer Hedlund Baltimore, 1-1. But the Aussies stalled in a "Our staff feels Brown may have Viola. She is also an excellent Looking to the Southwest, Kansas, 38-20. Kaff-kaff! a 24-21 decision. the best offensive backfield we ll see The Eaglette tankers lost 13 butterflyer. Houston hosts Miami of Flori­ Nebraska’s Cornhuskers, Coming back to the East, side past Fermi keeper Mary softening breeze as the race clock da, Texas is at home to U t^ Caouette, Hedlund and Toby and this season, " said Yale coach Carm members of last year’s 7-4 squad Freshman Meg Dakin, Lynne’s looking ahead to Penn State we find a full lineup of Ivy Stephens. Link Nancy Curtin assisted ran out. State, Texas A&M welcomes contests. Pam Brown all played well for Cozza. "They also have, to use the through either graduation, medical sister, is a top-notch breaststroker next week, will- roll over the on the scoring play. Manchester. , Freedom skipper Dennis Conner Peon State, and Arkansas Iowa Hawkeyes, 35-21. Else­ At Providence, R.I., the South Carolina making mark old baseball axiom, strength down reasons, etc. But East has gained and very capable in the butterfly as hosts Oklahoma State. Sophomore Toby Brown capped the Stephens made 21 saves for Fermi. had outraced the Aussies with several outstanding freshman and where, QB John Elway and Invading Yale Bulldogs will the middle. They have experience well. Freshman Meaghan Clark, with In the West, Southern Cali­ his Stanford Cardinals, too take the measure of the tallying with less than half a minute M an ch ester’s next clash is superior speed, sails and tactics over sophomores prospects and fifth-year fornia is ready for its first- remaining as she picked up a loose the first four legs, leading by a com­ and they want to win badly 1 don't AAU experience, adds strength in the powerful for the BC Elagles, Brown Bruins, 17-10. Wednesday at Enfield High at 3:30. Coach Ralph Viola believes, “the ever meeting with South Caro­ will roll to a 34-17 triumph. Cornell and Princeton are ball in front of the cage and poked it on collegiate football scene fortable 1:42 at the start of the fifth expect the outcome to be decided un­ backstroke and sprint freestyles and lina. Manchester also took the jayvee best dual meet record is expected In its second game of the getting together for the 63rd home. Caouette was credited with leg. til the final minutes ' is “definite quality,” Viola notes. Jove! What a schedule! match from Fermi, 1-0. Goalie to go," Robinson said. “Continued this year. season, Alabama, an easy 26-3 time. And the Hoople Hunch is her second assist. NEW YORK (UPI) - Will the real Pacific and Wichita State. Neither "Dennis has had a year to practice Last year's game was won by Yale Sophomore Angela Ebreo, who Here is how the Hoople Sys­ winner over Georgia Tech , in that Bob Blackman’s Big Red Evette Ella played well for the locals improvement is the key to our offen­ “We lost three seniors plus an ad­ tem sizes up these important Manchester outshot Fermi, 25-9, use please stand up. team would scare Charlie Brown’s with two boats and we haven’t,” said moved to Connecticut last October, Football its opener, will run Its string will knock over the Princeton and Dawn Banavich accounted for Over the last decade there has been sive future. ditional 10 others due to medical engagements: to 22 straight, whacking Tigers, 27-20. with Tribe netminder Wendy All-Stars. Australian .tactician Ben Lexcen. has “the soundest strokes of the en­ Omo State and Minnesota the lone goal. Alicia McDowell, only one school with those initials "The defense was similar to the reasons, change of schools, other tire team. She swims everying well,” Mississippi, 28-13, and giving In Hanover, N.H., the Big Felletter making eight stops and Now it’s time for the Gamecocks to "Now we’re practicing with'him." Forecast engage in bruising battles. Green of Dartmouth should Maureen Flanagan, Beth White and recognized as a perennial college offense. We did some things very sports, work. (But) the loss of these Raul "Bear" Bryant his 297tb sweeper Amy Jones one. Jones, crow ,,, or become a chicken dinner. Bond admitted his crew had "room Viola states. She’s anticipate in the And Ohio State usually wins. victory. get their season off to a flying Kris Anderson stood out for the 1-1-1 football power — the University of well, but let Tennessee off the hook a 13 will be offset by an influx of ^ _ 1 9 8 0 — Our Midwest scouts call it for Felletter. fullback Donna Piccarello, Indians. Southern California is South for lots of improvement." IM and freestyle events. Sophomore Florida State’s Seminoles start with a 28-13 win over Southern California. couple of times. One of their wide excellent ninth graders plus a couple Lynn Hempel, a transfer from E.O. the Buckeyes, 31-20, as Art Penn. If the Dartmouth pass­ Carolina’s opponent Saturday jiight, Conner said "it was a little disap­ transfer 10th graders. Our state meet had better be prepared for The Trojans have been to the Rose marking the first time the two receivers got away on a 56-yard pointing to see the wind fall apart," Smith in Storrs, is an above average By Major Amoi B. Hoople Scblichter has another good surprises as they take on the ing combo of Jeff Kemp to touchdown pass and we committed outlook is extremely bright for se­ East Carolina Pirates — who Dave Shula sounds familiar, it Bowl in nine of the last 13 years and schools have ever met on the and his yacht fall behind. But he was backstroker and another who'll see PigiklB Prophet day through the air. Molumphy sisters, Redmond have won three UPI Board of two big penalties to set up their other cond or even first place because of It could be a big day for slipped it to Duke, 35-10, in should. Kemp is the son of gridiron. Needless to say, Sbuth encouraged by his overall sailing per­ service in freestyle events. their season opener. The Hoo­ Jack Kemp, ex-Buffalo Bills Coaches national, championships TD. We’d have a good pass rush, and the quality front line swimmers we Freshmen Patty Gallagher, Chris Egad, friends, every section Carter at South Bend, Ind., Carolina is on the spot. formance. have." of the country boasts tasty this Saturday. Not (beb-beh) ple System calls it 21-18 for quarterback and now a con- since 1972. “South Carolina is obviously a very then we’d let their quarterback Grabski and Kathy and Karen the Smtnoles. gressmaii from New York. reach^emifinal round in ICO scramble for key gains." "Anytime a boat finishes ahead of East garnered third placement in pigskin treats this weekend. for the current resident of the Enter the University of South good team," says USC Coach John Lenares, twin sisters, also figure to Ttere are plenty of succulent White House. But for either And for poor Duke, it’s Shula is (he son of Don Shula, you it’s cause for concern," he said. the team standings in the ’79 Class M the Miami Dolphins coach. Two teenage sisters from East Carolina. Robinson, “and they could develop In other games involving top 10 do some point scoring for the specials for your enjoyment. Phil Carter, the Irish runner more bad neirs as the Blue engineering professor Ernie “But I felt we had a strong day. We Meet with Claire Viola becoming Devils fall 38-10 before a fine Harvard will open its sea­ Hartford will compete with another The Gamecocks, more well known into one of the five or six best in the team s. No. 1 Alabama visits Eaglettes. In addition, returnees In the Midwest, for who rambled for 142 yards In Uthgenannt, will meet third-seeded sailed a very sound race tactically. three-time 100-meter butterfly his first start as the replace­ Auburn aggregation on the son in 1980 just as it did last student and a physical therapist in for their basketball prowess during country. Mississippi, No. 2 Ohio State travels such as juniors Rose Lenares and instance, several spectaculars Ray Esterbrook of Glastonbury in We were able to open up on every champ and Lynne Dakin annexing are on tap. ment for All-America Vegas latter’s home field. year — with a convincing win the women’s singles semifinals of the the men’s over-45 singles semifinals. the last 10 years, have put together to Minnesota, No. 5 Texas plays host Barbara Kennedy, senior Erin Southern California’s over Columbia. We make it “Their offense is similar to ours in leg” her second straight 100-meter Ohio Slate hosts Minnesota, Fersuson, or Anthony Carter, Hartford Insurance Group’s In­ Also, top-seeded Peter Vieira of perhaps their strongest football team to Utah State, No. 6 Nebraska enter­ Shaffner and sophomores Sheila Notre Dame hosts , the Wolverines’ split end who Trojans, out of the Rose Bowl Harvard 32, Columbia 14. many ways — and in George Rogers The Australian yacht’s innovative, breastroke title. Viola, senior co­ Finally, in Lewisburg, Pa., surance City Tennis Open Saturday Newington will face John Berman, in history and are eager to land a tains Iowa, No. 7 Pittsburgh travels McDermott, Alison Stern, Erin Wisconsin hosts Brigham is one of the fastest men in picture due to suspension, will we’ll see one of .the premier running flexible mast had been touted as captain, and Dakin, a junior, top the concentrate on the national Bucknell will host every­ at Trinity College at 9 a.m. ninth seed in that event. place among the top 10 before the to Kansas, No. 8 Notre Dame plays Barrett, Steffanie Greenwald and Young, and Kansas hosts football and knows what to do backs in the country. He’s extremely most effective in difficult light wind list of returnees. when be catches the ball. In a rankings. And this week’s body’s favorite: Slippery Rock Three of four women’s singles season is over. host to No. 12 Michigan, No, 9 Mary Senereth are expected to make Pittsl^gh. State. The Rockets are step­ explosive." sailing, but the Aussies poor showing Among the lost talent are two In two key Inter-regional high-scoring affair, we see game could go a long way to semifinalists are 16 or younger. Lin­ Currently ranked 18th, the Georgia entertains Clemson and No, their presence known. show bow good the Trojans ping out of their class. Buck- Rogers, being publicized as a can­ early in the race didn’t back up divers and the No. 1 backstroker. games, Iowa travels to face Notre Dame winning 35-21, as da Molumphy. 14. a' student at Gamecocks have outscored their op- didate for the Heisman Trophy, is 10 Florida State plays host to East If East does have any concerns, Mike Courey shows he belonra really are. nell should win decisively, 35- boasts about the rig's merits. “(But) despite the disappointing well-regarded Nebraska in a 12. Har-rumph! Penney High in East Hartford, will The schedule for ICTO semifinals their first two games averaging 11.3 yards on 23 carries so Carolina. Third-ranked Oklahoma is they include depth in distance Big 19-Big 8 match-up and on the long list of fine N.D. Spearheading the invading losses, the bright spots in the front quarterbacks. South Carolina Gamecocks’ Now go on with my fore­ face l6-year-old Laurie Rosen of Hall is as follows: men’s and women’s and have unveiled an explosive far this season and has broken off idle. freestyle events, questionable Nos. 2 mighty Stanford pays a noc­ cast: Schoolboy soccer line swimmers should enable us to turnal visit to the aerie of the Brigham Young will make offense is George Rogers, who High in West Hartford. Linda's singles, 9 a.m.; men’s 45 singles. offense that leads the nation. Alabama Coach Paul “Bear” and 3 divers and No. 3 entry in some (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) touchdown runs of 72, 55 and 44 win anywhere from seven to all 11 Boston Eagles. its first appearance against rushed for 1,681 yards last sister, 15-year-old Katie Molumphy, 10:30; men’s and women’s doubles, However, there’s a catch. The yards. He ran for 153 yards on 13 Bryant feels his team, which hasn’t Two CCIL soccer tilts yesterday events, according to Viola. will square off against Judy Staknis, noon, anii mixed doubles, 2:30 Ad­ Gamecocks’ opponents in "their first played since beating Georgia Tech on saw Enfield High trip Penney High, events on the program,” Viola said Overall, East’s swim picture is carries in the first game and 108 on 10 without boast. 36, a physical therapist from East mission is vee. two games have been nationally- carries in the second — all while Sept. 6, will have to be at its best to 5-1, and Windham High blank East very clear — and very promising. Hartford. known powers the University of the defeat Mississippi Hartford High, 1-0. Future star Viola, Claire that is, back for Schedule: Sept. 30 Windsor Lwks carrying just twice in the second half another year in the butterfly and she FtefUallGMriltTwkll N « n Dune U M kM fu II Tnu IIUUA S( II (N) In men's semifinals Saturday, in the first two games. In the second 10, No. 11 Penn State Bill Teed scored two goals to lead Nearly lost in his father’s A, Oct. 3 Windham H (at EHHS), 8 CmtsU II Clf W 17 OMeStll MMueleW T ttm Twk 17 New Mcilni 17 (N) plays at Texas A&M, No. 14 Stanford is also a top-flight sprinter. Dakin is AtakwM t l Mlwtalpfl II Bantus II CMaWto II Oica«tSMkWfnSlil TMu Vi|u M (N) Washington plays host to Kader Hamilton, 4. He’s the strong in the individual medley. SftMM IS OktaiMU SI II lawaSlIISaaJauSIII PuUuUUCLAII VUIUMIII Maiuctawiu M Racquet Club, will face fifth-seeded Tennessee and Robinson is looking counted for the lone goal for the 0-3 Penney), 17 Newington A, 21 AiknlSMcIS aSIIISDakaUII R«nnllCSKMMU7 Manchester High girls’ volleyball Senior co-captain Beth Negri is a VMIIIIUnMUtH Mario Dabrowski of Newington. well for the 1-1 Indians. for improvement on both sides of the Northwestern, No. 16 Missouri enter­ losers. son of Ray "Sugar Bear’’ Manchester H (at EHHS), 24 BsrlwMWTSwSIU USCalaatel SuM etlSIllAkruntl VlrsWa Tech 17 Wb I Mary 7 Also, Bob Farfield, seeded sixth, will team evened its record by sweeping tains Illinois, No. 17 UCLA plays host Chip Guliano tallied to give three-year veteran who adds ■wSmU II SUpscfT lUck II LaalritUk 17 Mmy 81II (N) Seniatn CM I I 8 CueUii tl Wait Farui 14 CUalrlll past East Hartford High, 15-3, 15-2 The locals also took the jayvee line. Hamilton, defensive tackle Haddam-Killingworth H (at EHHS), •YUUWIicSall MIUlWimilMaWtl SMU I l l t V IS(N) WaaMutaw II Narthweaura 14 play Bert Julian, seeded No. 15. match, 17-15 and 15-13, ‘ ^ to Purdue. No. 19 Houston entertains Windham its second win in three out­ strength in the freestyle, and dis­ CdlMiltllArwyl MluMffI MII VaaluMH 7 (N) 8 W u h M U LtMMoe Tech II (N) WaatVkxIMa II Marylaal 17 and 15-7, yesterday in CCIL play at “We were able to play with some with the New England 31 Maloney H (at Penney), Nov. 4 CM HkMlu IS nUMli SI II NiivjrtSKMtSlU Another returning ICTO champion. Miami (Fla.), and No. 20 Arkansas ings. East Hartford lost for the third tance. Senior Anne Tuller, another S l u M M BM ia CMIete 17 Clarke Arena. Manchester’s next outing is Mon- rhythm and pretty good efficiency Patriots, The youngster Mercy A 7 p.m., 7 South Catholic A, OMni>llLSUII(N) NeWisUMUwatl S y n n w II MMnI (OMe) 7 (N) University of Connecticut plays host to Oklahoma State. No. 13 time and has yet scored in the 1980 three-year vet, tops the diving list 12 Class M Qualifying, 15 Class M OMMlinPrtKtlMU NC»r«UMSt4tVMifaitl -TeaalaMDclairart ------K ll(S ) Marge Botteron and Beth Apter High in West Hartford at offensively, but we have a long way showed up during team prac­ while junior Mary Beth Cavallo is DwIMIkllPMall N UllMis 14 « II (N) TaMalII lama 17 (N) Nlghl |amc North Carolina is idle. campaign. Meet, 22 State Open M ^t. Meets not FIwMs MIIEC u MIh II IIWaaMraslaalIri tice session. (UPI photo) looked to fill the bill in the noted 3:30 p.m. 16 - EVENING HERALD, Fr i, Sept. 19. IMP EVENING HERALD. Fri., Sept. 19, 1980 - 17

6corelx>Q rd

OJI9.Xp4 7. Cash Asmusien O,I!).079 7. version of two classrooms and cor­ 7:00 lorg ph 2 0-1 0 Jackson rt 6 100 FMcncimv out(x >or consultant reported. Players may BOLTON — Cost estimates for ('harlec Coody 0-37-70 Gary Jones 91.49B.71f. 8. Ron McAnally Wiedie included seven proposals in The second proposal is for ad- $101,900. and' contractors and an on-site (S) 8 port*C « nt« r i. Garcia 2b 6 110 Spencer lb 30 10 $1 .fO.790.9. Philip Johnson It 286277 10. weigh 125 to 170 pounds. ridor space into a game room/gym- liaUmg l,annv Wadkihs 31-39-70 proposed additions and alterations to 7 :30 Mybrry lb 6 123 Walsontb 1000 FISH PARASITES HAHMUSS Joe Cantey IU44.682. the packet. ditions and renovations to the high T h e f if t h p r o p o s a l is fo r review of the physical areas under tbased on 3ITi at bats) John S<'hroeder X-X—7D Practice sessions are held nasium at the 5-8 Building if the town CD B tM b a H Bailor II 4 0 0 0 Cerone c 4 12 2 H O RSES-Spectacular Bid $1,044,490 the educational buildings in town NaliiMial l.eaBuc Tom Kile X-36-7D Fishermen continue to be The first is for an addition and school building in order to house renovations to the south wing of the occupies the north Wing for office consideration. He conferred with 8:00 Cannon cl 2 000 Oalese 32 10 Kenny Knox 0-38-70 2, Jc^n Hehry $848,437 3, Glorious Song. Tuesday, Thursday and have been completed by Alan Wiedie, R ab r h pet Ault dh 3 0 0 0 Dent ss 6 12 2 pu7/led by the appearance of renovations to the K-4 Building in Grades 7 through 12 students. The 5 .3 Building if it is turned over to the both school and town officials to ® Football Pr«vl«w Tcinpictn. SI L ur 4T3 7T 147 32T: Jon (lialfee 0-37-70 I62f>.617.4, C (^ x $T4)9.000.6. Temperence Friday night st at Herrick use. Estimated cost is $40,000. Wood.s ph 1 00 0 Rudrigz3b 4 0 30 l^ rrv Nelson ' X-Xr-70 parasitic grubs on the skin of H ill riOLlTA 6. Bold N Determined architect, and presented to school order to house kindergarten through & Football: Inalda Tho NFL Uufkru’r. Chi 1® ri9 64 167 m Upshaw dh 0 10 0 Wilborn pr 0 0 0 0 building would accommodate up to town. The estimated cost is $161,600. Although state reimbursement determine what work should be done. lirrnandz. St I. 1€ KC 170 318 I^ugherly 3644-70 some of the fish they catch. $497,143 7. (*o West Young Man $473.ffO Park starting at 6:15. Area and town officials. 9 B aa ab all UA Davi.Hc 2 0 0 0 DoyleSb 0000 Anlunio Serta 8. Winter's Talc $W200 9. Genuine Risk Grade 8 students. The building would Both town and school officials will Ml Bndr. I'hil 121 49) 61 IfA 314 Xi-36-70 Fortunately, considerable re­ 450 students. ' -phe six th p ro p o s a l is fo r may be applicable in some of these 6 :30 Hodgsnpr 0 0 0 0 Robinsn ph 10 0 0 l*eter Ooslerhuis $421,842 10. First Albert CSS276 youngsters are invited to The cost estimates are one part of Cruz Hou l€ r/7 78 171 313 34-36-70 accommodate up to 450 students. be discussing the proposals at (0) Suffabout WhiU c 2 120 Stanlev3b 1000 Gary Koeh search has been done into the HARNF/SSRA^G It would include a lunch-study renovations to the north wing of the proposals, the estimated costs do not Cedcnii. Hou I2U 440 6 137 311 34-37-71 join the squad. a study being done to consider the 0:00 Brown c l 3 0 0 0 Gil Morgan problem of fish parasites in (Compiled by U S. Trotting Assn ) It would include five regular llondnik. Stl, 111 r40 71 167 3® 364T.-71 area, kitchen and equipm ent, ii-s Building if it is tum«l over to the include anv reimbursement. meetings in the near future. Sdrhim ph 1110 Bob Byman D RIVERS — I. John Campbell (S) Auto Racing ’60 Cromarlip. Mtl 146 f € ® 164 300 X-36-71 North America, and Mercury reorganization of the Bolton school classrooms, one industrial arts loudrcau 12:00 Simmons. St 1. IM 4'7 » 137 3® Toronto (BO000 300 400 0 -7 3744-71 HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. probably make a decision on the center/library space, corridors, Mike Donal 34-37-71 which should answer (he ques­ $1,748,981. 6. Ben Webster 9I.68B.8M 7. tion area for guidance, sitework and dD Colloga Football Pravlaw American l4.>aKuc New York 0101W®| 400 1 -8 Rik Massengale X.46-71 Ted Wing $1.6272M 8. Bud Gilmour (UPI) — Wide receiver reorganization, if any, by the end of toilets and storage, renovating R ab r h pet K (larna. Ja< kson. Dent DP-Toronto tions most anglers have about fixed equipment. The estimated cost 12:30 G llri'tt. KC i(n 3® 78 irs 3BB V id o r Higalato 3447-71 $1.6142e 9. B ill Haughton $l.ffi9.8» 10. Wesley Walker, called the November. (B) Top Rank Boxing From To- Only three baseball play­ I LUB-Toronlo 6. Now York If. 2B- Kurt Cox 049-7) fish grubs. Catello Manzi. $1,447,186. existing space for the library/media is $813,240. Bolton to hear plan C(M»per. Mil ITO r«3 84 200 3T/. towa. Now iaraay tlonnell. Rodriguez. Deni H R-Cerone Gary Mc(’urd 364f^-71 The most common fish para­ IIORSt^S - 1. U n d Grant $1,037,687 2. “ key to our offense” by The estimates include a proposed Dilone. Clev 120 478 7b 167 349 ers have won the American • 13). Mayberry >2Bi. Howell iBi Iv- room, gymnasium with lockers and The third proposal is for the K-4 3 :00 Hivers. Tex 143 617 9f 2(M 231 Tim Simpson X46-71 site is the black grub. Because Niatross $1.(09,179. 3. Armbro Wolf addition and alterations to the League’s MVP award three Randolph Bob Eastwood 3447-71 XX'.TTO 4. Storm Damage 1619.612 6. New York Jets Coach Walt storage, a four acre outdoor play Building, turning the south wing of dD BportaCantar Carew, Cal 131 4tr. 78 164 331 IP H REHBRKO they encyst under the skin of (he Hell. Tex tr 441 ® 14T: 329 times. Yogi Berra, Mickey llutK>rt Green 3843- 71 Tvler B $449,031 6. Direct Scooter Michaels, remains educational buildings and the conver­ 3 :30 Toronto host, the round, black lumps $<48,040 7. Trenton Time $328,724 8. area, fixed equipment and sitework. the building over to the town for of­ Wil-Min. KC 146 6€ 117 2® 326 Mantle ... and me. In my Phil Hancock 3447-71 (fl) Woman’aOamaa McLaughlin 62-3 7 2 I i) 3 Classical Way $308,910 9. Tijuana Taxi sion of educational space to town of­ Huinbry. Hall I4f rat itr 181 312 career, I hit 534 homers. Tony Hollifield 3744-71 arc easily seen. questionable for Sunday’s The estimated cost is $1,188,900, fice use. Construction would include 5 :30 W iliis 12-3 1 0 0 I 0 Peler Tcravainen I2^..431 10. Nero s B B $273,968 on zoning revisions 3744-71 Watson, .NY 117 423 r« 131 310 No wonder I was called Barlow 1-321110 There's not much danger of game at Shea Stadium fices. The play area (at a cost of $50,200 a paved play area and (S) Australian Rugby Oliver. Tex 148 ®1 87 1® 3® Joe Inman 3646-72 Schrom 1-3 0 0 0 U 0 Je ll Hawkes eating one unknowingly, al­ Thursday's Sporls Transactions Sketches of proposed changes were B O L T O N — The Zoning Commis­ Home Runs The Beast. And known by a Slieb 2-3 2 4 4 2 1 374f^72 against the surprising San included in the $1.1 million figure) kindergarten/reading room. The es­ For example, if a person owns one The third proposed revision will in­ Cesar Sanudo though if cooked they can do no By United Press International National Ix-ague - Schmidt. Phil 39. funny alphabet nickname. Mirabella 0 0 0 0 )0 3844- 72 Francisco 49ers. sion will hold a public hearing in Jim Chancev liaseball included in the packet prepared by would include clearing the land, un­ timated cost .is $23,000. acre of land (in excess of the crease the filing fee paid by the appli­ Horner. A1I33, Murphy. A ll and Baker. KucekiL3-7i 3 3 113 0 X47-72 harm. George Archer Toronto — Signed infielder Danny November to discuss several 1.A29 Cev. LA and Carter. MU2T jauiej JO New* York X,-37-72 They can be removed by Walker, an All-Pro two m inim um lot required for the cant for a public hearing by the Ameruan League • Jackson. N Y 37, I,arry Ziegler 3646-72 Ainge May 9 r 3 3 I II proposed revisions to local zoning Oglivio. Mil36. Thomas. Mi)3f . Annas. ii«H * « «H sqno Dave Slocktun 049-72 skinning the Hsh. however it's Basketball years ago who missed the residence) he or she will be allowed Zoning Commission to $50. paa ■«.V am Joj (9k paXtld Davis 2-312 0 0 3 Mulch Baird 374fr-72 Boston — Put on waivers rookie Oak 31. Murray. Ball 29 otjM URUiastq ju ij t „ 'x atqnoQ probably best to return an in­ last half of the 1979 season regulations. to keep one or two horses. Hun.s (iatted In I/ollar 1 3 2 2 0 0 0 Mike Govo 3844-72 guards Kenny Evans of Norfolk Stale The fourth and final proposed revi­ PIO.. xxoj aiuiuiif aaMSNV UnderwdiW13-9i 3 10 0 13 fested fish to the water. National League -- Sihm idl. Phil l(f.. (71111 Beck 3646-72 Greg Deane of Utah, B B Flenory of with a knee injury, suf­ The proposed revisions pertain to The animals should be kept with sion will not allow the parking of Mirabellapilched lu I batter in 10th JacK Ilonner 3844-72 Black grubs are a larval form Reqion— Hendrick. SiL 1(C. Garvey. LA 97. Duquesne and l.es Henson of Virginia the keeping and housing of adult proper housing, fencing and sanita­ (c) 1980 NEA. Inc HBP-bv Slieb i Jackson i PB-Cerone Scolt Hoch 3646-72 of trematodcs - small flukes Teen fered a severely sprained trailers for more than 24 hours when Baker. LA and Hernandez. St L93 T--4 08 A-22J16 American U*ague - CiKiper, M il 112. B ill Rodgers X47-72 which / require three hosts lelpl neck in preseason and has animals for personal or farming use, tion for their security and welfare used for human occupancy except on Ron Strof'k 3446-72 Bernard Toone AMEHIt*ANLKA(il'K Oliver. Tex 106. Oglivie. Mil 102. Brett. before becoming adults. not been able to perform at buildings near wet areas, filing fee and this shouldn’t result in a hazard By I'nited Press Inlernatiunal KC lot), Murray. iMlt 99 CLEVELAND BOSTON Tom Purtzer 3646-72 New York — Waived rookie forwards a temporary basis under a variance Kasi Stolen Rases ab r h bi ab r b bi I) A Weibering 3646-72 Snails are the usual primary Kurt Hainbis and Joe ('hrnelich 100 percent. The Jets’ for a public hearing by the commis­ or nuisance. granted by the Zoning Board of W L Prt GB National League - Implore. Mtl 92. Dilone It 0 I 0 UurU'snss 0 2 0 Barry Jaeckel) 3646-72 host for (rcmaiodes. Fish and Football hears parents Vernon sion and prohibited use of land. offense was sluggish as The second proposed revision will New York 93 ^3 637 Moreno. P ill 88 Collins. Ctn6B, Scott. Mannng cl f 02 I 8taplctn2b 4 2 30 Mike McCullough 374fr-72 other aquatic creatures serve as Cincinnati — Outside linebacker Bo Appeals or zoning agent. 88 603 Mtlf8. Richards. SDfJ r 220 Chi Chi Rodriguez 3646-72 Harris announced he is retiring from Baltimore 1 First Game I Hargrvlb 4 02 0 F iskc they lost both games so far The proposed animal regulation not allow a building or structure Boston 77 66 f.38 14>< American League — Henderson. Oak r I 3 4 Stanton Alleert 3446-72 (he second host, and the third is loutball The variance won't exceed a six- MINNESOTA MILWAUKEE llassev c 30 10 Rice It 79 ffi fJ4 81. Wilson, KC® . Dilone. Clevffi. Cruz. 4 120 (Jeorge ('adltc X-37-72 either a fish, bird or mammal, Houston - Placed linebacker Sammy this season. will allow animals in all zones, with within 50 feet of wet areas as defined Milwaukee ll abrhbi abrhbi itarraii 3b 4 0 10 Perez Ib month period and w ill only be Cleveland 74 71 MO 18'1 4 M 2 George Burns -3646-72 Green on waivers. Sea 41. Bumbry. Ball 40 WardII f 2 4 2 Mohtor2b f. 1 I I Bannistr rl 4 12 0 iMnncck ci depending upon which eats the certain limitations. The limitations by the Federal Flood Insurance Rate Delrail 74 72 nn 19 Pitching Alexndr dh 4 12 2 Evans rl 3 111 Mark Rohde 3446-72 St Ia)uis - Placed linebacker Keith regulations renewable once for construction ol a Sufiold II 0 0 0 0 Yount ss f. I 1 2 infected second host. on bus e 31 4 0 0 0 Dave Eicheibcrger 3646- 72 Woitman on iniured reserve list. pertain to the amount of land Map or Wetlands Commission. Toronto (2 84 Victories Castino3b 4 0 0 0 Cooper lb f> 2 3 2 Brohinr2b 4 0 0 0 Hobson dh home. National league - Carlton. Phil 22-8, Dvbznsk ss 3 1 1 U Ho1lmn3b 30 10 Charles Epp.s X48-73 In the third stage, the en­ A tli\ -'-•d linebacker Ron Coder By BARBARA RICHMOND RJeksnIb 3000 Thomas c l 4112 Steve Venalo 34-39-?J designated bus rider, must use his or areas considered hazardous. In some required for keeping animals. W L Pet GB Heuss. LA and Bibby. Pitt I7>'>. Niekru. Cubbagib 2 I I 0 Oglivie II 4 110 .vision ph 10 0 0 cysted larva arc “ hatched'' by Horkev Holmes favored Bob Mann 3647- TJ Herald Reporter x-KansasCiiy 91 % 619 - Ilou 16-12. Sanderson. M il lf-9. Ruthven. Smalley ss f 1 2 1 Davis rl 3 10 0 Totals 37 3 12 3 Totals 37 B If 7 digestive Juices o( the host and Kulfalo Signed defenseman Jim her designated bus and must board or instances the hazardous conditions B ill Johnston Oakland 74 74- fflO 1?* PhillMO. Niekro. Atl If-14 Muralsdh f I I 0 Harrisrf 100 0 Cleveland 10)000100-3 X48-73 Schnenfeld to a new contract LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UPI) (U2U£20x-8 Jerry Heard (hen travel to an intestinal area Colorado- Announced that center Joe leave the bus at a designated school have been elim inated and the Texas 71 7T. 486 \9>z American League — Slone. Balt 23-7. Macknn2b 3 2 2 1 Bandodh 3 12 1 Boslon X.49-74 — Oddsmaker Gary Austin VERNON— During a fact-finding David Thnre Ward and goaliender Hick l,jfernere had Minnesota 6T. 82 442 26 John, NY 21-a. Norris, Oak »-8, Wil(ong2b 0000 Gantner3b h>-Dilone 3 120 DP-Cles'eland 1. Boston2 3747-74 where ihcv quickly begin egg bus stop. The one exception to this is children are walking again. Before (iary Hardin agreed to terms ol mulli-vear contracts said Wednesday the meeting of the Transportation Com­ Chieaftu 62 ( 83 428 28 McGregor. Ball 19-7. Leonard. KC19-9 Wynegar c 4 0 12 Moore c 3 0 0 1 LOIF-Cleveland 9, Boston 8 2B* X49-74 production Bob Halslon ^ College if a day care center is on the regular schools opened this month the board Bolton news update Calilornia f 86 407 31 1-^rned Run Average Rivera rl 4 0 11 Hargrove. Rice. Perez, Dybzmski. Fisk 4044-74 wagering line on the Larry mittee of the Board of Education, Seattle f 363 37>z -based on 14T inningsi Bobby Walzel 3848-74- The eggs are then deposited Georgia Southern - Named Mike Edwrdscl 20 10 HR Alexander -f - Hancock i3i SB- reviewed all of these cases. x-elinded division title National League — Sutton. LA 2.13. Kentiit Zarlev 4044-74 in the water wiih discharge ol Bai ku.s assistant baskelball coach Holmes- Wednesday night, parents seemed to bus route. Johnstnef 2 110 Dilone Thursday s Results Heuss. LA 2 IB. Carlton. Phil 2 X . Blue. Bruce Lietzke 37- 37 -74 Last June the board agreed to bus Program for the fall of 1980 are now Totals 39 8 14 8 Totals 36 9 II 9 IP 11 HKRBBSO the host's waste and the cycle be most concerned about the policy Dr. Sidman said the policy allows a Police report BostonS. Clevelandl ni^hl SK2 84. Rogers. Mtl 2 88 Iaiu Graham X-39-74 championship fight was Residents offered Two out when winning run scored Cleveland begins again. all kindergarteners to and from being accepted, ' Baltimore?. Detroit3. night American League— Norris, Oak2 24. Garland - L6-9- 6 12 8 B 2 0 Dave Hill 36-38- 74 changing with Holmes still which doesn’t allow buses to make child to be dropped off at a different B O L T O N — The police report for New York 8. Toronto 7. 13 innings, Minnesota 010 012 400-8 Richard York 3648- There 74 arc literally dozens ol May. NY2.33. Gura. K C2 02. Burns, Chi Milwaukee 07000000-9 Stanton 2 3 0 0 1 2 spot at the end of the school day as school at noon because at that time flood insurance the month of August includes The courses include art (pottery), eompletionol suspended game Marlv Fk'ckman X-39-74 the favorite. special stops at babysitters and day 2 88. Erickson. M inn2X (■/-Smalley. Edwards 2. Davis DP— lioston species of (remutodes in North 12 3 3 2 3 Stan tA*e 394Fh-74 long as- the child is on the same the younger children wouldn’t have business education (beginner typing, Toronto2. New York 1, night Strikeouts Minnesota I. Milwaukee I L O B - Crawlord -W l-o- American waters. The odds changed to 11-9 care centers. B O L T O N — Bolton residents in­ burglary, 4; larceny, 2; other Jirn Fellncr 34-41-7T. Milwaukee 9. Minnesota 8.1st game, National League - Carlton Phil 263. Minnesota 6. Milwaukee f 2B—Ward. Garland pitched to2 batters m “th designated bus. It requires a written any older children walking with refresher typing), co-ed physical Ed Finn Although they are unsightly At the start of the meeting. Dr. terested in purchasing a flood in­ assaults, 2; criminal mischief, 2; twilight Rvan. Hou 172. Solo. Cm 164. Blvleven. Smalley2. Morales. Mackanm. 3B-W'ard W P-Garland T 2 3« A -14.84' 3B46-7T. from the previous line of 5- Babe Hiskey them. fitness (exercise and sports), and Milwaukeef. Minnesota0.2nd game, I’itt 163. Niekro. Atl 162 IIR-W'ard il i . Cooper i22t. Rhomas 38- 37-7T. when encysted on a lish, most Bernard Sidman. superintendent of permission slip from a parent. child and family, 1; runaway, 1; Bobby Cole 2. said Austin. He said the surance policy have until the begin- mshi American League- Barker. Clev 171, -Xi SB-Bando. Thomas SF-Castino, 38- cause 38—76 no harm and eventually One parent complained that the bus woodworking (for beginner to more TORONTO Dale Douglass schools, explained his interpretation Dr. Sidman said there's a growing other offenses, 3. All cases except the KansasCityf. Califomia2. night Norris. Oak 1:9. Guidry. NY 14T MtMire NEW YORK 39- 37-76 odds were almost even on December to obtain one at ab r h hi Steve Thomas leave the host. Bowling advanced). Texas 10. Oakland6. night Bannister, Sea 141. Clancy, Tor 137 IP H RERBBSO ab r h bi 3749-76 of the existing busing policy concer­ concern expressed by parents who driver wouldn t drop her child off *<^minimal cost burglary and one larceny were Chicago f. Seattle 4. night Saves G n llm s s 40IQRndlph2b 2 00 0 Dick Harmon whether or not the Oct. 2 Minnesota 40- 36-76 the Hockanum Valley Day Care All classes except art will begin the ‘ Friday's Games National League — Sutler. Chi 26. Bailor cl 4 12 0 Brown d 4 0 0 0 Pete Hessemer have to leave home earlier than the Zahn 12-367110 3848- 76 fight at Caesars Palace ning transportation to the two areas After that, if no challenges are cleared. There were seven accidents -All Times EDTi Hume. Cm and Allen, N Y 22. Fingers. Howell3b 4 0 0 0 G am blclf 3 0 0 0 Ikibby Wadkins Money l^eaders Center. Dr. Sidman said he was con­ Verhoeven 4 1-3 3 0 0 1 4 3149-76 regular bus picks up the children. week of September 22 and end the Boston I Renko9-7i at New York -Tianl SD2I, Tekulve. Pitt 20 Mybrrv lb 4 0 2 0 Jackson rl 2 110 Brut e Douglass 39-37 -76 By l.’nited Press International Hotel would go the full 15 in question — babysitter and day care made to designated maps showing without injury in August and seven Corbett iLS-6) 22-3 3 2 2 1 3 # cerned about the fact that most of the week of November 24. Pottery will 6-9'. 8 p.m American League-.eague - Ijuisenberry. KC Ipshaw pr OOOOLdbvrerl 0000 Bill Garrett 44-39-83 P liA G O LF rounds. center. Some parents have questioned why flood prone areas, the maps become with injury. Toronto -Todd 4-1) at Baltimore Milwaukee (;arcia2b 4 0 10 Spencer dh 4 0 10 1. Tom Watson $S13.408 2. Lee Trevino 33 Go.ssage.isage. N Y 28, Farmer. CTii 27, Caldwell 6 10 4 4 0 0 I.I’UA Kan.sjsC'iIvClassir their child can’t get on another bus time there was no one from the begin Oct. 16 and end Dec. 18. -Palmer If-lOi. 7 30 p in, Mosebv rf 4 0 0 0 Watson lb 3 0 0 0 $340,814 3. Curtis Strange $2®.l® 4. In both instances the policy final and insurance rates are Stoddard.d.1^)123. Burgineier. Bus22 Cleveland 1-3 3 2 2 0 0 Ault dli 4 0 10 iX'nt ss 3 0 0 0 At Overland Park. Kan . Sept 18 Andv Bean $264,083 5. Jerrv Pale center to see that the child got inside The registration fee is $2 for Bolton Cleveland i Garland O-Si at Detroit FlvnniW2-D 22-3 1 2 2 1 I Par 73 POWDER PUFF- RiU specifies that the child must be a that goes on their route noting that adjusted according to the area in -Schaizeder 9-111. B p m SAN DIEGO LOS ANGELES Cannon pr 0 0 0 0 Rixlngz3b 3 0 0 0 I217.7X 6. George Burns 1^.628 7 Ahearn on t - 2 M Craig Stadler $1®XI 8. Rav Floyd many have empty seats on them. alright. residents and $8 for non-residents.. Seattle i Honeycutt 9-161 at Milwaukee ab r h bi abr-hbi HodgSfin It 4 11 U Oates c 2 0 0 0 Shellev Hamlin Pontarelli 178-506, Terry which one lived. Hichrdsll 4UOOLopes2b 4 0 0 0 32Xr-67 $192,990 9. Mike Reid $l9l.ff8'l0. Ben The parent said the bus driver B O L T O N — State Rep, Aloysius 'McLure3*7i. ff 30 pm (Second Game- VVhillc 3 0 0 0 Murcerph 1000 Barbara .Moxne.ss Open house Dr., Sidman said the board's Registrations may be sent to Bolton OSmithss 4 110 Lawei 4 110 34- 34-ffl Crenshaw fl82,8U2 Siem inslO 191-191-548, At the current time, 13 ■ Bolton Chicago iBaumgarten 2-111 at Min­ MINNESOTA MILWAUKEE Robinson c 0 0 0 0 Brenda Rego could swing into the turnaround area Ahearn, of Bolton, will be the guest Mmphrvci 3 0 0 0 Castillop 0 0 0 0 X-34-70 LPG a G O l.F H EB R O N — The Gilead Hill transportation policy has specific High School. For more information nesota iW iiliam s3-2).9:Xp m ab r h bi ab r h bi Totals X 2 8 0 Totals 27120 I.on Garbaez Marilyn Meyers 179, Nancy homes are insured for a total of $454,- Bass lb' lOOOGarvevlb 3 2 3 1 Toronto ooi u)l OOO- 2 X-38-71 I. Beth Daniel CU2.l(ie 2. Donna C of the church where the center is con­ Oakland * Kingman 7-181 at Kansas City Powell rl 40 1 0 Molitor2b 30 10 Hollis Stacy School p r o will hold its •peniqa statements about this and he on “ Prime Tim e” Friday at 10 p.m. on any of the classes call the high Wmnlildrl 20 12 BakerII 4 112 Now York 000 100 flOl)-1 .T7J4-7I Young $192,786 3 Amv A lcottllX .O B 4. McLaughlin 178, Edith 000 through the federal program. iSp|iiiorR12-10).8M O i . S ^ rm Wilfong2b Dohhie Austin alilom ia Perkins rt 4 1 I 1 Cey3b 4 122 4 0 0 0 Yount ss 4 12 1 E>-Juhn. Randolph 2. G n llm D P - X -38-71 Nancy D)pt‘z-Mellon $lX.lffi S. JoAnne 19th HOLE night program Sept. 23 starting ^ explained why. ducted but she said the bus driver on Channel 24, CPTV. school. Registrations will also be Ci iT a u fia 99-10 1 at Texas H B Duntz T ra c y 190-505, C a ro l George Hatch, Federal Emergen­ -Matlack 10-77i,8 5T p.m Salazar 3b 4 0 0 0 Hatcher rl 4111 Smalley ss 3 0 10 Cooper lb 3 0 0 1 Torontol. New York3 LOB-Toronto6, X-37-72 earner $173,317. 6, Pat Bradlev $150 »7 1.8 I’al Mevers said he wasn't allowed to do that. Ahearn will discuss the subject of accepted during the first class if Saturday 5 Games Tennace c 10 10 Yaeger c 4 12 0 Adamsdh 4 0 0 0 Oglivie If 4 112 .NewYorkf SB—Randolph. Gamble 5i- X-J7-72 Schubert 179, Dee Smyth 7:30 p.m. when parents are invited to ^ He said parents see a bus go by cy Management Agency, and Grant Marv Mills 7. S a lk Little, South Africa. $131.2® 8. Cleveland at Detroit Fahev c 3 0 10 Thomas ss 4 0 10 Sodcld II 4 0 0 0 Thomas dh 4 0 0 0 Ldbvre a-34-72 Jane Blalock $123,877 9, Jo Ann Washam Dr. Sidman also reminded parents teachers in politics and the rights of there are any openings. M J Smith 472, Joan Topping 452, visit the classrooms and meet the with empty seats and if the board Kelly, Army Corps of Engineers, Boston at New York Flannrv2b 40 10 Welchp 30 2 1 Cubbag lb 3 0 2 0 P oll rl 4 110 IP H RERBBSO X-38-72 $104248 10. Sandra Post $07 7X COUNTRY CLl B Johnstncl Ikii Germain present at the meeting that the In­ teachers to serve in politics. Rob California at Texas, night W isep lOOOFnasss 1000 3 0 0 0 Gantner3b 3 111 Toronto 37X.-72 e M EN S TENNIS teachers. allowed children to ride on a space Caslmo3b 3 0 2 0 H a rris d 3 110 Amelia Rorer Terry Agostinelli 455, Bet­ Retired Swingers - said Bolton is not considered an area Oakland at Kansas City, night Rasmssn p 0 0 0 0 Leal IW 2-4- 9 2 I I f 4 X-37-72 1. Bjorn Borg Sweden. $472X0 2, dian Valley YM CA is attempting to Douglas is host of the show. Buiera c 2 0 0 0 Yost c 30 10 Jenlvn Urilz During the business meeting, available premise, at some point the Evans ph 1110 New York 36-36- 72 John McEnroe $414,947 3. Jimm y ty Lamoureaux 456. Blind 12 holes: Engberg 45, of great concern for flooding. The Chicago at Minnesota, night Wynegar c 1000 Sandra Palmer set up a “ babysitting" service after Ahearn. a Democratic, is a teacher Inspector’s report Armsirn p 0 0 0 0 J o h n - L 21-8- 9 2 2 0 0 4 X-36-72 Connors $383,347 4. Vilas Gerulaitis which will start at 8 p.m., Dr. John bus would be filled and there would Seattle at Milwaukee, night Totals 31 0 6 0 Totals 31 f 8 f. Julie Stunger comment was made at a public Cash ph 10 0 0 T -2 17 A-20 129 .T6J6-72 $270,417 7, (iuilerm o Vilas, Argentina. Stuek 47, Anderson 47, B O L T O N — Calvin Hutchinson, Toronto at Baltimore, night Minnesota 000 UOO 000-0 Silvia Berlulaccini Swanson will be the guest speaker. be a lot of people on the bus who school for parents who work. This at East Hartford High School and Totals 33 3 7 3 Totals X 7 13 7 X-X 72 $1X886 6. Brian Gottfried $1X,632 7, PINNETTES Kathy hearing recently. Milwaukee OSOlQOUOx- Mary Dwvcr Carvey 48, Baker 49, building inspector, issued a total of 3’7 San Diego 000100(00-3 36-37 -73 Ivan U*ndel. Czechoslovakia $163 131 8 He is director of the Social Service aren’t supposed to ride. He said this program will be explained at Monday also serves on the Bolton Board of N.ATIONAL l e a g u e ’ ' F^-Powelt. Solield DP—Minnc.-^ota 1. Hetsv King M itch e Jl 193, G in g e r The hearing was attended by town Los Angeles 013 010 02x— 7 X -37- 73 Gene Mayer $161 9 Harold Solomon McNamara 49. Betko 50, permits in August, They included By United Press International Milwaukee 2 LOB-Minnesula 7. Mil- Pat Bradley Institute at Mohegan Community would create problems and they night's meeting of the school board. Selectmen. He is running for re- EI-}—Salazar,azar, LopesLo m s DP—San DiegoDii 2 XX.-73 $ir3.7€ 10 I-kjdie Dibbs $170 841 Yourkas 464, Sandy officials and five residents. East waukeer.2&-Sm allcy H R -O gilvie i36i. D in Nelson Blount 50. Non-winners building, 1 (no new houses); plum­ Los Angeles 1 L O B -^ n Diegu 6. X-37-73 WOMEN S TENNIS College. This topic will be “ Oil and would end up having to offer service Board member JoAnn Worthen is election as a state representative. ' tt L Pci GB SB—Molilor. Jane Renner X-37-73 Funkenbusch 180-451, Anita were Manning, Connorton, The maps showing flood prone bing, 1; electrical, 6; wells, 3; zoning Montreal 81 6f. ,f« - Angeles f 2B -Evan s/^ arvey HR— Vicki Tabor 1. Martina Navratilova $471.41)0 2 chairman of the Transportation Com­ Perkins i2i. Baker i»», Cey iX-i. IP H R ER BBSO M-39-73 TracyAuslIn $«S7JU 3. B illie Jean Klnjr Shorts 178-496, Pam Stone Water Don’t Mix: Teaching One Way to everybody. areas are available for viewing at the Philadelphia 79 66 .Mf. l'< Jan Ferraris Barra and Romayko, all 51. regulations, 2; heating, 3; septic, 4; Hatcher il> SB-Mum phry. 0 Smith. Minnesota 36- 37-73 $264.6M 4. Llovd $380X7 f, He said there are so many mittee and Joy DiPietro and Ginger Pittsburgh 76 70 f21 £ Hedfcrn iL6-7) 3 7 3 3 2 3 Ik'th Solomon 181-452, Lois Brown 475, and Learning Another.” St Louis 66 80 Ci2 If Yaeger. l.aw 37- 36-73 Evonne (ioolagong. Australia. 1177.8® is and Skinner. Smith, Leone, selectmen’s office at the Community Fall classes certificate of occupancy, 6. A total of IP H RERBBSO Veselic 4 3 2 2 1 2 Sharon Barren 36- 37 -73 . Australia $144X8 7 Dr. Swanson is a noted author, problems that the board just couldn’t Freethy, are other members. New York 62 84 42f. 19 Connie Chillemi Ben Copeland 462. Hall San Diego Kmnunen 1 0 0 0 0 0 X-37-73 $122.IX 8. Hand Mand- Sullivan, Ansaldi and B O L T O N — Registrations for $310 was collected for the permits. (Iticago 89 386 24>i Milwaukee Kathy Whitworth educational consultant and child- satisfy everybody. The duty of the committee is to W is e iL 6 4 i 41-3 7 r. 4 1 2 GOLF X X^ 73 likova. Czechoslovakia. $IX 8X. 9 Anyone waiting more information A. Sorensen iW 'l 1-9 9 6 0 0 1 Anne-Mane f’alli Budd, all 52. Bolton's Continuing Education Rasmussen 22-3 3 0 0 0 1 1 1 37- 38-73 $104 414 10 parent counselor who has lectured The board, at times, has relaxed its study the policy and the complaints W L Pet GB T-2 02 A-6(D9 Lynn Adams VILLAGE MIXERS- on the program may call the Armstrong 1 3 2 2 0 0 37-37-74 $101,149 Los Angeles 84 62 .577. Janet Coles X-39-74 T A LI, W OO D widely on child development and busing distance policy to accom­ and to make a recommendation for Houston S3 63 i)68 1 Los Angeles BOWLING Bob Hoff 223-526, Ken selectmen’s office at 649-8743. 1-^l.nl. . \l' l-> D . CHICAGO SEATTLE Cindy Ferro 37-37-74 consideration of the entire board. Cincinnati 79 68 .727 Welch IW 13-9 71-3 3 3 3 Texas Open 1. Wayne Webb $X.8X 2. Mark Ruth IS Holes - G ro ss, child relationships. modate children who had to walk in ab r h bi ab r h bi Dchby Rhodes X-38-74 Oliver 214, Art Shorts 545, Adanta 77 « S27 - ('astillo iS7) 12-3 0 0 0 At San Antonio. Texas. Sept 18 $84 X0 3. Mike Aulbv D TI 4 Garv Lemon cf 11 00 Allen 2b 20 10 Bonnie Brvant X-38-74 Florence Ramsey 88; Net, San Francisco ® 77 473 17 T -2 f2 A-30.738 -Par 70) Dickinson X1.422 7. sieve MarlinXO 300 Cindy Dodson 178-204-543, Suthrlndlf 4 0 0 0 Simpson rl 1000 Marlene Bagge 35- 38--74 San Diego 64 S3 4X. 20>i 6. Nelson Burton Jr X/.ax 7 Earl Marie Johnson 81: 9 Holes A Public Service of this Kuniz ph 10 10 Beniquz ph Becky Pearson 37-37-74 Judy Robertson 175, Janet Thursdav s Results ilOUSTON CINCINNATI 32- 32-« Anthony, X3241 8 Tom BakerX.3 ifo 9 Baines rt r 00 1 Craig cf J n q ? Uarv Hallberg Vivian Brownlee 37-37 -74 - Gross, Ramsey 44; Net, Houston 10. Cincinnati 2 ab r h bi ab r h bi Palmer Fallgren ri.OU? 10. (ieorge Rawson 196-187-546, Kate Johnson lb 2 2 10 Walton rl J B lllW s B Davis-Cooper Coventry school enrollment below prediction 36- 38-74 Atlanta 2. San Francisco 1 Morganrgan; 2b 2 2 2 Collins cf 4 110 ■ A , • Fuzzv Zoeller Papas. XO.iro Sally Goodwin 36. Arnol- newspaper & The Advertising Council Landsty2b 0 0 0 0 Griffey rf 40 10 Squires lb 1 000 Narronc M Nause Hansen X-36-74 Kelley 178-203-184-565, Bon­ Los Angele$7. San D ie g o i night Ntol , A n Harrv Dihl 30- Cindy X-~«. Hill NAS( AR Cabeinb 7 12 1 Conepen ss 4 111 lolinardh 3 12 0 BSteinph 35- 38-7fi 1. Dale F:arnhardt $X1.3X. 2 Calc deen Thornton 40. Lois Friday's Games X- 3O-6F1 Kathv Hilc ny Solomonson 195-450. COVENTRY— Enroll­ the school board's atten­ board's decision about ment in Spanish I classes shop at Capt, Nathan Hale Puhl rf 7 22 2 Foster If 4 00 1 Pryor dh 1 0 0 0 LCoxpr u 0 0 u S liiM l X-37~7T, Yarbf.rough $32B.IX 3, Darrell Wallri I A ll Times E D T i Mornsn2b 4 12 3 Paciork Ib 3 0 0 0 Forrest Fezler 31- 3A-€f- Carol Mann X-37-X- Dion 41. busing parochial school Philadelphia - Walk 10/> at Chicago JCruzU 7 12 2 Driessn lb 4 00 0 $308 940 4, Richard Pettv $3082171 5 ment in Coventry public tion Thursday night. at Coventry High School, School. No action was Foley c 3 0 2 1 Bovhtelb 1 U 0 0 33- 33-« Terrv Mayes X-X-TT, •Reuschel 11-11).2:30pm Cedenocf 4 1 0 0 Knight3b 4 0 10 Benny Parsons $297,727 6. Ikibby Allison students out of town. A Walling lb 3 0 2 1 Nolan c 4 0 00 Borginnn c 0 0 00 LRobrtsIl 3 0 1 0 J <■ 32- 34-66 Sandra Post X-48~7f. PARKADE Dl’STY- schools totaled 1,778 as Elman said he received a and excessive noise in the taken. New York 'Zachry6-10i at Pittsburgh 33- 33-66 $384,747. 7 Buddy Baker 1212 7X. 8. Neil Puiolsc 1 0 0 Oesler2b 30 10 Mullins 3b 4 0 0 0 JCruz2b I 0 0 0 Lee Trevino IxiULse Bruce 4(Kr-r I Rhoden f / 1,7 X pm 0 XI- 34-66 Bohnett $1X777 9 Terrv Labonte Brian Boyington 203, Dave schools opened this month. petition from 11 residents meeting will be scheduled, Asnby c TCruz ss 4 0 0 0 Horton dh I n I ft I^ug Tewell Chris .lohnson X-39-7T. Montreal -Rogers 14-1) • al St Louis 30 10 Pastorep 2 0 2 0 Hale Irwin 34- 32-66 $177.UX 10 Jodv Ridlev $1.Y IX Loucks pr 0 10 0 Bench ph 1000 Edler 3b 2 100 Alice Ritzman 37- X-7:. Chagnot 204-205-575, Bob School Superintendent Ar­ in the Mason and Wall Elman said. -Forsch ll-Oi. 8 X p m Keith Fergus 34-33-67 Alison Sheard C A H f Sambitup 1 0 0 0 Hume p 0 0 0 0 Mendoz ss 3 110 36- 38-77. -Indv cars) streets area, seeking a In other business Atlanta • Alexander 13-81 at San Diego Lon Nielsen 33-34-67 Karolyn Kertzrnan Oliver 205-591, Tom Corbitt nold Elman told the Board Reynlds ss 4 0 0 0 Leibrndl p 0000 Milborn ss 1 000 X-37 77. 1 Johnny Hulherlord l4X.rtf . Bobbv ' Mura 6-7i. 10 p m Ed Sneed 32-Xr-67 Marga Stubblefield 2 6lote LEND H illc X-37-77. 207, Ed Czaikowski 207, of Education Thursday change in the bus stop loca­ Thursday night, the school Cincinnati • Moskau9-7 > at lios Angeles Forsch p *2 0 0 0 3 122 Jay Haas •33-34-67 I -nser C492U9 3, Tom Sneva $IS 0® 4 Andersn2b 0 100 Donna Caponi Young 37- 38-77. -Reuss 17/1. 10 30p m Bergmn lb 12 11 X-32-67 Hick Mears|123.Ba).', (iordon Johnco<’k Floyd Totten 204, Don .Mever If Jeft Thomsen Cathy .Morse 4I•X^-76 night. tion. Parents compalined board: Houston - Andujar 3/ 1 at San Francisco Totals 39 10 12 9 Totals 34 2 7 2 $101,370 6 (iarvlk*ttnhdu.senfc9 477 7 Totals 33 r I f Totals Sf'ui" BiHKraUerl 32- Peggy Xr~67 Conlev X-46-76 Wilson 236-573, Ken Friday I Knepper 9-16), 10 X p m Houston 000 010317-10 Scolt Simpson 33- 34-67 Pancho Carter $87 X4 8, DannvOngais Elman said the enroll­ there are too many • rescinded a motion to Cincinnali Chicago (XI) 1(0 001-f Kathy Marlin 37-39-76 Saturday s Games 200000000-2 Mike Soli 33- 3A-67 X I .6® 9. Al Unser $®6in io Tom Hesford 227-593, R ich FOOTBALL E—Griffev. Foster LOB-Houston 4. Seattle ®1000.W-4 Dianne Dailev 37-39-76 Bagiev $®.U4] ment is 101 students fewer students waiting at the one begin a program for Philadelphia al Chicago DP—Chicago Lon Hinkle 32-Xf-67 Marlene Floyd South Windsor al East Montreal al St Louis {’incinnali / 2B-Collins. Cdncepcion.•pcion. *'* i uui>-i.nKagoLOB-Chicago u.9 jr"'•■■■■"*^ 37-X--76 tllOROUGHBREI) RACING Higgins 211-214-602, Don than in the last school year, stop for their area — at the talented and gifted Ashbv, Bergman. Griffey. HR- Morgan >" 2B-Smherland. Mnlinaro ' ' “ ‘'P-'V 34- Holly 34-68 ilartlev X-3B-76 AN -Compiled by Daily Racing Formi Houston al San Francisco • n iitt II.■■ A .• I2) S- X-37-76 J(K’KEYS - . Chris McCarron McLaughlin 206-557, Carl and 45 students fewer than comer of Route 31 — and students in March 1981. New York at Pittsburgh, night i)an i’ohl 34-34-68 Rusey Bartlett 1 IP H RERBBSO I’ryor. Horlon 37-X--78 X.1X91B 2, Lahti Pincay $4.W,8Uf. 3 G la s t o n b u r y at Cincinnati at Los Angeles, night Lance Ten Broeck X-33-6B Marianne Bretlon Ogren 206, Jim Magowan projected for this year. that bus stop conditions Board members decided Houston IP H H ER BUSO X-X--X Angel Cordero Jr $4.704.3X. 4 Bill (Sl> Atlanta al San Diego, night Brad Bryant Simshury, 2:30 Forsch - W 12-121 Chicago Kathy Posllewaite X-X -76 210, Ken Cooley 212, Dave were unsafe. the new program, should Tom Weiskopl X -X-68 Shoemaker $4,390,164 f. Jeffrey Fell liie decrease was fairly Sambilo iS 16) Trout 6 1-3 7 4 4 3 4 Cathy ManI X-38—77 Charlie Gibson X-33-68 14 0®771 6 h^die Delahoussave Witham 204. Kockville at Hall, 2:30 The group's original Pennant Races A l A Glance Cincinnati Farmer 1-3 2 0 0 0 0 Ik-ih Slone 41-X 77 evenly distributed by grade wait until fall 1981. John Mahaliey X -33-68 By United Press International Pastore ‘ Lll-7- 7 7 4 4 1 3 Wortham 1-3 0 U 0 I 0 Alice Bauer X X - -77 SOCCEH ARM David Edwards :d -x ^ level, Elman said. The request for a bus stop • approved filing of Hume I’rolv -W ^-O- 1 0 0 0 0 0 Ikmna Davis X -39-77 1 2-3 3 4 4 1 2 Danny Edwards X -X-68 Gilhert at East Catholic, AMERICAN LEAGUE Leibrandt HoHman-Sli 1 2 0 0 1 0 Patty Hayes 42Xr-77 exception to the overall change was denied. Board another state form to en­ 1-3 2 2 2 0 1 Bruce Devlin 36- 32 -68 East Seattle Date Lundquist 40- 37 -77 3:15 W'P-Hume Balk-Forsch PB-Nolan Frank Conner 34-34-68 decline was at George H. member Charles Waugh, sure Coventry remains on We don’t want it for long. W L Pci GB T-2;37 A-O.X1 Beattie 7 7 4 4 7. 1 Kathy McMullen 37-4(k-77 Jim Thorpe 37- 31-68 Vinal Tech at Cheney New York 93 f a 637 - Rawley-L7-7i 11-3 1 | 1 2 2 Cathy Reynolds X-X-77 Jai Alai Results Robertson Sctiool, where who lives in the area, said the waiting list for building Roger Parker 34-34-« lielty Burfeindl Baltimore 88 ra 600 7 •ATLANTA SAN FRANCISCO D Roberts 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 41- 36-77 Tech, 3:30 he would investigate the renovation funds The code We do want it for life. For the life of some patient in a hospital NEW YORK Sarmienio 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Wally Armstrong 34-34-49 Brenda Lunsford 41- fnt X-77 enrollment was slightly abrhbi abrhbi David Eger la I3N 726 SJO Windsor at Glastonbury You’re invited to join us (iames Remaining -16)—Home illi Beattie piichiHl to 1 batter in 8th. X-34-® 1‘enny Pulz ;B-4Q-7B 7 Km u 13J0 t4$ i d more than anticipated, he new complaint. and energy projects have here or in a nearby community. Royster II 4 U 0 0 Venable cf 4 000 Tommy Aaron 3 4 -X ^ Cathy Sherk a SM 440 Boslon -3>. Sept 19. 20. 21. ('leveland Hubbrd2b 4 0 0 0 Pellin i ss 20 0 0 Wortham pitched lo2 halters in8th 37-41 X 4CMalta*w1« 7.6$ 4,$$ Bloom field at South '4- Sent ’2 23 24.X. Detroit -4).Ocl I’ B- Folev T -2 77 A--4 2K1 Wayne Ix>vi 34-X--® Hent*e l*owell :19X X 1 EWy Tim 41$ , 416 said. The second problem in­ been planned for some Matlhwsrf 3 0 0 0 Bourios If 1110 Ben Crenshaw 34-X-® Windsor on Friday & Saturday, 2.3.4.. Awav , O rl 3.4. Matula p 3 00 0 Sularz3b 3 0 2 0 CALIFORNIA KANSAS CITY ThCrese Hession 4(MI)--au 3 CaMa Ivtwm $.$$ r.$o Portland at Coventry Hubert 1 hompson X 34-ffl classes resumed. That received a letter from the Grammar School, effective Awav-7- S('|)i 14 al Cleveland <3). Camp p 0 0 0 0 Hrgshmr p 2 00 0 ab r h bi ab r h bi A-Monica O'Hare 41- X X $ U if iUh I I ■ 2a«i li6 parent, a retiree. Or maybe all of them. Terry Maunev 3B-X-® CKOSS COUNTRY Sept 26 27 28 al Bositin )4i. Sept 29 Minton p 0000 Thon ss 0 2 0 Wilson If 1 2 I Sue Fogleman 4)-4(> «I t e t e 13 1312$ Ikntia 21 SS126 position, a learning dis­ H artford law firm of Oct. 1. for refreshments and 2- 3U (k t I Kubski rl 7 0 2 1 W’shngt ss 3 0 00 Rex Caldwell 34-.Xr -® JoAnn Prentice ;»-42-81 Padacta 1-2 Stll.N Wohlfrtlph 00 00 Mark McCumber 34Xr~® Mccta t-3 US.S0 Bacon Academy at l^nslrd3b 4 110 Brett 3b 3 02 0 Debbie Haso C-40-62 TrrtacU 1-21 U7176 abilities teacher at Capt. Gersten & Gersten, which • adopted new board We’re not fussy whether it’s your right or left arm you prefer to Holland p 0000 Morris Hatalskv X-3A-® TrifKta 1 34 SS7090 Cheney Tech NATIONAL LEAGUE Clark ph 1000 Thmpsn dh 4 0 2 1 Aikens dh 3 00 0 a-Jeanie Huvendick €-41-83 Nathan Hale School, has represents about eight policies on paying bills and informai modeling of our lend us. We’re looking for the arm that stretches out to hug peo­ East Totals 3) 2 7 2 Totals X I 7 1 Harris lb 40 10 Ohsef 2 1 1 ) a-Elizabeih Smart 41-44 X a-amateur 1 Pack OarrtU » 20 IM 4.N l l n a k a l ^ 22 W 11.46 11N GIKLS VOLLEYBALL W L Pet (JB Atlanta 0002X000^2 (inch 2b 4 0 10 Hurdler! 4 120 been filled in the last two Coventry families who are school attendance areas. 2 Caiicw I M a $.2$ 3.M 2 6M iylkii*a 7.26 S.M ple back to health. You can help us find it. Montreal 8) S Ul - San Francisco ODD 000 010- 1 Harlow cl 2000 qu irkc 3 110 Bulkcley at East Catholic weeks. seeking transportation of The board also discussed a Philadelphia 79 66 f-4f. i 'l l-i-Pellini DP-Allanla3. San Francis- Clark If 3 10 0 U C ock lb 4 00 1 $ lar$M IMarta $$$ 1 ktaM Ganm 3.M beautiful new Misses’ & Pittsburgh 76 7D f.21 7 CO 1 LO B-Atlanta 7. San Francisco 9 Donohuec 20 10 Mullnks2b 3 112 ( M a 2-4 $3$.«l B m d t 2 $ 1M 46 Saturday There were some minor their children to St. James proposed policy on in­ MONTREAL M iller ph 1000 BLOOD...Let’8 get it TOGETHER 2&-BourJos HR—Chambliss 1I6) S - Pwfwta 4-2 S12tJ$ ParftcU $2 1172JI FOOTBALL transportation problems, School. creased pay for long-term Juniors’ Coat Fashions ’80. (iames Remaining il6>-Home i6i St Benedtcl. Murray SF—May W’hitm crc 000 0 Jai Alai Entries TrifacU 4-2-6 tU I3,4 l TrifaetJ l-M U34.I6 U u is -3-. Sept 29 . 30. Oct 1. IP H RERBBSO Carewph 1 000 Teirtk: Penney at Bloomfield, Elman noted, and most of The letter, which asks substitute teachers. The American Naliunal Red Cr«s» Philadelphia i3). Oct 3.4.7 AwayilOi Atlanta Totals X 2 10 2 Totals X 7 FRIDAY 4b6a 161 12$ 3 $l 1:30 When you clip and present at St Louis i3). Sept 19. 20. 21. at M atula-W 11-12) 7 I I 4 2 Calilornia IWOUOOOO ' O dI IS.M I.U 3.M them have been resolved. for a meeting with Coven­ • received written com­ 6 rnt; Srrsntir ICaMka I N 12$ Pillsburgh <2). Sept 2 23. al Chicago C a m p iS lB i 2 1 0 0 0 0 Kansas City dWflOO lUx-f. > IM t U 3.M 6.21 SOCCER Two unresolved bus try educators, claims there plaints from teachers on '2i Sept 24. X . al Philadelphia i3i. San Francisco DP-California2. Kansas('ily2. LOIV- l.lkaua l-Zarra rCiMA^OtarretA i m » LIbua ' «.2« 2 kata the coupon below, you will Sept X . 27.28 Hrgshmr IL4-7 6 1-3 7 2 2 1 3 Calilorma If). KansasCilyS 2B- Ham s. 3. Zcfai M it ia i 4. GsihMA-lirturtR IDauty 4. Imi M M a M I36.W IkiMU 4-1 SINN Northwest Catholic at problems were brought to are inequities in the school two matters: high enroll­ PHILADELPHIA Mmlon 2-3 0 0 0 0 1 Thon SB -Lanslord. Wilson2. Oils SF— S.fianaJlaN 6. lirquiH IteErti 1 .lte *a 6. Van N iK li ;-2 SIISN PaHacU 11 S241M East Catholic (girls), Red Cross. (iames Remaining -D i -Home -9i Holland 2 0 0 0 1 0 Oils 7. Padii-Jaim lEMy-Csrs 1. knm us 1 i Fanta Ttitaiti 12.4 U4I46 TrifacU 4^12 11.711.2$ receive a 20% savings on New York i2i. Sept 24. X . Montreal i3). Matula pitched to I batter in 8th IP H RERBBSO 10:30 a.m, Sept S 27 X . C h iia g o -4- Sept 29.X. Sub tate/taua Ste tt$e riMc HB!*-bvCamp iStennetti T-2:(B A - Calilornia I t r t M k ^ 13.N 12.26 I N CROSS COUNTRY (K l I 2. AWav -8- al Chicago -3i. 2.171 Mardnz iL8-7 2 1 Sacaat I Cm IM xrti 14.40 3.20 3.41 Sept 19 X .2 1 .a lS l D im s-21 . Sept 2 . Aase 4 Uuu I b it I 4.40 2.40 1 biakia b$a I N 3 N Manchester boys and any regularly-priced coat. 2 . at M ontreal-3-. (K’t 3 4.7 l.Zap>4apa 2. Gsirisiis-OUntU l.fintA-late t b r n y l m 3 Haul 2,30 7 la a ^ %mmmb 126 OAKLAND TEXAS IjRoche g irls at M anchester The Good Neighbor. PITTSHClUiH a b rh b i rhbi Clear 3 laraw-Zam iC ite ilU m 3.tmM$M 4.Va»teua IW -Home ilO- Hcndrsnlf 3 QUO Rivers cf 6 14 2 Kansas Cilv 1. Uij-lartveii $. H ull 1 ^ 1 1.0iWi »I m iiH 6 h m k M m ciI hrfK b U SIOtM ParftcU t-11U4.N Memorial, N.H. Don’t miss it! New Y o rk -3-. Sept 19 X 21. Montreal Murphy cf 4000 Grubbrl 0 1 0 0 Martin iW'9-91 7.1ata/lartlal tfiwsiteirts 7.bu«$M Ite iri i Mb-6rcarsta 1 IrilKta 04.3 SI.33I.40 TrifacU 1-1-7 1777N -2- Sept 22 23. St D*uis i2>. Sept 24. Pagedn 4 111 J^mplerl 3 111 quisenberrv Sab Patki-lMat Ste IftiRI iMilt SdOr. Taafttk: X . Chicago <3i. Oct .'1.4.7 Awav-6i Kluttzph 1 U 1 U Staubph H BP -bv UI(04’he Aikens Jotainy l|)|ri«seed’s Farm 0000 ...... 1 1 4 latcvM fiantf 7.N 3 N a lC h iia g o -3 i Sept X . 27 X at New Armas rl r 00 0 Bellph 10 12 I9;.'9 iNth: tbM diZ iqai 2SW $J6 (i6 4 .,i NEXT BLOODMOBILE VISIT York 'll- Sept 29 1) 0« t‘ l Gross3l) ;i-2 Norris rl $ «rtM hN 10.® 16.® 3kwk«a IN 1,2$ 0 0 0000 ItifcisWtetiAl l.BMuq-LNMt I k w A m k Gonzjilsib 4 2 2 0 Oliverlf M 2 2 DETROIT 1 iNoaiR HariM $® 7 [atakia Uawt I N ^ BALTIMORE 3. tairiwa iMwi 4. farfHBCbrrtta 1 JlRpui l$6A 4. lascarHFZRlaica 1 West Scncssn ph 1 0 0 0, Zisk dh r. 0 1 0 abrhbi abrhbi M a U 17761 M U M 134N WANTED THURSDAY, AUGUST 16 S.EBMtelhna 1. IrtMM GafaNMni W L IM (iB McKay2h 4 13 3 !*uliiamlb 4012 Peterscf 4 2 2 0 Bumbry cf f. 0 2 2 S.Zsg»4UKa i M t e r t s ParlacU 4-3 $1417$ ' IFawitfrCerwy Partacta $4 114116 Pick Your Own D isAngek’N H4 H2 fJT .Newman c 4 02 1 Wills2b f. I 1 0 Trm inll .ss M 2 I Dauerfb 42 10 7.lbzttt4artarM T.IrtuMrifS TrifaeU 4-3-7 IM I N Houston Kl 63 768 Kemp II TrifacU $4-11 U I7 i$ COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH 1 Guerrerss 3 0 0 1 Roberts3b I 12) 3 0 )1 Singlein rl 40 3 3 SikilfttCaya Su6$ BMMd^tlSRe^A Manteca 3.3N IM a 273.7H Cincinnati 79 H8 7J7 7'> Sundbrg c 3 2 2 1 Wcknfss lb 4 0 10 Murray Ib 40 11 I.OS ANIiKI.KS fMrth: TcrOc Harrisn ss 32 10 Parrish c 4 0 2 1 laiw nsinll 3 0 0 0 TO BUY 22^/lb. (iames Hemaining -I6- Home -lOi riildls X 6 9 6 Totals • X 10 16 10 ( Owens rl 30 10 Crowlydh 4 0 00 l.U6| 2.B«te> (.a n te t k u m ( innnnali <3- Sept 19 X 21. Atlanta .J______12:30 - S:30______Oakland (122X0(00 6 Sunmirs rl I 000 (iraliam c 4 1 )1 3.Zetai iC n i Ilriis 4. Mans -2- Sept 22.2:1. San Francisco-2) Sept Texas 3(B ItOtOx-IO I HrooknsSb 3 0 2 0 IK-CinesSb 4 2 2 0 1. late iP M ti I.OiVm N ifis a te This coupon entitles you to | 24 X Hi»uslon -3- (k l 3. 4. 7 Awav- K -Hendersiin. Harrelsim DP -Oakland Jones dh This Ad Sponsored By 4 0 0 0 Belangr ss 42 30 7.Hmcj I.Gms tto n ri t iM m m b (MAIN UNK FEWX -6- al San Diego-3- Sept X,27.X.al I LOB OaklandO. Texas If. 2B-O liver. 'W'hitakr2b 4 0 0 0 Sab lartarea Sub Ircjrus 1 CLEAN Now picking McIntosh Apples. Fresh, crisp, juicy red apples. All San Francisi o >3). Sept X .O ct 1 2 Wills.Sondb4*rg.Sample HR-Page<17i Totals li. , ; . 3 II 3 Tolals 36 7 13 7 DIRECT n O M FACTORY HOI STON SF (iuerrero.Sa-iple ' ' . " “ I 2U00100D6-3 rftth: Ekvtirt: dwarf trees means the picking Is fast and easy at Johnny (iames Hcinaining -I6i Home -6- IP H HKRBBSO lullim iirc l00(III32x-.7 , - RT 20% OFF Moriary Brothers Salem Nassiff Camera Shop ( im mnati i;i), Sepf X . 27. X . Atlanta Oakland 1. fsdii-Zvri l.IrtMS-Zspi 2. tran-Mstea 7 m p "'" J-l’-*-'*''-"" «■ Ballimore 1 USED GARS I I *;i.. Sept X . Oct 1. 2 Awav -10) al McCatIv iL l2 l4> 2 6 6 6 6 1 7 21* I'arnsh Smsielon. DcCinccs 3B- 3.fiM4»teM — i Csirimittetiti I IsscJrahCjrMMfii ilHRiy-lrict TREMENDOUS Appleseed’s Farm. Poles or ladders are never needed. Cortland, ! I San Frannsf ft -3i. Si-pt 19. X . 21. at l4nev 3 f 2 2 1 2 rctiTS. Bumbrv llH-(iraham I12l SF- S.MbXHitial $■ t m tern 1. tsapblhcArizs 1 $.0rba»2tecal Savings Bank of Manchester Heritage Savings and Loan San Diego.i2. SepI 2J. X . al Atlanta Kemp •I'ines 2 l-.'f 4 2 2 2 0 7. baekagi T. I iim 6s CsTRy U t t i t e l t e i Empire, Delicious coming soon. Call 875-1000 for picking con­ j any regular-priced misses' or •2 . Sc|it 24 X , al Dis Angeles -3i. Oct I.lste4tyi SAVINOSIII 1 Haimllim I-.1 1 0 0 0 0 IB H HKRBBSO Sab Z < t»*n a Sub bNFlMNH ;i. 4.7 Ik-ard 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Delroil ditions. I Holmes/Watkins Funeral Home Watkins Brothers ( INCINNATI Texas Wilcox iL 13-11) Sath: I m HOt INSTALLATIONS & SUPPLIES CARTER juniors' coat in our stock on (iames Remaining-ir I Home (71 San (lav 22^^ 6 4 4 2 1 laipcz BEFORE YOU BUY CALL US l.H bXarM l.iMiteUnrt Ila$c«MFfri|R Diego -2'. Sept .11 (ki i Allania '31. Darwin-W 12-4) f 2 2 I 2 4 iialtiiniiro {.Fatfts-lMWi j Friday and Saturday, W. J. Irish Insurance Agency Manchester Evening Herald 3. fcwda Kim I FaMts-Uaka 1 4.Iuti6M hpa FOR FREE ESTIMATES Johnny AppleseecTs Farm Of t :i. 4 . Awav I Id I iit,l.ns Angele.s .lohnson - S4) McGrgriWl9- 72-3 H l-kw-Znai S.frwpCanqr iErtaw-trcariMl '3 1 Sept I'j, ‘it 21 al San Francisco Hainillon miched lo2 haliers inflih Stoddard iS Z li I K3 0 $. te«i»Ls«Mt September 19 & 20. Central Connecticut Co-op mb -2'. Si'pl 22 XI. al Siin Diego -2- S(‘pt H BP bv Oarwin 1 Henderson) Wl Wilitjx pitched l(»2 hatters in7lh rOrbiB-bjM l.lrtMS-Hi86ri 7. hate! Ciriwii* lO rbal^Zsv SECUMTY FENCING Route 83 '24 X . at Houslim >;D. Sepi X . ‘27 X Jones T 3 (B A 7.f«) 12M Mail ' ■^ •'4 A 10272 Sab Ccai-lartarM Sub DanRy-Late TELM«-a4M Ellington, Conn. Harrison’s Stateners EVENING HERALD, Fri,, I - 19 18 - EVENING HERALD, Fri., Sept. 19, 1980 Some Wardrobe Nalp W tn M 13 H»lp W mfd Nafp W anted I’robale Notice If Halp Wantad f j Halp Wantad IS An entourage of 24,000 — Court of Probate, D is tric t of KEEP SMILINQ PLEASE READ ADVERTISING noblemen with their families Manchester NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ELECTRICAL RN or LPN -11 p.m. to 7 a.m., NURSES AIDES. Positions PLUMBER WANTED - Must SCREEN PRINTER - NOTICE OF HEARING k e ep ha ppy 1 or 2 nights a week. Laurel Rockville chamber servants and household goods Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations JOURNEYMEN wanted. available on 7-3, 3-11, 11-7 be experienced. Paid Holiday, Applications are presently ESTATE OF DOMINICK YDURAD DEADLINE — accompanied the Empress SAMDOGNA. deceased AGENCY: Federal Insurance Administration. FEMA. Holidays, vacation, Manor, 91 Chestnut Street. shifts. Good starting wages Vacation, Insurance. Call being taken for an opening in I^irsuant to an order of Hon William 12:00 noon tha day hospitalization and rate. Only 649^519. Elizabeth of Imperial Russia ACTION: Proposed rule. Clastiritd ads dra and benefits. Excellent oppor­ after 6 p.m,, 643-6341,742-7668. our ^reen Printing Depart- E FitzGerald. Judge, dated serious applicants need apply. tunity to learn nurses aides whenever she moved the 400 September 15. I960 a hearing will be SUMMARY: taksn ovar lha phona trafota publication. ment. Experience is ho8t§ bike rodeo mile between her palaces at held on an application praying that Call 646-& APPLICATIONS being skills. We will provide you GIRL FRIDAY. High School desirable. Excellent benefits. Technical information or comments are solicited on the proposed base (100-year) flood as a convanlanca. Tha St. Petersburg and Moscow. letters of administration be panted on accepted for kitchen help. with complete orientation In graduate. Light office work. Individual must apply in Per­ said estate as in said application on file elevations listed below for selected locations in the nation. 'These base (100-year) flood Harald Is raaponslbls Daadlino for Saturday At her death In 1761, Eliza­ PART TIME. Earn extra Apply at Vic’s Pizza and 'our position, as well as on the Will train in estimating. Hart- son to : Quality Name Plate. >ERNO> — In conjunction with bicycles must pass a thorough inspection more fully appears, at the tCourt of elevations are the basis for the flood plain management measures that the community is and Monday Is 12KH) Restaurant, 151 West Middle beth's closets contained 16,000 Prol»te on October 7,1960 at 2N|p P M. lor only ona Incorract money while the kids are in ob training. Apply: Riverside ford area. Call for appoint­ Fisher Hill Road. East "Rockville Festival Days," being spon­ required to either adopt or show evidence of being already in effect in order to qualify or re­ ey Turnpike, Manchester, Satur­ before the entrants can move on to the dresses. Pearl J HuRman. Insartlon and than only Noon Friday. school. Telephoneleph solicitation. ifealth Care Center. 526-2167. ment. 527-5255. Mr. Lallberte. Glastonbury. day, Sunday or Monday, 9:00 sored by the Rockville Area Chamber of skills test. Ass t Clerk main qualified for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). to tha alia of ^ho A few positions left. A good Prohatr Notice OM-09 NOTICES a.m. to noon. Commerce, all Vernon area boys and Particular attention will be given to the DATES: original Insartlon. advorUsomant will not telephone voice and diction a MECHANIC - Experienced In SUBSTITUTE WORKERS ARMED GUARDS - Wanted girls, ages 6-14, are invited to participate ('ourl ol Probate, D is tric t of Probate Notice The period for comment will be ninety (90) days following the second publication of this 1 — Lo«1 and Found must. Call Monday to Friday, all phases of truck and auto needed immediately. Apply to work in Electronic Alarm bicycle wheels, tires, fenders, frame, Manchester 2 — Personals Errors which do not bo corroctod by an ad­ SECRETARY - One man local Court ol Probate. D is tric t of proposed rule in a newspaper of local distribution in each community. 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Mr. repairs, gas and diesel. Manchester Public School Monitoring Central Station. in a Bike Rodeo. seat, brakes, pedals, chain, and NOTICE OF HEARING 3 — Announcements losssn tha valiia of tha ditional Insartlon. Law Office. Shorthand a ESTATE OF WINIFRED A Manchester ADDRESSES: 4 — Entertainment Barry, 569-4993. Minimum 5 years experience. Cafeteria Office. 45 North Must have clean record. The rodeo will be conducted in the handlebars. A minor p p air kit will be NOTICE OF HEARING must. Phone 646-2425. TURKINGTON. deceased 5 — Auctions Must have own tools. Start at School Street. 647-3461. References thoroughly parking lot of the Superior Court on Pursuant to an order of Hon William In re JOSEPH F E E MURRAY See table below. available to make spriall on the spot l^lrsuant to an order of Hon. William FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: $7.00 per hour. All Fringe checked. Immediate full and Brooklyn Street on Sept. 27, the day of the K FitzGerald, Judge, dated EXPERIENCED FULL TIME BABYSITTER Benefits. For appointment part time positions open. For repairs, lljjiuat-alao^ determined that September 12. IMO a hearing will be E. FitzGerald, Judge, dated Mr. Robert G. Chappell LABORERS ii EQUIPMENT GENERAL HOUSEWORK festival. The festival will feature sales by held on an application praying that an September 16. I960 a hearing will be for 8 month old son, in my call 688-7596. appointment call. 23M116. the bike fits the rider. When the rider heldeld on an arolication praying that the Federal Emergency Management Agency OPERATORS need only to for adult professional couple. Rockville merchants, a bicycle auction instrument purporting to be the last Bolton home, starting One day per week. Call 649- straddles the bicycle, both feet must be will ^ testament ol said deceased be name ol Joseph Fee MMurray urr““ be Federal Insurance Administration apply. Women encouragM to January. Light housekeeping changed to Joseph Murray Cap^------SHEET METAL PRESS 7204 after 5;00 p.m., WAITRESS NEEDED by conducted by the Vernon Police Depart­ resting comfortably on the ground. admitted to probate as in said applica­ National Flood Insurance Program apply. Call 871-7981, or apply desirable. 6^3995. local Downtown Restaurant, tion on fiie more fully appears, at the Sr. as in said application on file more at Job: Dobbs Crossing, Route BRAKE OPERATOR. Ap­ ment. and many othefcforms of entertain­ The skills test is designed to determine ('nurt ol Probate on October 7. I960 at fully appears, at the Court of Probate (202) 428-1460 or Toll Free Une (800) 424-8872 proximately five years four days per week, 7 a.m. to 3 to 30 A M on Oct 6. 1960 at 11:00 A M 30 Vernon, Conn. EOE. COMPANION- p.m. Apply in person after 3 ment. the rider's ability to ride safely. It will in­ Pearl J Hultman. Pearl J. Hultman. (In Alaska and Hawaii call Toll Free Line (800 ) 424-9080) Paraonala JANITORS to wash and wax experience. Mathematical There is no fee to enter the rodeo which Ass t Clerk Ass't. Clerk Washington, D.C. 20472 □ NOTICES floors. Forty hours per week. background preferred. Over­ HOUSEKEEPER to live in p.m. to Fanni s Restaurant clude mount and dismount, circling and EDUCATION DENTAL ASSISTANT for with older woman. 643-7918. is being sponsored by the Vernon Junior or.3-09 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Good starling wages and time and all company paid tots Main Street. change of direction in a figure eight, - Private Instructions UNATTACHED? Meet new Manchbster, Rockville oral benefits. Exceflent opportuni­ benefits In an air conditioned Call between 9:00 a.m. and Women's Club. Prizes will be awarded to The Federal Insurance Administrator gives notice of the proposed determinations of base • SchoolS'Classes an d Found 4:00 p.m. . straight line control, weaving Loti 1 compatlable companions in surgery group. Experience ty for dependable person. philant in Manchester. Dynamic WOMAN 18 and over to work winners, who will be determined from a LEGAL NOTICE (100-year) flood elevations for selected locations in the nation, in accordance with Section 110 - Instructions Wanted Manchester area. Lowest preferred. Call 647-9926 for In­ —inaneuvering to avoid obstacles, stop­ of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 (Pub. L. 93-234), 87 SUt. 980, which added Section Apply: Riverside Health Care Mlletal Products Company, In­ in plastic manufacturing full combined point total of a timed skills test REAL ESTATE LOST - Vicinity of Parker cost, elaborate, confidential terview. Center. 745 Main Street, East corporated. 646-4048. EXPERIENCED and part time shifts. Call 646- ping ability, short radius turning, and ADMISSION OF ELECTORS 1363 to the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 (Title XIII of the Housng and Urban Develop­ Street and East Middle Turn­ and dignified nationwide and bicycle inspection check list. balancing at slow speed. TOWN OF BOLTON - Homes for Sale Hartford. 528-2167. MECHANIC - Full time. See 2920 between 10:00 a.m. and ment Act of 1968 (Pub. L. 90-448), 42 U.S.C. 4001-4128, and 44 CFR 67.4(a). - Lols-Land lor Sale pike. Black Cat, one white system. Free literature. MANCHESTER DRlVE-lN Joe at: O'Addario's Auto Ser­ 4:00 p.m. Participants should arrive with their - Investment Property DIETARY AIDES. FiJH time The competition will end at 3 p.m. at Notice is hereby given that the Board of Admissions will be in These elevations, together with the flood plain management measures required by Section whisker. Answers to Dating of Prestige, William- and part time including some HOUSEKEEPERS. Full time needs counter help and vice, 117 Burnside Avenue, bicycles for registration between 9 a.m. 60.3 of the program regulations, are the minimum that are required. They should not be con­ - Business Property "Ebony." 647-9013. town. Mass. 01267. which time winning contestants will be session at the Community Hall, 222 Bolton Center Road, Bolton, - Resort Property weekend work. Apply In per­ including some week-end cashiers. Immediate East Hartford. PART TIME HELP - Mor­ and 2 p.m. and will be divided according to strued to mean the community must change anv existing ordinances that are more stringent in notified. There will be a first, second and on: - Real Estate Waniod Auctions 5 son: Riverside Health Care work. Mature and responsible openings. Must be 18 or over. nings. Changing tires and the following age groups: Juniors. 6-8; in­ their flood plain management requirements. The community may at any time enact stricter individual. Apply Riverside Call evenings, 649-6000; third prize in each age group. , MItC. SERVICES Center. 745 Main Street, East AVON- To buy or sell, call 523- lube. Hours are flexible. Saturday, Sept. 27, 1980 from 9:Q0 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. Hartford. 528-2167. Health Care Center. 528-2167. daytime 643-0(k O. termediates. 9-11; and seniors, 12-14. All requirements on its own, or pursuant to policies established by other Federal, State, or - Services Offered AUCTION SATURDAY 9401. Brown's Tire Shop; 646-3444. FOUND - Pair of man’s Saturday, Oct. 4, 1980 from 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M., for the pur­ regional entities. These proposed elevations will also be used to calculate the appropriate • Painting-Papering SEPTEMBER 20th - 40 years - Building-Contracting glasses, brown frame with pose of admitting those persons qualified to become electors. flood insuranee premium rates for new buildings and their contents and for the second layer of accumulation; furniture, insurance on existing buildings and their contents. • Rooflng-Slding green ball point pen. in brown household furnishings, old ri­ Qualifications are: applicant must be a U.S. citizen, be 18 years - Heating-Plumbing leather case at the fle. tools, riding mower, bric- TTie proposed base (100-year) flood elevations for selected locations are: - Flooring 1980 MODEL END Vernon asked to join of age and a resident of Bolton. Manchester Band Shell at a-brac, pine chairs and tables, Proposed Base (100-year) Flood Elevations - Moving-Trucking-Storage Manchester Community Dated at Bolton. Conn., this 15th day of September. 1980. flDepth in - Services Wanted sewing needs, etc., etc. Route College. Please pick up at the 66, Hebron. (6 mile west of Ilvi J. Cannon and Jean S. Gately, feet above MISC. FOR SALE Manchester Herald reception Junction of Route 85. Rain- phone rate opposition Registrars of Voters ground - Household Goods desk. date 9/21/80 10:00 a.m. Catherine K. Leiner. Town Clerk •Elevation in - Articles for Sale 049-09 - Building Supplies State City/Town/County Source of Flooding Location feet (NGVD) - Pets-Birds-Dogs ling g r ^ P a n o n a l Loans 9 Connecticut Manchester, Town Hockanum River Corporate Limits *73 - Musical Instruments white cat on Main Street, \ ERN'()N — The Town of Vernon is CCM officials said. LEGAL NOTICE Hartford County Upstream side of Middle *80 - Boats A Accessories Manchester last Saturday CONFIDENTIAL, Fast, inerbg - Sporting Qoods- being asked to participate in the CCM officials said this increase would NOTICE FOR ADMISSION OF ELECTORS, Turnpike night. Call 742-8161 after 5 Easy, Phone Application. municipal intervention in the 1980 add substantially to the telejmoneteleimi costs Downstream side of New *83 - Garden Products p.m. Funding Associates 232-9368, TOWN OF a m )ovf:r , c o n n . • Antiques anytime. Southern New England Telephone Co. for municipalities and other phone users. State Road - Wanted to Buy CLEARANCE Notice is hereby given that the Board for Admission of Elec­ IMPOUNDED - Male, 1 year (SNETCO) rate case, by the Connecticut Vernon has been, for some time, looking Upstream side of New *88 RENTALS tors for the Town of Andovei^ill be in session in the Town Of­ old mixed breed, gold and NEED MONEY? Cash Conference of Municipalities. into the use of other phone systems but State Road - Rooms for Rent black, Princeton Street. Male available for personal use. hasn't reached any decision. fice Building on School R o a d tt September 27th, 1980 from 9 AM 2,3000' upstream from *98 - Apartments for Rent about 1 year old. Any amount. Any purpose. If Vernon agrees, its share of the cost to 1 PM and on Optober 4th, from 9 AM to 1 PM, in accor­ - Homes for Rent would be $590. The telephone company has CCM said it recognizes that SNETCO is Adams Street Shephard/Cross. black and Home ownership not dance with State Statue Sec. 9-17 for the purpose of admitting Conrail Bridge *105 ‘ Biisiness tor Rent necessa^. Quick arrange­ a highly responsible corporate citizen and ' ^«4sor1 Property for Rent tan, well trained. Strawberry applied for a $110 million rate increase all persons who are found to be qualified to be Electors of the Northmain Street Bridge *109 Lane area. Call: Manchester ment. (/onfidential. Easy which is an increase of 36 percent in its also that the company needs an adequate ■ '^snted tc Rerl Town of Andover. Union Street Bridge *122 ' 'Misc for Rent Dog Warden at 646-4555. phone application. Funding rate of return from 12.11 to 16.5 percent. rate of return and undoubtedly needs Associates. 232-9368 anytime The qualifications are as follows: Applicant must be eighteen Upstream side of Union *145 AUTOMOTIVE some rate relief. Pond Dam P anonala 2 days, evenings, week-ends. However, CCM said it's highly con­ years of age, must be a resident of the Town of Andover, if - Autos tor Sale foreign born must be a naturalized Citizen. ^ 1,100' downstream from *148 - Trucks for Sale cerned that telephone rates not be - Heavy Equipment for Sale LOOKING FOR Class reunion Ruth K. Munson, Town Clerk Tolland Turnpike RESPONSIBLE PERSON(S) n EMPLOYMENT excessive, and believes that municipal 400' downstream from *158 - Motorcycles-Bicydes VERNON— The class of 1935 of for Board for Admission of Electors - Campers-Trailers-Mobile to commuteLuiTuiiuie iwotwo young ginsgirls loto consumers must help to assure that rates Tolland Turnpike Rockville High School is making plans to 051-09 Homes the! SSt, Maiy-St. Joseph School Help IVanled 13 be held to reasonable levels. Tolland Turnpike *164 - Automotive Service areaea in willimantic, from celebrate its 45th reunion at the Moose In addition, CCM is arguing for preser­ . TOWN OF MANCHESTER Corporate Limits *176 - Autos for Rent-Lease Route 66 in Hebron. Hours: FULL TIME THIRD SHIFT - Club on Oct. 11. vation of the "municipal discount" as a Bigelow Brook Hilliard Street Bridge *88 Semi flexible. Call 228-3810. Part time second shift. Apply Members of the planning committee are partial payment in lieu of personal proper­ \ Legal Notice Upstream side of Adams *95 7-Eleven on Center Street, between 7 and 3. June Maguire, Grace Hansen and Charlie ty taxes. Under the municipal discount, The Zoning Board of Appeals at a meeting on September 15,1980 Street Tobin. Upstream side ol dam. *107 the Town of Vernon saves, this year, $10,- made the following decisions: NURSES AIDES - Weekends The committee is seeking the addresses Appl. No. 743 - Barbara & David Rummel - 10 Ralph Road - 350' upstream from 320. Adams Street only. 6 months of Nursing of. or information about, the following Variance approved. Home experience requiretf CCM is also asking Vernon to consider 1,600' upstream from *120 class members; Wanda Pytko Anderson, being involved in a Town of Southington Appl. No. 744 - William Schaufler et al - 257 East Center Street - Call or apply: East Hartford Special Exception approved with conditions. West Middle Turnpike Convalescent Home, 745 Main Harold SHaw, Martha Williams Lombardi, case involving a retired police officer's Adelaide Hannaford Silvers, Leon Appl. No. 745 - Charlie's Service Station. Inc. - 260 Tolland 400' downstream from *131 Street, East Hartford; 528- claim for benefits under the Police and Turnpike - Special Exception approved. Broad Street 2167. Woodley, Immanuel Klette, Stanley Fire Fighters Heart Disease and Broad Street Bridge *136 Kowalski, Helen Youcharitz Lockwood Appl. No. 746 - Taco Bell - 270 Braod Street - Variance denied. Hypertension Law. Appl. No. 747 - Arnold & Ruth Zackin - 297 Ferguson Road - Edgarton Street *140 DENTAL HYGIENIST. Part- time. Immediate opening. and Alexander Miller. The issue to be decided in this case is Variance approved. 1,300' upstream from *150 Anyone having any information should Edgarton Street Pleasant surroundings. Salary whether or not a police officer who retired Appl. No. 748 - James E. Nakos - 75 Foxcrolt Drive - Variance negotiable. 646-3003. contact Ms. Maguire. 64 Tankerrosan before this statute was enacted, may now approved. 1,975' upstream from *155 Road, 875-7725, or any other committee Appl. No. 749 - Doris W. Thompson - 217 and 219 Spruce Street - Eidgarton Street PART TIME HELP apply for benefits under the statute. 450' downstream from *178 SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS member. Variance approved. NEEDED - Control Desk, Appl. No. 750 - SJJ Corporation - 283V Spencer Street - North Main Street Coffee Shop, & Telephone Board meeting Variance approved with condition. North Main Street Bridge *206 Solicitors. Apply: Brunswick Solar tour Summit Street Bridge *220 Holiday Lanes, 39 Spencer ANDOVER— The Board of Tax Appl. No. 751 - South United Methodist Church - 20 Hartford Street. Manchester. 6^2126. ON THESE 1980 LEFT-OVERS VERNON— The Tri-Town League of Review will meet September 25 at 7:30 Road - Appeal sustained. East Middle Turnpike *263 Parker Street Bridge *278 Also: Cocktail Waitress & Bar Women Voters will sponsor a solar energy Appl. No. 752 - Patricia Burke - 62 Santina Drive - Variance ap­ Maid, 646-3637 after 8:00 p.m. p.m. at the Town Office Building. The Woodbridge Street Bridge *287 tour in the Vernon-Tolland area on Oct. 4 board will hear appeals regarding the proved. Appl. No. 754 - Junior Women's Club of Manchester - 261 Broad Weaver Road Bridge *294 ^ T E A C H FESTIVAL MORNING STOCK HELP - AND DEMOS from 1 to 4 p.m. assessment of motor vehicles on the Oc­ 220' upstream from *301 The tour will include visits to homes at Street - Special Exception approved with condi­ Monday thru Friday. Apply in tober 1, 1979 Grand List. tion. Weaver Road Bridge & person to: Highland Park 58 Duncaster Lane, 51 Hillside Avenue, 42 Appl. No. 741 - Mt. Vernon Dairy Stores - 653 Center Street - Hop Brook 1,750' downstream from *75 Market, 317 Highland Street. OUR LATE MODEL USED CARS ARE Riverside Drive, and 36 Quarry Drive, all Special Exception denied without prejudice. Dog Pound Road RAKE SALE in Vernon; and 117 Baxter St., and the Police report 1,200' upstream from *85 GENERAL CONTRACTOR All variances and Special Exceptions shall have an effective filvan hj the Women’s Auxiliary Of the NEEDS CARPENTER - Must Davies house on Baxter Street, and the ANDOVER- The police report for the date in accordance with the Connecticut General Statutes. Dog Pound Road INSURED AGAINST MAJOR REPAIR West Olcott Street Bridge " Bolton Voltintoer Fire Dept. be knowledgable and Northeast Utilities Headquarters, all in month of August includes one disorderly Notice of these decisions has been filed in the Town Clerk's Of­ experienced in all phases of Tolland. fice. West Center Street Bridge *100 construction. Call 742-6062. conduct, one runaway, one other. The Downstream side of Hartford *106 Hold at the: three cases were all cleared. There were ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS COSTS FOR 1 YEAR OR 12,000 Ml. Edward Coltman, Secretary Road Bridge BABYSITTER WANTED. Radiothon three accidents without injury in August Dated this 19th day of September. 1980. 650' upstream from Hartford *114 Bolton Firehouse Three small children. Monday 79CHEVETTE $4695 4 Dr. 4 cyl., luto. tram., rear win­ 76 o n . <3095 75 FORD $2295 80 cm. $AVE 75 FORD ____ FARMINGTON— A radiothon will be and one with injury. Road Bridge and Wednesday mornings. Malibu C ltM lc 4-Dr.. V-8. auto.. Maverick 4-door, 6 cylinder Malibu 4 Door. V-6. auto., power $2395 m s i ______Notch Rd. dow, detogger, radio. Clean and Pinto 2 Door. 4 cyl.. auto■to tranr.trana., held Saturday and Sunday by radio station 1,850' downstream from *124 Your home, Bolton High. nice. air cond.. Power steering, radio, automatic, power aleerlng. radio. steering, radio. Rear window redlo. Keeney Street Bridge Bolton, Ct. School or Manchester area. very low mileage. defogger. very low mileage. WRCQ for the benefit of St. Jude's ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 77 PIV. $3595 78 CHEV. $3795 Keeney Street Bridge * Pays $1.50 hourly. Call Betsey 76 OLDS $3795 Children's Hospital. Last year the Town of Manchester, Connecticut ______Sun. - tipt 21tt Front 4-7 P.M. Cutlass Supreme Cpe. V-6, Auto., 600' upstream from Interstate • at 649-4381. Votare Premier Sta. Wg,. 6-Cyl.. 76 DOM <2995 78H0MM $4695 Chavatta 2 Or.. 4-cyl.. 4-speed, radiothon raised $52,000 and this year New principal (Owner) Aulo.. Power Steering A BraKes. Aspen Cuttom 4 Door. 6 cyl.. air cond., power steering A Civic c v e e Cpe.. 4 cyl., auto. radio. Route 84 (Exit Ramp) Radio, Rear Defogger. wood •uto.. air cond.. power steering, brakes. AM/FM stereo, vinyl roof, AM/FM stereo. Low mileage A sponsors hope to" increase the amount. low mileage. Sealed Bids for Cleaning and Lining of Water Mains and Ap­ 1,700' upstream from Inter- *157 sides A beauty. radio, vinyl roof, nice. TRUCKS Those who wish to contribute may phone purtenant Work. Contract 2, Contract 3. Contract 9 and Contract state Route 84 (Exit Ramp) 78 FORD $4695 79 CHEV. $5795 v-r the station at 1-800-842-9557, or mail it to in Coventry 10. wilt be received at the office of the Director of General Ser­ Prospect Street Bridge • SOGHEVROin *5995 79 FORD $4595 79 TOYOTA *5195 Fairmont Squire Wagon. 6 Cyl.. Monte Carlo Cpe.. V-8. auto., air Pick-up, 4-cyl.. AM/FM stereo. St, Jude's Hospital, Box 276, Manchester, vices. Municipal Building. 41 Center Street. Manchester. 1,000' upstream from • Citation 2-Ooor Coupe. V-6. cond.. power steering A brakes, Fairmont 4 Or.. 4 cyl., auto, power * auto., air cond.. power steering A auto., air cond.. power steering, steering, radio, vinyl roof, clean, Looks like new. 06040. The money is used for research into Connecticut 06040, until 11:00 a m. EDST on Tuesday, October Prospect Street Bridge brakes, radio. A Beauty. elec, rear window defogger, many COVENTRY — The Board of Education radio, special 2-lone. Lika newl more extras. Like new. low mileage. or treatment of childhood diseases. Thursday night approved the appointment 7. 1980 at which time and place said bids shall publicly 1,850' upstream from 'W opened and read aloud. Prospect Street Bridge 75 MERC. $2695 78 cm . $4595 of Jacqueline J. Norcel as principal of Monarch Cpe,..6 cyl.. auto., 76 VOINS $3645 75 cm . $2195 Pick-up. 6''^ Fleetside. V-6. auto., South Main Street Bridge *198 HEY MDS! 80 cm . $4995 air cond.. power steering A Concert tonight power steering, radio, vinyl roof. Beetle, 2-Dr.. 4cyl.. 4 speed. Malibu 4 Dr., 6 cyl.. auto.. Radio, Monza 2-f2 Spt Cpe.. 4 cyl.. 4 Coventry Grammar School, effective Oct. Contract 2 includes the cleaning and cement-lining of ap­ brakes. Very low mileage HEBRON— A concert by Kathy 1.450' upstream from *210 radio, low mileage. very clean. spd.. radio, like new. 1. proximately 19,000 linear feet of 12-inch and 10-inch cast iron South Main Street Crane, international clarinet competition The selection of Mrs. Norcel was made water main and appurtenant work. Confluence with Porter *220 winner, will be held tonight at 7:30 at after interview sessions with four can­ Contract 3 includes the cleaning and cement-lining of ap­ Brook Rham Junior High School. didates for the position last week. The proximately 14,450 linear feet of 12-inch and 10-inch cast iron Porter Brook Confluence with Hop Brook *220 Ms. Crane, a junior-senior at Rham, is principal's post has been vacant since water main and appurtenant work. 1,400' downstream from *235 considered to be a world class talent. Sept. 1, when former principal William H. Contract 9 includes the cleaning and cement-lining of ap­ Charter Oak Street Bridge Earn Cash Proceeds from the event will be used to McDermott left to pursue a business proximately 15,000 linear feet of 12-inch and 10-inch iron water Charter Oak Street Bridge *246 purchase a grand piano for the school. career. main and appurtenant work. 1,400' upstream from *256 Mrs. Norcel received a bachelor's Charter Oak Street Bridge Contract 10 includes the cleaning and cement-lining of ap­ Autumn Street Bridge * degree in elementary education from proximately 12,200 linear feet of 16-inch, 12-inch and 10-inch 850' downstream from dam * up to... State honors Fordham University in 1961. She earned cast iron water main and appurtenant work. Dam • her master's degree in 1966 from Brooklyn Bid security in the form of a bid bond, payable to the Owner, is Lydall Brook North School Street * College, and this year she received required in the sum of 10 percent (10% 1 of the bid. Bid security Bridge $50.00 per week her sixth year professional diploma for shall be subject to the condition provided in the Instructions to 600' upstream from North *157 advanced studies in administration and Bidders. School Street Bridge VERNON — In recognition of his 50 supervision at Southern Connecticut State 1,100' upstream from North *167 years of medical practice. Dr, William College. The Instruction to Bidders. Form of General Bid, Contract, School Street Bridge Schneider, Rockville physician, will be Mrs. Norcel has taught elementary Plans, Specifications, Performance and Payment Bonds, and Oakland Street Bridge *175 SPEND YOUR EARLY EVENINGS honored Monday at ceremonies to be held other Contract Documents may be examin^ and obtained at 1,300' upstream from * children for 19 years in Grades 3, 4 and 5, the office of the Director of General Services, Municipal at the hospital at 11:30 a.m. and she has also taught in a departmen­ Oakland Street Bridge WORKING FOR THE HERALD.... Senator Michael J. Skelley of Tolland Building, 41 Center Street, Manchester. Connecticut 06040. A Upstream side of Dam *209 talized science program. deposit of $25.00 in cash or check, made payable to the Town of 900' upstream Railroad *229 will present Dr. Schneider with a citation In other personnel matters Thursday Manchester, will be required for each set of Contract from the state Legislature. Sponsored by Bridge night, the Board of Education: Documents taken. Any unsuccessful bidder or nonbidder, upon ( Downstream side of dam *239 CALL JEAN Skelley, the citation lauds Dr. Schnefder • accepted the resignation of Lester returning such set within 30 days. Saturdays, Sundays and legal (1,370' upstream from for his five decades of caring for Vernon Abrams, a social studies teacher at holidays excluded, after the date of opening of bids and in good Railroad Bridge) 647-9946 or area patients. Coventry High School. Peter Tracy was condition will be refunded his deposit. Upstream side of dam *264 A second honor will be bestowed on Dr. Ambassador Drive Bridge *270 appoint^ his successor. Contract Documents will be mailed to prospective bidders upon Schneider when Mayor Marie Herbst will Vernon Street Bridge *285 • appointed Kathryn Deener to fill a va­ request and receipt of a separate check for $10.00 made payable 847-9947 present him with a proclamation ap­ cant learning disabilities teacher position to the Town of Manchester, which will not be refunded. ^ 650’ upstream from *292 proved by the Town Council. It designates at Capt. Nathan Hale School. Vernon Street Bridge Monday as Dr. William Schneider Day. The successful bidder must furnish a Performance Bond and a Folly Brook Interstate Route 84 * • learned of the resignation of Lionel Payment Bond equal to 100 percent of the contract price. Bidwell Street Bridge • The mayor will also extend the greetings Jean, a teacher at Coventry Grammar of the council to the doctor. 950' upstream from * School. No action was taken. No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of thirty (30) days Bidwell Street Bridge As part of its own acknowledgement of • approved the appointment of Carol excluding Saturdays. Sundays and legal holidays after the date Wetherell Street-Bridge *139 the physician's half-century of practice and Drescher as chairman' of the English of opening of bids. 725' upstream from *150 membership on its medical staff, department of Coventry High School for Wetherell Street Bridge Rockville Hospital will host a week-long The Owner reserves the right to waive any informalities or to 1980-81. Last year's chairman, Kristina reject any or all bids, should the Owner deem it to be in the Downstream of dam (650’ •166 exhibition of oil paintings done by Dr. Elias, is on leave for this school year. public interest to do so. The Town also reserves the right to downstream from Keeney Schneider. • approved appointments to athletic make an award individually or collectively, whichever it deems Street Bridge) A a e ' I f The exhibit will be open to the public positions at Capt. Nathan Hale School. to be in its best interests. Upstream side of dam *176 ^ ^ *^''0 s*"*"' tie' op'"'®'’ Monday through Saturday between 12:30 William Ayer will serve as athletic direc­ 175' upstream from *179 The Town of Manchester is an equal opportunity employer, and Keeney Street Bridge and 2 p.m. and 4 to 7 p.m.. daily. tor and boys' soccer coach. Karen The hospital is sponsoring the event to requires an affirmative action policy for all of its Contractors Maps available at Town ^f Manchester Municipal Building, 41 Center Street, Manchester. Richardson wilt be girls' soccer coach. and Vendors as a condition of doing business with the Town, as focus attention on Dr. Schneider's Connecticut 06040. Call 643-2711 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Call 643-2711 '* • approved administration lists of sub­ per Federal Order 11246. 0044)9 medical service and to give local stitute teachers and school nurses and a Town of Manchester, Connecticut residents the opportunity to view his ar­ list of school bus drivers. Robert B. Weiss, General Manager tistic work. 055-09 . EVENING HERALD. Fri., Sept. 19, 1980 - 21 20 - EVENING HERALD. Fri„ Sept. 19. Apartmone For Roni 83 IS Homaa For 8ae 23 Homaa For 8ae 23 Homaa For Safa 23 Homaa For I 23 Homaa For 8ae 21 Homaa For 8ala 23 Htip Waned II Htip Waned Business & Service MANCHESTER - Unusual LUNCH COOK NEEDED - FULL TIME BABYSITTER Deluxe, One Bedroom Pull or part time. Monday NEEDED for 9 month old in­ Townhouse available at Pine thru Saturday. Mr. Steak, fant in Manchester or East Ridge Village. Features In­ Silver Lane, East Hartford. Hartford area. Call 289-0865 clude: Heat, air conditioning, 9S9-2800. after 6:00 p.m., or weekends. 7 / ^ C(M\u D. W. FISH REALTY GO. appliances, carpeting, in­ OF / mO M E S / ^ ^ dividual entrances and patio. BABYSITTER to care for CONSTRUCTION REALTORS Full basement with washer three year old. Wednesdays. LABORERS WANTED to 243 Main St. Manchester Tel: 643-1591 and dfyer hook ups. Easy 8:00 am . til 3:00 p.m., in work in Hartford and other Gnoup 1 A irlfft .4tto(Mtiori of fTEAl fo n s tervinq the qre.Mer accesslblity to everything. Manchester. 646-8719. areas. Travel may be Hours - Daily 8:30 AM - 8:00 PM 872-9153 M.4ncheUff AieA with mofe .»dvefti$inq'£1 ripertite $385 per month. Adults only. required. Outside work, using Vernon Circle Vernon ifnp.ict .4nd rflicierify fo» both btiyen .md tellen No pets. Damato Enterprises. SECRETARY- Jack Hammers and other Saturday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 646-1021. RECEPTIONIST. Doctor’s of- neumatic tools. We will M A N C H E ST E R , exceptional fifteen room rain. Good Wages and Colonial home situ a t^ all by itself overlooking MANCHESTER. Six room Hce. East Hartford specialist. f WILLIAM FISH TONY WASILtFSKY BEVERLY DIPIETRO MARILYN MAWHINNEY PAUL OLIVER FRANK BORYSEVICZ McCOY KICHAR, JR Sarvfcsa OUerad 31 8arvlcaa OHarad 31 Palnling-Paparing 32 Building Contracting 33 T^ing. Four day week. Two Benefits. Apply at: Ford, the towns of Manchester, ^Iton and Glaston­ aprtment. Three bedrooms. woman office. Reply Box 0, In Bacon It Davis, 520 Burnham bury. It includes five bedrooms and three FARRAND REMODEUNG - Newly remodeled. $400 per Street, South Windsor, DONALD FISH GRANT HARLACHER BOB PRAn LORRAINE BOUTIN JIM GOETCHEUS DAVID THIBODEAU VINCENT STRIANO CItM TREE SERVICE - Free PAINTING - INTERIOR AND month, plus utilities. Call 643- care of Manchester Evening bathrooms, a kitchen and a summer kitchen. estimates, discount senior EXTERIOR; Paperhanging. Cabinets, Roofing, Gutters, Herald. between 3 and 5 p.m. Room Additions, Decks, Ail 5001. weekdays. Formal dining room, huge family room and nine citizens. Company Experienced, references. Ser­ working fireplaces. The wiring, plumbingi Manchester-owned and B-B UPHOLSTERY. Custom ving Willimantic, ^pes of Remodeling and Work. Free Estimates. Will Repairs. Free estimates. Ful- MALE ROOMMATE wanted WAITRESS - Experienced. MAINENANCE MECHANIC- heating, insulation roof and foundation are circa operated. Cali 6^1327. Manchester, Bolton, Coven­ to share apartment. Between Some days, some nights. Good pick up and deliver. Please try, Columbia, Tolland areas. ly Insured. Phone 643-6017. Experienced In Machine 1973 while the rest of the house was built as early call 6^2161 after 4:00 p.m. 18 and 25. $150. Includes heat position. West Side Italian Repair, knowledge of elec­ as 1793! Three car garage, 6Mi acres. 649-2813. B&M TREE SERVICE, W. J. Grillo. 423-6582. LEON CIEZSYNSKI and electricity. 643- 4453. kitchen. 647-9995. where TREE-MENDOUS ser­ trical and plumbing. Welding ★ TO BE BUILT ★ BRICK, BLOCK, STONE - PAINTING BY CRAIG BUILDER. New homes, ad­ experience would be vice is guaranteed, now OGDEN. Interior and ditions. remodeling, rec MOVE RIGHT IN! Extra PART TIME - Are the kids w o L m o s offering FREE STUMP Fireplaces. Concrete. desirable. First shift opening. Chimney Repairs. "No Job Exterior Specialist! Fully In­ rooms, garages, kitchens large three bedroom home back in school? Pleasant Of­ Starting salary commen­ The best of both worlds. Country, GRINDING with tree sured. Free Estimates. Call remodeled, ceilings, bath tile with garage. Kids O.K. ^ ’s. fice Surroundings. 9 a.m. to 1 removal. Free estimates. Ful­ Too Small." Call 644-8356 for surate with experience. Apply living, yet 5 minutes to Manchester shopping. estimates. anytime, 649-8749. dormers, roofing. Residential 238-56tt. Locators. Fee. .m., or 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Call - Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. COVENTRY TO IE MULT 981,800 Don't miss this eight room Wendall Reid ly insured. References. Senior or commercial. 649-4291. 'r. Williams, 9 a.m. to I to 4 p.m. AMF CUNO Attention CHFA buyers! 5 room RAISED RANCH with 1 Colonial set on a beautiful 1 acre lot. Four Citizens Discount. 643-7285. NEWLY DECORATED two p.m., 569-4990. DIVISON , 47 Main Street. car garage on lovely wooded lot: Take advantage of low COVENTRY 984,800 EUINOTON IOI.DOO bedrooms, 2Vii baths, two car garage, vinyl DESIGN KITCHENS Talcottville. An Equal Oppor­ SOMETHINQ SPECI8L Four bedroom RAISED RANCH with a large Family Cabinets, Vanities, Formica bedroom home with base­ Interest rates and. enjoy the pleasure of owning a brand siding, fireplaced family room with heatolators 1 REWEAVING BURN PAINTING. INTERIOR AND Counter Tops. Display, ment. patio and more. $200’s. DRAFTSMAN to work up to tunity Employer. Excellent 6 room Colonial Cape. Spacious rooms; 11x23’ room; Located on child safe street; Newer home on HOLES. Zippers, umbrellas LOG SPLITTING, LOG new home! and custom features too numerous to mention CUTTING - Chain saw Ser­ EXTERIOR. Low rates. Fully Storage & Bookcases. Kitchen 236-5W Locators. Fee, Machine Designer. Very kitchen; Carpeting: Woodstove; 2 car garage; located on wooded lot; In excellent condition inside and out. This is details repaired. Window shades, insured. Nine years experienced on board, in vices. Lawn Mowing. Raking. Cabinet Fronts. Custom HN’S or LPN’S acre plus of park-like grounds. See it today! the home with all that you are looking for! Venetian blinds. Keys. TV Economical. Cali 633-5361, experience. Free estimates, Woodworking. 649-9658. NEED MORE SPACE? Five areas of Mechanical, & ASSOCIATES FOR RENT. Marlow’s, 867 64S-1085.______carpeted rooms. Modern Sheetmetal, Drives, Welding, Tony. Main Street, 649-5221. Rooting 34 appliances. Yard for kids and some Electrical. Call Mrs. NEW MJUUGaKNT M 9-4003 EXTERIOR PAINTING, pets. Only $275, 236-5646, Brunetti at 643-2487. Pressure East Hartford Convalescent DAY CARE NURSERY experienced college student, PROGRAM - State Licensed. ROOFER WILL INSTALL Locators. Fee. Blast Manufacturing Com­ Home is now the Riverside Quality workrk. V ery roof, siding or gutter for low pany, Inc., 41 Chaple Street, 3 understanding Teachers. Health Care Center. Starting MANCHESTER. New custom built 1800 square pm discount price. Call Ken at HEAT PAID. Plush two Manchester, Connecticut. wages are RN’s $7.50 per Enclosed play yard, 569-3458 or 569-4945 foot Ranch with two car garage set on large LAWNS CUT. Expert service. playroom, lunches. Learning 647-1566. bedroom with laundry hr., LPN's $6.50 per hour. Lowest rates around. Call for facilities. No lease. Just $245. Night and weekend differen­ treed lot. Spacious fireplaced living room, 2 experiences. Keeney School LEE PAINTING, Interior & Haaling-Plumbing 35 baths, lovely kitchen, city utilities, gas heat and free estimate. 649-7773 District. Immediate openings. Exterior. "Check my rate 236-5648. L q S p illin M i tial. Paid sick days. Paid evenings. SPORTS SALES holidays. Blue Shield. Blue more. Price $94,500. 2 to 5 years. 646-4864. before you decorate." Depen­ NO JOB TOO SMALL - Toilet dable. Fully insured. 646-1653. VERNON. Won’t last long. Cross. Major medical dis­ CERAMIC FIRING. Discount repairs, plugged drains The Hartford Hellions, ability insurance. Free life 1 Painting-Papering 32 kitchen faucets replaced Two bedrooms with the professional In-door TOLLAND SOMETHINO DIFFERENT 088,900 SOUTH WINDSOR ELEBANTI rates. Quick service. Call 643- GENERAL PAINTING - appliances. Yard for kids. insurance. Two weeks vaca­ I 2543. repaired, rec rooms soccer team, wants to hire tion after one year. DUTCH COLONIAL with split entry on 2 acres treed lot; This 12 room executive home was designed for easy living ZINSSER AGENCY 646-1511 PROFESSIONAL PAINTING I n t e r i o r It Exterior; bathroom remodeling, heat Just $200. 236-5646. Locators. tour s.ales people to sell COVENTRY 988,900 2 driveways, 1 circular , 4 or 5 bedrooms; Living room has and formal entertaining. Features include a front to back - Interior and exterior. Specializing In Exterior Trim. modernization, etc. M & M Fee. Positions on 7-3; 3-11; and LAWNMOWERS Commercial and residential. group tickets and season 11-7 shifts. RN Supervisor Circa 1800s-Center chimney Colonial with over 2,500 full wall mural; Formal dining room; Fully applianced living room with 8 ft. fireplace; Country kitchen with Free Estim ates. Fully In- Plumbing It Heating. 649-2871 BUSINESS BLOCK I REPAIRED, 15% Sr. Citizen Free estimates. Fully in­ Call 646-0709, or 742- tickets to Hartford's positions available 3-11 and square feet of gracious charm. Wide board floors, four kitchen; Large bedrooms; Ample storage and built-ins; eating area and pass through to formal dining room; Discount! Free pick up and sured. KIDS O.K. Spacious tour MUST BE SOLDI sured. 646^879. 5087. Flooring 36 roomer with laundry facilities newest sporting event. In­ 11-7 shifts. working fireplaces, two full baths, and over an acre of Vh baths; Brick floor to ceiling fireplace in Family room Knotty pine office with private entrance; First floor laun­ 1 delivery! Expert service, APPLY land. This house is superb! BETWEEN TWO BANKS and more Just $150. 236-5646. door soccer. and MUCH, MUCH MORE! dry room. ECONOMY LAWNMOWER. Building Contracting 33 nvnsnE NEUTN CME COTDI CLOSE TO TOWN HALL [ 647-3660. INTERIOR PAINTING FLOORSANDING It Locators. Fee. 745 MAIN STREET AND WALLPAPERING REFINISHING floors like You can work full or CLOSE TO COURTHOUSE EAST HARTFORD, C T IF YOU PURCHASE A HOME FROM D.W.FISH, IN OUR LOCAL AREA, POSSIBLE FINANCE HELPI Quality professional work at WES ROBBINS Carpentry new! Specializing in older Homaa for Rant 54 part time and earn sub- 828-2167 WILL DELIVER small loads reasonable prices. Fully in­ remodeling specialist. Ad­ floors. Natural and stainded WE GUARANTEE YOU WILL NOT HAVE THE EXPENSE OF TWO HOMES. CALL NOWI of sand, gravel or loam. Call stanlal commissions. sured. Free estimates. G. L, ditions, rec rooms, dormers, floors. No waxing anymore TWO BEDROOM HOUSE. Work from your homo 1 644-1775. Can call 7:00 a.m to built-ins, bathrooms, Also: Painting. John Ver- Near hospital. References. DISHWASHERS 4 COOKS. McHugh. 643-9321. and/or In your own town. Homaa For Sae 23 10:00 p.m. kitchens, M9-3446. faille, 646-5750. Security. Lease required. $400 To arrange an Inter­ Part time nights. ^p|y in t o d a y 's is m ji , per month. Group 1 Philbrick view, please call the person; Tacorral, 246 Broad ONE OF MANCHESTER’S MOST * Agency, 646-4200. Street, Manchester. RANCH - Nine rooms. Formal MANCHESTER, CONN. Hellions at: PRESTIGEOUS RESIDENCES dining room. Rec room with Commercial Lot Articlaa tar Sale 41 Articlaa tar Sale 41 Apartmanta For Ron! S3 wet oar. Separate master Heavy Traffic Count SOUTH WINDSOR KENNEL SPARKLING three bedroom WAITRESSES. Part time, Real CLUB offers 8 Weeks house with basement, dis­ S27-28B0 nights. Apply in person: bedroom suite with cathedral Ideal Fast Food Restaurant, 23" COLOR CONSOLE T.V. FEMALE ROOMMATE ceiling. Large flag-stone $200.. Automatic, white Handling Course, in Breed It hwasher, extra bath and Tacorral, 246 Broad Street, Estate Convenience Store, Ob^ience, beginning October WANTED - Non-smoking, TO­ more. Call 236-5646. Locators. Manchester. patio. Pool. Wood-burning washer, $65. Bureaus, antique ALUMINUM Sheets used as TS. Manchester Townhouse. stove. $89,500. Group 1, Drug-Store, Bank, etc. ost bed, $35. Trunk, $45. M3- 1st and 2nd. Cost $25. For Fee. printing plates, .007 thick further information: 569-3010, $150 monthly including heat •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ai nomaa Ttoeow) QWMiiy, Philbrick Agency. 646-4200. Sale or Land Lease 23x28!A", 25 cents each or 5 563-0128, 678-0254, 289-8188, and hot water. 649-1312. tVanfed 10 Rant 57 Many states and the for $1. Phone 643-2711. Must be STEREO - Akai Reel-To-Reel 684-5191 and 875-9127. REGISTERED NURSES federal government are picked up before 11 a.m. MANCHESTER. Main Street. GARAGE TYPE BUILDING BOLTON NEAR CENTER - 6 KEITH REia ESTATE 646-41261 Recorder, JVC 8 Track ONLY.______making attempts to Uualcal Inatrumene 44 2-3 room apartment. Heated, for Automotive Repairing in Room Custom Built Ranch. Recorder, Pioneer AM-FM/8 hot water, appliances. No the Manchester area. We need EVERY OTHER WEEKEND preserve natural Firenlace in, livinv room, Track Car Stereo. All POOL- 24’ X 4’, 7 ft. deep. screened porch. 2 car garage. Perflex filter, 8 x 12 deck. SPINET PIANO - Complete pets. Parking. Security. 523- approximately 3,000 to 3,500 FIRST SHIFT resources. The increasing excellent shape. Call 646-8385. 7047. $68,500. No agents. 649-8347. $500.00 or best offer. 568-7317. with bench. Good condition. square feet for a leading demands of population, tm ,0 W . COUMIALEight rooms. I'/t baths. national company. Call NO ROTATION commercialization and First floor family room with fireplace. Large | QUEEN SIZE WATER BED. Call after 3:00 p.m., 643-9078 CAR PLATES. Deluxe collect: 401-7244198, Rhode recreation are threatening modem kitchen, sliders to large deck. Walk-out Complete. Couch, coffee Island. PLYMOUTH LANE. Colonial. table, double bed. kitchen Custom made. Large color Boala-Accoaaorloa 45 Part time positions available for every other to eat up or pollute many basement. Gas heat. Two car garage. Wooded selection. Manchester Rubber t m Six generous size rooms. 24 lot. table, oil paintings. Call 646- THREE BEDROOM weekend in our first shift (7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.) natural areas. California Stamps. 20 Birch Street. 649- 1980 MERCURY OUTBOARD DUPLEX IN MANCHESTER foot livingroom. Fireplace. 0841.______□ AUTOMOTIVE No shift rotation. was the first state to take Dining room. Three 4489.______MOTOR - 7Vi Horsepower. - IVk baths, basement, new action and passed legisla­ Less than 10 hours use. $500 appliances, air conditioning. We offer individualized orientation and an b^room s. Itx baths. Garage. TV ANTENNA with power 16 FT. BOAT - Wood construc­ Hidden far from the road on 8.2 acres of scarlet etched trees sits this most magnificent tion to preserve redwoods },900. Group 1, Philbrick firm. Please call 569-2346. $4'ta per month plus security excellent salary and benefits package. PMLBRIGK AGENCY 646-42001 Rotor, booster, wiring $75. tion, with 25 HP motor. Also Auto* For Salo 61 3600 square foot brick Georgian Colonial, featuring: four generous bedrooms (master has in state forests. The Agency, 646-4200 Coffee Table, 42" round, deposit. Water furnished. trailer. Multiplex Stereo, with Sporting Goods 46 Available around October 1st. For more information or to arrange for a per­ private dressing room and bath), 16’ by 32’ living room with french doors to covered ver­ federal government has excellent condition $100. 643- tape, am/fm radio. Motor WE PAY TOP PRICES for sonal interview, please contact our Personnel taken similar action in 1237. Must be seen to be ap­ wrecked and junk cars. A & B anda, 16’ by 16^ dining room, 26’ family room, huge kitchen with breakfast room, laun­ MANCHESTER. Extra nice three bedroom mounted on a pedestal. Round TWENTY THREE FOOT preciated. For appointment to Department at ^1 2 2 2 , Extension 481. creating national parks or MANCHESTER. Colonial. kitchen table with 4 swivel Auto Salvage, used auto parts. dry room and lavatory, game room, five car attached garage, two heating systems, two national recreation areas Eight rooms. 2VX baths. First Raised Ranch. 2Vx baths, applianced. eat-in THREE CUSHION SOFA It PENN-YAN Sport Fisherman see, call after 5:00 p.m. 646- Call Tony 6 4 6 6 ^ . chairs, coffee table. Sedan. Hard top. Excellent such locations as Cape Cod floor panelled family room kitchen, formal dining. Panelled rec room with MATCHING CHAIR- Everything Priced 5881. MANCHESTER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL central air condition units, acreage possibly can be subdivided. Protected by ERA’S Colonial; gold tweed. condition.New electric trim 71 Haynat Straat in Massachusetts, Point with fireplace. Large modem fireplace and bar. Large two car garage. Central Reasonable. Call 742-6593. BUYER PROTECTION PLAN. Priced for the discriminating buyer; in excess of $200,- kitchen. Sliders to i ^ k . Walk­ air conditioning. Attractively landscaped lot. Excellent condition. Call tabs. VHF CB. Cutty Cabin BUDGET.Two bedrooms. All Manchaatar, Connacllcut 06040 Reyes. California and out basement. Gas heat. Two evenings. 649-8390. with head. Owner bought Equal Opportunity Employtr ,000. Call for a private tour. Garden. In-town but rural. $82,500. Doga-BIrda-Pata 43 modem with parking. Just others. car garage. Wooded lot. ^ , - larger boat. Call 742-8537 after $145. 236-5646. Locators. Fee. WANTED JUNK AND LATE SCREENED LOAM - Gravel. 5:00 p.m. MODEL WRECKS - Cash 900. Group 1 Philbrick Agen­ AKC GOLDEN RETRIEVER BLANCHARD & ROSSETTO REALTORS If you aro planning to cy. 646-4200, Processed Gravel, Sand, PETS O.K. Cozy one bedroom Paid. Call Parker Street Used HOWLAND REALTORS 643-11081 Stone, and Fill. For deliveries PUPPIES - 3 months. ShoU Garden Products 47 Auto Parts, Inc. 649-3391. put your homo up lor aolo including parvo. Great with modern appliances. Just $130. mako aura that II la In . call George Griffing, 742-7886. 236-6646. Locators. Fee. 6 4 6 - 2 4 8 2 children. 568-8639 afterS:00 PICK YOUR OWN tomatoes, aalaabla comllUon. Dona 189 W«8t Cantor 81., Corner of McKee Houaahold Goods 40 FOR SALE - Couch, end p.m. peppers and eggplants. Bot- Equal Housing Opportunity your houao nood pain­ MANCHESTER. Ranch. Rockledge area. Seven tables, chair, T.V. antenna, ticello Farms, ^ Hillstown EAST HARTFORD. Two ting? Or how about REFRIGERATORS rooms, I'A baths, two car garage, full basement, rotor. $95 . 72 West Street. BEST OFFER Road, Il^nchester. bedrooms offers large Washers/Ranges, used, Thoroughbred Male, German landacaping around your two fireplaces, treed lot, awning covered patio. Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 kitchen, living room with 13 Halp Waned 22 guaranteed and clean. New short hair Hunting Dog. 14 Halp Waned 73 Halp Waned 13 Condomlnluma homo? All thoaa Ihinga' Home beautiful! $77,900. a.m. NATIVE PEACHES AND dining area, garage, base­ and many othar Ihinga shipment damaged. G.E It weeks. Papers. Hip Certifica­ PEARS, Botti’s Fruit Farm. ment, private yard with gar­ OFFICE RECEIVING CLERK MALE AIDE FOR FULL SECRETARY FULL TIME - BABYSITTER WANTED - dntnrmlna whathar or not FRIGIDAIRE. u)w prices. DARK LOAM DELIVERED - tion. Call M3-8136. Apples, sweet apple cider. 260 den area. All utilities and TIME - Private duty care for Typing 60 wpm. Shorthand. Occaisional evenings and Manchoster Md $40's your homo will aoll quick­ B.D. Pearl It Son. 649 Main 5 yards, $50 plus tax. Also Bush Hill Road, (rear), appliances included at $375 Street, 643-2171. HELP! Allergic child - cats Full time opening immediately available in Busy paralyzed young man. For Diversified position. In­ weekends for a two year old. ly. Olva us a call at lha of- sand, gravel and stone. 643- Manchester. per month. Security, lease, details, call Paul Herbst, 875- surance experience helpful Call 646-0153. F J . SPILEGNI REALTOR 643-2121 9504. must go! Fluffy kittens and references required. 568-0138. OPEN HOUSE floo of lha TEDFORD two affectionate Calico, adult Antiquea 48 Main Office of Supermarket Chain, located in East 4173, after 5:30 on weekdays, but not essential. Ability to REAL ESTATE: Boothroyd Real Estate. PART TIME SALES CLERK - 84m., SapL 21ot females. 643-9982. Hartford. any time on weekends. work with people and handle 1 to 4 CENTURY 21, Rl. 44A STEREO COMPONENT details necessary. Excellent Experienced. Apply in person SYSTEM: Receiver, cassette, A N T IQ U E S It Boh on Notch, BoHon M7- COLLECTIBLES - Will TWO BEROOM. Near busline. KEY PUNCH OPERATOR. salary and benefits. Vernon to: 913 Main Street. (player/record), speaker GERMAN SHEPARD. Pure Appliances. Carpeted. Adults Manchester. Hillview Condominiums, 0014 and lot ua aall your GENERAL ELECTRIC 30 ” purchase outright or sell on IBM 5496. System 3. Apply at area. Please send resume to: INTERSTATE WARRANTY CO. HOME PROTECTION pair, turntable, stack rack. bred. Excellent guard dog. only. No pets. Security •SOME HEAVY LIFTING INVOLVED Gaer Brothers Inc. 140 flye Box 0 0 , c/o M anchester 292 Green Road. Spacious homo lor you. STOVE - Self Cleaning. Also: 643-4349. Ask for Ron. commission. Houselot or General Electric Air Con­ $390 or best offer. Four piece deposit. $300. 649-6253. Street, South Windsor. Herald. Private Instructions IB brick, 2 Bedroom bedroom set, modern style, single piece. Telephone 644- TOWNHOUSES. 1 ditioner. Please call 649-0343, 8962. •ORDERING & MAINTAINING SUPPUES or 643-1372, keep trying. solid oak. best offer. Call M3- Tlirae Funily PRINTING ARBY’S ROAST BEEF FLUTE INSTRUCTOR. Hartt baths. New plush DID YOU KNOW? 4350 after 5:00 p.m. Monday TAB SAU DEPTARTMENT. Typing RESTAURANT is hiring full College graduate. Extensive carpeting. New through Friday. Ask for Lee. WANTED - Antique Fur­ 1 SATURDAY S A.M. TO 3 P.M. niture, Glass, Pewter, Oil VOLKSWAGEN required. Running off-set time and part time for mor­ teaching, performing appliances. Choice of SMfir w «iq MidiH ^m , prartir’i (yH •RESPONSIBLE FOR XEROX PRODUCTION Environmental protec­ Paintings, or Antique Items. press and varied duties. Apply ning and afternoon shifts. experience. All levels; colors. Full basement. Arteea lor 8§e 41 LIKE NEW Baby's Dressing hmm. (iM UMi. itNii, AiV| tiUi, at Gaer Brothers, Inc., 140 bemnners, advanced. Peter tion within the limits of tcM tH k, ptoky, cMMic UtdM M m , Inc- R. Hairison. Telephone 643- FALL CLEARANCE SALE Limited positions. Apply in Conveniently located. Table. Was $80. asking $45. Rye Street, South Windsor. LaBombard. 633-7386: 649- national needs and com­ ttc. U watt StTMt MmkImi Ii i . 8709. •MUST HAVE OWN TRANSPORTATION nerson between 2 and 4. Ar- Wooded setting. Direc­ Baby’s walker $9. Carseat $6. by's Roast Beef Restaurant, 2036. mon sense appears to be Whan it comei to energy-saving, wallpaper is a little better than paint. 646-2096. UiMtSM*y. tions: Summit or Wood- OIL BURNER - 2 years old, in A N T IQ U E S It CLERK. Check invoices. 257 Broad Street, Manchester. the policy to be en­ Good with figures. Diversified Schools-Classes 19 bridge to Green Road excellent condition! $75 or COLLECTIBLES - Will Complete program of Liberal Fringe Benefits, couraged. best offer. Please call 646- TAG SALE - Kitchen table, NEXT TO NOTHING. An­ GARAGE SALE - September purchase outright or sell on G k S S A V E R S duties. Apply at Gaer CARPENTER WANTED by HOMES UNLIMITED lawn sweeper, wood storm tiques and things. Corner East * TAG SALES which include Paid Holidays, Vacation, and Sick Brothers, Inc,, 140 Rye Street, GIFTED CHILDREN 2 to 5 1130. 15th - October 15th. MOVING commission. Houselot or Interior Contractor. door, clothing, books, Satur­ Center and Spruce Streets. TO FLORIDA! Everything single piece. Telephone 644- Leave, Comprehensive Group Insurance Plan, South Windsor. YEARS- Nursery School/Day Open Saturdays only. 649-0533. GARAGE SALE - Friday & Experienced required. 666- Care. 3 Teachers. For ap­ day. September 20th, 394 TAG SALE - Miscellaneous must go! Best offer. 361 Goose Free Parking. 5162 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. SEASONED FIREWOOD Porter Street. Manchester. Saturday, 31 Keeney Drive, 1974 SUPER BEEIIE SAVE! pointment to observe well items. September 20th It 21st, Lane, Coventry. Bolton, off Route 44 . 9:00 to 2 TO CHOOSE FROM. RADIO. HEATER. 1 4-SPEEO. 1 AUTOMATIC. BABYSITTER WANTED Cut. split, delivered. $85 for a 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. TAG SALE: Saturday, rounded program, 646-4864. full . 742-8056. 10 to 4. 9 Lincoln Street. 5:00. Electric cooker, cedar □ RENTALS LOW MILEAGE. REAL CLEAN For a personal interview, call Personnel Depart­ four evenings per week, no September 20. 9:00 a.m. to Manchester.______TAG SALE - Saturday weekends. References. Must SHEETROCK TAPER TAG SALE. Large signed 2:00 p.m. Many plants, chest, wardrobe trunk, elec­ WANTED by Interior Con­ RAINBOW NURSERY & TAG SALE - Saturday September 20th, 9:00 a m. to tric irons, sump pumps, steel ment at 289-3301, Monday thru Friday 9:00 to 4:00. be 18 or older. Call between 9 Keep Smiling CURTAINS, CHAIR. paintings, $95. Lamps, taDles, hanging pots; miscellaneous 4:(X) p.m. 221 Porter Street, 1973 SUPER BEETIES SAVE! tractor. Experienced DAY CARE - Professional September 20th, 8 a m to 4 shelving, glassware and lawn Rooma tar Rant 52 3 TO CHOOSE FROM. 2 AUTOMATIC. 1 4-SPEED a.m. to 1:30, 643-7590, or 847- Staff. 3 to 6 years. Hot lunch. TABLES, CHINA It [30. Old mirrors. Nearly new household items. Kenwood Manchester. Household required. Call 666-5162 Be Happy TEDfOHO REAL E5TATE COOKINGWARE - Call 646- Drive, off Union Street. p.m., rain or shine. 553 East roller. MUCH MORE! 1541. Flexible Scheduling. Call 569- reversiable tape, $15. Coats, items, china, furniture, MATURE MALE ROOM $15. MOTTS between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. 4280 after 5:00 p.m. $5. D r e s s e s . $2. Middle Turnpike.______1972 SUPER BEETU ’U95 7475. TAG SALE. Saturday, glassware. ______TAG SALE - September 20th Fem ale, m ature $20. Non- AUTOMATIC. LOW MILEAGE. REAL CLEAN Miscellaneous. Friday and September 20. 9:00 a.m. to TAG SALE - Some antiques, It 21st, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. smokers. Live-in. References. ShopRIte Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 used furniture. September TAG SALE - " Make A MOVING! Glassware, One must have license, plus p.m. 99 Cemetary Road, Ver­ 4:W) p.m. Household items Reasonable Offer” . Storefull 1970 BUC TO HOW OLD IS THIS HOUSE? and living room furniture. 438 20th, & 21st, 10:00a.m. to6;00 clothes. furniture. few errands and meals. 649- 4 SPEED, RADIO, HEATER. non (off Bolton Road). Furniture, Antiques, Collec­ SUPERMARKETS West Middle Turnpike, p.m., 21 Steep Hollow Lane. "Something For Everyone". 8 5459. 59 L « g ^ SlTMt Fr«e Brochur* Tails table, Treasures, Clothes $2 Barry Road, Manchester. The TAG SALE- Many items! Manchester.______Manchester.______Bag. Friday and Saturday 10 1967 BUG ’1095 Em I Hartford, Conn. Four Ways To Find Out ROOMS - Furnished and un­ 4-SPEED. REAL SHARP TAG SALE. Saturday TAG SALE. September 20. to 2:30.133 Spruce Street, cor- Bedroom set, Lowery organ, YARD SALE - September 20th furnished. AH utilities. $115 to An Equal OpportunKy Employar Everyone who buys an old house always wants to know washer and dryer, snow September 20 and Sunday 9:00 a m. to 4:00 p.m. and ner Birch.______"How old is it?”' Often, no one knows for sure. Now September 21, 9:00 a.m. to It 21st. Miscellaneous, some 135 monthly. References and thrower, small appliances, September 21. 10:00 to 4:1)0 S t. antiques, recliner, lamps. 22 1999 SQUAREBACK TO there’s a free brochure that tells the old house owner how p.m. 34 Montclair Drive. 12:00 p.m. F.urniture. TAG SA LE security. Mature adults only. VSPEED. MARKETPLACE etc. Saturday September 20th, Bartholomew’s C hurch. Lodge Drive, Manchester. Call Mrs. Jackston, 646-5461. to pin down the date exactly. And also what to do when 10 to 4; Sunday September Manchester. Clothing, books, household items, stereo, public records don’t exist. m iscellaneous. 40(10 BTU more. 353 Hackmatack Street, Saturday, September 20, 9:30 1999 BUS STATWR WAGON TO 21st, 10 to 3. Rain or shine. 34 to 3:00. Huten, sink, desk and CENTRAL LOCATION. Free EMERGENCY ROOM CHARGE NURSE The brochure, "How To Date An Old House," has been I ' il' I Lydall Street, Manchester. room air conditioner.______Manchester. issued by The Old-House Journal. Prompting release of chair, and miscellaneous . Kitchen privileges. 1973 MAVERICK SAVE! items. ty and references 6 CYLINDER. AUTOMATIC. LOW MILEAGE. POWER STEERING. AM- Full and Part Tima COLUMN the 4-pg. booklet is The Journal’s contention that datini TAG SALE. Handcrafted TAG SALE - September 21st. TAG SALE - Saturday It Sun­ PARISH WIDE TAG SALE O Sunday 8 to 1 only. “Man’s day. 104. Glass, furniture, old required, 14 Arch Street. FM RADIO. NEW PAINT. REAL SHARP, Evonlnga and NIghta research is the most important—and neglected—aspect ol wooden toys, household items, TAG SALE - September 20th, St. James Cliurch Garage •••••••••••••••••••••••••• old-house ownership. (Cellar Clean O ut!" Some milk cans, books, jewelry, books, gas stove and firewood. tools, everything goes! 58 10-2. Rain date September Thursday and Friday 5 to 11 Apartments For Rani 53 No Rotation 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Friday. Christmas tree, skis, ski 21st. 10-2. 21 Cambridge Saturday 10 a.m. to 11 p.m VEGAS SAVE! According to The Journal's Editor, Clem Lablne Oxford Street.______boots, clothing, bikes, golf 2 TO CHOOSE FROM. researching the history of a house is something that a new Saturday and Sunday. 34 Foley Street. Household, collec­ "Something for Everyone!" HOME OF THE WEEKI Street (off West Center clubs and lots more! 551 tibles, antiques. 118 MAIN STREET - "The Full and part time charge nurse positions owner should do first ... before ever lifting hammer and TAG SALE. TWO FAMILIES Gables.” 3 Room Apartment. Real Estate Editor; Cindi T. Bulach Street), Manchester. - Humidifier, p^rbacks, old Woodbrtdge Street. V. Manchester.______Heat and hot water. $320 available in our emergency room. Second and third Sensational Country Colonial on Gardner Street. This school desk, 200 records, AUCTION SATURDAY It shifts. Most people, however, put off doing any dating investiga­ TAG SALE - Saturday, tapes. 2 organs, clothing, fur­ SEPTEMBER 20th - 40 years monthly. Security and Tenant home has it all—large formal living room with a TAG SALE - Saturday It Sun­ Insurance required. Call 646- tion until all the physical work on the house is completed. September 20th, from 9:00 to niture. some antiques, old accumulation: furniture, MULTI FAMILY TAG SALE No rotation. Individualized orientation. Excellent HERE’S WHERE They regard historical research as a nice finishing touch. fireplace, plaster walls, beautiful natural woodwork, day September 20th, & 21it; 9 2426, 9 to 5 weekdays. TIM MORIARTY BOITON 4:00, at 547 Wetherell Street. wagon wheels, household to 4. 95 W alker S tre et, household furnishings, old ri­ Saturday and Sunday salary and benefits. “This is a bad mistake," asserts Lablne. "When you learn two car garages and a fabulus wooded lot. Call now items, 2 toasters, small set of fle, tools, riding mower, bric- September 20th and 21st, from 8ILKT0WN MOTORS Manchester. Manchester.______FURNISHED THREE ROOM For more information, or to arrange for a per­ Enjoy botVng, swimming, the history of a house, it changes your ideas about what Only $85,000. , china, boxes of dishes. Stereo a-brac, pine chairs and tables, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. toM PinE vouttWAtn r epm i i s a v t i r , TAG SALE September 20. sewing needs, etc, etc. Route Household, yard, and much APARTMENT. Second floor. sonal interview,, please contact the Personnel TO FIND A and fishing right In your you want to do to it." Once you know when the house was TAG SALE - Saturday It Sun­ system and lots of mis­ 270 HARTFORO RO., MANCHESTER bsck ytrd whan you own built and who used to live in it, the house acquires a per­ Four families. 9:00 a.m. to 66, Hebron, mile west of more! Montauk Drive Heat. Private entrances. day 20th It 21st. 10 to 4. B a ^ cellaneous! September 20th Adults. No pets. Security. Department at ^1 2 2 2 , Extension 481. this 7 room Colonlil home sonality of its own. And when the house has a personality, clothes and miscellaneous, rl and 21st, 9 to 4.41 Forest View 4:00 p.m. (Cancelled if rain). Junction of Route 85. Rain- Vernon-off Lake Street. Phone TEL 643-6217 References. 643-4860. HOME THAT'S that offert 3 bedrooms. usually there is less desire to make expensive remodeling Rachel Road.______10 Oliver Road, Manchester. date 9/21/80 10:00 a.m. MANCHESTER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Hying room, dining room, changes and a greater interest in restoring the original O n h J Q C , 71 HaynM StrMt kitchen end den, ell charm and character. ManchMtor, Connacllcul 06040 eltuetod on s nice level But restoration becomes impossible if the whole budget l i - r - l J m i « Equal Opportunity Emptoyor treed lot, and priced at only has already been spent on remodeling. ' r if T m . RIGHT $66,500. Call ue. We will The brochure not only tells how to use public records but JACKSTON AVANTE show you through. also the kind of dating information that can be deduced SH®, 789 Main Street from the material used In building the house. FOR Manchester, Connecticut 06040 U&R Realty Co„ he. To obtain a freee single copy of "How To Date An Old 'totophoiiB: House,” write to: The Old-House Journal, Dept. 70, 69A 643-2692 Seventh Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11217.______646-1316 YOUl Robirl D. HMrtfliifc COI 22 - EVENING HERALD. Fri„ Sept. 19, 1980 Frank a E m — t EVENING HERALD. Fri., Sept. 19. 1980 - 23 ilu lo t For 8olo 8f » u lo i For Solo 81 Auloo For Solo 81 Auloo For Solo 81 Peanuts — Qharlat M. Schulz ACROSS DOWN Answer to Previous Puule loAo r-ntuTiviTM T*! 1972 POLARA. Four 1972 DODGE CHALLENGER 1974 PEU G EO T sta tio n XT'S J u 5 T A 5 r i Accir I ra n door. Registered and running. • Many new parts, plus new wagon. Excellent condition. OIMO UntiM Sr'HlicBiB. Ii 1 Commercials 1 On the ocean and Needs work. Best offer. Call paint job. Please call after 55,M0 miles. Call Dr. Rogers I EKPBCTEP DOW JONES C 3 | you KNOW U)HAT YOU NEEP 4 Mrs Truman 2 Twos 647-M94 days; 649-7149 after 5:00 p .m .,''647-9240, keep at 649-9101 or 236-6009. ^000 P b b y , 8 Excelling 3 Dispatched p.m. 646-4004 . 5:00 p.m. trying. firm. ID PO?y0UN££P TO LEARN U f O u L D B e ! AVERAGE JO OBEy C0WMAMP5 others 4 Sounding IT By ADigaii van Buren 12 Go to court 5 Moray 3,262 13 Soup 6 Puts ingredient 7 Sport of r'U P 131 14 Phew shooting clay 15 Long period pigeons DEAR ARBY; I hope and pray that you will print this of time 8 English y \ r letter, ae this problem has plagued my friends and me for 16 Fight broadcasters 18 Michaelmas many years. 9 City in Israel N e w C ar daisy to Fill ■turm S-it I'm a 19-year-old girl, living with my parents and 20 Body of water 11 Subsequently attending a very strict Baptist college. My parents are 21 Decimal unit 17 Declaim Priscilla's Pop — Ed Sullivan 31 Ten (prefix) 51 Measure Auloo For Solo 81 Auloo For Solo 81 Auloo For Solo 81 Auloo For Solo 81 paying for my education. 22 Aicol Violently 32 Mild expletive swords F inancing? 24 Powerful Abby, I’ve been listening to rock music for over eight 19 Arrival-time 33 Past time 52 All (prefix) 1974 SUBARU - Good condi­ MERCURY MONARCH 1976 1971 PONTFa C w a g o n • years without my parents' knowledge. They found the tapes explosive guess (abbr) 36 Unspecified *D itt»K ‘^ond 1972 VW SUPER BUG • (abbr) 54 Ammunition tion. Front wheel drive. $1800 Brown. 6 cylinder. 38,000 Radio, heater, automatic Good 'funning condition. and were crushed. They say they can no longer trust me. I r THINK r HATE ^ REALLV 23 Baseballer amount THAT NEW NEIGHBOR 28 Eerie 39 Armenian 56PuH negotiable. Telephone 643- miles, excellent condition! stick shift. Good body. Very Excellent tires. Regular gas, apologized for having kept it from them, but explained that 3 0 ___ Slaughter r PRESS SIZE.' mountain 57 River in 6785, or 659-1723. Sacrifice, $2300. 649-9773, clean interior. 88,000 miles. good mileage. $400. Call after I didn’t tell them because I knew rock music is against their ACR0 S9 THE STREET Kennedy 25 Orange pekoe anytime. Best offer. Call: Pioneer 5 p.m., 646-1368. beliefs. They say that rock music destroys young people and SHE'S PEFINITELV A 34 Bishop's 26 Not new 41 Allspice Germany 1968 DART, 1969 CHARGER Parachute, 646-1581; ask for that I cannot keep the tapes in the house. I told them that I throne 27 Roman 44 Identical 56 Group of FIAT 1976 128 SEDAN - emperor 318. Three speed. Posl rear Mr. Les Martin weekdays 1974 MUSTANG GHIA. Four have developed my own convictions, and as long as I don't y 35 Runs 46 Pull Western allies Excellent condition! 55,000 cylinders. Standard. Radial 37 Air (prefix) 26 Give up end. Needs some work. Best between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. disturb anyone with my music I should be allowed to keep 48 Buenos ____ 60 Wager offer over 8400. 871-7385. miles. New radials. Am-fm tires. Runs excellent. Excep­ 38 Energy 29 Abominable radio. $2095. Call 871-6414. tionally clean. Regular gas. the tapes and listen to them. agency (ebbr) snowman 50 Dawn (Sp.) 61 Feel Who is right? Must I get rid of the tapes and turn my radio Q # ' / $1600. Telephone 643-5965 40 Kind of signal indisposed dial to the religious station? Or should I be allowed to make 42 Cage of an between 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. \ 2 3 4 6 a 7 a 9 10 11 mv own choice of music us long as I don't bother anybody? elevator ME I'N SOUTH CAROLINA 43 People of 12 13 14 1972 CATALINA. action Air conditioning. Power 45 Ape M 10 17 steering, power brakes. Twe DEAR ME: As long as you live in your parents* GOOD CLEAN CARS 47 Auto club extra wheels. $700. Excellent home and they are paying for your education, you 18 19 21 must follow their rules. Once you are on your own, 49 Ceisowary 1 1 condition. 742-7616. 50 Bustle 22 25 you may do as you please. Captain Easy — Crooks & Lawronca 53 Actress ■ 76 RABBIT $3695 1970 DODGE CHALLENGER Farrow 20 27 2B 31 32 33 VSCHEVETTE $3895^ - Good running condition. ■ 55 Urge (2 wds.) 34 2 Dr. Hatchback, good per­ 2 Dr. LIftback, 4 cyl., auto., Needs some body work :ASy-H95T'. BEF0R6V0U HIT TFOR PeTB'5 SAKE, 59 Timber worker Asking $400. Call 647-9047 SO THE PHOTOaRAPHER CAW 62 Oklahoma ■ ■ forming front wheel drive, 4- under 35,000 miles, bright DEAR ABBY: I live in Pearl City. Hawaii, and I’m HIM-TAKE orp t h a t R O B E l J PIPE DOWNl WHV a S T A 3 0 0 0 SHO T OP VOUR 30 3 . anytime. shocked and appalled at the ignorance of some of our fellow town ■1 ■ spd., radio, 1 owner car, yellow finish, iji2894-1. Americans who still think Hawaii is a "foreign country." 63 Good (Lat.) 43 40 1971 VOLKSWAGON Round- 64 Exhale ■ chrome yellow, black Int. e When I travel to the mainland. I am amazed at the 47 40 back. 58,000 miles. Excellenl 65 Fixed m S 7 -1 number of people who say. "I’d love lo go to Hawaii 66 Got off ■ 77 DATSUN 280Z $7,595 condition. All new tires someday; I’ve never been out of the United States."J'm also 50 51 52 5 4 50 57 SO brakes. Recently tuned 67 Lone ■ ■ 78 FORD $4495 2-F2 Air cond., 5-speed. Asking $1650. 643+453. asked. "Is this your first trip to America?" performance 59 60 02 I’ve even been asked, "Do you have running water, being 68 On the affirma­ Fairmont Wagon, 6 cyl., Light gold metallic, one lh«t you're so isolated from everything? And how does life tive side 03 04 05 owner. 44,310 miles. (^2798- 1971 THUNDERBIRD - 48,00( auto., .power steering, original miles. Stereo in America compare to Hawaii?" The list goes on and on. 06 67 06 SdutbnThat‘9 right! Here’s the deal you've been waiting for., LOW. LOW 10% new car r4 Will you please inform people that Hawaii is now one of financing dinet from Dillon Ford! You'll save hundreds on the 1980 Pinto or 1. am/fm. $1000 or best offer AM/FM radio, under 33,000 Call 646-1955. the 50 states of the union? Also, we no longer live in little iNfWSPAPtX tMKMPBiU ASSN I Granada of your choice, but hurry, supply is limited and offer ends soon . miles, bright red finish, even grass shacks. Thank you! a roof rack! i(<2886-1. 7 7 FORD MUSTANG $3,695 1968 DODGE D 300- One tor ALIVE AND WELL IN AMERICA utility Pickup. Good condi 2+2 Hatch/B, auto, trans., tion. Asking $1500 Call 643- DEAR ALIVE: You can bet your ukulele. Let it be Aiiey Oop — Dave Graue b r i d q e ALL NEW 1980 77 CHEVROLET NOVA $3,295 power steering. Bright 9120. known that on Aug. 21, 1959, Hawaii became the ALL NEW 1980 Fold M oloi 50th state to join the union, and has been a part of 2 Dr. Sed., power steering, 3- orange with black interior. 1979 PONTIAC SUNBIRD DOC, MEET AN OLD C io d il America ever since! NOT AT ALL, MR. MO(3UL! ...AR&4'T VOU THAT'S WHO HE NO PUBLICITY Automatic transmission FRIEND OF MINE, I WAS JUST WORKING speed std. shift. Silver with 54,753 miles. i!f2833-1 THE FAMOUS IS, DOC! ALEX d o c t o r ! I'm Com p.iny GRANADAS power brakes, power steering ALEX MOGUL! I ON ONE OF OUR UNITS, HOLLYWOOD ______Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag PINTOS black interior. 32,000 miles. FDR60T TO TELL , WANTS OUR tt^v i n g t o “Amorico'o Fororlto Fun Carl” "Economy -i- Full-SIto Comtortf" am/fm radio. 12.000 miles BUT I'M FINISHED PRODUCER? 'ASSISTANCE ON VtXJ HE CALLED! NOW ! SAY. FIND A MISS ii*2843-1. 7 7 MUSTANG $3,695 Excellent condition. 649-7746. DEAR ABBY: With the changing times (and less em­ A SECRET IN S M OVIE PROJECrf Makeable slam misplayed phasis on the more formal aspects of a wedding), my wife STAR 2 + 2 Hatch/B, automatic 1972 OLDS CUTLASS WAGON 8p«clal-ral« 78 DATSUN 200 SX $4595 and I are often faced with an embarrassing dilemma. We are trans., power steering. - Good running condition. All both pastors who officiate at many weddings. We are one. In any event my raLse to Ford Motor 2 Dr. Hardtop, 5-speed, Rally conditioning and Roof Rack NORTH four clubs might have Iwen a Silver blue w/matching in­ Call 646-3773, after 6:00 p.m. seldom invited in advance to the rehearsal dinner or the ♦ J 1052 bad bid.” Cradit Com­ stripe, AM/FM stereo, wedding reception, but when we start to leave, the bride terior. Cassette. 45,000 VK74 "It was.” replied the Prof. pany Financing radials, maroon finish; THIS 1975 PONTIAC CATAUNA says. "Please stay. We thought you knew you were invited." ♦ 753 “On the other hand it got us to miles. 1^2834-1. We never presume that we are invited unless we have AA62 la a vailab le V j§A |gg^^JA Rj^2805^ $850. Call 649-3502 after 3:0( the makeable club grand slam p.m. received an invitation beforehand. Abby, we have small 0 f i WEST EAST and I misplayed it.’' diraetty through children and must make arrangements for having them " (7 1 ♦ K9764 ♦ Q83 "What could you have Dillon FordI 19 1970 DODGE CHALLENGER looked after, just ns all the other invited guests who have itrl VQJ 1082 V»65 done?” asked the student. “I ' TRUCK - "Special Edition." As is . been officially invited. ♦ 6 ♦ J 10 9 8 don't see any squeeze and the best offer. Call 643-5791 Please remind your readers that if the officiating pastoRs) The Flintatones — Hanna Barbara Productiona AJ5 ♦ 10 9 4 diamonds were not finess- / a 2s S* 6 0 4 0 .* able.” 75 FORD RANCHERO 500 HIGH-STYIE PICK UP $3195 anytime. is expected to stay for the rehearsal dinner and reception, SOUTH an invitation should be sent. ♦ A "Right,” was the reply. “Still this was what we call a Fully equipped Including automatic, power steering, factory air. Motorcfcloo-Bicycloo 84 ASSOCIATE PASTORS IN ILLINOIS H/ELL, s o MUCH FOR THE V A 3 Actual mileages may vary with speed, distance and weather. custom rear tonneau cover. 2 snow tires, and extras rims. Under 36.- 'book hand.’ It is found in OL' REVERSE PSVCHOLOGV ♦ AKQ42 books and in some form or 'BdSP sLcke* o'-cr Subieci lo siai« laies lai ano addilionai eauiorTteni 000 original miles, copper met. & tan Interior. A real beauty. 12881-1 Ap p r o a c h /.... ♦ KQ873 1980 HONDA CM 200 TWIN DEAR PASTORS: Consider it done. ■“iO^ another has appeared in every STAR. Low mileage. Vulnerable: Both bridge column. I’m just too Excellent condition! $1100. We t Dealer South old.” Call 643-5836. p/iifjr- Do you readers see what the DOM'T. P m r - West North Eait South Professor had overlooked in Do you have questions about sex, love, drugs and DOH'T^ 14 1972 HONDA SL 175. the pain of growing up? Get Abby's new booklet: TOUCH the play? If not. here it is. Excellent condition. Under TOUCH/ Pass 14 Pass 3 4 After cashing dummy’s ace DeCormfer **What Every Teen-ager Ought To Know.'* Send $2 Pass 4 4 Pass 4 NT and his own king of clubs, 1300 miles. $500 or best offer. 649+167. and a long, stamped (28 cents), self-addressed en­ Pass 54 Pass 5N T declarer should slop to lead velope to: Abby, Teen Booklet, 132 Lasky Drive, Pass 64 Pass 74 out his ace and king of Pass Pass Pass DILLOn 1980 TOMAS MOPED. Brand Beverly Hills; Calif. 90212. diamonds. If the kingIns olof dia­ monds were ruffed he would 103 M otor S afes 03 new. Only 110 miles. $700. Call be down one since he would 3 1 0 Main SCreet CAcrxJss fr'om Armory) 285 Broad 8t Manchaater 649+187. Opening lead:* Q still have a trump left in dum­ M A N C H ESTER . CT. B 4 3 - 0 1 ^ 5 my to ruff out a low diamond. 643*4165 P s t r o q r o p h The Born Loser — Art Sansom It just happened that West had been dealt just one dia­ By Oswald Jacoby mond and just two clubs so mcanEioow.„'itx)'Rg I'LL Acwrr He'S a L m e pull i m JUST PLAlU and Alan Soolag the Prof could have led out his CAPRICORN (Dm . 22*J«n. 19) This is a good day lo expend but oulv third-high diamond, ruffed a % u r moiHreRESTiw&, ------"I'm getting old.” said the low diamond, come back to your efforts on things to enhance Professor. "Maybe I should your security or material founda­ TlLLTbU -ID K$)OW HIM. his hand with Ihe ace of ^ r t h d a y tion Substantial improvement give up bridge.” spades, drawn East's last can now be made in these areas “What’s the matter?" asked trump and made the grand AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fab. 19) the student. "The grand slam slam. FALL CAR CARE TIPS Situations on which you put your contract was a reasonable (NEWSPAPER e n t e r p r is e ASSN I 8«pt»mb«r 20.19M personal stamp today should This could be a very busy year, work out to your satisfaction. Cyclists Without Helmets 10 enact safely helmet laws. work or careerwise. Additional Don't delegate things you can Save wear on your car, with the first (ankful of gas usu­ This led to a sharp drop in duties and responsibilities are better do yourself ally "on the house" Ihe fatality rate, which went likely, bul ihe compensation for PISCES (Fab. 20-March 20) You Said Tlirting With Danger* them will be greater don't have to be around a lot of Frequently, you'll find you'll from 12.7 deaths per 10,000 Our Boarding Hou** borrow someone else^s be able lo extend your trip cycle people today in order to be By DAVID GILM ORE registrations have stayed dboul motorcycles in 1966 to 6.7 happy. In fact, some solitude lo o o by picking up a second, third or VIRGO (Aug. 23-S«pt. 22) Oth­ sort out your thoughts will do Here’s a happy way lo save cars—in this case rarely more fourth car at delivery points. Motorcycle riders who fail to the same, the study said. deaths in 1976. ers may seek frivolous activities wear and (ear on (he family car; you a world ol good. Winthrop — Dick Cavalli than three years old—whose Generally, there's no short­ wear protective helmets are The nation’s 5 million Since states began repealing to provide them with enjoyment w ONE V Borrow someone cIsc’s for lhat ARIES (March 21-April 19) TOUR FOOV \8 /AR.PIKE.WE HAVET C owners have flown ahead to age of cars waiting to be trans­ flirting with danger. motorcycle owners and their their laws, the rale has climbed today, but you won’t be content Activities today challenging your (SREAT, m s. KiNW tOF w a r p e r s : he BOARPER long vacation unless your time is spent produc­ j new job assignments. ported in your direction. That’s the conclusion of a passengers are particularly 10 9.7 deaths in 1979. inventive or innovative abilities r JOLPMY DAP r'AA SICK THERE AAUSr BE A10RE TO AND HE SAID, "THERE IS... HOOPLE-ANP THCSE WHO READY FOR FALL tion. A ll your car may need in j, s^icn- system is not working proper­ OOCO. OOl D ihe way o f a ‘ ‘ new battery is a ,jf|j evidence that helmets 8M* QIanc** — QH Fox ly, As engine damage can be ASSOOATCSANO AND WINTER DRIVING caused by a faulty cooling relatively simple and easy cause or increase the severity of system, better check into it at cleaning job. neck injuries in motorcycle ac­ Bugs Bunny — Heimdahl & Stoffel p a NOW AT MORIARTY BROS. once. cidents. Motorcycles have been in use a MACD TURN TO in the United Stales since the PORT. AUTO turn of Ihe century, but they have not posed a major safely OIL & OIL FILTER \ D’ADDARIO’S SERVICE Short RIbe — Frank Hill Om 10 Imn liwM.n problem because of their small E numbers. As recently as 1960 INVENTIN6 THE1— Mobil there were only 547,000 motor­ M E P / A ..— SPECIAL I cycles on the road. s. INCLUDES UP TO 5 QTS. OF FORD OR MOTORCRAFT OIL, MOTOR-1 " COMPLETE 4 f Last year just under AUTOMOBILE REPAUHNQ CRAFT OIL FILTER, AND INSTALLATION. | TO START million motorcycles were rW * BRAKE SERVICE registered, an indication o f Ihe REPAIR ORDER NO______j ORNOTTOSIARr? popularity of Ihc light-weight 28 9-6427 machines that Japanese com­ s Total Special Price - Parts & Labor ■ | If lluirs tho quHstion uvory timo you put the key in ihu » no um a oui 289-9811 panies began selling in large Ignition, sou us for u quality tuno-up Wo iiiKlall only tho <3-19 quantities in Ihc 1960s. host tuno-up parts, including Champion plugs tho iir w w i uiT wunoao world's number ono seller Fprl>etler Following is a list o f slates THE WHEEL! NOT youJOu; J that repealed their helmet laws, •C‘$W»TNtA ■■ t oot ox *8.99 Tune-ups^ starts, mileage and performance. UDNG-EAREP 3 ALOOT' I or weakened them (usually by Ftotcher’a Landing ANY APPLICABLE TAXES EXTRA. VALID SEPTEMBER 1980 $1 i 957(;^ihi7-rs95-1 cylinili-rs ‘I '“""■‘'I' '"‘'"y 1 S T LINE- 4 P L Y I requiring helmets only for AT* ,a,.^ an end lo Ihe ({uestions 'fou Don't h a v e •S utfc o ua.| RfcKitrtstfc i»)H«r PA ost.0 -rtlAT'LL O t ) UJHAT e l s e ' plus parts I riders under Ihe age o f 18): H cy lin d iT s 1B.95 u + WHITEWALLS! aJsrontKS, eiaha, out 100 -1& SAN: ‘ tP WUNH1& ♦ 6.B Z . y f Do Ut-SAY, H cyiim ie rs 20.95 I Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, OO HAVt+O 6t. rtILlft. PLEPSt, SfAttr SANIN’ EMHAT Most Cars & You cant I Connecticut, Delaware ------z, 'PU’ruAsC." A se. Light Duty Trucks buya I Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana. Iowa, bntiNf plii|^ I Kansas, Louisiana, Maine. C W ei M * -X < w Bvg u $ *•' 0* Imoroved Performanci' Tiini' I p With Champions E78-14 F7B-14G78-14 G78-15 I Maryland, Minnesota, Mon­ /WIOWI a S tY B R O T H E R S y *Wow! Talk about science fiction!'* CAR CARE MOUNTED FREE! tana, New Hampshire, New I MA5UH Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, CENTER AND Oregon, Oklahoma, Rhode C< Regal VISA j Island, South Dakota, Texas. LU a i I CHARGE |Utah, Washington and 31B CENTER ST MANCHESTER, CT. ajfrr Fonrenienre Along W ilh 4 Supt>rior Pro4mrl. LROUTigjJiljOjBflgPiinilJLSIEilLOK^^ 6 4 3 -B 1 3 B 369 WAIN, WaMCHESTEB 646*211^