Iraq Protection Cluster: Ninewa Returnees Profile - January 2018
Iraq Protection Cluster: Ninewa Returnees Profile - January 2018 High Protection Concerns Sinjar Hamdaniya Telafar Mosul Telkaif Ba’aj Reported Violations of principles relating to return movements (including non-discrimination in the right of return, as well as voluntariness, safety and dignity of return movements) Medium Security incidents resulting in death/injury in return area (including assault, murder, conflict-related casualties) Explosive Remnants of War (ERW)/ Improvised Explosive Device (IED) contamination in return area by District by Low Reported Rights violations by state or non-state military/security actors (including abduction, arbitrary arrest/detention, disproportionate restrictions on freedom of movement) Protection Risk MatrixRisk Protection Concerns relating to inter-communal relations and social cohesion 1 MODM Returnee Figures Returnee Families (IOM-DTM) District Families Mosul 102,939 Telafar 32,599 Mosul, Telkaif and Hamdaniya 32,000 Hamadaniya 18,534 Ninewa 122,966 Telkaif 12,482 121,568 60,185 Sinjar 8,152 Shikhan Dahuk 19,591 Akre 14,610 Hatra 1,550 Erbil Telafar Tilkaif 16,541 Shikhan 190 Najaf 7,658 6,597 Ana Baghdad 5,936 1,454 Ninewa Displacements Kerbala 7,824 and Returns (IOM-DTM) 3,505 Sinjar Hamadaniya Kirkuk 4,819 Total Families Still 1,077 Displaced Babylon 2,279 Mosul 1,090 Total Families Sulaymaniyah 2,482 Returned 877 Qadissiya 2,080 592 Other 1,930 1,406 Baa'j Salah al-Din 1,002 637 Wassit 1,659 1,511 Hatra IDP Information Center: 91% of 2,385 calls received from returnees were from Ninewa. The most popular flagged issues were: Data Sources: Disclaimer: * IOM-DTM as of 31 Jan 2018 The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map * MoDM 31 Jan 2018 do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
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