Congestion Management Plan


My Renewal Plan for the set The West Midlands is at the heart of transport out my ambitions to deliver a transport system innovation. We need to ensure we make best that the region could be proud of, one which use of new technologies such as connected allows people to prosper, by connecting our and autonomous vehicles, and support our communities to opportunities in employment, universities and industry partners to be global learning, housing and leisure. leaders in devising the new ways in which we will move around on our transport system. We also A transport system that has a positive impact need to be innovative in future mobility services on the quality of life, the environment, supports that will meet rising demand for individual businesses to reach their potential and aids journeys in different ways and ensure that these inclusive growth in the region by removing are made in the most sustainable way. constraints and managing congestion. To ensure we have a joined up approach to The West Midlands Combined Authority managing congestion, we will continue to work (WMCA) and I have new powers shared with local very closely with our transport partners to have authorities in relation to managing congestion, a joined up approach to managing congestion Andy Street air quality and road safety. including Highways England, Network Rail and Mayor of the West Midlands key public transport operators as well as the Collectively, working with local authorities and operators of the M6 Toll. other key partners such as Highways England, we need to keep our roads moving. This, however, This Congestion Management Plan is built on is not about continuing as we have always done, three core pillars providing an holistic approach but about giving residents the choice to travel in to how we tackle existing congestion and sustain different ways. an increase in the demand for journeys as our population and economy grows. We must not just tackle the points of congestion, but we all must take responsibility for our actions These core pillars are: through changing how and when we travel. • Improve Capacity; This Congestion Management Plan identifies the causes and issues of congestion and how we will • Improve Efficiency; and deliver the step change that we need. • Manage Demand.


The West Midlands is our home. Over the next By improving public transport capacity and few years our region will be transformed with making walking and cycling more attractive we changes that are seen as once in a lifetime can provide real and sustainable travel choices through investments in HS2, and our road, rail that will enable residents, businesses and Foreword 3-4 and tram systems. Over the last few years we visitors to travel differently and reduce impacts have achieved a great deal to bring forward new on congestion. Executive summary 6 investment in our public transport system. The WMCA, together with partners, has set out a We need to ensure that we keep pace with Introduction 7-13 clear plan to invest £5bn to deliver a world class population growth and meet the future transport network by 2026. demand for journeys, in a way that does not The Congestion Management Plan 14-15 increase congestion further. We are delivering extensions to the tram system - Improving Capacity 16-28 creating a cross-regional line from the Black A robust congestion management plan will Country to . We are working with rail introduce wide-ranging, coordinated measures - Improving Efficiency 29-36 partners to deliver additional rail capacity on to manage congestion and enable our region services and stations and the West Midlands Bus to thrive. - Managing Demand 37-41 Alliance is driving forward improvements to our Summary 42-43 bus services. But we all have a role to play. As well as policy Roger Lawrence and decision makers improving the performance Delivery timeline 44-45 We are currently developing Sprint - one of the of the integrated transport system, we must Leader - City of Wolverhampton Council largest bus rapid transit networks in the UK - and all consider how and when we travel so that Portfolio Holder - Transport WMCA Monitoring success 46-47 also making it easier to walk and cycle through we can all play our part in keeping the West initiatives such as the bike sharing scheme and Midlands moving. implementing the Cycling Charter.

4 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTRODUCTION The Congestion Management Plan will:-

1. Tackle congestion hotspots through further investment in roads The West Midlands is enjoying a renaissance, of our bus network and investing in our integrated 2. Push for greater traffic management The West Midlands Strategic Economic Plan Midlands Connect is also developing proposals Based on current travel habits this growth could with an upturn in economic performance, ticketing options, making it easier and cheaper powers, including moving traffic (SEP) sets out the vision, objectives and actions to provide better inter-regional connectivity add an additional 1.2 million trips to our network a strong economic plan and leading the UK to travel. We have tackled some of the worst offences to improve the quality of life for everyone who between the East and West Midlands through each weekday, increasing car kilometres by 34%. in terms of exports, creating employment congestion hotspots on our road network and are lives and works in the West Midlands. It aims improvements to road and rail networks. As opportunities, speeding up the delivery of tackling more, but further work needs to be done 3. Invest in technology to help monitor to deliver this within the context of expected part of the Midlands Engine this initiative Congestion on the region’s roads is already a housing and investing in our infrastructure. We to improve both capacity and efficiency to meet performance and manage traffic regional population growth of 444,000 by 2035. has identified a number of key corridors and concern for residents and businesses: in a recent are well placed to welcome the arrival of HS2 future demand. 4. Deliver a regional transport initiatives to manage congestion on this sub survey conducted by WMCA, 62% of people in and other major developments. coordination centre for all Within the SEP it is recognised that an efficient regional level. the West Midlands said they were dissatisfied We are at the forefront of technology and, modes in partnership with local and resilient transport system will underpin with current congestion levels. Transport is key to this economic growth, but alongside our constituent authorities, will authorities, Highways England and future economic success. Transport connects With continued economic success, travel demand congestion on our roads remains a challenge. increase control of our road network through West Midlands Police to manage communities to opportunities and businesses has grown rapidly with 2016 seeing record levels It is critical that we deal with managing Left unmanaged it will stifle our ambitions. Failure investing in on street technologies. incidents/major events to markets. of traffic on the region’s roads. congestion collaboratively at a regional and local to work collaboratively and manage congestion level. Our congested network is undermining is not an option if we are to continue to lead Congestion is an issue for us all and we need 5. Invest in road safety and work with Movement for Growth, the West Midlands With the predicted population growth, it is economic performance and stifling the very the country through economic, housing, social to take responsibility for the demands on the the Police and Crime Commissioner Strategic Transport Plan, is accompanied by a 10- anticipated that 215,000 new homes and up to growth that is planned. and industrial success. We must also tackle the system. We must work collaboratively with to manage road incidents more year delivery plan which outlines key supporting 506,000 new jobs will need to be created across resulting environmental impacts that congestion partners to deliver choice, influence travel efficiently transport projects that will deliver many of the the West Midlands by 2030. causes, most notably poor air quality. behaviour and reduce single car occupancy SEP’s outcomes over the coming decade. 6. Continue to build capacity into journeys through walking and cycling for shorter the public transport networks We are growing new capacity on our transport journeys. network as an integrated system. Our plans 7. Invest in communication and include tripling the tram network, delivering WMCA and Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) information tools and become a the largest bus rapid transit network in the UK, have a vital role to play alongside the constituent trusted source of travel advice revolutionising rail through new and enhanced authorities to minimise congestion. stations and services, improving the performance 8. Coordinate the delivery of the transport investment programme and minimise impact through collaboration with the Resilience Partnership 9. Make better use of the M6 Toll 10. Deliver a travel demand action plan to encourage residents and businesses to re-mode, re-route, re-time or remove some journeys.

6 7 Record 8.4 billion miles Public transport use (2016/2017) 216,000 driven on the region’s roads in 2016 Fewer people are within a 45 minute bus journey time of Birmingham city centre compared to Birmingham Solihull 2008 because of congestion Coventry Walsall Dudley Bus (81%) Rail (17%) Wolverhampton Metro (2%) Sandwell 41% 1,473 Of all car journeys are Key Route Network key statistics Deaths per year related to air pollution, A growing region within 2 miles of which transport is a major contributor. Between now and 2035, our region will grow every day, by:

50% 7% Customer satisfaction BUS Of road traffic is Of the road 10x carried on network 100 people More people are likely to use the bus than travel by train in areas with lowest levels of Which is the equivalent of car ownership filling an extra... 62% Dissatisfied Roads ranked by delay 1 7.7 mph with congestion Average weekday peak speed

Over 1.5 or 84 or 0.5 58% Dissatisfied with 800,000 information on delays Daily bus trips buses cars trams


Fig 1: Traffic congestion on the Key Route Network AM Peak Fig 2: Traffic congestion on the Key Route Network PM Peak

Fundamentally, congestion and reliability problems arise when road space demand starts to outstrip available supply. Measures of congestion through the network, cover speeds and travel time, typically in morning and afternoon peaks.

Reliability of journey times is also a factor. Most notably, delayed or unreliable journey times impact the freight and logistics sector by adding unplanned time onto journeys.

Recent studies on the region’s Key Route Network1 identify the levels of congestion within the morning and afternoon peak periods.

Fig 1: shows the percentage of additional time a journey is taking in the peak period, versus the free-flow journey time.

1 Key Route Network definition – the strategic road links between the motorway and trunk roads and main economic and housing centres. It comprises 7% of the local road network and carries 50% of the traffic. It has been defined within statute. Delay against free flow journey time Delay against free flow journey time 201+% 161-200% 121-160% 81-120% 41-80% 0-40% 201+% 161-200% 121-160% 81-120% 41-80% 0-40%

10 11 Fig 5: AM peak journey time to Coventry City Centre Fig 6: AM peak journey time to Coventry City Centre INTRODUCTION 2008 INTRODUCTION 2018

Congestion is not just felt by those in private transport but also As well as impacts on individuals and businesses, by bus users. The following diagrams represent the decreased congestion can also have significant social and Up to 15 minutes Up to 15 minutes distance that buses are able to travel on the network during the 15 to 30 minutes 15 to 30 minutes environmental costs; road traffic accounts for 65% of same time based on 2008 and 2018 data. 30 to 45 minutes 30 to 45 minutes NO2 and contributes to noise pollution and greenhouse 45 to 60 minutes 45 to 60 minutes gas emissions. Increasing journey times and poor reliability of bus services impacts on those that rely on this as their main form of transport impacting on the region’s desire for inclusive growth and The opportunity to tackle congestion collaboratively at enabling all of our communities to take advantage of education a regional level enables us to improve the performance and employment opportunities. of our road networks through a range of measures.

We need to ensure that we can improve local bus services for this to continue to be a viable option for many and reverse the decline in patronage.

Fig 3: AM peak journey time to Birmingham City Centre Fig 4: AM peak journey time to Birmingham City Centre Fig 7: AM peak journey time to Wolverhampton City Centre Fig 8: AM peak journey time to Wolverhampton City Centre 2008 2018 2008 2018

Up to 15 minutes Up to 15 minutes Up to 15 minutes Up to 15 minutes 15 to 30 minutes 15 to 30 minutes 15 to 30 minutes 15 to 30 minutes 30 to 45 minutes 30 to 45 minutes 30 to 45 minutes 30 to 45 minutes 45 to 60 minutes 45 to 60 minutes 45 to 60 minutes 45 to 60 minutes

© Crown copyright 2018 OS 100019543, West Midlands Combined Authority You are permitted to use this data solely to enable you to respond to, or interact with, the organisation that provided you with the data. 12 You are not permitted to copy, sub-licence, distribute or sell any of this data to third parties in any form. 13 THE CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PLAN THE CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PLAN

This plan outlines the approach to achieving Fig 9: The three pillars of the Congestion Management Plan a more effective network and actions to better manage congestion.

It recognises that no economically successful Congestion Management Plan urban region has truly solved the congestion Managing congestion is therefore built upon three core pillars:- challenge. Improvements at network bottlenecks and pinch-points can deliver some congestion relief, however if we are to meet the demands Increasing Capacity: of growth we must also use our existing infrastructure more efficiently and influence how This involves providing more capacity on the public transport and road networks. Increase Capacity Improve Efficiency Manage Demand people and goods are moved around the network.

This plan reflects the relationship of all modes Improving Efficiency: as an integrated transport system that meets the We aim to improve efficiency of local roads through better integration across requirements for travel and the most efficient modes, reducing roadwork delays, optimising traffic signals and improving • Regional Transport ways for movement of people and goods. responses to disruptive incidents. • 10 Year Delivery Plan • Behaviour Change/Travel Coordination Centre TFWM/Local Authorities Planning This plan focuses on making the best use of data • Key Route Network • Park and Ride • Communications insights and congestion monitoring information Managing Demand: Management • Highways England • Marketing to identify and support the delivery of measures Overall demand to move people and goods across the transport network will • Bus Action Plan to increase capacity, maximise road space continue to grow. We can better manage this by influencing the choices by Programme • Walking And Cycling • Rail Services efficiency and influence the demand for journeys residents businesses and visitors to make more sustainable journeys. • Network Rail Programme • Linked to Air Quality Plan • Safety and Security to move people and goods around the region in • HS2 • Re-Mode, Re-Route, the most efficient way. • Moving Traffic Offences • HS2 Delivery Plan Re-Time, Remove • M6 Toll Moving people, not just vehicles is critical to get the best out of the network.


Walking and cycling

In the West Midlands, 41% of journeys under two miles and 67% of journeys under five miles are made by car so there is huge scope for an increased role for walking and cycling to provide sustainable, effective local accessibility. Walking and cycling also play major roles in improving health and wellbeing in the region.

The WMCA Cycling Charter sets out commitments to increase the share of journeys made by bike to 5% by 2023 and 10% by 2033.

TfWM is delivering an innovative bike share scheme across the West Midlands, providing a world-class system that is integrated with Swift payment system and Whim Mobility as a service trial.

In addition, constituent authorities and TfWM are developing future cycling infrastructure building on the work undertaken under previous Local Sustainable Travel Fund (LSTF) programmes, Cycle City Ambition grants and LEP funding. A comprehensive infrastructure delivery plan is currently being developed.

16 17 Piper’s Row IMPROVING CAPACITY Wolverhampton Wolverhampton Station Metro Extension St George’s Programme Public transport Key tram stops & transport connections

TfWM is delivering a comprehensive programme Line One Tram stop of public transport improvements together with The Royal (not all shown) the constituent authorities. Extensions under construction Priestfield HS2 Station

Metro Lines under development Bilston Central Park + Ride

Metro is the region’s tram system currently Rail Connection linking Wolverhampton to Birmingham. Wednesbury Parkway A number of extensions are being delivered or Bus Connection planned which will triple the size of the network, Wednesbury Airport Connection taking it to 54km. Great Western Street NOT TO SCALE The recently completed extension to New Street Dudley Port Station has seen the patronage increase from Black Lake approximately 5 million passengers in 2015 to approaching 8 million per year in 2018. The further Dudley Town Centre planned extensions will support this growth. West Bromwich Central

These extensions include: Merry Hill The Hawthorns Birmingham Interchange • Connection into Wolverhampton train and bus stations, open in 2020 Brierley Hill Jewellery Quarter

• New Street Station to Hagley Road, High Street NEC Birmingham open in 2020 St Chads Deritend Heartlands Chelmsley Hospital Lea Hall Wood • Wednesbury to Brierley Hill via Dudley open in 2024 New Canal Bull Street Street • Connection to HS2 Curzon Street Station Centenary for Snow Hill Station St Andrews and Digbeth in Birmingham open in 2022 Square Birmingham • Digbeth across East Birmingham to the HS2 Brindley Place Business Park station in Solihull open in 2026 Birmingham Victoria International Five Ways Square Grand Central New Street Station Edgbaston

18 Fig 10: West Midlands Metro Network from 2026 19 IMPROVING CAPACITY


Sprint is a high-frequency bus rapid transit service which aims to offer a level of service comparable to the West Midlands Metro making best use of the existing highway network, to provide a fast and reliable service to over 23 million passengers a year.

A number of routes are under development, the first of these corridors along the A34 north from Birmingham to Walsall, A45 from Birmingham to the airport and the A38 north to Sutton Coldfield currently being accelerated to open in 2022 ahead of the Commonwealth Games with further routes to follow.

20 Fig 11: Sprint Network from 2026 21 IMPROVING CAPACITY Fig 12: Bus delivery programme


The bus network has an undisputable role as the Bus delivery programme workhorse of the transport system. It reaches Proposed 2021 Gantt Chart 2018 2019 2020 2021 every corner of the region, generating four in Intervention Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 every five public transport trips made each year, Birmingham City Core & Ring Road traffic signal review providing an essential mobility service to access Birmingham Bus Lane Enforcement Tranche 2 employment, education, leisure and other key A441 Pershore Road Quick-wins facilities. Good bus services are fundamental to Smallbrook Queensway Bus Lanes the region’s sustainable growth, particularly for Lister Street/Great Lister Street Bus Gate people without access to the private car. Coventry Road – Digbeth High Street to Bordesley Circus outbound bus lane Short-term Upper Dean Street to Moat Lane bus only priorities As a result of increased congestion, peak hour Pershore Road / Sherlock Street outbound bus lane bus services now take, on average, 20% longer Pershore Road / Belgrave Middleway gyratory improvements than three years ago, reducing connectivity and Constitution Hill to St. Chads Bus Lanes labour market catchments for the people who Quinton Road bus laybys often have no other transport option. Bristol Street / Thorp Street bus lane widening Longmore Street bus lane extension There is a commitment within this plan to set the A435 Alcester Road Bus Lane Review bus network free from congestion. In 2018/19, Optimising A34 Stratford Road Bus Lane Review nearly £8 million will be invested into the Existing Assets B4128 97 corridor Bus Lane Review highway network to speed up bus journey times. A454 Willenhall Road Bus Lane Review This will be followed by an indicative three-year Bartley Green to Birmingham (via Harborne) Bus Priority programme of bus priority schemes, as shown in Great Charles Street Queensway bus priority phase 2 & 3 Figure 12. QE Hospital/New Fosse Way Bus Priority Strategic A435 Druids Heath to Birmingham via Kings Heath and Moseley Bus Priority In addition this plan will be supported by a Corridors A441 Cotteridge to Birmingham Bus Priority bus network action plan to mitigate against A41 Handsworth Wood to Birmingham Bus Priority/Journey Time Reliability congestion impacts. This will set out our strategic Sutton Coldfield to Birmingham via Erdington - Bus Priority aspirations for the bus network, aiming to deliver even greater priority for buses and ensuring Development the network supports the anticipated scale and shape of growth across the region. Delivery

22 23 Fig 13: West Midlands rail network from 2026 IMPROVING CAPACITY IMPROVING CAPACITY


HS2 will provide additional capacity not just on this line but by releasing capacity on existing lines. It has also been a catalyst for the HS2 connectivity package which is bringing forward further improvements to the existing rail Park and Ride infrastructure regionally. As measures are brought forward to address We are seeing improvements at the 4 major rail congestion, well located park and ride facilities stations. Alongside the completed New Street will be vital in ensuring people can still access station there are proposals for Wolverhampton, rail and rapid transit services for travelling into Coventry and Birmingham International stations. major urban centres when they are unable to In addition to this, there are also rail stations walk, cycle or catch the bus to their nearest undergoing improvements such as University and station/stop. Perry Barr, new stations being proposed along the Camp Hill line and feasibility work being TfWM is taking a strategic approach to developing carried out for new stations at Brierley Hill. and managing park and ride capacity. This will consider how best to use land around rail and The new locally-specified and managed rail rapid transit stations/stops and how to best help franchise (launched in May 2019) will deliver an people access those services sustainably. additional 20,000 seats and space for a further 50,000 extra passengers during morning peak In addition, there are a number of existing schemes from 2021. Additional off-peak services are that TfWM has already committed to deliver. being introduced during 2018 and by 2022 there will be a significant increase in evening and These include: Sunday services to reflect changes in customer demand. • Tile Hill • Bradley Lane The West Midlands Rail Investment Strategy • Whitlocks End (to be published in winter 2018) will outline key • Longbridge projects that are being developed and delivered • Tipton up until 2047.

24 25 Fig 14: WM Key Route Network diagram IMPROVING CAPACITY 12 A5 A38, A38(M), A47, A435, A441, A4400, A4540, A5127, B4138, M6 L CHF ELD Birmingham West Midlands Cross City B4144, B4145, B4148, B4154 11a Birmingham Outer Circle A4030, A4040, B4145, B4146 Key Route Network A5 11 Birmingham to Stafford A34 Black Country Route A454(W), A463, A4444 3 2 1 M6 Toll BROWNH LLS Black Country to Birmingham A41 M54 A5 10a Coventry to Birmingham A45, A4114(N), B4106 A4124 A452 Improving capacity on our roads at these key East of Coventry A428, A4082, A4600, B4082 Roads STAFFORDSH RE East of Walsall A454(E), B4151, B4152 locations will keep traffic moving and minimise OXLEY A449 M6 A461 Kingswinford to Halesowen A459, A4101 negative impacts of highways on the environment A38 Tackling key congestion points on the Key WEDNESF ELD A34 Lichfield to Wednesbury A461, A4148 A41 A460 and health, particularly in relation to air quality. North and South Coventry A429, A444, A4053, A4114(S), B4098, B4110, B4113 Route Network (KRN) will benefit all road-based A4124 A462 A454 Northfield to Wolverhampton A4123, B4121 transport, including buses. 10 WALSALL A454 A454 Pensnett to Oldbury A461, A4034, A4100, B4179 Highways investment plan WOLVERHAMPTON A set of KRN baseline reports, published autumn Sedgley to Birmingham A457, A4030, A4033, A4034, A4092, A4182, A4252, B4125, B4135 SUTTON T3 Solihull to Birmingham A34(S), A41, A4167, B4145 A4038 A4148 COLDF ELD 2018, identified 20 priority congestion points in PENN B LSTON 9 In increasing capacity on the region’s road A449 Stourbridge to Wednesbury A461, A4036, A4037, A4098 A4123 M6 the morning and afternoon peaks that require Stourbridge to A449, A460, A491 network, TfWM will work with partners to A463 8 7 WEDNESBURY M6 Toll North of Wolverhampton targeted interventions. A4041 A452

develop a Highway Investment Plan, setting out a A5127 UK Central to A452 WEST M42

A4031 9 long-term programme for the region’s Key Route A4037 BROMW CH K NGSTAND NG West Bromwich Route A4031, A4041 A34 GREAT BARR M6 Network. The plan will identify schemes to tackle SEDGLEY West of Birmingham A456, A458, B4124

In 2017/2018, TfWM, with the local A459 M5 A38 congestion hot spots and network bottlenecks, A461 ERD NGTON Wednesfield to Wednesbury A462, A4038 A41 PERRY BARR authorities, delivered schemes to improve Wolverhampton to Brownhills A4124 using the evidence within the KRN baseline 1 A457 A4182 A452 highway performance worth £5.8 million. DUDLEY 6 5 A446 Wolverhampton to Halesowen A459, B4171 reports, the emerging bus network action plan PENSNETT OLDBURY A4123 A38(M) M6 A5, A45, A46, A446, A452 Operated by Highways England – Trunk Roads – not part of KRN A4101 A47 and local development plans and transport A4252 B4171 M5 A4040 Strategic Road Network Operated by Highways England – Motorways – not part of KRN These projects included: K NGSW NFORD A459 SALTLEY strategies. 2 SMETHW CK A4040 M6 Toll Operated by Midland Expressway Limited – not part of KRN A4036 A491 B RM NGHAM 7a BEARWOOD • Keeping Coventry Moving Being clear on the region’s priorities for the KRN A4030 7 4 3a BR ERLEY A456 A4540 YARDLEY 3 highway signalling scheme H  LL A4100 M6 will allow a strategic approach to investment. HARBORNE • A34 Stratford Road Growth This recognises that congestion does not end WARW CKSH RE A45 Birmingham A458 Airpo t A452 Corridor signalling scheme STOURBR DGE at the border of a district. It also ensures we A38

HALESOWEN 3 A444 • Solihull Bridge five year programme (2017/18) 6 M69 can deliver the performance needed to support A45 A435 MER DEN FOLESH LL SELLY • A4124 traffic signal upgrades MOSELEY A45 B4098 A456 B4121 OAK 2 the region’s growth ambitions. The Highways A41

and bus priority investment plan will therefore be a key tool in A441 A4040 HALL GREEN WALSGRAVE M6 A34 • Brierley Hill Strategic Centre A38 B4113

addressing the congestion challenge. A4114 A444 NORTHF ELD SOL HULL A4600 highways improvements M5

• A34 Birmingham Road/ 5 A428 A4041 Queslett Rd/Newton Rd WORCESTERSH RE COVENTRY A45

A4082 • A461 Eastern Opportunity Area M42 A429 • Bromford gyratory improvements A46 4 4 • Holloway Circus improvements A46 M5 A38

4a 1 2 3 3a 0 1km 2km 3km 4km 5km M42 M40 West Midlands Key Route Network (KRN) Map, Version 1.0, August 2017 0 1m 2m 3m 4m 5m M5 Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right (2017)


Investment in the capacity of transport construction period of transport investment This has enabled the development of a single infrastructure will, during construction, cause and act as an exemplar of good practice for view of the programme across all partners which disruption to the network. There is a need the future delivery of HS2 and other major can be used for planning and communication to ensure that these work programmes are investment programmes. purposes as well as supporting the operation of coordinated and that residents and businesses the transport network as part of the Regional within the West Midlands are still able to go This is supported by a regional forum as well as a Transport Coordination Centre. about their day to day business. In addition, the tactical group to look at the responses to works region is to play host to a series of major events, and deal with the detail of their delivery. Fig 15: Single view of programme including the Coventry City of Culture in 2021 and the Commonwealth Games in 2022.

Motorway junction improvements There is a requirement for the existing transport infrastructure to work more efficiently to Other measures are being delivered by Highways mitigate the impacts of construction and England in partnership with TfWM and the local manage congestion. authorities including Junction 10 of the M6, Junction 6 of the M42, capacity improvements Creating strategic partnerships and delivery of smart motorways to assist with for network resilience all lanes. With multiple partners investing in the transport WMCA will continue to work with Highways system, there is a need to work collaboratively England to bring forward further investment in to coordinate programmes and to minimise the Strategic Route Network that will assist with the impact. This is being undertaken through a wider congestion management programmes. Resilience Partnership which, at the top level, includes the Minister for Transport, the Mayor of the West Midlands, the WMCA Portfolio Holder for transport, the Police and Crime Commissioner and the chief executives of HS2, Highways England and Network Rail.

The partnership aims to work collaboratively to keep the West Midlands open for business, supporting growth during the extended

Map data sources: © OpenStreetMap contributors Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right (2018)


Developing a Regional Transport Coordination Centre (RTCC)

The day to day management of the local road network rests with the constituent authorities, as well as Highway England’s regional control Technology on the network and delays caused through these collisions. and public transport impacts to keep the region centre for the motorway network. to support the RTCC moving and provide tactical and strategic A Road Safety Strategy is currently under responses to emergencies. At present there is no single place in the West On the road network we have invested in: development for the region being led by Midlands where a common and unified view • Signal upgrades Coventry City Council. This will provide the of the transport network across all modes is • Telecoms connecting traffic signals to framework for ways in which we can improve Monitoring of the Key available. This impacts the management of the control centres road safety with an overall impact on managing Route Network (KRN) road network when there are cross boundary • Journey time monitoring systems congestion by preventing accidents. programmes of work or incidents that affect • Ground detection cameras TfWM together with the LA’s have reviewed key traffic flow, particularly outside of the normal • Traffic route models information it would need to collect to enable operating hours. • Common database providing location, Incident management and the Network insight into performance, produce congestion operational performance and management Emergency Plan (NEP) dashboards for stakeholders and identify future The RTCC will provide a coordinating umbrella of the highway network. areas for investment and improvement including: across all modes of transport with partners. It As well as taking measures to improve road will provide the means with how we manage Alongside the RTCC, there will be investment safety, reviewing the way accidents are managed • Collisions the day to day operations of the network, in the sensor technology to ensure that we can when they do occur, can help reduce the • Congestion planned events such as major construction understand and manage the road network more impact of resulting delays. TfWM and the local • Asset condition programmes and culture and sporting events effectively in real time. authorities (LA), alongside the Police and Crime • Roadworks as well as major incidents. Commissioner are working on a protocol which • Preventable disruption will enable the emergency services to control • Future impact Funding has been secured through the Devolution Road safety and manage road traffic collision scenes with • Air quality Agreement to develop a full business case for a the LA’s traffic teams and the RTCC providing RTCC to inform delivery. This work is progressing Accidents on the road network are estimated support to minimise those caught up in resulting This review identified current data access and to deliver an RTCC by December 2019 ahead of disruption. monitoring capabilities, gaps in monitoring and the major construction programmes and events. In by the DfT to cost the economy £1.8m per accident in terms of accident management best practice and made recommendations to the short term, TfWM will run a number of pilots to TfWM has also developed a Network Emergency support improvement to the management of the test an operational plan. In particular working with and congestion. Monitoring of the Key Route Network can identify where these problems are Plan (NEP) which will support this and other KRN which will support appropriate congestion partners to provide a single view of the network major incidents that disrupt the network. management measures. and work programme, monitor the network and and support the development of a programme of work to improve the safety of the network Working alongside emergency partners, this disruptions and, form the basis of information and will allow us to effectively manage traffic flows travel advice to residents businesses and visitors which will contribute to minimising disruption to assist in avoiding disruption and congestion.


Managing road works Innovation in the transport system • Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV): and permit schemes establish real world environment in-vehicle Innovation is key to improving efficiency in and roadside technologies that will enhance Where permit schemes have been introduced the region. There are many projects helping to the performance of the network. they have effectively cut works times, reduced ascertain the viability and benefits of cutting-edge inconvenience for road users and helped technologies to support future mobility demands. • Drone Technology: assist with management manage congestion. We are working with regional universities and of our transport system including rapid industry partners to make the West Midlands response for major traffic incidents, enable A coordinated view of current and upcoming a global leader in new technologies and create real time monitoring and reaction of roadworks will allow appropriate planning to new high-tech jobs which will be key to retaining emergency services, first responders and mitigate impact of scheduled works on road young talent. traffic management centres. users. Permit schemes are being introduced by the constituent authorities in 2018/19 (Coventry These innovations enable a shift from single car already has a scheme in place with Warwickshire). occupancy journeys to other more sustainable choices and include; Permit schemes enable the potential to introduce lane rental schemes to manage and coordinate • Establishing a West Midlands innovation roadworks minimising the impacts on congestion. group to coordinate activity on innovative Trial lane rental schemes by TfL and Kent County transport solutions to manage congestion. Council have identified further efficiencies in manging roadworks, reducing congestion. TfWM • Mobility as a Service: via smartphone apps is working with constituent authorities to review such as WHIM, we will influence how these the potential for a lane rental scheme to provide can support the wider economic objectives a positive impact on managing congestion. and demand for journeys whilst responding to the reduction of congestion.


Making better use of the M6 Toll West Midlands Bus Alliance Connecting public transport Switching between modes will be easier and cheaper through our integrated ticketing Although well used, the M6 Toll carries less traffic The West Midlands Bus Alliance was formed in Navigating the West Midlands by public systems and further enhancements to Swift, than originally forecast (circa 45,000 vehicles per 2015 in a formal partnership with bus operators transport requires passengers to be able to the region’s smart travel card. day, compared with original forecasts of 75,000). to strengthen relationships and develop a more make connections between modes as quickly, This underutilisation, especially by HGVs, has strategic approach to improving the bus services. seamlessly and conveniently as possible. An Ticketing - Swift a negative regional and national impact on integrated transport system will ensure that productivity and economic competitiveness for The Alliance has an independent chair from public transport is an attractive and viable The West Midlands has the largest smart local businesses. Transport Focus and an emphasis on improved alternative to using a car. ticketing scheme in the UK outside London outcomes for customers and integration within (Swift), accepted on buses and trams and on the Securing better use and integration of the a wider transport offer. The strategic action plan The Movement for Growth 10 year delivery train for direct debit customers (with plans to roll M6 Toll into the wider highway network will aim to tackle congestion which impacts on the plan includes a number of locations across the out the full range of Swift onto rail, including Pay- to achieve environmental, air quality and reliability of bus services and has identified high conurbation where improvements are being As-You-Go). economic benefits is critical to helping priority bus corridors and associated bus priority made at key public transport interchanges. manage congestion. on the network for investment and ongoing Swift provides tailored discounting and offers studies with network development plans. Projects include: supporting behaviour change. Work is underway Encouraging greater use of the road by HGVs • Wolverhampton Interchange to improve the customer experience through is a core priority for the West Midlands. Data The Alliance partnership has identified high • Dudley Interchange improved digital channels, contactless payments analysed by TfWM identifies that there is scope priority bus corridors for investment and • Walsall’s St Paul’s Street bus station and further roll out of fare capping. for further HGV through movements to transfer is undertaking studies to produce network refurbishment to the M6 Toll. It also suggests that more could development plans to improve bus services to • Sutton Coldfield HS2 Gateway TfWM is also working to increase its multi-modal be done to encourage greater use outside peak customers now and into the future. • University Station Interchange offer incorporating: periods for traffic travelling through the region. • Birmingham Interchange HS2 Station and Short-term priorities aim to deliver measures One Station project • Parking TfWM will continue to push for greater in traffic blackspots and improve efficiency by • Solihull rail station capacity and accessibility • Cycle Hire cooperation from partners to encourage this addressing congestion quickly and cheaply. improvements • Taxis shift through an established Memorandum Alongside short-term schemes, strategic • Perry Barr rebuild • Electric Vehicle Charging of Understanding with the M6 Toll Operator: development of bus priority on the network is vital • Snow Hill new entrance Midlands Expressway. to maximise benefits and address congestion. • Coventry rail and bus (See bus section in Improving Capacity for the current programme.)

34 35 37 Provide effective communications that are that are communications effective Provide expectations customer manage date, up to travel. on alternative and offer advice personalised towards a pathway Create or ‘zoned’ alerts information through travel and digital media. social journey-planning multi-modal Provide alongside targeted and information advice to offers and ticketing campaigns marketing of transport. forms using other incentivise

As part of its new approach, TfWM will implement will implement As part TfWM its approach, of new and engagement communications a resilience that will: strategy 1. 2. 3. and engagement communication The resilience all delivery across will be coordinated strategy the outlining partnersmessage consistent a with programme impacts of the investment positive as social on the growth ambitions, as well with Working outcomes. and environmental framework a will provide partners,strategy the support within a that can messaging localised context. consistent and engagement communication The resilience support will also the Network strategy when dealing and the RTCC Plan Emergency with major incidents. Re-mode journeys Re-mode journeys Re-route journeys Re-time journeys. Remove The basis for this approach will be to: be to: will approach this The for basis • • • • around sites business target is to focus A key and advice of disruption, providing prime areas impacts supportof mitigate them to enable to and disruption. congestion approach In addition, the demand management communities and sites educational will target and programme the investment by impacted support active through wider health agendas and cycling. walking travel, Communications and marketing and Communications disruption that Growth states for Movement be avoided, cannot patterns normal travel to supported by governance with strong but of a culture politicians and executives, senior communication, and excellent collaboration, disruption can to a network which is resilient adopted universally and robust A achieved. be can strategy engagement and communications and congestion assist with managing greatly approach. underpin the demand management Collaboration and enabling by TfWM is critical critical is TfWM and enabling by Collaboration supporting and project journeys in managing investment the of scale the given delivery, This is particularly delivery when so programme. on the network. the constraints is adding to car single occupancy demand for Unchecked, beyond well that extend issues creates travel environmental, including the daily commute and people on costs financial and impacts social businesses. demand management approach A comprehensive this plan. to separately will be introduced Network, Smart the as such programmes Previous was which programme, Choices Smarter supported by the Local Fund, Sustainable Travel change. on behaviour good progress achieved apply innovation, this and learn from can We manage demand to as digital technologies, such travel. for management approach demand TfWM The new intelligent make can that customers will recognise should We the right information. decisions given that capacity the spare underestimate not also and outside of peak hours exists on the network be utilised. this should how


Journey plannning How you can help These include:- 4. Could you use a different route? If you do have to use the car, check your route It is important that businesses, residents It is not just up to TfWM to reduce congestion; a 1. Could you change the time of your journey? before you leave. Google Maps or a Sat-Nav with and visitors to the region have easy to access number of organisations are working together to Avoid travelling during peak times wherever live traffic updates will help you pick the least and trusted information on travel planning improve the way we travel in and around the West possible. Plan ahead, check timetables or apps congested route each time. and disruptions. Midlands and through our programmes we will and leave more time for your journey as services work with you to keep the region moving. will be busier. 5. Could you speak to your employer? TfWM’s Network West Midlands digital If you commute for work, speak to your employer platforms are already a trusted source of travel Roads and public transport will be busier than 2. Could you car share with a friend or about whether there is the option of working from information for public transport. They allow normal while essential works take place. You will colleague? home. This will help to reduce the number of users to plan journeys and receive live updates still be able to get to where you need to go, but Car sharing for just two journeys a week could journeys being made each day. during trips. They are where people go to will need to plan ahead and check your journey help to keep traffic at ‘school holiday’ levels all year plan alternative routes during major incidents. before you travel. round. It will save you money, reduce congestion However, they do not provide this information and some companies even offer priority parking to Stay up to date with the latest transport across the road network and they are not able to There will also be a large number of extra staff when they share their journeys. projects and plan your journey at communicate congestion or the impact of road visitors to our region as we prepare for the works or incidents. Coventry City of Culture and the Commonwealth 3. Could you leave your car at home? Games, so in some cases you may need to By using public transport, congestion on key roads or follow the conversation on TfWM will transform existing digital platforms to re-think your route or change the time you travel. across the region will be reduced. The bus, train or Twitter: @networkwm provide a multi-modal single source of the truth We can help you plan your journey through Metro might be a good alternative for your journey on travel, incorporating real time information on which we will improve depending on where you need to go and at what the public transport and road networks. This will to cover all modes of transport. time and for shorter trips walking or cycling could bring together information from those investing be the fastest route to your destination, as well as in the network, operating services and managing We all need to think about how we travel and providing exercise and health benefits. traffic flows. It will enable the communication there are ways in which together, we can help of day to day operations, as well as planned reduce the impacts of congestion. events and incidents that cause disruption to the network. This portal will also seek to publish information openly to ensure relevant information is available to all journey planners.

38 38 39 MANAGING DEMAND Fig 17: Creating a single source of the truth

Delivery Partners Residents Influence Influence

Businesses Transport Communication Operators Portal Information

'Single source of the truth' Visitors Inform

Local Authorities


Congestion is a major problem for many The level of disruption that we will experience cities across the UK. In the West Midlands brings with it many opportunities for behavioural we acknowledge that we cannot continue change. This will require us all to consider how, with the traditional approaches to congestion when and where we travel and whether the management that have provided limited journeys are necessary or could be shared. We success and therefore we believe a fresh need to encourage consideration of the full approach is required. range of travel choices available and to utilise the information that has been provided. The next decade will see an unprecedented level of investment in our region, which will generate We will work with all parties to maximise the additional pressures on our already congested opportunities to firmly establish a long term transport networks. change to existing travel habits with sustainability at its core. This will reduce the impact on our We all have a role to play in contributing to the environment, improve air quality as well as mental solutions. Whilst TfWM and partners can provide and physical health to our residents. improvements to the network through additional capacity and issue trusted information to aid Ultimately the investment taking place in the sustainable travel choices, this journey will only West Midlands will provide the foundation to be successful if we undertake it together. build towards our vision for a healthier, happier, better connected and more prosperous region.

42 43 DELIVERY TIMELINE Fig 17: Delivery timeline Darlaston Station Clean Air Zone Birmingham begins A4123 Moseley Station Wolverhampton to Bartley Green to Birmingham Birmingham (Via Harborne) Bus Priority Longmore Street Bus Multi-Modal Upgrade Willenhall Station Incident Management and Lane Extension The Network Emergency Plan Birmingham Cycle Pershore Road/Sherlock Wolverhampton Sprint: Walsall to Revolution (A38) Street Outbound Bus Lane A441 Pershore Road Railway Station Birmingham (A34) West Midlands Quick-Wins Innovation Group Commonwealth Games HS2 Opening Lister Street/Great A456 Druids Aldridge Rail Station Lister Street Bus Gate Heath To Sprint: Longbridge to Permitting Schemes Bristol Street/Thorp Birmingham Via Birmingham (A38) Sprint: Dudley to Street Bus Lane Widening Kings Heath and Birmingham (via Hagley A454 Willenhall Road Moseley Bus A41 Handsworth Road) Nextbike Scheme Sprint: Hagley Road Bus Lane Review Priority Wood to Birmingham (Phase 1) Bus Priority/Journey Dudley to Brierley Hill A34 Stratford Road Great Charles Street Queensway Bus Time Reliability TDM Strategy and Bus Lane Review Priority Phase 2 & 3 Sprint: Hagley Road HS2 in Service Programme

Coventry City Of Coventry Road - Upper Dean Street to Culture Digbeth High Street Moat Lane Bus Only Birmingham Cycle to Bordesley Circus Sprint Hall Revolution Canal Outbound Bus Lane Quinton Road Bus KRN Towpath Laybys A441 Cotteridge to Green to Birmingham Cycle Pershore Birmingham Bus Birmingham Eastside Wednesbury to Dudley Interchange via Journey Revolution (A34) Road/Belgrave Priority Extension Solihull Planner Middleway Gyratory Birmingham Bus Lane Birmingham Eastside A435 Alcester Road Improvements Sprint Hagley Road Enforcement Extension Key: Bus Lane Review Birmingham Westside (Phase 2) Tranche 2 Extension Constitution Hill to St. Red – Bus Chads Bus Lanes Coventry Masterplan Orange – Train Birmingham RTCC Kings Heath Station International Blue – Tram / Sprint Smallbrook Interchange Pink – Roads Queensway Bus Lanes Hazelwell Station Green – Cycling Grey – TfWM B4128 97 Corridor Bus Black – Managing Demand Lane Review Yellow – Major Events


Monitoring our success

We need to know that we are being successful in managing congestion so it is important that we monitor and adjust where appropriate. To do this we will continue to monitor movement for growth outcomes.

In addition we will now keep the Key Route Network under constant review to ensure that we are able to identify key hotspots for congestion, road safety issues and the reliability of the network. This is in line with the KRN monitoring framework and will enable us to target appropriately further investments linked to economic growth.

We will also continue to undertake customer satisfaction surveys on all modes to help understand how we are doing from the users’ perspective. This again will help us to review our programmes of work and adjust to improve what we do.

46 47 Transport for West Midlands Building a healthier, happier, better connected 16 Summer Lane, Birmingham, B19 3SD | 0345 303 6760 and more prosperous West Midlands. To request a copy of this document in a different format, please get in touch.