Curriculum Vitæ General information Name- Kim Alexander Alexeevich, Date of birth- 09.04.1976. Home address- 692525, Russia, t. Ussuriysk, Komsomolskaya st. 44A-11. Home telephone number- 7-4234-346787. Mobile phone – 7-902-052-1334 (in Russia), 82-10-7459-8113 (Republic of Korea). Skype: nevrag76 e-mail address:
[email protected] Education: 2007, October: awarded PhD degree by the Russian Academy of Sciences (Far Eastern Branch). 2004, March - 2005, March: Yonsei University. Korean language training program. Republic of Korea 2001, March - 2002, March: Yonsei University. Korean language training program. Republic of Korea. 1999 - 2004: PhD student, Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography of Russian Academy of Sciences (Far Eastern Branch). Vladivostok. 1993 - 1998: Ussuriysk State Pedagogical Institute, Department of History and Law. “Vysshee obrazovanie” (Higher Education=MA) (with practice in archaeological expeditions, schools, archives, police system). Qualification – school teacher of history and law. 1 Professional career: From December 1st, 2018: Associate professor, Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service, Institute of law, Department of international relations and law (teaching international relations in the East Asia, Russian international relations, countries of the former Soviet Union, main directions of border cooperation in the Asia-Pacific, political geography of states in the Asia-Pacific, regional conflicts in the modern world, modern international relations, social-political and legal systems in the Asia-Pacific). (Russian Federation). March – July 2017: visiting scholar, Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University (USA). 2014 – September 2017: Associate Professor, Far Eastern Federal University. School of education, Department of historical education (taught course of Russian history). (Russian Federation).