Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1986-07-02
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Price: 20 cents C 1986 Student Publications, Inc. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper Wednesday, July 2, 1986 'al-8 announces layoff of 100.employees Tb toothbrush manufacturer, b ctlo ed in ntory. corporate communication for Ie ening ill production. Services o( Iowa, said the By Mary Boone "Let' just calm any fears that Oral-B layon: will certainly Edllo( wh ch ranks 0.7 .mon loc I Robinson said th layofT: are Gill tt. id the layorn are mploye~, curr nUy employ temporary. but ould not pre strictI localized. might be out there," Kenney have an ffect on the area's Citin,djsmal productJon (ore· 4050 peopl . A r the la),olli , dict wh n ork n mi hI be laid "Ware currently look unemployment rate, bul added c and b 10 ed inven th ...·ork fo~ at OraJ-B will railed CTlO pri· inJ into makin, 10m major the extent 1$ unknown tory, 0 clal at Oral·B Labor· total ~. "This is • .It and • JtU8- marily taken to redu pro capital improvemen at the wlt'lJU t real hard to lIywhat atories Inc. announced the Bill Robinson,Oral·S director tion," Robinson aid "A recall duction .t the 10 I City plant, Iowa City planl We're e plor 100 peopl bein, laid ott at layoff of 100 or t i of hum n resource, IBid th would b compl t I), depen to ad)u t fot an in r a d Ina additional u ror the one plant will do to unemploy toothbrulh manu(aclurln, layoffl were announced to dent on th forecast Ind product inventory," .K nney facUity, uch as d \' 10plllJ a ment stat! iCI," enke said. plant on Lower luscatine Il'orke~ last Thursday Tooth iD\·enlory." aid. dIstribution center We h.v "A lot or the people may not Road. brush ale r main t ady. Oral-B I a member of the He also mph Ix d the layoff no plans, wha r to leave live in John on County, some The layolTs, en ctive July 14, accordin to Robin on. but the divel'lined company croup of i hort·t rm, and that GiUett towa City" may not nt fOT unemployment will displace Oral·B from the company i nOI IIIng .nough The Gill tte Company in 80 omeials hi e no inlentlons of D n enke. _ I ntm n ler rlcbt away, lOme may le-'e city'. list or Top 10 employen. loothbru h I to eliminate ill ton Dou K tlncy, man g r of movln tbe Oral·'S plant or of the Iowa City omce o( Job the area" Envoy to Herbicides Honduras replaced blam d for' by U. S. WASIHNGT r e bligh Julia Ia bill wa made out to Larry I, £ .. Ei t r," Eckermann lid City Editor TilE IN ID T do • not Th e rialaprlYln, or h rbl po a h alth huard to p rk cld on I Sohnson County rarm Ulerl and no wildlif was may b re pon Ible for dama fl 'ct d. Th d maRed tree illj more th n 1.400 tre I In Jo' are connned 10 J( nt Park', Kent Park, omclall from n rth It corner, de crIb d by the John on County Con rva Dunlap ~on or the mo t tlon Hoard laid Tue day rt'mol ar .. of th plrk." Con natlonboardm mbe "It', notan imm n ar., but and Iowa Department of Alri it'l a lianlneanl ar ." aid cultur' omcl.1 aid In Inv Jim urphy. con. r tlon tigatlon r vall Ihal a walnut board m mb r. Membera laid tr Iro" nnd oth r plants In they h.v exp rlenced no th park cam Into c nUl(: similar probl ma linc th with a herbicide pray d on a p rk wa tabli,h d In 1969. n I hborin pa tur y 21 or Eckermann IIld h' could 22 recall no Ilmilar mCld nt In A r lease Iud by th con lh stat nation bolrd .tates th ailu Con natIon board membcn ation warren a "pot ntlal for I a "co rvati~ lImat .. Uti, tlon" by the county. John- for r plaCID, the tr • at $50 on County Attorney J. Patrick per tr • But tb It w re White laid th attorney'. belnl "hln t d" 10 bold nt.ft ornc will mat. a recommen for lumb r, and m fully dallon or action Within two to grown walnut tr are worth thre w up to $10.000. m mber uld. A CONGRE 10 L "We art' In the proc of R E, who dj area with Th us of h Iicopters to tryln 10 review what hap· apply herbicid I not uncom th admlnl tration II y In pen d" b d on information Central America, said, "Any mon In Jowa, and Eckermann provid d by the agriculture said there may be no differ amba ador who's doln, his department Ind the consena· Job w\ll say our policy is ruin· ence b tw en helicopter and tlon board, Whit said. The pI n application. II\i the country wh TO he' attorney'. office will allo taUoned It' happ n d before, and the adminlltration d L rmin h tb r the Incl· ")' OT AW that one is bound to punish him." dent bas r ceiv d thorouah safer than the oth r. I would The po I i Important to the I n\lestigation gu s th l a helicopter would adm inistrlltion's Central hive Breater control In light r American policy, particularly ALTHO GO Y or the are ," he aid toward Nicaragua. Congress tr s have suffered defolia The herbicide us d WIS 2,4-0 last week approved $100 mil lion, official say it Is too - . a fairly cOUlmon Chemical hon In new aid for the Contra e rly to $P culate on thc total that hu been u ed by farme rebels battl ing the leftist amount of damage. since lhe 1940 , a cordlllJ to Nicaraguan gov rnment and "At this time it i difficult to Dale Shire, John on County the aid will be administered delermlDe how many trees Exlen ion S nice director. through nei,hborln, Hon will die and tb extent of The herbiCide Is ometinte duras. damage to the tr es that lur u d on com and is "not con One Capitol Hill sourc said, Grave task vive," said Rod Dunlap, con- sider d to be very toxic," "They needed a military com nation board director. Shires said "But there ar mander and Ferch didn't nt Ptepal1ng lot upcoming Fourth of Juty cetebratlont, more than 50,000 he.atonel .t the Fort AOMCtan. The farmland is owned by precautions to be taken," he the bill" Hany HalratDn u... • wal., jet to ctean one of National Cemetary In San Dfego. Harry Eisler of rural Timn, added. The United States also has a Iowa, according to Charles Tom Bayliss, all gronomist major military pre ence in Eckermann, supervisor or the employed by Eldon C. Stuts Honduras with 1,200 soldiers pe tIclde section of the state'. man, [nc., a Hills fertilizer stationed there L:ocal radio listeners fooled agriculture department. Ei ales outlet, said 2,4-0 could ter's son, Larry, contracted be dangerous to younger, less IN HONDURA , President Iowa Valley Helicopter established trees. Jose Azcona Hoyo said upon Aviation to pray the pasture. Taxpayers should be made hearing Ferch was fired, "I am into 'bagging' their phones Neither ofthe Eisters could be aware of the incident because a little sad because he is a reached for comment Tuesday. "it's the public'. tree and it's good. friend." By Lewla Wayne Oreene was a joke," Sinicropi said. "The Eisters, either Harry or their tax dollars that provide "I was told yesteroay by the University Editor North Liberty, Iowa, resident Larry, hired an applicator to them," said conservation ambassador himself that he Charlotte Berry said sbe wa .pray their pasture and the board president Mike Rocca. was going to leave Honduras," An Iowa City radio station lold fooled when she heard the Azcona said, adding, "We were listeners to take their tele announcemenl not expecting this situation." phones out of trash bags Tues She called her si ter-in·law "We were very supri ed, and day. and warned her of the immi we feel very sorry becaus Mr. KKRQ-FMradio began broad nent telephone line blow oul Ferch was working well with casting disclaimers to that us," he said. effect Tuesday morning after BERRY SAID her ister-in-Iaw State Departmcnt officials listeners apparently took a bagged her telephone and she said staff morale bad been low joke seTiously. was about to do the same when since Ferch took over. A top Station Sales Manager Steve she thought to check the story Inside offici enied Ferch 'was Sinicropi went on the air early out with the radio station. UI HoepbIs tncIed a r.w Fog will fill the IIdeI this being a -to take the blame Tuesday morning claiming to When she found out the truth, non-amoking policy thla morning and ahoutd \1ft by for aI ons that American be "Bill" from "the pbone Berry said she felt silly for week. PIIienta and AlIt must noon. This afternoon will be aid to the Nicaraguan rebels, company." having believed the hoax. "I comply with the ruing. Some partJy sunny and less humid fUtere1 through Honduras, Sinicropi told listeners the felt like a jerk," she said.