Deformed Weitzenböck Connections and Double Field Theory Victor A. Penas1 1 G. Física CAB-CNEA and CONICET, Centro Atómico Bariloche, Av. Bustillo 9500, Bariloche, Argentina
[email protected] ABSTRACT We revisit the generalized connection of Double Field Theory. We implement a procedure that allow us to re-write the Double Field Theory equations of motion in terms of geometric quantities (like generalized torsion and non-metricity tensors) based on other connections rather than the usual generalized Levi-Civita connection and the generalized Riemann curvature. We define a generalized contorsion tensor and obtain, as a particular case, the Teleparallel equivalent of Double Field Theory. To do this, we first need to revisit generic connections in standard geometry written in terms of first-order derivatives of the vielbein in order to obtain equivalent theories to Einstein Gravity (like for instance the Teleparallel gravity case). The results are then easily extrapolated to DFT. arXiv:1807.01144v2 [hep-th] 20 Mar 2019 Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Connections in General Relativity 4 2.1 Equationsforcoefficients. ........ 6 2.2 Metric-Compatiblecase . ....... 7 2.3 Non-metricitycase ............................... ...... 9 2.4 Gauge redundancy and deformed Weitzenböck connections .............. 9 2.5 EquationsofMotion ............................... ..... 11 2.5.1 Weitzenböckcase............................... ... 11 2.5.2 Genericcase ................................... 12 3 Connections in Double Field Theory 15 3.1 Tensors Q and Q¯ ...................................... 17 3.2 Components from (1) ................................... 17 3.3 Components from T e−2d .................................. 18 3.4 Thefullconnection...............................∇ ...... 19 3.5 GeneralizedRiemanntensor. ........ 20 3.6 EquationsofMotion ............................... ..... 23 3.7 Determination of undetermined parts of the Connection . ............... 25 3.8 TeleparallelDoubleFieldTheory .