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Jhep01(2020)007 Published for SISSA by Springer Received: March 27, 2019 Revised: November 15, 2019 Accepted: December 9, 2019 Published: January 2, 2020 Deformed graded Poisson structures, generalized geometry and supergravity JHEP01(2020)007 Eugenia Boffo and Peter Schupp Jacobs University Bremen, Campus Ring 1, 28759 Bremen, Germany E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Abstract: In recent years, a close connection between supergravity, string effective ac- tions and generalized geometry has been discovered that typically involves a doubling of geometric structures. We investigate this relation from the point of view of graded ge- ometry, introducing an approach based on deformations of graded Poisson structures and derive the corresponding gravity actions. We consider in particular natural deformations of the 2-graded symplectic manifold T ∗[2]T [1]M that are based on a metric g, a closed Neveu-Schwarz 3-form H (locally expressed in terms of a Kalb-Ramond 2-form B) and a scalar dilaton φ. The derived bracket formalism relates this structure to the generalized differential geometry of a Courant algebroid, which has the appropriate stringy symme- tries, and yields a connection with non-trivial curvature and torsion on the generalized “doubled” tangent bundle E =∼ TM ⊕ T ∗M. Projecting onto TM with the help of a natural non-isotropic splitting of E, we obtain a connection and curvature invariants that reproduce the NS-NS sector of supergravity in 10 dimensions. Further results include a fully generalized Dorfman bracket, a generalized Lie bracket and new formulas for torsion and curvature tensors associated to generalized tangent bundles. A byproduct is a unique Koszul-type formula for the torsionful connection naturally associated to a non-symmetric metric, which resolves ambiguity problems and inconsistencies of traditional approaches to non-symmetric gravity theories. Keywords: Differential and Algebraic Geometry, Classical Theories of Gravity, Super- gravity Models, Superstrings and Heterotic Strings ArXiv ePrint: 1903.09112 Open Access, c The Authors. https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP01(2020)007 Article funded by SCOAP3. Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Summary of essential notions 4 3 Graded Poisson algebra of T ∗[2]T [1]M 8 3.1 Deformed graded Poisson brackets 8 JHEP01(2020)007 3.2 Derived structure 10 4 Courant algebroid connection 12 4.1 Generalized torsion, Lie bracket and connection 12 4.2 Connection for the derived deformed Courant algebroid 16 4.3 Comparison with other definitions of torsion 17 4.4 Curvature invariants 19 5 Deformation with metric g, 2-form B and dilaton φ 20 5.1 Deformed graded Poisson algebra 20 5.2 Derived structure 22 5.2.1 Courant σ-model 24 5.3 Connection and curvature 25 5.3.1 Koszul formula 26 5.3.2 Metric connection with torsion 27 5.4 Supergravity bosonic NS-NS sector 28 6 Discussion and comments 30 A Generalized differential geometry 33 1 Introduction Deformations of Poisson structures in classical physics and deformations of canonical com- mutation relations in quantum mechanics can be used to describe interactions. This ap- proach is well-established in the context of electromagnetism and is an arguably slightly more general alternative to gauge theories. It allows for instance the inclusion of magnetic monopole sources [1] (see also [2]) and it can also deal rather elegantly with first order actions. In the electromagnetic case, the deformation µ µ µ ν {pµ, pν} = eFµν(x), {x , pν} = δν , {x , x } = 0 – 1 – of the canonical Poisson structure is based on a local change of phase space coordinates µ µ (x , pµ) 7→ (x , pµ + eAµ(x)) generated by a gauge field Aµ(x). This is a simple appli- cation of Moser’s lemma [3]. Gauge transformations δAµ = ∂µλ correspond to canonical transformations of the deformed Poisson structure. The undeformed “free” Hamiltonian H = p2/2m in conjuction with the deformed Poisson structure yields the correct Lorentz µ µν forcep ˙ = eF x˙ ν withx ˙ ν = pν/m. Globally, the deformation is non-trivial whenever the field strength belongs to a non-trivial cohomology class. So far little is known about gravitational interactions from this point of view. Here we will show how to implement the approach in the context of supergravity. The deformation data that will enable us to formulate a Supergravity action is a Riemannian metric g, a JHEP01(2020)007 closed Neveu-Schwarz 3-form field strength H and a dilaton scalar field φ. Locally, on a contractible patch, the Neveu-Schwarz field can be expressed as H = dB in terms of the Kalb-Ramond 2-form B, which is defined up to 1-form Λ (gauge) transformations B 7→ B + dΛ. The 1-form gauge parameter Λ is itself defined only up to a total derivative. Globally, this is the structure of an abelian bundle gerbe (a higher geometric analog of a line bundle). In analogy to the electromagnetic case mentioned above, the fields g, B and φ generate a deformation via a local change of phase space coordinates. But unlike the electromagnetic case, the deformed Poisson structure cannot entirely be formulated in terms of gauge invariant quantities, since Λ transformations act non-trivially — as is in fact to be expected in view of the gerbe structure. The deformations are thus necessarily local, but they nevertheless extend to a globally well-defined structure. The appropriate geometric setting needed to accomodate all fields, turns out to be graded Poisson structures and it is closely related to Generalized Geometry. The deforma- tion data in fact defines a so-called generalized metric, but this observation shall not be the main focus of this paper. Generalized Geometry unifies aspects of Riemannian, symplectic and complex geometry. It typically involves the study of a doubled (tangent plus cotan- gent) bundle TM ⊕ T ∗M with structure group O(d, d), or extensions of it, interpreted as a generalized tangent bundle. The natural notion of symmetry on the generalized tangent bundle is encoded in Courant algebroids with an ad-invariant pairing on sections, an an- chor map into tangent space and a Dorfman bracket. Unlike the more familiar Lie-bracket, the Dorfman bracket is not anti-symmetric in order to assure suitable integrability prop- erties and it satisfies a restricted Jacobi identity. Compatibility conditions between these objects must also hold. Exact Courant algebroids E =∼ TM ⊕ T ∗M have been classified by Severaˇ [4] in terms of the third cohomology class H3(M, R). In the recent past the generalized differential geometry of TM ⊕ T ∗M has been ex- ploited to show — with various suitable assumptions — that supergravity, as the supersym- metric theory of gravity in its own right, but also as the effective field theory of superstrings of type IIA and IIB, can be described as some kind of Einstein’s General Relativity on this doubled vector bundle. For example, the works [5–7] and others show this in the frame- work of Generalized Geometry. In Double Field Theory, where also the coordinates of the base manifold (spacetime) are doubled, similar results — upon suitable projection onto standard target spacetime — were found, see e.g. [8]. As mentioned above, here we shall take a different approach based on deformations of graded Poisson structures. It is known that the aforementioned Generalized Geometry – 2 – structures are special cases of graded Poisson algebras in the derived bracket formalism: the 2-graded symplectic manifold T ∗[2]T [1]M, admitting a Hamiltonian (shifted) vector field, with its sheaf of graded Poisson algebras generated by the polynomial functions, was related to the exact Courant algebroid on T [1]M ⊕ T ∗[1]M ≃ T ∗M ⊕ TM in Severa’sˇ letter 7 [4] to Alan Weinstein. Roytenberg, in [9] and in his PhD thesis [10], further analysed graded symplectic manifolds and found a 1-1 correspondence between symplectic NQ-manifolds of degree 2 and Courant algebroids. The key was to notice that the bracket and the pairing are derived brackets of the Poisson bracket with the Hamiltonian as differential. The relation between Courant algebroid and derived brackets and other applications to Lie algebroids are explained by Kosmann-Schwarzbach in [11]. Graded Poisson algebras JHEP01(2020)007 and graded Lie algebras are also relevant in the context of the BRST and BV quantization of the path integral of field theories with local symmetries. Another closely related and fruitful setup for the exploitation of the rich structures of graded manifolds are the AKSZ models [12]. They associate topological field theories to graded symplectic manifolds by lifting the graded and symplectic construction on a pair of manifolds M, N to the mapping space Map(M, N). For further details see e.g. the review on supergeometry [13]. Worth mentioning, amongst the numerous works, is the exploration of the AKSZ construction by Ikeda [14], Schaller and Strobl in [15], and Cattaneo and Felder in [16] and [17] for N = T [1]N0 related to the Poisson σ-model. It is natural to conjecture that the “generalized General Relativity nature” of super- gravity can be described in terms of the differential graded symplectic manifold T ∗[2]T [1]M, with M being d-dimensional target spacetime. Indeed, this is the program of this pa- per: starting from a deformation of the graded Poisson algebra encoded in local vielbeins, we reconstruct the NS-NS sector of 10-dimensional supergravity from a derived general- ized connection and corresponding curvature invariant. The construction uses the derived bracket approach to Generalized Geometry and some additional natural geometric struc- tures, which we shall describe in detail. Structure of the article. In the following section 2 we will review the necessary back- ground on Generalized Geometry and graded symplectic manifolds. The notation will be fixed in this part.
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