Think Anchor Deep

Th ere is a wide variety of possibilities, opportunities and chances that can bring the philosophy of Delta Gamma into the daily lives of our members.

Th is handbook serves as a compilation of visionary thoughts, quotations and poems by noteworthy people and Delta Gamma members to provide inspiration on a variety of subjects refl ecting our mission. 2011 edition CONTENTS for hope. (page 3) Th rough service, leadership, mentoring and friendship opportunities, our members are able to develop individually while advancing the organization as a whole. Service Leadership Mentoring & Teamwork Friendship Hopes & Dreams for strength. (page 23) Honesty, truth, responsibility, accountability and our high quality of character help to create the strong, talented women of Delta Gamma.

Honesty & Integrity Truth Responsiblity Perseverance & Hard Work From Our Founders Sisterhood Motivation & Inspiration Character Life Lessons for life. (page 50) Th rough legacy and loyalty, Delta Gamma continues to grow, achieve, thrive and succeed. We are rich in heritage and tradition, and our Delta Gamma pride empowers us to forever “Do Good.”

Patriotism Legacy Achievement & Success Love & Happiness “Do Good” Loyalty & Devotion Heritage & Tradition Rituals Membership for a Lifetime DG Refl ections Personal Refl ections Th rough service, leadership, . mentoring and friendship for hope opportunities, our members are able to develop individually while advancing the organization as a whole.

Service...... 4 Leadership...... 7 Mentoring & Teamwork...... 10 Friendship...... 13 Hopes & Dreams...... 20

3 philanthropy work at the Blind Childrens Center

on service ... “In the fi rst half of the 19th century, Delta Gammas searched for a united philanthropic cause. They wrote letters to their national offi cers, talked among themselves, and even addressed the Convention body in 1936 to go on record as desiring a national altruistic project: ‘There were three openings for worthy giving: We may give brains, or time or money. Work for the blind is an opportunity for all those who feel that service is some part of the privilege of being a member of Delta Gamma.’” Cleveland alumnae chapter report from 1929 — 4 for hope. SERVICE

Starfi sh “Th e smallest good deed is better than the “Th e park bench was deserted as I sat down As an old man walked along the beach at grandest intention.” to read. Beneath the long, straggly branches dawn one morning, he noticed a young girl —Unknown of an old willow tree. Disillusioned by life up ahead of him picking up starfi sh and with good reason to frown, for the world fl inging them into the sea. Finally catching “Volunteers have style. Th ey are fi ercely was intent on dragging me down. And if up to the girl, the man asked her why she independent. If you have to ask how that weren’t enough to ruin my day, a young was doing this. much they cost, you can’t aff ord them. boy out of breath approached me, tired Th e girl answered that the stranded Th ey are part of an aristocratic era that is from play. He stood right before me with his starfi sh would die if left there in the disappearing from the American scene—a head tilted down. morning sun. luxury in a world that has become very And said with great excitement, ‘Look “But the beach goes on for miles, and practical. Th ey are civilization, at least the what I found!’ In his hand was a fl ower, and there millions of starfi sh,” quibbled the old only part worth talking about. Th ey are what a pitiful sight, with its petals all worn— man. the only human beings on the face of this not enough rain, or too little light. Wanting “How can your eff ort make and Earth who refl ect this nation’s compassion, him to take his dead fl ower and go off to diff erence?” unselfi shness, caring, patience, need and play, I faked a small smile and then shifted Th e girl looked down at the starfi sh in her love for on another. Th eir very presence away. But instead of retreating he sat next hand before throwing it into the safety of transcends politics, religion and ethnic to my side and placed the fl ower to his nose the ocean waves. backgrounds. Th ey are a luxury too often and declared with overacted surprise, ‘It sure “It makes a diff erence to this one,” she said. taken for granted. It frightens me, somehow, smells pretty and it's beautiful, too. Th at's —Unknown to imagine what the world would be why I picked it; here, it's for you.’ Th e weed without them.” before me was dying or dead. Not vibrant Th e Bridge Builder —Erma Bombeck of colors: orange, yellow or red. But I knew An old man, going along a highway, I must take it, or he might never leave. So Came at evening, cold and gray, “Nobody could make a greater mistake than I reached for the fl ower, and replied, ‘Just To a chasm, vast and deep and wide, he who did nothing because he could only what I need.’ Th rough which was fl owing a sullen tide. do a little.” But instead of him placing the fl ower in Th e old man crossed in the twilight dim: —Edmund Burke my hand, He held it mid-air without reason Th e sullen stream had no fears for him. or plan. It was then that I noticed for the But he turned when safe on the other side “Th e practice of loving kindness must fi nd very fi rst time what the weed-toting boy And built a bridge to span the tide. its root deep within us. Th e story is told that could not see: he was blind. I heard my “Old man,” said a fellow pilgrim near, Gandhi once settled in a village and at once voice quiver; tears shone in the sun. As I “You are wasting strength with building began serving the needs of the villagers who thanked him for picking the very best one. here; lived there. A friend inquired if Gandhi’s ‘You're welcome,’ he smiled, and then ran Your journey will end with each ending day. objectives in serving the poor were purely off to play. You never again must pass this way; humanitarian. Gandhi replied, ‘Not at all. I Unaware of the impact he’d had on my You have crossed the chasm, deep and wide, am here to serve no one else but myself, do day. I sat there and wondered how he Why build you the bridge at evening tide?” I fi nd my own self-realization through the managed to see. A self-pitying woman Th e builder lifted his old gray head. service of these village folk.’ beneath an old willow tree. How did he “Good friend, in the path that I have come,” As Gandhi wisely points out, even as we know of my self-indulged plight? Perhaps He said, “Th ere followeth after me today serve others we are working on ourselves; from his heart, he’d been blessed with true A youth whose feet must pass this way. every act, every word, every gesture of sight. Th rough the eyes of a blind child, at Th is chasm that has been naught to me. genuine compassion naturally nourishes last I could see the problem was not with To that fair-haired youth may a pitfall be. our own hearts as well. It is not a question the world; the problem was me. He, too, must cross in the twilight dim; of who is healed fi rst. When we attend to And for all of those times I myself had Good friend, I am building the bridge for Him.” ourselves with compassion and mercy, more been blind, I vowed to see the beauty in life, —Will Allen Dromgoole healing is made available for others. And and appreciate every second that’s mine. when we serve others with an open and And then I held that wilted fl ower up to “Remember, if you ever need a helping generous heart, great healing comes to us.” my nose and breathed in the fragrance of a hand, you will fi nd one at the end of each —Wayne Muller beautiful rose. of your arms. As you grow older, you will And smiled as I watched that young boy, discover that you have two hands – one “Th e heart is happiest when it beats for another weed in his hand, about to change for helping yourself, and one for helping others.” the life of an unsuspecting old man.” others.” —Unknown —Unknown —Unknown 5 for hope. SERVICE

“We’re one, but we’re not the same. We get “Never doubt that a small group of “Life is not made up of great sacrifi ces or to carry each other.” thoughtful, committed citizens can change duties, but of the little things of which —U2 the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that smiles and kindnesses and small obligations, ever has.” given habitually, are what win and preserve “We began by imagining that we are giving —Margaret Mead the heart.” to them; we end by realizing that they have —Sir Humphry Davy enriched us.” “We must be full of life if we are going to —Pope John Paul II make life fuller for others.” “One of the best ways for us to feel —David Sawyer important is to be of service to others.” “Do all the good you can, by all the means —Paul S. McElroy you can, in all the ways you can, in all the “We need love and creative imagination to places you can, at all the times you can, to do constructive work.” “Opportunity is missed by most people all the people you can, as long as ever you —Paula Ollendorf because it is dressed in overalls, and looks can.” like work.” —John Wesley “We can do no great things, only small —Th omas A. Edison things with great love.” “Th e more you give, the more good things —Mother Teresa “For those of you who have built castles in come to you.” the air, your work need not be lost. Now —Crow proverb “If you want to innovate, to change an put the foundations under them.” enterprise or a society; it takes people —Unknown “Great opportunities to help others seldom willing to do what is not expected.” come, but small ones surround us daily.” —Jean Ribould “I don’t know what your destiny will be, but —Sally Koch one thing I do know: the only ones among “Work is love made visible.” you who will be really happy are those who “After the verb ‘to love’, ‘to help’ is the most —Khalil Gibran have sought and found how to serve.” beautiful verb in the world.” —Albert Schweitzer —Bertha Von Suttner “No man or woman, even of the humblest sort, can really be strong, gentle, pure and “Only a life lived for others is a life “Th at service is the noblest which is good without the world being better for worthwhile.” rendered for its own sake.” it; without somebody being helped and —Albert Einstein —Unknown comforted by the very existence of that goodness.” “If I have been of service, if I have glimpsed “Whenever you are asked if you can do a —Phillips Brooks more of the nature and essence of ultimate job, tell 'em, ‘Certainly, I can!’ Th en get good, if I am inspired to reach wider busy and fi nd out how to do it.” “It is one of the most beautiful horizons of thought and action, if I am at —Th eodore Roosevelt compensations of this life that no man peace with myself, it has been a successful can sincerely try to help another without day.” “Th e only real way to diff erentiate yourself helping himself.” —Alex Noble from competition is through service.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson —Jonathan Tisch “Perhaps the greatest social service that can “Volunteering creates a national character in be rendered by anybody to this country and “All the beautiful sentiments in the world which the community and the nation take to mankind is to bring up a family.” weigh less than a single lovely action.” on a spirit of compassion, comradeship, and —George Bernard Shaw —James Russell Lowell confi dence.” —Brian O’Connell “I believe that one of the most important “We ourselves feel what we are doing is just things to learn in life is that you can make a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be “I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot a diff erence in your community, no matter less because of that missing drop.” do everything, but still I can do something; who you are or where you live. I have seen —Mother Teresa and because I cannot do everything, I will so many good deeds—people helped, lives not refuse to do the something that I can improved—all because someone cared.” “Th e miracle is this—the more we share, the do.” —Rosalynn Carter more we have.” —Edmund Everett Hale —Leonard Nimoy 6 2010-12 Council offi cers

on leadership ... “Delta Gamma is helping provide windows of opportunity for all women by contributing time, talent, gifts and service to the interfraternal world. Our three Founders were right with their assessment that the ‘smile of infi nite’ must be on Delta Gamma because we continue to be leaders and innovators, and experience immeasurable success.” —Marge Sweatt Gorsline, Gamma Epsilon-Kent State Fraternity President 1994-98

7 for hope. LEADERSHIP

“Example is not the main thing in “Never tell people how to do things. Tell “Th ere is a business philosophy I subscribe infl uencing others. It is the only thing.” them what to do and they will surprise you to which says that if you aren’t making —Albert Schweitzer with their ingenuity.” mistakes, you aren’t trying hard enough. —Gen. George S. Patton I believe that to get ahead in business you “Th e person who gets ahead is the one who have to be constantly testing the edge. Th is does more than necessary and keeps on “Th e best executive is the one who has sense means that often you are going to be wrong. doing it.” enough to pick good men to do what he Th e good executives are right most of the —Unknown wants done, and self-restraint to keep from time, but they know when they are wrong meddling with them while they do it.” and are not afraid to admit it.” “Th e fi rst step toward solving a problem is —Th eodore Roosevelt —Mark McCormack to begin.” —Unknown “Leadership and learning are indispensable “Th e function of leadership is to produce to each other.” more leaders, not more followers.” “Tell me and I’ll forget. Show me and I —John F. Kennedy —Ralph Nader may not remember. Involve me, and I’ll understand.” “Leadership: Th e art of getting someone else “In matters of style, swim with the current; —Native American proverb to do something you want done because he In matters of principle, stand like a rock.” wants to do it.” —Th omas Jeff erson “Accept challenges, so that you may feel the —Dwight D. Eisenhower exhilaration of victory.” “And when we think we lead, we are most —Gen. George S. Patton “Th e best captains sail the roughest seas.” led.” —Unknown —Lord Byron “Th e secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it “Men and women want to do a good “Th e only real training for leadership is comes.” job, and if they are provided the proper leadership.” —Benjamin Disraeli environment, they will do so.” —Antony Jay —Bill Hewlett “Th e most important single ingredient in “Th e task of the leader is to get his people the formula of success is knowing how to “Th e very essence of leadership is that you from where they are to where they have not get along with people.” have to have vision. You can't blow an been.” —Th eodore Roosevelt uncertain trumpet.” —Henry Kissinger —Th eodore M. Hesburgh “Th e most pathetic person in the world is “People are more easily led than driven.” someone who has sight but has no vision.” “You cannot create a statue by smashing the —David Harold Fink —Helen Keller marble with a hammer, and you cannot by force of arms release the spirit or the soul of “Leadership should be born out of the “Whenever you are confronted with an the man.” understanding of the needs of those who opponent, conquer him with love.” —Confucius would be aff ected by it.” —Gandhi —Marian Anderson “Treat people as if they were what they “You may have to fi ght a battle more than ought to be, and help them become what “Th e very essence of leadership is its once to win it.” they are capable of becoming.” purpose. And the purpose of leadership is to —Margaret Th atcher —Goethe accomplish a task. Th at is what leadership does–and what it does is more important “If you have an important point to make, “Vision is not just the ability to see.” than what it is or how it works.” don't try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile —Unknown —Col. Dandridge M. Malone driver. Hit the point once. Th en come back and hit it again. Th en hit it a third time—a “Often we don’t see the richest possibilities “Lead and inspire people. Don’t try to tremendous whack.” in a situation until we realize that it is not manage and manipulate people. Inventories —Winston Churchill the only situation possible.” can be managed but people must be lead.” —Edward R. Dufresne —Ross Perot

8 for hope. LEADERSHIP

“I used to think that running an “A leader’s role is to raise people’s aspirations “Leadership can be thought of as a capacity organization was equivalent to conducting a for what they can become and to release to defi ne oneself to others in a way that symphony orchestra. But I don’t think that’s their energies so they will try to get there.” clarifi es and expands a vision of the future.” quite it; it’s more like jazz. Th ere is more —David R. Gergen —Edwin H. Friedman improvisation.” —Warren Bennis “Th e led must not be compelled; they must “A sense of humor is part of the art of be able to choose their own leader.” leadership, of getting along with people, of “A new leader has to be able to change an —Albert Einstein getting things done.” organization that is dreamless, soulless and —Dwight D. Eisenhower visionless … someone’s got to make a wake “Leadership is practiced not so much in up call.” words as in attitude and in actions.” “Innovation distinguishes between a leader —Warren Bennis —Harold S. Geneen and a follower.” —Steve Jobs “Th e fi rst responsibility of a leader is to “If your actions inspire others to dream defi ne reality. Th e last is to say thank you.” more, learn more, do more and become “It is better to lead from behind and to —Max DePree more, you are a leader.” put others in front, especially when you —John Quincy Adams celebrate victory when nice things occur. “People ask the diff erence between a leader You take the front line when there is and a boss ... Th e leader works in the open, “Th e manager asks how and when; the danger. Th en people will appreciate your and the boss in covert. Th e leader leads, and leader asks what and why.” leadership.” the boss drives.” —Warren Bennis —Nelson Mandela —Th eodore Roosevelt “A leader takes people where they want to Nobunaga’s Destiny “Th e real leader has no need to lead—he is go. A great leader takes people where they A great Japanese warrior named Nobunaga content to point the way.” don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to decided to attack the enemy although he —Henry Miller be.” had only one-tenth the number of men the —Rosalynn Carter opposition commanded. He knew that he “All of the great leaders have had one would win, but his soldiers were in doubt. characteristic in common: it was the “Leaders are more powerful role models On the way he stopped at a Shinto shrine willingness to confront unequivocally the when they learn than when they teach.” and told his men: “After I visit the shrine I major anxiety of their people in their time. —Rosabeth Moss Kantor will toss a coin. If heads comes, we will win; Th is, and not much else, is the essence of if tails, we will lose. Destiny holds us in her leadership.” “Good leaders must fi rst become good servants.” hand.” —John Kenneth Galbraith —Robert Greenleaf Nobunaga entered the shrine and off ered a silent prayer. He came forth and tossed “Th e best example of leadership is leadership “I suppose leadership at one time meant a coin. Heads appeared. His soldiers were by example.” muscles; but today it means getting along so eager to fi ght that they won their battle —Jerry McClain with people.” easily. —Gandhi “No one can change the hand of destiny,” “Leadership should be more participative his attendant told him after the battle. than directive, more enabling than “Th e key to successful leadership today is “Indeed not,” said Nobunaga, showing a performing.” infl uence, not authority.” coin which had been doubled, with heads —Mary D. Poole —Kenneth Blanchard facing either way. —Unknown “Management is effi ciency in climbing the “Most important, leaders can conceive and ladder of success; leadership determines articulate goals that lift people out of their whether the ladder is leaning against the petty preoccupations and unite them in right wall.” pursuit of objectives worthy of their best —Stephen R. Covey eff orts.” —John Gardner

9 adviser and collegian attending the 2007 DG Institute

on mentoring & teamwork ... “Delta Gamma’s purpose is accomplished through planned collegiate and alumnae programs which provide intellectual motivation, the opportunity for graciousness in daily living, and community awareness which will enrich the lives of members and instill in them a respect for the enduring values to be gained from the Fraternity.” -excerpt from the the Delta Gamma Philosophy 10 for hope. MENTORING & TEAMWORK

“Coming together is a beginning, staying “Individual commitment to a group eff ort— A Lesson from Geese … together is progress, and working together is that is what makes a team work, a company As each bird fl aps its wings by fl ying in success.” work, a society work, a civilization work.” a “V” formation, the whole fl ock adds 71 —Henry Ford —Vince Lombardi percent more fl ying range than if each bird fl ew alone. “Individuals play the game, but teams beat “Th e way a team plays as a whole Lesson: People who share a common the odds.” determines its successes. You may have the direction and sense of community can get —SEAL team saying greatest bunch of individual stars in the where they are traveling on the thrust on world, but if they don’t play together, the one another. “Th ere is no ‘I’ in ‘TEAMWORK.’” club won’t be worth a dime.” Whenever a goose falls out of formation, —Unknown —Babe Ruth it quickly gets back into formation to take advantage of the “lifting power” of the lead “Individual commitment to a group eff ort— “When he took time to help the man up the bird. that is what makes a family work.” mountain, lo, he scaled it himself.” Lesson: If we have as much sense as a —Unknown —Unknown goose, we will step in formation with those who are headed where we want to go. “Teamwork is the ability to work together “I not only use all the brains I have, but all I When the lead goose get tired, it rotates toward a common vision.” can borrow.” back into formation and another goose fl ies —Unknown —Woodrow Wilson at the point position. Lesson: It pays to take turns doing “Michael, if you can't pass, you can't play.” “A single arrow is easily broken, but not ten the hard tasks and sharing leadership, —UNC coach Dean Smith to Michael Jordan in a bundle.” interdependent on each board member and —Japanese proverb employee. “We must all hang together, or assuredly, we Th e geese from behind honk to encourage shall all hang separately.” “A paddle here, a paddle there—the canoe those up front to keep up their speed. All —Benjamin Franklin stays still.” work to get along, not to stray out to glorify —African proverb one’s own self. “If I could solve all the problems myself, I Lesson: We need to make sure our would.” “Th e ratio of we’s to I’s is the best indicator honking from behind is encouraging, not —Th omas A. Edison, when asked why he of the development of a team.” something less helpful and/or creating had a team of 21 assistants —Lewis B. Ergen problems. When a goose gets sick, wounded or shot “When a team outgrows individual “Talent wins games, but teamwork and down, two geese fall out of formation and performance and learns team confi dence, intelligence wins championships.” follow to help and protect. Th ey stay until excellence becomes a reality.” —Michael Jordan the fallen goose is able to fl y or dies. —Joe Paterno Lesson: If we have as much sense as the “Teams do not seek consensus; they seek the geese, we’ll stand by each other the same “No one can whistle a symphony. It takes an best answer.” way! orchestra to play it.” —Jon R. Katzenbach & Douglas K. Smith —Unknown —H.E. Luccock “While we’re on the same ship, we have to “Th e highest result of education is “In order to have a winner, the team must be on same team.” tolerance.” have a feeling of unity; every player must —Andromeda —Helen Keller put the team fi rst—ahead of personal glory.” —Paul “Bear” Bryant “No member of a crew is praised for the “Teamwork: Simply stated, it is less me and rugged individuality of his rowing.” more we.” “When spiders’ webs unite, they can tie up —Ralph Waldo Emerson —Unknown a lion.” —Ethiopian proverb “Teamwork is no accident. It’s not a matter “TEAM = Together Everyone Achieves of luck or chance. Bosses create teamwork– More.” or kill it–by the way they treat people.” —Unknown —Unknown


“Teamwork is the ability to work together “Build for your team a feeling of oneness, of “People who work together will win, toward a common vision. Th e ability to dependence on one another and of strength whether it be against complex football direct individual accomplishments toward to be derived by unity.” defences, or the problems of modern organizational objectives. It is the fuel that —Vince Lombardi society.” allows common people to attain uncommon —Vince Lombardi results.” “Th ere is no such thing as a self-made man. —Andrew Carnegie You will reach your goals only with the help “By working faithfully eight hours a day, of others.” you may eventually get to be a boss and “One person practicing sportsmanship is far —George Shinn work twelve hours a day.” better than a hundred teaching it.” —Robert Frost —Knute Rockne “If you can laugh together, you can work together.” Big Diff erence “Th e path to greatness is along with others.” —Robert Orben Th e Boss drives his men, —Baltasar Gracion Th e Leader inspires them ... “Respect your fellow human being, treat Th e Boss depends on authority, “Even if later we are occupied with them fairly, disagree with them honestly, Th e Leader depends on goodwill ... important things, even if we fall into enjoy their friendship, explore your Th e Boss evokes fear, misfortune, still let us remember how good thoughts about one another candidly, work Th e Leader radiates love ... it was here once, where we were all together, together for a common goal and help one Th e Boss says “I,” united by a good and kind feeling which another achieve it.” Th e Leader says “We” ... made us, perhaps, a little better than we —Bill Bradley Th e Boss shows who is wrong, were.” Th e Leader shows what is wrong ... —Dostoyevsky “I am a member of a team, and I rely on Th e Boss knows how it is done, the team, I defer to it and sacrifi ce for it, Th e Leader knows how to do it ... “Genius is one percent inspiration and because the team, not the individual, is the Th e Boss demands respect, ninety-nine percent perspiration.” ultimate champion.” Th e Leader commands respect. —Th omas A. Edison —Mia Hamm —Unknown

“If I have seen further than others, it is by “Great teamwork is the only way we create Th at’s Not My Job standing upon the shoulders of giants.” the breakthroughs that defi ne our careers.” Th is’s a story about four people: Everybody, —Isaac Newton —Pat Riley Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. Th ere was an important job to be done “Th e nice thing about teamwork is that you “Th e perils of overwork are slight compared and Everybody was sure that Somebody always have others on your side.” with the dangers of inactivity” would do it. Anybody could have done it —Margaret Carty —Th omas A. Edison but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody’s “If everyone is moving forward together, “When a gifted team dedicates itself to job. Everybody thought Anybody could then success takes care of itself.” unselfi sh trust and combines instinct with do it but Nobody realised that Everybody —Henry Ford boldness and eff ort, it is ready to climb.” wouldn’t do it. —Patanjali It ended up that Everybody blamed “I off er you peace. I off er you love. I off er Somebody when Nobody did what you friendship. I see your beauty. I hear “Your most precious possession is not Anybody have done. your need. I feel your feelings. My wisdom your fi nancial assets. Your most precious —Unknown fl ows from the Highest Source. I salute that possession is the people you have working Source in you. Let us work together for there, and what they carry around in their unity and love.” heads, and their ability to work together.” —Gandhi —Robert Reich

“It is not a question of how well each “No experiment is ever a complete failure. It process works, the question is how well they can always be used as a bad example.” all work together.” —Paul Dickson —Lloyd Dobens

12 Theta-Indiana collegians

on friendship ... “By the wearer of our anchor many new, pleasant and lasting friendships are often formed, with the golden badge of our sisterhood as the connecting link.” —Grace M. Clow, Iota-Illinois

13 for hope. FRIENDSHIP

“Friendship is the source of the greatest A Friend All I Need to Know About Life I Learned pleasures, and without friends even the most (A)ccepts you as you are From My Girlfriends agreeable pursuits become tedious.” (B)elieves in “you” Good times are even better when they’re —St. Th omas Aquinas (C)alls you just to say “Hi” shared. (D)oesn’t give up on you A good long talk can cure almost anything. “To each one of us friendship has a diff erent (E)nvisions the whole of you (even the Everyone needs someone with whom to meaning. For all of us it is a gift. Friendship unfi nished parts) share their secrets. needs to be cherished and nurtured. It needs (F)orgives your mistakes Listening is just as important as talking. to be cultivated on a daily basis. Th en shall (G)ives unconditionally An understanding friend is better than a it germinate and yield its fruit.” (H)elps you therapist; and cheaper too. —Unknown (I)nvites you over Laughter makes the world a happier place. (J)ust to be with you Friends are like wine; they get better with “Friends are born, not made.” (K)eeps you close at heart age. —Henry Adams (L)oves you for who you are Sometimes you just need a should to cry on. (M)akes a diff erence in your life Great minds think alike, especially when “Th ere’s a miracle called friendship that (N)ever judges they are female. dwells within the heart. You don’t know (O)ff ers support When it comes to bonding, females do it how it happens or when it gets its start. (P)icks you up better. But the happiness it brings you always gives (Q)uiets your fears Girls just want to have fun. a special life. And you realize that friendship (R)aises your spirits It’s important to make time to do “girl things.” is God’s most precious gift.” (S)ays nice things about you Calories don’t count when you are having —Unknown (T)ells you the truth when you need to hear it lunch (or any other food) with your (U)nderstands you girlfriends. “A friend is neither an anchor to hold us (V)alues you Gems may be precious, but friendship is back, nor a sail to take us there. But always a (W)alks beside you priceless. guiding light, whose love shows us the way.” (X)plains things you don’t understand —Unknown —Unknown (Y)ells when you won’t listen (Z)aps you back to reality “Th e only way to have a friend is to be one.” “A true friend is someone who reaches for —Unknown —Ralph Waldo Emerson your hand and touches your heart.” —Unknown Friendship starts from little things–a smile, “Do what you will, always walk where you a word, a deed like, your steps do as you please, I’ll back “Friends are like stars: you may not always Th e quiet understanding of another you up.” see them, but you know they are there and person’s need. —Dave Matthews Band they shine in their own special way.” It grows with every thoughtful act, each —Unknown laugh or secret shared, “No matter where you are, it’s your friends And all the little kindnesses that whisper who make your world.” Friendship Bracelet “someone cared.” —Unknown May there always be work for your hands to do Until it blooms forever in hearts like May your purse always hold a coin or two yours and mine–a fl ower to be treasured for “A friend is one who knows who you are, May the sun always shine on your windowpane its lovely, rare design. understands where you have been, accepts May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain Once in awhile a friend is found who what you have become, and still gently May the hand of a friend always be near you proves right from the start, allows you to grow.” May God fi ll your heart with gladness to To be the special kind of friend who really —Unknown cheer you. warms the heart. —Irish Blessing Once in awhile, a friendship’s made that’s “She takes my hand and leads me along really lasting, too– paths I would not have dared explore alone.” And that’s the kind of friendship I have —Maya V. Patel known since I met you. —Unknown

14 for hope. FRIENDSHIP

“Friendship is the hardest thing in the world “Real friendship is shown in times of “Th e glory of friendship is not the to explain. It’s not something you learn trouble; prosperity is full of friends.” outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile, in school. But if you haven’t learned the —Euripides nor the joy of companionship; it is the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t spiritual inspiration that comes to one when learned anything.” “A true friend is the greatest of all blessings, he discovers that someone else believes in —Muhammad Ali and that which we take the least care of all him and is willing to trust him with his to acquire.” friendship.” Friends make life a little sweeter. —François de la Rochefoucauld —Ralph Waldo Emerson Friendships come and friendships go, Another friend, another foe “However rare true love may be, it is less so “Friendship with oneself is all-important Another day, another night than true friendship.” because without it one cannot be friends Darkness becomes light —François de la Rochefoucauld with anyone else in the world.” Apart we stood, —Eleanor Roosevelt Together we now stand “A true friend is one who overlooks your Each reaching out a helping hand failures and tolerates your successes.” “Th e secret to friendship is being a good With each hand a loving heart —Doug Larson listener.” Making each of us feel a part —Unknown A part of something so special and dear ‘Treat your friends as you do your pictures, Friendships that will last throughout the and place them in their best light.” “Friendship is a horizon—which expands years. —Jennie Jerome Churchill whenever we approach it.” —Unknown —E. R. Hazlip “Stay is a charming word in a friend’s A friend is someone we turn to vocabulary.” “Friendship is the inexpressible comfort of When our spirits need a lift, —Louisa May Alcott feeling safe with a person, having neither to A friend is someone we treasure weigh thoughts nor measure words.” For our friendship is a gift, “It is one of the blessings of old friends that —George Eliot A friend is someone who fi lls our lives you can aff ord to be stupid with them.” With beauty, joy and grace. —Ralph Waldo Emerson “Good friends must not always be together; And makes the world we live in It is the feeling of oneness when distant that A better and happier place. “Friendship was given by nature to be an proves a lasting friendship.” —Jean Kyler McManus assistant to virtue, not a companion to vice.” —Susan Polis Schultz —Cicero “A friend is one who believes in you when “You can make more friends in two months you have ceased to believe in yourself.” “Two of life’s greatest blessings are a loving by becoming interested in other people than —Unknown family and a trusted friend.” you can in two years by trying to get other —Unknown people interested in you.” “Th e most called upon prerequisite of a —Dale Carnegie friend is an accessible ear.” “Friends are the fl owers in the garden of —Unknown life.” “Walking with a friend in the dark is better —Unknown than walking alone in the light.” “I get by with a little help from my friends.” —Helen Keller —John Lennon “A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway.” “My best friend is the one who brings out “Keep your friendships in repair.” —Father Jerome Cummings the best in me.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson —Henry Ford “A real friend is one who walks in when the “Friendship is the only cement that will ever rest of the world walks out.” hold the world together.” —Walter Winchell —Woodrow Wilson “Friendship is one mind in two bodies.” “When I fi nd myself fading, I close my eyes —Mencius and realize my friends are my energy.” —Unknown 15 for hope. FRIENDSHIP

“Friendship is won not by the giving of “Plant a seed of friendship; reap a bouquet She is My Friend things, but by the giving of the heart.” of happiness.” She listens when I talk, but more than that, —Roy Lessin —Lois L. Kaufman she always hears me. She hears the subtle shading in my voice that tells her what “Friends are angels who lift us to our feet “Hold a true friend with both your hands.” my words do not. She catches feelings, when our wings have trouble.” —Nigerian proverb carefully concealed behind the words, and —Unknown understands. “Friendship consists in forgetting what one She is my friend, and so she does not “It is a good thing to be rich, it is a good gives, and remembering what one receives.” damage my hurt pride by pointing out thing to be strong, but is a better thing to be —Dumas the Younger my frailties. She simply says a thoughtful beloved of many friends.” word or two, and suddenly I am able to —Euripides “Who fi nds a faithful friend, fi nds a accept, to speak aloud my worries and treasure.” embarrassments. I talk to her, and as I do, “A friend is, as it were, a second self.” —Jewish saying my confi dence returns. —Cicero Her friendship once again has shored me “Th e language of friendship is not words but up, and I can face my fears and laugh them “Th e ornament of a house is the friends who meanings.” down. How many times has she listened frequent it.” —Henry David Th oreau when I talk, and how I count on her to —Ralph Waldo Emerson really hear me. “Don’t wait for people to be friendly, show —Raphael Marie Turnbull “Th e only rose without thorns is friendship.” them how.” —Unknown —Unknown “Your friends will know you better in the fi rst minute you meet than your “Innocence cannot last forever. But true “Friends are the roses of life ... pick them acquaintances will know you in a thousand friends and true friendship often does and carefully and avoid the thorns.” years.” will. Without the anchor of true friends —Unknown —Richard Bach and friendship, we’re like boats without anchors—we drift aimlessly, with nowhere to “Best friends are like diamonds, precious “A friend is someone with whom you dare rest and be still, even for a short time.” and rare. False friends are like leaves, found to be yourself.” —Unknown everywhere.” —Frank Crane —Unknown “Without friends, no one would want to “When a friend is in trouble, don’t annoy live, even if he had all other goods.” “Th e greatest gift is a portion of thyself.” him by asking if there is anything you can —Aristotle —Ralph Waldo Emerson do. Th ink up something appropriate and do it.” “Never shall I forget the time I spent with “Friendship is one of the most tangible —Edgar Watson Howe you. Please continue to be my friend, as you things in a world which off ers fewer and will always fi nd me yours.” fewer supports.” “Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow; —Ludwig Van Beethoven —Kenneth Branagh Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead; Walk beside me, and just be my friend.” “If we would build on a sure foundation in “When you choose your friends, don’t be —Albert Camus friendship, we must love friends for their short-changed by choosing personality over sake rather than for our own.” character.” “True friendship comes when silence —Charlotte Bronte —W. Somerset Maugham between two people is comfortable.” —Dave Tyson Gentry “Friends are those rare people who ask how “Friends are treasures.” we are and then wait to hear the answer.” —Horace Burns —Ed Cunningham “Th e road to a friend’s house is never long.” “A single rose can be my garden … a single —Danish proverb friend, my world.” —Leo Buscaglia

16 for hope. FRIENDSHIP

If I could catch a rainbow “It is that my friends have made the story Th e Roommate I would do it just for you of my life. In a thousand ways they have Somewhere between the sibling rivalries of And share with you its beauty turned my limitations into privileges, and childhood and the married bliss of adult On the days you’re feeling blue enabled me to walk serene and happy in the life comes a versatile creature known as a If I could build a mountain shadow cast by my deprivation.” roommate. She can be found sharing your You could call your very own —Helen Keller closet, borrowing your clothes, answering A place to fi nd serenity phone calls, meeting your dates, and eating A place to be alone I Have a List your food. She is comfort in curlers, If I could take your troubles I have a list of folks I know ... all written sympathy in slippers, wit in warm-ups, I would toss them in the sea in a book, and every now and then ... I go and the only human being who sees the But all these things and take a look. Th at is when I realize these real you all the time. Incoming freshmen I’m fi nding are impossible for me names ... they are a part, not of the book worry about her, mothers scrutinize her, I cannot build a mountain they’re written in ... but taken from the persistent beaus befriend her, and you use Or catch a rainbow fair heart. For each name stands for someone ... her for a housekeeper, confessor, nurse, dry But let me be what I know best who has crossed my path sometime, and in cleaner, seamstress, hairdresser, and fashion A friend that’s always there that meeting they have become ... the reason consultant. —Unknown and the rhyme. Although it sounds fantastic She is the one who sees you through last ... for me to make this claim, I really am minute term papers, blind dates, and times Because you are my friend, we have shared composed ... of each remembered name. of fi nancial stress, diets, room inspections, the secrets in our lives and grown strong. Although you’re not aware ... of any special crashed computers, and trips to the Because you are my friend, we have sealed a link, just knowing you, has shaped my life infi rmary. bond that time cannot remove. ... more than you could think. So please You may scream at her, criticize her, forget And smiled a secret smile that the world don’t think my greeting ... as just a mere her birthday, or ruin her best sweater, but shall never understand. routine, your name was not ... forgotten you cannot shake her faith in humanity. Because having such a friend is more in between. For when I send a greeting ... And sometimes toward the end of the precious than gold … that is addressed to you, it is because you’re year of frustrations, fl unked courses, and I have riches in untold measure. on the list ... of folks I’m indebted to. So lonely weekends, she can make it all seem And a heart outside my own to call home. whether I have known you ... for many worthwhile with a few words: “I’ll miss —Sunny Mann days or few, in some ways you have a part you.” ... in shaping things I do. I am but a total —Unknown “Good friends are hard to fi nd, harder to ... of many folks I’ve met, you are a friend I leave and impossible to forget.” would prefer ... never to forget. A friend’s an attitude within you, —Unknown —Unknown A talk you can always continue, A feeling you have known for a while, “Lots of people want to ride with you in the “I sat under a pecan tree in the hot Texas A thought that sparks an inner smile. limo, but what you want is someone who sun on a summer day, drinking iced tea and A friend’s a person you hold dear, will take the bus with you when the limo getting to know my new sister-in-law. Not Who ventures far, yet stays quite near, breaks down.” much older than I, but already the mother Whose presence sets the spirit free, —Oprah Winfrey of three, she seemed to me experienced and Who brings out candor, honesty. wise. ‘Get yourself some girlfriends,’ she A friend shares all your joys and tears, “Friendship is the golden thread that ties the advised. ‘You are going to need girlfriends. Feels triumph with you, knows your fears, heart of all the world.” Go places with them; do things with them.’ Accepts your strengths and weaknesses, too, —John Evelyn What a funny piece of advice, I thought. Won’t let small things dull friendship’s hue. Hadn’t I just gotten married? Hadn’t I just A friend will walk life’s miles with you, “Friendship? Yes, please.” joined the couple-world? I was a married And nourish values sound and true. —Charles Dickens woman, for goodness sake, not a young Th ough paths may sometimes drift apart, girl who needed girlfriends. But I listened True friendships never leave the heart. “I’d like to be the sort of friend that you to this new sister-in-law and I found —Unknown have been to me. I’d like to be the help some girlfriends. As the years tumbled that you’ve been always glad to be. I’d like by, one after another, gradually, I came to to mean as much to you each minute of understand that she knew what she was the day as you have meant to, old friend of talking about.” mine, to me along the way.” —Unknown —Edgar A. Guest 17 for hope. FRIENDSHIP

“A true friend knows your weaknesses, Girlfriends “Sometimes, not often enough but shows you your strengths; feels your Girlfriends bring casseroles and scrub your We refl ect upon the good things— fears but fortifi es your faith; sees your bathroom when you are sick. And those thoughts always anxieties but frees your spirit; recognizes Girlfriends keep your children and keep Center around those we love— your disabilities but emphasizes your your secrets. And I think about those people possibilities.” Girlfriends give advice when you ask for it, Who mean so much to me— —William Arthur Ward sometimes you take it, sometimes you don’t. And for so many years have Girlfriends don’t always tell you that you’re Made me so very happy … “Friend: one who knows all about you and right, but they’re usually honest. And I count the times I have likes you just the same.” Girlfriends still love you, even when they Forgotten to say ‘thank you.’ —Elbert Hubbard don’t agree with your choices. And just how much I love them.” Girlfriends might send you a birthday card, —Felice Mancini “We all take diff erent paths in life, but no but they might not. It does not matter in matter where we go, we take a little of each the least. “Friends are a gift from God, who sends other everywhere.” Girlfriends laugh with you, and you don’t us someone truly caring and sensitive. —Tim McGraw need canned jokes to start the laughter. Understanding and persistent, in helping Girlfriends pull you out of jams. us reach a goal, and rejoicing when it is “My father always used to say that when Girlfriends don’t keep a calendar that lets fi nally achieved. Friends make us laugh you die, if you’ve got fi ve real friends, then them know who hosted the other last. at ourselves, help unlock closed doors, you’ve had a great life.” Girlfriends are there for you, in an instant and explore into the future with us and —Lee Iacocca and truly, when the hard times come. always lend a shoulder when times are bad. Girlfriends listen when you lose a job or a Rejoicing together, many memories fi lled “If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, husband. with tears of happiness are what friends are I wouldn’t jump off with them, I’d be at the Girlfriends listen when your children break all about.” bottom to catch them.” your heart. —Holly Schweiker —Unknown Girlfriends listen when your parents’ minds and bodies fail. “Never abandon an old friend. You will “Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen My girlfriends bless my life. Once we were never fi nd one who can take her place. to what you say. Best friends listen to what young, with no idea of the incredible joys or Friendship is like wine; it gets better as it you don’t say.” the incredible sorrows that lay ahead. Nor grows older.” —Unknown did we know how much we would need —Unknown each other. “A friend is someone who knows the song in —Unknown “It’s as old as man himself, yet as new as this your heart and can sing it back to you when moment or the next. It’s ever changing and you have forgotten the words.” “A little word in kindness spoken, somehow ever constant. It’s stronger than —Donna Roberts A motion or a tear, any wall ever built. It overcomes politics Has often healed the heart that’s broken, and national barriers. It can’t be blinded “Th ere is no friend like an old friend And made a friend sincere.” by strange customs or blocked by foreign Who has shared our morning days. —Colesworthy languages. It has been written about and No greeting like his welcome analyzed by wise men, yet never has it No homage like his praise.” “Grief can take care of itself … but to been defi ned, and never will be. You can’t —Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. get the full value of a joy, you must have see it or touch it, yet it is everywhere. It someone to divide it with.” survives weakness and neglect, thrives on “I’ll lean on you and you lean on me and —Mark Twain thoughtfulness. Its possibilities are infi nite, we’ll be okay.” its strength limitless. It’s what makes man —Dave Matthews Band human, what makes life worth living. It’s friendship.” “No love, no friendship can ever cross our —Unknown path without aff ecting us in some way forever.” —Mauriac

18 for hope. FRIENDSHIP

“By friendship you mean the greatest love, “True friendship is like sound health; the They Don’t Know What to Say the most open communication, the noblest value of it is seldom known until it be lost.” Now I know I never knew, suff erings, the severest truth, the heartiest —Charles Caleb Colton when you lost your child, counsel, and the greatest union of minds of What you were going through. which brave men and women are capable.” “My friends are my estate.” I wasn’t there, —Jeremy Taylor —Emily Dickinson I stayed away, I just deserted you. Take time for friendship when you can “A friend is someone who is there for you I didn’t know the words to say, Th e hours fl y swiftly by, and the need when he’d rather be anywhere else.” I didn’t know the things to do. Th at presses on your fellow man —Len Wein I think your pain so frightened me, May fade away at equal speed I didn’t know how to comfort you. And you may sigh before the end “A hug is worth a thousand words. A friend And then one day my child died. Th at you have failed to play the friend. is worth more.” You were the first one there. Not all life’s pride is born of fame; —Jasmine Fitzwilliam You quietly stayed by my side, listened, Not all the joy from work is won. And held me as I cried. Too late we hang our heads in shame, “Everyone is a friend, until they prove You didn’t leave, you didn’t go. Remembering good we could have done; otherwise.” The lesson learned is ... Too late we wish that we had stayed —Unknown Now I know. To comfort those who called for aid. —Alice Kerr Take time to do the little things “Every person is a new door to a different Which leave the satisfactory thought, world.” Build a Box of Friendship When other joys have taken wings, —from movie Six Degrees of Separation Into a box of friendship Th at we have labored as we ought; To insure that it is strong Th at in a world where all contend, “It takes a long time to grow an old friend.” First a layer of respect We often stopped to be a friend. —John Leonard On the bottom does belong —Edgar A. Guest Th en to the sides attach “A true friend never gets in your way unless In the corners where they meet “Th e better part of one’s life consists of his you happen to be going down.” Several anchors full of trust friendships.” —Arnold H. Glasow Devoid of all deceit —Abraham Lincoln Th e height of friendship can be measured “We can’t call people without wings angels, By the sides of four “We will be friends until forever, just you so we call them friends instead.” So make them all a larger cut wait and see.” —Unknown And the box will hold much more —Winnie the Pooh Now fi ll it up with courtesy The Bear and Two Travelers Honor and esteem “Th ere are good ships, and there are wood Two men were traveling together, when Understanding, sympathy ships, the ships that sail the sea. But the best a bear suddenly met them on their path. And passion for a dream ships are friendships, and may they always One of them climbed up quickly into a tree Add to that your honesty be.” and concealed himself in the branches. The Emotions joy and love —Irish saying other, seeing that he must be attacked, fell And since they’re so important flat on the ground, and when the bear came Place them up above “Best friends listen to what you don’t say.” up and felt him with his snout, and smelt But leave the box wide open —Samantha Norman him all over, he held his breath, and feigned So all can see inside the appearance of death as much as he To learn what makes a friendship work “People never know how special someone is could. The bear soon left him, for it is said From the box you built with pride until they leave, but maybe sometimes it’s he will not touch a dead body. When he —Chuck Pool important to leave, so they are given that was quite gone, the other traveler descended chance to see how special that someone from the tree, and jocularly inquired of his really is.” friend what it was the bear had whispered —Ali Nitka in his ear. “He gave me this advice,” his companion replied. “Never travel with a friend who deserts you at the approach of danger.” —Unknown 19 anchor appearing in the fi rst issue of the ANCHORA in 1884

on hopes & dreams ... “The union of souls is an anchor in storms.” —from the fi rst ANCHORA, spring 1884

20 for hope. HOPES & DREAMS

“For those who believe and have hope, “If I were asked to give what I consider “Th ough no one can go back and make a no explanation is necessary. For those the single most useful bit of advice for all brand new start, anyone can start from now who don't believe and have no hope, no humanity, it would be this: Expect trouble and make a brand new ending.” explanation will suffi ce.” as an inevitable part of life and when it —Carl Bard —Unknown comes, hold your head high, look it squarely in the eye and say, ‘I will be bigger than you. “If things do not turn out as we wish, we “Th e capacity for hope is the most You cannot defeat me.’” should wish for them as they turn out.” signifi cant fact of life. It provides human —Ann Landers —Aristotle beings with a sense of destination and the energy to get started.” “Don’t try so hard, the best things come “Although the world is full of suff ering, it is —Norman Cousins when you least expect them to.” also full of the overcoming of it.” —Unknown —Helen Keller “Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do “Hope is a waking dream.” “Hope set before us as an anchor of the the right thing, the dawn will come.” —Aristotle soul, sure and fi rm.” —Anne Lamont —Hebrews 6:19-20 “No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of “Hope springs eternal in the human breast: the stars, or sailed to an unchartered land, or “Now is no time to think of what you do Man never is, but always To be Blest.” opened a new heaven to the human spirit.” not have. Th ink of what you can do with —Alexander Pope —Helen Keller what there is.” —Ernest Hemingway “I am not an optimist, because I am not “Every time you meet a situation, though sure that everything ends well. Nor am you think at the time it is an impossibility “And, if it were not for hope, where would I a pessimist, because I am not sure that and you go through the tortures of the the future be?” everything ends badly. I just carry hope in damned, once you have met it and lived —Don Juan XV my heart. Hope is the feeling that life and through it, you fi nd that forever after you work have meaning. You either have it or are freer than you were before.” Look to this day! you don’t, regardless of the state of the world —Eleanor Roosevelt For it is life, that surrounds you. Life without hope is an Th e very life of life. empty, boring useless life. I cannot imagine “A pessimist sees the diffi culty in every In its brief course that I could strive for something if I did not opportunity; an optimist sees the Lie all the verities and realities carry hope in me.” opportunity in every diffi culty.” Of your existence. —Vaclav Havel —Sir Winston Churchill For yesterday Is already a dream “Hope has two beautiful daughters: anger, “Hope is the anchor of the soul, the And tomorrow (at the way things are) and courage, (to see stimulus to action, and the incentive to Is only a vision ... that they do not remain the same.)” achievement.” But today, well lived, —St. Augustine —Unknown Makes every yesterday A dream of happiness, “Th e most important word in the human “Without hope we are only half alive. With And every tomorrow language is hope.” hope we dream and think and work.” A vision of hope. —Eleanor Roosevelt —Charles Sawyer —Sanskrit poem

“He who has health has hope; and he who “Optimism is the faith that leads to “Th roughout the centuries there were men has hope, has everything.” achievement. Nothing can be done without who took fi rst steps down new roads armed —Arabian proverb hope or confi dence.” with nothing but their own vision.” —Helen Keller —Ayn Rand “Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all they have.” “Th ere is no medicine like hope, no “Where there is no vision, people —H. Jackson Brown Jr. incentive so great, no tonic so powerful as perish.” expectation of something tomorrow.” —Proverbs 29:18 —Orison S. Marden

21 for hope. HOPES & DREAMS

“Where there is no hope in the future, there “Hope is a state of mind, not of the world. “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. is no power in the present.” Hope, in this deep and powerful sense, is Always remember, you have within you the —John Maxwell not the same as joy that things are going strength, the patience, and the passion to well, or willingness to invest in enterprises reach for the stars to change the world.” “Everything that is done in the world is that are obviously heading for success, but —Harriet Tubman done by hope.” rather an ability to work for something —Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. because it is good.” “I hope your dreams take you … to the —Vaclav Havel corners of your smiles, to the highest “Hope can always cope.” of your hopes, to the windows of your —P.K. Th omajan “Hope is the voice of your heart … follow opportunities, and to the most special places your heart.” your heart has ever known.” “A leader is a dealer in hope.” —Starbucks cup —Unknown —Napoleon Bonaparte “Th ere is no medicine like hope, no “Th e future belongs to those who believe in “Hope, the best comfort of our imperfect incentive so great, no tonic so powerful as the beauty of their dreams.” condition.” the expectation of something tomorrow.” —Eleanor Roosevelt –Edward Gibbon —Unknown “Each time someone stands up for an ideal, “Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible, “For hope is but the dream of those that or acts to improve the lot of others, or and achieves the impossible.” wake.” strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a —Unknown —Matthew Prior tiny ripple of hope.” —Robert F. Kennedy “Live your life each day as you would climb “Beginnings are scary. Endings are usually a mountain. An occasional glance toward sad, but it’s what’s in the middle that counts. “All your dreams can come true if you have the summit keeps the goal in mind, but So, when you fi nd yourself at the beginning, the courage to pursue them.” many beautiful scenes are to be observed just give hope a chance to fl oat up. And it —Walt Disney form each new vantage point. Climb slowly, will.” steadily, enjoying each passing moment; and —Hope Floats “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope the view form the summit will serve as a for tomorrow.” fi tting climax for the journey.” “While there’s life, there’s hope.” —Albert Einstein —Unknown —Cicero “Hope is the most exciting thing in life and “We gather because we have chosen hope “Hope is the thing with feathers that if you honestly believe that love is out there, over fear, unity of purpose over confl ict ...” perches in the soul.” it will come. And even if it doesn’t come —Barack Obama —Emily Dickinson straight away there is still that chance all through your life that it will.” “When the world says, ‘give up,’ hope “For hope is but the dream of those that —Josh Hartnett whispers, ‘try it one more time.’” wake.” —Unknown —Matthew Prior “Never let go of hope. One day you will see that it all has fi nally come together. What “Once you choose hope, anything is “If you lose hope, somehow you lose the you have always wished for has fi nally come possible.” vitality that keeps like moving, you lose that to be. You will look back and laugh at what —Unknown courage to be, that quality that helps you go has passed and you will ask yourself, ‘How in spite of it all. And so today I still have a did I get through all of that?’” “Hope is like a road in the country; there dream.” —Unknown was never a road, but when many people —Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. walk on it, the road comes into existence.” —Lin Yutang “Hope arouses, as nothing else can arouse, a passion for the possible.” —William Sloane Coffi n

22 . Honesty, truth, responsibility, for strength accountability and our high quality of character help create the strong, talented women of Delta Gamma.

Honesty & Integrity...... 24 Truth...... 26 Responsibility ...... 28 Perserverance & Hard Work...... 30 From Our Founders...... 32 Sisterhood...... 34 Motivation & Inspiration...... 38 Character...... 44 Life Lessons...... 47

23 Xi-Michigan collegians in the 1950s

on honesty & integrity ... “There should be, between fraternity girls, a bond so close and strong as to warrant the greatest test of friendship—the correcting of each other’s faults.” —Maude Ewing Ross, Delta (III)-Southern California

24 for strength. HONESTY & INTEGRITY

“No legacy is so rich as honesty.” “If a man does not keep pace with his A strong woman works out every day to —William Shakespeare companions, perhaps it is because he hears keep her body in shape … a diff erent drummer. Let him step to the But a woman of strength kneels in prayer to “People may doubt what you say, but they music which he hears, however measured or keep her soul in shape. will never doubt what you do.” far away.” A strong woman isn’t afraid of anything … —Kathleen Russell & Larry Wall —Henry David Th oreau But a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of fear. I do solemnly pledge to consecrate my life “Be who you are and say what you feel A strong woman won’t let anyone get the to the service of humanity. because those who mind don’t matter and best of her … I will give respect and gratitude to my those who matter don’t mind.” But a woman of strength gives the best of deserving teachers. —Dr. Seuss her to everyone. I will practice medicine with conscience and A strong woman walks sure footedly … dignity. “In the end, we will remember not the But a woman of strength knows God will Th e health and life of my patients will be words of our enemies, but the silence of our catch her when she falls. my fi rst consideration. friends.” A strong woman wears the look of I will hold in confi dence all my patient —Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. confi dence on her face … confi des in me. But a woman of strength wears grace. I will maintain the honor and the noble “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, A strong woman has faith that she is strong tradition of the medical profession. then, is not an act but a habit.” enough for the journey … My colleagues will be as my family. —Aristotle But a woman of strength has faith that it is I will not permit considerations of race, in the journey that she will become strong. religion, nationality, party politics, or “Values are like fi ngerprints. Nobody’s —Unknown social standing to intervene between my are the same, but you leave ‘em all over duty and my patient. everything you do.” “It is better to weep with wise men than to I will maintain the utmost respect for —Elvis Presley laugh with fools.” human life. —Unknown Even under threat I will not use my “Courage is rightly esteemed the fi rst of knowledge contrary to the laws of human qualities because it is the quality “Honesty is the fi rst chapter in the book of humanity. Th ese promises I make freely which guarantees all others.” wisdom.” and upon my honor. —Winston Churchill —Th omas Jeff erson —Th e Oath of Hippocrates “Give to us clear vision that we may know “Integrity is telling myself the truth. And “A woman is like a tea bag. You never know where to stand and what to stand for - honesty is telling the truth to other people.” how strong she is until she gets into hot because unless we stand for something, we —Unknown water.” shall fall for anything.” —Eleanor Roosevelt —Peter Marshall “Th e (women) who build the future are those who know that greater things are “Associate yourself with men of good quality “Where is there dignity unless there is yet to come, and that they themselves will if you esteem your own reputation; for ‘tis honesty?” help bring them about. Th eir minds are better to be alone than in bad company.” —Cicero illuminated by the blazing sun of hope.” —George Washington —Melvin Evans “Envy someone and it pulls you down. “Stand up for what is right, even if you are Admire them and it builds you up. Which “I’ll match my fl ops with anybody’s but I standing alone.” makes more sense?” wouldn’t have missed them. Flops are a part —Unknown —Elvis Presley of life’s menu and I’ve never been one to miss out on any of the courses.” “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, “Th ere is no pillow as soft as a clear —Rosalind Russell but in rising every time we fall.” conscience.” —Confucius —French proverb

25 Gamma Alpha-Tennessee members participate in Anchor Splash®

on truth ... “Strong girls mean strong chapters, strong chapters mean a strong fraternity.” —Grace Ruth Yawger Gibbs, Chi-Cornell Fraternity Vice President 1902-07

26 for strength. TRUTH

“Th is above all: to thine own self be true.” “A lie has speed, but truth has endurance.” She held up a piece of broken glass and —William Shakespeare —Edgar J. Mohn asked, “Who broke this window?” “Oh, oh,” I thought. I was the one Risks “I fi nd the great thing in this world is, who broke the window. I had not done it To laugh is to risk appearing the fool. not so much where we stand, as in what intentionally. It was caused by an errant To weep is to risk appearing sentimental. direction we are moving.” throw of a baseball. I was working on my To reach out for another is to risk involvement. —Goethe knuckleball. It needed more work. Why did To expose feelings is to risk exposing your it have to be me? It wasn’t really my fault. true self. Vision looks inward and becomes duty. If I admitted guilt, I would be in a lot of To place your ideas, your dreams, before a Vision looks outward and becomes trouble. How would I be able to pay for a crowd is to risk their loss. aspiration. Vision looks upward and big window like that? I didn’t even get an To love is to risk not being loved in return. becomes faith. allowance. “My father is going to have a fi t,” To live is to risk dying. —S. Wise I thought. I didn’t want to raise my hand, To hope is to risk despair. but some force much stronger than I was To try is to risk failure. “It does not take much strength to do pulled it skyward. I told the truth. “I did it.” But risks must be taken, because the greatest things, but it requires great strength to I said no more. It was hard enough saying hazard in life is to risk nothing. decide on what to do.” what I had. Th ose who risk nothing do nothing, have —Elbert Hubbard My teacher went to one of our library nothing, and are nothing. shelves and took down a book. She then Th ey may avoid suff ering and sorrow, but “If you tell the truth you don’t have to began walking towards my desk. I had never they cannot learn, feel, change, grow, remember anything.” known my teacher to strike a student, but love, live. —Mark Twain I feared she was going to start with me and Chained by their certitude, they are slaves; she was going to use a book for the swatting. they have forfeited their freedom. “A thing is not necessarily true because a “I know how you like birds,” she said as Only a person who risks is free. man dies for it.” she stood looking down at my guilt-ridden —Unknown —Oscar Wilde face. “Here is that fi eld guide about birds that you are constantly checking out. It “It takes a lot of courage to show your “You can bend it and twist it ... You can is yours. It’s time we got a new one for dreams to someone else.” misuse and abuse it ... But even God cannot the school anyway. Th e book is yours and —Erma Bombeck change the truth.” you will not be punished as long as you —Michael Levy remember that I am not rewarding you for “A good plan today is better than a perfect your misdeed, I am rewarding you for your plan tomorrow.” “Man is least himself when he talks in his truthfulness.” —Gen. George S. Patton own person. Give him a mask, and he will I couldn’t believe it! I wasn’t being tell you the truth.” punished and I was getting my very own “Anger or hatred is like a fi sherman’s hook. —Oscar Wilde bird fi eld guide. Th e very one that I had It is very important for us to ensure that we been saving up money to buy. Th e money are not caught by it.” “Unless your heart, your soul, and your I feared would be going to the school to —Dalai Lama whole being are behind every decision you buy a new window. I wore out that book make, the words from your mouth will be trying to match the live, fl ying birds to their “Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out empty, and each action will be meaningless. depictions in that fi eld guide. Th e book is for a time, but it ain’t goin’ away.” Truth and confi dence are the roots of gone, so is my wonderful teacher. All that —Elvis Presley happiness.” remains of that day is my memory and the —Unknown lesson my teacher taught me. Th at lesson “Th ose who have one foot in the canoe and stays with me every day and it will echo one foot in the boat are going to fall into To Tell the Truth forever. the river.” “Who did this?” asked my teacher. Th irty —Al Batt —Tuscarora proverb children tried to think about not only what they had done, but also what our teacher “Sit in reverie and watch the changing may have found out. “Who did this?” asked color of the waves that break upon the idle my teacher once more. She wasn’t really seashore of the mind.” asking, she was demanding an answer. She —Henry Wadsworth Longfellow seldom became angry, but she was this time. 27 Beta Rho-George Washington welcomes new members on Bid Day.

on responsibility ... “We would impress upon you that wearing the anchor brings great obligations as well as great privileges, that as a Delta Gamma you must be broad-minded, unselfi sh, intelligent, pure, true, gentle, and above all, womanly.” —Ada May Brown, Omega-Wisconsin

28 for strength. RESPONSIBILITY

“I count him braver who overcomes his “Th e ancient Romans had a tradition: Th e Builder desires than him who conquers his enemies; whenever one of their engineers constructed An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He for the hardest victory is over self.” an arch, as the capstone was hoisted into told his employer-contractor of his plans to —Aristotle place, the engineer assumed accountability leave the house building business and live for his work in the most profound way a more leisurely life with his wife enjoying “In any moment of decision, the best thing possible: he stood under the arch.” his extended family. He would miss the you can do is the right thing. Th e worst —Michael Armstrong paycheck, but he needed to retire. Th ey thing you can do is nothing.” could get by. —Th eodore Roosevelt “ACCOUNTABILITY, n. Th e mother of Th e contractor was sorry to see his good caution.” worker go and asked if he could build just “We can’t take any credit for our talents. It’s —Unknown one more house as a personal favor. Th e how we use them that counts.” carpenter said yes, but in time it was easy to —Madeleine L’Engle “Accountability in friendship is the see that his heart was not in his work. He equivalent of love without strategy.” resorted to shoddy workmanship and used “If you are doing your best, you will not —Anita Brookner inferior materials. It was an unfortunate way have time to worry about failure.” to end his career. —Robert Hillyer “Compromise is usually bad. It should When the carpenter fi nished his work and be a last resort. If two departments or the builder came to inspect the house, the “Few things help an individual more than divisions have a problem they can’t solve contractor handed the front-door key to the to place responsibility upon him, and to let and it comes up to you, listen to both sides carpenter. “Th is is your house,” he said, “my him know that you trust him.” and then pick one or the other. Th is places gift to you.” —Booker T. Washington solid accountability on the winner to make What a shock! What a shame! If he had it work. Condition your people to avoid only known he was building his own house, “Our attitudes control our lives. Attitudes compromise.” he would have done it all so diff erently. are a secret power working twenty-four —Robert Townsend Now he had to live in the home he had built hours a day, for good or bad. It is of none too well. paramount importance that we know how “Accountability breeds response-ability.” So it is with us. We build our lives in a to harness and control this great force.” —Stephen R. Covey distracted way, reacting rather than acting, —Tom Blandi willing to put up less than the best. At “Acknowledgment of torture is not important points we do not give the job our “Always do right—this will gratify some and accountability for it.” best eff ort. Th en with a shock we look at the astonish the rest.” —Yousef Munayyer situation we have created and fi nd that we —Mark Twain are now living in the house we have built. “Another cause for the increase in alienation If we had realized, we would have done it “American liberty is premised on the and cynicism is a feeling that too many diff erently. accountability of free men and women for policy decisions that aff ect individuals Th ink of yourself as the carpenter. Th ink what they have done, not for what they may have been taken out of any system that has about your house. Each day you hammer do.” accountability or that they can infl uence.” a nail, place a board, or erect a wall. Build —Jon Newman —Robert Teeter wisely. It is the only life you will ever build. Even if you live it for only one day more, “Perhaps nothing in our society is more “For years now I have been talking about that day deserves to be lived graciously and needed for those in positions of authority personal responsibility and accountability, with dignity. Th e plaque on the wall says, than accountability. Too often those with both in our private lives and in the halls of “Life is a do-it-yourself project.” authority are able (and willing) to surround government. Th ose are important principles Who could say it more clearly? Your life themselves with people who support their here in Idaho, and they will form the basis today is the result of your attitudes and decisions without question.” of this administration.” choices in the past. Your life tomorrow —Unknown —Butch Otter will be the result of your attitudes and the choices you make today. “Move decisions out to the Cabinet and “Great companies have high cultures of agencies. Strengthen them by moving accountability, it comes with this culture of —Unknown responsibility, authority, and accountability criticism I was talking about before, and I their direction.” think our culture is strong on that.” —Donald Rumsfeld —Steve Ballmer 29 Beta Kappa-Kansas participates in tug-o-war in 1986.

on perseverance & hard work ... “Looking over the country-wide Delta Gamma world, I feel that we have great cause for satisfaction. The active girls are wide awake to the problems they have to handle. No longer do they consider it narrow to have defi nite ideas on the things so vital to their development. They are not afraid. They will tackle any problem and see it through—and usually without compromise. This is the spirit that give us who are older in Delta Gamma great encouragement.” —Nancy Brown Woollett, Phi-Colorado Fraternity President 1922-28

30 for strength. PERSEVERANCE & HARD WORK

Th e Daff odil Principle endeavors—we can change the world. “Don’t be afraid to give your best to what Recently, my daughter had telephoned My daughter summed up the message seemingly are small jobs. Every time you several times to say, “Mother, you must succinctly: “Start now,” she said. conquer one it makes you that much come see the daff odils while they are in —Unknown stronger. If you do the little jobs well, bloom.” I wanted to go, but it was a two- the big ones will tend to take care of hour drive from Laguna to Lake Arrowhead. “Good, better, best. Never let it rest. ‘Til themselves.” “I will come next Tuesday,” I promised, a your good is better and your better is best.” —Dale Carnegie little reluctantly, on her third call. —St. Jerome Next Tuesday dawned cold and rainy. “Nobody trips over mountains. It is the Still, I had promised, so I drove to my “A hero is an ordinary individual who fi nds small pebble that causes you to stumble. daughter’s. Due to the fog and rain, I tried the strength to persevere and endure in spite Pass all the pebbles in your path and you to dissuade my daughter from the drive of overwhelming obstacles.” will fi nd you have crossed the mountain.” to see the fl owers, but she insisted that I —Christopher Reeve —Unknown would never forgive myself if I missed this experience. “Anyone can give up, it’s the easiest thing “When you come to the end of your rope, After twenty minutes, we turned onto a in the world to do. But to hold it together tie a knot and hang on.” small gravel road, and a small church came when everyone else would understand if you —Franklin D. Roosevelt into view. On the far side of the church, fell apart, that’s true strength.” along a path, was a hand-lettered sign, —Unknown “Consider the postage stamp: its usefulness which read “Daff odil Garden.” I walked consists in the ability to stick to one thing down the path, turned a corner, and gasped. “Go within every day and fi nd the inner till it gets there.” Before me lay the most glorious sight. It strength so that the world will not blow —Josh Billings looked as though someone had taken a your candle out.” great vat of gold and poured it down over —Katherine Dunham “Th e greatest oak was once a little nut who the mountain peak and slopes. Th e fl owers held its ground.” were planted in majestic, swirling patterns. “Being president is like riding a tiger. A man —Unknown Great ribbons and swaths of deep orange, has to keep on riding or he is swallowed.” salmon pink, white, saff ron, lemon and —Harry Truman “Fall seven times, stand up eight.” butter yellows. Each diff erent colored variety —Japanese Proverb was planted as a group so it fl owed like a “Know what you want to do, hold the river with its own unique hue. Five acres of thought fi rmly, and do every day what “Perseverance is the hard work you do after fl owers. should be done, and every sunset will see you get tired of doing the hard work you “But who has done this?” I asked. In the you that much nearer to the goal.” already did.” midst of all this glory was a house, and on —Elbert Hubbard —Newt Gingrich that house was a plaque with a headline, “Answers to the Questions I Know You “Opportunities are usually disguised as hard “If one dream should fall and break into a Are Asking.” Th e fi rst answer was a simple, work, so most people don’t recognize them.” thousand pieces, never be afraid to pick one “50,000 bulbs.” Th e second answer was —Ann Landers of those pieces up and begin again.” “One at a time, by one woman. Two hands, —Flavia Weedn two feet, and very little brain.” Th e fi nal “Th e diff erence between perseverance and answer was, “Began in 1958.” Th ere it was, obstinacy is that one comes from a strong “He conquers who endures.” the Daff odil Principle. will, and the other from a strong won’t.” —Persius I thought of this woman who, more than —Henry Ward Beecher thirty-fi ve years before, had begun, one “Stubbornly persist, and you will fi nd that bulb at a time, to bring her vision of beauty “You can’t go through life quitting the limits of your stubbornness go well and joy to an obscure mountaintop. Still, everything. If you’re going to achieve beyond the stubbornness of your limits.” just planting one bulb at a time, year after anything, you’ve got to stick with —Robert Brault year, had changed the world in which she something.” lived—she created something of ineff able —From the television show Family Matters magnifi cence, beauty and inspiration. When we multiply tiny pieces of time with small increments of daily eff ort, we too will fi nd we can accomplish magnifi cent 31 Mary Comfort, Eva Webb and Anna Boyd

from our Founders ... “Mary, to think our little club has become such a large and wonderful fraternity; it’s truly a miracle.”

“Yes, Eva, our dreams have come true; our prayers answered.” —overheard conversation at Delta Gamma’s Golden Jubilee in 1924 between Mary Comfort Leonard and Eva Webb Dodd

32 for strength. FROM OUR FOUNDERS

Article II of the Delta Gamma Constitution Th e Delta Gamma Philosophy When the idea fi rst came to three homesick Th e objects of this Fraternity shall Delta Gamma off ers to women of all ages girls, during the Christmas holidays of be to foster high ideals of friendship a rich heritage; continuity based on sound 1873, to found a fraternity or club as we among college women, to promote their and tested principals of personal integrity, then called it, little did we realize that we educational and cultural interests, to create personal responsibility and intellectual were laying the cornerstone of such a grand in them a true sense of social responsibility honesty. fraternity as Delta Gamma. Th e school that and to develop in them the best qualities of Delta Gamma’s primary purpose is to we attended was not much more advanced character. create an environment for its members in than a high school of today. During the which lasting friendships are established week, we decided on our motto and selected Th e First Initiation Address and in which members fi nd the processes, the Greek letters to represent it. We did not Dear sisters, you are now members of the the experiences and the disciplines that know that there were any other fraternities Delta Gamma Club. Ours is an associate will stimulate clear thought. Its aim is to for girls in the United States, known by sisterhood based upon sincere desire for foster an atmosphere in which women will Greek letters, when we gave the club its mutual improvement; its cementing element develop a deeper love and consideration for name. We spent the holidays deciding on is love, its stimulating principle, truth; its mankind, a more profound understanding our pin and initiation and writing our watchword, duty, and we welcome you of the purpose of life and a basic wisdom constitution. In January, 1874, we held cordially to the advantages of our club. upon which to build their lives. our fi rst initiation. We initiated four girls. May the cherished name of Delta Delta Gamma’s purpose is accomplished Th e initiation was held in one of the rooms Gamma, which you have just so solemnly through planned collegiate and alumnae of the house where we were boarding. We assumed, ever serve to remind you that programs that provide intellectual were careful to select only girls we thought much is expected of you. Let this symbol of motivation, the opportunity for graciousness would be in sympathy with us and make the badge of our organization be a faithful in daily living, and community awareness our Fraternity worthy of its name. We claim monitor. In the hours of study, in the joyous which will enrich the lives of members and only the honor of giving this fraternity the moments when life’s bright vision fl it before instill in them a respect for the enduring name of Delta Gamma, but we must have you, and hope smiles tenderly above; in the values to be gained from the Fraternity. been imbued with some of the same spirit Dark hour when time’s unceasing oracles that you now have or it would not have speak naught but lamentations and woe to “We went to a local jeweler and had our pin lived all these years. the bruised spirit, may this bright monitor made—the dear little letter H which stood —Eva Webb Dodd, after her visit to the recall to your memory the noble truths for Hope, for we hoped great results and Convention of 1909 at Ann Arbor which are inculcated here and which are have not been disappointed … ” beautifully illustrated by this design. —Mary Comfort Leonard “I rejoice with you of today in Delta You may imagine our duties too Gamma’s strength and glory, and I hope laborious, our discipline too exacting, but “We received no help from anyone, only neither can ever be weakened nor dimmed.” while we extend to you the encouragement borrowing a Greek grammar book to fi nd —George Banta, 1907 in a letter to Th eta- and sympathy of sisters, we would warn the Greek initial letters for our name.” Indiana you with equal fi delity that nothing good or —Mary Comfort Leonard great has ever been achieved with without “Delta Gamma Fraternity aims to promote toil and attention, and it is because we “We held our fi rst meeting and invited good scholarship, cultivate noble characters would have you prepare for an honorable several choice girls ... ” and true womanliness, and to unite college womanhood that here in the morning of —Mary Comfort Leonard girls by a stronger bond of sympathy and life, we would stimulate you to constant and friendship. If the name of Delta Gamma earnest eff ort. “And last are the hearts of friends she left should cease to be spoken, the principles she Be faithful to yourself, act well on your behind her, men and women … friends cherishes will live forever.” part, and then when life’s young dream is who still talk of her wonderful ability, —Carrie Hawk, Eta- Akron, in her report past, the battles of life fought and won, the business sense, the charm and the on the fi rst Fraternity Convention in 1881 and the mellow light of evening gathers womanliness of Anna Boyd, friends who around your pathway, the scenes enacted would do anything in the world for us “I loved my work and threw my whole soul here will rise upon your memory like the because we are ‘Miss Anna’s girls.’” into it. I tried to build not only character for constellations on the evening sky to cheer —Lena Ellington, daughter of Anna Boyd life, but for eternity.” and comfort you. Ellington —Mary Comfort Leonard —Anna Boyd Ellington

33 Alpha Nu-USC members on Bid Day

on sisterhood ... ”You are my friend, my confi dante. A keeper of secrets, a keeper of the fl ame. You are my sister. You are my example, my leader. You don’t make me follow, you let me walk beside you. You are my sister. You have my respect, my love, my undying friendship, and faith … because you are my sister and will be always. You are my comfort, my strength. When I am with you, I am at home. You are my sister.” —Michele Tourtellotte Woodward, Delta Rho-Virginia Tech

34 for strength. SISTERHOOD

“Sometimes sisters come into our lives, leave “More than Santa Claus, your sister knows “For a better, happier, more stable and footprints on our life and we are never, ever when you've been bad and good.” civilized future, each of us must develop the same.” —Linda Sunshine a sincere, warm-hearted feeling of —Unknown brotherhood and sisterhood.” “A sister smiles when one tells one's stories —Dalai Lama “A sister is a little bit of childhood that can — for she knows where the decoration has never be lost.” been added.” “Th ere is a space within sisterhood for —Marion C. Garretty —Chris Montaigne likeness and diff erence, for the subtle diff erences that challenge and delight; there “Chance made us sisters, hearts made us “How do people make it through life is a space for disappointment and surprise.” friends.” without a sister?” —Christine Downing —Unknown —Sara Corpening For there is no friend like a sister, in the “Having a sister is like having a best friend “Th ere can be no situation in life in which calm or stormy weather, you can’t get rid of. You know whatever you the conversation of my dear sister will not To cheer one on the tedious way, to fetch on do, they’ll still be there.” administer some comfort to me.” if one goes astray, —Amy Li —Lady Mary Morley Montagu To lift one if one totters down, to strengthen whilst one stands. “When my little sister is gone, the color “When sisters stand shoulder to shoulder, —Christina Rossetti goes out of my life.” who stands a chance against us?” —Unknown —Pam Brown “A loyal sister is worth a thousand friends.” —Marian Eigermann “Sometimes when we can’t even express our “Sisters function as safety nets in a chaotic pain, the sisterhood of Delta Gamma goes world simply by being there for each other.” “Th ou art my sister because we were born well beyond what can be uttered.” —Carol Saline of the same great spirit; conceived from the —Unknown same mound of earth; slept quietly together “Sweet is the voice of a sister in the season in the cradle of unknowing until He in His “My sister is the fi rst person I call with of sorrow.” gentleness set us in the midst of humanity good news, so we can celebrate together. No —Benjamin Disraeli … you are my sister and I love you. You matter what I’m feeling, her response is the and I are destined to be companions of one I want to hear before anyone else’s. She “A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the the highway of life; together or apart, you is my sounding board, my confi dante, my spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of are my sister, I love you … If the color of keeper of secrets, and my best friend.” life.” my skin is diff erent from yours, it matters —Kathleen O’Keefe —Isadora James not, only let the beauty of our souls be kindred … I will honor your wisdom and “Women always need other women to come “Th e best thing about having a sister was understanding, as you will mine; tighter we alongside and speak their language of heart that I always had a friend.” stall seek the seeds of truth in the distant and of feelings.” —Cali Rae Turner rooms of the great spirit; the refl ections of —Unknown inner knowledge shall wear as beauty upon “Sisterhood is powerful.” our faces … you are my sister; I love you.” “Th e ties that bind me to my sisters are not —Robin Morgan —Jean Humphrey Chaillie, wrapped around my wrists, but rather are Beta Kappa-Kansas fastened to my heart.” “It takes a lot of understanding, time —Unknown and trust to gain a close friendship. As I “Sisterhood is many things. It’s a warm approach a time in my life of complete smile on a cold and rainy day, a friendly “You should never look down on a sister uncertainty, my sisters are my most precious hug, a cheerful hello. It’s all that a good except to pick her up.” assets.” and lasting friendship is, only better. It’s —Unknown —Unknown treasured. It’s sacred. It’s knowing that there will always be someone there for you. “A sister can be seen as someone who is both “Sisterhood is: Experiencing a wealth of It’s dreams shared, and goals achieved. It’s ourselves and very much not ourselves—a friendship and knowing it will last forever.” counting on others and being counted on. special kind of double.” —Unknown It is real.” —Toni Morrison —Unknown 35 for strength. SISTERHOOD

I’d rather see a sisterhood, than hear about “Sisterhood is the essence of all the wisdom “Between sisters, often, the child’s cry never it any day. of the ages, distilled into a single word. You dies down. ‘Never leave me,’ it says; ‘do not I’d rather that you’d walk with me, than cannot see sisterhood, neither can you hear abandon me.’” have you merely show the way. it nor taste it. But you can feel it a hundred —Louise Bernikow Th e eyes, a better teacher and more willing times a day. It is a pat on the back, a smile than the ear, of encouragement. It’s someone to share “Bless you, my darling, and remember you And counsel is confusing, but example with, to celebrate your achievements.” are always in the heart–oh tucked so close always clear. —Unknown there is no chance of escape–of your sister.” Th e best of all the DGs, and the ones who —Katherine Mansfi eld live the creed, “As sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to To see good put in action is what all our the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning “How do people make it through life pledges need. of life.” without a sister?” I soon can learn to do it, if you let me see it —Isadora James —Sara Corpening done. I can see your deeds in action, but your “An older sister is a friend and defender – “Husbands come and go; children come tongue too fast may run. a listener, conspirator, a counselor and a and eventually they go. Friends grow up and Th e advice to me you’re giving, may be very sharer of delights. And sorrows too.” move away. But the one thing that’s never fi ne and true, —Pam Brown lost is your sister.” But I’d rather take my lesson from observing —Gail Sheeny what you do. “If you don’t understand how a woman —Unknown could both love her sister dearly and want to “I don’t believe an accident of birth makes wring her neck at the same time, then you people sisters or brothers. It makes them “One of the best things about being an were probably an only child.” siblings, gives them mutuality of parentage. adult is the realization that you can share —Linda Sunshine Sisterhood and brotherhood is a condition with your sister and still have plenty for people have to work at.” yourself.” “Help one another, is part of the religion of —Maya Angelou —Betsy Cohen sisterhood.” —Louisa May Alcott “If we believed in the media we would think “Sisters examine each other so they can have the only signifi cant relationship in our lives a map for how they should behave.” “A sister can be seen as someone who is both is a romantic one. Yet sisterhood is probably —Michael D. Kahn ourselves and very much not ourselves–a the one that will last longer than any other special kind of double.” ... a sister will always be around.” “Is solace anywhere more comforting than —Toni Morrison —Jane Dowdeswell in the arms of a sister?” —Alice Walker “In the cookies of life, sisters are the “If your sister is in a tearing hurry to go out chocolate chips.” and cannot catch your eye, she’s wearing “A ministering angel my sister shall be.” —Unknown your best sweater.” —William Shakespeare —Pam Brown “A sister is a forever friend.” “Sisterhood should be remembered … in —Unknown “In thee my soul shall own combined the what we say, and especially in what we do sister and the friend.” not repeat.” “A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the —Catherine Killigrew —Unknown spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life.” “It’s hard to be responsible, adult and “From the outside looking in, you can never —Isadora James sensible all the time. How good it is to have understand it. From the inside looking out, a sister whose heart is as young as your you can never explain it.” “A sister smiles when one tells one’s stories— own.” —Unknown for she knows where the decoration has —Pam Brown been added.” A sister is a little bit of childhood that can —Chris Montaigne “Of two sisters one is always the watcher, never be lost. one the dancer.” —Marion C. Garretty “A true sister is a friend who listens with her —Louise Glück heart.” —Unknown 36 for strength. SISTERHOOD

My Sister Big Sis/Lil Sis “I would like more sisters, that the taking Clothes borrowers, Big Sis, Lil Sis, out of one, might not leave such stillness.” fi t throwers, Our pet names —Emily Dickinson cover stealers, Big Sis, Lil Sis secret keepers. Words we said in games. “Th ere is no chance or choice when An enemy, a friend, Th rough thick and thin pledging, only strength and survival. Let a convorsation without end. Big Sis, Lil Sis stuck together. your sisters give you the strength to survive.” Sassy, bossy, silly, fussy, No matter what —Unknown pretty and sweet. Forever and ever. Tea partys with treats, A new place Always in my Heart dress up, mess up, fess up, get punished. Lil sis saw It gives me pains to see you leave, Fights over nothing, sharer of dreams, Big Sis’ face But I never forget what I’ve learned through a headache, a pain, she gets spoiled again. Catch her so she wouldn’t fall. the years. A princess, a brat, she ruined my hat. We’ve had our share of arguements We’ve gone through a lot together I love her, I miss her, I tease her, I kiss her. Fights and bickers. Much less laughs and tears. She is my family and that means more to me. But I know you’ve been heaven sent I’ll always be there for you, What would I do without her? Because God made us sisters. Even after we’re married. —Hannah Hausler And even when your miles away I’ll always stay true to you, I’ll still say to you After all the love we’ve carried. A Poem for my Sister “Big Sis, Lil Sis,” You are my sister, Even though we are miles apart, Still rings true. And my very best friend. It’s like your still here next to me. —Brittany M.Enriquez You will always be, Because I keep you in my heart. And my love will never end. When you feel down look for me in your “To have a loving relationship with a sister is You are a part of me, dream. not simply to have a buddy or a confi dent, And never will you ever leave my heart. We have been there for each other our it is to have a soulmate for life.” All the times we’ve shared together, whole lives. —Victoria Secunda Our hearts will never part. No one can ever take your place. Don’t let anyone take my place, Your shoulder is what i have used for my “What’s the good of news if you haven’t a Th ey’ll never change our lives together. cries. sister to share it?” Or even if you think they will, You have made me laugh when I had a —Jenny DeVries Remember we will be sisters forever. frown on my face. Th e laughs, we have, We are sisters and friends. “A sister is a little bit of childhood that can We share the tears. I love you my sister till the end. never be lost.” We kept our promises, I could not imagine my life without you. —Marion C. Garretty Th at have built up throughout the years. You are my rock. I’ll love you all through life, I can’t wait to see you when you come home “A sister shares childhood memories and I’ll never let us part. all new grown-up dreams.” Because you’ll always have special place, I hope you never have to leave us again. —Unknown Th at special place is in my heart. Just always remember I love you my sister. —Kristen M. Saccardi And I will be here ‘til the end. “Big sisters are the crab grass in the lawn of So look for me in your dreams. life.” When you need a friend —Charles M. Schulz Or you just want to scream. —Angela Gatch “Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet.” “Sisters function as safety nets in a chaotic —Vietnamese proverb world simply by being there for each other.” —Carol Saline “I smile because you are my sister, I laugh because there is nothing you can do about “Th e best thing about having a sister was it!” that I always had a friend.” —Unknown —Cali Rae Turner 37 collegians from Ohio chapters

on motivation & inspiration ... Dare to be yourself … Dare to be honest … With yourself and your sisters. Dare to be open … Share your feelings and emotions. Dare to be trustworthy … Listen to others yet respect their privacy. Dare to be sincere … With your thoughts and your words. Dare to be vivacious … Experience all you can, do all you can, love all you can. Dare to fi nd the best … Work for the best, be the best, remain the best. Dare to be yourself. —Lana L. Frawley, Delta Rho-Virginia Tech 38 for strength. MOTIVATION & INSPIRATION

Th e Oyster If you think you are beaten, you are; To understand the value of a year, ask a Th ere once was an oyster If you think you dare not, you won’t. student who has lost a year of school. Whose story I tell If you like to win but don’t think you can, To understand the value of a month, ask a Who found that some sand It’s almost a cinch you won’t. mother who has prematurely given birth Had got into her shell. If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost; to a baby. It was only a grain, For out in the world you’ll fi nd To understand the value of a week, ask the But it gave her great pain. Success begins with a fellow’s will editor of a weekly magazine. For oysters have feelings It’s all in a state of mind. To understand the value of an hour, ask two Although they’re so plain. For many a game is lost people in love who look forward to meeting. Now, did she berate Ere even a play is run, To understand the value of a minute, Th e harsh workings of fate And many a coward fails ask someone who has just lost the train. Th at had brought her Ere even his work begun. To understand the value of a second, ask to such a deplorable state? If you think you are out-classed, you are someone who has just avoided an Did she curse at the government. You’ve got to think high to rise. accident. Cry for election, You’ve got to be sure of yourself before To understand the value of a millionth of And claim that the sea should You can ever win a prize second, ask an athlete who has won silver Have given her protection? Th ink big and your deeds will grow, medal at the Olympic games. No, she said to herself Th ink small and you’ll fall behind Give the right value to every moment that As she laid on a shell, Th ink that you can and you will, you live and give it more value if you will Since I cannot remove it, It’s all in the state of mind be able to share it with a special person, I shall try to improve it. Life’s battles don’t always go so special to dedicate him/her your time Now the years have rolled on, To the stronger or the faster man, and remember: the time waits for no one.” As the years always do But sooner or later, the man who wins —Unknown And she came to her ultimate Is the man who thinks he can. Destiny—stew. —Unknown Th e Road Not Taken And the small grain of sand Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, Th at had bothered her so “Go confi dently in the direction of your And sorry I could not travel both Was a beautiful pearl dreams! Live the life you've imagined, as you And be one traveler, long I stood All richly aglow. simplify your life, the laws of the universe And looked down one as far as I could Now the tale has a moral will be simpler.” To where it bent in the undergrowth; For isn’t it grand —Henry David Th oreau Th en took the other, as just as fair, What an oyster can do And having perhaps the better claim, With a morsel of sand? “Years from now you will be more Because it was grassy and wanted wear; What couldn’t we do disappointed by the things you didn’t do Th ough as for that the passing there If we’d only begin than by the ones you did do. So throw Had worn them really about the same, With some things off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe And both that morning equally lay Th at get under our skin. harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. In leaves no step had trodden black. —Unknown Explore. Dream. Discover.” Oh, I kept the fi rst for another day! —Mark Twain Yet knowing how way leads on to way, “Start by doing what’s necessary, then do I doubted if I should ever come back. what’s possible, and suddenly you are doing “When one door of happiness closes, I shall be telling this with a sigh the impossible.” another one opens; but often we look so Somewhere ages and ages hence: —Saint Francis of Assisi long at the closed door that we do not see Two roads diverged in a wood, and I– the one which has been opened for us.” I took the one less traveled by, “Peace begins with a smile.” —Helen Keller And that has made all the diff erence. —Mother Teresa —Robert Frost “Do not follow where the path may lead. “Don’t let weeds grow around your dreams.” Go instead where there is no path and leave “If you’re already walking on thin ice, why —H. Jackson Brown Jr. a trail.” not dance?” —George Bernard Shaw —Gil Atkinson


“Far better is it to dare mighty things, “Failure is, in a sense, the highway to If I Had My Life to Live Over to win glorious triumphs, even though success, inasmuch as every discovery of what I would have gone to bed when I was sick checkered by failure, than to take rank with is false leads us to seek earnestly after what instead of pretending the earth would go those poor spirits, who neither enjoy much is true, and every fresh experience points into a holding pattern if I weren’t there nor suff er much, because they live in a gray out some form of error, which we shall for the day. twilight that knows not victory, nor defeat.” afterwards carefully avoid.” I would have burned the pink candle —Th eodore Roosevelt —John Keats sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage. I would have talked less and “Somehow I can’t believe there are any “Th e paradox of our time in history is that listened more. I would have invited heights that can’t be scaled by a man who we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, friends over to dinner even if the carpet knows the secret of making dreams come wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints. was stained or the sofa faded. true. Th is special secret, it seems to me, We spend more but have less, we buy more, I would have eaten the popcorn in the can be summarized in four Cs. Th ey are but enjoy less. We have bigger houses, but “good” living room and worried much Curiosity, Confi dence, Courage, and smaller families, more conveniences, but less less about the dirt when someone wanted Constancy, and the greatest of these is time. We have more degrees, but less sense, to light a fi re in the fi replace. Confi dence. When you believe a thing, more knowledge, but less judgment, more I would have taken the time to listen to my believe it all the way, implicitly and experts, yet more problems, more medicine, grandfather ramble about his youth. unquestionably.” but less wellness. We talk too much, love I would have shared more of the —Walt Disney too seldom and hate too often. We’ve responsibility carried by my husband. learned how to make a living, but not a life. I would never have insisted the car windows “Let every day be a dream we can touch. We’ve added years to life, but not life to be rolled up on a summer day because my Let every day be a love we can feel. Let every years. Th ese are the times of fast foods and hair had just been teased and sprayed. day be a reason to live.” slow digestion, big men and small character, I would have sat on the lawn with my grass —Claudia Adrienne Grandi steep profi ts and shallow relationships. stains. Th ese are the days of two incomes but more I would have cried and laughed less while “One day at a time–this is enough. Do not divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes. watching television and more while look back and grieve over the past, for it Remember to spend time with your loved watching life. is gone. And do not be troubled about the ones, because they are not going to be I would never have bought anything just future, for it has not yet come. Live for the around forever. Remember, say a kind word because it was practical, wouldn’t show present and make it so beautiful that it will to someone who looks up to you in awe, soil, or was guaranteed to last a lifetime. be worth remembering.” because that little person soon will grow up Instead of wishing away my nine months of —Ida Scott Taylor and leave your side. Remember, give a warm pregnancy, I’d have cherished every hug to the one next to you, because that moment and realized that the “You are the only person alive who has is the only treasure you can give with your wonderment growing inside of me was sole custody of your life. Your particular heart and it doesn’t cost a cent. Remember the only chance in life to assist God in a life. Your entire life. Not just your life at a to hold hands and cherish the moment for miracle. desk, or your life on the bus, or in the car someday that person will not be there again. When my kids kissed me impetuously, I or at the computer. Not just the life of your Give time to love, give time to speak, and would never have said, “Later. Now go mind, but the life of your heart. Not just give time to share the precious thoughts in get washed up for dinner.” Th ere would your bank account, but your soul.” your mind.” have been more “I love yous.” More “I’m —Anna Quindlen —George Carlin sorrys.” But mostly, given another shot at life, I “Embrace change. It’s going to happen “Daring ideas are like chessmen moved would seize every minute … look at it whether you want it to happen or not.” forward; they may be beaten, but they may and really see it … live it and never give it —Bill MacMaster start a winning game.” back. Stop sweating the small stuff . —Goethe Don’t worry about who doesn’t like you, “Th e reward of a thing well done is to have who has more, or who’s doing what. done it.” “Progress always involves risk; you can’t steal Instead, let’s cherish the relationships we —Ralph Waldo Emerson second base and keep your foot on fi rst.” have with those who do love us. —Frederick Wilcox Let’s think about what God has blessed “Everyone must row with the oars he has.” us with. And what we are doing each day —English proverb to promote ourselves mentally, physically, emotionally, as we’ll have one shot at this and then it’s gone. —Erma Bombeck 40 for strength. MOTIVATION & INSPIRATION

Just for Today… “When written in Chinese the word “In the long run you hit only what you I will be as friendly as can be to the people crisis is composed of two characters. One aim at. Th erefore, though you should I work with. I am going to treat them as if represents danger and the other represents fail immediately, you had better aim at they were responsible for keeping me in opportunity.” something high.” my job and be grateful they are there. —John F. Kennedy —Henry David Th oreau I won’t assume my job is to be chief critic. I will try to see the good in every situation “Shoot for the moon; even if you miss it, A Winner's Blueprint for Achievement and will look for something to praise in you will land among the stars.” BELIEVE while others are doubting. every person who works with me. If I —Les Brown PLAN while others are playing. correct someone, I will do it with as much STUDY while others are sleeping. good humor and self-restraint as if I were “As long as you're going to think anyway, DECIDE while others are delaying. the one being corrected. think big.” PREPARE while others are daydreaming. I am not going to insist that everything I do —Donald Trump BEGIN while others are procrastinating. be perfect. WORK while others are wishing. I am not going to try to break any speed “Champions keep playing until they get it SAVE while others are wasting. records. I will do what’s in front of me right.” LISTEN while others are talking. with competency, not painful compulsion. —Billie Jean King SMILE while others are frowning. I will assume that I have adequate COMMEND while others are criticizing. competence for my tasks. I will not “It's better to lead with your dreams than to PERSIST while others are quitting. endlessly question whether I really deserve be pushed by your problems.” —William Arthur Ward my title and my pay. —John T. Dornbach I will be grateful I live in a society and time Th e Purple Hat in which I don’t have to do back breaking “Th e real secret of success is enthusiasm. Age 3: She looks at herself and sees a Queen. work in horrible circumstances. And I will Yet more than enthusiasm, I would say Age 8: She looks at herself and sees Cinderella. be thankful I work in a free country excitement. I like to see men get excited. Age 15: She looks at herself and sees an where no one is forcing me to work. When they get excited they make a success Ugly Sister (Mom, I can’t go to school I will feel happy I am at work, alive and well of their lives.” looking like this!) and not in a combat trench or in a —Walter Chrysler Age 20: She looks at herself and sees “too hospital awaiting surgery. fat/thin, too short/tall, too straight/curly”- I will not have any expectations about how “Impossible is a word only to be found in but decides she’s going out anyways. I should be treated. the dictionary of fools.” Age 30: She looks at herself and sees “too I will not compare my pay or status with —Napoleon Bonaparte fat/thin, too short/tall, too straight/curly”- anyone else. I will just be glad that I am but decides she doesn’t have time to fi x it, who I am. Its fun to be a dreamer because dreams are so she’s going out anyway. I will not worry about what’s in it for me. I a start, Age 40: She looks at herself and sees “clean” will think only about what I can do to But you’ve got to stop dreaming and get up and goes out anyway. help out in every situation. and take part. Age 50: She looks at herself and sees “I am” Just for today, when I leave work, I will Make your life a challenge; come away from and goes wherever she wants to go. not dwell on how much I did or not get all the rest. Age 60: She looks at herself and reminds done. Instead, I will look forward to the Get up and make it happen and don’t settle herself of all the people who can’t even see evening and be thankful for whatever I for less. themselves in the mirror anymore. Goes accomplished. You must always use those dreams as you out and conquers the world. —Unknown would a dear friend. Age 70: She looks at herself and sees Hold close to what they mean and never let wisdom, laughter and ability, goes out “If we all did the things we are capable of them end. and enjoys life. doing, we would literally astound ourselves.” Dreams are a way of life with this we must Age 80: Doesn’t bother to look. Just puts on —Th omas A. Edison agree, a purple hat and goes out to have fun But it’s the few that make them happen that with the world. “Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet are really the strong and free. Maybe we should all grab that purple hat on the ground.” —Lynnie Vessels earlier. —Th eodore Roosevelt —Unknown


“Keep away from people who try to belittle “Nothing in the world can take the place “When I look at a patch of dandelions, I see your ambitions. Small people always do of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is a bunch of weeds that are going to take over that, but the great make you feel that you, more common than unsuccessful men with my yard. My kids see fl owers for Mom and too, can become great.” talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius blowing white fl uff you can wish on. When —Mark Twain is almost a proverb. Education will not; the I look at an old drunk and he smiles at me, world is full of educated failures. Persistence I see a smelly, dirty person who probably “Th e real voyage of discovery consists not in and determination alone are omnipotent.” wants money. My kids see someone smiling making new landscapes, but in having new —Calvin Coolidge at them and they smile back. When I hear eyes.” music I love, I know I can’t carry a tune —Marcel Proust “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, a don’t have much rhythm so I sit self- but their echoes are truly endless.” consciously and listen. My kids feel the beat “Know your limits ... but never stop trying —Mother Teresa and move to it. Th ey sing out the words. If to exceed them.” they don’t know them, they make up their —Unknown “Th ere are two ways of exerting one’s own. When I feel wind on my face, I brace strength. One is pushing down, the other is myself against it. I feel it messing up my “When you come to the edge of all the light pushing up.” hair and pulling me back when I walk. My you know, and are about to step off into the —Booker T. Washington kids close their eyes, spread their arms and darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing fl y with it, until they fall to the ground one of two things will happen: Th ere will be “Not everything that can be counted counts, laughing. When I pray, I say thee and thou something solid to stand on or you will be and not everything that counts can be and grant me this, give me that. My kids taught how to fl y.” counted.” say, ‘Hi God! Th anks for my toys and my —Barbara J. Winter —Albert Einstein friends. Please keep away the bad dreams tonight. Sorry, I don’t want to go to Heaven “Be of good cheer. Do not think of today's “To the world you may be one person, but yet. I would miss my Mommy and Daddy.’ failures, but of the success that may come to one person you may be the world.” When I see a mud puddle, I step around tomorrow. You have set yourself a diffi cult —Unknown it. I see muddy shoes and dirty carpets. task, but you will succeed if you persevere; My kids sit in it. Th ey see dams to build, and you will fi nd a joy in overcoming “A word to the wise ain’t necessary–its the rivers to cross, and worms to play with. I obstacles.” stupid ones who need the advice.” wonder if we are given kids to teach or to —Helen Keller —Bill Cosby learn from? No wonder God loves the little children! ‘Enjoy the little things in life, for “Strength does not come from winning. “We cannot direct the wind, but we can one day you may look back and realize that Your struggles develop your strengths. When adjust the sails.” they were the big things.’ Just a reminder you go through hardships and decide not to —Bertha Calloway about the important things in life–I wish surrender, that is strength.” you mud puddles and dandelions!” —Arnold Schwarzenegger “Everyone who is successful must have —Unknown dreamed of something.” “Some folks go through life pleased that —Maricopa “Ability is what you’re capable of doing. the glass is half full. Others spend lifetime Motivation determines what you do. lamenting that it's half-empty. Th e truth “What is success? To laugh often and much; Attitude determines how well you do it.” is: Th ere is a glass with a certain volume of To win the respect of intelligent people —Lou Holtz liquid in it. From there, it's up to you!” and the aff ection of children; To earn the —Dr. James S. Vuocolo appreciation of honest critics and endure “I am not afraid of storms for I am learning the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate how to sail my ship.” “Obstacles are things a person sees when beauty; To fi nd the best in others; To leave —Louisa May Alcott he takes his eyes off his goal. Th e greatest the world a bit better, whether by a healthy power is often simple patience.” child, a garden patch or a redeemed social “When they were saying among themselves —E. Joseph Crossman condition; To know even one life has it cannot be done, it was done.” breathed easier because you have lived; Th is —Helen Keller “Perseverance is not a long race; it is many is to have succeeded.” short races one after another.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson —Walter Elliot


Take time to think, Garden of Daily Living “When you feel lost, fi nd the lighthouse in It is the source of power. Plant three rows of peas: your soul.” Take time to read, Peace of mind, —Unknown It is the foundation of wisdom. Peace of heart, Take time to play, Peace of soul. “If you think you can, you can. And if you It is the secret of staying young. Plant four rows of squash: think you can’t, you’re right.” Take time to be quiet, Squash gossip, —Henry Ford It is the opportunity to seek the truth. Squash indiff erence, Take time to be aware, Squash grumbling, “Th e quality of an individual is refl ected in It is the chance to help others. Squash selfi shness. the standards they set for themselves.” Take time to love and be loved, Plant four rows of lettuce: —Ray Kroc It is the greatest gift of creation. Lettuce be faithful, Take time to laugh, Lettuce be kind, “Small opportunities are often the beginning It is the music of the soul. Lettuce be patient, of great enterprises.” Take time to be friendly, Lettuce really love one another. —Demosthenes It is the road to happiness. No garden is without turnips: Take time to dream, Turnip for meetings, You Never Know It is what the future is made of. Turnip for service, You never know when someone —Unknown Turnip to help one another. May catch a dream from you. To conclude our garden we must have thyme: You never know when a little word Attitude Th yme for each other, Or something you may do “Th e longer I live, the more I realize the Th yme for family, May open up the windows impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, Th yme for friends. Of a mind that seeks the light— is more important than facts. It is more Water freely with patience and cultivate Th e way you live may not matter at all important than the past, than education, with love. Your garden is fruitful because But you never know—it might. than money, than circumstances, than you reap what you sow. And just in case it could be failures, than successes, than what other —Unknown Th at another’s life, through you, people think, or say or do. It is more Might possibly change for the better important than appearance, giftedness, or “For attractive lips, speak words of kindness. With a broader and brighter view, skill. It will break a company, a church, a For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. It seems it might be worth a try home, a school. Th e remarkable thing is we For a slim fi gure, share your food with the At pointing the way to the right— have choice every day regarding the attitude hungry. Of course, it might not matter at all, we will embrace for that day. We cannot For beautiful hair, let a child run his/her But then again—it might. change the inevitable. Th e only thing we can fi ngers through it once a day. —Helen L. Marshall do is play on the one string we have, and For poise, walk with the knowledge that you that is our attitude. I am convinced that life never walk alone. “I am only one, but I am one. is 10 percent what happens to me and 90 People, even more than things, have to be I cannot do everything, percent how I react to it. And so it is with restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed and But I can do something. you. We are in charge of our attitudes.” redeemed; never throw out anyone. What I can do, I ought to do. —Charles Swindoll Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, And what I ought to do, you will fi nd one at the end of each of By the grace of God, I will do.” “You really can change the world if you care your arms. —Tom Dooley enough.” As you grow older, you will discover that —Marion Wright Edelman you have two hands, one for helping “Th e fi rst step toward getting somewhere, yourself and the other for helping others.” is to decide that you are not going to stay “Strength does not come from physical —Audrey Hepburn where you are.” capacity. It comes from an indomitable —J. Pierpont Morgan will.” “A dream is in the mind of the believer, and —Gandhi in the hands of the doer. You are not given a dream, without being given the power to “I’d rather see a sermon than hear one any make it come true.” day; I’d rather have one walk beside me than —Unknown merely point the way.” —David O. McKay 43 Eta-Akron member celebrating 70 years of membership

on character ... “As our lives and characters take shape progress through the years to come, secure in our intellectual background and equipped the Delta Gamma way, and we often stop to mediate adn dream down memory’s lane, we will always be proud to say to ourselves and others, ‘I am a Delta Gamma.’” —Melinda Rittenhouse Roderick, Beta Epsilon-American

44 for strength. CHARACTER

“When we seek to discover the best in Women “People are often unreasonable, irrational others, we somehow bring out the best in Th ey smile when they want to scream. and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. ourselves.” Th ey sing when they want to cry. If you are kind, people may accuse you of —William Arthur Ward Th ey cry when they are happy and laugh selfi sh, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. when they are nervous. If you are successful, you will win some “Be more concerned with your character Th ey fi ght for what they believe in. unfaithful friends and some genuine than with your reputation. Your character is Th ey stand up for injustice. enemies. Succeed anyway. If you are what you really are while your reputation is Th ey don’t take “no” for an answer when honest and sincere, people may deceive merely what others think you are.” they believe there is a better solution. you. Be honest and sincere anyway. What —Dale Carnegie Th ey go without new shoes so their children you spend years creating others could can have them. destroy overnight. Create anyway. If you “Tell me what company you keep, and I’ll Th ey go to the doctor with a frightened friend. fi nd serenity and happiness, some may be tell you what you are.” Th ey love unconditionally. jealous. Be happy anyway. Th e good you —Miguel de Cervantes Th ey cry when their children excel and do today will often be forgotten. Do good cheer when their friends get awards. anyway. Give the best you have and it may “Good people do not need laws to tell them Th ey are happy when they hear about a never be enough. Give the best anyway. to act responsibly, while bad people will fi nd birth or a new marriage. In the fi nal analysis, it is between you and a way around the laws.” Th eir hearts break when a friend dies. God. It was never between you and them —Plato Th ey have sorrow at the loss of a family anyway.” member, yet they are strong when they —Mother Teresa “A people that values its privileges above its think there is no strength left. principles soon loses both.” Th ey know that a hug and a kiss can heal a “Our strength grows out of our weaknesses.” —Dwight D. Eisenhower broken heart. —Ralph Waldo Emerson Women come in all sizes, in all colors. “Judge people from where they stand … not Th ey’ll drive, fl y, walk, run or email you to “It is our attitude at the beginning of a from where you stand.” show how much they care about you. diffi cult task which, more than anything —H. Jackson Brown Jr. Th e heart of a woman is what makes the else, will aff ect its successful outcome.” world spin! —William James “Th e only person you need to impress is Women do more than just give birth. yourself.” Th ey bring joy and hope. “Of all the properties which belong to —Unknown Th ey give compassion and ideals. honorable men, not one is so highly prized Th ey give moral support to their family and as that of character.” “Great minds discuss ideas, average minds friends. —Henry Clay discuss events, small minds discuss people.” Women have a lot to say and a lot to give. —Unknown —Unknown “Judge of your natural character by what you do in your dreams.” “To be blind is bad, but worse is to have “Confront the dark parts of yourself, and —Ralph Waldo Emerson eyes and not see.” work to banish them with illumination and —Helen Keller forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle with “It’s really a wonder that I haven’t dropped your demons will cause your angels to sing. all my ideals, because they seem so absurd “A positive attitude may not solve all your Use the pain as fuel, as a reminder of your and impossible to carry out. Yet I keep problems, but it will annoy enough people strength.” them, because in spite of everything I still to make it worth the eff ort.” —August Wilson believe that people are really good at heart.” —Herm Albright —Anne Frank “In the darkest hour the soul is replenished and given strength to continue and endure.” —Unknown

45 for strength. CHARACTER

“Excellence is not a singular act, but a habit. “Most people say that is it is the intellect “Character is not made in a crisis it is only You are what you repeatedly do.” which makes a great scientist. Th ey are exhibited.” —Shaquille O’Neal wrong: it is character.” —Robert Freeman —Albert Einstein “To wish you were someone else is to waste “Character is so largely aff ected by the person you are.” “I have no regrets in my life. I think that association, that we cannot aff ord to be —Unknown everything happens to you for a reason. indiff erent as to who or what our friends Th e hard times that you go through build are.” “We have no right to ask when a sorrow character, making you a much stronger —Unknown comes, ‘Why did this happen to me?’ Unless person.” we ask the same question for every joy that —Rita Mero “A man’s reputation is what other people comes our way.” think of him; his character is what he really —Unknown “Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of is.” character.” —Unknown “Watch your thoughts, for they become —Albert Einstein words. Watch your words, for they become “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if actions. Watch your actions, for they “Any fool can criticize, condemn, and you want to test a man’s character, give him become habits. Watch your habits, for they complain but it takes character and self power.” become character. Watch your character, for control to be understanding and forgiving.” —Abraham Lincoln it becomes your destiny.” —Dale Carnegie —Unknown “Character is higher than intellect. A great “Character develops itself in the stream of soul will be strong to live as well as think.” “I love a hand that meets my own with a life.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson grasp that causes some sensation.” —Goethe —Samuel Osgood “I admire men of character, and I judge “Character is what you know you are, not character not by how men deal with their “He lives the poetry that he cannot write. what others think you have.” superiors, but mostly how they deal with Th e others write the poetry that they dare —Unknown their subordinates, and that, to me, is where not realise.” you fi nd out what the character of a man is.” —Oscar Wilde “Th ere is nothing in which people more —Gen. H. Norman Schwartzkopf betray their character than in what they “You can easily judge the character of a man laugh at.” “Character is like a tree and reputation like by how he treats those who can do nothing —Goethe a shadow. Th e shadow is what we think of for him.” it; the tree is the real thing.” —James D. Miles “Th e true test of character is not how much —Abraham Lincoln we know how to do, but how we behave “Religion is an insult to human dignity. when we don’t know what to do.” “You cannot build character and courage With or without it, you’d have good people —John W. Holt Jr. by taking away man’s initiative and doing good things and evil people doing independence.” bad things, but for good people to do bad Th ere are too many people who think that —Abraham Lincoln things, it takes religion.” the only thing that’s right is to get by, and —Steven Weinberg the only thing that’s wrong is to get caught.” “Character is determined more by the lack —J.C. Watts of certain experiences than by those one has “People do not seem to realize that their had.” opinion of the world is also a confession of “You change your life by changing your —Friedrich Nietzsche character.” heart.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson —Unknown “Character is the result of two things: mental attitude and the way we spend our “Everyone tries to defi ne this thing called time.” Character. It’s not hard. Character is doing —Elbert Hubbard what’s right when nobody’s looking.” —H. Jackson Brown Jr.

46 volunteers and old friends

on life lessons ... “First you must seriously prepare yourself; the demand for specially trained women is increasing constantly and you have had privileges that now make it possible for you to be of real value to your country and humanity.” —Jessie McGilvray Treat, Upsilon-Stanford Fraternity President 1915-19

47 for strength. LIFE LESSONS

Ten Th ings to Remember Life I’ve Learned Th e value of time Life isn’t about keeping score. It’s not about ...Th at just one person saying to me, "You've Th e success of perseverance how many people call you and it’s not about made my day!" makes my day. Th e pleasure of working who you’ve dated, are dating, or haven’t ...Th at being kind is more important than Th e dignity of simplicity dated at all. It isn’t about who you’ve kissed, being right. Th e worth of character what sport you play, or which guy or girl ...Th at no matter how serious your life Th e power of kindness likes you. It’s not about your shoes or your requires you to be, everyone needs a Th e obligation of duty hair or the color of your skin or where you friend to act goofy with. Th e infl uence of example love or where you go to school. In fact, it’s ...Th at sometimes all a person needs is a Th e wisdom of economy not about grades, money, clothes, or colleges hand to hold and a heart to understand. Th e virtue of patience that accept you or not. Life isn’t about if you ...Th at we should be glad God doesn't give —Unknown have lots of friends or if you’re alone, and us everything we ask for. it’s not about how accepted or unaccepted ...Th at money doesn't buy class. Twelve Guideposts for Living you are. Life just isn’t about that. But life is ...Th at it's those small daily happenings that I will do more than belong–I will about who you love and who you hurt. It’s make life so spectacular. participate about how you feel about yourself. It’s about ...Th at under everyone's hard shell is I will do more than care—I will help trust, happiness, and compassion. It’s about someone who wants to be appreciated I will do more than believe—I will practice sticking up for your friends or replacing and loved. I will do more than be fair—I will be kind inner hate with love. Life is about avoiding ...Th at to ignore the facts does not change I will do more than forgive—I will forget jealousy, overcoming ignorance, and the facts. I will do more than dream—I will work building confi dence. It’s about what you say ...Th at when you plan to get even with I will do more than teach—I will inspire and what you mean. It’s about seeing people someone, you are only letting that person I will do more than earn—I will enrich for who they are and not what they have. continue to hurt you. I will do more than give—I will serve Most of all, it is about choosing to use your ...Th at love, not time, heals all wounds. I will do more than live—I will grow life to touch someone else’s in a way that ...Th at everyone you meet deserves to be I will do more than be friendly—I will be a could never have been achieved otherwise. greeted with a smile. friend Th ese choices are what life’s about. ...Th at life is tough, but I am tougher. I will do more than be a citizen—I will be a —Nike commercial ...Th at opportunities are never lost; someone patriot will take the ones you miss. —Unknown “We gain strength, and courage, and ...Th at when you harbor bitterness, confi dence by each experience in which happiness will dock elsewhere. People who always run with the crowd we really stop to look fear in the face ...Th at the less time I have to work with, the Get lost in the crowd, … we must do that which we think we more things I get done. So stand up for what you believe, cannot.” ...Th at I can't choose how I feel, but I can Even if you're the only one who believes it. —Eleanor Roosevelt choose what I do about it. At meetings, be the fi rst to speak out, —Unknown Rather than the last to agree. “Th e beautiful thing about learning is that Have the guts to admit when you're wrong, no one can take it away from you.” “Th e important thing about a problem is And the grace not to swagger when you're —B.B. King not its solution, but the strength we gain in right. fi nding the solution.” Yes, there might be comfort in numbers, “When angry count to 10 before you speak; —Unknown But people often rise to great heights, the if very angry, count to 100.” same way kites do, —Th omas Jeff erson “Do not fear the winds of adversity. Against the wind, not with it. Remember: A kite rises against the wind —Unknown “Luck is when opportunity knocks, and you rather than with it.” answer.” —Unknown “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, —Unknown but their echoes are truly endless.” “Th e essence of intelligence is skill —Mother Teresa “A small house will hold a hundred friends.” in extracting meaning from everyday —African proverb experience.” —Unknown

48 for strength. LIFE LESSONS

“Along with trustworthiness, consistency “Th ere are only two ways to live your life. “Th ings turn out best for those who make is the thing to look for when you surround One is as though nothing is a miracle. the best of the way things turn out.” yourself with people who can help you on Th e other is as though everything is a —Jack Buck your quest.” miracle.” —Michael Johnson —Albert Einstein “One day your life will fl ash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.” “I always like to look on the optimistic side “It’s fi ne to celebrate success but it is more —Unknown of life, but I am realistic enough to know important to heed the lessons of failure.” that life is a complex matter.” —Bill Gates “Tragedy, sadness, loneliness and despair —Walt Disney taught me that life is really a beautiful thing; “Th e so-called lessons of history are for the if it wasn’t I wouldn’t be able to recognize “Everyone has his burden. What counts is most part the rationalizations of the victors. that anything was wrong.” how you carry it.” History is written by the survivors.” —Greg Evans —Merle Miller —Max Lerner “May we never let the things we can’t have, “Do right. Do your best. Treat others as you “Th e best way to cheer yourself up is to try or don’t have, or shouldn’t have, spoil our want to be treated.” to cheer somebody else up.” enjoyment of the things we do have and —Lou Holtz —Mark Twain can have. As we value our happiness, let us not forget it, for one of the greatest lessons “Th e best and most beautiful things in the “Life is a long lesson in humility.” in life is learning to be happy without the world cannot be seen or even touched. Th ey —James M. Barrie things we cannot or should not have.” must be felt with the heart.” —Richard L. Evans —Helen Keller “Th e greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” Learn of Me “Life is a succession of lessons which must —Nelson Mandela A merchant, an old man, and his little be lived to be understood.” daughter met by the side of a fountain of —Helen Keller “Success consists of going from failure to clear, sparkling waters. On the fountain was failure without loss of enthusiasm.” an inscription that read, “Learn of me!” “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” —Winston Churchill Th e merchant said he learned a great —Helen Keller lesson from the fountain. It started as a “Th e starting point of all achievement is trickle of water, but as it wended its way to “One of the lessons of history is that desire.” the sea, it was joined by streams and brooks nothing is often a good thing to do and —Napoleon Hill and creeks and, in due course, became always a clever thing to say.” a roaring river. We should do our work —Will Durant “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait likewise, start with little beginnings and a single moment before starting to improve soon develop big businesses. “You are never too old to set another goal or the world.” Th e old man said that the lesson he to dream a new dream.” —Anne Frank learned from the fountain was to serve —C.S. Lewis silently, friends and strangers alike. “Discontent is the fi rst necessity of progress.” Th e little girl said that the lesson she “We should not look back unless it is to —Th omas A. Edison learned was that the water is useless unless derive useful lessons from past errors, it is pure. Th erefore, we should live a clean and for the purpose of profi ting by dearly “Every wall is a door.” and chaste life. bought experience.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson Th e teacher is one. Everyone learns —George Washington according to his or her aptitude and “We must be willing to get rid of the life capacity. In this school of life the day on “One of the lessons that I grew up with was we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is which we have not learned something new to always stay true to yourself and never waiting for us. Th e old skin has to be shed is a lost day indeed. let what somebody else says distract you before the new one can come.” —Excerpt from “Th e Good You Do Returns” from your goals. And so when I hear about —Joseph Campbell negative and false attacks, I really don’t invest any energy in them, because I know who I am.” —Michelle Obama 49 Th rough legacy and loyalty, . Delta Gamma continues to grow, for life achieve, thrive and succeed. We are rich in heritage and tradition, and our Delta Gamma pride empowers us to forever “Do Good.”

Patriotism...... 51 Legacy...... 54 Achievement & Success...... 57 Love & Happiness...... 59 “Do Good”...... 63 Loyalty & Devotion...... 65 Heritage & Tradition...... 67 Rituals ...... 69 Membership for a Lifetime...... 74 DG Refl ections...... 76 Personal Refl ections...... 80

50 Executive Offi ces staff gather around the anchor on the fi rst anniversary of 9/11.

on patriotism ... “Get involved. No matter whether we decide to run for public office or just participate as informed voters in the elections process, we are compelled as leaders to contribute to good government through public service. That means ensuring our leaders make informed decisions that reflect the guiding principles of our nation— freedom, accountability and compassion.” —Congresswoman Jo Ann Emerson, R-Mo. Alpha Rho-Ohio Wesleyan 51 for life. PATRIOTISM

Patriotism and Refl ections on As we lit candles of waiting and hope “In the future days, which we seek to September 11, 2001 We became one generation. make secure, we look forward to a world What a strange and unsettling day … As the fi refi ghters and police offi cers fought founded upon four essential human Th e sky was beautiful, clear blue, nary a their way into the inferno, freedoms. Th e fi rst is freedom of speech cloud … We became one gender. and expression—everywhere in the world. Comfortable temperatures, a great day to be As we whispered or shouted words of Th e second is freedom of every person to outdoors. encouragement, worship God in his own way—everywhere But here in bucolic Chatham, better known We spoke one language. in the world. Th e third is freedom from for being a community of commuters, a As we gave our blood in lines a mile long, want—which, translated into world terms, one hour train ride into Manhattan. We became one body. means economic understandings, which will with lovely large homes and a small As we mourned together the great loss, secure to every nation a healthy peacetime quaint Main Street … We became one family. life for its inhabitants—everywhere in the From the highest point in town, fi ttingly As we retell with pride of the sacrifi ces of world. Th e fourth is freedom from fear— near the town’s Fairmount Cemetery, heroes, which, translated into world terms, means a We could see the smoke rising into that We become one people. worldwide reduction of armaments to such beautiful sky from the 9/11 devastation. One color a point and in such a thorough fashion that All day people were checking on friends and One class no nation will be in a position to commit family who worked in NYC. One gender an act of physical aggression against any Phone lines were jammed, cell phones One faith neighbor—anywhere in the world.” inoperable. One body —Franklin D. Roosevelt Schools would only release younger children One family to a parent … in case “someone was One people “When I despair, I remember that all missing at home.” We are Th e Power of One. through history the way of truth and love All nine churches had signs out front We are America. has always won. Th ere have been tyrants “Sanctuary open for prayer … “Church —Unknown and murderers and, for a time, they seem Service tonight at 8.” invincible. But in the end, they always fall. Th e sky was eerily quiet … when there was “Liberty lies in the hearts of men and Th ink of it, always.” an engine noise, it was a helicopter or a women; when it dies there, no constitution, —Mahatma Gandhi military plane. no law, no court can save it.” And tonight, after church, our son and —Judge Learned Hand “Freedom is not worth having if it does daughter-in-law called, “just to check.” not connote freedom to err. It passes my A strange day ... and I expect I will “Liberty means responsibility. Th at is why comprehension how human beings, be they remember today forever. most men dread it.” ever so experienced and able, can delight —Nancy Phelps Holt, Beta Iota —George Bernard Shaw in depriving other human beings of that precious right.” “Th ey that can give up essential liberty to “America will never be destroyed from the —Gandhi purchase a little temporary safety deserve outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, neither liberty nor safety.” it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” “Th e cost of liberty is less than the cost of —Benjamin Franklin —Abraham Lincoln repression.” —W.E.B. Dubois “Th ese are the times that try men’s souls. “Freedom of speech and freedom of action Th e summer soldier and the sunshine are meaningless without freedom to think. “I have often asked myself why human patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the And there is no freedom of thought without beings have any rights at all. I always service of their country; but he that stands doubt.” come to the conclusion that human rights, it now, deserves the love and thanks of man —Bergen Evans human freedoms, and human dignity have and woman.” their deepest roots somewhere outside —Th omas Paine “In war, there is no prize for the runner-up.” the perceptible world. Th ese values are as —Gen. Omar Bradley powerful as they are because, under certain “All attempts to destroy democracy by circumstances, people accept them without terrorism will fail. It must be business as “Th e whole art of government consists in compulsion and are willing to die for them.” usual.” the art of being honest.” —Vaclav Havel —Margaret Th atcher —Th omas Jeff erson

52 for life. PATRIOTISM

“Liberty has never come from the “A thoughtful mind, when it sees a nation’s “Th e love of one’s country is a splendid government. Liberty has always come from fl ag, sees not only the fl ag, but the nation thing. But why should love stop at the the subjects of government. Th e history itself; and whatever may be its symbols, border?” of liberty is the history of resistance. it’s insignia, he reads chiefl y in the fl ag the —Pablo Casals Th e history of liberty is a history of the government, the principles, the truths, the limitation of governmental power, not the history which belongs to the nation that sets “Heroism on command, senseless violence, increase of it.” it forth.” and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by —Woodrow Wilson —Henry Ward Beecher the name of patriotism—how passionately I hate them!” “Th e purpose of all war is ultimately peace.” “All the great things are simple, and many —Albert Einstein —St. Augustine can be expressed in a single word: freedom; justice; honor; duty; mercy; hope.” “Patriotism is easy to understand in “Th e real and lasting victories are those of —Winston Churchill America; it means looking out for yourself peace, and not of war.” by looking out for your country.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson “Patriotism is supporting your country all —Calvin Coolidge the time, and your government when it “It is no longer good enough to cry peace; deserves it.” “Our country is not the only thing to which we must act peace, live peace, and live in —Mark Twain we owe our allegiance. It is also owed to peace.” justice and to humanity. Patriotism consists —Shenandoah proverb “Patriotism is your conviction that this not in waving the fl ag, but in striving that country is superior to all others because you our country shall be righteous as well as “Let every nation know, whether it wishes us were born in it.” strong.” well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear —George Bernard Shaw —James Bryce any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival “Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious.” “Patriotism is not short, frenzied outbursts and the success of liberty.” —Oscar Wilde of emotion, but the tranquil and steady —John F. Kennedy dedication of a lifetime.” “You’re not supposed to be so blind with —Adlai E. Stevenson “Th ere can never be peace between nations patriotism that you can’t face reality. Wrong until it is fi rst known that true peace is is wrong, no matter who says it.” “If patriotism is ‘the last refuge of a within the souls of men.” —Malcolm X scoundrel,’ it is not merely because evil —Oglala Sioux proverb deeds may be performed in the name of “If you can’t get them to salute when they patriotism, but because patriotic fervor can ”Th e belief in the possibility of a short should salute and wear the clothes you tell obliterate moral distinctions altogether.” decisive war appears to be one of the most them to wear, how are you going to get —Ralph B. Perry ancient and dangerous of human illusions.” them to die for their country?” —Robert Lynd —Gen. George S. Patton “A nation reveals itself not only by the men it produces but also by the men it honors, “Ask not what your country can do for you, “You’ll never have a quiet world till you the men it remembers.” ask what you can do for your country.” knock the patriotism out of the human —John F. Kennedy —John F. Kennedy race.” —George Bernard Shaw “Patriotism means unqualifi ed and “I think patriotism is like charity—it begins unwavering love for the nation, which at home.” “Patriots always talk of dying for their implies not uncritical eagerness to serve, —Henry James country, and never of killing for their not support for unjust claims, but frank country.” assessment of its vices and sins, and “A man’s feet must be planted in his country, —Bertrand Russell penitence for them.” but his eyes should survey the world.” —Alexander Solzhenitsyn —George Santayana “Th e highest patriotism is not a blind acceptance of offi cial policy, but a love of “I only regret that I have but one life to give one’s country deep enough to call her to a for my country.” higher plain.” —Nathan Hale —George McGovern 53 mother and DG legacy

on legacy ... ”A cause, just because—but most of all an adventure, a time of reaffi rmation, a time to salute our Founders and all who have followed.” —description of Delta Gamma’s centennial celebration in the fall 1973 ANCHORA

54 for life. LEGACY

“We will be known forever by the tracks we Have you ever watched kids “Th e past is history, the future is a mystery, leave.” On a merry-go-round this moment is a gift, that is why this —Dakota proverb Or listened to the rain moment is called the present. Enjoy it.” Slapping on the ground? —Allan Johnson “Every road has two directions.” Ever followed a butterfl y’s erratic fl ight? —Russian proverb Or gazed at the sun into the fading night? “It takes one a long time to become young.” You better slow down. —Pablo Picasso “Your future depends on many things, but Don’t dance so fast. mostly on you.” Time is short. “Begin somewhere; you cannot build a —Frank Tyger Th e music won’t last. reputation on what you intend to do.” Do you run through each day —Liz Smith “If you want to know your past, look into On the fl y? your present conditions. If you want to When you ask, “How are you?” “Life is very interesting … in the end, some know your future, look into your present Do you hear the reply? of your greatest pains, become your greatest actions.” When the day is done, strengths.” —Buddhist saying Do you lie in you bed —Drew Barrymore With the next hundred chores “We must decide what we want to be in life Running through your head? “It’s not what happens to you that and what type of person we wish to become You’d better slow down. determines how far you will go in life; it is and what kind of life we wish to lead—a Don’t dance so fast how you handle what happens to you.” decision that is the most diffi cult of all to Time is short. —Zig Ziglar make.” Th e music won’t last. —Cicero Ever told you child, “Th e state of your life is nothing more than We’ll do it tomorrow? a refl ection of your state of mind.” “Living is mostly a personal matter. It’s up And in your haste, —Dr. Wayne W. Dyer to you how you shape your life, what goes Not see his sorrow? into it, what you can get out of it, what you Ever lost touch, “From what we get, we can make a living; give.” Let a good friendship die? what we give, however, makes a life.” —Unknown Cause you never had time —Arthur Ashe To call and say, “hi?” “Th ere is no limit to our capacity to grow. You’d better slow down. “A man cannot leave a better legacy to the And a life, lived to the utmost, is our fi nest Don’t dance so fast. world than a well-educated family.” creation—our most personal work of art.” Time is short. —Th omas Scott —Unknown Th e music won’t last When you run so fast to get somewhere, “I maybe here for a shortwhile, gone “No one can go back and make a brand new You miss half the fun of getting there. tomorrow into oblivion or until the days start. Anyone can start from now and make When you worry and hurry through your day, come to take me away. But, in whatever a brand new ending. God didn’t promise It is like and unopened gift … part you play, be remembered as part of a days without pain, laughter without sorrow, Th rown away. legacy ... of sharing dreams and changing sun without rain, but He did promise Life is not a race. humanity for the better. It’s that legacy that strength for the day, comfort for the tears, Do take it slower. never dies.” and light for the way.” Hear the music —Unknown —Unknown Before the song is over. —Unknown “Sadness is always the legacy of the past; “Never let the future disturb you. You regrets are pains of the memory.” will meet it, if you have to, with the same “Just living isn’t enough,” said the butterfl y, —Unknown weapons of reason, which today arm you “one must also have freedom, sunshine, and against the present.” a little fl ower.” —Marcus Aurelius —Hans Christian Andersen

“All who wander are not lost.” —J.R.R. Tolkien

55 for life. LEGACY

“Our days are numbered. One of the Th e Dash … “Opportunities are everywhere. Th e primary goals in our lives should be to I read of a man who stood to speak recession might be drawing to a close, but prepare for our last day. Th e legacy we At the funeral of a friend its continuing legacy is employers’ reliance leave is not just in our possessions, but in He referred to the dates on her tombstone on short-term staff . Th ere may be fewer the quality of our lives. What preparations From the beginning to the end jobs for life, but there are more jobs in a should we be making now? Th e greatest He noted that fi rst came the date of her birth lifetime.” waste in all of our earth, which cannot be And spoke the following date with tears, —Unknown recycled or reclaimed, is our waste of the But he said what mattered most of all time that God has given us each day.” Was the dash between those years “If you succumb to the temptation of using —Billy Graham For that dash represents all the time violence in the struggle, unborn generations Th at she spent alive on earth. will be the recipients of a long and desolate “We can’t all leave a prestigious background And now only those who loved her night of bitterness, and your chief legacy or lots of money to visit our children, but Know what that little line is worth. to the future will be an endless reign of we can leave them a legacy of love.” For it matters not how much we own; meaningless chaos.” —Naomi Rhode Th e cars, the house, the cash, —Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. What matters is how we live and love “You have to know one big thing and stick And how we spend our dash. “Hopefully, we can build a rivalry and we’ll with it. Th e leaders who had one very big So think about this long and hard. be able to do this a lot. Make a legacy, then idea and one very big commitment. Th is Are there things you’d like to change? retire champions.” permitted them to create something. Th ose For you never know how much time is left, —Serena Williams are the ones who leave a legacy.” Th at can still be rearranged. —Irving Kristol If we could just slow down enough “Th ere is a strange charm in the hope of a To consider what’s true and real good legacy that wonderfully reduces the “When you have told anyone you have left And always try to understand sorrow people otherwise may feel for the him a legacy, the only decent thing to do is Th e way other people feel. death of their relatives and friends.” die at once.” And be less quick to anger, —Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra —Samuel Butler And show appreciation more And love the people in our lives “He that visits the sick in hopes of a legacy, “Th ere are certain things that are Like we’ve never loved before. but is never so friendly in all other cases, fundamental to human fulfi llment. Th e If we treat each other with respect, I look upon him as being no better than essence of these needs is captured in the And more often wear a smile a raven that watches a weak sheep only to phrase ‘to live, to love, to learn, to leave a Remembering that this special dash peck out its eyes.” legacy.’ Th e need to live is our physical need Might only last a little while. —Seneca for such things as food, clothing, shelter, So, when your eulogy is being read economical well-being, health. Th e need With your life’s actions to rehash “I will act as if I do make a diff erence.” to love is our social need to relate to other Would you be proud of the things they say —William James people, to belong, to love and to be loved. About how you spent your dash? Th e need to learn is our mental need to —Linda Ellis develop and to grow. And the need to leave a legacy is our spiritual need to have a sense “Th ere’s no such thing as legacies. At least, of meaning, purpose, personal congruence, there is a legacy, but I’ll never see it.” and contribution.” —George W. Bush —Stephen R. Covey “No legacy is so rich as honesty.” “Th e legacy of heroes is the memory of a —William Shakespeare great name and the inheritance of a great example.” —Benjamin Disraeli

56 three Delta Gamma sisters serving as congressswomen

on achievement & success ... ”When I pledged Delta Gamma, I always felt like I was surrounded by a group of women that lived purposefully. As I’ve met Delta Gammas throughout my career, I’ve been so impressed with their seriousness of purpose and their commitment to serve others; I’m very proud of that because I think those are wonderful characteristics to foster. It is clear to me that we are recruiting and building the future women leaders of the next generations—something that the world needs more of.” —Senator Mary Landrieu, D-La. Gamma Zeta-Louisiana State 57 for life. ACHIEVEMENT & SUCCESS

“Success is to be measured not so much “Th e size of your success is measured by “One’s best success comes after their greatest by the position that one has reached in life the strength of your desire; the size of your disappointments.” as by the obstacles which he has overcome dream; and how you handle disappointment —Henry Ward Beecher while trying to succeed.” along the way.” —Booker T. Washington —Robert Kiyosaki “Only through focus can you do world-class things, no matter how capable you are.” “People may fail many times, but they “It is amazing how much you can —Bill Gates become failures only when they begin to accomplish when it doesn’t matter who gets blame someone else.” the credit.” “You can do anything you set your mind to —Unknown —Unknown when you have vision, determination, and an endless supply of expendable labor.” “I don’t measure a man’s success by how “Th e whole is greater than the sum of the —Larry Kersten high he climbs but how high he bounces parts.” when he hits bottom.” —Unknown “Optimism is the faith that leads to —Gen. George S. Patton achievement. Nothing can be done without “Become a possibilitarian. No matter how hope and confi dence.” “Don’t say you don’t have enough time. dark things seem to be or actually are, raise —Helen Keller You have exactly the same number of hours your sights and see possibilities—always see per day that were given to Helen Keller, them, for they are always there.” “Th at some achieve great success, is proof to Louis Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, —Norman Vincent Peale all that others can achieve it as well.” daVinci, Th omas Jeff erson and Albert —Abraham Lincoln Einstein.” “Choose a job you love, and you will never —H. Jackson Brown Jr. have to work a day in your life.” “Not the maker of plans and promises, but —Confucius rather the one who off ers faithful service “Success is to forget the disagreeable, the in small matters. Th is is the person who unnecessary, and to remember only to “Success is not measured by what you is most likely to achieve what is good and positive hours of your life.” accomplish but by the opposition you have lasting.” —Otto Preminger encountered, and the courage with which —Goethe you have maintained the struggle against “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” overwhelming odds.” “Happiness is that state of consciousness —Unknown —Orison S. Marden which proceeds from the achievement of one’s values.” “Th e more you prepare, the luckier you “Th e achievements of an organization are —Ayn Rand appear.” the results of the combined eff ort of each —Terry Josephson individual.” “Th e greater danger for most of us lies not —Vince Lombardi in setting our aim too high and falling “People who say it cannot be done should short; but in setting our aim too low, and not interrupt those who are doing it.” “Th e road to success is lined with many achieving our mark.” —Unknown tempting parking spaces.” —Michelangelo —Traditional proverb “An optimist is a person who sees a green “Big thinking precedes great achievement.” light everywhere, while the pessimist sees “To succeed, you need to take that gut —Wilfred Peterson only the red stoplight. Th e truly wise person feeling in what you believe and act on it is colorblind.” with all of your heart.” “What looks like a loss may be the very —Albert Schweitzer —Christy Borgeld event which is subsequently responsible for helping to produce the major achievement “Th e pessimist sees diffi culty in every “To understand the heart and mind of a of your life.” opportunity. Th e optimist sees the person, look not at what he has already —Srully Blotnick opportunity in every diffi culty.” achieved, but at what he aspires to.” —Winston Churchill —Kahlil Gibran

58 Sigma-Northwestern collegians in the early 1900s

on love & happiness ... ”Our ideal is to be happy in our fraternity; to have the entire atmosphere of our chapter, happiness. How can we attain this? By earning our place in our chapter—by deserving to be a Delta Gamma and enjoying the rare privileges that come to us fraternity girls. Experience has proven that the strongest, most loyal fraternity members are those who actually serve their fraternity with an unselfi sh spirit.” —Blanche Garten, Kappa-Nebraska Fraternity President 1902-05 59 for life. LOVE & HAPPINESS

Hug O’ War Keep Close Love has its own time, its own season, and I will not play at tug o’ war. Some things you keep. Like good teeth. its own reasons for coming and going. You I'd rather play at hug o’ war. Warm coats. Bald husbands. Th ey’re good cannot bribe it or coerce it or reason it into Where everyone hugs for you, reliable and practical and so staying. If it chooses to leave from your Instead of tugs, sublime that to throw them away would heart or from the heart of your lover, there Where everyone giggles make the garbage man a thief. So you hang is nothing you can do. You can do nothing And rolls on the rug, on, because something old is sometimes and should do nothing. Be glad that it came Where everyone kisses, better than something new, and what you to live for a moment in your life. If you And everyone grins, know is often better than a stranger. keep your heart open, it will surely come And everyone cuddles, Th ese are my thoughts. Th ey make me again. And everyone wins. sound old, tame and dull at a time when —Kent Nerburn —Shel Silverstein everybody else is risky and racy and fl ashing all that’s new and improved in their lives. “At the touch of love, everybody becomes a “Act happy, feel happy, be happy, without a New careers, new thighs, new lips, new cars. poet.” reason in the world. Th en you can love, and I grew up in the fi fties with practical —Plato do what you will.” parents. A mother, God bless her, who —Dan Millman washed aluminum foil after she cooked in “Love is the triumph of imagination over it, then reused it and still does. A father intelligence.” “If you love somebody, let them go, for if who was happier getting old shoes fi xed —H.L. Mencken they return, they were always yours. And if than buying new ones. Th ey weren’t poor, they don’t, they never were.” my parents; they were just satisfi ed. Th eir “A life fi lled with love must have some —Kahlil Gibran marriage was good, their dreams focused. thorns, but a life empty of love will have no Th eir best friends lived barely a wave away. roses.” “Joy comes not from how we live, but how I can see them now, Dad in trousers and tee —Unknown we love.” shirt and mom in a housedress, lawnmower —Unknown in one’s hand and a dishtowel in the other’s. “If you judge people, you have no time to It was a time for fi xing things—a curtain love them.” “We spend too much time looking for the rod, the kitchen radio, screen door, the —Unknown right person to love, or fi nding fault with oven door, the hem in a dress. It was a way those we already love, when instead we of life and sometimes it made me crazy. “You never lose by loving. You always lose should be perfecting the love we give.” All that re-fi xing, reheating, renewing. I by holding back.” —Unknown wanted just once to be wasteful. Waste —Unknown meant affl uence. Th rowing things away “Whoever travels for love fi nds a thousand meant there’d always be more. But, then my “Th e question is not what a man can scorn, miles not longer than one.” father died. On that clear autumn night, in or disparage, or fi nd fault with, but what he —Unknown the chill of the hospital room, I was struck can love, and value, and appreciate.” with the pain of learning that sometimes —John Ruskin “Our lives are like quilts—bits and pieces, there isn’t any “more.” Sometimes what you joy and sorrow, stitched with love.” care about most gets all used up and goes “Truly loving another means letting go of all —Unknown away, never to return. So while you have it, expectations. It means full acceptance, even it’s best to love it and care for it and fi x it celebration of another's personhood.” “A smile is a curve that sets everything when it’s broken and heal it when it’s sick. —Unknown straight.” Th at’s true for marriages, old cars, children —Phyllis Diller with bad report cards, dogs with bad hips “Beauty is not beauty without love.” and aging parents. You keep them because —Th omas Campton “Let us always meet each other with a smile, they’re worth it, because you’re worth it. for the smile is the beginning of love.” Some things you keep. Like a best friend “Where there is love there is life.” —Mother Teresa that moved away or a classmate you grew —Gandhi up with, there are just some things that “Th e rose speaks of love silently, in a make life important … people you know are “Love transcends death. Th e people we love language known only to the heart.” special and you keep them close. touch our lives even after they’re gone.” —Unknown —Unknown —Unknown

60 for life. LOVE & HAPPINESS

“What does love look like? Love has hands “Happiness comes from the capacity to feel “For a long time it seemed to me that life to help others, feet to hasten to the poor deeply, enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk was about to begin—real life. But there was and needy, eyes to misery and want, ears to life, to be needed.” always some obstacle in the way, something hear the sighs and sorrows of others. Th at is —Storm Jameson to be gotten through fi rst, some unfi nished what love looks like.” business, time still to be served, a debt to —St. Augustine “I do it for the joy, because I’m a joyful girl. be paid. At last it dawned on me that these We owe the world nothing, and we owe obstacles were my life. Th is perspective “Love is like a rose. When pressed between each other the world.” has helped me to see there is no way to two lifetimes, it will last forever.” —Ani Difranco happiness. Happiness is the way. So treasure —Unknown every moment you have and remember “When we are grown we’ll smile and say we that time waits for no one. Happiness is a “Whatever I say had no cares in childhood’s day, but we’ll journey, not a destination.” Means more when you listen be wrong. ‘Twill not be true. I’ve this much —Souza Whatever I think care … I care for you.” Means more when you understand —Mary Englebreit “Happiness is a thing to be practiced, like Whatever I do the violin.” Means more when you are there “If you want others to be happy, practice —John Lubbock Whatever happens to me compassion. If you want to be happy, Means more if I can share it with you practice compassion.” “Th ey say a person needs just three things Th ank you for adding so much to my life.” —Dalai Lama to be truly happy in this world. Someone —Susan Polis Schutz to love, something to do, and something to “Too often we underestimate the power of a hope for.” “Sometimes our light goes out but is blown touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, —Tom Bodett into fl ames by another human being. Each an honest compliment, or the smallest act of us owes deepest thanks to those who have of caring, all of which have the potential to “Love comes to those who still hope even rekindled this light.” turn a life around.” though they’ve been disappointed, to those —Unknown —Leo Buscaglia who still believe even though they’ve been betrayed, to those who still love even though “Feelings commit us to one another, and “Happiness is like a butterfl y; the more you they’ve been hurt before.” thus involve the risk of disappointment. chase it, the more it will elude you, but if —Unknown In the end, the only way you can mean you turn your attention to other things, it anything to another human being is to share will come and sit softly on your shoulder.” “Th e best remedy for those who are his feelings.” —Henry David Th oreau afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, —Unknown somewhere where they can be quiet, alone “I am still determined to be cheerful and with the heavens, nature and God. Because “Never frown when you are sad, because happy, in whatever situation I may be; for only then does one feel that all is as it you never know who is falling in love with I have also learned from experience that should be and that God wishes to see people your smile.” the greater part of our happiness or misery happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature. —Unknown depends upon our dispositions, and not As long as this exists, and it certainly always upon our circumstances.” will, I know that then there will always “You have many new wishes, —Martha Washington be comfort for every sorrow, whatever the For what is worth the most to you circumstances may be. And I fi rmly believe Are lots of hugs and kisses!” “Th ere are three things that last: faith, hope that nature brings solace in all troubles.” —Brian Minch and love, and the greatest of these is love.” —Anne Frank —Unknown Five simple rules to be happy Free your heart from hatred. “Th e grand essentials of happiness are: Free your mind from worries. something to do, something to love and Live simply. something to hope for.” Give more. —Allan K. Chalmers Expect less. —Unknown

61 for life. LOVE & HAPPINESS

“Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, “If you were all alone in the universe with “Here is another great happiness quote earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the no one to talk to, no one with which to about relationships:It is the things in spiritual experience of living every minute share the beauty of the stars, to laugh with, common that make relationships enjoyable, with love, grace and gratitude.” to touch, what would be your purpose in but it is the little diff erences that make them —Denis Waitley life? It is other life, it is love, which gives interesting.” your life meaning. Th is is harmony. We —Todd Ruthman “Th ere is only one passion, the passion for must discover the joy of each other, the joy happiness.” of challenge, the joy of growth.” “To love is to take delight in happiness of —Denis Diderot —Mitsugi Saotome another. Or, what amounts to the same thing, it is to account another’s happiness as “Th e pleasure of love is in loving; and we are “Sometimes your joy is the source of your one’s own.” happier by the passion we feel than by that smile, but sometimes your smile can be the —Gottfried Leibniz we inspire.” source of your joy.” —François de la Rochefoucauld —Th ich Nhat Hanh “You will never know true happiness until you have truly loved, and you will never “Gaiety alone, as it were, is the hard cash “True happiness and a fullness of joy can understand what pain really is until you of happiness; everything else is just a be found only in the tender and intimate have lost it.” promissory note.” relationships of the family. However —Unknown —Arthur Schopenhauer earnestly we may seek success and happiness outside the home through work, leisure “Love is that condition in which the “I love the simplicity and wisdom of activities, or large bank accounts, we will happiness of another person is essential to this happiness quote: Th ere is only one never be fully satisfi ed emotionally until we your own.” happiness in life, to love and be loved.” develop deep and loving relationships.” —Robert A. Heinlein —George Sand —James J. Jones “A happy marriage has in it all the pleasures “When we feel love and kindness toward “Love is the master key that opens the gates of friendships, all the enjoyment of sense others, it not only makes others feel loved of happiness.” and reason—and indeed all the sweets of and cared for, but it helps us also to develop —Oliver Wendell Holmes life.” inner happiness and peace.” —Joseph Addison —Dalai Lama “Love, you know, seeks to make happy rather than to be happy.” “What I needed most was to love and to “Th e greatest happiness of life is the —Ralph Connor be loved, eager to be caught. Happily I conviction that we are loved—loved for wrapped those painful bonds around me; ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of “True happiness is found in unselfi sh love, and sure enough, I would be lashed with the ourselves.” A love which increases in proportion as it is red-hot pokers or jealousy, by suspicions and —Victor Hugo shared.” fear, by burst of anger and quarrels.” —Th omas Merton —St. Augustine “Of all forms of caution, caution in love is perhaps the most fatal to true happiness.” “Each moment of a happy lover’s hour is “When you are in love you can’t fall asleep —Bertrand Russell worth an age of dull and common life.” because reality is better than your dreams.” —Aphra Behn —Dr. Seuss “If this world aff ords true happiness, it is to be found in a home where love and “Love puts the fun in together, “Women wish to be loved not because confi dence increase with the years, where Th e sad in apart, they are pretty, or good, or well bred, or the necessities of life come without severe Th e hope in tomorrow, graceful, or intelligent, but because they are strain, where luxuries enter only after their Th e joy in the heart.” themselves.” cost has been carefully considered.” —Unknown —Henri Frederic Amiel —A. Edward Newton “To get the full value of joy, you must have “Th e best thing about me is you.” “Love and joy are twins, or born of each someone to divide it with.” —Shannon Crown other.” —Mark Twain —William Hazlitt

62 Newport-South Coast alumnae members fundraising

on “Do Good” ... ”Then let us, like the little stream, Move onward, with a purpose high, Look upward, with an earnest faith, Nor stop to dream, or doubt or sigh. Thus shall we fi nd our strength increase, Our power for good shall be confessed, And, like the stream, for our good works, By all mankind shall we be blessed.” —Mabel Potter Tallman, Eta-Akron

63 for life. “DO GOOD”

“Never underestimate the power of a kind “No need to feel guilty if you can’t be a “If you wish to do a good deed, consult no word or deed.” good man all the time. But anytime your one.” —H. Jackson Brown Jr. heart is feeling so eager to do even a small —Turkish proverb good deed, then it might be a good chance “Real generosity is doing something nice for for you ... to be a better man.” “Every day, nay every moment, try to do someone who will never fi nd out.” —Toba Beta some good deed.” —Frank A. Clark —Abu Bakr “Th inking good thoughts is not enough, “Coming together, sharing together, doing good deeds is not enough, seeing “Bad deeds, and deeds hurtful to ourselves, working together, succeeding together.” others follow your good examples is are easy to do; what is benefi cial and good, —Unknown enough.” that is very diffi cult to do.” —Doug Horton —Friedrich Muller “Th e supreme prayer of my heart is not to be learned, rich, famous, powerful, or “Better do a good deed near at home than “People should not worry as much about good, but simply to be radiant. I desire to go far away to burn incense.” what they do but rather about what they radiate health, cheerfulness, calm courage, —Amelia Earhart are. If they and their ways are good, then and good will. I wish to live without hate, their deeds are radiant. If you are righteous, whim, jealousy, envy, fear. I wish to be “Existence was given us for action. Our then what you do will also be righteous. We simple, honest, frank, natural, clean in mind worth is determined by the good deed we should not think that holiness is based on and clean in body, unaff ected, as ready to do, rather than by the fi ne emotions we what we do but rather on what we are, for say I do not know, if it be so, and to meet feel.” it is not our works which sanctify us but we all men on an absolute equality, to face any —George MacDonald who sanctify our works.” obstacle and meet every diffi culty unabashed —Meister Eckhart and unafraid. I wish others to live their “When one begins to purposefully perform lives, too - up to their highest, fullest, and acts of kindness, the spirit changes and soon “Doing good to others is not a duty, it is best. To that end I pray that I may never doing good deeds becomes a focal point for a joy, for it increases our own health and meddle, interfere, dictate, give advice that is our life; doing good begins to be the same as happiness.” not wanted, or assist when my services are feeling good. Th e periods of emptiness when —Zoroaster not needed. If I can help people, I’ll do it we search for the ‘meaning of it all’ begin to by giving them a chance to help themselves; fi ll with acts of kindness.” “In this world everything changes except and if I can uplift or inspire, let it be by —Gary Blair good deeds and bad deeds; these follow you example, inference, and suggestion, rather as the shadow follows the body.” than by injunction and dictation. Th at is to “Talking isn’t doing. It is a kind of good —Ruth Benedict say, I desire to be radiant—to radiate life.” deed to say well; and yet words are not —Elbert Hubbard deeds.” “Fashion your life as a garland of beautiful —William Shakespeare deeds.” “To devote your life to the good of all and —Buddha to the happiness of all is religion. Whatever “I have to do a good deed for the you do for your own sake is not religion.” community. I have to do fi ve things, so I “Real worth requires no interpreter: its —Swami Vivekananda thought this was a good idea. It’s important everyday deeds form its emblem.” because one day you’re going to need that —Sebastien-Roch Nicolas De Chamfort “Th e leaders who do good deeds reside in blessing and one day they’ll repay you and the hearts of the people.” you’ll feel really good about yourself.” “In dreams the truth is learned that all good —Rig Veda —Pam Finkelstein works are done in the absence of a caress.” —Leonard Cohen ”Th e good deed you do today for a brother “Th at is why not only we should ourselves or sister in need will come back to you some engage in good deeds but also encourage “Th ough language forms the preacher, ‘Tis day for humanity’s a circle in deed.” others to do the same.” ‘good works’ make the man.” —Robert Alan —Sam Veda —Eliza Cook

“Most people see what is, and never what “I never saw a mob rush across town to do a can be.” good deed.” —Albert Einstein —Wilson Mizner 64 collegiate chapter offi cers

on loyalty & devotion ... ”Now, remember that wearing the anchor is a paying proposition ... as I walked on Fannin Street, mid-town, a strange voice called, ‘Do tell me you are a Delta Gamma!’ The voice was that of Elsie Saville Anderson, Alpha Kappa-Washburn. The next pay-off came in a Kress building elevator—a gentleman recognized my pin and put me in touch with his wife, Louise Griggs Lowry, Theta-Indiana. Once, sometimes twice, a month the three of us met, and, for lack of a fourth for bridge, called in a lone Alpha Phi. In 1929, one of the three of us conceived the idea of inserting a Delta Gamma notice in the newspaper. There came a response, only one—but it made our history. The elderly voice explained that she was not able to attend but wanted to be there in spirit. She was told, after all, we were only three and had placed the notice in the paper to fi nd others, that the notice had served its purpose well and that the meeting would come to her. The Delta Gamma (on the phone) was Eva Webb Dodd, visiting her niece in the city!” Ida Pearle Kinkead, Alpha Upsilon-Southern Methodist 65— for life. LOYALTY & DEVOTION

Enough “I wish you enough pain so that the “I’ll take fi fty percent effi ciency to get one Recently I overheard a father and daughter smallest joys in life appear much bigger. hundred percent loyalty.” in their last moments together. Her “I wish you enough gain to satisfy your —Samuel Goldwyn departure had been announced and, wanting. standing near the security gate, they hugged “I wish you enough loss to appreciate all “Loyalty is something you give regardless and he said, “I love you and I wish you that you possess. of what you get back, and in giving loyalty, enough.” “I wish you enough ‘hellos’ to get you you’re getting more loyalty; and out of She in turn said, “Daddy our life together through the fi nal ‘goodbye.’” loyalty fl ow other great qualities.” has been more than enough. Your love is He then fi nally did sob and walked away. —Charles “Tremendous” Jones all I ever needed. I wish you enough, too, Dear friend, I wish you enough. Daddy.” —Unknown “Loyalty binds me.” Th ey kissed and she left. He walked over —Motto toward the window where I was seated. “To know what is right and not to do it is Standing there I could see he wanted and the worst cowardice.” “It is better to be faithful than famous.” needed to cry. I tried not to intrude on his —Confucius —Th eodore Roosevelt privacy, but he welcomed me in by asking, “Did you ever say goodbye to someone “Loyalty is still the same, “I cannot lead you into battle. I do not give knowing it would be forever?” Whether it win or lose the game; you laws or administer justice but I can do “Yes, I have,” I replied. Saying that True as a dial to the sun, something else—I can give my heart and my brought back memories I had of expressing Although it be not shined upon.” devotion to these old islands and to all the my love and appreciation for all that my —Samuel Butler peoples of our brotherhood of nations.” Dad had done for me. Recognizing that his —Queen Elizabeth II days were limited, I took the time to tell “When we are debating an issue, loyalty him face to face how much he meant to me. means giving me your honest opinion, “Whatever I am off ered in devotion with a So I know what this man was experiencing. whether you think I’ll like it or not. pure heart—a leaf, a fl ower, fruit, or water—I “Forgive me for asking, but why is this a Disagreement, at this stage, stimulates me. accept with joy.” forever goodbye?” I asked. But once a decision has been made, the —Bhagavad Gita “I am old and she lives much too far away. debate ends. From that point on, loyalty I have challenges ahead and, the reality is, means executing the decision as if it were “I really owe everything to my parents and the next trip back will be for my funeral,” your own.” their devotion and drive to see to it that he said. —Colin Powell their children had the education which led “When you were saying goodbye, I heard to the opportunities that they never were you say, ‘I wish you enough.’ May I ask “Loyalty means nothing unless it has at its able to have. ” what the means?” heart the absolute principle of self-sacrifi ce.” —George J. Mitchell He began to smile. “Th at’s a wish that has —Woodrow Wilson been handed down from other generations. “In the uttermost meaning of the words, My parents used to say it to everyone.” He “An ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of thought is devout, and devotion is thought. paused for a moment and looking up as if cleverness.” Deep calls unto deep.” trying to remember it in detail, he smiled —Elbert Hubbard —Ralph Waldo Emerson even more. “When we said, ‘I wish you enough’, we were wanting the other person “Loyalty cannot be blueprinted. It cannot “Loyalty means not that I agree with to have a life fi lled with just enough good be produced on an assembly line. In fact, everything you say, or that I believe you things to sustain them.” He continued. it cannot be manufactured at all, for its are always right. Loyalty means that I And then turning toward me, he shared origin is the human heart – the center share a common ideal with you and that, the following as if he were reciting it from of self-respect and human dignity. It is a regardless of minor diff erences, we strive for memory: force which leaps into being only when it, shoulder to shoulder, confi dent in one “I wish you enough sun to keep your conditions are exactly right for it – and it is another’s good faith, trust, constancy and attitude bright. a force very sensitive to betrayal.” aff ection.” “I wish you enough rain to appreciate the —Maurice R. Franks —Dr. Karl A. Menninger sun more. “I wish you enough happiness to keep “You can’t buy loyalty, you can only invest your spirit alive. in it.” —Ronny M. Cole 66 Beta Beta-Alberta Turtle Derby winners

on heritage & tradition ... ”Delta Gamma Fraternity has been a leader in every decade since the beginning of our existence; we developed programs before our members knew they needed them; we have university and college presidents among our members; we have women in Congress, we have successful professionals in every fi eld; and we have women who are just as successful in their chosen roles of homemaker and mother. It is this kind of diversity that Delta Gamma has encouraged. It is the kind of diversity that has made Delta Gamma strong. It is a diversity that happens because of the support we give to our members to help them make the right choices for themselves and their future.” —Maureen Sweeney Syring, Nu-Idaho 67 Fraternity President 1986-90 for life. HERITAGE & TRADITION

Trails “Th e assumption must be that those who “To keep up even a worthwhile tradition Every person has the power to make other can see value only in tradition, or versions of means vitiating the idea behind it which people happy. Some do it simply by entering it, deny man’s ability to adapt to changing must necessarily be in a constant state of a room; others by leaving the room. I have a circumstances.” evolution: it is mad to try to express new friend who leaves a trail of great enthusiasm. —Stephen Bayley feelings in a ‘mummifi ed’ form.” Hours after a phone call from her I still —Alfred Jarry feel great. Another friend leaves a trail of “As soon as tradition has come to be optimism. After only a brief conversation recognized as tradition, it is dead.” “Tradition is a guide and not a jailer.” with her I feel better. One friend enriches —Allan Bloom —W. Somerset Maugham my day by leaving a trail of kindness. Cheerful smiles are her trademark. Some “A precedent embalms a principle.” “Traditionalists are pessimists about the individuals leave trails of gloom. Others —Benjamin Disraeli future and optimists about the past.” leave trails of joy. Some leave trails of hate —Lewis Mumford and bitterness. Others leave trails of love “Tradition means giving votes to the most and harmony. Some leave trails of cynicism obscure of all classes—our ancestors. It is the “As precious as life itself is our heritage of and pessimism. Others leave trails of faith democracy of the dead. Tradition refuses to individual freedom, for man’s free agency is and optimism. Some leave trails of criticism submit to the small and arrogant oligarchy a God-given gift.” and resignation. Others leave trails of of those who merely happen to be walking —David O. McKay gratitude and hope. What kind of trails do around.” you leave? —Gilbert K. Chesterton “As you age naturally, your family shows -—Unknown more and more on your face. If you deny “Th e dead govern the living.” that, you deny your heritage.” “We relish news of our heroes, forgetting —Auguste Comte —Frances Conroy that we are extraordinary to somebody too.” —Helen Hayes “Tradition! We scarcely know the word “By going to the movies, and because of anymore. We are afraid to be either proud of other things, too, going to college, making Daily Survival Kit our ancestors or ashamed of them. We scorn a wide variety of friends, moving around Toothpick – to remind you to pick out the nobility in name and in fact. We cling to a traveling, I became a lot more open-minded good qualities in others. bourgeois mediocrity which would make it than the heritage I was born into might Rubber band – to remind you to be fl exible, appear we are all Americans, made in the have suggested.” things might not always go the way you image and likeness of George Washington.” —Roger Ebert want, but it will work out. —Dorothy Day Band Aid – to remind you to heal hurt “A world community can exist only with feelings, your or someone else’s. “A tradition without intelligence is not world communication, which means Pencil – to remind you to list your blessings worth having.” something more than extensive short-wave everyday. —T. S. Eliot facilities scattered; about the globe. It Eraser – to remind you that everyone makes means common understanding, a common mistakes, and it’s okay. “It cannot be inherited, and if you want it tradition, common ideas, and common Chewing gum – to remind you to stick with you must obtain it by great labor.” ideals.” it, and you can accomplish anything. —T. S. Eliot —Robert M. Hutchins Mint – to remind you that you are worth a mint. “Traditions are the guideposts driven deep “Almost every venerable tradition at a men’s Candy Kiss – to remind you that everyone in our subconscious minds. Th e most club starts out as a joke.” needs a kiss or a hug every day. powerful ones are those we can’t even —Joe Bob Briggs Tea bag – to remind you to relax daily and describe and aren’t even aware of.” go over that list of blessings. —Ellen Goodman “Among those who are satisfactory in this —Unknown respect it is desirable to have represented “People should think things out fresh and as great a diversity of intellectual tradition, “Be not afraid of greatness; some are born not just accept conventional terms and the social milieu and personal character as great, some achieve greatness, and others conventional way of doing things.” possible.” have greatness thrust upon them.” —R. Buckminster Fuller —Talcott Parsons —William Shakespeare

68 Portland Suburban alumnae members holding a candle passing ritual

on rituals ... ”There are assuredly some things between members of a a fraternity, about which no one else should be told, things which form a sort of inner sanctuary as it were, set apart for the inspiration of loyal worshippers. But might we not in answer to honest questions, tell a great deal more than we do tell and thereby strengthen our hold on public esteem without marring the sacredness of those things which we hold most dear. 69 —Joe Anna Ross Pancoast, Psi (II)-Goucher for life. RITUALS

Th e Secret Th oughts of a Ritual After being up almost all day and all night important thoughts have crossed my mind. Th ere are many of us around. Some of us for a week, I am taken to a dimly lighted First, the sororities have done an excellent are very informal and loosely structured; room where a number of people are job in keeping me an esoteric document, others are very formal and precisely worded. gathered. Th ere I am presented with much that is, basically a secret document and Whether you are aware of it or not, your feeling and serious drama. It is obviously therein is much of the problem. Not only whole life is based on certain ritualistic a moment of great climax for some of the am I a secret document to the outside, I patterns. Th e way you get up in the people for they are seeing and hearing me am a secret to most of the members as well. morning, the way you study the way you for the very fi rst time. Shortly after the Th ey really don’t know or understand me organize your social life, the way you speak ceremony, I am brought back to the dark because they’ve never really studied me. and write, these are all based on certain room and placed in the locked fi le drawer Some people, I suspect would like to keep habits or routines that you develop and a and I am not seen or heard of until the me very, very secret because if non-members performed, by and large, in an informal end of the nest semester. In this case, as a found out what I stood for, they might ritualistic way. ritual, what am I? Well, as I see it, I am a expect the members to live by it and that Today I would like to share with you perfunctory service that must be performed would be very diffi cult. Th erefore, they keep some thoughts on another kind of ritual. in order to get new members into an me secret and they won’t have to change One that is considered very private and is organization. Once the Initiation is over, their lifestyles. often esoteric. I am the sorority ritual. One I’m pretty much pigeon holed until the next Although I can be used in diff erent ways that you will fi nd locked in a fi le in the class is to be initiated. and for diff erent things, when you boil corner of some dark offi ce. Because I don’t However, in some sorority houses I exist me down to my fundamental essence, I’m get used or opened very often, I have a lot in quite a diff erent fashion. Shortly after the essentially one thing, a system of values. of time to think and I’d like to share with Initiation the sisters come in one by one, get I don’t change very much because I am you some of my thoughts. Sometimes, I go me out of the drawer and look me over very the product of history and the spirit of through a real identity crisis. Who am I? carefully. Some just like to read me, others man and how he relates to his fellow man What am I? Why am I? In order to know try to memorize me. Whatever the case, I and to his God. Th is relationship between what a thing is, you must fi rst know what it like it when they use me. Sometimes they man and man, and man and God, has is for. You tell what something is by the way even argue over me, and this gets exciting never been static one. It is confusing and it is used. because you see that’s what I’m about. illuminating, painful and exciting. A Although there are some exceptions in I’m meant to be read carefully, discussed separation and a reunion and although I the way I am used, let me tell you how and even argued about. Yes, in fact, I can appear to be a contradiction, I am really the majority of sororities use me. Th e even be changed. I’m really a very human no more of a contradiction than man vast amount of my time is spent in a dark document, one that was written down some himself. Too frequently we forget that man cabinet, locked up and gathering dust. time ago after a great deal of thought by one is both animal and spiritual in nature, and About once a semester there comes a mad or two women and I have been reworded, to reconcile the two can often be painful, rush for my existence, people literally rephrased and re-evaluated many, many confusing and frightening. And that is why scrambling, and all of a sudden I become times. it is so critical that man understands who I very important. It’s really funny because In order to know what I’m really about, am and what I am for. many times they can’t fi nd me. Th ey forget I need to be perpetually used and studied. Because I am a system of values, I am where I was placed and a mild panic sets in (Too often the members mention me only therefore an instrument of self-evaluation. until fi nally they dig me out from under the at Initiation time and I’m really meant My values are clear and absolute and yet stacks of constitutions, bylaws and chapter for much more than that.) In fact, one diffi cult to emulate. To state a few, I am minutes. Once I am found, I am under of my most important missions is to help honor, courage, integrity, fi delity, courtesy 24-hour surveillance. It’s almost as if I’m the active chapter at its weekly meetings. and I demand self control as well as being digested, but that’s not really it; what’s If I am understood and used properly at ambition and humility. What your Founders happening is that I’m being memorized. I’m these weekly meetings, I can really help did is take the idea of friendship and move literally studied word, phrase, for phrase, the chapter get things together. Th ere are it a signifi cant step forward to the concept and sometimes people even argue over me. always a few women who don’t like to of commitment. Two to three people all wanting me at the use me and put up a big argument about Th ose of you who are leaders in the same time. Th ey begin with, “Well let me having an informal chapter meeting. What sorority movement, the offi cers of the just copy my part,” then the argument gets a joke that usually turns out to be. Most national, international or general sororities, hotter because somebody says, “No, it’s not informal chapter meetings last a heck of you who are professional sorority women, legal to copy anything out of the ritual.” a lot longer than formal chapter meetings must continue to ask yourselves how Some people, however, go ahead and fudge where I’m used. As I’ve listened to people you can improve in articulating to your a bit and copy their part and then pass me on. and watched how they use me, a couple of members the message of your sorority. 70 for life. RITUALS

Why is it that some of the members get follow that oath then she should be asked to Fireside it and others do not? To some the message leave the sisterhood. If you would weed out I wish for you … goes deep and becomes a part of their very those who do not wish to follow or believe Comfort on diffi cult days, being, while for others it never scratches in the obligation they swore to uphold, we Smiles when sadness intrudes, the surface. Ask yourself the question when would all be much better off . Too frequently Rainbows to follow the clouds, you attend your regional meetings, your I see you caught up with the numbers in Laughter to kiss your lips, workshops, retreats, leadership schools, your sisterhood rather that the quality of Sunsets to warm your hearts, how much time do you spend discussing your sisterhood. Gentle hugs when spirits sag, and sharing with each other what personal Basically I am a road map to help a Friendships to brighten your being, eff ect I have had on your lives? Do you, as person along her journey of life and assist Beauty for your eyes to see, so many active chapters do, use me to start her in her communion with her fellow Confi dence for when you doubt, the meetings and close the meetings or do travelers. Who am I? Your ritual. What am Faith so that you can believe, you become so involved in your day to day I? A system of values. What am I for? My Courage to know yourself, business that you forget that I am there to purpose is not to make you a better sorority Patience to accept the truth. be refl ected upon? For those of you who woman, but rather a better human being. —Unknown do understand and use me, are you afraid —Edward M. King or ashamed to share those experiences and Safe Harbor thoughts with your fellow sisters? Th ose of You are for me and I am for you We bow before the wind’s great gusting you who are sorority leaders, and are not I knew you were in my heart all along force, using me in this way are very derelict in I just needed a smile and assuring song Unknowing of what tempest lies before. your responsibilities, your duties, and the And I couldn’t have felt more welcome Safe harbor is the search that begs our quest, very oath that you took when you became a anywhere. An anchorage, beside a caring shore. member and an offi cer in your sorority. For, You gave me your hand What course to take, how safety then, to you see, as written in your esoteric manuals, Th at said, “Come, let’s share.” seek? I am really of very little value unless you Together we laughed, then by candle cried. Where to drop anchor, call some harbor and the other sisters through your mutual Your tears crept out while mine hid inside. home? sharing begin to experience the essence Yes, that’s when I decided you were for me. Th e compass of hour sisterhood will guide; and depth of my message. Th en you and I And prayed your love would let it be. With Delta Gamma friends, it can be done. are activated by the real charge into your Th e closeness that exists can’t be denied. Take comfort; we have searched and found spiritual and moral fi ber that is possible It’s something to be proud of, not meant to our port, for all women but achieved by too few. hide Dependable, and constant as the sun, Th e eff ectiveness of my message is in direct Th at special feeling led me back to you. Our DG anchor’s cast in unity; proportion to your knowledge and belief in Th ank you, Delta Gamma, for I love you, Now safely moored our search for strength my values. too. is won! If there is something about me that you Th e gift of your friendship has deeply —Joan Seifert, Beta Eta-Texas do not like, then change me, but for God’s touched my heart, sake do not ignore me. It is the indiff erence And it’s a wonderful feeling to be a part. Friendship is more than a gift, it is a sweet to and the ignorance of my essential I want you the know that I’ll always be true, responsibility. Sisterhood involves thought— message that continues to stifl e the growth Sincerely, from the heart that led me to you. thought on your part for the consideration of the sorority system. Never has the time —Sandra Vernon Gillman, of others. It takes a little bit of constant been so ripe as this period in our history Beta Xi-Michigan State eff ort to establish and maintain those ties of when the young people of today on our friendship which we seek in Delta Gamma. college campuses are crying out for the kind We should show awareness and concern of message, guidance, values and leadership for how we aff ect other people with respect that has been so long hidden in my pages. for the individuality of others. Sorority life If you would just realize that by better can be a real living experience if you want knowing and understanding me many of to learn. Since we do live together, we can your day-to-day problems, housing, drugs, learn to work together, to become a little collections, and apathy would simply fade kinder and a little more giving than when away and not exist. we fi rst came here. If a sister slips and becomes derelict she —Code of Conduct, Gamma Rho-Wittenberg should be asked to review her oath and charge, and if she chooses not to obey and 71 for life. RITUALS

Invocation I came to college to grow up, to become What is a Delta Gamma? As we gather together this morning, a woman. I joined Delta Gamma, and Today you ask: “What is a Delta Gamma?” May we learn to recognize and affi rm surrounded my self with the best women and I answer, She is the essence of Th e pieces of possibility— this campus has to off er. Th e women you femininity. She is the girl who has not quite Th e bits of good—we bring. have met this past week, that sang and outgrown her love of racing through the May we encourage rather than control, danced for you, walked you through our green fi elds in her bare feet. She piles her Love rather than possess, home and spoke with you here tonight, hair on her head and looks like a young Enable rather than envy. are among the most loyal, ambitious, queen. Allowing our individual gifts to weave a respectable, driven and intelligent people She wears cutoff s and a sweatshirt and patchwork of peace: I have had the honor to know. And I am looks like a young colt. She wears expensive Th e soft deep blue of sensitivity and honored beyond all measure to call them my perfume, but she loves peanut butter understanding, sisters. Around you tonight are dreamers, sandwiches. She cries at romantic movies, Th e red energy of creativity, planners, makers and molders. Th ey have but she is dry-eyed when a friend needs Th e white heat of convictions, shown me what it means to be a friend, a help. Th e risky, fragile green of new growth, sister and a woman. She adores soft music and slow dancing, Th e golden fl ashes of gratitude, Of course, I should also mention that but she rock out at fraternity parties. Th e warm rose of love. these same dreamers and planners are the She smiles with a tear in her eye when Each of us is indispensable friends I laugh with when juice comes out someone tells her he loves her, and she sobs If we are to make a diff erence. my nose or I fall down on campus—which when he is gone. She is a young woman, Together, in our gathered diversity, we form really happens far too frequently. Th ey are sure of herself, and a girl afraid and unsure. the whole. the ones I call even before my parents, the What is a Delta Gamma? She’s a complete Th is is our prayer: that we may create here a ones who hear fi rst hand about every good and knowledgeable being. She knows circle of love, ever expanding, ever thing, and every bad thing that happens herself and lets others know her as a friend, growing. Amen. throughout the course of my day. Th ey are sister and helpmate. But she keeps a part —Unknown the friends I look out for, and they look of herself secret, within her, and this makes out for me. Th ese women are friends with her a true individual. She laughs, cries, and Preference Night whom hours fl y by like minutes and friends loves her sisters, for they are the ones she has It is my understanding that we are all with whom I have shared moments that we taken into her heart. She cherishes her love women here tonight. So, if you are not, wish could last forever. of Delta Gamma and keeps its secrets locked please raise your hand and we will promptly Bid Day last year found me standing in within her, only to bring them out when a escort you out. Good. I am going to talk for front of this beautiful house, and two years sister is in need. a moment about what I thing I means to be later, I can only tell you that the true beauty Today you ask: “What is a Delta a woman. I turn to the words of an attorney of this house is to be found in the women Gamma?” and I answer, She is love; she is and activist named Eleanor Holmes Norton. inside it. We have asked you here tonight friendship; she is laughter and tears; she is She said, “Th e question has been asked, because we believe you possess the same happiness; but most of all, she is a sister, ‘What is a woman?’ A woman is a person qualities we strive for—you are determined, yours and mine. who makes choices. A woman is a dreamer. dedicated and loyal young women. We Tomorrow, someone will ask you, “What A woman is a planner. A woman is a maker, believe you are the dreamers, the planners, is a Delta Gamma?” What will your answer and a molder. A woman is a person who the makers and the molders that will take be? Perhaps you will answer that she is makes choices.” care of this house we have all come to love an inexplicable treasure as you remember Tonight is about choices. You are all and care so deeply about. But a woman is a with tears in your eyes your last few days women about to make a very important person who makes choices. And the choice as a senior. Or perhaps you will answer decision. How will you make yours? tonight is one you must make yourself. with laughter in your voice that she is a It has been two years since I stood where Whatever you decide, I sincerely hope delight, fun-loving gift, as you remember you stand, wearing my lei and holding a that you fi nd what I have found here—with the happiness you have shared, the joy in cream rose. I cannot pretend that I knew the women of Delta Gamma. Th ank you for the chapter house. You may answer that she then what I was signing up for when, later sharing your preference night with us. is an intelligent, gracious woman as you that night, I put Delta Gamma fi rst on my —Kendall Sand, Alpha Delta-Oregon remember the hours of study and learning preference card. But in looking back over in your college days. the past two years, I recognize the gifts that that one decision has brought to my life. Th ey are right here in this backyard, standing directly behind you. 72 for life. RITUALS

For the Love of Rituals It was, much to everyone’s chagrin– What is a Delta Gamma? In 2008, Omicron chapter at Adelphi especially the Vice President driving–a one A Delta Gamma is yesterday, today and celebrated its centennial. Alumnae from way street. And they weren’t going the right tomorrow. She is a recipient of Delta eight decades and Fraternity offi cers way. Dorothea was quite persistent from Gamma’s love; she, in turn gives of herself descended upon the campus. the back seat. And her concept of a whisper to her beloved Fraternity. Soon she will be Th e night before the celebration, the was more of a loud voice. “Th at is where we a wife and mother, but in one corner of her Fraternity President and Vice President: took our Delta Gamma cotillion picture.” heart, there shines a light so bright—the Communications were to have dinner with Everyone watched her expressive hands as light and love of Delta Gamma. the Regional Director and her Anchor Man she described the dresses in great detail. “What is a Delta Gamma?” you ask. husband who both worked tirelessly to Th e group was enamored with her and And I answer: She’s the girl who wears the arrange a seamless weekend. Th ey decided her vivid and animated recollection of her golden anchor. to include Dorothea, a 1942 initiate, campus memories. But, it was getting close —Unknown in their dinner plans. Earlier that week, to Initiation time and they needed to go. Dorothea’s husband, Joe, had phoned to see Th ey placed Dorothea in the back of “You are not joining an organization which if he might accompany her. “You see,” Joe the room between the Fraternity President is transient or whose bonds are easily explained, “Dorothea suff ers from extreme and Vice President, amongst the 50 or so broken. You will be expected to uphold the memory loss, but she remembers her college other alumnae present. Th ere were enough Fraternity’s ideals and renew them with each days well.” robes for nearly all of the 100 participants. passing year. You are joining not merely a So Joe drove Dorothea up from Everyone entered in full Initiation regalia. group of your friends here on this campus, Pennsylvania and escorted her to the In her “whisper,” Dorothea said, “Why are but a long line of outstanding women who intimate dinner. Dorothea entertained these ladies dressed like ghosts?” carry in their hearts the feeling loyalty to everyone with her stories of her Delta As the President went up to the front Delta Gamma which they gained from Gamma collegiate days, the places she and to help in the ceremony, members and their college experience. Make your ideals a Joe went and where they met. Th is petite, alumnae were humming together, creating living plan, not only in Delta Gamma, but delicate octogenarian remembered where a peaceful and calm atmosphere. Dorothea in society. Delta Gamma is a family so large their fi rst kiss was and where her Delta piped up again … in her “whisper,”… that we may never know everyone in it, Gamma Initiation had been held. Joe had “What’s that humming? Stop that humming but there is a bond of loyalty which ties us been right; her Delta Gamma collegiate days noise.” together and uplifts us to noble aims. were still crisp. As Initiation fi nished, the President Look to other Delta Gammas for your With everyone staying at the same hotel, returned to stand next to Dorothea. As is strength and for help in times of trouble. it made it easy the next morning to pick customary, the group joined hands and said You will fi nd that your initiation is simple Dorothea up to take her to the celebration, the Oath of Friendship through one time and straightforward. We are proud of the which included an Initiation ceremony. As slowly, and then repeated it a second time at simplicity, for in simplicity is the beauty of Joe walked her out to the waiting car, she a normal pace. life–of nature of truth. We bind ourselves to looked at her Anchor Man and said, “Who A distinct voice could be heard. courage strength, peace, loyalty, devotion, are these people and where are they taking Dorothea’s voice reverberated through the hope, purity, and love. We hold our symbols me?” She had no recall of the night before. crowd in the back. Tears were streaming of Delta Gammas high because the mean all It was raining that morning as the down her face. Th e words formed perfectly these things to us.” group drove around the Adelphi campus. on her lips as she repeated the Oath as if it —Shirley Wilson, Alpha Eta-Whitman Dorothea repeatedly asked the President were yesterday, her Delta Gamma college who she was, and she was continually days as crisp as ever. Th e Oath fi nished. reassured that she was the Delta Gamma She even remembered to squeeze hands. Fraternity President. Suddenly, however, Th ere was not a dry eye around her. Dorothea said, “Stop the car!” Th e car came She then said, “I always liked that little to a stop. “Th at is where Joe and I had our poem.” fi rst kiss!” as she pointed out the window. –Omicron-Adelphi centennial celebration As they started to move again, she pointed story written by Staige Davis Hodges, again, insisting on being driven down a Beta Th eta-Duke specifi c road.

73 celebrating lifetime membership at Founders Day

on membership for a lifetime ... “Keep your heart young, your enthusiasm fresh, you young alumna girl. Do you want to admit that your freshman days are so far in the past that you cannot put yourself into sympathy with the girl who is just beginning her fraternity life? To her its ideals are very real and worthwhile, as they will seem to you if you will leaven your indifference with a bit of enthusiasm. And having once become enthusiastic, you will keep step with the procession instead of lagging behind. The active girl is valuable to the fraternity but the earnest, willing alumna is indispensable. —Helen K. Vanpell, Beta Sigma-Maryland 74 for life. MEMBERSHIP FOR A LIFETIME

What is a Sorority? You learn that no matter where you come For every penny-weight of bad, If it’s really anything at all, a sorority is not from or who took you there, you still have I’ve found a ton of good … entirely a fl ower, national conventions, to fi nd that one small acre that belongs to Good in nature, in people, in my sorority … monogrammed rings, worn out songs, you by yourself. I’m thankful I belong. or a golden pin. And it is not entirely an You learn to be patient because change is —Unknown institution, a creed, or a way of life. slow and change isn’t always right. If you are going to insist that it is You learn that there is still a lot left to Dear Sister-to-be, something, a sorority is … believe in and a whole lot more to hope Th e secrets of giving pleasure, work, joy, Moving in for the fi rst time and slowly for. sorrow, beauty and self-knowledge are learning that beautiful people have fat And, if you are very smart, or very lucky, yours to know if you will only reach out for legs, use mouthwash, and wear last year’s you learn that no matter how big and them. Th ere is one gift missing from this coats. messy the whole world becomes, what is list. When you are joined in the bonds of It’s fi nding something to like in someone precious and what is permanent are sisterhood, it is off ered to you—more than you don’t know very well, because you always the same. that, it engulfs you. You will partake of it, share the same hopes for the future. And in the very end, a sorority can only be but you must replace what you take. Each of It’s long, tired eternities of black coff ee and a better way to stumble down the back us shares this gift, and it binds us together. exam snacks when you can’t remember stairs and walk out the front door Th e gift is called Friendship. the Renaissance artists or the stages of proudly. When it hurts to look back, and Your friend is your needs answered, she is photosynthesis and respiration. you’re scared to look ahead, you can look your fi eld which you sow with love and reap It’s borrowing a skirt from Amy, a blouse beside you and your best friend, a sister, with thanksgiving. from Amber, shoes from Tiff any, a scarf will be there. For you come to her with your hunger, from Leslie, a coat from Nichole, and —Unknown and you seek her for peace. passing them all off as your own for that When your friend speaks her mind, you all important interview. I’ve heard it said a sorority fear not the ‘nay” in your own mind, nor It’s sitting on the back steps and listening Is a waste of time; but I know better … do you withhold the “aye.” And when she is with all your helplessness because she is For I have seen the love and walked silent, your heart ceases not to listen to her lost and she’s lonely, and it seems the In the splendor of sisterhood … heart. whole world just fell into ugly little I’ve heard it said that a sorority For without words, in friendship, all pieces. Is sad; I can’t agree … thoughts all desires, all expectations are born And it’s coming in late one night and I’ve heard it said that a sorority and shared, with joy that is unacclaimed. closing the door to tell someone who’s Is a dull, selfi sh place; It can’t be true … When you part from your friend, you seen you through the hardest years of I’ve seen the aff ection, watched it grieve not; for that which you love most your life that you’re happy and you’re Fill my heart, the very air … in her may be clearer in her absence, as the getting married. And I have learned the Creed mountain to the climber from the plain. It’s nurturing the optimism and idealism of Polished and spotless from end to end And let there be not purpose in friendship our youth. And I’ve watched the sorority’s save the deepening of the spirit. It’s forgiving and forgetting because she is Devotion drape each and every active For love that seeks aught but the more important than the nature of your And pledge to look like nature’s disclosure of its own mystery is not love but confl ict. Freshly-granted love nourished for growth … a net cast forth, and only the unprofi table is And a sorority is, I suppose, a kind of I’ve heard it said that a sorority is caught. evaluation. Harmful, but they are wrong … And let your best be for your friend. If You grow up inside these elegant halls and For I know my sisters … watched them she must know the ebb of your tide, let her perhaps you do learn more of this grizzly, Strive to save a cause, spend of themselves … know its fl ood also. ungrateful circus we call life, than if you And I’ve watched them hope, dream, For what is your friend that you should had lived it somewhere else. And aspire, side by side … seek her with hours to kill? Seek her always You learn that a football player is sometimes I’ve heard them say these things, with hours to live. For it is hers to fi ll your just shoulder pads and that skinny arms But I would disagree … need, but not your emptiness. And in the sometimes hide a great man. Because for every shadow I have sweetness of friendship let there be laughter You learn that some lecture halls are just Seen a hundred rays of light … and sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of watery echoes and that there are silent For every plaintive note I’ve little things, the heart fi nds its morning and rooms for your deeper rivers. Heard the symphony of joy … is refreshed. —From a letter to the new members of Gamma Sigma-Houston, adapted from “Th e Prophet” by Khalil Gibran 75 Executive Offi ces in Columbus, Ohio

on DG reflections ... As turns the needle to the stars, the daisy to the sun, So when DG invited me, what could I do but come? To stand here now and question, the wherefore and the why, Is almost sacriligious. You’d think so if you’d try! I joined not Delta Gamma, for secrets of her bond; ‘Twas some far subtler magic, that made my heart respond. I joined not Delta Gamma, for honor, glory, fame, Its swelldom and successes, nor yet its well-known name. A love of friends and friendship, a faith that someone cares, A hope to live in union, our anchor surely swears. You tell me why the sun shines, why rivers seek the sea, There’s a reason true to nature, why I’m a Delta G. —Omega-Wisconsin 76 for life. DG REFLECTIONS

“You are my anchor in this world and in Becoming a Part Th e Anchor these rough and crazy seas. When hearts and Off to college, my bags are packed. Th e anchor is for hope, hopes go down like ships, you help me hold Eighteen years old and I’m scared to death. A will can fi nd a way, on to my dreams. When other parts of me My friends are gone, to colleges far away. Th ough darkness may surround you, have gone, you keep me going. You keep me I haven’t had a real friend since May. Hang on another day. sane. You are the treasure I love most, like I need people; I need friends by my side. Th e anchor is for friendship an umbrella in the rain. You are my anchor I need true friends in which to confi de. Th e bond between we two, in this world, from here to as far as I can see I don’t know a soul. I’m in a strange place. Th rough joys and pains and sorrows, ... You are my anchor in this world, and that Th at girl over there has a welcoming face. I’ll be walking right with you. means everything to me.” You’re a Delta Gamma? I didn’t know. Th e anchor is for courage —Unknown I bet this is all a show. Th e heart to fi ght the fi ght, You want me to join? Yeah right! I will be there to support you, Delta Gamma Lady Well, actually, I’m not doing anything No matter wrong or right. I am a Lady of Delta Gamma. Saturday night. Th e anchor is for love, A Delta Gamma Lady and that’s no lie. I guess I could give it a shot. Th e blessed tie that binds, When I am walking my head’s held high; Everyone seems nice. It is found in many places I’m not stuck up, I’ll tell you why… Th is kind of friendship must come with a price. In many shapes and kinds. I am a Lady of Delta Gamma. I don’t have to change? Th e anchor is for faith, A Delta Gamma Lady and that’s no lie. You’ll like me for me? A trust in God above, With the colors Bronze, Pink, and Blue I feel like I fi t in! Can this be? Even if your life’s in darkness, And the Anchor of Hope by my side; I’m a Delta Gamma! I have true friends. You will always have His love. You see, there is a reason for my pride. Th e best thing is, it never ends. Th e anchor is for sisters, I am a Lady of Delta Gamma. In Delta Gamma, I’ll forever be a part. For that is what we are, A Delta Gamma Lady and that’s no lie. Th is is for life, anchored in my heart. Th ough not be blood related, Founded; Oxford, Mississippi; Lewis —Sarah Corea, It’s a bond that none can mar. School; 1873. Zeta Sigma-Northern Kentucky So remember when you’re troubled, Leonard, Dodd, Ellington—those were the Whether far or whether near, three. Th e Greek Th at’s Written Th ere If the weight is getting heavy, I am a Lady of Delta Gamma. It makes little diff erence the size of your You can drop your anchor here. A Delta Gamma Lady and that’s no lie. badge, whether it’s large or small. —Kristin Briney, Gamma Iota-DePauw “Do Good” is what they tell me, And if it is plain or brilliant with jewels is Love and friendship is what they bring me. of no concern at all, A Time for Us Hannah, George, Cream-colored rose But the vows that you took along with A time for us Service for sight with all my might! your badge, Someday there’ll be I am a lady can’t you see? Have you worn them constantly, quietly, When we’ll be sisters of DG A Delta Gamma Lady that’s me. Deep in the heart of you where no one A time to share So when you see me don’t just pass by— Looks in to see? Th e love we’ve found It is okay to stop and say hi! Have you touched the stars you reached In to (chapter name) I am a Lady of Delta Gamma. For once in your own small piece of sky? To build the new A Delta Gamma Lady—No Lie. Have you striven for the honorable, In memory of the Always supportive, always there, the beautiful, the high? Happy years gone by Someone to depend on, someone who cares, What diff erence, then the shape of the Twenty fi ve years Th e Anchor is a symbol of things solid and badge, be it diamond or heart or square Have come and gone strong. Th e important thing is how much do you Since we held hands May our friendship be just so … love the badge that you chose to wear? And sang this song and last our whole life long. —Unknown And now we see —Jamese Carothers, How much our lives Epsilon Epsilon-Tennessee Tech Were truly touched By being a part of (chapter) and Delta Gamma. —Lisa Palas, Delta Omicron-Morehead State

77 for life. DG REFLECTIONS

Colors It’s so very nice to walk into Delta Gamma “Delta Gamma is the anchor that keeps us I “think” Delta Gamma nearly every day, meetings, grounded and solid. Our relationship is like And God helps me do this with His colorful Everyone smiles and there are so many a three-stranded braid—put together we are display, greetings, stronger than any force that can divide us, For over 50 years these colors mean, We chat and visit for a very long while, and she is the center.” Friendship, love, anchors and beauty seen, Before the meeting is called with by the —Unknown Th e sunsets are awesome-bronze, pink and president with a smile. blue, Th ere always seems to be some new DG, Never forget—Each member of Delta As sunrise the rays of bronze come through, From her we hear chapter, interests and her Gamma has a responsibility, a job without a Golden anchors dance across the lakes, family, title. It is to listen carefully to each remark As the sun sinks with pinks streaks it makes, Th e minutes are read to catch us up on the and then to give a well thought out opinion Because Delta Gamma means so much to past, or suggestion at each meeting. me, If we missed the previous meeting or several Secondly, it is up to each person to Th ese colors continue reminding me of DG. of the last. cultivate new friends; learn to discover So often I comment to my husband, to see Th e things talked about are of such interest the outstanding points of each persona Th at these colors were picked by our to all, and to appreciate them. Remember that original 3, Because Delta Gammas like to stay “on each person is human and has problems, From the beginning of dawn to the setting call,” frustrations and joys. sun, Sometimes a speaker, sometimes not, Finally, one must be loyal to the chapter. Hope, inspiration, love from the colors Plans for upcoming events we talk about a Hang on and see it through during those come. lot. times when you feel you no longer want to Birds at the feeder also say, Foundation and needs are always of be a part. Evaluate. Are you the reason it is Sisterhood is found over the world each day, mention, unpleasant? What is your outlook? Are you So, inspiration, devotion, integrity, you see For “Do Good” is our motto and our optimistic, giving, receptive to others? Remind me of Delta Gamma, our blessed intention, Th ere is great merit to those who can Fraternity. A bit of history is added nearly every time, commit themselves and stick to their word —Jeannine Frazier Neiman, So we won’t forget those basics from our through the good and the bad. Alpha Upsilon-Southern Methodist mind. —Alpha Zeta-Lawrence If an active chapter is in our city, town or Sending You a Sister near, You are now the mates I’m sending you a Smile What the collegians are doing we love to On a full and bountiful ship. A wish for a happy day hear. Take hold of the mainsails, sisters, A little box of joy Sponsorship Forms are so very important, And guide this ship Th at opens up and says hooray! Where, when and how are talked about With winds strong with your talents. I’m sending you a Sailboat often. Be careful, though, for the seas One with a big, pink and blue wing, A lunch is usually served because all DGs Are often troubled So soar to your potential like to eat, And many waves may rock your peace. Go ahead, dance and sing! Th ey are real good cooks and the recipes are But don’t fail I’m sending you a Beacon neat, As there is always a harbor A light in the dark of night More talking and visiting seems to fi ll this In which to drop your anchor. Th at seeks you out and guides you home rhyme, You have been chosen to guide the future. Whenever you’re out of sight. Plans are made to get together in between And we have faith that you will sail farther I’m sending you an Anchor meeting times. With our ship than we did. One of strength and stability Love, with a circle and hands crossed in Remember your goals, my sisters, Th at pulls you through any troubles friendship, And set your sails towards the sun. With the steadiness of Th e Delta Gee So everyone has the feeling of real kinship. Good luck on your voyage. I’m sending you these few small gifts And as we go our many diff erent ways, —Diane Sautters, Beta Sigma-Maryland From deep within my heart We look back on our wonderful college But most of all today I send days. A Love that will never part! —Jeannine Frazier Neiman, —Jessica Dunham, Phi Alpha-Franklin Alpha Upsilon-Southern Methodist

78 for life. DG REFLECTIONS

Th e Delta of Delta Gamma To My Sisters “You are initiated into Delta Gamma only I live at the mouth of a river Th e years … once but that short ceremony can change On a Delta that’s fertile and wide. Th e swiftly, swiftly passing years; your life if you will let it. You become part Th ere’s a new layer of soil with each season, Th e years which have heightened, of something that is so much stronger than And a love that grows deeper with pride. deepened, broadened, interwoven you can be alone. You have sisters in your All at once, I have dozens of sisters, Th is love and friendship of ours chapter who will be there for you for the rest Th ough they’ve known me a very short Th e memories … of your life, and other sisters will touch your while; Th e glad ones … the sad ones, life throughout your journey in this world. Even greater than food, drink and laughter Th e joyous ones … the hurting ones. Everything you do refl ects upon them just Is the thoughtfulness served with each smile! Th e silly ones … the hurting ones. as their actions aff ect your public image. Th ere is great fun in being together, Th e gay ones … and … and the tender Being a Delta Gamma means that you will But beyond all the singing and cheers, ones. have special friends wherever you go. Are the night talks of striving and caring Entwined, molded and blended Delta Gammas hold high standards; they do Where soul searchers often fi nd tears. Into a bond so strong what is right, especially when others around No diff erence in age group or background Neither life nor death can it attempt to sever. them are taking the popular and easy road. Can fence in our freedoms to care; A bond we will cherish, ever and ever. Th ey do this because they are living the I’ve always found warmth in my friendships, —Grace Lager Anderson Oath of Friendship. But to know human spirit is rare. If you come away from your Initiation Th e fresh layer of soil with each season “Like violets, Delta Gammas must be Ceremony knowing nothing else, you Makes the Delta a rich place to live. individually selected. You cannot grab a must know and understand the Oath of Day by day you give gifts for no reason handful without damaging some of them. Friendship. It is so simple to say and so And fi nd ten time the love that you give. Th ey cannot be roughly picked or picked in diffi cult to live by. If each Delta Gamma I live at the mouth of a river a hurry. will truly live by it, our Fraternity and those Where the stream reaches out to the sea; Like violets, Delta Gammas are not the touched by its members will be changed. I want love to grow while I live here, kind of fl ower that shows off it’s fullest Very soon after your initiation and before For my life has roots in Delta G. beauty standing alone, but is naturally you help to initiate other new members, —Robin H. Seyfried, Beta-Washington gregarious an looks best in natural clusters. study it and know what each phrase means However, like violets, the Delta Gamma for you. Th en do your very best to teach it “Had I not met you, I wonder … can stand alone and still refl ect beauty.” to your new members and to live it each day Would anyone have come to take your —Rachelle Guillory of your life.” place? —Marilyn Monroe Fordham, Nu-Idaho Could that be possible? “Complaint is made that the fraternity Had I not watched you, your mistakes, your is exclusive. Th e fraternity is born and “We as undergraduate members of women’s smile, nourished out of the natural impulse of fraternities, stand for good scholarship, for Had I not learned what you mean when you the human heart for exclusive preference, guarding of good health, for maintenance say nothing, but only give a sign through founded solely on the purpose and spirit of of fi ne standards, and for serving , to the your eyes, friendship. If you have a good thing, it is best of our ability, our college community. Would I have become what I am? your duty to give to those people who have Cooperation for furthering fraternity life, Would I have felt … and then learned from not got it.” in harmony with its best possibilities, is the these feelings? —George Banta ideal that shall guide our fraternity activities. Had you not led me and had I not let you … We as fraternity women, stand for what would we be? “In so laboring for the good of the service through the development of Had I not met you … I wonder.” sisterhood we are fulfi lling the aim of the character inspired by close contact and —Beverly Peters, Gamma Xi-Texas Tech organization and are making of ourselves deep friendship of individual fraternity and truly educated women who will perhaps go Panhellenic life. Th e opportunity for wide “Always Anchored, Always Delta Gamma!” forth into the world to win worthy rewards and wise human service, through mutual —alumnae membership campaign slogan and add new jewels to teh crown of Delta respect and helpfulness, is the tenet by Gamma.” which we strive to live.” “Strength, Courage, Wisdom ... —Alpha-Mt. Union —The Panhellenic Creed all in the name of Delta Gamma.” —Debbie Seebold Evans, “Speak Up For Sororities” Mu-Missouri —Martha Cheely Brown, Gamma Nu-North Texas 79 for life. DG REFLECTIONS