REPRESENTATIVE ON FREEDOM OF THE MEDIA Freedom and Responsibility YE A RBO O K 199 9 / 2 0 0 0 Vienna 2000 The cover is a drawing by the German author and Nobel Prize laureate (1999), Günter Grass, “Des Schreibers Hand” (The writer’s hand). He gave his kind permission for its use as the logo of the publications of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media. The drawing was created in the context of his novel Das Treffen in Tel g t e , dealing with the literary authors at the time of the Thirty Years War. © Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Office of the Representative on Freedom of the Media 2000 Kärntnerring 5/7, Top 14, 2. DG A-1010 Vienna, Austria Tel. +43-1 512 21 450 Fax +43-1 512 21 459
[email protected] The authors retain rights on the essay texts. Design: WerkstattKrystianBieniek, Vienna Printed by Eugen Ketterl, Vienna Freedom and Responsibility What we have done, why we do it – Texts, Reports, Essays, NGOs Contents Knut Vollebæk – Preface 7 Freimut Duve – Introduction 9 I. Essays on the Balkans - Writing, Politics and Media: In Defence of the Future Ivan Lovrenovic Five Fragments about Implosion 19 Baton Haxiu Kosovo - Where the Dead Speak 35 Dragan Velikic Which Way and Back 43 Branko Sbutega A Question about Boka, A.D. 1993 59 II. Views and Commentaries - Events, Challenges and Conflicts Deyan Anastasijevic A Swallow, Not The Spring 75 Ivana Zivkovic and Lidija Popovic Report on the Media in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 81 Anatoli Pristavkin Chechnya - a Country at War 105 Freimut Duve There is a war going and everyone is watching 115 Katharina Hadjidimos The Role of the Media in Greek-Turkish Relations 125 III.