The London Gazette
23412, 4511 The London Gazette. FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1868. War Office, August 14, 1868. To be Ordinary Members of the Civil Division of the Third Class, or Companions of the said THE Queen has been graciously pleased to give Most Honourable Order ; viz.:— orders for the following appointments to the Most Edward James Reed, Esq., Chief Constructor of Honourable Order of the Bath. the Navy. George Gregory Bardin, Esq., R.N., Inspector of To be Ordinary Members of the Military Machinery afloat. Division of the Second Class, or Knights Com- manders of the said Most Honourable Order; viz. :— Major-General George Malcolm, C.B., Bombay Army. War Office, Pall Mall, Captain Leopold George Heath, R.N., C.B. August, 1868. 1st (the Royal) Regiment of Foot. To be Ordinary Members of the Military Division of the Third Class, or Companions of the Lieutenant-General Sir George Bell, K.C.B., from said Most Honourable Order ; viz. :— the 32nd Foot, to be Colonel, vice Field-Marshal the Right Honourable Sir Edward Blakeney, Colonel John Edward Collings, 33rd Regiment. G.C.B,, G.C.H., deceased. Dated 3rd August, Captain Joseph Edye, R.N. 1868. Colonel the Honourable Frederick Augustus Thesiger, 95th Regiment. S2nd Regiment of Foot. Colonel Donald Martin Stewart, Bengal Army. Colonel William Wilby, 4th Regiment. Major-General Lord Frederick Paulet, C.B., to be Colonel Charles Crawford Fraser, V.C., llth Colonel, vice Lieutenant-General Sir G. Bell, Hussars. • trcinsf erred to the 1st Foot. Dated 3rd August, Colonel John Gordon Petrie, Royal Artillery. 1868. Captain George Tryon, R.N.
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