LEANING REPUBLICAN The Rhodes Cook Letter December 2002 The Rhodes Cook Letter NOVEMBER 2002 / VOL. 3, NO. 6 Contents Leaning Republican . 3 Chart: Election 2002: Where Things Stand. 3 Chart: The Nationwide Vote in ‘02 for Congress and Governors. 4 Chart: The 2002 Election Compared to Midterm Elections Since 1990 . 5 Chart: Looking for Competition? Try the Gubernatorial Races . 6 Chart: The Dwindling Competition in House Races . 6 Chart: The Republican Majorities: 1994 - 2002 . 8 The Big Picture Chart and Map: 2002 Election Summary by State and Region . 9 Chart: Few Incumbents Defeated in 2002 General Election . 11 House Results Chart and Map: The House Marginals of 2002 . 12 Senate Results Chart: 2002 Senate Election Results by State . 14 Chart: 2002 Senate Elections: Small Change has Big Impact . 15 Governor Results Chart: 2002 Gubernatorial Elections: A Hotbed of Volatility . 16 Chart: 2002 Gubernatorial Election Results by State . 18 Presidents and Midterms Chart: Presidents, Midterms and the Next Election. 19 Chart: Presidential Nominees and the Midterm Bounce . 20 Changing Composition of the 107th Congress . 21 Special Election Results, 2001-02 . 22 Subscription Page . 23 The Rhodes Cook Letter is published by Rhodes Cook. Web: tion for six issues is $99. Make checks payable to “The Rhodes rhodescook.com. E-mail:
[email protected]. Design Cook Letter” and send them, along with your e-mail address, by Landslide Design, Rockville, MD. “The Rhodes Cook Letter” to P.O. Box 574, Annandale, VA. 22003. See the last page of is being published on a bimonthly basis in 2002. A subscrip- this newsletter for a subscription form.