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Louie Louie (The Song)- FBI File

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"Louie Louie (The Song)- FBI File" (1964). U.S. Department of Justice Publications and Materials. 21.

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— filed under: Popular Culture

In 1963, a rock group named recorded the song “Louie, Louie.” The popularity of the song and difficulty in discerning the lyrics led some people to suspect the song was obscene. The FBI was asked to investigate whether or not those involved with the song violated laws against the interstate transportation of obscene material. The limited investigation lasted from February to May 1964 and discovered no evidence of obscenity.

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_ THE 60's SONG!_ I U



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T0 I DIRECTOR, FBI , DATE! 2/17/64 ATTENTION: FBI LABORATORY %>-/>1FRQM AC , TAMPA 45-New! P! 92. " 443153 ._;_? $vBJB<-'r= umcnownSUBJECT; ,

PHONOGRAPH" DISTRIBUTED & .- B IMAXon- MUSIC, -2 _nyc,,4;, , r : 1'AmPA_-;u¢,aw.-¬,~_.?»!mam! _ T Transmitted herewith are the following items for examination by he FBI Laboratory: ' ff . --- . 3. hyriis of "Louie Louie" as published by Limax Music. i Ca; _ Record "Louie Louie" under obscene cover!. -fkeported obscene lyrics for "Louie Louie." Under yo Lip: IF ggscene cover!.~ r

_ from Sarasota G School, advisingth cap popular withtn=U high school students, and he has been furnished lyrics for the song n which aree determined very obscene. g , thatthis record is xi!~, ' popular, is a best seller in the area, and is played by the local Q radio stations. He said the record is a calypso-type song, and the . words are hard to recognize. However, with a copy of the obscene w- ~_ to refer to, it sounds like the lyrics are identical with the I enclosed obscene lyrics. , Radioism Station * WKXY, furnishedwhat Limax Music Companyclaims to;u4D ide the the actual l rics of the lyric¬iZfsong, w ich e isnclosureong do #1seemnot , However, be totheJ __same. REc_23M ,9: Enclosures wére!furnished,to SA by Q __.,_ am-é£.11-'. ,§!glgN¬LQS4WE ,-,.El:111» "£w"%92"""" Wm ' Twp? P-PI-'_? F-',f1r:w@»g6. ML M3"*»s'7 ~"

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TP 145-New .

K/'.92 _»92 Laboratory is requested to determine if enclosed ;92--_. ~ :"92 record, "Louie Louie", can be considered obscene for purposes of prosecution under ITOM statute_ O . .. Q _:._.1, -1».-, ._ '-__.. _._ »: _ 2 ;; y. V _ _< V -_, ., I ,_.. _u. __- . __ . . - _ _, ;-_ , ... , ... - _ . ,1 . ,__... _, .. ' The three-enclosures may be retained by the Laboratory or destroyed, if, after examinetiony it appehrs they wi1l_be or __- ~e no further use. . _.~" Q ._..r;,-.. - . ~ 1 <5-r- -,. '92 " - ~:

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TO: /AQLECTOR _a r , FBI DATES 3/4/64 ___mm =1 c,"1?mpA45-s4!>!

sunjzcrz UNKNOWN SUBJEC1; g w

-+3. 92 PHONOGRAPHB " nmx$1.211!IDUIE"MUSIC, RECORD STRIBUTEDDI mrc. ITOM ._-aw n --~£5-' 9r: - :41- ReTPlet 2/17/64 and Bulet 2/28/64. Please note Miami incorrectly carried as office of origin, " 1*-92u Tampa letter oi reference. _ _ §@¢ There is nothing oi pertinent interest to Iinmi in this .§_f case. Miami disregard.

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Cul1d|un__ . ~ f» _'r___~'r- .'=_--.<-._=~>=.1-_-.-'~_:-21:, ,; ,1;-I--.1'_~';;.T~.,.~.-§ 47:.» .- . ,- =; __;f'... o- ._ - .',. . . .,- .. . _ . . !'>fT ., -.--.~:--.**<.-7?. ._ $..__..» . » . vi-..='.~-. ummrquwwu»<- .-_=~3_.1__ Can:di__ 92 __.<.. 1 _...¥ ~_ N 1 I V__=__~-_,._-,_- -. .,_ J _ 7'_.._.,. .,;_ .'..._L -._-. .>{:~_»-5i. . "*1~..-<" I 1 . ..>. ~ -=.~ .~.~ , ~.. -. - .:.' _ . "~ '-' '1_ _»"__-_ 32:» ' ;.._-.51;_.'. .1 2:7.A». *3, "1 ~z ;. .. v, ._* -."- -1: .-.._ ___ _u:-:.=. .'. -~.. 2": .. ,4,__".1 ...-4,». ' , _'-_'.;.'v~_ . DoLoa:h - '-."..-"':.-=:. " -..~ "'_~ "- . . ,..*.".".5.;" . y4==;:.92.-.'.;'.%.~--.<._92..~-..~:;._._ _ ,. _ 4-. -...~-.i. . _._ '..-' 1, ~ r':_» ,-;_.~¢._,:_... 1;}... '..>'<§->1--;..~. _ - ., . ...._,.__ ~.~.92 ....-. -*.:~ .~.~-~.- ~. ' >-_V_ . .1. ; »: --7 5.. . .. _ . --_:.-~ .... ___ » _>_ I __ .¢.._. ..'_-. .<. ... .,.... : .»1"! Gala . _ 1 . . ' . 3 - .'."T . .. . '='.~ _.-.~'.. -.'%.~;"'7"-~..§.'-:;'.~.'.!' :1: , _..._ V.__.._._. Wnen - . ' -"._ -. .~ + ; »'._-_»...'_¢ -3]1 <- ;';'¢_l;é'=_3.:- .-. .¢v » -- .- ..-..... -- - T_:< 4 ,-=....._: ,j_,._- .._;- ~_,. ~:.:'_-.._. - '.'".~>; .=~_;§;_;:. Sullivan ' 1' .- ' '1. iii -.-¢-,- _.-» ,.. :~- 1; *1 -x . .7 ...¢ ---i 1 --_. ______'-_-'_ ,, ,_. . TavelEvan: 'L. " .3 ' . "_-.-';'_-:~" " ~_":.}~_-»-§;..',_=.< - '~.1;-_" Ill nator hotter i .. xi. . . ..-~_.--.~.- : _.».. ..<-.,»... l-&-__ ~..0 . _ 1'_ Talc. Room - fs ggpmnnm.-._. 4"P 7- :<;- ~,,-1' blmn i____ '.92'.L".:_.- *0.=-,,_ ;,_.->-. . -I . 1-2. . R! _ ' . l Recorded 2/24/64' FEDERAL BUREAUOF INVESTIGATION - UNITED STATES DEPARTMENTor-" JUSTICE no LABFILE

, Laboratofy Work Sheet » Re:UNQOWN SUBJECT; File i ' [J monocmpn nnconn 1_,,b_, D-443153 AV '_ '1 "1.oU1e>1.oU1E" DISTRIBUTED - .9292 _:.=._ _ '1_92-' _92_. BY LIMAX uusxc, mrc. : v-5;, . 3 »_ , 4. .. -- - ._I .. . , = .. _ . . 5 . . , ~-_~ ., .. 92. . =E '. . - _ ',_ _ ;_ =.,,. .'__ . ._ _Z _ . ... . --.»-_~ - - - - .. ., --:_., ,. -z . t¢~_...4 .- .~.<_l§-.. ,. » .-';._:=- .__,.=;;J_ 7/ 64 Examinationt by:- =1 ' requested'T8-MP3. _ '; 45I6I! @, ; Examination requested: . . Document A k _ -- we Date re: . -7:.1 :1 "~- " ;f'=lf ResultExamination: of r ; '-* J Examinationbf . .='-"'."-3- ' T-7*?» 01»-/YQI

-_* U, "Im- "_4~£~> -.»...92_.7 ,:~;;'.~.1;_.|- .4IA7 ,3 . E! Z, '5" . .@c.... 9 . ;-4... . .~':=:_92., ' I I 1 ' -l£;f->~ 4' #4; I

Specimens submitted for examination 1 Q1 nunRecord entitled"mournL001? ! xrlqisxsn"rm: 1 on One 81dB and _~"HAUN'1ED1' CAST!-ELYNN RASTOH! THE KING-$13!" on. the other side, 1 4 . -. 4' .;- _ .1 ALSO SUBHITIED: Xerox copy of obscene vordsdto :*ecord""LOUIE IDUIE and xetox copy o1 published lyrics to record A .

[376 4,704 92 ,""Q /-/7//QM R id/, T *9 1-Ȣ!1:*'7;

_ ,_ ._..._.-.._.._-7-_=;__._-9..-_._ .....»_--w -~ ---.~---' "<'""~--' /0 J_~-a~v¢¢ 4 ;/4'72 L871 _ '_91:-ector, Federal Bureau of Investigation '*T£ . arch13L3592 ¢ - _

* # , I = erbert J. Killer, Jr . 8JHxBJP:1s Assistant Attorney General 97-263-0 -» Division 7 SUBJEQ-'Y= 1" mn1¢ ' __..m.Ioi.Jn=b' J ' in I i

O ~.:______l/,____,..._-- Enclosed ire-oopy of 0. citizen complaint { f/;c/we/at/1/,Az' concerning the subject recogd. It is geqnested .4>~that you ax-range an interview c!_ _jto verify his Gflg, . finding that the record Jqrics an obscene.

< Ye request that you advise as of your tind- I/fe ings originatingtron your Iron current Florida investigation ofalleging that the =e complaint record nu . . ' obscene lm cs. -- I-4 , W ._/-_-,J/»- 0/£1!/e dun iv -1»- Enclomre ; _ __ . _! ' . 7: ______ ' Q.;9s92 _i__-"M i »~

92 "1'

' .;.'_-"A-.3190-1; w¢»Qc_t.-e/ EX-ms" =""i° .> en i t 116_ . A i --1 "l-. -_'» - -- -in '' _-"""*i X ' u ' in I, 6-p$QS . i 4} . - L, 11 °'/'/1'FJZc-L~/ I f p " ', s¥'H:1:~'- §

_1l - ~_.92 -- _

FEB I1954 ln Robert F. Kennedy . CRwAl.H,bn9§ Attorney General USA _: »-7'_ _ Washington,~ D.C. 92. -1.?-_i ~ _;~. . 1»:-_: Dear Mr. Kennedy: » ..:l .__.-'--_ who do you turn to when your'teen age daughter buys and -¢-, 5° brings home oornozranhic or obscene materials being sold i~. along with objects directed and aimed at the teen age _.._ I.1 market?in everyCity, villageand Recordshop inthis '* Nation ~ - -

I: My daughter brought home a record of "LOUIE LOUIE" and I, after reading that the record had been banned from ' 51* being olayed on the air because it was obscene, proceeded T" to try to decipher the Jumble of words, The lyrics are so filthy that I can-not enclose them in this letter. _

"52 This record is on WIND label 4 143-A recorded by -e__!:_f:' KINGSMEN "agwrdgggjrodpgtion by Ke ehase and_gg;;3 ~14.- z~4Y~. -. ennon" and t re is an address 1650 a 0 Way New York, N.Y 5 IA __,--Qua u__ ?~- -~.'1929292Jlike tosee would these peoble, The"artists", theRecord company and the nromoters orosecuted to the full extent of the law. ' I y 3'We all know there is obscene materials available for those who seek it, but when they start sneaking_in this material in the guise of the latest teen age rock & roll hit record these morons have gone too far. .

This land of ours is headed for an extreme state of moral degradation what with this record, the biggest hit movies and the sex and violence exnloited on T.V.

How can we stamp out this menace? ? ? ? -

V! * ,, . ._.<.M§n r //5,W 1?9 74/ " '7 amaze: FEB4 as ~ , i"?*""*14l-;*i§_**.i.cPir:1§i@Ec-....=.,7»-I ..___%.._ ./'

I I ' 1

la:-Li Lou-ii Oh, no. Crab her way down low. /'11 iiegaaz ! §his line least cleag. 92. r_.,...._,,_ .92 4 ---~-v -9 3 Q33 is just a girl across the Way- he: I take her all alone, - lzttle elrl waztlng for me.

1 Shes never ihe ¬iTl I lay at h°me"

Chorus! . Toniqht

?ell fuCL 92-U ten I'll lay her again vi5'.your girl and by the way Gnu I.*hat chair I'll lav her_ there- y bone .. ah.. in her ha1r- norus!

.__.; P. L She had a rag On» I m°ved &°ve' Tt won'tbe long she'll sllp 1* Off- :-- "1 92. '- i -92c~ 1'*.5 ""18"! L 3-92k5_,_0_1&6? 111 I'G§_T E.In.._»ks.-.-. um- ¢- __ 92 _ A15 I olf her I rather 1"? her a51Q'

':'.C1'.-7.?-Y- 3%? '1. .#93 ;;.____ : -?=~: _

.. . ,- _. - .-_92 G 0 213%- .,_-;- .f_>;-*-.- -*:'L- e._>.I


-79:; I 0 '

/ 3/16/64 mm: Airtel/sf- '1 "/47 LIZ , . . , _

I To: 8ACa, Indianapolis lnclosuree 4! ' ' 3:55 , 7.I~.f!92' Tampa Enclosures;_l!_ .-.:=._-_,_r_§.Iron: Director , I3! . _ __ '=",.FQ' ~' Uli8UB; ._*> __EH!3_I:1.QB-APB ER'lITl8D RECORDED BY "MU '1 RG8!!! Mi'7. qz _, ~ __.: ITO! -53 -u: - ~ ,5. '. 3e. .= ,» - ;~-'3} -w Bncloeed herewith tor intormtion oi Indianapolis and Tampa are two copies each oi a eel!-explanatory letter received at the Bureau iron the De artaent wherein they -mm . hat - Elf.1p interviewed co n ce rn ng a letter he ero e o e pa rtment 1 J on l/30/64 indicating that he had exanined a phonograph record " that Louie"had and been Iound purchased by sane to be his obscene. daughter Two entitled,copies oi- letter to the Department are also enclosed tor in orna on. ' _.5.

- 'l'he Departaent has requested that they be adqispd 1 oi .. §¢ - " oi results of currefnt investigation being conducted in W Il ' ' co d w s reported as being obscene 1I S b m-mu. rlomn. . -5 a Tanpa case entitle " hUneub; Phonograp Be o o rd Louie Louie Z-'7 c 0 Distributed by Lina: _Iuaio, IYC, l1'Ol." _ ' -Q, Indianapolis at interview F -_: _and obtain any evi we that wou d e indicate the record "Louie Louie" to obscene and thereafter present facts to local USA. to determine it he would entertain .- 4' prosecution or violation of the ITO! Itatute. __<. n_, j; Tolaen _i 1; 21:? Belmont a Taapa expedite investigation at Sarasota, Ilorida, ' Mohr a concerning the record 'fLouie' Louie" and aake extra eopy T_'_ Casper a . '5 Callahan ii I - _ Conrad ii DeLooch i__ - Evans a b7c Gale a Rosen i $ sma NOTE PAGE TWO /$6; Sullivan Tovi ' /~/em I 1 I*6 M ~/- T~ Tel9201'l 5 Q, v Holmes a GondY - mu. noon TELETYPE mm 1:1

/4 4| i,

Airtel to 8ACs, Indianapolis Tampa . Be: UHSUB; PENOGRAPH RECORD

.a_.____,._92 of your report available to Bureau for dissemination to the Department. I or n i 1 ormat i on of Indianapolis, th Department

.~'¢>*. £1; recentl received a co oi the record "houielouie" tron , 4 . ».-1;"- =":.i, Y" ''. - ha request that I 1 t be rev eve to deteraine eas or an obscene nature. A 1 ' The Department advised that they were unable to interpret any oi the wording in the reord and, therefore, could not sake any decision concerning th aatter and were so advising the - 1 ii-T._n-.i_ _,.- v 1.. individual who sde the record available to then tor revies. . mi 1 gr! _Y, ' >. .¢~<-3' Ior further information, an UPI release dated 2/12/64 .1 _fF,~7 - indicated that the Government had dropped investigations it had been conducting into complaints that a popular rock-and-rodl *%%§ record has obscene lyrics. " k . ~_~§.,=-.>:-. -2 _ 1"... ;-l "The complaints charged that the record "Louie Louie," r . ii as recorded on the Iane Label by the lingsmen, had oi!-color 1"; 1 '.~, lyrics ehich could be detected Ihen the 45 r.p.s. platter was -:4; '1 played at 88-1/3 r.p.s. 5, - - =".....2» 92 Investigations ct th record were started by the _,' _ federal Communications Commission ICC!, the Post Oitice and I Justice Departments after complaints eere received tron about a halt dozen persons, including Indiana Governor Iatthev I. Ielsh , "A11 three Governmental agencies dropped their investi4 ~'i.a¢~aZ gations because they were unable to determine shat the lyrics » ..-.¢.s_;'7'. or the song were. even alter listening to the records at speeds .92 ranging'$res l6_rpe'to 18 ".r!1_ - 1':-i-*1 . 92; ,1- . D - H ent in rheceiptofu letter "lion _ ' .7;.. b1C complaining that record "Louie Louie" b d ' 4_-1: loca 1y and believed to be obscene. Department desires ~ <54 Y1! interviewed to verify that record lyrics are obscene. Depar men - also requested that they be advised of results oi investigation :1! ein conduc ffice regarding similar record where Sarasota, Florida turned over co recor o oca au or ties with obscene lyrics for same. =_'_:-.# Investigation being conducted by Tampa and Indianapolis Offices to determine if ITOM violation exists. - - -_ "=:.1-Q. . ,:


- 3 -

/5 Labo utoxy T mittal F0 In V 7 7 72 /

_Z_'_LLIOILTOIY --l._. rsosnlu aunuu or INVESTIGATION wnsnmeron, n. c.

' To: mt, San Diego 45leI! April I, 1904

92_ _ _-._-A.. i 3: . 2-.~»: _ _-.:1 ' . YJ»--.Z RC2 1;.-1 1-7-1 um i John Edaa: Hoover, Direcio =1: 0. 1650 @0011! ' 9 A In FBI rm m.

Examination requested by: ;__4=-w u Ev r Reference ' ; ;____ _ Examination requested: Document _ 4 '5" ' Remarks: ':_l92 >1 Fnloea nwteod .13" WI: specimen Q1 I111 he 8

~~; aw-.. Y i 92 3; It I ».-; if 3:2;";.' ,J»,:.:,L2£'~-92_;-~¢»- _,-_;_. -..5. .'__' Q5: . _;92 ré? ...

::-» -. -5;~ ' .19. , ?"¥c = »%:-;»¥' " hactelnea 8! C8 lab |'qav0!' n . ______, e----- u --..' 3.14¢ 'it - ' ' . ' _l-*' . . 7:7 _ F8108

*"%"" -- _..__... mu'_.ouch

E -GW 1 cm $- ale 4-. Room 3. 9 ~O. ~D-.

I _ of the ' ' If ~92 _/ //92 _-a_n tanoaarear __n_" ~

rznsnnm aumznu or INVESTIGATION wnsumcrou, 0. c. Duke T°FBI, san Diego 45-New! FBI File No April 2, 1964 I45-297 2 Lab No. Re. D-44552? LY -7-3? 1650 aaoanmr _ >*., .--' axvroxm, my " X _'-:.a1 ~_ -_i j :3 £11 , rrou f * _ ' . , _ ~ . '2- _ < a, .= -"*1. __ -1 ! ,. _ _, - "'. . _.. - . r. Specimens received - < _.-re»-¢=". __1 lg/3; gmj-_ _§o1dn vi§923'¢:7ij;?f; ! . '."=: Q1* One 45 up we "~11";-;u1.¢ "um:mm: _}'."'.: A i Richard Berry! lI!t.'v8I8lI" oneon aide and "BAUH'l'BD* .../492'¬- {_,_3. - .1; _ -_, ;~:~::._~_-: '.;.., . . cwru: lam llaaton! um nmslmr" en thebthor side. o ~ ; ?.~,1.=1;S ALSO sunnrrrmz Ihoteoopy or reported lyries to record =-=5 "IDUIB 101118" r ._ _ .-in _'r ,. Result 0! examination: -- -- _ ". ,-.s~gy.:;~*- .4 '_-_-,-_; v"-.92'.v;' - ~ An additional eopgoithe phonograph record described, 4» 4: " 1 above as lpectlen Q1 no nu ttted the Tampa Mtiee with a .3; _ . 1 200! ll ted 1 84 . 2:. I __ Becorde a 8/ mum7/mum rand um-1 ted I-tnazluaiq, Subject;x/W" n.; 1'!:ono81"»l1-in92 14* . -Because the lyrics or the song on the eoor ; '*.' could not be denitely determined in the laboratory examination, it could not be determined Ihether Q1 to an obscene record. » . .-.~-s?§§§1~>. .._>.. ._ _a-'.;'&'='_ <-' ;-'_~:.:i§ - ipo¢mnq1ma:&Ansosmtxrrmuuwu1uo..-;- <- ' ,-4-'; " retainedtntheInreauaIi1ea. ~ u ' . » - . 5' ~ r .' _ _ _ ,:? } 4-. ' ' > _ i'1~92 1%_ _.-92-'3, r .:';; ;_._b5,;:-& l§§f:5%~'¬f . '"4., ~n.-.-2 -2"-;=_'>_g;£ =-.~ =.~3 e - r

:1.-.. 5 .:;_;' ':~i~'=->:=.<*<-" g.- I. .:_i " -§:a1-Y."1. > _,_ on! few : eri .. -Z. ., uhdn____ ' '1 -~-_~":._;:,.= 92==b_ we - ' _ ~ ~. * " . ' . " - _ --_ > ~ -.~.~v-'T§;Z*:;;_:.1.- "=3n_____ s _-i_ , 2- V . - 5 '? -we :_-- - ! <1» D L MAIL ROOMCl TELETYPEuurr [:| um. luau nu. |- ' ',..,- UNITED Ion '" ..s r NMENT ' Memoranaum 92

T0 : DIRECTOR, FBI DAT!-Z2 3/27/6 Attn: FBI Laboratory FROM- Ali, INDIDNAPOLISn5-335! _P! 0;/5 92/ ;§7iA_ SUBJECT, RECORDED UNSUB; ,iTHE KINGSMENRECORD Pxggosmrn ITOM ENTITLED 01112 4 LOUIE" _ _¢ " '14 -~ 00: 11> ..J9292"" 92 IN "" 4

_"' 92 ReBuairtel,3/16/61¢. ~ -1 _,. //_/' 4,Y I _r/,'' ~_ . s Enclosed for the Bureau, under obscene cover, one wand , _ "_{;;;~'; clrecord entitled "LOUIE LOUIE,"and one sheet typed lyrics ! //92 I " allegedly transcribed from record "LOUIE LOUIE".


92 , c rd shop in Crown Point, Q .1 Indiana. giffih ;_b1Dof abou advised Noveme , , under Wand ,. 7*'AL_i _, label , at Blanchard's_ Recordis aentitled re o "LOUIE andis aLOUIE" 45 rpm.fl- Other wording on record is as follows: . I 5"> 1__! .4-L ,.- . , 1650 Broadway, New, York, N.Y. .--E23

? 31 1£_ *' 1&3-A . _ ,.,.__,- 50083;92 Limax Music BMI 7 Time 2: 24 ' ... 4. Louie Louie Richard Berry! ,3 The Kingsmen A Jerden Production by KEN CHASE and JERRY DENNON. _ 4 4--4. - Record was publicly displayed, was routinely priced, and was not suspected of being obscene when purchased.

,,_.,_<,92_ Bureau- ianap lis c. 2! RM! ___§ _ , < 4 Wt x ~,

/-' E /7; V . ; I . __ 92 : 1' . _; a .| ; 92 ¢ . ._/ " y.j,: , ,-. ._j v. I}? /Z 0 I .3

IP 145-335

4___._.. Sometimebuying after record, the P heard from various acquaintances the record ha obscene » '6. lyrics if the "LOUIE LOUIE" side were played at a speed . :;__:_'-s--1- _.:.-..g. of 33 l/3 inste the normal A5 rpm. About 1/29/64, ...._,.-~. z'~~<.i ___ typed sheet of lyrics which " :2: a coworkergaveaa _ -. _.92_.-»+.~. .b.,._._ were allegedly = ranscribed from the record when payed 32$"»;_3 ¢~v_':§-§ -Y3 in this manner, and which appear obscene. 92 I are" C . .-,3 She said the record was widely played in the _;_92._." .*~9;» ..-5eéj - ., area andwas onceranked firston theWLS Radio Chicago! £372! >5-1i:

Although complete release obtained, record . .._.~51? should not be destroyed until final opinion of the USA {.- 11¢. is obtained. I 7.. ' : _ »... On 3/24/6N, AUSA LESTERR. IRVIN, NDI, Hammond, *¢E§ Indiana, advised facts to date indicate possible violation .e#§§ Section lU65, Title 18¢ if records lyrics are obscene, ' 92s--1'- and he would consider prosecution whenever that determination Fit? is made. 3 .. <1 s S ~ Furnish Indianapolis results of examination into 1-.. ...-1ii' -"7 obscene character of this record so AUSA IRVIN may be - . . -.1 1,, advised. 2 z l ? _.4 1' 17.1, |._.-_ vi;-:* .11211- -_ '-Q.1 . z r»l - .4 ,5 . *" -.1. -2-

/? _ -. .-. v" 0 ._- .-< . :. _._. .1; __ ._ . _> ....___" _._."-t_ _ ._ "-¢- -» .1- ~ ~.'-.~" ' '=;'?2."'.';-T".'.?"'."._r. ...... __~-_ -....-.....-.-. 3.2 "' ...___ Z-"*" ~' _ _' . -.; _~,~.92 . _' .. I 0 ...-__._'.:. ;~_~-_-< - =_ ¢'.~. 2.-~:§~~;:_ --_ ~;_:-:3 ff.-_~*3_ _ I r_>_1.fr_V! .'~:'.¢ _ -_Y_i....:--& 4} __>. .-. .' F .. .- .-.. . ..-. .., _-. _-... ..~ _.-_*_......

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Chorus: Oh, Louie, Louie, Oh, No, Get her way down low.

Oh, Louie, Louie, Oh, Baby, Get her down low.

A fine little girl awaiting for me she's Just a girl across the way well I'll take her and park all alone She's never a girl I'd lay at home._

Chorus Repeat!

At night at lO I lay her again Fuck you girl, Oh, all the way Oh, my bed and I lay her there I meet a rose in her hair.

Chorus Repeat!

Ok Lets give it to them,right now!

She's gota rag on I'll move above It won't be long she'll slip it off ' I'll take her in my arms again I'll tell her I'll never leave again. Chorus Repeat! '

Get that Broad out of herel

Ii LODOPGIOYY IlGl"lBm1llCIlI OHTI * 92 772 / ._

_4lr_. Lnnonnroli __n_ '


..,>::}._ .3. Y ' "°=IB!, Indiauapulta 45-338! °°° April 17, 1.964 I _R1~}~.,,.,. _ --7 12- _".-1. -.: ~@'=.- :.'-3 '11.: .~ . I . "*-' " '4 :1 . Fmmmm; mommanew - a"°"""'" '-2-.- .=?§-51;} W Q ng John EdgarHoover, Director :2,-'_r;f'< .- IN'lI'll@ IDUIBIDUII" P193 . REC-All FBI FileNo. 64 Lab. No. I 92.w Ii Examinationre uested Indlanaplu by: Reference

Examination requested: wag °°'at vartom lo Qua; your into:-nub menone nah» the newtquail: hula @ was u'a=m- lnyed ..':'..'§lininggthalordnetthaminontianreeoxm 1:3.-', .1? :92-. "__ r. '~ -ve -Ihelabontorychouldbaatvtaadihantherooord, I»x. .;-- . agar neoéed tneonnecttan®92§§» with captionedcase ?~./ wkgl ottalolnhuratory. . A ée- i, .. -1;; T ' __L 1 4..-_ Ea ~',-*-i;- an I - r£~.Y. . I -_ " ;> MAILEDS

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FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION WASHINGTON, D. C. !<>= tax, Indianapolis 45-aas! =><-=~ Ap-11 11, 1964 ~ _ _l-Bx File No. -=== IIHSIB; woman»: mam L ~=- 9-446412 AV Eggggggg gibgg Egggggan £1L%;Z;;%;4;¢£/ I , 4. .9 -»- ii Specimens received ' la, 09 " land moo:-1! untitled "bate buts Richard Barry! u 23.". Kingqaan" on am 1160 and "lasted Cult!-0 Lynn aton! the ltngaaen" en the other 0160 . - . .., - r 5" 1.- ALSO mar;-rm: Tnowtthn iyrtq Q record lento Ionic A leanlt of Qnnlmtiom ' f > c ho addattanal copies at tin -..~~: -4. dean:-tbednbovoaaumiaeaqzhanbanmhuit tntha § ,2". laboratory. ma at genus records Ill Iuhalttad by '.511~"i-"T~'> u has cum nth a tkt I/17454 cnqcaptipnéd Jaw !!.:'_ "Unknown labia-cthglnnogragh lace:-G ' 85013 Distributed -4.-Pulp , By!-maalhao, bythe Oteo 3110!. Itth I zaotharrocordnnlubmttodlitter am ll!/64 and eaptmned , 850 Eoaéfw, In Int, In ta:-kg non." .;_=_ could not ooauaattolqrtcootttalazaonthareaoa-4, bedottaitely dotornlaad Iahonturi. Q2,.=_ . ;. awlaatloa, it noulg not he in distinct Q3 In . -->_> -.|,S 9x933 95$... - A IpacinanQ8anlthaAIm%1'@nntori.a1u92 nto.i.nedtnthaIureau'attha-

Tolcon E Belmont E lab: Casper Culluhu Conrad

DeLoach _.____ Evans RosenE GdleSulliv an Trotter Tove!B Tele. Room Holmes Gundv _ man. ROOM CI. TELETYPE UNIT I:| I . RECORDED7-2 - ' A . I; 4/3/64 d » J - 31¢. FEDERAL BUREAUor" INVESTIGATION UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT or JUSTICE

Laboratory Work Sheet iii NO Lib F110 Re: UNSUB;PHQN%R.LPH RECORD File# /957-296]-' 5 RECORDED BY THE KINGSMEN Lab. # D-446412 AV _ ENTITLED "LOUIE LOUIE" ITOM

-wgq-. *9 ' i13;. I_ ..= Examination requested bvr Indianapolis 45-335! Let. 3/ 27/64 4 Examination requested: Document Dlte received:3/30/64 ResultExamination: of Examination b fl?=L. " 4,12». eeg»-1-M - 7c 6? 1/,a~4,- yew,»5 551, / - /1.4./»..,f<-A7, ¢.¢t"1.//7/45 %-aw/.i~1.;Gg/?7"'1- "_/§'{-I neyse, t, 5A . %;L.1,¢,¬,!, ,g_¢;,1,,;;, ,./.iI % ,,,4,,;,4;,;,,Am_, 5, ti I a! - f ' I , _ 404,, >1/[email protected]»?»aiii a7/"fa/5 , L2./av~42? J 7 /5""- _ ' I :. 'of air: 2-~'-l»-»Z» cilz[7-i'r!_'4.4~. ¢4 0!/'1--"L414/Z -1.»-A/-~'¢/A» 4-W it 4; urn-D1,?-we~ A .»~-Y»--.-;,- 6* Sp cimens submitted for examination Q V ' ,r_ »Qi.' Ward record entitled "Louie Louie Richard Berry! the Kingsmen" on one side and "Haunted Castle Lynn Baston! the Kingsmen" on the other side A ALSO SUBMI'1"1'ED:Typewritten lyrics to record "Louie Louie" "4 "==. _v:11 _ .1 . _ ', . .,_.


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REPORTING OFFICE OFFICE or omsm DATE INVESTIGATIVE PERIOD TA MPA TAMPA , 4/14/64 2/10/64-3/23/64 mu; or CASE REPORT MADEBY TYPED BY UNSUB; i 6 PHONOGRAPHRECORD CHARACTER. OF CASE 92 _:§QQ1E LOUIE", Distributed by Limax Music, NYC ,4.-:=~4 -- . v. ITOM ~ - Y 1» v'_:,:.e 51* .=~.'.-_.. REFERENCES : - ' id;-'4 -i-iii- ; Tampa letter to Director, 2/17/64,", Bureau letter to Tampa, 2/28/64. '= FBI_Laboratory report to Tampa, 3/4/64. 2 - i'~' =__.-." ' , -1;; :9" A -+51 T .~_-, ENCLOSURES: - SJ 0 / 3- _.¢ my Tg2.R_P~_A.2 _¢D "- ATTENTIQN:FBI LABORATORY j_§ Originalzcopy of obscene words to I-| ? ! Record "Louie Louie" under obscene C! "§§@ 25 cover!. ~1 ! Reported obscene lyrics for "Eouie guie? : ' .3 Under Y .-=." obscene cover!. , § I .-.-..~ ADMINISTRATIVE: 46.11 _ q. if? 92. _5 l 4 ' 9.?. -0 _'. __-, *ha 5"". a -7. __4 ,'__a ...._ 5-r ;¢=.~.:=. .é .'.'.gg'b.5;?»" 9 .~_, .4. -A .;~ §,_ '2:J ' Q.92 Q Ti?§§ APPROVED SPECIAL |N CHARGEAGENT DO NOT WRITE IN SPACES BELOW ~_::£_;. ¢_COPIES MADE: "92 / >/1+.1 9 0 /A Q REC 36' - BLI1¬8.U. E E8015 ? E E: 1 _ USA Tampa _ i 1::-:.-2--v 1 -:11 iP _ Tamlga4s1,4l>_,¢;§/. 3 > >7 q APR 15-1954 na.-. if-_l1I131|¢;ii ___

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I _._'.-~ 5 .':,~}; .<-~_,:._; - u l-4»:.¢.4.»_- *_ - 1": TP 145-84

The two obscene enclosures are being returned to 1 :' 2'?_-__,» _ the FBI Laboratory for appropriate disposal, according to -7.- "J m 1'5» in - ;. Bureau instructions. _-. An extra copy of this report is being furnished .._1_ r the Bureau for dissemination to the Department of Justice, 4m?2@as instructed by the Bureau. p ;%¥ gg

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-..--5-: :':.'. ' sass Copy lo: 1 USA, Tampa -i.=..T'?§ fa: c ' » #91. 3'.2"" ;. :1-f. -.4 :2 Report of: SA Office: Tampa u 5 .'§'=* -r'=¬ Ddie: . 1 __, p ._ _ a. 4~ ..-.'<-. ...»~_, v .__=s~_' - 4. . Field Office File No: 1_45-84 Bureau File Ne; _v.92_ _-;. . .:5:92"-I1. ¢44r92 - .*.. .: 1~.<.~..L ~ ~ '-A" . .71 ma umcuovm SUBJECT; _ _-_. Q" . -.1 1.4! Inf» .__ ppnonocnapn axcoan "LOUIE LOUIE, DISTRIBUTED "ta" ._ I I -. _t. " ¥*'.~'>_ 1 92 BY LIMAX uusrc, mzw YORK CITY __ .. - , ",...1 3;. Z i92_- L _, . 1.-_ 2:1: -~ -_ _ Character: INTERSTATE TRANSPORTATION OF OBSCENE MATTE! - .-.~ :7: -.'_ ~:1$I;;-,-_ ~ . -._- 34,3: _ -"Q E -,__3__ .. Swwmm advised r -_:*" ph record recorded $2-w ~ _; 5' ; -' was very popular among ~" _Sarasota nts as of February 10, 1964, 4 and allegedly has obscene lyrics. Portions b1C. of the lyrics on izab1e._ . :":=~-'" . urnished f :~:-_£"§£-.';,-. copy of obscene lyri are a '--E;$6.5 L - lyrics to the song, "Louie Louie." obscene . L-,-*"'5"l*'e - yam ... 'Z~><*& portions of the,written lyrics correspond to ' -.2: 7; _v the slurred portion of the record. Department - of Justice and FBI Laboratory advised ther _ 2' ..=. .1 _1;.'*.' lyrics on the record, "Louie Louie" could not ¢'* » 1 xzs-4*-Q .-:*_ '21,-'1 be clearlyiinterpreted. No evidence developed indicating commercialization or interstate 1 . .4-. _,.-1 ~~_ _wI2<5.é;'."- transportation of the obscene lyrics. AUSA, .. _ :- Tampa, Florida, advised there is no apparent '_--K3,-c .~ "J _._ Federal violation involving the obscene lyrics. » 'l<.'_:1*.1- .f:=.*:-- -a f 1» . __ ¢ - .~:*":7' '5 . . Pl. ._ " 5;, 2;.-~;-l .- T~"?"' _DETAILS ' - 'i;§§§bvc .__ :2 _,.;. .~.92§92~__;g.-__-L . ~f§'§+~_,,~ <4-I advised 1 a comp int from b'71! Sarasota Junior High School, advising

This document contain; neither recommendation: nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the proverb 0! the FBI and in leaned tn WW I81!"-W1 R I-lid» its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. .h.___92 . I H..- 1 . , a-;.~ ;_?{'F;-< ~ P:-z.

TP 145-84

> rl -.92...=, lyrics for a popular phonograph record are being freely ._. , distributed among the students of his school. .3! _. -.~ 4,"-E1: Q L-' AT S_§RASOTAJFLORIDA *"'"b1 =':1- {,J? {l'_ _- . -rig,z _ '. .""*";*? . ;_ C g: his department determined that a phonograph record, recorded .r. -,1 bvv by the Kingsmen, and distributed by Limax Music Company, New York City, New York, is presently very popular among local students. He said one side of this record, which is . recorded at a speed of 45 revolutions per minute, is entitled, "Louie Louie." He said this is a calypso type song and most of the words are very hard to recognize. In fact, it is impossible to identify some of the words in this song listening to the record normally. _ Fer .-.'-q_._, ..~_= rasota Junior High School, furnished him -923'>~. w tten copy of what is he l rics .9.- for the"Louie Louie"record. he found the lyrics at the Junior High c oo an a de- 2'} termined that many of the students have copies of these ' ' ..r~ ' 1 e played rics and thatall of the students know the aboutrecord, them."Louie Louie" and found that these hand written lyrics appeared to be the actual lyrics of the song, and where the words in the record are slurred, the words in the written_lyrics are -. -1. very obscene. .' ' -' _ ~»>a. .= » * . '1'--_. . .. - ' ' :1 3:2

5:.->~-= ta, w t the Limax claims to be the »:y= " actual lyrics of the song, "Louie Louie". He said these printed 1yrics,furnished by Limax Music Company, are ,,. certainly not the same as the obscene lyrics he received -7.A.r* from the Junior High Schbol and do not appear to be the 1'3". AT? lyrics being sung in the record.

. ..;.. On February28, 1964, the Bureau advisedthat ' =4 6 the Department of Justice r 'ecord with "Louie a Louie"request that fromit be reviewedto determine . I


-Fe:-=£_'.-- . W, 2:»: -_'.,~.4 TP 145-84 - .. ..- - '£ if it was of an obscene nature. The Department advised that '5-Q15..~.. »-. -Q; they were unable to interpret any of the wording in the record ,/¢_, . *5 .92l é and,therefore, could not make a decision concerning the matter r_-- _ I . . _ _ 3 b .- ' = '1. -u . 1 '- .'~{.*t92;4~'~FJ .0n February 11, 1964, the following items iwere ~.'r_P$':"~ :2}/..u submitted to the FBI Laboratory: . Y L 3 - -._ .=-' 5-?- ."§-3."; .r- 7,. - Lyrics of "Louie Louie" as published by Limax Music.

' -E3: Record "Louie Louie" under obscene_cover!. -_2" -1v . iv-._ .%§§-ea -.1 Reported obscene lyrics for "Louie Louie." Under Ieea obscene cover!. On March 4, 1964, the FBI Laboratory reported as .-.-124?;' » >'5;» - -': follows: 3' ' 5,: . Ill: ~ = 5? :.r gygy

_,4_- :1.

's$i I 55$ ".2222_= L K'_;'i_ ~ 4 /".¬_92 '--1'2y '-'Q If -, ,< _ _ .1-5:.-'5 < 92-1-.4. :~.<._ -1 1?

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-3- '-REPORT ..,..=..-.1,-,.<, ' "92_.' ,~.._.-.-: . -~-,-»-W - ~- .7-_~ , .;.:-,-1.-....::::.--.. - '->>-Ii"'~ " ".4.~~.¢'-.'_- ;¢ -;_'~:.a;.- 1 . 511-~ :77 ¥" » ~ R 3:. v-I.-;~i=':.-.-~»~.. J:-.> 1 » -.;7.._.|¢z;-:*-.;,...-.-.~_~-,- 1!-:,.._-'..:_,.;V:___:_f;',;:__ :5-5'-°'5"__ JQ. 9 _ 3 _ 71 --'__ .:._¢,» ,;: _ 5*? 4%¥4§B1H¢!°- _D._f_4_;;* -PB! Flbnylw» é5@;§;Tii;s.n¢.;?§%§g§§§#i@§@<~ .- ,." . .4-.-.~_ V". _ .__._ . .-.. _V. » .~_ _92_~_7"r'.""' . '--.~.~~'~-".4;-. ~- . .- »=;,»' '"_-_-;;_, _ ' ' 1 , ~. 7,.»-=-~~'-<~-.~ -_=.-.-_-;-2. _-:_.;.".. ~';f..-'--;.-...:.-.-=~=-.~f.-~.-1!>~:= ¢ -~~. -~ cbqllo-if?

2,1..."-*.x sszrsrc arc. _..;:_ ._:_,:.~,_. ,.:_ ~.~.:1.,_ >3~f-1;»;.=_-::.,.'.'-1 ' - -5-~¢=__~-;92.~ .-_92.»- -~.-=~~¢_.. . .. W-... 41. . . . .-.--,=_.~~ - .11.-...... _._. .__..-_...,-,--_ .__....-.-....,- _ -. _.._,__.-. .:.¢.._=W . "°""" fan F532, V A paf/13/ >1 »~-92=v:___.__....:.-5.. ._ .- »». _ E~'AI%'D" *Ilscord ca .Q¬i¥iéé:§i§5I$ Léi<'z"i.§.<='*~..a,.L*-~<*!" y $2 on one at-e mad "f£.;.;:~ u I on the. 01212. sir} ~ . », - _. .--:~ ~ -> 1,, . 3Z ..1 _..-.-._._..,:-.,-_1 . '... "_ ¢ C!Sz'uE _,> ;.,-_ L

QEsra: aopy .0.. g»: y . W0.-4:5 __ .; to ecma é. ¢. ,._ 7_ . V... .1-QU*":..= and was cspy 02 {lyrics _!>.°..Fl'§;>~_'i#;:1s"___ »

rm, .. ~~ ,., ,..a. - - age 1"s'>C'v1Q1H;,on Q3. was nw. s.:so_ciat'=d ti 02 a similar nature which has been iczxrardad previously *La1x> I - .. ._ - _ _ L:'* O V?zé1y:.'zcs'o£ Q Q sang; on laneta;-2 "x~e:c:rd, J. ,1, was deterninod in < ' th2,L:-:b0ra;..» =1 "*2 "-=~*i :~.,.. ~t1o ,"n

returner} s;><=<='§;~=;=»:"'c1f§§ n _.and'§:1_i¢ harwwith. i 4. -- -. --. -,.»,» ~-» ._ ..-_<->'_:._ :;_- -11,. _,.._, 3 . _92_ _ ". ".5?-.A ~-* l FT: -."- ' " . ..~.»-_=-._--_. __ "' , , *<:" - . _92 _ 2» Q: , _ ..;,., ;_.__ _ , .. ._ : _

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TP 145-84 '

> i" 1. a d the_ uie" ,e!! , record _ -. ~ i area" =' 15.: no onger popular in the and apparently ___ _ n_,. Q? is of no further interest to the teen=agers.§ They said "~" ' -.5 , by the obscene lyrics for this record that were distributed V. . vi c by the students at the local high_school andjunior high 1, L lb? school are no longer being distributed_or even discussed. They added there was never an indication that the obscene_, lyrics were being distributed commercially,f§: pg _ 1 ;-Q31- ' D ~r1 ' On MarchQ, 1964, A Sarasota Junior High School, advise e obtaine _a hand written copy of the obscene lyrics rom one of his students who came to him voluntarily, stating he had found L the lyrics on school property. He said his inquiry then determined that the obscene lyrics were "all over the school." He said he and his staff found several handwritten and typed copies of the obscene lyrics in the possession of Junior ' high school students. However, the lyrics were never mimeographed or printed, or in any gay indicated they were being commercially distributed. * s ' " ' I w,1; He said he heard from students that the obscene < lyrics originated in a college somewhere and were being passed verbally and by handwritten copy from friend to friend. He said there is absolutely no evidence of any commercial S distribution of the obscene lyrics and apparently the matter is of no further interest_of the local students, since he has heard nothing about it, nor have any copies of the lyrics J- been found for some time. f .~ .@=_ a_:. '.:j,_§.._.E .~" AT TAMPA, FLORIDA _ _ _ ._ '--*2 tr '-. On larch 23, 1964, this matter was discusse with .>_g;a.. '5nt UnitedStates AttorneyJOEiuomrr n. sub by 5.,L km mncerning the bbscene lyrics,obtained eat Sarasota, Florida, Junior High School, Hr. MOUNT stated '~..;._: he would decline any prosecutive action inasmuch as there is no evidence of any commercialization or interstate transportation in connection with these obscene lyrics.

-5- ;Wi I we :__

T-.. 145-84

further advised that inasmuch as no one had been able #3 decipher the complete lyrics onthe record "Louie Louie,"

: ~ .; is stating no opinion aB_pertains to the record itself Y-. -"- #5 :-2! .'.Q 4"-.*. -u _-L Ia-.'-1.':§ f.'.'f: '-__4.J '~_~ . :».*r, =- -J1-:4 _;_~;.._-~: ¢'.92;<' ' ..<; ., ii '~-¢


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A _,__ .., Fine little girl waits for no goi yohr f-hlfilll , . I , _92 I §_ an-ass the way girl I dram about is 111 Q1013 7:. .. . I the novor could got via! fr-an halo '.-=3 ' _ 1 . . ~ ' . - ' Every night and day I plug with I7 thing I fuck your girl all kinda of Ian. In 111 ' ____ L1:hLr3v loaf. no than I fool hgr 10! I [110 1

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. _ r =7 - ' . I a " . - 92. ~ - = _ 1: 7 l.='_- ' "" ' FEDERA.=BUREAU OF INV.STlGAI |o|92|


4___._I .- UNSUB; PI-IONOGRAPH RECORD _I- El: . RECORDED BYTHE KINGSMEN 1" ....<.~= 5~ ~- ENTITLED "LOUIELOUI§" 7§_ _. .;. 92-i~.- @k[_,'i,/Mi!!! MUS/c,

REFERENCE: Bureau airtel, dated 3/16/6n J I».-:--J.. 31" -1».-' '3' .» -:31? 3,, ADMINISTRATIVE DATA: .. --.92~,v ~~ '. @2544L_92 / _ <.~ '1_ Extra copy furnished to Bureau for dissemination to ;-.i6l- ._ "-<92:~*_>.'-'=Department. -..__..=.»,, .v '~ gs..,- J ;~e -i Av __.,.-~;_

I _ M. . -..'~..-1;-~., ': - 4h..>''1 r . . ~ gt92 _.. 3 >1' ,. is J L P .;~.:,.:.%'=;" .53." '..' COPIES MADE: __7-.=.- __ 1:1-921<'."~*- ;; .'-J. " 1% :1. -*3--.4 - Bureau 45-2961! .".92n¢1"I _. /yr fj@+/7 v -_ USA, fort Wayne » -.; . r" .. -. ». . 3%1 gr."»f92...- iv"._- 1 - Indianapolis 145-335! 1'55_ <_r "1; .<:3,,.~~..' ,7 wa¢ .." m=N<=Y----_---_nlssamlmwnon RECORD. -./I --.- F gjrlmcnzu . .REPQRY --'7NQTATIONS -:§?s azze==."s§e§5;";s4é%y_-m m_-"w" -e~ ~*. ~____ on: nun ______;___ $ now FWD""""" ";'r'-/-;-".-~------_---'"--~------~---" '--I--~-" ----------~- BV ...... -:-_ ' --;'-*'-*§é24-l------'92DI 2 8 lg um. covnmmrrnnmn:l0'I682|-I 0111:: 3' A* COVER PAGE! I O ' FD-904 Rev.I9-3-59! _ _ I


.@___ __._ oy»= 1 - USA, Fort Wayne Attn: nusA LESTER R, IRVIN _; tr Hammond, Indiana! .7 .. 1;:-Q2 A Eli it Indianapolia ' '-.'t-C; _ . ._ _.w- . :4 Q5 Field OfhceF|leNo.: IP _ Bureau le No.:'15_296l

Title; I UNKNOWN SUBJECT; PHONOGRAPH RECORD RECORDED A . ._.,_--"rs BY THE KINGSMEN ENTITLED "LOUIE LOUIE" _ ~, -es1 . =»;-.-'».-:_,. . ' R ,1*=>.'<:, t -0" <- »*" --sac --"~.,~?-"1 . 7__'.:;-.-923 ¢|'°'°='"- INTERSTATE TRANSPORTATION OF OBSCENE MATTER . . ,5. Synopsis: ' "fez.- Wand _rgcg;_dby Kingsmenentitl -mME_, ' :52: purchased Crown Point, Indiana, alleged to have 5 obscene lyrics. FBI Laboratory unable to determine é; words of lyrics, and cannot determine it to be T q . w -obscene. AUSA, Hammond, declines prosecution.



__ ll .¢,,,_, ~ 4 ,.. -.._~, ' :F~2 f , -~,§¢ ;?1 7?. {*3 3';;=.I DETAILS : .' .,~.__ 4~_. -_ Y.--.-_'1 on March13, 1961+,HERBERT J. MILLER, .m,,=Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, Department of Justi .-. .~_;;§_ -_. #1 b7 , sed a letter ' a citizen's fromcomplaint F "1; it . . -f! bm , E '11; ~~; :4, -,-.

5% ,4--z

This document contains neither recommendationsit-a content: norconclusions areto ofnotthe distributed beFBI. It ls lb! Drvmrb701-" of theoutside FBIenvy. and in loaned to 7011-P8891165; and1?»X FD-302 Rev. 1-2s-so! FEDERAL BUREAU OF |NVESTlGA' 1N _

~ Du 4/2}/B4 . 5 ' J I ; _ I- T77-7v . . ,_ A ;1 . _ _ _y turnlehed a Ind *- . . L 7C purchased 45rpm recor by his entitled daughter at Lou oule" Vb e Crevn chhe rung andgm Indianabeen i.._ . _ ¢'.$- I b7D record shop. Iordlng on the recorT1e as tollerl: ' . , ~.#J "1650 Broadway ' . , New York, low York

.- 4 :1. _i ~ 'A_$ -._,,- 143-A . 50083 Linlx Iuslc Q1 Tine 2:24 - .. »92_ 4 .1. 1/i Louie Louie :;-' ..., :4?-I-P Richard Berry! The Kluganen A Jerden Production by Ken Chase and Jerry Dennea

over to lain Fla a or earning it daughter allegedly had had turned ebseene this lyrics.record .'S-.;.92_- PAP. .,.» ~l~1§- .?.e'.. I I i _. i » a 5 _ 1". " --4 t _. ._:____-_., ,4-7.~§~ ~' ._ -:- ~ r_

.1- THY .1;-"e Ii 3%: T

ft } ' '; »_'i?Ti; fr 0,, 8/88/064 .,, Iuutor. Ind1u;_____ Fil-#49-145-sas---

515; Milo ate ctote d =/=7/64 This 'document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the PHBCI. It is the proper t Y OI the FBI Gnd is loaned to your oqency it and its contents are not to be distributed outside Your G99 Y FD-302 Hev.1-2s-so! FEDERTL BUREKITUP lNV1:a|"rGA;N 09 :1/2/64

1 b7C '1;-£- or Qabout Iov ., an ..t. 1010 5 under Iand Label at Q ".-wt - .. : B1anchard's,a record shop P i S In ass. W a. I7 1*=2--»-#. -"a- The record is -t1¢1.a'*roatu Louie" and is s 45 , ' mu: ,':;_-. EPI- '-'5 V- She said this record wa publicly displayed, was Til-4* routinely priced, and was sot suspected et hing obscene when purchased. Sosetise atter buying the record, she heard tron t' _ various acquaintances the record had obscene lyrics, it the ,3 "Louie Louie" side were played at a speed ed S8 l/3rd instead ' '1 ct the normal as rpn. About January 29, 1964, a co-worker gave Ft? ~15-_ _ her a typed sheet et lyrics which were already transcribed res ~.r :~, 1-.- ~..a ' Y1. the record when played in this sanner. She described these words __agf;s. as obscene and furnished a typed sheet of paper bearing these ' K.-. ~- alleged words. é-< ._z:.-55' She said the reord was widely played is the area and was once ranked first on the ILS ladie Chicago! Iecod . v.92.»_,p<,_It,.. Survey. .?___ , :15-';': Ibo said she played the record in the sanner described . above and the lyrics- seesed to tollow very closely the words on the typewritten sheet. She said the typed page was a transcription by sose unknown person in the Crown Point area and was not turnished with the record. ' iv,-2: -3-.~.'__ .....4 17> . A o-»___,_ ~. ~ 55-vu- -v i t~ _ . . . . % 't___ _ v- . ;_&.- .1, ,. _,,.., "F .'~.; -1» _.i_._ --5... ; "<~'-. Q;'._'_ : 1-=32? _:' Y.-x. "e - ._,92 '¬-*1»:-_. 1- * _>,.§. -,2 . '§§n b7c' 4,10 F _ # tr us-ass a , Dote dictated8/27164 This documentcontains neitherrecommendations conclusiojnn nor thf Fralyof It is t h e propert otY the FBI and is loaned to your uqency; 1; qnd 515 cgntentsore not to be distributed outsi e your qe 3 IP l5-335

on March 2H, 196b, Assistant United States Attorney LESTER R. IRVIN, Hammond, Indiana, advised facts to date indicate possible violation of Section 1U65, Title 18, if the record lyrics are found to be obscene. He stated he would --' . _ . I . ;- _=< ~ . -=;'--4. .19.- -1 . Mg. - On March 27, 196M; the record and typenritten sheet of " .,_.I .'-" ,2 lyrics was forwarded to the FBI Laboratory for examination. _ .'_;_-- _. _ <.. .r-.-_= -. On April 17, 1964;the FBI Laboratory advisedthe record was played at various speeds but none of the speeds assisted in determining the words of the song on the record. , » , ~ _. :3-Z; . =.,._-.;,~- _ »~.'¬Qt ' On May13, 19611,Assistant United states Attorney L -.-8 LESTER R. IRVIN advised he would decline prosecution in this .~'q92-<9: - - case since the FBI Laboratory is unable to determine this record is obscene. 1 -ti g_ -v 1 ' Y5? .;.¢~1. .:-9?? ., ..;4B=-.- 2%? 3. _..- .'3_-'2;' I


»¢§; I *». fI.92=*li"4 .4- !92 $5 i $7 . 1. :=;;i- >4 _ 1.1": F?'- i~_ < -set .. .. -L: " " .~.-1 '/1 __... --92 -_-.- ~.:92&J '""»',. ,.. .- , .-


4/ _m1o-10! -~ -~-~ ~~- - »- is UNITED STATES "_ XNMENT . / M emoracrzum _ m - DIRECTOR, FBI 145-2961! v 0412: 5/20/61¢ . Attn: FBI LABORATORY! mm Aw;'1 INDIANAPOLIS SAC, 45-335! 92./A _ c§>rA7wZ"=f¢rC/

sun]!-:c"r:,/.R c no ,- _ Ugsglsi' /1- , I .4 .Q'}=,1 ENTITLED_!"LOUIEZ LOUIE", **$*/Q ..»;~;_ ITOM. 2% Zf6/ ,_,?4_/ * -;»~"-s_»=z-IEF. ,L "' "~¢':~ Reurlet, H/17/6h _ J 2/7/é;Q-<4 -'. -1'37. '*- _ On 5/13/6h, AUSA LESTER R. IRVIN, Hammond, Indiana, Q.-:;,¢<'. said he would decline prosecution since FBI Laboratory unable to determine this record is obscene. 1;»-_,4!- . 1- L;§ _..'92 1 .. Record no longer needed in connection with case and 3' 1. _ may be disposed of in the Laboratory. ,!j

HF". 5 =3? ' I

T-'3," v.

r 2 ' ' 1 =

1 ._ -it _v. ~ ~-7....-' ; >__qr-V 11>-.>. ; .'-- ~ V »92<-'1.a '4 -- _r P Bureau ~ '1J _-:_ 1 Indianapolis ' .5 w I e "PP~.Z~$ > 1 ,'tz".;_. P bvc -s,-1/7"2-Z//¢%f@;;,a;}eo/ 5;" 275/ u I ,>r1-:4»-' é£~»zI'¢;3~//Z ______-0»-~__I; ». < ~!- /§lJ';'>»°?»!».QT§-..'C; / MAY-¬g¢ 1064 ,5; 'J. -xi 9;. £ ' I " 5"-. .__', 4 <._~.. 1.? 5?- ,,, , of/ 53 JUN1 £964

:91 _ 92lA4"l'92;1_t-D_l"l'@|M_ _ /up "M h - . 684094. Ileana.»- . UNIT_ED STATES 0/EQMENT ; V ' H'Mém0rana'uml' _ -'A 1/ H '= 9292. - -

-" l9Y"92I T0 : 92J_92,1 DIRECTOR, FBI DATE"; 4'/22/65 _..,,_; V. ' 92 u": .-- _-F mow Q ' g sac, narnorr45-420! P!_ /si -='*»~t?.,92 , I , #78135 T-%=~."suapacr: UNSUB; 45 r.p.m. Recording ,.=.- %_' 1=oss'r1mr1'1'ox "Louie Louie" J ', 0: 1 DETROIT! ' . _:.. 2 cw: :__.4..

- -,?:~_a J * Enclosed herewith for the FBI Laboratory is _'!&-1* --.'_:&~. . - 5,1 1 one 45 r.p.m. reco ing entitled "Louie Louie" I. ~;!_I__QI§§,R_D___v___ -9.5". .'~~* |92'RRY! sungby th_ ingsmen". isThis a Wand i-!ecording . ._,,., "'l'abeIed 145-A500 ;on 'e _otBT-frside of the recording sis a recording entitled "Haunted Castle" sung by the 92z',,-5 "Kingsmen",labeled 143-B 50084. Also enclosed for the L'/ l FBI Laboratory is an eyrelopemarked obscenecontaining ~ the type written words believed to beheard during the . ~§s -V 92_. 1/ singing of"Louie Louie",when thisrecord isplayed on 3/ IMP-In ' r..9225¢- .5 ,. A Enclosed for the New YorkOffice is an envelope marked obscene containing the words, several of which are é obscene, as believed to be heard when the,recording "Louie Y Louie" is played on 33 r.p.n.

. For the information of the FBI Laboratory and t New York Office, AUSA ROBERT J. GRACE, EDI, 839 Federal Building, Detroit, Iichigan, on 3/30/65, contacted both ~92 the Detroit FBI Office and the Federal Communtntions Commission, located in the Federal Building, Detroit, re¢; BERRY!garding a 45 sung r.p.n,,record and bythe "Kingsnen".entitled "Louierecord Louie"This RICHARD isaWand ' recording with the address of 1650 Broadway, New York, New York. The one side of this record contains the song "Louie Iouie'1,and the other side of the record "Haunted 'Cast1e"__ l,!}{T§_iiSTON!both aresung and by the "Kingsmen". "Louie Louie" is nT1'in5'ered143-A 50083 and "Haunted Cas e" " bein$m%rdenProductionis nu ered 143-B 50084 Bothby recordingsKKN74_lASE and areJER§'$EN'NON. 1 sted as ,5,U,/J :';:*;:,;"z§;mam REC Z7 /QF~4?¬I 7 2 _ '5-" 1;: /. X U510; _ to nes in. W 7 _____ 01/ J -. H3-

Buy U.S.Savings BondsRegularly theon PayrollSaving: Plan 7 7 - | -< ~ ---i--~-----1 <- Q ., =@Bag__,._,/ Q1 - '"-__ . _. '- _J _ __.; .-.1: I-LIOIITOIY Ii _ rsnznnr. aunznu or mvssncnnon wnsmucrou, 0. c. L T rsz, Detroit 45-420! lay 17, 1965 ~. -. 1,, .,.;- _ 1:»-» 1!:: ...§ 9'4 '1? *1-38$, ' UKSUB; 45 r.p.l. Recording $3 RH"!-ouie Louie" - X.4 POSSIBLE HUI oo=I Detroit John Edgar Hoover, Director

r FBI FileRECNo. 145-2961*? 99 /' Lab. No._ V ~->5 Examination by:requested

R eference . i Document 7%'=l5 Examination requested -'1 J F .3 :..~' Remarks. ~: v... >1 V 9292 ALL has previouslor your recei information, d the of e Departnont of "Louie Justice Louie" ' from with a request b7C that rev e no Ia s of en obscene nature. The Department advised that they vore unable to interpret any of the Iordihg in the record and, therotore, could not mke a decision concerning the setter. Ifor your intonation, the AIIBA'shnpa, at orid: and Bamond, Indiana, have declined prosecution.

lnclosuros ! Q3 8 Lab report! 1 - lumps-Indiempolil 45-84! lnclosuro" i45-33_5!___In§pgz., _' port! report! I-lb Te,m___1 - Ban Diego lnclosuro Lib report! . arm:***m°"-1 - so-662 Obs°°° 1 "§1T§ a. 15.21.2; , .- _

Conrodi M51 M,,1/'3:-L;-_"'_ _ n. Fell --'-"'.'h${.!t;'-;.i#!.- "! n Gale Rosen comm-rs! QM Euiiiial . Trotter i ' Tele. Fsarr.i ADM|N|STRAT|VE PAGE r MAIL ROOM|:| TELEITYPE umr |:| Q of the

_4__/ - aaaoaarear _.a_/' ~

_.P FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION ' WASHINGTON, O. O. 1'0; FBI, D1119 17 , FBI File No. 1452961 Q ..-','_-. n.= UNSUB; 45 r.p.n. Recording 1-" "°' D-478135 AV -.? ~ - 1 .;§, ' rs.4 "Louie Louie" : xi P" E -:: - ,>-. POSSIBLE HUI -_ 3+. . 92.-,5 Q cw- .: x . T, c- Specimens received -t:~- Q3 One IAND 45 r.p.n. recordingbearing on one side the title "Louie Louie Richard Berry! IE3 IIRGSIRN A 4 37.-Tar} if ALSO BUBIIITTRD: Sheet oi paper bearing typewritten words 8,. " 141s

Result of examination:

Three additional copies of the phonograph record described above as speeinen Q3 have been subaitted to the Laboratory. Qlaof the previous records was submitted by the Tampa Ottice with a letter dated 3/l1/64 and captioned I "UlI8U'B; Phonograph Record Louie Louie Distributed By v ~..~ Limax Imsic, NYC; I108; one record was submitted by tlm San Diego Office with a letter dated 3/l7/64 and captioned 1;-.¢';| "IAND, 1650 Broadway, Iew York, IQI York; HUI"; and one oi --32;" the previous records was submitted by the Indianapolis "3" 4 Ottice with a letter dated 8/27/64 and captioned "UISUB; , .. _~. ;'~1v'..92 Phonograph Record Recorded By the Iingsnen tntitled Louie Louie; ROI."- . ;L t ."".. " » Because the lyrics oi the recording "Louie Louie" =_ ;,, could not be definitely deternined in the Laboratory exami- nation, it was not possible to deternine whether this I recording, Q3, is obscene. " .': Q- v. In accordance with your request, specimen Q8 is returned herewith. The "ALSO lUBlIl'l'lB" material is retained. . 5: .1 ' -:'. ____}.:,r_ - - . T olsonE ._{;v~3-H Belmonxi. '5-- '1'». MOM a L I H, DeLoach i ' <~ I Casper a Colluhcn i Conrad a r' - Fell--i Gcle E. Rcsen i Sullivan a Tove! a Trotter i Tele. Room i i mm. ROOM[:1 TELETYPE urm U 7- ' - ' - "7 " "T . RECORDED ' .2:-! . / v _ 3..-'/4/J'7£9"7P 4/29/55 ' FEDERAL BUREAUoE.1NvEsT1sAu.oN UK _ UNITED sTATEs DEPARTMENTOF JUSTICE NO LAB FILE Laboratory Work Sheet 1 I . Re; UNSUB;'45r.p.m. Recording File# 145-2961/6] "Louie Louie" Lab. # D-478135 AV POSSIBLE HUM 1- Z. 00; Detroit A . _, _ _ _ ;_ t. _ _, -:1 - » . _,_4;_.~..:-._ -~ - '..¢ . _ . _-- ,__ _.>_ <.A,;_; .- A - - Examinationby:. FBI, TequestedDetroit; 4/22/65" V Examination requested:v Document ._ A - Datere¢°1"'ed= 4/26 65 - , ResultExamination: of _ - » _ _-~v_ _ ;_- EXQmg"¢U°n__l_>Y$_ _-L. Q3 A @@,,~92,¢7»92»~4v/.@¢»¢04»L'Q>z4.¢.-:4--gamww e_., M-»-4:-5 O3/,,1,,,,,;,;;e,,w.¢,,;vrradl yg; "/4 *7 *5, $e.~Q? eat //7/6§"@-'L1/E-oi//6 go--41! s"v_pw+1--7,>'<~3,4, Au, ;:£??1@¢*;.1¬L~79;;aJ%e4k¢~u7re.4b£,JZLQ: a75,z7Q,; V , *'5;w-¢-?.c_ram",a./¢.'e4,/¢-v-'>9'¢/ r Specimens submitted for examination 4; £242WANT! r.p.m. I45 recording bearingone on theside ' J title "Louie Louis Richard Berry! THE KI_NGSMEN". __ Q; , ~ . . 1. .-r._._~. ~ ¢<-_» _-. ALSO SUBMITTED: ~_sneetp£ paper bearing typewritten words '


F5 ~- MMT """7 67¢ '9" mgr! '- I-Q . -m--v"~ 0"" RETURN o, ; Q2 ,2. 8

¢/Q ru-an 92:1ev s-4'4-°q;' -- - -~~ . ______, _ _ > " qua Belmont? .'/ 1 blr. hlohr ,"_;___ I Mr. Del-"-ach...__... I Mr. Casper...__._ F B | ' ~ I Mr. _1a?=::E:an...__ I Mr. C-.nrad .._... Date: 5/25/65 I Mr.Mr. F'vlt.._____Gal [Z__.__7*- Transmitfollowing the in _ .. 1 I M M?. Rin 2 ..".___ Typean plaintext or code! Mr Ta ,»"


;§§7~ Pi -.:' '1~Z,¥ ='in

>1; _.< . .,-< A -.1»2!- ;1§:f.___§ 1.- ii :L3§.5§

..} _,_. =.-1.i,'


-$;~92- '41-; *. ._"§; 7

,. _.._,

. F. . > 1:21.

I;-:_ .~._. ~. .:.='._ -'~92&_

- - if '-

. ~ -.3 ea _ / FEDER/>.§..3UREAU O_F|N92.§:sTlGAT|ON

REP RTING OFFICE OFFICE OF ORIGIN DATE INVESTIGATIVE PERIOD 49 DETROIT DETROIT e/1s/65 3/29 - 6/11/65 REPORT MADEBY Yypgp By Tn; F CASE ....._?,. S , UNSUB; 46I}.p.m. 5?§§ 92 Recording "Louie Louie" c c/use C 3.3?-;'Z~ --1 3%~

., Lg;Y_~_1 POSSIBLE ITOH Nk- . :4. '2E _ $32 » .,-_=~ *4 - . ~ -4->59;,-. . .-~1'?-T! REFERENCES: Detroit letter to the Breau, dated 4/22/65. . a I - -2.?' Bureau letters to Detroit two!, dated 5/17/65. _ 92 Detroit letter to the Bureau, dated 5/25/65 .:*?¥' New York letter to Detroit, dated 5/26/65 < -i -5, lnterotfice!. ~

»%* ._ _ P _ .

_~I.= '- -» _' sncnosuans l A_I 1 "1 I -/ - _='r-.-.,-;$3g% Ga*_;_ " - _ *~'~ .5: TO BUREAU ; ~"= V-Ix: - One ! Louie", and one ! as interp reted by B14 in

wgq; ~. b71> :'1.. . . / _ 1 -A-aw » 4- ,_~._~.--1 0 . :' "'A~O ,..92.5. -'1: , /2/_; .+:;'-~~/ ~. ',_-si5:E|A'L.AG|:N'r ' APPROVED ' [NCHARGE DO NOT WRITE IN SPACES BELOW I »;.~g;;+=-_g.- :>zr-*5»:COPIES MADE: REC43. 92 '"*.::1"*.* _;_ 'H 18¢». Bureau 45-2961! Enc.2! AID! .-:1-., - ,1; Q USA, Detroit .,_A . .__,.s..- »g _ 1_ .-~; ~ 1 Federal Communications Conngun _ asJuifi .;§:'71.- ;*.~..;_. = L>7¢ ».~'_,. .3; - Detroit - 1 a¢m[ ._ 1 2 , . ., ;."i:392r . 5* .__." ¢- -,.,. _~. ' - :_, ._~§ ,-1 l Newousszmlmwnou York as 45-2338!_ I 1' Info! CHED zwonr NOTATIONS _ 92~ ~==~='~~--~Detroit 45-420! - --~--~- _; I nzou|:nnzco..--]._. /... i:__fi:j92'i./.-___ _ .- -_.._-..'--_ 'i_'1p-'_:'§1/r§;»_', ______;______.- M I

""" ' :;R""" - ---'----~---------------~------_....---.- I 92 __ ___ r ' °_mm°_________7[_%/__;_-____' ______-______5r",:_{4'5;"'-'-P-:¢ HOWFW D


DE 145-420 ,

.~ ;¤<~ LEAD

-I -av-ya-_ ggynolr , _, __ w_ r . _ v!_;. yr . '-.'#,f':o..- .-> 1 . ..-_3;.-; '--' 5'3.-*2; '_ §T,PETR2}T,WII§IGA§ ' , ' .-.»-'-¢5,f}>0' _:_~c-., '. '.:'Z'§--'.-_ -..~.1 Iill maintain contact with Assistant United States 4-.~..0- . Ia. - . ' .1-.*s%~~'.:

_.»-T Z1".5 14' ii -P! 4 .'*"" -. . .-:J-5 ._.-7_.'_-'' __ ' ,..,.i__.


4? FD-204 Rev.a-3-as! W T 7 Hm _ 1 _ .- STATES DEPARTMENTOF_;.lCE ,.-.._ FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION - ,._-*f'r_:'_ < »»1-a;

2?; '. -L . '..:_»' .::,_3;§ Fzig copy fg; 1 _ USA "75-,__. l - Federal Communications Commission, Detroit .92 x--. ,,__,92__.

Dn June SAi , Detroit. ~1<=m~= T55: 13:.-92 I-'5 bvé Field Office File Ill: Bgygqu FIIQfg 1...._ '___.-i =.~r-7, '- _._.|92~~.- Tmw UNKNOWN SUBJECT; Efl: 9% 45 r.p.n. Recording "Louie Louie" 3 --$1..ii Chmdn: POSSIBLE INTERSTATE TRANSPORTATION OF OBSCENE MATTER

Swwww USA's Office, IDM, Federal Building, Detroit, Mich., advised receiving complaints concerning -- _;~_. recording "Louie Louie", sung by the "Kingsmen". I L"-R:-2 ___,.= Clains were made to AUSA's Office, and SAC Office, ' Detroit, that obscene language was contained in // :andhis recording. Management Corporation, The record was produced,NY. NYC byFBI the .~§£§" ' ' Iiboratory, Iashington, D:CT,'Tdvisedit was .,;.¢ . -7T'~,I--; -.¢ not possible to determine whether this recording . Q is obscene. Complainants advised that when this record is played on 33 r.P.n. some teenagers claim they detect obscene language. AUSA ROBERT J. GRACE, EDM, Federal Building, Detroit, Mich.,; advised he is awaiting opinion from Department . 5-:~.~-. of Justice, Iashington, D. C., regarding what e.- action should be taken in regard to this recording. - p _ .»..'DETAILS: . ;_,_ AT prraorr, MICHIGAN _'¬',.,_ ,¢.- The following investigation is predicated upon information received from Assistant United States Attorney AUSA! =1-.-1»-pit ._'-'I i - JAMS F. FINN, Chief, Criminal Division, Eastern District of Michigan, 809 Federal Building, Detroit, Michigan, on March 29, 1965, in that he advised he had received a telephone I


.mum-.-_. -T .. ' ""'firi ;.;; =»~

-~..~%:- v._. .-»'.'* DE 145-420 kn; . '1' _"_ " Ru i§§ .. 3- call from Fuhrmann Junior High School, , .13. ~_ Warren, Iichigan, advising him that a recording known -~er;r.~*bv "Loui " tains obscene language. Accordingr¢§?!92 *='~§" F1 g advised that this is a 45 r.p.n. - " recor ng, bein a ed on local troit area radio* . . 1 L stations. indicated ?§i. to Ir. F1 t a v en e ay as a 45 r.p.n. ' , - Q *5-_':,'_u:'b1D it is unintelligible, however, when played at the speed of 553* -Ye. 33 r.p.n e lan age in the record is clear and undoubtedly ' ., - _-. obscene. advisedIr. FINN that therecording is ' 1'5.-' .v _ .. ~ ;_ being playe as r.p.n. by local disc Jockeys, but youngsters are playing the recording on a 33 r.p.m. speed er *- v _. ... __-. so that they can discern the alleged obscehe language in . :?'*~-T- 1 __*:,';--3:4 this recording. v~'.-." On larch 30, 1965, AUSA ROBERT J. GRACE, Eastern District of Iichigan, 839 Federal Building,also contacted the Detroit Office of the FBI, and the Federal Communications [>14 Commission, 1029 Federal Building, Detroit, Iichigan, regarding the record entitled "Louie Louie", sung by the "Kingsmen". . 'a-QvaF3. - ~*;<>:=#- On larch ..'_.;.;_j and Field "'7: 1:-' at his office. Engineer in ;,___e1* " .._ -.- Charge, Federal ion, 1029 Federal Building, Detroit, also Ias invited by Ir. GRACE to appear in _;;4~ %$a$ his office to listen to .»l§...v. _,__H.

;_:-v_.;»: .?c,:?.3.~ b1L 2:3 30, at Ir. ice I t_.;: ,_1 B1D concerning the recording. 4 Eéiaz stated that they mathe §?~. record Ii t en and claimed that this record is a 45 r.p.I. recording of the song, "Louie Louie". They stated that this .¢. K record has become very popular over the radio stations which cater to the teenage " fans in the greater Detroit area, and is considered to be "a best seller".

-2- I O? O:

T11 '§'é§; DE 145-420 9 I .-:4:,- . 1*: stated that he found out that nany teenagers in the Iarren, '..' ?{}I?:an. Michigan area are buying this record and playing it on the .;,;;.. 33 r.p.m. speed. =+;_'- @ Hr. GRACE advised on larch 30, 1965, that he v-r ;i1. ~i'=>.-2 contacted the Dearborn, Iichigan Radio Station IKNR, which caters to teenagers and plays nostly "rock and roll" records. The station manager advised Ir. GRACE he would telegraph A -92>'. the record company in Iev York Cty to obtain the lyrics to . 1._- we,» <._~.... " ~l "Loui Lou " io Station IKNR received a telegram -if nu, B10 from epter Records, New YorkCity, New _:_.' 4»;- York, g v ng the correct copyrighted lyrics to "Loui§_Loui§f '1 and they are as follows: - "5? ... -. 1, "LOUIS LOUIS OH YEA AIAY IE GO A 92-._ YEA YEA YEA YEA YEA LOUIS LOUIS OH BABY AIAY FINE LITTLE GIRL -~ 3 ~ -.45 SHE IAITS FOR IE I! CATCH THE SHIP ACROSS TH SHIP SEA I VAL ,~.-__ , . . SAILED THE SHIP ALL ALONE I NEVER THINK ILL IAKE IT HOIB -4--:45. IDUIS IDUIS AIAY IE GO THREE NIGHTS AND DAYS IE SAIL THE ~ »_».~92. SEA IE THINK OF GIRL CONSTANTLY ON THE SHIP DREAM SHE THERE I SHELL THE BOSE IN HER HAIR IOUIS LOUIS OH BABY AIAY IE GO IE SEE JAIAICA IOON ABOVE IT IONT BE LONG IE SEE EB LOVE IE TAKE HR IN ARES AND THN I TELL HEB I NEVER LEAVE AGAIN LOUIS IDUIS OH YEA AIAY IE GO"

_ 3 _ DE 145-420 ' 92o7¢

The record that made ¢_i._- available to the Detroit FBI Office is a 45 r.p.m. recording .,....-.-. entitled, "Louie Louie", RICHARD BERRY!, sung by th Q _ K1ngSmen". This is a Iand recording labeled 143-A . =§_'..,»5. 50083;

=. 1'; on the other side of the record is a recording entitled, .;Z-,~ T5 .-3"5§*92 "Haunted Castle" LYNN BASTON!, sung by the "Kingsmen", »;. labeled 143-B 50084. The address on the record for the -.. .-'1 land Management Corporation is 1650 Broadway, New York, ~ : "_§f;.?." ~ "$51.-. New York. The songs "Louie Louie" and "Haunted Castle" are both sung by the "Kingsmen"._ Both recordings are listed as r=|:_';.-;»_.?..~ being a Jerden Production by KEN CHASE and JERRY DENNON. " _ _~ v '3'-K-Q5 .27, v, : The Detroit FBI Office submittedtthe record to 3.. 1%? the FBI Laboratory, Iashington, D. C.. The FBI Laboratory I; in a communication to the Detroit FBI dated lay 17, 1965, §3.~-*t- advised that three additional copies of the phonograph record .;. 5 j have been submitted to the Laboratory. One of the records was submitted by the Tampa FBI Office, and previous ;é; recording was distributed by Linax Iusic, New York this "'_ New York. Another record was subitted by the San Office, produced by Iand, 1650 Broadway, New York, The third record was submitted by the Indianapolis City, DiegoFBI New York. _ FBI *§§ Office, which was recorded by the "Kingsmen" entitled "Louie Louie". T1 -.':.1; I liq.»2 -' .-- __ 51¢ The FBI Laboratory advised that because the J-V: ~; -. iei lyrics of the recording "Louie Louie" could not be definitely .'-3.? D determined in the Laboratory examination, it was not possible _'J~::- 5.". j~- B1 3'3E to determine whether the recording is obscene. ';% The New York FBI Office by communication dated lay 26 9 ice that on lay l9, an,-~.v>. - 1965, land Management .;"T--LL Corpora ion, Iest 54th Street, New York City, New York, »r n made available to the New York Office one 45 r.p.n. recording entitled "Louie Louie", RICHARD BERRY!, sung by the "Kingsnen, Iand recording 143-A 50083; reverse side "Haunted Castle" LYNN BASTON! sung by the "Kingsmen", Iand recording 143-B 50084.

- 4 - 0, 0;

L._. ._._

.~ P ,,._ii. ..-2-': . DE 145-420 Q;_: - - raw; ' x} MD 1* , made available autostat 1_ .3,I; b-K, copies ofhe followngz, H . __ : g .' -1,u-*1--1 1*. "<.~?..a-4 ' 92::.-S; 1. The tords to the song "Louie Louie. ._ Y..;., ;_ - .. .- : _; §~ 1;: 20 A letter to the President of Iand lecords -_<,-,4; KI; 5% dated February 13, 1964, from the federal ;,.'.,?, Communications Commission, Iashington, D. C., 2?-1; concerning complaints received by the Federal 4-_9.;__; Communications Commission concerning the broad- Eiw casting oi the record "Louie Louie.- 1:-< :5:--___. s. _- A letter from to 4- .1 Federal Communications Commission, Iashington, D. C., >._§';_f -2 'I" dated February 14 1964 setting forth the #3? complete backgroundconcerning theproduction of the record "Louie Louie". :'_r;:--F' T ' . J..' ._ ¢=__ ..- 4. A letter from the National Association of Broadcasters Code Authority, Iashington, D. C., .;'*»-~"-, dated January 28, 1964, concerning the broad- casting of the record "Louie Louie. K -.~.92 . MD e Federal Communications Commission, ashington, D. C., subsequently granted a clearance . -pl to the record "Louie Louie". She explained that for approxi- mately two years her company has been receiving unfounded L complaints concerning the recording "Louie Louie. She advised that to the best of her knowledge, the troubb was t d ;§f{1§-E:=f92"{".=§:Z 't' s arted by an uni entitied college student, Iho mde up a series or obscene ver r " uie " and then sold them 1-, -I.-1 <: to fellow students. stated, that it is her opinion that a person can e any r.p.m. recordin 8 %%¢~ and reduce its speed to 33 r.p.n. and imagine obscene words, iFE$ depending upon the imagination of the listener. ms» TEE to the song, "Louie Louie" as furnished by re as tollovsz» ' Eééi

; F»- _= ' IQ. ,.

DE 145-420

..-_<__.-...4 "LOUIE - IOUIE" .>I - _;; -4.; -, 7 T-'|¬ er». "mum, nou1x...on ma, 4-In IE co :1 __ . I=_-.;- rm, rm, ma, ma tn - -" - - Sir-3;fl Eu __ L, -, A; "A FINE LITTLE GIRL - SHE IAIT FOR IE IE CATCH THE SHIP - A-CROSS THE SEA . I SAILED THE SHIP - ALL A-IDNE , . » I-I _ =.,4e_1.: .-.1 I NEVER THINK - I'LL RAKE IT HOIE LOUIE, LOUIE. . ¢ A-IAY IE GO

t?-"f»~~ '~*.-.1 "THREE NIGHTS AND DAYS IE SAILED THE SEA IE THINK OF GIRL OONSTANT-LY ON THE SHIP - IREAH SHE THEE iv_ , u I BIELL THE ROBE - IN HER HAIR "mum, 1.ou1z....on mm, A-urn so "IE SEE JA-IAI-CA - IOON A-HDVE I E I rr wow-r an mm - nu: an an uovn IE TAKE HER IN ARMS AND THEN ' <;92-1-_. I TELL HER I NEVER LEAVE A-GAIN "¢,~:'°-- :4, :'-; I "noun, nou1s....oa,nA, A-IAY In 00" ' ....<_-.5 . _~">:- ' AV._-._ ; . The letter to the President of Iand Records, " ,,;= -._-;:-_u_ _. _. _ F . 57¢ dated Iebruary 13,"1964: fromthe FederalCommunications 1 Commiss hington, D. C" which was made available by L7D s set forthas follows: m"President y . Iand Records ' 1650 Broadway .*~r$,'-';;New York, New York

~:i Dear Sir: '' .'Ii=-_ H" _;'1. .::i_ "__T_ .5, _ "The COml18Bi0n has received complaints to the f-IQ , . :1. 4-,», - »-..... " effect that certain radio stations have, by playing one of your records titled Louie Louie, featuring The Kingsnen, _ ' _;

DE 145-420

:1:-2.2"" .~.¬:'.S§ .".'-A.Qg.:_ "vblated the federal statute which prohibits the broadcast ,_V , -. _. _ of obscene, indecent or profane language. . 2=l"$".'-'-.' - '-*' e-=~§ "The staff has conducted an inquiry into these com- Q-.131"| plaints. Before terminating its inquiry the Commission would -I . appreciate receiving, as promptly as possible, your comments on this matter, including any information in your possession which might throw light upon either the source or the validity of allegations that the lyrics as sung by the Kingsmen were in --. 54.-. __; . ,3 any way obscene. Ie also should appreciate Your comment on whether, even though unobjectionable lyrics,were used in re- 4 cording the song, there was improper motivation on the part of 54 the singers or anyone associated with the production of the record in making the recorded lyrics so unintelligible as to .-_ I '4 < <_; give rise to reports that they were obscene. .-.-'& _ .__1 - "Very truly yours, m E¥%I n. - /s/Ben I. Iaple "Ben F. Iaple . '1. "Secretary" C- I .~... <-:» T:'1 .. m e era _,-92..5_ The letterfro to _ F d 1 " :-*. Communications Commission, Iashington, D. C., dated February -.~~-;92 §§*1~:r 14, 1964, is set forth as follows: T _ . _ 4

_ lederal QmunicationsCommission , - __.= Iashington, D. C. [Q3 "RE: 8300 ~sm ~ _q;~;: "Dw- . _J92_-; _/. _ J-v N 5' .-'1. In reference to our telephone conversation today, I am enclosing two copies of the lyrics, and also two records . -91!my . V 3%M4 of Louie Louie. we are sure that upon listening to ,. 1% the record and comparing it to the enclosed lyrics you .=-I-as S? >92'_.5 ~*- will find them one and the same. ' ?F-i.:;. Fta. -7.. I

. Q>

DE 145-420 .

.L...__. ._._ "Scepter Music I this master finished re- 41' cording! Craigfrom Corporation1021 - :.-3.-'§~?*.55Eastthese Pine five Street,young Sea maleperformers t e, ashington. students are Ie understand the_ at that , l ; .<-'-I: University of Iashington, information concerning them is ' . Q .5, available from C The Publisher or the so o I 51: nju; ".-Pi,V?-4 ' uld be responsible for the lyrics is Lima: Iusic, . . -'$-+~~'e-'--B 6l_8 Bidgely Drive,Los Angeles,California. _;. IQEE 7 Lia;-Z"~._+.. . $2-Q -.1? "All the people connected with the making and the sales of ,.>_,_»..<_.., .1 -1.31:54,,, - .- this record are highly reputable business people who are . A $. -4-,>.--I-4:'92-9 - .;_- ' as vitally concerned with this matter as you are and wish Y _3f">---I.-IN: -_; ' to bring to justice anyone connected with the dissemination ease ' #Y§§->1~ ';r.§-5r7;f.- of libelous information. ' ' :_,""22; ,f!'.1'-1-fg "_~;~ g§§§--. r .J -F I will appreciate your comparing the enclosed record with any record you may have received, This is the only record , - . we have distributed for sale, and our sale figures do not "if" _ _~';-:-"~ indicate any infringement by any outside source. *-$35-_ "Our record was made from a two track recording. Ie will be happy to play the vocal track for any of your representa- tives who would call on us, and this should clear any mis- understanding as to the lyrics on our record. They will find them to be exactly as on the enclosed lyric sheet. es-'~.#-~~_,£_'{' .1-;_ - :3' fa 5. -_~w-.»-~'. "Hay I express our appreciation to you for your fair handl- . i%$ ing of this aatter. _ = 5, . _ ' ' - 7;;-__

- ' ~&r_',..-.,. "3.~.. :=,-7. _-_~=_ .. .; = _ __ _;___._._.. - I,-. _--.~.. . ' _,_. .- M6 " v -.-..-3 '5 .92;~!.£2; -:* W, ~'I *"".-.-5,? The letter from the National Association of _ _.,. .. - - = i"°:.=.a- -'::;?§ Broadcasters Code Authority, Iashington, D. C., dated ac,;, e a ->9_,. -c= ., January 28, 1964, is set forth as follows: "mun, mun" - 3:. -i V .,.__=._.._ "NAB's CodeAuthority has received a number of inquiries and . A~~:-1 ~__ 1-,.» i complaints from member stations on the recording Louie, Louie ~29» - s being circulated with a IIND label. ~ -.,- .;~ ~ "

- 3 _ v:___ .__-

DE 145-420 @§§§. _ ~.....,;;-.- at, _.--.u -»,92I:-'', . ,= ,_ "Here are the facts as we understand them: F, '. _ L__ _ , .4 - . ._;:;, .. "The Code staff has listened to the record on all standard :.417.. -I.' p.-"I .' . .. RPM's andhas found nothing objectionable in it. In the Code .7.4u':..--' *.'Ir'I. ' _ -. staff's opinion, the lines, delivered in rock and roll and . .=23 . - ._ _,, ~59 _ A--.~'.| Calypso style, would be unintelligible to the average listener. -¬_ »-'?,'.fK . .,,..'-. _7'-i H ._.. _,'.-":=;__.~=£4 _':"'H "NAB has received from the music publishers copies of the -1.1"s. ._-. :-1..- lyrics and has found nothing objectionable in them. However, 2? it also has received from another source a purported set of _,..1 , _ lyrics which are unfit for broadcast. Q1?1.1.: "The phonetic qualities of this recording are such that a _$_ -.__._'_.1_'_Q;listener possessing the phony lyrics could imagine them to

---~__-1»:4 ;-.7--"r"4 be genuine." I ._ _ , . __;,;». ... On June ll, 1965, AUSA GRACE, Eastern District of Michigan, Federal Bulding, Detro; stated he would defer his prosecutive opinion in this case regarding the recording "Louie Louie" until he receives an opinion in this case from .~_ the United States Department of Justice, Iashington, D. C. r '3? : I int? _' 11' 4 U 1'

;?¬_-IL; 4--92'", -4 - ,1 .>~==.-_-.<_. ~ 1* .:-33 '.*~>.- . .!_.. - . ~ .1 _;<-*,~:>=- -1 ' -ii; ' 1: _'7 Ir i.» -

- 9: _ QJ o92"

92?;;;§1>Q .

Q 8




M _ F __ ff _ j» /~i Q'A/ ~=-.5 »_=92 4;:-_~,i ,-

¢ -:='="= 1» , __-; = _ :%. .1-.1: _ -%- ,.». - Q: 5 g


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3 mu Jegas?! _ 2.-as 401:1' /14 017;: I M UNIS M» mco action '11:I1 Fang/£ klNG.$415/y ornomm FORMno. to smo-am _ _ UNITEDSTATES cc.92NMEN"r . - M emoramzum

To 5 nmzcron, FBI 4-5-2961! BATH 6/21/65 mom, QDETROIT AC, P! 45-420! - -. "', 1| ;.-_§.~- ,_ -'3./I sunpzcrz _' !:'9=a UNSUB;Qm 45 Recording ouie Louie" __,_0,- ;; POSSIBLE ITOM -'--;-1*: ;if. -' 00: DE -':-"32. $41 _ W* j§§$ . Re Detroit letter to the Bureau dated 5/25/65, ":71!"-E and New York letter to Detroit dated 5/26/65 interoffice!, Z'-'=?-:- >1 On 6/ll/65, Assistant United States Attorney £$ ROBERT J. GRACE, Eastern District of Michigan, 839 Federal yi in L='§>-'.»Y{'Building, Detroit, Michigan, advised that he will defer his prosecutive opinion in this case pending advice of the Department of Justice,

Assistant United States Attorney GRACE was advised of the investigation conducted by the New York Office contained in referenced New York letter to Detroit.

%% For the informatio' e l ' 1° I92692 1 v Y.rkletter disclosedthat Wand Management Corporation, 54 West 54th Street, ew York, New York, made available words to the song called "Louie -1»-.. Louie" and 2 letter to the'President of Wand Records dated

~ _ jIl5- 2/13/64, from the Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D.C., concerning complaints received by the Federal Communiqations Commission concerningdthe broadcasting of the record "Louie bl Louie", ' _<='L-,-1.. .,- V__, I .'- _ _'}1 . 92:"-,5 1970 - 92_ 1 e New York orfmethat the _-" ' " FCC, Washington, D. C., subsequently granted a clearance to :1 K therecord Louie"."Louieexplained She for thatapproximately J? two years her company has been receiving unfounded complaints concerning the recording. She advised that, to the best of jwg her knowledge, the trouble was started by an unidentified college student who made up a series of obscene verses for this recording Lia and sold them to fellow students. She further stated that it was her opinion that a person can take any 45 rpm recording and reduce its speed to 33 rpm and imagine obscene words, Y e endin P u on the ima g ination RM5//i5=a1_2az.- of the iste er /pi 92 2 - Detroit lNlllllll.£<: YLXQB is-i?N'231%ii-£2 gf SJUN 291955Y ,, é/ _r_ 192 __ ~ to 5 ix

DB 145-420

Detroit will maintain contact with Assistant United 9... 92 ' uStates Attorney GRACE and ascertain what advise his office *"'- ; ».~. receives from the Department of Justice in this matter. $73 .2.1. -4% tic? s Q Q in tn We .% 92 =w '4, A ' ' ¢__92 Irigé "4

-» :. -..~. '5 ;,"l 2 :_" ; _ _ -I v_ r


9 :1

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_ 2 - K. 1' ._ . . ' 'v


Hr. J. Edgar Hoover Federal Bureau of Investigation Vashington, D. C.

Dear Hr. Hoover: ' .. Having admired your work and your life for so many years, it is with trepi- dation that I write to you. But being a mother and a teacher, I have been disturbed by the alarming increase in pornography and abjectly implore your advice.

As a member of the General Federation of Women's Clubs,dedicated in the fight against pornography, this is how we --specifically the Flint Junior Woman's Club--became involved in a war of legal semantics. it all began this winter when a group of vocalists called the Kingsmen" appeared at a local hall. They plugged their million dollar record§D"Louie, Louie."_ in a matter of weeks the record was selling like hot cakes and rising on the "Top #0 Show. He became aware of the dual set of lyrics and that without a doubt, someone had masterminded an auditory illusion. Our prosecuting attorney with who we consulted said, in his opinion, there was nothing_ legally that can be done since he believed you cannot prove which set of" lyrics they are singing. This Seemed rather irrelevant since they were, capitalizing on its obscenity, and when every teenager in the county "heard" the obscene not the copywritten lyric. "

Our attempts to have something don¬'aboutthe record were met with frustra- tion. But that is all prologue. He realize the damage is done and the__ "Louie, Louie" purveyors are getting away with setting a new precedenceq A That along with the movies, the magazines, the paperbacks -- our kids will x92Uenow be hitalso withbeen a fourthin have frontcontact with-- records. Lawrence Hr. U. Attorney S. Gubow, in Detroit, and he informed us that your bureau was investigating the record in question. He wasn't too explicit, however. Can you tell us what is being done? !hat can we do to help? Hr. Hoover, do you think more of 1 these type records are inevitable? is there perhaps a subliminal type of 4 perversion involved?

In Hr. Gubow's answerto us, he stated that in order for matter to be declared obscene, it must be objectively obscene." I am confused. How can anything be objectively obscene? Obscenity is not indifferent -- but has definite goals. it is not impersonal and unemotional -- how can it possibly be? 7/U, By it;,very if nature, obscenity § ls SUBJECTIVE. éié/-/3 92,- <" ' Mica H ~ i ii l ' *t __ _ __s1¢"g'If _ i . , .

I __ CORR,92 DENL;:. Q 3 -' , *- . I

Hr. J. Edgar Hoover - 2 - June I8, I965

Vhat arethe groundrulesin this ridiculouslegal gamethat benefits the ' pornographers? When does obscenity become pornography? And pornography -- perversion?

He do not conclude that curtailment of Freedom of the Press or that strong legislation is the only alternative. But how do you begin to reverse this trend? Can it ever be done? ls the Miller Bill S.l73 a good one? ls it worth petitioning for? A

Our club would like to do something positive. Do you think a questionnaire to high school students would be of value? Finding out what a cross-section of students reads - buys - thinks about the flood of obscene materials? Do you think such answers could be valuable or would it be superfluous? If you do think it has some merit, would you be willing to help us to construct such a questionnaire? Q

Perhaps I have asked all too many impertinent questions, but they are as a genuine as is our concern at the alarming rise in venereal disease, perver- 4 sion, promiscuity and illegitimate births in the teen groups. ls there a . correlation to the alarming rise in the access to obscene materials by this I same group?

Please, Hr. Hoover, let us know if and when we should take what course of action. We would appreciate any help and information you can give us.

Until I hear from you, I remain, ,

Most Humbly yours,


/ . - / / ;- I 5/ - W _/

5 v. e - - nYt .

Ricaiajlédaf y 4/ pl; . .AJune25,1965 _-_,.__. _/ .56 .-r "'.?'92?".7-,,v-5 K Y ~ _ _ ,_ . »~ _. . - . -: 4., _.- -, _ 92< . § .92- :-~_::=. 1..-.-_ . - _ - '..;.'.3t_1tvH. . ____-_-.-~;--3»-.»_-;..!»-fit,-*v-. ..w-.5;_- .119 -.1'-1" l ,1 .» , -, I ~- . . _- .~_ I, -.'-4-1;-__4*;-1..< _ .--_ ... ~ c'->1"§Ilt: -,.,-4-,-,~@, ----1".~ ,_I-v -._:§;:¢=>: ?.';:-- -5- 55- ..:-_-L >4 ». ' _. . _ --. 1. --~. . »--1-2-+= . 1 ..<>;=.>z.;;. ~<.--1'"?-"=-'t~ ..?;._,.-.:._---:,¢-.. - -4- K. .>'<:=~1'-; -.';::92_- ... 1 .5 ;._x-* :-* 1 : : A _ _ - - . . ;.;.- ._._ _.-, _.-._.. - . :4. »_-=.=.:: .;.;;= ._ 1... :_-:._-. __ _; , .v ; _ ; =1-_; , -3- ~ I , - --§ ~» ~ -c;-.M . . ?592=-'.:.-_ -_. ., .-: 1 4-:,.>3» ~"~_ > ma"._: .<» . = . J. _.. , ~13_. 1 -. .'.. '2-' 1 .._' -' _ -: : -' .. . = .='~.&~,.-1-.;~I'¢,.~._W,-. -.-:i.~h-'=_.q-"_ . . _ : ._»._ .3 _-, z _ z_._..=,.;_e'_';_.-, "1-Q .~._..,_-1-4:4 .,-.*.~;;./.§-.-.;. '-..;._.-. ;.' ;; .~,_'.r.--'. _ _ 'r=_ . ;_ =- ».~_~_.:_-,.. _ - 35 - --92-~_:*.~._vi-. . :~-_.1.. '..-::- ~-"' V e _ - e be e 1_Tourinterest lniritingine u very much appreciated,and _ l share the concern yon feel in the alarming increase in pornography. I A 2; 1-; strongly believe that the'easyaccessibility cl euch _materia1'ennnothelp I but divert the minds of young people ehannelennd negatethe t 4;! wholesome training they have already beenatiorded by their parents. with 4 reference to the yoneecribed, Iam_nnnble to mnke ¢,°mment - concerning currentinvestigations beingconducted bythe I81. Yon maybe A assured, however,that this Bureau every effort to 4 l diechnrgeltereeponelbitieeIi&ihehkheTlle¢reeol:oronghneeeend=

I am enclosing publication which eet iorth this Bureau; _ a T i=1'1=<11¢¢1<>nmwmwetwl ebewie ml¢r,m " Fe: ..= -_92». " ~._1-- 1- »'. . . 1"" @I=~. -. . -, .:".:;. . .

U J . n I hi ~ r .1. -I _ ,. -4 -'I . . » <3-. =..=m*'.'§:- --.-e"_ . , .-;>_ .; '-1-'-U-<--~.» -~>,'-._'-" 9-~-5 .'2_ -_ ~.---"1=-¢.-* ~'~ =_ "'~ '.; , . " h JUN2 - - 51965 2 - , _ 13;»... '__c__._ .._...;'"'1s V .-..; .1 _...t _ _ e »- coma-Fe! ' f:~=--=l f if " e" W... -»1,7? B 1 n. ltlfnclosurehzhaimttrhe .! f I-_,§{_m,,"'*~':*E_

435 _ 1 _/_ -_ f .1 I1 . O Y5

NOTE: Cdrrespondentis not identifiable inBufiles. The record X /. I .92 "Louie, Louie, " is subject of investigation under character of Interstate Transportation of Obscene Matter. Bufiles 145-2961 and - or r e in comp' t.8_., 13; 1 r<=-¬¢<>rded individuals",we onWand la y e including _ Kingsmen. It csbut of_f-color lyricsare » circulated, wh c allegedly can detected when the45 r p m platter is playedat 3355 become livery popularincertain including tl1eéQgtgg;,t_.§g,ga,and Detroit airtel ,5-25-65advisesjthat the 1' AUSAcompletionin Detr h_isp'rosecutive by Newthe_Yerk Office, is thisopinionin caseunt located.declined pro§ééYiti6n"ai1dwhen §§$,;'¬tE§;'_[§mpa,Florida,-and' presented to", 'eQepa_r§.ment Hamm%a,:f1gi.iiii'fa:i1fa,'have- in early 1964, the Departmenta 'sed that they interpret _ any o_f- the alleged~ - obscene wordi in the .. record.. _.. -- *-__-1.;_ _-_.. » _ {.1-. 1-.. .' p Enclosures~ . 1 . .. .- __ .. ...-, "i}jfA;..'~>:'?iA"A .4 it < it;._ 11;.._. it W-. . Poison for our Youth ._~r-3 [1 .5? - Combating Merchantsof_nFilth: fI__he___Ro'leoi_;1e_, AI_-_B_I . .- _ . -. ___~. . . _ _'> >l_ _ < 1; _a,. ,; , .__-: '_-. _*.__>|_e§. v < . __ _ - 1- , :1" 7.. -t:=- > 11 -'.<;r-.92 " 1 :1

M - d J _,_. . ' ~ .- _ » ¢~-'1, =J-'é-a-1*-_-.»--_'i- _., Y _-' ' -. >_ 11 r.~~ .. __-,_.-;. .~"".-:5-. .2. ,,_ __=, l _ ~.-.; ..__ | '- 11. M .» ._; - ~< ..§-g. 1 - ~ ;.;-_--_...r§1' Q:-.~i:=._ #1" A' :9 ' 1 2: -->=e_e,1 .>92_==.-_~!_%.»..;-=v _, ~_ . .::'jl"_.92. , '-'e. ~92~-rr :1: .~ ~-~1-=J.. .1} , _ > -" -. . 92=¢. ,-A. -. '~- : >__ _"..- =~: ,_. __. _, . . 92 ';~- ~* __ . < ".:- ~-- g1-. we: '" ,'~ * ;¢ .. '- . ' _. . ,z__-5. ._ ._ ,. _. _ _ , ,_ P -. ' - g- , 1 I .__.. _;~.~ '3" ~ . r ~ - *1- 1 -92.L'__,,- » ;_ --»-. __ _. -I .. - ,,_ *<.- " - ~:""'..'_=.;e': vi- .. .: :7 '3 __ *9

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_, Reporting Oice Ofce ol7Onqin 7 E Date Inveetiqntive Petiod 492 DETROIT t - 7/30/65. 7/ 12/ 65 _--5 DETROIT i-._92 TITLE OF 1111111; CASE 11 ==~=»11== B09011 nomode by 17¢ 3' O "I-101119 1101119 " cmuuwnm or ens:5 b7C '

- 1>oss1a1.1; Iron 641 3 I Synepah: n-'~-* nxrnanncm Report of 8 at Detroit, dated 6/18/65. - ~ - _P-_ 57¢ _ :.~1_-92 .1,4 , ..,,: -£-. EHCLCBURES 1 '. ._ 1'0 msmenus um smrrm _ 331..1§ 'One Xerox copy oi. referenced report of 8A_ A .»_,. _Z"-' _ dated June 1s ' 1955. b/c, t 92. LEADS

> - I - ax! max 92 - AT ma! roux crrr, mug roux b7¢'[,7p

oi Iand lanegenent 1. I111 Corporation ==1-11=1-1=-of lee York City, 254 Iest th =1 1» - . Street, to ascertain it she will make available the vocal track V _ » 1 .. Approved pad; Au. Do not write In spaces below _r".Y Cephaj ' C1. 2 3- - Bureau_ USA,PDetroit l45-2981!- -- / 7 REC. 55 - FCC. Detroit "- ' -I" - -Les Angeles Enc.-1! ' ' "- ,. - lee York 45-2338! ."lO AUG 2 I965 - E21 - Bnc.-1! - Detroit -45-420!

92.~, 92- 1 r ..mA_' ,a._¢_ ' Igka 1 -W /CQ.r;,u/.~

. / K .9292. 4?? ?;-_;92- DE 145-420 ~-92 :1-~ .-..,_ I . 2&5.- recording of the Iand record of "Louie Louie" to the Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI! for referral to the Laboratory :»..~:X§_ . _a -- v H _.92 92-. for examination and comparison with the finished record. 5.f' '. ' -., a '. E.. . _92.. _-, I .92 1. v,{_ . 92 -" . If Prefnses to release the vocal track 4,3. "=:<{,". specimen, the ents should seek her agreement to perait then V to make a recording of it or, at least, to listen to it themselves '92-_.- ;.~.;'¢:"I reporting what they perceive. " ' ¬5"" 2. Attempt to locate the singing team, "the Kingsnen", and interview regarding lyrics they recorded in song "Louie Louie_" §£1;'1'1'_£5. ' $2: ' AT smrrnn, usnmorox V iii? Interview Craig ~ eattle, '1-2"-is?regarding the recording of "Louie Louie. _T:$linterviewed as to his dealings in the recording and I e perforaers, "The Kingsnen" and his knowledge of the origin of the product. ' '

Ti It i noted that Wand Ianagenent

=192>~ P ¥ Corporation, ew York City, sta!! !!a! lcep usic Incorpor- ated, purchased the finished recording from Craig Corporation, Seattle. 1 . L08 ANGELBS LL AT Los norms, canrronnxi ~ JG: -. Ii 7c

51.? or who ever Intervievpdnax has knovl ge of "Louie Louie " icIusic, at Lina: Los InsAngeles, 7D for all information obtainable on the lyrics of this song.

It 4 s1 no a ted th t Iand Ianageaent Corporation, Rev York City, had advised that Lina: lusic of Los Angeles is the purchaser of "Louie Louie" and responsible for the lyrics.

Q _ 3 _

~.¢;- Cover Pge , . ¢'|§ |},! . - -

nn 145-420 r

I DBTROIT- - :5: _AT DETROIT, IICHIGAK .-.3 7 < oi» Iill report results of above investigation conducted by Los Angeles, New York and Seattle Offices to Assistant United -U-1'7: ac. _ States Attorney ROBERT J. GRACE, Eastern District of Iichigan, 839 Federal Bilding, Detroit. . id ~1 92-.»Ir¢" '1». ADIIHISTRATIVE -1.1:! "V27 " '-;¢._-.~;_. ~':.-:- One copy of this report is being furnished the Federal Communications Commission, 1029 Federal Building, Detroit, lichigan Q f311-- ~oI '-r.-19¢? inasmuch as this recording of the song "Louie Louie" was played _ L"" . .A:>,__s- ,, over local radio stations in the Detroit area, and the Federal I .. Communications Commission FCC! authorities at Detroit had received . ;__1v; a complaint regarding this record. .-'§~£-FFP; For the information of all offices conducting investi- gation in this case, according to the letter received by the 3%? United States Attorney's Office iron the Office of the Assistant Attorney General, Iashington, D.C., the following course of action was recommended by the Office of the Assistant Attorney General:

Tints: request of the Office of the Assistant Attorney General is basically intended to accomplish a definitive investi- gation on which the Department of Justice can satisfactorily close this case and neet anticipated coaplaints and inquiries. -This . perspective will change if these leads set out above! indicate' a basis to consider prosechtion. The Department of Justice ~J:. recoaended aaxiaun discreetness should be exercised by FBI . =>_»:r -ac- investigators both to nininize any appearances of an intended . r 1 full-scale criminal action and to avoid any public notoriety or attention as to the perforners and their related businesses.

.-.. .1 . -.36 -v~' a;§",;_ n - cw _

Cover Page . -v _..'.- - T I _- I Q i - ' - uN|T91s"rA1'Es z. -VIENT or JU5,'§E FEDFQAL BURE1 INVESTIGATION ,

/1 I . 92 .92_ =__.i _+.5-- r v ~~92 l - USA, Detroit ..,,,. Copy lea 1 - FCC, Detroit ..~.;_ , .

. 92_- H Repeo SA oms. I Detroit I Iichizln gs Ddea 7/so/as B7 C . L . . Flle Number: 92:_'- 145-420 Bufile: 145-2961 .1~' '492 . =_»-_;_ .z_., Title: ummom SUBJECT; - 19¢. 45 r.p.a. Recording .. "Louie Louie" . ;_,§ _v.;v_¢. -- Hr". .- ,_.~._. Cberoden POSSIBLE ITOI ' dig

._?.z=_'isynopsis: AUBA ROBERT J. GRACE, EDI, Federal Building, Detroit, Iich., advised U.8. Dept. of Justice, Iashington,-D.C., requested additional inves- ' tigation regarding lyrics to song "Louie Louie" as sung by "The Kingsnen", a vocal singing team in order to fornulate prosecutive decision in this latter. . ! f QPQ

DETAILS: , At Detroit, lichigan _ .f is4». ' Zbl :.-qr-2 On July 12, 1965, Assistant United States Attorney ABBA! ROBERT J. GRACE, Eastern District of Iichigan, 839 Federal Building, Detroit, Iichigan, advised that the United States Department of _~a-< Justice, Office of the Assistant Attorney General, Criainal Division, Iashington, D.C., requested the United Btates Attorney's Office, . .Afr; Eastern District of Iichigan, to conduct additional investigation.

sf Ir. GRACE advised that his office received a letter

- Tu: dated July 2, 1965, tron FRED I. VIISGI, JB.,,Assistant Attorney -<41 General, Criainal Division, United States Departaent of Justice, Iashington, D.C., which disclosed the following: _~- -.$12225- ' -3%A -2 ' After a study of investigation conducted by the Detroit ~. Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI!Office regarding the record- shoulding "Louie be conducted Louie" by in "The order Ringsnen", to bring that the case additionalto a logical con-investigation c us on.

Til: docvnenf confnlns nellber recommendation: nor concludes: of any Hnd. If ls fbe properly of the FBI, and h o loan to your egenryl - _ ll end/or lit confenh on no! lo be dhfrlbufed ovhlde your agency. 10-14::-1 we , - 92 . IQ . 2 L! ' " o= no » '; < ' I

.-v ma 145-420 ' 92 92 1 _ ~ :5: _~ l92 __.-- According to the Office of the Assistant Attorney General, citizen complaints have been frequent from several geographic areas - -"§£° concerning the recording "Louie Louie" by "The Kingsnen" and that 5 these complaints will probably reoccur due to the apparent popularity - n» 92Y Q. Q of this song among younsters. . ,- gii - Also, more congressional inquiries are likely and other' " United States Attorneys Offices may become involved in the complaints.

. ___ . The Office of the 1 : Division, recomendedthat /1] Iand Ianagenent Corporation, 254 Iest 54th Street, ew or , ew ' .*'- York, bereinterviewed ascertainto ifshe willmake available b7KY _: "5-I. the vocal track recording of the land record to the FBI for referral in.I . to theFBI Laboratoryfor examination in comparison with thefinished 1770 ,5;:7-. recording. The purpose of doing this is to confirm that the vocal 'track recording is consistent Iith the vocal sounds of the finished ,1% _.'/.'--- ¢ _-Lg-< product. . :1-_' - AlsoI if refuses to releasethe vocal '1?track specimen, FBI Agents should seek her agreement to permit _ .. __. them to make a recording of it or, at least, listen to it themselves ._ ;__ ..;_»>__.,_.and report what they perceive according to the letter issued by the fa. -.__ Office of the Assistant Attorney General.

' tment of Justice had received information whereby stated that Scepter rated, had P ation,urchased he t R8Seattle, n n.sn1ngt<>n.shed recordi from Q; Crai Cor8 P or- 4.1575 . .._.a-a ~92' . .92_~p_. Also, thatPstated Lima: Iusic 1.¢s]b7c,b7Dof '~,.-__¢Angeles,-California, '. s t e publisher o he so "Louie Louie" Q.-__.. . .:..__ and responsiblefor the lyrics and that r who ever b " 1:: has knowledge of "Louie Louie at Lima: Ius c,'sou d be interviewed if for all information obtainable on the lyrics of the song. on July 12, 1965, AUSA Grace requestedthe Detroit rs: Office that after additional investigation has been conducted, that his office be advised accordingly so that the Office of the i Assistant Attorney General, Iashington, D.C., can be fully apprised of the facts in this case to effect a prosecutive opinion.


.__ ., ...___._ ___._....__.._._.__-.__._.._-__ ...... _.,-o~.______,_.__.,, .______._,_,_____, _ _,_,._ f a I Mr. Felt._iConrad._._. rii M * Mr. Gale._.i_ i92 Rosenwi Sullivan? ¬__92 Tavel.__. Trotteni Tele. Roomi Miss Holmesi Miss Gandyi ii

i Mr. J. Edgar Hoover FederalBureau of Investigation //7 Washington, D. C. .

Dear Mr. Hoover: _ -

A3 92lThank you so much for your reply to_my letter of June I8. A! After reading your two enclosed publications "Combating Merchants of' Filth," and "Poison For Our Youth"!, l feel more enlightened. The I frustratlons.which you must encounter daily, make the ones which we have met seem rudimentary. If it ls possible, may we have fifty each of the aforementioned publications for distribution to the members of ourclub? _ 0 up |~ Getting back to our mutual friend - Louie 'Louie,"can I realize that i you areunable tocomment your on currentinves?T§5Yions. daunt- But ALLless we are, and we now have in our possession a recording that was made directly from the Hand release of the Kingsmen's "Louie,Louie." The #5 RPM "Louie" was played at 78 RPM, taped at twice the regular . speed and then slowed down so that it now plays somewhere between#5 b1 and 33% RPM. At this speed the 6bscene articulation is clearer. §éi_. The second part of our tape was made from the Kingsmen's recentper- i sonal appearanceon Shlndlg" on Nationwide TV on June 23, 1965, when Q they sang "Louie, Louie" -- the copywritten lyric -- intelligibly. Z HThe comparison is quite.interesting since by no stretch of the imagi- nation is the obscene lyric audible. YT 1 In your reply you didn'tégommentthe on value of a high school ques- m tionnaire. Could you please let us know your thoughts um thisl= ! 7 , _ _ _. -5 JUL 2 01955 Sincerely yours,T' E? . _ Q,'92= FD 92r92ev A6to-av! .. a 0 "' .

FBI - I "" ...-.t.L"1 1.._. Date: 7/24/65 -:12? > - f Transmit the following in . .05-'0 Type in plain text or code! .7_ '.92 a vm__ AIRTEL 4

'-'2.i'.1~ Priorityor lletitod ollailing! 92 - - -.i. ~"_ ¬'I ._n41 . ~':.:*:" ,'r;@», t.;~.§,.~..V - . ~ --4». TO: DIRECTOR,rm " %M "6 7 0 11I Q_.. 213?}. . , J , ..--,é .>;~;f-7-j_ .1,":=~ '55 ROM: SAC, DETROIT 92-1368! C! . .-1_»_ ll b7¢

E '2'2 ~@¢i -1, L . 92


. .~'--~ ReBuairte1 to Detroit, 7/20/65. @311-. I .9';-5; __ Title of this case is marked chan ed in order to ,.~- . . bw 570set Kforth the full name of :>4- _ 1:}, 3 _- ~§§f;<_;, g es. T ,_' -_"» » _.... - .7, r Iich., "!_ Q. ince 1955. At . :.. .§. t time, he gut 92 was .-.'-=5: >1-a" " ge4. WES years ',~;=_5" _ of age and they res 1:7 1 ...-__ r ___f- ' ",5-,.. " =-. :. .u'u- oyed

<'~»_=_i.'- _'I. A3. Qi l~ -'=tp. err @>- Bureau ;¢_5'__;_;;_j__é_L_- /6 Q'- l!!luiiiii flail . 7_2_ I4JUL 26 % ' re/»~=.. 4____é _-..-- ' _ I ".. ' 2 .9 2;. . . - v " ..;;,lL-~':---~'. . -¢_-.- I .0 3. _ Avv.... _ __ ...:.-'~'¢' . _ . 5.-.rIi-~ _._-- .- "4 , _. .2 :"'._., .3; .._ ,-. . _~ -.__~. .,. . ._>. -.§~_¢_._ _ 3 3»-r_n-s . > :4~_.1 » -...vii .92> _ <»';'.~.';.92a»*7: DE 92-1368 = ' ea . '.-1..ALL, _ _ wr_..:-2 ;'.'."" ' .92 ., . : :_-_ .. - _ .4=1.giL,92>/-"-l_<92_:,-. :." . -92.,~. 7 1,.1 1,_.~.' .. " - 10..

>-, §. -__. .. 519_92:': 1 -On 7/23/65 ither ed th 1e ,5-' .» E- I _ _ ,-. -._- -_-_1,-..-- I.County ~.'z . .-2:?.1 A -.;_.-, . _ _.-.. _~_:- 6 . - '-4:.» - £_j _ :_,:_m-2-6..' --= _-- :5.-. '~"> nformation con L..___ .-_;.-,. 1-, lved '.""'~ r N C8 H_~92:§+ . . H. 92-A L >"?<'- , .. ».s - - ... 1'9- :. § 2-_.> 0.1 ;' r ~ ' I ;- '-1 _ __;,':'3" =1-w-. .'.1'_, ,_ .._._,. --' ,$[. I 5... 15 -~._._._>-__ _ V10 W ,_ _.-;.:v. . __.. 9 -_'. . - 92x'3 .. 1, , ...... _... _-1. :-"1-.1 '0. . . - .-'92 .- - ' -..j.' ~--92..::.;.-. -" --'-, ' W-. - . 1' _ .. . 1,;--"x: -. !. 1 I}- ~ ' 11%.. 2,. - -;¢_- 5* 1I:.'>";_!..'.'§é¢-.'f,|..:VJ? _!'~Ir_-r.- v- .' _; ' > .. 3. -"4 £6.12 . POI " - 92. . - . ~v -- ._:g- <3. - he hqq bf no 92. - -' '. :;'92 ,~ It is .=.: - PGCOIIIIII : ~ .~ _-5-1 ' ... ..--' -. , _. fr H _the_reque$t_o£-., f - . .. .- -. -==: agii ¢~~- . . _.*;:,1_.. -. .- 1'"-", -';1->- r~< =_ 3 _..u'.>_".. -' .~ xQ-'__c _ $1-'3 - -- ;g.g .: 1: .,__ ~ U: . - ..v_:.._ tin " t1dn"id' '" _.;1;_3r{~,g. /....-*.¢_;,,_,-'54$: by ~r;'u_.~»-_.> 1 -1-4 2~ - ' .1 ?"- "'1 Z-3 -J... *¢."'>-'=- &.< »-:~fl:v: tot; '@$¥~~ -1. -#.' " .v.__~ _< -,~ .:_w=q_~,v.» 1 -~-:-_:-={_q§ _ _ _; <2 . . __ .; .~'> .-'4 . ,»_-=5, ~. .+-;j#::~~g;~.a :' -:¢;1,[email protected]¥*.~;=;_a~,-»:~':;§§?<='~».§T r ... f n 1 _ 6,: _ ___:" _ '~ < _ .' _' ._. V F-4' 1.1- . _ that the Bureau should . . -. I} .= tgy .;_ Qza.Yf;_./.3", A. ;-. 1., ._ .3. _. D ..,.g . ..; =_; K" 5 . 'if..'_ ;;_ . I .-,,__ . . -,~ .; . 2'-.~». ~ . -. '~- -_ -7-._ _ ,-,_;-_-.- ... :- . -. ks. .. T 7 .5: a ' '.§-,"-'-P, . :.~,"- ..-,3-I .- r- -'1' 1: 1;-,§-:.'92"~;:-_ >-._.§: =r- 1, »_ §_'_r°_',§=a§ . _.-?.;,;- v _ - . -';'.,- .<.-_'f: _.,-.-3?"-.=.*.=",.*~"'~!~§".>'---'-"-:'|:'4*-"--1. . _ -. _;"_/"--1! ..1* '~-.-:-ii - ,.- . .=~ -1. .' .-. < -5}; "'-ir-*4~'- _ '_._7§'*:?v_'*_' "'5'_' .+~,- . ~_. » -2;; <.-..<-'- ..._ »92v- '_. !=_~.. §__ 5:;--I ~.v.w. 1_'_- :.92_ .1 --~_1_92-'_-~. '~¢- Jl.-;-92 '-*_.- fa, :.-7 »~. '. . 11* 6 __ .. 4, . ,1, ,>- 1 § ' - . . .:,f~~.r.:;?_ . comply with - .~_:_' <4"? . Y . :-~-G .5 :_5fl»' .".4:§;'3. .4._. ., ~'*-2» 24, -; - .- . 31.. 35 . _:,__ ._< . ._..I 92- '14.-. 2 - '3- -.. ._ -} 7".- . ~ . ~L'< . - ,-,2. - - , , . 1 , __ _ LQ3 "-".-'r .-*.-~r-'4. - J " ~=¢r..;= .1;-;. _,_r. = '*§*-w»~~»-,.r5$@ 3 >1. __ '? _f'3'_1:-5 1~1-'9'?" }*;;'¢_-§.;=_ ='..-'~ ' -!-' -<_!'=§;~.': -1'-~. . .-~ = 1" .__- f Y -w ' -as . '5; _ . >- _ . * . .3, _ .s- 1 92 . _-,92. u -5;?-' 1* ~'.'e.1"°"~7-_ ""11-" n.-" 3- .92 ..-e2~P~ . 4? _ _ "-~' '1 53- . --"'1 _;92_,_' "1'-'-' >- -4*. ._ . '.-- ,- ..__¢|-I .-. " _ ., _-u -lfw ~..< " _~=: -- ,< 3!,? _~ -. ,,~~ 92.= . :-12", ',~. ._gZ?:,,_{_i'.__ I '. '_~..~1 _ ,'__ _ ~ ' .=._.. _ ;~__..' -I .' .. ».__; . _2- ". ..p . __ <,:_.6--A "¢..:_' 11:3: ?k."" "~- - .;:--, .__ .. .. - "<_.;--'= __ _; _A _l::-. ._ _->'.1.._~ ' ~;.._*.*;,.,_._,,-r_ .-,-_._.:,,.' .-3. ~- » ,_. .7-¢."-7v 92_'5 ---I _-c ".' -~ ~' ' '-" .' _ '~ _ "'43" _. .<- ~;s¢,.%»;- . 7.,-_.,r_.--,,-35 4;». .- R-_-_~.-_, ~~__-'.» . - .,.. _:_ <<'._ s-.-;., ~. . 1' .. " .". .;!~kI{"- 7?: "'9" ..'1:' '5 '}~ ::?.' '>-"'*-:*.l;.f>-- -.-. . -9 74.-:' 1,- is? . ..,3;__.,£~,"-"r=--e": .5 . ...-_ +5» -.:1H~:-'1'- -.1-p _..=*-41» »17*-.- '- ,_ .. . ;.' _. ___92 -, -- i_§_,:_..._._._.-; '.}'é92_'=;;§: '._,_-.i_....1"; __ -._'i ;. --,.-~ _. ~_.--- ..'n.>..=v~. - '.- . ~I. ~nil: _;' " :. . .92_- I ~ 1- __. . . , _-11;. . .{:§~;._ -_'_92y. 7:1 f._,.,. §»';~__ _.._., - . "*&§§B£#a&.;¢;;§~ W .;;_<,;-' mi.-_»,,-_.~:~. » E? .":~"':f_.-Ir '. if-3_¢~ -_ ' . ' i éa .-,4 __ _, . _z-..,:,,-_;>_--__.', . _ _ -.-_» _, . ; §.::'_,';_-___:___ _~ . _- _. ._~.- ~-,Q%§-4:} .-__~6_-._'."§ " ~'-.-_1~'4;;'_f:",'.<.,;1i."1='n'92I,_§_ _-{.3 ~r- .- ¢-i» 'i. :<."-1 ~-_ _ -'5 ~ 1*-.11.-M ___ .. _ ' ~4§.-': ___> I" .. .;...g.{-'-.=:*,~.< _. , "!~*.~»=.".'-. . -__ , . ,. it .;~; -1* ;~ .,- '. ' r

1'/ 2-! / H I Julywas 2'1,

EX 103

'5.-92.,. . Tag-'.';....._ 5. Z1295pr ' $1 and 1.1 . .--.-:i7> _-=.;= ,- I-*'_¬_-4. I readyour letterof July14th uponmy return to -. 92r.._ 4-;:¢; r.. 4~- 1.4.J? ~25! _ the city and want to thank you for your thoughtfulness in writing.

. _".:"-"§?_,.?Q> In response to your request, I am forwarding, ._. under separate cover, 25 copies each of the publications pa I-.3¬ ALL desire. I regret,however, budgetarythat limitationspreclude _._, iurnishing the number for which you asked. _ , ., 1 b76 With respectthe to valueoi higha schoolques- , tionnaire, I have always refrained, as a matter of long-standing l policy, from commenting as you suggested. I regret I cannot be of help in this instance but trust you understand. ' _~ 1 MMED 11 Sincerely yours, r> JUL Y21965 .. 1 ___ ., t -<92 --; LI. U '.»"* »J . '1_ COMM-FBIL ' I 92j4/V/"<>Zg/0a_'5" L,n" ._ . '-" -"1'.'= _. 1 - Detr 192-1368! 5 '' T1:-":'.3 Reurczirtel7-24-65 $1 #.>?/// _ 5..-4 1 - - om en ec 3 R0 4724 s tdirt! .... 4.,-#1? USC Material - 25 copies each of lg, 1%Combating Merchants of Filth: The Role of the FBI " I , Poison for our Youth - - Tolsonn

DeLoach3:'l"T°m¬ ii Bufiles NOTE: contain nothing aerbg§:l>ry°¢63ééi£i£gcorrespondent. A Casperii f Callahan __a field checl];=bjghel Petxzqitaézfice determined is therenoinformation to Conrad ._i Fell preclude n-nishingthe'rep material int sherequested. _ Gale _n_ _ E; ": I Rosenii TrotterTavel it i16> , _A '1 7 - 7 _. r92/ my I/ ';_ Tele. i Roam~,> '92_/* .3! Q»-5| ' Holmes _i_ "" 92 '5'1?92=lY" '"MAIL. in R-OOME TELETYPE UNIT

75 I 7 Auv nu: wmou ' _ _ _ _ -cu muus cmm-11.4 .- 1 / i " 1 .5,- {mm-11>,1-IRNMENT STATES 92 ' Memorandum ' I "

TO = DIRECTOR, FBI 115-2961! mm: L8/23/65 j ,=,%,¢,}%9-V=sAc,_ A'IIN:YORKLABORATORY! FBI NEW 115-2338! RUC! _>921 ___-_5931531; NSUIB;>. Louie u Louie rpm" Recording 1&5 #86786- " POSSIBLE ITOM . i 0: DETROIT! 57¢ A . Rerep ofSA at Detroit, 'r/3<>/..65- a I w . -=;_==.j There is enclosed herewith for the FBI Lab a cop y ~;5 of 5; .1 K } a tape recordingof thesong "LouieLouie" "Theby .2 Kin smen"5- for examinationin comparison with thefinished recordinS z: >"'r s. previously furnished to the FBI Lab. The purpose of doing this 5 "11., is to confirm that the vocal recording furnished herewith is ~" consistent;_. . with the voca. 1 soundsof the finished product. i -> . _,v_ ...-~._ Vk_,, . F" 1 Lab retain the enc1osed_ ; _ i _ _-- W I liisicase, after_Jnhic ~ ML !/5-ecordin__unti_lof th_e__conclusion t 'V 1 1,70 e@ent O o t be returne 182.122.. ..____.. . -'

3 g+.Management on Corp., 8/23/65§hwand2 W, th St., NYC, declined to make _ , ', available to th FBe I Lab, withouta court order, thesound track57" i yr from which the Wand record, "Louie Iouie" was recorded. _ Flv - _;:had no._-objection on 8/23/65. to ng a. copy o e or g na reco ing from which the record "Louie Louie" 1113-A wasmade and the enclosed recording was made in the studios of W. C SA , in the presenceod technicians o e a ove 1 co orat on. e available a mimeographed copy of the words o Louie u e so that o be ollow ,- when listening , , eQ0 enc _jf?___1_F-osed recording. 5/ r -Q i Z} Q4 Bureau_ E cl. we .24 . _ 1 2. | - ]g<:]a-tro¬lEI :;-.|1l-92L_§2ll2O!@110' '-/.4,4' Q ' l-- New York ~'= =-4 _, A uni ~ W v;4' mc s - I I a 4 '~ .' 4//4/H "" . @¢'¢-J1-$4 C9292é,I2. Buy / Saving: U.S.Regularly Bond:tbe Saving:Payroll on Pla 92 _ _ _ ..-.. _. .-. _-- -,_,.--_-.....___...__. _-_.-,-v--~.--- V---*"*-" *""' ""'*"" " 74-

1-: J A: . U O. . ::92. NY 1#52338 ..-~:-' -:-é W» '11 xplained that she hadbeen mistaken q; when she a advis' e d " that the record Louie Louie " é had been made from a two track recording. She stated it had ii 511!not been made from a two track recording but_from a one track monaural recording. Subsequently;-her sound engineers had r 92 éz simulated a stereo version and this had led her-to believe ' »a: that she had a two track recording of the original "Louie Louie _ I Q; VFW tated that thereis-no separate voice ,c4 track recording or e record "Louie Louie" and that the pf - enclosed sound track is a copy of the sound recording from which g the Wand record "Louie Louie? 1&3-A was made.' She further explained that to aid the listener in listening to this sound 5., track, her sound engineers had made the enclosed recording with £fi92'. . the intent of bringing out the voice sounds to the best of their ability. "

I r A ZS I

L, . A S

.¢_v~ :- - :21:-1"_ £1 . _.:. 1 "$~=_ '.x_4;:' 1'.V . '_-."n¢_~11 7 -_¢ -3- ~ .5

.'$'7§.- .. 1 1'1 __. _ _- '_. _ . - : = =1 - ' % ~o-» ~ FEDERALBUREAU on 1NvEsT1sA~m5N on RECQRDBD UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Laboratory8/2s/s5 WorkSheet NQ LAB FIEL ,' '. 92'92 Rm uwsus;us rpm Recording 'Fei 1A5-2961""~/ -__..._. __»___~92 "Louie Louie" _ L<1b-* D-M85786 AV *_.92_ POSSIBLE ITOM - ._.H, 00; DETROIT ' ' .£:;.f.-;;; .~..~.l~ . - .._. ._ *$.; ._;-_-.'- ~: 1,; 5X<1mi"°1i°"Yeq"e$tedbY= SAC, NEW YORK 45-2338! L 8/23/65 £- -111' Examination requested: Document Die feeeivedi 3/2 /5 1.: ..e: f"2~" é / Result Examination:of , Ezlilie 5Y1 1?? 7Qf~/$§""? :¬g~¢~P°"J*~1 . Ci C#1u¢faa!w;i»~na_ta QSf¢&¢yq,{¥¢¢ 6£zéL5[L,a4%Q,¢L9

_-A;i .1~§a ':§I;.-cg, ALL .--_ {:4 . .*q.~_ ' Z; <: .-r Specimensfor submitted examination 7

I K1 Tape made from the original recording from which the record "Louie Louie" 1H3-A was made in the studios of wand Management Corp., 254 W. 54th StE; mac -- - ' s

ALSO SUBMITTED: Mimeographed copy of the words to - '%meLm¬'

2 = DE lll5¬-U20!

L J. ,9:.-6»'J

NoiioMiii__iiiioioiiooo 7! §.' 7-R. '-.. I - T A l

Of _"l_. . SIIOIIIQIY :1; .0;;"1"~


. Z .. -X92 .92 T=>= £51, New York us-2338! _P="= September 16, _19ss ______9292_ b -- - - . " - =" -~ -~--i'~.;_._ .. T. _,-., -..;. .2; . _-L...... &.:,..~ __ 1-'-U" . . - ..-; ;'._....-_~._ W.-... . ___ . _»_. - . 1-5-1- l - . -- _,....___ .. ~ - _ __<, _ ., ~-,-_->- . ~ {_ -4: - -- 1-», ... =~=.>._ ~ .-_ .. ' »- 3- -g~__-- x .- , .~.»-.y;;-1 Q 3. .;-_<_~.~.§§»- -~ »» -- ~ .. - = -~,»92==~.w---.» --~~ -»~1-92-~ -Y A - . .5 3:» _q_ > » r 4 -_ .=_ -,~~.__ . .;y--.-.:__- ~,_. :,_'- . __ ..,_. .~ ' -1-"'~.E I 1 Q ' If .. .:.."-Q=.'."- , .;I".r-J '92 ~ -.' _ -. T- .i_'..S' , -., _ c .' '= '1,--A.-v 0: ':--1.: '. .1"£"" j '92-' , ._"_ ':1'." _-': .15. ; < ' . - - ,_ -._.- --~<..|~_>.q.;=~ v -.'-'.;l' '-{J ~-._ » . V~» -¢ .- , .3'.l, ...,- .~._ .,.<»;_ ._ Y . ;. . .». . . I __ ~,_> __ N."?Qf_ . 1 » - . ._ ~ ,4> --'.*_-.n. - .-_ I- '5 . -92' ' . _:. ..:_". , 3.

-; .'L°92li-9 'L9V92li-Q '5: "11:. T n G '-$33. rossms Elms l . r ---- -Y ..92. .-.~ _ - - -, V. .- ...... -~->...__z ._.---r-4 , . =.="': .. ~-I w';':<'L-1-1==~-.'.,1-='-.','.< A.-..:,;1-- . .; --.- - -:-;.-=-:~" :11 -'»' .-__.. . M... q oo 2 1Det,z~oi.1: .-_ _"_ "-#1" ff. __ .- .,. - .~.-....">._;;.~.-.1. = - _. . -.:1 :"x"=-F?_.a. 4 . . _, >I . -_ . 12.!-.~._ ~>_-.-._ :_.,~ ..>., -- '.5-J; 1:: John §§qfxr1-loov0t, Dubai; 4 ._:.; ;_. A Examination roquentod by: M A A 1, ..;~ -..92 _ »~.;?-..->1... . *7 . _ -_ .. - » . . '- .1, .;.:-a: ' _._~ 1. _ ~ _ ,,. "1.-L-.&.¢. .:»:;.i~.;;,,_. 5. . __ 5.5; :~. ' Ha» v ,r?~1-;;,- :=;;~._-:1... ._. . 3 .,. Reference: ' l; > ' T -1 m .I_,__$1. . _,.-.»...,_._:;. . -Pr ...... _ » _ ...... _. ___ , " :>~ 3~Lub.No._T::5~;l§§§-"_. - Examination requelbdz -Z-r" '"' - ~ I. _*7~*. = - ~ - ='. '.- 4 - I QN85 185 1 .9<><=u_men1: ~ .7. ;- 1;:- .-. _». , _-1-.§;. 'r>_J... .-> .- ~_-. - '-I45 _ . .. .. ;... »-- . - . 1;. _. . * . > '- ,_ _ .,_.._4,:5_. ,- .. .;, ,_,-.... 7 ; ._~..f!;. ' ~-..5-1 ' '~ :,»;= 1* '*':..,__. -.. - ' _ .,_:_ l-;k.A'A.. ... r _.4 ~;..>__-r-mp-:_ .4 _~:;[email protected];-5_ 1r _>;;92-",_ , . . ~ _.'._. -_ M: : :_ Z» _ __ :'~»"?§'~.=T,:}:~."._'-_=§5~"§- 7 l. _'"__ _ ._.. _ . . r _ _ _. , . _.._:._§_,.-k, . ' .-1. r ' 1: »-.- In 1: _ . _§=<.» I $ J,-1.

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_ ; .» ' ADMINISTRATIVE PAGE 7 oou TELETYPE unrr l:| _ _ . _--_- . ._,_.._. .__....-_---.__~..-_-..,,.i_v._~-_,...... _..,.._.,._,-. ._._.. .._.._._...-_.-.___._ -_,., ___ . 7-lb Wii " R * _ out-rrulrn _. _ 1. . L of the . ~ '1' ,» - '

.1 ,1 :92 LAIOIAIOIY __n_/' ,192~


{-1 WASHINOTON, I!. C. To: FBI, New York Date: September 16, 1965 _;FBlF1le No. 135-2951 1.-*;~. .34: =%§*f;-;.... R~= unsung us ArpmRecording '1-an ~<>- D-#86786 AV >"§'-Y3 Louie Louie" H .1 .ué~~,<;'.¥§' POSSIBLE ITO]! .,-..=_;.+_ '1. T1"? --'.': , .- ~. ."1_;' ' "' > -.- -. -2.4.-J-.' 1-.:. A-. ;-.,92~.4L~_ ,~. _ , N v _<_;I'1"_ .. ' gt-_ A IA4 I L D LP, -v .»= q a 3 ?¥5:3_ .v"-Y;-3'.» .3-=5-'1 . ,.-V, _- /¢/1<>/ '- f'.':.~ X1 Taiw made :55; o-riv-81011 lion he e ->3". ~_-':>,'1;'> A 1 . 1 L_Y O: .:;- Louie Louie? 1.18--A was made in the studios of Wand Hanagement - .I-,;.,¢.,' 1 T _ A A ' ~c°rP' ° ew<'.A=-5th.-st.-'Y¥'Yc .. iii 1 ,1 -5' I-M" ,-5.1-< .. , _ '--a. I e .~- .~92 _ . ; q » -. -_ ., .~. ;-~. A 1u.s_o suanrnnp; iliineographed eopyjor the wove; to fwuie lmmé "-" - - '- '- . -- ._..,v' -'. _ 17' ~ . E5?- ' ,. 1:3. Result or > ll 5".-I.if - _» J. _ .1 _-.- }.. :_ - '* _-. -92~ ~. ~ - ;-.- ~ »- - . . . 5"'.1" . - 1..-."~~ _ 1%-_" J.,.7.§_._;?>§§7; _ 'A comparison was made of ghe recording on the tge .-_iJf%?»;92 >:r- V. A,» described above as specimen K1 with the reooreing on the - ek, -_ _ submitted by the Detroit Office and ciegogibed as specimen Q8 . xx. in this case and no audible differ-ent:'ea;';I;I161§fe§§,6¢_B4~;'j_;¢ _.:;"';. ' ~ Specimen X1 and the ALSO SUBMITTED materiel are 0 4 5 * _ ~» ' 47 '- " ---'~.,...i-- - ;r~,;, - ._:_f,,_____ __.- __ __ " E A - _ 1-3 , > ,---. .-~ .1 > ___

¢ ' V .- ~./_ - cf _ J -1 ' .~ . » aw. :- Q g .2-L1 _ _ * _ 5 : :2. r _ '" r ' ' -. _' 1- -< -¢ -A;

1- 1. .- 1' § -- " -, I - I bi x- ,.- - 1 "X, , __ - A Toleon __.i i Behzont ii .-.'-4:1 ~ Ilohr . ,z ~ > ~¢ - 4, _» . _ »,_ DeLouch L _r _ - ,* _ ,3. ._. . »~ V. =-_»4..- Casper E ~ ' .-' » e-- 1 = -.-: ~._, _ A| :92= -~. -9! __x;.'~¢>. -#.~.~._ .:'-.92 ' i ~ .".27.: c¢u¢==.__ » - ' .» -O . ""_.'92_'Y 92 . -. -- -' -~ -. = ~ c=m¢_i ' - _"""..-1-:"A-"~?t' " " ~'="=;~; -92>"i4-$¢",?*l"~:i'=>.*~%1.~ 2-:'*=* w- - - _ .., . r _ '__ ~__1 _",-_ -~-_' - _92 ,.__;92._' ., 3" ~53 EVE!!! ii k * '-i ,_. "' _- - - . " . < " ".a 5- " _=__.:¢.x1r-:11. 5: ~ _ -; >> _. ,~» 71 aw ...'=- "33 ~__._/M. '__.= L-L _._v._. "-=: .,~¢__92_.$_,,~_. --' .__ -: , I ._. - / Gulch ' I ' _;Z . : vii i'.'i._,_.' ~. " - 5 --2.3} :3.'7_'¢ _-'~ ~ ; :2 ___.-in_~ , ,4._._.r~,__..,. {L .._._..,-.:._.92 " = - '_ v .1,_ _ n R :"";:<- av ii -6» Trotter i,__ Tele. Room L Holmes h 92Gundy 1 mm. ROOM Cl TELETYPE um? |:| I ., ' k '; --" a M 01>

0 » 92.


______ma 145,-420 """92._ _, Z * a n//=0 anzo/r/T .~.. .

' L

_.._ fit V? __

F, Both tfice »T;{T!{.=. of Ir. -'- .1:._-~ if. g? . - 2~rs'" Supervisor it and ~$§%-» 9: Assistant Federal .~./_,1:~=v;'=, 5::-1.;~I¢' Commission, Federal Building, Detroit. :1, . _. ,_ if. - *- .-7:. 4'3"" :354 2;,» -_ ,-- 2.<»'.."0*-If. They stated that they had the above-mentioned %%..<5!;;.q- record with then and that this record is a 45 r.p.n. re- cording of the song "Louie Louie". They stated that this . _-~92' @»_._,92 ,~~-._ record has become very popular over the radio stations ,_»- which cater to the teenage'rockin roll" tans in the greater Detroit area and is considered to be "a best seller". They stated that when this record "Louie Louie"! is played . I on 33 r.p.m. speed, obscene and suggestive words can be interpreted in this song. They made available a copy of the vords to this song as they interpreted_the song after listening toit played nuherous times on.th9 33 r.p.n. speed.

John C. Fuhrnann ugh on Junior 3/31/65aH gh School, 515 4 Iile Road, . .._.. Warren,,lichiggp, telephonicaly contacted the Detroit FBI, Office to a3vis¬'that he had found a sheet of paper on a; . student at this school which contained obscene Iords to, the song "Louie Louie". He stated he questioned the student and the student told hin that this is a popular song and when played on a 33 r.p.n. speed, the obscene and suggestive words cah be fairly interpreted in the song "Louie Louie". -~ »z .92 . :~;_ ..,_ g -.é-.¢92:-- that teenagers are uying up the recor uie Louie" and f.-:9? ; ' ~:-, believed by then to be playing it on 33 r.p.a. speed.

"Q>.-,. I

~.*.x DE 145-420 "~'1.n= I? ii? _ .1- Mr. GRACE on 3/30/65, contacted Dearborn, Michigan, '3. Radio Station WKNR whic een s and plays mostly ': .1 "rockin records.ro11" statedhe would V L telegraph the record company n _g!__ork City to obtain the i R wu_ lyrics to "Louis Louis". The Radio Station WKNR received 34. =1 Bleeramf1°m,-SEPTER Records giving the correct copyrighted lyrics to "Louis Louis" and they are 5;. Y as follows: .. ., 4 ';:- "LOUIS LOUIS OH YEA AWAY WE GO 1?. .2;F. YEA YEA YEA YEA YEA LOUIS LOUIS OH BABY AWAY FINE LITTLE GIRL ;." CATCH THE SHIP ACROSS THE SHIP SEA I -__92 .__' .- SHE WAQIS FOR ME ME SAILED THE SHIP ALL ALONE I NEVER THINK ILL MAKE IT HOME ni- LOUIS LOUIS AWAY WE GO THREE NIGHTS AND DAYS WE SAIL THE g_ SEA HE THINK OF GIRL CONSTANTLY ON THE SHIP DREAM SHE .gZ THERE I SMELL THE ROSEIN HER HAIR LOUIS LOUIS OH BABY "¬ AWAY WE GO HE SEE JAMAICA NOON ABOVE IT WONT BE LONG ME SEE ME LOVE HE TAKE HER IN ARMS AND THEN I TELL HER I E NEVER LEAVE AGAIN LOUIS LOUIS OH YEA AWAY WE GO"

The FBI Laboratory is requested to examine this record in a effort to discern any obscene words and suggestive overtones that may be contained in this recording when played -2' on 33 r.p.m. speed. It is noted that when this record was played in the Assistant United States Attorney's Office oh 1-; 3/30/65, it was difficult to get all the words in this song. §?§ if - .' It is requested that the FBI Laboratory return fv. this record to the Detroit Office after examination has been - :5 completed. 41 :... *2? LEAD -- NEW YORK -~' .;L_- 92 ié.. 1' rst ...'1'- AT NEW YORK, NEW YORK: ;:r '~ --Z2513 Will contact Wand Company, 1650 Broadway, New York, regarding the recording "Louie Louie" in an effort to obtain the lyrics contained in this record.


Laboratory Work Sheet

Re: DI-AB FILI "bouil Louii" I POSSIBLE UN8UB;45I10!r.p.n. Recording . I I - File " 115-S981 00: A veg:-oz: -- -I-ab-4 s-41813: AV < " - 1"; -- - . .:,,_a r -. - ,'.,'.'|{.': ; - .=:"_:.:4,»;- -» _' .. ..",/e-Z,-_ , ,-.4_ . ._ . . ._._. _ .'~ »-'.{. Exuminnatibn requested by 51": i . ..-.- .. - . --.-.-.- .-... ..-_ .- -. 92 1. .- _._. _~ , '-.~ _~.- .r-.- >4 - - -.- 1.. ,. ..~- . » , , .. '1, . /1.._ ...... -1 -. -~ qr - :_" -:=_.,- _.-_TZ ~. v.»-?'92_.-~. .-.~§~~.¢~'~.-_-._$..___;;. .-..... -...,_.- _L--;~':-=5-_Ig,P_~';,;-z.-4.713, . .-- x r . Z. e"!;- ...~ 7 : '-2;.-- =-'h5.-~.~~=_.92._- _ ~,-.-.4.»-»-e 3.-=.;.. - -;:.,.=... - . ; "Q ..~.... -'.',. Exdminixtidn requesteiI:_~'.- '9 .-. . _-. .._;.1 ,-;.-. -_ . T._ gQ~?4.= ~, . . _ -. -e; "i _1 M....;, ...< Si**=#§ii§.T.§1é=-4=l_.. *3, _.:..cI.->l;=_- 6i . . -*.'--= -* -:;.='-' >1- ' in Result of aminction: -3' ;-;"",i__.; _.. .. =.- .;_.~.;- 1;. ~" - § > --.: Uncnba¢.?. ._ .'., . '92..¬~ .-¬";::_~i'.¬I- 4/gs/as I "'7'? .. .. 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ecu-ii Lou-ii Oh, no. Grab her way Qgwn 1Ow_ iepeat ! This line least clear,

9292, There is a fine little , rirl-waiting for, me. ¬+__ *-. 92 - 319 is inst a girl across the wav. When I take her all alone, .11- She's never the girl I lay at home..

.>'. ~" . ;.92¢.. Chorus! »ee ,-2}, - Tonisht at ten I'll lay her again .'__1q N: We'll fuck your girl eld- v b, the way .""~'.'.'-."And .1. on that chair I'lllay her there. I felt my bone .. ah.. in her hair. ~T1>.n A.,;-":_,w;-~ v 2. i4§'*,qwg Chorus! .v.¢-1,,-._-a She had a rag on, I move éeei It won't be long she'lld a0ve. '.§:¬¢-35¢:' "1 2' I held her in my arms slin i'!= off. - _ .;%;§ 6 than A25 I fol? her I'd - r leg her again

Y I7 in:-.'"~1..

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REPORTING ornc:-: OFFICE OF ORIGIN DATE INVESTIGATIVE PERIOD DE TRO IT DETRO IT 1Q/29/as s/18-10/26/65 TITLE OF CASE iREPORT MADE BY Typgp BY UNSUB; 45 r.p.m. Recording _ _ "Louie Louie? ' §z;§.§;§*.L~: CHARACTERor CASE _' ' *':»<=r~I |/-9"" "' - POSSIBLErrou _-.;.»e_,

.J92 a_':'é,§f§., _. » REFERE rm: Report<>f slig" e"°» .-t_ -3.-% V ~54 L ' dated 7/30/6 . _... ,. .-"~ -~'. -1.-. I» ~:1.I-.-:1 ... §~ ..p_. -. ' "4. -L ...- . -;___J ;_~.:.. It _-5-~_'-- LEAD 5" " __,. ..-.- -:_~._ ¢_;~_ ;*.'.;-.- DETRO IT , _-1'-H;. '.'."'1k~'} AT DETROIT, MICHIGAN: go Will maintain contact with Assistant United States Attorneyas toprosecutive 3031331 J, GRACE andinactioncaptioned obtain andmatter. report his decision/A -1_ AI; '" ~ "2 2: -.- ";~.~_+.~:-'V: __, .* "

}§7-&- ~ Pending Prosecution Over 6 Months i 1 W. -' =~I 44. Z: Pending Over One Yea; /9 "°- ~. SPECIAL AGENT -_-_.;-.5_~:___'.APPROVED m CHARGE no notvvm-rs mSPACES ssuaw I Jae '" t3~%?'-K . _. ~~;<~?, .._ '="2 BureauUSA, Detroit 45-2961! ~/ 5-_L, R5513 rcc, D6t1'O1t Detroit 45-420! :18 NOV 1 92gb5 5 .92 - _ $- __--_

;.",'. ~':='.;_ olssl-:MmA'~r|d~ ITTACHED nsqonn mzrorrr NOTATIONS » M. _,-_~_>_1_.< =-; A I._,...__.; _.,, ...A wvwv '...... --.'_-:..C;.'-----...._-_.__..___.. _'-_'i i -mum ;.,. -====.. -. ---___.. -_._-_---- =.T=m=..-l£/_2//.4 ;:.:'_L;-'i.L-..... _. HOW FWD.______gy ______r___I ,i-was_;'_,_ 7 5 _- 257:". -. .' I

DE 145-420

ADMINISTRATIVE »~: il - .|- _ q; _ ..~:~ .,"-*"/-'7' -. : One copy of this report is being furnished the - "-~-v-:. : Federal Communications Commission FCC!, Detroit, Michigan, inasmuch as this reco rdin ofg the song "Louie Louie" was played over local radio stations in the Detroit area, and the FCC authorities at Detroit had received a complaint regarding ' L»; -.1: *'.l.


w Q». ' 3:. I .>_ If :. 51-'.2_.'-2 , . T11: A Y; . -,3:--3 . 1 J . _| ?q ékg .§ "#- II -ens -1" I . 35"92- af-

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COVER PAGE »'._.-j-- Q-'.' ft; . Tl. ~ _ '4: 5:," . Ul~.£D STATESDEPARTMENT _ TICE OF I __<. >'Z§=<. K, :11-'-" FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATI . -'9 :-9: .-.-. £% ___.-Q5; .%§ Copy to: . .12 1 - USA, Detroit Rtpofl 0': 1 - rcc, Detroit ;-; Dole: . SA Q om Detroit, Michigan Field Office Filo I: 10/29/as éi r 1. '-.-e fig nfk: 145-420 Bureau Filo I UNKNOWN SUBJECT; 1,.1.5: 45 r.p.m. Recording :3 '3 "Louie Louie" 3,.z'.§-';-'.Cborodu: A J ~..,>.., POSSIBLE INTERSTATE TRANSPORTATION OF ii C Q4 .,»__-

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$23 DE 145-420 .,,. a'_ 4' s>~ DETAILS: .- .. ..q. is 0-." ¬.u~. »sa:L If a. By communication dated August 23, 1965, the New York F office advised as follows: {wt _§and ¥anagenentWCorporation,on August23. 19¢-r~5.New York_Qit{, decline toma e iizl-Y5Incavailable to the Federal Bureau of'Invest-gation Laboratory, without a court order, the sound trackfrom92which theWand record '4'-if»'L119"Louie Louie" was recorded. _ ' ,,/// , ' She had no objection to making a copy of the original recordingthe fromrecording waswhich the madein the record "Louiestudios uie" o¥:!;gQ_M§nagement143-A was made and- Co Street or City, in the presence of SA i 'als and technic ans o the above corpor t on. made available a nimeographed copy of the words to "Louie Louie" so that they could be followed whenlistening to the recording. - 1': -'. . raj- exp a ne a s e a en mista en if I! 11 dtht h n"F1"be'/bk -an when she had previously advised that the record "Louie Louie" z .._ had been made from a two-track recording. She stated it had not ¢t been made from a two-track recording but from a one-track monaural - 1,. I recording. Subsequently, her sound engineers had simulated a stereo version and this had led her to believe thatshe had a two- ..;__. .' :3.-P . "'1 track recording of the original "Louie Louie." '*'.'f' I -;_».,-'q tated that tne re is no separa t 1e vo ce . CA" track recording for the record "Louie Louie" and that the sound ."?§~3= .._,.._t._ - -lfrii track is a copy of the sound recording from which the Iand=rebord .._._*, "Louie Louie" 143-A was made. She further explained that to aid ¢ Y - the listener in listening to this sound track, her sound engineers .- - .1 had made the recording with the intent of bringing out the voice WJ§ sounds to the best of their ability. S 4-» -1 .1;- The aforementioned recording, made in the studios of .,. _-.I ., 43.: the Wand Management Corporation, on August 23, 1965, was . ' ' 2:5. forwarded to the Federal Bureau of Investigation Laboratory for the purpose of comparing this recording with the disc which had been previously furnished to the Laboratory by the Detroit Office. - _._.._--._.____._ . .,._ _ _

DE 145-420

"K1 Tape made from the original recording from which the record "Louie Louie" 143-A was made in the studios of Wand 153 Management Corp., 254 W. 54th St., NYC .'92r"ALSO SUBMITTED: Himeographed copy of the words to "Louie Louie" . "Result of examination: - A w .'- Pi;_ . _;=2 Ex c -1;}13.:- "A comparison was made of the recording on the tape _;..'.<: Y1 described above as specimen K1 with the recording on the disk,' ._vi, inf. submitted by the Detroit Office and described as specimen Q3 in this case and no audible differences were noted." *$$..-. * -.;, ._|


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_ 3 _ , 4' .._ 9 DE 145-420"-'iDERAl. OF lMYESTlGA: BUREAU 1 I . J

Dole . i u ' ..»den Iusic Inc., :51 Washington I e as follows 0 92|92Qlw _!_:_Z_2'Zvenue, V'>_1"ii?th "ée 1'. 1."? $3 axcnannfisnnv wasthe original writer and artist of the %E song, "Louie Louie. It was originally recorded under the Flip record label in 1956 in Les Angeles, Caliiornia. Iowever, it was not successful. - .1. I "."'"°""_ _ » a _ '-'»~..=.. *"."92." In 1961 i Seattle group known as the Iailers nade a ~_ _,. - Y recording under the Etiquette record label. -This recording be- '1"-kl-I ~¢~:.~'i'»- came the ll hit in the Seattle area. It was distributed na- .r_ -'__ tionally, but it was not s hit on the national level. .!r In 1963 the Iailer's record was being played a great _ __,;... deal by station KGO in Portland, Oregon. The conpeting station, KISI, was not authorized to play it. IISI prevailed upon the Kingnen to sake a recording of "Louie Louie" which they did.

.. KER theCHASE, the 5%? and in 1963 this record be- 2- _; ... cane A A _ _ ' H aware of thecharges the lingsmen's i record was o cene if played at dikrent speeds. Be stated the ; record is not obscene. He pointed out that the Kingsnen did not know all of the lyrics and'in sone instances their recording __5,. _ I. 92 technique was poor iron a protesssional standpoint. Iowever, he stated definitely it is not obscene. :Ie stated that possibly the ~.¬-< if .., rumor that the record was obscene contributed to its sales re- 3. .;.:.; cord; however, he pointed out that it this were true, it was en- @§ tirely unintentional. _ - _ '

Ie was advise by the Seattle "lost Intelligence" _§:_;. i. 41": that the Governor oi Indiana had banned the record, and he -K -'3. heard that the nanagenent of the lingsnent were planning a law I~e.A< .-. .._.-_ _,. suit against the state of Iichigan because of its being banned. -E92 c -'-at» _=-" "5? . . 4*-~ ,..

» I 0.. °/21/ .._ *

9/ 4-750 -7-79! 0- xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx


Page s! withheldentirely atthis locationin thele. One or moreof the following statements,where indicated, explain this deletion. Deletedexemption under s! LlD withsegregable no El material available for release to you.

III Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request.

II! Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only.

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The following number is to be used for reference regardingthese pages:

XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX DELETED PAGEmPan¥, me, ea Ridgely Drive, Ios Angeles, alifornia, telephone 9311-4033, voluntarily appeared at the hos Angeles Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in response to a telephonic request -e-4:}. for an appointment to see him concerning the song Louie Louie.

b1"Louie ..- - " 1 ch was or ;44L -- ' . At that time, ' CHARD Q "BERRY er - pe omer. um-4"18l!O ongers . is believed to be working in 0. night :15. 57D e u fomis. ares.Ihgn ayrote this if W song, _ under the Flip * d . 1:2 QMI ps P11 R o<-><= c . is ms. still in we ration W I V . # RICHARDERR! accompanied was var ones dio by = . , A mus vcans in the original recording song .'LouieI_¢ouie."- 1 ".92.= i e .xhibited the ormm lyrics to this song which had been submitted tor eopyrighting to Washington, D. C. " #13 on March 22, 1957. ¢<>P t re strstion number was ~T't._ -:4 7 25 furnished e.-co P of observedtobetmghiithe sheet msie tor Louie Louie vmi was conquered to they : - _ original lyrics and found to be identical. Thelyrics p-of ~ "Louie Louie"as notedin the sheet n_>.sic as - p - . _ . _ , _- V V. '- ~ - -._ _ .. . ' ._. "mun: mum L ' i " "

":~. mum mum

.. ,:_'f

-7 [3» I -3-ni £5' "32 Verse 1 , _ .. - -. -. .. -.._

-,._- .~. rms mm am, ssswA_n»I-onus ~ .->.%" £>?1*- §..$,£>;4~§ ISAIIE nm~ssI!'_" o ._~. r - 1ssvxn@" on » ~ .:' 1':.x.xnxs1':@'."'< .. I _92__ _ -_ !. . 7_ _ '_ ;.>'- » , .92 . ._ - - t be 1 " T nateatt4J;£~5420 On pa/25465lo: mé mss1.e§§:¢el1f6mi'e pm made: e¢.@.#i1115-225 SA's '~ It " = " b . V » 7< V-3. dicin1ed_ _»Dote This dozumenlcontain: neéverrecommendations conclusions our lire. of F§l.ll -is: properly e»of Fll lelleeoed to youragency Bond in comer"; are notlo be distributed outsideyour agency. '' ;- ' ~ J _ v ~- 1:: _ _ ' ., ,'

2 I-A145-755

'1err Chorus "LOUIELOUIE,MEGO'l"1 _ __ _ _mLOUIELOUIE,l|EG01"1 ""_ .~ ., 11- . rt" 92r~:-»-. .,,

»..:.;:,, Verse 2 _. . 4, _ ..»=- "mass mums Am: . i1'.Z':'. - nus wz sumo 'rrm"sm _é. rm THINK or em """ .;'-92~4 OONSTANTLY ~ : . , -"E - V on mm sHIP""'. A -33" I DREAM SHE HERE =-,5» f->».'f.>~;¢ I SMELL rm-2 aosn "- ~ . '1._' nw 1-ma mm. '_""' ~ =-'92

»~._ Qili . '~ "mxm IDUIE ' mum noun Verse 3 ' '- ' "us SEE'JAMAICAMoon ABOVE IT won '1 mm BEi sm; rm LOVE "_"'» .- -. 4

X o es .>e

LA M5-755 e /1 "' //'

1_i.__ it was recordedby me _i _ingsn_1e_n for erden Records. This recording under _-3,; done fr,?.L'.':' _ .,_ . ..-._,.. _;1'.t:' _ very successful so that ' ._.-'~'-Io. M it was also under Decca, Mercury and Columbia labels, » - 1'-;~".n_ .- '35.- among others. land Oompany of New York subsequen -" >;~'='.~=- -,=*".i." chasedKingsmen me ofversion thisrecord b #1.; ;"£'.'i.T=-;_3' The Kismenversion of"Louie Louieas 1n i.~- ~~ produced by Wand Reco Company, New York City, is the release . "-.1-.:»2%? ...._.3._._ -'.'*.-<:.C in issue h r been some contusion over it. me first "1 5?? b1 I :11? ~r' mdicatiin January, receiveda question arosethat in Shreveport,anythingwaawrong was Q :I-1 B1D Iouisianaabout the lyrics being pornographic. Theradio . _' -= h station in Shreveport requested a copy or the lyrics and .- #13,, indicated they would not play this record over the air without

92 _ A.~"§; ,_ verifying whatwords were being sung. Hesaid tr had received ' --5.5% some complaints from listeners and other individ s who claimed the lyrics were pornographic. _ ' e u subsequentlyseveral received .2..- I communications s reg and hoped the matter could be 92 . straightened out. He noted the music is sung in a calypso style, which makes it very difficult to understand. He received complaints that when this record is played at 33 RPM instead of ' __._ Tr? _, the normal45RIM, the pornographic languageis obvious. ' , .Y_%' Playingseeking a record pattern down at a s ower suchto speed would extentan slow that itthe would smsic and be very- éxfézg'. "' fficult to understand. ' __Behad never heard or such a procedure being done in the past. ' .1 .M 1 ' q _ I5P'§-~ ~"!:~. '1 ' Because or his desire to solve this riddle, he obtained a copy or The Kingsmen version oi "Louie Louie." He listened to . ,%:_ this record on #5 RPM and said it denitely followed the lyrics " " 92 ::.'.--.. '-': as they had been originally prepared in 1957. At 33 RBI, he f':.. ¢ found the language used to be unintelligible. He noted that it <- .~."f.5';;-. __. a listener had a script to go by which claimed to have the words >_.Mv_.._. - , {SQ being sung, the listener light receive the impression he had ;=~ 1 " n u;~?i¢1


95 9292 it ¢_.?_.._ _. LAms-755 s '-.~"~-2.-'~= »='~" :4- 92 " 4 CL __ 4*, [>1 actually heardthat languagebeing used.understood fags- there was such a. script but had never seen or btained a PF,.92-':. ; copy of it. He would like to see s. copy of the script which some people thought indicated what the lyrics were in the song ¢%?? "Louie Louie. " < -A r ~ I 1$»@<:

_~{_ .'lr2_ very over success or .?_.';. L; _ not spgrovn porngrqphyand wouldhave : ._v__<--r_-7!5 =--'; ;" _x:.-.:v¬92',>&. nothing to do w1tn.1nvo vement 1n such a matter. .1 .5: if

in f-K- a tr. ._ 11%V K; '_. Jr '

Vi - I w "ew

1; 2 . *-~< ' *' 1-: I 4- 92 6 1 ? le¢g>*-_~§- '~>~~§»,¢ - J;9_:.

' 1 "Ii .-_-¢ "'-Lu ;~ M ,_ 1;, __. . ~.-:' :'_:?.:'...92|§_ _- ,1; _ "':~.=1 f...5 r::T_.:

9 ' - ¢ DE 145-420 On September13, 1965,£urnished the Los Angeles Office with a copy of an editor a on _"bouie Louie

b1L o this Station editorial, whichShrieveport, ICEEL, is being set forth Louisiana. immediate y ere na ter, was in accordance with his views concerning allegations of obscenity in "Louie Louie.":

..,V__.0-sun;. »_ --2_-;.§f:-_.' 3&- -3.: . r ;, ' ii: '-;4.~'_§{ 4 ~ "4_;* 7; 1 f "'->1"'S92- -. "=* ' _ .1" .»_~_,~: a V =..1.:_~ ..-_: , ' -.-L. Y - F.;_:.- _ MEL-'§' -4,1--e ' ~.»'~,_.» ' *3.v-.1--._ -'E .'-'T- '?~Z:

F3 .1-" ._<-1 M v . 7?%'l



-3*» -'-$5 92 4 1 ;$% y-Q }


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_ypvv-we---w--. .- -n;n--w'»1'i.sf§, e-__._ew / 1.. /__ _ - ;. _ _ , -__ I . a . _...-.-» _ , - eM.-¢...... -. . . - 9292 I .__. __ 92 7.,-F _i 5. »92.> 9" / .! 2 I o q o ~ ._,_ A . I - ~ K .- = . .1 t gr-,.-I -~- I-._,_.-, _-._.._-_.. _...... __ _--_..-.-. -4 -. <- -- i O O 0 ¢ o ~ n 4 ~ . ' 1 'l".92 .1: Q-an 1-J4... -...~>92 ;.~.-.--.-we.-4.; . "'1'. ' a. I H K H Hn H

- n - ¢ n I Q 0 a y==vvq=~=4v-1- 41; ~ *~ » -2 RADIOE < 710 C-N T A . -if; " _ _...-_! 4 -.. . -, e F, .-. ' I 0 0 r n 5 I , &92-. 3 --»~ ,¢ 0...- n ~ I ~ - - > :- ._,¢-en 2 f, ,-I. ~| '.._.v u > . . u OT_'I' n 1 ._.z .. .. - _ , _ .._._ _. .,,x_~_,_,__,,.__.*_._;._.._,_.,,.... ».__.:_. _.. _ .. ,__ 4. ...-;._:al U. -. . _- " 1"~< ~~,-,.,... _._.__.;.._~ 7-1--3 . _.., - _._._._.._ .. 4 M, - ..-._ J . 1 . . _ _..v-J... -» .. . I the azr, for

I-; av-~:.r~;:'e area of with our tops respzr.-sil:-iliéventerfazhmentour > '=T::a r*e.<::o0:2s.='bz':':'y rt to every is is we ms: /H241 " -2- 1'~.=::~_1»* :; au-rfience . :5; an .- ou_;__r.§t.': , a:2c' u.rJ'c:z~t*.:.-:1a.:e:.-_1' ,F»8 ELI; Q? U1...-.'-V-£5 :1;-P re : .92-~ v. .. me to the v:.<:<;;-;si', curre:2;;_;r papufar 5:1;-_~::=-;record,iL¢~'-;2;._'5n . '. W"; ':~».='.r*c~¬e - i§'_-12-222. I-Ze sent these .3':92.'Ycs' recerd 92" - .1 buf we cannot cesnscr the mizscis 1" fr fl: " -~ dz':*t_v min is 0 iii 11 C1 - .:J:.'.':_u ::=e 0 W ;,_ __ , '- f_,_ ,._ _, -' I E D I A L L ¢ 1.3 Ow I9292»r.f{, .~vic:r-1.5+? 3!!-:9? ' 5===¬Y~P~-A. I-_<-?- by; Vera.-; I-ltfii :57; " 1- ~ *1 15 ~!-.0;e.._' " =43 a =..".c-.-L,

s<>mewhe:-s- _;:;~.-.~;¢ w1'1.}2 seven years, c-bssesze been the top-raed J3 .?1 513'!;-":..;r».; lI~.|¢ ra=;:':-'0~~~_-4. _:- , - _ ,. Q... L ..= ;FJ<: _ are em: We ac-.u¢.=ave maintained this posifion by f'uz-n;'si~..i::g the -|-71 1- - _ 1 -. ,_ ans iriormaon. 1:.-cm-:!:~:¢'¢I V»*'e e have;_:.-_>;:.- 32- 4 sc>..n-dec ks t..e on the ser-vice, and we have, at upon himself to oc>je:,-a is ne

Ii: -1-*r'.~. ->._ ,4, .. -.- l¢.b92/4, ... v "92 .a 92»V .-.1...-»-..x r~ . all ever began E; w.r-="c ¬'.7:e£r' own .f.'.-7 LIZ not exisf on ¢.»:e recordiag r~92 An es.<.=e.':ira'::Z pea: s%1~ef."::92h of the aginaiion. 23 5:1 , _ :=af1'on decided ex-'~=::z_7- c to wr-i£=2::~ 1: 1. ";= 1-- ' If ' '~' % 5 . " Louie, Louie, me gofia Q ' rice, v:h2'::.: 1.. . Louie, Louie, ::é*;.=1 go $..'!¢ Q5; his sery was :'<-;»_7a-._vec? fine comzérgr C-1' ¢. ":2 . 5. ;If£'§' Cv'j'_';,'§QI" .-".11 .7j.I5; 1' ; '._ '- .3 _'L- fir: e gzr _. sne - fer of mepeople. . . .1.-fe n;:i_=2-is :1;-.-':".-.'»': Z_'£;Z=:-: c ates slim across Elie seak dirty thoughts. . . . Y"rI";.'c:."z feeds" 'iT*. m_7Yll§%i!PTIiIZIZIjT7§¥%i;!k**_T**1H;"

_ _- » ---A-.-»_. .-...... -.. ..:.t:":~" 40 - 4 ~ 1- n 0 v 4 1 ~' 0 > 0 0 u 0 c 0 0 c . 1 . 0 0

I - - >r"1* F = 55"-?._".== r?-:r='" ~ - - * 3 = k:::..-'- ~11":L .; "7. 1 - u 0 c 0 o ¢ O 0 -n 4. 0 0, I 4? |.-,.-_ ---._~¢~. , . T-_§92 _ .~' ii u - > I 0 u 0 a n 0 Q n n 0 I ~ . Q , '; L I " -' P"- :1 ; 1 _ RADIO B 710 ON THE DIAL -'-. .3 ..- ~ L, _ --a.92 ~-Q-~-.-~.~~-. ;-"-.-r-- wywvwlnvwulrf ' ° ' 'I ~ v Q 0 0 _ I .1 I -.5 - ,,--.-~. 92 , V _ 92 ~---~-P- i - . '. .-... -Q-1-_-w. Q ' L. ....~...-.. in» -- _..-.~.1 " 1 -._;...n-.-1;... . C""O t' .~=u:92u- I o ~ u Q 0 I I n -.,__: v 4 I -' _ _.= J a _= _ ,< . I . 0 - > . q 0 . ".1 . Gd I A Q J a 5 0 Q

- I500 Norrh Morke! S-'r_s-ei ~ Shreveport, Lo. 4 5-... ' "la: :.-T-:5 - _,=

And, those are the actual Iyr-icsuas recorded by the Kizzgs.-ren and pI.:=.yc'_ , _ Ii. ~ 3 9 by If Double E L. We feel it is unjusf: to lisfeners with clc en mums, as well as the publisher of the s|:.::.g ans producer of the record to :e..~::=.» ztr: s 1'-1.1 -.._ _ 51 .- - 1;. - .::.-.*:_g' :11 the air. Ci"-se;-ne r-;:c:-'~c.».';: :3:--3 .L'.¢:!! played oz , ._~ am. - __.<;, 0:2: decZc'e.s to wr-ii"-'.; zzasy Ij/:~i=;-5 to "'S:s_:~;u.':t".... .-.'~: a: waz-.1 l= 1,4] 'Q-C I o.:*.r'_.=_;z':.-al "Stardust" for this z~c~a.s0:1. _ ,_-__ ~-5-_,92 -~ I 3 . I 1

| I -


-Q; 92.> , } A .-.4; 92 cf

.-£6 8


._ , . . -.. ' ' I _ 1 . EDERAI. BUREAU OF lNVESTlGA'.:1 .

" ~ 9/7/65 > /" . I ' Date

Portland, Oregon, was advised of t e en y 0 e g n er- .._l.__J ! "viewing agent. He was advised that he could consult an attorney x~I£%-i~' - before making any statement, that he did not have to make any { statement, and that any statement he did make could be used .. . against him in o0urt,. ,.,=, ,,,, H,,. Q; ,,,, ._,__ _e,_

l be s Iveleteeeesee .-L .' . ._ _ - _. _ , _ - - . _-,- .-.-._. - e. ,_.._e_ . one identified himself -as a inemberof the §_eee1 group, ~ . IPv Eyl!"the "Kingsmen'. .Be said he has been snare for over'a year that_ r-1 z _ certain persons profess to hear obscene yords in the group's _ 31 5 » recording of the song, Louie Louie" -but so ffar as he is con- -_ cerned the words they claim to hear simply do notexist -on "-9- I '2"-I .5 ;=,~.§ . that record. He "said the recording was originally done on ~ Y-. ._ ix 1'- the west coast overs year ago and the group simply selected a standard version of the lyrics. with a short practice B§:5. 1", ~1 ski- , '.':§7 session and certainly no deliberate attempt to include any *#'rw _ obscene or suggested wording the initial tape recording yas_, 1*. ¢;._ l .4.,1;

"-i?..*-2'2?" 4 1The original recording sold hoorlyffor ._se,vera1 ::'*»"%e months on the west coast and was later recorded on_tb_e Hand ' -_¢.;' label yin llewyiork. ._~$one months a_1_ter~~=tha1:,,3,abe1 agent on 3§l8,_ t 1 I the talk of obscenity in the recording laros'e.~-==* He said to 'put_~ an end to this and to establish their own position, the Hand corporation forwarded a record to the Federal Comunications Commission at Washington, Q.C , and it is his belief that » 4513'."-*1 ~ .-.._--; _, the Commission_._replied they observed noobscenity in the __ e ,.;!,;.,_-,;3.- qd'uinte1ligibleiording;»§The,qorporatibni1ater,o£Ieredks',_1 -1?-' ;.; '- £1000reward to anyone Qho eduld substantiate the reported;;§' I . bsceniti-T - 'I e »- 1 - e s - ' . t .-== . ,Jr"- ,-,-92 . " _- . -9 '_ 0. . 4 -",-.*+.»- ¢ - _ =2-~_.'-. .1; -1: ' - - =l ~--_-._ -.-- ;~-- -.- _ -' .z" ~ e -5' j . 1-.", Jo_; e =~, were 1.-es. no eeliberare memge to _ include any obscenity the recordingand i_-t is-his elie1- ' +<-4.... 5:: - :_ 92/ only those who want to hear such things can read it into the 'F92r»' - vocal. -He said he has heard others point outpwhere the suggested -_~ . a a _ obscenity-exists in the recording bdt_e.ai_;-mot make out phat they. -E"$.'.. .;§'I""'Ivw-==t eaves o * e ;:_.»i : . - -.<921 4'. . ,§§.- @- E32-r 1? =~_i " . ' - Detroit 14s_42o o er l;assachusstts_ -_n|.# -¢Bo_ston_1145-3_8e5 -92kd.._..-'I Q9: bv D~'e dicmed 9/1/55 Ihis document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of lhe FBI. I1 is Ihs pvoporty of lhe FBI ond is loaned lo YOW °9°"¢Y ll ond its conienls are nOI I0 be dinribuved Ouiside your agency. - ...


I Date 9/7/55

W8-S tity I Y agent, could consult with an attorney before making any statement, that he did not have to make any '."§~.¢ .92 statement, and that any statement he did make could be used . ' -- - '§ati'i~1T. :4ah1m@ d. 1- it-_ H'3' ',37"I'=f*-§._""-"T-'.-"v3=T¥*I;2- 1: :4 ' ll__ "- '_ _-' ".:' -'-- -'1 5?" u Sm n ' a alen 9 B a-B mam8. Q1'

t _e was _ '9! comp a n .'.-Y;--92_- ..- _. 5phad sp n obscene words in 353.4. ' recording of the song L9ie';j he would swears t=1's~""-. that this was n o t elibeud ra tely true an _ ea d the others _ . ,. V, selected a standard lyric for recording, changed it not at all, 1 .¢-T-'_ and after short practice recorded it at seattle, Iiashington _:;.w 9 around January 1963. fe said the record sold on the west coast .- " primarily for several months without criticism and was later ,3 f v put on the Wand label in New York in an exact duplication of ' the earlier record since it was recorded only once. ' _ " ' Q 1-2 'v92 - For several months nn the Band label nothing was _ said of the obscenity which some jclaim to hear, or at least _ , -.3, nothing of the complaint had come to ~-their attention, until I it was banned -from radio and public performance by the Governor of Indiana. He said the "Kingsmen" and their management have i attempted to counter the charge but apparently the more said about it the more the talk,of the obscenity spreads. _~..l i"-"..'-;:;_~_ ' 92e does not admittofcomplainants that" i .31" '- the words exist .even'accidentally becausehe does not belieize . they fdo and contended;-Ythat»those ishowant to hear juch things ._ " . 2, ..- _. -;"L L/ have apparently interpreted an unintelligible sounding ofjuords ~>'44; .5:'.'_ which were honestly inserted ,_ _ A v - t s - ¢. .. . ._ I . -ii-. s. 1? ~ ~ . ~ - - - . ..z !~ P 1 Q t x _ 4 -S 7"- . in , .5,'92'1 I!?_;I $11 _ .':Z~__It 1'. . ' ~_- -" m ibetroit 145-4_2o * .1-kiln. 0,, 8/25/65 0, Chicopee, Massachusetts pu.,#'Boston1115- 385 153";-4'Z";' oh O 8 I O E

Ihis document contains neilher recommendoiions nor ronclulions 0| lhe FBI. II is the properly of lho FBI and Is loaned to Y°92"°Q°"

/@/ I I

-1: 1 . _ . EDERAI.BUREAU INVESTIGAT. or , Om 9/7/55 =___i

.___..- s f.-"8 -lea, -lregon, was r .. ,3,0 ' agent, that he could consult with an attorney before making any '~- Z statement, that he did not have to make any statement and that fie? __f7;r .. if he did make any_st_a_te;nent it could be_.used_against him in . 1? eff. . .~ . _ L .. . »;a $3 wig» 4'-7 2'- e is a lsaemberof theyocali Agroup,' 4?& W t K e " ngsmen ,_and that e; with the other members of that * group have been aware for over a year that certain people con- e - tend their recording of FLouie Louie" contains obscene wording." , ~ He said he does not believe this is so since he cannot make out the obscene words in the recording that others suggest are A there. He had been told the obscene wording is more under- '- standable at 33 1/3 RPM that the proper 45 RPM speed; but considers this ridiculous because to play the record at a speed other than was intended is to distort the vocal and if any wording thus became an obscenity it would be entirely 4 accidental. ,- ;-;~ »- _;» " A;_P§* .g*- ;-_~ .s;

41" D %.- 92't* _ ' he 5 certaint therewas no deliberate . . intent on his part or that of theothers to utter an obscenity f _in the one and only recording they made of the song. and he __ 1 believes such obscenities are actually non-existent. ' i 92'/


rm: tr 4 f 2%: ,¥¬ . 'x_C92. '4'._ -4 -5 L -r' -'g:£'1:~*

";.'~A7 - ; - -.. -' liletroit 145-420 _ as on 8/25/65 O, Chicopee,Massachusetts ~F,,?#Boston 1115-3§5

,.. étah 5 boas/65 ,Dofe drcioted _

Ihis documonl zomoins neilher recommendations nor conclusions of Ihe FBI ll is lhe properly of the FBI ond ls loaned lo yO92J'095" It and ns conlsnls ore not lo be distributed outside your agency. 15 F0 J07 Rev.4-I5-64! ,~ 1. |V "* ' |-EDERAI. BUREAU OF lNVESTlGA'l'lOu

t - M 9/1/65

aw Oregan, was advised as to the e n erv ew ng .. agent,*that he could consult with an attorney before mking 2. -. 5.- Lf72! _any statement,that he did not have to make any statement, and . _ _J that any statement he made could be used_against him in court? ¢;f : <~e,,-2-.92_ A ;" vo1unteeredea mass tiieévifolléwirzg in-'6} ..- formation n en ied himself as a member of~a vocal

-AI; -_»c;__ 3'- Louie" on _13, 1963, at the _HJ 5, . Northwest Studios, 11th Avenue, i?- Tigql The Kingsmen" are under the management of ' _-.:__f. Seattle, Washington, and the recording was one or them- =-;1."- - f~a'.7.; selves under the label JERDEN". ~" -tr ....~.- ..__. " ft He said the song and lyrics had been written about * , - T1". ag . 53;. nine years before and those used by the "Kingsmen" were the $53 standard sold at any music publisher. _%he song was quickly .recorded with one or two'run+throughs and no change in the » ww-' standard lyrics was made by-any of the woeal group. ae said there was certainly no attempt made to inJect obscene wording i and that he and the others do not believe any such wording exists on the record in spite of those whose minds profess I they exist. , __ " the sea, std JERDEN a e n_ e northwest and about five nonths 1aterj~ v. . it was pressed on the~"Wand" label although it was not re-», recorded but the original tape was used;;~,f -;w,§;* . Around Janary 15, 1964, the 'Kingsmeh received an inquiry fro one of the wire services concerning the suggested obscene wording and were told that the Governor of Indiana had banned the playing of the record on the air or in any public l .,¢ H. performnce. A month or so'before that an individual unknown to them put through a call to a hotel where they were staying and said he had detected obscenity when the record was~p1ayed, at a rate of 33 1/3 RPM rather than the E53?! for which it was _ ' ' _ F F ' W V" *3 £1 2, z = 4 _ _~. _92_ - ~. Sr? 7 ". _.s 4 ;'s.., Detroit 145-420 .9- - -.--5:1. on as/25/65 a»"n1=>~»e@+ =e==e#»»=e;tt|:#v =~'»"-as 5" i F 6 I by _ SA Dtedittd 9/1/O C O 8 5 '|his document contains neither recommendation: nor conclusions of the FBI. It is "*0 P'0P9rty d the FBI and ls loaned to your Ogety ll and us contents ore not to be distributed outside your agency. 1H

/W 92

Q. as 1145-385

92 ,/1 ./. -I lie said they comldereé this caller had a arty 11 Hind particularly M Mv! 12¢ since "#91104 Inythim M: $21; n an qua at the um lessorwma -r -*=~=~=~~- v~ -. -= : '- '-I I 92.;' =5? -_,- ._ '-1, ,;,1":1g.--I-*~i_~ J *__w .-§2_'~¢;_:__ *;n__92=_____v_ , - .3? ,4 _Q? ad _ _._ - .- I:Iv_.*""-' '': s.""'; :1? ~ : . R '1""'4T -" I - = ' I r " H §' 92 ¢ 43 . ~ *1; r* V Q? 4"*__, _ 4;. ~ '3 * ~ - .F: 1 r ""' 9: Q 0 A4 .. > _ »- Z >v~,. z * ~ 2;-.!lv=¢~x>v to: at an an :1 " "-' 1.; B §___: _:_:.§°u.M4mv131 nae »w="'$1 0:19: mam , I! umm mfor 8 ",_ * W;-.

" any ave tlltlkdn 1.1.1010 hv an N .-tri? ' I111 Mntilmc $0 £9 1 Q ' W149 91-Q #1 W um ' mm-cant ~ - 1 -- _ C_. . _ ~-;"_ ~ Q0 . *5 ti; - ». 1 5 -...-1? , £ - 2' Q! J92_1 - - Pi? ._'-'~ I: ",_,_*" "__-__>g -7": . _92 '~I,5 _ -_' 1 -o '-:-~ " ,0 - '- 51,- r *7 F 2 ~,' _i_ ~ _ 3'." - I " " Q -K - Y 4-! ' ~ - ft W. . -"I _ ' / . f 1"» i . =-2 _ - ' -=. .- .. -4. - "..- >_ """

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,- ,_;~r.!!92:- g W , ill. - '_C» . BM hut ' ¬»§i§§."" new °§L a J33 sumo° '¬2§.....wnutblo 10:3 5,1 ._ and linenkhan otroet £011 on pt: their n lm Ba mm M14 aparpwaad 11 initial 1,. £03-I 25: 2?; R'_ ":?¬.-2'-§":f;§_t.'¥~;;' :;:'1~.r >1-gig, '* 5:l 14$: W 3?? 29".. to ~ ii? l;=.,; -. " 1-?»~ W? *1 JR -u-§~§.= -- _ _ Q: ~._ ." =<~¥h~~;»< -- -7* 92 B tatcrolt devil _¢. :1 4 » es I _" 0» o ;! 4 DE 145-420

92 92 _92 .The facts of instant case were discussed with Assistant _..>_____.92__ _.92.._ United States Attorn .~» - that he desired to r 3: . recent investigation decision as to prose . ;-_-3so ' .-.- ..,_-.. .': -. J .. .,.__;_.1»: » .- , ._._--'4 .-_-...<.-. -._,~1_,__ _ _ ;.-=..>_;.' x . ,.= '~;.-'_-1.~'i_~}5'_f' '. -_'- -I.-.".'-*~ "-.~~-'.=-..':92¢»~_ .j','.f.§% .'.-.-kg+~--+1=-_= ..;,wa-"'3'; ~45-iv; .'.9292*'=;: ;.. -§.a>:5'..'_$x§=g~ .i.?.-'F' -1" . ~ _ - ~ - --, a_'92.':~.__»-..-~!- '-_.-»...- .~ -g':' ' . ~'.. ,-r;__.-'~+~~ ". ...:;..*.-"... :0" .' f'...._-.- . .. -_-_.~ ».. _ -.=.~..1 -1-'§ ~~-,»-->;-.'.-..?-- ~.=.:.§:,L.=T;-'T§.92" ;'-;~-~-3.51-;;;-1':_-.~1'i- 1..-;;.-.1-~1~T 2 - :-_ _|.__~ .4. .-92. .7» -zz =.-~/~ -. ._~I_ . .- ..= . .... ___-' ._-_.". -._'~,,~'-:' ~ -_7;. .- . ..-. K, - -- -".-:=-' I Jo. . . -._-. ;r. . ..';.¢.".,, -_:,.. - ~*_.- .';'-5?-.§.= . ". .~_§::*{~"_-.1:? *1-=:;-:» .-.v-1;.- _' -~- "- .. =.. '- _--~ -< - . . .. . 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REPORTING OFFICE on-ac: or omcm 0/we INVESTIGATIVE PERIOD DETROIT nrrrnorr 11/30/65 11/3, - 29/as nu: or CASE R=P<>R* SA i iMADE BY "Pm BY . .2- UNSUB' ~':. 45 rl;:_!19__.R_eg_Qming CHARACTERor CASE /"»"L?'>"11'1'é LOUie" ;.._ " _ - rossmu: rrou EJ: aw ;..'."7. ' _, . -. ¬i.§ ii.* -1 "'9 REFERENCE:Report of s.A'Det_r<>1t, 10/29/65. '

- ....,;.11>: ; - , - _ '' 744. LEAD


. =71. OAT DETROIT,nucnman ;_ I _ Y. ~-~..-___.;,-:. 1-. =.,-._. 1 I111 maintain contact with Assistant United States ' *$'§" Attorney ROBERT J. GRACE and obtain and rqaort his decision ,1; --a. . _e..___ as toprosecutive in optioncaptionedmatter. .- 1

I _.~ '- -.

Pending Prosecution Over Six Months No Pending Over One Year No

G A . 1 . APPROVED sPF,,f'é,§A',§<;;":ENT ' no NOT wm-rsm srucss aznow

s- Q} Bureau45-2961! _ .9150 E _ --cf! a .,. -1'2 - USA, Detroit - -__ _;_. --_--= 3; 1 - FCC Detroit gl- __.. v s - Detroit 45-420! " ~'~*i;r =.;>;~D§p__52 1965 :_ '$-., [i:. _ 1;?! I7: >2 92'._.; .. ~ @911-51A _'-e?§_5. DISSEMINATIONRECORD OF ATTACHED REPORT . NOTATIQNS _-_

,_.|_ AGENCY L ... .. nzcussr nzco GL-_> DATE nowFWD. -..-. I-wn.-__--» ~ 4L___ - iv Ct.

0.1. aovnnnnnunmuo ornc: lo-76324-I " Q '*

nn 145-420 .v

r>" . :3 ADMINISTRATIVE 92"m . . .; One copy of this report is being furnished the Federal 1'3 Communications Commission FCC!, Detroit, Michigan, inasmuch as this recording of the song "Louie Louie" was played over local .~"E radio stations in the Detroit area, and the FCC authorities at .2: u- Detroit had received a complaint regarding this record. . -=:¬$.

.2 v _ Three copies of instant report have been designated 1' -5 for.the Detroit Office in view of the fact it is anticipated that zfa other offices having received inquiries concerning "Louie Louie" .<».'~ may request to be furnished with the results of investigation as 1'5; set forth in instant report.' , ,. .

. .3 P xv ~:. x l. ,;. ..,-1.; .1-". 1"

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Cover Page urn": STATE"?DEPARTMENT b=-'nc.=. or FEDER/1'. £'UD.E~./92L'QF §NVEST|SAT'oN

'-. "-2' "="' '-1. La, .. r_ kin~ . 1%._ _ F: .-1 ;92a . _' ' '§l , . 92 .7, > "I ¢°PY'°- 1 - USA, Detroit @ 3 _ 1 - FCC, Detroit . - 92~'.. V =14 - .£.:,_s :- . . -I 1.? 2 - Field Office File ll: F;_;- ~ .44R0900 cl; s Office: Detroit Michi _.¢-.. Dole 1 01 ' gan =.~.'Tit|¢: ~ .- Inc '_ -Q. UNKNOWN SUBJECT; Bureau Filez 45 r.p.m. Recording ':;Z..~_ "Louie Louie" !?,'_- Character: ' ' raj?"'- rv ;._a POSSIBLE INTERSTATE TRANSPORTATION or ,/ osscmn: mxrtrxn . 4 33% Z - .1-' fJ~ ERQ B1- Synopsis:

b10 Louie", _ This so ,. /fsfi isg became a major hi with the Kingsmen,versio i;§% said with this t ype o rocf k d an ro1 1 "music,' a is er ,_ might»=ag1ned- thin the an in being said wen a he ' did not contain any obscenity. Pb T'- :._ . . 2 1 P 1 1... .-_-¢ I :.;. . ".- ';*"~1 §~_ 1L-K c."92l DETAILS! ,.-' w. £1 1 1"- gtzz: 5 1 '. ; '.__ 3 I- . 75- -. 7 2'Q-.4"-. 9:" t;J:-:1, is .,92~ $1 .,»_ . 1* _ -' ..92: -_..

1 I ' v


' 2- Date i 51¢ .____F IQ! Qalifomia, b7D nos tAi1"gé1e= 1° $1 Louie Louie was . ll .: 3<§f--. I anything, that be used against him in V a court orrlg,and that had the rightto ;&e o a .

ET-f 111* ='- . ~ _ - .- 4

th the Kingenen aheet music for _ the eo uie lame as originally?- rrritten did not any obétnity. He doee not " " i- believe n we ng obscenity or rough lenguage in any record, and has never done Io. » g _ A '-

» r ' Irior to the Xingeneq version of the record put out by Wand lecorda, he never received any complaints or indications that eoneone thought the £31-ice were obscene, or that there was I another aet or lyrics. "xereaftcr, however, he would occasionally I --__~_L'92.' - be asked by a friend a oubtth _ e lyrica I 1 a nee one oneheda arentl pp y . t of obscene lyrics to aceowany the 80113. ii.- with thin type of rock and roll nueic, a 1 tenor e heard lnrbhing being said that he imegtaed. Ir re hae never aeen the reported aorit or language. _g - » - _ .-> ~ l - 1 ' A_

.:@= BI»

e .%~;¢.. 1 ,%§ -er ..~ -__ ,5 _: 2-K4 - -_._ -. H . Detroit 1&5-#20 -Q -7- on 11/2/65 0, be Argelee, taiiromia H|°#Loe Augelea1&5-755 :_;. _1 bré A A b D0,, d,c,°,ec, 11/2/65 This doéument contains neither recommendations nor conclusions at the FBI. It ts the properly at the FBI and ls loaned to your agency It and Its contentsore not to be distributed outside your agency.


L... 4-"¢92_"?~-:-~ . UNSUB' i F17, _, ~.,'q';__ />45 r 5.m_ Recording CHARAGHROFCAE %¥zv'21- S ;-""Louie ,"'"""'"".~ Louie" ~ _ nossmm: rrou - 526 .._z_;~ -.-~-1" '. ,.i*.~ ._;:_ <3 {Lew . $3 mama: Report of 8Aat nan-61:, 11/so/65. -V , -J _ _. ," ."_ _ I

ADMINISTRATIVE - One copy oi this report is being furnished the Federal Communications Commission FCC!, Detroit, Michigan, inasmuch as Y _--.~<-.¢_ Mt__ - 1' _ this recording oi the sorg "Louie Louie" was played over local :._-__ _ ._-_1 '.> '-¢;.__»_ radio stations in the Detroit area, and the FCC authorities at Detroit had received a complaint regarding this record.


/ .'IJ~.2I".. 7 , _/

_ :_g;S>~t-_'2. _ /~ .~ 4 ~ _;~_ -I . I .. _ APPRQVED sPF$' /1/Iflw/e go W .-:_:¬_f=.c. < -v~-"Y.-..'> 3'.i_°g5§""L 1 - FCC i¬"£Z§.m> " - c <3}? -.';92-__"=&92 1 D° '° '1e 050 s 1965 r- 92- - . F '- O " -i-;u=;=

.~ S . 25>, ii: DISSEMINATION RECORD or AT - -92 HED BEPORT NOTATIONS %.92 es I-_".*'*= - anzucv ______L Q» /~¢/ -vg. r , I nzouas-r nzcn. . err: rwo. --_.- --J..?//Z ______HOW FWD. .--.. °-5;! §E£§;§a£"------~ _ _ I ' 0.1. oovtinnrn: orrzl 19-75324-1 - / I ' 'Cover Page u'::;DEPARTMENT swns .";n<:+_- or L"ED:.R/92 . E"U"=.:__AL- OF INVESTISAT!-_!'»

1 - USA, Detroit Copy to. 1 FCC, Detroit ix: . '<_;92.0A .L -2-".' R , ; sn '_ DetroitIichigan M.--i DST? of om": I .~.n~¢__ .-_,1=:-I '_ >34.-. . far.-___ Field 0, FileM Bureau File #: .- _,.if X '_. ."'§:u'Ti |¢: ' ~;*.=§ ' rmxnown summer; T5? 45 r.p.n. Recording . -,"t "'7-. -".2 "Louie Louie" I.-"" 7§*r<.E-; '-"

gt-T,F Cb 1: "M Posslsmz INTERSTATE rnansroxrrarronor % OBSCENB MATTER A _ . Synopsis: - ggg On 12/2/65, AUSA ROBERT J. GRACE, Detroit, advised that in his opinion the investigation ..:11 '4}. of instant natter disclosed no evidence of a Ire ITO! violation and that he was, therefore, recommending that no further investigation be conducted.


DETAILS: I 43 ~ 3?! - -yfv . V It On December 2, 1965, Assistant United States -_ ; Attorney ROBERT J. GRACE, Detroit, stated that he thoroughly ,_ ~ 1 'I.--V J reviewed the results of investigation conducted in instant vi Q~ case and was of the opinion that there was no evidence of a ., -w;Z violation of the Federal Interstate Transportation of Obscene E: Hatter Statutes. He said that he, therefore, was recommending » that no further investigation in this matter be conducted.

c -- .- -92 .._' '-.4 1:; . :. _:_;

ié he '-:. s-' at - 1_A, ~~a.1'1r.

T hls documen! contains neitherrecommendatlons norconclusions of the FBI It is the propertyof the PB! andls loaned to Your agency at and ms contents are not to be dxstrlbuled outside your agency

/// Of} L7<

SAC, Iew York 45-3338! October 10, 1966

Director, re: 45-2961! ---~_--92... 2* t ".2"- ?;sbr UNSUB; 45 rim Recording Q31-onie Louie" .. . 9 '- ham; POSSIBLE HQ

00: Detroit . i,- 7;! '~!?.~'-~5-* -» Beurlet 8/33/65 and I8! laboratory report D-486786 AV X_:,.:. forwarded to Ear York on 9/16/65. #_v:.~=f>;. ,» . .

.;. ,~__._£ v _-3-..:__ In accordance with your request and referenced letter, I~ ..-:-1?F-.1 the tape recording from the record "Louie Louie" and the -" 2;-I'~'f§. ":'f'a".'§ >1 -4- nlmeographed copy of the words to "Louie Louie are returned -1- 3. 37 herewith. You should be guided by the opinion oi the ?"§:¢.; b-!¢ aria]. mp mt should be mmreturned to t°"° K ii Iand Ianageaent Corporation, 854 I. 54th Street, law York City Enolosurcs a / i

_=_..._. --'».*1

-;Z: i- ;*- I < % REG 69 2 4- ,;;~_-».~, C-5 *1-= O -'i¢;2»f;;9;-»t--~ .. .. , . "9 OCT 101966 :':r$;*-3 11- 92. ~ -. 4-._ :73» ~ V ! ~'2". . . -92g92'_!,192CE Tolscn__.i #57"S _ I . -_92 U?-bi 3:._ 2?-»~.>r 'DeLouch o I, , - Q 'j,_-';'-,1 Mohr L 92 'Ilick ' Casper ii ' , .' _ Callahan i. . 5' {XQ1 $4. 0:: Conrad ' J -ti Q '- . i 92L ' _-_., _| G519Rosen . .' ' ._ - /V '923:'-"'2 .5--at '"1", 0 ,gi;. Sulhv., " . / . / . 92 .-v- -92-- Te92e 111% MA1LRooM|:£] TELETYPE uN1m,I:] ~ ' .2 " , I "'1' 1 92 b7¢ to v ¢~e F I Ir- 0 @YlONA.FOII NO. I9 , I 4 - ' UNITED STATES c092:' NMENT / ./1/Iemoranidum _ - ~

TO = DIRECTOR, FBI ' D-"E 3/17/6n 3% ATTENTION: FBI LABORATORY »~.eo-0'»>9 ; U; '3'5 1-92 PROM1 ISAC, SAN DIEGO 45-mzw! P! /" _-.92.,. e¢*~'". _ ,/"" 'c;¢Ftr , _ I SUBJECT; QQAND.'_»_,;_:_,_ L3 .' 5., --. T650 BROADWAY_ ,. 92 ." __ / ~ " f zmw YORK, NEW YORK - - ::- .-._ ' ___; . ~ rrom ~'~_=._>1 Z M.._ ;.

..92.. San Diego,Ca!!fornia, available madea PQQnQgranh.record a bu entitled f-ffEoui_<~2,__Ig°l-!.i..9E'together with a copy of the lyrics- sung by RICHARD BERRY,both of which are enclosed for the L111 FBI Laboratory. V in-= record was apparently manufactured by the Wand Corporation, 1650 Broadway, New York City, New York.

... :-.~15- h :~.,v-.' e _» their off . egg aioriiii iiiiiiii iT Q. ~ -==,.- of the lyrics were *§g ImperialBeach, '4 92. m§6¬'§vailable by o stated that her daughter wig L. received them t attending the University of .c'. - ~ _ 1,. . Z Washington at Seattle, Washington. I I .. __. , . ! .: ye e recor n ".7 ,,V. he pla d th <1 1 75-_ attempt to determine if the words were clearly intelligible . ;. L. .1, ~~*;; R. and were, in fact, obscene. He stated that on the equipment '-2 available to him he was unable to ascertain if the lyrics 4 to the song Louie Louie were obscene, and, therefore, made L1 . e~ the record and lyrics available to the San Diego Office .3 for examination by the FBI Laboratory. -Q:1 E ~% f 11=1sh1 d s un ers an 1: <11 ng i I 1 C/~ that the record is available at local record dealers and, 4. in fact, purchased another record entitled Louie Louie -: I 2 Bureau Enc. 2! EEGISTERED! < i. 2 - SanDiego RED-'43Q I ,/ 2! 3, F ' . 92y '_ _, , . Q3- PM "ml" 4 /.2;___~/_ _..v92? , 6!'I_r. ." - 1 __ . j.'" '1"? L.,_92 -- % == *'n g1? Q Q:

I !


SD l&5NEw

produced by "Records, if rnia", also sung by RICHARD BERRY. he played a Y the record but determined a e words w lCh were B 51¢ intelligible were not obscene. he believes several versions of the same son E, ouie Louie" are available for distribution T.xi?v -.. ->_ L717 »V-7*/"iv. 1:~- .; t -; through recordshops, but only the one producedby wand .-.1._-"33-';""r. possibly falls under the purview of obscene matter. "-". .,;§__g-- 4 r. _ W. 1',-.011,V ' It is requested that the record be reviewed at ,=.¢-;92!g,~_ __, .£&gf¢_;»:'.;. -».. _.=. the FBI Laboratory with regard to its character and also . >14.. ._.,5, . __, . ,3;Q -3J compared with specimens of similar records which may have 41.3.--, ' been submitted to the Laboratory. @>s _92_r. - ~. 7:3 e wishes that neitherthe record nor he copy of the lyrics be returned to him, and, therefore, the Bureau is requested to dispose of the evidence upon completion of its examination.

-9- //4 1, C 7 H I REPORT of the


FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION WASHINGTON, D.O. *°=nx, Ban mm us-nu! ' an-11 a 1904 I _ FBI File Nc. _ ,R°=Ann - _ Lab. No. P_ $7 v 1650 mourn A ' g - r O §J1'°" '°6?: +'4" $3 Q;/,"ZZ-» Specimens received V _ , ' 92'..i4.. ..,r._ ,_92~-~¢..o,- ~-.2»..-- -~- ~.=:. . $;..¢~.>1'v< »;e_e,;~~ , ,3? Q1 One 45 rpu IAIID phonograph record entitled "DUI! LOUIS i Richard Berry! TIE IIMSIKI" on one cide and "IAUITZD ' cas-ru Inn mun! IE2 nmsmm" on the nu: nu.

ALSO SUBIITIED: Photocopy of reported lyrics to record "IDUIB DUI! A lesnlt of czanination; _

An additional copy of the phonograph record described above as specimen Q1 was submitted by the Tampa Office with a :1- letter dated 2/17/64 and captioned "Unknovn Subject; Ihonograph Iecord H3012 10018 Distributed B7 Lina: luaic, IYC.; I108.

-QF, 3 . ->1; Because the lyrics of the song on the record, Q1, -. could not be definitely determined in the laboratory examination, .;;;.;-,_ vr ~ L- it could not be deternined whether Q1 is an obscene record. =-.»:§-.-.-:7-. _._._,_.-_' _=11.. . ;. ' 7* 7- 11'? Specimen Q1 and the A180 SUBIHTE material are retained in the Bureau: Piles.

Tolson L BelmontL Mob: Casperii Cdllahnr. . Ccr.m$ii De'_0

9- -2'

<2;" 915- Recoréed .9. .

1-.4... - 3/23/64 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION .~ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE <-. 46 11,10 ~ :5 Laboratory Work Sheet - . ~11 q"PT!_,- .. E;-":4-1'2; Re; 3'-'AZ92D awe W1:/I,1ir:'.;i7.=?? '~*w'.:.- 1650 BP.O§.D'"..'AY Lab.# 6445527 AV J."4; # .3-5 ~+ _¢-' E3? YORK, NE?! YQRK ITO,-E

#-=.'-'. *2 _ t Examination requested by: SAC, SanDiego 45-New! 3/17/6 se Date reéeived: -.._§. Examination requested: Document ,. ,._ 3/19/6 .4...7?5 : Result of Examination: Examination by: _»j__ £15 C.r~7*'*/F 1'/1~»4.~' ~'/';>~'- =5? 7?//7/4'-9' I . <,-t 1 , ; ' I ' I .: ' 5, ~ .'I .':/L , l 1 I/k/r~ . _ /l_ , -:1 4 1'_ - '- ._-~' ,-l-4 1- ,,. -_' "/1'4"--F-,"!'?/G->"'j {AT/ kf-1-!/""¢", ,- >'*'-' i-.15 , ~-sf ,;,¢?::-2 nag.-P./JI I _» x V. ti G;1"_"T~ -I!1 a _..92 , 4 I ,4;~.»¢,/ '/ //rf ;> __'" X, _ »».,=» ..up '.- IQ»

-R Q} H:- _ T Dis" _Z_ 1:-L_ I; Specimens submitted for examination --1-"-L.-< rs 5;",-8» .¢-1 ._j._ '. phonograph_record enti-tled on one -.side<- "LouieLquia" .._.§_: I ALSO SUBMITTED;Photocopy oft/lyricsto record "Louie Louie" ..-E, ,mi._.-f',;_,

4 .'._ 5'/-4.- ,- ./'3/°r/vD:;'4* x';.,:.¢;»§}"'- /5'--74-M '2,// jgL O L» / F /6111, / z-. 4-.,_,//.11-"1 7 /f/7 /A,////6 .7/t ~// '1 F-.l__ &1£4,___", .41; .. __~.4- _._ 92J//TgfN!/ L-.2/:1 L11 yr-.//V ,-Fl.-I.-' _7!¥/ /%r./'6, /.--. - 1//_.-' 02:. J1_ /,'P// /74 . /4* V if- lay: . __ _ u , '1 $ cf? Z3 ' " ' '5-Eh!Tim! A i OE Q * L_aboratory Transmittal Form Q 7>72 I 0.

" l92 ' _i__ IIIOIITQIY __l_.

FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION » WASHINGTON, D. C. 92 *== rm, San Diego us-nu! up-11 2, use

'- » /M 92 -,_:~ 1' 113*? ~:.::%.~._ , .,_-5, Re: . a 92-=-"-""- .;_.;:=.;.~ .. >'>.!1'¬§'§:m John Edgar Hoover,Dine . ; 1 1-- .1:- 1650 BBOADIAY "ix e_.,_.;'f.'.: m:Iroax,n1ronx 9292

'14. FBI NO.File -Z! 92 Exam i na u M-"O,-__ on requested by: n-445521 AV Ban Diego - §< =1?"I.- Reference 2 . -_,,¢ ll ' ,_,_:. I Efxammatlon requested: Wat

Remarks: Unless advised to the contrary Iithin sixty days, specimen Q1 I111 be disposed oi in the Laboratory.

. ;: ~f .<~.

' =_'i'-5-~*- :"§.

'92-~. "Ff">f w92.1LE1>3- 'r:#=;. App: T515_ coMM~FB

lncloeuree I! hb report! l Tallrm E M,Belmont t - hip: 45-low! lnclosune Mb report! Casperii _ Q ' WeCallahan :1 - so-662 obscene iaterlalj DeLoocb E GaleEvansL __i_ 1 Rose: L Sullivan E 574 Tove! 1 Trott er Tele. R; ' ADM|N|STRAT|VE PAG 5'7/M Holmes Gandy _ETYP£ um?E3 571* C Q 09110001 Olano. I0 UNITED STATES GO .NMENT Memor ndum To : HECTOR, FBI-"'4' '~"-"=73DATE: 5/15/64 ATTENTION: FBI LABORATORY FROMT ¬ _?>4:2Ac,SAN nmeo45-1o7! c! _ J - ~ ' Y suB_|1=.cT:£092Y_F5+Hl1-.._,. QWAND , __,._"4" A/"4/i _,I J d NewL65Q.Broaduay {orgNew York___ '_/vi " Pr/' '76 ~47 1, Q 'Z¢<-"// ».-= .94"" ' ITOM 4 __ 3.1. -- .11; Re San Diego letter to the Bureau dated 3/17/64; ' and Bureau letter to San Diego dated 4/2/64.

._ V

~.-5,__=;=. , 51¢ mu {San F,- -_-.-.- . Diego, California, advised on 5/ / 4, that the phonograph < -<_¢-92-=-<_¢.. = 3;;-_ record madeaxailable to the San Diego Office entitled ' xii.»,.» --1: ~1.;_ . ;&V0/ Louie,Louieneed , be not returned to himand no has :/ Obj¬CtiOn1D its being disposed of by the FBI laboratory.

N o further investigation is to be conducted in "4. this matter. _ ~ I'92 432- Bureau . 1 - San Diego '11?

.*=~ . »§:_- b1¢ % -1-7;-cu " ..' 5 ;:iP 92A'$ ms. .J_°' 1 ;; REG 33 N N be Zi5;§>Z.Zl" 57¢ -*1- > 92 3 /,,4/ 12 1964a _.rAA .@uU77/= ; _ ;'

- >-| -- A ~- ,---18%--. ,' '.' /,7