fHURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1964 PAGE tHIRTY-TWO ATtriKt DiQf Net Pnov Ran The Weather Ctt^nins iim U i Wet tha Weak fereeeet et U. S. Weather Wmetm U, IM t Ohaptnaa CouK, Order of area. Part of the Job hM been OoM wave tea$l4>t, lew M-U, He Has Both done. About Town Amaranth, will meet tomorrow Brook Question Coming Up The ordinance would reetrlct 14,151 lE u m n g eoaoj, eeattMued eoM at 7:45 p.m. at the Masonic Mgh hi aed-sae. There Is one local resident future JruUdIng along the brook BOTH e( the Audit Temple. It will be Obligation bank ttiet m i^ t bo endangered 0 «offrey B. Morris, soaman Night. ' There will also be a who can, from personal ex­ Before Board Again Jan. 5 ^ Maneha$ter^A CUy of Kitlago Charm apprentice, U.S. Navy, son of Christmas party with an ex­ perience, attest to "the pow­ by, or contribute to, the flood­ STORES LilUan Morris of 53 Hilltop change of gifts. Members of the er of the press.” ing. / 5 y Residents of the Lenox-Ben-'^rectors approval of the project, The town plaimlng commis­ OPEN A (OUeOtted Ad^totMiig ea Peg* M) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Dr., has completed tiasic train- Chamlnade Club will sing a Ernest H. McNeill, the sion was asked to consider set­ TOL. LXXXIV, NO. 67 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1964 titB and is spending two weeks canaU, "Chllde Jesus,” for en­ town’s assistant building in­ ton Sts. area who have been plans to try to show at thi re­ asking the town to enclose an quested Informal meeting that ting building lines along the EVERY A leave with his family. Upon tertainment. spector, reported this monr­ brook, but planning director Jo­ completion of his leave, he will ing that, shortly after The adjoining section of Bigelow the brook presents the town’s FAIRWA* Brook plan to request an Infor­ most pressing storm sewer dlf- seph Tamsky has replied to report to U.S. Naval Air Sta­ Past Chiefs Club of Memorial Herald hit the newsstands Martin that the function prop­ NIQHT 1 tion, Sanford, Fla., for .tem­ Temple, Pythian Sisters, will yesterday, with an Item con­ mal meeting with the town di­ flculUes. rectors so they may discuss When the directors turned erly belongs to the directors. Events porary duty prior to reporting have a meeting and Christmas cerning remuneratiqn for Thus, Town Counsel Atty. TIU. 9 to the Navy's Sonar School at some work he had done, he the problem again. down the project in October they party tomorrow at 8 p.'m. at Meanwhile, the directors are argued that storm sewer proj­ Aronson has been asked to pre­ Long Prison Terms Key West, Fla. the home of Mrs. Walter Pot- received two phone calls. pare the ordinance. The plan­ Nursing Home Burns, scheduled at their regular Jan­ ects should be pursued on the yra, 668 Foster St., Wapping. The callers wanted Ernie ning and public works depart­ In State Girt Scouting Cadette Troop to buy (1 ) a new car, and uary meeting to consider an or­ basis of set priorities. Members are reminded to bring dinance to prevent future build­ The residents want to dem­ ment will provide the necessary A55 will sponsor a cake, cookie a gp'ab bag gift. (2) some insurance. background information. Tam­ and candy sale on Saturday at ing along the brook’s banks. onstrate that the brook meets The residents will ask Fran­ the town’s priority require­ sky has also asked that the CANDLES 10 ajn. at Stop and Shop, W. Payroll Theft Louis A. Melesko, son of Mr. David Hastings, son of Mr. cis J. Mahoney, chairman of ments. ordinance be submitted to the For Convicted Spies Middle Tl*e. Proceeds will ben­ and Mrs. Stanley Melesko of and Mrs. David E. Hastings of the board, to redeem an offer Meanwhile, General Manager planning commission for ap­ A U . s iz e s , s h a p e s and efit a three-day camping trip in 224 E. Middle Tpke., has com­ 120 Falknor Dr., will be a mem­ made last month to call an In­ Richard Martin has Eisked Town proval before being referred to Nets $3,400 Dead, Two Missing the spring. pleted Navy boot camp and l.s ber of a delegation from Kan- formal meeting to deal speci­ Council Atty. Irving Aronson the directors. COLORS: Including Including NEWARK N J (AP)__evicted of acting as an unreg-^ Ivanov, 34, who has said he spending two weeks leave with ■sas Wesleyan University, Sa- fically with the brook. to prepare an ordinance bar­ Martin said yesterday that isniTY Aivxv., IS. ,1. / istered__ agent_ of7 the Soviet Un­ does not sneakspeak Ensrlish.English, made In New Haven Approxibmately 50 municipal lina, Kan., at the model Gen­ Christmas AngnI Chime An American engineer and hlS statement through an Inter­ employes (Including department his family prior to reporting to The brook has been a source ring further construction along Atty. Aronson has not had time SATURDAY ion. the Navy's Hospital Corpsman eral A.saembly at the United of controversy since early the brook banks. to prepare the ordinance yet, CondlM a Russian c hauffeur con­ Prior to the sentencing, by preter, a sentence at a time. heads) and spouses are holding Nation.s Building, . last summer when heavy rains Turnpike Plaza "I caihe to this country to NEW HAVEN (A P I- a potluck tonight at Orange School, Great Lakes, ni. He Is The ordinance is one step In and that It Is possible that It victed of conspiring to spy U.S. Dist. Judge Anthony T. Au- Atten^dants a graduate of Manchester High The ©vent, which is sponsored cau.»ed serious local flooding a series of moves the directors may not be ready In time for 706 Middle gelll, the defendants were asked work as a chaueffeur,” Ivanov Two men snatched a pay­ Hall. The supper, which will by Harvard University, will along ILs course. 975 Main S t Turnpike E. for Russia were sentenced said. "And I worked here only start at 6:30, will be followed School and was employed at have asked to help alleviate the January directors meeting. If they, had any statemenU to roll in a parking lot today The Parkade Drug Co. prior to take place March 1 to 6. Residents in the brook area the flood problem. Also included The meeting is set for Jan. 6. Next to to long prison terms today make to the court. as a chauffeur. During my stay Rescue 15 hy singing and dainclng. between Lenox and Benton Sts. k. CAIDWAY Popular Mkt after again protesting their In the United States, Including and escaped with from enlisting in the U.S. Navy. in the plana is a large-scale Martin is also scheduled to p I HillW f H I Manchester Popular M kt Butenko, 39, thanked the court $3,300 to $3,400, police re­ The Couple’s Club of Talcott- have been a.sking .since early fall cleanup of the brook’s banks report on the brook situation at innocence in court. They and his counsel and said: "I up to today, I did not come to ville Congregational Church that the flow be diverted through and its immediate drainage the same time. break any laws. I consider my ported. Manchester Lodge of Elks could have received death realize I have been found guilty arrest an unfortunate misunder­ From Blaze will have its children’s Christ­ will not meet Saturday. a conduit, as it 1s both up- and according to our form of justice Police said the money waa MARLOW'S down-stream from the two-block sentences. by a jury. However, I know I standing. I fully and completely taken from Frank DUugllo, mas party on Saturday at 10 area. The engflneer, John W. Buten­ reject the Indictment in this president of the DeHaven ^ ir t FOUNTAINTOWN, Ind. am. at the State Theater. All King David Lodge of Old Fel­ Mahoney offered the Informal ko, was sentenced to SO years am Innocent. I have done noth­ Co. and the D A 1 Shirt Uo., OPEN Elks who wish to have their lows will meet tomorrow at ing to harm the security of the ca.se. I am not guilty.” (AP) — Fire roared meeting last month in an effort imprisonment on the charge, Before passing sentence, -Au- shortly after the businessman EVERY children go to the Lodge Home 7:30 p.m. at Odd Fellows Hall to satisfy the brook residents’ and drew two five-year concur­ country. left a bank with the cash. through a nursing home in after the movies are reminded for the election of officers. gelli said to Butenko. ”I regret N IG H T riH demands that the project be PINEHURST rent tarms on other charges. ‘‘I Just want to ask the court to say I have found no extenuat­ The 76-year-old Dilugllo told bitter cold today in this to pick up a ticket from John There will be a short meeting reconsidered. The directors re­ A 20-year sentence was im­ for mercy and clemency,” Bu­ Dulka, ateward, by today. for Past Grands after the reg­ ing or mitigating circumstances police that a man jumped from central Indiana communi­ fused to authorize the project posed on the Russian, Igor Iva­ tenko said. ”I hope that some In your case.” behind a car in a parking lot on ty, taking a heavy toll ular meeting. at a meeting In October. Earlier BONELESS nov, on the espionage conspira­ day time will vindicate ms.” Court Street, grabbed the bag this month, however, the board Butenko’s attorney, Raymond "Our national security is of among the aged patients. cy charge. He also was ^ven vital Importance to all of us. It of money from his hands, and EMPRESS HAD HAREM in.structed the public works de­ Chuck Roast five years, to be served concur­ Brown, asked the court after the fled. Fourteen bodle-s were re­ sentencing to set bail for Buten­ is distressing to note a native- moved from the smouldering HONG KONG — (Siinese Em­ partment to draw plans for a U.S. CHOICE rently, on a second count. Diluglio said he chased the press Wu Tse-tlen, who reigned conduit — although It did not In addition to the main ko, pending an appeal. Augelli born American who has enjoyed ashes of the two-story wooden denied the motion. Butenko has the benefits of education could man for a block, but the bandit and concrete-block structure. for 18 years In the Seventh Cen­ provide any funds for construc­ charge, the two were convicted jumped into a waiting car and tury, had a male harem of 3,0(X). tion. of conspiring to violate the law been in Hudson County Jail commit so heinous a crime.” One man died en route to a hoB- .sped off with the driver. pital. Four persons are missing. At age 14 she herself had been A committee of brook area re­ requiring registration of foreign without bail since his arrest In One of the companies operated a concubine in the royal palace. sidents, formed to force the di- agents. Butenko al.so was con- October, 1963. (See Page Eight) Heroic work of three attend­ by Dilugllo is on Court Street. ants at the McGraw Nursing 85 East Center St. Sale Several women employes in an Home saved 16 patients, one of upper floor of the shirt company them burned critically. At Summit St. When w® say boneless and was'Ie free . . . we mean witnessed the holdup. "None of them wanted to Bitter Cold Diluglio described the bandit come out. It was too cold,” vol­ WEEKEND CASH AND CARRY SPECIAL just that. You would be impressed to see the bone, Mrs. Taylor Dies, a.s a man in his thirties. He said unteer fireman Paul Whitting­ What's Happening the getaway car was an old ton said. waste fat and sinews our meatcutters throw in the Hits Most model black auto. Ambulance driver Meredith Mahan told of patients huddling bone cans in preparing these roasts. Save 10 to 2le Body Found barefoot in night clothee in 4- HOLLY •<»< n * ’ To Blanche? Ex-Society Editor Of Nation above cold. , WINSTED (AP)—The body of a pound on these tender pot roasts . . . Francis Bassett, 16, was found ’The fire, cause unknown, CHICAGO (AP) — Subzero In Highland Lake today by a Indiana fireman stands in the ruins of a Fountaintown nursing home where burst out with little wamiiig. . OPEN TILL 9 P.M. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Mrs. Mary Shaw Taylor, 88, retired society editor of temperatures and bitter winds ”We smelled smcfice,” aakl scuba diver. at least 14 elderly persons were killed and several others still missing. The fire­ nurse’s aide Fanny Wicker. The Herald, died this morning at a Manchester conva­ froze most of the nation today. A search for the boy was be­ men worked in 4 degree temperature. (AP Photofax.) "Then Frances saw tt en^ Watch This Space BONELESS U.S. CHOICE lescent home. She had led a vigorous life as a news­ In an eighteen-state area from gun when he failed to return to screamed, 'Oh Ood, Falllq^ Boneless BONELESS paperwoman, stenographer, and clubwoman. Admired Michigan and Missouri to north­ his lakeside home Thursday. there’s a fire! for her vitality, she remained*!' east Nevada and sections of Or­ The boy waa believed to have 5th Anniversary Mrs. Wicker told of dragging CROSS RIB CLOD ■ active even as a patient In the egon and Washingfton, subzero been crossing the lake when the out four of the Infirm patlenti EYE or convalescent home, and recent­ readings were reported. ice broke. His body and his sled Fight Seen Building before firemen refused to let ly took part In a skit there. The lowest reading in the na­ was found near a break in the Cookbook Out her re-enter the building. SHOULDER Funeral services will be held tion was -30 at Hibbing, Minn. ice. Myrtle Donahue, 56, another Undercut chuck Monday at Watkins-West Fu­ Cold wave warnings were He was the eon of Mr. and For GOP House Lead The fifth anniversary edi­ nurse's aide, was credited with ROAST neral Home. There are, no call­ posted in Alabama and Georgia, Mrs. George Bassett. tion of From Your Neigh­ taking out eight patients before ing hours. while freezing rain fell along the bor’s Kitchen cookbook is she collapsed of smoke Inhala­ CHUCK Whole 6 to 7 lb. Mrs. Taylor retired as wom­ Louisiana and Texas coasts. Fatal Shooting WASHINGTON (AP)—A fight for the leadership of now being delivered to Her­ tion. en’s editor of The Herald In A slight moderation occurred Taken to Major Hoa|fital ks POT ROAST or Half In the Northwest where Great HARTFORD (AP)—A 61-year- ald carriers. All subscribers 1969 after 36 years of continu­ House Republicans appeared to be shaping up today of The Herald should have Shelbyville, Ind., aha refused ous servica When she joined Falls, Mont., reported a low of 9 old Hartford man died of a bul­ with Rep. Gerald R. Ford of Michigan apparently in­ treatment until she had listed ROAST a^v e as compared to Thurs­ let wound in a hospital today, their free copy before Chriet- the staff Ib April 1923, It was clined to challenge Rep. Charles A. Halleck of Indiana mas. survivors who needed qpeclal not her first servloe with the day’s -28. police said, shortly itter he was treatment for diabetes or other 'Ibousands of cattle and sheep shot In a card game argqment. for the job. 4>" Those wishing to purchase paper. try to unseat Halleck are Reps. illness. lb. were freezing in some sections He was Identiflad as James Ford announced S. news con­ extra copies for Christmaa Thirteen patients ki Major That began when she waa IS of Montana as rescuers fought Lewis. The bullet entered the ference for 11 a.m. Saturday. Charles E. Goodell, R-N.Y., and giving may obtain them at _ years old and a pupil at the left side of hts stomach. He would not say In advance Robert P. Griffin, R-Mich., who Hospital ranged in age from. 67 to reach them with food. ’The Herald office. lb. lb. old Union Grammar .School lA predicted openly ’Thursday night to 84. The eldest, Sara WnittKi (Center Cut 99c lb.) Other animals seemed a bit Police said they have charged what he Intended to announce. was the only one there with the days vriien 'The Herald was confused by the cold spell. In But all indications were that he that Ford could win a fight a weekly and had a Job print-1 Walter Graham, 38, with the against Halleck In the party bums, and they were slight. tag shop. Mrs. Taylor hriped to ' the zoo at Portland, Ore., pen­ slaying. Both men resided In had yielded to persistent pres­ One person wea taken le a guins, polar bears and Canadian separate apartments at 1556 sures brought by younger GOP caucus. N e w P u s h get' out rush orders for pro­ honking geese huddled in indoor members to make a fight Halleck left Thursday for a private home. grams or booklets. Main St. The shooting occurred vacation trip. One of his aides An unidentified man taken to INDIAN RIVER SEEDLESS PINK quarters, while warm-blooded In Lewis’ apartment, said police. against Halleck. Hancock County Hoqiital in For Meat Loaf After she graduated from lions slept outdoors and ele­ Meanwhile, Police Captain The Republicans will choose said he is confident Ford’s To Settle GRAPEFRUIT...... 3 large fruit 29c Once A Week Bubbling Robertson’s Shorthand School phants played on the ice like their party leaders Jan. 4 for scheduling of the news confer­ Greenfield, Ind., was burned In Hartford In 1892, Mrs. Tay- Benjamin Goldstein said Uiey critically. Officials’ Inability to or Swedish children. were questioning a third man the 89th Congress, the opening ence meant Ford was going to Beef Sfe w lor returned to the paper as a MRS. MARY SHAW TAYIXIB In New England, hazardous day of the session. make a leadership fight. learn his nam4 made more dltt- clerk-stenographer and as an Dues Fight cult their task of listing the Try A Pinehursf fdeaf Balls driving warnings were issued (Bee Page Eight) Chief architects of the plan to Halleck’s forces were warily FRESH FRUIT BASKETS Tiny tender bite sized cubes assistant in the mailing de­ for eastern Massachusetts, confident that they commanded dead or missing. of lean choice partment. She also worked In the Ballerzteln building In enough support to turn' hick any UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. Dr. Lucian A. Arata, Mmlbgr FRUIT and DELICACY BASKETS the composing room and Hertford. The venture proved Rhode Island, southeastern New (AP) — Pressure mounted to­ Treat! interesting but not profitable, Hampshire and southwestern challenge from Ford. FOOD BASKETS PINEHURST learned to set type by the tra­ Maine as snow .fell, making ”I think there Is going to be a day on the United States and the (See P a ^ Twcaky-fkae) ditional hand method which has according to Mrs. Taylor’s rem­ change.” Goodell told newsmen Soviet Union to settle their di­ $7.50.. .$10.50 up to $30.00 STEWING now been supplanted by ma­ iniscence. highways slippery. Some Oppo sition Seen Have you ever tasted 3-in-l Deepest new snow accumula­ Thursday night during a break spute over U.N. peacekeeping chine-setting. For ton years, however, she tion In the nation was 22 Inches in one of the meetings he and dues. LB J to Light Pinehurst chuck ^ ’ound? Mrs. Taylor was lured hy the worked In Hartford as a To Convention Measure Griffin have been holding with The 59-natlon Asian-African Smucker’s Spedal Christmas' boxes of Presei-ves BEEF BLEND OF PORK, city, however, and with char- stenographer with the now-de- at Houghton, Mich. and Jellies $2.69, $3.89, $4.79. Temperatures In New Mexico some other Republicans several group. Impatient over the delay Nation’s Tree BEEF & VEAL acteristie Independence,- she funct Jewell Belting Co., com­ ranged from 1 above at Raton to times daily for the past two' General Assembly business GROUND CHUCK atruck out on her own as an muting by train. 16 at Carlsbad. No rain or snow HARTFORD (AP)—A conatl-eto will not produce them,” he weeks. ! under the no-vote truce, was Independent stenographer, with tutiopal convention bill, already said Goodell added the most likely reported determined to take WASHmaTON (AP) — A Order Connecticut Fresh Turkeys (See Page Twelve) was reported there however. Morrell E-Z Cut Hams lb. SPEX:iAL AT desk space in what was then Highs around the nation were endorsed by both the Republi­ Noyes said he will lead a change would see Rep. Gerald matters in its own hands unless presidential flip of a ewlteh wUl McAllen, Tex., with 86 and Al­ can and Democratic parties, ap­ fight for a constitutional con Ford of Michigan taking over the big powers act quickly. set 6,(X)0 red and white lights The Finest Rib Roast Beef ventlon that "represents the Halleck’s job'when the Republl- Special — lb.79c Easy to sei’ve with carrots, ice, Tex., and Fort Myers and pears headed for opposition on The group la pushing the Idesf shining on the national Christ­ Kids would like Fridays much better lb. 79c Clearwater, Fla., with 83. the floor of the House next people, not just political par- j cans elect their leaders for the of a "rescue fund” to which the mas tree this evening. turnips, potatoes econom­ A hand of sleet and freezing week. ties.” 89th Congress Jan. 4. Soviet bloc could contribute The President and Mre. John­ DIAL 648-4161 ’The' convention bill, approved son plan to attend the program 3 lbs. $2.25 ical, too. 3 lbs. $2.25 Fanfani Being Pushed drizzle stretching from Del Rio State Rep. Richard C. Noyes, ^ ‘^“^ id ° G o T ;r " T h \r ? U witho;.t a^ndoTng Ite if you’d give them Stop & Shop's on the Texas-Mexican border R- Farmington, condemned the at bi-partisan leadership confer- away, said G ^ r il. s , pj^y ^„y peacekeeping at the tree at 6 :40 p.m. BBT on into East Texas caused the measure___ _ Thursday______night - „ and ences earlier this week. Is ex- cons derable sentiment that he the park area behind the Whltp Pinehursf Grocery fresh Riggio Pizza... and leave death of James Dillard, 21, to­ vowed to lead a 'flg h r against pected to reach the House floor House grounds. As Italian President day when his car skidded on Ice it I Tuesday. i " T- - o------r / Z resisted all----- efforts------to voline ‘“ o ^ drilna'Sent The tree is the center of the CORNER MAIN and TURNPIKE BAKED PORK CHOPS Noyes claimed the bill would ! The bill calls for the election get him to declare his Candida- volmg o ' pageant of peace, which in­ the fish for the cat. and overturned near Edinburg. Hy But he also has declined toimemb*" which tae United liSUUiaASAaAXMMMI 8 thick pork chbp.s 1 medium onion In Montana, ranchers esti­ leave the task of making per- of 84 delegates with 14 to be cludes 60 white spruces repre­ SAVE ON GROCERIES 2 teaspoons salt 2 bay leave.s say he would not run. States has threatened. ROME (AP)—Former Premier Amintore Fanfani, mated livestock losses in the manent changes In the state’s elected from each of the state’s senting each state, eix reindeer 'a teaspoon pepper 'j cup apple juice or thousands of dollars and the legislative structure In the six congressional districts, With time growing short If a | Informed sources said a move from the National Zoo, a creche AT PINEHURST 2 apples cidei the Christian Democrat who pioneered center-left gov­ National Guard helped clear hands of “political regulars " Under the plan, each political successful coup Is to be staged, i was under way to have the As- with life size figures and a pit 2 tea.spoons sugar 1 bouillon cube ernment in Italy, was being pushed toward the Italian snow-clogged roads. i^ione. ■ party would nominate seven for yule log burning. 1 teaspoon cinnamon presidency today with support from pro-Communists. We need the best delegates (See Page Twelve) (Bee Page Eight) The 73-foot national tree A SIZZI..TNG VALUE (See Pefe Twenty-Seven) we can get and the bill agreed (See Page Eight) comes from the Adirondack Start your oven at 400F or mode'rately hot. As parliament canie to the*?' Mountains of New York state Put chops in a shallow baking pan and sea­ fifth vote In the presidential ago for a successor to ailing and la decorated wHh 300 g«M MANCHESTER son with salt and pepper. Cover chops with a election, rumors flew that the Antonio Segni, who resigned. Tunnel System Blown Up balls. SHUBFINE TUNA layer of peeled, cored apple slices. Sprinkle Communists themselves might Fanfani then was still far The executive mansion al­ The fine.st white tunft yon can buy. apples with sugar, cinnamon and grated onion. vote for him. from the 482 votes required for ready shines with the decora- \dd bay leaves, apple juice or cider and a The fourth vote, taken Thurs­ election. Giovanni Leone, cho­ tlona of (vhristmas, and the bouillon cube dissolved in '(• cup boiling wata:. day night, produced a dramatic sen as a compromise candidate Viet Nam Boy’s Tipoff Johneons have'had two holiday UBLIC MARKET 3 cans 89c Cover tightly, bake 1 hour. Remove cover, spurt for Fanfani and the first by the Christian Democrats In bake ID to 15 minutes longer to browm apples. sign of a significant party shift. preference to Fanfani, re­ (Beo Page El^rt) 803-805 MAIN STREET Serves 6. Fanfanl’s ballots leaped to mained ahead with 290. Causes Father’s Death ◄ 117, 44 more than he got on the . But Leone had lost grotmd on third vote earlier In the day. At every vote since his 319 on the ». ------'— SCOTT SOFTWEAVE Pork's a good buy this week. Buy a whole the same time the pro-Commu- first ballot. Fanfani, ^starting SAIGON (AP) — A lO-year-^and blew up each entrance with All colors parked 2 in cello pkg. strip and have 8 to l(J center chops and nist' Socialist “party of Proletari­ out with only 18, gained on ev­ old boy disclosed the hideout of high explosives. an Unity, which has 88 mem­ ery vote. his father and 18 other Viet It was the most successful News Tidbits 8 rolls 99c 2 roasts for 49c Ib. Boneless Roasts 79c bers In parliament, suddenly The fifth ballot today was de­ Cong guerrillas for ' candy operation held so far against a from the AP W im to 99c Ib. are easy to slice. stopped voting for Its own nomi­ layed until late afternoon, ob­ Thursday. tunnel area In Viet Nam. nal candidate, Alclde Malagugl- viously to .give the parties time The child’s father was one of The boy wandered Into the U.S. Choice Porterhouse and Sirloin ni. to maneuver. 16 Viet Cong fighters whose government troops operating "PRESENTING THE UNUSUAL IN HOLIDAY FOOD DELICACIES' near the village of Paris Tan Judge John Cotter of etate w m um m TAB or COKE Steaks of exceptional tenderness . . . A vote analysis indicated the The shift to Fanfani by the bodies were found In an Intri­ supreme court blamee enrrent party had moved to Fanfani. It pro-Commimist Socialists fed cate tunnel network that was Quy Wednesday evening. The E-Z Cut Morrell Ready-to-Eat Hams. operation was about to end, but ‘'logjam” on Utigante’ “stub^ Save 19c when you buy 12 oz. size was the first major break slncqtohe speculation that the Corn- blown up 16 miles north of Sai­ bom, unreasonable and ar­ See Us For Your Favorite the voting ■ started three days munists might throw their 250 gon. More guerrillas were be­ the boy, happily sucking on a Wo Are Taking Orders for The FINEST Fresh or so votes to him. lieved buried In the tunnels. candy bar given to him by the bitrary” attitude. . . . British 2 cartons for 99c Premier Aldo Moro’s Chris­ Given candy bars by a U.S. U.S. adviser, began telling Viet­ government officials fall to eoe Arrival of Government Grade A SWEDISH DELICACIES SWEDISH KOBV Bridge Collapses, tian Democrat party, Italy’s Army adviser, the boy guided namese officers how he could large on' Prime Minister Wil­ biggest, was split from the start government troops to an en­ dismantle a machine gun and son’s disclosnre Britain cannot Keebler’s Variety Cremes or BUY IT THIS WEEKEND . .. PLACE on a preaidential candidate. trance to the tunnels stretching make grenades. make Polarie misalle warheads TU R K EYS (most all sizes), 7 to 8 Ih. CAPONS, YELLOW PEAS. BROWN BEANS, Choco Fudge Sandudch ...... '...... 3 for $1.00 YOUR CHRISTMAS ORDER Auto, Oil Truck Four factions each came for­ under the jungle terrain for He gave them a practical without Ataerican help. . . . demonstration, taking an Amer­ Close aaeoclates of Sen. Gold* From Sweden—Lingonberries, Swedish Meat Balia ward with a candidate. hundreds of yards. The Viet water say he feels drive 5 to 6 Ih. DUCKS, LARGE ROAST­ SWEDISH SYRUP, BOND - OST 39c each. Save 17c on Drop into River Only on the eve of the election Cong were using them as hiding ican carbine apart and putting 8 in Gravy. It together again. against Dean Burch Is really CHLOROX...... Hot. 49c From Norway—Fish Balls In Fish Bouillon. did the majority of the party’s places. mimed at him and "critics • ore ING CHICKENS; also CHOICE RIB ROAST of (Cheese), RIKSOST (Cheese), t KENT, Ohio (AP) — A bridge Demolition teams moved In He also said the Vie( Ckrng From Germany—White Grape Juice, Fillets of Her­ members in (Mrliament com­ paid him about 30 cents a month not going to push me out of the LARGE SALT HERRING, AIL ring In wine, cream, mustard or beer sauce. In Kent collapsed today, plimg- promise on Leone. party.” . . . Foreign mlnistore Stock up . . . This is a ‘’real hot” value. Ing a gasoline tank truck and a Fanfani and Moro are at odds for making grenades. B E E F , SIRLOIN TIP ROAST and many, many MAXWELL HOUSE CO FFEE...... 2 Ib. can $1.69 We redeem coupons on Pet’s new Big Shot Choca The boy then started talking of United States, Great Britain, KINDS OF SWEDISH IMPORTED Flavored Syrup. ear 36 feet Into the Cuyahoga although Fanfani pioneered the Lunar Eclipse France ,and West Germany River, police reported. principle of a center-left al­ about the tunnels In the area other ohoioo cuts! HERRINGS IN JARS. FRUKT Party with Nabisco Snack Crackers. 8 varieties where he lived. He said his fa­ meet In Washington next at Pinehurst. One man was reported dead liance and. Moro has continued month to seek approach to Rus­ end three others Injured. it. Visible Tonight ther lived In them. Next morn­ SOPPA (Fruit Soup), ARRAK ing, given more candy bars, he sia on imiflcation of Germany, Authorities at Robinson While the presidential voting Harvard college astronomer^ OUR OWN FRES^ MAD£ KORY will be 98c lb. PUNCH, JUL-GLOG, LINGON Memorial Hospital In Ravenna ground on, Italian journalists NEW YORK (AP) — A celes­ showed the troops where his vWait'tllYDulasteour Come in or phone 643-4151 and order Christinas Turkeys, Roast Beef, father lived. set up half ton of equipment te It's made from the BEST pork, beef, and pure spices-— aaid the truck driver and one resumed a nationwide strike tial spectacular a total try to pick up a few tempera­ BERRIES. LINGON JAM, PEARL occupant of thjrcar were res­ today* and plunged the country eclipse of the moon — will be They didn’t tell him later that jifst the kind you'd be delighted to servo ,:^to your Morrell Ham, Capons, etc.. “hls father was dead. ture readings during eoUpee e| cued from the fey water. back into a virtual news black­ visible tonight throughout North the moon tonight... Agpent for family and guests! SUGAR. MATKI CHEESE, PERO- TENDER A second person in the car and South America. out. The journalists’ federation SAIGON (AP) — Saigon BrlUeh pop sta««r Dusty GIE CHEESE. MICHIGAN also was safe. Unconfirmed re­ told Its 11,000 members to re­ The shadow of the earth will Sprin^^eld, who wsus told to TURKEY FREBH CONNECTICUT TURKEYS FROM LABROAD-ABERLE ports said the car driver lost his main off the Job until they win sUtrt crossing the moon at 7:69 police went on a full alert today p.m. Eastern Standard Time. against the posaibiUty of trouble leave South Africa after per) '•Wo will alio have for your Joasting: CHUBSE, GLACED CHERRIES, fife. their contract demands. forming for multiracial sudi* • FARMS under the Harvest label. The water sui^ly to 4,000 resi­ Thflr walkout last week The shadow will entirely cover oyer the weekend from both the GLACED PINEAPPLE. MIXED ^he lunar disc from 9:07 p.m. Buddhists and the Viet Cong. etted, says he la oaoealtag or- * a dents on the west side of town closed almoet all of Italy’s 80 Volks-Toting Newest College Fad roagemeata for ether Brlttrii Small Lean Fresh Pork Shoulders, Fresh Loan was cut off for half an hour. A newspapers for two days. The unUl 10:07 p.m. The moon wlU Buddhist sources said a monk FRUIT, DRIED MUSHROOMS, PO­ Bored with swallowing goldfish and jamming ’phone booths, UCLA students be clear again at 11:15 p.m might commit suicide by bum- entertainers to go there. six-inch water main attached to union ordered resumption of the Northeast Alrilnes wins %a- TATO FLOUR, AND4 M AN Y. at the corner of Main and Turnpike-will be qpen the bridge’e side was sniped. ■trike after a government med­ ha9e come up with a new fad—“Volks-Toting.” A driver and 12 friends pifk up Astronomers from the HaydOn tag to spur the lagglifig Buddhist Pork Butts, Fresh Hams, Veal Shanks, Korv Planetarium ta New York (Sty, oampeiign tq over w the gov- other change to fi|M for retioe tonight till 9-r-Friday—8 A.M. till 9 P-M-- • / The two-lahe bridge was built iation attempt foiled. the 1,600 pound foreign-built cars, carry them lOO^feet, drop them, then pick Tran Van tton cf no New Tortt-Itortoa MANY MORE ITEMS! 90 or 90 years ago and has been ITie Jounukllste are aeking a them up again and race to the fipisft line. The.Kappa Alpha men, above, were jvlU vlelt Fort Wadsworth on emment .of Premier ----- Casing and Fresh Bacon . . • the. object of controverey for one-day reduction in tnelr eix- Staten Island for teleMopic Ruong. This was the tactie ueid g y time. It’e about MO leet day week and on U per . benb disdualified for topping their car and the victory went to'Kappa Sigma- vlew^ end photographl^. I tooneee to tieele>eelei1 ee. (AP Photofax.) 3 ‘ Clear weather jwee foreeeet ' (Bee Pofe BcM) 4 •V- „ i. ^


Pi4m , soy* support is growing Music will present “The Little After 64 Years in Prison for a challeng* of th* right of Match Olrl” tomorrow after­ Bolton New Flag Sheinwold on Bridge P eople Misaiaslppl’s representative* to INSTANT EARNINGS noon at 1:80 and 3:30 at Mil­ sit in Oongreka. Dividends Paid lard Auditorium. VIRTUE n REWARDED 'The civil right* leader, who BeiieAt Coaoert Joint School Voices to Ring Flies Soon Bait-Wsit vnlssriMs ' wa« scheduled to meet with Fnmi Day irf Deposit The North Winds and the Everything’s Exciting In the President Johnson this after­ AFTER OOBBKCT PLAT m m h k New Horlsons, two young folk By ALFRED SHEINWOLD noon, made the statement March— June Current Annual singing groups, will appear at Thursday in New York upon his For Y ule Program T uesday In Canada Natloaal Men’s Team Champloa September— December Dividend a benefit concert Dec 23 at 8 . J In World of the Free News return from Norway, where he On birared Saving* p.m. at Rockville High School. OTTAWA (AP) — A maple 4 ^ lO K S accepted the prize. Proceeds will go tO the John F, Students in the elementary^ Junior choir in Grades 1 Man ia the animal that thinks, King, who heads the Southern leaf flag should be flying over and ths best man Is the one who w a r BAjrr GEORGE HARRISON Kennedy Memorial Library school and the Junior-senior through 8. Canada's 10 provinces by 4 1072 * AJC4 Editor’s note: Richard Ho-^h* left prison. And that despite LONDON (AP) — George (JhrisUan Leadership Confer­ -ft -ft Fhind. The pageant will be present­ makes others think. That’s why 9 109S73 eo A < 2 neck, after spending 64 years in ence, told a Harlem rally he high school will give a Chrlet- Christmas, as promised by South’s best play Is so appeal­ two operations for hernia and Harrison of the Beatles says The North Winds include Bob ed Sunday afternoon at 4:30 Prime Minister Lester B. Pear­ 0 103 O 9804 prison for murder, was released prostate trouble. rumors that he is married are was “gravely distressed” over Lunny of Veinon, Barbara Al­ mas program Tuesday at 7:30 under the direction of Mrs. Tre­ ing In today’s hand; it shows on parole to his California niece the recent dismissal of charges S AVIMGS Perhaps it’s because the writer is overly sentimental. son In his campaign against what a tine man South ia. Hcmeck’s mind, somewhat rubbish. len of West Hartford, and bass­ p.m. in the high school gym. vor Ledger-Thomas and the Frsnch-Canadlan separatism. K s n i ” Dec. 20, 1968. Mrs. Clara Orth confused in his first days of Harrison returned to London against persons arrested in con­ Or piaybe it’s thfe season— when everyone is remeraber- Rev. Edward Johnson. South dealer 4 915 saw an Associated Press pic­ nection with the slaying of three t ) ) i U L O A N l ist Steve Bolstridge of South The program is under the di­ Ths Senate 'voted M-2S Ifiure- freedom a year ago, is lAarp. today trom a 10-day vacation at '■■■<>( I \ I I n V ing holidays and other things past. But we were taken Windsor. ”rhc New Horlions Refreshments will be served East-West vulneraUs to K5 ture, recognized Honeck as her Honeck, his niece and her son civil rights workers in Missis­ rection of Keith Groethe, mu­ day night for the red and white Opening lead—Ten of Hearts Nassau in the Bahamas. He was back a g o ^ many years earlier this week with the hews are made up of Kent Carlson, after the pageant in the pariah 4 AQ77 imcle and persuaded officials to nightly play a gloiifled sort of sippi last summer. maple leaf banner. The House The ordinary selfish man accompanied by Miss Pattie fAfSermararsA VfAfmm Jim Kr,ause, Dick Fege, Marty sic teacher. house. Hostesses will be Miss A AQ77 release him. Here’s the story on poker game involving five dice. item ateut the 20th anniversary of Glenn Miller’s dis­ of Commons approved the new would play the low heart from Wsst last Boyd. UP***STH»» 6A»6t Fiiiaw*iat iwTiTMTiaf The program will begin with Elizabeth Chase, Mrs. Wayne his first year of freedom.) DUKE OF WINDSOR Fege .and Erich Johnson, all of flag Tuesday. Only a routine dummy at the first trick. Blast 1 NT Pm 3 NT An. FWs “ You have to think quick and appearance Manchester. four numbers by the bwid from Wright, Mrs. Henry Shorrock proclamation by Queen Elisa­ LANCE REVENILOW HOUSTON, Tex. (AP) — The 1007 MAIN STREET—NEAR MAPLE ST. Flrrt came the remembrance ransacked their files and came would sense that South has ths make up your mind because of Duke of Windsor, making an Tickets are available from a CHirlstmas Suite by Harold and Mrs. Richard Danielson. beth n is nseded to make the SAN LEANDRO, O M . (AP) so many choices,” says Ho- SANTA MONICA, Calif. (AP) BRANCH OFFICE—RT. 81 COVENTRY of a Sunday afternoon when up with tapes and master rec­ The public is Invited. king of hearts.’ Bast would wrln — Lsmee Reventlow, son of excellent recovery from arterial Mrs. Myrtle Pierre. JFK fund Walters; O Come Eknmanuel, flag official. with the ace of hearts and East thinkti he will defeat the — At a sprightly 88, Richard neck’s grand-nephew, William we barged into the middle of a ords of radio broadcasts, a chairman, and Rodney Cowan, Ring Chri8tm>n Bells, Willie It will have a single red ma­ Woolworth heir Barbara Hutton,- surgery, was expected to leave huge line at the State Theater Carnegie Hall concert and the Church Program Sunday might switch to a low spade. contract. Honeck finds excitement in ev­ Scharf. his hospital bed today for the youth activ'ties chainnan. Take Your Little Drum and The church school Christmas ple leaf on a white background, If East is too lazy to think, was reported in satisfactory In Hartford (quite by inno­ sound track from the two This play defeats the contract. erything from supermarkets to “ Uncle Richard beats the condition after undergoing sur first time since his operation. What CJhild Is This? program of United Methodist flanked by two red panels. King South will make his contract. socks off of us. Yesterday he cence) and thua managed to movies in which the group was George V, Queen Elizabeth's South must develop the clubs to ■having. gery on his left leg, broken in a “ It Is expected he will be out The combined voices of the Church wrill be presented Sun­ make nine tricks, but West South will be sorry, of course, won 12 straight games.” grab a scat to watch, in person, featured, "Orchestra Wives” elementary school, the Junior grandfather, proclaimed three skiing accident. of bed for short times,” a hospi­ the Miller orchestra. We saw and "Sun Valley Serenade.” De­ day afternoon at 3. Entitled takes the king of clubs and leads that he failed to stimulate East One of his many happy chorqs The simplest things cause Ho­ tal advisory said. Andover high school, the girls glee club "Carols Are for Christmas," maple leaves the emblem of Into thinking; but South can re­ Is to walk each day at 11 a.m. Reventlow, 28, fell on Mam­ the group again at the State be­ mand for this ’’Music in the another spade. East thereupon neck to marvel. This week in a moth Mountain In the Sierras. The duchess has spent most of and the mixed chorus will be the program will be given by Canada in 1921. lax with the thought that he has from his niece’s trailer home to supermarket he poured coffee BOTH fore they entered the armed Miller Mood ” was so great that Since that time Canadian takes three spade tricks, de­ The operation was performed her time a t his bedside and said heard in The Song of Christ­ the church school classes, the done his best for the human the entrance of the trailer park beans in a grinder, and stood forcee, and, like thousands of sound technicians worked on servicemen have worn the em­ feating the contract. Thursday. she “ did not plan to leave the Town Active mas, a pageant by Roy Ring- two choirs and the sacred If South is a fine, unselfish race. and pick up the mail. open-mouthed as the electrical hospital until he is well along in STORES others, w’aited patiently for the tapes previously discarded and wald. Nanda Ratasxl will be the blem as a shoulder patch on ' f d V unusable. They cut out parts, dance group. White gifts character he plays the Jack of There Is a moral In this little Recently, there was a letter apparatus sped the grounds into MRS. CHRIS-nNA AUS-HN his convalescent period.” boys to come bacli. narrator. should be brought. Refresh­ their uniforms. However, serv. tale: Always make your oppo­ But on Dec. 15. Glenn pieced together others and came hearts from the dummy at the from Ross V. Randolph, warden a paper bag. DETROIT (AP) — Mrs. She made the comment in a OPEN Before Yule Mrs. Elizabeth Wright will ments will be served. icemen's organizations Joined nents work hard for th-'r trleka. "Imagine that,” exulted the Miller disappeared. The band up with another three-record al­ members of the Ck>nservatlve first trick. This may give East of Illinois’ Menard Penitentiary Christina Austin of New York, a statement released by Method­ accompany the tinging on an Pack Will Carol It’s good for their atm-w. man who recalled the hand- was never the same again al­ bum that has poined earlier party in a vigorous campaign the impression that his partner where Honeck served 64 years frequent companion of Henry ist Hospital. EVERY organ, courtesy of Watkins Cub Scout Pack 75 will go Daily Question for the murder of a- former grinding process when he en­ Ford n, is reported in g(X)d con­ FAIRWA* though it was reorganized— items on the shelves of col­ That (Dhristmas la the aea- against abandonment of the flag has the king of hearts and that aon to be busy aa veil aa Jol­ Brothers. caroling Sunday evening, meet­ a heart return is the best de­ Partner opene with one no- school teacher. tered prison in 1899. dition at a Detroit hospital after SEBASTIAN J.J. FALLON first by one of its original stars, lectors of discs from the swing ”rhe pageant tells the story under which they had gone into NIGHT ly ia indicated by the numer- ing at the Community Hall at fense. trump, and the next player He never passes the shelves of surgery. 1 BOSTON (AP) — Sebastian Tex Benke, and later by an Air era. of the nativity in songs, carols battle In two world wars — the “ As ChrlstmM nears, I am oua pre-Christmaa activities 6:30 and returning there for re­ Makes Contract passes You bold: Spades, A-J- reminded of our pleasant expe­ sliced bread without shaking his A hospital spokesman refused John Joseph Fallon, a London Force sideman, drummer Ray So the Miller music lives on, freshments. Boys should wear red ensign, which has the Union acheduled to take place within and Biblical verses. South makes the contract with 6-4; Hearts, A-6-S) Diamonds, riences of nearly a year ago head incredulously. His main to disclose the nature of Thurs­ re.staurateur, is in Boston study­ TILL McKinley. creating as it were, a Miller All students are requested to warm clothes, mittens and Jack in the upper left quadrant 9-8-6-4; Clubs, 9-2. the next few daya. a heart return. He can develop when you were making prepara- Job in prison was slicing bread. d ay’s operation. ing the American custom of The band’s music, however, legend. David Mackay, attorney be at the high school Tuesday boots. Although never proclaimed What do you say? The Andover Garden Club the clubs and make sure of tions to go to California,” the “ Uncle Richard could spend Ford, chairman of the Ford coffee breaks with a view to lives on. It’s one of the phenom­ for Uie Miller Estate. reporU evening at 7. Troop Sets Party the national flag. It has been Answer Bid two clubs, the will hold a Christmas food sale three cluhe, four diamonds and warden Wrote. hours In a supermarket,” Motor Co., and Mrs. Austin Introducing it in his native ena of the business that the fan letters still arrive for the Cadette Girl Scout Troop accepted internationally as such Stayman (invention, aaking Mrs. Clara Orth, who persuaded officials to release from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. tomor­ There will he a rehearsal since a Liberal government in two hearts even if he never gets “I would be happy to hear laughs his niece. have been seen together often England. Fairway Has Gifts records of a man and an or­ late leader—many from teen­ 659 will have a Christmas party partner to show a major suit her uncle, Richard Honeck, who had spent 64 years row at the library. Proceeds Tuesday morning. Elementary 1944 ordered It flown over all from you sometime when you Honeck covets his independ­ since Ford and his wife, Anne, "It’s about time,” he said to­ chestra gone for 20 years can agers who heard about him and display of badge work a spade trick. if he can. If partner bida two will go to finance the Informa­ students will be taken by bus government buildings. Of course this will not happen have time to write. I would be ence. Ruefully he allows Mrs. in prison, serves him coffee to celebrate his first were divorced last year. day, ’’that the English stop still be among the best sellers. from their parents and want to Monday at 7 p.m. In the double spades, you will raise to four tion programs on gardening direcUy to the high echool. In a move to appease those if East thinks carefully about interested in knowing what you Orth to wash his socks. year of freedom. (AP Photofax.) making such a fu.ss about tea For Every Age Miller’s music was and is so know more about him. From classroom at the high school. spades; if he bids anything else, GENEVIEVE ARNAULT and learn the enjoyment of good popular that record companies these youngsters is coming a presented by the club at its Walking studenU should report still faithful to the Union Jack, that first trick. East will see are doing and how your niece, “ But he insists on washing his meetings and also to help de­ to the elementary school at ”rhe north entrance of the you will bid two notrump. own underwear,” she chuckles. NEW YORK (AP) — Genev­ old American coffee. new generation of Miller fans. the House of Commons by a that South has the king of hearts Mrs. Clara Orth, is getting were touched by reading his house outside trim himself. And at fray the cost of planting and 8:30 a.m. for a ride with the school will be open. along." “ Why, I wouldn’t know. But I ieve Arnault, widow of King Fa­ "Tea and crumpets are fine But while they will enjoy the vote of 182-25, approved Thurs­ because he would not bid one story. he laid bricks. isal n of Iraq, will get two- including landscaping projects around principal or the school nurse . Mothers and fathers are in­ day a proposal to fly the Union For Shelnwold's 18 - page let him.” for little old ladies,’’ he added, music, they’ll miss one impor­ notrump without a single high booklet, “ A Pocket Guide to The warden’s curiosity Is 'One sent a check for $50,” “ Just wanted to prove to my­ thirds of the more than $111,(XX) public buildings in the town. Playground Set Purchased vited to attend to view displays Jack also as a symbol of alle­ Shaving still baffles him. In “ but now it’s time that English tant thing—remembering! card in spades or hearts. If Bridge,” send SO cents to shared by hundreds. Christmas says his g;rand-nephew. self I could still do a full day’s he left in the United States. Fairway Prices! SATURDAY MARLOW’S The Windham high school The executive board of the of stamps and modem dance. giance to the crown and mem­ prison, Uie barber did it. In­ leam about coffee and dough­ On the Boards Bridge Book, Manchester Eve. cards are piling up at the Orth ‘Told him Just to do whatever work,.” he boasted. The blonde Miss Arnault last nuts and roadside drive-ins and choir will present a concert of elementary school PTA voted There will be a short program, bership in the commonwealth. home from all over the United stead of lathering one side of his Turnpike Plaza The Hartford Stage Co. has Christmas music at the Con­ followed by caroling and re­ Herald, Box 3318, Grand Central he wanted to with it.” His old prison life is seldom year won a suit to be declared neon signs that would brighten OPEN a doubleheader opening tonight Wednesday night to purchase a At one time, Pearson said the States and as far away eis Ger face for his safety razor, he ap­ 705 Middle gregational church on Sunday six-seat swing set and horizon­ freshments. Station, New York 17, N.Y. Honeck was astounded on his mentioned. the Itgal widow of the king, who our highways.” at 8:30. Sean O’Casey’s comedy fate of his Liberal party’s con. many. Friends Honeck never plies a blob about the size of a Turnpike Ei. EVERY at 7:30 p.m. The choir, now in Briefs last visit to the bank to note in­ Recently one trailer occupemt was assassinated in 1958. Surro­ Fallon hopes to introduce all Next to “ Bedtime Story” is featured tal ladder for the school play­ trol rode with the maple leaf. met and never will are asking dollar, shaves that and then terest had been added. -The very L CAIDIA/AY ' its twelfth year, la a selected said to a neighbor, “ Do you gate Samuel Di Falco awarded these in England as soon as he Popular Mkt. NIGHT till along with Joel Oliansky’s ground. The Bolton Junior-Senior Behind Pearson's drive for about him. repeats in a slow process. idea of paying someone Just to realize we have a convict living her $73,708 as her share of Fa­ group of 45 voices under the The PTA was authorized by High School student council Is the new flag was his desire to completes his training in Bos­ “Putting on the Agony.” Per­ The answer: He’s salted away $4(X) in a leave their money there! in this park?” isal’s American estate Thurs­ ton in a couple of weeks. direction of Timothy Quinn. a membership vote at its last .spon.sofing a sock hop tonight placate French-speaking Que­ MAIN r r I a T HARTMlf/O • !)?9 ?210 savings account — all of It formances are scheduled Many Andover people look for­ He’s Just fine. Weighs two Honeck does more than read “ You should have seen what day. meeting to uee money set aside from 8 to 11 for students in bec. A move to break away AIR CnNDiTU'SfO FRIt Park If pounds more than his 120 when mailed by persons whose hearts through Jan. 10, Tuesday ward to again hearing this for recreational purposes by the morning newspaper. He di­ happened,” says Mrs. Orth. The remainder will go to the through Friday at 8:30, Satur­ Grade.s 9 and 10 in the gym. from English-speaking Canada gests it. “ For days nobody would even king’s nearest male heir, Prince well-trained group of young the 1962-63 PTA. Originally, Teachers will act as chaperons. also has developed In Quebec, GREAT TOGETHER! BOX STATIONERY day at 9 and Sunday at 7:30. people. The concert la open to the money had been attended MAIN ST FAST HARTFORD .710 ' He refuses to be a burden. He speak to her they were so mad. Zeld Ibn Hussein, who lives in Matinees are scheduled Sun­ Studen’.s are asked not to ar­ and there were demonstrations Carol Lynley I^ana Turner AIR CONDmONl U t " FRft Pj ' keeps his bedroom tidy. He an­ She had to leam the hard way london. the public. for use at the new school, but rive before 7:45 and should be in Quebec City last October dur­ Jeff Chandler ZIPPER BAGS days and Wednesday at 2:30. The annual Christmas light­ Hope Lange SAT. A SUN. MAT. ONLY swers his mail. what everybody else already the present PTA felt that the picked up promptly at 11. ing the visit of Queen Elizabeth. “ R ETIBN DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING FREE GIFT WRAPPING “ A Far Country” is scheduled ing contest, sponsored by the need was greater at the ele­ Perf. Starts Sat. 10:80 AJIL Recently he climbed atop the knows. Richard is a man who The selectmen will meet writh Conservatives in Commons TO “PEYTON has found life can be sweet. And NEW YORK (AP) — Dr. tonight and tomorrow at Avery Republican Women’s Club, will mentary school. Feat 10:80-12:10-1:55-8:86 Oakland home of Mrs. (5rth’s the constables In the town of­ led the singing of “ Rule Britan­ PEYTON PLACE” daughter and helped rip off old he makes it that way for every­ Martin Luther King Jr., winner ARTHUR DRUG Memorial by the Mark Twain < be Judged during the evening Ehccept for a ball field and nia’’ when the Union Jack mo­ Sunday - 2:00 and 8:86 Masquers. ' of Dec. 22. People who still fices Sunday at 7 p.m. PLACE” shingles. He painted ail the body he meets.” of this year's Nobel Peace a court, the only ”1716 public building commis­ tion was approved Thursday 9:45 7:00 The Julius Hartt School of wish to enter the contest may equipment at the elementary SMRAKIDNiUraiBYlURmill H t n i h ' s OPEN TODAY till 9 P.M. sion will meet Monday at 8 night. There was no emotional I do BO by calling Mrs. Ernest school now is a sllds and a outburst In the Liberal-con­ One Eve. Show X Ool-of-tNi-aoililwVltta.. Gardner, Pine Ridge, before p.m. in the conference room of ■tMEatlinii. Jungle gym. the town offices. trolled Senate when ths maple Starts 7 o’clock Dec. 21. Principal Lincoln Nystrom leaf was approved. m iM sdisii' CLOSED SATURDAY AT 5:30 P.M. Servic* News said yesterday that, according Sat. A Sun. Matinee Only: ir Machinei'y Repairman 3.C. to ground* superintendent Manchester Evening Herald “ Santa Clans Conquers OPEN TONIGHT AND Randy Walmsley. USN. son of James Veitch, the svC'ing set Bolton correspondent, Cleme- TV Shipments Rise The Martians” For Enduring Pleasure Mr. and Mrs. Donald Walmsley would probably have to wait well Young, telephone 643-8981. of Hendee Rd., was promoted to for warmer weather for instal­ WASHINGTON — Manufac­ OTSKy ^ TOMORROW TILL 9 P.M. IX)NG FORM CUTS TAX his present rank last month lation. turers’ shipments of home tele­ A unique and exclusive gift! Custom crafted •with while serving aboard the de­ Traffic Aide Speaks WASHINGTON — Taxpayers vision receivers in 1963 rose 16 Misses' and Women's stroyer tender USS Shenan­ Carl Jecha of the Traffic Itemizing deductions on 1962 tax per cent, to 7,706,000; shipments birtbstones of each child nestled between twin biuxdB returns averaged a tl.576 reduc­ of home-type radios declined doah, homeported in Norfolk, Safety Department of the Au­ J(’ ,1 l’l‘ I I I VIM of 14 karat white or yellow gold. M e Va. His promotion was baaed tomobile Club of Hartford tion in taxable Income. eight per cent, to 9,286,000. on time In service and rank, spoke recently to assemblies at BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED military appearance, perform­ the elementary school. Santa Claus ance of duties and passing the The safety patrol sponsored c a n jo u E R s the assemblies. The sp>eaker SHAGGY SLIPPERS Navy-wide test for promotion. SHOOR ASTRO-SONIC Seaman Alen K. Hutchinson, was introduced by the patrol GALA HOLIDAY SHOW! Christmas Day The Clark’s THE MARTIANS l917 MAIN STREETITREET 4/ MANCHESn USN, .son of Mr. and Mrs. M. advisod, Michael Mclnerney. “IT’S A MAD. MAD, MAD WORLD” — POPULAR PRICES! 38 North S t c Tel. 428-9001 They’re so nice to come home to Plus Valuable GREEN STAMPS G. Hutchinson of 271 Lake Rd., Joseph Dimock is captain of WILLIMANTIC COl OK is serving aboard the submarine the patrol; John Murphy and “Horn — 8:10 surpasses all other achievements Jack MannUe, lieutenants. .Jh You’ll think Charles Mul- With EVERY DIME YOU SPEND! tender USS Howard W. Gil­ “Stranger — 6:80 A 10 lEE; SaMi'i Norik Ml WHloMf! more, which recently visited Jack Mannlse, lieutenants; V/ocvi laney Is Santa Claiu when I TMFurtMticMlriiMTorfietOfll! They Almost in the re-creation of sound! Philadelphia, Pa. Michael Crockett, sergeant, and you sample the magnificent I (lrihKidiMNtii««i«iMlri«iMi!| Purrrr William Molde, Wendell Either meals he is presenting all Please The Music Enthusiast With A BEAR:‘9oor»lorSintiOiis’’ ^ Manchester Evening Herald and Raymond Boyd, privates. comers. You’ll never have a owwxacoitriooweowa Andover correspondent, Law­ Aptitude Test* Given Mrrf h the finer Yule. af the Parkade...Now *NO TUBES—this space-age Magnavox rence Moe, telephone 742-6796. Differential aptitude tesU For Your Christmas Fun development replaces all vacuum tubes have been given In Grades 8 and PUOP€H . OPEN EVERY DAY Starts Thurs. Matineo UNEXPECTED REACTIONS 9 Stanley zuZel, guidance direcr WALT DISNEY’S the Best (and component-damaging chassis heat) Dinner, Luncheon, Libations “Emil And The Detectives” RECORD CABINET PORTLAND. Ore. (AP) — tor reporU. He said that he wUl with solid-state circuitry ttn times Animals at the Portia > have a general piarente meeting STftl^NGIft more efficient than conventional tube sets. reacted In unexpected fashion after the holidays to explain the this week as a cold spell tests, followed by Individual So reliable—it's guaranteed for 5 years! brought temperatures down to 8 private conferences for those degrees. parents who want them. BURNSIDE TONITG— ENDS SUN. - ' i, ’The penguins huddled in heat- Two groups of girls in the fPIt I'AkKlNC- (l,j 3 SCREAMERS I ed quarters, the polar bears Grade 9 and 10 extracurricular T olton notch l^SS modern dance claae presented You Receive 499 crept Into caves, and the Cana­ "It could bo thfi mo8t terrifying motion picture dian honking geese stayed in- dances they composed them­ Valuable ^ doors eating grain. selves after school one after­ I have ever madel” -i4i.i'fiSf>ffm:/fcocK Green Stamps! ] Things were different with the noon this week. Other members tropical animals; of the class, members of the The lions slept on their out- Grade 7 and 8 modem dance STANLEY A needed part of every home. do


intantlon to use soantlfio prinel- 1es mofe serioukhr than ever." ANERIOAN ALVIllNUH PROUUOTU . OPEN TONIGHT Profit Motive Gaining B said. Norwalk Peace Corps OPEN TONIGHT "This is Ikvorsble for eoe- Russian Respectability nomlc life at all levels." CombinolloR Wlmlows $10.95 — Doow $29.95 Both Premier Alexei N. Kbsy- . TILL 9 TILL 9 In and Communist party Flxirt Door OoMplea. B0IH9 AwptaligA Oy m a Aiding World’s Poor Boretary Leonid L Btoahney Bo-eevered. TUke Dom Serrlee ^ **•»!*; KHARKOV, U.8.S.R. (AP) —^effect axperimentally In a num- Repaired or HAde New To Your Pattern. AB ber of clothing factories, are Industrial engineers. The. profit motive and private BtodeT^teemmete - Ryelets - BDITOR’S NOTE: A vohm-.GeounMlora to community lelf- incentive are rapidly becoming Liberman expressed belief the Covers Castam Made for Oommeielal and Hente Watyprw l- Idea will spread to heavy indus­ tery organization with hcadquai*’ help programs. SC m tA FF T S ing Compound For Teats, Boateovera and Canvas. Beeeroaa- tera In Norwalk la helping pov- ^ ^7- . respectable notions in the Soviet try as a better pricing system lb s foundation can furnish a WHITMAN lag Aluminum Screens. arty-«tricken people in many Union. develops. CANDY CUPBOARD lengthy list of its accomplish­ Prof. Yevsey Liberman of landa to help themaelvea. Here ments. Kharkov University predicts The interview took place tat MANCHESTER AWNING CO. la the atory of the Community In the Korean village of 8a that, within the next two or Liberman’s office at the univer­ ARTHUR DRUO Development FoundaUon.)...... Am Rl, a new reservoir con­ three years, a system to free sity, which he joined in 1946. He LOFT’S CANDY C8T. IttU—IM W. UENTIiR BTREET- ddU-Mtk serves water from torren­ light Industry from excessive is a native of the Ukraine with a NORWALK (AP)—You might tial spring rains and enables quick wit and an engaging centralized control will be more call It the "Do-It-Yoiu'aelf Peace the people to water their cro]^ or less broadly used. smile. He speaks excellent Eng­ during the months of drought. Corpe,’’ thla crew of oounaelora Liberman, 67, is the leader of lish. In laat, a tiny village between economic liberals increasingly Use of economic methods of scattered through many of the two mountain ranges to Leban­ vocal in a movement to give influencing production does not world’s poverty-stricken areas. on, children go to classes to a mean the Soviet Union "is going individual factories greater au­ Villages from Mexico to India snug, new schoolhouse. tonomy amd thus mt^e produc­ over to some kind of capitalist In La Touche Plrot, a village W 4 have been remedying some of tion more responsive to the de­ system," he said. to B’rarice’s Brittany, people D*vld Abnond Elizabeth ShellabarKer Henry Cole mands of consumers. Except for the portions paid their poverty problema by un­ draw water to drink, to wash, He said in an interview the to factory personnel as bonuses, dertaking assorted projects and for their cattle, from faucets In­ concept of central planning — profits will not flow Into private doing the work themselves— stalled for the first time.. Cantata Soloists at Center Church “our greatest achievement” — hands. spurred to action by the Com­ In San Bartolome in Southern would not be infringed by the Factories will get their orders munity Development Foun­ Mexico, farmers drive their David Almond, Miss Eliza-<» production o t ''Amahl and Uiba Members of the Senior and new system, which he first ad­ directly from stores, which pre­ dation. trucks loaded with produce on a berth Shellabarger and Henry Night Visitors," which was Youth Choirs of Center Church vocated nearly six years ago. sumably will act on the basis of ' The foundation's ■ counselors new road cut through rugged presented in Manchester last will sing in the cantata choir. But it would liberate factory retail sales Judgement, and In put the emphasis on guidance mountains—the first road link­ Cole are sololets In "For Us A directors from rigid production Child Is Bom,” a Christmas week. An instrumental ensemble will certain cases from government rather than financial or mater­ ing the village to the market targets set by Gosplan, the cen­ and other Institutional custom­ cantata by J. S. Bach which Oole has done solo work with accompany the singers. The ial help. They distribute, more town of Oaxaca. college organizations, oratorio, progrram will also Include the tral planning agency, and re­ ers. than anything else, confidence, All the work was done by the will be presented Sunday at gional economic councils. This does away — so goes the 7:30 p.m. at Center Cong^rega- church solo and choir work. "Concerto in A Minor,” by Vi­ •ncouragement and know-how. villagers themselves, under the He also enjoys playing and sing­ valdi. and "G Major Trio And It would Introduce open theory — with the scandalous The results are rewarding. guidance of Community Devel­ tional Church. Walter Grzyb, market influences into the So­ waste of resources involved in minister music at Center ing folk music. Sonata,” by Bach. There are roads now, built by opment Foundation counselors. viet economy and give rise to state-directed production of the villagers themselves. Some "Governments of developing Church, will direct the produc­ vdiat Uberman called the "spir­ goods that sit on shelves or clog tion. The public Is Invited. A MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER ot the roads lead to new school- countries," Leet says, “ faced it of enterprise” among workers warehouses because nobody houses, put up by the residents with the tremendous demands free will offering will be taken and management. wants them. to benefit an organ fund at the of the community. There is for progress of their people, are Events in Nation Exponents also believe It Liberman said many if not turning to the foundation, eager church. plumping where none existed would encourage development most Soviet economists now to utilize the methods of encour­ of new products and go a long before. There are projects, such Almond, a tenor, is organic WASHINGTON (AP) — ThefPresident Johnson discussed the ag^ree that central planning on as poultry-raising, that bring In­ aging self-help we have pioneer­ and music director of Concordia way toward solving the problem the one hand and profit-seeking m/m subject of repealing part of the ed." U.8. Archives has received evi­ of poor quality production. come to the otherwise desUtute Lutheran Church. He was very labor law that permits state and private incentive on the oth­ villages. ' It- "(Community development,” active musically while attend­ dence and records compiled by rlght-to-work laws when they Workers would have a material er are "absolutely compatible" he says, "begins with respect ing Manchester High School, the Warren-Oommission during stake in doing good work in the ideas. : The foundation, an Interna­ met at the White House Thurs­ tional voluntary welfare organi­ for people, and belief in their from which he graduated in form of bonuses derived from The new Kremlin leaders great potential for economic and its investigation of the assass­ day. profits. zation with headquarfisrs in Nor­ 1061. He attended Baker Uni­ ination of President John F. But Meany told newsmen aft­ have shown “ a spirit of careful- social growth.” versity, Baldwin City, Kan., ’The new system Is already in ness and objecUveness walk and New York City, pro­ Kennedy. er the session "we didn’t seek a vides technical assistance and ■where he studied voice, organ Deputy archivist Robert H. commitment." and theory. He is presently at­ training — and a minimum of Bahmer said Thursday night Labor leaders are pressing for money—for programs to the un tending Hartt College of Music repeal of the labor law section Walks Barefoot that it is expected the material derprivUeged areas of the world. of the University of Hartford, will come under the govern­ permitting states to enact laws ■tvhare he la studying organ and which forbid the union shop At the heart of the organlza- Amid Blizzard ment’s general policy of restric­ tion are the counselors, who church music. ting for 76 years any data as­ Meany tied the question to the ECONOMY-PRICED COLOR TV live with the villagers and sembled by an investigative nation’s economic leveL Hiss Shellabarger, contralto, launch them on projects to im- DICKINSON, N.D. (AP) — A agency. "The rlght-to-work states hr an elementary vocal teacher rovs the community and the Marmarth, N.D., Indian walked ha the Manchester school sys­ Scholars and other Interested have the lowest per capita in­ B four miles barefoot through the persons seeking access to re­ come, and they are a drag on ves of the people. tem. She Is a native of Little­ Glen Leet, the foundation’s snow during a blizzard and sur­ ton, Colo., and a graduate of stricted material must request the whole economy,” he said. vived the ordeal with only "cold it from the proper investigating Both Meany and White House executive director, says that the the University of Colorado with counselors have found "that burns" on his hands and feet. a bachelor of music education. agency, Bahmer said, adding: press secretary George Reedy Deadly O ow , 20, abandoned "If they give permission we are said that when the rlght-to-work when village people realize the Since coming to Connecticut strength they have within them­ his car when It ran into a ditch last year she has sung with the happy to make the material subject came im In general dis­ about SO miles southwest of here available.’’ cussion the President made *C^9IOtORThaB selves to change the basic rea­ ^ ' N Trinity Church Choir, Hartford. sons for their poverty, they are during the blizzard that raked Through this association she At present, he said, no one clear that he stands on the *^ ® “ >«*Nevlaloo«| eager to work.” North Dakota this week. •31 has performed in Benjeunln will be able to examine the Democratic platform, which 6 Warren records pending exami­ calls for repeal of the provision. ®**endWhlte "One self - help project, com He set out to seek help but was Britton’s "Noah’s Flood,” and forced back to his car by the with the Hartford Festival nation euid classification of the ar Color pleted through their own hard material. The commission's re­ work, leads them to plan a more biting wind and subzero cold. Chorus in "The U nicom the Mobility Encouraged He removed his shoes to warm Ckirgon and the Mantlcore,” by port, and more than ’a score of complex one," Leet says, "set­ bulky volumes containing testi­ his feet, then couldn’t get his ' t \ v ^ Gian-Carlo Menottl. NEW YORK — More than 700 ting up a chain reaction of self- mony and evidence, ^ready shoes back on. jobless workers will move their help.” She has also appeared in have been made public. Many of the counselors (0*6 When no help came, he lI . many college productions and families from two Lr Tubs she possessed a sizable estate. But they were surprised when Win the way to her heart this Christmas by giving her a handbag from as the lead in "Pirates of Pen- if It paid up at the United Na­ Prices Start At $ 3 9 9 .9 5 With their training over, they nance.” He has also sung tions it can have the New York- are skilled counselors "who go officials revealed her estate Is wiOi the Hartford Festival Moscow air link. Garter Chevrolet Into the villages and know how worth $2 million, with 83S0,(X)0 of our marvelous collection! The nicest thing about shopping at Burton’s ie Chorus in "The Unicom, the BARLOVrS TV SALES & SERVICE to listen, how to lead people In­ it found in drawers, on shelves Gorgon and the Mantlcore." He WASHINGTON (AP) — AFL- Go., Inc. 1089 TOLLAND TURNPIKE to discussing what It is they and in assorted hiding places that you will find just the handbag you have in mind. Yes, you’ll find the played the role of Melchior in CIO President George Meany 1X29 Mato S t—649-6238 BUCKLAND 648-5095 want to do to better their lives," throughout the 10-room house at the Simsbury Ifght Opera says seven labor leaders and Leet says. Mount Alto where she had lived price range you want— and you’ll f^ d just the style you want. From smart The foundation came Into ex­ alone since 1960. istence In 1959, and Leet says Atty. John W. Keller, estate casual to dainty dress bags. that it has initiated since then administrator, said Tliursday more than 8,000 self-help proj­ that federal and state inheri­ r ects In Europe, Africa, the Near tance taxes would take a consid­ Gift Handbags $ 0 to $ 2 5 East, the Middle East, the Far erable bite of the estate. The 1 *'N East, Central and South Ameri­ balance will be divided among 1 cousins of the deceased. She left ca, and some areas of the . 7 United States. no will. For some of the projects, the Miss Elden was struck and ■i foundation, which is supported killed by a car last Nov. 4. by public contributions, provides small grants or interest - free »b loans for the necessary mater­ ials and tools. The Great Looks of Various countries now are FREE seeking help from the founda­ tion. Leet says that India and DELIVERY the Philippines are among the latest to ask for plans to pro­ ARTHUR DRUG vide technical assistance and a training .program for village Mr. Thomson’s A PANTS

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. 1 ■ ■ ■' ■ V- »- *

EAWCHESTBK EVENING HERALD, KANGHBSTER, FRIDAT, DECEMBER IS, ISSS BIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1984 PAGE SEVEM | Miss Hyde Wins Guantanemp Has Water Job' Dilatory V •» . ■ Voide Contest Now at Library CHRISTMAS TREE SALE Candlelight Pageant Is Set Despite Cuban Cutoff Betsey Hyde, « Mnlor et The Mary Cheney Library haa raoetvad the 1966 edlUon of Manchester High School, has AtChurch on Christmas Eve WASRINOTON (AP) —■ Ten^dsn gradually to rsduea tha the “Sununer Employment Di- been chosen the winner o f the monUui aftar Fidel Castro number of wlvaa and childnn of reetory," a guide to the 40,000 BOY SCOUT TROOP 3 servicemen living on the base. high school scriptwrlUng con­ turned off the tap, tha U.S. N av­ new eununer lobe avallehle In A iptetel eandlrilgtat pacMitt^wbo in tum traiuferred same to test. The contest, the fln t step Last February there were al­ the U.8. for high eohool aen- al Base at Guantanamo haa be­ most 8,000 such dependents liv­ iors, collegse studenta, and win ba pfeeentad at 10 p.m Robert N. Belanger, lot 8, In the national Vaterans of For­ Christmas K ve at the Second Lathrop Dr., Silver Acres de­ come fully aelf-iufflcient for tta ing In the 40 square mile U.S. teachers. eign W art annual Voice of De­ Ooncracational Church sanc­ velopment. fresh water. enclave. This total has been re­ The outlook Is bright this 417-419 MAIN STREET tuary on R t 44 A. The program Sunday Servicee mocracy contest, has as its The Navy aaid today that the duced to fewer than i;600 And summer, says the guide, with antlUed “From Darkness to The Rev. James R. MacAr- theme this year "The Challenge third and final unit of a plant to all wives, and children will be more jobs and, in many caaes, lii^t*' was written by Dosia thur, will use "Fear N ot" gs his of Citlsenahlp." convert seawater Into fresh gone by February itM . more pay. The guide notea that Carlson. sermon topic at the 11 a.m. The local contest is open to water went into operation Dec. At the same time, the Navy salaries are up $50 to 8100 for many jobs, e ^ c la lly at sum­ H w program consists o f a service Sunday when there will all high school students in Man­ I. has been reducing its depend­ speaMnc choir, a singing choir, be a reception of new mem­ chester but since Blast Catholic The plant produces 2.2 million ence on workers coming On the mer campi. Eknployes, how­ ever, are asking mors often ■nd n rhythmic choir. A narra­ bers. A coffee hour will be held High School did not partlolpate gallons of fresh water a day — reservation from Castro’s Ckiba for workers who are experi­ tor and a voice reading the In the vestry after the morn­ this year, Manchester High is well above the normal require­ each day and returning there at ing worship to welcome the new alone in the competition. ments of the base’s population. night. enced and at least 18 years old. scriptures w ill accompany the Summer camps, resorts, na­ members. Miss Hyde’s entry, a short When a new power plant is pogsamt.' Last February, there were tional parks, and business The Christmas pageant, “The script suitable for broadcasting, finished next month, the emer­ FOR OUR A ll are invited to share in about 2,200 commuting workers firms offer the greatest num­ will now be sent to radio sta­ gency-prompted construction at this interpretation o f “ the Hanging of the Greens," at 7 who were paid in dollars sind ber of jobs, but workers are al­ tion W INF to be Uped. W INF, the base will be completed and great message of the coming of p.m. Sunday in the sanctuary brought Castro’s Cuba about $0 so needed at summer theaters, Christ,” according to Mrs. will be followed by a fellow­ as a member of the National As­ Guantanamo will be in shape to million. This commuting force FEATHERED sociation of Broadcasters, is co­ ranches, restaurants, amuse­ Jamas H. Ameling, one o f the ship hour in the vestry. survive regardless of its being has now been reduced to about ment parks and in the govern­ operating with the VFW in this surrounded by hostile Commu­ directors. Wesley F. Lewis will Church School will be at 9:30 740 workers with an annual pay ment. also with the directing a.m. and 10:45 a.m. at Kings­ year’s contest. nist Cuban territory. roll of about $1.8 million. FRIENDS of the program. bury House Sunday; confirma­ EMwin Eldwards, commander In all, the three-unit desalini- Members o f the Junior and tion class at 9:30 a.m. and jun­ of the local VFW Post, has set satlon plant, the 12,500 kilowatt Specials Save 6 % Senior Pilgrim Fellowships of, ior choir at 10:45 a.m. the town contest deadline for power plant and related facil­ $124 Million Approved the church taking part, along The name of Judith Palardy this Sunday, but since the win­ ities cost about $10.7 million. WASHINGTON — Shopping with the church's regular sing­ was Inadvertently omitted from ner from Manchester High will Castro abruptly shut off ISTANBULr-The total value the apecials your grocer adver­ Carload Sale ing choir, include Randy Wilks, from the list of Church School be the only entrant. Miss Hyde Guanatanamo’s fresh water o f foreign capital Invastmenta tises each week is a good way narrator, and Bruce Martin, Grade 4 pupils receiving a copy is sure to be selected the Man­ source — river water which en­ approved by Turkish author­ to reduce your food bill. Buy­ voice. of the Revised Standard Ver­ chester winner. tered the base through a pipe­ ities during the 1981-63 period ing them can save you as much as six to 10 per cent a week, The Rhythmic Choir: Joan sion of the Holy Bible, in ob­ Edwards said that the entry line — last Feb. 6. He did so In was $124.6 million, of which 50 servance of Universal Bible will now compete with 30 other retaliation for U.S. seizure of per cent was approved In and sometimes even more, fed­ SUNFLOWER SEED Murdock, Paula' . Tillinghast, eral rsssarehsrs say. Busan lillln gh ait, Donna Lin- Sunday Dec. 13. town winners in a district con­ some Cuban fishermen In Am er­ 1961-63. derson, Jolinda Wilks, Monica Stationed with lOlst test which closes Jan. 14. After ican waters. Less than a month later, Cas­ Hensel, Sandra Molchan and Pfc. Anthony D. Fratlannl, that a state and then a na­ tro offered to turn the water 50 Lb. Bag, Kathy Cooper. 18‘ year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. tional winner will be chosen. 25 Lb. B a g back on, but the United States The Speaking Choir: Darlene Michael A. Fratianni of Gable The national contest w ^ e r re­ spurned that offer. This country Linderson, Linda ' Doggart, Road, la stationed with the ceives a $0,000 scnolaTShip. Each state winner Is awarded had been buying water from Christine (^lenney, Lynn lOlst Airborne Division at Ft. a five-day trip to Washington, Cuba for about $14,000 a month. Moeng, Elaine Horth, John Campbell, Ky. Prior to his en- D.C. President Johnson ordered Galinat, Randy Glenney, Wil­ listiiiig with the U.S. Arm y in The 72 entries in the high that the base, which Castro has liam Peracchio, Robert Green- April, he attended Coventry school contest were judged by demanded be given up by the leaf, Gary Lewis, Arthur Gali­ High School, and completed his George Emmerling, vice prin­ United States, should be made O i.- five-combat jumps qualifying nat, William Papanos, Richard cipal of the high school; and entirely self-sufficient and inde­ Papanos, William Craft, James as a paratrooper during basic David Gibbons and Thomas Don- pendent of any water from Cas­ White, Thomas Papanos and training at Ft. Bennlng, Ga. He Ion, English teachers. tro’s territory. Richard Galinat. is expected home on leave for Until Cuba's action, the base Christmas Auction Held the Christmas holiday. CMRISTMAS VISITORS was using about two million gal­ The Rotary Club realized CollecUon Set EL PORTAL. Calif. (AP) — lons of water a day — about 200,- M3.75 from its annual Christ­ The 4-H Penny Pinchers Club Wild deer came down from 000 gallons a day less than the A unique and exclualTe gift! Custom crafted with mas auction held at its dinner w ill collect unperishible goods Yosemlte National Park Thurs­ n e w desallnization plant birthatones of each child nettled between twin bands Agway meeting this week with this and usable toys from 2:30 p.m. day night to admire the Christ- produces. money given to the Public to 4 p.m. Sunday to be given to I mas nativity scene fashioned by While the three unit plant was * of 14 karat white or yellow gold. FORMERLY EASTERN STATES Health . Nursing Association, the local Public Health Nursing being installed, Navy tankers I the Yosemite Home and Garden BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED Inc. for the annual local holi­ Association for the needy I Club. shuttled back and forth between TOLLAND TURNPIKE—BUCKLAND—Tel. 648-6188 day program carried out families in town. Unconcerned about watching Florida and the Guantanamo through Mrs. Thomas O’Brien, ! club members — three bucks base. In all, they hauled more )^ Open Dally 8 A.M.-5 P.M. RJf., public health visiting Manchester Evening Herald and two does —browsed among than 293 million gallons of fresh S m OOR Saturday 8 A.M. to 12 Noon—Closed Sunday nurse. Coventry correspondent, F. the magi and stuffed caunels, water to Guantanamo. . u A n u s t r e e t ^ MSlvrrwwyMANCHESTER! The educational toys auc­ Pauline Little, telephone 742- : stripped the creche of all hay Meanwhile, the Navy contin­ tioned off have been given for 6231. and wandered off into the night. ued to carry out Johnson’s or- the special classes in the local ublic school system, Winthrop Sterriam, Sr., Rotary Club president, reports. Warrantee Deeds Warantee deeds filed in the office of Town Clerk Elmore A. Turkington include the follow­ ing transfers of properties: 'Vic­ tor M. and Ann L. Camilleri to Ronald J. and Regina M. Robl- chaud, lot 6, block 19, Gerald Park; George W . and Merle S. Flavell to Steven and Carol M. Karaidnskl, lot 4B on Rt. 44A; and Hartford Federal Savings and Loan Association to Claire OPEN T0NI6BT TILL 1 N. and Bertha J. Lafontaine WS’RE OPiN A U DAY FRIDAY a WE WON’T CLOSE OUR DOORS TILL 1 A.M. lots as, 29, 30 and 31, secUon . 1 C. Waterfront Heights. Also, Steven and Carol M. otfA.r/MENr sroMS Karaslnaki to Barbara F. Bab­ in of Manchester, lot 48, sec­ -• tion 5, block C, Lakevlew Ter­ WHEU SAVINGS AH IN fASHION race; David J. Webster to Wil­ lard Billings, lot 7, Mark Dr., Coventry Manor development: Si David J. Webster to Raymond F. and Mary P. Schappert, lot UNIVERSAL AUTO- 37, Alice Dr., Coventry Manor MATIC COFFEE .IONA PORTABLE 3 SPEED development, and kobert G. and HAMILTON BEACH Barbara G. Woods to North- PERCOLATOR MAKES ^ CHROME HAND MIXER WITH ’’MIXETTE" PORT­ fields Construction Co., Inc. 4 TO 10 CUPS! AT. CHURN-BLEND MIXER AT. ABLE MIXER WITH TACHMENT, AUTOMATIC 3 SPEF’' FINGER­ TRACTIVE WHITE m r BASE AND HANDLE. BEATER EJECTOR & DE- TIP i ROL, BEA- ■*1 f HIO TACHABLE CORD. TEF CTOR, EASY 09«t lE Hd 8N 9Er :.sy.AV.Vw«vvM- -“ "W-.'eS*'VWlv**eAV»*w-vwW'vri.vsv GRI IDLE. 4StT LOW, LOW PRICI 10.88

7 d O. i I HOLDS n u WE’VE CUT PRICES SO LOW WE DON’T DARE OFFER THEM TILL AFTER DARKI SHOP FOR CHRISTMAS OFF juwivsaaAiC FARULOUS BAROAIN8 EVERY HALF HOUR FROM SPM THRU 1AM SATURDAY MORNINOI MEN'S 6.98 LONG SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS 1 2 ’ 1 9 . ^ •3 HAMILTON BEACH 7 UNIVEftSAL HAIR 9.An h u ^ADDID RUOf Luxurious wool and nylon blend. Sizes S - M - L ...... ; IX . IONA CAN OPENER AND 0 ! U U P.n. Rayon loop tweed tufting. Brown or Green tweed, or candy strips. Ju it 151.. 10:30 P.M. SPEED BLENDER X . 22, DRYE> WITH BOUF. 1 Expires Tues., KNIFE SHARPENER. PER* DELUXE 5.95 RO YA L SC A LE CHOPS, GRINDS, FANT BONNET, MANI­ FECT 2-IN-l KITCHEN OIRL8’ 2.98 STRETCH SLACKS LIQUEFIES FOODS! CURE, POLISH DRYER, HELPER! 1 YEAR RE- 8:30 P.M. OrlorPocrilie or nylon. Rod, Royal or Block. 3 to 14. Just 1001 . 1 I tUO P.H. Patontod mschaniim guarantees accuracyl Whits, Pinker Block. Just 50!...... COMPLETE WITH PERFUMER ATTACH- PLACEMENT GUARANTEE! IK IWI a J nA CANNON S.99 THERMAL ILANKET RECIPE BOOKl MENT! 4 PERFECT •3 9:00 P.M. Exclusive stainless stool pop-out shaving head, comfort dial! Just 36!. 1 1' 30 P H ^ binding. Just 50 .... BIKES — TRIKES TEMPERATURE SETTINGS. 10.88 Dome In and tee Mr CMEt in ERd see eur 4 TRANSISTOR 12.95 TARS RICORDIR ^ Ill III IIO tow, lew PRici LOW, LOW PRICII 9:30 P.M. With batteries, reel, tape, microphone, earphone, strap! Only 30!...... 12:00 P.M. Gift-pocksd with leather case, bOttsry ond sorphons! Just 50!...... 5.99 McORAW IDISON t.9 7 V«” DRILL MISSIS’ IO.es NAND-Maoi SWISTISS 10:00 p.m. 2.6 Amp., 50-60 cycle A.C. motor, 1400 to 2000 R.P.M 'SI Just 50!..'. .4.99 12:30 a.m. •'Wool li ffloheir Itelien bulkiesi White, Blue, Pink or Aque. 36-40. Just 1001 * 5


•S4S C16KS Compsrabis prices bued on currant equivalent valuei.

/ \ - FLOOR MODEL SLEDS / V GENERAL ELECTRIC MICTBR » 1 0 ' PROCTOR DELUXE 4 SLICE FAMILY SIZE Red Tag Sale SHOW-N-TELL TOASTER! 1 YEAR ROAD RACE SETS REPLACEMENT GUARANTEE! CONSOLE STEREOS ' AN D PHONO VIEWER 1 1 . 8 8 CONSOLE TVs FAMOUS BRANDS The perfect kiddie gift for fun and knowledge. Full ★ EMERSON ★ ADMIRAL color ])ictures shown in time to the woi^sv and ★ GRUNDIG ★ MOTOROLA music. And best of all the kids can operate it them­ ★ ZENITH * r c A selves. A fully guarahteed, top quality machine and Floor models slaslied just in time for vour Christ­ TOBOGGANS " DBRAHTMENT STORES by General Electric. ’ mas buying. A gift for the wliole family! More SKIS $2.99 up High fidelity, four speed record player can also be GRUNDIG WORLDWIDE 16 TRAN* than 15 models— most one of a style. Some with radios, some with AM-FM radios. i . COLOSSAL used to listen to any monaural r^ord. 10 only. SISTOR PORTABLE RADIO. FM/ While they la^t. AM/SW WITH LONG WAVE AND LOOK FOR THE MODELS WITH THE BIG RED TAG TOY VALUES MARINE BANDS. EVERY ONE IS O PEN DAILY Cempora M 169.88 8 8 . 8 8 ON SALE FOR TO 11 P.M. Reg, $34.95 ea. TN II * Some List As D Xmas Eva fp 11 P.M. . 1. ■ High A s $349.95 MANCHESTER 200 SURPLUS SALE S CXL MANCHESTER PARKADE,'MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST 1«P North Main S t at "CHARGE ir AT GRAND-WAV .,. TAKE MONTHS TO PAY! Depot Square e «4S-7111 MANCHESTER PARKADE, MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST • OPEN MON. THRU SAT. 9:30 A.M. TO W P.M. T * "CHARGE IT" AT pRAND-WAY ... TAKE MONTHS TO PAY!

i ; \ ». . i» 3 ilT lUNG H BSim BVSNING HBRALD, MANCUB8TEK, COMM. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1964 M ANGEBSte IVEND^a HBatALD, MANCHBStEB. CONN, FRIDAY. D ECID ER 18, 19M FAoi m a s Public Records in lUi. In 1868 ths tax brackets eharities are now allowed' am fTwti Convicted fcwr Spying N e w P vU 8 h .Tunnel System Blown Up ran from 20 par cant to 81 par deductiUa up to 80 per cent Right Bills osnt. This year you pay from 16 TUa actually cuta the cost to the a NA g 0 A R R WamMtM Deeds ORANGE HALL 4-Way Batfle for Lincoln Center Control to 77 per cent dependlnii on how giver by the amount of tax ■INGU6 or m r io o t iGiven Ixmg Prison Terms T o Settle Roger Ohsott to Paul Uistro Viet Nam B oy’s T ip o ff much Income la subject to tax. saved — and the saving will be Gonr and Helen Uistro, property on m m t — a* thw > Ha of the prssidentfsrtory Theater’s Mgb costa aadnoompany be overabadowed by Can Result The drop next year isn’t that more under this year’s tax rata W. Center SL Mltuial “OonfsAudr^’ at p sn tsr. it ia ap- aema of tha orltleiu reaction S ^ th e Met? Bchumsn haa reaa- steep, but it’s still something to than next AR1 r tm r« c» Om ) stand for two days during the doln Oentsr far' Ois rsrtafiiili« ponmly deteriorating into a consider. The 1866 rates will trial to deny the government Dues Fight Robert K ’TrevdieUa and GaQ Causes Father^s Death Arts, (bars Is a four-way oroas- Ita playa. Two woika by Millar, Bursd Rudsl, but be also has in' In Savings Soma paopla may ba working C. Trewhella to Horaee E. Rus- nao-fei^all Jmitio whore oonati- “After tha Fall" and '^ d s n t dioatod some sort of liaison range from 14 to 70 per cent — at cross purposes Just now. Aogvlll pr«Md«d at th« alght- charges. He said he met a Rus­ ^ amoaf the top-lsvsi brass. tuentooon raid oooh other at at V lel^’ have been tha best would be needed. and Congress could always get Some will be anxious to pay ««ek trial durfai( which the gov­ sian tSplomat in New Jersey on (Osattimed from Fiafo Om ) sril and Sandra G. Rpssell, (OoaOMiiid tn o i Piga q m ) strike would be held at the Will it bsooms an artistic Fbrt will, tUa doss not ssim to me still more generous. property at 108 Bolton S t iim tsrT reoslvsd. "It would be rather sUW if By flAM DAWtiON Mils by Dec. 81, while others at least two occasions toseek headquarters Sunday, capping In the commotion over tho both opera bouses had ‘Mrts NBW YORK (AP) — A lot of So you’ll pay less on the same may want to delay sending such rHsr ernment accused Butenko and information about relatives in semMy endorse such a fund by Oertifloate of Trade Name successfully against the late two such strikes in the past BINGQ 'Tbs taatOs Unas are btiiM sal? these lofty ideals,” Ivanov of conspiring to transmit EVERY SAT. N IG H T— 7:30 New York State Theater, one of Godunov* the same night, psopls can savs monsy by amoimt of Income next year, Mils tin January, so the receipts the Soviet Union. acclamation before Christmas, William L. Landers, doing President Ngo Dlnh Diem. week by groups of monks and : drawn on tbs fundamental quss- Be rsmladsd everyone that woukta’t it?” said Schuman. nierefore, any deduction this win bs subject to the new rates. U.8. Air 9>orce secrets to the He denied having ever met business as Landers Mobil, 427 Sunday is the fourth anniver­ nuna ttoo. **Who wiB nm the riiowt” the oompUoatlng fMtofs la that spending more right now. The then adjourn until Jan. 11 to Krawlts’ oontraot with the Met CSty Centsiv-to use its abhrovl- jrear will mean more money left Weddings may cost the father mm Soviet Union. Ivanov until after their arrest in Hartford Rd. sary of the official founding of 72 East Crnittr SfrtGf — Mawchasttr . >Tbsro are two main arsM of has 3)6 years to feua. money will be saved in taxes. over after taxes. And any in- Sirlota Fit No. tS The two were arrested at the a dark, empty parking lot in give Secretary-General U ’Thant the National Front for the U- ioonfllet. ' stsd, fsmlllar teg—ia a whole of the bride plenty. But the Marriage Uoense tMQ the Metropolitan tnei. paokags of enterprises in Itself, The nraney spent must bs for oome that can legally be put bridegroom wlU get another, ex­ same time at ,an Englewood, Englewood. and the United States and Rus­ Paul Justin Lucius, Rockville, beration of South Viet Nam, the F u r Ja c k e t, $40 Om ia tha liimoln Owitar dent, the Repertory Tbsatsr bad Navy Carrier ths right thlnga, in ths right over, till next year wilt be sub- N.J., railroad station. Ivanov Ivanov, a crew-cut blond Rus­ political arm of the Viet Cong. with a box office philosophy of emption, plus a lower assess­ sia more time to try to reach a and Maura Anne McGuire, 47 eUBpany., Operating two man in obarge. popular prices. way: Charitable oontritmUoos, ct to a smaller Mte from the ment seh^ule. later was freed on glOO.OOO bail sian citiMn did not testify. settlement. Judith Dr., S t James’ Church, While Viet Cong terror cam- Taken in Break ’ 4n a tampor- Its b m known components are Not Yet Ready doctor Mils, interest due, state .S. Treasury. posted by the Soviet Embassy. Arrested with them were two gns coincide only occaslonal- r WbsMngtqp Thsy wata tbs Broadway pto- end local tax biUs due. People whose Incomes flue- Soviet Ambassador Nikolai T. Dec. 24. with important Communist AiOfr, Robort WbltahsiBd, and the New York City Ballet, made eMany people can’t do much tuats from year to year, such as Butenko was employed by a members of the Soviet mission Boildlng Permits tbs autsUrts of famous by Oscxrts Balanchine; If you’re in love, you could division of International Tele­ to the United Nations. The two Fedorenko told a newsman Rus­ rholidays, it was felt the Reds A muskrat fur Jacket was 'talaga, it avantuaBy tbs ataga and scrosn dli^Mdor, NEWPORT NEWS, Va. (AP) save tax money Iw getting mar­ about it. But many can. And actors, athletes, real estate and sia would contribute to such a To Edgar J. Berube for John might have major plans for this stolen last night from the home hbeme Vivian Baau- EOta Ksosn. In recent m on^ and the New York City Opera. — TTis Aircraft Carrier America ties: )x>nd salesmen, are getting re- phone A Telegraph Oorp. in and a third member of the Rus­ Wfll aw ra into But for seaeonal runs it also has ried before New Tear’a Day. If Paramus, N.J., and worked on sian delegation were named co­ fund only if the Assembly unani­ Purdy, for alterations to an in­ weekend. of Mrs. Helen Wright who lives th a a ta r, ■un undar oon- Kbsan baa devoted most of his is not going to be ready for de­ you’re moving to a mw Job in Study your profit Md .loss ief now from new rules lUlow- defense contracts. conspirators In the case after mously adopts a resolution to dustrial building at 086 Hilliard Viet Cong propaganda activity at 48 Perkins St. time to dlraotlng Repertory a light opera company, a drama livery to the Navy Dec. 81 as another town and the costs are sheet. Time is growing short. If ing averaging. So study this A federal Jury of eight women being expelled from the coun­ set it up. St, (Purdy-Ferris Corp.), I860. in Saigon has risen sharply. Besides the Jacket, valued at athar team of battle is plays, leaving production prob­ company and a Gilbert anfl Sul­ scheduled. She ia in port for re­ up to you, jrou might save by you havs paper loeses on stocks year’s results and next year's Open 7 Days ll:t0-6 and four men deliberated try. All three had diplomatic ”We cannot go on vague To Gino Evangelista, for con­ Buddhist headquarters in Sai­ about 3200 by Mrs. Wr%ht, a Iba Mbir .Tork Stats Theater, lems to WUtshead. livan company. pairs, and will have to taka her transferring now rather than or other investments, you can hopes, and decide if possible 287 West Middle TnrMika hours before returning the ver- immunity. promises,” he said. “First we struction of a sign at 344 W. gon, a dusty, sprawling com- traveling clock and 340 iiTbUls hndtt tOth 316 uUUan in stats WhUahoad promptly an- It gets frss rapt from tha city, sea trials a second time. waiting to celebrate the New take the loss and nss it to offset when to put that extra puM: into poimd of shacks, looked like a nounoad that be bed been but its oMratlng costs must be TTie Navy delayed delivery any capital gains up to 31.000. your efforts. j diet against the two at the end The FBI said it also seized a must have the resolution, then Middle ’Tpke., 3500. were also taken, she reported. ,iimda on MHd'bpugfat tqr tbs olfy underwritten by donations. It Year with your present Neigh­ ML 2E^ft toUL of a 36-day trial. Both men had briefcase containing two docu­ we will make a contribution, To Donald Ellis, for altera­ command post this week. Monks The money was removed from ior KA nUlboo as an adkmet wrongfully diachargad by the ef­ Thursday, saying the giant ship bors. And under the new law, losses Remember that in the next pleaded innocent. ments relating to the secret and there must be agreement in tions to a dwelling at 22 Pack­ and organizers carrying brief a locked desk which had been a t m Tfoar' Tqck World’s Eblr. fort to Mro Krawits, and that he prides Itself on holding to a top had developed ‘’material dis­ Or you might save in the long above 31.000 taken now can be two weelcs procrastination may Butenko, a bachelor of Rus­ project Butenko was working eve;y quarter that not one will ard St., 3300 cases rushed in and out; the split open to gain access to its £ It ba» baaa> tha gsnaral sg- no longer was in elHrge. ticket ]^cs of 34.W, about half crepancies” during see trials. run by ths money you don’t take carried forward to future years. be more than Just the thief of HARRISOMTS Jangling of telephones in the contents. Tba acting oompbny uiumi- the rate at many Broadway Tht Navy said such dis- sian descent, tookthe witness on. vote against the resolution.” To Richard W .. Hyde for ijpaotatioa that after tbs fabr theaters. At tha Met, tte best In r l ^ t now — by delaying to You may want to take profits time. It might cost you money. Phillip S. Hyde, for alterations offices drowiied out the temple Entry could have been .eonotaidas next faU, the stats moualy demanded his rehlring. crspanolss are "not uncommon mail Mils, or to dun people for now if you’re among the really Fedorenko has insisted that gongs. For long to be remembered CSuletniM gifts vlait orchestra seats are 311 and the on s sUp of the slss and com­ STATIONERS | any Soviet payment to the fund, to a dwelling at 37 Green Rd., achieved, she told police, by 1 thaatar Trosdd bsooms the per­ Actress Msoreen Stapleton saicl Interest due, or to cash In those lucky one sure of much higher More than a dozen Buddhists walking through the garage, manent home of resident oom- abo would not be tho guest star best box seats 313. plexity of a modem aircraft paper profits to get money for income next year that will be no matter how big or small, 32,000. reportedly have volunteered for THE COLCHESTER FORGE carrier.” Boren Sterilized 849_49 MMAIN A I" ------STREfT— ■to Some Opposition Seen must clear the books of all through an unlocked sunporch tpaniss whlob now perform at tm tbs next production; Kssan When the stats appropriated the holidays. You might save )>y pushing you into a higher brack­ immolation. Rumors said burn­ door and finally through un­ OifU in: e twmpe e Fnnituiw • tho Now Torfc City Conter of said he would not direct; play- the money for the stats ttisatsr, The Newport News Shipbuild­ admitting you picked aome sour et than you’re in now. peacekeeping debts, which the Jet Wagon Newton's ings might take place in front of the law said that after the fidr ing k Dry Dock Co., builder of ANKENY, Iowa — Encour­ Russians claim are illegal. Al­ locked,door into the house. The c Wood e Olaas e Firepbsce AooeMories ; Kuoio and Drama. The state ‘wright Arthur MUler Indicated ones this year in the stock Pay all the bills now that are aged by .eradication of the lo P E N the U.S. embassy, in front of the house was left vacant between e Pewter e Chins - e Franklin Stoves he would no Icmger provldq the city would take title and the sUp, said the discrepancies market and selling the stock deductible — doctors and den­ To Convention Measure though he has said bow much LONDON — In the late 17th presidential palace or at a I thoator ifl part of Uncoln Cen- occurred in machinery supidled screwworm fly by the release of Russia would put up, he was 0 and 8 last night e Wrought Iron e Westlier Vanes, Btc. ' ter, a dovolopmont oovering plays; and Joseph Vemsr Reed; lease the building fOr 31 a year and taking your losa — now, not tists, taxes and Interest due this | t i l l Century Sir Isaac Newton de­ Buddhist headquarters. a veteran ahoinnan, reeigned to Liucoln Center, which "may by sulKontractors. It did not sometime next year. year. Don't put it off till next sterile males, federal and state 9 l (Coatimied from Page One) reported ready to give ’Thant a signed a Jet-propelled carriage A Buddhist spokesman said; Open Daily and Weekends 9-6:30 # Closed Moa.-Taes. t oeverel blocks at Broadway and elaborate. LB J to L i g h t figure. 166th St. The City Canter ia from tha Rq;>ertory*a board of sublet tlM entire building to the These poesibiUtles arise be­ year Jiut because your creditor researchers are experimenting that became known as “New­ “We may be forced to take ex­ R t 2 (Hartford Rd.) Colchester e 687-2012 dtoeetoni. City Center." The Navy said delivery would cause the federiJ income tax Is lenient. here with sterile male com ^SATIIRDAY W G I^ candidates in each district. The United States was ssdd to ton's Wagon.” It put the pas­ treme measures if the govern­ ' GIFT WALLETS a wsU-sstabliahod cultural oom- be sometime in January. oppose any suggestion that a ipkK now located on W. 66th Tho WUtobead melee was not In the arguments between rates, which were cut on 1864 Rememt>er, \mder the new borers. Results so far are en- The bill, said Noyes, would Nation’s Tree senger up front on what looked ment’continues its persecution.” Schuman’s first row with the Schuman tana Morton Baum, Incomes, go down another notch law, contributions to all public couralng. K create "a private political club” token payment would clear the like a towering high chair. In At Buddhist headquarters LEATHER I i t But arguments over its Soviet Union or any other delin­ moya have bean continuing Repertory Group. Several weeks chairman of City Center’s fi­ Roof Surrounda Tree and would produce the ‘‘ulti­ (Continued from Page One) the middle of the wagon a fire leaflets were circulated sum­ TRAVEL CASES ago he becked down on a plan mate absurdity: an election that quent member of past debts blazed away in a small furnace, moning Buddhists Saturday for atnos Einooln Oontsr's first unit, nance committee, Bsu mlnsists . Philharmonic Hall, opened two to hook a suMlal production that “ may" means "mnst," and SBUCA, Ala. — A 100-foot tIiCkS tiiCMt tllCkt tlAM tiKkt tlSkl MEko. SiABit M6ll 5 is not an election.” receptions and plan three more even though it would avert a heating a water-filled sphere. an all-night rally against the ARTHUR DRUe WOULD SER/ES O f GOLF Noyes said under the measure challenge to its Assembly vote. Steam escaping from a nozzle years agp. starring Rex Harrison into the that other passages in the law ginkgo tree extends through tbs before they leave to spend government. A Buddhist spokes­ Vivian Beaumont Theater be­ make ft plra Cafy Center is to all 14 party-endorsed candidates Soviet arrears for 1962-63 total propelled the wagon. man said a huge public hunger ! Tbs man in the key postOon is roof of a cotton warehouse here, 903 MAIN ST. . 643-2478 would be elected and the voter Christmas at their Texas ranch. 382.6 million. If no payment is I William Schunum, tbs oompoasr fore the rofular company could get the theater—period. in 1878 a missionary rstumlng "would be given no choice Their official greetings also made by Dec. 31, the debt will {who headed tbs JulUard School get to work. City Center’s directar, Julius from China brought ths trss to a whatsoever. are beginning to go out in the mount to about |70 million. ; at IfUslo until 1961, when he bs- linooln Oentor officials ssy Rudsd, la worried about artistic Sslma glrL Latsr tbs warebouss ‘‘The most important change mall. The greeting cards bear a laamo piaaident at Uncoln Oan- they ere worried about the Rsp- autonomy. Would Us opera was afound ft. black and ^ i t e etching of the Unless some solution is •tsf, needed to make sense out of White House, with the two oaks reached that would put the As­ - this politician’s dream of an planted by the Johnsons this sembly back on a voting basis Tha oantar’a Utaratma dsa- : election with no losers is to see year in the foreground. by bee. 31, the world organiza­ i aitbaa tha conqilsx as a cooun- to it that voters get a choice- The greeting Inside says, tion faces an empty treasury [ unity of constituent artistio and in other words—that nominees and the Security Council is in I sduoattonal institutions, saob with the least votes do not get “With our warm wishes lor a [having "artistic, admlnltrattve Joyous Christmas and a happy danger of having to suspmd [and„ fiiMmoial fadopndsnoe,” elected.” New Year.” ‘The greeting card business. For The Holiday Another change, Noyes asked will go to officials both here and By that date the secretary- but dombined in a jeont boari for, would make it possible to abroad. general’s proposed 3100 million DbIu^^ ! at dlrsotors. nominate candidates other than budget is supposed to be acted The other constituents are tho those chosen by party conven- Members of the White House ; ICstropolitaa Opera, wMch will staff received Thursday night on and four nonpermanent move into its new home there in • tlons. larger water color paintings members of the council should POINSEHIAS "The Marvel Of Main Sfreef” Including « He said he would offer amend­ be elected. % H ■ ' 1668; the JUUlard school, which Sfitnrdaj ^ ments incorporating both from which the etching was 'win move in later; tbs New ' changes. made. .York Public Ubrujr, which Noyes statement came as the Inside their gifts was a scroll 69c ■ eventually win operate a hhrary- General Assembly recessed its saying that “one of our happiest Stocks in Brief ; museum; and the New Wgrt ' special session of reapportion­ family times was the planting of Idusle Theater, headed by Rich­ ment for the weekend after con­ two oaks . . . At this season C Y C U M E N PLANTS $2.50 ard Rodgers, whlA preaentod THIS CHRISTMAS when friends and families occu­ NEW YORK (A P )_ The musloalB ducting routine business. py our thoughts we hope — with soinp in the liste thea­ ‘The recess came with legisla­ stock market continued its re­ ter last summer, during the fair. pinr i i i i l liilliiir liiiiiliiiiliiiiiijfi this watercolor — your thoughts WREATHS AND SPRAYS I The lateit dli^ute broke out mn tive leaders confident that the may turn to the passage from bound in moderately active convention measure would win tradli^ early this afternoon. $1.00 and up ' recently whan' Rudolph Bing, approval in the House. James Russell Lowell, ‘Each :Met geMral m a n ^ r, com- m THINK WITH A MAN’S LOGIC Senate action will not be pos- year to ancient friendships add Gains of fractions to a , plained that fciEiimao and Rob- Mu a ring as to an oak.’ " or so were made in a broad ; sible until Jan. 4 because of a CEMETERY BASKETS Sin NX; < art Ifc Bhguet A.,-6 banker who 10-day holiday recess. Almost 2,000 members of the range of key stocks. Selected ’^cosmiaMiRraisE ! raamOy betimOTpiMdant of the White House staff and executive issues gained 2 or more. & CONTAINERS No progress on reapportion­ lAnEIIES EARFIORE I R epM t^ noatef r had tried to ment issues is expected in lead- office building filled the main Brokers saw the move as a $2.50 and up } hlmBtitnin S9, an as- week. floor of the White House Thurs­ resumption of a technical re­ I Bistaat’maihicdl^at the Met, as Democratic National and State day night for the traditional covery based on an easlng-up [ maiWHing dirsMor at the Reper- Chairman John M. Bailey was party for the staff. The John­ In year-end profit taking and LAUREL PRINCESS PINE 8 TnsNalsr Zssilii IMrf Fsilat RtOo J tory 'Theater. sons received them in the Blue tax-loss selling. The business BALSAM i unavailable for the talks Thurs­ Room for about half an hour. ROYAL 80-G i f day and Republican State Chair­ news background was regarded ROPING ROPING ROPING Model Royal to man A. Searle Finney is un­ Just before the President as spotty, as it included a sharp E-traireiztqr (4 are '’Poweraontc’l lights the national tree, a plus geriTtaniunn diode. Your choica Nsvsr bsfon suoll available today. drop in housing starts and a de­ Yd. c The General Assembly is un­ congressional tree will be light­ lay in steel industry labor con­ 35 Yd. 50c Yd. 75c of Ebony color, Turquoita and White wondsifiil psrfomi* CASH SAVINGS der a federal court order to re­ ed on the Capitol grounds by tract bargaining. color. White and Beige color or Red snes sird Rns toM h-ii apportion the House, redistrlct Sen. Carl Hayden, D-Ariz., pres­ Steels, motors, rails, utilities, and White color. Complete with 6- quoRtyiatndloso I 1’ !0 the Senate and summon a con­ ident pro tempore of the Senate. farm Implements, aerospace Is­ piace deluxe gift ensemble. amsRI stitutional convention by Jan. 30. sues, airlines, electrical equip­ Should the Assembly fail, the Most Retarded Qualify ments, chemicals and nonfer- Large Assortment QUALITY MAKES ZENITH YOUR BEST BUY liill court would then presumably ac­ rous metals showed a higher Of Cut Flowers M cC O N V ILLE cept a standby reapportionment WASHINQ’TON — The Labor trend. i.' plan being drawn by a court- Department estimates that The Associated Pre.ss average GREENHOUSES I'l.i: jiii appointed special master. three million of the working-age of 60 stocks at noon was up 1.2 «. \I I.ON !p h mentally retarded in the United at 323.1 with industrials up 2.1, See Our Fine Stock Of 302 WOODBRIDGE STREET—643-5947 H ill Although beaten three times States in 1963 were capable of rails up .6 and utilities up .5. CHRISTMAS TREES STANEK ELECTRONICS 3 HOW D O ES YOUR this season, Sju-acuse scored being trained for Jobs requiring The Dow Jones industrial aver­ OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS in double figures in all lOfoot- low-level skills. ‘There were 8.3- age at noon was up 4.54 at 277 BROAD STREET—PHONE 649-1124 FUEL OIL ImU games. milllon retardees in alL 868.11. OPEN DAILY 9 TO 9 and SATURDAY 9 TO 8 SAVB UP TO T A ST E RUN IN ^ 5 0 'V TSARLY CHRISTMAS i ,4 fa” m" H ilililliiiP COOPERATIVE Nil o n (().^’I’\\V \ (ll i i i DECORATIONS r.oi \M )

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V audi a frse questioning and socam- Events Portugese Laborers Flood France tadag period eould be arranged, perhaps vfe would discover that all our direc­ In World PAR IS (A P )—Ruddy Portu-^trary, ths labor shortage taas^a large incursion but dwindled tions are really the directions we our- PHNOM PENH, Cambodia guese laborers are flooding Into worsened because of the ecom to a dribble after a record cold sdves would chobse. But perhaps wo A SoMd Intamgible (A P ) — Prince Norodom Siha­ France over the Pyrenees. They omlc boom of the last few years, winter. would discover ourselves horrified at nouk said today he la not Inter­ pay up to $300 for the truck trip despite a tidal wave of refugees the Idea that we ourselves could be ested in resuming the suspended across Spain. In France they from lost colonies. 1322 Fountain Oldest The basic reason goes back to considered In any way responsible for Cambodlan-American talks at live in shanyttowns. But most of By Phinmu Fiak» New DelM. them seem convinced they are the trenches of World W ar I PAJUB — Paris' oldest foun­ the horrible things somebody else is which swallowed the flower of ” It was amply demonstrated better off than ever before. tain is Regard Maubuee, oon- doing to our world. , ^ t the systematic bad faith French customs agents, try­ French manhood, and the de­ Dlrecton of ttie town and tli* tal the distzlet’s MFitoa « « « . struted in 1322 and o r i^ a lly 'and lack of mod will caused, ing to keep up a legal demeanor pression afterward which held I V### #/## ngtiUi UttitUw Dktiiot finally The fact ttiat auch an avaat fed by one of the springs in Lea and will continue to cause, an for a government that welcomes down the size of French fam­ SSm. ______ooncludad an acraomant In Oc- would have been waleomad bgr Halles. It bears one o f the ear­ obstacle to anv Just and equita­ the arrivals whether legal or not ilies. •CB8CRIPTI0M a& xn tobar affaotlng a oomplieatad soma of the town's fattaen la liest examples of Paris’ coat of /I##' ble solutions,’ ’ the C am b rian arrest a batch every few days. Besides, most Frenchmen PwmM* la Atraae* Lucky Ones Lost o f aswar aervloa araaa. avldanca of ona of tha Intan- arms. 4 Tm t •••••«•••«••••••*••» ••*•18 chief of state said In a state­ They charge the driver with would rather sell neckties on the Tha amaip wlU hatra a numbar gibla banafits of ttaa swap. #9* # # •# *# »/ #».\*/ Ktecte •••••••••••«•••••• Sometimes, only losers are winners. ment. smuggling but take the men to street than do manual labor. lEotttlis •••••••••••••••• ^•Jz o f conorata affects. I t wHl easq For, in placa of an opan ap­ This was discovered, afresh, by a The talks broke up Thursday the nearest employment office. Fortunately for France, there Itostii «••••«•••••••••••• 1>W ttia aawar..dlfficultlaa axparl-' position to ttaa dlstilet ttet after nine days. The tl.S. negoti­ Together with the workers i always seems to be an econ-, CHAR-BIKNLED TO ORDER AT / l # # # # # / . V plane-load o f would-be gramblers who anced bv raaidanta in and mlgtait ba ctaaraetariBad as a nomically distressed country | MJCMHgR Oy sort of a total blookada aimSd ators said they had to return to who enter legally from half a I THB ASSWCUim) PRJB8M accepted, the other day, the hospital­ around Manohaatar Hospital. It Washington for consultations, dozen countries, the Portuguese | ready to supply common labor. - Its aawaga treatment plant ia li^ a a a to nagoUata-r-wlth tha I fields. I.nter Poles came to mine dealers o f their choice. chance o f taM ng real stapa in would resume. Joyfully readjusting population now calM upon to treat. And it I coal. Exclusive In Manchester riSta of rapubUcatloB of apadal dia- the immediate future toward prospects. I GIANT fatchea Derain ara alio raaarrad. They set off, 104 o f them, all of them will permit ttaa town to provide The new figures promise a 1.11 The Italians once came in the the district’s eventual demtae. JERUSALEM, Israel (AP) — rated as likely to be good heavy gam­ sewage service fo r -industiy and UTie central committee of Isra­ million increase in permanent \ largest numbers, then the Al- A t nia BaraldUd Prlntlnt Coropjui>. “ ? • • “ ; Pragmatically Itaa attempt resldents from 1963 to 1970. T o -' gerians. In 1963, 4.8 times as no nnandal raaponaibiUt; for type- blers, otherwise how could the gam­ new reaidantiid development in el’s dominant Mapai party f ' ' > s t e a k QQ: failed — tha district waa not gether with a climbing birth many Canadians and 5 tlme.s as g r ^jlcal arroTB ^ypaarlng the northeast comer of town. decided Thursday night that i . SANDWICH . olhar raadlng matter In Tba llanchaitar bling resort afford to pay the air line But in a sense the intimgibles wtUlng to giva up any of lU rate, they add up to the sharpest i many Tunisians arrived as in 'MrtMg Herald. ragulaf sewer rastomam to win acting Prem ier Levi Eshkol to fly them in free, with high hopes of that mark the swap ara Just as French population rise on rec- i the preceding ye.ir. Spaniards, OM BONANZA BUN tha revocation of ttaa okt con­ should form a new cabinet WESTOWN a gala good time. This time their important as the tangible bene­ ord. ; Turks, Belgians, Yugoslavs and »un aarrloa cUant el M , * *. tract. similar to the one he has headed PHARMACY PubUaiiera RepraaentaUraa — W a J«mua exotic destination was an island in the fits. for the past 18 months. All this comes about because I Moroccans have all joined the XatlMwa Spadaf Agencr — New Tor* Ch»- The significance o f the in­ But perhapa the failure made unemployment is not among | parade. Open 7 Days 11:30-9 459 Hartford Rd.— 649-9946 Caribbean. the intangible gain—tha town’s Eshkol resig;ned Monday in 'a B87 West Middle Turnpike *^8Sn£§ra*AUI>n^'BTOBAD OF CI11CD1my beard got tangled in the a nearby tavern sounded invit­ for OKists. amount of merchandise to their hotel various NATO nations. A multi­ district, and service a number' sewerless northeastern portion bell. accounts, the hotel being part of the. ple veto would assure unanimity ed Press Writer Jim Lamb ing. Several men came out and And there eome times when it seems of homes in the hospital area. o f town. before any nuclear weapons spent nearly foiu- hours as a A polite, but firm, policeman offered a drink. The Volunteers that the result of all this is to keep us whole junket package, and that brought Ttae district had provided Yet the town could have sat were fired by the force. sidewalk Santa Wednesday came by and asked for creden­ of America ha.s a list of dos and propelling ourselves along in directions all the merchants storming in because service there — at a financial back and attempted to Ignore night collecting for the Volim- tials. 'When told everything had don'ts for Santas, including; Holiday guests they knew the hotel couldn’t pay them. loss, the district’s directors said the problems there, as ttae dis­ SAN’HAGO, Chile (AP) — teers of America, a charitable been cleared with the district "Do not leave your chimney we would not really choose to follow, if — because the ancient agree­ trict was forced to do rather organization. Persons of all headquarters he replied, " I Anyway, they’re all back in New The Chilean government is ex­ unattended,” and "Do not, eat, w« felt free to exercise our common ment could only be abrogated than aggravate existing prob­ pected to announce Monday that ages, but especially (diildren, hope so, because if it isn't smoke or drink while on duty.” York, poorer certainly, and, being gam­ by the town. lems of its own. The town, how­ it has acquired 61 per cent of stopped to visit with Santa. you’re going to jail.” He came Then, just before I put away blers still and forever, not the least bit The town at first thought it ever, moved in to fill the vac­ the stock of the $350-million Here Is his report. back after a call to headquar­ the dangling bell and fake chim­ Special purchase There are times when we seem, like wiser, really. W e’ll give ten to one would also have to take sew­ uum. Braden Copper Co., a subsidiary ters. No arrest was made. ney a girl ran over and with a the lemmings, to be caught in some ir* age from number of homes In both of these actions the PHILADELPHIA (AP) — As odds a new pitch man, offering them an of the U.S. Kennecott Copper Many people gave me as wide big hug said: resistible instinct to keep pushing our- from the north side o f Middle town, for whatever reasons it Co. the only sidewalk Santa in the a berth aa possible, looking the " I love you, Santa.” improved free trip to the latest spa, iwlvas on toward our own disaster. Tpke., well within the Eighth felt impelled to act, has taken Sources close to President City of Brotherly Love I got re­ of famous Eclipse could line up all 104 of them. District’s boimdaries, for en­ a degree of initiative in recog­ Eduardo Fret said the govern­ quests as varied as "Please, nina, when one reads of Secretary Fhotograiihed By Sjdviaii OAara gineering reasons. But the dis­ nizing responsibilities where it ment is trying to negotiate a Santa, I want a little puppy,” McMamara’s description of our system trict refused, requiring a good might well have ignored them. similar deal with Anaconda from a little g;irl to “ Hay, San­ af nuolear mines over in Surope, and of TRINITY COVENANT STEEPLE, HACKMATACK STREET deal more engineering work by Such a recojffiition. In a town Copper, whose Chilean opera­ ta, want a drink?” from a man the town and preventing an tion 1s twice as big as Kenne- old enough to know better. Wsat German suggestions for an oven Pennies From Heaven as in a man, is not a gain on eventuality that would have which you can put your hand. oott’s. Outfitted with red suit, fake SKiro soctsnsive nuolear mining of what The reasons men give for their plans been welcomed by some town But it is a solid intangible In­ The government reportedly boots, a fake chimney, a nerve- are sometimes more rtvealing than the Gosh! might henceforth be cstlled the nuclear leaders — an effective decrease will pay partly in cash from a Innerbed Convertible Sofas deed. jangling bell and surely the anrtain, one wonders if, after all, ws plans themselves, and so It is with the $100 million loan it is negotiat­ scratchiest beard in Philadel­ new departure in Federal-state financ­ ing with the Export-Import have made the tflgbtest millimeter of phia, I spent nearly four hours ing being mulled in Washington. Jimmy Bank, partly through permitting as one of Santa’s helpers col­ progress with our 20 year old question Whether the proposal ever clears Con- Seymour The Pirate the company to use such gov­ lecting for the Volunteers of You Don't tft whether we are to live free or live as gresB or not, the thinking behind it tells ernment facilities as power America. aomplete and abject and automatic volumes about the state of the Federal plants and partly through low­ Because of recent staff mind. A Thought for Today slaves to the demon side of nuclear pow­ Breslin ered taxes. (fiianges, the Volunteers decided In its simplest form, the plan would As we move forward into psalmist says It: "Be stfil and not to put out any Santa’s help­ er. TO KYO (A P ) — Chun Dong divert Federal funds to the states before N E W YORK, Dec. 18 -S ey - eyed each other. And, right Seymour The Pirate was saying the moods and celebrations of know that I am God. I am ers tMs year. But they readily Not Blanche H m nuclear tangle, at the moment, they even reach the Treasury. The Christmas, there must for An, a 36-year-old North Korean, agreed to lend their Santa para­ mour The Pirate and his wife, away, everybody knew this was yesterday. ”I went out and exalted among the nations. I leads into the NATO tangle. And there states, instead of dealing only with each of us come a silence that waa arrested Tuesday as he was phernalia. 199 the great match. robbed his people.” am exalted in the earth.” This Mrs. Pirate, are back in New lifting woolen underwear from a one wonders whether, in its decade and grants rigidly earmarked for specific The gambling started at 8 He was sitting with hie wife penetrates our preparations and is the dark night in Bethle­ The kids looked right past the purposes, could spend the additional York after a trip to St. An­ at a table in a midtown res­ restores the meaning of what hem, the sudden quiet of Tokyo store. ill-fitting suit, the fake boots a half of existence, we have ever really p.m. When Seymour The P i­ When detectives searched his Reg. $249.00 money any way they liked, arid" the drews Island which was sup­ taurant. Sara, one of the girls we do in this season. W e say Christmas Eve, itae stillness of and even a slipping beard. This rate walked in, Jachlmin swung room Oiey found more new un dedded whether N A T O is good or bad, sums wouldn’t appear in the Federal posed to produce great riches who was on the trip, was sit­ it this way: In Christ God has the soul that recognized the was Santa and they loved him. out onto the floor and said he, derwear and also a wireless re­ aseful or a waste, central policy or a budget. Naturally a lot of modifications for The Pirate but brought him ting at the bar. She was irritat­ made himself known. Or per­ advance o f God upon it. The first nMUi to speak hur­ at the Parkade personally, would deal to Sey­ ceiver, a secret code book and are likely, but by one calculation the nothing more than threats on haps we put it this way; At Submitted 1^ the ried past and called, "H ey San­ diversion away from what ought to be mour. ed. In front of her was a pile of other "espionage equipment.” ( A\odern style not shown ) states' share could in a few years his life. St. Andrews is in the chips from the casino. She kept OlMlstmas we rediscover how Rev. Felix M. Daids, ta, bring me a new car.” A eentral policy. "Fine,” The Pirate said. "N ow Police said Chun admitted Open Eves, till 9 P.M. amount to an annual $3.4 billion. Caribbean and is owned by Co­ running her hands through surely the dimension of eter­ Minister Second news dealer, lugging an armful I have $15,000 in* credit here, that he slipped into Japan in Or one turns to the situation in South­ There are a number of reMons for lombia. St. Andrews has a gam­ nity has intruded upon us. The Congregational Church. of newspapers, said, "A ll I righ t?” them. May 1963 and had been relaying this sudden desire to shower manna on bling casino on its island. Sey­ want, Santa, is a new girl." east Asia, and sees us gradually yet “O f course,” Jachimin said. "F or poker chips,” she said. home information on Japan’s capitol domes, and they go well beyond mour The Pirate, who went Most of the adults smiled and Inexorably being trapped into a war we "Well, I’ll take $5,000 worth ’’After all these years, for poker political, economic emd social Hoover doesn’t make all any burning new solicitude for the many waved. One man repeated very bad at Aqueduct, decided of chips now,” Seymour said. chips. E>on’t get me wfrong. I ’ve situation, and on the movements do not even call a war. the old gag; " I hear you have states. to go to St. Andrews to get all The Pirate's idea was simple. been taken in my life. I ’ve had of U.S. forces in Japan. three gardens, Santa, so you ThNi, for variety, one can turn to do­ On the contrary, a main reason stems new money. He felt certain of He would pretend to lose the guys swing in on me with bad , Security officers estimate the cleaners in the world can hoe, hoe, hoe.” mestic Issues— to the automation by from the economic doctrine currently in getting the money because he chips at the table. Actually he checks. But I ’m the first in his­ Today in History Herald about 400 North Korean agents intended to cheat, something tory to go away for a weekend which the power of the state keeps ac- favor in Washington. In these prosper­ would give the chips to Mrs. P i­ By The Associated Press are in Japan. One girl broke away from her ous times Federal revenues tend to grow Seymour The Pirate is very and come back with uoker parents and came over. " I ’m ...but they do make the eelerating its control, perhaps purely rate, who would saunter over to Today is Friday, Dec. 18, the Since Japan has no anti-es­ by about $6 billion a year, and this cir­ good at. He a\so thought that the cashier’s window unnoticed, chips.” 353rd day o f 1964. There are 13 Yesterdays pionage law, Chun, is being in­ Cynthia. Can I feel your beard? benevolent in intent, but perhaps ulti­ cumstance is said to provide, as Presi­ the croupiers at St. Andrews, 1964 Publisherf Newspaper It scratches.” cash them in for American Syndicate days left in the year. vestigated lor violation of the mately malevolent in result, over our dent Johnson has put it, a comfortable being Colombian, all would be money and then sink the Today’s H ighlight in History 25 Yean Ago immigration law and shoplift­ Another girl came over and like those sleepy guys on a entire living. Do ws ever make a ra­ margin for Federal tax reduction. Fed­ money. Seymour The Pirate, un­ On this date In 1865. the 13th ing. asked about the reindeer. She eral programs and more generous help donkey you see in coffee bean Three radio-equipped police talked about her new dress, her tional attempt to decide what we want der his credit extension, was Amendment to the Constitution, to state and local units. commercials. obliged to settle all debts either Tem Years A go abolishing .slavery, went into ef­ cruisers w ill malnbaiii SAtaour TOKYO (AP) — The 636-ton baby brother, her loose tooth, to be, or do we let some burlesque of "If I can’t cheat-In Colom­ You notice nobody is talking about by check, which he couldn’t Twenty-six persons were kill­ fect. It completed the work patrol of town starting Jan. 1. Japanese trawler Ujl Maru with and then as her mother tried to bia, I ought to get my hands choice, like that offered us in the re­ balancing the Federal budget- heaven wait to do because his check ed in the c r a ^ of an Italian air­ started by the Emancipation reports Board of Police Com­ a crew of 33 is believed lost in pull her away, she leaned over ir Relax - A - Bed Feature cent presidential campaign, persuade us forbid- before handing out such goodies, broken," Seymour The Pirate would be a museum piece, or by liner at New York’s Idlewild proclamation. missioners; John L. Cavagnaro the South Atlantic Ocean off close to say: "Please, Santa, said. named patrolman. want a little puppy." that no free choice or decision is pos­ In the prevailing doctrine a budget sur­ cash to the hotel’s agent back Airport. On This Date Portuguese Angola. plus could stunt economic grow'th; the His wife. Mrs. Pirate, loved in New York. Seymour would The ship’s owner, the Japan There were some problems. I sible? the idea. So The Pirates joined In 1928, the Senate Foreign nearly got cramps in my right ir Polyfoam Cushions thing to do is get rid of the Increasing be glad to do this, too. He would Five Years Ago Relations Committee approved 10 Years Ago Marine Products Co., said the Or one can turn to something which revenues before they threaten to turn 100 other people on a special settle back in New York in his trawler’s skipper messaged a arm ringing that bell. Then my President Dwight D. Elsen­ the Kellog - Briand Antiwar into a surplus. Hence the idea o f "free" gambling junket flight to St. usual manner, which is reneging William A. Allen named sec­ sister vessel Dec. 10 but has not left arm g;ot tired. ought to be on the lighter side - like hower conferred in Tunla with Treaty. i r Fingertip Action funds for the states. Andrews Island. It was the The only thing was that Mr. retary of town planning eom- been heard from since. Every time I switched hands television entertainment or professional the same kind of a junket Las President Habib Bourgfuiba. In 1944, a news blackout was Your living room or family room becomes an extra Another, and some old-fashioned folk Jachimin wasn’t cashing any mlssion. — and still find a seemingly Vegas hotels run each week. clampted on the fighting in the NEW HOOVER might suspect more valid, reason is chips at the cashier’s window. i r Distinctive Fabrics Holiday guest room when you select one of these The people taking the plane put Belgian Bulge. Architect Arnold Lawrence fatal fascination with the worst con­ that the state ai/d local spending appe­ So the great match lum ed into One Year Ago fine convertible sofas. Choose from Wing, Lawson up money in advance, usually In 1945, Lord Haw Haw— receivee word from General trolling the directions and decisions of tite is growing proportionately faster a standoff. West Berliners lined up to get William Joyce— lost his appeal Manager Richard Martin, in­ Dial-A-Matic or Modem sofas . .. the style that goes with your about $500, and upon their ar­ "The hotel owner couldn’t i r Innerspring Mattress man. than the Federal. rival at the casino they are permiLs to visit relaives in East to escape death as a traitor in a forming Mm he has been re­ decorating. At night your Innerbed conve^ to beat me and I couldn’t beat him Berlin whom they had not seen named architect for eontrover- As one repeats this experience in field It seems Federal officials concerned given chips for the same vote by the British House of a luxurious bed for two with famous EJelipse inner- with such matters are reaching the con­ so ,1 did the next best thing,” for two years. Lords. slAl Keeney St. School plans. after field, one finally begins to ask why amount of m.oney^. The plane spring mattress and exclusive Adjvj9't-A-Bed fea­ clusion that the public actually prefers ^ ride then becomes free, except w » don't ever make some free and reso­ more services at the local than the na­ that the customers usually drop ture that adjusts bed for reading or W wateh- lute effort to apply common sense to our tional level. For Washington, that’s over $150,000 in the gambling ing. Limited to stock on hand so hurry in tonight problems and our directions. revolutionary thinking, though we sup­ joint and the hotel Is quite hap­ / f \ 1 / if you want one for the Holidays! pose cooler heads will keep the heresy py to lay out the $20,000 or so W hy don’t we ever pause long enough from getting out of hand. for the plane. to ask ourselves simple basic questions, Also, a realization is gradually emerg­ There were many substantial Fischetti like these: Has N A TO ever been any ing that present grant programs are be­ people on the plane, including PublUlicr* Ncwi|i»|tarr HfBdietlt good? Do we want or need a United ginning, in the cautious words of one Felix The Lawyer, two vaca­ official, "to exceed the level of man­ tioning detectives, an Assistant Nations? Do we ever act in accordance ageability." State and local grants from District Attorney from Brook­ The traditional with the religions we maintain and pro­ th«v Federal purse have more than trip­ lyn who said he was very good CIm m faster and more effectively because of a high power, fess T Do we ever really intend to? led. to some $10.6 billion, in a decade; at crapshooting and many up­ twin-fan motor. 30% more efficient on tugs, 250% more Record Cabinet Record storage for modem festive treat What would we say of our own post-war the last Congress added a bunch of new standing business people. Also efficient with tools. rooms! Oil walnut veneered programs to the existing 85 or so. In policy In Ekirope, with regard to Ger­ on the trip were Sarah and for the holi­ No more pulling or tugging - dial on the back lets you 69.95 cabinet with wedge inlays. other words, waste, duplication and gen­ Marcy, who may or may not control exact suction needed. many ,lf we could over view it from eral confusion are mounting as the Holds 70 records, and equip­ have been gamblers. Bag completely enclosed inside...where it belongs. A pressing demands of constant nursing- days is at its ment; can be converted to some inoment of lofty perspective? "I am going to get my money “time-to-empty” signal tells when to change. 29.95 care from Washington more and mpre out in about a night and a double record storage. Roll­ How long is it since we have asked best from Air filtered three times before returning to room. bedevil Federal, state and local officials half,” Seymour was saying on !/ er catches hold doors tight­ ourselves, as individuals, as a people, as alike. the plane down. " I want about T h trt's mort, a lot more* so why not come a nation, or as a world, any really fun- Dart’s. ly; pewter pulls. 30” wide, Here, we think, is am illustration of 15 dimes out o f this and then and hove a look. _____ ' damental questions ? (fairly t>T)ical governmental reasoning I go to the beach." 22” high. at the most beautiful. Federal-state re­ "That’a nice, dear,” Mrs. P i­ Made from our I f anybody dares contend that we do lations have grown topheavy with the rate said. In her husband’s lan­ BERNIE'S PAY AS YOU PLEASE PLAN follow a process of deliberative reason enormous intrusion of both money and guage, 15 dimes is $15,000. own recipe of • NO MONEY DOWN • UP TO 8 YF.ARS (L e ft) Single Stu­ and conscious choice ’ in the affairs of control from Washington. But instead While jhe plane droned south- • 90 DAYS—NO TO PAY FINANCE CHARGE # BANK FINANCING dent Clolonial Bridge the world, let such a one be asked how, of trying to reform the structure, re­ (ward, V^e poor, backward ca­ fresh egg’s and turning to states and .localities some of sino owner, a Mr. Jachlmin, Lamp in polished ’ then, it could happen that we would the authority and some o f the taxation who comes from the Middle- heavy cream. 21.50 brass finish; hobnail use the United Nations for three years base preempted by the national govern­ East, and gut his start in life shades. to quell barbaric chaos in the Congo and ment, the proposed solution is to give peddling rugs, was very busy. then calmly and deliberately remove them no-strings money which, like all He was wiping a month’s dust Order N O W the rest, h w to be extracted from the off his gambling tables. St. An­ the United Nations and let chaos re­ e i R m ' s Inhabitants of those same states and lo­ drews had not seen a' fresh dol-’ from your sume. calities in the first plaice. lar for so long that it was an Gift tables for modem rooms have oil What this world needs is something Oh well. In an often topsy-turvy -eco­ international disaster area. route salesman TELEVISION and APPLIANCE STORE walnut veneers with mortoe bread- 29.95 nomic world, this inspiration la by no When the casino was cleaned . boant end effects. 19 x 56-inch Cock­ Hke a periodic examination period in or the dairy. means the worst We only hope that If up, Mr. Jachlmin sat down and MANCHESTER SHOPPING PARKADE tail, or 21 X 28” Step models. which tto basic simple questions—is it the states actually do start gefflng these practiced dealing cards. good, does it represent what we really large bundles of pennies from heaven it When the pl^ne. touched OPEN EVERY A S STORES: MANCHESTER want, does it make any sense—Are al­ will cause a little reflection on the ever down on St. Andrews at 9 a.m., NIGHT TILL 7 longer trails winding from tax-payer to Seymour The Pirate and Mrs. DART’S DAIRY •A T U R D A Y S T IL L 6 BLOOMFIELD lowed to be asked, freely and fearlessly tax-receiver. And the ever more circuit­ Pirate stepped out and Sey­ *m sm, 7HK Merto, '^wesason-a F H O N E 648-8561 NEWINGTON ftu t without respect to the usual auto>- ous routes traveled in official heads.-— mour was Introduced to ^r. SIB EAST CENTER ST^-Plume 64S-6480, PMitlTTH of programs and poUdas. WAU^ STREET JOURNAL Jachlmin and the two of them B£ joLLf’^ vm toes Kesemm?* 4 .

■ 1- \

X^AGB THIRTEEN M < » WELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD MANCHESTER OONNw FRmAY. DECEMBER 18, 1964 MANCHESTER.EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONNr FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1964 - **- n C R T T i HEALTH CAPSUU^ RockmUe-V ernon SEAR SEAR i Auditors Endorse hyinriiarfXFiBl.lta. Open Forum AND OTHER VOH IT MAKS ANY PIPPSR 7 fNCS WHSTHSR SLOOP A Guidance Counselor Offers Raenetton Dept TroiMec Obituary RESPIRATORY tRAN4FU4ION » ★ Fiscal Procedures SOPY TJMPSRATURB fV> the Sditor, Open Daily 9 to 9 till Christmas! SSINC Or/ENI Aid to College-Bound PupO The proUems of the recree- Inc. DISEASES (ton depertsnent have once financial records of .the town (of Manchester) RookvUto High School guM--*replac« any of the college board again reared their ugly head. WITH in general (are) well maintained in a satisfactory man­ teata, anc« dltootor wniiam Po|>e has After talking with many oiti- NORMAN Mrs. Taylor Dies, ner; the general conduct of offices . .. appeared to be "Information about achdar- xena, I find many wtko are oon- llaUd a nmrtbor of suggoatlofM shlps la available In the fuld- CHRISTMAS SEAIS satisfactory oemed but not willing to try This endorsement of town fis­ to parenta of potential ooUege ance room and in the cemege cataloguee.” Pope noted that and do anything about the SERVICE our BEST PRODUCT cal procedures was issued today atudenta. I Where is Ex-Society Editor by auditors Barry, Macri A Co. atudenta who are applying for trouUea that beaet Uda flne in the annual audit for the 1963- Pope advlaed parenU to: scholarships may have to take branch of our town government. News Tidbits “Check the oaUloguea of the 64 fiscal year. Cktllege Boards earlier than The problem of the recreation The auditors did, however, from the AP Wires coUagea of jrour choice. These thoae who are not. “ State of department pay-roll was the (Ooattmied from Pag* O m ) World War I and a member of are avaUable In the guidance Connecticut Scholarships are feature atory last week. This Hockanum Barracks 803. make four recommendations to the town for Improving ac­ room of the high school and will avaUable to atudenta in tha up­ problmn la only one of many For a Bhort period after her Survivors Include his wife, be sent to students by the col­ per third of their class.” that are alowly lowering the ef­ Mrs. Mary ’Triska Waldo; two counting details and—in one l>uke of Windsor tekes his marriage to the late William J. case—changing pay procedures. first steps, just 48 hours after leges on request "Courses on the coUege level ficiency o f thla department. A Taylor on OcL 3, 1899. she lived sons, Donald R. Waldo and Da­ "Be fsmlllar with the re­ are offered high school dudents few of the areas to be consider­ vid H. WaWo; a sister, Mrs. Ma­ The audit also Includes gen­ arterial blister is removed from M04T 6LOOP W GIVEN COLP, In Hartford, hut the couple re­ eral approval for the account­ his Bibdominal a re a ... Film PUT A RECENT REPORT INPI- quirements of at least three-col­ the summer after their Junior ed by the taxpayers are; (1) turned to Manchester after the bel Spicer; and a grandbhlld, all ing procedures pbserved by the company plans to aiHPeal tem­ CATEf THAT PATIENTS leges.” Pope suggests that a year in nearby colleges. Stu­ Poaslbility that Friday night Wrih of their first son, Allan. of Tolland. good rule to follow is to meet dents who take these oouraes dances may have to be discon­ Funeral services will be held town recreation' departmertt, porary injimctlon won by Uni­ RECEIVING WARM ELOOP Mrs. Taylor lived almost all which was severely criticized in versity of Notre Dame to pre­ PO PETTER. the requirements of. the meet may get college credit.” tinued, because of lack of posi­ her lif^ ln the North End, most Monday at 11 am . at the Ladd He added, “Because entrance tive action on the part of the Funeral Home, 19 Hlington Events the 1962-63 audit, and in a later vent distribution and showing dlffknilt school. recent^ on Edward St. special department audit. of movie picture, "John Oold- HmMi C^wb* i(«M halpM hlMHNm requirements -vary, the student Town Hall. (2) Requisitions for Mm. Taylor, who apparently Ave., Rockville. The Rev. Ron­ “Check your chlld’e choice of farb. Please Come Home.” .lllMb WMiAJtshssIsi isimHi— electivee with these colleges in Should determine where to ap­ new supplies, such as new bas­ had not lost the urge for asso­ ald MUler of the United Congre­ “ Subsequent to our special Treasury Department spokes­ mitid Be sure that he has met ply or when to take ooUege ketballs for league play, have ciation wltti the newspaper, be­ gational Chiuxih of Tolland will audit of the recreation depart­ not been acted on and many of In State ment during the year,” the au­ men say British postponement the foreign ■ language, mathe­ boairds. Those decisions are up gan sending In articles from officiate. Burial will be in to the student and his pcumits. the leagues were ready to start South Cemetery, Tolland. dit released today says, “Im­ of debt installment payment Hospital Notes matics and science require­ time to time. She also took would be factor In pushing The guidance department will two weeks ago. (3) A request PAYMENTS itenographio joba for short Friends, may call at the fu­ (Continued from Page One) provements have been made in ments.” for a raise in the fees paid to HOME gladly assist you in these de­ neral home Sunday from 2 to 4 the procedures Involving cash U.8. deficit higher than esti­ "If your 'child cannot meet periods. mated a few weeks ago. . . . visiting hours nre 2 to 8 p.m. cisions.” officials for Senior mens bas­ It was then that the manage­ and 7 to 9 p.m. who allegediy questioned the handling, purchasing and gen­ the mathematics requirements Art studeiri apologizes to wife in all areas excepting materni­ “The guidance department is ketball leagues. Mr. Herdic m ent of the paper asked her to eral accounting records. ty where they are 2 to 4 pjn. it may still be poesible for him shooting. of DemocrtUlo G^rgla gover­ ready to make suggestions to made the original request and take over the reporting of club “Recommendation two of and 6:80 to 8 pjn. and private to go to college, but finding a nor for insertion of name students and to discuss coUege a similar one was made Mr. Give Nationally Famous st and women’s news and she be­ our special audit repoi’t .. .sug­ rooms -where they are 10 a.m. college may be more difficult.” Fortin. No action pro or con has GIFTS! Funerals Judge Sentenced “Goldwater” on Christm as March 1 gan the long career which mMe entrance problems with stu­ gests that improvements be cards sent out by governor. . . . to 8 pjn. Visitors are requested "You have to decide, on the been given, thus the business her one o f tte paper’s chief BRIDGEPORT (AP)-Former dents and parents.” Circuit Court Judge John Allen made in recording actual hours Italian parliament fails to not to smoke in patients’ rooms. basis of the requirements as mens league which was origin­ links with'its readers. George F. Sullivan worked by each employe. The No more than two vlsitora at Held in Cruelty Charge O'Connor Jr., 43, of Norwalk, name president on fifth ballot. listed In the catalogue of the John P. Stevenson, 48, of ally scheduled to start Monday Her principal Job originally VERNON — The funeral of Recreation Department head is one time per patient. college of your choice, what Nov. 23, has not started yet. George F. Sullivan of Dobson was today given a suspended . , . Pope Paul VI receives 62 Warren Ave., was arrested yes­ was to write a column called six-month jail term for indecent presently taking steps to rec­ American priests, telling them Ck>U^ Board Examinations There were 80 men representing "This and ’That in Feminine Rd. was held this morning from tify this situation.” Patients Today: 267 your child will take.” Pope not­ terday by warrant issued from 8 teams ready to play. Just the W. P. Quish Funeral Home, as.sault committed on a 20-year- they must meet the challenge Circuit Court 12. He is cluuged Lore” and to solicit advertising ADMITTED) YESTERDAY: ed that their are three types think of all the heat that was 225 Main St.. Manchester, with old youth last Oct. 16 in West- (Since the audit was prepar­ of the modem world by making in conjunction with it. "The Brian Daughty, 136 Pine St.; of exams, the Scholastic Apti­ with cruelty to animals, and saved. ’The fee increase was a Mass of requiem at Sacred port. ed the recreation department their lives “beacons for all men Vernon Police said the com­ Inquirer,” which now appears Superior Court Judge Ray­ has been combined ^ t h the to follow.” . . . Federal attor­ Laurie Ellis, Thompsonvllle; tude Test, the Achievement from $2.50 to $5.00. Officials in each Wednesday’s paper, is Heart Church, Vernon. ’The Rev. plaint was filed by the <3onnec- mond J. Devlin told O’Connor park department.) ney argues before Georgia ap­ Michael Goldsnlder, RFD 2, Tests, and the Writing Sample. are paid $6.00 for junior high, the successor to that column. J. Ralph Kelley was the cele­ Bolton; Michael GugUelmlno, “The preliminary Scholastic tlcut Humane Society concern­ $8.00 for high school j-v games brant. Charles Robbins was that he thought that he had been The auditors note that they pellate court that Justice De­ ing the health of two horses on Mrs. Taylor’s reporting du­ “ punished enough,” but remind­ partment has the right to re­ RFD 2, Bolton: James Kimball, Aptitude Test is offered to stu­ and at least $14.00 for high GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES distributed one payroll to the ties broadened gradually. For soloist and Miss Carole Joensuu 184 Hackmatack St.; John dents in October of their Junior the Stevenson property. school varsity games so the re­ was organist. Burial was in St. ed him that he h£us a “ serious recreation employes and slgpia- fuse to prosecute charges Stevenson posted $500 bond decades she was the chief medical problem.” tures of the employes were ob­ brought by grand jury. . . . Muny, 37 Edward St.; Miss and senior years. In this age o f quest was not out of line. (4) A chronicler of human evenU in Bridget’s Cemetery. Manches­ Glzelle Nagy, Stafford Springs; testing, we urge that students for court appearance in Rock­ No probation was g;lven by the tained in receipt "The sigrna- request to have the Santa Manchester, the births, deaths, ter. Miss Diane Rau, Glastonbury; take these tests for practice.” ville Dec. 29. He was arrested court in the sentence. tures appeared to be In order,” C3aus suit cleaned and a new marrlsiges, social triumphs. She Bearers were Andrew Bolas- building lacks adequate vault Miss Alice St. Louis, Upper He added that the tests do not by Lt. Edwin R. Carlson. the report says. set of whiskers purchased was achieved a directness of com­ vich, Robert Barton Jr., Robert facilities. Butcher Rd., Rockville; Frank not acted upon and at the last munication with readers which Barton Sr. and William Lan- In general, the report states, This criticism was also voiced Vignone, 303 Burnham St.; report Santa opened with a today metropolitan journalism gwi- Holiday Program "There appeared to be no loose in the 1962-63 town audit. Charles Gubbels, 39 Bluefield dirty suit and snarled whiskers or Improper methods int the CUBIC is striving by sophisticated Among the suggestions of­ Dr.; Mrs. Doris Beclcwlth, 111 at the workshop. Mrs. Mary Howe Hedrick handling of cash” in the vari­ methods to recapture. Given at School fered in the pre-vlous year’s Walker St.; Mrs. Mamie Be- These represent only a few of FXineral services for Mrs. ous town departments. audit and subsequently adopted lalr, 713 E. Middle Tpke.; In her later years at The Mary Howe Hedrick of Lom­ the problems that exist but are Herald, Mrs. Taylor provided a The report also notes in the by the town were the follow­ George Gibson, 269 W. (j^ te r reprsentativo of the difficulties bard, ni., fiormerly of Manches­ The parents almost outnum­ "Comments” section that some ing: St.; Michael Wendus, 41 Range valuable link to the town’s past bered the children at the Ver- our recreation employes face in ter, were held this morning at specific criticism leveled in last 1. A recommendation that Hill Dr., Rockville: Mrs. Helene Though she never fell behind Watkins-West Funeral Home, planck Elementary School attempting to pierform their the pace of Manchester as a big yea'-’s report have been met. the town treasurer sign and is­ Martin, 430 Broad St.; Mrs. jobs. How long could you re­ 142 E. Center St. ’The Rev. Christmas a.ssembly this after­ U^der the “Recommenda­ Pauline Raum, East Hartford; I X / l o g i ’^ REFRIGERATOR town, she recalled vividly much noon. sue all town checks. main efficient your work if Clifford O. Sknpoon of Center tions” section, the report sug­ 2. A recommendation that the Mrs. Kathleen Carlson, Storrs; of its social and genealogical Congregational Church offici­ your employer showed the same history and remained sym­ After a welcome by Susan gests four changes in town pro­ town compile a deUlied list of Robert Vlolette, 5 9 8 Center ated. Frederic Werner was or­ concern for your ijequests and pathetic to readers with ties to DiCiocclo, Grade 4, the various cedures. fixed assets and personal prop­ St.; RaJph Keating, South ganist. Burial was In East Cem­ problems? We as taxpayers an earlier Manchester. grades presented colorful ver­ The most far-reaching is a erty. The Ust is now boing com- Windsor. never before...such should ask ourselves some ques­ WITH Her writing, in the idiom of etery. sions in tableau and song of proposal that the town change pUed, according to the report a d m i t t e d TODAY: Mary­ tions such as: (1) Does the Bearers wore friends of the leas hurried age, was sometimes how Christmas is celebrated in its pay schedule. ann Delaney, 139 Benton St.; Town Manager really represent famtiy. Also submitted today was an the envy of reporters trained different lands. Rita Bums, At present, the report says, Mrs. Florence Sprague, RFD 1, svery facet of otir town govern­ Grade 1, told the story of the audit of the school cafeteria, thrilling sound from a In newer schoola employes are paid on the Fri­ student and special activities Bolton. ment? His statement concern­ First Christmas Tree. BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A Mrs. Taylor did not confine day of each two-week work pe­ funds. ing the closing of the buildings Fight B rewing Some of the participants and riod. The report states the fiinds’ daughter to Mr- and Mrs. certainly showed concern for FULL WIDTH FREEZER her energies to newspapering. Charles Sabla Jr., 9 S. Haw­ countries in the progrEim were In order to prepare the pay­ records were “fairly well main­ STEREO PORTABLE the people who pay his salary She was expecially active in the thorne St.; a son to Mr. and Soroptimist Club until her retire­ Susan Moreau, Grade 4, Christ­ rolls in time, town department tained, and information (was) and use the facilities. In e.ssence RANGE For GOP Lead Mrs. Richard Willoughby, 78 mas in Sweden; Carleen Bafu- heads must authorize the pay­ readily available.” he said, if we had to close the ment from public life, and was Harlan St.; a son to Mr. and mo, John Herdlc, Patricia Lon- ment of a payroll of any given Both audit reports, totaling ..the magnificent gift that keeps on giving buildlng.s we would save some a charter member and a past (Continued from Page One) Mrs. Alvin SiMa, 1087 Main president of that organization. go, Mark Brendel, Robert Brin- two-week period on the Monday about 140 pages, are available heat. (2) Was Jim Herdic the WITH damour, Raymond Finley, Au­ of the second week. Thus, an St. scapegoat and sacrifice for the She was also long active in at the Town Clerk’s office BIRTHS TODAY; A son to Goodell and Griffin Indicated drey Maxwell, Ronald Lanzano, employe’s pay is approved and Idols at the Town Hall? I still the Republican Woman’s Club (joples will be sent to the town’s Mr. and Mrs. James Muldow- STORAOE DRAWER they wflll do their best to get an Marilyn Jacobson and Gerry the payroll computed before he- wonder why Mr. Herdic was al­ and for many years handled the early commitment from Ford. directors. ney, Hebron Rd., Andover; a club’s publicity. Santana, all of Grade 5, Christ­ has finished working out the uses Space-Age lowed to remain In his job for i “I think we’ll have a candi­ mas in England; James Har­ pay period. son to Mr. and Mrs. Armond such a long time doing what we She was a past president of date by early next week,’’ said Thlbeault, 184 Center St. Sofid State Circuitry the Woman’s Benefit Association ney, Leonard Kanehly and ■To certify that an employe Hillta all thought to be an excellent Griffin. Asked what would hap­ DISCHARGED YESTER­ and the Manchester Garden Craig Steely, all of Grade 3, is on the job for five days in X lU U Sem ilU n iU lS ...N O TUBESI job, and then all of sudden, his Prices pen to the dump-Halleck cam­ Christmas in Holland. I advance is poor payroll pro­ DAY: Fleur Thlbeault, 184 work was found not to be up to Club. She was an honorary paign if they didn’t, Griffin Christmas in Mexico was cedure,” the report says. | Simplicity Is a good rule of Center S t; Daniel Wright, 14)7 par. How come this situation . member of Ever Ready Circle shrugged. School St.; George Jones Jr., done by Jonathan Wood, Grade The report suggests that the . thumb when buying pearls for was allowed to go on for such ' \ $ of King’s Daughters. Manches­ The only other Republican 112 N. Elm St.; Sandra Ryan, Sfarf Af ! 6; Christmas in Austria, by town "explore the possibility of teens. A single-strand debutante S long time? (3) Why was Mr. ter Green PTA, Manchester mentioned as a possible foe of 53 Strickland St.; Carlos Hol­ Kevin Yorgenson, Grade 2. a gradual changeover from the necklace of graduated pearls is A f . Murphey appointed head of the WATES, Manchester Women’s Halleck has been Rep. Melvin comb, Stafford Springs; WU- Club and the Cosmopolitan Club. Joan Slattery, kindergarten, present system to a system the best selection. It’s a style recreation department so quick­ R. Laird of Wisconsin. He is a appeared in the Nativity. liam Wilson, 58 Jensen St.; ly? Did he have to take a test In her early teens she be­ good friend of Ford and has whereby all employes are paid tliat’s always in fashion and can 'The program was coordinat­ Mra Rose Berk,-Hebron; Mrs. to qualify ? Why as liead has he Spacious fast heating came a member of Second Con­ held back as long as Ford ap­ bi-weekly will eventually be be worn later with other neck­ EUla Crouse, 106 Ridge St.; rot taken the time to visit and gregational Church and its pears interested. But Laird is ed by Mrs. Joan Rogers and paid for a period already laces. master oven and broiler. Miss Dorothy Zeno. Louis Dolln, Keeney Dr.; Mrs. talk to hla new employes and young people’s society. She believed willing to make the worked rather than one not yet Barbara Woods, 4M N. Main Pushbutton controls, taught Sunday School, and for fight if Ford doesn't. completed.” Both you and your feet will be discuss their problems with 2 flex-grid ice tray$ and chiller trays, 3 cabi­ St.; Mrs. Pauline Mlley and them ? What are hU quallfica- 10 years she served as clerk of Goodell and Griffin Wfarmed Third from Farms Other recommendations In- happier if you treat the tootsies daughter. East Hartford; Mrs. net shelves, (2 adjustable), porcelain vege­ convenient appliance the church, the first woman to up for the present fight by dude the following: j to a good foot bath every day. tlon.s for the job besides his Diane Small and daughter, 62 known administrative talents? Take up to outlet. Hi-speed Calrod bold the post. stage-managing a successful 1. The now defunct parking After soaking in warm water, table drawers, butter compartment, 2 egg TEL AVIV — Israel’s farm Bissell St.; Mrs. Lillian Fick Is he the best man for the jo b ' Mrs. Taylor was born in minor revolt two years ago that output now runs about $400,- meter fund contained about smooth calluses with a well and daughter, 38 Prospect St., shelves holds 20 eggs . . . bottom shelf holds units. Storage drawer. $10,000 at the end of the fi.scal soaped pumice stone. Do not cut Ireland, daughter of William dumped an old-line Halleck lieu­ 000,000 a year. The high-value Rockville. We as taxpayers may not year. The money .should be calluses. Long-neglected calluses consider the problems of our V2 gallon milk containers and tall bottles. R. Shaw iind Mary Wilson tenant, Rep. Charles B. Hoeven cash crops are frujt.s. vege­ DISCHARGED TOD AY: Shaw. She came to Manchester of Iowa, as chairman of the tables, peanuts, milk, eggs, and transferred to the General call for special attention. Try recreation department to be im­ Dial defrost, gleaming white finish. Protec­ as a child. House Republican conference poultry. Farm exports in recent Fund, providing it is no lonsrer massaging U"itm with a salad oil- Keith Cook, Ellington: Lorraine portant b\it remember you are Her husband died in 1943. and put Ford in the job. At the years have run near $75,000,- needed in the parking meter and-soap paste before using the Bailey, 18 Knox St.; Lucille paying for it and have evajy tive door stop helps prevent bumping and account. pumice. Bad calluses may take Johnston, Hunter Rd., Rock- right to demand that it be run 3 YEARS TO PAY Buy On Long Easy Terms! She is survived by two sons, time it was freely predicted 000—about a third of all ex­ damage. Allan ’Taylor of 50 Gardner St. Halleck would be their next tar­ ports. Auditor Robert Macri ex­ two or three weeks of daily at- ^ ville; Gall Parrish, 64 Wedge- efficiently and that your inter­ and Russell Taylor of 162 Green get. plained to The Herald that the tention before they disappear, wood Dr.; Eugene Morgan, Box ests are up held. At present the Rd.; three grandchildren and Goodell, 38, and Griffin, 41, GUEVARA DEPARTS funds should be put in the Gen­ Once controlled, get rid of 163, Bolton; Mrs. Angeline $ 1 3 9 9 0 only people who have been con­ one great-grtindchild. are two of the younger House GANDER, Nfld. (API — A eral Fund since they were col­ sources of Irritation such as Richmond, 95 Chambers St.; only cerned have been the recreation Funeral services will be held Republicans and their aim in Soviet airliner took off from lected from parking meters lo­ loose stockings and ill-fitting,^ Mrs. Joan Snyder, Wapplng; employes and their patience with shoes. Roy Warren, 127 Princeton St.; VQU tlSHkT sAflM uJflM XEkl V 6M tiSjCkR tiOkt tMkR I t f U Monday at 10 a.m. at Watkins- the earlier revolt and the one here early today carrying Cu­ cated in the town a.i a whole. Model IP243, in your choice o f town hall apathy is rapidly The alternative the town ------Joseph Poggie,. 49 Neill Rd„ West Funeral Home, 142 E. they are trying to brew now is ban indu.stry minister Ernesto four beautiful colors: Frost White, dwindling. 1 ask each and every Center St., with the Rev. Felix to get a hearing for fresh ideas •should not choose is to turn the Your stocking supply will last Rockville: Henry Glode, 1715 Guevara across the Atlantic. Honey Beige, Pearl Gray or Black. one of you to take an Intersl, Davis of Second Congregation­ and expand the leadership op­ Although only the interim des­ funds over to the special taxing a good deal longer if you buy Tolland Tpke.; Mrs. Judith cur town’s internal problems al Church officiating. Burial portunities for younger mem­ tination of Shannon, Ireland, district, which provides park- your hose a dozen pair at a Monahan and daughter, 33 Hol­ are rapidly approaching major AUTOMATIC CLOTRES will be in East Cemetery. bers In the face of the seniority could be learned from the crew, ing revenues to only a limited time, all in the same color. You lister St.; Mrs. Phoebe Baker proportions, There are no calling hours. system that rewards the party a Havana radio broadcast, mon­ portion of the downtown area. | won’t have to throw out the and son, East Hartford. SUCH A VAST IMPROVEMENT IN THE RE-CREATION “A Disgusted Taxpayer’’ The family suggests that in elders. Halleck is 64. 2. The town should invest!- strays when you rip one stock- itored in Miami, Fla., said Gue­ OF MUSIC .. .YOU MUST HEAR IT TO BELIEVE IT I lieu of sending flowers, friends vara is en route to Algeria. He gate the possibility of using the FORMER CABDS GATHER may contribute to the Memorial STICKUP BAC9LLASH will visit President Ahmed Ben board of education’s computer ; ------HOUSTON. Tex. (AP) — The solid state components (guaranteed 5 years) pro­ Fund of Second Congregation­ NEW YORK (AP) - The Bella and tour the country to bank to handle town account-' The shift dress has brought Three former members of the al Church. Manufacturers Hanover Trust bring himself up to date on the ing records. At present, the re- with it two distinct necklace St. Louis Cardinals had a lot vide ten times the efficiency of comparable tube sets Co. is $5 richer today because a Algerian revolution. port says, many of the town’s lengths — the long one that is in common when they met in ... no damaging chassis heat— no trouble! Closed, it Roy K. Waldo man tried to rob one of its Man­ There was speculation earlier records are still being main­ attractive on a, high or round the lobby of the hotel hous­ WASHERS looks like beautiful slim fine luggage. Opened, It brings TOLLAND — Roy Kenneth hattan banks. of a pos.sible <3uban-Soviet diplo­ tained by hand. collar and the choker that adds ing baselmirs winter meetings. MANCHESTER Waldo, 69. of Torry Rd., died The would-be robber put a $6 matic meeting here. 3. Various departments main­ so much to the boat shape neck­ They were ex-Cardinal pitcher you a new world of thrilling music. Powerful stereo early this morning at his home. bill on the coiinter of teller An airport spokesman said taining current financial rec­ line. and C3oach Howie Pellet, ex- amplifier, four ^ e ake rs—6" x 9* oval plus 3" in each PARKADE He was born in Tolland on Agnes De Martini Thursday and the crew refused to disclose its ords should provide a fireproof Card third base Coach Vern stereo channel. And, the fabulous Micromatic Playec May 26, 1895, son of the late handed her a note reading: final destination. storage place for them until Beat the freeze. Fill in brok­ Ben.son and ex-Card manager Wilbur and Martha Hale Waldo. “ This Is a stickup. Give me all A party of eight and a crew of they can be transferred to the en steps, cracks In the drive­ Solly Hemus. Pollet will coach lets your records last a lifetime! Carry-in service guar­ OPEN EVES. TO 9 Ho lived in Tolland all his life. the money. Don't try to be a 12 were aboard the jetliner that storage vault. way or sidewalk and terrace the Houston pitchers next sea­ anteed 1 year. He was employed by the State hero.” brought Guevara here, airport Such records are now main­ now. Patching keeps cement son. Benson will alternate as a High Department at Willington “ Stickup!” screamed Miss be officials said. He arrived after tained in the controller’s and and mortar cracks from wdd- Yankee third base coach wrlth Only from MagasTox—because the exclusive SLEEP GUARD for more than 25 years, retiring Martini. attending a United Nations treasurer’s offices in the old enlng as water collects In the Frank Crosettl. and Hemus will Micromatic Record Player banishes discernible in 1960, He was a veteran of The robber fled, minus )iis $6. meeting in New York. Hall of Records building. The i gaps and freeze. be back coaching Cleveland. record and stylus wear—the Diamond Stylna k GREAT goaraateed 10 yean. ENJOY IT NOW— Come in und choose from pur wide BUY on 3 selection of Magnavox consoles and Portable Stereo ELECTRIC BLANKET TREE ... prtces start at only 5 0 9 9 0 Made of a super soft blend of HOOVER Has famous Filter-Plo. Big family size capacity. All rayon and cotton for long wear DECORATING percalain tub and top. Safety lid switch and many and washability. Completely $ 1 2 - 2 7 CHRISTMAS STORE HOURS: othar great features. N mothproof. Choice of lovely i colors. All you have to do is OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. just set it and forget it. TIME! *59.88 TWIN SIZE at fhe Parkade SATURDAY TO 5:30 P.M. WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE af low, low prices Free Attachmenta You Always Get More At Norman's $1J!5 Tree Stands . . , 87c O nly 0 Hoover beati, i $6.96 Tree Turner ..$4.88 TESTED—ADJUSTED—DELIVERED—SERVICED $1.26 Glass Tree b iweept, at b daoM O rnam ents...... 99c CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS BY OUR OWN MECHANICS G ‘E Aufomafic Ci E2ZI2 to set deep doe STEAM and $8.60 8-Llght dirt, h rollt eotiiy Candoller ...... $2.87 FAMOUS FOR SERVICE SINCE 1931 R EFLEC TO R aa wheeh , , , hot DRY IRON big Throw-ov^ TOASTER lag and rug Unique reflected heat toasts both sides at one •dluitment. time. New compact design. Easy-to-use, easy- * to-clean. Potterton’s G-E Aufomafic PENETRAY T-18 Color Wheal MANCHESTER’S OLDEST AND LARGEST TV, RADIO, Switehoa from itaam to SLIGIN6^$^ 1267 STORES OPEN 4 col.or sections. 4 rpm motor. RECORD A^fD APPLIANCE STORE BBRNtC'S dry inatantly. Light­ Chriitmoi 150 watt spotlight included. ^ TELEVI.'sION and KNIFE ^ 130 CENTER STREET CORNER OF CHURCH weight and fully auto­ Always PlMty .. EVERY NIGHT Giamoroiis right­ APPLIANCE STORE matic. Has built-in cord Haa detachable stqinlesa steel \ ■: bladea and attached 8-foot 4 4 5 HARTFORD ROAD, Near McKEE CATHEDRAL BELL ing fo r your tre e . Ufa. Famoua O-B avan- MANCHESTER PARKADE cordaet naxxxm o^PoriilNf SpoM Beg. 4.96. OPEN DAILY , 9 to 9 FREE PARKING UNTIL CHRISTMAS 2M R«9. 5.95 Voluo $2.00 7-UGHT SET 99e Read Herald Advertisementa PHONE 64$-9661 flow oontndlad ateam. BK-4

\ ^ r$

f Aaaed a seven-acre tract on ' Eugene Kelly repreeented Rog­ Its fourth annual Christmas Cadaver of Gideon wyck, rec advisory board last night He announced that the eight- men who crashed an automobile Bard, Mr. Holmes at Sea. cupcakes. Milk will be served Proceed! from the fUm will H.PASQUALINI er Olcott. 'The Liletroe were dlacussed the problem of under­ team Buainesamen’a Basketball Skating will not be allowed Into a utility pole while being . Center St. and plan to con­ represented by Atty. N om ua Decoration Contest Monday. A with all meals. Thursday and go toward a program to a«^t manned rec bowling alleys and t Also, Andersen, Murder a child in a foreign country. TEL 644^604 League will begin play Mon­ at any park department area pursued by a policeman Thurs­ struct a 80-bed convalescent Bernstein of South Windsor. |25 bond wil? be given for the Bound; Bush, The Case of the Friday, no school, Christmas decided that nothing could be day, three week* late. best-decorated house. The vacation. All Hancheater ■ chUdren and Avery St, Wapping today. Weather permitting. day night were under arrest In hospital there. Extra Glove; Bush, The Case done in either case. Fortin placed the cause of Skating hours for Saturday and a hospital today. judges from the Lions Club are their parenU are welcome. The board meeting w a e The couple, Mr. and Mrs. of the Dead Man Gone; Gale, Ohlldrea’s Program Set delay on a dispute over the fees Sunday at Center Springs An­ The chase began when Detec­ Bdwln KiUat and John Rosen- The councU alao plana to go called off because only two of Paul I.llstro, now co-manages Death For Short; Scholey, The The children of the Christ­ Chriatmaa caroling at Manchw- that were to be paid to three nex and Charter Oak will be tive James Matthews stopped to Injury Claims beok. The main judge is Ar­ Dead Past; Brinton, Apprentice ian Reformed Church will pre­ It* five members showed up, referees. question a group of men who; the Bel Air Manor rest home In ter convaleacent homes thU and bowling at the West Side 10 a.m. to noon and 1:30 p.m. thur Koronauinn, art teacher to Fear; Butler, Dine and Be sent a Christmas program Sun­ «COMC AS YOU ART* TO He said that the men, none to 10 p.m. There is no skating appeared to be loading a safe ■ Newington. Filed by Two from Wapping Elementary weekend. All Manchester teen­ Rec has been discontinued be­ Dead; Allardyce, Witches Sab­ day at 7 p.m. at the Avery agers are welcome to partici­ of whom are membeu of the at Center Springs Pond. Into the trunk of their auto. 1 They plan to construct the new School. bath; Bush, The Case of the Street School. cause no pin boys show up. state's official referee board, hospital on a portion of the old pate in the caroling. Carolers The schedule advisory When the policeman stopped' The town clerk’s office yee- Offtcials from the Uons Club Sapphire Brooch; Fltagerald, Christmas services will be will meet tomorrow at 6:30 m m wanted the same rate of pay­ the men jumped into their car! Olcott farm property on the said that those who want to be The Candles-are All Out; Car­ sirloin ifu Aio. 38 board meeting wound up as an north side of W. (Center St. just terday received Injury notlcee held by the church Dec. 26 at p.m. at South Methodist ment that is being received by and drove off. from two Manchester residents, assured that their house will be michael, Vendetta; Payne, The 10 a.m. at the Avery St. School. informal discussion, participat­ board member referees working Suspect Sought west pf O’Leary Dr., and oppo­ Church. ed in by the two board mem­ The high-speed chase ended, rcLSulting from alleged falls ear­ considered may call Frank Nose on my Face; Fitzgerald. Bingo Game Tomorrow BONANZA JH games *n the Senior Basketball site a section of the Westhlll Kehmna, North View Dr., be­ bers (Henry McCann and police said, when thfe fleeing Gardens housing project for the lier this month. Dangerous to Lean Out; Fitz­ The St. FYancis of Assisi La­ League. In Stolen Car men crashed the auto into a fore Monday. The houses will Christopher McHale), Park and elderly. Mrs. Mary Pezzentl, whoe* gerald, This Won’t Hurt You; dles’ Guild will sponsor a bingo East Has Mermaid 9 9 Fortin said that a settlement utility pole on Pearl Lake Road. be judged Monday. Richards, To Market, To Mar­ STEAK : Rec. Supt. Horace Murphey According to Mrs. S. Robert address is not listed on the no­ game in the church hall tomor­ is being worked out that will Police today are searching Two of the men were trapped Customers at the South Wind­ ket; Carmichael, Alibi; Troy, DINNER ^ and Rec program director Wal Sprigllo^ who operates the New­ tice, claims that she fell on a row at 8 p.m. The prizes will HONG KONG — A half-aize insure that play begins Mon­ In the auto for about an hour hazardous, snowy, icy and eUp- sor Banlc and IVust Co., 1033 Second Cousin Removed; Troy, reproduction of Copenhagen’s ter Fortin. day. for a blue 1961 Chevrolet sedan, ington home with the Lilstros. Include turkeys, baskets and , JM. »TtA. • POTATO . There was no discussion of before they could be removed. pery sidewalk on 'Walker St. on John Fitch Blvd., are being Waiting for Oliver and Bell, holiday items. famed Little Mermaid statue • MIAO •TtXA.TOA*^ and a husky teen-ager with a Police said one unidentified the new convalescent haspital treated to live organ music in New People at the Hollies; the recent dispute over the will be licensed to accommodate Dec. 6. Minister to Speak »rches on the Royal Hong Kong MO TIP PI** hold-back of checks for 30 part- Beatle haircut, black pointed man escaped Into some nearby the bank lobby during the holi­ acht Club grounds and watches bedridden as well as ambula­ She lists her Injuries as a Also, Hammarskjold, Mark­ The junior PYF will meet in ? Op«n 7 Day* 11:80-9 time rec employes, but Mur­ shoes and a red jacket, who woods. concussion of the brain, con­ day season. Favorite Christmas Hong Kong’n harbor. She was Accident Brings tory patients. ings; Sartre, The Words; Mar­ the chapel from 6 to 7 p.m. phey announced that checks The three arrested were Iden-' tusions of her head and left el­ carols wtll be played. Music is presented to the club in 1949 by may have stolen the car. tin, Neutralism and Non-align­ Sunday. The Rev. Roy Hutch- due today, for the Nov. 30 to tified as William Henry Davis, Rest homes are allowed to ac­ bow, and various strains and being played on the organ ment; American Heritage eon will speak to the group. this city’s Danish community. Dec. 1^ period, will be paid on Arrest of Girl 'The automobile, owned by 20, of 40 Albert Place, Hartford, cept only ambulatory patients which has been loaned to the Corrado Marci of Hartford had sprains. Cookbook and Illustrated His­ The senior PYF will go Christ­ schedule. William Solomon. 18, of 6(X) w'ho can care for themselves: Anthony Evans of 25 N. Elni bank by Watkins Brothers of tory of American Eating and mas caroling from 7 to 9 p.m. He said that, "A s far as I Bonnie L. Sweet, 16, of 940 been parked at the rear of the Garden St., Hartford, and Jim­ convalescent hospitals must Optical Style Bar on Main St., St. claims that he fell on Bis- Manchester, courtesy of Ells­ Drinking; Williams, What On Monday, the junior choir am concerned, the matter ia B. Middle Tpke. has been mie Harold, 27, of 87 East St., pro'Vlde enough nursing a-saist- worth S. Newberry of South where Marci is employed. He sell St., six feet from the side­ Americans Believe and How rehearsal has been canceled. OYER 2.000.000 closed and will not be reopened Hartford. ance to care for the bed-ridden walk on Dec. 7, and blames his Windsor. charged with operating a mo­ stated that the keys had been They Worship; Pepys, Diary; Wednesday, the intermediate unless so requested by the em­ They were charged with as well. fall on a rutted, uneven, jagged The hours of the Christmas Rostland, Cyrano de Bergerac; choir will rehearse from 7 to 8 PRESCRIPTIONS ployes Involved.” tor vehicle without a licertse, left in the Ignition. breaking and entering, theft and The new home will be a sin­ music are 12 to 1 daily and 6 Fifteen minutes after Marci and slippery road. Bo.swell, Life of Samuel John­ p,m. and the senior choir at 8 FILLED Fortin disclosed that the 30- the result of an accident in reckless driving. gle-story, brick structure with He claims that he suffered to 8 p.;n. Friday. The organists reported the car stolen, police beds for 60 patients, Mrs. Sprlg- son: Cellini, Autobiography, p.m. year-old West Side Bowling which she was involved yester­ Police said the safe in the car oontusions and bruises of hie are Ellsworth S. Newberry, day morning, police say. received a tip from a youth and Kennedy, A Nation of Im­ Thursday, the traditional ARTHUR DRUO League hns moved to the Com­ was taken from the Brown llo says. right arm, hand and elbow, Eleanor Karkowski, Dexter migrants. Christmas Eve services will be Patrolman Bknest McNally who claimed that he had been Brothers Furniture Store on It will Include a recreational- Burnham, and Miss Linda munity Y where pin boys are approached in a Center St. and shock to his nervous sys­ Easy junior books: Llndgran, held at 8 and 11:15 p.m. made the arrest after investi­ North Main Street. therapy area, a chapel, and bar plentiful, poolroom by another youth tem. X^VRClCi Christmas in Noisy Village; Club Slate Named gation of the accident which At St. Mary’s Hospital, Davis ber and beauty shops. "Pin boys at the West Side occurred at Main and Birch Guild Sets Yule Party Shulman, Preep Little Pigeon The Lithuanian Social Club looking for .someone to drive was listed In good condition and The Lilstros plan ground­ Rec have been difficult to find,’" Sts. The accident inflicted only The St. Margaret Mary’s of Trafalgar Square; Groh, A has elected Mrs. Sophie Ged- his car. The stranger declared Solomon and Harold in fair breaking for the new structure 36% Crash Victim t Ladies' Guild will hold its an­ Fortin said, "and, as an imme­ minor damage to the two ve­ that he had a stolen 1961 Chev­ condition. Holiday Book: New Year's rim as president of the club. in early spring. Plans for the nual Christmas party Monday diate service to the bowlers, we hicles involved. The second ve­ Day: Parlln, A Holiday Book, Other officers elected by the LEE’S FLORIST rolet parked on the First Na­ building are now being pre­ CHICAGO — Automobll* acci­ at 8 p.m., in the church hall. thought it best to move the hicle was operated by Arthur Patriots’ Day; Eastman, A Cat club include: Walter Jurgelas, tional Store parking area and pared. dents kill 36 per cent of all Members are reminded to bring and eiFT SHOP league, rather than cancel It.” A. Rancourt Jr., 21, of 281 needed "a driver to take him in the Hat Beginner Book Dic­ vice president: Mrs. Ann Ke- Bel Air Manor, the Lilstros American youths who die be­ a gift for the grab bag. Rt. 44A, Bolton—64S-8089 He said that pin boys are re Center St. James Moriarly tionary; Kaufman, The Wright hoe, secretauy, and William as far as the car would take present Interest, was estab­ tween the ages of 15 and 24. Reading at Service* quired to be at least 16 years Court appearance for Miss Brothers, Kings of the Air; Jurgelas, treasurer. them.” lished as a rest home with This total )s four times higher On Sunday, the worship serv­ Rohhers ^Scalp’ Denver Wig Store • YES, WE DELIVER • of age, and that boys in that Sweet is scheduled for Jan. 4. Hurt in Crash than deaths from any disease Graves, Paul Revere, Rider for The club will hold a Christ­ nursing supervision about eight ices at 9 and 10:15 a.m. at Our mas party tomorrow at category go elsewhere for em­ A written warning for fail­ in this age group. Liberty; Blassingame, Stephen It wasn’t a pre-Christmas rush, it was a daylight robbery yesterday that Flowera tor all oooaslons; years ago. Savior Lutheran Church, Schaub’s Restaurant, Rt. 6, VUILLIAMS OIL SERVICE ployment. ure to drive a reasonable dis­ Decatur, Fighting Sailor and scalped a Denver store, specializing in ladies wigs. In all, the holdup men WeddlngB, Fnnerala, Cut Fortin revealed that the rec Meeting Jan. 12 James F. Moriarty, 59. o f 22 Lllstro will be administrator Graham Bd., will bo services of East Windsor. tance apart was Issued to Glen Fairfield St., is still in Hartford Peterson, Henry Clay, Leader in made off with 110 hair pieces, valued at $26,000, according to the store mana­ Flowera and Corsages . . . 841 BROAD ST. department’s 12 bowling alleys E. Rice, 29, of Warehouse of the new convalescent home, •Word and Song.” They will in­ Congress Hospital today as a result of and Mrs. Lilstro will be head Manchester Evening Herald Phone 644-4648 could be equipped with auto­ Point, after he was Involved in On Access Road clude the Prophecies, reading of Junior: Beatty, The Nickle- ger. Wig in the photo was placed there after the robbery as the store began injuries sustained in an auto­ Uses Fare ^larred’ Loose nurse. Christmas stories and many of South Windsor correspondent. matic oinsetters at a total cost an accident last night. mobile accident Monday In Plated Beauty; Butterworth. to display some wigs overlooked by the robbers. (AP Photofax.) of »12,000, but said that he Police say that the accident The property was rezoned the well known Christmas Brownie Joseph, telephone 644- In answer to a reque.st by Wind.sor. Douglas Bielan, 21, of Providence, boards plane from Residence Zone A to Res­ The Trouble With Jenny’s Ear; 0148. doubted whether the town occurred when Rice, north­ Carols. Cameron, A Spell is Cast; Brad­ Mayor Francis Mahoney, an in­ He suffered two broken legs for Ireland to see his girl friend, thanks to fare idence Zone B earlier this year. board of directors would ap- bound on Broad St., falied to plus face and chest injuries in A t 4 p.m. Sunday, the Sun­ bury, Laughter in Our House; formal meeting of the town supplied by his classmates at Marquette Univer­ A previous request to change day School Christmas Service stop in time to avoid striking board of directors, the planning the accident which occurred at the land to C Zone had been de­ White, The Survivor; Brooks, Skin Keeps Water Out an automobile operated by wlU be held, enUtled “ It All Be­ commission, and officials of a Windsor intersection. sity. His buddies distributed peanut jars to col­ nied. Freddy Plays Football; Freddy Sandra J. Werkhlser of 23 Windsor police say that lect donations. (AP Photofax.) gan in Bethlehem.” The service Goes To Florida; Freddy and CHICAGO In one direction, Manchester Memorial Ho-spital Agent for the sal* was the BOTH FAIRWAYS Caatle Rd„ who had stopped has been called for Jan. 12, to Moriarty struck a car operated will include songs, narration, his Men from Mars; Freddy and human skin la waterproof. It In front of him In order to review plans for Improving by Merton Dickinson, 81, of parts by groups and acting out the Flying Saucer Plans; Fred­ can take water from tte blood OPEN EVERY Q make a left turn into (Cham­ scenes to accompanying colored traffic circulation in the ho.spi- Windsor, broadside as it came dy and the Dragon; Freddy and and let it escape, but water can­ bers St. out of Park Ave. onto Windsor slides. Following this service, NIGHT till ^ tal area. the Detective; Farley, The not enter through the skin — The Werkhlser vehicle receiv­ Ave. The Impact threw Mori- the church will hold its Christ­ Black Stallion Challenged: Ar­ not even through the little chan­ to Christmos. . . ed considerable damage and had Others who will attend the meeting are Police Chief James arty’s car back 32 feet onto the mas Fellowship which will in­ thur, Alfred Hitchcock and the nels through which perspiration to be towed away. sidewalk, pinning him between clude a supper and a visit from Three Investigators in the Se­ emerges. Police also report a minor ac­ Reardon, Town Fire Chief W. the motor and the seat of his Santa. cret of Terror Castle; Alfred cident occurred last night at Clifford Mason, Town Water car. After being pried from the Ohiistmas Party Set Hitchcock Solve Them Yourself IBE FOB S MEBBIEB 6BBISTHBS (Center and Trotter Sts. Dept. Supt. Lawrence Wittkof- wreckage by two policemen, he The St. Margaret Mary’s Mysteries and Alfred Hitchcock According to -police, Ann P. ske and Towti Planning Direc­ was attended at the scene by a Ladies Guild will hold its tor Joseph Tamsky. in the Three Investigators in the CO LO R FILM Carlson of 197 Bush Hill Rd., doctor and then taken to Hart­ Christmas party Monday at 8 Mystery of the Stuttering Par­ who was in the process of mak- Mahoney had requested the ford Ho.spital by the Windsor p.m. in the church hall. Mem­ rot. FLASHBULBS li^ a left turn into Trotter St., meeting "in order to bring to a Fire Company’s ambulance. satisfactory conclusion the dis­ bers are reminded to bring a Also, Crosby, Junior Science DISCOUNT PRICES struck an oncoming vehicle op­ Dickin.son received only mi­ gift for the grab bag. Book on Pond Life, Brlndze, All BT 6BBRD-WBYI erated by Kipp O. Miller, 17, of cussions we had at the begin­ nor injuries In the accident. ning of the year, and which New Library Books About Courts and the Law; Na­ 17 Barry Rd. Windsor police say that the The following newly acquired than, Women of Courage; Moos, ARTHUR DRUG No police aoUon was.taken In bogged down last July.” case is still under investigation. Ho.y)ltal officials have sug- books have been received at Dwight D. Elsenhower; Mau- tha case. Sadd Memorial Library, Oak­ rois, Disraeli, A Picture of the gestedthe widening of Haynes - VERT WRONG NUMBER land Rd. Victorian Age; Glemser, All St. as the solution of the traffic .LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — Adult books; Hobson, First Atx>ut Biology; Holden. All prolbleln, but the board of direc­ The phone flipped at Mrs. Hugh Assorted Milk and f ] . 9 8 tors, as the result of a traffic Papers: Purdy, Cabot Wright About Fire, and Frisbee, John Dark Chocolate Lb. Allen's apartment. Begins; Coles, A Knife for the F. Kennedy, Young statesman. engineering study, have favored Through a quirk In the Juggler: Lamer, Drive, He Next Week’s Menus FLETCHER GLASS GOt o f Ma n c h e s t e r 'the conatruction of a new ac­ mechanism somewhere, Mrs. cess road ,to W. Middle Tpke. Said; Gilden, Hurry Sundown: South Windsor High School: Allen got more than 2(X) 'wrong Masterpieces numbers in two days. Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Monday, ravioli and meat ' m i sauce, peach short cake; Tues­ *When You Think o f Glass, FOWL ATTACK Among the parties sought Karamasov: Howells, The Rise i 949*A521 MOBILE, Ala. (AP) — A m day, pork chops, mashed pota­ were an airline, paint stores, o f Silas Lapham: Faulkner, in Miniature Think o f Fletcher** rooster’s owners, sued for an Absalom, Absalom: Hugo, Les toes, green beans, applesauce; doctors’ offices, a hotel and au­ alleged attack by the fowl, have tomobile firms, she said. Mlserables: Flora, The Irre­ Wednesday, cheeseburger on OSTAKfUENT S IO K S something to crow about today. ” I got real shaky.” she said, pressible Peccadillo: Fitagerald, roll, cole slaw, fruit. Milk will NOW AT OUR The suit for J10,(XX) damages be served with all meals. L t m i ARIOTOCIIATS after the trouble was "pretty Black Welcome; O’Hara, Sleep- was resolved Thursday by a much corrected” Thursday. ■uNiATUM o H o e o u m s CHILDREN'S SANTA WHU£ UVMOt A St M fASMOM NEW LOCATION jury in favor of the owners, Mr. One caller asked If it wasn't LITTLE GENTS FUR CHILD’S "LITTLE LADY" SURPRISE. A Owistmot itm and Mrs. Nicholas Moulyet. the airline "why do you keep on C O LLA R SLIPPERS. Por- RABBIT COLLAR BOOTIE. A neighbor, Mrs. Daisy Oates, lb* kids will love! Soft an.swering the phone?” 54 McKEE STREET had sued the Moulyets contend­ Another caller was a tele­ little Sonto-foced scuff. ing that the rooster attacked fect for around-the-house- Little ladies just love the cuddly phone company employe — he her. She said she suffered a bro­ Complete with cop and belt. fun. Fireside warmth with fur collar, plnk-and-blue colors. OPEN THURS. NIGHTS TILL 9 was trying to get the public lib­ ART BENSON says Sure to hold on feet - elos- ken wrist. rary. m i a t C i . padded sole and fur cuff. With cushiony crepe aole. Size* LARGER q u a r t e r s and MORE PARKING lie fit. In rod and wbito, In beige. Sizes 10-3. 10 to 3. AREA TO GIVE YOU BETTER SERVICE FOR CHRISTMAS... 901 MAIN ST.—648-6S21 aizoa 4 to 2. f f Prescription Pharmacy 1.79 A' All Mirrors We Sell Are m o m * R O C K E R n GuaranteecJ Electro-Copper Backed

DAD * RECLINER A FULL LENGTH DOOR MIRRORS ALL £|IZES IN STOCK q u s l i t y , THE KIDS want their own Rocker! HARRISON’S CUSTOM MADE MIRRORS 90-Day Replacement for FIREPLACE, BATHROOM, LIVING ROOM YOUR Guarantee! MARLOW’S FURNITURE DEPT. Tub Enclosures — Shower Doors INSTEAD buy only a fresh tree as HAVE JHEM ALL! COMPLETE COMPLETE LINE IN STOCK short oYlme before Christmos os TEEN 'S & WOMEN’S possible. Do not keep a tree after DOWNTOWN T E E N ’S & WOMEN’S WOMEN’S ’’P R E T T IES " WOMEN’S CLOUD-SOFT Complete Showroom of A BIG SELECTION OF TRAVEL SLIPPERS. A "SOFT TOUCH” SCUFFS. COMFY SCUFFS. The most PAD-ABOUTS. So cemfy. it has dried out. Locate tree away gift favorite! So easy to' Handsomely embroidered ' comfortable steps you’’ll so feminine. Soft padded VENETIAN MIRRORS i STATIONERS from exit doors and passageways. KIDDIES DINEHE SETS tvek ciwayl Long-wearing across vamp! Velour up­ ever take! Lovely fwo- vinyl uppers with trim. Framed and Beveled genuine split leather pers, soft underfoot. tone leather uppers, deep Worm bunny fur collar. In Stand tree firmly in pail of woterj OPEN soles, vinyl uppers. As­ Cushioned innersple. cushion innersole, sponge your favorite colors. Sizes 20% OFF or wet sand. Use only non-combus­ sorted colors. Moll-Med- Spongy crepe sole. Pink, rubber sole. Assorted co­ 5 to 10. V.. tible decorations. Be careful with •Uffi-Lorg*. or Blue. Sizes 5 to 10.' lors. Sizes 5 to 10. Special - 16" X '54' matches, smoking and open flame. EVERY NIGHT 1 .7 9 2 .G 9 PLATE GLASS Use only approved type of wiring

DOOR MIRROR Plus tax in good condition. Have your old TILL 9:00 cords and light sets examined by lomferloble lounging slippors for Dad! 22"x28" on electrician and repaired before FROM SAT. TO 5:30 PLATE GLASS using. Discard all worn-out cords. s t r u t s Moke certain that all bulbs fit MEN’S LOUNGING M IR R O R Plus tax MEN’S COMFORT SLIP­ PORTABLE TAPE RECORDER securely. Turn off Christmas tree FROM SLIPPERS. Real manly t^ With Adapter PERS. A gift Father will * Desk Sets comfort! Vinyl uppers, lights when replacing bulbs, when level Softest mon-mode Custom Made Glass Furniture Tops PLAYS ON BAHERY or AC split-leother sole and BMteriol with padded decorating tree, before retiring, worm bright cushiony for )4is New Desk WITH TRUE FIDELITY and TONE $ 1 .5 0 Free * DrofHnq Toblts heel and sole. In ton. Delivery fleece lining. In ton. or if your house is left unattended. * 5 9 Sizes 7 to 12. Now you can enjoy Dokorder quality in a rugged, . Sizes 7 to 12. f Do not overload your electric cir­ and more * T«nsor Lamps Stop in an(J $«• our lightweight (3.5 lbs.) fully transistorized, precision tape recorder. The PT-18C operating on battery or cuits. Place Christmas gift wrap­ • A BIG SELECTION OF SWIVEL CHAIRS— RED TAG CHRISTMAS SPECIALS / AC is the perfect gift for the student, salesman, pings in metal waste basket and FROM $22.95 * Albums lecturer, teacher, musician, etc. With more than a full • LAMPS GALORE! LARGE VARIETIES hodrs play on a single 3V4" reel, the PT-18C plays get rid of them at once. ALL MIRRORS AI4D GLASS MEASURED • BOOK CASES— ALL FINISHES back at ITs and 3% ips with exceptionally true * Book Ends AND INSTALLED BY CHRISTMAS • TABLES—MAPLE, MAHOGANY, WALNUT fltjflity. Features include: Dokorder Capstan Drive, • RECORD CABINETS— ALL FINISHES I tv*'* * Porktr P«ns Neon recording light, practically indestructible case. • NICE s e l e c t io n o f HASSOCKS $3.50 UP Come in for a demonstration today. M erry Christmas ’Merry ~ OF COURSE. EASY TERMS! — MEN'S HAND-LACED MOCS. AUTO GLASS i n s t a l l e d * Books Slipper favorite of soft, v X ’ and More, More, More! flexible leather, with hond- GLASS FURNITURE TOPS OPEN NIGHTS till 9! loced vamp ond worm fleeqe MIRRORS (Firaplaeo and Door) Hniog. Im ton. Sizes 6 to 12. 1 ^ PICTURE FRAMING (oR fypM) 2 . 9 9 M A R L O W l f V* WINDOW and PLATC GLASS HARRISON’S OONTKAOTOBS: WE HAVE IN STOCK I OPEN EVERY NIQHT till 9 ■ MEDICINE CABINETS and SHOWER DOORS ■ FURNITURE DEPT. (Lower Store Level) M 849 MAIN STREET' FIRST FOR EVERYTHING 3INCE 19111 mar a wm * ^ MANCHBTW PAKKAOe. Mipotl TUtlMPIKf’YiTST • O P E N ’T O N IG H T T I L L .1 A .M . ~ •. TMAkCt rr* At GKANO-WAY. . TAKI MONTHS TO PAY! WhOi ton Think Of Olaaa. Think Of Fleteher MAIN ST., MANCHESTER— p h o n e 649-5221 667 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER, CONN. M A N C H E S rai BBm iATES OLJLOLX GIVEN

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H O W K L. I- II '

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- Talk Successful Actor Finds He Likes Money o f the Parkaid’s .... J^idely Used By BOB THOMAS ^•r we can afford to go to 8ar-^sell agent, who fell to hie knode^his Imperial Jait Band. Who HEADQUARTERS dl's, but whether we want to go. to plead tor a role for his boy In waa Bruno Lynch? Oeorge 8e he igh chool orld HOLLYWOOD (AP) — "Mon­ T H S W B f HAL BOTLB ey buys happiness," Oeorge Se­ And when we do, we can look at "InviUtlon to a Ounflghter". . . g»l. > JI»W YORK (AP) — There Is the left side of the menu first." . If Oeorge hadn't been at a par­ Bruno and his bunch moved • Elaefric W ofcliM VOL. XXIX, No. 18 Friday, December 18 Compiled by Students of Manchester High School Mrs. Jbycb-Don, Faculty Advisor a widespread belief that the gal says with refreshing candor Oeorge Segal Is a happy ac­ ty where he met Robert Oohn, on to Columbia University, then most Importsmt langua^ In the as he surveys the most impor­ tor, and no wonder. His SOth I»oducer of "The New Intems". the leader dropped out for a COM! IN AND Sff OUN world totey is English. tant year of his life. year has brought him the kind .If "Ship of Fools" producer- forced booking with the U.8. • 2 1 J a w o b director Stanley Kramer hadn't A strong Cfuncert and Carol Sing will be sing seven numbers under the holidays in my country. The g g e r and she says sweetly, means is, "Well, stupid, why free for the first victory of the “Noche Buena” is a big meal and innuendo, gesture as well as Thursday night after suffering JERUSALEM — An Intact o n Y(MJR NiXT PRISCRIFTION FIllED AT Lir.GETT S held by the choirs and orches­ direction of Mr. Vater, and Christmas season starts on "gAibr, won’t you have some : weren’t you man enough to get season. Oarl Hohenthal, '66, Jim tra of MH8 Monday, Dec. 21, at Fred Sprague (’65), student di­ held on the eve of December spoken word. an apparent heart attack. He copper-mining camp dating to Kuhn, '66, and lanky Bob Dec. 16 and lasts until Jan. 6. 24th. An exchange of gifts is more steak?” j us a table by the window?” was 55. 8 p.m. iri Bailey Auditorium. rector. Niki Asvestas (’65), uplifted eyebrow may car­ The recent bridegroom natu­ the lith Century B.C. has been Evans, '65, led the Red and Midnight Masses are held from a familiar scene after the ry the Impact of 800 words, She says wistfully on a rainy Sheriff-coroner Herbert The choirs and orchestra will Carol Lawrence (’66) and Judy the 16th to the 25th of Decem­ rally thinks she is interested in uncovered at TImna, the site of White scores with 17, 14 and 13 perform under the direction of "Noche Buena." My family, in sometimes even 1,000 words. A day, "If anything should ever Hughes said Esquivel became Israel’s new copper Industry, by Seavey (’65) will accompany ber. Occasionally a band goes his welfare and pleasedly re­ happen to me, dearest. I want points,, respectively. Evans also Mr. Robert Vater and Mr. the choir on the piano. particular, celebrates Christ­ shrug may have more meaning ill at an El Ontro restaurant : an archaeolo^cal expedition. around the town before mid­ mas day by having our yearly than 10,000 words. plies, “ Yes, sweetie-pie, thanks. , you to marry again and be hap- was the leading rebounder as he James Higginbottom. The songs which will be sung I think I will." '■ni was driven to a motel by Three furnaces, stores, workers’ and Hohenthal controlled the night in order to wake the peo­ picture taken: visiting friends; I py.” What she means Is. "If you The freshman choir, conducted are "Adoremus Te Chrlste” ; a Another thing a husband his chauffeur. When he arrived ■ living quarters, and a place of ple up. It is the custom during and attending outdoor activi­ needs to learn in dealing with What he doesn’t realize is that do, stupid. I’ll haunt you forev­ backboards. by Mr. Higginbottom, will open lovely chorale, "O Divine Re­ at the motel, he was having worship have been unearthed. Captain Duks Hutchinson, this season for children to go ties with other families. wife-talk is always couched in er." the program with eight varied deemer” ; "O Tidings Great and to the houses of their godpar­ MHS exchange students, John Eagleshleld, Gerrl Kosturi, and LlUl Concepcion, view the the form of indirect discourse trouble breathing and the driver '65, Don Romems, ’66, Mark New Year’s Eve is greeted by Wife-talk, of course, requires attempted to call his physician numbers to set the festive mood. Wondrous." to he sung by the ents to receive gifts. Christmas showcase. "iTie display depicts a scene from the well known "Nutcracker,” which and that what his bride actually Heller, '66, Oiet Kobllnsky, '66, a big meal and firecrackers an answering form of communl- but could not locate him, the Tallis Paups, '67, a violin solo­ aitos and sopranos, or the fem­ has become a favorite of American children at Christmas time. The display waa designed Wally Irish, '65, and Chris Mc- ist, will be accompanied in Ave Christmas carols may be moment the whistle blows meant was, "I’m starved, stu­ , cation. 'This is known as hus­ sheriff said. ale members of the choir; and and created by Eileen Packard, ’65. (Herald photo by Oflara.) pid - pass me the meat.’’ ALUMINUM TREES Hale, '65, all performed on the Maria (arranged by Bach, Guo- heard in all the nooks of the , announcing that the new year band-talk. It has been scientif­ Fire department efforts to "Carol, Brothers, CJarol," to be It can be taken as a rule of hardwood as all but one man­ nod) by Judy Naschke '66. Philippines. There are many | started, firecracker.s, whis- | INSULATION ically reduced to a single sen­ revive the governor were not ORNAMENTS sung by the basses and tenors thumb in wife-talk that any sen­ aged to break into the scoring carolers who go around to the yg bombs, and other noisy | is called "Adventzeit.” Every ‘W:?! tence. successful. After the freshman choir, the or the male members of the tence u.sed by a wife in address­ Tree Stands • Bulbs column in the first duel. choir. "Jingle Bells C^alypso." houses. There is a certain prac- , things are fired. A whole year o( family has an advent wreath in ' No matter what a wife .says, "From what I can gather, he Roimdtable, conducted by Mr. ing her husband carries the im­ Manchester’s hoopsters will a festive and difficult study in tice in several places in the j good grace is said to be ob- their house hanging from ' the W. H. ENGLAND the wise husband Invariably had just deci'^'--' to take a ride," Vater, will sing seven numbers, PhilippincS regarding caroling.' tained by the occupants of a plied term “ stupid," although ARTHUR DRUG look for improvement as they including "Twas the Night Be­ rhythm, and "Ho Little ceiling. Every Sunday we light only an insensible woman ac­ ' replies: Hughes ouivers pres­ RIFT HEADQUARIOS In the Visayan islanff;' carolers . house when all the windows and one of the candles and sing Brother,” another gay song, ence in El Centro. try to make It two in a row fore Christmas,” in which the LUMBER C O . tually u.ses this word out loud to I "Baby, you said a mouthful!" against Windham tonighL de­ will also be sung. "O Tiding.'* garbed in shepherds’ clothes (jom-g are opened as the New songs. His reSlUc In MexicafiTalT deep voice of Eric Johnson (’64) dance certain dances while! year approaches, her spouse. She doe.sn't have to. ' This is the only thing he can fending their g 4 0 c to 7 5 e walked away with his ninth during this' time. Students are BERNIE'S PAY AS YOU PLEASE PLAN tapes, which discuss such mat­ such award. With the affirma­ finalists and will now enter tha • NO MONEY DOWN • UP TO 8 YEARS ters as: How to study, hpw to not permitted to have others in statewide competition. - ^ tive team of Steve Penny and cars wait for them in the stu­ • »0 DAYS— NO - TO PAY Improve vocabulary, how to A1 MacDonald, both ’66, defeat­ The contest was sponsored bff FIREPLACC WOOD «1.50 PER STACK FINANCE CHARGE , • BANK FINANCING dent parking lot - during the the CFW, in cooperation wlli outline, etc. ing Naugatuck, and the nega­ school day. . Many books are used to im: tive team of Jim MacPherson the Nationa), Association N- THE-TURNPJKi Near Howard Johnson’s, y . . Herald Photos by- Oflara which begin Jan. 29, must talk will break into the full swing Students who are Interested group of 16 waa choam- 397 Tolland Turnpike 8 STORES: 877 MAIN STRECT MANCHESTER ometer, a reading pacer. Middle: Carol Mooney '65 to their ^dance counselor and of its season as preparations in this opportunity are urged number was narrowed down Manchester, Cohn. NIGHT TILL 9 MANCHESTER Students take part in the developmental reading pick up an application in room ore made for February’s Trin­ to obtain further informa­ five finalists who taped BLOOMFIELD follows Shadowscope’s beam of light down the MenoheBtex, Conn. 649-7521 BATUiUDAYB TILL 6 WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS FREE DELIVERY (dinic. U]H>er picture; Students use the SRA Rea(L 110. AppUcattons must be M- ity College Atbeneum Society tion from Mr. Oteaaer -in speeches in the Inirtniel \ PHONE 64S-9S61 NEWINGTON ing Lab^toiY to improve speed with comprehen- Ilage. Right: Kenneth Adams ’67 is listening to a tnnied befors Jon. 8. TouRMOMnit Room 917. IfatsriSbF OMKter. BUM rion. Lower Is^tt lUchard Carlson '65 uses the Rate- tape, pretparing to test his listening skilliL *66. Bd OOMman. ‘66. P a u l ~ ^ - ^4USI E IG H lG E n MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1984 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1964 PAGE NINETCBN Mrs. Humphrey Holy Name Unit MARLOWS Bastogne’s Mayor Recalls Horror FRONT A M M Commuter Qock Devised Foresees Little F s m c n n i r ^ For Role as FrankHn Plans Yule Fete OPEN Change A head HDTrOR’8 NOTH — It was«>tIon celebrating the return supirtlas as skies reftisedB ^prlsals were terrible, ARTHUR To Keep Track of Mice EVERY ♦ l Just before the last Christmas of the clocks, removed by tha Ger­ to clear, forbidding any air drop fighting renewed, twice m « * St. James’ Holy Name So­ naW TORK (AP) — B«njun ylolont and on Oiristmas Kvo, NIGHT HR WASHINGTON ( ^ ) — Mrs. World War n . The Allies were mans. Before the ceremony or even siq^port ciety will sponsor its fifth an­ WASHINGTON (AP) — Hlck-^towllng mlco usually enter Ik IVKiikUa thought he might I had organised a group of the Luftwaffe came to bomb the Hubert H. Humphrey doesn’t on their way to victory in Eu­ could start, U.S. military au­ nual Christmas party for the ory, dlckory, dock — for mice a traps only at night, "and may ' te r * beocn e the IM t U.S. pt«>- expect her Ufe to change very rope. Then the Germans revived thorities decreed a curfew and volunteers to distribute food. A town. The whole dlMriot from the girls’ o o U m to the Rue de children of St. James’ parish commuter’s clock! spend one or more days in the Italt bed hie eon not been m much when her husbud be­ to fight the Battle of the Bulge. power was cut makeshift bakery, and butcher home area without entering EAT BCTTER PON I shop had been set at up the la Halle wae afire. tomorrow In the school audi­ Scientists reported today they comes vice president. The way it went in Bastogne is That was the first of many have developed a tiny radio available traps.” . Taqr during the American Rev- "I think we’re going to see candlelit evenings. seminary. People could leave Ae feeble Ohrlstmaa carols torium. Children of pre-school told in this story written for The transmitter — smaller than an Thus, the fastest homing more of each other than we Aseoclated Press by the man On Monday, Dec. 18, countless shelters two hours a day to col­ rose in the desperate n l ^ . ' age. to Grade 3 will attend at 1^0 I a.m. while children from Grades Inch-cube of cheese — for inser­ speed clocked by the older lU e la one ot the facte about have in a long, long time,” she who at the time was burgomas­ tanks, trucks and half-tracks lect food. The last 780 pounds of bombs destroyed me Red Oroes BONim STATHWERS 4 through 8 will attend at 1:30 tion beneath a mouse’s skin. methods was only about 30 9m Pounding Father that Roh- told a group of women reporters ter — mayor — of the Belgian rumbled across the town on war-relief Mscults were distrib­ building, kiUl^ 27 U.S. soldiers who gathered at her house uted as U.S. soldiers fired their and a Belgian nurse. set MAIN smeiT I p.m. The signal-sending gadget is yards an hour — and, as every , act ProetoB learned while etudy- town. their way to the nearing battle- de.signed to allow remote-con­ cat knows, mice can really step Wednesday for coffee. front. First Luxembourg refu­ lest cartridges. Gen. George S. I*atton arrived The eighth grade students of * lag for Ua role in the Broadway Day broke with a great hope St. James’ School will present trol tracking of a mouse’s much faster than that. Humphrey’s new position — By LEON JAOQMIN gees appeared, coming from Dec. 28, breaking the etege. But The scientists figured that asuBleal. away from the demands of on Dec. 22. Haze was dissolving, iOPEN I a Christmas Pageant and carol movements - 7 especially how BASTOGNE, Belgium (AP) — Wilts and Clervaux, announcing German air raids resumed Dec. perhaps mice meander before being a senator — comes at a skies were clearing. At 8:80 ' singing. Robert O'Connell will swiftly he heads to his next spot e Bia portrayal reqoirea a wig, In that December 20 years ago, SS troope had Just recaptured 26-80, destroying more than a heading home. time, she said, when "you can a.m. a muffled sound was TILL i read from the scriptures on the when he finds himself in unfa ' and Boh hae to ehava hie head snow had been falling thick on the latter town. hundred houees, aa most of me miliar territory. each night before going on share many, many things you this capital of the rugged Ar­ The first shells fell at 4 p.m. heard. It grew and a cloud of population fled the burning Nativity. So they rigged the transistor­ couldn’t when your children are B22 brnnhere flew over the I John Conner and Alvin Baldt The researchers reported ized radio device, which weighs etage. dennes Forest area, covering Reinforcements of the 101st Air­ town. SAniRDAY NWHT some surprising findings about e growing tip." the gray stone and blue slate of borne Division took positions In town. Hundreda of multicolor are co-chairmen for the party. a fraction of an ounce, and Playing the role of a 70-yoar> i ' A thousand people remained ' The pageant and the carol sing- the homing behavior of the ro­ tuned in on a field mouse spor­ Open 7 Days 11:80-9 old diplomat ie no proUem to When the children were the town. The snow coated the the town during the night. parachutes opened, ahlning as as shells continued to fall until I Ing is under the direction of dents — findings which presu­ ting one beneath the skin of his 287 West Middle Tnrnplho the eprightly actor. He la uaed young, she said, it was hard to black pines on the hills and high We were sHelled three times they dropped 140 tons of food, ammunition and drugs. The Jan. 15. Only 160 of the 1,200 ' Frank Laraia. Other committee mably would be helpful In any back. to roles older than Me actual help iier husband in Mlitics and plateaus nearby. next day. A shell hit the Town houses were undamaged. But, be a mother, too. "You have a whole population rushed out of members include Joseph Mc- scientific m o u R e-cradlcatlon The test vindicated the mouse ■g*. Terrified women, children and Hall’s front wall. U.S. 106mm manke to diaclpllne and otnir- program. ■ as a home-lover. guilty feeling halt the time," howitzers reacted. shelters to admire the show. I Carthy. John Scheibenpflug, "Bven ae a kid I never {dayed cattle were sheltering in cellars age, Ba^gne lost only IS cit­ Hugh Hayden, Frank Philo- For one thing, it seems mice Loosed at around 11 o’clock at she said. or stables across Bastogne and Belgian police crisscrossed GIs’ and civUlans were shout­ anyone young," he aald. "A t 18, Now, she said, she was very izens. pona. Michael Eddebum, Rob­ rival pigeons in their ability to night In a strange area more CAMERAS in my first film, I ]dayed Bar­ on surrounding farms. the town, asking the population ing, crying, kissing each other, navigate directly back home. grateful that "it’s this time of ert Columbe. Also Chester than 300 yards from Its known bara Stanwyck’s husband. I Then tracer bullets and ex­ to take shelter in cellars. The laughing. WUd enthusiasm had NOTICE Biologist.s Kenneth S. Rawson 1 ■•home, the mouse prowled Chockod Obuchowski. Raymond Della- our lives.” Mrs. Humphrey. 62, ploding shells replaced the noise of the battle came louder seized the besieged soldiers and only played one Juvenile part In is a yoimg-Iooking grandmother Fera, Salvatore Fiorentino, and Peter H. Hartline, of ^ around the launching pad for for Christmas my life, and found it so dull I Bethlehem star In Bastogne'a and louder. Germans were at civilians who forgot their tragic with short white hair. FOR RENT John Thompson, Sal FelVce J Swarthmore College, Pennsyl- about a half hour - presumably never tried another." sky. Noville, six miles from here, situation, as if Santa Claus was iMODEirN TVI ’ vania, came up with the mouse trying to get Its bearings. • FLASH ’Two of the Humphrey’s four coming down to rescue them. 8 and 16 mm- Movie Projeo- Sylvester McCann and Joseph Preston was bom in Newton Seventy-two thousand U.S. then at Neffe, a little more than ncw.s in a report in the Techni­ Then It gunned homeward — children are married and have On that memorable Friday tore—sound or silent, also Gorman. • BAHERIES Highlands, Mass., hut moved to soldiers were to spill their blood two miles away. 86 mm. slide projectors. cal Journal of Science, official traveling the 300 yards In an homes of their own. Tbey are in these tragic Christmas days, Gen. Anthony C. McAuUffe gave SERVICE weekly of the American As.so- • SHUHER OMifbmla In childhood. After Hubert m , known as Skip, who The next day, Dec. 20, Ger­ hour, or 10 times as fast as the marking Bastogne’s name in his historic "Nuts" reply to the elation for the Advancement of duatlng from high school, he lives here, and daughter Nancy, mans attacked in force in Neffe, WEUON DRUe CO. FonAerly Of Isles Linked to U.S old apparent record. • CAMERA HELP ned a repertory company golden letters — beside Stalin­ Germans when they asked for Science. They gave this ac­ Mrs. Bruce Solomonson of Min­ Mont and Bizory. They could the town’s tmcondlUonal surren­ Ml M.I. 6«S-S»t Summer Street led by Tyrone Power’s grad, Alamein and (^en - in not advance, but in Foy, three ST. CROIX, Virgin Islands — count ; neapolis. the history of German defeat. der under threat of razing It Previous attempts to study Allergic Child Aided mother, and took part in 42 1110 other two Humphrey chil­ miles from here, the Americans Is Now Located At Not Much Left of ^The Littl'' Showing in Illinois River An underwater telephone cable Salem Nassiff productions before being signed GIs had liberated us the pre­ had to retreat. that just went into operation the homing behavior of mice dren are Douglas, 16, a Junior at All that’s left showing of the tug “ The Little One” • off the tug onto an ice floe and were rescued. (AP NEW YORK — Gamma-glob­ by Paramount Pictures. vious September. We were First victims fell in Bastogne established the first direct phy­ involved releasing them some Shattuck Military Academy in ulin Injections have been used CAMERA AND preparing to celebrate our first too. A Jeep was hit in the main is the pilot house roof after the craft sank in the ' Photofax.) sical communications link be­ distance from their nests and He grew a mustache to make Falrbault, Minn., and Robert, 1385 CENTER successfully In tests to treat him look more mature, and dur­ Christmas in peace with them street. Its three passengers Illinois River. The captain and first mate jumped tween the U.S. Virgin Islands then timing the Interval up to 20, a sophomore at Mankato Bicycle and the mainland United States. | their recapture in traps placed children with bronchial asthma PHOTO SHOP ing the next dosen years or so State College in Minnesota. when, on Dec. 17, a rumor were killed. A few minutes la­ spread across town that the The cable’s terminals are at 1 near their homes. and allergic rhinitis, both of 991 MAIN STREET became one of the most versa­ Nancy has two daughters and ter, the head nun of the girls’ STREET the picket lines and tied up Merritt Island projects and one as individuals to observe picket which cause frequent upper tile villains in screen history. Germans had launched a coun­ college was fatally injured. A POLO SEATS Vero Beach, Fla., and Magen’sl But such techniques had is expecting a third child in Carpenters End work at Cape Kennedy, the at Patrick Air Force Ba.se. lines even though the strike was Bay, St. Thomas. drawbacks: for one thing night-respiratory infections. Preston proved his gift for March. Mrs. Humphrey hopes it teroffensive near Cleamaux, a shell fell Into a cellar. Six per­ I (Formerly C. J. Morrison | A company official said not sanctioned. BOP PRJCSTON HI-BARS Paint Store) | Merritt Island moonport and somedy in Broadway revivals will be her first grandson. Luxembourg town 17 miles sons died. nearby Patrick Air Force Base. Akwa-Downey has “ no com­ away. Strike at Cape before his biggest bit as the ras­ sure of pleasing the perceptive The three boys will be home Thursday, Dec. 21 we were The Air Force and Army ment to make at this time.” k zcw-wt zwaw zw o e jrvi Our first reaction was disbe­ KNOBBY TIRES Some Phoii* Numb«r| Most Life *Metered^ cally band instrument salesman ones outside his craft." for Christmas, but the Solomon- completely encircled. The battle Hummels, Gifts, Corps of Engineers reported The Brevard County Building hi "The Music Man.” His gusty vitality is the envy sons aren't coming. lief. How could Germans rout was raging, as close to 4,000 NOW IN STOCK . CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) today that most of the workmen Trades Council advised its A man of gusty vitality, he of many fellow performers, but The Humphreys want to re­ this powerful U.S. Army, people of Bastogne started a Religions Items — A carpenters union local to­ were back on the Job. members not to observe the NEW YORK — More than 90 main in the four-bedroom sub­ equipped with the most modem 643-2205 per cent of the world’s popula­ enjoys his work hugely and has exuberance comes naturally to week-long siege in cold and • Open 6 Days • MANCHESTER day ended a one-day strike There was no indication picket lines because of a no­ no ambition to become either a Preston. He believes in living urban home where they have materiel? dark cellars. whether a settlement had been strike agreement with the Na­ tion — 77 countries — live and From S h o o r CYCLE SHOP which hEul slowed work on |246 writer or director. life to the hilt. lived for 16 years. But anxiety grew with the Above our heads, shells ex­ 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Open till 9 P.M. Daily reached between the union and tional Aeronautics and Space do business by the metric sys­ With all the talk about the hours, as guns grew louder. ploded as houses crumbled. The 161 West Middle Turnpike million worth of construction at tem. This includes all Europe, "Sverythlng X do is its own "All I ’m really Interested in 964 Main S t—648-7781 the nation’s spaceport. the contractor involved. Administration. reward,” he observed. "Any­ life outside of what Pm doing government providing an offi­ It was Sunday and we went to 101st was fighting but ammuni­ 649-2098 Until Christmas It was the fifth work stoppage A spokesman lor the AFL-CIO Russia, China, Japan, India, cial home for the vice president, church for an evening benedlc- tion was getting scarce. Officers Nearly 1,(XX) members of Ceu*- said other workers had a right and Central and South America. body who works at anything he now is what I ’m going to do penters Local 1686, AFLrdO, at the Cape this year. doesn’t like has my sympathy. I next," he said. Mrs. Humphrey said, "W e’re The carpenters said the trou­ very happy here and would like struck Thursday in a dispute feel sorry for actors who think "What defeats most pei^e is over hiring of 30 non-union car­ ble involved employment of their Job is a chore." their failure to keep themselves to stay put.” nonunion men by the Akwa- Secret Service men have tak­ penters. More than 2,600 other at the Parkade "But I don’t have many dis- ready for the next opportunity. construction workers honored Downey Construction Co. on two Opportunity doesn’t knock. You en over what was once a pan­ Mkes. I don’t even dislike going v m to the dentist, because I accept can’t sit by the phone waiting eled playroom in the basement. 1 TOLLAND Open E . till 9 P.M. ft as necessary In the scheme of for it to ring you up. You have She hm set up her own office, things.’^’ be said. to go find it. with a secreta:^, in what was TURNPIKE *I tUnk a man’s goal should "M y philosophy is to enjoy the Humphrey’s den. MANCHESTER- be to work so as to please the things I have to do as much as I "He’s very unhappy — he THOUSANDS SOLD FOR $29:95: beat people in bis own craft, and enjoy doing the things I don’t doesn't have a den,” she said VERNON TOWN LINE tf he does that he is fairly well have to do." with a wifely smile. VITTNER’S « FO R A Now Only OPEN 7 DAYS-DAILY 8 A.M. to 8 P.M.— SAT. and SUN. 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. 1965 Meniv Christmas * 1 9 ^ 9 5 PRESENTS I **Wh«ii ^m othlng happy happanOf GET IPs Bulova Ch ristmas Wonderland ! ► J i o t I c m c Z OUR watch Umar* SWEEPER VAC LOW, E f ^ n t powerful yet light­ LOW Tomikithls weight . . . ^Im, trim and PRICES Chriitmn llv« for DODGES •asy-to-use . . . For daily w in, thoro'i m POLARA ON gift likiawateh— 'For Us A Child Is Born' pdy-im or weekly clean-. and no watch like Skips from floors i APPUANCES Bulon.lfto^ ‘M CORONET to rugs on soft, wide you can Uko prido Presented By rubber rollers. and joy in giving, Nozzle brush THE HANDY taka prldoTn DART adjusts for owning, becouto Cantata Choir and Chamber Orchestra tasks. LIGHTWEIGHT iVa made with COMPACT WAGONS VACUUM CLEANER pride. WITH KIN6-8IZE CENTER CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH DISPOSABLE DUST BAGS Soo our Watch ’64 Dodge Polara 4-Door Hardtop. Expirts. Thay'll Give halp you choose Fully equipped including power the p^oet gift ABOVE-THE-FLOOR Sunday, December 20, 1964— 7:30 P,M, steering and brakes. SAVE from our largo ATTACHMENT PAC Bulova selection j '64 Pontiac Catalina 2-Door Hardtop. Ventura trim. B u l o v a I >■ priced from The Public Is Invited A Freewill Offering Will Be Taken S deuces with 4 on the floor. g A U C Fraa Amtrlet’t aeit WRuklt* $24.75. OImmM iMtcii MiketleR. Tlw BVtory equipment. w C ■UMMn u m m . 2 4it- IMDdt, 21 (XpiRtlOa ’64 Dodge 270. R&H., auto, trans. Includu U ip to r SwimI Collzr WoCRWlt Jtticli tcctitorlM), Very low mileage. Power steering. SAVE UphrtFtonr ind Drapiry Moult Crtvict Tool for itttin i Into out- Ths iMMUt MaWJk n - tta mtcii tlMt ka* werytiilRi. It UUBINO UBV “t* ’63 Chrysler Newport 4-Door .Sedan. In-Usa Weight of-flit wty spots. Trim and tkW KW COMFUn ONLY $2.01 jMMl RWMmMt, ttll-wMInt, wltk grae«M R&H., double power. •2395 Only lbs. ewtlfkd wtttfRfoof*, UMck rt- ■dwaMdsCMia •Mert, hMilRMM RMiit m4 IF YOU DONT WANT A ’63 Dodge 440 4-Door Sedan. dW, eoneiRtUOR liRk mi «• BERME'S PAY AS YOU PLEASE PLAN PRMlOH kMd. $WJd R&H., auto, trans., power steering. ♦1695 • NO MONEY DOWN • UP TO 8 YEARS BUDOET TERMS \"M a p p h it SMALL CAR... TO PAY ’62 Pontiac Le Mans Sport Coupe. • 90 DAYS— NO FINANCE CHARGE • BANK FINANCING GARLAND Bucket seats, radio, 4 on the floor. •1195 WE ALSO SELL a ,H o w €Ould $her» ie .mj THIS CHRISTMAS CEMETERY BASKETS '61 Comet 4-Door Sedan, 6 cyl., std. ‘^ntore mpproprimte g if t ? j or ROPING trans. Nicely equipped. *995 GIVE MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM ACCUTRON* BIG ONES y HEMLOCK B S R N ie 'S by BULOVA TELEVISION and APPLIANCE STORE y PINE-LAUREL CHORCHES MOTORS, INC. MANCHESTER SHOPPING PARKADE 1 # ^ Falcon Country Squire 80 OAKLAND STREET J MANCHESTER OPEN EVEJiY Q 3 STORES: • O H ■ Auto, trans. Immaculate condition. •2490 yPINE NIGHT TILL T MANCHESTER CEMETERY BLANKETS TELEPHONE 643-2791 SATURDAYS TU.L BLOOMFIELD The y LAUREL PHONE 643-9661 NEWINGTON $g.95 _ $Q.95 MOTHER'S RING* F ^ ^ R D Country Squirt. Loaded with extras. •2990 Twin bands o f J4K ■Artcarved* gold symboHu* Mother E Z e mod rather — joined FOR THE MAN IN YOUR HOUSE WEDDING RINGS by lustrous synthetic 63 Bel Air Fordtfr. Extra nice. •1890 yard stones of the month, one for each child an ARTIFICIAL the family. ‘ WREATHS GLOBEMASTER POWER TOOLS She’ll cherish the 6 1 ^ # H E V Y Monza 4-Door Sedan. Auto, trans. •1390 MADE IN U.S.A.— TOPS IN PERFORMANCE— RUGGED CONSTRUCTION Mother’s King lorever CHRISTMAS because sheHI know you could give her 1.50 to 10.00 ELECTRIC COIDINUAVIS S74 if.' HAINBOW $7J PAY A * LITTLS AS BOUGHS ELECTRIC nothing more individ* 63 V A I L I A N T V-200 Fordor. Automatic. •1690 TREES POWER SAW DRILL ^ usl, more personsl, $2 A WBSK PON THB DOOR SW AGS Reg. 884.85 Reg. $19.96 more tignifiesnt. J BALSAM 50c 1 2 e 7 Ft. XMAS SPECIAL XMAS SPECIAL WORLD’S ONLY CLCCTRONIC TIMIPIICS m THERE IS ONLY OVER 25 MODELS 61 C ^ L D 3 F-85 Cutlass. Auto, trans., PJ3. •1690 yp iN E 60c 1 1.50 to 2.50 ONE “ MOTHER’S OUARANTIID* e l e c t r i c ' 2-WAY RING". IT IS so dis­ 99.9977% accurate on your u riiU TO CHOOSE FROM RAINDROP ^0 POLARIS $ 'i. ELECTRIC SANDER tinctive, so unique, that / LAUREL 60c 1 SABRE SAW Othor Artoarvad atylaa from $• 4CC8TIBN “2 i r Stainisaa stsal esas^ Reg. S19.M Reg. 124.96 SMM8iNci.rss.Tm. aiNfi8Ni8«i8S«8 8hawaiiBa. it has been awarded GIFT watsrprooft, iwesp saeond hand. 62 2-Door Hardtop. Immaculate. •1990 XMAS SPECIAL XMAS SPECIAL ^ 2 2 4 5 USE YOUR CREDIT U.S. Patent #186,183. Hand applied marken and with alligs. y BOXW OOD 75c 1 INDOOR, OUTDOOR Ask for it by name, lor strap. $12541 CERTIFICATES CHRISTMAS STORE HOURS ronftrm it by its iden­ assourcomplstsAesutroas^sctiom, DECORATIONS CHRISTMAS SUPPLIES - MARK II 6V. DRY CEIX DAILY TO 9 P.M. tifying tag. , tromHat NO SET DOWN PAYMENT • LOCAL BANK FINANCING y BLUE SPRUCE 1.00 1 UNI-FLOAT LANTERNS IN A N Y A m o u n t and DECORATIONS STOCKING STUFFERS SATURDAY TO 5:30 P.M. Won’t Rust—Won’t Sink From $25.00 USE YOUR CREDIT an FLOODLIGHT KITS GiOBEMASTER TOOLS Won’t Corrode—Won’t Break YOUR AUTHOBIZED r flSK RiK RIK RlK HIK HIK HIK H h K RIK HiK RiRflSiK I ELECmUCAL pUPPLIBS 99c YOUR CHOICE 99c P8.95 Complete W/Battery VOLKSWAaER DEALER TED UTILAC SPRAY ENAMEL TRUDON FRESHLY CUT INDIANA SCOTCH PINE BOLTON NOTCH LUMBER & SUPPLY CO. (FORMERLY McKINNEY LUMBER) Open Evenings e Phone 649-2838 ROUTE 44-A, AT THE "NOTCH” — OPEN DAILY 8 A.M. to 5 P.M., SAT. t o 1 P.M. ToUaiid T n m i^ e B Teleottville BEAUTIFUL POINSEHRS and CHRISTMAS CACTUS TELEPHONE 643-2193 CALL COLLECT »17 MAIN STREET m .M 3-5123 MANCHSSTIR I I rBSS W K rHR WBto WBto W K WJPs W K «^iPa WiPi PAGE TWENTY-ONE j MANCHESTEIt EVENINQ HERALD, MANCHBSlTEB. CONM„ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1964 MANCHESTRU E V B ^ G HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONM„ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1964 r liflM M M IBM. IBM. iOMl Gardner, Danals MUi^iyf I>«vln 18 Feared Dead Rockville ^ iHvDDI mIvDIi r Columbia O’Brien nad Btnfvs Rwiun re- PollyB PointerB ^uth Milieu ositsd numsrsls. BERRrS WORLD V Star Sells Yule Wreaths to Aid Boys Also, cross country: John In Indiana Blaze H A R R IS O N t Coughlin, oo>«sptain letter end nadlBK BIgM Herba WIFE’S .DUAL BOLE Man in Court Makes Choice^ Dry Hydrant espUin ocrttfleats and Douglas Many women assume that be­ •■* ^ ■" aplaode he sure that discipline will be kept. on Hayden Allen’s property on Green, Jeffrey Moeckd and S d Bartlett, IFAnJen I W e, shelves In alphabetical order mention that they are good he la Innocent. feaa saMcra disennad. It con- When a clean cottage means the Steve admits it was probably with proceeds helping to support Columbia Lake have nearly such as allspice, basil, cloves, mas wreath hung. A blackened The judge added, however, k'm'fssrmsmm chance to see a movie once a the turning point in his life. the republic. Steve stayed there Richard Robinson. Taagertsee. Pentasm ^ mothers. tubular fire escape, which no Austin P. Almon, 36, of 48 that if "Almon wants to appeal cams another Chrlstmaa, when completed their work. Proper Water Level Pmmd floauta, Pemegrsertee^Mel- dill and ao on. I do hope this Usually, they throw in the fact Union St., was given a choice he was barely a teen-ager but month and one boy can wipe out He learned to do his work, about a year, then left to ship 2 Lbs. 29c will save your patience as much one was able to use, had toppled so he can go around with a the privilege by demerits, you and there is plenty to do at out on a freighter. Ward Rosebrooks, fire chief, Marshall Nuhfer, gaU tender ons, Riber, Lady Finger that they me good ho"sekeep- to the ground. by Judge John C. FitzGerald in clear conscience, I will follow yoeaaasad a toughness beyond said yesterday that water can at the dam, said last night the Good and Nntrltioas! Grapes, Freeli Sweet CMer as it saved hime.JANICB ers, too. his years. can bet the others will see that Boys’ Republic. There are cattle The. lessons he learned at The home was a converted 60- Tolland County Superior Court. the recommendations of the and other livestock to take care Boys' Republic stayed with him, now be pum p^ and relayed for water level Is Just shout where aad Mnoli Blere! GIRLS — This Is one of those Any man with common sense year-old residence in this ham­ Almon could elect to appeal his state’s attorney." DAR RENTALS Inavttahly. he got In trouble he suffers for his infractions." over two miles through boas so-slmple hints that make me wants his wife to be a good with the law. Ha was offered the Young Steve didn’t see the of and a host of duties In main­ and the whole experience re­ It should be for this time of let 20 miles southeast of Indi­ conviction and serve a prison State’s Atty. Joel Reed H. wisdom of the system at first. taining the grounds and build­ mains vital in his memory. line. year. feel Just plain silly because mother. And most men expect anapolis. term, or he could agree not to had recommended the jail or LEASING choice o( stem punishment, or According to Rosebrooks, the BUY 1 or 101 QF ANY mCM YOU WANT! never had the presence of mind a wife to be a reasonably good enrollment at Boys’ Republic, a He ran away, landed in Jail and ings. Steve soon discovered the And that’s how a movie star Residents had voted to low' Dr. W. L. Green said survi­ appeaJ and receive a suspended term. The judge set the appeal was returned to Boys’ Republic. boys who worked well got the happened to be selling Christ­ dry hydrant Is a pipe inatiUled er the level of the lake . more to do it. No one spends more housekeeper. vors in the Shelbyville hospital sentence and probation. bond at $5,000 although it is •AH Makes private InatltuUon dedicated to In the ground to which the hoae ★ GROCERIES e COLD CUTS e DAIRY *■ PASTRY ★ tim« than I do groping around But a woman can excel at straightening out boys in trou­ "I got my lumps from the oth­ better jobs. mas wreaths in the MGM com­ than usual this year to aUow were in as good condition as After a lengthy recess, dur­ normally $7,.500 in such cases. • AU Models "I had the garbage duty dur- missary. from the pumper is attached. the cmistructlon of a new pier for the right herb or spice. — both motherhood and housekeep­ could be expected after expo­ ing which Almon conferred with ble. Re chose the latter. er fellows,” he said. The pipe will Im laid about 100 at the public beach. However, 276 OAKLAND ST. POU.Y ing and still not be the kind of sure to the severe cold. his attorney, Harry Hammer, •AH Times feet from the highway and is drought conditions were such wife a man Is happy living with "Of course, they’re pretty Almon selected the prison term. veling distance from his home commission . feels that growth below the frost line. DEAR POLLY — My hint Is all the days of his life. Andover appears moist likely to be rapid AL Women Aid that the vote was rescinded and shocky," he said, "and we don’t However, the judge set a $5,- Paul Dodge Pentiae Hdiron in Bloomfield, is too difficult Rosebrooks expects the work e coffer dam was constructed for bird lovers. Ocaasionally a A man needs a woman who know how many pneumonias we 000 appeal bond, and Atty. INC. to continue in winter weather. in the northern part of the to be finished this weekend and to..AUow completion of the proj­ OpenPERO 6 AJR. to 0 PAL Weekdays o 7 A.BL to 8 PJL Snndaya metal garbage can wears out lovesioves andanu understandsunucr»i»i«B him,.u... who«..u j exposure." Youth Arrested Hammer noted that “every ef­ The Christmas rush here is town, but that completion of the Vets with Gifts said other dry hydrants will ^fo re me lid does. If the lid Is makes life ir.ore pJea_^t and S7.H MAIN STREET new Route 2, now golng on, may be installed in the future, espe­ ect nursing fort will be mside to obtain to* Phone 640-2881 now going on, with loaded sind The steel I-bsam are now in scrubbed clean and filled with more fun, who will help him home fire here was much heavi­ bond.” In Gun Robbery Caterpillars late delivery of mall, Christmas be a factor wiiicn may stimu­ Six members of the Manches­ cially In the Sleepy Hollow and place snd work will be resumed water. It makee an excellent reach the goals he sets for him­ er than in a similar fire in toe Judge FitzGerald sentenced cards by the shipload, packages late growth in the southern Woodland Terrace areea. bird bath. To avoid tipping over, self, who makes home a place ter American Legion Auxiliary Mission ContrUnitlon Made in the spring. The committee well-known Hillside Hotel in Almon to a total of one to five Philip W. Riopelle of Willi- of all kinds, a gay season. &re&- will consider installing concrete we prop the lid with a couple of where he feels needed and im­ Madison, Ind., early Tuesday. years on charges of Injury or Expecting a Board Poet Filled Bid Deadline Monday worked approximately 160 The Women’s Guild of the rocks or bricks. The children portant, who either shares his mantic was arrested yesterday Congregtionsl Church has vot­ for the deck Instead of plank­ The aged here were unable to risk of injury to a minor and RANGE ' Doings at the special to\yn Monday at noon is the dead­ hours at the Christmas Gift ing, as originally planned. might even like to paint the lid outside^ Interests or at least , help themselves much. The S3 indecent assault. Almon had and charged with robbery with meeting Tuesday evening in­ line for submitting bids on in­ Shops recently held at the ed to contribute $50 to a mis­ so it is more decorative looking., doesn t discourage them. 'guests in toe Madison hotel AM> MUd:Wmter sion in Biloxi, Miss. Menvbers Birth .Announced A woman must play two roles been found Innocent of a charge violence in the holdup of Pfei­ cluded acceptance of town of­ stallation of an electric booster Rocky Hill, Newington and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mes­ At times we will see two or of attempted incest during a fer’s Gun Shop Wednesday. ficers’ reports, and the election water heater in the cafeteria attending last night's meeting WE HAVE MOVED.... three birds in the bath and if her marriage is to be a hap- J^^le to escape down drain FUEL OIL West Haven ’Veterans Hospi­ made Christmas tree oma sier of West S t have announc­ jury trial last month. Riopeile, 10, was being held It was breeay, all right, on of Robert Price, of Burrows dishwashing room at Rham tals. ed the birth of a son, Patrick others waiting their turn. py one. To her children she pjp^g ^m p from windowa. On the basis of his review of in temporary bond of $20,000. HIU Rd., to fill the vacancy left High. ments, for personal use, as the MRS. H. B. V. must be a wise and kind moth- GASOLINE Tuesday, but bright and sun­ They are Miss Barbara Wal- evening’s project. Miss Jean John, Dec. 16 at Windham er. To her husband she must _____ the probation report, Judge Three guns and $20 in cash was by the resignation of Robert lett, department president; Community Memorial Hospital. FitzGerald concluded that jail­ taken in the robbery. ny, and made people hope that, E. Foote, ns a member of the Manchester Evening Hendd Natsch and Mrs. Wilbur Fletch­ "No wourfir / couldn’t roach you—/ wos dialing your be toe companion he needs. And Mrs. Wilber Little, Mrs. Victor er were hostesses. The new arrival has a sister, DEAR POLLY — When I lived WINFIELD, 111. (AP) — Four ing Almon, who is seriously ill. According to police, the rob- having squeezed through that Regional Board of Education, Hebron correepondent, Miss Zableskas, Mrs. Leon Bradley, MODERN TV In a house trailer, 1 found it ZIF CODEr we should realize that the two maintenance employes of the BANTLV OIL Athletic Letters Given Kathleen, and three brothers, roles are not the same. would serve no purpose He her walked into toe -shop. N last week cold snap, the cater­ District 8, defeating Mrs. John Susan B. Pendleton, telephone Mrs. Everett Kennedy and Mrs. Richard, Joseph and Christo­ very difficult to make the bed Du Page County Conva'c"r—-t said he was prepared, there- placed a rifle on the counter pillars might be right, after Slbun for the office. 228-S454. Local students attending neatly because it fitted close All rights reserved Home we-c ( INL, Joseph Wallett. Winfibam High School have re­ pher waiting at home to see doctor found a cyst on my Newspaper Enterprise Amu. fore, to suspend sentence in the and asked for money and guns, all. about a mild winter ahead Christmas parties for klnder- They assisted the veterans in what Santa's present looks like. against the wall on one side. which destroyed their quarters case which Involves Almon's 13- The bandit ripped out the tele- .!;>i A:\i.N .sTii!;i;j of us. Squirrela too, as we re­ gartners of Hebron elementary PAYMENTS DELAYED ceived letters for various athis- uterine cervix. He told me not selecting gifts free of charge tlo activities. Michael Kokoska SERVICE I always to

CORNING TREES Extra Fine Quality, F'resh- ly Cut Double Balsam, R C A VICTOR FLASHLIDHTS Scotch Pine. \ WINTER SPECIALS WARE also LIVE TREES ip tubs! ALL-CHANNEL ^ . Luggagd-iitylB' GARLAND For The/ Cemetery ^ 0 .6 5 portable stereo. Sturdy vinyl cov* ered wood cabinet. Finiahed back. Rustic■>_At. ’VLogs__ and Attrac­ B«4^» in any bookstore, but you can order it through us for use RECONDITIONED - WINTERIZED - READY TO 00! Beige with BeTge color cloth speaker ROPING TV # tive Baskets (for a 11 units, or Charcoal with Gray color Laurel, Pine, Boxwood, in your private reference library, or as a gift, or for some cloth speakar units. winter). mm UP I f tube (overall dla|.)-USiq. la. picture BIRD Balsam, Pine and Laurel, student of current history, or for your own enjoyment $2095 ’59 CHEVROLET Sport Coupe $1345 Princess Pine, Lycopodi­ Grave Blankets and Pillows Slim, lightweight end easy to carry, this all-new *64 CHEYELLE 2-Door THERMOMETERS W ITH um. YD. UP With maps, chronology and compendium of basic in­ "Sweet 16" Sportabout offers all-channel TV T h . GYPSY Very Low Mileage Impala Model. Full Power. Exceptional Condition. S ir l» AF-021 PURCHASE OF formation, it has all the utilitarian value of a news annual performance. Power Grid Tuner and 18,000- .a* tuba (ovtrali FEEDERS 129 tq* In. pictura TH IS NEW VWBL EVERRREEN POINSEHIAS or almanac PLUS the fascination of dramatic recreations volt chassis (design average) pull In pictures ’59 CHEVROLET 4-Door $995 ’59 CHEVROLET 4-Door Sedan $395 1965 of the year’s events that most intcresfed you. clean and clear in good TV signal areas. Built-in monopole antenna adjusts for best signal, tele­ Impala Model. Nicely Equipped and Clean. Clean Condition. TRANSISTORIZED INSTANT-PLAY BOUGHS THE WORLD IN 1964, which will go to press in XMAS TREE .95 scopes out of sight whtn not in use. ELECTRIC Laurel, Balsam, Pine 50 January , is being created for us and for you by top writers PORTABLE STEREO Generous Bunch ’U CHEVROLET Hardtop Coupe $1995 ’63 CHEVROLET Sta. Wagon $2995 LIGHTS up and editors of The Associated Press, the world’s largest # ' "L - HEDGE 65’ - '2 news gathering agency. 6-Cyl., Standard Transmission. Radio. WORLD FAMOUS ZBNITH QUALITY V-8, PowergUde, Power Steering and many other extras. Both Inside and Outside Replacement Bulbs t r i m m e r s SOLID-STATE AMPLIFIER TWIN DETACHABLE REMOTE •Completely Trcnsistor SPEAKER UNITS-Speakera play WREATHS $ 1.19 iied! Virtually tiiminatfs attached e« sapsrated. Each speaker CYCLAMEN $ 2 .9 5 ’5$ VOLKSWAGEN 2-Door $1395 ’64 CHEVROLET 4-Dr. Hardtop $2795 diitsrtion. Instant play! i$ detachable up lo I fact from main Reserve Your Copy Today! COLOR TV VALUEI Oleen and Economical, Exceptionally good in the snow! Full Power. Ix>w Mileage. unit. (Plain 14”) Special! LARGE New 1965 ELECTRIC PLANTS XMAS TREE FULL PERFORMANCE FEATURES With Plastic B ow ...... $1.59 I The World In 1964 • “ Tilt-Down" 4 Sptfd Record ’81 CHEVROLET Hardtop Coupe $1495 ’62 CORVAIR Menu Coupe $1395 4 SPEAKERS-Four Zenith Chanitr Automatic Transmissioh, Radio, Bucket Seats. GRASS 6 ' 6 quality hieh fidelitv tpaak- R C A VICTOR Economical 6-Cyl. Engine. Low Mileage. era; one SH* and one 4* • Dual Neadit Stereophonic I Manchester Evening Herald I STANDS apaaktr in eKh remote unit. Cartridfe TRIMMERS • Separata Left Channel snd CHRISTMAS . 9 5 Box 66, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 2^ew\ista ALL-CHANNEI 6 6 Ri|ht Channel Loudnan Conlrili GARDENIAS ’59 OLDS. 88 Convertible $995 ’63 MERCURY Gomot 2-Door $1685 CORNER LARGE SIZE PLANTS » 3 Full Power. Good Top. Standard Transmission. Radio. Priced to Sell. SUNBEAM Enclosed is $ for copies of THE COLOR TV FLOOR Wreath Forms, Wire, Picks, WORLD IN 1964 at $3 each. Please reserve a copy || ’84 CHEVROLET Convertible $3295 '66 CHEVROLET 4-Door Sedan $1995 Styrofoam, Ribbon, CJonra, P O H E D MUMS AZALEAS for me: i r All-channel VHF and UHF tuning ★ RCA PowOrgllde Trsnsmiaslon. 0-Cyl. Engine. Radio. VISTA Ruscus, Artificial Fruit, glara-proof High Fidelity Color Tube ★ Power­ Loaded with Elxtras, Over $4,000 New. Speoieily Priced. OPEN Flowers, Decorations, $1.49 $345 ful New Vista Tuners ★ Improved 25,000-volt APPLIANCES POLISHERS Brandy Bowls and Jars. NAME ’83 FORD 4-Dobr Sedan'' $1995 ’63 CHEVROLET Haidtop Coupe $2195 (factory adjusted) Color Chassis ★ Automatic DAILY — Also — MULCHING H A Y ...... Color Purifier ★ Two speakers deliver static- Oslaxie Model. V-8, Fordomatlc, Power Steering. 6-Cyl., Powerglide, Radio, Other Extras. A-1 Condition. ADDRESS GIFTS BEAUTIFULLY CHRISTMAS WRAPPED SWAGS AND WREATHS Chriainaa Begonias Christmas Cherries free "Golden Throaf'TM sound Christmas Cactus, Geraniums, Oxalis, African FREE IN OUR STORE TO Artistically decorated. Al­ CITY AND STATE ’83 PONTIAC Tempest 4-Door. $1595 ’61 CHEVROLET 4-Door . $1395 ways freshly made with I’iolets, Ivy, Begonias, Philodendron^ OPEN DAILY TO 9 P.M.— SAT. TO 6 P.M. Automatic Drive. Radio. « Biscayne Model. Economical 6-Cylinder. originality! 9 P.M. M^Miy VMiietlGU of Cactus P la n ts...... each S5o MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM OPEN EVM4INGS TILL 9 and ALL DAY SATURDAY Send n copy of the book as a gift from me to: THE MOST TRUSTED NAME IN TELEVISION Automatic Aulomatic Fraquancy Control K 'B a n Boost" Circuit SAT. TO 4:30 (name ...... Th« CHORDAtRC* Modal M72B Olstinctivolyatyled cabinat. Pra- clsion varniar finatunlhf. Char­ iWoodland Gardens I ADDRESS ...... coal color. Grained Walnut and "FROM OROWEB TO YOU!’’ . ■ t Carter Chevrolet Co., Inc. Whila color or White color TEL ^ 1A8 WOODLAND SmECT. MANCHESTER ^ I CITY AND STATE ...... ^ * 4 9 . 9 5 E. W. CORMIER •NIT MANCHESTER At Your Servloe — Johir and Leon Zapadka ' APPLIANCE 1229 MAIN STREET v -34 DEPOT SQUARE—MANCHESTER 643-2205 ^ OPEN till 9;99 PJI. . PImmw 8434474 I (DONOR; YOUR NAME^ ...... ) | | 34 OAK STREET—TEL. ; 649-^869 A II a NCHBSTEB BiVBNZNQ HERALD. MANCHESTER. GONN, JIUDAY,. DECEMBER 1 8 , 1 9 6 4 . PAGE TWENTY-^niillQl'' TWTENTT-TWO HANCHBSTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHBBTiak, CONN. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1964 DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE TilE WOOfiFf FlMMlt u m M a m m BY R0U80N OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE British Guiana Race Tension Mars Yule f o m m Ocean Trip Tonight C O E O ^ N I I I n a e r y ic e By ROBERT BERREU.EZ Wfoars that racial rivalries have<»blame the f^egro leader for ra-^have nothing to fear.” Many * gone______a.beyond ■ 'political «*A* a control. A e cial _s_< triolence i_« at-l—this year. ^ otherssahkamaam aremwsA atlllrnddl mwhmiBimkaAeata4«*m apprehanatve. . 'c'M OsJ.'^^iurr MS AT v m l wirtw Acaon 40Ut. qglOROBTOWN, Britlah Gui­ End adv for Fri Pms Ded« IB. ARTHUR RRIf !■» ■ b 6>i _ _ 410m tilM Recant alaotiona In which the Jagan also la hopeful of lead­ WUAT-BP VOO «tOP- 1 r ~ 0 R8AK AN'» ALU 3W-SAW ^ lSrtl«f »**« ana (AP) — Santa Claus usually British govartunent vested so ing sugar workers, predomi­ S B [ H a («T/-*nPorzL 6 pan* in 1 tn y llil.------44AuricU Television arrlvaa 00 a M cycla In Britlah much hope for peace In. tale nantly of Indian descent. Into an Fleet Uawnips Radio T l o x t i ' LA«T MALF < \1 WI* HOOSB. AN' dICaptain Kidd, stricken colony, resulted In the early strike through atydimand UMaKnUM tor inatanen LOVieVILUB, 1^ . (AP) - 8:00 Bis 8 Tbeatar h *--00 (t Qulana. TO «i?Mn ^ TW both OF lA WHSNI tfCT THAU) , News There era no fireplaces In change of government the Brit­ for pay increases. T GUARDAMAR, Spain ^ ,The: II Air (comb, dtOraat Ckn.uttitwtPiBe^^ folk ainf- 1 Haste Stow .. 40)Tha Parmer's Dauirife I n ) I >Nrm HIM YJP'U. * tIPart 9t tropical Georgetown. Children ish and the Unitad States de- Burnham It confident of win­ United States Navy la pulling ^ 1 BACH OTHBH UHCI/AIL HAVS A LOT OF farm) ers .tumeent ' fai Mack loo- lafo) h S ^ airad — Marxist leader Cheddi LIKB A ^ MCenUMnt andant Otmm tarda 0o8M«y fha fneasaya of 53*) Top 8t Pius Om 1:10 (18) Subsertnttoa TV hang a hopeful sock by their ning m an y Indians to hi| side. an Immense radio station out of A BAR6AIN COUNTBRJI fun P O f K t H ' MSallora ' 34) T^ps to_ Paper , ' ( a i3 ) Tha atatcrtalners JM sn is out of power. PB E TZeu/j I t — 8m Ohrtat? beds. Bicycles seem almost to He has pledged a "consultative m othballs — 12 yea rs In atorage KEITH’S OF SHIKT*/^ NB)Or MONTH, PUT- STExiatanea ' SO) Barly Bhow (8-40-40) Addams Ftolly, 'iRe United States had feared ITPoUih city (40) Laramie (10-31^) Bob Rope Special outnumber people. At night, democracy” In close contact on — to furnish long-range fleet K: (iGK U' TINO HiMTOeCTHEP UFkhheok It Frigid ▲ group at fha Loularllla that Jagan ultimately would try VARIETY i t MAdvantagn Preal■b^rUm ‘ ‘ TheploKlcal Sami 8) News Bporta. Weather . (10) URI Basketballl their feeble handlebar lamps all issues with the leaders of all communications. Tite 600-kilo­ AOAIN/ fMteacr 80 Qiycaryl tatai* ...... dlTkoainal M b 8:80 (34) The Open Mind look like bobbing, weaving to let up a Oaatro-type regime. religious and ethnic groups in watt transmitter will scan the NEWS SHOP AS SOON AS 1 t h a w OUT j It Ship's Utcbw naryY Oilblu no. p) Boatley-BrlBkler ■ (8-30-40) Valentine’s Day THATU. AAAKS 81 Aitkaran Indian lOLntaral porttoa AlHMlsik warn a fe Hew glowworms on parade. It Is understood to have urged the colony. Mediterranean from this coastal My HANPS I'M GONNA aiRubbw trM Folk dtifing, modem danca i:K ( M l) Otomer Pyle. USliO VOU WORK ItKlBiof Jndili 83 Brink UMisty (a30-4U) 13 O Clock HUtb Christmas carolers carrying the Britieh Into second thoughts Some Indians are saying "We city. DEPOT SqUAU JBTTART ON TH' OARAGE! derbwiTAnUta aad-iadividual and choral raad- __.ai Seemity (31-80) Jack Benny A FASTER! 7:06 Oonversatlon Piece can and East Indian descent has In 1968. - V» a/ 6 ^ Orand inquisitor," a section of 8:00 Lions John Wads 7:80 News of the World U HOUR DELIVERY AND BURNER SERVICE CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER Dostoovsky's novel "The Broth' 8:00 Dick IM inson 7:46 Sing Along elalm ed 187 lives and caused This U clearly Jagan's objec­ era .Karamaapv." Ih a chief of. 1:08 News Sign,Off 8:10 Pops Concert dam age estim ated at $1.8 m il­ tive. He has pledged all-out op­ len 7 Days 1 1 :90-B W M AT--eu 8:06 NIghtbeat the Spaniah InqulsHlon is ad 11:00 News lion. position. tS7 Yiist Middle Turnpike 8:00 Fred Swanson Show 11:16 Sports Final Politlce and poor leadership monlAlng CSirlst that ha should 8:80 News, Sports and Weather It la not difficult to inatill a 38 11:80 Art Johnson Show have spilt the once friendly fear of Burnham among lower- not rotura bo earth to make men Loo Edward P. Morgan WPOP—U lt forget acCnomle security and 7:1S Joe Edwards 8:00 Lou Teni community. There now are deep class Indians who seem to 42 43 1:80 Sign Off 7:00 Ken OrlKin drink of spiritual freedom. WINF—i m 13:00 Sal LaRoea Dr. John Salmon, a BfoUeal C:00 News. Weather. Sports 46 47 40 60 Si h languages professor who glvaa 8:15 Radio (jreater Hartford tha Dostoevsky reading, ex 6:4* Lowell Thomas: Sports Bank Salary SetNmd STERLING flalned that tlria particular pro­ 7:00 News 54 56 7:86 Silver Platter NB3W YORK — America's aec- gram written to be 7:86 Waterford at ECHB 8:80 Speak Up. Hartford ond-hlgbeet public salary (after presented to young people, and 13:00 Ni'ws t ■iiv.iniiL'cn ja n ca cgE a S7 58 Ita amfriiaaia la on problems of the President's $100,000) is the Florentine Finish 13:16 Sign Off $70,000 a y ea r perid to the p resi­ Key Frotsetor Halite u ^ He added, however, that Mirror Finish S w n c —laaa dent of the Federal Reserve PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER 60 t \ 62 I same general format could 8:00 News. Weather. Bporta Dross Set is be u ^ for aarvlcee for any ago 8:88 Old, Borrowed, Blue Bank o f N ew Y ork CSty. 8a.so MELTING CRYSTALS ALUMINUM TREES. SPUN-RUfeBER TREES,] *’s% ioii eald Bomo churchgo­ F>LVVNOOD TR E E S, STYROFOAM ------OUT 01 ii W A1 BY J. R. WILLIAMS ers hava foimd they can become PLASTIC TREES- FIBEROLASS more emotionally Involved in A W H ATfA >•1*4 ROCK SALT aueh a aervloe th u a traditional PETITION FER JS ■srvlee with a aermon. It::;:::: AN OLD-TIME *1 ha traditional forma of wor- SHOP PICNIC?/ WESTOWM 25 lb. bog so a. bo« 100 a . b«q W HXTHI9 ahfo have-lost meaning for aome W W PHARMACY ■ ^ CSBSE SSf IS WINTER/ naopla.” ha Inrid, adding that he ..••..••.....••eeee.oeoaaaao**' ....0 .* i...... $ ^ . 0 9 $ 1 - 7 9 MIC G OO D SOSK uuMght the C3uirch should al­ ....•.•••q.i...... ytXIJUSTOOT ways atrlya to find aervlcea eABCON .JO ...o.o.o..e.. 9otoooS...oo.oooojS.o... UP A BALL TEAM , 74' meaningful to Its mtmbora. BCEERCHAUM - PER NEICr 910.00 SUMMER/ Whllo a ttudant at Princeton The^ogleal Seminary. Salmon e BOPP worked with developing worship Pig Grata 97.95 aarvicM boaed on plays. Ha said drama and othar par- • R O P P ||i0 o r Men... for Christm as!^ Black Gaulle A g w a y focmlng arts may:, eventually be 98.50 used ta .an oocaaional Sunday TOLLAND TPKE., BUCKLAND— TEL. 643-5128 aerviOe, but that this would not e A 8 T O R be acceptable to most congrega­ Made By Camoy 95.00 Open Daily 8 A.M. to 5 P.M.— Sat. 8 A.M. to 12 Noon BONNIE BY JOE CAMPBELL tions no#. Audience reaction at CLOSED SUNDAYS tha Mmihaiy, ha eald, ranges Plata and Bite Proof Bynthotle Spinol e P E C C A R Y TIoTock Ontrx/Oonulno Diamond from strong onthuaiaam to 83.80 Classle Set 6HEV shook or distaste. Leather Covered 833.10 1U6REV BIPP^ OOtNd StlO / 2-ta But Sailmon and tha other SHE ALUWI9 tnezoo/ TM. I., >1 Nt M- membars oi tha group faal it la 96eMS_ entirely upkopriato. "Servloaa M “What do you mean aoientitts aren’t all mad! You in tha madleval period used dra­ WAH. should see Professor Higgins when he grades my ma and dance," he said. ‘It M9M MANeHWTW OMMTtK IMAL MPPV- \ chemistry exams!” w i^ ’t.tsidll tha Pyrltan period to ^22®® bycP^td€H tA tr PAKKIMt i-LOCKy/ r / t tbatijl hecame Inappropriate.” ^ U . The Christian “both needs and D on’t confuse permanent gold-filled quality with the rolled gold plate usually offered at t h ^ low IRWiLLlAllSe ought to regularlyreguli^ particlpata in the worahl]lifo o< hia God,” Salman prices. Here is style and fd taste to prove THE BuevBooy it-n-vt « HiA 8m M- M. aasartod. He thinks tala service your thnii.Vitfiilnaiia- Is otae valid means to that end. 0 Solid Block BA A A PhicM PLUS TAX 'Maaeltetteh LBilBB/ BEN CASE* Meerchanm ^ .U U (U n asu al SluH>e) A tasteful selection from . BUDGET TERMS U , D. I. FM. t HERE'S THE ACADEMIC HMPF! NOT VERY COUlOISttN Hartford Comity eROPP <35w«eeK— U



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■r'titfa ' f

•X. . ’Wh.-

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN^ FRIDAY. DECEMBER 18. 1964 PAGE TWENTY-FIVE ''#JMBB| iF W W llM toU B ICANCHKSTE8 IVEMINQ RBSALD. If^N C ^T E S . OONN^ FRIDAY. DECEMBER 18. 1964 - Id*" i^tf 1 ' I. II -...-■ jii-. ■ ^I'l' I, THE Whole Season Wrapped Up in One Game Herald Angle League Play Headlines Hoop Schedule

E A R L Y O S T _ High, East Pats Hold Collects One Title, ■porta Bdltar . Indoor Track Out at MHS HUNTING Room for One Only Both Seek Wide Edge Points for Another Notea from the Little Black Book . an d Newest members of the Advisory Park and Recrea­ Due to Lack of Facilities Over Bills tion Commission are Henry (Hank) McCann and Jim Second W in N E W YORK (A P )— M att SneO, the fine fullback e f Murray^ both for years associated with sports in Maii- Unfortunate C i r C U m-'^P’^P^'fly trained for thelr^on, cutting out the square cor- BOSTON (AP) — The FISHING the New York Jeta, collected one title today— Rofdde of chester. McCann ranks as one of the town's best bas­ By PETE ZANARDI the Year— and aimed for another. stances have forced Man­ events,’’ Phinney wrote. “Man­ ners of school hall'-vays. whole season will be wrap­ CHEESE 8AI.M10N EGOS ketball players, during the era when high scores were L e a fir u competition chester has had a fine record The dropping of Indoor trick *T'd like to get that groundgaining title/' Sndl said. chester Hififh Track* Coach ped up in one game for two Salmon eggs are good trout out of the question. The West Side resident performed hifirhlights schoolboy bas­ for over 30 years In Indoor 1s likely to hurt spring perform­ teams Sunday when the bait but hard to keep on a hook. "I'm behind right now, but you never know— one good with a number o f local end area<&------ketball action tonight. Tive Paul Phinney to sufirgest to track. Under these conditions ances. Although it Is regarded Roll a small bail of orange-col­ run and I'll be right in the race." hoop .quads and also played I (jhamplonshlp 1. lUt- Principal Ray Rogers the we are not letting the contest­ as an Individual sport at Man­ r and the Bos­ baseball. Murray, who waa of eight games figure in ant be proper representatives o t chester High. Its direct aim is ored cheese and put it on the Snell, a 8-foot-S, 316-pounder ed to be played at the Manches­ the standings of four dropping of indoor track for ton Patriots meet for the hook. Stays on like glue and from Ohio State who wa* the named secretary of the com­ the 1664-65 academic year. M.HB." preparation for spring compe­ mission, is well qualified. He ter Country Qub July 27-31. tition and becomes ■vital If the championship of the East­ trout will take It almost as read­ object of some ipirlted Mddiitg Widdy Neale, secretary of the leagues. Possible Sohitioii has, in the past, served as sec­ Manchester (1-0) seeks an­ Phinney reported that the ad­ Indians are to meet other ern Division in the Ameri­ ily. Mays Wins between the Jeta of .the Ameri­ Connecticut State Golf As­ retary of the baseball, basketT other OCIL ■victory at Windham vent of the (jommunlty College As a possible solution to the schools on equal footing. PLUCK DUCKS can Football Eieague and the sociation, made the announce­ can Football League. ball and soccer boards. Ibe lo­ tonight to go along with Its made practice in the hall Impos­ problem. Phinney recommends The sport has a place in the Feathers come off ducks long-established New York ment . . . New England Sports­ ’The winner will oppose San cal mam waa also a fine player 68-44 conquest of Hall Tues­ sible. Until last year the track the building of a broad track athletic budget and about 25 Diego's Western champions for quickly and cleaner If you'll dip Slug Title Qiantc of the National League, men’s Show will be held Jan. squad used the second floor cor­ ■aid being niuned AFL Rookie In all three aporta during hia day. 'Windham is looking for its next to the police building on boys have shown interest in the league title, Saturday, Dec. them in a bucket of hot water younger days. McCann wlU 23-31 ait Boston’s Common­ ridors. E. Middle Tpke. Located here laced with a half-cup of deter­ of the Year "proved I made the first mark in the win column, Joining the squad. 38. chairman the commission. wealth Armory . . . Several losing iU opener to Bristol Driving to Trinity, Wesleyan, it would be of ad'vantage to the The tradition Manchester has gent. Breaks the natural oil In National best choice with the Jets.” local bowling league secre­ The Patriots have been picked • e « Central 80-M. Action beglna at UCotm or the Hartford Armory officers and Tiling Jr. High as in track could be damag(ed and seal, keeps feathers from blow­ *Tve always felt I did the taries have forwarded high as 214-point favorites by the 3. for practice is not feasible and well a.s Manchester High. first wnmlng)8 are already ap­ ing all over. ri| ^ thing,” he said, "but being scores of their members Imt odds-makers, primarily because dNCKNNA'n (AP) — Willi* Here ’n There Waterford High comes to practice on the parking lots has Phinney pointed out that parent Last year, the first in named the No. 1 rookie cinchee fail to note the name of the the game will be at Boston's FLOODED MOTOR Mays, San Francisco’s hard-hit­ John Golden, Herald sports town to test the strength of a strong chance of spills from such a track could be a town which hallways were off limits It. I ’m real thrilled. When you league. These scores are then Fenway Park and because the ■When your motor floods and ting outfielder, captured the correspondent at East Catholic East Catholic (1-0) tonight at 8 sand. Also, the ameslte Is hard project in honor of former to nuuiers, was the first in re­ Patriots defeated the Bills 38-28 won’t sts^t, disconnect fuel line National League slugging cham­ think of all the good rookies in filed—in the waste basket—af­ our league this year, It ie an High, haa been accepted at Holy in a non-league battle. ITie and conducive to .shin splints. coach Pete Wigren. It would be cent memory that a Manchester in their Nov. 16 meeting. and turn the engine over sev­ pionship for tee f o u ^ time last Cross College.. Ken Lowd, for­ ter a wait of several days . . . Eagles flew past Glastonbury ‘It Is not fair to the boys to easier to clear after a snow boy failed to place in the State honor to be No. 1.” Wayne Hardin, Navy coach, One of the game’s highlights eral times' Often this will season, the. official averages mer Mandhester High basket­ 79-56 Tuesday afternoon while enter them unless they are storm and better to work out Indoor track finals. pump gas out of carburetor and With one game to go, Snell will be the meeting of Gino Cap- disclosed today. ball player, is now teaching in whistling In the dark, claims Waterford lost' to Tolman R.I. pellettt, chosen the league’s the next pull will start it with Mays finished with a .807 has 842 yards on 199 carries. Roger Staubach Is a better That’s second to Buffalo’s Cook­ tbe Bloomfield school system.. in Its last outing. most valuable player, and fuel line attached. mark on 361 total bases in 088 Hal Turkingrton, city editor of quarterback tiian Johrmy Uni- Hope to Snap Jinx , the hard- times at bat. The Giants’ star ie Gilchrist for the league meh- tae of the (jolts . . . Elmer ing title. Cookie has 920 yards. The Herald, -will •view two post­ Cheney Coach John Kleis charging Buffalo fullback whom also won the title In 1964, 1966 season football geunes over the Swanson, cross country coach hopes the theory, "bad things Sports Viewing Warriors in Trouble Again some felt was more valuable to "That would be another and 1057. holidays ■when in California at Wesleyan University, la a come In threes" holds true his team. thrill,” Snell said, "winning the Eastern League baseball play­ Young Louis Mays collected 21 _ doubles, while winter ■vacationing. He this afternoon in Middletown SATURDAY The last time the two players nine triples and a league-lead­ rushing title. I ’ll give tt all I er . . . Watching National has tickets for both the Rose against Vinal Tech. A victory 12:30 ( 8) Uberty Bowl At Box Office and on Court clashed in a head-to-head show­ ing 47 homers among 179 hits in have next Sunday.’ ’ Football League quarterbacks, Bowl game Jan. 1 between Ore­ will stop a three-game losing 3:30 ( 8) Bluebonnet Bowl down, Cappellettl vas on top, 1984. He also extended two The Jets meet Kansas City in and receivers, pick Alan Webb Unlike Dad, gon and Michigan and the Elast- streak for the Rangers (3). 4:00 ( 8) NFL — Count­ catching three touchdown pass­ records, highest career slugging their season windup Sunday, apart during the^ last few SAN FTIANCISOO — (NEA)Aed his college baR.at nearby St. es, kicking three conversions while Buffalo battles Boston for West Shrine gam e Jan. 2 at Ke- ■Vinal has lost both games this down to Kickoff average, .589, and most consec­ zar Stadium.. Pity the poor weeks it’s almost certain the year. For a while— at the end of Mary’s, agrees with Haiinum and grabbing a two-point con­ the Eastern Division title. former local halfback ie on the (80) C3iamplonshlp that it ■wlU take time to influ­ No Fighter utive years, 300 or more total , like their New Defending conference champs lajt seaeon— the San Francisco version pSLSS. Snell made a runaway of the Bowling ence the San F*rancisco fans. bases, 11. York Shea Stadium co-tenants, way out as a New York Giant Coventry (2-1) hopes to tuck Boston, 10-2-1, must win Sun­ Ron Santo of the Chicago voting for AFL rookie. He got defensive back. The former 6:00 ( 3) Race of the Week Warrior* thought they finally BOSTON (AP) — It’s his size the Mets, they can’t win on the another Charter Oak victory "They ha'ven’t even giirien the day to capture the title. Buffalo, Cubs was second in slugging 16 of the 24 votes cast by sports prison director of athletics is 5:30 (30) NBC Sports Spe­ had northern California basket­ that hits you first when you road. The away tonight at Rocky Hill. pros half a chance yet,’’, said 11-2-0, cam win with either a vic­ average with .664. He was fol­ writer and sportscasters from one of the nicer guys to come cial ball fans educated to profes­ meet him. But by the time you the eight league cities. League entry haa yet to ■win Coach DeGregorio’s Patriots sional play. Meschery. “Heck, when the Cal tory or a tie. lowed by Richie Allen of Phila­ down the pike In years and (18) Boston Patriots or San EYanctsco teams used to Patriots' Coach Mike Holovak depart, you are so impressed Runner-up was Sid Blanks, the away from New York.. Alan have sprung back from a de­ SUNDAY The Warriors finWhed fast delphia .657, Rico Carty of Mil­ Putz, outstanding Rockville shouldn’t have too much trou' feat In the season’s opener to slow down, it -was for 30 min­ believes the back-to-the-wall with the personable, young man Houston back from Texas A A I hie getting located In another 2:00 ( 8) AFL — Boston to win the Western Division waukee .564, Frank Robinson, High athlete, has made the roll over E. O. Smith and Avon. utes/ 'When ■«»« slow down, it’s situation g iv es his team a slight named Joe Louis Barrow Jr. with six votes. Mack Lee Hill, form of employment V * . Buffalo title in the National Basketball you’ve already forgotten the Cincinnati .6^, Orlando Cepda, honor roll. Director of Athletics StUl looking for Its first vic­ for 23 seconds. psychological edge. SBun Francisco .689, Billy Wil­ Kansas City fullback, and Association. Holovak teams have never dimensions. George (Butch) Hyrd, Buffalo John Canavari reportq^. tory, Rhom (0-2) must stop vis­ “Then you ha've this oonatant liams, Oiicago .532 and Hank iting Bacon Academy tonight This year, ■with Wilt Cham­ comparison 'with Wilt and BUI lost to Coach Lou Saban of the Young Barrow, or Louis as Aaron, Milwaukee .514. defensive back, got one vote HEY, WAIT FOR ME! — Rangy Carl Hohenthal, berlain missing the first five each. End of the Line in another Charter Oak game Russell, who was a legend here. Bills in Boston. In fact Saban’s many Insist upon calling him, is Slugg)ing averages are com­ O ff the Cuff Manchester High hoopster, races, full steam, after games and m<^ of the exhibl- Buffalo teams have managed 17 now and a freshmsm at Bos­ Spotlighted Sunday on video BA comes in off a 59-39 victory I think WUt has been erasing it puted by di'viding the total bases Hospitalized for the past while the National Footbaill over Hkist Hampton Tuesday. free ball— which appears suspended in mid-air— Uon seaison, the Warriors have slowly.” only one victory and a tie since ton University. He stands only troubles again at the ticket Holovak replaced Saban as head accumulated on all hits by the week in Manchester, Bill Sko- League is idle will be the Bos' Rham, loser to Cromwell Tues­ in Tuesday night’s 66-44 win over Hall of West “Slowly'’ describes ths im­ 6-foot-7 and weighs 130 ]pounds number of official times at bat. • c S res counter, arid on the floor. coach at Boston. — a sharp contrast to his fa­ Cinciimafi Reds neski. Charter Oak "Conference ton-Buffalo meeting in Bean- day, can even its conference Hartford at the Arena. (Herald Photo by Ofiara.) pact of the Warriors here, too. Gilchrist gained 107 yards mous father, the former hea'vy- Rhome in Video Spotlight president and a director of the town. The winner will gain record with a ■victory. Y LEAGUE — A1 Bujauciua "The pro game Is stlH very They’'ve been averaging Just against the Patriots in that vic- weight boxing champion of the Tops on Defense local Midget Football Leag(ue, Eastern Conference laurels in Wimrer of three stri '^ht 154-143— 403, Bill Rlccio 186- different to these people,” ex­ over 2,600 fans a game, which tofy. Since then, he has been world. has been g)iven a pass to ap­ the American Football L«ague. South Windsor (3-0) enters the 388, Andy Lamoureaux 155-385. plained , coaich of ■would hardly pay for Wilt’s BSSKETBAUi T rinity Tripped Up by Harvard the Waifriors. “ Northern mll Wings and the Boston Bruins J.D. Garrett. scored two clutch hoops in the Philadelphia Phillies. Prior to Middletown High tonight at 8. one of the misconceptions that the Eastern Division of the . boxing. ated Press’ poll, highlight Saturday’s post-season col­ topped the third basemen ■with a yesterday after suffering in­ Ritter scored 20, Including 16 the nation In rebounding, had putt 201. Bruce Stauffer 209- might have thought the goal Saban hasn’t decided who will Joe has his eye on a business overtime to clinch It. Paul Em- .978 mark while Kasko, another the game at the historic site juries in a fall Tuesday night John Cavavari’s gang bested 567, Ray Bolduc 20-, Ted Bid- haa resulted is that we don’t be his No. 1 quarterback for the lege football action. ^ ------in the second half, to lead un­ another good night under the judges were trigger happy. Buffalo, with a half-game edge, can clinch a Dec. 26 career and plans to major In merling scored 16 points in a los­ Colt, led the shortstope with will be the Induction of the at the Garden. He suffered a Middletown’s sister school, defeated UConn to an 89-62 win, well 204-578, Ray Demers 205- play defense. But we do. climatic classic. Defense-minded Utah and n « i>i 4-^ ing cause. boards. He hauled down 21. But those three goals ii^ d e of title date with San Diego by a win or a tie. Boston must merchandising during his im- .978. Aspromonte broke a Na­ latest member of the baseball fractured skull. . .Former Woodrow^ j j,, Wilson, , 72-51, Tues- Its sixth straight win and sec- 555. Bill Brown 223, Jeff War­ “They were coming out last started all but one game but the West Virginia meet In the Lib­ Kiilemen Open The Travel Service scored In 1 Fairfield, now 2-S, got a 28- 59 seconds of the second period beat the Bills to become the division champion. dergraduate years. He also has erty Atlantic City’s Convention tional League recordJ>y making shrine . . . Mark Heller and New York Yankee catcher and day. Middletown Is two down gnd in conference play. wick 212-564. year when we were winning, were all legitimate and the two last-minute heroics of reserve his mind geared for graduate mid-season form racking up 68 only 11 errors. The previous Eton Hubbard, football captain- Hall of Famer. Bill Dickey is In conference play, losing to , , Fairfield lost point performance from Pat but everyone goes to see a win­ After a eeneational nine-g;ame^ quarterback Hall. Rhome, who set 17 col­ Burke, but Holy Cross got a 33- scored by the Bruins helped work at a busine.ss school. With E A s y Win points. Jim McGee (17), Bill mark fm- third basemen was 13 elects at Manchester High, are ailing .again. Dickey was strick­ Newington and Southington I „ ° MERCHANTS — Ken Seaton ner. We have to get crowds in winning spree that carried them has made him a favorite of Buf­ legiate offensive records, leads Sproul (20) and Walt Sllkowskl this season a nip and tuck game to Holy point spree from John Wendel- Boston to a 6-8 victory. In up to their first meeting with ing at home and also because Though boxing is out, young Tulsa against Mississippi in the by Stan Hack of the Chicago both former Pony Raider foot­ en while bird hunting In Arkan­ 142-355, Bill Chapman 139-370, here ■when we’re not goin g so Cioach Mike Holo/ak has beaten falo fans. Last week Lamonica (14) were the Travelers stars. ken. A three-point play by Bud Wednesday night’s other NHL Joe enjoys athletics. "I did Bluebonnet Bowl at Houston. Oompiling the highest open­ Chibs in 1937. ball players in the local sys­ sas. . .The National Football X no^north in Massachu.setts.l^°«'’’ Norm Kloter 144-361,, Ray g«od.” Boston as the only unbeaten Buffalo in six of seven games, started and went all the way in Dave Hassett netted 16 points to I overcame a 20-polnt deficit be­ Knlttle gave the Crusaders the game, Montreal rallied with two team ki pro football, the Bills some diving in high school but Second-baseman Frank Boll­ tem League’s championship game Elllington (0-1) fights to even Beauregard 367, Joe Plcaut 362, Torn Meschery, the high-scor­ third period goals and tied To­ including a tie playoff last year, the Bills’ 30-19 victory over Den­ Utah, co-champion of the ing score in match history at lead Tedford’s, fore bowing to Harvard. 88-78; lead for keeps In the final mo­ have lost two of their last four. ver. BU doesn’t have a swimming Western Athletic Conference, ing and catcher Joe Torre of Sunday, Dec. 27, between Cleve­ its record against Wakefield i Bob Damaschi 360, Harvey ing' Warrior forward who play- ronto 2-2. the Patriots are slight favorites. Manchester High, the Indian WEST SIDE MIDOETS Tn,/. crorr.« i'll/I Central Connecticut overwhelm ments. Boston snapped the string with team. And I like golf,” he said. had the sixth b est defense Milwaukee also posted the high­ land and Baltimore will be car­ ed Coa.st Guard, 94-83; Rhode E>upUn 363, FYank Gallas 35-. The two quarterbacks have Led by big Ed Fitzgerald (22), est average at their positions, S h ort Stuff Trinity, 8-2, waa traUlng 71-61 a 38-38 victory, and Oakland Bostmi came from behind to " I ’m not too proficient now, but against scoring in the country gunners presented new coach, ried by 336 TV stations and 230 field made to Ellington two Island College bopped Southern combined to lead the Bills to the maybe some day. . . ” Tony Allbrio, with a one-sided Norman’s squeezed by Joe’s At Bolling with .986 and Torre with Annual New England Ama- with only seven minutes to play also upended the Bills two win the first game with Buffalo best offensive record in the this season, permitting just 6.2 radio- stations. years ago. Connecticut, 76-64; New Haven M A’n N E E S — Marge Van- One thing he likes about New 913 to 881 ■win over Windham lantic 26-25. Fine team play, led .996. against Harvard, when the Ban­ weeks ago. Nov. IS, scoring IS points in the league Gilchrist, of course, is points per game. The Utes picke dumped Quinnipiac, 97 - 79, and Deusen 127. by Randy Crawford (10) and Other leaders were first-base­ tams got red hot. Bob Morrisse, Because Boston wtU be p(ay- last period. the spark in the offense. He England is the readily available off 23 passes, seven by safety Tech Wednesday at the kxsal Bates beat the University ski slopes. He recalled the five- range. Mark Lautenbach (10), could not man Bill White of St. Ijouis and of who was blanked in the first With the NFL season over, we needs just 71 more yards to be­ C. D. Lowery. Hartford, 105-92. half, scored 16 in the second as GARDEN GROVE — Betty go into the last week with a 90- hour trips from Chicago to Senior Mike Johnson and overcome Norman’s as time ran outfielder Tony Gonzalez, Phila­ Couldn’t Find Hand-Holder Sports Schedule Kusmik 130, Reggie Oburskl GRAND OPENING come the first player in the That aerial defense figures to out. In games tonight, Danbury Trinity pulled within four points. Bl-9 record, 88-84-8 for Uie NFL northern Michigan to ski while get a stern test from West Vir­ sophom ore John GaUagtaer delphia, each with .996 and Fran Oandall 146. AFL to gain 1,000 yards in two In the nightcap, Paganl’e State is at Suffolk State and 79-76, with just two minutes to and 82-17-3 so far in the AFL. in high school and noted that ginia’s Allen McCune, who pilot­ paced the locals with 186 totals. pitcher Larry Jackson of the Friday, Dec. 18 — Tomorrow — different seasons. broke into the win column by Worcester Tech visits Hartford. play. There is nothing at stake in the What isn’t so well known is isn’t necessary from Boston. ed the Mountaineers to a 7-3 Summary: <3ubs, who handled 109 chances Suffield at South Windsor, 8. MIXEID DO'UBLEIS — Marge ^Miwcrsii*lsauM6^ defeating the Hobby Shoppe, 21- without an error to set a big All-America Football Star Ritter’s scoring splash The Crimson counterattacked, other three AFL games Sunday, that Buffalo also leads the Joe Sr. is a fight promoter mark and the Southern Confer­ Manchester 913— Karle Smith Middletown at Rockville, 8. couldn’t have come at a better (Phishing 128, Ruth Ostrander December 19fh now on the West Coast. 14. Alan Noske (8) was high league record. however, to win going away. '^T C H WHISKY! but let’s give It a try: league in defense, a role usually ence title, after they had split 99-84— 183, AJ Morrison 95-81— Ellington at Wakefield. time for the Huskies. Maine, Trinity’s Jim Belfiore had 28 131-351. J Joe Jr. lives in Chicago with 176, John Gallagher 99-87—186, scorer for Pagani’s ■with game Bill Mazeroski of Pittsburgh Mass. AFL associated with the Patriots. their first four games. honors going to Randy Mago- Spoon Fed by ‘Baby-Sitter’ using two men on Toby Kim­ points to lead all scorers. The Bills Ijav* limited their op­ his mother, now Mrs. Marva McCJune, who took over in the Allan Baxter 98-84— 182, Mike led the second basemen in par­ Bacon at Rham, 8. PARKADE PlNErTTES — Bo»on 30, Buffalo 17 — Cap- wan (11). ticipating in double plays for a ball, held the big center to 17 Central Connecticut, 1-6, toyed position to an average of 272.7 Spaulding. It was in Chicago fifth game, completed 60 of 99 Johnson 96-90— 186. Manchester at Windham, 8. points. Bert Gloss 181-460, Wanda Ka- pelletti's field goals decisive in that Joe grew up “ in a private record fifth straight season. He with (joast Guard while winning SCOTLAND'S yards M r game. Boston has al­ passes for 10 touchdowns. Windham Tech 881 — BuMcey NEW YORK (NEA) — The<^American halfback) a $60,000 Waterford at East Catholic, 8. Bruce McKinnon did the de­ selauskas 183-404, L o r n a HALL’S ARROW AUTOMATIC bitter struggle between fierce school area where I was protect­ took part in 122 in 1964. He its 32nd straight home court rivals. Absence of Booker Ed- lowed Its opponents 277.4 yards When It comes to passing 89-81— 180, Telller 98-81— 179, T o p Scorer call came into the switchboard bonus and $35,000 for three (Ilheney at Vinal Tech, 2. fensive job on Bialosuknia, who game, (jentral led by 22 pointa Aheam 223-483, Doris Kirtland per game. ed.” though, it will be Johnny ranked sixth in average, how­ Sunday, Dec. 16 179, Dot Peterson 239-584, BEST gerson leaves gap in Bills' cor­ Cunningham 88-77—165, Barry ever. of the new National Football years and didn't get a chance had scored 32 points In each of In the final minutes. The (jadets In the other games on the fi­ The protection he speaks of Vaught’s Mississippi Rebels who 95-80—'175, Watrous 97-85— Green Manor at Winsted. Joyce Sperber 176-468, Ruth ner defense. Much depends on NEW YORK (AP) — Rick Leag^ue headquarters on the to make a final offer.” Sayers two previous games. shortened the score somewhat nal week of the AFL’s fifth sea­ concerns a shield from discrim­ figure to have their hands full 182, signed with the Bears. Tuesday, Dec. 22 SUha'vy 466, Dot Whitehead ARCHERY LANES Distilleries Produce the weather and the ability tof Barry, the New Jersey youth 27th floor of the General Dy­ Kimball, who currently leads against Blue Devil substitutes. son, San Diego closes out at ination "something all Negroes Saturday. They will be up again Other Manchester shooters: namics Building, and there was Smith ait Sou'th Windsor, 8. 193-498, Gloria Shorten 184, Pats to close down on Gilchrist face” whether or not they have from Roselle Park who went Yewcic Injured, ■When the Utwyer for Cali­ again. Oakland against a Raider team the collegiate passing champion, Jim Sarles 163, A1 Clavette 179, a note of urgency in the drawl fornia quarterback Craig Mor­ Bristol Eastern at Manches­ Barbara Goddard 223-520, Toni 291 WMt Middle Tpke. • T d . A444M43 that’s tougher than its record a famous name. south to play basketball for the Fogarty 178, Lori Jones 176, Kansas City 86, New York 14 Rhome of Tulsa, in the Bluebon­ John Gents 163, John Rothwell "Hey,” pleaded the young ton started talking to A1 Itovls, ter, 8. indicates. New York is at Kan­ "I've never been very en­ net classic. 169, Steve Penny 160. University of Miami Hurri­ May Be Replaced ■Windsor at Rockville, 8. Lohi Lapine 177-452, Bea Car- — Jets keep record intact of not canes, is off to a good start to­ All-American football player, Oakland's maoh and general MonchMler, Com.. . . sas City and Denver is at Hous­ thusiastic about civil rights Rhome, with Howard Twilley Coventry at Bacon Academy, Historic Milestone Record roU 476. winning a road game all sea.son. demonstrations," he admits, ward his goal of becoming col­ "I can’t find my hand-holder. manager, the first negotiating C ton. doing most of the catching, BOSTON (AP) — The Boston figure was $300,000. Davis said 3:16. Oakland 31, San Diego 14 — though confessing he has given lege basketball’s No, 1 scorer Know where he is?” The Chargers, who have sparks one of the most pass- Patriots reported today that Granby at FElington, 8. PO W D Eat PUFF — Pat Dib­ ★ ★ Raiders want to get even for the problem a lot of thought. Rodeo Split this season. For a whole week the A-A' he never got around to making Featuring clinched the West with an 8-4-1 minded offenses in the country. their No. 2 quarterback, Tom Morton a firm bid, though the Rham at Portland. Boasted by NYU Hoopsters ble 130-188—504, Barbara early 81-17 beating, hoping to "Noisy demonstrations seem to Barry scored 66 points in Mi­ was spoon-fed by a growm-up Sherwood 467, Audrey Stryker mark, hope to get back in stride Mississippi allowed 10 oppo­ DENVER (AP — The Rodeo Yewcic, is injured and may not Raider agent hinted at $160,- .salvage something from poor against Oakland. The Chargers hurt the cause more than they ami’s opening game against baby sitter provided by the 452. season. Chargers may be too nents an average of 115 yards Cowboys AssociaUon disclosed be able to play against the Ehif- 000 for three years. Morton $200 Purse Tournament •suffered a 49-6 trouncing at the help at this point. I think most per game through the air and Tampa, then reeled off 171 more NFXi, because this is what the The Unlyersity/^scored 84 points for the Ivy busy looking ahead to next of them are wasted now that we today, that cowljoys split up $8,- against Duquesne, Pitt, LaSalle, falo Bills ^mday. went to Dallas instead. hands of Kansas City a week nine of the 14 touchdowns Yewcic, who does the team's competition for college talent Archery Range VloletsJts., reganiedregat7ied-"lDtsthe-1 flop of League champs, but got little HOMEMAKZZRA — Etna Di- u , week’s game with Buffalo-Bos- have the Civil Rights Act.” 665,469 in prize money at 591 Niagara and St. John’s of New has come to He boarded and San Ehego thought it had the college basketball season a ago and could have tiieir work scored against the Rebels came help as the Tigers suffered their mock 177-601. HALL’S ARROW, INC. aanomioea the opening of Neer , ton winner to pay much atten- RCA - sanctioned shows this York for 226 points in six punting, has been suffering Clarence Williams, the Wash­ cut out for them Sunday. on passes. year. from a back injury for five fed the A-A and shooed away year ago, don't miss when it second defeat in seven starts. I tlon to A1 Davis’ gang. games for a 37.7 average. ington State All-A m e r i c a n, Opens Saturday comes to historic milestones. England’s flret automatio archery lane*. 9,000 square fOet The Raiders, 4-7-2, struck a days and finds walking painful. undesirables, like anyone from Iowa State, playing at home, Houston 21, Denver 7 — Oilers major blow at Buffalo’s title the American Football League. wrapped up, but he told them scored the surprise of the night. devoted to archery, “the faeteet growing sport In America.” McCluskey’s Flip Cioach Mike Holovak installed he wanted to go to 'Vancouver They played the 1,000th game Surprise in NBA, ' close it out with another victory hopes with a 16-18 last-minute Under the circumstances. Archery’s finest will be In in the school’s history Thursday The Cyclones, beaten in five .pieee lanes were conceived and oonetruoted by arohera T win after breaking nine-game defensive back Tom Stephens first to get out of a prior com town tomorrow to help open upset in Oakland’s last outing B o r n e kids developed claustro­ night and won it just as they did starts, won their first game by as a sub punter and he called mltment. Vancouver played In for archers. Every convenience for the beginning aieber losing streak last week. two weeks ago. The Raiders Top Grid Oddity phobia. Steve DeLong, the cov­ New Elngland’s first auto­ their 6(X)th game against Bay­ upsetting Drake 82-76. Knicks Top Celts on Don Allard to work out in Toronto for the Grey Cup, took matic archery lanes at Hall’s or professional has been taken into eoneideratloii. also own an early season tie case he is needed at quarter­ eted middle guard of Tennes­ lor, their 700th game against Houston beat Texas AAM 69- with Boston. They flipped over Jolin Mc- Boston Patriots Succeed see, was holed up so long In Clarence along and next thing Arrow Inc., 291 W. Middle 49 and with two straight victo­ back. the Chargers knew, Hamp Pool Duke, their 800th against Rut­ At the pace the Boston Celtics There are nine automatio target retom im if wUch ea P itcher* Sign New York, 6-7-1, will be trying Clusky’s nonchalant flip and the Chicago he finally called his Tpke. Doors open at 10. gers and their 900th agitinst To­ ries won the unofficial champi­ Allard, a former Boston Col­ of the Rams had spirited him are moving in the National Bas­ accommodate thirty-fte shooters. In addition we- provide to break its ftv%game road los­ Harvard quarterback’s prema­ coaches and begged, "Get me John Ruby, current na­ ronto. onship of the Bluebonnet Bowl ketball Association schedule, a l/>8 ANGELES (AP)— lege signal caller who had three off to Chicago — where the a special club and teaching room with a eoUd torty-ioot ing string while the Chiefs, 8-7, ture gesture of success was 'se­ unsuccessful tries with the Pa­ out of here.” He got out------and tional free style archery This time they whipped Penn Classic. Auburn rebounded from travel day haa become a day of Pitchers Sandy Koufax and Eton NFTi had its major encamp­ wan of walk-up targets easily aocommodatlng fourteen will be shooting for a .600 sea­ lected today the college football Without Spending Money triots, passed the Boston signed with the San Dleg(o champion and Ron Imhoff, State 82-73 in the feature of a its Houston defeat on Wednes­ rest. Drysdale have signed contracts son. ment — and signed him to a day night to whip Rice 94-71 in oddity-of-the-year in 5ie annual Sweepers to the Atlantic <3oast Chargers. Los Angeles contract. two-time winner of the $10,- doubleheader at Baltimore’s The. weary Celtics got that shooters on the line at a time. Sooring tahlee, hew laeka, for 1986 with the Los Angeles Denver, 2-10-1, at Houston, 8- Associated Press poll. But there was an auxiliary 000 Ben Pierson Open, will the other hall of the Bluebonnet day of rest today while moving Miectator seating, and lounge tablea m ake tt a nlmeoiin Football League championship Lost Good Man .Civic Center. It ended a five- Dodgers, each to receive sala­ 110, Is strictly a match of the The McClusky incident in benefit, too. The "baby sitter” participate |n a $200 Grand doubleheader at Houston. on to St. Louis for a Saturday to participate in or to watch the action. BOSTON, Mass. (NEA) this fall. ” F7ve years ago,” Jack game winning streak of the Nit- Y ries In the $70,000 bracket. i tallenders. Harvard’s opening game ^confessed they didn’t know whofton Antwine, the defensive or “ hand-holder” picked up all Opening Tournament begin­ tany Lions and was the Violets’ Pete Coker’s jump shot witn night meeting with the Hawks, He ran with the second team against Massachusetts Sept. 26 — The Boston Patriots are was going to play right tackle tackle— both in- the all-league the checks, and when someone Faulkner shook his head, "we eight seconds left gave North their fourth game of the week. The lanes aleo feature a fully stocked PRO SHOP wHh offense Thursday so he would couldn’t get Larry Wilson for ning at 8 p.m., with qualify­ second triumph in three starts was named on eight ballots in an abject lesson in how to on the offensive unit. It got class and both discarded by the ’else is paying an A -A suddenly ing rounds at 4 and 6. of the young season. (Carolina State a 66-64 victory Boston had its seven-game everything for the archer from an inexpensive starter set down to ’Bob Yates, who has be ready Sunday if Holovak the Qiargers because he want­ over Fordham in New York the voting by 53 writers and succeed without reallj’ NF’L for assumed physical fall­ feels Yewcic can’t play and he develops very refined tastes. Nine automatic target re­ Ray Bennett, with 29 points, victory string snapped Thurs­ for yonr yonngeter to the very nltlinate In piedsloa equi^ broadcasters. trained as a center, is undersiz­ ings, Addison, a college tackle, ed a bonus of $1,500 and we while Ron Krick’s 22 points led day night by the Knickerbock­ Navy Answers One Question^ spending money. On the wants a backup man for quar­ Momentarily bereft of his shad wouldn’t give it to him.” WU' turn lanes can accommodate paced the Violets to their 636th ment Added featuree include instruction for the beginning There was scattered support ed at 230 pounds and is still In was supposed to be too small. ow, who skipped off for a few victory against 364 defeats in Cincinnati to a 76-72 home court ers in the "neutral” Rhode Is­ terback Babe Parilli. Holovak son became an $dl-pro defen' 86 shooters and scoring triiunph over Kansas. archer by leading ehootora and rental ot eompleto areheiy for Dick Kenney, Michigan last Sunday of the regular pro football because he was Antwine was supposed to be too hours, the A -A panicked. tables, bow racks, spectator their 1,000 games. land Auditorium in Providence. smart enough to Insist on a no­ won’t decide, however, until sive back for the St. Louis Utah State opened a road trip State’s barefoot kicker,* and professional football season, slow, but he’s the fastest de­ tomorrow. Would he actually have to pick seating and lounge tables Tenth-ranked St. Louis, the The Knicks beat the Celtics 118- ontllte for 25o per hoar for nee on fhe lenre By Dumping Wayne Hardin they play for the Eastern Divi­ cut contract when he signed out Cardinals and would be worth by losing to Bradley 75-69 while S kicking specialist Bob Etter of fensive lineiAan In the league Stephens has done a lot of up a tab? Not if the league ot are provided for both par­ only team in The Associated 112 for their first victory over sion title of the American of Syracuse in 1960. a $20,000 bonus in today’s open the touring Colorado State Unl- PLAN TO PARTICIPATE OR SPECTATE AT THn! Georgia, who picked up a bad off the ball. punting, in high school and at flee could help him. ticipant and spectator. A Press Top Ten to see action, the defending champions in five Football League against the When his wheels caved in, market. vereity team went down before “GRAND OPENING” SATURDAY, DEC. 19th ANNAPOLIS. 'Md. (AP) —•S'ln the Navy athletic recruiting snap from center on a field goal There are other reasons the Syracuse. pro shop and club room are spoiled what amounted to a meetings this year. situation and scored the winning Buffalo Bills, who are atfong as line coach Art Spinney de­ Pursuit of Talent Faulkner, who was dismissed Duquesne 75-66 at Pittsburgh. Len Chappell scored three Navy answered one question system, which the present staff Patriots arc favored. Because designed to care for the be­ homecoming for All-America Open from 10 A.M. to Midnight ' touchdown against Florida. in tangible assets. scribes it, the Patriots picked The pursuit of talent has as Denver’s coach this season, Providence fared better on the points with 32 seconds remain­ Thursday with the dumping of is familiar with. The additional of a bye, they have two weeks gone to such ludicrous lengths ginning archer as well as the Bill Bradley by defeating However, McClusky's move For nine straight Sundays the up Bob Schmidt from Houston. became an agent for the Rams road, defeating (jreighton 96-90. ing to put New York ahead 111- i Wayne Hardin as head football job was written in for Hardin in to got ready for the showdown, that men of substantial means professlonaL Princeton 90-71, Bradley, a na­ A drew more than twice the votes Bills were the big story of the He was also a center but you'll Roughhouse Play and a "baby sitter” for the Unbeaten (jonnecjicut also won 110. And then a home town hero, ' coach but left unan.swered the a new five-year contract signed while the Bills are coming off tive of nearby Crystal City, Mo., Grand Opming $200 Pivw TounMmimt collected by any other. AFL this fall. Then Boston came find him at right tackle now. — which takes in every owner NFL. He was assigned to on the rood, making it six in a Johnny Egan, combined with ' name of hi.s successor. last Feb. 18. a three-week road trip In tha In professional football — de Notre Deme and Jack Snow, row by defeating Maine 89-62. It happened this way: to town in chilly mid-November Spinney, first assistant to Woet. Not True in NBA the veteran TDm Oola to pull off ' Etoug Scovil,' administrative Hardin’s case also raised a McClusky, making his varsity and belittled them, 36-28. Now coach Mike Holovak, looks at mean themselves to chase after the first draft choice of the a typical Celtics’ tactic, a steal, aasistant to Hardin and coach ol question as to what a five-year Hometown Enthuslaam 31-year-old kids. Dec. 19th, 8 P JL On Ante* PAA debut, had scampered 82 yards at countdown time, the Patriots the Patriots from an Interesting NEW YORK (AP) — NaUonal Minnesota Vikings. The trick, and Gola fed Egan for the bas­ the Navy quarterbacks, was contract means at Navy. (5apt. They have the hometown en­ •Tt’a a disgrace,” admitted for one of the touchdowns that and their five-game winning vantage. He was a guard on tiie Basketball Association players Jack dlecovered, was that Garagiola Replaces Allen Hockey Standinga ket that iced the verdict. an hnvlag (1) R believed to l>ave had the inside Busik said all academy con­ thusiasm. Boston people have cne of them. “Kidnaping kids, everywhere Snow went, his fi­ matie Lanes gave his team a 14-0 lead. streak are favored over the brilliant Baltimore Colt world aren’t going out of their way to track for the job and still may tracts are open to renegotiation suddenly discovered there’s hiding them out, giving them ancee 'was sure to go. ^ ■when However, it was 14-14 In the mortal Bills, who have played champs of 1968-69, and It’s hurt one another this season. National League Easteni Divioion bettor seora ea NFAA have. each year, regardless of length. other diversion on a Sunday af­ ridiculous bonuses—I wouldn’t Snow came into New York for P A A Round fourth quarter. The ball was on barely ,600 ball in the last significant that when he re­ That’s the essence of a report of As New York Broadcaster W. L. T. Pt*. W L Pot. OB I But the Naval Academy, The renegotiation of Hardin’s ternoon besides watching the run my oAvn business this way. an All-American dinner, • his elaeetflcatloa eard a n not the Ma^achusetts two-yard month. tired right after, the Oolts the NBA referees released by Montreal 13 7 6 32 Boston 26 7 .781 — Registration Fee: |5 ; shaken by the publicity over led to his ouster. line . . . fourth down and one to Thetr star Is a 34-year-old broke down. on television. “ And the kids," said" Jim fiancee checked in, too. And Detroit 13 10 4 30 Cincinnati 18 11 .621 Shi (eague President Walter Ken­ NEW YORK (AP)— How became available when NBC required to qualify K I Hardin’’s obviously forced resig- Hardin, resisting dismissal, go for a first down. quarterback who has traveled "The Colts,” said Spinney, And they have a long history nedy. ' Finks, the new genera! mana­ right after her came Faulkner. Toronto 11 9 7 29 Philadelphia 16 16 .516 Shi lost its Game of the Week‘ con­ Limited Jo 18 Competitors i nation in a personality clash fdUnd he did not have the con­ the pro circuit for 11 years and "they were a machine. These of beating the Bills in regular ger of the Minnesota 'Vikings, While Snow was attending a about that? New York 6 21 .276 n V t Mc(31usky, from Middletown, The 10 reierees conferred with tract to the American Broad­ Chicago 13 11 2 28 most legletor by T PJS. with superiors, appeared in no tract he thought he did,' It was once had his ihorale' shattered competition. The, score to date "are utterly unrealistic. We ap­ special television show and din­ The rumor going around since Western Division S C O T C H Ohio, rolled out to the right. boys are not a machine, but Sid Borgia, supervisor ol offi­ casting <3o. earlier this week. New York 9 11 7 25 Guaranteed Purse Pays 8 hurry to designate the new men­ believed that the final settle­ trying to play regular in the proached a center from a big ner, Faulkner extended hia the .World Series that Mel Allen, 18 11 .621 — A B oth a rc There was good blocking in they like to win and have is is six wins, three defeats and cials, at their annual mid season Allen was reported on the way Boston 6 17 4 18 Loe Angeles tor. ment worked out with lawyers National League. Babe Parilli ■chool who wasn’t drafted by choree. He "baby-sdit” the fl- alter 18 years, was through as St. Lodui 16 12 .871 m WHISKY front of him and he scampered great deal of personal pride. a tie for Boston. They beat the meeting and Kennedy’s state­ the voice of the New York Yan­ out when the Yankees failed to Amectoao League Places: Capt. William 8. Busik, phld hlni not much more than a might be ^the most valuable A lot of them have Mcked •ither league. His dauber was snoee, too. Baltimore 18 IT .488 5% sh oot m quallfyiag untouched into the end zone for Bills handily in a similar situ­ ment followed. Ben Kemer, kees became fact Thursday name him to their World Series Eaetera Dtvision director of athletics, said candi­ year’s salary of the four re­ player of 1964. down. We needed another cen­ .876 7% an apparent score. But he around and are trying to prove ation last, year, when both owner of the St. Louis Hawks, He must have done Us Job when the American League broadcasting team last Octobdr. W . L. T. Pta. Detroit 12 20 There wIB be (9) dates would be Interviewed dur­ maining at $19,000 annually on flipped the ball prematurely Converted Quarterback a point—that they’re athletes teams finished the regular sea­ and Jack McMahon, coach of ter (to back up incumbent Hick w ^. ’ Sqow's rights were Quebec 21 8 San Francisco 10 22 .318 10 1st'—$60 2nd— $40 T H t BUCKINGHAM ing the next several weeks and his contract. Tlngelhoff), at least for train­ champs unveiled thelp*^ ■ 1966 It was the first time the veteran just before crossing the goal- Their super-scorer is a 30- as compared to also-rans. son In s tie and'pls}^ off for the Ctacinnati Royals had been switched to Los Angeles, and broadcasting team. announcer hadn’t handled the Hershey 15 9 tying roiHiSe shot on the would include any from outside Both tha $7-year-oId coach line. It landed on the one-yard year-old convehed quarterback "They have become foohball the Eastern title. ing camp next vear. he signed with the Rama. Baltimore 10 13 I Catcher Raymond Suarez, 3rd— $30 4 t h -4 2 5 —eewaO-RAILON critical of roughhouse tactics “ You know what he wanted ? ReplE^ng Allen will be Joe Series In 10 years. the academy as well as those on and Busik, speaking for the line where It was recovered by without any speed who plays players from exp9sure, from In the two of the three games Springfield 10 18 automatio laaea at 4 PJK. they said were endangering . A $5,500 bonus for signing and Garag)lpla, who has teamed with Garagiola joins the three oth­ Florida State senior, and pitch­ the present staff. An announce­ academy’s Athletic Board of Massachusetts. split end and migrated to Bos­ the experience of playing to­ they lost to Buffalo, the Patri­ players. Providence 7 21 5th— $20 6th— $15 $15,000 contract. I told him • Yankee rookie Mel Stottle- Bqb Wolff on the Nation­ er members ol last year’s Yan­ e r Joe Hemiessey, St. Louis ai^ 6 Pk«Dkedman said, "W e of- So are Mde Hke Tommy Ad- couldn’t beat Me Bootoa nature ot Die highly eompetitlvl n (KuMif AB- to t Motamond. )ow*m aa "good^wlt. no hit," Barber or* former Mg leaguers. piw olaiiJ a etdlateral adniinlatratlv poet plataly aatWlad. tlvsnsss ths rest ef ths ssason. ■on. even the Boston eoachea. dlaoQ, the Unebacker, aiid Boo*- gomea pUyed &ue H r* ' iM’M Gale 1

a- ' ■' i

n k t TWBNTY-SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER IS, 1964 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1964 PAGE TWENTY-SEVEN Apsrtments—Plate— 16 THERE OU6HTA BE A LAW By FAGALY and SHORTEN HooMhdd Goods 51 ^nemente 68 Apartments—Plate— Snborban For Rent 66 Hoobm For Stik 72 Houbm For S«Je 72 HoufiM For Rak 72 Suburban For Sale 75 Suburbai^ For Sale 75 stora In DION OON8TRUCnON-ao(* 30” KAOIO CBXF f U Tenements 68 INVESTMENT PROPERTIES BOWERS SCHOOL’ — 6 room EAST HARTFORD — 7 room VERNON — 2-year-old 6 room Ski Report Ing, siding, alterations, oeU- ooBdttita^ fU . Bbould THRUK r o o m imtad apy^ BOLTON CENTER Apartments, IIAMCHIISTBR — Lika m m 641-7881. rwnt, 4M MSU Btraat OaH jruST ONE 8% room apart­ Corner Brandy 8t. and Bolton 6% room ranch, 22 foot living —A 2 family, a 3 family, and Garrison Colonial. Call Owner, older Colonial, excellent fam­ ranch, attached garage, decor­ CLASSIFIED Inn gutters and aluminum TufiMuciTtMArr room, 1% batho, beautifully a 5-unlt complex. For further 649-2KM. ily home, large lot, close to ator’s wall, aluminum storms, BOSTON (AP)—The New Eng­ W&doWB. 6tt-4aai 0484696. 649-8839, 9-6. ment, 06 Pearl Street, com­ Center Rd., new 8 ronns, beat, B in u a v s SURVINO tny: hot water, stove, rsfrlgerator, flnUhad family room, large d’etat la call the Belfiore Forbes Street School, 1% fence, new wall-to-wall carpet­ land Council ski area reporta pletely remodeled, includUlg baths, city water and sewer. A. A. DION, nVC RooHiig dsik lamp and Kodak NBW DELUXK 4% room dh- atove, refrigerator, hot water 8125. 640-82M, 648-4812. wooded lot Hayea Agency, Agency, 643-5121. Manchester ing. Near school, bus, and today: (■vuAwwr «*^****J5J^J^ aomanL Coll 64S-6000. plex uartment, heat, hot wah> 648-4808. E. J. Carpenter, Realtor, 649- shopping. Extras. Owner Type of snow surface code; Mdlng, paintlim. Canantry. Ai*. and parking. 890. 649-6544. FOUR BEDROOMS — Large 9 SPACE TO SPARE 5051, Mr. Day, 649-9204. ADVERTISING teraoons k m addlnotw. er, appUancee, dryer, P yklM , ANDOVER—4 room apartment, transferred. 875-1180. P-powder. PP-packed powder. W SAORlFiaB houa^old tiirnlsh- fun cellar, fl60 month^ Jj>. ATTRACnVB 4 ROOM apart­ heat, hot water, electric stove mOlTT ROOM raised rfeacli. room home in Manchester, Ings. Workmanship guaran combining wholesome country Is the keynote of this ex­ MANCHESTER VICINITY — •wet. M-machlne made. Y-lcy. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS teed. 9M Autumn S t 848-4860 ingo—^Frlgldolre frost-free re­ Realty, 648-8139, 648-8'I79. ment, eecond floor, basement and refrigerator, reasonable. two years old, large Itvtag pansive executive Ranch. NEW HOMES being construct­ C-corn. O-granular. FG-frozen Trte oooEW KToN^ frigerator, cherry dropleaf and attic, steam heat, oppoalte 742-6124. room wtth Broploet, modern atmosphere with modern con­ London Park. Darling 2 bed­ ed, 8 minutes from Mauiches- WB HAVE cuotomera watting Utohan with buUt-lna, tamily veniences. 3 inside fireplaces, 6 big rooms, 2 full baths. room ranch, walnut paneled granular. SC-spring conditions. 8 A. M. to 5 PAL BID WELL. ROME Improvement 6QUCAM6 YMCM 'fOU’tR dlQing room set, 80” electric Center Park. No pets. Avail­ Glorious view, 2-car ga­ ter. Cape Cods. Ranches, Numeral preceding p, w, or m Company—Roofing, aiding, al- range, other miscellaneous for the rental of your yiort able January 1st. 649-7529. BOLTON — Six room, partly room, 4 or 8 bedrooma, 9-aoao country sized kitchen, tre­ living room, large picture win­ Raised Ranches time to to W IM . ment or home. J,' D. Roolty, furnished, house, $120 monthly. rage, plus mMsive paneled dows, dream kitchen, walk-out indicates number of Inches of tesaUans, additions and re­ items. Rearonahle. Watch tor hot water hsat. garage, 821.900. mendous living room, formal choose your individual lot new snow. COPY CIDSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. modeling of all types. Excel­ Blgna OB Route 6. 648-6130. Call 649-3401, after 6. Phllbrick Agnoy. M0'646«. dining room, separate laundry family room. All for 829,- basement, spacious lot for gar­ now. Call Robert D. Murdock,' MONDAY th n i FBIDAT 10:S0 AM. — SATURDAY • AM lent workmanship. 64B6496. 'WEST SIDE — 6 sunny rooms, room, den, plus bathroom 000. D. Beach 649-5306, dening, play area and outdoor U A R Realty Co., Inc., 643- Surface evaluation code after FOUR ROOM flat, aecond floor, parking. Call 64S-’r825. R(JCKVILLE — Now available. downstairs. Four bedrooms 875-6611. living, convenient to Aircraft 2692, 643-6472. snow type: 1-excellent. 2-good. Musical Instruments 53 central /location, heat, hot Attractive 3% room apart­ and Manchester, $13,900. 8-falr to good. 4-falr. 6-poor. 6- CHRISTMAS and second bathroom upstairs. PLEASE READ YOUR AD Roofing and Chimneys 16- water, tae year leaae. Can SMAtJj 8-ROOM heated apart­ ment, Includes heat, hot wa­ Garage, tool shed, dog pen, Gerard Agency, Realtors, 643- not operating. A CHRISTMAS SPECIAL — 1200 649-8048 after 6 p m ment, lady preferred, near bus ter, range, refrigerator, park­ 0366, or Gertrude Hngedorn, ing: Near shopping and bua plus still another fireplace Barrows «^W allace Mostly cloudy skies with snow f-.— or nVoMt Ada" WPO taken over the phone ea a ROOFING — Speciallxing re-; discount on floor models of line. Call 648-7302. SHOPPING outside. Over 1,800 sq. ft. of 649-0538. Wanted—Real Estate 77 flurries and falling temperatures doarenlenoe. The adrerUaer ahonld read his ad the FIRST pairing roofs of all kinds, new Kinsman spinet organs. Dubal- h e a t e d 8 and 4 room y>art- line. 12 minutes to Hartford Manchester Parkade menU, electric refrlger^r over Parkway. Suitable for gracious country living in Manchester 649-5306 MANCHESTER VICINITY—A SPOT CASH paid for homes, reported over much of the re­ DAY IT APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS In time tor the roofs, gutter work, chimneys do Music Center, 186 W. Mid­ town. Public and naroehlal gion this morning. next Inaertlon. H w Herald la reaponaible tor only ONE Incor- cleaned, repaired. Aluminum dle Tpke. and gas stove furnished. CUl SH ROOMS, heat and hot wa­ one or two persons. $100 Give your whole family 3 bedroom ranch on a country- farms and acreage. 24-hour 649-’^87 or 649-8779, 6 to 7 ter. Call 648-7222. monthly. 875-3748 or 875-0250. schools. Belfiore Agency, 643- size well shrubbed lot, huge service. Hayes Agency, 643- Maine n ct or omittod Insertion tor any advertiaeineat and then only siding. SO years' experience.' ths freedom, happiness and 5121. RARE OPPORTUNITY to be 4803. to the extent at a *inake food” tnaertlon. Errors which do not Free estimates. Call Howley,' HAMMOND ORGAN — 2 man­ p.m. security of a modern home. come a landlord. 83,000 will living room with fireplace, Lost Valley m 3. uals, full octave base, DUPLEX APARTMENT BOLTON—Nice 4 room ranch, See these quality listings family size kitchen, full cellar,, Mt. Abram fg 6. leoaen the'rahie e< the adverttaement will not be corrected by 643-5861, 644-8388. t h r e e ROOM apartment, unfurnished, furnished, near FOUR BEDROOMS -- 9 room completely finance Income years old, resl value. 649-9858, Idtehen with range hood, dis­ today! Colonial on tree shaded lot. 2 property now returning 209^ spotless condition, $15,500.1 Squaw Mt. fg 6 '■make good” Insertion. after 7. heat, hot water, stove, refrig­ posal, refrigerator, living and shopping and school bus. Be­ Wolverlon Agency, Realtors, I Legal Notlcea Sunday River fg 4. erator, $90. 247 No. Main. 649- fore 6, 649-6867. fireplaces, separate large on investment. All details Kadlo*TT Repair dining rooms, % bath on first 814.900— 4 rooms and bath laundry room. Jalousled rear available. Call Warren E. 649-2813. Northern New Hampshire YOUR COOPERATION WDX n i A l 1 6228, 9-6. floor. Carpeted stairs to sec­ on an acre of wooded land. MMITATION ORDER Black Mt. fg 4. BE APPRECIATED l/IMIa I I Services 18 Antiques 56 ond floor. 2 bedrooms, ceramic AVAILABLi! IMMEDIATEitY porch, outside patio, 1 '4 Howland, MLS Realtor, 643- AT A COtlUT OF PROBATE, TWO ROOM heated apartment —5 room apartment in Rock­ Oh yes—a 5 stall garage baths, 2-car garage, alumi­ 1108. Vernon held al Manrhester. wlihin and for Cannon Mt. 2 p 6 limited. ANTIQUE GLASSWARE, bathroom. Excellent closet goes along with the deal. num storms, screens, doors.. Ln#* District of ManrhfEtF? Mi thu MItterslll 2 p 6. CONNIE’S TV and Radio Serv and bath. 149 Oakland Street. and storage space throughout ville, heat fumlahed, children Call Mrs. Smith at 649- DREAMS COME TRUE loth fifty f)f D^cftmher 1964 TennSy Mt. 1 p 4. ice, available all hours. Satis­ china, and curios for the un $65. 649-5229, 9-6. accepted. Information 649- Plastered walls. Wall-to-wall COLONIAL, direct from own- Preftpiu, Hon. John J. WnllMt. apartment. Basement storage 1200. Eves. 649-2519. carpeting In several room.*. A : rt' HiH'-'iter Street. 6 rooms, Judfip. Wildcat fg 6. faction guaranteed. CaU 649- usual Christmas gift. 10 a.m.- and laundry. Parking. On bus 5833. 8%-room M\iltl-level strik­ Trouble Reaching Our Advertiser? 1818. 4 p.m. every day, 42 Spruce t h r e e ROOMS, tile bath, heat quality Ansaldi built home. 1 '4 baths, wall-to-wall carpet, ingly located on a treed E.siaie of Sieve Berk a-k-a Stanls- Central and Southern Vermont line. Call 649-4887 between 5-7 818,500—Spic and span in­ paneled basement, kitchen law Pete Berk or Stanlev Burke Street. 649-4336. and hot water furnished, eec- p.m. side and out this 3 bedroom Belfiore Agency, 643-5121. lot. The spaciousness and laie of Manrheeter, in said District, Bromley 4 P 8. 4 hy Uuli6< lin 1—» ond floor. 16% School BL Wanted To Rent 68 built-ins, garage. Immediate richness of the interior deceaeed. Carinthta 2 P 2. 24-Hour Answering Service ranch on Diane Drive, FOUR BEDROOM ranch with On mniion of John Bonezek of Moving—^Tmcidng— across from East Side Rec. should be on your shopping occupancy. Phone 643-4822. ' give pride of ownership. Dutch Hill 3 P 8. Wanted—^To Buy 58 full cellar. 2 complete bath­ said Manchrster, administrator. Killtngton 8 P 2. Free to Heraid Readers Storage 20 t'unilshcd ApartraentK 63-A list. Call Bill Frazier at rooms. Asking 816,900 for fa.st SIX ROOM, modern Ranch. You can save at low price ORDEftED, That six monUis Uuip Wanted—Hale 36 Articles For Sale 45 Fuel and Feed 49>A THREE ROOM, third floor, WANTED — Garage , Moore of $25,900. Call Roger fmrn Itie 10th day of Decem ber, Mt. A.scutney M 4. WANTED TO BUT—Antlcmes heated, centrally located. Call Street vicinity. CiJl 649-7512. 643-1121. Eves. 649-7314. sale. Belfiore Agency, 643- 100x200 lot, near school, 2 1964. be and the same are limited Want Intormatlon on one of oar classlfled advertisements T No MANCHESTER Delivery. Light ROOK V lljT ,E CENTER—$4od- Walker 875-6611. Mt. Snow south 8 P 4. HIGH QUALITY seasoned and good used furniture. Vil­ 648-0082, between 7-8. 5121. fireplaces, full basement, ga­ and allowed for the creditors within answer at the M ^ o n e listed? Simply call the trucking and package delivery. CARPENTERS WANTED. ONE DOLLAR stationery bar­ ern 4 rooms, heated, furnished, 818.900— Yes you’ll find It rage, immediate occupancy. which to brinp in their claims Okemo 3 P 2. Steady employment, paid vaca­ gains, name, address on choice hardwood, cut to any length lage Peddler Auction House, easy to like and own this apBin.il said e.state. and said ad- Pico Peak 8 P 8. Refrigerators, washers and Route 88, HHUngton. 878-8711, all utilities, adults; also, three Business Property SIX ROOM Cape on Ea.at Side, Bel Air Real Estate, 643-9332. stove moving spwlalty. Folding tion, Insurance plan, new home of 200 noteheads; 150 letter and split, stored inside. F’ree room, adults. 875-9121. fine ranch home on Arcellia mini.elralnr is directed to pive piih- Stratton Mt. 1 P 4. EDWARDS kindling with each load before Bob Flucklger, end Son. FOUR ROOM apartment, WeUs For Sale 70 aluminum storms, screens, Barrows s^Wallace lie notice to the creditors to bring chairs for r.mt. 649-0T62. construction and remodeling sheets, 75' envelopes. 60 per­ Street, 860 a month. 649-6987. Drive. 3 huge bedrooms, a doors. Attractive wooded lot. In their claims within said time ah Woodstock P 8. work. Only tint-class men re­ sonalized napkins, 79c, blue, Christmas. Leonard Glglio, Bol. real family type living Manchester Parkade lowed by publishing a oopv of this Mass. — Berkshlrea WE BUY, SELL or trade.an BUBINE8S ZONE m - Bight Onlv $14,900, Belfiore Agency, Manchester 649-5306 order in some newspaper having a ANSWERINS SERVICE ply. Call 649-5391 for appoint­ plpk, yellow, white. Discount ton, 649-8818. tlque and used furniture, china, THREE ROOMS, second floor, THREE ROOM furnished apart­ rooms with two oCflcei, sap* room, many cabineted 643-5121. Brodie Mt, S P 6. Painting—Papering 21 ment, McCarthy Enterprises, Center (with Manchester Rub­ ment Andover. 742-7541. kitchen, 1% baths. More to clrculallon In said probate district FOR SALE — Seasoned hard' glass, silver, picture frames heat and hot water furnished; arate entrance, suitable tor DECEMBER within ten days from the date of Butternut Basin 1 P 8. 6494500 - 075-2519 Inc. ber Stamp), 5 S. Main, Man­ and old coizis, old dolls and Call 643-8507. business or professlanal use. see, so cal! Mrs. Babin at DRIVE BY 85 Brookfield lated i Mrosek. the executor, application praying of John for au- R. F.sla Gilmore. Tomaquag Road, your home or by appointment Reasonable. Call 649-1043 after faille. 649-6750. FOUR BEDROOM raised ranch market appreciation. 6-6 onial, double garage, only $16,- heat, plaster walls, attached Ashnwav. R. T and return make 5:30. 528-6686. Thursday 7-9, Saturday 7-4. WORKING LADY to share my floor, parking, $100. Glaston­ room duplex, two furnaces, garage. Owner transferring. Lawrence F. Flano, Realtor, l thoriiy to compromlso and settle a to this Court Experienced t ^ work. 24- FOUR BURNER Roper gas bury 633-1874. completely decorated. 2-car 000. Hutchins Agency, 646-0424, 643-2766, 742-6364. i doubtful and disputed claim In favor JOHN J. WAIJ.RTT. Judge, hour service. Call 643-4728. home. Call 649-3949 before central location, and the $15,900 Wolverton Agency, ______of said estate aninst Alma J, Scho- SHARPBINING Service — Saws, Bonds—Stocks— LOAM SALE! Dark rich, stone- stove, deluxe model, good con­ 8:15 a.m. and after 5:45 p.m. garage, one year lease with owner will help by taking 646-0108. cr: Vincent D. Diana. Atty. free loam regular 814 for 812. dition. Call 649-6892. THREE ROOM unfurnished option to renew, $195 per Realtors, 649-2813. MANCHFSTER __-a4-4 a, uall i girnod ( ^ more fully appears. •* “V "* It 1 6 Is application knives, axes, shears, skates, Mortgages 27 back a small mortgage if MANCHESTER — 3 bedroom sized rooms, oil hot water ORDERED: That the forerolng rotary blades. Quick service. SALES CAREER Stone fill, sand, gravel and apartment, second floor. Por­ month. 742-7004. necessary. A sound Invest­ manure. 643-9504. CHRISTMAS SALE Apartments—Flats— ter Street area, $80 monthly Green Manor Ranch with full heat, redecorated inside, 3-car application be heard and deter- PeraonaM Capltc' Equipment Co., 88 SECOND MORTGAGE - Un­ ment - - a good place to basement, family size rooms, flTB.rA.p’ft p’oorf lomtiftn A p'ooH nilncd th#* ProbAtft offlcft In Main St., Manchester. Hairs AT ALBERT’S Tenements 63 includes heat, hot water, elec­ SPARKLING 7 ROOM home in garage, gooo location, a gwa | Manchester, in .said District, on the limited funds available for sec­ Sales expansion. Need one PAINTED SNOW PENCE. 50 neighborhood of fine resi­ live. Our competent sales dining L, garage, one block Investment for $21,900. Call' 29th day of December. A.D. 1964 Bitter G>ld STATE LICENSED rest home dally 7-5. Thursday 7-9 Satur­ ond mortgages, pasrments to 1, 2, OR 3 YEARS TO PAY! tricity and gas, no appliances staff of six is equipped to WINDOW centrally located, reasonable topnotch salesman In Man- foot section, 810.98. Agway, LOOKING for anything in real dences. Beamed cathedral ceil­ from bus. Owner transferred. Robert D. Murdock, U 4 R at .^It^en o'clock in the forenoon’ day 7-4. 648-7968. suit your budget. Ebcpedlent Tolland Turnpike, Buckland. START PAYING furnished. Call 643-6940 for custom fit this house to and that notice be trlven to all per­ rates, friendly atmosphere. chester-Rockvllle area. No estate rentals — apartmants, appointment. ing, 1% baths, fireplace. 3 Must sell. Warren E. How­ WONDERLAND Realty Co., Inc., 643-2692. sons Intere.sled In said estate of the service. J. D. Realty. 643-6129. canvassing, all leads fur­ 643-5123. IN FEB. NEXT YEAR bedrooms. Den and family YOU. land, MLS Realtor, 643-1108. Hits Most TeL 876-lOlL LAWN MCi WEIRS—Sharpened 8 ROOMS FURNITURE homes, multiple dwellings, call pendency of .said application and and repaired, winter storage. nished. High Potentials. J. D. Realty, 64?-6129. room. Exquisite stone con­ the time and place of nearing there­ Earnings discus.sed at inter­ CARPETS a fright? Make $9.36 MONTHLY struction. Truly, a rare find. COLONIAL — 4 bedrooms, 1% From the kitchen and liv­ on by publishing a copy of this RIDE WANTED comer Moore Sales and service — Ariens, Business Opportunity 28 Lots For S3!e 73 order In some new.spaper having a Street and West Center to new view. Write Box F, Herald. them a beautiful sight with Brand New FOUR ROOM apartment, heat­ 8200 monthly. Belfiore Agency, baths, family room off kitchen, ing room windows of this Of Nation Snowbirds, also rental equip­ Blue Lustre. Rent electric Bedroom, Living Room, NOTICE chnrmlng 7 room Colonial circulation In said dlslrtcl. at least engineering building, Pratt A ment. L & M Equipment Corp., IDEAL LOCATION for snack ed. with garage, recently re­ 643-5121. J. D. REALTY CO. built-ins, dishwasher, intercom, ANDOVER-Long Hill Road. 4 s.vTn d ;7 s bef^e the dav of'Slfd Whitney, 8 a.m.-4:45 p.m. 649- shop, grinder or pizza shop, shamooper $1. Olcott Variety Dinette, Rugs, Lamps, Table, modeled, Cedar St., Manches­ TOWN OF double garage. 144x120. Carl­ on Marion Drive In Man­ acre------building site,,— best------residen­,j._ hearing to appearappear IfIf thtthey see cause Route 83, Vernon, 876-7609. Store. Dishes. Silverware and other FOUR ROOM ranch, furnished 643-5129 643-8779 ton Hutchins Agency, Real­ chester, there’s a view un­ tial area, orchard andOiiu wood-wia^u- *"'1 P'*-ilRce...... and bo—' (Continued from Page One) 7512. Mcujchester Elxchange—Elnter- equipped with luncheonette ter, $125 per month. Call W. MANCHESTER lonA -tUn. I heard relative thereto, and make accessories. Harry England, 649-5201, after or unfurni.shed, oil baseboard tors, 646-0103. usual of the spacious land, stone fences, brook, return to this court. prise 1945. fixtures, center of Manches­ FIGURE SKATES, ladles, size grounds and wooded area A herd of 1,000 sheep wan­ RIDE WANTED to Podunk ter, heavy traffic, low rent, Help Wanted— E'VERYTHING $288 6 call 742-7883. JOB OPPORTUNITY heat, knottv pine, oak floors, Hayes Agency, 643-4803. JOHN J. WALDETT. Judge, Building, So. Windsor, house 9, Brunswick Canadian Flyer, ASSISTANT adults. 643-'6389. MANCHESTER — Ranch 6 planned to give REAL ec: C harles C. DraghI, Atty. dering aimlessly in a blizzard TYPEWRITERS — Standard reasonable. 649-9953, 643-8677. Male or Female 37 never worn, excellent value at 8 ROOMS FURNTTURB rooms, modern kitchen, built- PRIVACY. This is a fine cra.shed through the ice of a pickup, Manchester Green vi­ and electric. Repaired, over­ BUILDING INSPECTOR AT A COURT OF PROBATE, cinity. Call 643-8722. 812. 649-5051. $10.16 MONTHLY COMPLETELY furnished 4 SEVEN ROOM older home, in stove, dishwasher, etc. Din­ horne with 3 huge bed­ Suburban For Sal* 75 held at Manchester, within and for lake south of Miles City, Mont. hauled, repted. Adding ma­ WANTED—Tobacco sorters. J. Brand New Minimum Salary— bedrooms, 2 baths, lot 72x151 ing room, large living room Montana officials said 250.000 chines rented and repaired. Hein Wanted—Female 35 E. Shepherd Co., South Wind­ room house, automatic heat, rooms. modern. fully the district of Manchester, on the CHRISTMAS TREES and Westlnghouse Refrigerator, NOTICE $5,751.20 per annum adults only. 649-1794. Marion E. Robertoan, Realtor with fireplace, 3 bedrooms, full equipped kitchen, large liv­ T O L L A N D — $2,500 BMumes: 'Sih hay of December. a.D^ 1964. calves and 320,000 sheep suf­ Pickup and delivery service. sor. Call Mr. Zgorskl after 6 greens. Native Spruce, fresh Living Room, Bedroom, Maximum Salary— 648-5968. basement, 1-car garage. $18,- Yale Typewriter Service. 649- WANTED to start December 28 p.m., 528-4741. TOWN OF ing room with wall to wall mortgage, save closing costa.' fered through the snow and cold Automobiles For Sale 4 cut, all sizes. 580 Brunham St., Dinette, Rugs, Lamps, Tables, $7,061.60 per annum WEST SIDE — 7 room older 500. Phllbrick Agency, 649- carpeting and drapes and Spotless 5V4 room Colonial Estate of Edith C Keith of Man­ in eight disaster-area counties. 4986. dependable woman, light MANCHESTER Colonial. 3-4 bedrooms, fire­ MANCHESTER — Executive housekeeping, care of kinder- DRUG CLERK—For January, Manchester. Dishes, Silverware and other Starting rate may be above 8464. formal dining room. For Ranch, built-ins, % acre wood­ chester. In said district, an Incap­ Ranchers estimated 50 per cent NEED CART Your credit turn­ accessories. JOB OPPORTUNITY minimum depending on experi­ place, heated .sunporch, garage. neighborhood, lovely 7 room ed lot. Hurry! Hayes Agency, able person. ed down? Short on down pay­ LAWNMOWBR sharpening; re­ gartner, while mother teaches. experienced, full or part-time, Colonial, mammoth lliflne, the recreation minded Upon application of W. David of their herds were lost. LARGE DOLL carriage; small EVERYTHING $360 MASTER MECHANIC ence and training. Schools, shopping within walk­ MANCHESTER — West Side. there is a deluxe family 643-4803. Keith. Conservator, praying for au­ December cold records top­ ment? Bankrupt? Reposses- pairs, sales, rotor blades Wapping area. Own transpor­ driver’s license, must have a stroller; 23” doll, like new; ing distance. 649-1698. room, modern kitchen with Older 6 room Colonial, new sharpened; bicycle sales, serv­ tation. 644-1748 after 6 p.m. pleasing personality, reliable, FOR Thirty - five Hour Week, room. Sparkling white thority to sell certain real estate pled Thursday, with 38 below ■lon? Don't deqialrl See Hon; Volt swim fins (small). Rea­ 3 ROOMS FURNITURE Eleven Paid Holidays, Two bullt-lns, 2-car garage. Sacri- i siding, garage, quiet location. aluminum sided exterior. BOLTON — Lake privileges. more particularly described In said •St Douglas. Inquire about low­ ice. Manchester Cycle Shop, good pay. Write Box P, sonable. 649-1401. Brand New CONSTRUCTION AND flee at $19,900 Hayes Ag icy ,' Only $13,500. Hayes Agency. applloAtiDn on fllo. ft in zero marks in Butte and Helena. 149 W. kOddls Turnpike, 649 Herald. Weeks Vacation. Paid Sick Suburban For Rent 66 We’d love to show you this $10,500.^ Attractive , deluxe , 4 , , O RD ERED : That the forftr« It was 51 below In West Yellow- est down, smiUleet payments 2098. $14.74 MONTHLY EQUIPMENT Leave, Paid Accident A Health 643-4803. I 643-4803. home. room R&nch, fireplace, almost appilcAtion ho heard and deter- anywhere. No small loan or fi­ BILLS! BILLS! BILLS! If NEW NESCO Roaster with Westlnghouse Washing COVENTRY LAKE—4% room completely furnished. Recent mined at the Probate office in Man stoner-Mont. things look bad now. they MAINTENANCE & Group Life Policy, Social MANCHESTER - New 7 room THREE BEDROOM ranch, 125 Temperatures began a slow nance compemy plan. Douglas REPAIRS on all makes of re­ utility table; new Bell & How­ Machine, Westlnghouse Refrig­ ranch, fireplace, lake privi­ d ism Motors, 333 Main. ^ may be worse after Christ­ Situations Wanted— ell movie camera.s, models 220 Minimum Salary— $5,761.60 Security Coverage, Membership raised ranch, 2-car garage, foot frontage, fireplace, full heating unit and aluminum : ^7’" day 'of ■Dorcmh"'r"'''A "" " rise In Washington State, which T h e B e st frigerators, washers, ranges, erator, Bedroom, Living Room, per annum, $110.00 per week. leges, $85 a month. 643-1686. JARVIS REALTY CO. siding. Outbuilding. L^w taxes | Hpvpti o’rir>ck in thp forenoon, mas. Housewives can help Female 38 and 252; new electric paint re­ Dinette, Dishes, Rugs, Lamps, in Town Retirement System, buiIt-ins, 1% baths, % acre lot, cellar, aluminum storms, car­ Minimum down VA financing 1 ft^nrl that notice be riven to all per- has experienced one of Its worst 1961 PONTIAC BonnevUle, ra­ and dryers. All oil burners Maximum Salary — $7,134.40 Town pays one-half of the In­ REALTORS prewinter cold spells In history. cleaned and serviced. All work meet this pressing problem mover. 643-5332. Tables, Blankets, Silverware, tremendous value. Hayes Agen­ port. All for $13,900. Don’t available. Lav;rrence F. Fiano. J Cleaner Ever dio and heater, full power, ex­ by selling MATURE WOMAN would like Pillows, and other accessories. per annum, $137.20 per week. dividual Employe’s Blue Cross, cy, 643-4803. wait Hutchins Agency, 646 DisaUxa.. tiAti o'Tca penflencv of ftald anpllcatlon The restaurant atop the 600- uaranteed. Cosma Appliance Make I’l From A Yard 643-1121 649-1200 Realtor. 643-2766. Charles anrl the time and place of hearing 30% more effective on rugs. cellent condition. Call sifter 4, to do babysitting in your 6’ 3” HICKORY F.I.S. skis, EVERYTHING $444 i Starting rate may be above C.M.S. and all of the Individ­ 0103. Nicholson, 742-6364. Dolores L ‘ thereon, bv puMifthinjf a copy of foot .space needle used during 649-3132. fervlce, 506 Center, U49.0066. ski boots, size 8, both for $50. minimum depending on experi­ the World’s Fair in 1962 was home. 649-3740. ual Employe’s Major Medical Merritt, 646-0424, I'hl. order in anme newxiwpcr hav- 250% more suction with YOU ARE A-1! Truck is A-1! AVON After 6 p.m., 643-2386. Price Includes Delivery Setup, ence and training. Insurance. MANCHESTER—Spic ’N Span ______1 Ins: a circiilntion in ftald difttrict. closed because fire escapes 19p4 MONZA Convertible, 4- Service. Guarantee Immediate Forty Hour Week, Eleven Fruit Potholders! 6 room Cape. 3 bedrooms, spa-: ^----- 1 E a G m TJ A W'T'TT’CMJFi seven flftVft before the <1fty were covered with Ice after attachments. speed, Immaculate, low mile­ Cellars, attics, trash, small Dojcs—Birds—Pets 41 BEAUTIFUL, extra large, doll The Town also baa a Munici­ cious kitchen with formica MANCHESTER -— Luxurious 8 A fc> 1 HARlbOKU Oak heftrinp. to appenr udse.' Thursday with a reading of 7. 1957 PONTIAC 2-door Hardtop, made while you wait. Taps ro- duties in our clerical de­ condition, 4-burner with 3- Apply to INVESTORS excellent four season’s view corders for rent. Marlow’s 861 AKC TOY POODLE, soft, cud- FIREPLACE t Y D . gage. T. J. Crockett. Realtor, very good condition. 643-1056. partment. Average typing WATCH AND JEWELRY re­ drawer storage compartment Personnel Department 643-1577.' of the lake and its year Main.. 649-6221. and High School education dly, black male, champion pairing. Prompt service. Up to and oven. 649-3635. bloodlines, reasonable. Calm Application shall be returned APRON’ 'round recreational activi­ b t u d e b a k e r c o m m a n d ^ required. Call Mrs. Peter«- $20 on your old watch In trade. to the Personnel Department, Here Is an attractive real FOUR BEDROOM Ranch with ties, spacious kitchen, large ElR, 1956, V-8, 4-door sedan, FURNITURE REFINISHED, son. 643-1161, for further disposition. Call 289-2477. Closed Mondays. F. E. Bray, BLOND COMBINATION buf-! u - WOOD colors matched, warp straight­ fet china cabinet — base 60x- ^ Street Manchester estate investment opportu­ a neat rec room. Prime loca­ formal dining room, family MANCHESTER'S cellent tires, 8175. Call af- information. Liberty Mu­ 737 Main Street, State Tneater LARGE BUNDLES nity — a parcel of 2 two tion. Two fireplace.a, combina­ room with g;un cabinets, de­ ened. Manchester Refinishlng AKC, WHITE, male toy poodle, 31%, top 24x60, with sliding ST i, Vo SP 3 p.m. 742-8261. Co. 643-9283. tual Insurance Co. 8 weeks old, home raised, rea­ Building. family dwellings and 1 sin­ tions, 1% baths. Needs redec­ luxe bar room, basement glass doors, $50. 649-9102. , midnight, Decern- gle home tb be sold as one orating, owner anxious for ac­ 1966 CHEVROLET, 2-door, au- sonable. 875-1581. ______I ocr do, with theater and projection MOVING — Must sell sofa, cof-1 ______unit located at 10%, 14 and tion and the price Is negoti­ room, heated 2-car garage ONLY FUEL OIL DEALER tfmatlc, radio and heater, ex- Building—Contracting 14 Florists—Nurseries 49 18 Church Street. The total able. Started in the twenties. eollent running condition. 8200. fee and end tables, lamps, ra- j ~ ——— — with caretaker’s quarters QUALITY CARPENTRY^ LPN or RN, full or part-time, Live Stock 42 CHRISTMAS TREES! Select dlo-phono console, desk, stove annual rental income of the Vacant. T. J. Crockett, Rieal- separated from the home by five units Is close to $5,600 tor, 643-1577. a long, attractive breeze- Rooms, dormers, porches, 11-7. 875-2077. BLACK GELDING, good man­ and cut your own! Bring the ($15). refrigerator ($20), iron- OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY! basements retinish.ed, cab­ family to The Stanley Tree er, kitchen table, chairs, coun­ representing a gross return way, outside stone pagoda STENOGRAPHER WANTED. ners, very responsive. Experi­ TRANSMISSION of about 14% on the pur­ LARGE 4 BEDROOM Colonial, with unusual fireplace and 19k DeSOTO 4-door Hardtop, inets, bullt-Ms, formica, tile. enced rider needed. Priced to Farm, Long Hill Road, Andov­ ter top roaster oven. 100 feet;, ejfcellent condition. 644-0890. No Job too email. William Manufacturing back ground er. Open every day until Chris- woven wire fence, miscellan­ W. G. GLENNEY chase price. 7716 heating, executive neighborhood, imme­ stone patio, park - like helpful but not required. Re­ sell. 649-5175 after 3. 8116 plumbing and structural diate occupancy. Sacrifice. grounds with large trees, Robbins carpentry service. mas from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., or eous items. Sale Saturday SS6 N. Main St. — 649-5258 MORIARTY BROTHERS CHEIVROLEjT, automatic 649-3446. ply Box H, Herald. call 742-6438. Large selection noon until 4:30. 643-7757. TROUBLE? 82-44 5075-N phases of all properties are $500 down, $173.83 month. shrubs and flowers. Be* imlssion, new snow tires, Articles For Sale 45 of White Spruce, Norway Large size fruit potholders in in excellent condition. If 644-8037. ' * cause of health reasons condition. Perfect for CARPENTRY — 3*2 years’ ex- BOOKKEEPER to handle ac­ Spruce and Douglas Fly from Use gaily colored fabric for a you are looking for a sound, owner desires quick .sale. perience. Cellipgs and floor counts receivable. Plea.sant SEE practical bib style apron that ca.sy crochet add a colorful well paying investment you FOR CHRISTMAS — Excellent SERVING YOU WITH >nd car. 8150. 643-4320. GARLAND commercial 4-burn- 82.50 up. Also, pine branches touch to the kitchen. Quick to A.sking price of only $39,- tiled, porches, rec rooms, ga­ working conditions. Write Box ner gas range with oven, broil­ for decoration, and seasoned can be.easily and quickly made cou'^ld well consider these 6 room Ranch, attached ga- 000. Easily financed. 24 24 CHETVROLEIT, excellent rages, additions, attics fin­ G, Herald. Manchester from Just a yard of material. make - .so handy to use. properties. fage, built-in stove, di.shwash- er and grill. 649-6273. wood In fireplace and furnace Septic Tanks Pattern No. ,5075-N has full Mobilheat _fdy and new front end, ished, remodeling, concrete lengths at $3 per tfunkful. r Wanted Transmission Co. No. 8116 with Patt-p-Rama is er, dispo.sal, wall-to-wall car- wakee and good tires, excel- work. No Job too small. Imme­ PILE is soft and lofty . . . col­ AND In sizes 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, directions for .strawberry and ppt, 2 boths, rec room, washer HOUR HOUR " ‘iit throughout. Needs engine. diate estimates. 643-2629 Help Wanted—Male 36 ors retain brilliance in caroets FRESH CUT, farm raised 44. Size 34, 1 yard of 44-inch. pineapple holders. and dryer. Immediate occu­ LAWRENCE F. FIANO 0. 643-9819. cleaned with Blue Lustre. Rent Christmas trees, Dec. 5-20, GENERAL Pluggad Sauers To order, sqnd 60c In coins to: To order, send 35c In coins to; ROBERT J. $MITH, INC. pancy, assumable VA mort­ FUEL OIL RURNER CARPENTRY—Rec rooms, for­ EXPERIENCED oil burner 7 Olcott St. Anne Cabot, The Manchester Realtor 643-3766 1966 _____ electric shampooer $1. Paul’s Saturday and Simday, 9 a.m. Sue Burnett, The Manchester 968 MAIN STREET gage. Hanley Agency, 643- DeSOTO 2-door Hardtop, mica, ceilings, closets, remod­ service mfui, all benefits. Apply Paint A Wallpaper Supply. to 5 p.m., weekdays 3-5 p.m. MAINTENANCE MAN Manchester Evening Herald, 1150 AVE. OF Evening Herald, 1160 AVE. OF 0030. Charles Nicholson 742-6864 DELIVERY FUEL OILS SERVICI Mcellent tires, good transpor­ eling, hatchways, attics fin­ in person. Williams Oil Serv­ (Rear 634 Center St.) Machine Cleaned AMERICAS, NEW YORK, N.Y. tation, first 8125 drives It Glenwood Farms, Sliver St., AMERICAS, NEW YORK, N.Y. 649-5241 ished, concrete steps, floors, ice, 341 Broad St„ MEmches- ONE of th? finer things of life Coventry, first right off Route Apply to Mr. DellaFera TEL. 646-0022 Septic Tanks, Dry Wells, 10086. loose. CUSTOM DESIGNIBD contem­ Dolores L. Merritt 646-0424 'ay. 649-7839 between 7-10 porches, garages. No Job too ter. —Blue Lustre carpet and up­ Sewer Lines Installed-r>Cel- For Ist-class mailing add 10c porary built» for 'gracious liv­ only. 44-A beyond Hills._____ For Ist-class mailing add lOc small. 649-6880. holstery cleaner.. Rent electric ' CRESTFIELD lar Waterproofing Done.' for each pattern. Print Name, for each ,pattern. Print Name, ing, sunken living roorn, for­ ANTED—Seiwice station at­ shampooer. 81. The Sherwln- Address with Zone ’and Pattern mal dining room^ planned for iaST PONTIAC, 4-tioor hard- “CARPENTRY — Bathroonu) tendant, full-time. Good prop- CONVALESCENT Automatic^ Address with Zone, Style No. MANCHESTER—Beautiful 5% Wuiiams Co. Fuel and Feed .. 49-A MeKINNEY BROS. and Size. Number.- room ranch, attached garage, nine spacious rooms, 3 baths, COVENTRY — Cuta 4 room C A LL 6 4 3 -5 1 3 5 Venturl, power brakes, tiled, recreation rooms, remod­ oaltiqn, including many fringe HOSPITAL Transmission New—’64 Fall-Winter Album! large lot, 815,800. Over 100 two huge, fireplaces, recrea­ ranch, double wooded lot, ga­ steeling, 20,000 original' eling, garages, additions, ce­ benefits. • Apply in person, JET SPRAY refrigeratad aoft Don't wait — send 50c now for 315 CfeNTIR S |R E C T MANCHIjHiR . immaculate. Call 742< S^tedaUste Sewerage DLqwsal Co. JTour copy the (all A winter Articles; Ctistom Collection; Uatings of all kinds. Call the tion room, bar, paflo. Priced In rage, large living room with ment work. Call Lmo ClMayn- Moriarty Bro&ers, -SOI CentarJ drink dlapeoaOr, ataotrlo. DRY HARDWOOD for VeL MS-nn ' uapeari S t — 648-8908 regular features; items to Sniaworth' 111 a io AgeDoy, 40’s. Call owner, 649-628S, 648 fireplace, only te,500i. Hayea ID afitar 6.' oM. 648-429L , Street 6278. •ut to ordar, 7494080. ^ hMUf of BOai^ Fashion, a romifiato pattern book. make! Only 60o a copy. Reoltora, 648-6680. 8868. Agency, 648-4808.

, -A FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1964 rKdC TWENTT.ldOHT Mtmrlii^atfr lEvrtifng ¥»raUi ATwaga Daily Nat Prsaa R o b Tha Waathar For the W e* Keae* forecaat ot D. S. Weather Be U , 1N4 VFW Auxiliary will sponsor Thar* will ba prfvata confaa^ | Sumy, brwey, eoM todey, a card party tonight at 8, at aions Sunday at 8 a.m. at S t ' Santa’s Workshop Ciiiirch Couples Square Dancers' About Town the post home. John's Polish National Catho­ ELASTIC 14,151 ttnned oold tonight, low tai ta lic Church. Genaral confasaion Santa’a Workahdp in Cen­ Plan Yule Dance To Haye Party ■bar *8 the Aadtt iBcreaetaig clonds, wOnuee tH XuicheatM- Ced»r«tte« will Polish Wotnen's Alliance, will ba at 8:15. ter Springe I»dga haa play­ row, high In SOe. ed boat to over 1,290 chil­ M of ObeoletlM mMt Monday at 7:30 p.m. at Group 246, will have a Chriet- The Oouplea Club o t Second Hi* Man<^ester « q u a r • HOSIERY Maneh^ater^’A City o f ViUogo Charm OMitar CongjresaUonal Church maa party Sunday at 2 p.m. ^at dren and SOO adulta to date, Dance Chib will hav* a Chrlat- and will be open only today, Congregational Church Will have For Women and men ae- for a Christmas party. Mem- the Polish American Club, its annual Christmas party to­ mas Dance tomorrow at 8 p.m. tomorrow and Sunday. cording^to your doctor’s ban are reminded to bring a Clinton St. Members are re­ Girl Scout Notes morrow at 7 p.m. in Fellowship at Waddell School. Earl John­ VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 68 (FOURTEEN PAGES—TV SE(7nON) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1964 (CUMalfled Advertteing on Page 12), PRK3E SEVEN grab bag gift minded to bring a grab bag Today’a houra are from Hall of the church. The party ston will be the caller for the prescript gift. 3:30 to 0:30 and from 6 to 8 will begin with potiuck, and evening. This will be a cIomg p.m., and the weekend houra Amaiican Legion Auxiliary Troops 697 and 699 I there will also be a ' white ele­ dance for membrs only. MEDCO ^RGICAL are from 1 to 5 p.m. will meet Monday at 8 p.m. at a a m Night at the Elks CTub, Junior Girl Scout Troop 697 phant gift exchange. Hie committee for the even­ S U P m CO. the ]>gion Home. Unit pa.-?t Bissell St., has been discontin­ of eVrplanck School and Mrs. On Monday, all of the toya Committee members Include in the Workshop will be de­ ing are Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Events presidents will be hostesses. ued until Jan. 8. Joseph Daniewicz and Mrs. E. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wilson, Dunn, door duty; Mr. and Mrs. M AN CH ^TER, CONN. Members are reminded to bring B. Coykendall Jr., troop lead­ livered to the Town Welfare Mr. Sind Mrs. Russell Elliott, 340 MAIN STREET Department for distribution G e o r g e EUiot, refreshment a grab bag gift British American Club’s an­ ers, have invited Junior Troop Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Joyce, Mr. chairmen; and aMlsting with 699 o f Bunce School to a to local needy children. Plans nual children's party will be an(l Mrs. Norman Rylander and New Canal! refreshments will be Mr. and Christmas party. The party Rec department officiala In State Polish National Alliance. held Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Mr. and Mrs. Edgar BarracUffe. Mrs. James Fanning and Mr. CHOW-oowN wanaN t ir u sr Group, 1988, will meet Sunday clubhouse. will be held Monday at Ver- hav^ promised that the hun­ Any couple who has not been planck School from 3 to 4:30 dreds'^ letters deposited in SHOPPING and Mra. Edward Farrell. at 2 p.m. at 77 North St. for the contacted but would like to at­ The club's New Year’s Eve Lutz Junior Museum will p.m. two Santa's matllMxes will tend may. call a' committee election of officers. be answered as quickly as 5 Dance Is completely sold out. Fire Destroys Mrs. Dorothy Sullivan and clo.se to the public on THie-sday member for reservations. DAYS There will be no admittance m m . loin Mt No. 88 Manchester Italian American at 5 p.m. The museum will open Mrs. John Mayhew will accom­ possible. pany the members of Troop 699 without a ticket. ‘Frat’ House Society vi-ill meet Sunday at 2 Dec. 29 from 2 to 5 and will TILL CHRISTMAS Welcomed in Panama to the party. Scout members p.m. at the club on Bidridge stay open at the same hours on Chemical Bids Dec. 30 and 31. The museum are Judith -Sullivan, Wendy At Wesleyan S t for the election of officers. Keegan. Rita Anne Colpltts, skit include Linda Findley, chlorine, sodium hypochlorite, will be closed New Year's Day Asked by Town In Bogota, Colombian Public ------ters for the fraternity brothers, and was finally spared only be­ BOTH FAIRWAYS use for punch, egg nog. a .spokesman said. Fraternity day that he received a telephone Ford's decision to challengw call shortly before noon from cause of word from 'higher up’ PAINTING AND OPEN EVERY Q had been planning an addition in Co.sa Nostra.” the Indianan was anticipated as Big Secret to the house. Bonanno's son, Salvatore. he summoned newsmen to a DECORATING NIGHT Hll ^ Early Morning Dallas Blaze “ I was told,” Maloney said, Winchell said a condition of press conference. PHONK 643-2804 7.98 & 14.98 "that Bonanno is in good heslth. .Bonanno's release was "that Charge Unnoticed I he’s through in the rackets, and A group of young Republicans to Christmas ... and that delighted me.” have urged him to try to depoM Call Evenings — 6 to 9 Still Safe I that his territory will be cut up BRIDGEPORT (AP) — A Maloney said he was present Halleck in an effort to give the For Holiday Entertaining spokesman for the State Bar shortly after midnight last Oct. among other Cosa Nostra chief- GOP Hou.se leadersUp “a I tains.” SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) — An As.sociation says the association 21 when two gunmen forced the younger image.’’ Ford is 61 and Bonanno, 59, has been arrest- Inquisitive 6-year-old boy nar­ Fire Danlages did not know that J. Allen elder Bonanno into a car. He Halleck is 64. ELECTRIC BUFFET TRAYS O'Connor of Norwalk was in­ said one g;unman fired a single I ed on a series of charges rang- rowly escaped serious injury 1. ing from running machine guns Meanwhile, former Post­ volved in a moraLs incident in shot at him before the auto sped master General Arthur Sum* when he tried to discover one of 1952 before it cleared him for away. i for the old A1 Capone mob to A most wanted hostess g i f t . . . ideal for violating the federal wage and merfield of Michigan Is in the OPEN Santa’s secrets. a judgeship nomination. Bonanno disappeared hours vanguard of a group of influen­ entertaining all through the holidays. O'Connor, 43, a former CSrcuit before he was to appear before hour law. The boy, Barrie L. Norton, His only conviction was in tial Republicans — some a t FRIDAY Use as a gridle . . . keep food wann. Dec­ had thought quite a bit about Famous Store Ck)urt judge, was sentenced to a gximd jury Investigating or­ them cloeely associated with 1942 - - a violation of the wage orator colors and designs . . . you are how Santa would come down his a six-month.suspended jail term ganized crime. former President Dwight D. Friday on a charge of indecent A year ago, U.S. Senate inves­ JOE BONNANO and hour law Involving a wom­ AND sure to Und one that will suit your needs. chimney next week, so-- he en's coat factory he owned in Elsenhower — who sire reported climbed into a chimney in a assault Involving a young man tigators Were given a report by working to pf^event the ouster of DALLAS, Tex. (A P )— A stubborn fire worked its who appeared before him In a New 'York Police describing Bo­ hoax," Maloney said. ” As far as Brooklyn. He paid a $460 fine SATURDAY neighbor’s barbecue pit to find I am concerned, this was a le­ and drew 18 months probation. either Burch or Halleck at this cut Friday. way through the upper floors of the famed Nieman- larceny case last October. nanno as “ one of the most im­ time. Marcus store early today, causing extensive damage and During the session in Superior portant Mafia — Cosa Nostra, gitimate kidnaping." A native of Sicily, Bonanno to 9 P.M. The neighbor, Mrs. W.F. Har­ Winchell had reported that came to this country in 1924 and The impending fight for the dison, said she came home from shrouding the downtown Dallas skyline w4tli billowing ■ or crime syndicate — leaders in the United States.” Bonanno had been held captive was naturalized in 1945. House leadership parallels tb« a shopping trip and heard Bar­ black smoke. .4------:______t -saxl that O’Connor had been ar- struggle for control of the Na­ CARVING rie screaming, “Momma, Mom­ . ^ . , rested In Honolulu In 1952 while Earlier this week, Hearst col­ HAND SCREENED Approximately 400 firemen probably had something to do umnist Walter Winchell report­ tional Committee, which Burch ma, help me, I ’m dying.” She serving with U.S. Air Force on is battling to keep his poet. AND and 20 pieces of equipment with It.” ed he had been told by under­ tried to pull the boy out but a charge involving a sailor But those backing Ford say fought the five-alarm blaze, There are seven stories above • TABLECLOTHS CUTLERY SETS police had to be called before he from Canada. world informants that Bonanno there is no connection between which was discovered by a night round and a basement 'in the Saur said the matter was was well. Precision made of tempered was freed. watchman about 3 a.m. The fire I* Russia Said Opposed the two ouster moves. steel. Expert craftsmanship. N^etman-Marcu.s store, famed turned over to military author- Maloney said he told Bonan­ • PLACE MATS Police smashed the brick W8l6 concentrated in the center Halleck is on vacation. His Handsome handles, cases. chimney to rescue Barry. Pat­ the world over as a dispenser of no's son “ to tell Bonanno to be aides say they believe they hav* of the seven story building, select merchandise. (See Page Four) In my office at 9 a.m. on Mon­ • APRONS From 5 ^ 5 5 rolman W.R. Cullum said the around the escalator system. the votes to tubn back any chal­ boy was badly scratched and day prepared to appear before To UN Compromise lenge to his leadership. Flames, smoke and water the grand jury.” suffered a cut over his right caused heavy damage in the Eisenhower, meanwhile, ap> • TOWELS eye. Maloney told newsmen he had pears to be maintaining a neu­ -store, crammed with merchan­ been before the grand jury He’s still wondering how San­ dise for the final weekend of UNITED NA'nONB, N.Y.ftions in the Congo and the Mid­ tral position in both instances. Lovely terry or drip-dry cot­ COME IN ta comes down the chimney. being conducted by Asst. U.S. (AP) - The Soviet Union re­ He said Friday in California buying before Christmas. White House Gaiety Atty. Gerald Walpln several die East tons, all hand printed Christ­ portedly has rejected a compro­ A 12-nation Asian-Afrlcan where he is vacationing he is mas designs in talblecloths, As the fire conUnued, efforts times since Bonanno’s disap­ SEE were made to cover some of the mise proposal by General As­ committee representing the 59- taking no part in the dispute DESCO ■square or round to fit any pearance. sembly President Alex Quaison- nation Afro-Asian group has over Burch, does not plan tq stock to prevent further water “ I had the very distinct ■size table. Place mats, towels, ’Copter Crew Will Shift to Texas Sackey of Ghana for settling the been promoting its own plan for attend the National OomnUtte* aprons. Buy for yourself, HUNDREDS damage. 'Water was an inch Impression that Mr. Walpln had settlement of the financial meeting in January in Chicaga for gifts! deep on some floors. Cracks the impression that this was a U.N. financial crisis. OF UNUSUAL, Stymies Attack appeared in Interior walls as a •,„ * .. The rejection was reported by squabble. since he Is not a member and result of intense heat. WASHINGTON (A P )— Th White House is brim- diplomats Friday night, on the Qualson-Sackey’s plan would added: “Anyway, I haven’t been invited.” Priced from LOVELY, AND By Viet Cong The dense smoke prevented i ming over with the Christmas spirit. But soon the gaiety Rightist Groups eve of another round of talks on state only vaguely that money the subject between U.S. Secre­ paid Into the voluntary fund He described Burch as "a firemen from accurately chart- w ju bg transferred to President Johnson’s Texas Ranch, very smart and capable young SAIGON, South 'Viet Nam Face Tax Action tary of State Dean Rusk and would be spent (or general U.N. HANDY prlv!^nted°“o^e°r sun^iy^Va"r | family will spend most of the holiday Soviet Foreigpi Minister Andrei man.” 49c I (AP) — Four U.S. Army heli­ purposes, the diplomats said. Summerfield offered a resolu­ cus from making a damage esti- A. Gromyko. copter crewmen stood off a de­ season. WASHINGTON (AP) — The The Asian-Afrlcan plan came tion adopted unanimously Fri­ To GIFT ITEMS termined Viet Cong attack Fri- i mate. Friday night. Johnson and his Canal and spotted a 14-month- They .scheduled a working closer to saying the money BOOTS closest kinfolk gathered in the old tow head. Internal Revenue Service has luncheon at Rusk’s New York day by the 20-member National^ day after their helicopter was ” We have to wait (dr the would go to wipe out the U.N. circular park .south of the White “This Is my namesake,” he mounted a major drive against hotel suite. GOP Finance Executive Com*- ehot down. They came out with­ smoke to clear before we can politically minded organizations deficit resulting from refusal of mittee pf^aising Halleck, Senat^ $6. out serious injury. tell how severe this is going to House as he pressed a button to exclaimed, hoisting Courtenay The United States “ could the Soviet Union and others to (fuytw Scuifa light the 72-foot national com­ Linda Valenti, daughter of that enjoy tax-exempt status— Republican Leader Everett Mr-. The helicopter was on a flight be,” Marcus said as he stood at and most of the fire is being .swallow” Qualson-Sackey’a pro- pay their peacekeeping assess Dlrksen of Illinois, and congres­ over the Mekong River delta, 70 the scene. He said the fire was munity Christmas tree in windy, White House aide Jack Valenti Iposal, the diplomats said, but ments. 25-degree weather. and Mrs. Valenti. concentrated on outspoken sional campaign leaders Son. miles southwest of here, when certain to be worse than the one right-wing groups. !I the Soviets were against it. The Russians had Indicated a Thruston B. Morton of Kentucky Even as Johnson closed the Courtenay Linda was a guest the crew heard a loud explo.sion which struck the store in the An IRS spokesman said today | Some African, Asian and South willingness to contribute to a and Rep. Bob Wilson of Callfor- electric circuit to illuminate the at the children’s party, just get- and their HUIB began to vi­ Christmas season of 1946 and the agency’s rule against dis­ American delegates also op­ voluntary fund provided it wa.s tree, the White House walls, tinn: in full swing. brate. The craft began losing closed it for three days. cussing individual cases also' posed the proposal, they added. not Identified with the peace­ (See Page Two) altitude fast, and their were two Aerial ladders, one rigged gleaming in a fresh “coat of Mrs. John.son supervised the % small fry festivities but had applies to organizatiins. How- I It called for setting up a vol­ keeping costs. Their objection to more explosions. between two large Christmas paint, were bathed by floeid- ever, the Identity of a few of the untary fund to overcome the Qualson-Sackey’s plan was not “ By this time we were de- angel decorations, surrounded lights. This was the first time lime to answer a question from a gi'own-up. organizations under Investiga- iU.N. nsolvency cau.s'ed by the detailed by the diplomats. ■cending at the rate of 1,700 feet the building on Main and Ervay since his economy-in-govern­ Soviet Union's refusal to pay its The U.S. has insi.sted that the per minute,” the pilot, CWQ Streets. Firemen sprayed water ment campaign was launched a Had the Johnsons finished all their Christmas shopping? (See Page Four) share of peacekeeping opera- Soviets and any other members Bobby D. Scott of (Columbus, through windows on all sides. year ago that the . executive delinquent two years or more in News Tidbits Oa., said^ "At approximately 26 mansion was so bright. "Alas, not I. " she said. «>. Fire equipment clogged the paying their due.s be stripped of from the AP Wires leet niy airspeed almost streets of downtown Dallas. Ju.st before the tree-lighting, HIGH stopped. I pulled pitch (In- Police barricades were set up the Johnsons were hojils to the (See Page Four) children of White House staff eased the pitch of the rotor four blocks away in all direc­ Doctors say Duke of Windsor ades, and we landed — hard.” tions. members. And Sundry White S , r » passed critlc»l 48-hour Scott said heavy fire was Nieman-Marcus officials said House correspondents and their 1 aimed at the downed helicopter. families will drop by for a spe­ Lhristmas Kush iwst-operatlve period and is in Christmas buyers were being I excellent condition. . « . Polaris Although Scott suffered a directed to the store’s branches cial holiday tour. Wrenched back and the three in North Dallas and Fort Worth. ' Then the President, his \yjfe I To Red Sector men In his crew all' needed Security guard M.C. Williams, Lady Bird and daughters Lynda ' treatment for muscular strains inspector says mouse neet the man who first sounded the and Luci will be free to fly to Begins at Wall above oil furnace could have as the result of the crash, they alarm, said; "We don't knpw I their ranch. quickly got their machlneguns caused fire in Indiana nursing how it started but another For the fourth consecutive home. . . . First round of steel watchman heard what sounded I yem-, the White House will be I BERLIN (AP) The Christ- (See Page Four) I mas rush into the Soviet sector industry-labor talks end on op- t like a small explosion, and that empty on Christmas Day. The | tlmlstie note. . . .J. Norman I last time it was occupied during I began today as the Ck>mmunists opened their wall to West Ber- Lodge, among first Associated the holiday was in 1960, when liner.s for brief reunions, with Press war correspondents, dies I Dwight D. Eisenhower .and' his relatives. in Washington shortly after wife Mamie were alX )U t to relin­ 16.99 East German border g;uards luncheon at which he was hon­ Numbing Cold Wave quish occupancy to John F. ored. . . . Two persons killed in Kennedy and his family. ‘ unlocked the steel gates at wall check points 15 minutes earlier New Jersey Turnpike crash, In lighting the big national than the scheduled opening raising state’s highway death Christmas tree, chopped from a time. toll to 1,000 for first time since Reaches East Coast grove at Chestertown, N.Y., Between now ahd Jan. 3 every 1937. . . . Movie studio falls in Johnson said the sky of the age West Berliner with clo.se rela­ attempt to bring controversial is being brightened by a new CHICAGO (A P )— A numbing cold wave which has tives in East Berlin can make movie. “John Goldfarb, Pleaaq. star—the star of peace. Come Home” to screens before brought death from exposure to tens of thousands of ...... two visits through the wail. He “ These,” he said, “ are the can cross as early as 7 a.m. but Christmas Day. . . Air Fore* cattle and sheep In Montana and North Dakota knifed o^ost hopeful times in all the must be back in the West by MaJ. James Smith, one of four into ,the East Coast today, t years since Christ was born in midnight, except (or New, military attaches accused ot Nb • longer the bone-chilling Eight southeastern Montana Bethlehem.*^ ' * "Year’s Eve when a .spectal ex-’ spying by Soviet Union, IcM •old which froze the Midwest, It, counties were declared a major As never before, said the tension is alloi^d. Moscow today nevertheless _ loosed snow disaster area and $100,000 in President, "man has in his This is the second Christmas Italy’s parliament deadlocked •quails on the eastern shores of federal fimds were made availa­ possession the capacities to end ' in** row that reunions among today for sixth time in attempt the Great Lakes and bored into ble to help save animals, some war and preserve peace, to | Berlin (amilie.s 'have been al­ to elect new president. . . . Sat- . the north and mid-AtlAntlc of which have been seen wan­ eradicate poverty and share lowed since the Communists gon police on full iRert as Viet Domsstics — Houstwarts ■tales carrying the promise of dering blindly, their eyes frozen abundance, to overcome the built the wall on Aug. 13, 1961. Cong anniversary' and Buds, PLENTY OF FREE ■ero weather in the North Caro­ shut. Others, their nostrils ce­ diseases that have afflicted the Last year more than 1.2 million dhist haraMment pose com­ Lowar Laval lina Mountains,.It was near zero mented with Ice,' have died of human race and permit all west Berliners crossed into the bined threat of weekend vib- PARKING ki northern Maine. suffocation. ^ mankind to enjoy ttteir promise Communist sector of the city. lehbe. . . . Some British resi­ Freezing air extended to the Four Aln Force flying boxcars^ in life on this earth.'L West Germans and other dents have placed ads In news­ Gulf Qiast and nearly to the were on standby at Malmstrom. / ' Johnson said that "at this Westerners can cross the wall papers as alternative to sending south tip of-Texas. But .the 30- Air Force Bgae, Great Falls, Christmas segson o r - ''l964, w« year round. Christmas cards, then donats - d below temperatures that Mont., waiting to girllft hay can think of broader qnd bright­ The first West Berliners b«*- ■ money saved to chiurities. . . , gripped Montana are- gone. bales to cattle In inaccessible er horizoils than any<4)rho have gan lining up an hour before thee ; More tfaaa US teen-agers at­ R w chers in Montana and areas. lived before these times." scheduled opening. Their suit­ tend opening lUght prograM Horth Dakota continued efforts National Ouardsmsii in bull- Two hours earlier, J i^ s o n cases and .Iqrgd bags were President Johnson and his family pose after the official lighting of the na-' a t Tfmt soft-drink Dqtisn caiK to save their Remaining live- dosera and heavy trucks were stepped out of the Whit|H»U8e bursting with gifts. There was t e r J . . . U.B. Air F ore* *>ck. One eaUmat* put Uv*- theater where he anaMM tion’s ChristmM tree on the Jha 72-foot tree glows in right back- • rilgh); drlssl* and tempera­ tag^plano erashM at M«wfMia4t „ ■took low at $fbo,000. * (Bw Pag« F«u| plans to replacs- the Puisma SI’ounxL (AP Ehotofax.) •.-a >tures were just abov* fresadng: lan|< killing all five erewme* || ■ I ■

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