fHURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1964 PAGE tHIRTY-TWO ATtriKt DiQf Net Pnov Ran The Weather Ctt^nins iim U i Wet tha Weak fereeeet et U. S. Weather Wmetm U, IM t Ohaptnaa CouK, Order of area. Part of the Job hM been OoM wave tea$l4>t, lew M-U, He Has Both done. About Town Amaranth, will meet tomorrow Brook Question Coming Up The ordinance would reetrlct 14,151 lE u m n g eoaoj, eeattMued eoM at 7:45 p.m. at the Masonic Mgh hi aed-sae. There Is one local resident future JruUdIng along the brook BOTH e( the Audit Temple. It will be Obligation bank ttiet m i^ t bo endangered 0 «offrey B. Morris, soaman Night. ' There will also be a who can, from personal ex­ Before Board Again Jan. 5 ^ Maneha$ter^A CUy of Kitlago Charm apprentice, U.S. Navy, son of Christmas party with an ex­ perience, attest to "the pow­ by, or contribute to, the flood­ STORES LilUan Morris of 53 Hilltop change of gifts. Members of the er of the press.” ing. / 5 y Residents of the Lenox-Ben-'^rectors approval of the project, The town plaimlng commis­ OPEN A (OUeOtted Ad^totMiig ea Peg* M) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Dr., has completed tiasic train- Chamlnade Club will sing a Ernest H. McNeill, the sion was asked to consider set­ TOL. LXXXIV, NO. 67 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1964 titB and is spending two weeks canaU, "Chllde Jesus,” for en­ town’s assistant building in­ ton Sts. area who have been plans to try to show at thi re­ asking the town to enclose an quested Informal meeting that ting building lines along the EVERY A leave with his family. Upon tertainment. spector, reported this monr­ brook, but planning director Jo­ completion of his leave, he will ing that, shortly after The adjoining section of Bigelow the brook presents the town’s FAIRWA* Brook plan to request an Infor­ most pressing storm sewer dlf- seph Tamsky has replied to report to U.S. Naval Air Sta­ Past Chiefs Club of Memorial Herald hit the newsstands Martin that the function prop­ NIQHT 1 tion, Sanford, Fla., for .tem­ Temple, Pythian Sisters, will yesterday, with an Item con­ mal meeting with the town di­ flculUes. rectors so they may discuss When the directors turned erly belongs to the directors. Events porary duty prior to reporting have a meeting and Christmas cerning remuneratiqn for Thus, Town Counsel Atty. TIU. 9 to the Navy's Sonar School at some work he had done, he the problem again. down the project in October they party tomorrow at 8 p.'m. at Meanwhile, the directors are argued that storm sewer proj­ Aronson has been asked to pre­ Long Prison Terms Key West, Fla. the home of Mrs. Walter Pot- received two phone calls. pare the ordinance. The plan­ Nursing Home Burns, scheduled at their regular Jan­ ects should be pursued on the yra, 668 Foster St., Wapping. The callers wanted Ernie ning and public works depart­ In State Girt Scouting Cadette Troop to buy (1 ) a new car, and uary meeting to consider an or­ basis of set priorities. Members are reminded to bring dinance to prevent future build­ The residents want to dem­ ment will provide the necessary A55 will sponsor a cake, cookie a gp'ab bag gift. (2) some insurance. background information. Tam­ and candy sale on Saturday at ing along the brook’s banks. onstrate that the brook meets The residents will ask Fran­ the town’s priority require­ sky has also asked that the CANDLES 10 ajn. at Stop and Shop, W. Payroll Theft Louis A. Melesko, son of Mr. David Hastings, son of Mr. cis J. Mahoney, chairman of ments. ordinance be submitted to the For Convicted Spies Middle Tl*e. Proceeds will ben­ and Mrs. Stanley Melesko of and Mrs. David E. Hastings of the board, to redeem an offer Meanwhile, General Manager planning commission for ap­ A U . s iz e s , s h a p e s and efit a three-day camping trip in 224 E. Middle Tpke., has com­ 120 Falknor Dr., will be a mem­ made last month to call an In­ Richard Martin has Eisked Town proval before being referred to Nets $3,400 Dead, Two Missing the spring. pleted Navy boot camp and l.s ber of a delegation from Kan- formal meeting to deal speci­ Council Atty. Irving Aronson the directors. COLORS: Including Including NEWARK N J (AP)__evicted of acting as an unreg-^ Ivanov, 34, who has said he spending two weeks leave with ■sas Wesleyan University, Sa- fically with the brook. to prepare an ordinance bar­ Martin said yesterday that isniTY Aivxv., IS. ,1. / istered__ agent_ of7 the Soviet Un­ does not sneakspeak Ensrlish.English, made In New Haven Approxibmately 50 municipal lina, Kan., at the model Gen­ Christmas AngnI Chime An American engineer and hlS statement through an Inter­ employes (Including department his family prior to reporting to The brook has been a source ring further construction along Atty. Aronson has not had time SATURDAY ion. the Navy's Hospital Corpsman eral A.saembly at the United of controversy since early the brook banks. to prepare the ordinance yet, CondlM a Russian c hauffeur con­ Prior to the sentencing, by preter, a sentence at a time. heads) and spouses are holding Nation.s Building, New York. last summer when heavy rains Turnpike Plaza "I caihe to this country to NEW HAVEN (A P I- a potluck tonight at Orange School, Great Lakes, ni. He Is The ordinance is one step In and that It Is possible that It victed of conspiring to spy U.S. Dist. Judge Anthony T. Au- Atten^dants a graduate of Manchester High The ©vent, which is sponsored cau.»ed serious local flooding a series of moves the directors may not be ready In time for 706 Middle gelll, the defendants were asked work as a chaueffeur,” Ivanov Two men snatched a pay­ Hall. The supper, which will by Harvard University, will along ILs course. 975 Main S t Turnpike E. for Russia were sentenced said. "And I worked here only start at 6:30, will be followed School and was employed at have asked to help alleviate the January directors meeting. If they, had any statemenU to roll in a parking lot today The Parkade Drug Co. prior to take place March 1 to 6. Residents in the brook area the flood problem. Also included The meeting is set for Jan. 6. Next to to long prison terms today make to the court. as a chauffeur. During my stay Rescue 15 hy singing and dainclng. between Lenox and Benton Sts. k. CAIDWAY Popular Mkt after again protesting their In the United States, Including and escaped with from enlisting in the U.S. Navy. in the plana is a large-scale Martin is also scheduled to p I HillW f H I Manchester Popular M kt Butenko, 39, thanked the court $3,300 to $3,400, police re­ The Couple’s Club of Talcott- have been a.sking .since early fall cleanup of the brook’s banks report on the brook situation at innocence in court. They and his counsel and said: "I up to today, I did not come to ville Congregational Church that the flow be diverted through and its immediate drainage the same time. break any laws. I consider my ported. Manchester Lodge of Elks could have received death realize I have been found guilty arrest an unfortunate misunder­ From Blaze will have its children’s Christ­ will not meet Saturday. a conduit, as it 1s both up- and according to our form of justice Police said the money waa M A R LO W 'S down-stream from the two-block sentences. by a jury. However, I know I standing. I fully and completely taken from Frank DUugllo, mas party on Saturday at 10 area. The engflneer, John W. Buten­ reject the Indictment in this president of the DeHaven ^ ir t FOUNTAINTOWN, Ind. am. at the State Theater. All King David Lodge of Old Fel­ Mahoney offered the Informal ko, was sentenced to SO years am Innocent. I have done noth­ Co. and the D A 1 Shirt Uo., OPEN Elks who wish to have their lows will meet tomorrow at ing to harm the security of the ca.se. I am not guilty.” (AP) — Fire roared meeting last month in an effort imprisonment on the charge, Before passing sentence, -Au- shortly after the businessman EVERY children go to the Lodge Home 7:30 p.m. at Odd Fellows Hall to satisfy the brook residents’ and drew two five-year concur­ country. left a bank with the cash. through a nursing home in after the movies are reminded for the election of officers. gelli said to Butenko. ”I regret N IG H T riH demands that the project be PINEHURST rent tarms on other charges. ‘‘I Just want to ask the court to say I have found no extenuat­ The 76-year-old Dilugllo told bitter cold today in this to pick up a ticket from John There will be a short meeting reconsidered. The directors re­ A 20-year sentence was im­ for mercy and clemency,” Bu­ Dulka, ateward, by today. for Past Grands after the reg­ ing or mitigating circumstances police that a man jumped from central Indiana communi­ fused to authorize the project posed on the Russian, Igor Iva­ tenko said.
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