Dear Resident,


Using powers provided by the recent Localism Act, Brighstone Parish Council has commenced the process of producing a Neighbourhood Plan for the whole Parish.

The Plan will be a community-led framework for guiding future development and growth and will contain a vision, aims, planning policies and proposals for improving our area. It will deal with a wide range of issues including housing provision - which will need to be based upon established local need and future demographic change.

To assist with the process, we have prepared this survey to find out the current housing circumstances and future needs of all households within the parish.

The findings of the survey will form a material consideration in determining planning applications for housing in Brighstone Parish (Brighstone, Brook, , , Limerstone and part of and Atherfield – see map) so future applications for planning permission will have to explain how proposed housing schemes fit within established housing need and the Neighbourhood Plan. It is important, therefore, that we receive as many completed questionnaires as possible to ensure that we have an accurate assessment of the housing needs of the parish.

If you and members of your household are NOT looking to move in the next 5 years you need only to complete Section A of the Survey other than to make any comments you might wish to contribute in Section C on the last page.

PLEASE TAKE THE FEW MINUTES REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE SURVEY, seal it in the envelope provided and have it ready for collection by one of our local volunteers. If your survey has not been collected by the date printed on the envelope, please take it to The Village Stores/Post Office and place it in the Housing Survey box provided.

Please note that no personal information is being collected and we will not identify who has completed any particular questionnaire.

Thank you for taking part in this survey!

John Cirrone


Brighstone Parish Council

Brighstone Parish Council

Housing Survey (With results) A 70% return rate was achieved. This report is a companion to the more detailed Brighstone Parish Housing Need Assessment.


Q.1 Is this your principal home? Please circle Yes No Yes / No 541 18 Q.2 What kind of accommodation do you Please tick No. % of currently live in? one answers Detached house 217 39.4 Semi-detached house 70 12.73 Terraced house 12 2.18 Bungalow 243 44.18 Flat or maisonette 7 1.27 Flat in sheltered scheme or unit specially 0 0 built for disabled Room in shared house 1 0.18 Caravan / mobile home 0 0 Another type - please describe TOTAL 558 Chalet Bungalow = 3; Former Railway Carriage = 3; Holiday Chalet = 1; Granny Annex = 1 Q.3 How many people in each of these age Please enter No. a number in groups live in your home? each box 0 to 15 years 120 16 to 24 years 55 25 to 44 years 138 45 to 59 years 242 60 to 74 years 422 75+ years 208 TOTAL 556 Q.4 How many bedrooms do you have? Please tick No. % of one answer Bed-sit only 0 0 One bedroom 16 2.87 Two bedrooms 157 28.19 Three bedrooms 250 44.88 Four bedrooms 109 19.57 More than four bedrooms 25 4.49 TOTAL 557

Q.5 Is the number of bedrooms you currently Please tick No. % one


have sufficient for your needs? Yes 526 94.6 No 30* 5.4 If no, please say why? *Analysis of the 29 comments received in this section indicates a number of responses which are more related to aspiration rather than need for example using second bedroom as store room, no room for visitors, need a study. Two responses state that have too many rooms for need. Taking these into account further increases the 'Yes' response.

Q.6 What is the tenure of your home? Please tick No. % one Owned outright 373 67.82 Owned with a mortgage 101 18.36 Part owning and part renting (shared 1 0.18 ownership) Rented from a Housing Association 22 4 Rented from private landlord 43 7.82 Agricultural tied 6 1.09 Provided as part of a job 4 0.73 Another type of tenure – please describe 4 National Trust rental = 3; Discounted housing = 1 TOTAL 554 Q.7 How long have you lived at this address? Please tick No. % one Less than 1 year 41 7.56 Between 1 and 2 years 44 8.12 Between 3 and 5 years 63 11.62 Longer than 5 years 394 72.69 If longer, how many years? 398 gave details of the number of years averaging at 30 years.


Q.8 Do you need to travel to work? Please circle Yes 131 No 356 Yes / No (32.63%) (67.94%) If so, how do you travel to work (bus, car, walk, etc.)? 178 responses How far (in miles) do you need to go? 178 responses See table below:

Q.9 How likely is it that over the next 5 years you, or a member of your household, will move from this home? Please tick You (or your Somebody whole family ) leaving the household Very likely 54 25 Likely 62 18 Unlikely 150 4 Very unlikely 239 9 Or would you extend your current Please circle YES NO home? Yes / No 47 247

Responses to Question 8.

Type/Activity No. Average Distance (Miles) Number not stating distance Car 154 27.94 19 Bus 12 8.1 3 Bicycle 10 8.6 6 Walk over 1 mile 8 3.5 4 Transport not specified 8 11.7 0 Mainland 6 176.6 3 Ferry 5 5 Walk under 1 mile 5 0.25 Van 3 3 Motorbike 2 20 0 Hovercraft 1 1 Truck 1 1 Train 1 1



Q.10 Do you receive any help with your rent No. % of answers or mortgage, such as housing benefit, or interest payments on your mortgage through income support or mortgage protection insurance? Please tick No help received 93 86.11 Yes – full housing benefit 7 6.48 Yes – part housing benefit 4 3.7 Yes – full help with mortgage payments 0 0 Yes – part help with mortgage payments 0 0 Don't know 0 0 Prefer not to say 4 3.7 Q.11 What is the gross annual income (before tax) of your whole household? Include any salaries, any benefits and any other income.

To the nearest £1000 30 £ An average of £27, 333 responses given Prefer not to say 76 To help us plan for changing needs in the area we would like you to tell us if you or any members of your household have any plans to move in the next five years, what type of home you would be looking for and how much you are expecting and can afford to pay for it.

Q.12 If you think you or a member of your household may move in the next five years is it likely to be: Please tick You (or your whole Somebody leaving family) the household Within the next 12 months? 15 7 Within 2 – 3 years? 28 3 Within 3 – 5 years? 23 5 Don’t know? 32 4 Q.13 And do you think the move will be: Please tick Yes No Within the Parish? 47 4 Elsewhere on the Island? 19 7 Off the Island 20 8 Don’t know? 30 3


Q.14 Why do you think you or a member of your household will move from this home over the next five years? Reasons relating to home Please tick Yes No To move to a larger home 14 14 To move to a smaller home 39 9 Home is in bad state of repair 5 15 Cost of the home is too high 13 13 To buy a home 26 13

Reasons to do with security of tenure Please tick Yes No End of assure/short-hold tenancy 11 24 Landlord’s request to move out 8 25 Loss of job – living in tied accommodation 1 25 Work/Education reasons Please tick Yes No To be nearer new job 6 28 To be nearer existing job 1 28 To go to University or College 8 29 Family/Personal reasons Please tick Yes No To set up home with a Partner 8 23 Household split/divorce/separation 0 23 To set up home of my own 12 20 To move nearer family/friends 15 15 Move around fairly often anyway 4 19 Other personal/family reasons 17 13

Health/care reasons Please tick Yes No To move to older persons development 9 20 To move to sheltered housing 9 19 To move to a residential home 8 18 To move to a nursing home 4 19 To move into a home adapted to my family’s (or family 11 18 member’s) needs due to disability/illness Any other reasons 13 comments received: various including desire to downsize, desire to have better more sustainable home, problems of affordability.

Q.15 Which one of these types of property would you or a member of your household expect to obtain? Please tick You (or your whole Somebody leaving family) the household Detached house 30 1 Semi detached house 19 5 Terraced house 7 4 Bungalow 46 1 Flat or Maisonette 6 6


Bed-sit 0 3 Sheltered Housing 9 0 Other /Don’t know 12 9

Q.16 How many bedrooms would you/they require? Please tick You (or your whole Somebody leaving

family) the household One bedroom 4 9 Two bedrooms 44 12 Three bedrooms 30 4 Four bedrooms 8 1 More than four bedrooms 4 0 Don’t know 2 5 Q.17 Which type of tenure would you/they expect to obtain? Please tick You (or your whole Somebody leaving

family) the household Owned outright 49 2 Owned with a mortgage 11 13 Part owned / Part owned (shared 1 3 equity) Part owned / Part rented (shared 2 2 ownership)

Rented from an affordable housing 19 6 provider ( i.e. Housing Association) Rented from private landlord 11 8 Agricultural tied accommodation 0 1 Provided as part of a job 0 0 (no rental to pay) Don’t know 8 5


Q.18 If BUYING your next home, taking all finances into account (take-home pay, savings, pensions, state benefits, etc.), what would be the maximum price that you would be able to afford? Please tick You (or your whole Somebody leaving family) the household Up to £100,000 1 2 £100,000 - £130,000 5 5 £130,000 - £160,999 1 1 £160,000 - £185,000 7 4 £185,000 - £220,000 14 1 £220,000 - £250,000 5 0 £250,000 - £300,000 5 0 £300,000 - £400,000 10 0 Over £400,000 5 0 Don’t know 6 8 Prefer not to say 12 2

Q.19 Would you/they consider shared ownership (part owned/part rented), shared equity (part owned / part owned) if it was available? Please tick You (or your whole Somebody leaving family) the household Yes 13 10 No 56 7 Don’t know 10 7 Q.20 Would you/they consider renting? Please tick You (or your whole Somebody leaving family) the household No – only want to buy 50 5 Yes – might consider renting 30 17 Don’t know 3 4 Q.21 What kinds of landlord would you/they consider? Please tick You (or your whole Somebody leaving family) the household Private Landlord 20 14 Affordable Housing provider (i.e. 21 12 Housing Association) Don’t know 8 7


Q.22 If RENTING your next home, taking all finances into account (take-home pay, savings, pensions, state benefits, etc.), what would be the maximum rent that you would be able to afford per month? Please tick You (or your whole Somebody leaving family) the household Up to £200 0 1 £200 - £300 3 1 £300 - £400 7 4 £400 - £500 5 2 £500 - £600 6 3 £600 - £700 4 1 £700 - £800 3 0 £800 - £1,000 5 0 Over £1,000 1 0 Don't Know 5 8 Prefer not to say 4 0


SECTION C: COMMENTS Your views on housing needs in Brighstone Parish

Q.23 Do any members of your immediate family, Please circle Yes No who have previously lived in the Parish, wish Yes / No 49 417 to move back to the Parish in the next 5 years? If so, do they have children under 18? Please circle Yes No Please give their ages Yes / No 33 18 Q.24 Do any members of your immediate family, Please circle Yes No who have not previously lived in the Parish, Yes / No 28 419 wish to move into the Parish in the next 5 years? If so, do they have children under 18? Please circle Yes No Please give their ages Yes / No 16 14 Q.25 For which of these groups do you think more Tick as many homes may be needed in the Parish? as apply Young people 215 Single people 109 Large families 69 Small families 226 People with disabilities 106 Older people 146 Other (please specify) 27 27 responses - see detailed analysis in next section. No further homes are needed 121 Q.26 Do you think Brighstone Parish needs new homes for people with a connection with the area? Yes 251 No 188

Please make any further comments you wish to add about housing needs and future housing development in Brighstone Parish Detailed analysis of the 228 responses in this section are given below.

An analysis has been undertaken of the open ended responses received in the Housing Survey concentrating on the last question and also on the 'other' section of Question 25. Each response was coded to allow us to quantify the level of comment around particular issues. Where more than one issue was raised we have attempted to capture and code each part of the response separately to fully represent comments made. The following graphs summarise the results of this coding exercise. JB August 2014





Clarification note: Housing Survey Report

The default Survey Monkey presentation of data seems to provide a % of responses to each question rather than within each category of respondent (You or your family; Somebody leaving the household). This means that there is a need to present the tabled information in a different graph format and based on representation of column rather than row data). I have done this for some example questions below which may aid interpretation of the results in a more relevant way.

Percentages in pie charts are based on the proportion of the total number of respondents to that particular question (not as a % of the total number of returned surveys).

Question 10: How likely is it that over the next five years you or a member of your family will move from this home?

Question 12: What is the gross annual income (before tax) of your whole household?

They 100% figure is the Survey Monkey calculation of people preferring not to say how much their household income is (76 respondents indicated prefer not to say). Many people skipped the question and only 31 answered which is 5.4% of all returned surveys.

Question 13: If you think you or a member of your household may move in the next five years is it likely to be:

Question 14: And do you think the move will be:

JB 22/04/2014

Dear Resident


The Brighstone Parish Neighbourhood Plan will (once completed and adopted) directly influence the future of our area by having local planning polices which have been devised and agreed by our community. Our work on the Neighbourhood Plan is progressing well and I hope that you were able to come along to one of the Information Days in May to find out more about what we have been doing and what is coming up (remember there is also information on the Neighbourhood Plan web pages of the Parish Council website).

Thank you once again for completing the Housing Survey in February. The high return rate means that we can have great confidence in the results. These have now been analysed and have shown a total of thirty properties as being required to address the present local housing need. Details of these are shown in the section of the Survey asking some further questions about Housing. Full details can be found in the published Brighstone Parish Housing Needs Survey Report which can be accessed from the Parish Council web site ( and is also available in Brighstone Community Library.

This second survey is once again being delivered to every household in the parish. Through it we are looking to get your further thoughts on how we can meet the above identified housing need and also other matters relevant to our community, and its local economy and environment.

The Neighbourhood Plan will need to be in line with the policies and objectives of the Island Plan but gives us an opportunity to define, as a community, what these mean for our area. In each section of this survey we have briefly set out some relevant background information to provide context to the questions being asked.

This is the first and perhaps key chance in the process to give your views on a wide variety of matters that will feature in the objectives and policies of the Neighbourhood Plan.

We have delivered one copy to each household and would like to know the consensus view of the adults (over 16 year olds) in your household on the questions asked. If there are differing views in your household you can obtain further forms so that everyone is able to have their say. Please contact Avice Mariner on 740396 or e-mail [email protected]

There is a separate Youth Survey and Business Survey which are being conducted in different ways. If you think you or a member of your family should complete one of these please contact us and we will let you how you can take part.

If your copy of the Residents Survey has not been collected by a volunteer by the date printed on the envelope, please take it to the Village Shop/Post Office and place it in the Residents Survey box provided. No personal information is being collected and we will not identify who has completed any particular questionnaire.

We have worked hard to try and make the questions straightforward with many only requiring a tick of a box to give your opinion. We have also given space for you to give your more detailed views if you wish to.

We hope to match if not better our 70% return rate from the last survey, making the results an accurate reflection of our community’s views and helping to make the final Neighbourhood Plan something that everyone in our community has helped to shape.

Thank you for your support.

John Cirrone

Chairman, Brighstone Parish Council


At time of survey total number of households in parish was 812 when removing known empty properties (on market or holiday homes) total of 780 households. Returned completed surveys 426 making a return rate of 54.6%.


The Brighstone Parish Neighbourhood Plan Residents Survey has a number of questions set out in the following sections:

Providing houses; jobs and the local economy; protecting our environment; improving community services; travel and transport; creating a sustainable community; and community safety.

These are the sort of topics which may appear in the final Neighbourhood Plan that we need your opinion on. We have tried to make the survey as easy as possible to complete by making many of the questions simple tick box answers but we have also provided many opportunities for you to give us your more detailed thoughts too.

The Council’s Island Plan sets out the planning context for development on the Isle of Wight. It describes Brighstone Village as one of eleven Rural Service Centres across the Island. Not only does Brighstone Village provide important facilities for village residents, it is also important for residents in nearby smaller and more rural villages and hamlets. The Island Plan states that development within the wider countryside will be focussed, where possible, within, or immediately adjacent to Rural Service Centres helping to support their wider role and protect the countryside. It also states that the character that makes these villages attractive places to live should also be maintained, whilst allowing for small-scale sustainable growth to meet the needs of a thriving rural settlement and the wider area that it serves. Both within Brighstone Village and the rest of the parish, development will also be expected to meet an identified local need.

New development outside of Brighstone Village (and its settlement boundary) is likely to be limited to meeting the needs of agriculture / forestry / fishing or helping to add value to these sectors such as woodland products, farm shops etc. Additionally, tourism development that helps to maintains, improves and/or broadens the Island’s tourism facilities is supported across the Isle of Wight including in the wider rural area.

The Brighstone Parish Neighbourhood Plan needs to be in line with the policies of the Island Plan and but gives us as a community the opportunity to define what the Island Plan policies will mean for our parish at a local level.

Please complete yours as fully as you can as all the answers will be used to help shape the policies of the Neighbourhood Plan. We will be holding two consultation days in the autumn when we hope to provide information on what the Residents Survey has told us and update you on progress with the Neighbourhood Plan. 2

Map of Brighstone Parish


Map of the settlement boundary of Brighstone Village (Rural Service Centre).


First, we would like to have some information about your household.

R1 How many persons over the age of 16 are there within your household? n/a

R2 And are the responses to the questions in this survey based on a consensus view from everyone?

Yes 382 : 97.2% No 11 : 2.80%

R3 If you answered no to question R2, have you obtained further copies of the Residents Survey to allow everyone who wants to, to give their views?

Yes 6 : 37.50% No 10 : 62.5%

R4 If you answered no to question R2, please tell us how many adults (over the age of 16 years old) have given their consensus views in this response.

This figure has been used to amend the figure given in R1 and then used as the weighting for the rest of the responses in the survey.




A1 If the Brighstone Parish Neighbourhood Plan were to propose land for housing, what scale of individual housing development schemes should be given priority between now and 2027? (Please tick all that could apply).

No. % of responses % of all responses to this question. to survey Sites with up to 10 houses 441 46.7 54.3 No further housing should be built 230 24.4 28.3 Sites with between 11 and 25 houses 208 22.0 25.6 Sites with between 26 and 50 houses 46 4.9 5.7 Sites of over 50 houses 19 2.0 2.3 944

A2 Where in the Parish should any new homes be built? (Please tick all that could apply)

No. % of responses % of all to this question respondents to survey Within Brighstone Village 355 35.0 43.7 Adjacent to the settlement 295 29.1 36.3 boundary of Brighstone Village (see map) No further housing should be built 214 21.1 26.3 Elsewhere in the Parish 148 14.6 18.2 1012

A3 For the areas you have selected above, are there any particular locations in the Parish which you think are suitable for new houses? Please provide detailed descriptions to allow us to identify where you mean.

A4 Are there any particular locations where houses should not be built? (Please give your reasons why).

(see next three pages)



SHLAA SITE SITE REFERENCE SHLAA DESCRIPTION STATUS IN RESPONSES SURVEY DEVELOPMENT OF FAVOUR Number answering respondents % of question this respond survey all % of NOTES Land between Upper Lane and Not east end (2); East end only (9); Main Road Brighstone Small development only (20); Phased LDF042 (Blanchards) Developable 121 25.91 14.90 development (2) LDF198 Berry Barn Developable 108 23.13 13.30 Land adjacent Main Road (east LDF197 of village) Not currently developable 8 1.71 0.99 Removed site (flood risk and under LDF004 Lily Grove 0.5 hectare) 11 2.36 1.35 Removed site (under 0.5 hectare) LDF010a Land off of Moor Lane Close to Wellgrounds? 2 0.43 0.25 Removed site (under 0.5 hectare) LDF010b Land at Moor Lane Close to Wellgrounds? 2 0.43 0.25 Land rear of Downlands, Upper LDF073 Lane Removed site (under 0.5 hectare) 8 1.71 0.99 Removed site (under 0.5 hectare LDF199a Adjacent New Road and whole site flood risk) 7 1.50 0.86 Removed site (under 0.5 hectare LDF199b Adjacent New Road and 98% of site flood risk) 9 1.93 1.11 Removed site (under 0.5 hectares, Heritage Coast on the whole site and not close to settlement LDF440 Woodstone , Hulverstone Lane boundary) 0 0.00 0.00

2 SHLAA Sites and responses to A3

SHLAA SITE SITE REFERENCE SHLAA DESCRIPTION AGAINST RESPONSES SURVEY Number DEVELOPMENT answering respondents % of question this Respondents Survey all % of NOTES Land between Upper Lane and Main Road Part only (3); Not west end (2); Except limited development near LDF042 Brighstone (Blanchards) 203 41.26 25.00 Myrtle Cottage (2); Only at top end (5) LDF198 Berry Barn 12 2.44 1.48 LDF197 Land adjacent Main Road (east of village) 5 1.02 0.62 LDF004 Lily Grove 0 0.00 0.00 LDF010a Land off of Moor Lane 2 0.41 0.25 LDF010b Land at Moor Lane 2 0.41 0.25 LDF073 Land rear of Downlands, Upper Lane 0 0.00 0.00 LDF199a Adjacent New Road 2 0.41 0.25 LDF199b Adjacent New Road 0 0.00 0.00 LDF440 Woodstone , Hulverstone Lane 0 0.00 0.00

SHLAA Sites and responses to A4






% Yes 10 % No




A5 Please use the space below for any further comments you may wish to make on housing.

The table below is a summary of responses to the above question. Individual responses (Total persons responding 307). Responses of below four persons have been excluded from this summary table

Number of persons Local need only to be catered for 32 Character and design are important 30 Employment and infrastructure is needed first or alongside any more housing 28 Many unsold properties on the market locally 22 No large scale development 20 More housing will alter the character 17 No more new homes needed in Brighstone 16 More affordable / rentable housing 14 Bungalows/sheltered accommodation for the elderly 13 No more holiday homes 13 Low cost housing needed 8 Family homes needed 7 Village character has or will be changed 7 Blanchards to stay a green space for local amenity/study/horticultural use 6 New homes needed to help make the area vibrant 5 Land is needed for food production not housing 4 Some development on Blanchards 4 Truly affordable housing is difficult to deliver 4

JB 5/11/14




B1 Which types of employment should the Brighstone Parish Neighbourhood Plan encourage? (Please tick any that you would support)

Total Yes No Don’t Know persons responding Tourism, leisure and crafts 704 658 (93.5%) 34 (5%) 12 (1.5%) Food and drink production 595 357 (60%) 178 (29.9%) 60 (10.1%) Offices 520 95 (18.3%) 370 (71.1%) 56 (10.7%) Pubs, restaurants and cafes 629 465 (74%) 135 (21.5%) 29 (4.5%) Shops and retail 574 369 (64.3%) 165 (28.7%) 40 (7%) Farming / small holdings 679 628 (92.5%) 31 (4.6%) 20 (2.9%) Equestrian 608 443 (72.9%) 98 (16.1%) 67 (11%) Transport, storage and distribution 521 64 (12.3%) 418 (80.2%) 39 (7.5%) Community services 624 497 (79.6%) 81(13%) 46 (7.4%) Social Enterprises* 588 416 (70.8%) 91 (15.5%) 81(13.7%) Financial and professional services 510 143 (28%) 282 (55.3%) 85 (16.7%) Light industry and manufacturing 518 105 (20.3%) 369 (71.2%) 44 (8.5%) Working from home 628 556 (88.5%) 42 (6.7%) 30 (4.8%) No further employment needed 269 48 (17.8%) 132 (49.1%) 89 (33.1%) Other (please specify) The following is an analysis of the responses given in the other section - Keep the area rural - don't allow turn into a 14 Provision of elderly care 5 town General encouragement of employment 12 Tourism 5 Promote existing business 9 Conservation/Forestry/ 4 Woodland products Small scale services and cottage industry 9 General trades 4 Banking/Legal Advice 2

Other individual specific ideas 9 Craft manufacture and 1 retail

*businesses with primarily social objectives whose surpluses are principally reinvested for that purpose in the business or in the community, rather than being driven by the need to maximise profit for shareholders and owners


B2 Which type of site should be allocated for employment use? (Please tick any that you would support)

Total Yes No Don’t Know persons responding Brownfield land (previously developed 642 534 75 33 sites) (83.2%) (11.7%) (5.1%) Greenfield land (previously 513 54 432 27 undeveloped sites) (10.5%) (84.2%) (5.3%) Existing non residential buildings 614 536 55 23 (87.3%) (9%) (3.7%) Existing residential buildings 538 251 240 47 (46.6%) (44.6%) (8.8%) Re use of redundant agricultural 682 597 50 35 buildings (87.5%) (7.3%) (5.2%) Other (please give details) The following is an analysis of the responses given in the other section - Greenfield development only if needed 10 Residential development only if 4 or for equestrian use there is a need Sensitive re-use of agricultural buildings 5 Develop former holiday camps in 2 keeping with the area General comment on development with 4 individual ideas

B3 Should existing employment sites be prevented from changing to non-employment uses? (e.g. shops/businesses to residential). (Total persons responding 746)

Yes 317 (42.5%) No 313 (42%) Don’t Know 116 (15.5%)


B4 Do you or any members of your family have your main place of work in Brighstone Parish?

Total Yes No Don’t Know households responding You 384 47 (12.2%) 337(87.8%) 0

A member of your 309 37 (12%) 272(88%) 0 family/household

B5 Are you or anyone in your family likely to be looking for employment in Brighstone Parish in the next five years?

Total Yes No Don’t Know households responding You 385 28 (7.3%) 339 (88%) 18 (4.7%)

A member of your 312 28 (9%) 261 (83.6%) 23 (7.4%) family/household

B6 What, in your opinion, are important factors for businesses operating in the Parish? (Please tick all that apply) NB A separate survey is being given to all businesses in Brighstone Parish; if you also operate a local business and have not received one, please contact us for a copy. (Total persons responding 781)

Good road network 476 (60.9%) Fast Broadband 554 (70.1%) Local customers 627 (80.3%) Tourists / Visitors 573 (73.4%) Seasonal trade 414 (53.0%) Don't know 25 (3.2%) Other (please specify) The following is an analysis of the responses given in the other section - Transport issues (including bus service, 54 Better communications 7 parking, ferry costs) Promotion of businesses, shopping 14 Skills and education (including reference 4 locally and local employment to the school) opportunities Shops and commercial business 11 Premises (small scale business units and 4 (including comment on potentially more concern over business rates) and also on there being no place for more).


B7 Do you have any further comments on jobs and the local economy?

The following is an analysis of the responses given -

More employment and business is 66 Infrastructure including transport 15 needed (includes comment on issues employment for young people, home working, tourism and visitors Character of the Parish is important 32 No more employment needed 12 General comments each on individual 20 Better bus service needed 10 issues Viability of current business and 15 services in relation to more or less development/competition

JB 5/11/14




C1 Do you think that any future development within Brighstone Parish should be in keeping with the character of the area and its wider landscape setting? (Total persons responding 731)

Yes 709 (97%) No 12 (1.6%) Don’t Know 10 (1.4%)

C2 Should the Neighbourhood Plan aim to promote the following?

Total Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly No persons agree disagree opinio responding n Increased provision of 692 335 217 69 13 58 green space (48.4%) (31.4%) (10%) (1.9%) (8.3%) Enhanced protection 758 534 191 18 2 13 of historic and natural (70.4%) (25.2%) (2.4%) (0.3%) (1.7%) features Enhanced protection 762 531 189 21 0 21 of the landscape (69.7%) (24.8%) (2.7%) (0%) (2.8%) Positive management 755 507 201 17 2 28 of habitats and wildlife (67.1%) (26.6%) (2.2%) (0.3%) (3.8%) Other (please specify) The following is an analysis of the responses given in the other section - number of persons Allow sustainable development 5 Improve footpaths 1 Protection of dark skies 4 Brighstone Forest management 1 Maintain the status quo 4 Blanchards to become a public park 1 No further protection is needed 3 Keep verges well trimmed 1 Maintain green space (not necessarily 2 Bonfire control 1 increase) Coastal protection 1


C3 Should the Neighbourhood Plan aim to protect and enhance the quality of the built environment through the following?

Total Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly No persons agree disagree opinion responding Design that suits its 689 496 180 1 1 11 location (72.1%) (26.1%) (0.1%) (0.1%) (1.6%) The use of traditional 745 423 268 15 2 37 local building materials (56.8%) (36%) (2%) (0.2%) (5%) High levels of energy 719 381 273 20 4 41 conservation in new (53%) (38%) (2.8%) (0.6%) (5.6%) buildings Green space and 743 468 246 6 0 23 gardens in the village (63%) (33.1%) (0.8%) (0%) (3.1%) and hamlets Hedgerows, walls and 753 472 254 9 0 18 fencing for property (62.7%) (33.7%) (1.2%) (0%) (2.4%) boundaries that are in keeping with the neighbourhood Any materials used in 746 397 274 26 9 40 the creation of (53.2%) (36.7%) (3.5%) (1.2%) (5.4%) driveways and paths (where they can be seen from a public place) that are in keeping with the neighbourhood Outdoor lighting and 756 472 223 17 9 35 roof lights of a design (62.4%) (29.5%) (2.2%) (1.2%) (4.7%) that minimises light spillage to protect the dark night sky of the parish Signage, advertising and 739 459 237 10 0 33 street furniture that (62.1%) (32%) (1.4%) (0%) (4.5%) respects the locality Traditional styles for 728 403 252 21 3 49 shop fronts and (55.4%) (34.6%) (2.9%) (0.4%) (6.7%) business premises Other (please specify) The following is an analysis of the responses given in the other section - no.s represent persons Modern innovative design to be 5 Porous driveways 1 encouraged Minimize street lighting 5 Blanchards to become a village green 1 No to solar panels 3 Protect residents views 1 Encourage alternative energy sources 1 No more bungalows 1 Traffic calming 1 Tree planting 1


C4 Are there any buildings, places, green spaces, open spaces or views which you think are particularly important? (e.g. to and from Brighstone Village, to/from the coast, to/from the downs, playing fields, greens, churches, houses, open spaces etc). Please give details in the box below.

The following is an analysis of the responses given -numbers represent persons All views to/from village to the Downs 66 Mill Pond walk 6 Blanchards left as green open space 49 Berry Barn 6 Listed historic buildings / North Street 41 The Lodge 1 Recreation ground/ playground/ tennis 37 Vehicle congestion 1 courts Churches 11 No massive development on 1 Blanchards

C5 Any other comments on protecting and enhancing the landscape, historic and natural environments of the Parish?

The following is an analysis of the responses given - numbers represent persons Improve maintenance of 8 Community use for the old Post 1 footpaths/rights of way/large trees Office Keep balance between 5 Hedge and verge management 1 protection/development Minimise new house building 4 Create a park 1 No new builds 3 Signpost areas of historic interest 1 Minimise light pollution 3 Parish Council does a good job 1 Encourage organic farming to promote 3 Consultation (full and timely) 1 biodiversity Planting more trees and hedges 3 Dog fouling 1 General upkeep 2 Solar panels (limit on all character 1 buildings) Good design of new homes 2 No wind turbines 1

JB 5/11/14




D1 For services and facilities in Brighstone Parish, the Neighbourhood Plan should aim to improve:

Total Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly No persons agree disagree opinion responding Broadband services 720 479 (66.5%) 183 19 2 37 (25.4%) (2.6%) (0.3%) (5.2%) Public toilet facilities 728 325 (44.6%) 319 29 2 53 (43.8%) (4%) (0.3%) (7.3%) Access for disabled 716 301 (42%) 313 30 4 68 people (43.7%) (4.2%) (0.6%) (9.5%) The community library 723 271 (37.4%) 316 52 8 76 (43.8%) (7.2%) (1.1%) (10.5%) Leisure and recreational 698 241 (34.5%) 312 49 6 90 facilities (44.7%) (7%) (0.9%) (12.9%) Allotments 698 155 (22.3%) 271 83 24 165 (38.8%) (11.9%) (3.4%) (23.6%) Facilities for young 704 251 (35.6%) 335 43 11 64 people (47.6%) (6.1%) (1.6%) (9.1%) Facilities for older 692 212 (30.7%) 333 56 9 82 people (48.2%) (8%) (1.3%) (11.8%) The Doctors Surgery 712 333 (46.8%) 238 58 18 65 (33.5%) (8.1%) (2.5%) (9.1%) Other local health care 645 228 (35.3%) 256 45 8 108 services (39.8%) (7%) (1.2%) (16.7%) Other(s) (please specify) PARKING Accessible parking for doctors' surgery, school, village and 10 recreation ground/doctors' surgery car parking SURGERY Car parking at doctors' surgery/doctors should be disabled access 6 friendly 13


NHS and HEALTH Doctors/Other NHS provision for heart care, optician, physio, PROVISION dentist could serve the elderly or those unable to travel easily on a visiting basis - perhaps using the surgery when its closed to GP visits./More holistic therapies/Physio, chiropody/physiotherapy, chiropody for older people/ DENTIST 12 PEDESTRIAN Put pedestrian crossing between school and doctors' surgery/ 4 ACCESS Improve narrow road/no pavement signposting throughout village We need a footpath beside the road down to the Military Rd (along Grange Road) as it is dangerous to walk there. VOL SUPPORT FOR Local people to take people to hospital visits/volunteers to help 4 ELDERLY elderly and disabled with gardening and decorating (if unable to pay) SHELTERED ACCOM So that old people don't have to move when cannot manage on 2 own FACILITIES Cash point 2 Garden waste services needed 2 Public toilets - pay pub small retainer to let people use toilets 2 Recreational facilities: Youth Club/park and garden incl. 8 tearoom/Bowling Green and skate park/regular lunch club/ PHONE,TV SIGNALS 8 Transport/bus service 9 Basic computer classes (see letter 382) 2 ALL FACILITIES The facilities & services in the village are good. 20 GOOD PARISH COUNCIL Items under D1 could be a standing agenda item at PC 3 meetings/They should always be included in any plan so they are not forgotten and can be kept to a reasonable standard.

Please provide your thoughts on how these services could be improved. (Difficult to sub categorise) FACILITIES Allotments are a major benefit to a society such as Brighstone 2 and encourage sharing and cooperation. is there scope for a scheme to arrange partial use of large 2 gardens for 'allotments' where owners can no longer manage to maintain? Cleaner toilets, longer opening hours for library, leisure 2 activities for younger people (20-40 years) eg yoga/Pilates, community allotments, cafe/bakery. Brighstone is wheelchair unfriendly eg Footpaths, toilets, 1 doctors, shops. All these things need to be addressed but in keeping with the look of the village. I suggest someone tries using a wheelchair themselves if they want to know what it's really like. There are a wide range of halls etc - are they sustainable? 4


Library - an evening opening time for those people who have 2 to work. Pre school building - do not support prefab buildings in 2 schools Access for disabled people should be a priority 4 There are many club, societies and activities going on in 2 Brighstone already. Broadband services are very important as are public toilets to give services to tourists and walkers. More seats around the recreation field so parents can sit 1 while their children play. rationalise existing facilities eg public halls, pavilion, reading 1 room etc. Update toilets, extend library, enquire if the National trust 2 have any pockets of land suitable for allotments, expand and refurbish present doctors surgery, local healthcare services could then be included Hoist in disabled toilet, an outdoor gym in the park, bowls in 2 the park Library could have been improved by not closing the original 2 building and fighting to keep professional librarian

Make over of existing public toilet. Greater liaison between 2 local interest groups to achieve consensus on location, type and frequency of service provision. Existing halls (reading room, Wilberforce, etc) be used for 2 drop in centres for older people, relying on volunteer drivers and a little local government funding? Youth clubs for young people Physio made available locally for older people More money for library services 2 A better bus service?! 2 PARKING AND I am aware that parking at the present doctors surgery is a 3 SURGERY worry to them. Relocation would seem to be the only possible answer. Car parking is inadequate and more blood tests performed at 2 the surgery, instead of travelling to Newport. We are aware that old people have been left in their homes in conditions where they have been unable to manage the basic hygiene requirements. Surgery parking, facilities for teens - outdoor gym?, Day care 3 centre for elderly. Nice park and gardens for visitors/residents. The only seating in the village is opposite village shop - not great for visitors. (Blanchards)! It would be great if the Drs surgery could be located where 2 there is adequate parking. Doctors car park 3


New purpose built surgery with parking 2 Designated parking close to Drs surgery desirable 2 Move Drs surgery where there is parking. Blue badge holders 3 abandon their cars in the middle of the road, by a primary school, recipe for disaster. GP surgery - parking required urgently 2 A new Drs surgery with adequate parking could be sited on 2 the Blanchards site along with allotments. A less dangerous location should be found for the doctors 2 surgery. A chiropodist would be welcome Allocated parking near to the doctors for older folk 2 SURGERY Drs surgery needs to be larger with better facilities especially 2 needs a car park. Easier Drs appointments at more convenient out of hours 2 times. Allotments on Blanchards Chiropody? 2 Health centre (doctors, dentist etc) together with pharmacy 2 might be constructed on the parish council's vacant plot at Wilberforce Road with car parking provided on the site now occupied by the reading room. Exercise programmes Heart care club 2 Doctors surgery waiting room upgraded 2 A multi use surgery for other therapies eg aromatherapy, 1 chiropody etc would be useful somewhere in the village Doctors surgery should be a larger building with several rooms 1 for various treatments Allow developers to provide community and health facilities in 3 Brighstone By having as many care facilities deliveries locally rather than 2 at St Marys or elsewhere Better location for doctors surgery for parking etc 3 New Surgery built 1 The Drs surgery needs to be in a larger property 2 BROADBAND, provision of faster broadband will increase the ability to work 2 MOBILE and TV from home and to access the range of services online. The SIGNALS problem with the question is its lack of clarity, one mans recreational facility is another mans right move, just think of the skateboard parks. broadband: Ensure everyone's property has at least the best 2 minimum standard before pushing for further improvements. try to get more support from businesses (financial) for young people Better co-ordination when installing services - will the newly 2 surfaced road be dug up to install broadband.


Aside from internet access, I don't really feel like any of the 2 other services need improving - they are very good already. Broadband speed dire and surely desirable for an efficient 2 village. Toilets obviously are very modest but we respect the attempts to keep them open and functioning as well as possible. We are sort of neutral on the library. Don't want allotments at all! looking at them in other parts of the country they quickly become an eyesore, proudly bearing shabby sheds and weeds, maybe necessary on urban outskirts but not on IW. The doctors surgery seems modest, especially parking, but works extremely well against all the odds. We must be the luckiest place on the IW for our doctors surgery.

Fast broadband is now essential if working from home and 2 existing businesses are to be supported YOUNG PEOPLE More for youngsters perhaps, Ramblers use toilets. Would 1 not want to lose any For the young: good transport into other areas - for those that 1 have no private transportation. Safe cycle paths along roads. Young people need to be consulted. The strident up-roar 2 against their hoped for skate board ramp a few tears ago was disgraceful. It appears that possibly the number of families with children 2 in the village has decreased, so facilities for young people would actually have to attract youngsters back into the village from the outlying areas - parental transport probably required Involving the young, older people and disabled in decision 2 making Youth club and young farmers club. Men's shed (as in 2 mainland for retired men) Park facilities for adolescents 2 Something for teenagers: surf school, skate board park, 2 hangout area/cafe Facilities for young people already provided but many 1 youngsters do not take these up! eg badminton, cricket, football, tennis, keep fit, Zumba etc brownies, Scouts. OTHER Encourage all of us to pick up discarded litter. 2 Some thought needs to be given to the changing needs of 1 elderly residents from 'total independence' to 'assisted living' in their homes Ask for European help financially. Andrew Turner is our MP 2 how do we apply for a grant? Improve access but not at the expense of losing services 1 Invariably it falls upon the kind volunteers and community 2 spirit of Brighstone


A spot on parish council meetings agenda could be reserved 2 for discussion and feed back at every meeting of the items listed at D1 I would like Brighstone to get funding for an outside gym. It is 1 always good to have the aim to improve all things! Our parish council are excellent in the upkeep of our village 2 amenities. I cannot think of any place they do not look after and maintain. For two residents over 90 we cannot agree that any of these 2 services need improving Continue to budget and lobby IOWC. More community 2 awareness of status quo and how to move forward. Seek volunteers - ie community input improved. Reduce council tax - reduce the number of councillors 2 Small grants to help those willing to create and run facilities. 3 I feel services are adequate for needs of the village. With 2 limited funds the PC should focus on improving fewer things but making sure that it makes meaningful improvements to projects it choses to pursue.

D2 Do you belong to any local clubs and societies based within the Parish? (Total persons responding 758)

Yes 324 (42.7%) No 347 (45.8%) Prefer not to 87 (11.5%) say and by household (Total households responding 392)

Yes 167 (42.6%) No 183 (46.7%) Prefer not to 42 (10.7%) say Please list them below:

British Legion 21 Sport and exercise Petanque 4 Table tennis (Brook) 6 Keep fit 5 Tennis club 6 Zumba 1 Aerobics 1 Walking group 11 Football club 1 6

Cricket club 1 Clay pigeon shooting 1 Yoga 4 Bowls 3 Tap dancing 3 Yarmouth Sailing Club 1 Music Hand bells 6 Brighstone Belles 12 Recorder 1 Brighstone Barnacles 4 Bell ringing 3 History History society 13 B Village Society 4 Young people groups Scouts 7 Beavers 2 Guides 3 Brownies 4 Rainbows 2 B School Assoc 2 Reading Library 10 Book Club 7 Social WI 25 Cameo 19 Coffee morns 4 Social Club Reading Room 13 Church Bible Society 4 Church choir 7 General 31 Hobbies and interests Model Railway Club 2 Art club 8 Politics - Conservative Assoc 4 Drama - Drama Group 2 Gardening - B Horticultural 29 Society PCC 1 RNLI 1 National Trust 5 Seely Hall Committee 2


D3 Do you currently help with any activities or services in the Brighstone Parish as a volunteer? (Total persons responding 746)

Yes 254 (34%) No 398 (53.4%) Prefer not to 94 (12.6%) say and by household (Total households responding 387)

Yes 128 (33%) No 214 (55.3%) Prefer not to 45 (11.7%) say

If yes please tell us how often you volunteer and what you do.

Supporting elderly Visit elderly - at least once per week 6 Age Concern Good Neighbour Scheme - once or 5 twice a week Gardening for elderly - every week 2 Dementia support 2 Volunteer driving 2 Age UK - once a week 9 Village support and Brass cleaning every 6 weeks 5 maintenance Church flowers and cleaning once a month 9 Maintain planter 4 Deliver Newsletter - once per month 9 Hedge cutting cemetery - 32 hrs a year 1 Church 17 Village / Halls / parish council repairs 3 Committee work Library - half day 3 or 4 times a week/once a 14 week/3 times a month/twice a month Social club 2 Village halls 13 Community choir 1 Brighstone School Assoc 4 Horticultural Society - twice weekly 4 Tennis Club 4 Parish Council 2 Organising village events Christmas Tree Festival 8 Village Show 4 Supporting community National Trust - half day a week/half day a week 1 activities in shop at Manor Bowls - twice weekly Bell-ringing - 3 times a week 2 Scouts - weekly/canoeing 10 to 12 times a year 8 Brighstone Primary - half day a week/3 mornings a week Brownies, Rainbows - weekly 3


Musical support 2 School 7 Animal rescue centre 1 Community First Responder 2 Tree warden 1 Samaritans 1 CAB 1 Beach litter pick, as and when 2


D4 If you don’t currently volunteer, would you like to? (Total persons responding 503)

Yes 62 (12.3%) No 295 (58.7%) Don’t know 146 (29%) and by household (Total households responding 265)

Yes 33 (13%) No 157(59%) Don’t know 75 (28%)

If yes, please tell us what volunteering activities you would be interested in.

Village support and Upkeep of verges and natural habitats 2 maintenance community gardening 2 traffic control school 2 dog walking 2 anything 1 Supporting elderly Gardening 1 Befriending 3 Helping others 7 Age UK 2 Church 3 Library 5


D5 The 2011 Census provides figures on unpaid care given by people in the community. We would like to know more about paid care in the Parish. (Total persons responding 738)

Yes No Prefer not to say Do you or a member of your household receive care assistance for things you/they can 39 (5.3%) 665 (90.1%) 34 (4.6%) no longer manage to do for yourself/themselves and which you/they pay for? and by household (Total households responding 377)

Yes No Prefer not to say Do you or a member of your household receive care assistance for things you/they can 22 (5.8%) 339 (90%) 16 (4.2%) no longer manage to do for yourself/themselves and which you/they pay for?


D6 Are there any new services/facilities/clubs/societies that you would like to see in Brighstone Parish? (Please specify)

Facilities Better roads 4 and services Local treatment centre/hub 3 Decent pub 3 Parking nr doctors 2 Internet for visitors 2 Farmers' market 1 Full-size badminton court 1 skate park 2 Bowling green 4 For young people: young farmers, football and cricket 6 practice nets Internet for elderly 4 Café and craft shop 2 Clubs and Kayaking 3 classes Pilates 3 Tai Chi 2 Aerobics and keep fit 31 More sports clubs 2 Bridge club 1 Theatre club 2 Film club 2 Crafts, cake decorating, knitting weaving etc. 4 Evening sports working people 1 Community work for elderly Alzheimer's group 3 Community garden selling produce for community 2

Societies Friends of Brighstone need more visibility 2 No need for more but better joint working across 2 societies


D7 Any other comments on improving community services in Brighstone Parish?

Services transport Improved bus service 12 Free car parking 2 Taxi service 2 North Street make one-way 2 Good condition roads and lanes 2 More litter bins and seats 3

Support for elderly and Sheltered accommodation 2 young Local home care 1 Central hub for older people 1 Car service for elderly 2 Greater provision dementia and childcare 2 Job club 2 Village support and Increase community services if housing 1 maintenance increases Village task force of young people and voice 1 on parish council Community garden selling produce 2 More support for village hub 2 More evening activities for working people 2 Existing facilities under-used 2 Three halls and good facilities - no need for 12 more Remove unnecessary barriers to community 2 service, e.g. three CRB checks

JB 24/11/14




E1 For issues around transport and travel in Brighstone Parish, should the Neighbourhood Plan aim to improve?

Total Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly No persons agree disagree opinion responding Public transport 563 312 177 19 5 50 (55.4%) (31.4%) (3.4%) (0.9%) (8.9%) And if it was improved I/we 637 236 216 109 24 52 would use the service rather than (37%) (33.9%) (17.1%) (3.8%) (8.2%) travelling by car Parking provision for cars 721 211 266 144 26 74 in Brighstone village (29.3%) (36.9%) (20%) (3.6%) (10.3%) Parking provision for 717 96 216 217 112 76 coaches and lorries in (13.4%) (30.1%) (30.3%) (15.6%) (10.6%) Brighstone village Road safety and 720 356 307 21 2 34 maintenance (49.4%) (42.6%) (2.9%) (0.3%) (4.7%) Better pedestrian and cycle 694 233 256 82 26 97 access within and to (33.6%) (36.9%) (11.8%) (3.7%) (14%) Brighstone village Better pedestrian and cycle 687 210 275 67 26 109 access in the wider parish (30.6%) (40%) (9.8%) (3.8%) (15.9%) Congestion and traffic 653 95 215 138 36 169 noise problems (14.5%) (32.9%) (21.1%) (5.5%) (25.9%) Street lighting (by having 718 44 100 241 270 63 more) (6.1%) (13.9%) (33.6%) (37.6%) (8.8%) Pavements/footways (by 694 105 257 143 91 98 having more) (15.1%) (37%) (20.6%) (13.1%) (14.1%) Pavement/footway 689 199 363 37 27 63 maintenance (28.9%) (52.7%) (5.4%) (3.9%) (9.1%) Maintenance and signage 693 187 374 49 20 63 of public footpaths, (27%) (54%) (7.1%) (2.9%) (9.1%) bridleways and byways Other(s) (please specify) See next page


-Cut back verges/hedges more frequently 8 -Better drop kerbs 3 -Better rural footpath maintenance (wet areas) 1 -Replace stiles with gates 1 -Road surface may be unsafe for horses 1 -Better signage to car park and toilets 2

Character -No unnecessary signs/lines/street furniture 5

Misc. -Dog fouling (enforcement needed) 2 -Green waste facility in the village please 2

E2 Do you or a member of your household currently use a bus pass or have a concessionary fare on public transport? (Total persons responding 769)

Yes 422 No 335 Prefer not to 12 (54.9%) (43.6%) say (1.6%)

If yes please tell us how many adults in the household this applies to and the type of concessions.

Concession type Number of people benefitting from this concession 342

Bus Pass (unspecified) 324

Railcard 2

Senior Bus Pass 4

School Bus Pass 11

Student Bus Pass 1


Parking - General parking issues 2 - Main Road and village centre should have restricted parking / disabled only 9 - Enforcement of parking needed 5 - Coach park (but limited and also perhaps for lorries) 7 -School drop off and pick up times problematic 4 -Village car park under used, people park on Main Road instead 1

Pavements / Footways -Safer access to the village car park from Main Road 2 - Footpath/cycleway to Limerstone 2 -Opposite the Lodge 5 - By viaduct 3 - Outside village shop 4 -Along Grange Road 2 - Main Road/Broad Lane junction 2

Cycleways/Cycling -Cycleway to link villages to coast 2 -Cycleway between Shorwell and Brighstone 2 -Tax cyclists to pay for cycleway 2 -Cycle storage 2

Traffic/Speed -20mph speed limit or speed reduction in village 9 -Slow down vehicles in New Road and Main Road 2 -Control speeding traffic in general 4 -Traffic calming 2 -Zebra crossing between School and Drs 3

Street Lighting -No more street lights 2 -Protect dark skies (limit street lights and domestic flood lighting) 2 -Additional street light in New Road close to Church/School/Drs 10 - More street lights as roads in such poor condition 2 - Don't like new street lights - bad for pedestrians 2 - Remove street light at Reading Room or turn off at 3am 2

Public transport / buses -Bus stops too far away 2 -Better bus routes/services 10 -Smaller buses 2 -Minibuses rather than coaches for visitors 2 -Community bus 1 - Cheaper public transport 2

Roads/ footpath maintenance -Improve standards 9


E3 Please tell us if you agree with the following statements: I/my family would use public transport more frequently if ....

Total Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly No persons agree disagree opinion responding Services were more frequent 722 343 196 92 28 63 during the day (47.5%) (27.1%) (12.8%) (3.9%) (8.7%)

Weekday services were 668 234 160 124 32 118 extended into the evenings (35%) (24%) (18.6%) (4.8%) (17.6%)

Fares were reduced 630 182 115 107 31 195 (29%) (18.2%) (17%) (4.9%) (30.9%) Connections/routes were 663 233 202 92 27 109 more convenient (35.1%) (30.5%) (13.9%) (4.1%) (16.4%)

Other (s) (please specify)

Extend bus service earlier in morning and into the evening during the week to 13 allow more convenient commuting and for younger people More frequent bus service needed 11 Reinstate bus to Yarmouth 11 Bus frequency at the weekends needs improvement 9 Direct bus service to other ferry ports (, , Fishbourne) 4 Bus service along the coast (Military Road) to 4 Better bus service for young people 3 Accessing bus stops is a problem 3 Community bus 2 Concessionary fares for transport needed 2 Cycle friendly buses 2 Cheaper fares 2 Return bus tickets 2 Tax cars more to pay for decent public transport 2 Eco-bus needed 2 Bus service is important 2 Feel exploited by the bus company and ferries 2 Pot holes and drainage issues 1 Would prefer to pay for a bus service which was decent rather than have a poor 1 free service


E4 Any other comments on traffic and transport issues in the parish?

Parking - Dangerous parking in the village/at Drs/outside school 11 - Congestion in village car park at school pick up/drop off times 2 - Move Drs to Blanchards and give car park 2 - No parking in bus stops 2 - More parking restrictions 1 - No need for a coach/lorry park 1 - Enforcement of illegal parking 1

Buses - More frequent bus service (including earlier services) 11 - Community bus 4 - Means test bus concessions or make minimum charge 3 - Unlikely to expect people to abandon using their cars 3 - Evening bus service 2 - Better co-ordination of bus timetable 2 - Cheaper bus fares (for those with no concessions) 2 - Bus to Yarmouth 1

Traffic / Speed - Speeding through the village 7 - 20mph through the village 4 - No 30mph present if entering village from via Broad Lane 2 - New road painting of 30mph roundel at junction of New Road/Galley Lane 2 - Speeding traffic through Brook 2

Housing - Additional housing will need appropriate infrastructure 2




F1 Please could you tell us what fuels you use to heat, provide hot water and cool your home. Results by persons.

Oil 347 (26%) Wood 284 (21.2%) Electric 538 (40%) Liquefied Petroleum Gas 172 (12.8%) (LPG) Other(s) please specify Coal/Stove nuts 56 Underground heat pumps 2 Solid fuel / Multifuel 15 Wood chip pellets 2 Solar panels 8 Storage heaters 2 PV Panels 6 Solar panels for hot water 2 Biomass 4 Air Source heat pumps 2 Calor Gas / Bottled Gas 3

and by household

Oil 174 (25.6%) Wood 138 (20.3%) Electric 279 (41%) Liquefied Petroleum Gas 89 (13.1%) (LPG) Other(s) please specify Coal/Stove nuts 28 Underground heat pumps 1 Solid fuel / Multifuel 7 Wood chip pellets 1 Solar panels 1 Storage heaters 1 PV Panels 3 Solar panels for hot water 1 Biomass 4 Air Source heat pumps 1 Calor Gas / Bottled Gas 2


F2 Please could you tell us what fuel you use to cook in your home. Results by persons.

Oil 67 (7.5%) Wood 5 (0.6%) Electric 675 (75.3%) Liquefied Petroleum Gas 149 (16.6%) (LPG) Other(s) please specify Coal 5 Solar PV 2 Propane gas 4

and by household

Oil 32 (6.9%) Wood 4 (0.8%) Electric 352 (76.4%) Liquefied Petroleum Gas 73 (15.9%) (LPG) Other(s) please specify Coal 2 Solar PV 1 Propane gas 2

F3 If you have any domestic renewable energy technologies (biomass, solar panels, air source, ground source etc) please provide details below:

By respondent Solar panels 80 Biomass 6 PV Panels 29 Extra loft insulation 2 Solar panels for water heating 21 Heat source pump 2 Ground source heat pump 9 Solar thermal 2 Air source heat pump 8 Wood pellet boiler 2

By household Solar panels 38 Biomass 2 PV Panels 13 Extra loft insulation 1 Solar panels for water heating 12 Heat source pump 1 Ground source heat pump 4 Solar thermal 1 Air source heat pump 5 Wood pellet boiler 1


F4 Which of the following energy efficiency measures does your household use? (Please tick all that apply) Results shown for household.

Total Yes No Don’t know households responding

Low energy light 386 376 10 0 bulbs (97.4%) (2.6%)

Double glazing 392 356 36 0 (90.8%) (9.2%) Draught excluders 339 256 78 5 (75.5%) (23%) (1.5%) Loft insulation to 386 304 64 18 current (78.7%) (16.6%) (4.7%) recommended standards (thickness of 270mm for normal loft insulation materials)

Cavity wall 345 215 120 10 insulation (62.3%) (34.7%) (3%)

Other (please specify)

By household

Dry lining rather than cavity wall 3 Thick pullover 1 insulation/ floor insulation/ insulating blinds/ curtains Off peak electricity / use lights carefully 2 Conservatory 1 Rainwater harvesting 1 Condensing boiler 1


F5 The Neighbourhood Plan should encourage ...

Total Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly No persons agree disagree opinion responding Domestic wind turbines 717 74 120 228 238 57 powering a single home (10.3%) (16.7%) (31.8%) (33.2%) (8%)

Commercial wind turbines 726 83 108 152 350 33 powering many homes (11.5%) (14.8%) (20.9%) (48.2%) (4.6%)

Land used for production of 685 76 260 124 120 105 bio-fuels (e.g. wood, biomass) (11.1%) (38%) (18.1%) (17.5%) (15.3%)

Land used for solar farms to 714 88 246 173 136 71 generate energy (12.3%) (34%) (24.2%) (19%) (9.9%)

Use of farm waste (slurry) to 712 127 333 71 60 121 generate energy (18%) (46.7%) (9.9%) (8.4%) (17%)

Domestic solar installations 701 152 337 97 51 64 (21.7%) (48%) (14%) (7.3%) (9%) None of the above 51 6 0 9 16 20 (11.7%) (17.6%) (31.5%) (39.2%) Don’t know 32 5 2 3 2 20 (15.6%) (6%) (9.4%) (6%) (63%) Other (s) (please specify)

Alternatives suggested by number of persons responding

Tidal power/ Wave generated 22 Solar panels on barn roofs and 3 power community buildings Ground source / Air source 12 Solar heat pumps 2 Hydro power from local streams 10 Water retention 1 Eco efficiency for properties / fuel 9 efficient heating boilers / New builds to higher standards / eco efficient rental properties Further comments on energy measures already ticked in main question. Number of persons responding

Careful placing of solar panels and 13 Wind farms at sea 6 issues around being in keeping

Biomass needs more wood than 10 Anxiety that productive land will be lost 3 available. Consider also biofuels to be used for solar farms etc and fuel derived from waste.

JB 5/11/14




G1 How safe from crime and disorder is Brighstone Parish? (Total persons responding 771)

Very safe 427 (55.4%) Safe 323 (41.9%) Not very safe 4 (0.5%) Very unsafe 6 (0.8%) Don’t know 11 (1.4%)

G2 Do you have any particular concerns relating to crime or disorder in the Parish? (Total persons responding 745)

Yes 40 (5.4%) No 705 (94.6%)

If you answered yes, please tell us more and give your thoughts on what could be done to improve matters.

Policing issues (includes more patrols, better enforcement) 21 Speeding motorists 6 Inconsiderate parking 5 Complacency leading to vulnerability to crime 4 Petty theft 4 Concern over more housing association accommodation 4 Young people and alcohol problems 4 Fly tipping 2 Rural crime in outlying areas 2 Lack of street lighting 2 Address anti-social loud music 2 Motorbike speeding on the Military Road 2 Dog fouling issues 2 Potential anti-social behaviour if no activities for young people 2 Better traffic signage 2


G3 Do you have any particular concerns relating to other safety issues in the Parish? (Total persons responding 690.

Yes 176 (25.5%) No 514 (74.5%)

If you answered yes, please tell us more and give your thoughts on what could be done to improve matters.

Enforce speed limit/ curb speeding/ address speeding traffic 57 Slow traffic down/ reduce speed limit 41 Road maintenance needs improving 19 Better enforcement to stop illegal and/or dangerous parking 18 Address congestion in the village centre 13 Additional footways needed 13 Pedestrian crossing in village centre and/or New Road 11 Address speeding cyclists 8 Better hedgerow maintenance for pedestrians 6 Local speed monitoring 5 Concern over large vehicles passing through village 5 Road safety in general 4 Additional car parking needed 4 Improve safety for cyclists 4 Address dog fouling 3 Traffic from school run a problem 2 Activities for young people 2 Highway drainage and sewar system problems 2 Cliff top walks 2 Stop cycling on pavements 2 Concern over lower light levels from new street lights 2 Unsafe elderly drivers 2 Anti-social bonfires 2 One way traffic in narrow roads? 2 Mark out parking bays in Warnes Lane Car Park 2 Walkway along viaduct 1 Mud from fields is a problem 1 More police patrols 1 Concerns over new development and increased population 1

JB 5/11/14




H1 Tell us three things that you would like to change/improve in Brighstone Parish

A better / more frequent bus service 113 A solution to parking problems [mainly New Road, village centre] 84 Improve roads [mainly surfaces, also signs, layout] 73 Ways to curb speeding [20mph limit, proper enforcement etc] 65 Stop dog fouling / more dog bins 35 Better maintained footpaths 33 Affordable housing for young / lower income / local people 30 Better hedge cutting / verge maintenance 27 Better broadband 26 Improve / establish better pavements / kerbing and pedestrian safety 23 Cycle ways / better provision for cyclists 21 A village green / open space [on Blanchards] 18 Better /bigger surgery 17 Better facilities / events for young people 17 A better pub 15 Discourage / tax second homes 14 Better drainage /stop run off from North Street /farmland 13 Better mobile phone / TV reception 12 A park for coaches 11 Less street lighting / light pollution 11 Restrict bonfires 10 Garden waste collection / site 10 More street lighting 10 Disabled parking and access 9 Better access to fuel / mains gas 9 Garden waste collection / site 8 Better sports facilities / more support for sports clubs 8 Sheltered accommodation for the elderly 7 Cleaner beaches 7 More leisure facilities for the elderly 7 Get rid of farmers' mess on the roads 6 Less surveys and plans 6 Better use of community buildings [B'stone Social Club] 6 More retail shops 5 1

More support for those living alone / drop in centre 5 Allotments 5 More police presence 5 Playground equipment for older children [basketball hoops] 4 Pedestrianize / one way North Street 4 Improved architecture for bungalows 4 Remove redundant street signs and furniture 4 Toilets [?] 4 A good restaurant 4 A bowling green or outdoor gym 4 Less litter 4 Remove the rooks from Brighstone 4 A dentist 4 Co-operation between societies and clubs 4 More trees in the village 4 Less NIMBYism 4 [New] residents to get more involved 4 Improve community halls / a proper community centre 3 Better access to beaches 3

Unique answers not listed in table as related to one persons views 43

H2 Tell us three things that you like most about Brighstone Parish.

The views / the Downs / the rural setting/ AONB 236 Community spirit 226 Friendly people 182 The shops [village shop / newsagent] 165 Peace/ tranquillity/ no noise pollution 137 The doctors, surgery and dispensary 93 Amenities / facilities / services - unspecified 73 The school 70 Village activities / groups and societies 70 Rural atmosphere 60 Pretty / quaint village buildings 56 Size of village [not too big or small] 53 Safety / lack of crime 45 The church[es] 44 Sea and coast 41 Dark skies / lack of light pollution 40 Footpaths / walking 40 The library 37 Convenience of village facilities 35


Post Office 27 Pub(s)/ Bistro 27 Everything 26 Upkeep / clean 23 Village halls 21 Green spaces within the village [including Blanchards] 17 Village events [inc. Xmas Tree festival, Brighstone Show] 15 History / heritage 14 Sports facilities [tennis courts, The Recreation Ground] 12 Availability of local produce 9 No traffic pollution / clean air 6 Wildlife / green corridors 6 Sympathetically sustainable development [so far] 6 The Parish Council 4 Local care agencies [inc Age UK] 4 The garage 4 Village ambience 4 The hairdressers 3 Good neighbours 3 Hearing the church bells 3 Holiday makers 3 General communications 3 The compactness of the village 2 The quality of buildings 2 Diversity of building styles 2 Mix of age groups 2 Diversity of residents 2 You listen to our opinions 2 Local businesses serving the community 2 Dogtail from neighbouring villages [?] 2 The inclusion of Brook and Mottistone 2 Parish noticeboards 2 Unmown verges and flower pots 2 Good prospects 2 No animal cruelty 1 Doggie bins 1 Spaciousness of homes and spaces 1


H3 Please use the space below for any further comments about anything that has not been covered in this survey.

Don't allow Brighstone to become a town 17 Compliments on the survey 10 Holiday and second home concerns 7 Brighstone is a lovely place/ great community 5 Spread new hosuing across the whole parish 5 Encourage young people into the village 4 Concerns over residents of rental properties 4 Infill housing preferable to large developments 3 Better drainage on the main road 3 Future of the Military Road 3 Concerns over affordable housing 3 A green waste facility 2 Better cycling facilities 2 Protect beautiful village and open spaces 2 Protect core services 2 Parking issues 2 Village needs new residents to survive 2 More dog bins 2 Islandwide issues 2 Blanchards to be a community park 2 Don't develop Blanchards 2 Better cutting of grass and verges 2 Concern over large vehicles including agricultural vehicles 2 More benches in the Rec please 2 Excellent Parish Council 2 Innovative and high quality design for new builds 2 Too many surveys! 2 Speeding on the Military Road is a big issue 2 Brighstone im danger of becoming a second home or elderly community 2 Tennis courts should be free 2 How will the survey results be used? 2 Remember past residents and their contrbution to the area 1 Can be socially isolating unless you are part of local clubs or church 1 Stop bonfires in summer 1 Support for the Atherfield Bay development 1 Dislike growing militarism in the village 1

JB 5/11/14


Dear Business owner

If you live in Brighstone Parish you will or have received a Residents Survey the aim of which is to help us form a picture of our community and its future needs.

Commercial viability is also critical to the future of our parish and additionally is key in helping to build the Neighbourhood Plan that, when approved, will help the parish control its own destiny to a greater extent and must be considered in all planning matters relating to the area.

This business survey is being sent to all businesses in Brighstone Parish big or small. It is totally confidential but the highest level of response is essential if we are to better understand the obstacles and opportunities that influence how every business might prosper.

Accordingly, even if you feel that your input has little relevance, please take a few minutes to complete this survey.

If you would prefer to complete the survey online you can access it from the following link:

Your response will be collected by one of the volunteers by the 19th of July. If they have not called for it by this date, please put it in the envelope provided and take it to the Village Shop / Post Office and place it in the Residents Survey collection box that has been provided there.

Thank you for taking part.

John Cirrone

Chairman, Brighstone Parish Council



52 local businesses were contacted by e-mail or letter and asked to complete the following business survey.

A total of 26 businesses responded and the results are shown in this report. Some responses will require further analysis particularly where we have asked for ranking.

JB 17/11/2014 Part 1: About your business

1. Which of the following was the main reason you established your business in Brighstone Parish?

Wanting to live here or already living here 16 64%

Family business established many years ago 7 28% 1 4% The area's reputation as a tourism destination

Meeting local demand 0 0%

Links with other businesses already here 1 4%

TOTAL 25 100%

Other (please specify)

1 also ticked the area's reputation as a tourism destination. 1 family business was here 30 years ago and also ticked meeting local demand and wanting to live here 1 also ticked local demand 1 part of charitable remit to preserve places of historic interest and natural beauty

2. Are you a sole trader?

Yes 20 83.3%

No 4 16.7%

TOTAL 24 100%

3. How long has your business been established in Brighstone Parish?

1 • 2 years 3 12.5%

3 • 5 years 2 8.4%

5 • 10 years 5 20.8%

10 • 20 years 5 20.8%

Over 20 years 9 37.5%

TOTAL 24 100%

If over 20 years please tell us how long.

20-39 years = 6 40-59 years = 2 60-99 years = 1 100 + = 1

4. What is your business sector? If your business covers more than one sector please select the sector which accounts for most of your turnover.

Bed and Breakfast / Holiday Let 4 15.5% Farming / Agriculture 4 15.5%

Tourism / Attractions 4 15.5%

Retail • Non Food 3 11.5%

Arts and Crafts 2 7.7%

Professional Services 2 7.7%

Builder 1 3.8%

Plumber 1 3.8%

Charitable Work 1 3.8%

Hair / Beauty 1 3.8%

Health / Elderly Care / Services for the Disabled 1 3.8%

Hotel / Pub / Restaurant / Tea Room 1 3.8%

Retail • Food 1 3.8%

Electrician 0 0%

Carpenter 0 0%

Decorator 0 0%

Gardener 0 0%

Industrial / Light Industrial 0 0%

Public Services 0 0%

TOTAL 26 100%

Other (please specify and/or include details of any secondary business you operate)

Multiple ticks from some respondents 2 x self catering accommodation 1 x Retail non food 1 x Fuel sales 1 x Photographic gifts 1 x Tax returns/book keeper

5. We would like to calculate the approximate total economic activity within the parish. We know that for individual businesses this information is sensitive and would like to reassure you that no data from individual businesses or sectors will be published or made publicly available.

What is your annual turnover?

Less than £20,000 per annum 9 34.6%

Prefer not to say 5 19.3%

£20,000 to £50,000 per annum 3 11.5%

£50,000 to £100,000 per annum 3 11.5%

£250,000 to £500,000 per annum 3 11.5%

More than £500,000 per annum 2 7.8%

£100,000 to £250,000 per annum 1 3.8%

TOTAL 26 100%

6. What sort of premises do you operate from?

Home address 12 46.2%

Owned business premises 9 34.6%

Leased business premises 5 19.2%

Hired premises (e.g. village halls) 0 0%

TOTAL 26 100%

Other (please specify)

Multiple ticks indicating both leased and owned = 1 Multiple ticks indicating home address in addition to other premises = 2 Retail unit near Lake not in Parish = 1

7. How many people are employed in the business including you and your family? Please provide numbers in each case • leave blank if zero.

Full time employees (more than 30 hours a week) including yourself if relevant 82 Part time employees (less than 30 hours a week) including yourself if relevant 51 Students (in full time education at school or at university) 12

On a government supported training programme 1 Trainees 1

8. Where do your employees live? Please provide numbers in each case • leave blank if zero. Elsewhere on the Isle of Wight 63

Brighstone Parish (Limerstone, Brighstone, Mottistone, Hulverstone, 60

Brook, Atherfield) Adjacent parishes (, Freshwater, Shorwell) 12

Other parts of the UK 0

European Community countries 0

Countries outside of the European Community 0

9. Approximately, what percentage of your business comes from the following areas? Please tick one box per line Number of businesses Brighstone Parish (Limerstone, Brighstone, Mottistone, 100-80% 1 Hulverstone, 80-60% 2 Brook, Atherfield) 60-40% 3 40-20% 2 20-5% 3 Less than 5% 7 Adjacent parishes (Calbourne, Freshwater, Shorwell) 100-80% 0 80-60% 1 60-40% 2 40-20% 3 20-5% 5 Less than 5% 6 Elsewhere on the Isle of Wight 100-80% 3 80-60% 2 60-40% 2 40-20% 3 20-5% 6 Less than 5% 4 Other parts of the UK 100-80% 4 80-60% 4 60-40% 3 40-20% 1 20-5% 1 Less than 5% 4

European Community countries 100-80% 0 80-60% 0 60-40% 0 40-20% 1 20-5% 1 Less than 5% 9 Countries outside of the European Community 100-80% 0 80-60% 0 60-40% 0 40-20% 0 20-5% 0 Less than 5% 7

Analysis - business is predominantly local to Brighstone Parish, adjacent parishes, Isle of Wight and the UK. Some businesses also trade with the EU countries and other parts of the world.

10. How do you think your business will develop in the next 2 to 3 years? Please tick one box per line.

Will increase Will decrease Will stay the Don't know same Turnover from 6 3 11 3 Brighstone Parish Turnover from 7 2 8 3 business in adjacent parishes Turnover from 7 1 9 4 business in the rest of the Isle of Wight Turnover from 7 2 5 4 business elsewhere in the UK Turnover from 6 2 3 4 business from European Community countries Turnover from 3 1 5 4 countries outside of the European Community

11. How do you think your employee numbers will change in the next 2 to 3 years?

Will increase 8 34.8% Will stay the same 14 60.9% Will decrease 1 4.3%

12. If you have employees, do you provide any formal training for staff?

Yes 12 48% No 2 8% Not applicable 11 44%

13. Would you have any interest in offering opportunities to young people in the area through apprenticeships / other government work experience schemes?

Yes, I already do 6 24% Yes, I am aware of these schemes but 6 24% do not currently participate Yes, I am aware of these schemes and 3 12% may be able to participate No, I am not able to offer any such 10 40% schemes

14. Do you source any of your business materials, services or needs from within Brighstone Parish?

None 9 35% Some 17 65.4% About half 0 0% Most 0 0% All 0 0%

15. Is there a reason why you do not source more of your requirements from within the parish?

Not available locally 17 70.8% Not applicable 2 8.3% Source what I can locally 2 8.3% Import from the mainland 1 4.2% Lack of choice 1 4.2% Too expensive 1 4.2%

Tourism related questions

Tourism Related Questions

This section of the survey is seeking to capture information related to tourism and its importance to your business.

16. How reliant is your business on tourism in Brighstone Parish? Very 8 32% Somewhat 5 20% Neutral 4 16% Not very 3 12% Hardly at all 5 20%

If you are a tourism accommodation provider please tell us how many bed spaces you have. 2 x 4 bed spaces 1 x 26 bed spaces 1 x 2 bed spaces 1 x 10 (but soon to increase to 25) bed spaces 1 x 120 bed spaces

17. Do you belong to any of the following tourism related trade organisations?

Visit Isle of Wight 8 80% Chamber of Commerce 5 50% Tourism Group


1 x Professional association 1 x 'Island Made' prior to it being disbanded 1 x English Tourist Board 1 x IW Self Catering Association 1 x website 1 x Visit England

18. Does your business have any form of recognised tourism rating?

Yes 8 32% No 10 40% Don't know 0 0% Not applicable 7 28%

Please provide details - 1 x rated by IW Tourism Board each year 2 x 4 star via Visit Britain 1 x 5 star via Visit Britain 2 x 4 star gold for walkers and cyclists welcome 1 x 2014 Certificate of Excellence via Trip Advisor for consistent 5 star feedback Your views continued....

19. Please tell us how much you agree or disagree with the following statements:

Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly No opinion disagree agree Signage within the parish 1 4 8 9 4 should be improved to promote its services and attractions to visitors I feel that there has been a 0 8 9 3 6 decline in tourist numbers compared to last year If approached, I would 2 4 11 1 8 encourage anyone to open a business in Brighstone Parish Brighstone Parish provides 1 2 12 5 6 the perfect setting for my business A free map for tourists which 2 6 10 3 5 lists all businesses and attractions in the parish would help my business Signage to the villages from 1 0 13 7 4 the Military Road should be improved The businesses in Brighstone 1 1 10 10 4 village benefit when a local event is held (Christmas Tree Festival, Brighstone Show) Communications and 0 2 15 4 5 cooperation between local business is key to making Brighstone prosper I regularly talk to other 0 8 12 1 5 business owners about business issues

20. Is your business limited by any issues concerning your premises? Please tick all that apply

No 15 68% Yes- Type of space available 1 4.5% in the parish Yes - Location of space 2 9% available Yes - Inability to get planning 4 18% permission to develop space available Yes - lack of utilities servicing 0 0% the available space Yes - Condition of premises 1 4.5% Yes - Accessibility of 1 4.5% premises

Other - 1 x Parking for customers 1 x Workshop area needs increasing 1 x I hire Wilberforce Hall, Scout Hall etc to sell 21. Do you have any specific premises requirements that you would like to see available in the parish to allow your business to develop, or are you able to offer premises?

4 x No 2 x Planning issues 1 x Able to offer premises 1 x parking for visitors (including coaches) 1 x internet upgrade 1 x reasonable rental premises for business 1 x not applicable

22. To what extent is your business currently dependent on the internet?

Not at all 3 11.5% We use e-mail but do not market or sell online 4 15.6% We use e-mail and market via a website but do 10 38.4% not sell online We use e-mail, have a website and sell online 3 11.4% as part of a wider business We are wholly dependent on the internet for our 6 23.1% business

23. How dependent do you think you will be on the internet in 2 • 3 years time?

Same as now 13 50% A little more dependent 9 34.6% Considerably more dependent 4 15.4%

24. How much difference would greater bandwidth (faster broadband all the time) make to your business?

None 7 26% A little 7 26% Considerable difference 13 48% 25. Listed below are some factors that may limit the ability of your business to develop. Please rank in order of concern with 1 being the greatest. Please leave blank any which do not concern you.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Bus capacity and frequency 5 3 3 1 2 Finding new clients 7 1 3 1 1 1 Financing for expansion 1 1 2 1 1 1 Parking 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Planning issues 2 1 3 1 1 1 Premises issues 2 1 1 1 2 1 Skill shortage among available staff 2 2 1 2 Staff number shortage 1 1 1 1 1 Supplier shortage 1 2 Transport and road access 4 2 2 1 1 1 Web speed 3 1 3 1 1 1 1

26. To what extent is it important to your business that Brighstone Parish as a whole and the businesses in the area do well?

Not at all 3 12% A little 8 32% A lot 9 36% We are wholly dependent on the continued success of the area 3 12% Don't know 2 8%

27. Do you feel that there could be benefits for all types of business in working together more closely?

Yes 12 48% No 2 8% Don't know 11 44%

If yes, please specify

 2 x increase draw of visitors to the area through joint promotion of the local area  Will help to spread costs  Help to stop local facilities from closing and thus reducing the area's appeal  Tried before and didn't work  Already happens in an informal and low key way  Sharing ideas and information would be beneficial  General support for the concept  Lack of interference (not sure what was meant by this)

28. What is the best thing about Brighstone Parish from the perspective of your business?

4 x The local environment 3 x Already live here/have my business here 3 x Tourist destination 2 x Accessibility 2 x Local population/community 2 x Less traffic 2 x Peace and quiet 2 x Wonderful scenery 1 x Decent sized area 1 x Good word of mouth advertising 1 x Rural character 1 x Minimal interference 1 x Heritage 1 x Lifestyle business rather than for making lots of money

29. What is the worst thing about Brighstone Parish from the perspective of your business?

3 x Parking issues (cars and coaches) 3 x Remoteness/isolation 2 x Lack of use of business by local community 1 x Demographics 1 x Broadband/internet 1 x Planning restrictions 1 x Lack of promotion 1 x Second Homes 1 x Own health issues 1 x Salt wind and coastal erosion 1 x Transport costs 1 x Lack of friendliness of local community 1 x Bus service frequency 1 x Demographics

30. Is there anything else relating to business and employment in Brighstone Parish that you would like to tell us about?

1 x Reduce business rates 1 x More communication with planners 1 x More affordable accommodation / housing 1 x It's a village that is attractive and appeals to visitors

Brighstone Parish Neighbourhood Plan Youth Survey SurveyMonkey

#1 COMPLETE Collector: Web Link 1 (Web Link) Started: Saturday, July 05, 2014 8:59:04 AM Last Modified: Saturday, July 05, 2014 9:04:43 AM Time Spent: 00:05:38 IP Address:


Q1: Tell us three things that you like most about Brighstone Parish 1 Friendly 2 Safe 3 Quiet

Q2: Tell us three things you like least about Brighstone Parish 1 Few pavements

Q3: Do you feel safe from crime living in Yes Brighstone Parish?

Q4: What clubs and societies do you belong to? Respondent skipped this question

Q5: Do you think you might go to college or Yes university?

Q6: If you answered yes to the last question, do A mainland college or university you think you will go to

Q7: If given the opportunity in the future would you: Continue to live in Brighstone Parish, if so where? Anywhere in Brighstone

Q8: Do you need to use public transport to?: Go to school No

Go to college No

Go to a sport or leisure activity No

Go to visit friends or family who live elsewhere No

Go shopping No

Go to a part time job No

Q9: If you could change one thing about Brighstone Parish what would it be? A club for us to go to, not brownies or scouts, but a social club, so we can play games with our friends safely

1 / 12 Brighstone Parish Neighbourhood Plan Youth Survey SurveyMonkey

#2 COMPLETE Collector: Web Link 1 (Web Link) Started: Thursday, July 10, 2014 8:31:07 PM Last Modified: Thursday, July 10, 2014 8:35:15 PM Time Spent: 00:04:08 IP Address:


Q1: Tell us three things that you like most about Brighstone Parish 1 A decent school 2 Clean & tidy 3 hardly any scumbags

Q2: Tell us three things you like least about Brighstone Parish 1 not much too dislike really apart from a minority interest from outside who see fit to socially engineer it and 2 increase the population with a view to ruining Brighstone and making it like other parts of the mainland 3 and Island

Q3: Do you feel safe from crime living in Yes, Brighstone Parish? Please tell us why low crime rate due to village being full of decent people and no scumbags

Q4: What clubs and societies do you belong to? In Brighstone Parish several

Q5: Do you think you might go to college or Yes university?

Q6: If you answered yes to the last question, do A mainland college or university you think you will go to

Q7: If given the opportunity in the future would you: Continue to live in Brighstone Parish, if so where? quality of life Work in Brighstone Parish, if so what would you hope probably not be able to to do? Move away from Brighstone Parish to live/work opportunity elsewhere on the Island, if so why?

2 / 12 Brighstone Parish Neighbourhood Plan Youth Survey SurveyMonkey

Q8: Do you need to use public transport to?: Go to school Yes

Go to college Yes

Go to a sport or leisure activity Yes

Go to visit friends or family who live elsewhere Yes

Go shopping Yes

Go to a part time job Yes

Please tell us if the current bus timetable or fare costs far from it its useless & I can't see it stop you from doing something that you would like to changing - from a business POV its not do. Give details of what it is and why you can't do it. profitable for the operator

Q9: If you could change one thing about Respondent skipped this Brighstone Parish what would it be? question

3 / 12 Brighstone Parish Neighbourhood Plan Youth Survey SurveyMonkey

#3 COMPLETE Collector: Web Link 1 (Web Link) Started: Thursday, July 10, 2014 9:44:40 PM Last Modified: Thursday, July 10, 2014 9:53:22 PM Time Spent: 00:08:42 IP Address:


Q1: Tell us three things that you like most about Brighstone Parish 1 friendly people 2 feel safe 3 theres a park

Q2: Tell us three things you like least about Respondent skipped this Brighstone Parish question

Q3: Do you feel safe from crime living in Yes, Brighstone Parish? Please tell us why Everyone's friendly

Q4: What clubs and societies do you belong to? In Brighstone Parish scouts

Q5: Do you think you might go to college or Yes university?

Q6: If you answered yes to the last question, do A mainland college or university you think you will go to

Q7: If given the opportunity in the future would you: Continue to live in Brighstone Parish, if so where? anywere

Q8: Do you need to use public transport to?: Go to school Yes

Go to visit friends or family who live elsewhere Yes

Q9: If you could change one thing about Brighstone Parish what would it be? Add a skatepark

4 / 12 Brighstone Parish Neighbourhood Plan Youth Survey SurveyMonkey

#4 COMPLETE Collector: Web Link 1 (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 21, 2014 8:58:56 AM Last Modified: Monday, July 21, 2014 9:03:35 AM Time Spent: 00:04:39 IP Address:


Q1: Tell us three things that you like most about Brighstone Parish 1 friendly 2 calm 3 community

Q2: Tell us three things you like least about Brighstone Parish 1 cars going to fast

Q3: Do you feel safe from crime living in Yes Brighstone Parish?

Q4: What clubs and societies do you belong to? In Brighstone Parish brownies, tennis In neighbouring parishes swimming, gymnastics Elsewhere on the Island piano

Q5: Do you think you might go to college or Yes university?

Q6: If you answered yes to the last question, do A mainland college or university you think you will go to

Q7: If given the opportunity in the future would you: Continue to live in Brighstone Parish, if so where? brighstone

Q8: Do you need to use public transport to?: Go to school No

Go to college No

Go to a sport or leisure activity No

Go to visit friends or family who live elsewhere No

Go shopping No

Go to a part time job No

5 / 12 Brighstone Parish Neighbourhood Plan Youth Survey SurveyMonkey

Q9: If you could change one thing about Brighstone Parish what would it be? have the basketball hoop back and more equipment for older children

6 / 12 Brighstone Parish Neighbourhood Plan Youth Survey SurveyMonkey

#5 COMPLETE Collector: Web Link 1 (Web Link) Started: Monday, April 27, 2015 10:00:45 AM Last Modified: Monday, April 27, 2015 10:06:37 AM Time Spent: 00:05:52 IP Address:


Q1: Tell us three things that you like most about Brighstone Parish 1 village life 2 Church 3 open space

Q2: Tell us three things you like least about Brighstone Parish 1 not much happing in the evenings 2 having to get a bus to school 3 no youth centre

Q3: Do you feel safe from crime living in Yes Brighstone Parish?

Q4: What clubs and societies do you belong to? In Brighstone Parish Friday Youth Group In neighbouring parishes n/a Elsewhere on the Island n/a

Q5: Do you think you might go to college or Yes university?

Q6: If you answered yes to the last question, do Not sure you think you will go to

Q7: If given the opportunity in the future would Respondent skipped this you: question

Q8: Do you need to use public transport to?: Go to school Yes

Go to a sport or leisure activity Yes

Go shopping Yes

Please tell us if the current bus timetable or fare costs as a young person most of my pocket stop you from doing something that you would like to money is taken up by bus fares do. Give details of what it is and why you can't do it.

7 / 12 Brighstone Parish Neighbourhood Plan Youth Survey SurveyMonkey

Q9: If you could change one thing about Brighstone Parish what would it be? café for young people hang out.

8 / 12 Brighstone Parish Neighbourhood Plan Youth Survey SurveyMonkey

#6 COMPLETE Collector: Web Link 1 (Web Link) Started: Monday, May 04, 2015 2:50:44 PM Last Modified: Monday, May 04, 2015 3:05:31 PM Time Spent: 00:14:47 IP Address:


Q1: Tell us three things that you like most about Brighstone Parish 1 The park (the recreation area with the swings and the field to play on) 2 Its clean and quiet and safe 3 The beach and the shops

Q2: Tell us three things you like least about Brighstone Parish 1 Buses are rubbish - timings and price

Q3: Do you feel safe from crime living in Yes, Brighstone Parish? Please tell us why I've never heard of any crime here. I know most people or their parents and there aren't lots of strangers wandering around. The grown ups would look after the children in this area if there was a problem.

Q4: What clubs and societies do you belong to? In Brighstone Parish nothing In neighbouring parishes nothing Elsewhere on the Island netball club in Newport

Q5: Do you think you might go to college or Yes university?

Q6: If you answered yes to the last question, do A mainland college or university you think you will go to

Q7: If given the opportunity in the future would you: Continue to live in Brighstone Parish, if so where? no but I may move back if I was elderly Work in Brighstone Parish, if so what would you hope no to do? Move away from the Island, if so why? yes, because there is more opportunities on the mainland

9 / 12 Brighstone Parish Neighbourhood Plan Youth Survey SurveyMonkey

Q8: Do you need to use public transport to?: Go to school Yes

Go to college No

Go to a sport or leisure activity Yes

Go to visit friends or family who live elsewhere Yes

Go shopping Yes

Go to a part time job No

Please tell us if the current bus timetable or fare costs Yes it doesn't run frequently enough. I had stop you from doing something that you would like to to get my mum to pick me up yesterday do. Give details of what it is and why you can't do it. because the Sunday bus doesn't run as often as they do on other days. The fares are really expensive compared to the mainland. It cost me 50p for a single child to go from the shops in Portsmouth to the Hovercraft. It cost me same price bus fare in Oxford and 50p on the bus from Durham to visit my friends in a little village miles away.

Q9: If you could change one thing about Brighstone Parish what would it be? Bus times! More buses, more frequently, running a bit later in the evening and earlier in the morning and cheaper for children. Also why don't they have minibuses or single decker buses more often than one big double decker every two hours?

10 / 12 Brighstone Parish Neighbourhood Plan Youth Survey SurveyMonkey

#7 COMPLETE Collector: Web Link 1 (Web Link) Started: Monday, June 08, 2015 4:59:00 PM Last Modified: Monday, June 08, 2015 5:09:59 PM Time Spent: 00:10:59 IP Address:


Q1: Tell us three things that you like most about Brighstone Parish 1 its near to the beach 2 its very safe 3 not far from the woods

Q2: Tell us three things you like least about Brighstone Parish 1 no skatepark 2 upset other residance when riding scooters/bmx/skateboards

Q3: Do you feel safe from crime living in Yes, Brighstone Parish? Please tell us why because there isnt anybody that would do that because everyone knows eachother

Q4: What clubs and societies do you belong to? In Brighstone Parish snooker club Elsewhere on the Island iow motorcycle club and vectis island pioneers

Q5: Do you think you might go to college or Don't know university?

Q6: If you answered yes to the last question, do Not sure you think you will go to

Q7: If given the opportunity in the future would you: Continue to live in Brighstone Parish, if so where? no Work in Brighstone Parish, if so what would you hope no to do? Move away from Brighstone Parish to live/work don't know elsewhere on the Island, if so why? Move away from the Island, if so why? don't know

11 / 12 Brighstone Parish Neighbourhood Plan Youth Survey SurveyMonkey

Q8: Do you need to use public transport to?: Go to school Yes

Go to a sport or leisure activity No

Go shopping No

Go to a part time job No

Please tell us if the current bus timetable or fare costs the busses arn't regular enough for me to stop you from doing something that you would like to catch one do. Give details of what it is and why you can't do it.

Q9: If you could change one thing about Brighstone Parish what would it be?

add a skate park so that other kids wont be getting in bother as much and wont be irritating to other residence of Brighstone

12 / 12