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Lecture III.6. Plants

Lecture III.6. Plants

Lecture III.6. .

Simplified phylogeny. The word “plants” (Kingdom Plantae) is here taken to mean “” (aka “land plants”), which may be defined as multicellular photoauto- trophs in which one of the life cycle stages is an . This definition excludes green (chlorophytes), which can be multicellular, but which lack such a stage.


 “Plants” = “embryophytes”.

1. Multicellular.

2. a and b cap- ture energy from light. An even simpler phylogeny.

3. Store carbohydrates.

4. Develop from an embryo pro- tected by parental .

 Charophyte algae the sister group.

1. Use CaCo3 for support.

2. Multicellular. Differentiated into , thalli, branchlets.

3. Male (antheridia), female repro- ductive structures (oogonia).

4. protected from desic- cation by sporopollenin, im- A stonewort. Note portant and grain the orange male organs (antheridia). coat component.

2  Embryophytes can be sequentially subdivided as follows:

1. All Embryophytes:

a. Non-tracheophytes. Vascular (water / nutrient conducting) tissue absent: Liverworts, , .

b. Tracheophytes. present.

2. Tracheophytes:

a. absent: Clubmosses, and related.

b. Seeds present: , angiosperms and related.

3. Angiosperms (flowering plants):

a. Monocots. One . Gras- ses, palm , etc.

b. Dicots. Two seed . The majority of plant species.

3 Above. A more detailed plant phylogeny. Note the principal synapomorphies: Ability to live on land; vascular tissue; seeds and . Right. If one equates “plants” with embryo- phytes, the presence of chloro- phyll a and b is a shared an- cestral character, also called a plesiomorphy.


Alternation of Generations – Review.

 Multicellular haploid and diploid individuals.

 Multicellular (2n)

1. Develops mitotically from a diploid .

2. Produces haploid spores Alternating generations in em- by . . Compare with Lec- ture 3.2, p. 21. 3. Spores contained in struc- tures called sporangia.

 Multicellular (n)

1. Develops mitotically from a haploid spore.

2. Produces haploid – also by mitosis.

 Fusion of two gametes results in the formation of a diploid zygote from which the sporophyte develops, etc.

5 Alternation of Generations in Plants.

 In most plants, gametes produced by structures called gametangia. Two kinds:

1. Antheridia produce .

2. Archegonia produce (one per ).

Gametangia (singular, ) protect the gametes from desiccation and mechanical damage. The embryo develops in, and is nourished by, the archegonium (plural archegonia).

6  Archegonial Zygote Retention.

1. Archegonium the site of fer- tilization.

2. Functions as a womb, in which sporophyte develops.

3. Specialized transfer cells function as a placenta. Micrograph of a liverwort gametophyte showing two 4. In flowering plants (angio- developing and ), these functions surrounding transfer cells. performed by other struc- tures.

 Charophyte algae (stone- worts) have archegonial re- tention of the zygote.

1. But these algae are hap- lontic – only the zygote is diploid. Charophyte life cycle. The

zygote is retained in the fe- 2. Therefore, if charophytes male gametangium, which is sister group, called an . multicellular sporophyte a derived trait.

7 and life cycles. In both groups, sperm cells swim to the . In mosses, the gametophyte dominates; in ferns, the sporophyte.

8  In non-tracheophytes, such as mosses, the gameto- phyte is the “plant.” The sporophyte remains attached to the gametophyte on which it is nutritionally dependent.

 In tracheophytes, the sporophyte is the “plant”.

 Embryophyte evolution marked by gametophyte reduc- tion and sporophyte enlargement.

Progressive reduction of the gametophyte and enlargement of the sporophyte. a. In hornworts (non-tracheophytes), the sporo- phyte sits atop, and is nourished by, the photosynthetic game- tophyte. b. In horsetails (non-seed tracheophytes), the gameto- phyte (left) is much smaller than the sporophyte (right).

9 Evolutionary Time Line.

 Cambrian. Molecular phylogenies suggest Cambrian / Precambrian origins.

 Ordovician. Non-tracheophytes.

 Silurian. Possible tracheophytes.

 Devonian.

1. Tracheophytes for sure.

2. Trees / forests.

3. Seed plants.

. .

 Cretaceous.

1. Angiosperms.

2. Darwin’s “abominable mystery”.

 Cenozoic. Angiosperms dominate. Grasslands extensive.

10 Above Left. (Silurian). Some species may have had xylem and phloem. Note the terminal sporangia (spore-bearing structures. Living plant was about 1½ inches tall. Above Right. Thursophyton (Devonian) with scale-like leaflets reminiscent of living clubmosses (primitive tracheophytes). Next Page. A Devo- nian forest. Acanthostega, a labyrinthodont amphibian, is shown in the foreground. The proposed (G. J. Retallack, 2011. J. Geol. 119: 235-258) origin of tetrapods in flooded woodlands supports an “eat here” hypothesis as opposed Alfred Romer’s earlier suggestion that land dwelling was a response to increasing arid- ity. Still another scenario (J. A. Clack. 2007. Int. Comp, Biol. 47: 510–523) links tetrapod evolution to increasing global anoxia, which would have been more of a problem in stagnant waters than on land.


12 Coevolution with Other Organisms.

 Fungi – mycorrhizal associations provide nutrients.

 Herbivores. 1. Defense, e.g., phytolyths.

2. Chemical defenses – “secondary compounds.”

. 1. Flowers attract pollinators. tip, root hairs (circled

arrows) and mycorrhizae. 2. Examples: a. Bee flowers – yellow, strong scent, concentrat- ed . b. Hummingbird flowers – red, tubular c. Hawkmoth flowers – long, white tubes.

 Seed dispersers () – e.g., ingestion / elimination. Datura and hawkmoth.  Mixed interactions – Hawk- moth adults pollinate Datura; larvae eat the leaves.

13 Yucca–Yucca Moth. An Obligate Mutualism.

 Fertilization requires services of the moth. 1. Pollen agglutinated1 into masses called pollinia. 2. superior, i.e., above the pollinia.

 Female moth. 1. Collects pollinia with ten- Yucca moth gathering pollen. tacles that only she has. 2. Chews them up to free the pollen grains 3. Pushes masticated pollinia down stigmatic canal. 4. Injects eggs into the plant’s ovary with special- ized ovipositor. 5. Go here to watch

1. Developing larvae eat the immature seeds; exit thru wall and pupate in the soil near base of plant. Top. Yucca moth on . 2. Yucca plants selectively Bottom. a. seed pod; b. seed abort with too many pod with larval exit holes; c. developing larvae. larva inside seed row.

1 Pollen grains stuck together.

14 Transition to Land.

 Embryophyte ancestors lived in fresh water – facilitated fertilization by flagellated sperm.

 Terrestrial existence offered abundant resources:

1. Light.

2. CO2.

 And it presented problems:

1. Desiccation / gas exchange.

2. Support / transport.

3. Acquiring water / nutrients from the soil.

4. Reproduction – getting the sperm to the egg.

15 Desiccation / Gas Exchange.

 Waxy cuticle – prevents evaporative water loss.

 Stomata are pores that permit gas exchange. 1. Each pore surrounded by a pair of guard cells.

2. When the guard cells swell, the pore opens. a. Normally, pores open during the day; close at night.

b. When the plant is water-stressed, stomata remain closed during the day.

Transverse section of a leaf. Cuticle (upper and lower surface) prevents water loss. Stomata (lower surface) permit gas ex- change via guard cells that swell when exposed to light if the leaf is adequately hydrated.


Stomatal opening and closing. In response to light and water avail- ability, potassium ions, 푲+, are pumped into the guard cells. Water follows. This causes the guard cells to bow outward, thereby open- ing the pore. The structural basis of this response is two-fold: 1. Radially oriented microfibrils prevent guard di- ameter from increasing. As a result, the response to water entry is stretching. 2. The thinner outer guard cell walls stretch more easily than the thicker inner walls. This causes the cells bow away from each as shown in the figure.

17 Transport and Support.

 Vascular plants have specialized structures to transport water, minerals and throughout the plant.

1. Xylem conducts water / minerals from to leaves.

a. Series of continuous “pipes” formed from dead cells.

b. Developed gradually in the course of .

2. Xylem also provides support via secondary .

Evolution of xylem in embryophytes. Secondary cell wall formed of a complex biopolymer called lignin, provides strength. Tracheids (cells with pores in the secondary cell wall) and vessel elements (cells with larger openings penetrating both primary and secondary cell walls) enhance transport. Phylogenetic note: Vessel elements evolved inde- pendently in gymnosperms and angiosperms.

18  Water Transport / Support in Non-Tracheophytes.

1. Some, e.g., mosses, have simple conducting cells that lack the perforated secondary cell walls of vascu- lar plant tracheids.

2. Many

a. Grow in dense moist masses through which water moves by capillary action.

b. Have leaf-like structures that catch and hold water.

c. Small enough for nutrients to circulate by diffusion.

3. No support, they just sprawl.

19  Water Transport in Tracheophytes.

1. In aquatic environment, plant surrounded by water. a. Cytosol ~ isotonic with seawater. b. Cell wall prevents membrane rupture in freshwater where the water flow is into the cell.

2. On land, water must be ac- quired from the soil and transported to the leaves. a. Root hairs absorb water from the soil. b. Xylem transports the wa- ter upwards.

3. Transport driven by evapo- . a. Like sucking soda through a straw. b. Evaporation provides the “suck” – tension. c. Water molecules “stick” together (cohesion). d. Result is a of wa- ter traveling up the xylem. Top. Water transport from e. When the column gets too soil to leaves. Bottom. Red- long, it breaks. This limits leaves get smaller as height. one goes up the tree.

20  A Really Cool Experiment.

1. Observation: Leaf size de- creases as one goes up a redwood tree.

2. Alternative Hypotheses:

a. Lack of water.

b. Increased sunlight (“sun” vs. “shade” leaves).

3. Observation: At 95 m., epi- phytic2 redwood leaves larger than host leaves.

4. Experiment: Branches re- moved from the host tree at Top. Epiphyte (E) and host (H) tree leaves. Bottom. 90 m. above the ground and Host tree branches (HP) grown in pots expand. [Pho- grown in pots placed in can- tos from Koch et al. 2004. opy. Nature. 428: 851-854.]

5. Conclusion: leaf size depends on water availability which determines degree to which leaves expanded.

2 Obtain water from soil accumulated on host tree, i.e., in crooks & crannies.

21  Sucrose Transported by Phloem.

1. Sucrose actively transported from source cells into the phloem sieve tube cells. 2. Water taken up from nearby xylem by osmosis. 3. Water pressure drives down the sieve tube to companion cells in roots. 4. Water moves back to the xylem.

 Water transport in xylem does not require energy expenditure (water flows down concentra- tion gradient). Sucrose trans- port, does.

22 Plant phylogeny with support / transport synapomorphies. Note the in- dependent evolution (circled in red) of vessel elements in angiosperms and some gymnosperms.

23 Reproduction.

 Retention of embryo in archegonia reduces need for water.

1. Embryo develops in moist, internal environment. But,

2. In non-seed plants motile sperm must swim to the egg.

3. Complete independence of water not achieved until the evolution of seeds and pollen.

 In non-seed plants, there is one type of spores (homo- spory) that develop into bisexual

 In seed plants, two types of spores () that develop into male or female gametophytes.

1. produce that develop into ♂♂ gametophytes that produce sperm.

2. Megasporangia produce that develop into ♀♀ gametophytes that produce eggs.

3. Micro- or megasporangia can be on the same or dif- ferent individuals – i.e., sporophytes can be male, female, .


 Pollen Grains

1. Male gametophytes, each surrounded by a protective outer coat of sporopol- lenin (exine) and an inner coat of cellulose (intine). Pollen grain schematic. 2. Dispersed by wind or ani- mal pollinators.

3. Produce sperm that is delivered to the female gameto- phyte.

4. Result is fertilization, a diploid embryo and a seed.

25 5. Non-angiosperm seeds contain tissue from three generations.

a. Megasporangium (2n) – be- comes the seed coat.

b. Female gametophyte (n) – nu- tritive tissue.

c. Embryo (2n) – the new sporo- phyte. Development arrested un- til seed germinates.

6. In angiosperms (flowering plants), a. ♀ gametophyte reduced to 7 Simplified schematic cells; no longer nourishes em- of an angiosperm bryo – i.e., no archegonium. seed. a. seed coat; b. triploid ; c. b. Nutritive tissue develops from seed leaf; d. embry- triploid (3n) endosperm via a onic stem. process called (assigned video).

c. Seeds protected by ovary / fruit tissue.

7. In gymnosperms (conifers), a. ♀ gametophyte reduced; still nourishes embryo.

b. No endosperm. Naked seeds (no ovary).

26 Flowers.

 Key (along with seeds) to angiosperm success – 250,000+ species.

Flower structure. Pistil and respectively the female and male parts. Ovaries contain ; ovules contain megasporangia; and megasporangia contain megagametophytes. Likewise, anthers contain microsporangia, etc. / are often brightly colored to attract pollinators. Stamens, pistils, sepals and petals all evolved from leaves.

27 Plant phylogeny with reproductive synapomorphies.