The Toreador
THE TOREADOR Volume XXIV Texas Technological College, Lubbock, Saturday, February 11, 1950 Number 34 Russel Brown Named Speaker For Spring Commencement Possible Record Spring Enrollment First All-Campus Graduating Class Shows Decrease Sing Set For April To Hear Lawyer Final figures on spring registra- An All-Campus Sing, to be es- tion show 5,398 students enrolled in By JACK SHELTON tablished as an annual event, will Tech. This number includes 1,323 Toreador Staff Writer be held at 6:30.8:30 p.m. Friday, women and 4,075 men, and shows a April 28, in the gymnasium, accord- decrease of about 450 students from ing to James G. Allen, dean of men. Russel • B. Brown, Wash- The sing will be open to all or- the last semester total of 5,844, ac ington, D. C. lawyer and ganizations except musical ones. cording to Miss Evelyn Clewell, as- general council for the In- Size of the singing group is option- sistant registrar. dependent Petroleum Asso- al. Groups representing campus or- All divisions except graduate ciation of America, is to be ganizations will compete for tro- showed a slight downward trend in the principal speaker at com- phies, said Dean Allen. enrollees. A breakdown of the total There are to be no mixed groups. mencement exercises May 22, enrollment into divisions shows arts Each must be composed either en- and sciences leading with 1,920 stu- Dr. D. M. Wiggins, president, tirely of men or entirely of women. dents, a decrease of 47 from the fall has announced. Each will be allowed six minutes in semester.
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