•v,.'.nfAA*WWll y PAGE EIGHTEEN TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1967 l®mtrljp0tfr ?Ettpntng l^pralh Avenge Daily Net Presa Run For tho Week Ended The Weather October 12. 1887 Fetmam H U . B. W m *»m B m M The executive board of the Man­ The Motherhood of Mary which was decorated with tables GOP Women Plan TESSPnOL SEPTIC TAkK CIOCCIKC About Town chester Republican Women's Club Mothers Circle will meet tomor­ Refrigerator Needed Rev, Rask, Wife set with candles and arrangeWienta 12,690 will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at row at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. of muma A wedding cake graced PREUHTEO; ,Net no eeel tonight, Lew In 48a. the home of Mrs. Charles Lesper- Raymond J. Murphy. 33 Dorothy Events for Year Thj Town Welfare Depart­ Feted at Church the’center table, and refreshments Member of the Audit Tbem iny mild, rate begtamtaig Intn Chapter, N'o. 91, Ro^ral ance. 21 SL John St., following the Rd. Mrs. I^roy Parker will be co- Buremi of OIrenlatlea Arch Maaons, will hold a buaineaa ment la appealing for an elec­ were served by a 'Committee of In Um day or Mglit. Hlgb In 78a, caucus of the Republican party at hbstess. All members are reminded The Women’s Republican Club tric refrigerator to give to a wlUch .Mrs. Robert Widham and meeting'at Ita regular meeting to- 7:30 in the Municipal iSuilding. to bring articles for the rummage On Anniversary Manchestef’^ A City of Village Charm morrhw evening at 7:30 in the Ma- of Manchester is formulating plans family in need. Mrs.' HJalmar Carlson were Co- sale to be held following the busi-. chairmen, Others on the committee aonic Temple. The meeting will be ness session. for an active year, according to The department mdy be The Rev. and Mrs. K. EJnar The Past Mistress Club of reached by telephoning the Mu­ Included Mrs. Ivar Caclson. Mrs. VOL. LXXVn, NO. 14 (THIRTY-TWO PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) followed by the usual aocial hour Daughters of Liberty, No. 125. Mra. Raymond Bchaller, president. Rask were honored by members MANCHESTER CONN; WEDNESDAY; OCTOBER 16, 1957 (Ommlfled Adm rtM ag an Page M ) PRKX nVB CENTS and refreshments. The subject of the Rev. H. G. nicipal Building. Paul Norllng, Mrs. Anna Ogren LOLI. will meet Friday at 8 p.m. The Membership Committee, of and friends of Covenant Congre­ and Mrs. Alfred Olsson. at the home of Mrs. Jessie Lyons. Cattail's talk this evening at 8 A few openings are still avail­ o'clock at Zioh Church will be which Mrs. Samuel J.' Turkin^on gational Church on their 10th w.ed-' During the social hour. Nelson, | I 88 Goodwin St. Jr. la Ohairmiin. is working on the able in the modem dance class for "Wedding Bells, the Marriage. local police were "out to get him" dlng anniversary last Friday eve­ on behalf of the church, pijesented i Shoppers to Profit; women being offered by the YWCA Feast Call." He will answer ques­ fIraC meeting of the year at which ning. ) . the pastor and his wife with two The Alpine Society will miet to­ new members will be received. The and that was why the arrest was on Thursday evenings from 7:49 tions and offer counsel to inquir­ made. During a recess. Judge Karp, ifiie chairman of the church, leather-top end tables. [ G>upons in Herald to 8:49 at the Community. Further night at 7:30 at the W. P. Quiah ers. and win be assisted by Pastor committee consists of Mrs. Wil­ Richard Nelson, presided during Present also were a number of l Sputnik Spurs on the request of Atty. Harold Gar- information may be obtained by Funeral Home, to pay their re­ Paul G. Prokopy. All interested liam Glenney Jr.. Mrs. Carl Rohr- the brief program which was pre- people who had attended the w ed-1 spects to Mrs. Margaret Clgnetti, bach. &Ira. Calvin Steineker, Mrs. rlty, defense 'counsel, viewed the Three' whole pages of eou- calling the YWCA offlce. are invited. scene where Patrolman Grover said aenteef in the church sanctuary. ding 10 years ago, including the LECLERG who was a member of the society. Donald Kuehl, Mrs; Arthur Bur' After singing two hymns. "Thanks pastor's parents, Mr. and Mrs.-Carl poni, offering discounts on ria FUNERAL HOME nap. Mrs. Donald Hemingway. Mrs, he was stationed at the time of the different kinds of retail mer- The lilorning Star Mothers Circle St. Anne's Mothers Circle will offense. to God" and "Leaning on the Ever­ Rask of Springfield, Mass.; Mrs. Will meet tomorrow night at 8 All Saints Mothers Circle will Edmund Earle. Mrs. Fr^erlck lasting Arms," Maurice Swenson William Dezalia of Springfield: the chandiae appear in today's meet tomorrow at 7 p.m. for a pot- Peck. Mra Joseph Pero, Mrs. Rob­ Jamea P. Kopteroa, 19. of o'clock at the home of Mrs. Pauline meet tomorrow at 8:1'5 at the, luck at the home of Mrs. P. J. led in the reading of the Scriptures Rev. and Mrs. Johnson: and Mrs. FUNERAL- Scientist Spat Herald In the Manchester L ^lanc, 99 Coleman Rd. The co- home of Mrs. Michael Treschuk, ert Starkel and Mrs. W. Davicl Talcotville, was lined 321 for reck­ Sedolf Eklund, formerly a neigh­ Chamber of Commerce's Cou­ Peak, 10 Beech SL less driving. He was arrested by and in prayer. Special musical hostess will be Mrs. Blanche Hare. Rt. 44A, Coventry. Mrs. .John Keith. numbers were rendered by John bor of the pastor's, now residing in ' SERVICE pon Day promotion. Petrucelli and Mra. Roland Mor­ Mrs. Charles Lesperance, chair­ State Policeman Mario Palumbo Vernon. i Under the sponsorship of the The regular weekly meeting of on Rt. 15 on Sept. 5. Palumbp McCallum, the phurch Choir, and Walter N, St. Jude Thaddeus Mothers rison will be co-hostesses. Members man of the Finance Committee, a men's quintet. Program arrangements were Washington, Oct. 16 (JP)—^ Jaatrow'a views about the poi- Chamber’s Retail Division, 45 the Civil Air Patrol will he held will announce her plans for the testifled that he saw Kopteroa and Leclere aible early death of the sateTllte Orcle has postponed Its meeting of the circle are reminded to make HJalmar Carlson, member of-the handled by Nelson and Carlson. | Director X government scientist says . businessmen have placed 82 from tomorrow evening to next reservations for the'Mothers Cir­ at the American Legion Home atj year in the near future. Mrs. John the dirver of another vehicle driv­ coincided with a report broad­ coupons In The Herald. Clipped on Board of Deacons, and Mrs. Pat­ Wednesday et ening at the home of cles' annual Imnquet slated Thurs­ 7 p.m. Wednesday. Bowen, program chairman, plans ing erratically on the parkway. Russia’s sputnik—-which has cast by Moscow Monday night The other driver was not arrested. terson Chaffin, a former school­ Main Street. Manchester out and presented to these Mrs. Herbert Carvey, 95 Scar­ day. No-v. 7." at the Rosemount to have bi-monthly meetings with mate and roommate of Mrs. Rask ■r ▼▼ 'ir ▼▼ ▼▼ ▼▼ ▼ circled the Earth’ for 12 days which Indicated iputnik likely nierchants tomorrow, they will borough Rd. Mrs.' Thomas speakers who will discuss current Atty. Garrtty pointed out in de­ Cali Ml 9-5869 would fall from outer apace in a Restaurant, Bolton. fending Kopteroa. while at North Park College in — may plunge from its orbit 4 o|rfer discounts and savings on Sweeney and Mra. Robert Brennan political and civic issues. Mrs. Chicago, brought greetings and of­ > FRESH GANDY 4 land burst into flames within week. articles from soaps to dishes. will berths co-hostesses. Alan Wabrek, son of Mr. and Public Records Bowen will be assisted by Mrs Jo.seph F. Sardella, 34, of 86 fered their congratulations.''' L Kept In Refrigerated Cases 4 The Naval coiiaultant aaid in an Coupon Day is the Cham­ Gustave Eicholtzer and Mrs. Falknor Dr., charged with evad­ a week. interview that electromagnetic Mrs. John.M. Wabrek, 15 Benton Present at the occasion was the Whitman — Srhmft — P *8 That irlew, axpraaaed by Robert ber's third promotion this .year. Advertisement- St., has been elected president of IVarmiilee Deeda Thomas Ferguson. Mrs. Jack Mer­ ing reaponaiblity, was fined 350. minister who officiated at the wed­ 4 , forcflT might posaibly explain vari- In first two, Manchester bays Says Red Territory He was Involved In a 2-car ac­ Jas trow of the Naval Raaaarch atibna in sputnik's orbit which his class for the second consecu­ Margaret Roman and Frank C. cer and Mrs. Harlah Taylor, co- ding 10 years ago In Charles City, and Fall Fashion Time, a ma­ Rummage Sale Wednesday Oct. chairmen of the Hospitality Com­ cident on Center St. on Oct. 5. ^Arthur Drug Stores 1 Laboratory here, generally nina have baffled some icientists. tive year. He is a Junior at Clark Valento to Jamea J. Quinn and Iowa. The Rev. K. A. Johnson, re­ counter to other weatem predic- jority of retailers participat­ 16.—9 a.m. North Methodist University. As a freshman, he mittee. are also forming a com­ Sardella posted a 3100 bond for tired and residing in Springfield, There have been references to Flla E. Quinh, property at 146-148 appeal. DEVELOPING tiona that the eatqlUte might re­ an "u n k n o w n" force which, ap­ ing reported increased salee. Church, 447 No. Main St. served as class treasurer.
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