A Cognitive-Affective System Theory of Personality: Reconceptualizing Situations, Dispositions, Dynamics, and Invariance in Personality Structure
Psychological Review Copyright 1995 by the American Psychological Association, Inc. 1995, Vol. 102, No. 2, 246-268 0033-295X/95/$3,00 A Cognitive-Affective System Theory of Personality: Reconceptualizing Situations, Dispositions, Dynamics, and Invariance in Personality Structure Walter Mischel and Yuichi Shoda Columbia University A theory was proposed to reconcile paradoxical findings on the invariance of personality and the variability of behavior across situations. For this purpose, individuals were assumed to differ in (a) the accessibility of cognitive-affective mediating units (such as encodings, expectancies and beliefs, affects, and goals) and (b) the organization of relationships through which these units interact with each other and with psychological features of situations. The theory accounts for individual differ- ences in predictable patterns of variability across situations (e.g., if A. then she X, but ifE then she Y), as well as for overall average levels of behavior, as essential expressions or behavioral signatures of the same underlying personality system. Situations, personality dispositions, dynamics, and struc- ture were reconceptualized from this perspective. The construct of personality rests on the assumption that in- dividual's characteristic average levels of behavior. Toward that dividuals are characterized by distinctive qualities that are rela- goal, we propose a cognitive-affective system theory of person- tively invariant across situations and over time. In a century of ality, drawing in part on the growing body of evidence and the- personality research, however, abundant evidence has docu- orizing on individual differences in social and emotional infor- mented that individual differences in social behaviors tend to be mation processing (e.g., as reviewed in Contrada, Leventhal, surprisingly variable across different situations.
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