2 FELLOWS n nrpeerhp ciia thinking critical and adaptability. entrepreneurship, in of tomorrowbyproviding programs generation tobe the changemakers academy thatwillempowerthenext goal istocreateanin-houseuniversity stage investments in startups. Her how governmentscanspurearly- ecosystem inSharjahbyexploring continue building the entrepreneurship of her fellowship, Al-Midfa intends to and ecosystemsupporters.Asaresult 2,000 entrepreneurs,investors,mentors Festival, atwo-daygatheringofover annual SharjahEntrepreneurship sales to-date.Sheraaalsohoststhe generated over$24Mincumulative jobs and investments, createdover500 ventures have raised over $37M in portfolio ofover70startups.Thesenew has led Sheraa’s development of a innovative startups, entrepreneurs astheybuildandgrow ecosystem inSharjahandsupport mandated tobuildtheentrepreneurial As chief executive of a center productively engageNigeria’syouth. and entrepreneurship initiative to Abdullahi developedaneducation people. 190 million On fellowship the largestpopulationinAfricawith engagement in Nigeria, which has was responsibleforpublic-sector as aDirectorwithOracle,wherehe Previously,Abdullahiserved 2019. Enugu andIbadan—bytheendof Nigerian cities—PortHarcourt,Kaduna, 200 locationsacrossfour additional the serviceisscheduletoexpand several locationsin Lagos and Abuja, manage hotspots.Alreadylivein based platform to provide and and locationswhileitoffersacloud- service providers for infrastructure places. Googlewillpartner with local high-speed WiFihotspotsinpublic Station, aplatformforprovidingfree, partnerships forrollingoutGoogle creating and managing the ecosystem Saidu Abdullahi world’s NextBillionUsersinAfrica, fast and affordable Internet to the As partofGoogle’sefforttoprovide is responsiblefor Najla Al-Midfa GLOBAL FELLOWS

field of regenerative medicine into medicine clinical applicationsatCharité,one regenerative of in the field discoveries scientific promising of researcherswhoaretransforming and gene therapies, leads a team in the clinical development of cell Mohamed Abou El-Enein health techpioneers. Chinese Taipei,oneofAsia’sleading healthcare innovationsoriginatingin higher goalofintroducingtheworldto the U.S.healthcareecosystemwith Onfellowshipheinvestigated billion. Americans atanannualcostof$176 a chronic disease that affects 30million was developed to help treat diabetes, the PixoTest Blood Glucose monitor, product, first Their devices. mobile their to conductinstanthealthcheckupson technology toenableordinarypeople company utilizessmartphonecamera processing at MIT and Caltech. His Chen wastrainedinopticsandsignal health techstartupinChineseTaipei. and corporatecultureatamobile development, competitive strategy Carson Chen and publicsafety. stem cell use, protecting global health income countries, and to guide global stem cell research in low and middle- regulatory permissive environments for the challengesassociatedwith governance frameworktoaddress fellowship, helookstodevelopaglobal phenomena. Asaresultofhis spread ofthesepotentiallydangerous stakeholders totakeactionlimitthe within and across transnational through establishment of a consensus technologies beyondstemcell, therapies, as wellemerging health clinics marketingunprovenstemcell to addressingtheglobalriseof Europe. Dr.AbouEl-Eneiniscommitted of thelargestuniversityhospitalsin overseestechnology apioneer GLOBAL FELLOWS

Burak Dalgin is a Managing Director As the senior innovation advisor to the Collin Haba is a journalist at Rwanda’s at Darby Private Equity, the emerging President of Paraguay, Jazmín Gustale only English-language newspaper, market principal investing arm of Gill leads five of the President’s priority which was founded in 1995, one year Franklin Templeton Investments. initiatives, by articulating policies after the explosion of ethnic hatred He co-leads Darby’s Central & between public institutions and that produced the Tutsi genocide. Southeastern European funds, which civil society. These programs aim to In addition to the daily’s traditional have made two dozen investments improve Paraguay’s environment for role of informing, educating and and eighteen exits. He sits on the business, foster a national innovation entertaining its readers, The New Times investment committees of two ecosystem and attract technological feels a responsibility to foster unity and regional funds and on boards of investments. Furthermore, her work reconciliation in Rwanda’s once highly several portfolio companies. Prior includes boosting competitiveness divided society. He is responsible for the to joining Darby, Burak worked at and increasing productivity of creative overall management of the paper, with McKinsey’s New York and Boston industries. She is especially interested an emphasis on its transition to digital- offices for over three years. He sits in how technology and innovation first operations. Haba is president of the on the boards of ’s Harvard can help a country go from an Rwanda Journalists’ Association and Alumni Association, Keiretsu Angel agricultural and livestock economy to formerly worked at Imbuto Foundation, Investment Network and EDAM think a knowledge economy. On fellowship implementing the initiatives of the First tank, and is a Steering Committee she conducted a study to be called Lady of Rwanda. member for a U.N.-Turkey social “Innova Paraguay,” to gather data impact accelerator initiative. On and make recommendations for fellowship Dalgin explored impact how to best advance an innovation investing with a focus on refugees. He ecosystem in her country. is particularly interested in potentially leveraging fintech capabilities (e.g. crowdfunding, payment systems) to make impact investing more effective.

As the interim director of Amnesty A leading politician in his native Motivated by her personal experience International in Hungary, Júlia Iván Colombia, Rodrigo Lara has served in as someone living with a large (Hungary) was responsible for speaking both houses of his country’s Congress. birthmark on her face, Rozella Mahjhrin out on human rights issues in her country. He spent four years in the House of turned her struggles with bullying In 2017 more than 4,200 Hungarian Representatives, and was elected and depression into a Facebook children participated in Amnesty’s Speaker in 2017. Currently he is a forum for open conversations about human rights lessons in more than senator with the Cambio Radical disfigurement and other difficult 60 schools. She supervised Amnesty party, and member of a commission conditions. Created in 2015, True Hungary’s campaigns on restrictive that addresses constitutional, territorial Complexion uses storytelling and legislation on non-governmental and other issues. Lara is the author of photography to raise awareness about organizations (NGOs), human rights laws that reformed the rules governing health conditions, disabilities and body defenders, rule of law, refugees and organ donations and repayment of image issues. On fellowship she wanted transgender people. On fellowship she student loans. He was instrumental in to expand the forum into a full-fledged interviewed state agents, academics, legislation on the peace agreement website to grow and sustain the and individuals at major rescue with the country’s FARC rebels, one initiative. As a secondary objective she committees and refugee councils and of Colombia’s most divisive issues. would like to start a conversation with visit U.S. cities and communities that On fellowship he learned about best the Malaysian Ministry of Education have been successful in integrating practices in adapting military research about expanding school access for and empowering refugees. Her goal is and development to help advance differently-abled children. to produce a series of case studies that the broader economy. can be applied in a European context to change the discourse on migration.


A university lecturer, Darlene An associate professor of public health Aisha Nawaz Chaudhary leads Mutalemwa focuses on improving at one of the largest autonomous the effort to revamp and optimize employment prospects for college universities in Indonesia, Sudirman government-run schools as Chairperson graduates in Tanzania. To address Nasir trains students for jobs as health of the Standing Committee on what she calls a “disconnect” between promotion officers, epidemiologists, School Education in Pakistan’s largest graduates and the needs of employers, community nutritionists, Ministry of province. Before the elections, she in 2015 she founded Graduate Sales Health workers and other related was the lead on media strategy and Bootcamp, an interactive training careers. In the provincial capital where coordination in the province for her course to practice the skills required his university is located, he has played party. She is a founding member of of successful job seekers. By 2016, 60 a key role in the creation of a needle- the Pakistan Policy Forum, a caucus percent of the Bootcamp graduates exchange program to cut down on HIV of young political leaders across party found employment within six months. and other blood-borne viral infections lines focusing on evidence-driven On fellowship she acquired the among people who inject drugs, policy making. She leverages her knowledge needed to scale up the despite a strong social stigma. The experience in technology start-ups Bootcamp from its current one-day model was replicated in other cities and business optimization in improving training session into a three-to-six- in Indonesia. On fellowship he gained governance with a focus on service month training regimen. an understanding of U.S. anti-drug delivery. On fellowship she met experts policies and how they were modified in the political community with the goal over time. He believes that Indonesia’s of increasing political participation current policies “focus too heavily on by women in Pakistani politics and law enforcement … and overlook the improving education outcomes in the need for sufficient health and social Punjab Province. support to enable young people to resist drugs.”

Environmental activist Khanh Nguy Eloy Oliveira leads Instituto República, Bio-medical researcher Phoebe Phillips leads an NGO that promotes a foundation focused on promoting leads a group in Australia that is sustainable development in Vietnam. professional development within Brazil’s seeking a cure for pancreatic cancer, She also established the Vietnam public-service sector. The foundation one of the world’s deadliest diseases. Sustainable Energy Alliance, a network led the creation of an award to Based at the University of South Wales of 11 Vietnamese and international recognize the country’s best public in Sydney, her laboratory houses more environmental organizations that servants. Among the organizations than 250 researchers. Internationally collaborate on regional energy issues. that his foundation has supported recognized as an expert in cancer In April 2018, she became the first are the Female Leadership Network, cell biology, Phillips’ research has person from Vietnam to be awarded a fellowship for women who aspire to identified a novel drug which inhibits the prestigious Goldman Environmental leadership roles in public service, and pancreatic cancer growth in mice. She Prize. The Goldman Prize, created Vetor Brasil, a start-up that matches is a former executive board director by philanthropists Richard and Rosa university graduates with opportunities of the Australian Society for Medical Goldman, is bestowed annually on in the public sector as a gateway Research. On fellowship she developed “grassroots heroes” from the world’s for careers in management. Oliveira a model to facilitate collaborations six inhabited continents. On fellowship co-created the largest investment between academic researchers and Nguy explored the establishment of alliance between Foundations to invest the pharmaceutical industry. a Clean Energy Facility to support in public service improvement in Brazil. Vietnam’s transition to renewable His goal on fellowship was to create a energy solutions. workplace assessment tool similar to ones that are used in the United States to identify best practices among public employees, and also benchmark other foundations to improve his work.


Braimah Sulemana is chief executive As a member of India’s senior executive Séverine Wernert is an adviser on of the most prominent freedom of level civil service, Vishnu Venugopalan security, counter-terrorism, organized expression organization in West Africa, has served as Project Head and Officer crime and police/intelligence defending the free speech rights of on Special Duty (OSD) in the Ministry cooperation for the European journalists and activists from its base in of Shipping, Government of India. As Commissioner in charge of Security, Ghana. Because of his organization’s the lead officer for a $200 billion USD Julian King. The European Commission advocacy, families of journalists who international transshipment hub in is based in Belgium as the executive were murdered or tortured under the south India, Venugopalan oversaw the branch of the European Union and former regime of Yahya Jammeh in The project design and planning as well as is composed of 28 Commissioners Gambia have won compensation from consultations with local and national (one for each Member States of the the new government. On fellowship stakeholders. He has also worked in European Union). Among other career he developed a center for media various sectors in the Government highlights, she also worked as an excellence to groom and mentor of Tamil Nadu, expanding public adviser to the French Minister of Interior young investigative journalists in the programs and enabling vulnerable during the terrorist events in France in belief that such reporting can improve populations to gain access to 2015. Among other issues, she worked transparency and accountability in vital resources and social services. on legislation that restricts access government. Presently he is the Executive Director to the most dangerous firearms and of Tamil Nadu Skill Development explosives. On fellowship she explored Corporation. Prior to joining the Indian how to improve information sharing Administrative Service (IAS) he was part between intelligence services, law of the prestigious Prime Minister’s Rural enforcement, government authorities Development Fellowship. On fellowship and the private sector, notably internet he developed a conflict resolution companies, which can detect terrorist- framework for evaluating large related material or content on their infrastructure projects in India and platforms. mitigating environmental challenges to development.

Kim Yin Wong is the chief executive of As a regional leader in one of the world’s As an advisor to Italy’s prime minister, the SP Group, which owns and operates largest youth-serving NGOs, Noël Andrea Tobia Zevi was active Singapore’s electricity and gas Zemborain oversees financial literacy, implementing multi-billion-dollar plans transmission and distribution networks. work readiness and entrepreneurship to improve the country’s cities and SP also has a significant investment in programs throughout Argentina. The regenerate urban suburbs. In 2015, he Australia’s electricity and gas networks. Junior Achievement (JA) network founded “Rome, Speak It Loud,” an Previously Wong held the positions of serves more than 10 million students in NGO that addresses city challenges Director of AES Transpower, Chairman 100 countries. In Argentina, Zemborain and proposed solutions. Between for SGSP (Australia) Assets Pty Ltd. and leads a JA affiliate reaching more January 2015 and December 2016, Senior Managing Director at Temasek than 40,000 students annually, thanks Zevi served as advisor for human rights Holdings Ltd. Active in his country’s to support of 3,500 volunteers and 400 and international cooperation to the education initiatives, Wong serves companies and sponsor organizations. Minister of Foreign Affairs. In addition on Singapore Polytechnics board of On fellowship, she developed an to his work in politics, Zevi is active in governors and was recently appointed innovative and engaging curriculum Italy’s Jewish community. He currently chairman of SkillsFuture Singapore. On that incorporates blended learning serves as President of the Hans Jonas fellowship he tapped into innovations principles for students ages 12 to Association of Jewish Culture, a group underway in the U.S. energy industry 18. The curriculum will focus on soft he co-founded. Zevi writes for several as part of the effort to implement his and digital skills, work readiness and Italian newspapers and magazines, company’s “30-30-30” strategic vision - entrepreneurship. Zemborain’s goal including “Huffingtonpost.it” and to reduce energy costs by 30 percent, is to address Argentina’s high school “Moked.it.” On fellowship he surveyed and carbon emissions by 30 percent by dropout rate (50%) and ensure youth various urban experiments in the United the year 2030. are well equipped to plan their lives States, including tourism, transportation and have a smoother transition to the and recycling initiatives, then apply world of work or advanced studies. what he learns for the betterment of Rome.



Gustavo Almeida is the Chief Planning Andrés Barriga co-founded Portola Nadia Blel Scaff is the youngest Officer for the State Secretariat for Growth Partners, a venture capital woman elected to the Senate the Social Development of Minas firm, in 2018 and currently serves as its of Colombia. Representing the Gerais, whose mission is to support Managing Partner. Barriga believes Colombian Conservative party, municipalities and NGOs in reducing that technology drives progress and she is actively focused on health poverty, improving workers’ skills social mobility, and aims to play an policies and women’s and children’s and protecting human rights. active role in Latin America’s digital rights as the President of the Senate Almeida leads the State Strategic transformation. Portola Growth Partners Committee on Health and Labor. Plan for Human Rights and Social invests in and partners with local startups Blel Scaff has championed laws that Development, with special focus specializing in business-to-business promote gender equality, sexual on sustainable development. He software which can positively impact and reproductive rights and protect promoted a humanitarian aid effort Latin America’s overall economic abused women. She was the author following the deadly mining disaster productivity and competitiveness. of the law that created the National in Brumadinho in January 2019, and As Managing Partner, Barriga seeks Sex Offender Registry and the sponsor implemented the first governmental out attractive startup investment of a bill to prohibit the use of asbestos, big data application in Brazil with the opportunities in early-growth stages, which was approved by Congress in goal of job creation and GDP growth. conducts market research and 2019. Blel Scaff used her fellowship to With a decade of experience as a civil mentors local entrepreneurs. The develop BEAT, a rehabilitation program servant and a belief that the greatest venture capital industry in Latin centered on musical education impact happens at the local level, America is still in its early days, with to target at-risk youth and juvenile Almeida intends to begin a political little expertise on driving regional and offenders re-entering society. With just career with a run for mayor in 2021. On international expansion. On fellowship, half of Colombian students graduating fellowship, he looked at successful local Barriga researched successful startups, from college, Blel Scaff focused on development in the U.S. and meet with venture capital fundraising strategies developing policies that can prevent current and former politicians, as well and investment criteria in the U.S. as students from leaving the education as leaders in advocacy and legislation. well as how investors support their system and re-engaging those that portfolio companies. have.

Saffrey Brown is the Co-founder of Francisco Buchara serves as the As Director of Infrastructure for CAF, a The Leap Co., a startup founded in Secretary of Productive Development development bank headquartered Kingston, Jamaica, that develops for the Municipality of San Nicolás. He in Venezuela and co-owned by 17 and invests in impact businesses and leads the departments of education, Latin American countries, Ángel social enterprises at the community entrepreneurship, city planning, industry Cárdenas Sosa oversees and develops and regional level. The Leap Co. and international affairs. Buchara infrastructure strategy for Argentina, delivers socially responsible solutions works to achieve local development Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and to environmental and economic through public-private collaboration Uruguay. CAF is the principal bank that challenges, with a goal of creating a and building government capacity provides infrastructure financing and sustainable, inclusive world. In her role for public innovation. with city leaders sustainable development resources as Head of Innovation for The Leap and the mayor as well as CEOs, NGOs, to Latin American countries. Over the Co., Brown leads the development universities and other decision-makers last decade, Latin America underwent of regional partnerships and to address future challenges of the an expansion period of investment collaborations, with a focus on the city and build a common and long- in and improvement of the quality future of the impact business ecosystem term vision. Buchara used his fellowship of infrastructure due to a growing in Jamaica. Brown believes the most to research a methodology and an middle class. However, Latin America significant challenge facing Jamaica institutional design that will ensure now faces a new economic reality is how it can achieve sustainable the continuity of the G2030’s leaders and less fiscal revenues to incentivize economic growth alongside social group, and create a self-sustained infrastructure investment. On fellowship, equity. On fellowship, she sought to model of local development. He hopes Cárdenas Sosa designed and built an create a mechanism for social finance to share what he learns with other cities initiative for infrastructure development for Jamaica, and the Caribbean at and companies to produce impactful with concrete actions for the region large, to better champion and foster changes in Argentina and Latin that promote competitiveness and impact investing in the region. America, establishing collaborative productivity. ways to solve local problems and future challenges. 7 7 LATIN AMERICAN AND CARIBBEAN FELLOWS

Tonia Casarin is the founder of Fireworks A Venezuelan entrepreneur who Camilo Fonseca Velásquez promotes Education, a startup providing migrated to Peru, Jonathan Castro the sustainability of 400,000 enterprises lifelong learning solutions for students, is the Founder of Lima Emprende, a in Colombia as an Advisor for Congress, educators and organizations. Founded social enterprise whose mission is to Government and Public Policy at the in 2016, Fireworks Education develops connect and develop Latin American National Private Company Supervisor social and emotional content and entrepreneurs living in the capital city (PCS). PCS, an oversight organization systems of innovation through personal of Lima. With more than 400 registered that supervises and protects enterprises development and growth, providing users, Lima Emprende creates and their investors, advises the national resources for a long-lasting impact. networking spaces for local and government of Colombia in policy Casarin is the author of the bestselling migrant entrepreneurs, and promotes matters relating to the supervision of children’s book “I Have Monsters in My the exchange of innovative ideas in commercial and private companies. Tummy,” which helps young readers the Peruvian market. Forced to flee Fonseca Velásquez reports to the and parents engage in conversations an untenable situation in his native National Director of PCS, and drafted about emotions and feelings. She is Venezuela and establish himself in a new legislation to finance small- and an entrepreneurial executive and new country, Castro has a personal medium-sized companies as part of she used her fellowship to connect interest in the empowerment and the National Development Plan of with initiatives and stakeholders development of migrants, especially Colombia. In 2014, he founded RECON, focused on addressing soft skills gap women, around the world. On an online platform that connects and mental health issues in order to fellowship, he developed a digital change agents seeking to improve promote wellbeing, happiness and marketing training program for migrant society through peace initiatives and performance. Casarin researched best Venezuelan women in Lima, providing social innovation. While on fellowship, practices for engaging educators and them with pathway to employment he explored ways to identify inclusive organizational professionals in social or entrepreneurship, as well as access growth opportunities and implement emotional growth, and building digital to a community of emotional and policy structure to encourage and collaborative ways to deliver such personal connections for women far sustainable investment and growth in content across Brazil and the world. from home. communities.

With a career-long commitment to A managing partner at one of the As a newly elected council member public affairs, Javier González Gómez largest law firms in Paraguay, Jorge for the city of San Bartolo, a popular serves as the Effective Governance Gross Brown is in charge of strategic beach town in Lima, Peru, Ursula and Democracy National Officer decision-making, structuring, planning Harman facilitates community for the United Nations Development and management. Gross Brown Law development by building partnerships Program (UNDP). González Gómez is Firm handles corporate, infrastructure with citizens and addresses concerns currently overseeing the creation of an and financial services for a number related to the area’s cultural heritage, Acceleration Lab, a three-year initiative of clients in the U.S., including Bank of natural resources and responsible that will produce a hub for innovation America, Apple and Caterpillar. In 2011, tourism. As with any popular tourist and development. Once completed, Gross Brown created a Masters of Law destination, San Bartolo has struggled the Lab will join a network of nearly 60 program at one of the most prominent with efficient waste management, and other labs around the world, allowing universities in Paraguay for lawyers local residents recently committed to the global community to collectively in the public and private sectors to allocating the 2019 municipal budget learn from local knowledge and improve their technical, analytical and to a waste management program. ingenuity at a speed and scale that ethical skills to positively impact the While on fellowship, Harman developed our societies and planet require. He nation’s deteriorated judicial and legal a waste management program based has a specific interest in governance, environment. Gross Brown is currently in on inclusive innovation, aiming to find violence reduction and prevention the process of setting up a behavioral new solutions to this issue by bringing and promoting safer, more inclusive insights unit. He used his fellowship to excluded groups into the decision- cities. On fellowship, González Gómez further his knowledge in the design making process. She meet with U.S. gained insight into public and private and development of behavioral and international agencies involved organizations’ common development insight solutions to address a wide in the implementation of innovative issues through the lens of innovation, range of social issues facing Paraguay, waste management programs, which to bring back to the Lab to test and, including the informal economy, tax will create opportunities to share and hopefully, solve. evasion, corruption and environmental exchange information that could contamination. result in collaborative changes for her community. 8 LATIN AMERICAN AND CARIBBEAN FELLOWS

An architect for the Administración As an Innovation Specialist in the Federico Mora is a champion for the General de Puertos S. E., the National Presidential Delivery Unit Office next generation of advanced human Port Authority of Argentina, Ramiro of Paraguay, Carolina Luzardi is capital in his role at the National Lopez Saubidet serves as Chief responsible for initiating, designing Scholarship Program for Study Abroad Operating Officer, coordinating the and leading new programs that will (BECAL), which sends undergraduate engineering and planning, operations, positively impact people’s lives. The and graduate students, as well as commercial areas and physical and Delivery Unit coordinates programs professionals, to top universities and environmental security of Argentina’s in the areas of education, health, research centers around the world, with only container port. The Puerto Buenos infrastructure, security, competitiveness the promise that they will return and Aires is vital to foreign trade, and and innovation, with an overall goal implement their acquired knowledge. receives international cruise ships, of reducing poverty and achieving BECAL alumni play a significant role with more than 500,000 passengers inclusive economic growth. Luzardi is in contributing to positive change arriving annually. Lopez Saubidet is currently working on the creation of in Paraguay upon their return. Mora currently working to modernize the a National Innovation Agency that oversees general programming, port’s infrastructure and encourage a will improve citizen’s lives through administrative and financial planning, new relationship between the citizens innovative solutions to wide-ranging and reports directly to the Ministry of of Buenos Aires and its waterfront by social problems. She is especially Finance. Making BECAL financially improving the public spaces of the port. interested in the potential disruption sustainable, through a combination of On fellowship, Lopez Saubidet learned that automation and industrial public funds, loans and resources from what private and public organizations, transformations will have on job the private sector, is the necessary next including local port authorities and markets in unprepared countries. step in ensuring the longevity of the urban planning commissions, have Luzardi used her fellowship to create program. On fellowship, Mora explored done to manage comparable urban the Fourth Industrial Revolution funding strategies and building interventions that emphasize positive Center, establishing Paraguay as a international partnerships to strengthen social impact. leader in innovation and emerging BECAL’s financial stability. technologies.

As Accenture’s Director of Corporate Juan Carlos Pane is the former chief Eugenio Rengifo protects and Communications for Hispanic South of staff and senior policy advisor for promotes the National Parks of Chilean America, Gabriela Oliván provides the Ministry of Economic and Social Patagonia as Executive Director of digital transformation support to some Planning in Paraguay. Before moving to Corporación Amigos de los Parques of Latin America’s most important the UK to pursue a PhD in International de la Patagonia. Chilean Patagonia’s institutions. Working closely with Development, Pane was responsible biodiverse landscapes are a source corporate executives, government for advising the Minister on key social of prosperity and national identity, officials, journalists and influencers and economic issues and supporting and are crucial to mitigating the in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru the design and implementation of effects of climate change. Rengifo, and Costa Rica, she designs and policy programs, including Sembrando who represents 91% of Chile that is implements influential public relations Oportunidades, the National Poverty preserved as national parks, works and communications strategies. In Alleviation program. Pane is in the to strengthen the National Park 2018, Oliván established Women in the process of launching Oré, a Think and system, preserve its natural heritage News Network with the aim of fostering Do Tank focused on bringing together and promote conservation efforts. increased digital fluency and a culture key actors, resources and innovation to Increasing public awareness and of collaboration among women strengthen development and poverty creating a healthy, sustainable journalists in Latin America. WINN alleviation efforts in Paraguay and balance between tourism and members now include chief editors the region. The goal is to partner with conservation is at the heart of Amigos of many of the most important news organizations to solve social problems de los Parques’ mission. On fellowship, outlets in Latin America. On fellowship, through research, collaboration and Rengifo developed a framework Oliván developed a collaborative action. On fellowship, Pane explored for the planning and management pipeline with counterparts in the U.S. to how to empower stakeholders to come of Chilean Patagonia in order to share technology trends in journalism together to contribute to a common achieve a cultural transformation in and to prepare Latin American goal, align resources, develop the relationship between people and reporters for the journalism of the future. consensus and take action. nature, protected through national parks.


Clarissa Rios Rojas is the Founder and A foreign policy analyst and As a Director of Knowledge and Director of Ekpa’palek, a non-profit international cooperation consultant, Innovation at Comunitas, a non- mentorship program that empowers Daniela Segovia is part of Globalitika, profit based in São Paulo, Brazil, Latin American students and young where she focuses on collaborative Bruna Silva dos Santos leads projects professionals, connecting them with governance, migration and human related to knowledge management, diverse, professional mentors with rights in Latin America. Segovia is also capacity building and innovation academic, industry, and government a columnist on international politics for at the intersection of technology backgrounds. Nearly 250 students have the Mexican news agency Subrayado. and governance. Working with local benefited from the program since its She has worked with the non-profit Yo governments at the city and state establishment in 2015. Ekpa’palek quiero Yo puedo on their “Help them to levels, Silva dos Santos has supported Women, a flagship program launched not reach the altar” campaign, aimed projects aimed at promoting in 2016, brought women scientists to at fighting child marriage. Her native sustainable development and schools in vulnerable communities Venezuela is experiencing the highest strengthening democracy. In 2018, to provide workshops on personal outflow of migrants and refugees in she created and launched Rede and professional development, the Americas, with more than four Juntos (Juntos Network), a knowledge- sexual health, entrepreneurship million citizens having left the country sharing platform designed to foster and mentorship. Rios Rojas recently since 2016. At the same time, Mexico city-to-city collaboration and sharing completed a Doctoral fellowship at is receiving a significant and rising influx of best practices. Rede Juntos is the the Geneva Center for Security Policy, of migrants from Honduras, Nicaragua, first national platform for municipal and previously served as a Global El Salvador and Guatemala. On governments, helping public servants Champion for Change for the United fellowship, Segovia explored how in Brazil find the ideas, techniques and Nations Entity for Gender Equality international organizations are tools they need to solve the challenges and the Empowerment of Women. mitigating the increasing migrant their cities face. On fellowship, Silva On fellowship, Rios Rojas pursued the crisis in Latin America, with the aim dos Santos explored developing a promotion of quality science-based of drafting a policy proposal to think-do-tank that will help the Brazilian evidence for policymaking and citizen strengthen the ability of regional and government predict and act upon engagement. national institutions to address the crisis. emerging trends and technologies.

Luiz Vieira Jr. shapes the next generation As Business Incubator Coordinator of Brazilian engineers as an Associate for Cuenca del Plata University and Professor of Structural Engineering at Manager for the Development the University of Campinas, where he Agency of the City of Corrientes, César leads a research group dedicated Zarrabeitia cultivates entrepreneurs to analyzing and understanding risk and local small and medium businesses as the Director of the Computational to drive economic and social growth. Mechanics Laboratory. As a structural With a network of more than 200 engineer, Vieira has analyzed how regional small and medium businesses, natural and induced disasters affect these institutions promote and infrastructure. In the aftermath of the strengthen innovation and sustainable devastating mining dam collapse in development. Zarrabeitia coordinates Brumadinho, Minas Gerais in early 2019, projects, financing, trademarking and Vieira and the faculty at UNICAMP training programs for local startups, developed a task force to assist those entrepreneurs and companies in the affected. On fellowship, Vieira learned public and private sectors. He helped how to organize and lead a prevention lead the creation of FODEL, a local organization that can assess and development trust fund, that has communicate risk to communities as financed 86 local startups in just four well as build long-lasting collaborations years. Zarrabeitia used his fellowship with organizations and agencies in to establish an Open Innovation Lab, the U.S. Upon returning to Brazil, Vieira a space that will empower citizens, will launch “Instituto Limite,” which will local leaders and public and private focus on applied research, disaster institutions to create innovative and assistance protocols and disaster collaborative urban solutions and prevention education. projects. 10 LATIN AMERICAN AND CARIBBEAN FELLOWS


As the founder of an urban agriculture A former Marine, John Boerstler is the As the founder of a Chicago- business, Jessie Banhazl specializes in Executive Director of NextOp Veterans based nonprofit designed to inspire the installation of raised-bed gardens and the founder of Combined Arms, underrepresented students to pursue and rooftop farms. The farm she a nonprofit that works to improve careers, in science, technology, installed on a Whole Foods Market the accountability, speed and engineering and math, Jason rooftop in Lynnfield, Massachusetts efficiency by which organizations Coleman, wants to provide these sells direct to consumers in the grocery deliver critical services to returning young people with the opportunities store below it. In 2015, her public veterans. Since launching NextOp in he lacked growing up. Established benefit corporation, which has 20 2014, Boerstler has helped place more in 2010, Coleman’s Project SYNCERE employees, assumed responsibility than 1,000 transitioning military service today employs 25 people and serves for maintaining Fenway Farms, a members into energy, construction more than 3,500 students annually 5,000-square-foot rooftop farm at and manufacturing careers in Texas to develop the skills and knowledge Boston’s Fenway Park, home of the and Louisiana. Born into a family with necessary to be successful at the Red Sox baseball team. Banhazl also a strong history of military service, post-secondary level. On fellowship provides technical support for urban Boerstler enlisted in the United States to Australia and Rwanda, Coleman, farming projects throughout the United Marine Corps, where he earned a member of the National Society States and abroad. On fellowship the rank of Sergeant. His military of Black Engineers, discovered how Banhazl traveled to Germany, Sweden assignments took him to Iraq, Kuwait, countries on opposite ends of the and France, three countries that have Syria, Jordan, Djibouti and Kenya. spectrum are “leading change in excelled at developing sustainable Boerstler traveled on fellowship to developing future generations of STEM urban farming practices. Following her France and Israel, two nations with professionals.” EF journey, she hopes to convene an strong military transition programs, annual conference for organizations but with vastly different social welfare and individuals within the urban systems and cultures. His goal: Harvest farming industry. Banzahl was EF’s 2019 best practices and create a global Agriculture Fellow. leadership network of people helping former soldiers transition to civilian life.

A mentor for working women, Chantalle As a partner at a San Francisco- As a human-resources executive, Couba currently serves as a financial based venture capital firm, Ernestine Sarajeni Hammond strives to promote services executive, advising clients Fu specializes in frontier technologies cultural diversity, while addressing on risk management and investment such as 3D printing and autonomous the needs for talent and inclusion in a strategies. She previously held senior vehicles. She was recognized for large corporate workforce. She has positions with Bank of America and Ernst her accomplishments by Forbes extensive experience in mentoring and Young. Throughout her career, Magazine and Vanity Fair; her name through Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Couba has been a tireless advocate appeared on the former’s inaugural United Way Women’s Leadership for women in male-dominated work “30 Under 30” list and the latter’s Society and Connections to Success. environments. On fellowship she visted “Next Establishment” list. Motivated to On fellowship Hammond traveled to the Netherlands and South Africa to address the persistent societal problem Australia and South Africa, both of study female business and political of depression, Fu founded Visual Arts which have excelled at promoting leaders’ experiences in working with and Music for Society, a nonprofit that women into leadership roles. Learning other women, both subordinates and brings the healing power of music to “how these two countries have been superiors, in such environments. hospitals, orphanages, senior centers able to advocate for women in and homeless shelters. Fu’s book, Civic significant leadership positions,” she Work, Civic Lessons, which she co- says, “could provide a key to gender wrote with former dean of Stanford parity for nations like the United States.” Law School Tom Ehrlich, presents intergenerational perspectives on the importance of public service. Following her fellowship to Kenya and Argentina, Fu created documentary videos and essays that focus on the challenges faced by businesswomen in those centers for innovation and technology.


As a capital investment specialist, As co-founder of a consulting firm As an advisor to California Governor Zheng Huang arranges overseas focused on improving education Gavin Newsom, Rei Onishi examines investment and debt financing for in Texas, Julie Linn has lobbied issues related to immigration, criminal- American companies under a special the state legislature on behalf of justice reform and protections for U.S. immigration program. As a White numerous colleges and public-school gig-economy workers in the nation’s House Fellow and special assistant to associations. From an early experience most populous state. He was a White the administrator of the U.S. Agency as an English as a Second Language House Fellow and formerly served as for International Development (ESL) teacher in Chinese Taipei to her a senior policy advisor on public and (USAID) in 2010, Huang played a service in 2013 as an education policy Native American housing at the U.S. critical role in helping to restore Haiti’s advisor to then-Texas Governor Rick Department of Housing and Urban telecommunications systems after Perry, she has maintained an abiding Development (HUD). At HUD he also the island nation was struck by a interest in education reform. During the worked on strategies to narrow the gap devastating earthquake. From 2000 to 2017 legislative session, her firm helped between people with access to the 2009 he worked for Intel Corporation, the Texas Association of Community Internet—a necessary tool for success in Santa Clara, California, and Colleges position itself as the state’s in the 21st century—and those without. Shanghai, China. On fellowship Huang leader in skilled workforce training. On On fellowship he traveled to South visited Argentina and Colombia, fellowship she visited Germany to study Korea to explore how it has succeeded two countries, he says, which are its vocational training system, which is in building affordable housing on a “emerging from years of turmoil—one credited with effectively addressing large scale. He also visited Japan given from mismanagement and the other the workforce needs of the country’s its regulatory parallels with California. from civil strife.” His goal is to create economy. Linn also visited Vietnam Onishi hoped that his experiences in a program to enable experienced to examine, among other issues, the South Korea and Japan would enable entrepreneurs from Silicon Valley way the country’s largest information- him to introduce important innovations to connect with and mentor local technology company established a and lessons learned in his home state. innovators and entrepreneurs. “corporate university model” to train students for IT careers.

As a lawyer for a major U.S. insurance As an artist and social entrepreneur, As president of a 161-year-old, provider, Jonathan Prokup manages a John Michael Schert believes that historically black university, Dwaun team of attorneys and is lead counsel unleashing individual and collective Warmack focuses on increasing for the company’s expatriate health creativity can help to solve society’s retention and graduation rates as well insurance business. In recognition greatest challenges. He is the Founding as fostering participation by African- of his leadership of the company’s Principal of JMS & Company, a creative American students in the fields of domestic individual business during leadership consultancy that works science, technology, engineering the Affordable Care Act’s early years, with clients from all sectors and helps and math. Raised in a Detroit housing the Philadelphia Business Journal them unlock innovative leadership project by a single mother, he notes, named him a Top Corporate Counsel opportunities. Drawing on his creative “All the indicators said I was not in the Philadelphia region for 2015. work as an artist and his leadership college material, but I knew education On fellowship, Prokup visited Australia development training from the Harvard was the way out.” In 2011, he received and New Zealand to study the role of Kennedy School of Government, a doctorate in educational leadership. physical exercise in promoting mental Schert is a strong proponent of Recognizing that some of his students and general health. Both countries utilizing multidisciplinary, cooperative were raised in poverty and arrived are considered leaders in prescribing approaches to solve the world’s most unprepared for university life, he has physical activity in conjunction with, intractable problems. On fellowship to pioneered programs, such as the or even prior to, pharmacological Egypt and Thailand, he met dynamic Black Male Initiative, to encourage treatments. He also hoped to identify change agents from all sectors who these young people to become high and enlist organizations outside have drawn on the creative process achievers. On fellowship Warmack the health sector, such as schools, to inspire participation and systematic traveled to Germany and Ireland to employers and social service agencies change within their organizations and explore how these countries are able to promote exercise as a form of in their communities. His goal is to to maintain low incarceration and treatment. understand the role that innovators recidivism rates. and grassroots organizations play in transforming society and how he can apply lessons learned to a U.S. context. 13 USA FELLOWS


Dustin Haisler specializes in the impact Nancy Mancilla leads a business Jeanette Quick is lead financial of emerging technologies on state and she co-founded in 2008 to train services counsel at Gusto, a prominent local governments. He advises venture corporate professionals in sustainable- technology platform for small capitalists, municipal agencies, start- development practices. To date, some businesses in the U.S. She oversees ups and Fortune 100 companies on 3,000 people have benefited from her consumer protection, legal, and how technological advancements are training. The company teaches them regulatory matters, most notably as the reshaping work in the public sector. about: greenhouse gas accounting company expands beyond its flagship Among initiatives he helped create and verification; the U.N.’s sustainable payroll services with new capabilities are two web sites, GovTech 100 and development goals, and the impact of to help people manage their financial GovTech Biz, which help companies carbon emissions. It helps businesses, health. Prior to Gusto, Quick was senior and governments work better together. governments and other organizations counsel to the United States Senate A recent listing on GovTech 100, for understand and communicate their Committee on Banking, Housing and example, is a Massachusetts company impacts on such issues as climate Urban Affairs and a senior attorney that analyzes city sewage to estimate change, human rights and corruption. at the Office of the Comptroller of opioid consumption. A recent edition After college Mancilla traveled to Berlin the Currency. Quick is fascinated by of GovTech Biz addressed the growing to work with a refugee resettlement China’s success in rapidly bringing more market for police body cameras. On agency and participate in a youth people into the financial mainstream, fellowship Haisler focused on so-called exchange sponsored by the Congress particularly through financial “smart cities” in the U.S. and China, of the United States and Germany’s technology and public infrastructure diffusing technology and knowledge Bundestag. On fellowship Mancilla investments. As part of her fellowship, to both markets, and exploring possible developed a practical guide on how Quick designed a pilot program and collaborations. to implement sustainability practices. best practices to promote financial inclusion among unbanked and underbanked residents of a U.S. city, using lessons from successful Chinese efforts and leveraging the expertise of leading American non-profits.

Jonathan Sanchez Leos oversees Julie Shin works on a range of issues, As an information technology enrollment, academic progress and including growth, partnerships, specialist, Whitney Soenksen says she is matriculation for the American Film and perhaps most challenging, “passionate about socially responsible Institute’s Master of Fine Arts Program. “organization simplification” for a government,” and strives to give the He expanded his department’s company with 200,000 employees and public access to the data it needs to services to include a community- 200 million customer accounts across be engaged citizens. To streamline engagement component that partners 160 countries. In 2017 she oversaw a government, she developed One with the Will & Jada Smith Family CitiBank competition for technology Stop Shop, a central system to apply Foundation to provide filmmaking innovators to create solutions to for all required municipal permits and education to high school women from combat corruption, a multi-trillion- licenses. To comply with a federal economically disadvantaged areas of dollar global problem that impacts consent decree that requires New southern Los Angeles. After six weeks of an estimated five percent of GDP and Orleans to release more 911 dispatch learning about films and production, 1.6 billion people. In 2018, Shin and data in order to improve trust between the students shoot, edit and screen two colleagues founded Xessentials, residents and police, she worked with their final projects, short films of about a female-focused incubator in New law enforcement to create a system two minutes in length. Sanchez Leos York City. On fellowship Shin wanted that gives the public easy access has worked in Ukraine, Armenia and to understand the socio-economic to information about calls to police. Kazakhstan, and has studied in Russia and cultural paradigms in China that On fellowship Soenksen studied and Mexico. On fellowship Sanchez enable and prevent wealth creation how China, a leader in smart cities Leos had three goals: to create an for women. technology, has dealt with a number exchange program between AFI of issues that are just now emerging in students and students in film programs New Orleans, including how to bridge across China; foster filmmaking the digital divide between citizens who opportunities for disadvantaged can afford to keep up with cutting- populations in China, and create a edge technologies, and those who bi-national venture to preserve each can’t, and are at risk of being left country’s film heritage. behind. 15 ZHI-XING CHINA FELLOWS

Dana Wagner’s challenge is two-fold: Convince meat- As a lawyer, Adelmise Warner specializes in issues of eaters that plant-based meat can be as satisfying as employment, compensation and diversity. As a panelist meat from cattle, and persuade food regulators that the at the American Bar Association’s annual conference alternative is nutritious and safe. His company’s mission in 2017 she spoke about issues related to sexual- is to replace the need for animals in the food supply orientation discrimination in the workplace. She is on the by creating simulated meat, fish and dairy products board of Women’s Audio Mission, leading its efforts to directly from plants using a process developed by a recruit women in tech, and has co-chaired the annual Stanford biochemist in 2011. In 2016 Wagner’s company conference of the National Employment Law Council, began marketing the Impossible Burger, saying that it a professional-advancement and mentoring group. cooks, smells and tastes like conventional meat and is On fellowship Warner researched the challenges that a better “culinary experience” than traditional veggie Chinese technology companies face with respect to burgers. Impossible Foods says it produces its burger increasing gender diversity in the workforce and on with 87 percent less water, 96 percent less land, and 89 corporate boards. percent fewer greenhouse-gas emissions than a burger from a cow. On fellowship Wagner created a regulatory framework that would allow plant-based foods to enter the Chinese market in a safe, compliant way.



A career diplomat currently posted in Daithí Mac Síthigh is a professor of Ronan MacNioclais is an accountant Addis Ababa, Sonja Hyland is Ireland’s law at Queen’s University Belfast. He providing a range of tax services ambassador to Ethiopia, South Sudan, specializes in the legal and ethical on private-equity and real-estate Djibouti, the African Union and IGAD issues around data and emerging transactions. He is head of tax for (the eight-country African trade bloc). technologies. He has developed and mergers and acquisitions and also Informed by her experience in the led new programs on technology law energy and utilities for PwC Ireland. island of Ireland, she provided support and media law at universities in the The PwC Ireland partners elected to the Government of Colombia during UK, given advice to governments and MacNioclais to serve on the company’s peace accord negotiations with the public hearings on these topics, and governance board in 2011. He has FARC rebels while she was posted in explored the challenges of regulation been head of Human Resources for Mexico. Ireland ultimately opened a across a range of technologies and the Tax Department since 2015. In this resident embassy in Colombia in 2017 platforms in his 2017 book, Medium role MacNioclais has revamped the based on the strength of that initiative. Law. On fellowship Mac Sithigh wanted company’s training, recruitment and On fellowship Hyland looked at the to conduct research on law and bonus-compensation systems. On impact of demographic change in technology. He focused on smart cities, fellowship MacNioclais conversed with the U.S. on current and future patterns open data, and the sharing economy, buyers of professional management of political representation and power, all of which are of particular interest in services. He is considering whether and gained insight into the future Belfast and other cities on the island Ireland’s service skills and experience trajectory of Irish-American political of Ireland at this time. He asked three are ample enough to lead large-scale influence on Ireland and Northern main questions: What can the law do global projects. Ireland. to promote innovation? Does digital- led change risk leaving some people behind? How can we ensure data security and privacy while allowing for openness and transparency?

As a regional manager for a Northern Christine Robinson oversees strategy, As principal adviser to the head of Ireland-based charity, Brendan Quail policy and partnerships for Belfast Northern Ireland’s Civil Service, an promotes racial and ethnic integration City Council, which serves more than organization with 23,000 staff, serving with an emphasis on supporting one million people in the greater area 1.7 million inhabitants, Stephen Syrian refugees. He coordinates the around Northern Ireland’s capital Rusk engineers creative solutions to Vulnerable Syrian Refugee Consortium, city. She currently leads efforts on complex political and social problems. a partnership of seven community embedding community planning In a region with a troubled past, he and voluntary organizations which throughout the council area and is has participated in panels on securing assist refugees resettled under the working with partners to deliver long- better criminal justice outcomes in UK Government’s Vulnerable Persons term outcomes for the City. In her role as terrorism cases and on disbanding Relocation Scheme. Quail has Special Adviser to a Minister within the paramilitary groups. On fellowship Rusk developed a donation project in Northern Ireland Executive, Robinson drew on the insights of U.S. experts to cooperation with athletic clubs, shoe was instrumental in upgrading skills- develop a new online publication to retailers, and businesses which has training and apprenticeship programs open Northern Ireland’s civil service given away hundreds of pairs of shoes across Northern Ireland. Working with to greater collaboration, enabling and clothing to asylum seekers and Queen’s University in Belfast she is public servants and members of civil refugees. Previously, he served as a developing a data-driven, geo-spatial society to have conversations that teacher in Swaziland, an international mapping tool to support evidence- are separate and apart from political volunteer coordinator in India, an based policy and investment decision debate. advocate for the homeless and an to address spatial inequalities. On outreach services coordinator for fellowship Robinson studied how people who are deaf or hard of hearing American cities address inequalities in Belfast. On fellowship Quail visited and deliver improved social and refugee resettlement agencies and economic outcomes by working in advocates in the United States to learn partnership with public, private and about their strategies for integration community sectors. and improving service delivery. 18 ISLAND OF IRELAND FELLOWS

As chief administrator for a national Seamus Coffey is an economist in Thomas Conefrey is an economist in the organization of member churches, University College Cork, the second Economic Analysis Division of Ireland’s Nicola Brady engages Protestant, largest university in Ireland. He Central Bank. He has published Orthodox, Reformed, Catholic specializes in Irish taxation including analytical work on key issues affecting and Independent denominations corporation tax and links with national the Irish economy including Brexit and in the work of peace-building and accounting aggregates. He is other macroeconomic risks, the Irish reconciliation. She is the first woman Chairperson of the Irish Fiscal Advisory labor market, fiscal policy and housing. and first Catholic appointed to this Council (IFAC), an independent Conefrey previously worked as chief role. Among her accomplishments, governmental institution that provides economist at the Irish Fiscal Advisory she has increased the community assessments of government budgetary Council, an independent statutory engagement profile of the Council of forecasts and fiscal policy objectives, body that provides an assessment Churches, with a focus on social justice and compliance with national and of the government’s economic and issues. On fellowship she researched EU fiscal rules. Appointed by the Irish budgetary forecasts. On fellowship best practices in faith-based leadership Minister of Finance in 2016, Coffey Conefrey pursued a project on the for reconciliation, motivated by the reviewed Ireland’s Corporation Tax performance of Northern Ireland as challenges arising from Brexit. Code. In 2017, he was included by a regional economy in the context of the International Tax Review in their Brexit, the characteristics of successful Global Top 50 of the most significant economic regeneration programs and influences in taxation. On fellowship the challenges and opportunities for Coffey assessed best practice for the agriculture sector in Ireland. institutions that enable interaction between academic economists and policy formation, and further explored the economic relationship between Ireland and the United States particularly in relation to the activities of U.S. multinational enterprises.

As a top administrator in Ireland’s As a senior fellow at Ireland’s leading A tenured lecturer at Queen’s environmental regulator, Eimear Cotter think tank on international and University Belfast, Katy Hayward is is charged with protecting Ireland’s European affairs, and a Member of also a Fellow of the Senator George environment from the harmful effects of the Government’s Climate Change J. Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, radiation and pollution. Specifically, she Advisory Council, Joe Curtin is an Security and Justice. She is widely leads the EPA’s Office of Environmental expert and thought leader on climate recognized as the leading academic Sustainability, which is concerned mitigation policy, climate finance and expert on the topic of Brexit and its with licensing, greenhouse gas and international climate negotiations. impact on the Irish border and peace waste inventories, carbon emission He previously worked for the OECD process. She has given advice and trading and the circular economy. evaluating the climate policy evidence to policymakers in the United Among Cotter’s accomplishments performance of countries across the Kingdom, Ireland and EU on these is an initiative to improve the EPA’s world, for the National Economic and topics, as well as presenting to diverse activities in the circular economy Social Council (an advisory body to public audiences, private companies including managing plastics and the Irish Prime Minister) and at University and charities. Hayward is the author of handling of waste in the construction College Cork. His focus is finding 200 publications, including Brexit at the and demolition sector, which is a key innovative and socially acceptable Border: views from local communities environmental concern in Ireland. On solutions to intractable climate in the Irish central border region (2018) fellowship she gained insight into the challenges and for communicating and Dynamics of Political Change intersection of behavioral science and these solutions to diverse audiences. on the island of Ireland (2017) and is policy in the U.S., with an emphasis On fellowship Curtin explored how to also a sought-after commentator on on climate change action, resource design carbon fees in a socially and national and international media. On efficiency and waste prevention. politically acceptable manner and fellowship Hayward visited the U.S. - discussed prospects for transatlantic Canada border to assess the role of climate diplomacy with key experts increasingly sophisticated technology and practitioners. in the movement of goods between the two countries. 19 ISLAND OF IRELAND FELLOWS

As a justice department official in Northern Ireland leading As a senior manager in Ireland’s immigration service, Neil the Community Safety Division, Katie Taylor is responsible Ward is responsible for reform, strategic communications, for community safety and public protection issues; working data, finance and human resources in an organization to reduce crime and the harm and vulnerability caused that annually processes more than 250,000 applications by crime, including removal of justice-owned interface for visas, residency permits, citizenship and asylum. Prior structures. Issues relating to crime and community safety to joining the civil service, he was chief of staff of the Irish in her current and previous roles contribute towards Labour Party where he created a program to rejuvenate transitioning society away from paramilitarism and the party by ensuring financial sustainability, and coercive control, towards a culture of lawfulness. On promoting and mentoring young candidates. From 2011- fellowship Taylor examined problem solving and restorative 2016, he served as chief policy and political adviser to initiatives aimed at early intervention and diversion away two successive Cabinet Ministers for Education and Skills. from offending behaviors, including consideration of the He is a former Director of Dublin Pride, which organizes root cause of such behaviors. She also looked at gang the city’s annual LGBT pride parade. On fellowship culture in the U.S. to learn about innovative approaches to Ward developed a plan to drive innovation in Ireland’s minimizing tensions in communities emerging from conflict, immigration system, informed by the user experiences of and movement away from coercive control, towards a immigration system customers and staff. culture of lawfulness through improved community and policing relations.

20 FINANCIALS 21 - 2018 579,033 417,606 190,117 369,693 649,457 976,235 485,435 $171,755 1,690,917 3,743,213 7,818,524 1,116,232 1,443,445 $1,862,672 $5,605,885 $1,862,672 $5,605,885 $1,307,512 $5,592,093 $3,663,213 $45,840,076 $34,397,891 ($3,090,236) ($3,104,028) - 2019 710,480 323,134 221,192 524,301 678,987 660,000 $151,600 2,213,702 3,720,969 7,925,339 1,342,256 1,176,744 2,012,439 $2,365,302 $6,086,271 $2,365,302 $6,848,778 $6,840,330 $6,086,271 $1,109,177 $6,077,823 $3,405,384 $45,840,076 $39,964,656

The commitment of our donors enables us to provide our Fellows with the premier world-class programs that are the hallmark of EF. Annual support bolsters our operations and ensures Eisenhower Fellowships has the resources to identify, recruit and connect the philanthropic partners the our offers EF leaders. of generation next opportunity to engage with Fellows, Trustees and leadership staff and welcome them into our influential Global Network. Eisenhower Fellowships programs are supported by a community of individual donors, Trustees, Fellows, foundations and corporations. This strong base of funding is supplemented by an annual draw from the EF endowment. Financial Operations Financial 31, 2019 ending December For the year Total Endowment Funds Private Funds Endowment & Interest (includes Trust Fund) Trust Fund Program & Other General Support Donations & Releases Funding for Current Year Operations Operations Year Current for Funding Endowment & Interest (includes Trust Fund) Total Funds Public Funds Change in Value of Investments Change in Net Assets Investment Funds Private Investments Total Expenses Administration & General Administration Development Fellowship Network Zhi-Xing China Program Island of Ireland Program USA Program Latin American & Caribbean Program Expenses Global Program TotalRevenue Other Permanent Endowment Restricted Income Other Board Designated Income Funds Temporarily Restricted by Time or Purpose For Current Year Operations Contributions & Pledges Financial Statements audited in conformity with Government by Standards Statements conformity Auditing audited in with Financial Revenues BBD, LLP, Certified Public Accountants are available on request a world more peaceful, prosperous and just, please contact Carla Ricci, Head of Institutional of Head Ricci, Carla contact please just, and prosperous peaceful, more world a Advancement at [email protected], 215-965-1971. To support our mission to enhance understanding through direct dialogue and help create 22 DONORS Rebecca W. Gates Dr. RobertM. Gates and Holly andGreg Flanagan E InkCorporation/ Edgar M.Cullman,Jr. The CobbFamilyFoundation/ CIGNA/ (China‘11) Solomon CaiChenyu Kimball andPatriziaChen Anonymous Africa FinanceCorporation/ $50,000–$99,999 EXECUTIVE CIRCLE Marcia Wagner Roger Nores Shahid Mahmud(Pakistan‘01) Affairsand Trade Ireland DepartmentofForeign The HoveyFoundation/ Company/ Dabbagh Group Holding Chubb CharitableFoundation/ Chevron Corporation/ Bakrie CenterFoundation/ Bain Capital/ $100,000–$299,999 PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE United Technologies J.T. Tai &Co.Foundation/ $300,000+ CHAIRMAN’S CIRCLE (USA ‘15) Taipei ‘90) Show-chung Ho(Chinese Cobb Charles E.Cobb,Jr. andSue Matt Manders Samaila Zubairu(Nigeria‘06) James W. Hovey Amr Al-Dabbagh John Keogh Jay R.Pryor Anindya Bakrie Pawan Singh Stephen G.Pagliucaand J.McBride Timothy Corporation/ Hsu Victoria Osman Okyay Novozymes/ Ireland Executive Northern John F. McDonnell James L.McCabe Dr. JoséLuisManzano Lutron Foundation/ Investcorp/ Bank Inter-American Development T. MichaelGoodrich Jerry andDianaNg Yusuf $20,000–$29,999 FELLOWS’ CIRCLE Menezes Foundation/ KPMG Ireland/ Mehmet FatihKaramanci Foundation/ Independence Emerson/ DLA Piper/ Richard &SandyBoyce The BoeingCompany/ Anonymous Afreximbank $25,000–$49,999 CIRCLE AMBASSADORS’ Ayala Jaime andElizabethZobelde Jeffrey Singer Prudential/ World Perfect Peder HolkNielsen Susan Hakkarainen Mohammed M.Alardhi (Indonesia ‘02) (Nigeria ‘05) Menezes Victor EF Ireland Chapter Susan Sherman Steven J.Pelch(USA‘10) Marcelo Etchebarne Stephanie Pope(USA‘08) Carol Hibbard (USA‘12)and Mark Grier

Hamisu Abubakar

PRESIDENT’S I LIKE SOCIETY CHAMPIONS’ CIRCLE ADVISORY COUNCIL $2,500–$9,999 up to $2,499 $10,000–$24,999 Ameren Dr. Bosede Bukola Afolabi Avanade/ Anonymous (Nigeria ‘14) Heba Ramzy (Egypt ‘99) Agnes Beane Gretchen Anderson Bayer (Formerly Monsanto)/ Estelle Brashears Paul V. Applegarth Albert James Mitchell Kenya Climate Innovation Esther Baldwin (USA ‘97) (USA ‘08) Center/ John Chandler (USA ‘17) Douglas Foo (Singapore ‘13) Edward Mungai (Kenya ‘16) Curtis Ching (USA ‘94) Mary Lou Gorno Joan Mackie Alex & Emily Feldman (USA ‘13) Vinh Nguyen (Vietnam ‘13) William and Amalia Mahoney Holly Huebel Northern Trust Paladin Energy Strategies LLC/ Nicolas Lake Cong Phan (Vietnam ‘15) Kevin Gunn (USA ‘09) Theodore Levinson (USA ‘14) The Philadelphia Foundation/ Steven and Elizabeth Pelch Robert and Jean Markison Pedro Ramos (USA ‘00) (USA ‘10) Michael and Michelle John and Gussie Stewart Jill Reynolds (USA ‘17) McGuinness ThermOmegaTech/ John (Skip) Rhodes Rick Sauer (USA ‘07) James and Beth Logue Ronald and Sandi Wagner Anthony Shop (USA ‘18) Albert Ting (Chinese Taipei ‘11) Leonard and Jeanne Ware St. Louis Eisenhower Fellowships University of Pennsylvania John Wolf Chapter Daniel Tierney Martin and Judi Welch Keith Wheelock

Eisenhower Fellowships makes every effort to accurately reflect our donors’ support. If you are not listed or listed in error, please contact Carla Ricci, Head of Institutional Advancement, at [email protected]

23 24 BOARD OF TRUSTEES , Globelink China Investments Limited Investments China Globelink , Carlyle Womble Counsel, Of Formerly J.P. Morgan and Chairman and CEO and Chairman and Morgan J.P. CEO and Senior Managing Director, Director, Managing Senior and CEO Former Governor, New Jersey and President of The Whitman Strategy Group Strategy Whitman The of President and Jersey New Governor, Former Founder, Bakrie Center Foundation Center Bakrie Founder, Mohammed BinMahfoodhAlardhi Chairman and CEO, Al-Dabbagh Al-Dabbagh CEO, and Chairman Solomon CaiChenyu(China’11) Chairman, Energy Transportation Transportation Energy Chairman, CEO of Internatinal Private Bank, Bank, Private Internatinal of CEO Executive Chairman, Investcorp Chairman, Executive Chair, The Albright Stonebridge Stonebridge Albright The Chair, Chairman, VIVA Media Group Media VIVA Chairman, for J.P. Morgan, Asia Pacific Asia Morgan, J.P. for Assistant Secretary Emerita, Emerita, Secretary Assistant Sandridge & Rice, PLLC Rice, & Sandridge Charles E.Cobb,Jr.* Madeline K.Albright Smithsonian Institution Smithsonian Nicolas A.Aguzin Amr Al-Dabbagh Kimball C.Chen* Virginia B.Clark Anindya Bakrie Jesse Arnelle Cobb Partners Cobb Group, Inc. Group, Group LLC Group Group Former President of The Fox Companies Fox The of President Former Vice Chairman, Eisenhower Fellowships Eisenhower Chairman, Vice Chairman, Eisenhower Fellowships Eisenhower Chairman, President, Eisenhower Fellowships Eisenhower President, Former U.S. Secretary of Defense of Secretary U.S. Former Chair, Executive Committee Executive Chair, Christine Todd Whitman* Dr. RobertDr. M.Gates James W. Hovey* George deLama * Denotes Executive Committee Member Committee Executive Denotes * Vice Chairman (Retired), Prudential Prudential (Retired), Chairman Vice Senior Fellow & Chairman Emeritus, Emeritus, Chairman & Fellow Senior President, The Eisenhower Group, Group, Eisenhower The President, Managing Member, Culbro, LLC Culbro, Member, Managing President Emeritus, Eisenhower Eisenhower Emeritus, President Senior Fellow of Foreign Policy Policy Foreign of Fellow Senior Managing Director, Ingenuity Ingenuity Director, Managing Jeremy K.Ellis(Australia ’83) Country Head of Argentina, Argentina, of Head Country Managing Director, Gabriel Gabriel Director, Managing Fellowships; Former President, President, Former Fellowships; Holly Flanagan(USA’15)* University of Pennsylvania of University Research Institute Historian, Institute Research Edgar M.Cullman,Jr.* Marcelo Etchebarne* The Eisenhower Institute Eisenhower The * * Director, Iron Road Iron Director, Swarthmore College Swarthmore Theodore Friend* Mary Lou Gorno* Mary LouGorno* Mark B.Grier*

Financial, Inc. Inc. Financial, International Investments DLA Piper DLA Inc.

Susan Hakkarainen Timothy J. McBride* Jay R. Pryor Co-Chairman and CEO, Lutron Senior Vice President, Global Vice President of Business Electronics Government Relations, Development, Chevron Raytheon Technologies Corporation Harry Halloran Chairman of the Board and James L. McCabe* Susan E. Sherman* Chief Executive Officer, President and Founder, Drexel President and CEO, American Refining Group, Inc. Morgan Capital Managers, Independence Foundation Ltd. Show-chung Ho Jeffrey Singer* Chairman, SinoPac Financial Victor J. Menezes Of Counsel, Segal, Holdings Senior Vice Chairman (Retired), McCambridge, Singer & Citicorp Mahoney Victoria W. Hsu Director and Secretary of Roger Nores* Pavninder (Pawan) Singh the Board, J.T. Tai and Co. Founder and Chairman, Managing Director, Bain Capital Foundation Waverly Capital Private Equity, LP

John Keogh Osman Okyay Jaime Zobel de Ayala Executive Vice Chairman and Vice Chairman and President of Chairman, Chief Executive Chief Operating Officer, Technical Division, Kale Group Officer, Ayala Corporation Chubb Limited Stephen G. Pagliuca Samaila Zubairu (Nigeria ’06) Shahid Mahmud (Pakistan ‘01) Co-Chairman, Bain Capital President / Chief Executive Chairman / Chief Executive Officer, Africa Finance Officer, Interactive Group Steven J. Pelch (USA ’10) Corporation Executive Vice President and Matt Manders* Chief Operating Officer, President, Strategy and Emerson Solutions, CIGNA