Select and Special Committees of the Senate
SELECT AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES OF THE SENATE Select Committee on Ethics 220 Hart Senate Office Building 20510, phone 224–2981, fax 224–7416 [Created pursuant to S. Res. 338, 88th Congress; amended by S. Res. 110, 95th Congress] George V. Voinovich, of Ohio, Chair Tim Johnson, of South Dakota, Vice Chair Pat Roberts, of Kansas. Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii. Craig Thomas, of Wyoming. Mark Pryor, of Arkansas. STAFF Staff Director / Chief Counsel.—Robert L. Walker. Counsels: Kenyen Brown, Katja Eichinger, Lydia Griggsby. Chief Clerk.—Annette M. Gillis. Professional Staff.—John Lewter. Systems Administrator.—Danny Remington. Staff Assistants: Charles Brown, Krystyna Rejrat, Dawne Vernon. Select Committee on Intelligence 211 Hart Senate Office Building 20510–6475, phone 224–1700∼intelligence [Created pursuant to S. Res. 400, 94th Congress] Pat Roberts, of Kansas, Chair John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia, Vice Chair Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah. Carl Levin, of Michigan. Mike DeWine, of Ohio. Dianne Feinstein, of California. Christopher S. Bond, of Missouri. Ron Wyden, of Oregon. Trent Lott, of Mississippi. Evan Bayh, of Indiana. Olympia J. Snowe, of Maine. Barbara A. Mikulski, of Maryland. Chuck Hagel, of Nebraska. Jon S. Corzine, of New Jersey Saxby Chambliss, of Georgia. Ex Officio William H. (Bill) Frist, of Tennessee. Harry Reid, of Nevada. John W. Warner, of Virginia STAFF Majority Staff Director.—Bill Duhnke. Minority Staff Director.—Andy Johnson. Chief Clerk.—Kathleen P. McGhee. 375 376 Congressional Directory Special Committee on Aging G–31 Dirksen Senate Office Building 20510, phone 224–5364, fax 224–8660 [Reauthorized pursuant to S.
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