Rain Gardens and Bioswales
PERENNIALS Lysimachia clethroides, Gooseneck TREES AND SHRUBS PLANTING & Loosestrife Mc, Mt !*Achillea millefolium, Yarrow D, Mc Lysimachia nummularia, Creeping Jenny !*Acer circinatum, Vine Maple D, Mc, Mt MAINTENANCE Aconitum camichaelii, Monkshood Mc, Mt Mc, Mt !Acer rubrum, Red Maple D, Mc, Mt, W *Adiantum sp., Maidenhair Fern Mt, W Lysimachia punctata Mc, Mt *Alnus rhombifolia, rubra, Alder Mt, W SITE AND SOIL PREPARATION: Alcea officinalis, Marsh Mallow Mt, W Matteuccia struthiopteris, Ostrich Fern Mc, Betula nigra, River Birch Mt, W Use the calculator at OSU’s website (see Amsonia tabernae-montana, Blue Star Mt Mt, W *Betula papyrifera, Paper Birch Mc, Mt, W references) to determine the size and depth !*Aquilegia formosa, Red Columbine Mc, *Mimulus guttatus, Monkey Flower Mt, W Clethra sp., Summersweet Mc, Mt, W of your rain garden. Amend the soil so the Mt, D Monarda didyma, Bee Balm Mc, Mt !*Cornus sericea, Red-Twig Dogwood D, mix is roughly 50% native soil, 30% !*Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Bearberry D, Mc Myosotis palustris, Forget-Me-Not Mc, Mt Mc, Mt, W compost, and 20% pumice. !*Aruncus dioicus, Goat’s Beard Mc, Mt Osmunda sp., Cinnamon Fern Mt, W Fraxinus americana, White Ash Mc, Mt, W Asclepias incarnata, Butterfly Weed Mt, W !Penstemon digitalis Mc, Mt Magnolia virginiana, Sweetbay Mc, Mt, W MULCHING: Two kinds of mulch are *Aster sp. D, Mc, Mt !*Penstemon globosus Mc, Mt !*Mahonia sp., Oregon Grape D, Mc important in a rain garden. A mulch of pea Astilbe cvs. Mc, Mt !*Penstemon (Oregon natives) D, Mc !*Malus, Crabapple D, Mc gravel or river rocks at the point where Boltonia asteroides, False Starwort Mt, W Physostegia virginiana, Obedient Plant Mc, !*Philadelphus lewisii, Mock Orange D, Mc, water enters will help prevent erosion; this !*Camassia D, Mc Mt Mt mulch should be thick enough that no soil Campanula, Bellflower D, Mc, Mt !*Polystichum munitum, Sword Fern Mc, Mt !*Physocarpus capitatus, Pacific Ninebark D, shows through.
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