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Connection Serenity TheTheSerenity Serenity ConnectionConnection Nar-Anon Family Groups Newsletter Volume 29 Issue 1 Mar 2013 Announcing … the Nar-Anon 36! It is with great pleasure that the this book as they are approved by the We thank all of you who are already Nar-Anon World Service Literature World Service Conference. participating. Committee announces the first vol- The World Service Literature Com- World Service ume of the Nar-Anon 36 is now mittee continues to work diligently to Literature Committee available for purchase from the prepare further sections for fellowship World Service Office at http:// review, followed by WSC approval. Once approved, more sections will be In April, 2012, the Nar-Anon World added until all thirty-six are complete. Service Conference voted to ap- The next version will be available fol- prove the Introduction with Step lowing the WSC 2014. One, Step Two, and Step Three of If your group, area, or region would the Nar-Anon 36. It was also decid- like to assist in the rewarding task of ed the need was so great, it would creating, editing, and/or reviewing the be appropriate to release portions of sections as they become available, please contact the World Service Lit- erature Committee via email ( Inside this issue: Keep Meeting Info Up-To-Date Letter from the ED 2 Keep Meeting Info Up-To-Date Groups, areas, and regions can now vices, which will help facilitate our Our Members Share 3 update their information on the communications. Please visit Nar-Anon World Service Website. www.nar-anon/naranon/Meetings/ On-line_Forms Giving Back 5 Concept 8 states: “Our service structure depends on From here, you can add a meeting, the integrity and effectiveness of our edit an existing meeting, disband a Members’ Reflections 5 communications.” meeting, or update the region’s contact information. The Nar-Anon World Service website What Worked for You? 6 has a new page for member ser- Why not give it a try! Upcoming Events 7 “With the help of my Higher Power, I can change myself — others I can only love.” Committee Corner 8 “Sharing Experience, Strength, and Hope,” Nar-Anon Family Groups Daily Reader, July 3 Nar-Anon World Service Headquarters, 22527 Crenshaw Blvd. #200B, Torrance, CA 90505 Website: Email: Phone: (310) 534-8188 or (800) 477-6291 Letter from the Executive Director… Little did I know of the journey I friends and many have become like al writers were/are used. would be traveling when I attended family members to me. The vision Through our Guides to Local and my first Nar-Anon meeting. I have Louise had for Nar-Anon needed World Services, the unity of often compared my journey to a roll- help and support from the fellow- Nar-Anon has become stronger. er coaster ride. When I used the ship, and sadly, she passed away These guidelines unite us in our prin- tools of the program, the ride was before seeing her vision become a ciples and traditions and give us a smooth. When I veered off track, reality. When I became executive di- clear direction for moving forward. the ride became frightening, with rector, I could have easily been twists and turns, ups and downs. overwhelmed with the task at hand. It is my hope the fellowship as a When it was finally over, I was ex- But, thanks to the support of those whole will be united through trust in hausted and angry with myself and who showed willingness, patience, the World Service Conference pro- others around me. and dedication, Nar-Anon is well on cess. The hard work required to fulfill its way to being recognized around The gratitude I have for those who the needs of Nar-Anon can be and is the world. No longer are we the best gave back so freely what had been being accomplished at these confer- kept secret! Nar-Anon is no longer given to them, their experience, ences. I honestly feel many issues strength, and hope guided me. An- will easily be resolved as more mem- other important asset of the pro- bers – new and old – familiarize gram turned out to be service, themselves with Nar-Anon by reading which my sponsor so eloquently the literature, asking questions, and said was another part of my jour- working together in the unity of the ney. I started by being the group program. Our fellowship, based on key carrier. I would open the doors the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and set up weekly. This commit- and Twelve Concepts, will continue an “I” program, but a “We” program. ment kept me coming back. I then to gain strength as we move forward. Most members of Nar-Anon also served my group as secretary, see the changes and know we are In closing, I want to thank the treasurer, literature person, and moving forward. Nar-Anon Fellowship for their contin- group service representative (GSR). ued help and support. Serving as ex- While serving in my region, I began When 2013 began, I, like many oth- ecutive director is a privilege I do not volunteering at the Nar-Anon World ers, took stock of what I hoped to take lightly. With Nar-Anon unity and Service Office (WSO - Nar-Anon accomplish during the year. For awareness growing and with the help headquarters). There I met Louise, Nar-Anon, expanding our literature of the Board of Trustees, WS com- a co-founder of Nar-Anon. I never has been a part of history in the mittees, and the Nar-Anon Fellow- realized that the vision she had for making. The members who submit- ship, I will continue striving to move Nar-Anon would one day be passed ted their stories of experience, the organization forward. on to me. strength, and hope have contributed significantly to the success of our In Loving Service, Throughout my Nar-Anon journey, I daily reader (SESH). No profession- Cathy K. have been fortunate to make new Executive Director “For me, giving back to the Nar-Anon Fellowship is an expression of unconditional love and part of the healing process. When I give freely, without expectations, I help create a healing environment for others and myself.” “Sharing Experience, Strength, and Hope,” Nar-Anon Family Groups Daily Reader, May 13 2 Our Members Share… Dancing with the Gorilla Inner Peace One of the things I learned some time ago, and Serenity was that living with addiction was like dancing with a gorilla. My aim was to teach that gorilla to waltz, a slow, graceful dance. Before entering the rooms of But each time I tried to control the gorilla's moves, I was tossed around Nar-Anon, I unknowingly gratified my- like a doll. self with material items. I strived to The harder I tried to slow the dance, the more the gorilla was dancing feel good and could not understand with dips and slides, twirling me around. why instant material gratification was I was out of breath. short- lived. I was exhausted. I was introduced to the Nar-Anon I was bruised. Twelve Step program when my son Through attending meetings, I found a whole group became a drug addict. Working the of people who were exhausted from that same dance. program has helped me to achieve se- It was wonderful to feel the fellowship of other desperate dancers. renity and God-centered inner peace. With the help of my Higher Power, Through working the steps with a sponsor, meetings, sponsorship, and the I have learned why I kept engaging in that dance. Nar-Anon Twelve Steps, I am now I have learned how to keep from engaging in that dance. able to deal with life on life’s terms. I Now, I am learning how to do a different dance. accept the good and bad times as they come. I no longer find it neces- There are lessons I still needed to learn. sary to strive to feel good by way of There is nothing like having a test of my program. external gratification. Although I still get caught up in a spin, I can find my balance. Although I still get caught in a twist, I can look at my role in that dance. Although I still get angry, I have learned that my anger covers my fears. I have a program, and each day I can choose to use it, or return to my Just for today and with the help of my old dance. Higher Power, I will accept the reality I have a Higher Power, and each day I can choose to stay connected or of life on life’s terms. I will strive for fail to ask for help. “feel good” gratification through God- I have a fellowship. I can dance alone with the gorilla, or I can dance in centered inner peace and serenity. harmony with others doing a different dance. Today I am grateful for the realization that my only possessions of true value When one person changes the way they dance, the whole dance are not material. changes! Anonymous Luanne “Through Step Eleven, I have a conscious contact with my Higher Power. By calming my thoughts, I am able to interpret my path in a peaceful way. Serenity is often my reward.” “Sharing Experience, Strength, and Hope,” Nar-Anon Family Groups Daily Reader, November 4 3 A Loving Higher Power of Recovery Tradition Two states: When I reflect on my relationship with And NEVER lets go… my Higher Power, I realize that I too Destination unknown, “For our group purpose there is but am learning to slow down, be at Companion on the trail.
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