Annual Report

2014/15 2

[2014/15] Contents 16 News inbrief 13 Student profi le 12 Student satisfaction 10 8 Employer links 6 Mission,visionandvalues 5 Ayear ofsuccess 4 Staff profi le Financial report 2014 - 15 2014 Annual Report 4 Annual Report 2014 - 15 A Year of Success Mission, vision and values

Success Successful and productive partnerships Governance Mission with employers and both Thanks to a very high standard of teaching, Local Enterprise Partnership (NEP) and The College Corporation To enhance the lives of our students learning, assessment and support, and South Local Enterprise is a non-executive committee that and other customers, maximising their a culture of high expectation and high Partnership (SEMLEP) have ensured that meets monthly to monitor the College’s potential through learning. achievement, 87% of students went on to performance and make decisions on the College’s curriculum map meets the further study or into employment and 13% wider needs of the local economy and strategy, policy and fi nance. Dr Roger gained higher education places. helps to fi ll skills gaps. Morris OBE, stepped down as Chair of Vision Governors after ten years’ service but We will work: remains on the board of governors. We Opportunities Maths and English are grateful for his contribution to the To raise ambitions and expectations More than 4,000 young people benefi ted success of the College and his continuing In line with the government’s mission to To raise levels of knowledge from the wide range of provision within our commitment to its students and the improve standards, over 3,000 students and skills developing curriculum and were supported joined the new School of Maths and local community. Dr Geraldine Schofi ed To improve employment prospects to take advantage of opportunities to English and signifi cant improvements MBE has now taken up the post of progress on to further study and into work. were made in the achievement of Chair of Governors and we look forward To improve community cohesion. qualifi cations in both subjects. Innovative to working with her as the College As part of their study programme, students teaching including specialist facilities such continues to develop. We will do this through: aged 16-18 benefi ted from: Northampton College as the Maths Lab and English Hub have enabled young people to engage with The provision of education is very proud of its qualifi cations that stretched their skills, these subjects with a fresh perspective. Working with business and training which meets the needs enabling them to progress of students, other customers and achievements in a year We continue to work closely with local employers that saw student pass maths and English classes for Plans for businesses on developing training everyone who had not yet achieved provision that meets their specifi c needs. The consistent improvement of rates increase to 96%, a GCSE at grade C or above in both Construction of a new, state of the art We are working in partnership with the quality and student success in which funding was subjects building for the Daventry Campus is well University of Northampton to develop The effective delivery of contracts Quality provision work experience that helped students underway after investment from the local career pathways from Level 2 to Continuous improvement and Ofsted recorded a judgement of secured for a new £13m to develop employability skills or growth fund was secured in partnership Level 7 in manufacturing engineering development of resources and staff. campus in Daventry, and potential employment options, and with South East Midlands Local and logistics. ‘Good’ for overall effectiveness as activities to help them to develop life Enterprise Partnership (SEMLEP) and The College’s activities, and staff the outcome of its last inspection where fi nancial health skills and to build their confi dence. Northamptonshire County Council. The behaviours, are governed by our values; of Northampton College. new facility is on track to open in Autumn We are pleased to be working with was maintained. Student numbers continue to be strong 2016 and will welcome around 400 logistics businesses from across the region as part of a scheme designed The whole-college inspection judged with over 9,000 enrolments, more than half students with room for future expansion Values of whom were adults aged over 19. including into Apprenticeship provision to promote careers in the sector to our that success rates were high in the for the town. students. Northampton College was the Respecting and helping each other majority of subjects, that teaching Pat Brennan-Barrett, fi rst Career Ready academy in logistics in Engaging people through teaching and learning was good, and that College in the community the East Midlands. Principal with expertise and enthusiasm Partnership and employer links are strong Higher education college resources were of a very Developing people through learning high quality. and the College has good relationships The College is focused on developing The scheme forges links between young with local schools and academies, its portfolio of higher level skills and people and employers to improve their Bringing out the best in each other the University of Northampton, local has developed a new range of higher understanding of the logistics sector and Playing a positive role in our enterprise partnerships, Northamptonshire education courses across a range of the appeal of a range of exciting careers. community. County Council, employers and the local disciplines. Our ambition is to improve Businesses including Travis Perkins, Chambers of Commerce, the Rights & accessibility to higher professional and Caterpillar, DHL, Alpro are all keen to Equality Council and other local voluntary technical skills for those who want to help plug the future skills gap by inspiring groups as part of its mission to be the study while they are at work or who want young people to think about alternative college in the community. to remain living locally to keep control of career paths in the sector. living costs. 6 Annual Report 2014 - 15 Employer Links

1,311 90% employees from local 12/13 13/14 14/15 businesses trained 90% of apprentices remained in employment after completing their Apprenticeship 97% 983 97% of unemployed Apprenticeships delivered students completed training programmes 555 98% we worked with 555 businesses 98% of employers agreed that the College understands their business and training needs

99% of businesses we engaged would recommend us to other employers 369 99% Apprenticeship We work with businesses We are committed to making a vacancies advertised across a range of sectors to contribution to improving skills and boosting local economic growth and make sure the training and productivity. qualifications we deliver meets their needs and fulfils Our Business Centre team worked with demand for specific skills. over 500 businesses during 2014-15 delivering Apprenticeships and industry-training in the workplace including projects funded by the European Social Fund. Apprenticeship income increased by 27% during the last year. 8 Annual Report 2014 - 15 Financial Report Income (£000)

Other income £2,273

7% Tuition fees and 7% Other income £2,273 education contracts £2,034 7%Total Funding £30,019 body grants £25,674 Tuition fees and 7% education contracts £2,034 Investment Funding Total86% income £38 - 0% £30,019 body grants £25,674

Investment income £38 - 0% 86%

Expenditure (£000) Interest £559 - 2%

15% Depreciation £4,460 Interest £559 - 2%

Total 59% Staff costs £16,878 15%£28,794 Depreciation £4,460 24%

Total 59% Staff costs £16,878 Other operating £28,794 expenditure £6,897 24%

The College’s fi nances are in In this respect, the College is extremely excellent shape and its fi nancial strong compared with many others in the sector and continues to provide a fi rm Other operating health has been rated as foundation for investment in the provision expenditure £6,897 ‘outstanding’ by the Skills of excellent resources and good teaching. Funding Agency. 10 Annual Report 2014 - 15 Our Staff

Management 49 Staff Profi le Management 49 31 July 2015 (Full time / Fractional staff only) Academic 247 Academic 247 ManagementBusiness Support 49 233 Business Support 233 Total 529 Total 529 Academic 247 Staff Gender Business Support 233

Business SupportTotal 57 529 Business Support 176 Business Support 57 Business Support 176

Academic 88 Academic 159 Academic 88 Business Support 57 AcademicBusiness 159 Support 176 Management 15 Management 34 Management 15 Total 160 Management 34 Total 369 Academic 88 Total 160 Total 369 Academic 159

Management 15 Management 34 Total Management 49 TotalAcademic 160 247 Business Support 233 TotalTotal 369529 Total Management 49 Academic 247 Business Support 233 Total 529

Staff Ethnicity 44 4 1

44 4 1

White/Any other Combined Total White BritishManagement 49 Academic 247 Business Support 233 Total 529 201 218 18 white background 16 12 Ethnic groupings 13 Total 463 White/Any other Combined White British Total 38 Total 26 201 218 18 white background 16 12 Ethnic groupings 13 Total 463 44 Total 38 4 Total 261

White/Any other Combined White British 201 218 18 white background 16 12 Ethnic groupings 13 Total 463 The College relies on the From teachers to support staff, our Total 38 Total 26 expertise and professionalism employees work hard to help our students achieve their success. Not known Business Support Total of its staff to deliver an excellent Here are the numbers behind the 2 2 student experience. Northampton College team. Not known Business Support 2 Total 2

Not known Business Support 2 Total 2 12 Annual Report 2014 - 15 Student Satisfaction Student Profile

In a survey of nearly 2,000 Eighty-two percent were highly satisfied students of all ages, 84% with both the content of their training programme and the level of support said that they would they had received. Regular focus groups recommend the College to are conducted during the year in order friends or family. to address any issues as they arise and actions taken to improve the student experience are centrally recorded with improvements being communicated throughout the College.

How good or bad is the respect staff show to you? 85% Overall satisfaction rate

How likely is it that you would recommend the college/learning provider to friends or family? 84% Overall satisfaction rate

Overall, how good or bad do you think the college/learning provider/training programme is? 82% Overall satisfaction rate

We are passionate about our We welcome students of all ages and students and place them at the abilities and focus on helping them choose the right programme for them. centre of all that we do. How good or bad is the support you get Eight out of ten students claim to be on the course/training programme? satisfied with their college experience. Our student body spans all ages and 82% Overall satisfaction rate many diverse ethnic groups, and more than 15% of our students have a disability or learning difficulty. You can see the profile of our students overleaf. 14 Annual Report 2014 - 15

Student Age

16-18 Student Profi le 43.3% Full-time 4343 No. of 16-1825 Plus 46.9% students 43.3%37.7% Our Students 4031 No. ofNo. of 25 Plus 16-18 studentsstudents 37.7% 43.3%3493 4031 No. of Full-time 4343 No. of 25 Plus 46.9% students students 349337.7% Part-time 3023 32.6% 19-24 4031 No. of 18.8% students 3493 No. of 19-24 students 18.8% Part-time 3023 1744 32.6% No. of Total 9268 19-24 students Part-time 174418.8% (evening) 686 7.4% Total 9268 No. of students 1744 Part-time Total 9268 (evening) 686 7.4%

Distance/workplace Student Disability learning/Apprenticeships 1216 13.1% Yes - has disability Distance/workplace or learning difficulty 1429 learning/Apprenticeships 1216 13.1% Yes - has disability or learning difficulty 1429 Unknown 112 Yes - has disability or learning difficulty 1429 Unknown 112 No disability or learning difficulty 7727 Total 9268 Student Ethnicity Unknown No disability or 112 learning difficulty 7727 Total 9268 61.4% 5682 English/Welsh/Scottish/NI/British 16.5% 1525 Any other White background No disability or 61.4% 5682 English/Welsh/Scottish/NI/British learning difficulty 7727 7.0% 649 African Total 9268 16.5% 1525 Any other White background 2.2% 200 Bangladeshi 7.0% 649 African 2.0% 188 White and Black Caribbean 2.2% 200 Bangladeshi 2.0%1.6% 188 148 White andCaribbean Black Caribbean 1.6%1.5% 148 137 CaribbeanAny other Asian background 1.5%1.4% 137 126 Any otherNot Asian Known background Student Gender 1.4%1.1% 126 106 Not KnownAny other mixed/multi-ethnic 42.1% 57.9% 1.1%1.1% 106 99 Any otherAny mixed/multi-ethnic other Black/African/Caribbbean 1.1%1.0% 99 95 Any otherIndian Black/African/Caribbbean 42.1% 57.9% 1.0%0.8% 95 76 Indian Other 0.8%0.7% 76 65 Other Pakistani 0.7% 65 Pakistani 0.5% 46 White and Asian 42.1% 57.9% 0.5% 46 White and Asian 0.4% 38 White and Black African 0.4% 38 White and Black African 0.4% 37 Chinese 0.4% 37 Chinese 0.2%0.2% 18 18 Irish Irish 0.2%0.2% 15 15 Arab Arab 0.0%0.0% 1 1 Gypsy Gypsyor Irish orTraveller Irish Traveller 16 Annual Report 2014 - 15 News in Brief Dancers take centre stage at national festival

A dance group became the fi rst ever Northampton College All systems go for Daventry as representatives at the prestigious Festival of Dance, fending Matthew fi nds the work starts on new campus off competition from across the region to earn the right to winning Formula perform on the national stage. Work is now offi cially underway on our pioneering £13million Engineering student Matthew Quincey is in pole position for campus in Daventry, giving around 400 students the chance to The students were selected to represent the East Midlands at an exciting career in the high octane world of Formula 1 after learn the new skills they need to fi nd a job close to home. the national festival in Plymouth, perform alongside some of the landing an Apprenticeship with world champions Mercedes biggest names in dance. AMG High Performance Powertrains (HPP). The plans were given the green light following the College’s successful bid to the South East Midlands Enterprise Partnership The group created a work titled My Line, an abstract The 18-year-old BTEC Level 3 Engineering student landed the (SEMLEP) for £6.5million of funding from the Local Growth Fund performance created in a collaboration between fi rst and second role as part of a tie-in with the Brixworth-based power unit for a completely new centre in the town that will offer vocational year dance students. manufacturer. training for young people and adults. Stuart Boyer, Employee Development Manager at HPP, said: The fi rst spade was put into the ground during a ceremony in November to celebrate the start of works at the Badby Road site. “Matthew will be machining Construction work will continue throughout 2016 when the building will open its doors to new students for the fi rst time. components for use in F1 power units. By the end of his Apprenticeship he could well be working on components Competition win is feather used in Lewis Hamilton or Nico in the cap for fashion Rosberg’s power units, so it’s a great designer Melissa opportunity to contribute to our Aspiring hat maker Melissa Mehrtens won an international success.” competition which will give her the chance to work for a designer who supplies headwear to the Duchess of Cambridge.

The millinery student was named the overall winner of the prestigious competition, organised by the Worshipful Company of Feltmakers of London.

Melissa, who cites Alexander McQueen as her design hero, scooped the £1,200 fi rst prize and will benefi t from a work experience placement with Rachel Trevor Morgan, milliner to the Duchess of Cambridge.

She said: “The chance to design and make hats was one of the main reasons I came to Northampton College as I really wanted to learn new skills. I absolutely love it and to win this competition is amazing.” 18 Annual Report 2014 - 15 News in Brief Students given sound advice by Joey Essex Megan stars in national ‘Think laterally – Students were urged by reality TV star Joey Essex to ‘work hard, TV campaign think logistics’ believe in yourself and keep persevering’ in order to make their dreams come true. Former student Megan Gilbride appeared on TV screens up A specialist academy to train and prepare and down the country, with her lifestyle blog securing the the next generation of workers in the The celebrity, who shot to fame in The Only Way is Essex, was the 26-year-old a starring role in a leading haircare company’s logistics industry was unveiled by special guest at the College’s Outdoor Cinema event, which saw nationwide advertising campaign. Northampton College, with students urged thousands of people flock to Booth Lane to watch films including to ‘think laterally – think logistics’. The former Musical Theatre student, named Company Grease and Guardians of the Galaxy on a giant open air screen. magazine’s Best Fashion Blog Newcomer in 2015, starred in The Logistics Academy will give students the chance to work with He said: Schwarzkopf’s latest campaign, showcasing her vibrant red hair local companies through a series of internships and mentoring and fashion know-how on everything from prime time TV adverts programmes and employers have been urged to get on board to to shopping centre billboards. ensure they benefit too. “I’ve always had to work hard for Kings of Spice crowned everything I’ve had. I’ve always tried The ‘Wonderful You’ blog has amassed Megan over 13,000 Businesses involved with the Logistics Academy will be able to in college kitchens Twitter followers and 20,000 YouTube subscribers. access a pool of newly-skilled workers to help their own growth to stay true to myself and I’ve had this The hottest talents in the world of curry cooking showcased plans and benefit from the exposure gained through running a belief that all the hard work will pay off their skills in the college kitchens as Northampton played host She said: number of masterclasses, warehouse tours and a place on the in the end. to the national finals of the Bangladesh Caterers’ Association “I absolutely loved my course at the Career Ready advisory board. annual cook-off. college. We got to try out so many “If I could give one piece of advice to More than 30 chefs from across the country cooked up a storm different things and the teaching was to produce a series of stunning dishes and impress the star- all the young people at Northampton studded judging panel. Winners were announced at a lavish ceremony in London, broadcast on TV stations around the world. just incredible. You need a real energy College, it would be to just keep going, to act and perform and I’ve been able keep persevering. Believe in yourself Organiser Tipu Rahman said: to carry that through to my videos and it will come good for you.” “We are incredibly grateful to and blogging. The College taught me Northampton College for the use of how to present myself in the best their first-class facilities. It was an possible way, to make the transition honour for our competitors to cook in from stage to film.” such fantastic kitchens and we hope College bookworms to have inspired the next generation of earn reading rewards curry chefs.” Students at Northampton College have helped land a top award after taking part in a national drive to get more people reading. The Six Book Challenge, organised by The Reading Agency, aims to promote literacy by encouraging people to read a minimum of six books and note down their thoughts on what they have read. More than 600 Northampton College students signed up for this year’s challenge and 238 successfully completed the task, earning the college a national Gold award for the fourth consecutive year to recognise its success. Northampton College Booth Lane Northampton NN3 3RF

Northampton College Daventry Badby Road West Daventry NN11 4HJ

Northampton College Lower Mounts Northampton NN1 3DE email: [email protected] Phone: 01604 734567