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F6e2818884ab0aba0a15ddb472 REPUBLIC OF NAURU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No.6 16th January, 2008 Nauru ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G.N.No. 15 / 2008 IMMIGRATION ACT 1999 In exercise of the powers conferred upon it by Section 19 of the Immigration Act 1999, The Cabinet has this day made the following Regulations. IMMIGRATION (TOURIST VISAS) REGULATIONS 2007 Short title and commencement 1. (1) These Regulations may be cited as the Immigration (Tourist Visas) Regulation 2007. (2) These Regulations come into force on the date of their making. Interpretation 2. (1) In these Regulations, unless the contrary intention appears ---- “Act” means the Immigration Act 1999; (2) Words defined in the Principal Act have the same meaning in these Regulations unless otherwise stated. Issue of Tourist Visas 3. (1) A person holding a passport for countries listed in Schedule 1, may be issued a Tourist Visa either on arrival on Nauru or prior to travel to Nauru, by the Principal Immigration Officer upon satisfaction that such visitor – (a) is in possession of a valid passport or other travel document which, will not expire within three month of the expiry of the period of the visa for which application is made; (b) has a valid ticket from Nauru to travel to another country which he is authorised to enter; (c) has sufficient funds for his support in Nauru during the period of the visa for which application is made; (d) has confirmed reservations or bookings at a hotel or motel accommodations; and -2- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No.6 16th January, 2008 Nauru ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G.N.No. 15 / 2008 (cont’d) (e) gives no grounds for the belief that he will contravene the conditions upon which the visa may be granted. (2) For the purpose of subsection (1) the Principal Immigration Officer may approve— (a) an authorised officer to issue tourist visas on arrival in Nauru: and (b) the issue of Tourist Visas outside of Nauru prior to the Tourist’s travel to Nauru (3) The conditions upon which a Tourist Visa may be granted are that the person, whilst in Nauru, will not--- (a) behave in a manner prejudicial to peace or good order; (b) engage in any business, profession or employment, whether for reward or not except with the approval of the Chief Secretary; or (c) engage in research, except with the approval of the Chief Secretary, and such visa shall be subject to any other conditions which the Principal Immigration Officer may impose consistent with the provisions of the Immigration Act 1999 (4) A Tourist Visa entitles the holder to remain in Nauru for any period not exceeding 30 days. (5) The Principal Immigration Officer may extend the period for which a Tourist Visa has been granted if he is satisfied that the conditions for the issue of a visa will be observed— Provided that no such extension shall be granted for a period of more than 14 days nor for more than 90 days in the aggregate. (6) The Principal Immigration Officer may cancel a Tourist Visa if satisfied that the person to whom it was issued is not a person to whom a Tourist Visa ought to have been issued or that there has been any breach of the conditions subject to which it was granted. (7) If a person fails to comply with the conditions of his or her visa, such person shall not, unless the Minister otherwise directs, be permitted to re-enter Nauru as a Tourist or Visitor within a period of twelve months from the date such person leaves Nauru upon cancellation of his or her Tourist Visa under the provisions of subsection (6). (8) Except with the prior permission of the Minister, a person holding a Tourist Visa who remains in Nauru for more that seven days after expiry of the visa shall not be permitted to re-enter Nauru within a period of six months from the date of the expiry of such visa. (9) The conditions attaching to a Tourist Visa shall upon issue of the visa be stapled to the page of the passport or travel document upon which the visa is stamped and the visa holder’s attention shall be drawn to the conditions (10) A person who is unwilling to give an undertaking to comply with the conditions in sub-regulation (2) shall be refused entry and dealt with as a prohibited immigrant. (11) No fee is chargeable for the issue of a Tourist Visa. -3- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No.6 16th January, 2008 Nauru ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G.N.No. 15 / 2008 (cont’d) Schedule 1. Pacific Islands Forum member countries The commonwealth member countries ______________________________________________________________________ G.N.No. 16 / 2008 CRIMINAL PROCEDURE ACT 1972 (Section 217) CRIMINAL PROCEDURE RULES In accordance with Section 217 of the Criminal Procedure Act 1972, I hereby prescribe the forms in the schedule to be the forms for use in matters arising under Section 27 and 34(a) of that Act. Dated this 21st day of December, 2007 Hon Robin Millhouse QC, Chief Justice __________________________________ SCHEDULE REPUBLIC OF NAURU CRIMINAL PROCEDURE ACT 1972 FORMS RELATING TO APPREHENDED VIOLENCE ORDER FORM 1 COMPLAINT (Section 27(2) In the District Court, Criminal Case No:........................... ...........................................................................of...................................................................(a) apprehend that: • violence will be committed by.............................................................................of .........................................................................(b) to................................................................of ..........................................................................(c) and/or* -4- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No.6 16th January, 2008 Nauru ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G.N.No. 16 / 2008 (cont’d) • injury will be done to the property of .................................................................... of....................................................(d) by............................................................... of………………………………...(e) and makes complaints to the undersign magistrate. Dated this.................................day of...................... Resident Magistrate (a) full name and address of the person making the complaint (b) full name and address of the respondent (c) full name and address to whom violence is apprehended against including any person or the spouse or child of the respondent (d) full name and address of the person to whom injury to property is apprehended against (e) full name and address of the respondent *cross out whatever is not applicable FORM 2 SHOW CAUSE (Section 27 (2)) In the District Court, Criminal Case No:.......................................... To...................................................................of.............................................................................(a) Upon receiving a Complaint from .......................................................................of.............................................................................(b) who apprehends that: • violence will be committed by yourself to ...............................................................of ...................................................(c) and/or* • injury will be done by you to the property of .......................................................... of...............................................(d) you are hereby required to show cause to the District Court why you should not be ordered- • to enter into a recognizance, with or without sureties, for a reasonable amount for keeping the peace for such period, not exceeding one year, as the District Court thinks fit; or -5- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No.6 16th January, 2008 Nauru ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G.N.No. 16 / 2008 (cont’d) • not communicate with..............................................and/or* to stay away form ....................................or the residence of...............................................and/or* not approach closer than.......meters form the said person or place; or • both. Dated this.................................day of................................ Resident Magistrate (a) full name and address of the respondent (b) full name and address of the person who made the complaint (c) full name and address to whom violence is apprehended against including any person or the spouse or child of the respondent (d) full name and address of the person to whom injury property is apprehended against *cross out whatever is not applicable FORM 3 SUMMONS (Section 30) In the District Court, Criminal Case No:....................... To (a).....................................................................of
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