NOTICES AND WHAT’S ON 6 October 2019 Trinity 16

Hospitality Faithfulness Wholeness Today: Thank you to everyone who brought produce for our Harvest Festival celebration last week. This has been given to Inn Churches, Abigail Housing and the Foodbank where it will be greatly appreciated.

The FLOWERS today have been given by Heather Choudhary “in loving memory of Deen, whose birthday was 1st October.”

This morning at the 10.15am Eucharist four of our choristers are to be baptised. Please do keep them in your thoughts and prayers as they make this significant step.

There will not be a BELL RINGING taster session today, but hopefully this will return in November.

CHORAL EVENSONG TODAY Yesterday, we welcomed the choirs from Ripon and for the Choirs’ Festival and today at Choral Evensong at 4pm the choir from Ripon will be singing and the Revd Gary Hodgson will be preaching. Gary is Priest in Charge at and and is one of our Honorary Canons. Do come and share in this service if you can. Our Choir will be singing at Wakefield . THIS WEEK: The TUESDAY@ELEVEN COFFEE CONCERT is this ……………. Tuesday 8th October at 11am when we will welcome František Brikcius who will be playing the violoncello. František was born in Prague and has studied in Prague, Japan and and he will be playing pieces by Bach, James Simon, Irena Kosikova and Fred Katz. The recital is free, but there will be a retiring collection and coffee and cake will be served from 10.30am.

The WEDNESDAY@1 ORGAN RECITAL welcomes this week Sean Montgomery, who is a long-standing friend of Bradford Cathedral. The buffet lunch is from 12.30-12.55pm and the recital will start at 1pm. The lunch is £4 and the recital is free, but there is a retiring collection.

THE ALPHA COURSE continues on Wednesday from 5.30pm – 7pm. The weekly session, begins with a meal and is a relaxed and informative way to explore the Christian Faith. All are welcome, but please let Canon Mandy, any of the clergy or the Cathedral Office know if you would like to attend and have any special dietary requirements. OF LONDON SINFONIA: THE FRUIT OF SILENCE is next Saturday 12th October at 7pm. This is their first visit to Bradford and the evening will be a musical event exploring the relationship between sound and spirituality and which will use the spaces and architecture of our beautiful cathedral to help us to see classical music in a completely new light. The event will move around the cathedral and everyone is invited to follow and share in what will be an amazing experience. Book you ticket at for this special evening.

AUGUSTINER-KANTOREI: The Yorkshire tour of the choir from our Link Diocese of Erfurt in Germany begins next Sunday 13th October, when over 100 singers will join together to offer music as part of our worship at the 10:15am Eucharist. You will be able to follow their progress around the county, which includes the organ recital here on the 16th, on our blog at This will be a wonderful service so do come and share in it if you can.

HOPE ON THE EDGE returns next Sunday 13th October at 6pm where you can hear from young people about the issues that concern them and their views of church, with opportunities to ask questions and pray together.

BISHOP ROY WILLIAMSON There is to be a thanksgiving for Roy th Williamson at Choral Evensong on Sunday 20 October at 4pm. This will be led by The and Bishop Colin Buchanan will be preaching. Bishop Roy was from 1984-1991 and is very fondly remembered by many people. Everyone is welcome to come and remember him and to give thanks for his life and ministry.

The FRIENDS ANNUAL LUNCH is on Sunday 20th October at the Hotel, Lady Lane, . Don’t miss out and if you have not already booked, please do so as soon as possible as the closing date for booking is Friday 11th October. Leaflets for booking, which is essential, are available at the back of the Cathedral so don’t delay if you would like to go. Forms can be returned to either Jill Wright or the Cathedral Office.

REVISED SEATING ARRANGEMENTS. Throughout September, we experimented with a new seating layout and we would now like your views. Please pick up and complete a feedback form, today and your views will be taken back to the Community Committee. Forms are on the sound desk and can be returned either directly to Monica or put into the box. Your views are important and do matter so please let us know what you think.

ECO EXTRAVAGANZA Our first Eco Extravaganza is to be held on Saturday 19th October when there will be stalls, children’s activities, guest speakers, film and worship. There will also be an all-day Fairtrade and local produce café with a vegetable soup and bread lunch. You will be able to buy things from our Fairtrade Stall so do come along for a fun day and find out things we can all do to make a change and difference to our world. Our FAIRTRADE STALL desperately needs more people to help with the stall on Sundays – could you help? We have run the stall for many years now, and we want to continue to do so, but we really do need more people to ‘join the team’. If you would like to help or know more, please have a word with whoever is on the stall today or speak to Jane Tarver or let Sandra Heaton in the Cathedral Office know.

SARAH MAYBURY writes: Thank you so much for all the love, support and prayers that you have shown, given and offered up to God for me over this past three years of Lay Reader training. Saturday’s licensing was the culmination of many highs and lows; thank you to all of you who could share with me in the joy of the celebration. I will be serving in the parish of , Heaton and Manningham, but will see you on Sundays at 10.15am at the cathedral on the third Sunday of the month. Blessings. Sarah

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! The autumn season is always busy here at the Cathedral, and Advent will be especially busy. We are always needing new people to come and join our growing band of volunteers to help with refreshments; eco and Fairtrade ventures; welcoming on a Sunday morning as well as during the week; bell ringing; help with children both on Sundays and during the week, to mention just some of the wide variety of volunteer work we do here. Please do let us know if you can spare some time to help on a Sunday, or at other times during the week when the Cathedral gets busy with many other activities. Just let one of the churchwardens Monica or Alex know and we will be pleased to help you find the right niche for your special skills!!

EVENTS 2020: We are currently planning our events for next year and would like your input on what you think has gone well or could be improved, as well as events you'd like to see next year. If you have any thoughts please e-mail them to [email protected] or see Phil after the service on Sunday 13th October.

WEST END GARDEN We are looking for a team to help with the replanting of the West End Garden. If you could help, please see Canon Mandy. Thank you.

BRADFORD INTERFAITH PRAYER FOR PEACE next meet at the Khidmat Centre, Spencer Road, Bradford BD7 2EU on Friday 11th October at 7pm. People of different faiths meet on the 11th of each month to pray for peace and understanding and the prayers are followed by shared vegetarian food. All are welcome.

PEOPLE WANTED FOR POETRY If you would like to help by recording a verse of poetry from for one of the poems by our Poet in Residence please let us know by e-mailing [email protected] or contacting the Cathedral Office.

CATHEDRAL CHRISTMAS CARD We are currently finalising the details of this year's Bradford Cathedral Christmas card and we’ll be updating everyone shortly about when they'll be made available. Watch this space! WHAT’S ON THIS WEEK 6th – 13th OCTOBER Today 8.00am Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel – Canon Mandy Trinity 16 10.15am Choral Eucharist – Canon Paul/Canon Mandy with Baptism and Children’s Space 11.45am Just A Minute Reflection 4.00pm Choral Evensong – Canon Paul/Revd Canon Gary Hodgson and the Choir from This week at the Cathedral for information and prayer – The Dean is in residence

Monday 8.30am Morning Prayer 10.00am School Visit 5.45pm Choral Evensong Tuesday 8.30am Morning Prayer 10.00am Carers in the Parish Room 10.30am Coffee Concert 1.00pm Stitching Group 1.00pm School Visit 5.45pm Choral Evensong Wednesday 7.30am Holy Communion – Revd Paul Booth 8.30am Morning Prayer 9.00am Artspace Meeting 10.15am Holy Communion – Revd Rod Anderson 1.00pm Wednesday @1 Organ Recital 2.30pm Places of Welcome 5.30pm Alpha Course in the Cathedral 5.30pm Evening Prayer Thursday 8.30am Morning Prayer 5.30pm Evening Prayer 7.00pm LWL Course ‘Worship in Music’ in the Cathedral Friday 8.30am Morning Prayer 10.00am Toddler Group 5.30pm Evening Prayer 7.00pm Bradford on Film Saturday 8.30am Morning Prayer 5.30pm Evening Prayer 7.00pm City of London Sinfonia

Sunday 13 October 8.00am Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel – The Dean Trinity 17 10.15am Choral Eucharist – Canon Paul/The Dean Prisons’ Week with Children’s Space 11.45am Just A Minute Reflection 4.00pm Choral Evensong – Canon Paul 6.00pm Hope on the Edge

01274 777720 Bradford Cathedral, Stott Hill, BD1 4EH stpeterbradford @Bfdcathedral