Weber State University English 2010: Nature Writing Spring Semester 2015 Instructor: Sunni Brown Wilkinson Class times: Tuesdays & Thursdays 12 – 1:15 E-mail:
[email protected] Phone: (801) 388-7279 (please call only in emergencies) Required texts (bring to class) Winter: notes from Montana, Rick Bass Writing Matters, Rebecca Moore Howard Most of our readings will be posted on our class website via Canvas, but please print them off & bring them to class. Course Objectives The main objective of this course is to build on what you learned in 1010, emphasizing critical thinking and utilizing a great variety of challenging texts and research methods. All papers will be written in an academic voice and should explore your analysis of texts and visual mediums. This class focuses on nature writing, but I will bring in a variety of mediums and aspects to discuss. I expect you to push yourselves in your writing approaches and workshops. Because we focus so much on nature and because this is an Honors course, I expect rigorous analyses, both rhetorical and personal, that contemplate why environment is so important to us as humans. Here are some questions I would like you to ask yourselves now and throughout the semester: Why is our relationship with place so tied to our own identity? What connections can you make between each writer’s concern for nature and their society’s overall sentiments about it? When do they reflect a harmonious conversation and when do they not? Or do they ever? How do you see nature writing fitting into the larger context of literature or writing in general? How do you see these arguments affecting society? Policies • Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the specified day.