Aug. X896, 27. on SUB~ROED LAND
Downloaded from at University of California-San Diego on July 15, 2016 474 suB-~Re~.n T.A~D-SVRFACESA~ ~ARR~. [Aug. X896, 27. On SUB~ROED LAND-SVRFACES at BARRY, G~AMORGANSHIRE. By A. STRA~, Esq., M.A., F.G.S. ~th NOTES On the FAV~A and Fr.ORA by CLEmEnT REIn, Esq., F.L.S., F.G.S. ; and an APPE~vix on the MicRozoA by Prof. T. R. Jo~s, F.R.S., and F. C~AP~AN, Esq., A.L.S., F.R.~I.S. (Communicated by per- mission of the Director-General of H.M. Geological Survey. Read March 25th, 1896.) BA~Rr Is~.a~'v lies off the northern coast of the Bristol Channel, about 7 miles south-west of Cardiff. Until the year 1884 it was separated from the mainland by ~he tidal estuary of the Cadoxton River on its northern side, and on the east by a tract covered at high water, but in which the solid rock cropped up through the tidal ~ deposits at frequent intervals, the most conspicuous prominences being known as the Coston, Mark, Bendrick, and Black Rocks. In the absence of evidence to the contrary we may assume that the course followed by the river at this time was its original course, for it falls into the general south-westerly direction of the rest of the valley. The numerous outcrops of rock, moreover, in the tidal area east of the island make it unlikely that there was an outlet here of sufficient depth to drain the marshes behind it.
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