MINUTES of a Meeting of the Commons, Open Spaces, Allotments, Cemetery and Footpaths Committee (COSAC) held in the Old Library, Parish Hall, Dinas Powys, on Wednesday, 26th March 2014.

PRESENT: Cllrs. Mrs. C. Mirza-Davies (Chairman), V. Driscoll, M. Hartrey, Mrs. V. M. Hartrey and A. R. Robertson.

ALSO PRESENT: Mr. A. Sullivan – Footpaths Warden, Mr. N. Gaskell – Allotments Holders Representative and Cllr. G. Thomas – Leader of the Summer Walks.

47. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllrs. C. P. Franks and J. H. Williams.

48. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES – The Minutes of the COSAC and Footpaths Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, 22nd January 2014 having been previously circulated were taken as read, and on the Motion of Cllr. V. Driscoll and seconded by Cllr. A. R. Robertson it was RESOLVED - THAT such Minutes be approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

49. DECLARATION OF INTEREST – There were no declarations of interest.


Heritage Grant – Small Grant Application – Heritage Interpretation Boards

A grant application has now been submitted. Creative Rural Community’s Panel will be considering grant applications on Thursday, 8th May 2014.

Removal of Sycamore Tree – Allotment No. 2b

The Clerk has contacted the Contractor involved requesting the tree is removed.

Cross Common Footpath Project and St. Andrew’s Footpath Project

Both projects have been delayed due to weather conditions.

St. Andrew’s Cemetery – Removal of Trees from Boundary and Crown Lifting the Trees at The Westra

Acorn Tree Services is to commence work on crown lifting the trees at The Westra within the next two weeks. The removal of the trees at St. Andrew’s Cemetery will follow.

Acorn Tree Services will be arranging the necessary highway traffic lights and signage.

Annual Grass Maintenance – St. Andrew’s Cemetery

Council approved J. D.W. Landscapers fixed price contract for a period of 3 years up to March 2017.

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The Triangle and Verges on the Twyn

Cllr. A. R. Robertson had received an e-mail request from a local resident suggesting flowering shrubs be planted in the verges as it is now the planting season, one section of missing railings be replaced and consideration be given to Victorian style lamp-posts in The Twyn area. Committee agreed that shrubs/plants will be planted in the areas mentioned as soon as possible.

During the Village Plan proposals Victorian style lamp-posts had been debated but it was considered too difficult to achieve within the time limit for a grant application. Committee had discussed alternative suggestions submitted and decided to apply for a grant to assist with the installation of new play and adult leisure equipment on Dinas Powys Common.

Cllr. A. R. Robertson suggested that any Section 106 funding, received from development projects within Dinas Powys, be set aside for the installation of Victorian style lighting on the Twyn.

PTA - St. Andrew’s Major Primary School - Circus – Wednesday, 16th July 2014

A letter had been sent to St. Andrew’s Major Primary School stating that Council had no objection to a Circus Tent being erected on Dinas Powys Common for one day. Copies of the PTA and Circus’s Public Liability Insurance Cover were to be forwarded to Council and the PTA to advise local organisations who use Dinas Powys Common of the event.


a. Report by Mr. A. Sullivan – Footpaths Warden

Mr. Sullivan expressed his concern on the condition of Footpath No. 14. The bank has eroded due to the high level of Cadoxton River during recent inclement weather. Mr. Sullivan was pleased to see wooden fencing and new kissing gates on Footpath No. 1.

The Chairman thanked Mr. Sullivan for his report.

b. Summer Walks – Cllr. G. Thomas

The Chairman welcomed Cllr. Geraint Thomas to the Meeting to discuss Summer Walks. Cllr. Thomas informed Members that the Summer Walks will commence every Wednesday evening from 28th May until 25th June 2014 at 7.00 p.m. Walkers are to assemble at the woods entrance, bottom of Pen-Y-Turnpike Hill. Details of the walks will be placed on Dinas Powys Community Council’s website, other suitable websites and Facebook. Also posters will be displayed around Dinas Powys.

The Chairman thanked Cllr. G. Thomas for attending the Meeting.


a. Report by Mr. N. Gaskell – Allotment Holder Representative

Due to the success of last year’s Best Allotment and Best New Comer Competition Mr. Gaskell proposed that another competition is held this year and awards again be presented at the Village Show. Mr. Gaskell agreed to obtain two garden vouchers as prizes. Committee RECOMMENDED - THAT an Allotment Competition is held this year and last year’s judges - Cllrs. Mrs. C. Mirza-Davies, V. Driscoll and A. R. Robertson are reinstated for this year’s competition.

Only two allotments have been relinquished following the annual renewal of allotments. One allotment has recently been allocated and the other is to be offered to the next person on the Waiting List. There are four residents listed on the Waiting List.

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Mr. Gaskell also stated that the majority of allotment holders are cultivating their allotments. Mr. Gaskell, on behalf of the allotments holders, conveyed their appreciation for all the work and assistance Mr. Brian Clemett, the Council’s Handyman, has given over the many years he has been employed with the Community Council.

The Chairman thanked Mr. Gaskell for his report.

b. Allotments Site Visit

Committee RECOMMENDED - THAT an allotments site visit will take place on Saturday, 3rd May 2014 at 11.00 a.m.


One full burial reopening has taken place since the last COSAC Committee Meeting in January 2014.


a. To Consider Quotations for Annual Inspection of Equipment –

As the equipment will have been installed for one year in May 2014 it is necessary to have an Independent Inspection of the equipment. Committee considered the two quotations received for the Annual Inspection and RECOMMENDED acceptance of the Independent Inspector, recommended by the Council, at a cost of £60.00.

b. To Consider Quotations for Safety Mats around equipment.

Due to the erosion of grassed areas around the play and adult equipment quotations had been sought for safety mats to be installed. Committee requested additional information and if possible samples.


The Welsh Government has published a Consultation on proposed regulations and supporting guidance to be made under the Playing Fields (Community Involvement in Disposal Decisions) () Measure 2010. A draft of the completed Consultation Form had been circulated to Committee Members. This draft will also be circulated to all Council Members prior to the Monthly Meeting of Council in April. Any additional comments Councillors wish to be included should be advised at the Monthly Meeting of Council.

Cllr. C. P. Franks had requested a letter regarding playing fields be sent to the Vale of Glamorgan Council. The Chairman enlightened Councillors of the details of the letter. All Members agreed that the letter should be sent.

Cllr. V. Driscoll left the Meeting.

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Programme of Planting Suitable Flowers within Dinas Powys

Through the Clerk Cllr. C. P. Franks had suggested Committee consider a rolling programme for planting daffodils on Dinas Powys Common, Cross Common and grass verges throughout Dinas Powys.

Following debate Committee RECOMMENDED - THAT at each COSAC and Footpaths Committee Meeting Councillors suggest buying a particular plant and the area planting should take place.

Committee RECOMMENDED - THAT snowdrops and primroses be purchased once approved by Full Council in April, at a maximum spend of £100.00, and planted at Brookside (on the sloping part facing the road), bottom of Dinas Powys Common, on the opposite bank alongside the river (pathway leading to the swings) by the Murch Community Hall.

Process of Work Assigned to Staff

Cllr. A. R. Robertson brought to the attention of Members that certain members of staff are being asked to carry out work not through the Clerk. The Clerk was requested to advise on the process work was assigned to staff.

The Clerk advised that members of staff have their normal day-to-day duties. Following requests at a Committee Meeting, which is ratified by Full Council, the Clerk informs members of staff by either handing them a list of the work involved or by informal discussion.

Cllr. Robertson was informed that staffing matters are going to be discussed at the next Finance and General Purposes Committee Meeting being held in April and he was welcome to attend.

Trees – Dinas Powys Common

Cllr. M. Hartrey stated that the four remaining Silver Birch trees on Dinas Powys Common have died and proposed that consideration be given to remove the trees and alternative trees planted. Committee RECOMMENDED - THAT the Clerk approach Acorn Tree Services and seek his opinion. Any proposals will be discussed at the next COSAC and Footpaths Committee Meeting.

Letter of Appreciation

A letter of appreciation has been sent to Mr. B. Morgan (Mossfords) for mounting and installing the Creative Rural Communities plaque on the railings of the play area on Dinas Powys Common.

57. DATE OF NEXT MEETING – To be advised.

Signed: ...... Date: ......

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