Hacksaw-Blade Knives.Pdf
n a cold Marcll morning ir 1968 Y€ung Cban slipped through the bafbed wire Master into Hong Kong rerritorl' and escapcd A ftom Chaamar Mao's cultuml revolurion. He was woodu'orRer poor in possessions. bringing nothtug with him from Clltua but th€ compass that had guided him T.ttr" out. But he had a ,i-ealrh of knowlcdge abour iarodworking that he hxd been acquiring since childhood. I fACRSALL' At xn ng€ \\-hen most children play with toys, Chan had taughl himsetf to make them. He had grown up poor in Kwangtung ulades lnto Province in Sourh China and his farnily had no money for extras. So when he was I or I0. chan sraned making tools so he could build DeaLtTtItr to)'s fbr his brcthe$. The first tooi was a knife made f.oor a brcken .rl hacksaw btade and scrap$ ood. With no grinding wheel o. sandpr- IOOIS pef to work rhe metal. the boy had to firsr rcmove xll rhe lecrh bv rubbiog the hacksa$' blnde on a slab of fough concrere. He then shaped dre blade and honed it to ?n cdgc using the samc tabodous nr,l-od I rook d lor o" oJricnr'. lrc rcn ember,. b, qhcn \oU := J'e )uung )ou hdve rorhlng h,I r:rne a \rith th€ first kdfe, he made a s€cond, then a third. each one ber- 5 ':: I siDg dr. sa c sirnptc lrrllnnttrr. an,l n,rterials. ih. arlhor.rr malr r \afior\ ol linircs. rro l.fl ro righl are: r.hidl l.,iti nilll : n ri,!.nootl L.x(ll.: rn eafl$er- rion 01 i flin,l Luili *itl, l 1nr- ro0rl lnrlr: ihort-l,hd(l ({.
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