Canoe and Boat Buildings by W
iMiiteii #-<v- C/v/oBaXd^O/lT iMS3£i£^"^'''M$Sm:MSS ^Ib'^'' WOOD LIBKART Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2007 witii funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp:// Forest and Stream Books. Canoe and Boat Buildings By w. p. Stephens. 360 pp., and fifty plates of working drawings. Prit:»_^lj^o.^2.00 Canoe Handling, ByC B. Vaux,"Dot," Price $1.00. Camp G^ Canoe Cookery, By«'Seneca," Price $1x0. Woodcraft, By "Nessmuk," Price $1.00. Dog Training, By S. T. Hammond, Price $1.00. Angling Talks, By George Dawson, Price 50 cents. Antelope and Deer of America, By John Dean Caton, L.L>. D., Price $2.50. Small Yachts, By C. p. Kunhardt, Quarto. (Size of page, i4j4xi2M» with sixty-three full-page plates.) Price $7.00. The Canoe Aurora, By Dr. Chas. A. Neide, Price $1.00. CAiq:OE AND BOAT BUILDING. A COMPLETE MANUAL FOR AMATEURS. CONTAINING PLAIN AND COMPREHENSIVE DIRECTIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CANOES, ROW- ING AND SAILING BOATS AND HUNTING CRAFT. BY W. P. STEPHENS, Canoeing Editor of Forest and Stream. With Numerous Illustrations and Fifty Plates of Working Drawings. FOURTH EDITION, REVISED AND EXTENDED TO DATE. NEW YORK: Forest and Stream Publishing Co. 1889. Copyright, FORKST AND StkBAM PcbUSHTNO Co . 1889. — PREFACE. The character and object of this book are set forth on its title page. It is a manual designed for the practical assist- ance of those who -wish to build their own canoes The number of boating men who find pleasure merely in sailing a boat is small compared with those who delight not only in handling, but as well in planning, building, improv- ing or "tinkering" generally on their pet craft, and undoubt- edly the latter derive the greater amount of pleasure from the sport.
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