11 - . |H • ■ >-.- i*» •.•», . ' ■ fb'v I:. ^ ? ’ \K '• V-*- . ii , " \ '^’ '•■;>‘:V ''‘ V- 'i i, ■ >’ .j ■ : ' u : , - vilS': ' w f e - ' • i s i i p W « M i i .... ■f - - ''S^'/v: : ~, n 7^ .• \ ■- .^Sr“- r " . ■ ...... AVDtiUM DAILY dBODLATlOlf TH P m B A T m iR , Foreoaot of 0. A Woathor fo r Hm Month of Nofnmher. 190 . B K tlp fd Chmdy tonight; ■nadsy 5 , 2 7 6 rain; not nmcli ohnngo In Meodtor of tho Anttt Bnrom tnra. of OreidallOBO.

(OloMlfled Advertlolng on Page If.) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1932. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CBNlH VOL. L n« NO. 72. SEE FAST ACTION During: French Cabinet Crisis HDSSIATRIES TO BOOST rrs FRANCE TO GO SLOW ON BEER MEASURE il.SJJSINESS ON PROBLEM OF DEBT Check of Sente Jndidary CHURCHES HERALD •$> Soviet’s Forsign Trade Ex> Official SpokamiB Raportt Conunittee Diidesee Me* CHRISTMAS SPIRIT pert Here To Talk With Father Watche8 p » Mniic la Feature. ing "divlBB heallBg” ritei they be­ Paul Oakley in whleh the preaeher eoBt boor bUl fteii tto BMt ^ toot, Boyoff, viei oomBdHar of forilga lieved would eBorelee a "devif’ re- li quoted aa admlttlBg the child For SottUng Im m Thit diMloNd today a olear majority for trada of tho RuiiIbb lovlet Bopub- epoBiible for her afflletiOB, Iberman died with hie handi ob her threat. BMdlfleaUoB of tho VOlitoad act. Tbfl Ohrlitflaai spirit will be manl- lloi. It 11 iNpioted IB Wall l » N t aaytoB, baekewoodaman, w u held "Devil Killed Her" iBtorviiwi with mombori iBdl flit IB tbi MBBOhutir ohurotaM to­ that effort! m)i bt reniwod to lUm- today OB a murder ebarf e. ”1 thought Qed lent me to heal CofflH From Wiihliiiton. egtod that tho blU would reoolvo ulato trade between the> United Olay ton told offloere of the atraage the ohlld,’^ the itatemiBt attributed nofdy ooBilderatloB ubIm i a in arl morrow wltb iirvleM of lOBf 1b hon­ ItatM aad Ruiiia. eeremoBy when arreated late yeeter to the preaeher laid. "But the devil ^ i l m over Iti aloohollo ooBtOBt or of tbi Bftbo of BotUobom. Al- Beyoff vlilti the United ItiiU i day at tne rural eommunlty 10 mil hilled her through me. X thought It Parli) dee. 84.—(AF)—Ambai* ttn of miay oburobii will bo llght- reguiirly enei or twtoi a year, pri­ lid of the II eommlttee wait of UhdeB where hie o-i-year -0 wae Oed werklhi through mfi but lader Walter I . B d|e will p o i ^ e od with ChriitmM oandloi and )no- marily to get a flnt hand vltw of ehild, Bemieei died. after ihe w u d eu , Ood tdld me I membera remalBlBf 1b the elty over trade poiilbllltlei with thii eouBtiy, He eaid the preaoher brothera, wae deeelvad, that it w u the devil.” making a return eill on Rrailer the hoUdayi iBdloAed^ they ^u ld diival aBd modom oaroli will bo and, whenever opportunity afferda Paul Oakley and Ooy Oakley, who In hli jail eall Paul Oakley yelled Jeaepb Paui-Ueneeur until he heare leiallaatloB of beer at thli ouBf IB honor of tho Ohriotohild. Xb to further the trade Intereata of the llkewiee have been oharged with the repeatedly I "I'm Oed)” or '*X'm the from Waihlngten aiul li able ta n e ether b Ibo aald they pagoantry, oormoB and ooBg Obriot- lovlet. Id vote for beer, theu|h.0Be or , had prayed for the eure of devil.” He gave hie age ai 80. Hie (umlih the premier with general mas will 00 tho oiBglo thorns 1b Man- Peter A. Bogdanov, thi urbaae d. Bemiee had been paralyied brother li Bo. made NNnmtleBa ob the a)eep obostor, as throughout tho ontlro ohlof of thi Amterg Trading Oer- debt Information. »«..j ooBtmt. Three ^ the ab- » due to an attaek of InfahtlleWhen breufht to the jail bath he world tomorrow. sratien, worka eleiely with Boyeff paralyaia mere than two yeariand age. hla brother had their faoei An offlolal rrofloh ipokoeman eeatMi are.pem em ti ^ e ie partly PBUl-BoBoeur'i atw Frmoh otblait, plidgid to nigetlati with the laid today that II. Paui>BoBeour'i platform ealli for immediate modifi> Barig Morning March. I the joint offerta of theee lovlet Wae Praying atreaked with paint or dye that MaBohootor oburonoo will oboorvo UBitfd lU tei OB the war debt iltuBtiofl, WM upheld la the Frenoh emleianea to etlmulate BuiilaB- lurprlii vlilt yeeterday to tho eatloBi "X didn't Interfere when they were gave them the appearanee of Indian llBoe the loBate decided yeeter- tho Holy Day with various oorvloeo ohambir of depUtlei. BoBoour li ihown (In oenter, wearing blaek hat) Ameriean trada. Juet prior to Bey- werklBg with her on the floor be- medleine men. Tnelr hair wai long Amerlean Im b iiiy would bo moro ai an army ofnewipaper mea deie ended upon him while day to let the beer Mil take Iti reg­ throughout tho wook end. As ththe oablnet eff'e arrival Bofdanevlogi breadoait an oauee i didn’t have my mind on the and unkempt. oxaetly undoratoeid If It were Inter* ular oeurM through eemmitteei. the usual, tho oboorvaBoo will boglB with wai iB the proeeii of leleetloB. appeal to AmeriOBB bUBlfleei ineB lo ohiid,” Olaytofl explained to offloere. Mri. Olayton, 88, laid aha w u net pretea u a "vlilt for IfiformatlM.” Beat aetloB will eeme 1b the judl- • Ohriotmao moralBg maroh oob< Btudyidy thithe peeilbllltlee of trade •»- ”1 wai pra^Bg i&d had my mlad In tho room where the ritei were Xt wai pointed out that Franoo olary eommlttee, penlbly next m o b - duotod by tho lalvatloB Army Band P*' with th# lovlet. Amteri OB the Idord. oendueted and did net learn of her bellovei tho dobt proUom ihoiM Ipoolal maosoo will bo ouBg 1b tho II the lovlet trading tgeney in "The Oakleyi told me ihe wai la daughter’i duth for leveral heuri. Bot bo hiBdlid Ib • hurry, t h ^ Polish National ohuroh at midnight oountry. a heaviBly ordained oema. Paul Ihe w u ordered to appear u h wlt- Frafloe haa bo Ifitontion of lottlBf X .t .r Iferrli prepeiei to eoBd the quiitloB fall by the wayildo tho aaoaauro to the eame oub-oem- tOBli^t with spoolal muolo by cho LAR(XST VOTE CAST Oemmeroe PiUe Offi laid ihe wae under Ctod'i power and neu Monday when the preaehere mlttN whleh li bow eoBilderlBg soBlor oholr, to olfioially ushor in tho Xb reoent yaare the oomfluroa of if X left her aleae ihe would be all will be given preliminary hearingi either. prehlMtloB repeal leglalatleB. day. tho two BatloBB haa faUea off iharp- PreHiiilBary l$udy The oheok ihewed thli oub-eom- At tho OoBtor OoBgrogational ly. The lateit degartment of oom> STsnssFranee uiBUiwaiBoUflee to— tho

A. t 'I' ^ .- r / . kANCHESTBR IVENINQ !DBRALD»'90^Tff MANCfiSSTI*, CONK^ 8ATURDAT, DBOBMBER 1W& PAGE TWO U, la—iKWHrt -ir^ .. U necessary for them to return to serve the phtlente* eupper. GniBITCHWIIS BIG IQDDIES PARTY \ CHURCHES aowiHEHOsptru A t e:«6, the kitchen employeM ABOUT TOWN OBITUARY v411 go'home to a well earned rest, II - 11 ■ . o r OATBOllO GBUBCBK8 fbr tSijr will have served around tOO All members of the 8 t Mary’s junior chpir will attend a rehearsal DUIRED M CKASI HAUSCHIIKtlUS caulstmas meals. DBATH8 Four mawi^fT vdll be celebrated At 7:60 Christmas Day will be a t the church a t 5 o’cloch this aft­ tomorrow morning in St. James’s ernoon. V WK -t •' over at the Hospital. c church. 'Etie first, a-^solemn high ^ . Jan^ Smith mass, ^Wffi be celebrated at 6 . Mrs. Byron 8. Carrier of Cam­ William Smith of TalcottviUe re­ Herald aod Slate Theater-To o’clock. At 8:30 there wlQ be two Muq r FaniH Be loll- bridge street will have for Lsr Stbdents, Homeward Beoiid, ceived a telegram last night an­ What Has Been Done and Is PRINCE OF WALES JOINS Christmas guests toe families of her iflasses celebrated. The naasa for son Rasrmond from Webster, Mass., nouncing the death of his brother children wiB be celebrated in the oil Mert° TEu Unu RidiiiglnLocalCar.HitBy James at the Charlotte Hungsrford Eatertam Yenfsters At basement while the adults will at­ Planned For Those Con- and Mr. and Mrs. F. Howtu'd Carrier FAMILY FOR CHRISTMAS of Glastonbury. hospital in T^rrington. He had been tend toe mass In toe upper part, of a Dnmken Drirer. suffering for some time from a ' Thrilfing Horie Show. toe church. The fourth mass viU be Fare Tomwrow. fined By IHness. 'Mr. aqd Mrs. Peter Flynn, their tumor on the brain and underwent at 10:80. Thla will be a high mass. Prince George To Be Only Ab­ daughter Anr and their niece, Eileen an operation. Death was believed to In S t Bridget’s church there will sentee At Festivities To Be Landrockh, all of Cambridge street, be caused by heart failure. The annual party for Manchester be masses nslebrated a t 6, 8 and Although thart hai baeu % roiidy Two Massachusetts girls hitch­ Mr. Smith who was 66 years old 10 o’clock. The Christmas season at the Man­ Held In Sandringham. left today to spend toe holiday week­ kiddies sponsored jointly li» the respooaa to too appeal mafia t n end with relatives in Fall River, hiking their way from a Katonah, last May leaves besides his wife, toe State theater and toe Manchester Chrtatmas diiiiMra for toa laeal chester Memorial Hospital is a very Mass. former Miss Margaret White of Ply­ London, Dec. 24.—(AP) — The N. Y. college, were badly Injured Evening Herald will be held next n e ^ families. Miaa Jsaaie Ray- busy one. The day itself is devoted this morning at Vernon Center mouth, his brother in TalcottviUe Friday morning at 10 o’clock In the GREEN COMMUNinaUB aolds must have nearly 100 dinners to i n effort at keeplnr the P » ^ t Prince of Wales flew from Windsor Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rawson of whbn a Mamchester automobile in and k brother and two sisters in State theater. All Manchester to provida those in n ^ of a little from TT«i»F»"g his home, and with to Sandringham today to join todr Main street left this' morning for which they were riding was struck Ireland. He was formerly employed youngsters are invited to attend the more than toe orfilntiy fare for this goal Ih view, preparaUons must Majesties and other members of toe Brooklyn, N. Y., to spend toe Christ­ by a car said by state police to have by Talcott Brothers and removed to special motion picture show at that PLANS n s SOCIAL EYEKIS Christmas. All offisrs should bs be sStft^ weeks and weeks ahead royal family for toe Christmsui holi­ mas week-end with relatives. been operated by a drunken driver, Torrlngton about thirty years ago time free of charge. Those desiring made to toe charity department. day. James J. Healey of Burnside. where he entered toenmploy of toe to be guests of toe State theater and Municipal building, telephone 5806. ^•^*ilrst taste of ChristmM was Prince Qeorge wiU be toe only ab­ Mrs. Otto Viertel of Cobum Road The two Manchester men who had Torrington Nvedle Company. The Herald at this time must se­ Future Activities Subject of given by the Beethoven Glee Qub of sentee. He is held at York House and Miss Helen Viertel will leave offered toe girls a ride were John Mr. Smith was well known and cure tickets at The Herald, 18 * Meeting Held In School HaD the Emanuel Lutheran ^ u ^ , by a severe cold. The Duchess of early Monday for Brooklyn, N. Y., McCarthy of Hilliard street and weU liked both here and in Talcott- Bissell street, or a t toe CSiarity de­ which sang carols at the Hospitm York is traveUing to Sandringham where they will spend toe week with Brunig Moske, well known football ville. He wlU be remembered as an partment in toe Municipal building. Last Evening. CENTER AND STATE SODA last Monday evening. The C h U d ^ s today, her children having gone with Mrs. 'I^ertel’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. player, of 52 North street. They active member of Manchester Divi­ A motion picture program that Party, which was given by to ^ u t- Their Majesties on Thursday. William Lebdrius, who on Christmas were riding in a Ford coupe and the sion, Sons of Temperance. He had a will appeal to toe kiddles has been The Manchester Green Communi­ SHOPS CLOSE TODAY Patient Department of the Hospiw, The King and Queen invariably day are celebrating their golden girls were said by police to have fondness for dramatics and there arrangM and it is predicted that the ty club a t its business meeting last vv*as held at the YJd.CA. on De­ spend Christmas quietly with their wedding anniversary. theater will be crowded. The fea­ night preceding toe weekly Set­ cember 20th for children betw ^ been in the rumble seat at toe time were few plays given by yie Sons children. Today their schedule call­ of toe accident. State police from of Temperance or other amateurs ture picture will be a thrilling back, discussed plans f;r a new se­ Attachment Made By Warner the ages of two and four, rae ed for distribution of Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burbank of Western type—Ken Maynard in ries of soda] affairs to begin after Cambridge street are entertaining Stafford Springs referred to Healey at to® Opera house in Brothers, Ine., Owners of nurses of the hospital gifts to toe tenants of toe estate as being “plastered.” He was arrest­ which Jim was not invited to play a “Whistling Dan.” The supporting toe holidays. The feasibility of re­ interest in this affair by su ^ rib ln g and tomorrow they will be present Mrs. Edna Lord of White Plains, N. program will Include a Mickey Mc­ ducing toe price of toe setback, State Theater Building. money enough for the Y., and Mrs. Elsie Hamilton of ed. character part for toe morning service of toe j Xmas Bome-Goers The funeral wUl be held Tuesday Guire comedy, a Bosko cartoon and parties, elir''toating refreshments at the parfy of fifteen ^Udren. The Sandringham church. Boston. a news reel. and offering cash • prizes for toe A writ of attachment waa served same evening the Jit The girls, Elisabeth Hawes of afternoon at his home in Torring­ today cloaiiig -toe State Soda Next week toe King with his sons Brookline, Mass., and Rae Cohen of ton, with burial in toe cemetery at Tickets for this party will not be winners were a few of toe sugges­ Hospital enjoyed carol singing by hopes to enjoy some shooting. Erik W. Modean, Herald reporter, available before Wednesday or tions offered. Shoppe and toe Canter Soda is confined to his home on 55 Laurel Roxbury, Mass., were on their way Thomaston. the G aef Qub. * v ««« A ball is held during the holiday home for toe Christmas holidays. In Thursday of this coming week. President John Jensen explained Shoppe, both coiMlucted by William Then, since it was g ^ period for toe servants of both street with a severe chest cold. He Kiddies should watch Ths Herald for that toe sole purpose of toe club's F. Sperber of Pearl street. The at­ essary for most of them to work has been confined to his bed since toe accident toe former suffered a Harlan W. Corey tachment was brought by Warner Sandringham House and Appleton bad leg Injury and toe letter’s face further announcements. financial projects was to make Christmas day. a Cl^tm^as tm imd Wednesday night but was able to be Harlan W. Ck>rey, 58, former money for ths benefit at toe school Brothers Theater Inc., of New York party was arranged ta t night for Hall, toe nearby residence of Queen was badly cut. The girls and toe Maude of Norway, a sister of King up today. He hopes to be able to Manchester resident and a tobacco childi^ of toe community. He City, owners of the State Theater the employees of « return to his work Monday. two Mhnehester men were driving grower by trade, died at his home, building.- ,Tbe writ waa signed by the tree they each received a 22.M George. This year Their Majesties toward Vernon Center while Healey SEN. BORAH ISSUES said that a committee of men from will open toe ball by dancing with 251 Souto Main street in East toe club had assisted toe teachers Harold Keating as constable. gold piece, gifts The organ concert- at Watkins was headed toward Manchester. The Hartford last night after a week’s toe two senior servants. accident happened on toe hill be­ in toe Christmas party Wednesday and administrative staff of the Hos- Brothers this evening will be pre­ illness wlto pneumonia. He leaves CHRISTMAS MESSAGE evening and that toe sum of 840 sented by Charles Packard, organ­ tween the old Interruban line ■ his wtfe, who was Miss Mary Rau; ^*M ^ of the f rms with which the toe center of toe village, just below had b<^ expended at that time for CAPITAL IS QUIET ist of toe St. James’s church. Mr. two daughters, Olive Marie and oranges, candy, popcorn and deco­ Hospital does business, SALVATION ARMY’S Packard has arranged a special pro­ toe E. O. Clark store. Dorothy Louise, and a sister, Mrs. No Finer Way To Spend Holi­ rations. Mr.. Jensen will no doubt very generous in gram of Christmas numbers and will Earlier Accident Irving Taylor of West Haven. Mr. day Than In Helping the call a furtosr meeting to talk over ON CHRISTMAS EVE Hospital with wreaths, fruit, holly be assisted by a trio of voices from The accident happened about 9 Corey had lived in East Hartford S r toe Christmas pudding, Md even Needy, He Says. plans for future activities next PROGRAM FOR TONIGHT St. James churefa choir. o’clock this morning. A few hours for 22 years. week and a new committee will be' a down piUow to be inriuded ta a earlier a Buick sedan said to have Ths funeral will be held at two (Continued Prom Pnge One box that toe nurses have had time Washington, Dec. 24.—(AP) — appointed. Miss Ruth Morton, of 19 Strick­ contained five men headed for o’clock Monday afternoon with Men of toe community under toe to prepare in aU toe rush of Christ­ The following is the program of land street, received an injury to Brooklyn, N. Y., was reported to Rev. H. H. Crawford of toe Hocka- Senator Borah’S Christxnas message ner planned a day of rest at their mas preparations, for * “i**®® the Salvation Army Christmas ser­ is that “This Christmas belongs to leadership of H. B. Inman have hotel home. her knee as a result of a sllgK ac­ have skidded coming down toe hill num Methodist church officiating. been conducting toe series of set­ who belongs to toe Hospital staff. vice to be held in the citadel this cident which occurred to toe auto­ and wrapped Itself around a tele­ Burial will pe in toe Buckingham toe poor, to toe needy.” Other members of toe Cabinet Decorations evening: Speaking in connection with the back-dances whicb ended last had family gatoerthgs here. Secre-: mobile driven by Francis Burr, of phone pole which was broken off. cemetery. night. For several weeks they have Early Christmas mondng the Opening Song. 302 West Center street, in which Two of toe men were injured but National Press Club’s greetings to tary Stimson had as guest hie. sis-, choir of toe Emanuel . Lutoewm toe world, toe Idaho Senator said a awarded turkeys for first prizes ter. Miss Candace StiihsoO. To P ra y e r...... Adj. G. D. Williams toe former and Miss Marion Legg not seriously. The car was a wreck. and dollar bills for second. The Church expects to make Its Chairman’s remarks ...... were passengers last night. The ac­ This was about 6 o’clock this morn­ large part of present difficulties is Secretary Mills’ home eaihe Mrs.', contribution to toe ...... wmiarn Leggett ing. An ambulance rushed to toe toe ‘logical result of political ques­ winners of toe Christmas turkeys Mills’ daughter, Miss Dorothy Fell, patients by carol singing on ^ h of cident occurred on Main street, op­ LEGION UBRARY NUCLEUS last night were Mrs. Irving W. Recitation, “Greeting’ ...... posite toe Johnson block when toe scene from Rockville but Its serv­ tions which interfere w(th toe nor­ her son, John pell, Jr., uid his Vrlfel' the floors of toe Hospit^. ®y ' ...... Edna Samuelson ices were not needed. mal operation of econopuC laws.” Taylor of Souto Main street and Sccretuy Hyde’s daughter, Cartyh, Ume, as much as can be done in toe driver of another car was making David Hadden of High street, and Song, "The Old Time Song*’ ...... a turn and crashed into Burr’s car. IS L R . FINNEY MEMORIAL “The combined effort of public came \rith two guests. SeciUtary way of decorations be co“ g*^®‘ and private enterprise wil’ be need­ toe currency, by Mrs. McEnelly and ...... Y. P. Singing Company Adolph Carlson. Adams welcomed bis son, Charles This year, as last. M«. Recitation, "A Christmas Wish’ ... ed in this great emergency,” he said. Francis Adams, Jr. Home Christ­ Dewey and Mrs. M ^ l B. SCHOOL YOUNGSTERS Honor Edition of ^Progress of “I know of no finer way to pass this have spent many hours in toans- ...... Dorothy Kittle mas celebrations also were held by Recitation, Tis Christmas Night’’.. the Nations” Presented To Christmas week than in odr respec­ Secretaries Hurle:, . and Doak,'At­ forming toe Hospital to look like FREIGHTER SENDS tive communities and according to toe Spirit of Christmas...... Eleanor Jackson IN CHRISTMAS P U Y Post By Son of Deceased Vet­ DR. GEO. A F. LUNDBERG torney General Mitcheil and Pdst- CMstmas begins v e ^ eariy in toe Piano Duet ... .Harold Turkington- our respective abilities to renew our mastw General Brown. eran. activities and to consecrate anew morning for toe Hos^tal Wtchen Rhoda Hall CALL^ORHELP ourselves to the cause that is as HEADSHOSPITAL STAFF staff. Breakfast for about forty pw- Recitation, “The Old Time Story” . . sacred as any cause in which it. is plo must be ready at Ersula Crawford, Emily Hanna, Tots In First Four Grades At George Henry Plnney of Prospect hour toe dining rooms will ^ lit by Dorothy Larder.' Hollister St. School Present street, has presented a 10 volume possible to enlist. POUCE COURT candle-light and toe decorations will British Vessel Reports That “The appeal cornea home to each Annual Meeting Held Last Eve* The Love Ldght, recitation ...... Pleasing Program. set of toe National Patron ^of Honor and all. In toe response we shall ning —- Dr. A. E. Friend Thomas Henderson, a transient, do much to make it seem like a dif­ ...... Everett Kennedy edition of toe encyclopedic history, give we shall find toe highest meas­ who makes Manchester a calling ferent breakfast from all others In Recitation, “That Holy Night” ---- ure of enjoyment which to? Christ­ Reads Special Paper. She ytat. A t 7:00, toe night nurses ...... Gladys Addy It Is Sinking Off Island of Children of toe first, second, third “Progress of toe Nations” to Dil- place quite frequently in bis itinerr. !_anywhere from six to ten in / and fourth grades entertained their worto Cornell Post, No. 102, The mas of 1932 can give.” ary, was before the town court Instrumental Quartet, 8 old time Borah said “if civilization is to be The annual meeting of toe medi­ today charged with intoxicatioii, !ber—wUl eat their breakfwt. -^elr Christmas songs . .Y. P. Quartet Jamaica. parents and friends at an enjoyable American Legion, in memory of bis cal and surreal staff of toe Man­ Christmas day is strangely Prided Christmas program yesterday at the father^ toe late Lucius R. Pinney, saved, markets must be restored, and breach of toe peape. Henderson Recitation, "Merry Christmas” .... monetary systems reestablished, chester Memorial Hospital was held came to town yesteidim alroady for they wiU have their Oiriatmaa ...... Barbara Williams Hollister street school assembW hall. who at toe time of US’ death was ta t evening at toe; hospital. Dr, :dinner a t midnight they haw The little folks of Grade 1, follow­ com'mander of Drake Post, No. 4, 6. trade and commerce rehabilitated.” George A. F. Lundberg was elected under toe influence of m toxii^tS Recitation, ‘Santa’s B oy ...... ^. * New York, .Dec. 24.—(AP)—^The “This is a stupendous thsk,” he and visited a bouse on Charter Oak had their day's »le«P* ^ ...... David WlUlams ing toe song, “Silent Night”, pre­ A. R. *11)6 special edition of this president of the association and Dr. patients’ trays—averaging about 30 British freighter Newbrough broad­ sented a play under toe direction of valuable work is dedicated to the added, “but it is not beyond toe hu­ Howard Bovd was chosen vice-presi­ street demanding a drink. He was Plano solo, “Sabbath Chimes” .... man power to achieve.” refused and he started a rumpus. i—must be ready to leave toe Wteh- ...... Alfred Clough cast an S G S early today, stating ^t their teacher. Miss Gertrude Carrier, Disabled American Veterans of toe dent. Dr. Amos E. Friend was re­ They wfll be very galaJn^ ap- entitled "The Old Woman Who World War. elected secretary and treasurer for Henderson told the court be had !^ a n c e and it wUl be very difficult Recitation, “The Christmas Star”..' was sinking off toe Island of Jamai­ neither home nor money and Judge ...... Six Girls Uved In a Shoe.” A large shoe, 'A memorial frontispiece in the toe ensuing year. *lo recognise them as toe same trays ca with its engine room flooded. with curtained windows and doors first volume bears toe following 30 MINERS TRAPPED Dr. A. B. Friend rend a paper en­ Ra3Tpiond A. Johnson sentenced him Ithat go upstairs wery other moiti- Recitation, "The Christmas Star”.. The call, picked up by Station occupied the stage and toe little dedicatory message: "Registered in titled, “Indication for Surgical inter­ to 20 days in jail, 10 days on each Hng. Each tray will have a gift, ...... Edward Richardson WAX at Miami, Fla., was rebroad­ ones who lived In it went in and ouL toe name of Dilworto-Cornell Post, vention in acute supportation off toe count. boJ«ht with the Christnaas fund. Star D riU ...... Six Girls cast to toe liner President McKin­ No. 102, The American Legion, Decatur, Bis., Dec. 24,—(AP)—A Almost every chUd in toe room bad gas explosion in the Mowequa Coal Middle Bar.” !ahe Christmas fund Is a aum of Song, “Slumber Song” ...... ley,' which replied that she would something to do, eltoet simulating Manchester, Conn., presented by RECEIVES PARDON money raised by toe members of toe ...... Y. P. Singing Company George Henry Pinney in memory of Company mine, near D ebtor, at Rome, Dec. 24—(AP)—The King proceed to the position given, 125 trees, fairies or bfownies. The 9:30 a. m. today imprisoned 30 CHRISTMAS WEATTOR Hospital Board among them^ves Recitation, “Can You Guess” ...... miles, or about eight hours, away. theme of the play was toe anxiety of bis father Lucius Pinney, a soldier at Premier Mussolini’s suggestl^ and other friends of toe H at Miami, The remainder of toe program made the supreme eacrlfice In all ground. Boslest Day American wars.” and Minerals for help. The weather man says that for confessed that be had intended toss­ Once the breakfast trays are out ROSS SOMERVILLE Fla., bad received the S O S calls was composed of recitations, a The mine has been operated by a dialogue and music by toe second, The set of books will be kfpt at the eastern states from New Eng­ ing a bomb at the premier at a of toe way, toe kitchen people begin of toe British freighter Newbrough, j toe home of Adjutant 'Victor citizens committee, v/hicb leased it. land to Florida Christmas eve will cereony in honor of (Saribaldi.____ their busiest day of the year. Every- reported sinking off Jamaica. third and fourth grades, directed by The miners employe^ were work­ Toronto, Dec. 24.—(AP)—Ross Miss Mary Young, Miss M. A. O'Con­ I Bronke, custodian of toe records of be cloudy with occasional rains most body flies until at 11:80 the dinner Tbs Miami station reported; ' Dilworto-Cornell Poet. If toe club ing, as part owners of the bolding eversrwbere and light rains likely tof Sandy SomerviUe’s feat in winning "At 4:10 a. m. Fteaflier Newbrough nor and Miss Ella Healey. trays will be ready. There will be the U. S. Amateiur golf champion­ ' gets a home of its own tbs set will company and stockholders. tomorrow. SUNDAY considerably less room for decora­ ship, was toe outstanding Canadian flashed distress caUs and continued ! be toe first reading material for the And, be adds, it will be warmer AND tions on the dinner trays than at achievement in toe realm of sports until 5:10 a. m. Her position is near j post’s library. THREE ALARM FIRE in most states except in New Eng­ CIRCLE MONDAY breakfast time. There will be a in 1982, in toe opinion of Domin­ Morant <^y, 20 miies soutlieast of INYESTlGAtlNG FIRE I The presentation was made at land where he says there will be tomato juice cocktail, soup, roast ion sports experts. Jamaica and she reported in need I last night’s meeting of the post. Boston, Dec. 24.—(AP)—Three “not much change in temperature.” turkey with stuffing and gravy, Of toe 68 sports editors and writ­ of immediate assistance. Tried per­ persons were Injured, 44 were driv­ drole will not be open Satur­ mashed turnip, creamed cauliflower, ers who participated in a Canadian sistently to communicate with toe Shelton, Dec. 24.--(A P)—State | en from their homes and 700 KAISER STILL HAS COLD day of this week, bnt win be mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, Press poll. 48 cast their ballots for ship but she having received trouble, police brought here at the request of canary birds were destroyed by a open Sunday and MoMtoy la- bread and butter, edery and olives, Somerville, first Canadian in his­ and can hear nothing. The nearest local authorities today began an in­ PUBUC RECORDS three-alarm fire at Washington and Doorn, Holland. Dec. 24—(AP) — ■tead. Christmas pudding with bard sauce, tory to win toe U. S. title. ship we could find was the United vestigation of toe cause of the |75,- East Dedham streets in toe south Former. Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany coffee and a little basket donated by Fruit steamer Metapan, 150 miles 000 fire which burned toe old fac­ end today. Firemen estimated toe still is suffering from a cold and toe Girl Scouts, containing candy, Probate Notes AGED NEGROES REMEMBERED away. Also communicated with tory building of toe Huntington 'The win of Jane C. Robinson, late damage at 120,000, rheumatism and will not be able tc Lewis Stone, Ktren Merley nuts and mints. Of course, unfor­ HiUerig which wired owners for Plano Company yesterday morning. l^motby Sheehan, 55, a resident atend the usual Christmas festivi- tunately. there will be some patidits of Manchester, deceased, was filed, in in "The Mask of Fu Mtneho” Fayetteville, N.'C., Dec, 24—(AP) authority to proceed to toe assis­ As the flames were first seen the Probate Court today. Carrie R. of the flve-stwy tenement bouse ties a t Doorn house. His wife. who will be too dek to eat the regu­ shooting through the roof of the and William Jeffries, a fireman, Princess Hermlne will preside over aad lar house diet. Perhaps some of —A hundred and five aged negroes tance of toe Newbrough. Understand Paxson of East Middle Turnpike was had a “Christmas gift” today be­ Newbrough" engine rooms flooded. five Btory building it is now thought named executrix in toe wlU. were overcome by smoke aod taken a party at which there will be a big these will be able to eat a little that toe rapid spread of the fire Stewart Erwin . mashed potatoes and “Just-a-bite” cause of a trust fund left by a negro Unable ascertain whether anyone Philip Ahern of West Warwick, to a hoepital. David Cozet of Med­ Christmas tree. drayman who died here 10 years gone to assistance.” was caused by varnish soaked floors R. I., was appointed administrator ford, a spectator, was cut by glass. AJl members of the staff and in "He Learned About of turkey; while others will probably of the varnishing room which was policemen on duty at the castle will be only too glad to content them­ ago. The Newbrough is owned by the of toe estate of cnara E. Davis, late The canaries were it a breeding Women” James McCalister, the drayman, located on toe top floor. establishment on the top floor. attend and receive presents. selves with choodng from their Northumbrian Shipping' Company, An oil drum was foimd on ths of Manchester. menu what they would eat, if they saved a few doUars before his death Ltd., with Common Brothers of New and left aU be owned to a miUion- fourth floor occupied by Dolly Dress could. York as her managers. Her home Company but State Officer. Victor At 12:00 toe nurses and employees aire white friend. The money and port is Newcastle. The vessel is 890 funds gained from realization on toe Clark of the Beacon Falls, Barracks ff“ will have their Christmas dinner. feet long and has a gross tonnage who headed the probe couldn’t defin­ The dining rooms will npt be empty negro’s smaU holdings were con­ of 5,842. verted into a trust fund to be used itely determine that this cohnected until 1:00, at which time the kitchen with the origin of the fire, tbs larg­ STATE as C!bistmas gifts to aged negroes cleans up and makes all preparations est here in 25 years. The fire is be­ D ance! SUNDAY possible for a light supper. When of C!ros8 Creek township. D ine! lieved to have started in the rooms Moaday> Tufisday these preparations are complete, For six years toe money has been CONTEST ELECTION occupied by the dress manufactur­ there will be a short breathing space distributed. This year 8685 was dis­ tributed among 105 negroes. ing company. Local firs depart­ B e Merry! for from one to two hours before it IN KILUNGWORTH ment officials are aiding In the in­ Meet tub new ekauqi la a> vestigation which is continuing to- plotma more haaMa . than. day. B v e ^ aafiDUr*, wiatlirlimig Defeated Demoerat Claims New Year's ;Huui “Hen Dlvere^jWllii ooNYicrrs TO h o l d s h o w moM la o i^ than fThe Moderator Illegally Rejected at the Ouanp.** Three Ballots. Dannemora, N. Y., Dec. 24.—(AP) —Inmates of toe isolated CUfiton WALLACE Killingworto, Dec, 24.—(AP) — prison will stage a (Siristmaa show Theodore M. Machold, Democrat, de­ tomorrow toe first ever directed and feated for toe town’s seat in the acted by convicts at Dannemora. “English Harry” Wallem, who H o te l B o n d S m Y House in the (Seneral Assembly, hks Best Wishes for a notified Tracy Perkins, Republican, gained notoriety by having Mmself HARTFORD mailed inside a packing case in an declared elected after a special elec­ In a pewerfni tion, that there would be a contest unsuccessful attempt to escape from Auburn prison several months ago PERPERSON fin sm e f a JOYOUS CHRISTMAS In toe cbtmt of ballots November p ew eM maa. » 8, toe moderator ruled out four bal­ is s t a ^ g toe show. BALLROOM We wish that we could convey to you how deep, how lots. This left a tie for Representa­ The production, a mlnatrel ehow, tive which required another vote. was sanctioned by Warden Tboniaa sincere are our wishes for your deep enjoyment of this This waa taken ^several days later H. Murphy only a few days ago. PER PERSON—AU and Perkins won. Thirty three Inmates will appear In With holiday in some more tangible way. But we are happy Machold claims the moderator toe cast. Other Dining Rooms- illegally rejected three ballots, which to take Jhis opportunity to say—“A Very Merry Christ­ had been marked in the Democratic LEAPS TO DEATH Includiiig KAREN MORLEY circle land one marked ln.toe “wet” mas.” circle. Thia latter party! was only New York, Dec* 24.-r-(AP)— Dinner, Dandnfir, Souvenirs, Hats, Caps, RIOARDQ CORTE2 in evidence in the Se



«> spectfuUy. Tuesday morning mass . SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSOX4 ST. MART’S EPISOOFAI. THE SALVATION ARBfY will be at 8:30 a. m. POPE’S XMAS eiFr Rev. JamM Stuart N ^ . Rector Saturday evening, December 31, Advance Guards Adjutant George D. WllUams special vespers will be at 7:00, for GOD’S GIFT TO MAN Vatican City, Pec. 24 — (AP)-- 8:00 a. m. — Holy Communion. the closing of the old year. Thursts and Counters of Pope Pius has received a Christmas The complete Christmas activity Carols by the Junior choir. Interest to Local Soldiers gift of 1,000,000 here—860,000. 10:45 a. m. — Morning Prayer, program for the Salvation Army is MANCHESTER LARGER PARISH No one person, but thousands Ifoly Communion and Sermon. Ser- as follows: METHODIST EPISCOPAL Text: Luke 2:8-20 throughout the world — .prelates, The International Uniform Sqpday mon topic: “The Word.” Saturday night, 7:00—Christmas Marvin S. Stocking, Pastor Howitzer Cannoneers priests, lay individuals, assoclsticflis School lesson for Dec. 25. 7:00 p. m.—^Evening Prayer and tree for the Company Meeting un­ L. Theron PVench, Associate —^were the givers. Many were der the auspices of the Young Peo­ The Howitzer basketball team Sermon. Sermon topic: "The De­ won an after-drill basketball game Americans. ‘ ; ple’s Corps. The Supreme Christmas Gift : BY. WM. E. GILROY, D. D. cree” . The Choir wUl meet this after­ Tuesday night from Baldwin’s Aces The money was raided by a series (Church School and Highland Sunday morning, 6:30—Commu­ Editor of The Congregstionalist noon at 5:30 for rehearsal of Christ­ BY GEORGE HENRY DOLE. by a 29-25 score. Donahue and of appeals in the Vatican newU: Park Sunday School will be nity Christmas march. Every per­ mas music. Klotzer starred for the Howitzers paper, the “Osservatore Roman(>.” son is invited to participate in this International Sunday School Lesson Text, Dec. 25th. I Inevitably we contemplate Christ­ omitted.^ Tomorrow morning the church while Vince was outstanding for the It was gathered together for mrny Monday, 7:30 p. m.— Girls Friend­ activity, school will meet, as usual at 9:45. “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten mas in terms of giving. months. Sunday morning, 7:15— E a r 1 y There is a stage in life, in child­ Aces. Teams desiring games wifi ly Society. After the period of meditation the Son, that whosoever bellevetli in Him should not ^rish, but have the Howitzer team should communi­ Count Della Torre, editor of the Tuesday, 7:00 p. m.—^Boy Scouts. morning service of worship. hood or even in youth, when Sendee of Worship will begin a,t everlasting life."—John 3:16. '' cate with Ctorporal John Anderson, newspaper, made no formal pres­ '7:30 p. m.—Choir Rehearsal. Company meeting, 9:30; Holiness 10:45. The choir will render a Christinas and birthdays are thought entation to the Pope today. Ai. the of’ In terms of receiving, but as the manager. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.— Church meeting, 11:00. Christmas anthem and lead the con­ checks have been coming in he has Christmas again! the time of^bellef is the essence of hyprocisy. childhood develons into youth and Lieutenant Donald Forbes is suf­ School Christmas Entertainment at Sunday afternoon, 2:00—^The gregation in singing, “Hark! the marked them for the Pope’s Christ.- home-coming, family reunions, fes No one can be saved by proxy. youth develops into manhood and fering from a severe cold and was the arcle Oieater—moving pictures band will go to the Memorial hos­ herald angels sing, ‘Glory to the new mas present, and passed them over and other entertainment. pital and play Christmas carols for tivities, remembrances and rejoic­ First of all belief necessitates a womanhood vdth the responsibilities unable to be present at drill on bom King’;” “O little town of Beth­ ings. Yet let not these pleasures true knowledge of (Sod; for, if one to the Vatican treasury. Thus the Thursday, 2:00 p. m. — LAdles the patients. * lehem,” and “Joy to the world.'’ of home and family life, one of the Tuesday. come without realizing more deeply does not know the nature of God, Ctorporal William DeHan has re- Pope has been receiving his Christ­ Guild. Sunday afternoon, 3:00— Christ­ Mr. French will preach on, “News great and happy discoveries is that than ever before the resil meaning of he cannot believe in Him.- We can­ "it is more blessed to give than to mas present on the installment plan. 7:30 p. m.— Highland Park Sun­ mas concert for the publ**’ by the Twenty Centuries Old,” and give the enlisted for a year. (Corporal Her­ the birthday of the Christ, Emanuel, not believe in what we do not know. receive.” bert Trueman has completed his Today Ck>unt Della Torre merely day School entertainment. bsmd and songsters. Bandmaster boys and girls a Christmas story. passed over the last checks receiv­ Addy and Songster Leader Fred God-with-us.' He who believes in a wrong idea of Those who at one time may have first enlistment and has been dis­ Friday, 3:30 p. m.—Girls Friend­ At two o'clock there will be a ed. Clough have arranged a fine pro- God so loved the world that he God does not believe in God. been selfish in thinking of them­ charged. ly Candidates. dress rehearsal for all who take gave His only begotten Son. So Further, belief in (Sod is belief in ThC'iRector desires to thank all gtam for the occasion and doubt­ selves become nobly unselfish in the The company will have its month­ part in the pageant, “The Light of mighty is the love of Gk>d that in a what the Lord truly taught. The who contributed so generously o£ less a large crowd will find this a sense of devotion to their children ly inspection next Tuesday night. H.4LL OUT ON BAIL the World” to be presented Sunday human begotten of Him and bom of essentials of what He twght are and the willingness to sacrifice for food, clothing, toys and money for splendid way to spend the after­ at 4:30 p. m. This pageant was The uniform will be meltons with man. He came to dwell with us and that the Christ was God with us, their children. Life takes on a new white shirts, black cravats and bar­ New Orleans, Dec. 24.— (A P )— the Gift Simday for distribution to noon hours. given imder the direction of Mrs. reveal His true nature. Our heaven­ that there is a heaven and a hell; needy families In the Parish. In the Sunday night service the meaning of responsibility and giving. racks caps. After the drill a Christ- James Hall, motion picture actor L. Theron French on Christmas ly Father is such a one as to do this. that any one can, if he will, look to it was through such an experience arrested here yesterday by police Confirmation Classes will be form­ Songsters will play a prominent Sunday of last year and is repeat­ m8is party will be held by the mem­ If one does not believe that (Sod is the Lord, shun his evils, be saved as this that Jesus taught the men bers of the unit. A committee head­ and placed in jail on a fugitive ed immediately afte, Christmas. part in the musical feature of the ed by. request tomorrow. The Wlnd- of the character to do this, he does from their penalties, and receive in Confirmation will be held Sunday, evening and Miss Nora Addy will and women of his day to understand ed by Sergeant Alfred Phaneuf is warrant issued at New Haven, sorville church Junior choir, led by not truly believe in (Sod, for he lim' his heart the life of heaven now, and the character and the heart of <3od. Conn., was 'it liberty today on a February 12, 1933. Dates of classes present a sacred Christmas read­ Rev, French will sing the musical busy with the . its the love of the Infinite. Let us eternally. Ho appealed to the fathers who lis­ Schools for non-commissioned of­ $500 appearance bond. will be annoimced later. ing. The Songsters will sing Ruth responses. fully as we can appreciate and ac­ ’Thus beUef in the Lord is more The Rector will hold private Bale’s selection "Glory to God In tened to him with the question ficers will be held on Sunday morn­ Hal) was released last night. Bail Vernon cept the greatest of all possible gifts, than an intellectual persuasion. It whether they would give a stone to was fixed by Judge William J . Communion Services for the sick the Highest” and “Break Forth The Worship Service' at this the coming of the one true (Sod in comprehends the actual doing of ings during the months of January the son who asked for bread or a and February in order that the drill O’Hara of Criminal District court, and shut-ins x lesday and Wednes­ With Joy” a composition of Cap­ church will begin at 9:30 tomorrow his own human. what the Lord commands. ’They be­ day of next week. Those desiring tain Eric Ball. A piano solo "Sab­ se^ent to a child asking for fish, shed may be used during a part of on recommendation of the district morning. Mr. Stocking wiU preach And he came “that whosoever be- lieve who do the works of (3od. How­ afid tkus made very pointed his in­ these services, kindly communicate bath Chimes” by Alfred aough. each school. This change is being attorney’s office. a Christmas sermon and tell a lieveth in Him should not perish, but ever scientifically a bridge is buUt, quiry whether God would not be as The afternoon program will in­ made because of the approaching Hall charged his arrest was a with him. Christmas story for the Juniors. have everlasting life.” What is be­ one has no belief in it if he is afraid gracious and 8us kind toward his chil- clude sucL splendid compositions Federal inspection. . . spite move on the part of an attor­ Monday evening there will be a lief in Him? WiU mere beUef that to cross on it. BeUeve that the Lord drien. SECOND CONGREGATIONAL as “Jerusalem” by Dr. Lowell Ma­ The officers of the company at­ ney who wants me brought back ta Community Carol Sing on the Christ'was the Son of (^d save? or so loves you that He would give His New Haven and the credit for plac­ Frederick C. Allen, Minister son; "The Lord Is My Salvation” Square in front of the depot, at that He died upon the cross for our life to save you from your distresses, tended the Christmas party held "ly It is from this standpoint and in the officers of the 169th Infantry at ing me in jail.” by Albert G. Mason; “ Adeste seven o’clock. The entire pro^am sins? Can one be saved by beUef in Believe that He perpetually gives this spirit that we must contemplate ' ChristmEw Morning service at Fideles” and “Christmas Bells” will the power to shun nvlls and do good. the Indian Hill Country Club in Hall’s wife, with whom he has will last only a half hour, but will any historical event? No, belief is (^ d ’s gift to man. All that is good been reconciled, filed the original 10:45. Sermon by the pastor, "Our be played by the band. no such illusion of, fiction as that. If So beUeve in Him as to love above Newington last Saturday night. be full of interest. in, ourselves, all that is loving, and charge, non-support, but has asked Bethlehem Saviour.” The Special one’s belief does not Include the un­ all else what is from Hint, There­ Tuesday night at 7:30 there will aU that is generous has its highest that it be dropped. Miislc is as follows: CONCORDIA LUTHERAN be a Conbnimlty Christmas Tree swerving conviction that, through upon He will make to your yearn­ level, its source and its fullness, in Prelude—Around the Christmas the Lord’s help, he can shun his own ing heart the Christmas gift of His Hall was accused of jumping CHURCH and Party at the Church. To this God. Deaths Last Night bond in New Haven. Tree, Bendiz. also the entire community is invit­ evils and so be saved from them, his own presence, power and peace. (Christmas is, therefore, the day of Anthem—^Ring Out Ye Bells, Corner Winter and Garden Streets ed. our celebration of the giving of all Philadelphia—^Mrs. Ella Nirdllng- “Alice," the elephant In the Bronx Henrich. WlndsorvUle best ^ ts . The New Testament rep­ Anthem—^Beneath the Star on Rev. H. O. Weber, Pastor er Nathan, 70, mother of CSeorge Zoo, is the most expensive boarder The Church School meets Sunday dle-Ldght CTarol Service. This will League next Sunday, Jan. 1st, on the resents God as pouring out the rich­ Joan Nathan, author, critic and there. She takes 150 pounds of hay, Bethlehem’s Plain, Spence. morning at 10 o’clock. At the Wor­ include a presentation of Medieval outstanding events of 1932. ness of his own love and his own Offertory—Birthday of a King, There will be no session of the editor. 15 loaves of rye bread and a pail ship Service beginning at 11:00, Mr. and Modem (>irols. as follows: Union Services will be held in all life In the coming into the world of Neidlinger; Solo, Mr. Nordstrom. Sunday school on Christmas morn­ York, Pa.—William L. Young, 72, of bran mixed with oats every 4ay. Stocking will preach a Christmas Processional Hymn, “O Come, All Departments of the Church School Jesus of Nazareth. I Carol—Good Tidings, Bartlett. ing. former president of the Dispatch sermon and give the Juniors a Ye Faithful” ; Carols, “He Is Bom,” —no class sessions. Here was a life that in every way ' Carol—Jesu Bambino, Ton. English service, 10 a. m. o.! the York Dispatch, evening news­ German service, 11 a. m. Christmas story. There will be a “I Hasten Early,” “Jacques, Come Eight boxes and barrels filled with encompassed the spirit of the griver. Postlude—Festival March, Scott. Here,” “Beneath a Roof of Tiling,” the White Gifts brought in last Sun­ As it was through love that God paper. Sunday at 5 p. m.—Candle Light Monday, 6:80 p. m.—Christmas Christmas anthem by the Junior Dallas, Tex. —Mrs. George K. celebration by the Sunday school. Choir. “I’ll Go To Bethlehem,” “Pata-Pan,” day evening, were shipped to A t­ gave him to the world, so it was In Carol Service. The carols are to be lanta. Ga., this week. Meyer, 69, leader in club and art Members and friends are heartily “Lulling Her (^fild,” “ "Tis the Time the godness and perfectness of love sung' by the children of our church for Mirth,” “O Holy Night.” Cartons of envelopes for 1933 can activities In the southwest. invited to this festival. EMANUEL LUTHERAN that his life became manifest among school. George Huntington- Byles, atctlng be obtained in Uie Vestibule after Provo, Utah—Mrs. Sara Whalen Wednesday, 6 p. m.—Willing men. Sunday at 6:30 p. m.—Christian organist and choirmaster, will direct Church on Sunday. We think of him as the Babe of Talmadge, co-publisher with her Workers’ Christmas party. Endeavor Meeting in charge of Ed­ Knut E. Erickson, Pastor. the choir at both services. A t the Bethlehem, but we glorify his birth blind husband, Albert Talmadge, of Friday, 7 p. m.— Christmas so­ ward Hansen’s Group. 7:30 service the devotions will be SWEDISH CONGREGATIONAL and his babyhood because of all that the “Messenger for the Sightless.” The Week cial, Ladles’ Aid Society. Early Christmas service will be conducted by Rev. Watson Woodruff, he was and ail that he revealed in Saturday, 7:30 p. m.—Sylvester " Wednesday at 7:30 p. m.— celebrated at Emanuel tomorrow pastor of the Center Congregational S. E. Green, Minister the fullness of his life on earth. TWO HURT IN CRASH Christmas Party of the Married services (German). morning at 5:30. There will be two Church. Falmouth, Mass., Dec. 24.— (AP) Couples’ Club. Each member is re- The Catechumen class wiU not Christmas sermons, one Swedish Notes for the Week "Julotta” CThristmas morning, It was not by chance that he came -Nathan H. Harris, 22 of Shel­ mer. quality 100% Woolen Perfectly Tailor^ Suits for skating, skiing Prelude, “Behold, A Rose Is “Tbe Spirit of Christmas” ; Hymn: Members noted recently on the CAROL SERVICE Blooming,” Brahms; Incarnation “Holy Night, Peaceful Night;” An­ golf course included,. Idayor John and hiking at Hymn, “Hark, The Herald Angels them: Hallelujah Chorus, Handel; Shepard, Jr.,' of Lenox,' Mass., Dr. Sing,” "Mendelssohn”; Carol, “I Benediction; Postlude: March of the Edmund Leroy Dow of New York, 9:30— Church School. No League Meetings. Arose One Morning,” Bas-Quercy Maji, Duboise. and Mr. Nathan D. Bill of Spring- Carol; Carol, “The Three Ships," The Church School, 9:30, field, Mass. LESS THAN MANUFACTURING COST We invite you to join with us in these Colin Taylor: Anthem, "Arise, Shine, The Men’s Le^(ue Meeting will be omitted. The Palm Beach (3olf C!lub, the nativity services. For Thy Light Is Oome," C. V. Stan- Everglades. Golf Course-and the ex­ ford; Recessional Hyinn, "Hark! The CYP a u b Meeting will be omitted. clusive Seminole (3olf Club have all What Mean Those Holy Voices," "St. opeued. Private bathing.beaches and Oswald.” The Week Misses’ and Small Women’s Suits clubs are burily registering mem­ To each worshipper at the morn­ Tuesday, 12:15—Kawanis Qub Party for Kiddies Camp Boys and bers. The Everglades Club will have RED — GREEN — BLUE — BROWN — BLACK ing service there win be given a its formal opening, on New Years Girls. speclaUy autographed Christmas Eve, whUe White Hall, the hotel Sizes From 10 To 20. message by the pastor. It is now ex­ Tuesday, 6:80—Annual Banquet, RETAILING AT $15.00 TO $18.00. ^ $8.50 built as an additional to' the home CENTER CHURCH pected that Mr. Colpitts will occupy Young People’s Branch. Speaker, Robert D. Sengle Deputy Adminis­ of the late Henry M. Flagler, will (Congregational) the pulpit again on Sunday, Janu­ open on January 7. ary 1st, at the morning service. ’The trator Department of Prohibition. Rev. Watson, Woodruff, Tuesday, 7:00 — Troop 3 Boy White with bright color accents is altar flowers for today are given by the accepted mode for the early Minister James B. Hutchinson in memory of Scouts. ' Children’ s Suits Tuesday, 7:00—In-As-Much Circle, season in Palm Beach. Colors will his father mother, Mr. and Mrs. be in dusty pastel, tones. Bough MORNING WORSHIP David Hutchinson. Kings Daughters. RED — GREEN — BLUE — SIZES 2 TO 8. 1 0 :5 0 fabrics continue popular, while cot­ Church School will meet at 9:80 Tuesday, 7:00—Shihififf Ught Cir­ ton in rough and "blistered" effects RETAILING UP TO $8.00. cle, Kings Daughters. $ 4*55 (The choir will begin singing Christmas o’clock tomorrow morning. The promises to be favored. Many in­ special Christmas program in charge ’Tuesday, 7:00— Choir rehearsal. Carols at 10:40.) Wednesday, 6:30—Cub Pack. formal frocks of . checked seersuck­ of the Junior Department of tee er are shown. All First Quality. No Seconds. This opportunity is not avail­ ,. Christmas Sermon. Christmas Decorations. Church School will be held in the Thursday, 7:30—CYP Qub Christ­ mas Party. Christinas Music. (Enlarged Choir.) auditorium of the church. This win KILLEjD B Y FALL . able outside of South Manchester. include the annual presentation of Fridky, 7:80 — Annual meeting ! CHURCH SCHOOL 9:30 Ece’l, Society to be immediately ad­ . Shanghai, China, Ded. ^4,— (AP) White CtouB Gifts. —J. H. Gray, founder and former Union Service in each department. There wlU be no meetings of the journed to Jan. 10th. editor of the Maui News, , Maul, - Men’s League omitted. CYP Club omitted. Intermediate or Senior Epworth Saturday, 6:30—Choir rehearsal. Lei^es, usually held at six o’clock Notes Hawaii, fell out of a window on the MANCHESTER NECKWEAR Annual Reception and Open House on on Simday evening. The Choir will sing CThristmas fifth floor of the American Club to­ ' New Year’s Day. At 7:80 o’clock Sunday evening, Carols beginning at 10:45 in the Ves­ day and was kiUe^. 130 CENTER STREET J. CLARKE BAKER. Prop. SOUTH BIANCHEStiR Gray arrived in Shanghai in July. Secure Your Carton of Envelopes for 1933. commencing with the carol, "Silent tibule. OpoB E rery Evening. Plenty of PkiUng Spnci* Night,” Sling from the tower, the Ward Duffy of the Hartford He formerly, w«s em i^oi^ by Hopo- choir will present the annual Gan- Times will speak before the Tlea’a lulu and Manila newspapers.


•VM a raUeaal | umb at whia tba dQU«d-up loBlBUini d«oeratfd wltta bBHINDTHBfCBNfiS.IN for B mentorium at ttxai, iBlarait Oay haoB thalr prtMBt OM w in ba ovarT It may •a •Iftbertto inurlBg of tiobBloal •Bd etbar obwgM wblab mBha Um p a i ^ M i o m I ffinMi*! hatfi M Ml:. , ara nil ba all evtr for tn millloa of tha virblift but u oltmiBtiry, aftor HEALTH-DIET ADVICE A farm montaitum Mil f AM la tba rallaf alluattonl^ S im th ts huBdrad aBd twaBty-edd ibUIIob of ill, M that prtBiir “Looking Bank- praaaat OoBgNai at tha Mt aai' BY DU. FHAMK MfiCOV BiOfl. HIM iNa ua Baxt moBth or aaxt yaari Or 1 ward" wltb whiob Idward Bollamy | | MlUftl itNtC Biay ba evar for all but taa mllllOB Narad tba daylighta out of mllllona QttNilOBa IB NgBTd l« HMlIb Bid DM will iaaua nuy ba only li lia tha yur aftar aBd Bot ovar for tha of old tlmari (orty-bdd yaara ago. ba ABBwafwi by Dr.MiDif wha aai hfi UTTLI so n IIIN FOB The doBMado alletmafit plan, yik£s%ivuisy' DIMOraATIO RIMIDIM whloh PraalflaBt-aiNt RNaavaifc ia HUMAN OMirai niaMgai taB fflUlloB for tba rait of thalr Tba youbg man wbo bava auooaaded addiiNad la aara al thla Bipari BmIbm IN LAMl DUCK IBIIION said to favor and on whieh tba large r e u B d a i u a to b a i i, l l l i llvai.' It baa probably baas evar for iB making thamaalvai and aooiallam ^ aluipiNl, MlfaifiWiaNd Bavalapa IN Bapiy. farmar organiutiona ara axpaetad inaw, Miehi—The pollN (orN a vary amall handful of paraoBa Botlead through tha madium of a By RODNIY DUTOHBB to agrM, NNivaa laoraaaliig attan- haa littta um (or .unajw. m « r o . . •.*.•?« NBA INVIN WHtor tiofl dally. Tbara la no longer muob it has Falrolnai . feat orfloa «,iPoui»i MaBehaaiar, avar alBoa It bagaBi It ia avan oOB- Minad word bava dona ao by tho CHBIfiTMAI FBAITfi ifivary muob intoraatad in your dAiy doubt that Mr, Noovar would veto and rmd Karp. ThaM oalvabla that a tiny group li vary almpla prooaai of adopting a artiolM. Can ohronia oolitia ba Wuhifigton, Dao. II?.—Mlnea a any auoh propoMi paaaad at thia walking thair Boat early eaa men* Modiffi Ohrlitmaiai ara tamo af- ourad uid what would you a d v l N ? aaMlon. Tba bill probably oouldn’t ------M aa odd odoi u that ia |«ar. av nail ...... ••••!*£! profited aaormeualy by it and waa vocabulary out of tha anglnaarlng Hava baaa unabla to work for aifht time' outalda tha rang a of tBybody'a lag racegnifad ar MaatBi bg nalt ...... •••I >*9 Bavar ae preaparoua bafora—tboaa taxt booki and applying it to a loelal falra eomparod with N m i of tlio b a lla d evar hla veto. oTburaug ehickan oM laalharai Traa* liiufla oQpiaa ••• ■•••!• ■••••• •••{ '{j{ marry maklnf faatlvala of tha faud- month!." memory, farm rallaf haa baan an OppolOBltlon to thla plan—wbloh laging tba eooffeiar arounda tho bloiM thoy « holdara of great fortuaaa 1b govam- ayatam. iMua hare. Tha farmers ara worse Dalivarad. oaa rat.r u.oo al tlmoa whan thouianda of larfa Anawari Ohronio oolitia simpia would pay farmers bonuNS on given oama upon throa man who had 14 mant boDda who boBatltuto tha aa- •That, It aaama to ua, la all thara maana a ohronio inflammation of off'now than they avar ware, aj- quantluaa of productionion whichwhloh did ehlekaaa all toady for ooehing. MSUBBII Or^'gJ^j^AUOOlATBD and UBdorllBfi flookad to tha oaatlo tha larga Intutina. Tha only traat- though plenty of laglalatlon haa been tien'a aaourad oradtter olaaa. la to It. Zf any of our raadara hai at Ohrlatmutlda and thara fautad not axcaad a cartaln parMhtaga I of Aaioaiarad Praia la aioluatvaiy mant naoaaaary ia with diat, but paaaad in thair behalf. thair normal output—'-hM begun to THB BND o r IT aatltfad to tha uaa (or rapublioatloB But for tha bulk of tha people tha dlioovarad, 1b all tba *Taohnooraoy" tofathar In rifht jolly fallowahlp. Praaidant Hoover began hia ad« Tho faaatlng waa oruda oomparad you must ba patlant and not axpaot cantor on tha anormeualus prolproblam of o( all nawa diapatahaahaa oraditad to It ratura—not of a proaparlty Jam dlNuailon, a alngla idaa that lan*t if vary quiok raaulta. Tha most pol- minlatration with a new and un- its admlniatratlen, which would call "io you'ra married T" ar not otharwiaa oraditad orai In thla with our modam atlquatta, and Nnoua allmlnatlons from tha body praoedantadly ambltioua program papar and alao tha looal nawa pub boraa but of tha aanaa of aaourlty not ai old aa tha pyramldi at least food! wara aarvad without banafit for boards in every state, county “Yaa, wa bagan by saying wa jfiad bafalB. . paia out throufh tha oolon, a^d. for relief; Oongraaa aooapM tha a n d wa riahi wbloh la now tha almoat unlvaraal aa old aa Karl Marx, wa ahould like of forka. Tha tumblari wbloh hold locality to tall farmers bow would juat ba great friaoda, ihan All riatata of rapublloatioB of avan aftar your dlat h u baan wall raoipa. Praaidant-alaot Rooaavalt muob they ahould plant, c m that changed our minds."—Tlt-Rits. apaolai diapatebaa baraln ara alao ra> objaotlva—promlaea to ba a mattar to haar from him. Wa may ba com­ the wina wara ao oallad baoauaa rafulatad, it will taka a long tima is going to do tha same thing: aarvad. they had no baaoa to hold them up­ of pretty tfow davalopmant. Zt la pletely overlooking aometblng good. btfora tha inflamed muooua mam- Congress, certainly la a special PabUahai^a Itapraaaatitivat Tha right and had to be drained on one branaa ean rdtura to thalr normal aaaaion if nothing la dona a t this Juliua Matbawa fpaalai Afanop—Maw conceivable that It may prove ao fell Bwaap. Thalr rich plum pud- tone. A abort fast will ba helpful at NBslon, will take whatever ha Terk, Cbloago. Oatroit and Boaton. alow aa to overtax their patience UNOlB ANDY RETURNS dlnga wara covarad w lu burning tha beginning of tha treatment, endorses. brandy, aarvad. at the table ohaar- Pull aarvlo« ollaai o( B A B a r- than follow a wall-ragulatad diet The farm relief problem, as con­ N and that aome of them may become Mr. Mellon la back. He aaya fully ablaze. Among tha Hat of too vlea. In e . hysterical. That might mean great he isn't worrying kbout loalng his auoh aa I auggaat in my weakly sidered here, haa now divided itself Ilambar Audit Buraau of Ctreula* foods which made the groaning menua. One or two enamaa dally into two phases: Immediate relief tlo n a .______trouble. job aa Ambaasador to Great Britain board groan In King Arthur’a day ahould be taken during the fast and the sort of relief that will un­ Tba Harald FrlatlBB Cotnpanp, Ino^ There are really too many people after next March 4. The reporters were roast pigs which were roarted and for several months while living dertake to solve the problem for the whole and stuffed with many^ich a a a u n a a b o flBaBolaT raapoBBiblUtr camping along the road that leads to aaked him many questlona without, on diet. future. '(or tppocraphloal arrora appaarinp la delicacies. The unemployment relief issue advartiaamanta Ij tha Manohaatar deaperation—too many (or safety. incidentally, learning anything from In those days It waa quite a Evan Inn Harald. may be similarly divided. In each Some of them may eventually blow Uncle Andy. None of them, how­ feat to kill the fierce wild boars (How to Prepare Artichokes) case everyone agrees that there is (Question: Cecil W. aska; “By SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24. up and start in smashing things. ever, tested him to see what sort of and the Barons’ retainers consid­ both an immediate (emergency and ered it a great triumph to have what method la the French arti­ something fundamentally wrong Against whom would their bysterl reply he would make to a couple of one of these animals to serve. choke prepared for serving?" CHRISTMAS with the system. cal anger be likely to be directed? questions that any number of peo­ The wild boar thus became the Answer: As eaten here, the arti­ Rock Imttom prices—often be­ In yeara of plenty and years of Against, we should guess, those of ple would like to ask him if they honored entree at all feudal feasts. choke la generally steamed or boil­ low production cost, uncontrolled famine, Christmas comes. In years The boar’s head was brought in ed in water before serving, but in production with huge surpluses, their fellow citizens who have re­ dared and weren’t too polite— Europe it is also popular raw, sea­ of peace and years of war, Christ* on nothing less than a golden or the inability of farmers to benefit fused to bear their part of the bur whether, for one thing, he could pay silver platter with an apple stuck soned only wltb salt and pepper. mas comes. Whatever betides in the from the tariff and to approach an den of deflation and by so doing the soldiers’ bonus out of^his own on each tusk or thrust in the Dipping the edible parts in butter economic parity with industry are affairs of nations, men and women appear to be largely responsible for personal fortune, if be wanted to, mouth, the head waa wreathed in when eating the cooked artichoke the chief factors in the (arm prob­ or little boys and girls, Christmas greens, and the whole affair waa makes it more appetizing. lem in its long-time aspect. the plight of the sufferers. and then on top of that redeem ushered In in state, preceded by comes. Farm indebtedness, pre-depression These people whose place in the every farm that has been foreclosed blasts of the trumpet, to be served (EkUiy’s Menu) mortgage charges and high taxes to Christmas is bigger, very much world has been wrecked are not in the last three years anywhere in with careful carving and mustard. Question: Mrs. Olga C. asks: “Is meet with a hidved average cash in­ bigger, than passing clouds or tran­ blind. They know that their ten the United States. Of course Henry Next in popularity came the pea­ oatmeal a sufficient food for a baby come make the immediate condi­ sitory sunbursts. It means so cock, classed the food for lov­ one year old? If not, what is a tion which has cost tens of thou­ CHRISTMAS dollar rents are twenty dollar rents Ford couldn’t do that, nor the en­ ers and for lords. The peacock good diet without milk?" * much that it makes our tiny tem­ sands of farmers their homes and because of taxes; they know that tire Rockefeller family. But there was roasted, stuffed with sweets Answer: A baby one year of age land and threatens hundreds of porary troubles seem trifling and communities cannot provide them is an impression that Uncle Andy and spices and then replaced in the should have only milk and orange thousands more. skin, the beak being gilded and inslgniflcant. with jobs on public construction be­ could—and never miss the money. juice. Cereals should not be added GREETINGS How grateful we should be, then, the tail spread out to show' the imtil the third year. The first fewd The first of the two phases is cause the money goes to meet in­ Those ship news reporters are a beauty of the feathers. added to the milk should be the for Christmas. It is something to that upon which Democratic leaders flated payrolls of office holders and nervy lot. Let them try those Mince pies were also known at cooked, leafy vegetables, finally the are now concentrating most of their tie to; something to make us real­ municipal and state employes who questions on their piano the next these feasts, being known under milk and vegetables being used at attention, although they are pledged ize the littleness of our troubles. various names, such as mutton some of the meals and proteins to do something to ease the farm­ conspire to keep up their own pay time they interview the old gentle­ pies and Christmas pies. They were In this spirit of gratitude let us added to the greens at other times, er’s debt burden. WATKINS BROTHERS rates at every hazard and to public man. baked in oblong shapes to remind when the milk should be left out. Members from the farm states are conjure up lightness of heart service corporations that refuse to those present of the manger of receiving so much direct pressure SOUTH MANCHESTER and put away all care, wishing each the Christ child. adjust their charges to the condi­ SENATE AND BEER , SHE’S NO “SOFTIE” for emergency action, however, that other as The Herald wishes its every Another well-honored custom at most qf them are thinking in terms tions of depression; they know that Senator Bingham’s attempt to get these feasts was the wassail how, reader and friend, a Happy Christ­ Los Angeles.—Burglars had bet­ of prompt relief through such meas­ land banks have proflteered on their a Vote on the House beer bill with­ a big bowl of ale, often spiced, ures as the refinancing of farm mas. which was served with roasted ap­ ter steer clear of 16-year-old June misfortunes and have made great out reference to committee failed, Mykrantz in the future. One had mortgages and a form of inflation ples or roasted crabs floating on its which will tend to place the value profits out of foreclosimes; they as it was practically sure to, lend­ surface. The word ’’wassail’’ is sup­ the misfortune to pick her bedroom THE SALOON AGAIN? to loot. The girl tore into him with of the dollar nearer what it was know that the loss and the depriva­ ing force to the suspicion that posed to come from “was-haile’’ when most of the farm debts were The fact that two men have al­ tions of th^ economic collapse are nothing in the way of prohibition meaning “Here’s to you.’’ her fists, set up a series of shrill screams, and he fled with a couple contracted. ready visited the town clerk here not being equally nor proportionate­ modification is to be expected from These feasts lasted from sev­ The latter proposal, which found eral hours to several days, and the of loose teeth and a slightly discol­ WATKINS BROTHERS, Inc. with the expectation of making ap­ ly borne—and they are coming to this session of Congress. Buried ored eye. favor with the American Farm Bu­ thousands of people who ■ attended reau Federation convention at Chi­ plication for a saloon license is not know, or think they know, who are in the judiciary committee, the tvigm vied to see who could eat the cago, does not necessarily mean the surprising in view of the utter the slackers in this war with want. measure is not likely to emerge in most or become the most drunk. RACES FOR CHICAGO remonetization of silver. The farm Funeral Directors Fortunately, this custom has be­ state members were the most enthu­ neglect with which state control of It is not wise to be numbered time for decisive action during the- come somewhat modified within ESTABUSHED 58 YEARS alcoholic beverages has been treat­ among those marked by- the dis­ short term, since this committee has Chicago.—The American Legion siastic backers of the Goldsborough recent years, especially In regard National Air Races for 1933 will be price stabilization bill which was ed even since it became apparent tressed as promoters of further dis­ had in a pigeonhole for many to the eating. However, it would be held in Chicago. This was brought passed last session by the House CHAPEL AT 11 OAK ST.. well for us to continue to enjoy that the end of prohibition was In tress. It Is, we should say, fool­ months Bingham’s own bill vali­ about by a vote ofr.tbr Cook Coun­ and killed off by the Senate. Phone: Officie 5171 sight. Two years ago The Herald the spirit of Christmas’ jovialty ty Council effter this year’s meet Delegates to the Farmers’ Na­ Robert K. Anderson hardy. There may come no day of dating 3.2 per cent beer. and friendliness. We can all do Funeral Director Residence 7494 endeavored to arouse some int^est showed a net profit of more than tional Relief Conference came here reprisal. But on the other hand Just how the Democratic members this without making drunkards or $5,000. The meet will again be held to petition for the emergency type in the necessity for preparatory who can say there will not? of the Senate will go about justify­ gluttons of ourselves. As many at Sky Harbor Aiiport. of relief, though their program calls action by the Legislature but with­ good stories can be told around a These hard times may be still a ing their action—^which is tanta­ table filled with wholesome repast out success. We pointed out at that good way from their ending. It mount to tearing up the platform of such as is outlined in many Christ­ time that the prohibitionists, as ene­ may prove, before all is over, to their party in the recent campaign— mas menu, as if the table had^ a mies of the saloon, owed it to them­ be a pretty bad thing for anybody is not easy to see. Nevertheless conglomeration of rich foods diffi­ selves and the cause of temperance cult to digest. One also has the ad­ to have earned the hatred of the un they may miss that beer tax money vantage of being able to enjoy the to interest themselves in the matter fortunate. There are a great many when and if they make a serious full benefit of the jollification with of practical control by the state unfortimate jiist now. If they attempt to balance the budget. old friends without becoming sick agsunst the inevitable eventual re- afterwards. Many of the poor each should become unruly it would he year at Christmas have hunger ' peal. They were not impressed. better to be one of them than to be RUST PREVENTATIVE gnawing at their vitals but you Now, although the passage of a one of those whom they deem their London.—The British National who are more fortunate should re­ beer bill by this Congress is unlike­ oppressors. Physical Laboratory has been expe­ member Jiat “They are as sick ly it is certain that responsibility rimenting with a waste product of that surfeit with too much as they ‘Will you put that the woolen industry, “lanoline,” as that starve with nothing.’’ will be thrust upon the state within THE RETORT COURTEOUS a rust preventative. The substance . a year. Yet apparently nobody is We have always had considerable is coated .over steel and is said to QUES-nONS AND ANSWERS giving the matter a serious thought. respect for Governor Harry Moore have showed no rust formations after three years’ attack by weath­ (Yes, ColitiB is Curable) And people of the bootlegger class of New Jersey ever since the un­ er. It is siimiar to mutton tallow in Question: C. R. U. writes: “I am in a letter, please?’ are, no doubt, looking forward to happy period of the kidnaping of the consistency. opening legal saloons before long, Lindbergh baby when he seemed to anticipating that in the end Con­ be the only human being in that necticut will merely repeal its en­ entire state who did not completely The busy executive wants the facts about the proposition but forcement act and re-establish ^.ts lose his head. In this new matter of often he hasn't time to listen to the spoken word. So he makes pre-prohibition liquor laws en bloc “fugitive" Bums he displays a cool as the easiest way out and in de­ self control in marked contrast to this request of the salesman or informer— “If you will put that fault of being ready with a decent the excitement of Governor Russell code. By GILBERT SWAN ^many years, we had no matinees." in a letter, I can read it when I have more time." of Georgia who scolded like an NEA Service Writer ^ After appearances in various We have always contended that angry parrot over Moore’s refusal Continental theaters and the Ger­ it will never in the world do to let to extradite Bums. Few things il^ew York, Dec. 24—So rare has be­ man films, he went to London and the brewers and the distillers and have been neater than Moore’s reply come a matinee idol in the Broad­ learned his English there. Beautiful The wise manufacturer who has a story to tell knows that it their crowd boss the making of our way theaters that the arrival ^f actresses—as well as patronesses to Russell’s long tirade, when he curly-haired Francis Lederer from of the theater—are known to have is physically impossible for the merchant or his assistants to tell new regulations—that the best op­ merely said: “I wish the governor London—and other European capi­ been forever “discovering” him and portunity for real temperance work of Georgia a very merry Christmas tals—has created a sensation. helping him up the ladder to all the facts about his product, even though they knew them all, ,:the drys ever had was in the and a happy New Year and respect­ Young Mr. Lederer, aged 26, came theatrical success. Right no' framing of effective state liquor into town with due trumpet blast­ though unmarried, he admits having fully refer him to the Fuller case." ing and they’re thinking way back his frank hazel eyes open for sight and even though they were willing to undertake the job. Fur­ regulation. If they decline that re­ That, since it lugged into the light to John Barrymore, John Drew, Bill of “the perfect womam.” sponsibility they need not complain an instance where Governor Russell Famum and the rest of them in an thermore, the manufacturer knows that you—the customer— effort to fit him in a proper groove. if they see the old time saloon blos­ himself had refused to honor a New Here’s What The Flay Is Like som forth again. Fact is that Lederer belongs to “Autumn Crocus,” in which Led­ haven't, always, time to listen. York requisition, w u a squelcher the Maurice Chevalier type of light erer makes hiS American bow, is It is not .surprising that Governor comic and can hardly escape the sugary stuff, gentle and teary-eyed. THE RISK OF SLACKING Russell, after 24 hours, had nothing sophisticated music i^ows and the It concerns a school-teacher who A great deal of rubbish is being cinema. Unless he can resist the vacations in the Austrian 'i^rol and So the manufacturer puts his story “in a letter"—an adver­ to say. He may be a little punch- temptations of large sums of who falls in love with the yoimg talked and printed about "depres­ drunki money, he is as good as in Holly­ innkeeper. But, alas, he is married tisement—usually in a series of them, addressed to you, his pros­ sions." There have been, in the his­ wood at this moment, although and she must depart, being a most tory of this country since the Revo­ TECHNOCRACY actually he is appearing in'' a frothy, prosprietous person. Lederer has to pect. As they appear in the d'-iily paper, you can read them at lutionary War, we are told, five long-winded, sentimental piece, carry most of the play on his young To those of our friends who find titled “Autumn Crocus." shoulders; yet it is of the stuff that major periods of hard times—or six, themselves slightly bewildered by Yet, with proper respect for the women playgoers may have been leisure, and make up your mind whether you want the product he of sixteen or twenty-seven or what­ all the sudden furore over this so- talents of this yoimg man, it must waiting foi. And although he may ever. Some one, speaking as an be said that he rises above the become the first real matinee idol describes. Before you go to the store and see the product, you called Technocracy that has de­ mashmallow-fingered applause of in a generation, this Lederer is also authority, didactically places the scended on the country like a thun­ the girlies who are flocking to the an actor of skill and great talent. can learn about it in detail. At the store there is no need for pro­ duration of the depression of 1873 at der squall at a picnic—or at a matinees to see him. In mailin': the I notice that Edna Ferber is quoted three years, with revival following funeral—and who are trying to Chevalier coniparison, we have as naming him the best performer longed questioning, no need for wasting your valuable time. You on the Centennial exposition of '76. preference to the early Chevalier— in many a year. make out what it is all about we ex­ suave, amusing, continental, comic know the merits of the article because its producer was smart Another says it lasted till 1879. tend our sympathy and confess our and yet alluring to feminine theater­ Mr. White Opens a “Music Hall’’ And so on. kinship. goers. Next in Broadway interest is enough to tell you about them in “his letter" to you. As a matter of fact these hp and George White’s experiment in However, if our opinion were aak­ A “Matinee Idol"? WeU— “Music Hall Varieties." down movements have no real out­ ed—which it hasn’t been, even by. Lederer stands about six feet, or The tale goes that White is going line. To attempt to reduce them to any of the bewildered friends—^we thereabouts; has manners and a to take a fling at the Sunday You can judge products better, and save time in the bargain, dates is like trying to establish the would venture on this: Technocracy profile; can act rings around almost theater law. This allows the per­ exact time by the clock when the anyone out Hbllywood way; became formance of movies, vaudeville, con­ is a name applied to a fabric man­ interested tn the theater at 13 in his certs and such, but not In tim ate by reading the advertisements. sunset glow fades out of the sky. ufactured out of the oldest and most native Prague; and played the Al productions. By putting hit latest I Let fifty quite responsible bankers, elementary ideas of Socialism plus Jolson role in the European version product on as a “variety" sort of manufacturers, railroad men, farm­ a line of patter. of “The Wonder Bar.’’ bill. White may get around the The fact that feminine hearts are regulation and put on Sunday night ers and merchants isolate each for If you take an ordinary wooden a-flutter over his young and en­ performances. Several producers himself the date of the beginning of kitchen chair and decorate it in the gaging charm seems genuinely to have hinted at this evasion without lianrlffater Euftthtg limUi the present period and you would modierniistic ‘style it may look like surprise Lederer. He adnoits hav­ much success. probably get fifty different days of ing received scores—^perhaps hun­ As for his show, White’s stars in­ something quite extraordinary until dreds —of letters from .American clude Llli Damita, Harry Richman, the month, months or even years. your eyes regain their focui, when girl admirers, but is dubious over as master of ceremonies, and Itert Nobody really knows just how it is discovered that it ia a wooden being bnnded a “matinee idol.” Dahr as clown. It’s one of those f^Dg any of these depressed periods kitchen chair. ’Tm not sure what that means,’’ girl-and-music shows with plenty of he says. "Is it good 'or,bad? . You this and that and not a mreat deal How then can anyone make Technocracy, it seems to us, is le, in Europe, where-1 played (or of anything except box-omce allure. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, ^U TH MANCHESTER, CONN., SATUKDAX, DBCESiBBR 24, 1»4» PAGE FIVE

■ • ( J * fait recovering from his Injury'and 4 4 has the cast.how removed from his 4 0 ,0 0 0 Recreation Center NO HERALD leg and la aide to get around with 'Night Before ChrisfntfiS TenShan the aid of a pidr of crutches. A Items of Interest ROCKVILLE MONDAY Happy Christmas, Albert. TOFEEDHUNCRfW If the holder of ticket No. 1145 Written 110 Yean Buddies will call upon Fred Baker of 78 Bird Lovers Asked,- ^ fiend The Manchester Swtsdish Luth- Employees of the Man­ North ESm street, he will receive a ersm churrch was host to the Hart­ CHRISTMAS SERVICES chester Evening Herald will duck. This was one of the lucky Grain To Mwlimep \i^o\WiU ford Swedish Lutheran church at New York, Dec. 24.—(AP)—^works. This gathering. la. an anwluil observe Monday (Dec. 26) as The BoUetin Board numbers in the recent Edith Cavell Distribute It Thi^gh Coun­ toe Elaat Side Recreation, building, Down ayoimd West 22nd street, ele­ occurrence on Christinas eve. Flowers will be strewn tipoo Uk the Christmas holiday. ^ No of Command’s drawing of prizes and try. where bowling, pool, basketball, and vated trains will clatter as usual IN A ll THE CHURCHES is being held by someone in Man­ swimming was enjoyed. ’There, were little mound; some one dioaen wffl issue of The Herald will be Ex-Serriee Organuations. tonight and John Poulos will shine recite to e lines of S t Nick’s Chrlsjl^ chester. Official cooperatidn . leadw df to® There will be special mudc and In Rockville’s Colony at St day evening, Dec. 30 and a good “The bugles soxmd upon toe Dying Thousands now live and labor in Heimatschutz, to® Austrian .Ns Petersburg, Fla., the following per­ time is in store for all wlfo attend. day. Mrs. Hungry Bird,” and' the rural “Tag Dances” will be held during the section where Moore . permed today withdrew. topreme comi services at all churches in ttie city letter carriers will scatter it at toe evening. Dancing will be from on Sunday. At St. Bernard’s church sons are listed: Mr. and Mrs. At this time the post wishes to In silvry notes that catch toe “Not a Oeature Was Stirring, Not of bis organization from Ado Louis Koelsch of Union street, Mrs. extend the seasons greetings to ail throat, and thrill. places along their routes, where 8:30 to 12:00 p. m. with Art McKay Even a Mouse,” but many of them Hitler, leader of toe National So­ there will be masses at 7. 8, 9:15 Laura Judson, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. our comrades of the American The echoes in toe vale, and fade birds can find it. and his Serenaders again furnishing never even heart! of toe author or cialists in Germany. and 10:30 with special music at the Siegel, Mr. and Mrs. A. T Thomp­ Legion, Army and Navy Club, Dis­ away, The movement, under the leaderr toe music. There wiU be no Increase his poem. Dr. Pfrimer explained toat toe last two masses. son and Miss Ramona Suessmsm. abled American Veterans,. Spanish From saddened mourners on toe slip of Thomas H. Beck, chairman in toe admission for toe extra danc- A hug;e apartment house now “Nazi policies, especially in th® Miss Gladys Nettleton of New War Veterans and our comrades of hallowed hill.' of toe Connecticut 3tato’Board ef in r tim e. covers toe spot in ’Twenty-third titude of their sub-leadtts, .no . longr At the Union church Rev. G. S. Fisheries and Game, in an., ^ort-to - Brookes, pastor, there will be a York is the guest of her parents, the Mons-Ypres command. Don’t forget toe Modern and Old strset on which toe Moore house er are' compatible' with the' Mms of special program by the junior and Mr. and Mrs. Brimcis Nettleton, of The state departbaent has been We honor those who their save toe wild birds of toe country Fashioned dance at toe West Side stood, but toe center of what once toe Heimatschutz.” interme^ate deparbnents. At the Talcott avenue for the holidays. busy for the last week getting the honor dear. from the starvation which threat­ building tonight with free gifts to was the big Moore homestead is a Hitler was made chief command­ 10:30 service there will be special Colonel and Mrs. Francis T. Max­ Christmas boxes ready to send to Whose tramping feet enriched toe ens them as a result of the snow those attending. ’The dancing is from few hundred feet away—at about er of toe Austrian organizatimi last music. In the evening the silent well of Maxwell Court will hold a the Connecticut boys who are con­ path they trod. blanket now covering most of toe 8:00 to 12:00 p. m. what is now 22nd street and Ninth May. drama, “Why the Chimes Rang," family reunion on Svmoay. ’Their fined to hospitals or soldiers homes One backward look on' things they Northern and Eastern states. "•he West Side Recreation build­ avenue. wdll be presented by the Congrega­ guests over the holidays be Mr. in the state and also hospitals in held most dear. ' “The best bird food, under pres­ ing will not be open Mond4> and On one comer there is a Chinese tional and Methodist church and Mrs. Robert Holbrook of New other states. Some of the packages Then marching on, through blood ent conditions,” says Mr. Beck, “is toe Elast Side Recreation building laundry; On another in a dry-clean­ young people. York, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Endicott are to be sent as far west as and tears to God. the grain known in feed stores • s will opra at 6:00 p. m. .or toe dance ing shop, on toe third is a vacant and children, Bradford and Priscilla, ‘tailings and sweepings,’ which can The Tolland Federated church Arizona. Blvery Connecticut veter­ program scheduled for that night. store, and on toe fourto stands toe of Dedham, Mass., Frederick N. an will receive one of these pack­ This ground has known their infant now be purchased in 100-poimd shoetoop of John Poulos. An ele­ will hold its morning service at Belding and children. Maxwell and Sweet Cjd^ 10:45, with special music. Rev. J. ages, regardless of where he hap­ play, bags at about a penny a pound, toe vated railway runs down Ninth Virginia, of this city. pens to be. Elach box will contain a This ancient church has stood about lowest price in recent years. Any avenue. FOR THE HOLIDAY A. Davidson will preach on “The Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wetstein of Moore raised turkeys and it was Mission of the Messiah, King.” pair of socks, a necktie, a handker­ their youth. public spirited citizen who .^visbes to OPENING STOCKS Orange, N. J., are with Mr. and Mrs. chief, cigarettes and toilet articles These village trees have marked participate in this cafnpaign to save just after having been out to his The pageant of “The Nativity” M. C. W etstein of Talcott avenue for yards to pirocure one of these to will be given at the EUlington Con­ to make a real nice Christmas box. their homeward way. toe nation’s bird life may 'purchase New York, Dec. 24.—(AP)—Pre­ the holidays. The department plans to send out And watched them grow in hardi­ a bag of this - rain and address it to send to a neighbor for Christmas SCHALLER’S gregational church on Sunday holiday covering in a dull market that be returned to his study and night. At the morning service ap­ approximately 1600 of these boxes, hood and Truth. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Hungry BM,' in care lifted stocks slightly in toe early and the work of packing them has of Rural Carrier, R. F.' D.', with the wrote “A /isit From St. Nicholas.” CIDER MILL propriate music will be rendered. trading today. In ’Trinity cemetery on Washing­ Rev. John T. Nichols will preach. //o \v j m been in charge of Comrade Frost of These solemn shades of even, as number of one of toe rural routes in With toe ticker almost at a 352 Woodland S t Rev. C. E. Johnson, pastor of the New Britain and comrade Case of they fall. their neighborhood. The )fUrsd car- standstill, fractional gains were re- ton Heights, Upper Manhattan, Rockville Methodist church will Hartford. Across toe earth a mystic garment ri^" will then see that to e grain is coirded by Allied Chemical, Ameri- there will gatoer late today at a Dial 6432 have as his sermon topic on Christ­ The Post and auxiliary entertain­ spread ■ emptied in suitably shelter«l spots ■can Telephone, Corn Products, grass covered gitive' persons who mas morning at 10:30 “This Is the ed the children of the members at a Hark! . . . Down toe years toe where toe bird can readily find it.” Soutoeni Pacific, Union Pacific and long have known toe poet by his kiddies Christmas party ’Tuesday youthful voices call Packages of anywhere from five Day.” John Wilby, organist, will One of the big trouble makers United Aircraft. The U. S. Steel present a .special program of muoic, evening and there were nearly We are but sleeping. Count us not pounds upwards 'ey be sent in this shares were steady. Standard Oil of assisted by the choir. for the motorist in winter is the eighty children on han^ to greet as dead.” way, with toe usual parcel postip;e New Jersey sagged slightly. At the First Lutheran church the water pump. It is always becoming Santa Claus when he arrived. With attached. The freight car loadings report •BingUah and German services will several assistants from the auxil­ American Legion Auxiliary In Connecticut, toe movement is for the week ended Dec. 17, showed loose, due to the neglect of the mo­ iary to help him, every child receiv­ be combined at 10 a. m. Rev. K. torist to have it inspected and The (bounty meeting has been already assured of complete success, a decline of only 4,420 cars, which Otto Klette w?' have a special ser­ ed a present and a stocking contain­ omitted this month but toe chairmen toarrks to he leadership, of 69 was but a firaction of toe usual sea­ mon. In the evening at 7 o’clock, tightened, or repacked, and allows ing an assortment of nuts and are asked to send in their reports to sportsmen’s clubs. In other states, sonal recession, and consideirably the “Angels’ Christmas” will be the anti-freeze to escape. candy. ’The party closed with sing­ toe County chairmen as usual. it. will have toe cooperation of the imder advance estimates. The fa­ presented in a pageant. The pump packing must be kept ing of Christmas carols and every The children’s annual Christmas Boy Scout organizations, toe 4-H vorable showing resulted chiefly * At St. John’s Episcopal church tight enough to keep the ccollng one went home satisfied that Santa party was held last Friday afternoon Claus would call on them again Clubs, toe game clubs'and miibhberS from an increase of 25,343 in coal Christmas day will be observed solution from seeping through, and and was largely attended. ’The chil­ of toe Audubon Societies. Dr. loadings. Miscellmreous loadings with Holy Communion at 8 a. m. yet not so tight as to score the Christmas Eve. I dren sang carols and also put on toe Thomas Gilbert Pearaon, president were off 19,216 from toe previous Sincerity The Yoimg People’s Fellowship will drive shaft and retard operation of Comrade John Kenny of Hart­ following program which was en­ ford was the guest of the post Tues­ of toe National Associatiou of Au- week, presumably reflecting toe extend attend in a body. At 10:40 there the pump. ’Therefore, extreme care joyed very much: budon societies, has enlisted the as­ year-end letdown in industry. will be Communion and sermon by should be taken in preparing the day night and he gave a very inter­ Recitation, ...... Evelyn Hess ’The plethora of funds seeking water pump properly for winter. esting talk on the Economy League sistance of his entire meiubership. HOLDEN-NELSON the pastor. Rev. H. B. Olmsted, also Song ...... CJarolyn Woodhouse ’The leaders of toe movement only safest short term investment special Christmas music. In the and urged the members to get to­ R ecita tio n ...... Barbara Hess was strikingly reflecting in toe sale The pump gland nut should be gether in putting the veterans’ side make it clear that they are not ■ . evening at 6:30 will be held the Tap D a n c e ...... Marjorie Inman suggesting that food 7or toe birds of U. S. Treasury bills, which went Church school festival. This will be set up snug, but not too tight, of the case before the public by R ecita tio n ...... Shirley Glenney bolding mass meetings. The genet ol should in any way be permitted to at a dlscovmt equivalent to toe rec­ —followed by a party for the children and at intervals ' during the win­ Following this program Santa ord low interest rate of .09 of one ter it should be tightene.'' up a bit public should know toe truth of toe Claus arrived and had a very jolly ir-terfere with food for human be­ in the parish rooms of the church. ings. “Unemployment relief and per cent. The offering of three- “The BirtV of Christ,” a Biblical to prevent leakage. If leakage matter he said, and he felt if the time among toe children. He pre­ months bills approximates 3100,- continues, however, the pump needs veteran who receives from twelve sented each child with a gift, a box necessary charitable enterprises drama, will be presented at the 000 000. Vernon Center Congregational repacking. to twenty-four dollars a month of candy and an orange. must iraturally take pre'-ieaence over everything else at this time,” says sterling reacted a little at the Special Xmas Menu church on Sunday evening. In the Sometimes a specia I marine compensation is to have his claim Following a short business meet­ opening, with cables quoted at morning the regular services will grease, replacing the regula mo­ disallowed (as toe Economy League ing Monday night, our Christmas Mr. Beck. “But there certaiMy are would have it) he will then be party was held. Games and carol thousands of nature lovers who will, 33.22%, off %. The French franc be held, Christmas music being tor cup grease, will do the trick. was steady. ' featured. If that won’t, however, the shaft thrown back on the city or town for singing took place and each one re­ wish to supplement their chirity to their fellow man v/ito a thoi^ht for Funeral of June West may be scored in such a way as support, and thus the taxpayer will ceived a gift. The gifts were then The average weight of the con­ NEW HOTeT SHERIDAN The funeral of June West, 12- to require a special plastic pack­ have to take care of him by increas­ turned over to toe Welfare chair­ toe wild life of toe ooimtiyside. tents of a freight car is about 40 ed taxation, instead of the Nationai man to be used for distribution at "Granaries are full of -by-|>)^uct year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ing to previmt further leakage. tons. Alban West of 30 Snipsic street, The right kind of packing for a government shouldering toe respon­ Christmas time. Refreshments grains which cannot be 'usec for Christmas Dinner $1.00 1^0 was killed by a motor truck water pump is a hemp impregnated sibility where it rightfully belongs. were served by Mrs. Bausola and human consumption, but which will ' on-Thursday evening, will be held with tallow, rather than one that Comrade Kenny closed his talk by her committee who were toe past mean surwival to millions of feath­ Soup and Fruit Cup is impregnated with graphite. The tilling the fnembers to be united in presidents and toe officers. These ered creatures that must otoerwise at the home this afternoon at two refreshments were in keeping with Celery and Pickles o’clock. Rev. George S. Brookes, reason is that tallow resists water everything and above all in toe fight perish. ’There is every indication ROAST NATIVE TURKEY pastor of Union church will offi- action better than graphite impreg­ against toe Bkjonomy League. toe season and consisted of Christ­ t*-at this winter w ill be toe .severest . ciate. One of the many floral trib­ nated hemp. Chairman Neal Cheney - , of toe mas salad, saltines, cake and cof- to bird life of any in recent’ history. Dressing and Giblet Gravy utes is a beautiful piece from Purple Heart committee would li’:e ^ fee. A very enjosrable time was Birds seldom die of cold, but a Cranberry Sauce June’s schoolmates, and another is In order to make the pump dou­ toe following members to attend a had by all. blanket of snow which covers their round table conference at the We were vep sor^ Mashed Turnips Peas from Union church school. bly secure against leakage, the source of food mea"H qulcl^ and in­ Mashed Potatoes Besides her parents, June is sur­ proper kind of grease should be armory Tuesday night, Dec. 27, at our ^ t ^ d en ts, Mrs. McVeigh evitable starvation to them.- We are vived by four brothers, ’Theurer, used with it. In the pump, the 7:30 Pp. m. Harold Dougan, Hilding Dannaher, were unable to therefore suggesting that nature , Lettuce and Tomato Salad grease used is not so much for lu­ Gust^son, William A. Allen, Wil­ be present at toe party on account Richard, Herbert and Sherwood of illness in toe family, but are glad lovers thixiughout toe coimtry join -yULETIDE GREETINGS Raisin Bread * Rolls West: two sisters, Eunice and brication as for keeping the pump liam Barron, Lawfence Redman, in tola movement, and imdertake to DESSERT tight. It is really a packing, not Joseph Moriarity, James Sullivan, to hear that they are on toe road to Doris West; and her grandparents, recovery. W also missed Mrs. provide for toe birds in their neigh­ We wish you all toe merriest Plum Pudding Pumpkin Pie Mr. and Mrs. Herbert West. a lubricating gfrease. Clarence Peterson, Thomas Scott borhoods. We have toe endorsement of merry Christmas holidays, Ordinary cup grease, intended and any other post officers or mem­ Hohentoal and hope that she will Mince Pie Apple Pie Completes Christmas Worl; soon be around again. and cooperation of the E’irBt Assis­ full of laughtdr and good cheer. T^e Rockville Welfare Associa­ for lubrication, has an oil base bers who are interested. Mrs. Mary Brosnan was toe guest tant Postmaster General, who has Ice Cream tion of this city completed'its work which dissolves or is softened read­ of toe Ekist Hartford Unit on placed toe rural free deUvery at our Tea Coffee Milk Friday night and the last Christ­ ily by hot water. As a result the Anderson-Shea Auxiliary V. F. W. ’Tuesday evening. P. J. MORLA.RTY hot cooling olution weakens the service for toe purpose of distribut­ Grapes N uts Mints mas basket and toys for children Anderson-Shea Post and auxiliary The Executive Committee of toe ing toe grain.” SERVICE STATION left the headquarters before dark. grease packing in the pump and held a Christmas party for their ; Sweet Cider Post and Unit held a meeting at toe 474 West Center St The place was one of Santa’s work­ opens this spot to the danger of children Tuesday night, Dec. 20, | Armory Monday night at which leakage. The average African ostrich shops and members of the organi­ from 6 to 8 o’clock. There were 76 ! time plans were discussed for toe weighs about 300 poimds. zation have been busy for two Therefore, a water-proof grease children in attendance a t. the party * raising of money with which to weeks preparing Christmas cheer is recommended for use at this with their parents and friends. Elach carry on toe Rehabilitation pro­ for many who would otherwise point. This grease has a tallow child was i^ven a Santa Claus stock- | gram. ’The Ways and Means Com­ have none. base. ing, consisting of apples, oranges, j mittees of both organizations will To the knowledge of the asso­ popcorn and cookies. Santa Claus have a meeting some time during ciation every needy family has been If the shaft of the water pump also gave each child a toy off toe toe first in January, toe date cared for. Various organizations is badly scored or gpx)oved, no Christmas tree. Mrs. Alice Virginia to be announced later. and individuals made this possible. end of packing with hemp or ma­ had charge of toe program. Read­ At this time we wish to say to all 'The Thomas Knowlton class at the rine grease will prevent leakage. ings were given by several children, our members, “A very. Merry East school gave $5 for the fund The cure for this, however, is a also a sketch was given by Miss Christmas.” on Friday. Fruits, vegetables, can­ sort of plastic packing material which might give relief if the Eleanor Keish, Mrs. Freda Moore- ned goods, dolls and toys were sent house and Lucile Kilpatrick. Mrs. by pupils. scoring is not too severe. AoziUary Christmas Party This plastic packing is a compo­ Keish sang toe "Bells of St. Mary” ’The American Legion Auxiliary sition material which can be in a very pleasing manner. will meet in G. A. R. h^lll : xt pressed into the pump gland hous­ The cofnmittee in charge was Mrs. Wednesday for its annual Christ­ ing with the thumb or a small tool, Alice Wetoerell, chairman and Har- mas party. Gifts will be exchanged. and will fill up all the dents, scores vy Roto, Mrs. Ellizabeto Phelan, Children of the members are in­ and grooves in the shaft. Mrs. Anna Barron, Mrs. Freda vited. When this is done, the gland nut Moorehouse, Mrs. Rachel Mimsie, The organization raised money should be tightened up even more Mrs. Alice Virginia, Mrs. Loyola during the past two months for than is necessary under ordinary Galligan, Mrs. EUwood Brown, Boyd BEST WISHES Christmas boxes to be sent to in­ conditions. The motor should th n Freelove, Raymond Smit!i), Law­ valided veterans in hospitals and be run, or the car, driven, for a rence Redman, Patrick Murphy. Here’s to a full measure of at home. short time, an^' the gland nut The County CouncU will hold their Christmas joy. Here’s holiday Heads Majilower Lodge should be tightened further to joint installation in New Britain, cheer toat never ends. Mrs. Bertha Schlaeffer has been compensate for the filling of the Friday night, Dec. 30. Refreshments elected Noble Grand of Mayflower grooves by the packing material. are requested from those who at­ TEXACO Rebekah Lodge for the coming year. All through the winter this tend. Her as.sociate officers are: Vice- should be watched carefully, more Service Sta. No. 6488. Grand, Mrs. Elsie Miller; recording plastic material added from time Biittsli War Veterans Corner Main and Haynes St. recretary, Mrs. Alice Kin^on; finan­ to time, and the gland nut taken To all members of toe Mons- James E. MacDonald cial secretary. Miss Phyliss Lisk; up to keep the cooling solution Ypres Post and their families we $ treasurer. Miss Charlotte Drescher. from leaking through. wish a Very Happy Christmas. We CHRISTMAS The appointed officers will be an­ would also take this opportunity to nounced later. Mrs. Helen Quinn, A GREAT FALL extend toe seiuson’s greetings to our district deputy, and her staff will American comrades of the Legion, This Is The Time Of All The Year have charge of the installation. Tacoma, Wash.—Like Humpty V. F. W., Spanish War Veterans, A Christmas party is being Dumpty, Mildred Compton, 264- Disabled * War Veterans, members BUY planned by the lodge following the pound Negress, had a great fall but of toe Army and Navy club and We Wish You Warmth And regular meeting on ’Tuesday night. hers was intentional. Police who their auxiliaries and wish them sdl a Your Norwalk There will be an exchange of ;^fto picked her up off the ground say Very Happy Christmas. and refreshments will be served. i that she was saved only by a porch We congratulate toe officers and TIRES—TUBES Winners In Contest I which broke her fall. Motive for members of toe 'Army and Navy At New Low Prices Light And Cheer—^Long A contest “Kiddies From Dairy- the leap was not found, but it obvi­ club for toe fine Christmas Psurty land”, conducted by W. B. Clark & ously was an attempt at suicide. She which they sponsored for toe kiddies from Son, dairy farmers of Vernon, has had leaped from a second story win­ last Wednes^y night, and sa/ — come to a close and the prize win­ dow. • what a party it was—over 260 kid­ Janres M. Shearer Life—And Joy—And ners were annoimced on Friday. dies with their fathers or mothers BVICE AGENCY First prize of $10 went to Thomas being present, a beautiful Christmas Cor. Middle Torupike Cratty of Cottage street, a pupil at MORE ACCIDENT DATA tree occupying the center of the and Main S t S t Bernard’s school; second, 35, to large clubroom was surrounded Great Success—And Joan Bennet Dawkins of Mlin^ton Washington, D. C.—The Aero- with huhdreds of gifts of all kinds. avenue, a pupil in the. Blast District natics Bureau of the U. S. Depart­ Frank D’Amico as toe Village school. There was a tie for third ment of Conunerce has issued a new Cop called off the name of each All That Makes prize, so Helen Flaherty, a pupil at bulletin regarding air traffic acci­ child who came forward to receive St ^niard’s school, and Lois May dents during the first six months its gift from Dave McCollum who ^joehler of Longview school were of 1932. It shows that an average was playing the role of Santa SEE THE NEW given 31.25 each. of 39,814 miles were flown for each Claus in his ususd excellent manner. For Happiness N otes accident during this period. Miles President Clarence Martin and his EASY WASHER S V] 1 ^erese Marie ’Thrall, seven-year- flown per fatal accident .were 857,- Board of Governor's were present to lold daughter of Mr. and Mrs. day- 752. see that each child not only received ton Thrall, of Grove street, will ap­ a handsome gift but also a liberal $ s S . 5 0 pear at Poll’s theate next Wednes­ BRIDOE COLLAPSES supply of ice cream, fruit, and New agitator, baUoon type day night with thirty other littla candy. Ail present had a wonder­ rolla; new tub, new beauty, The Manchester Electric Company dwcers at 9 p. m. Parsons, W. Va., Dec. 24.—(AP) ful time and at the conclusion of 'There were special exercises all —One woman drowned, 17 persons the party one eould hear nothing only 15 a moatb. 773 Main St. W Phone 5181 the various schools in the city on were injured and several others are but praise and thanks for the Friday morning and afternoon. unaccoimted for today after col­ members of the Army and Navy KEMP’S, INC. There was an exchange of gifts and lapse of a swinging bridge over club. Free Rohm Oemonstrattoo- eadi ini^ received a box.of cauly. Otter creek near the . Otter creejc Hons-YpriMi wiU-|g: glad to knov)r ♦iPhe LMht o f These’*,was presented school house last night tliat Comnida Albert liadsay is - j ' ' . / r -v'-


throughout the year. The ergaalaa- tions which customarily take part DEALERS SEEKING STEBB0I S t A ( » DAILY RADIO PROGIUyM M A T E EMPHASIZES in the program are the C oos^cut Q attr Twi$t$ % Congreae of Parents and Teachers, -6ATUR0AY, D IC IM IIR 24 (Csotrsi add Bsstsn BlMdtrd TIZM) the State Board of Iduoatlon, the HHPOm DRAMA TmvelerBwnc ■roadesstlng tervles Boy' Scouts, the Girt Scouts, the ART RACKETEERS ...... rjraarsfM sar In Day’s Naias Hartford, Osms. C H P R E N ’S HYGIENE Campfire Girls, all Faroohial Schools, ..r s E t i' 60.000 W,, 1000 B. C.. m f M. Frozrsns subject to ebsngs. P. Oent^ ■asl, the Chamber of Conuherce, the Milk 4,4^ Bi4S~Tlte Oulisr, Tiiifr-to o Producers' Association and many tBu The AssoctatsB Bress) 6ioe~ etOO-ftiM r ugsKlieiiffsre J g ,* Fargus Falls, Mlxm.—Elmer Pin- Saturday, December 84. NIC-WIAF NITWORK fi|—gases other groups Interested in welfare Experts Keeping An Eye Oul Producer of Grees Pas­ ...... rei 'physical and Dental Exan- work. gree’s leg Is just one bullet lighter ■ASIC — ■•StI woti (key), wssl wtic KeneHCHy^MniTitle^ P. M. wjsr w u f weri> w « wilt wjbr wro wi A t both the Well ChUd Conference —after 84 years—but he moui-ns. wDen wcA'ess wtam wwj slae tures” Has New Phjr 1:00— “ The Star In the East”— fg t n H Q W O l l H HU WWW-^WSSW ww-mwmm liOO—. 7 . .. w7 _ and the Summer Roundupi, instruc­ For Swindlers Working In roll Ksd woo»who wow wW' eoaet; The Ffler^-midweet only ^ inations Cover An Ex- tion is given to the parents concern­ In November 1898 while he was a Christmas Cantata by Christiaan NOdTHWIST A -^wtmj i United States cavalryman on the wiba kstp wsbc wday kfyr ckgw cfc^ ing proper care of the ohUd, especial About the Plauet Mars. Kriens; Soloists, chorus and or­ SOUTH — wfva wptf wwno wls w w • . l i t emphaM being laid on pro^rly bal­ the U. S. Mexican border he received a smug­ chestra. wda-wsun wlod wsm wiuo wsb wspi s tended Field. anced diet. Charts, pamphlets, Ulus- gler’s bullet in the right leg. Sur­ 2:00— Studio Recital. wjdz wsmb kroo wky wfaa wbap kpre Or.—weet; Nereomes—Bwdwcet woat ktbs ktbs trated lectures and moving pictures geons advised against cfittlng out 2:80— Pleetral Ensemble. MOUNTAIN—koa kdyl kgir krtl 7:16- S:lS-i .je-eaets 6ap« the bullet as long as it didn’t bother New York. Dec. 24,— (A P )— Just tivatcre — UISlCI OeokC Sletefe* are utilised in demonstrating the im' New York, Dec. 24.— (A P )— As 8:00—Merry Madcaps — Norman COAST—kao k(l ksw^kpmokfw .k.omo knq kpo /midw.: Miles Oroh.-WMt None would dispute the statement portant nUes to be rememMiired by him. before, the Wall street debacle of Cloutier, diredtor. ksca ksz kjr kga k(sd kUr kgu 7180— S:8(L-lehem Jones Or.—to s the graph, goes up for art museums, : - »iOO-Rwm Itt ng, io n je ^ o. vitbat a healthy child is likely to be- the parents if a ohUd is to be Tha other day, as Pingree was 1929 Rowland Stebblns decided to 8:80— Saturday Matinee — Julius ®*i00^a*(^Kay Ityssr's Orchestra 8 00 brought to adulthood healthy and t goes down for art racketeers. Nussman, director. f coroe a healthy adult and that crossing the strMt here, he felt a close bis brokerage office and enter liK)— 8)10— The Symphenlo MeUnee g,'80^ weU equipped to face the world. Frederick Newlln Price, an official 2:00- gjOO— Merry Medeepe Orohee, twinge in his leg. The bullet had an even more speculative business— 4:00— Silent. sickly childhood is apt to lead to 111 A t the Summer Roundups, one of of the American Art Dealers Asso­ 2:10— 2:10— Matinee Oeme, K^ele popped out. Search o f the snow the theater. 8 :1 5 -4:30-The Lady Neat Door 2:0^*I V-health in later years; there can the Important features the dental ciation—which keeps an eye cocked Sunday, Deceiriber 85 10:0(L->11 Is covered street failed to reveal the His first production was “The 4:00— •:0fr-Xmae Tree LIshtIna 11:00-18 examination, since few other fiaws I'or fakery to pigment— believes the 4:18— 8»18— Vienna Tango Oipoheitra likewise be no question that the pellet. He wants it back because— Green Pastures,” the success of P. M. 4.48— s:4^Sekatary Hawkine— eaet 18:0(L- 1 will Impede a child’s school career recent estabUshment of museums In '/ oreservatlon of the health of Con- “well, I’d sort of become attached which is now one of the more pleas­ 7:80—Orchestral Gems; Ruth Burt , 8:00— 8:00— Dinner Muelc^alM Meet NBO-WJZ NETWORK as will defective teeth. ’The bureau , necticut’s children will largely gov­ many American cities is the chief ant episodes in stage history. Next Sampson, soprano. 2:80— S:I0-AI •ernerd. Minstrels dental hygienist cleans the teeth of reason for present-day depletion In to it.” 8:4S- 6:42-The Circle - east only; ■ASIC-Baet: wje (key) ern the welfare of the state’s future be presented a George Kelly comedy 8:00—Eddie Cantor. wbal wham kdka wear wjr wlw; as many of the children as possible Carriers Mills, Ills.— This is the Sekatary Hawkine-midweet only . citizens; and, by the the ranks of swindlers. which bad a so-so ^ n . / 9:00— McCravy Brothers and Cap­ 8.00— 7:00— Jane Freman'e^ land— weet: wcky kyw kfkx wear wle kwk - there can be no doubt of the Impor' during the time aUotted for the height of something and Jack Sta- tain Zeke. H •aetj The circle— repeat for west kwer kkcll c ll wren----- wnaq kso , “Americans know a great deal Now be is sponsoring another im­ NORTHWEST A CANADIAN-W ^ tance of the work of the Bureau of roundup and while engaged In this lons, ^ e town’s night marshal, sug­ 9:15— Songs Without Words— Idll- 8,18— 7t12-Oco. OiNn Orch.-to c more about art today,” Price said. posing drama which calls for several 1.48— 7H5— To ■• Anneuneed wlba kstp webo wdey kfyr ckgw ■ Child Hygiene of the State Depart­ work, explains to the parents the “ Formerly an art racketeer could In­ gests the world In gratitude. dred Godfrey Hall, harpist. wSOUTH w I n — wrvaw .T» wptf WWUCwwno wlewTc WjSXwjsx score actors and is played In a dozen 7:00— S M — Organ Concert— also ost ment of Health, which annually proper methods of care of the teeth. vade the smaller dtles and there Three men asked him for a night’s 9:80— Songland, Norman aouthler, 7:80— 2:80— To ■• Announced wf!a«wcun wlod wem wmo wwco w wafl or more scenes. It is an English wjdz wenb kvookvee wky wfaawfea wbap lure makes greater strides toward the would be nobody in them to chal lodging in his jail. director; SaUy Ayres and Fred 2.00— 0:00— Rapec Concert— e to e play, “Red Planet,” from the pens 0:00— 10:00— The Dance H oor-^ to e woal ktbektba ktbsktbe , nrotection of the state s children. enge the authenticity of his goods. ' When he accommodated them of John Balderston and J. B. Hoare. Wade. 10:00— 11 MO-Jaak Denny’s Orchestra Founded In 1919 The sstablishment o f museums In 9:46— Jane Dillon, Impersonator. 10:80— 11:80— Paul Whlteman’a land .. kaow they knocked him on the bead, lock­ While it is a meritorious under­ khq kpo Koca kes_ _ kjrkga______ktar kfid kt Although in existence less than a hese cities has changed the sltua 11:00-12:00-R. KIrbery: Weenie Or. c o m u ed him up in the Jail and proceeded taking, irdoes not quite come off as 10:00—David Lawrence. 11:80— 12:80— Lopes Oreheetra— also e Cent. Best. decade and a h a lf- it w m founded tlon.” leisurely about their business, which the earth quaking spectacle it was 10:15—Studio Recital. OBt*WA8C NETWORK 1:02- 8:02-worde A Muele, f neemble in 1919—the Bureau of Child Hy- 10:45—M erry Madcaps. 1:80- 2AO-Hereld S tp ^ The Christmas exercises of the Among rackets that Pride recalls was the looting : f four stores and obviously Intended to be. Its writ- BASIC—Bast: wabc (key) wlec w ^ . eiene has made extraordinary pro- 11:80— Melodic Serenade. 1H S - 2:46— Gcneert Fetit, Bnesmble Hop River school were held Monday .8 the initialed canvas back. The ihe theft of an automobile. n g is not so dramatic as its theme, woko weao waab woao war wkbw wkre 2:00- 2:00-The Jiadle Treuba^urs ' gress In Interesting and educ^lng swindler buys a valuable painting. 12:00 Mldn.— Gus Van Orchestra. whk ckok wdro wcauweau wp-wfan wise 2:30-r 2 :I^M e n O’ Seng Quartet evening In the school house. The Evanston, HI.—A man’s home be­ and its plot runs so parallel to the people of Connecticut in methods He has It copied and he fits the copy 12:80—Orchestra. weao wfb: wspd wjsv: Midwest: wbbm 2:42— 2:42— Lee Sims and lie ^ of child health preservation. Most program was as follows: Welcome, ing his castle, so Chester Tripp de­ “Wings Over Europe” that it Is wfbra kmbe wcco ktnox wowo 8:00— 4 M — The Rhythmle SerensSe nto the back of the authentic pic­ robbed of much of the freshness It 1:00— Silent. ■AST AND CANADIAN - WM W 8,80— 4:80— Concert PeverlteeT^Ise • of the work has been and la being Lena Strickland; Acrostic, Lower cided that no one should come to wibw wbec wlba wfea wore ofrb clue ture. could have bad. ^ 4:00— 6:00— Sherman Oreh.— also eat done by actual contact with the chil­ Grades; Poem, “ Christinas E a^"'. Mr. Prospective purchaser comes his fireside, without being invited, a Dixie — wfst wfea wbro wqani wdod 4:80— 8:80— Swenec Serensdere— to e In “Wings Over Europe,” which wnox klra wrec wlao wdeu wtoo krjd 4:48— 8:48— Orphan Annie— east only dren and the parents through the Emma Strickland; Poem, “Jolly Old In. He knows his art and he “ can’t” fact which disturbed Evanstonians Robert Nichols and Maurice Browpe wrr ktrb ktea waco koma wdbo wodx 2:00— 6:00— The Little Oerman Bind medium of Well ChUd Conferences St. Nicholas” , Leon Tatro; Song, )e swindled. The picture he sees is no end. wM wdae wbls fbae wUr wdbj www 6:80— 6:80— To Be Anneuneed and Summer Rotindups under the “ JoUy Old St. Nicholas” Lower It seems . James Hurlock’s, arm wrote a few years ago, there was MIDWeST — wbera webt wcah wmbd 8,42— 2:4A-Lee time A Oreh.— »a* authentic, no doubt about that. He wtaq wkbb kfab wlen keej wlbw kfb sie; Orphan Annie— midwest n t direction of Dr. A. Elizabeth Ingra­ Grades; Mother Goose Christmas was caught in Tripp’s door, and young inventor who discovered a buys i t contrivance to revolutionize the WSZ-WBZA wiftt wnax wkbn wgl . . . , 2:00- 7:00-Flelda and Hall, Cemedy ham, director of the bureau. Dr. play. Lower Grades; Under the Stars “Just sign your initials on the how long It was there Is a moot MOUNTAIN—kvor kls^keb kal 2:12— 7:12—To Oe Anneuneed world prevented its utilization, be' FACIFIO COA^ — khJ knx koln kgb 6:80— 7;80— The Cuckoee— also eeoet Ingraham for several years has been and O Come all ye Faithful, by all; back,” - suggests the racketeer. Mr. question. But it was there a long Springfield Bocten lievlng that civilizatioli had not yet kfre kol kfpy kvl kern kmj kfbk kwg 7:00— |K)0— To Be Announced state chairman of the Summer Poem, “Hang. up the Christmas Purchaser signs. ’That “assures” time. Several persons protested to 7r15— 8:12— Weeks Orchestra— slae « jrogressed to the standpoint where Cent. Best. - Roimdup work and of the May Day stocking” Jennie Poplawskl; Poem, lim he will get the same painting the police t^at the noise Hurlock 1:0O— 2d)0— Sat. Syneopators— e to o 7:80- 8:80— The Reed Remeny program annually devoted to o .lid it could survive a Utopia. ' Saturday, December 24 1:30— 8:80— Salon Orohestre— o to o 8:00— IKK)— To Be Announced "Christmas Everyv/here” Sophie that,he bought. What he really was making was not helping them 2,00— 2HIO—Reundtownere— o to e 0:00— 10KI0—Whoopee, Vcrlctyto Frog* Something o f the sort happens in hygiene education. Wilke; Song, “ Up on the house top” , signed was the back of the copy and 9:30— 10:80— The Bueeenecrc, Voeel sleep. Red Planet.” A young Inventor be­ 2:80— 8:8Rhythm K ln g s ^ to o The major part of the work of the "hat’s what he gets. P. M. 8:0(L> 4:00— Spanish Serenade— o to o 9:45— 10:45— 20 FIngerc of Harmimy Annie Naumec and Louise Strick­ Hurlock was still stuck when two lieves he has succeeded in establish 10:00— 11:00— Piekeno Slaters, Harmony Bureau of Child Hygiene Is devoted Other Rackets 1:80—Orchestra. 8,8(H> 4:80— Oeo. Hall Oreh— e to o land; Three carols by all; Play policemen arrived. One of them sug- ing communication with Mars. He 4:00— B:0C-K. Duohtn Oreh.— p to o 10:15— 11:18— U w White, OrfSiH-e to « to the Well Child Conferences al­ Walter Grant, secretary of the art 6:15—Carols—Junior Choir, Win­ 11:00— IgkIOoOen Bestcr's Oreheetra “ Why the chimes rang” . Upper jested.that the way to bring him discloses that the combination of 4:30— 8:30— Sklppy — east only; Be though Its scope includes manifold dealers association, who says he Is chester Methodist church. tween the Boekende— west only 11:80— 12:80— Mark FIshar'a Orchaetra grades; Closing, Annie Naumec. out was to imhinge the door but the his world’s scientific knowledge other activities, such as the Issu­ ready to lend the facilities of the 5:45— ^Little Orphan Annie. Columbia Grange 'held a Christ­ other thought possibly the problem with that which can be gained from ance of birth certificates, the super­ association to anybody who is doubt­ 6:02—Weather; Sports Review; vision of midwives, and dental hy­ mas party Wednesday evening, with would be solved if they sawed Hur­ Mars will revolutionize industry. 1116 ful about an art transaction, tells temperature. giene. The Well Child activities be­ a beuatifuUy lighted tree to please lock’s arm off. While they were de­ world will be transformed into 8:30—Alexander Haas and Gypsy about a once fruitful racket. A 6:15—Rodney May, tenor. gan with the institution of the bu­ all. A number of carols were sung bating Tripp solved the enigma by Utopia where there will be plenty Ensemble. swindler would call on a collector on 6:80—“Laws that Safeguard So­ 9:00— Ruth Etting; Nmrman Bro- sooEnr MSSES reau in 1919, although not bn an or­ and a saxaphone solo by Jasper letting go of the Inside door knob. for all without the bother of work. )ehalf o f a friend in Europe who was ganized, “Widespread basis tmtil 1923. Woodward and then Santa Claus ap­ It was then that Hurlock explain­ Again the rulers of the world try ciety”—Gleason L. Archer. kensbire. writing a book about the art of The Number of Well Child Confer­ peared. He Introduced a number of ed he only wanted to use 'Tripp’s to explain to the idealistic inventor 6;45— Irish Mixistrels. 9:15— Edwin C. HilL ences has grown from 11 in 1923 to mechanical toys (so called) which some period. that civilization is not ready for 7:00— Time. 9:30—AJ Starita and orchestra. AHOOVHtiaiUS ’The swindler would explain that telephone. that. And, just as in “Wings Over 7:01—The Monitor Views the News 10:00— “ A Cfiiriatmaa C ard” by 78 in 1932. when wound up performed. Gustave the friend would like a photograph Troy, Ohio — Horton Brown Local Conferences Europe,” the inventor believes that 7:15— Hank Keene. ^ Cfiiarles DiJtend; dramatization. Emerlch was the jumping jack, of a certain painting owned by the catciies them coming and going. H:0O_Dancing cairistmas Memo­ When a WeU ChUd Conference 1s if the world is not prepared for 7:30__Cuckoo — Raymond Knight; Everett Cole the darky dancer, a ^ collector. The collector would gladly For four years, as Probate Court instituted in a town, the local physi­ Utopia, then the world should be Orchestra. ries; Morton Downey, orchestra. Vernon Northrop the Uncle Josh furnish it. In a little while there deputy, he issued some 500 marriage President Away From llic cians furnish the professional serv­ destroyed so that civilization can 8:00— Bam Dance. Graphophone record. Santa Claus would come a letter from the friend, licenses* Sunday December 85 ices required in examining the chil- start all over. 8:30—Road to Romany—Genia Fo- then presented gifts to three who returning the photogn^aph with the On Jan. 1 he will switch over to nariova, soprano; Gypsy music. A.M. ■ dren, while citizens of the town aid had to entertain the audience In pay­ the clerk of court’s office, and in “Red Planet” is a graphic picture Capital For the First Tone in the maintenance and executive explanation that it was either of a 8:45—Dutch Band. 10:00— Ckilumbia Cfiiurch of the Air. ment. Malcolm Stannard told about this post.he will hand out divorce of what the world may come to in *management. The director of the period too early or too late for in­ the future, a warning of awesome 9:30— Orchestea. 10:30— ^The Compinskl Trio. a Christmas spent in Germany, La- 11:00—Service from the Unitarian bureau is organizing a conference, clusion in the book. He would en­ japecfi. : problem. But, it is only for those 9:45— (Sentlemen o f the Press. In Fonr Years. vergne Williams told a story, and New Britain—Policeman Robert first secures the cooperation of the close the photograph of another who wish to spend an intellectual 10:30— Springfield Republican news Meeting House. Miss Flora Wheeler read a Christ painting and w rite;' Mahoney, watched confilctlng claims 12:00—Salt Lake City Tabernacle local health officer and then visits msis poem. Each one attending had evenlhg in the theater. 10:45— Cascades Orchestra. “This Is what I am using for my for a barrel of turkeys in hopes : —^Tlme; weather; Sports Re- Ciioir and Organ. the doctors in alphabetical order, re­ been asked to brtng a ten cent pres­ It has been set in dynamic back- 11 00 Washington, Dec. 24.— (A P )— questing their assistance. Both have frontplece and it will give you an officials would rule “finders keep- groimds from the studio of Lee Sim- view* P.M. ent and these were then distributed 12:30— Folk Music, Washington needed the rare snow* always aided with excellent coopera­ idea of what I am looking for.” BTS.** onson. Bramwell Fletcher does an ll:15-^Night Song—Lew White, by Santa Claus. 1:00— ^The (Cathedral Hour. scenes that gave holiday spirit Ihii tion. Clergymen and the heads of Of course, this other painting Ma))oney found ihe barrel while excellent job as the inventor and organist; Trio Romantique. The baby son of Mr. and Mrs. Irv ­ 1:30— Columbia (Church of the outstanding clubs and org;anlzations would be owned by an impoverished patrolling his beat. When he adver­ has tile able support of Valeria Tay­ 12:00— Orchestra. week, for much of the customary ing Lehr has been named Wallace baron, who would take a ridiculously ' Air. are solicited for cooperation and in­ tised the find two chain store sys lor, Eugene Powers, Oswald Yorke 12:30 a. m.— Time. Yule-tide glitter was gone with a terest. Committees of interested Irving. ^ .. low price for it. If the collector V ___ 2:00— ^Boston Chamber Music En­ going-way Christmas planned by .th< The Christmas program of the terns put in claims. and Thomas Louden.. citizens are formed to help supervise tfimed out to be sucker the swindler Sunday, December 25 semble. 1 White House family. - - ^ - Pine Street school was given ’Tues­ hoped him to be, he woifid grab at 2:30— Orchestra. The President and Mrs. Hoover the work. day evening at the School house an( A. l l . - _ The committees then canvass the the opportunity to buy It. 3:00—New York Philharmonic after three holiday seasons ^spmi was as follows—^Welcome, Benny 6 :00—Christmas Morning with Lew town by districts and streets, obtain­ And then. Price tells of the rack­ Connecticut At The Capital Symphony Orchestra. here, chose Florida for the fourth Plesz and Francis LaFleur; Dramn White. * ^ 4:00—Father Charles E. Ck)Ughlln. ing a list of all children of preschool eteering auctioneer who, when he Overnight 7:00—Waikiki Christmas. Greetings No lively Hoover grandchildren wer« tizatlon of song “Good King Wen has paintings to put on the block, 5:00— P a c q u i n Personalities; age. A directory of these la com­ 7:30— ^Dandies of Yesterday. coming for coloriiil Christmas par­ ceslas” King, Fred Plesz; Page, hires an old actor to wear a paint- Ranny Weeks; Singing Strings. piled in ordei to Invite fhelr parents Washington, Dec. 24.— (AP) — 7:45__Twenty Fingers of Harmony ties. Nor would Alan Hoover tnviti Joh-' Mikolaw — (Voice off stage smeared smock and weep in the cor­ 5:30— Musical Revue. the debutantes to dancing la th< to bring them to the conference and A. P‘ News There would have been another vote 8:00— Tone Pictures, M ary Zuryk); Signs of Christmas, ner: 6:00—Poet’s Gold; Readings; David also for the purpose of later distrib­ in the House for the Collier beer bill 8:30— Jingle Bells. East Room. Polly Cohen, Ruth Tashlik, Nettle “M y pictures, O, my beloved pic­ Ross. The New Year's reception atwayi uting literature containing valuable Lawrence, Mass.— Seven thousand if a Capitpl elevator had not stuck. 9:00— NBC Children’s Hour— “ The Rosenberg, Sylvia Hinkson; Cradle tures, you are breaking my heart.” 6:15— Little Jack Ldttle. HftCTHng with diplomatic decoratipni child health advice. employes of the Wood worsted mill Representative Richa^rd P. Free­ Christmas Carol of the Forests.” Work at the conference Is wholly song. Lower grades; Santa’s cake, 6:30—Albert White pianist; Flor­ and military tmiforms, 'was can' are temporarily thrown out of work man of New London was hastening 10:00— Don Hall Rose Trio. educational, preventive and advisory, Wilhelmina Holbrook; Dramatiza­ ence and Barbara harmony duo. celled, as was its corollaty, the dip* tion of song “We three Kings,” Syl through failure of a main steam to the chamber to cast his vote in 10:15—The Wife Saver—Alan 6:45— Fluff erettes. the object being to examine all very favor of the measure legalizing and lomatic breakfast. via Tashlik, Gertrude Holbrook, ‘TIRST NATIONAL” PRIZE line. . Prescott. 7:00— “ World’s Business^” Dr. For a capital which likes its gaji young children In the community taxing 3.2 per cent beer. He entered Blanche Tashlik (Voice off stage Manchester, N. H.—Trustees of 10:30— Safety Crusaders. Julius Klein. private parties to eddy about svrati and to discover the tendencies and the members elevator at the south Mary Slrak); Poem, “Who for,?” the Amoskeag conopauy, holding 10:45—Time; weather; tempera­ 7:16—Barbara Maurel contralto; termed “official,” Mrs>> John defects which. If neglected, would end of the Capitol and was within a Mike Slrak; Poem, ‘T like winter,” WINNERS GET CHECKS company for the Amoskeag Manu­ ture. New World Symphony orchestra. struck the cheeriest-Christmaa note. handicap them later in life. The ex­ few feet of the floor when it became Benny and Brownie Plesz; Christ facturing Company, one of the larg­ 11:00— Morning Minstrels. 7:30—Hal Goodwin, Texas Cowboy. She said she was giving serioui amining physicians do not attempt wedged. mas acrostics, lower grades; Poem, est textile concerns in the country, 12:00— ^Time; weather; tempera­ 7:45—M ary Stone, the Song Girl. thought to the social phases o f hex to remedy the defects, discovered. Awards Given For Best Essays There was nothing to do but wait “ Christmas presents,” Polly Cohen; suggest to bondholders they ex­ ture. 8:00— ^Male Chorus; Helen Board, approaching role as vice presideaft Instead the defects are referred to until the mechanism was adjusted. Sln{^ng of three carols by grades Touching On Historical change their bonds for 35 per cec P. M. soprano. wife—dispelling some of the gloon^ the child’s family physician for cor­ Meanwhile the roUcall was in pro­ seven and eigh^; Play, “ Life of the cash and 60 per cent in preferred 12:15—Roxy Mammoth Symphony 8:30— Frank (Cambria and Roxy of those who were afraid that the' rection. Tendencies which do not Events Occurring Near gress, and Freeman reached the Magi,” Sylvia Tashlik, Max Weln- from Radio a ty—“Voices of Mil­ Theater Ensemble, simplicity-loving Gamers would require a physician’s skill, but which Stores. stocks on a basis of $85 a bond. The Chamber in time to hear Speaker grad, Fred Plesz; Carol by Polly I lions.” 9:00— ^Bath C!lub Revue. avoid all social events. ■ do necessitate constant attention at proposal was put forth to eno the Gamer annoimce: . home, such as Improper posture, Cohen, John Mikolaw, Nettie Rosen 1:30— Orchestra. 9:30—Parade of Melodies; orches­ Christmas checks have been drain of $720,000 in interest that has “ The ayes are 280 and the nays breathing, etc., are explained to the berg, Mary Slrak, Lewis Hinkson 2:00—Mystery Tenor; Radio re­ tra; Male Quartet Some of the CHiristmas excitement mailed by First National Stores, been'paid annually bn outstanding 166.” ‘ parents together with the proper Edward Plesz. porter; Czerwonky EnSftmble. 10:00—Jack Benny comedian; An­ that belonged last year to Ptggy Inc., to 128 boys and girls in as bonds. The New London representative’s methods of rectifying them. The Christmas exercises of the Old 2:15—Joe Mitchell Chappie. drea Marsh, soprano; orchestra. Ann and Peter Hoover falla thla many New England communities, Boston —Quarterly payment or stand in favor of the bill however, Beach All Children Hop River School were held Wed­ 2:30— Orchestra. 10:30— saint Saens’ Christian Ora­ year upon the 'vice president’s | g y d- winners of cash prizes in the First local taxes on the first of March, was well known and Rep. Rainey of In order to cover the maximum nesday afternoon with the following 3:00— Melody Lane, torio; chorus and orchestra. children, Anne and Curtis Gcczge, June, September and December arc Illinois, the Democratic leader, . amount of ground and to render the program—Welcome Earl Watrous; National Stores’ neighborhood his 3:15—Massachusetts Dept., Ameri li:1 6 — ^The Gauchos. It is Anne and Curtis who tOfUght called for in a bill filed by Represen­ placed his name in , a list of members ■ Well Child Service to as many com­ Mother’s Wise men, Raymond tory contest. Prises were awarded can Legion— Frlmm Sisters. can see their grandfathSri U ^ t me tative'Cawley of Springfield. munities as possible, some of the Mathleu; Duet, 'Silent Night/’ Miss for the hast original research into who would have voted for the bill if 3:80—^Ma^attan Merry-Go-Roufid, Nation’s Christmas tree in Shetmai Boston— Christmas mail business they bad been present. . conferences are held only twice a Chandler and Annie Bernstein; The neighborhood historical events Square. . sets a new record for this postal 4:00— Cowboy Jim. year, since this spacing has been Nativity Scene or the First Christ which have occurred. within a mile 4:15—Massachusetts Bay Colony— Thrilling has been-this Dpceamei ' found to reach practically all of the mas. School; Noel, John Rising of the present site of a First Na­ district with a total of $332,667 for Senator Hiram Bingham is the for 13-year-old Anne. She had the only member of the Connecticut Gleason L. Archer. TALCOTTVIUE children in a community semi-an­ Star in the East, Marlon McMahon tional Store. Contestants repre the three peak days of Jie week- 4:30—National Youth Conference. lead in a school play. Then DoUji Christmas at Bethlehem, Florence delegation for whom the Christmas nually instead of a smaller propor­ sented over 400 communities in Tuesday, Wednesday and Thuisday 5:00— National Vespers. Gann, her greataunt, 1st her retgriye Chowanee; A Christmas message, New England and Westchester holidays are not bringing a brief The Christmas \exercisez o f the tion at closer Intervals. Likewise, Concord, N. H.— Secretary of 5:30— Pages o f Romance. with the grown-ups in a vice ptasi- Evelyn Miles; Under the Stars respite from work. the Interest of parents is greatly In­ County, New York. State Fuller announces a special 6:00— Rhythmic Concert. Day School were well attended in dential “at home." A vividly pfetty tensified when the conferences are School; An argument, Dorothy Beatrice Buttles, Brandon, Vt., election will be necessary in the The Senator is head of the econ­ Talcott Hall Thursday evening. The picture Axme made in her n d piald omy committee, which is meeting 7:00—Time; weather; Sports Re - held six months apart rather than Chowenac and Herbert McMahon won the first prize of $25.00 for town of Rolllnsford to fill the vacan­ Christmas Tree presented a gala ap­ dress with school-girlish whita col­ almost daily to discuss the advisa­ . .view; temperature. oftener. Jolly St. Nicholas, Uttle folks boys and girls under twelve, with cy caused by the death of Represen­ pearance ladan with gifts for every lar. bility of continuing the furlough 7:15—Dr. Howard W. Haggard. Of a similar nature and of equal Christmas Eve, Ruth Epstein; Our an account of the reception in tative-elect Gardner Grant (D.) member of the Day school. Cradle And Christmas brings her a rare plan for government employes. The 7:30—flreat Moments in History importance are the Summer Round­ Christmas guest, Virginia Macht; Brandon in 1860 to Stephen A. Roll and Sunday school. The enter- experience for a “ sub-deb.” • Mrs- velt, Jr., son of the president-elect House has expressed' its approval of (drama). ups, which received their name orig­ The Birds Christmas Carol, School l^ouglas who was born in Brandon. Groton, Mass.— Franklin D. Roose- tAinwient wsu9 presented by the Day Gaxm has persuaded Anne’s mothei Up on the house tops, Little folks the scheme, but opppsition is devel­ 8:00— Ckmdlellght Concert. inally because the work was done m Douglas then was opposing Lincoln leaves Groton school to spend the 8:30—Adventuring with Lowell school pupils under the direction of to let the little girl sample, for just school vacation months; but the Santa Claus Is coming, Evelyn MC' for the presidency. The materia" oping in the Senate. a short while next Monday ifight, Christmas holidays with his parents Thomas. Miss Anne Herring and was as fol­ work is now so expensive that it Mahon; Jest ’fore Xlhrlstmas was gathered from Frederick H. Guiding the committee toward the that special Yule-tide event to whiob at Hyde Park, N. Y. adoption of a satisfactory program 9:00— Melodies. lows: A Christmas Tree Paraide, must be spread over a greater por­ Maurice Shater; Christmas night, Farringtoh of Brandon who as those taking part were Lucille Vice President Chirtis and Mr. and Boston— Boston Hockey Club of reducing the Federal expenditures 9:16— Smith Brothers. tion of the year. The objective of Edward Dzihan; Cfiirlstmas, Bea boy sat in Douglas’ lap during the Beebe, John Beebe, Clarence Kocb, Mrs. Gann have been honor ffCMHfta team sails tonight (Saturday) on will be one of Bingham’s last official 9:30_Walter Wlnchell. the Roundup is to gather for physi­ trice Mathleu; New Years Eve reception, and.the story tells of Sherwood McCorriston, Edith Pren­ for four yeara—the anaual Midihip- its third consecutive European tour, acts; as he retires March 4. 9:45— ’Those Five Girls. cal and dental examination all of the Sarah Epstein. Vermont farmer who drove his ox tice, Marjorie Prentice, Jime Riven- m *" and Cadet Ball. Provlncetown, Mass.— Joshua A. He is chairman of the Senate in­ 10:00— Edna St. Vincent Millay, children who are about to enter The children taking part in the team to the reception, pushed In burg, Warren Rivenburg, Virginia Paine, 67, widely known hotel man, sular affairs committee but the prin­ poetess. school the following fall, so that "B irds Christmas Carol” were Ruth- and greeted Douglas, an old friend, Stiles, William Stiles, John Tobias Mrs. Granville Fortaseue, in gows cipal work of that group has been 10:80— Springfield Republican news they may enter on their school ca­ Epstein, Thomas Chowanee, Annie by telling him he was voting for dies. / and Donald Wetherell. Scene of sapphire blue with metal belt and ended for this session by the passage 10:45— Hank Keene. n — reers healthy and unimpeded by de­ Bernstein, Marlon McMahon, Robert Abe tjincoln “ because it’s too bad Gretchen's Christmas: Gretchen, dark pearl earrings, prfseated hex of the Philippine independence bill 11:00—’lime; weather; tempera­ fects which would retard, their abili­ Mathleu, Stanley Bobeck, Virginia you’re a Democrat, Steve.” Marjorie Prentice; Gretchen’s Moth­ pretty daughter Helena to capital by the Senate. ture; Sports Review. ty to learn. Macht, Charlette Robinson, Anthony Raymond Halthwalte, Chelms er, Helen Yurgel; Margaret, June society Wednesday. 11:15—Soloists. In the larger cities of the state, Goulln, Maurice Slater, Sarah Ep­ ford. Mass., won first prize of Rivenburg: Margaret's father, Ed­ Some of the dabutantas who stein, Evelyn Miles, Evelyn Mc­ Red tape is something Represen­ 11:30— Kassels in the Air. this task is sometimes undertaken $25.00 In the class over twelve ward Rivinburg Scene HI-The danced in Helvxe’ahoupr had baMma UOTATIQN! tative Augustine Lonergan of Hart­ 12:00— Orchestra. by the municipal health depart­ Mahon. years of age for the story of Ben Nativity: Mary, Helen Siebert; Jo­ expert in one of thla aaiaon’a ipidal The Center School exercises were ford likes to brush away. ments, but the burden of rendering Jamln Farley, a “ plain, pious Puri­ seph, John Prentice;’ ’The Angel* deb fads—bridff^undar Mrs. Fo^ held early Thursday evening In the To that end he is seeking action this important service to the state tan farm er” who one Sunday shot •J— f Marjorie Prentice; The Sheperds, tascue’a tutrtaga. . ^ hall, to a large audience of parents on his proposed constitutional as a whole rests with the Bureau of a bear that was stealing bis corn Francis Bsebe, Frederick Petig, Har- Coming back to the capital from Child Hygiene and the Parent and and friends. It consisted of carols amendment to, provide for adoption Hawaii, Mrs. Fortaieua found, shi The minister arose in church to Just because you have iost one of future amendments by a dlreet ry Prentice. The Christmas Tree Teachers Associations. With the sung by the children, and three short Drill was very bright and colorful. said, "tha boys Is tow s p l a y ^ sc plays showing the Christmas season read Farley out of the congrega­ battle, you haven’t lost the war. vote o f the people. latter rests the very essential func­ tion, looked into the pious farmer’s -Sergt. Alvin C. York, World War WDRC Each child dressed in hemlock much batter th is the finis is w w s In Italy, Russia and Holland. Ches­ A fter an amendment has been ap­ tion of rounding up the children for loaded musket and turned the ex- hero, at Anti-Saloon League na­ boughs adorned with tinsel and orna­ that I bald bridge olassas for s fliw examination. ter Sawanski played two Christmas proved by Ckmgress or by a consti­ 185 Hartford, (Jooa. UMf communication rites over to the tional convention. ments. The drill was also wsU ex­ of my daughter's friandr.” As is the case with the Well Child carols on his violin and little Jane tutional convention, Lonergan would loading elder. Farley silenced him ecuted. The following scenes were It was a vary gayjroqsf pao^’i Conference,, physical defects discov' Lyman sang “ Aw ay In a Mamger.” like to have it presented for final drove the congregation out of the The farm is about as good Program for Saturday, Deo. 84. very real to life. Each pupil playing party at which Miss irortaMua msd4 cred at the Summer Roundups are ’Two of the youngest children, Violet ratification at a nationwide election. church, locked it and “ died eighteen anything right now, I guess. P. M. their part with much earnestness. bar debut. She wore pur# wMta called to the parents’ attention with Smith and Eleanor Kowalski wel­ Although it may be impossible to years later In full communion.” -M arcel Zink, Verona, Wis., farm 1:00—Orchestra. After the exercises the Christmas crepe, oloia-flttlng, btah naok fiS' the request that they take the child comed the audience, obtain a vote on the measure at this Among other winners of top lad, former International Live 1:80—National Press Club pro tree and exchange of gifts was en­ ished in double frtU o f ohUfos, ^ to the fam ily physician or dentist The sympathy of the community session, the Senator-elect is hopeful Stock Exposition champion. gram. joyed by all present. bacH. with ibewar bouquet of plsli for advice and correction. is with Jake ’Tashlik o f Chestnut prizes were Jerre Buxton, For ; that within a short time sentiment Falifield, Me.; Lucille Rubin 3:00—Saturday ^oopators. The honeer Boys will play the Last year’s roundups revealed Hill, In the death of his w ife Thurs­ may crystallize sufficiently to bring '^Her lister, Mrs. Tbemaa MMrte. 'Brookline, Mass,; Margaret Rand This is just the end of the glaola 8:30—Columbia Salon orobestra. Maple Street boys of Rockville in a some interesting statistics. Of 3,329 day morning at St. Joseph's Hos­ the amendment on to the floor. wai gowned is green with e n m Portsmouth, N. H.; Florence Band era. Unless there is c. new eruption 8:00—Ths Round Towners. basketball game on Saturday eve- children examined at 166 roundups pital in Willimantic following an and Trla oorsage. AJfotlMr ilm r, East Providence, R. I.; Charles E of mountain ridges, we can expect 8:80—R h ^ m Kings. Ding in Taloolt Hall. only 234 or less than ten per cent operation. Mrs. Tashlik leaves two A CALL IN THE NIGHT 4:00—Spanish Seronado. Mlse Martlyn Welles li able to be M ill Rios, wore Urtt Mue. were rated at 100 per cent from a daughters. Willson, Farmington, N. H.; Harry the polar ice caps to melt away- For the debutasta lt wwtiBdauMs ti _ _ . L. Gauthier, Buckfield, Me.; George —Dr. Rt B. Wilson, former Massa 4:80—Orchestra. out after in attack of mumps. physical and dental viewpoint— al The silver fir tree between the Evansville, Ind.—A deputy sher­ 6:00—Orchestra. John G. Talcott, Jr., Is home from eventful day, for ibe appeared Ibal most unbelievable figures which Town Hall and chapel is trimmed C. Pierce, Dorchester, Mass.; Leora chusetts Institute of Technology nigh*, in an istrieate m ie la .tbi C. Stratton, Reading, Mass.; Dor professor. iff's work must be dohe no matter 5:80—Sklppy. New Haven to spend the Cbrlitmas serve only to emphasize the impor with lights, as has been the custom what the hour of day or night, as 0:45-Ttte Outsar, Msxiosn Tenor. hCHdim with his parents. Mr. u d floor show of the JuBtor W iaM ailti . tance o f the work. for several years since It was plant­ othy Feustel, New Haven, Conn. Alaambiy at tha ■hofthaii h a t^ Tom Vlttl, Stamford, Conn.; Abble A man or .woman who suddenl Miss Edna McCarty, chief probate 6:00—Ths Ptumybonsrs. Mrs. John O. Talcott. May Day^ ed there. clerk, found out the other i ^ t 6:16—Orohsstfm. M ill Hlctner Talcott of Boitca May Day, set aside yearly by B. Bodflsh, Hyannts, Mass.; Theda retires after having been in bus! That JuBler Aasaasbjy Griffin, Thomaston, Conn. ness for the greater part of his or when Deputy Sheriff Edward Dlh* 6:46-Glris* Trio. and M ill Beatrice Talcott of Provl^ preBi(}entlaI and gubernatorial proc­ AND BURRV UP 7:00—Orehsstrs. deace, ipeit the wNk-ead at the olualva avast whoit lamation as Child Health Day, is The judges of the contest were her life, generally dies. And I don't ler awakened her at midnight to Clayton Holt Ernst, editor of The want to die. teU her that ihe was on the jury. 7:80—OrohHtM. home of their parinNr, Mr. tad MrH waa taaaorad hjr a m used by the bureau in cooperfi,tion PA’nBNT; How soon will I bs 7;45-WiUlam Hell, bsritone. 0. D. Talcott. with many other organizations to out of hers? Open Road for Boys' magailne —Mrs, John Nance Garner, wife of The final outcome of the matter NURSE: Just as soon as you're Margaret Moohrle* editor of The the vice president-elect, intimat­ was that the summons was for her 6:00-Frey and Brsfflottt, piano The Churoh School CBerolNi will bring home to the people of the duo. be held la the Church Auditorium state the neoeesity of taklnjf a keen strongenougb to sign a oheok. — Amertean Girl magaslne and Prin ing she will continue to share her father George McCarty, who had husband’s work. ' bMn dead for Nveral years. ^ •;16-M igioof s velbs. oa luaday afttraooa i t 8 e'dieek. Interest in child' h ea ltf work Buen Humor, Madrid. fla->Barrft, ahtbor»i|K I ' - r

LI*' r4Mi The Season’s Greetings i We are happy to take this occasion to wish you a * merry Christmas. May happiness, health and prosper­ ity be yours, not only on this day but every day through­ out the coming year. -'I ? FALLOT STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHERS HOME PRIDE OIL BURNER 00. "Just Below the Center.” MERRY CHRISTMAS T o You A ll To all of our friends and patrons we wish the most joyous Christmas possible. May It b i ^ you every good thing, and may its happy cheer continue long after the holiday la past

CENTER TRAVEL BUREAU [, O. O. F. Building Dial 7007 MERRY W ishing You Yuletide Greetings A CHRISTMAS We wish that we might personally extend to you the Christmas cheer we feel. That being impossible we MERRY Our entire personnel joins in take this means of wishing you a Merry Christmas. extending you the warmest of CHRISTMAS Christmas greetings. POPULAR MARKET TEAROOM 855 Main St., Rubinow Building The Home o f Home Made Candy. GLENNEY’S SCHIEBEL BROS. Manchester Auto Parts Center. 8 Proctor Road.

JAMES A. SHEARER BUICK AGENCY Comer Main and Middle Turnpike.

ARTHUR’S CUT RATE DRUG STORE “WHERE SPENDING IS A SAVING.” May the candles of your MARLOW’S 845 Main St Rubinow BuUdlng tree be bright with the STATE THEATER promise of a happy year to For come. This is the sincere May Your Christmas wish of our entire staff to A Merry Christmas you. Be a M erry O ne! and We trust that every material thing you wish this ENJOY YOUR Christmas to bring will be yours and. in addition the A Brighter Happier blessings of health', happiness and success. And our CHRISTMAS sincere thanks to you for your patrohage this past year. New Year. In extending greetings of the SCHALLER season may we also thank you for a year of pleasant patron­ MOTOR SALES age. PERRETT & GLENNEY, INC. INC. —and— THE WILROSE DRESS SHOP ANDERSON GREENHOUSES SILVER LANE BUS LINE Hotel Sheridan Building and Plymouth SMITH’S GROCERY North School St. FLOWER SHOP 153 Eldridge St.

Compliments of the Season Joyful Holiday | HOMEBAKERY •NAVEN’S 84 Church St


Here*! hoping you have Mif'M A MERRY CHRISTMAS Wa agtdnd to you t^UdtatioDa thta ChrUtmafc ■ may.tt v W hold a waaitii of gunuma goM ehaaf gad fbryeu iad ymni. R. DONNELLY /I* ' Jawilar. ‘ '' . '

■i-: /jji':,..' -VfJ- w m 4 ‘- '■:m 9 \ \ :-V V. -5F V'tj*yc' ', -h'


Table Artistry Brigrhtens Yiiletide EntertJidiiittig ^or .... I A R V B W t ® Your A N E ^ A K O r C hildren nrT" i ur\rx , - L By O tiv Rob»rt» Bvion New York.— A lot of smaU town W HE TWENTY-VEAR-OLD M ISS AT THE •A5| LEETy BEU3W, WEARS A GOWN OF BLACK TAFFETA girls and boys in New York rtoo Bill was sixteen. He had never WITH Wo v en , b r o a d ^t r ip e s o fg o ld . “wouldn’t live any other place for-a L GABRIELLE E. liked cchool, or so his family said. miUlcHi dollars” would take quite a But in spite of toe fact that he c e n t e r few dollars less than that to go couldn’t spell and made 60’s in THE m S EIGHTEEN YEARS home for Cbristmaai FORBUSH grammar, he had gotten into high WEARS A FROCK OF BRIGHT RED ROUGH CREPE / ’The Yule week is toe one time of mMame. school finally siiid remain^ a year. WITH THREE \MRl-COLORED VELVET FLOWERS /// year when New York rims thin in All this happened yrars and AND CARTRIDGE PLEATED CAP SLEEVES. \ l / ^ toe blood oi expatriates from the years ago. But toe story of Bill far-flung towns and villages. Most BEGIN TTORK t o d a y I had from his own lips not so long of them will break down and admit CJ h EXOUNG FiFTEENTVEAR- ^ LINDA AVEBILL believes her ago—toe story of a bitter, disap­ as much, in nostalgic confessions. .. elderly ooiieln, AMOS PEABODY, pointed man. OLD AT THE RIGHT WEARS A December.'bristltog with seasuial ^ iirM murdered when he fell from the It happened that this boy had a DEMURE PINK TAFFETA WITH activity, is an inspiring month for second story balcony of the Averllls* flair for arithmetic and land. I’ll EXAGGERATED PUFFED SLEEVES them here—right up to toe time the ^ Island home because of a tell about toe “land" later, but at AMO PLEATED FLaiNCLS- Christmas tree dealers display their Ml«jfew words ho gasped before his present it goes to say that he was wares. And, of course, toe boys and death. Linda rushes upstairs. Some toe only one of himdreds who girls wouldn’t want to be anywhere one tries to strangle her and she made 100 in his arithmetic finals else when toe New Year’s eve shin- for high school in toe entire city. ^ g s flare In White Way pleasure There are four guests in the In high school he hated Latin— palaces. plenty. And here’s where I pin him cards to people we see every day or Christmas colors and today whan BDfiisb ships carried freight for single step you heard," cases of Aunt Candace’s. It looks be given only on the order of a ths stores c a ^ so many mexpsa- rich with supsrstitlon, . T o_rsfw a "It seems to me," argued Linda dusty and neglected, f’ve always down!” phyetclan. It i« much better to fairly recently. Well, we might re­ jHieo of mlnosjjj^ at the Christmas all ths world, Power and prosper­ vive an old New England custom ■ivs DovsItiss in red, it should not bs ity were Mended in an amalgam carefully, "that a great deal hangs told you you should go over those keep the bowels regular by the uee diffioult for the bousswifs to dseor- dinner prssagi luck for tha year, on v/hether Cousin Amos’ door was books. Weed them out for valuable (To Be Continued) which was to send our friends a ...... sllgloi9US disputes nave that looked as if it should raoure of proper foode. It ii also well in flaky, crisp, delicious home made pie ats her boms or table in this sobsiM. Political amf rslii closed or open and whether Mr, these conditions,' to givs pienty of Red under doilisf, a sprig of holly bssn held ovsr mines pis for Gonturios, Statlander’B was too. If both were fluids, including driDM tending to­ aplecs. Thovo are innumerable other But tho wboio busiMSS, really, open and the other closed he might ward alkalinity such ae orange was Just about to ond. ' have and might not. Where are the juice and lemon juice, OhrislaiM Trees Jin intofHtlof ftudy to tols men?" she added suddenly- When a person has an infectioui 'Tbs custom of hM fiaf fifto on period Is contalnsd in 'Tho Vic- "On the terrace — around the THIS CURIOUS WORLD - dieeaie he bu|ids up in bii blood little frssn tress ‘ >•1“ J S fiS t^ a n lunsst," by Isms Wing- place," materlali for opposing the disease. Evening Herald Pattern was a llttti boy and oa bis Mrtbday flsld-ltratford, When be recovers, the material re­ bis father brought in a ^oo and Hsro is aa author who m aw of Kite had paused by the window to­ mains. For this reason ike person buhf tho boy's lifts oa its iNaaobsii. to dofoad tho Viotoriaw and, ward the garage. ^'Hers comes Mr, who has measles, soarlst fevsr, or By UELW WIUAAIM Zt B A m s a sustoffi ia tbs ^ of tho same timo, to orittolil thorn Shaugbnessey over to the house," anethtr Infeetleus dllsass, usually niustratod DrsssfMldBfUsMii ths sarpoatsr, a M has moro deeply t l « tlm oritlos She waved violthtty, rnmlihsd With BveryThttom. come down w ou ^^A bo afos, at against whom "BInks, wait! Ob, heck! You've ttas tbs dlssasc only ones. (mristmas timo la an lands, Ho points out that tbo^ Viator- '' i I called him now!" For this rsdson hlse it has bssn found hsl^ul, In ths prssenee of Here's a darling bloust with Vis- iaa ora^oduood aa ahuadaiiM of "Why? What'e the matter?" torian polfsd sIssvm tad raglao artists, statosfflon and tMakoro "The room — we wanted to go stvsrs eMde^ot of msaslss, to in- Ohrlsknas Carols and rooms jsot into tholi should#rs so bslovsd by yw*®' ^ , aad that it was by no moaas m In small amounts of tho blo^ of tboN It's a praotloal typs, f a s h i ^ of , Tho word carol is dorivsd from hypoeritioal or m smug ao ws wdl* Her ovws roundid with - borror. cant&o “to Mb#' a ^ wto aa iator- a a ^ holioTo, iu t, bo iaMoto *ha{ f am flumbl Forfot all who aro gsttinf over th# dlMaio. a novoityBovslty wooisn,woelsfl, u» is a . 'This pfoesdure nas hsen found to wsav w m o In------v------o w- “with “ *■ ito OBO groat fault wao Now ws can't go tofsthtr,... I'd for- MOUN gotten it______was locksd — and wanted pals ^ 1 ^ and ovoB tom to too RMm in make a tsst with the two (Joorir severity of ths diiturhanss if it wornW W n with W lW i Va MawRrffWfV w TV wwyweF o o ^ mwwmmskirt. mt ora, To us toiy.mm to jm of doss hot prsvsht it, Aaetbsr idsa is You have the Hay? All right, I'll srsps silk and wsar it with a gr»V go Into Mr, lUtfandfr’i room and weild that it iahaMtod bao ton* vou go In tbars, Fsrhapi I can M H O im NO tA B B M THAN down ia uttor oottaMO loin you latsr- A/HOUSM, THiOANiMAkCAUllBtHf io a r<"kiirry up, he's eemlng, I don't 14, Id, II, 10 yw i, H, II aad 40 DeuMao WifffiB, *'fao Mf^Mta luhb ribbon for tie, tailo at $ i M mofloplaas in whMi IdMOlfl Bllf- Friff of Fattsm II ofats, to tbs watsr so thsy eia't pesslMy wori« and Bwht BalMwa^Jian to ia lfll. bear us or some haek uoMpsetadly, NOT ONLT TBABi 'Thso, with ens of us IB sash room, malw a traa^AuUMtis trip BMt thdNBV1EETHitMe(£PHANr autumn, if about ready for trial MRiicbfftdr, HtfRld ws oiB squsak that saasmsht first Tolodo, 0 ,-lfto oiUy waa Oooar with both shut, and tbsn altsmatsly FOBM AT THf BACK OF THI JAW ilifhti. *Z1M twa M ^srs i^ tly Pittdffl Sdrrfdt "Not ia yoari h. —oas open aad one shut. Zt won't ANO OilAeuAltfyVNOIIK ifiipsetsd thrir p % u d pro- of ObriftiMo hooa homo to oboddlBg Hugo t m , hut take a mlauts and it tiAgbt provs a FOBWAID, nouafsd it well hullt. Zt has a For a MsraJd n tU n s ^ ho wao aloe prtouooly AtUag Am lot. Oeins on — Z bsar him on ths OHOVINO sshidulsd spsfd of 111 milsi aa la stamps or ooio to air with tfo»a*.0§w, f T H fO ion m i hour and a MiliBf of MAOO feet, FasbiOB Burtau, Maarafitsr * n s y mst their f lUow soasplrater OUT BVfBiBf lUrald, Wftb ATfBUf OB tha upper la s^ .^ ^ A# I N I IBABB flOIWi BBtr aad Nrd ftrsst. Now fork City. "WhefoM Z do for yeuf" bs FRONT. Bs luro to All ia aumbsr of pat­ OhrlftBMi hrlBfs to ownOa^ ^ ten you desire. humtUty aad uvo to too MM. Tho otoar day ths Zrishaum London. — F, W. Filaslmdfls, di- IJBADi THBM ALL lavtor who ooau iato^too wotld to M a% dO B rsotor of a musfuN aad soaks park. Fattorn No# hriag ttsiiTt ami food wW to an had rolvi tsUs the odd ftdi«ft a ^o-bsadsd found too g a ^ soaks in iottthjHWia MMng ' ------aad laa Fraaslseo.—Ooliforala — too world wao WINE Pries fl Ofoti ths Ufitsd Rtatss ia ths aumhsr of BOTOV la nolood______to M ttaa tomato Ttoohufi sad ftfiB Oa«r Muirea«if FROMA > killluf itss^f, Ifhh t f oeourrsd------Itffs worn fed liesBssd a ll^ . aad MrpifRM, ^ ao« Divioo Zifaat know a tuauay aoka. HA4ITI0 ARI4 OF ovsf food. ( Naaio ,,,,,,,,«<<,•••<«<<<••** eerdlif to latfst flfursf. Zt ooM aad oufOriag ao dtdJM TlnlB "Art you lurt you eaa do ftr" ^•'sMkf,______i, #a*bsadst#a bsads auar- no room lor FRANdllOtllJOAUy rsllsd ovsr ops of ^ fyofo. n w Address ,,,,,,,,«,<,.#M,««

MAMCHESTEB-EVENIMG HEEALO, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, DECJiWSBK 24, iM A RAGE N lM il Alumni Scores to 38 Win Over High Schoo I. McCLUSKEY TO RUN BABEDIDRKSON Rules Net World at 20 GOLF YEAR PASSES SEEKS PDBUerrY BUT SEARCH FOR A Stavnitsky, McHale OFTEN THIS WINTER So Declares Avery Brundage NEW JONES GOES ON Star For Graduates Cofflpetes Almost Every Sat­ In Defending Amateur Sarazen Just Missed Chance STAVNITSKY STARS ScIhwI Team Gets 18 Tp 6 urday Night; Has Com­ Code of Rules. To Gain Bobby’s Laord^ IN FIRST 2 GAMES Lead First Quarter Bat pleted An Even 100 Races Chicago, Dec. 24.— (A P )—Maybei Game Lost None o f Its CaoBot Get Started Agaia With 63 Firsts and 22 Sec­ tbe Greeks were right after all, Avery Brundage, national president Popniarity. Local Boy and Layceck Lead- J in a l Half; Bristol of the Amateur A. U. sighed today onds; Hopes To Go On as be read the latest episode of Uie Mildred (Babe) Dldrlkson case. ins Scorers As Grere CHy Next Friday. “You know, tbe andent Greeks EDITOR'S NOrk: Thin is the European Trip Following kept women out of- their athletic second of a series of 1983 sports games,” he recalled. '"They reviews. Tomorrow’s will survey Wins Twice. the football season. Alumni (43) wouldn’t even let them on the side­ p- B. r. T. Graduation. lines. I’m not so sure but they 0—O'Leary, rf ...... 1 l - l 8 were right.” By ART KRENZ G io rg t Stavnitsky, well known 8—Smith, rf ...... 0 2-2 2 With that he sailed in to defend NEA Service Sports Writer Manchester basketball player, has 0— 'nemey. I f ...... i o-O • 2 Jon McCluskey, Manchester’s the A. A. U. and its rules of played a leading role in the first two 1— Kerr, If ...... 2 4-5 8 Although the search for a new Olympic representative, plans to amateurism which have been bom­ games of the eeason for Grove City 1—Tnrldngton, o . . . 2 0-0 4 barded heavily since Miss Didrik- Bobby Jones goes on, 1932 would ^College of Grove City, la. Grove compete in about 15 more track and 1— Stavmtsky, c .... 4 1-8 9 son was suspended on a charge of have seen the crowning of Jones’ City beat the Slippery Rock school 2— Hedlund, r g .2 0-0 4 Held meets during the indoor season, professionalism, and then rein­ luccessor had Sarasen, the stocky of physician’ edicaLon 68 to 42 in 1— Fraser, r g ...... l O-O 2 stated. their first start ano then nosed out he said today while home for the Italian-American pro from Lake­ /O—Werner, rg ...... 0 0-0 0 "I’m tired of all these charges Edlnboro Teachers’ College, 32 to 30 holiday season. His athletic career Joe MoCiuskey 2— Leroh, Ig ...... 1 l-l 8 that the A. A. U. rules were too ville, N. J., been eligible to com­ last Tuesday in-the opening home 0— McHale, I g ...... 8 0-1 f includes exactly 100 races to date. ambiguous,” President Brundage pete in the amateur championships. game of the season. Edlnboro had This Includes 29 while he was in said. “The entire situation is cov­ Sarasen established himself as previously beaten Weitmlniter, dis­ 11 17 - 7 i 8 U High school here agid 71 since en­ ered in rule five in two and a half the greatest golfer of the year. trict champions by four points. High School (88) pages, which set up the whole ama­ tering Fordham University where After topping the professionals in In the two games Stavnitsky teur definition and rules of dis­ 1— Sendroweky, rf .. 1 0-o‘ - 8 he is now a senior. barment. Miss Dldrlkson knew all numerous winter tournaments, he McCluskey has already competed 0— Smith, rf ...... o-O 8 about it a year ago. At least the turned the trick of winning both 1 in five Indoor races this scasun win­ the British and American Open 1— ^ohnston. I f .....S l-S 1 club to which she belongs down in 0— Enrioho, If ...... 1 1-8 8 ning all but one. Out of his total of Dallas, Texas, wrote us when the cups, a feat accomplished bemre 2— Qarroae, o e e I e s • 100, ho placed first 63 times, and subject of advertising of a certain only by Bobby Jones, who won also won 33 seconds. This means both UUes in 1626 and 1980. 1— MoPartlaad, e taW lUlM W W a iB milic"K concern came up. 1— Bfahoney, rg . that McCluskey has finished worse "Originally, the rule called for In winning those titles, Sara^ 8—Altken, rg a I • s • • than second only 10 times in his Baseball moguls and oldtlmers at disbarment when any amateur ath­ sen set a new record for 36 holes ELLSWORTH VINES 0—Nelli, rg a • • • « s e svsntful career, a record of which the recent minor league convention lete Indorsed bats, skates or similar of championship play. His score of 383 in the British Open bested 2— Sartor, Ig • e a • a I r any athlete in the world may well in polumbUB, O., bewailed the fact articles, x x x x feel proud. "The whole story of the Didrik Jones’-record by two strokes. In that bueball is fast becoming a 11 16 6*16 The most important indoor race son case h u not been told. I regret ths U. 0. Open, Gens, with a par- 88 game for “big slsBles." to say that she is a girl who de shattering final round of 68, tied HalMlffiei 28-18. M. B. 8. for Mcausksy this winter will bs Trie Speaker recalled the good Rafsreet Begginl. the ZntsreollegiatSB in New York lights to see her name In the papers Vines May Eclipse ths record held by Chick Evans. old days when an out-of-the-way and she is attempting to capitalise where he will defend his two mile word provoked a flurry of hard Led by Georgs Stavnitsky sf title, an honor he has won twu years on her present publicity. She has Ths British empire stepped up flsts and brought on bruised been badly advised." in ths amateur oirclsi during Grove City College, and "Huok” in suooesaton. No athlete ever won heads and sometimes an ambu­ the event three years in a row so Records of Tilden ths year. Two English lubjsots McHale, who fired ths winning shot lance. walked away with ths two im­ this is the most immediate major in ths National Guards-Rsorsatlon Rube Marquard, when the name goal Chat lies in front of the Man­ portant amauur titles, ths U. 8. of John Mo(3raw entered tbe con­ TRADE’S N E H GAME and British Amateurs.- . * Center town series last season, ths chester boy. The other most Im- The forceful figure of a new^^bashful boyishness that is genulne- versation, stood on his bind legs For 21 years foreigners failed Alumni defeated Monebsster^High srtant race will be the Indoor Na- champion walked into the pic­ ly a part off thef new champion. last night at ths stats armory by a and howled that the old type of No temperamenti Nothlxng dis- d to make a dent in our amateur Bonals in which Joe set a new fighting manager, who could say IS MOST IMPORTANT ture of world tennis during 1683 and cup. Harry Hilton was the last 43 to 88 score. It was ths first di- worlds record by nine seconds in turbs or nettles him. Bad breuis do feet of the season for Coach Wilfred "No” to an umpire without quak< announced he was there to stay. not disturb bis self-possession. He Invader to lift the trlphy, win­ winning the two mile steepleohue a in in his boots, left with the exit ning It In 1911. But this year J. Clarke’s team which bad provioui- year ago. New Britain Plays Here Next H. Blliworth Vines, Jr., was that can grin, and when he doss his eyes ly bowled over Rockville, Meriden of Jawn. fold up into narrow slits and nls Ross Somsrvills, the all-around McCluskey said that he expects to Week Friday; Rest of Slate champion, and his sscond year of and New Britain high schools in suc­ George Burns, former big face becomes a mass of wrinkles. Canadian athlete, won the U. 8. be engaging in races almost every magnificent achievement Indicated cession. league first sacker, opined that the Is Announced. Besides being a ohampion, V lnu is Amateur title after a torrid battle Saturaay night starting Jan. 7 with However, the defeat does not vleioue hostility that used to hold that he will dominate the picture companionable, likeable, unaffected. with Johnny Goodman in the final the Brooklyn K. of C. meet in which forth between tbe bleaeherltes as long as Bill Tilden dominated— round. George Btavnlteky count against Manchester in its sea­ Manchester Trade school plays its son record that la submitted to Ya.e he will compete in the 3,000 meters. and outfielders was so colorful and maybe longer. The brave hops of a national Goodman proved by his play in next basketball game against Its University authorities for considera­ The Indoor campaige will end early that it filled the stands every day, Wltb irresistible fury and power championship wblob Helen Jacobs this and other matches that ths scored a total of 24 points, 14 In greatest rival. Now Britain Trade, tion when tbe state championship In March. McCluskey's chief op­ ^ d that probably attendance, he swept opponent after opponent pursued for seven years finally was United States (3olf Association ths first and 10 in the second. He is at tbs Rec gym next week Friday tourney draws near. In fget tho ponents will be Ralph Hill of Ore­ now in the doldrums, would in< from the courts at Wimbledon realised at Forest Hills in August. miued a good bet when they co-captain along wltb Vsrnard Fcg- In the afternoon. Manchester has defeat may do the local team a gon. George Barker of N. Y. U., crease if this situation was in without so much as pausing to re­ . Since 1925 Helen has been play­ failed to select him as a member Isy. Fegley is a forward and played five games, winning four. world of good, coming as -it doee, on George and Leo Lermond of the evidence now. adjust that strange cap that ing in the shadow of Helen Wills of the Walker Cup team, but his Stavnitsky plays the baokcourt. In Hartford Trade beat the locals 37 to the eve of the crucial battle with New York A. C., Jack Ryan of Man­ perches awkwardly atop his gan­ Moody, tbe greatest woman tennis excellent services were not re­ the first two games, high scoring 22. Bristol to be played here next Fri­ hattan and several athletes from Say It Isn’t So, Boys gling six-foot frame. player of all time. The Wills dom­ quired, as the American team, led honors went to the two guards, The remaining games for the bal­ day night. Coach Clarke will now Finland, including the famous Zso- If what the boys say Is true, He went on to Paris to give ination continued at Wimbledon in by Francis Culmet, overwhelmed Stavnitsky and "Bud” Lsycock with ance of the season are as follows: have a clAnce to point to some of Hollo, who beat Joe in tbe Olympic then tbs grand old game has promise by his brilliant playing that July when Miss Jacobs reached tbe the British by a lop-sided score of aif even 60 points. Fegley was in­ steeplechase event at Los Angeles in gone to the bow-wows. Ticket Jan. S, Thursday, 7:13—Meriden the Davis Cup soon will return to 8 to 1. jured in the opening game. the faults in the coming practice Trade school at Meriden. finals only to be turned back with sessions. August. takers might as well apply for a this country. In tbe British Amateur, Ameri­ Tbe Grove team is weakest at Jan. 10, Tuesday, 8:13—New Bri­ consummate ease by that other job at the World's Fair next year, He came back to America to win Helen, the indomitable. cans had little success. The title center and newspapers in that , sec­ Start Impressively McCluskey will complete his managers should look up tbe near­ tain Trade school at New Britain. the National championship at 20, Then it was announced that Mrs. was won by Johnny De Forest, tion have already said that the last The High school started off in the course at Fordham in June and he Jan. 13, Friday, 8:30—Torrlngton est home for tbe aged, and ball his second time, rnd to blast "the Moody would not cqmpete in tbe who spent a lot of time In the really good center Grove City had most impressive manner Imaginable. has no immediate plaus for tbe fu­ players themselves ought to start Trade school at Manchester. ture. He does not intend to turn pro­ greatest of them all’’—Henri Cochet National, that she would remain in United States gaining experience was Jerry Fay, who,, incidentally, is Pitted against on Alumni lineup training for six-day bicycle racing. Jan. 20, Friday, 8:30—^Meriden and taking lessons from leading fessional for several years at least —from the courts in that crushing Paris to paint and study, in the com another Manchester product. The which carried Manchester High to But a hasty glance over the Trade school at Manchester. American pros. and possibly not at all. Joe has tbe final. panionship of Mr. Moody. schedule of the Grove City team for the finals of the Yale tourney two past year seems to indicate that Jan. 24, Tuesday, 7:80—American Clin Dutra, husky Californian, 1986 Olympics at Berlin, to look for­ That forecast victory for Miss the full season follows: years ago, the schoolboys played all these bear stories aren’t exact­ School for Deaf at West Hartford. gained enough confidence in his ward to although he said today that This young Californian has some Jacobs. She sailed through tbe Thursday, Dec. 15— Slippery sensationally and at the end of the ly correct. Tbe ball season of Jan. 27, Friday, 7:30—Enfield game to win the P. G. A. Metro­ four years is a long way off and of the captivating qualities of girls at Forest Hills, finally over­ Rock, away. first quarter were leading 18 to 6. 1932 produced two memorable High school at ThompsonvUle. greatness about him, something of whelming Miss Carolyn Babcock of politan and North Shore tourna­ Tuesday, Dec. 20— Edlnboro Sendrowski, Johnston and Neill did many things can happen between scraps that would rival any of the Feb. 3, Friday; 8:80—Stafford Babe Ruth, Jack Dempsey and Til­ Los Angeles in the final, 6-2, 6-2. ments, and would have won the Teachers, home. the bulk of the scoring. Then the now and t^en. His chief hope this old-time brawls, and several field- High school at Manchester. den. British critics, upon his first , Next year? Well, Mrs. Moody Western Cpen if Walter Hagen Friday, Jan. 6— Duquesne, away High school second string lineup summer is to be seleci,ed as one of er-bleacberite encounters that Feb. 16, Wednesday, 8:80—Hart­ hadn’t shown such a reversal of two dosen American athletes who appearance at Wimbledon, wrote may decide to play again, and if Friday, Jan. 13 —Westminster, went into action against an entlrley should have increased attendance ford Trade school at Hartford. unsparingly of his devastating form and acquired the putting will go to Europe. Several times be­ she does the feminine tennis story home. ' different Alumni lineitp which includ­ considerably. Feb. 17, Friday, 3:30—Enfield drive, his swift, sure speed off the touch which defeated Clin on the fore Joe has considered such a trip of 1933 will deal with how well Wednesday, Jan. 18—Waynesburg, ed Stavnitsky with the result that High school at Manchesten. ground, bis annihilating service last four boles. at halftime the school’s lead had but always has been disappointed the other ladies could keep down home. Dickey Vs. Reynolds March 1, Wednesday, 8:30—Tor- and overhead smash. the score when playing against dwindled to 23-19. for one reason or another. Now he How about that Bill Dickey- Saturday, Jan. 21—Thiel, away. rington Trade school at Torrlngton. With no show of Tilden’s fussi­ her. Elnglish women still hold the Friday, Feb. 3— Geneva, home. In the third period the High says he isn’t going to think much Carl Reynolds affair? Wasn’t March 3, Friday 3:00—American Indian sign over U. S. feminine school regulars came back and the about it and then maybe the dream ness or hauteur, he ' walked onto Tuesday, Feb. 7—Slippery Rock, that a scrap, Tris? Or maybe School for Deaf at Manchester. Considered as a whole, it was an stars. Tbe American team tLat Alumni used the same team as in will come true. breaking a guy’s Jaw is consid­ tbe courts at Wimbledon before 20,- home. March 8, Wednesday, 3:00 — 000 people, bowed shyly to the King American year in tennis. Players was sent to England in tbe spring the first quarter with tbe exception ered a pink tea affair these days. was soundly trounced, and entries Tuesday. Feb. 14— Duquesne, Bridgeport Trade school at Bridge­ and Queen, pulled that boyish cap from tbe United States captured home. of McHale replacing Lerch. Tbe Here’s all that happened on port. both singles titles from France, In tbe English women’s champion­ scoring was pretty evenly divided that day of tbe memorable fight down over bis ears and blasted Friday, Feb. 17— Geneva, away. every adversary into tbe locker both singles at Wimbledon, kept our ship failed to make even a favor­ and at quarter time the score stood. HEIGHTS WIN 30-26 between tbe Washington Senators able Impression. Eifid Wilson, Brit­ Friday, Feb. 24—^Thiel, home. rooms. Wigbtman Cup, successfully re deadlocked. The High school rq^i- and the New York Yankees: ish girl, is the present champion. Tuesday, Feb. 28—Carnegie Tech, Old-timers who have seen every pelled the Cochet invasion of these lara remained intact for the last Dickey bad been bumped Virginia Van Wie finally got away. OVER H .S. SECONDS Wimbledon champion since the war shores and at least threw >a big Wednesday, March 1—Waynes­ quarter but the Alumni sent in th6 around at home plate the day be­ scare into France in the Davis Cup the desire to win and annexed the same combination that played the fore at Boston. In tr dng to catch Basketball "could not remember such a com­ burg, away. 3 American women’s championship. bination of speed and tremendous competition. second quarter save for Lerch who Reynolds between third and home. She defeated Olenna Collett Vare, Tuesday, March 7—Westminster, took McHale’s place. The more expeiienoed Heights Bill hit him in the back with the SENIOR Y LEAGUE drives as Vines unleased. His back­ away. hand drives streaked across the who has held a monopoly on tho Two Alnmnl StOTB beat the High sch«'ol seconds in the ball. Reynolds -was tired of get­ title the past decade. The final state armory last night 30 to 26 nets like Tilden’s cannon-ball fore­ While it had been McHale’s awe ting hit with the ball. So he How They Stand Last Night's Fights score was 10-8, and was tbe most work in the third period, it was Stav­ after trailing by five points at half­ came in standing up and bumped Team W. L. P.C. hands, and there were whole games crushing defeat experienced by when bis service was simply un­ CARAS IS SECOND nitsky who bore the brunt of ths time. Sturgeon, Vlot and R. Fraser Dickey. Shamrocks ...... 3 2 .600 By the Associated Press. Qlenna since her entry in nationid starred for the winners, O’Leary playable.” Alumni attack in the chapter. Dickey proceeded to bump Carl Cardinals ...... 2 3 .400 Anderson, Ind.—WiUiard Brown, ranks in 1619. Buddy Kerr , also tossed in a spec­ for the losers. Only two other men had won at so hard on the Jaw with a rock­ Joe’s Service Sta...... 3 .2 .600 Muncie, Ind., knocked out Billy Bak­ A number of youngsters nade IN BIUIARD PLAY tacular shot while running imder tba Heights (80) like fist that he broke it, tbe Jaw, Rangers ...... 4 0 l.OOO Wimbledon the first time they ap- their debut during the summer p. B. F. I beared ttiere—Tilden in 19^, and er, Cincinnati, (9). basket at top speed. Johnny Red- in two places. Eagles ...... 0 5 .000 Pittsburgh — Frankie (Soosby, months. Outstanding among them lund added a pair of his famous ^ 1 R. Sturgeon, ...... 3 l - l n tterson in 1919, but in their de- New York, Dec. 24.—(AP)— In Tbe afternoon then went along Pittsburgh, knocked but Johnny were Qua Moreland, who won the long shots. Captain "Butch”' NsiU 4 Rossi, I f ...... 1 2-3 suts, neither was as unbeatable as his first “shot” at the national pock­ smoothly. Babe Ruth took one of NORT END JAYVEES Roberts, Huntington, W. Va., (2); Trane • MieslBeippi, and Johnny was outstanding for the High school 0 Whlppert, c ...... 0 1-1 Vines. et billiard championship, 23 year old Buddy Myer’s legs from under BEAT CUBS, 38 TO 8 Eddie Zlvlc, Pittsburgh knocked out Fischer, who flashed a lot of class although Sendrowski and Johnston 0 Yiot, c. If ..••*t.....3 1-1 More than one British observer JimmjL Caras has finished second him at second. Allen hit Buddy The North Ends, Junior varsity Jackie Ckmgan, Canton, O., (4). to win tbe Intercollegiate. Fisch­ went like a house afire in the first .0 England, rg ...... 0 2-3 on the arm with a hard pitch, and five, defeated the Cubs at tbe "Y ” labeled the Ckdifomia comet "the er’s two rounds of 69 and 78 won only to Ralph Greenleaf, perrenlal greatest lawn tennis player the half. 3 Kovls, rg ...... 0 0-0 Buddy retaliated by sliding to Thursday night. Tbe score was 26 for him the medal in the U; S. kiV of the sport. EXPENSIVE RESEARCH Had Coach Clarke wished to leave 3 R. Fraser, I g ...... 3 3-6 first with his feet in the air and to 8. The passwork of the North world has ever seen.” Amateur. Dick Mets, youthful •nie...... Wilmington, young­ That sounds like almost enough bis regulars in tbe gams at ths end 0 H. Fraser. Ig ...... 0 0-0 cutting Lou’s pants with his Ends worked to perfection and pro, held bis own with tbe coim- ster emerged tbe victor over two for Mr. Vines—you must know The U. S. Golf Association, dur­ of the first quarter when they were > spikes. long shots went in the basket more t^ ’s leading stars in their barn­ veterans, Erwin Rudolph of Cleve­ >retty well what he is like. But a ing the past two yean, has spent functioning so beautifully, the 10 10-16 30 Oh, it was a nice, quiet aftet’- often than usual. "Wee Willie" storming tour through the south. land and Andrew Ponsl in a playoff complete portrait cannot be gained about $40,000 in experimenting Alumni would probably have been noon! Vlttner gave the spectators some­ The death of Robert Cutting, for seabnd place. B. F. T. without brushing in some of that in the art of turf growing. left Bo far In the rear that all hope thing to talk about. He was all over vice president of tbe U. 8. G. A., All three had finished their regu­ of victory would have been ruined. 1 McGuire, rf .. , .1 0-0 2 Morlarty Vs. Chicago the floor, breaking up passes, not was a blow to all followers of the lar tournament schedules with six However, after a period of rest, plu* 2 Rautsnberg, rf , .1 0-2 2 Then there was that Moriarty- to mention scoring. Ray Harring­ sport. Hla nomination to the presi­ vletories and three defeats and tbs the halftime intermission, ths var­ 1 ’Tureck, If . . . .0 0-0 0 Chlcago White Sox battle royal ton played well on the offense. The dency of the association, announc­ play off was ordered. Caras first sity was unable to again hit its 1 E. Judd. If • ••••sees, .1 1-2 3 which saw old George hold his own North Ends were without the serv­ ed Nov. 13, a week prior to his whipped Rudolph, 126 to 78 and .3 0-0 6 stride throughout the entire second 1 O’lisary, c against all the forces Manager Lou ices of their captain. Palmer. Henry Old Sports Ballyhoo death, was equivalent to election in then Ponsi 126 to 94 laat night. Ru­ half. They scored but five. Held 1 Johnson, c • ••••• , .1 0-1 2 Fonseca could muster in tbe gang­ Black and Cowles played best "for January. dolph, defeating Ponsl, 13S to 81, ,.o 1-1 1 goals against eleven rsfiatsrsd in 1 Leone, rg way leading from the Cleveland the Cubs. H. H. Ramsay retired as presi­ finished third and Ponsl fourth. the first half. 0 Moiser, rs .2 0-1 4 playing field to the clubhouse. North Ends (26) dent of the U. S. G. A. after a .2 0-2 4 After eight or nine guys had P. B. F. T. Ineffective In 1932 two-year reign. He will probably , . l 0-1 2 piled on, and they couldn’t tell 3 Swikla, r f ...... 3 1 5 be succeeded by Herbert Jacques who was George, the fight ceased 0 R. Harrington, I f ...... 8 0 6 of Boston. D o Y d u WRESTLING 12 2-10 26 11 with the burly ump unscathea ex­ 1 D. Harrington, o ...... 4 0 8 to give the public what is S. New York. Dec. 24.— (A P )—The^sports HalfUme: 15-10, H. cept for a bruised band, which be 3 W. Vlttner, r g ...... i 2 4 ()ld sports ballyhoo, sure fire crowd wanted. Added weight quieted the rum­ Referee: Bogglni. probably damaged on some ball 1 Vaillant, I g ...... 1 1 3 getter of a few years back, was only In a general way, the experts ble and dissent over the new b g . Ottawa, O at—Nick Luthae. player’s bard knok, and a few a hollow shell in 1982. called attention to tbe specific Putts began to drop, drives lengt Calif., dafaatod 8 a i ^ y Stoto, * of scratches. 8 11 4 26 No longer the gullible creature of trends in sports during the year: snsd and tbs bim lost some Nawark, N. J., two falls. RYDER CUP GOLF AS for tbe bleaeherltes and out­ Cubs (8) Uxe golden era of 1931-28, John H. 1— Better sport "shows,” meetingIts favorite disconcerting tricks. Oka, Year Age Today—Tba . Uni­ Holyoke. Maas,—Quo Boaaaabarg. fielders ceasing their raising — p, T. ^an, vintage of 1982, demanded full the demands of more discriminating Play drropsd off io some ssotlons versity of Iowa announced that 36 Boat^ defaatod Jaek Waabbura. well, go see tbe Yanks play away 2 If 0 2 value for ms money and scanned fans. of tbs eeuqtry due to business ooaohea were seeking the pesitloo straight falls. IS SET FOR JUNE from home some day and see tbe 1 Taggart, r f ...... 0 1 l extravagant claims with a critical 2— General economy in operationseondltlons, but tbe game lost none of Burt Ingwarioa as bead football unmerciful raning tbe old Babe 1 Blaw, ...... 0 0 0 eye. He still was eager for amuse­ and reduced ticket prices. of Its popularity. ^ ^ oeaeh of n s sehooL Oasis 8olsa PETE 1AU80E WBEST14B8’ has to stand up under. 2 Staum, Ig .0 1 1 ment, but he demanded a better 8—Rules leghdatron to safeguard It was an excellent year for bo- was msnttooed aa posalble sueosssor. The boys may be slssios nowa­ 1 Custer, r g ...... 1 0 2 quality and oheaper rates. or impove football and basketball. glnnsrs. Balls and squipmrat Whlla hla hreChar. Jins, Ual- New York, Dec. 24— (AP)— The days, but they sure have got the 0 Morton, rg ...... 0 0 0 This turn toward a little discrim­ 4— De-emphMis of college foot­wars cheap, greens .ess at public Five Years Ago Today—W. W. varsity of Kansas stro^ aaa. economic situation to the contrary old self-control. 0 Mikoleit, I g ...... 0 0 0 ination on tbe part of these who pjiy ball with the acoent on team play. courses were reduced, as wars K l s ^ r of 8aattle bought tha takes ui^reoalag for. a ‘ notwithstanding, the Ryder cup 1 Brausa, rg ...... l 0 2 tbe freight, was tbe outstanding ds 5— Decline of minor league base­ra n i at private clubs. Tbs game Beattie bassball fraoehlss from oheatra, Pata BMisdi. u .im matches between picked'American velopment of the year In the opmioi ball. adjusted Itself to existing oondl* Wads KUlsfar aad Cbkrlsa Lookard and British pros will be held in Eng­ TWO UNDERTAKERS 8 3 8 of many of the country's sports ex 8-43reater individual participa­ Uons and looked forward to’ hlgbar for a riportsd prlos of 1880,(|p0. s 2 s s r * a land in June as scheduled. Referee; Morlarty. ports who oontrlbuted to. the 1982 tion, especially in lea costly sports. Itvila with tbs return of normal* So says George R. Jacobs, presi­ Bill Owen, member of the New Associated Press poIL 7— Inorease la golf play. ey. ______Tan Yaars Aad 1May---lUiym(Mid dent of the pro golfers association York Giants professional football Lew Hinchman, Ohio State uni- It was reflected, many observers 8— lllump In pro boxing. a OhMbh, hTiDlwaukas atwrfiiv, who announced at same time that team, and Johnny Hodapp, for­ venity football star, made a toiich- pointed out. In a general scaling 9— Develimimeat of more interest During tiM Univsrs.'^ of MieU* iaaouibed ha had drawn up plpaa. the P. G. A. has put aside 110,000 mer Cleveland baseball player, are down this year despite stitches in down of admission prices as well as in girls atUsties. gaa's 24 yaari in the Big Ton bar for tha fomatloa of a baaihul play* as eaepettse money for the American undertakers when they’re net his tongue that bad enforced a 10- in concerted effbrts by prornetefs of 10—Profress t_____ atavtM baya bass at tba top of tba team. playing games for a living. day liquid dl9t bMbrs ths game* both prefMsIonal and amateur SSpSeltllF WTMtttlff 88d fridlNB race if tlmai. t e v v ■ ' ' ' •■•< ;■• f. - n '■•;’■ ■ '• ■■■■ •’^:„ '■■ ^v-.:^,;^;4 / T " ; ‘'™ ■ ‘ ■ ....'•■ .« '/•■ ■■: . ^’. ■ ■./.■' . ,' ■ ' ' •;■■■■■»' ..... ,ii, ■’ m-' .■* ■ “ ^ . : . ■ ^ ■ W -.^ ,^ lL - > ■ ' .• • ■ ..." , f ■ . ■ ■' ■•' I . .I 'J pr.‘ ■' ■ ,'■■• .,'V '.'• ■'• • . ^ ilANC3HESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, IWA PAGE TEN ■> , ■ • ■ ■ '.J . • ■• u %V. ,! ' •,'j

IV Read the (^Im sified Rental Propertq Listing on this feq

was charged that he and Barry were Want kA bfotmalloo LOST AND FOUND 1 APARTMENTS, FLATS, the brains of the uprising. TENEMENTS 63 SMALL AND BARRY Mrs. Anna Blake Barry, blonde AMERICANS EQUIP Santa Claus in Charge LOST — YESTERDAY afternoon wife of Barry was in the court room Manchester wallet with InlUals D. F. L., con- FOR RENT—MODEfftN four and to hear the verdict. tftinipg Buxn of money. Class pin five room apartments, garage, Lll- MANY MISSIONARIES O f the Country Today Evening Herald and basketball game pass. Finder ley street, off Main, near new post ACQUITTED BY JURY may keep money, but return wal­ office. Inquire 21 EIro street. Tel. , bread-winnlhg to. the poetry : of CLASSIFIED let and other contents to Herald 6661. CONNECnCUTPREPARES By AzfMKsiated. Freiz CJhrlstmas-troo trimming. Wqmm ADVERTISEMENTS office. That man with the white whisk­ prepared the holiday turlcoy with a FOR RENT—1 ROOM apartment Judge Rebukes Jury and Catholics Have 1,200 h ers took charge of the situation to­ Count Biz avarazB wordi to » 11“ ®- with bath, in good condition. Rent TO ASSIST ITS NEEDY smile. All over the lasd people, were Iniiiala numbort and abbreviations ANNOUNCEMENTS 2 day. rushing home for Christmas, tajdng each count as a word and compound $15 per mon&. Inquire Savings Bank of Manchester. Calls the Verdict the Field and Sends Out 100 With a wave of his pudgy hand transportation serrices in soma words as two words. Minimum cost Is CENTER TRAVEL BUREAU—Our price of three lines. Thousands of Christmas and a toss of his roguish bead he places so heavily and unexpecteiipy Line rates per day for transient information service covers all FOR RENT—8 Room Apartments, Every Year, Official Says. bade care begone and put folk to that there were delays while extra ads. branches of travel. Let us help you all newly renovated, new gas Height of Error. Baskets To Be Distributed BBeotlve Mareb 17. 1M7 work at the serious business of equipment wim adde4 Cash Charce plan your next trip, via bus or ranges, steam heat,, hot water heat­ Today and Tomorrow. , making Christmas merry. Streets were alive with lazt-mla- 6 Consecutive Days ..I J cu 9 ots steaniship. L O. O. F. Building at er, garage If desired; Runt reason­ New York, Dec. 24 — (AP) — The folks ate It up. The “haves” utG shoppers, hurrying home with & Consecutive Days ..I 9 cts U cts The Center. Dial 7007. able. Inquire 109 Foster SL—Ghibe. Auburn, N. Y., Dec. 24.—(AP)— in great numbers turned to help parcels and itching to try their 1 Day ...... 1 U ots « cts New Haven, Dec. 24.—(AP) — Twenty-five years ago the United the “have nots”, pouring out food, voices on Christmas carols. Tomor­ All orders for Irregular Insertions FOR, RENT—6 AND 4 room tene­ Arthur Barry, $2,000,000 jewel thief, Perhaps to a greater degree than States was viewed by Rome as a will be charged at the one time rata toys and clothing in a happiness- row millions will flock to church to FLORISTS—NURSERIES 15 ments, all improvements. Apply 95 and George Small, desperado, won ever before, Connecticut residents “mission country” ; today. Catholic Special rates for long term every breeding stream. In New York Uity, lift their hearts in worship at the dav advertising given upon request. Foster street Telephone 5230 or acquittal today on a charge of riot­ went about their preparations for leaders gay, it has 1,200 Roman Ads ordered for three or six days CHRISTMAS PLANTS and cut the observance of Christmas with for instance, one relief organization tidings: 4546. ing. The charge grew out of a re­ CJatholic missionaries in the field and stopped before the third or oftb flowers, cyclamens, polnsettias and the thought uppermost in their and is sending out others at the rate alone distributed 18b tons of food * "Christ is bom.” dav will be charged only for the ac­ volt of 1,700 prisoners at Auburn minds that it is “ more blessed to to 7,400 fsunilies and expected to Despite difficulties, p^pie were tual number of times the ad appear­ begonias; also cut flowers, roses, FOR RENT— 4-ROOM tenement, 0 of more than 100 a year. ed. charging at the rate earned, but carnations and calendulas. We also Ridgewood street; garage: rent $20 prison in 1929, during which Small give than to receive." Father H. A. Campo, National duplicate the donation today. determined that happiness shall BO allowance or refunds can be made have cemetery wreaths, baskets month. Inquire L. Lentl, 178 and Barry, both long-term convicts, In every comer of the state an secretary of the Society for the Men turned from the prose of reign this yule-tide. on six time ads stopped after the and Christmas table centerpieces. Parker street Phone 5623. escaped. army of workers toiled feverishly to Propagation of the Faith, reported fifth day. No "till forbids"; display lines not KrausB Greenhouse, 621 Hartford Small, who was crippled perma­ make certain that Christmas would today that the various orders and Roaa. Call 8962. FOR REINT—THREIB, five and six nently when a policeman shot him bring a bit of cheer to the homes of mission societies had assigned ap­ CHURCHES HERALD BIG NEW YEAR’S EYE *°aMte Herald will not be responsible room tenements, with all modem down in Brooklyn long after his, es­ the destitute, to the homeless and to proximately 125 missionaries during for more than one Incorrect Insertion CANADIAN BALSAM Christmas improvements. Squire at 147 Blast cape, argued his own case after the sicH. the last year and had contributed Qt any advertisement prdered for trees 25c to 50c each. Christmas iDore than one time. Center street or telephone 7864. studying law in a cell. He is serv­ There were baskets of food for close to $5,000,000 for mission work | CHRISTMAS SPIRIT DANCE AT HOTE BOND The Inadvertent omission of incor­ wreaths 15c each and up. Free de­ ing. a 12-year sentence for robbery. families whose heads are unemploy­ during 1931. FOR RENT—TWO, THREE and 4 rect publication of advertising will be livery. Comer Main and Birch Barry, who is serving a 25-year ed. There were toys for children “Until a quarter of a century ago, rectified only by cancellation of the room apartments, heat; Janitor (Continued from Page One.) charge made tor the eervlce .-endered. streets. term for one of his “big-time'' rob­ who otherwise may have been for­ practically every diocese in tiie Plan For 1,500 Celebrants— All advertisements must conform service, refrlgeraioi furnished. CaU beries of mansions, was captured gotten by Santa Claus. Every­ coimtry had a number of foreign CHRISTMAS TREES— Canadian Prices Prasticaliy Reduced In style, copy and typography with Arthur A. Kacfla 5440 or 4131. scverfil weeks ago in a farm house where the urge "to give" was pre­ priests, who came here as mission­ Christmas, the annual candleffght regulations enforced by the publish­ Balsams 25 to 50c each. Christmas This Year—Includes Dinner. 875 Main street , near Newton, N. J. dominant. aries," said Father James A. Walsh, service will be held in the South ers and they reserve the right to wreaths 15c each, potted plants In New Haven social workers had Methodist church tomorrow evening edit, revise or reject any copy con­ 6 ROOM TENEIME^T, all improve- The jury, which reported at 6 a. co-founder and superior general of sidered objectionable, ^ ^ 25c each, such as Christmas cher­ four thousand baskets of food, at 7:30. Rev. George G. Scrivener, The management of the Hotel oients, garage, good location, rent m., after 19 hours deliberation, was Maryknoll, the Ai..erican seminary Bond advises The Herald that many CLOSING HOURS— Classified ads to ries, cyclamen and Christmas cac­ rebuked severely by Judge Kennard clothing and toys—the largest num­ for foreign missions located near superintendent of the Norwich Dis­ be published same day must be re­ tus. McConvllle’s Greenhouses and reasonable, 26 Walker street. In­ trict will preach the Christinas ser-. from this section are planting to ceived by U o'clock noon; Saturdays Underwood, who called the verdict ber in the city's history—ready for Ossining, N. Y. Nursery, 21 Wlndemere street, quire 30 Walker. Tel. 7268. distribution among the needy. mon in the absence of Rev. Robert iisher in the New Year at the big 10:30 a. m. the “height of error." “Now,” he declared, “very few New Year’s Eve celebration at the TELEPHONE YOUR Manchester. Free delivery. Tele­ "In my opinion," he said, “your World War veterans had piles of dioceses depend on foreigners. The A. Colpitts who is ill at his home. phone 5947. CJhristmas boxes and cheerful The vested choir of the church will Hotel Bond, Hartford, Saturday eve­ BUSINESS LOCATIONS verdict Indicates that for some rea­ process has been reversed; instead •V' W AN T ADS. Christmas greetings ready for their sing medieval and modem carols ning, December 3lst. FOR RENT frl son unknown to the court and ap­ of receiving missionaries we are Plans under way at the Hotel Ads are accepted over the telephone parently arising from considerations buddies confined in institutions. sending them out. and the chimes will be rung preidous at the CHARGE RATE given above MOVING—TRUCKINIG— CHoudy weather was predicted for Bond provide for the entertain­ as a . convenience to advertisers, but FOR RENT—IN THE OFFICE other than the evidence, you agreed 20 Priests Yearly to the service by Chimer James Hut­ STORAGE 20 tomorrow. The New Haven branch chinson. ment of 1,500 celebr2iDts. Because of the r a t e s will be accepted as building at 865 Main street, a suite that these defendants stand acquit­ “Maryknoll alone has assigned F U IX PAYMENT If paid at the busi­ of the Weather Bureau said Santa CJhiistmas services for the chil­ the times, the prices for the entire -f offices, suitable fur a doctor or ted of the charge of riot. 300, including priests, brothers and ness office on or before the seventh LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE Claus might run into a little rain to­ dren of the local churches will be e'venlng’s program including a won­ day following the first insertion of kindred lines. Also a very desirable Evidence Presented. sisters, to the field since it was moving, general trucking, livery night while touring the state. held this evening and tomorrow. derful dinner have been drastically each ad otherwise the CHARGE service. Our affiliation with United rent for ladies hair dressing es­ “The district attorney (Theodore founded in 1911, and about 20 reduced as will be noted in the ad­ RATE will bo collected. No responsi­ M. Cobum) presented a clear, clean- priests are ordained yearly. We The St. Mary’s children’s Christmas bility for errors In telephoned ads Vans Service means lower rates on tablishment Edward J. Doll. Tele­ vertisement of uhe Hotel Bond else­ cut picture—an undisputed picture have taken over five missions in enetrtainment will be held Wed­ where in this edition. will be assumed and their accuracy furniture moving to distant points. phone 4642. nesday evening in the Circle theater. cannot be guaranteed. —of riot merely by the evidence of eastern Asia formerly controlled by Large modem trucks, experienced ARTURO ALESSANDRl One Sport Event , IN D E X OF what happened at the gateway of the French, and works in Hawaii men, prompt service, all goods in­ HOUSES FOR SALE 72 and the Philippines. The only entertainment in che sured while in transit are features Auburn prison and showed that FRANCE TO GO SLOW CLASSIFICATIONS “ Holland proportionately and way of sports over the Christmas offered at no extra expense to you. these two defendants were present, CHILE’S PRESIDENT Births ...... A HAVE dtlENT WHO wiU take a armed, and taking part beyond any France numericeilly are stiff the weekend is a basketball game. That Daily trips to New York, baggage EngagomenU ...... " small first mortgage on good resi­ reasonable doubt. leading countries in commissioning involves the Manchester National Marri.-'res ...... ^ delivered direct to steamship piers. ON PROBLEM OF DEBT dential property. Call Arhtur A. “The responsibility for this verdict (Continued from Page One) missionaries, but America is aid­ Guards and the Hartford Knighes Deaths ® For further information cal) 3063,' Card of T h a n k s ...... ^ Knofia. Dial 5440, 875 Main street. is on your own shoulders. ing greatly in strengthening the of Lithuania which will be played at In Memorlam ...... ' 8860, 8864. Perrett & Gleuney. Inc. “I do not begrudge Arthur Barry a full six yeai-s term, to succeed the personnel in the field.” the State armory Monday evening. (Continued From Page Ono) Zg>st and round ...... J or that poor cripple Small one single republic’s last constitutional presi­ Father (Dampo reported that in Announcements ...... ; SILVER LANE BUS LINE offer the conference between Edge and Paul- Personals ...... » accommodation of their large De- hour of any freedom which may ul­ dent, Juan E. Montero, whose ad­ 1931 approximately $980,000 was Autoaiobfles ministration was overthrown by a Boncour, there was no failure on the Luxe bus for lodge, party or team BRITISH PARLEY timately be theirs, thanks to your contributed for foreign missions BOSTON TO REYIYE Automobiles for Sale ...... « action. I do begrudge the grantin.g Socialist-miliary revolt June 4, and through the Society for the Propa­ part of American officials to recog­ Automobiles for Excharge & trips at special rates. Phone 3063, of mercy to them at the expense of who was elected for a similar term gation of the Faith, a 25 per cent nize the difficulties that the new Auto Acoessorlea— ^Tlres ...... « 8860, 8864. French premier must encounter in Auto Repairing—Painting ...... 7 ON INDIA ENDED simple justice to the people of the a year ago. (Senor Alesssuidri ac­ decrease from 1930. “The total con­ ANQENT PA(XANTRY attempting to shelter his negotia­ Auto Schools ...... "-A State of New York.” tually is the sixth president of Chile tribution of Catholics in America Autos—Ship by Truck ...... 8 COURSES AND CLASSES 27 B(irry, nationally known jewel in seven months). was about five times that much,” he (Continued from Page One.) tions from the domestic political Autos—For Hire ...... 9 (Continued from Page f)ne) storm. Garages—Service—Storage ...... 10 thief who has boasted that his loot Senol-Sociallstic said. An insight into the situation in i Motoreyelea— Bicycles ...... ii BEAUTY CULTURE—Earn while totaled more than two million dol­ Alessandri has pledged himself to He placed the total number of master craftsmen of Italy and other conference, said he hoped the spirit Europe wns given Mr. Hoover yes­ Wanted Autos-Motorcycles .... 12 learning. Details free. Hartford lars in the days when he was prey­ a regime of strict constitutionality. Homan Catliolic missionaries from European countries. It is aroimd Bmdaees and Professloaal Servicca of good will in men's hearts in this terday by Norman H. Davis, a''rep­ Academy of Hairdressing 693 Main ing on smart Long Island mansions, He plsms to make his administration all countries at 165,000, composed of these windows that the carolers ' BuelnesB Servloee Offered ...... 13 usually gather. ^ resentative of this government at ' Honeebold Services Offered .....1 8 - A street, Hartford. season had prevailed throughout was captured recently in New Jer­ 47,000 priests, brothers and risters semi-SocIalistic, in keeping with his Caroling, as it will be practiced the recent disarmament conference. ' Bonding—Contracting ...... l< the meetings, and he was confident sey. Small's body still carries program when he wa.: firs- in office. and 118,000 lay helpers, catechists, Florists—Nurecriee ...... 16 tonight, goes back to the 17th cen­ .some bullets with which police Teachers, nurses and others who as­ Dairts. who has frequently been men­ Funeral Directors...... i° DOGS— BIRDS—PETS 41 their labors would have fortified a IJ has promised economic rehabili­ tury in England when “waits." as tioned for the State Department Heatlug—Plumbing—Roofing brought him down in Brooklyn sist in the work. partnership whose strength and en­ tation of the country; decentraliza­ the singers and players were then portfolio in the next administra­ months after the prison uprising. FOR SALE—PEDIGREED Peki­ durance were of such consequence tion of government and provincial known, went from house to house tion, will visit Mr. Roosevelt within MlUlnopy— Dressmaking ...... 19 Carried in and out of the room Movlng-^rnoking—Storage ... 20 nese puppies, reasonable. Mrs. to all his people. home rule; readjustment of com­ offering their musical wares. the next few days for a talk w’lth with his arms around guards' PalaUng—Papemg ...... 2I Fra ik Giblin, 29 Cottage street. mercial relations with other na­ LARiXST YOTE CAST In those days it was the custom of the President-elect. Profeeeioaal Servlcee ...... - j shoulders. Small argued his case tions, chiefly those of Latin Ameri­ satisfied hearers to toss the per­ The returning delegate spoke Repairing ...... 23 himself from knowledge that he Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning ... 24 LEGAL NOTICES 78 ca amd solution of the nitrate prob­ IN RECENT ELECTION formers a coin, as well as to proffer frankly of the close relation between Toilet Goods and S erv ice...... 26 LIVE STOCK— VEHICLES 42 gained in prison study. lem. refreshments. disarmament and tiie forthcoming iWanted— Business Service 26 "As I hope to see my sainted FOR SALE—JERSEY COW. ac­ AT A COURT OF PROBATB HELD The new Cabinet was announced i world economic couference, and he. Bdneafioaal at Manchester within and for the mother, I am not guilty of riot," he credited herd, due to freshen Jan­ officially today as follows: ' (Continued from Page One) NEW J.\PAN ROUTE too, held to the view that, with re- Conreee and Classes ^ District of Manchester, on the 24th said in his summation yesterday. It Horacio Hevia, premier and ; Tokio—Japan Is rapidly opening Private Instmotion ...... 2» uary 1st. James Fletcher, Lake day of December, A. D„ 1932. gaiti to war debts, separate cases re­ jiolled by Calvin Coolidge over John aerial connections with its posses­ Dancing ...... 28-A street, R. R. Present WILLIAM S. HYDE. Esq.. 1.. nister of interior. quire different treatment. Mueieal-Dramatic ...... 29 J udae. Miguel Crucha^, foreign minis­ W. Davis, in 1924. sions by means of air lines. One of Two'American experts will attend [Wanted-~InstructloB •..••••..•. 30 Ifistate of Sarah J. Burr late of ter. Roosevelt’s Total the latest is that be'ween this city a meeting in Gene ira on January 9 Ftaanelal .Manchester, in said District, deceas­ Roosevelt’s total was more than and Shinkyo, Manchuria. It will Bonds— Stocks—Mortgages ...... 31 FOR SALEl—YOUNG JERSEY cow. ed. Gustavo Ross, financial. to aid in arranging the program for Business Opportunities ...... 32 Telephone 5809. The Executor havias exhibited his Domengo Duran, education and the votes for all candidates combin­ follow a route along the Kikkai line the economic conference. They have Money to Loan ...... 33 administration account with said es­ justice. ed in any election preceding 192U. and fly over Tunhwa and the north­ held long talks with Secretaries Help and Situations tate to this Court for allowance, it is Alfred Pivonka, industry. The previous high for a winning ern end of Korea. The distance Stimson, Mills and Chapin In Wash- Help Wanted—Female ...... 35 ORDERED:— That the Slst day of candidate was Hoover’s 21,429,109 FUEL AND FEED 49-A December, A. D^ 1932, at 9 o'clock, ; Emilio Bello-Ckidesldo, national covered will be about 1,100 miles. inj^on within the test few days. Help Wanted— Male ...... 36 Tndr R*e F ^ 'US P« four years ago. Help Wanted—Male or Female .. 37 KINDLINGS $2.00 LOAD— Well forenoon, at the Probate Office in latd defense. Agents Wanted ...... 87-A Manchester, be and the same is as­ Can You Make This Hoover’s 1932 total of 15,759,266 seasoned oak wood $4.00 load. Carlos Henriquez, agriculture. Situations Wanted—Fem ale ...... 38 signed for a hearing on the allow­ Fernando Garcia Oldini, health compared with Smith’s 15,016,443 in Situations Wanted—Male ...... 39 Hickory for fireplace $4.5C load. ance of said administration account 1928, which was the previous record Emnloyment Agencies...... 40 Guaranteed these loads over half with said estate, and this Court di­ and labor. 1.1 ve Stock— Pete— Pool try— V ektclcn rects the executor to give public no­ for a loser. IH E ^ cord. Chas. Staye. Dial 3149. Once Exiled Dogs— Birds— Pets ...... 41 tice to all persons Interested therein Senor Alessandri was first presi­ Roosevelt’s percentage of the Llv» Stock— Vehicles ...... 42 to appear and be heard thereon by dent in 1920 when he overthrew the total vote was 67.5; Hoover’s 39.6 Poultry and Supplies ...... 43 FOR SALE—HARD WOOD also publishing a copy of this order In and minor parties 2.9. Smith in ■Wanted — Pets— Poultry—Stock 4t range and fuel oil. V. Fii-po, 116 some newspaper having a circulation old Feudal type of rule by the elite For Sale— HUcellaneoae In said District on or before Decem­ and Instituted a popular govern­ 1928 polled 41.2 per cent of the ft»v , Wells street, telephone 6148. ber 26, 1933 and by posting a copy IBO Articles tor S a le ...... 45 ment He was exiled once during his total vote. HALCHRAN Boats and Accessories ...... 46 of this order on the. public sign post Roosevelt carried . 42 states as SEASONED HARD WOOD, stove in the Town where the deceased last Buzzard term, but was recalled and sponsor­ Building Materials ...... 47 against 40 by Hoover in 1928, and Diamonds—Watches—Jewelry .. 48 size, furnace chunks or fireplace dwelt, five days before said day of ed the 1925 constitution which has With These P ieces? 2 5 37 by Coolidge in 1924. His electoral Electrical Appliances—Radio ... 49 lengths $7 cord or $4 load. Gray hearing, and return make to this given Chileans more rights and Fuel and Feed ...... 49-A Court. vote was 472 against Hoover’s 69, Garden — Farm— Dairy Products 50 birch $6 coru. Chas. Heckler, tele­ WILLIAM S. HYDE privileges. phone Rosedale 13-13. Judge. the latter coming from Connecticut, Household Goods ...... 51 The new president takes office at Delaware, Maine, New Hampshire, Machinery and Tools ...... 52 H.12-24-33. the close of one of Chile’s most Musical Instrum ents...... 52 Pennsylvania and Vermont. Four Office and Store equipment . . . . 54 ROOMS WITHOUT B O A ^ 59 AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD tragic, chaotic yeais in history, dur­ years ago Hoover had 444 and Specials at the Stores ...... 56 at Manchester, within and for the ing which personalist and vnllitarist Smith 87. Wearing Apparel—Furs ...... 57 District of Manchester on the 24th FOR RENT— LARGE SINGLE revolts and mutinies followed one Roosevelt polled more than a mil­ Wanted—To Buy ...... 68 day of December, A. D., 1982. after the other in rapid succession ttoome— Board— Hotels— Resorts rooms, Rubinow Bldg., fronting Present WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., lion votes each In six states —Cali­ Restanrantr Main street, equipped for light Judge. imtU a disgusted nation demanded fornia, Illinois, Missouri, New York, Estate of Mary Hilderbrand late of the return of Constitutional govern­ Rooms Without Board ...... o9 hous« keeping. Inquire at Rubi- Manchester In said dlst-lct, deceased. Ohio and Pennsplyanib. Boarders Wanted ...... 59-A now’s. Upon application of the Adminis­ ment Hoover pased the million mark in Country Board—Resorts...... 60 trator for an order of sale of real four states—Illinois, New Yo Hotels—Restaurants ...... 61 FOE. RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS estate belonging to said Estate as per Wanted— Rooms— Board ...... 62 The fate of $714,000,000 of Amer­ Ohio and Pennsylvania. for light housekeeping, all improve­ application on file. ican capital invested in Chile (1931 I HenI ISstnte Foi Rent ORDERED:— That the said applica­ The minor party vote more than Apartments, Flats. Tenements .. 63 ments, steam heat, gas and sink in tion be. heard and determined at the estimates) will be influenced greatly tripled that of 1928. Norman Business Locations for Rent ... 64 every room. Rem. reasonable. 109 Probate Office in Manchester on the by tile presidential policies of Senor Thomas, the Socialist candidate for Houses for Rent ...... 66 'Foster street.—Gmbe. 31st day of December, A. D., 19.32, at Aliessahdri, who for a quarter of a Suburban for Rent ...... 66 President, led the field with 881,- 9 o'clock in forenoon, and the Court century has led labor and liberal Summer Homes for Rent ...... 67 FOR RENT—IN JOHNSON Block, directs saiu administrator to give 951, which compared with his 267,- Wanted to Rent ...... 68 public notice to all persons interekt- elements in the third ranking com­ 835 four years ago and nearly single rooms, two and three room Real estate For Sole ed In said estate to appear If they mercial nation of ’thr southern con­ equalled the record for a.'9odalist suits, all modem conveniences. Ap­ Apartment Building for Sale . . . 69 see cause and be beard thereon by tinent candidate—819,799. fo r , Eugene V. Business Property for S a l e ...... 70 ply Janitor, telephone 7636 or A. publishing a copy of this order once m-HO PUZELE NO. S3 — WeU, Foreign buzinees men were not Debs in 1920. « Farms and Land tor Sale ...... 71 W. Harmon 6917. la some newspaper having a elronla- HI-HO’erfi, is this buzzard “over Houses for Salt ...... 72 tlon In said probate dlstriqt, and by your head” or can jrou arrange the expecting “headlong” cooperation In The 77,528 vote polled by lA^am Lots for Sale ...... 23 posting a copy o f . this order .qn the Ch^ this year, as one of them put D. Upshaw as the Prohibition party Resort Property for Sale ...... 74 BOARDERS WANTED ^ public sign post In said Manchester, seven mystic pieces in the puzzle Suburban for Sale ...... *6 five days before the said day of hear­ rectangle to form the ' silhouetted it hut they expressed belief Ales­ candidate was the largest given this sandri would be “fair.” He is op­ ticket since the first election after Real Estate for Exchange...... 76 ROOM AND BOARD at $11.00 per ing and return make to the Court. figure of the bird? Cut out the (BEAD THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE) Wanted— Real E sta te ...... 77 WILLIAM S. HYDE pieces. They’ll form the buzzard posed by a strong anti-forei^ national prohibition was adopted. It week. The Hotel Sheridan. Tel. Judge. A oetlo n -l.ega l Ifotices when assembled properly. pcdltieal element was neariy four times the 1928 vote. Legal Notices ...... 79 3673. H-1I-I4-M. Old Santa’s sleigh soea wyis. bavei a hunch that I can get old packed high and Scouty said, Simta up. We’ll be back right Ml “Oh, me, oh, my, that surely was a avmy.” By FRANK BECK hurried job, but' we have done it And, sure -eoovigh, the lad w^s jGAS BUGGIES—The Night Before Christmas i' V wi^. right, ’cause shortly l ^ t a cams “I think that everything’s in dght “I’m glad. I aroiised,” packed tight atad thus the Io m said he. 'Tm leaving here to­ should ride all right. I hofie, day.” . when Santa wakes,' he’ll like the And then he saw his sleiid^ and job. You ne’er can tell.” cried, “ (See, i will have a “Well, come, let’s wake, him,” dandy ride. The packlajg job is Duncy said. •“Perhaps he is a simply grand. I’ll bave an easy sleepy, head, but we can’t ‘blame trip.” iarSgader-. him. He’s worked hard to get his In half an hour the sun went we toys all set down shd D im ^ Ul» a ciney you “It won’t bo limg tin h« must clown, jumped up and down: , and leave and frankly, that will make shouted, “Hurry, . now! TouH u> me' grieve. However, , otiier kids have, to sk^.” you are glad. . Just think what they So filanta quickly climbed s e i W ' will g et” aboard and to the Tlnies loittfiy I t A little ^ then ihoiited, “1 ^ ; roared, “iBb . long. my Mends! the woric that you have done todfy Please.wilt for me. ru be hack and ether-daya will- please Idad by iiiujI Jy.”, Sants. Ho will pay. you ^ c k . “A roeody trjf: 'A. gpiMl^jrae. “P O rh^, ore Chrifit|Di» time is to,” the, - - Ttoleo, jjiqlM- >• o’er, a big surprise will .be in luck to ynu!” and thm th#. store. I’m. ..sure that'; he’ll afive of toye .^nt a^lli^. out ocroiiiv^ something ..fine'to give you. from .city, i-..' £. I.--;- his pack.’*-' Wee Coppy shouted to the ' 't o bunch. “Walt here for me. ' 1 MANCBEStER EVBNTK6 H I!R «p , SOtJtB MAMCBBBTEIt. QONN., SATOBOAT, DECEMBER M, 1982. E *P*"' OUR BOARDING HOUSE SENSE AND NONSENSE The Toonerrille Trolley That iVf eets All the Trainii By Fontaine Fo% ByOemAhwn %

THC 5HIPPCR CLAIMS THBR€ OUOH t A BC AOAINST ^ MANDY—Wtiat’8 Iiappen’ to dat and praise and service to Jesus, beautiful gold tootb yo’ was sport* whose birthday we are celebrating CHRISTM^ii ISyi COMING ON PW PAY, in’? this blessed Christmas Day. RASTUS>-Ebber since Ab los* i . aupposefuu AT CHpLlGrrMAG ^ rq^h lu* Job Tse bin off de. gold I “My grocer said he would like to sftT, My cuctomawy YEe-^ANOOONt TH'BmuNGWnciiii standard. have me honor him with a chec]^’’ GET ME TH ^ said a certain man. ‘?’d do it in a f LET 1S, an’ become a great politician.’’ chitecture . . . Fresh butter^ pop­ ^’-Cr corn. spareribs and sauerkraut, all y o U d g e t m e a The following amusing incident kinds stewed meat with v^eta- . W R JG T w a t c h f actually hiqipened. Near Reidsville, bles, and old-fashioned strawberry N o r^ Carolina, Uvea an old Negro, shortcake . . . A good time, imex- who has spent many years in a pectedly arrived at . . . Conversa­ wheel chair. A few weeks ago he tion vpith persona of wide interests ivanted to go on one last O’possum and unusual experience . . . Read­ hunt before he died. So he and his ing beside an open fireplace with ray grandchildren accompanied by sev* feet on a footstool . . . A leisurely era] dogs, started out. Hardly had dinner—^followed by home-made ice they penetrated the deep woods cream . . . A friendly chat with a r»9 when they met what, to appearances, good friend. was a bear. AU the grandchUdren yeUed: “Hit’s a b’arl Run fo’ yo’ Dorothy—And Jack, the darling, lives!” They all ran. leaving old told me I was the only girl he ever Grandpap to his fate. loved. As they came panting into the Della—Yes, and doesn’t he say it yard they called: "Oh, Mammy, beautifully and convincingly? Mammy, Grandi>ap's gone got et up HEY by a b’ar.” EXPLAINING IT GHOUL'D Their mother calmly repUed: G IV E “FooUshment what yo’ speaks, chU* DINER: Waiter, the portions seem dren. Yo’ Grandpap done come in to have become a lot smaller lately. E A C H five minutes ago wid de dogs.” WAITER: Just an optical illu­ O T H E P sion, air. Now that the restamwnt HAPPY CHRISTMAS ! baa been enlarged, they look smaller < T ^ X I N 'G The Christmas bells ring sweet and —that’s all.—Fllegende Blatter. O GLOVES clear ... The Carol Singers add their lay. HEADING HIM OFF Good wishes come from far and neu To cheer you aU along your way. “Jones is a rotten sort of chap. (*FonUln« Foil I982>. MAy every wish to you most dear I asked him to lend me five dollars And all g ^ things that we can say for a few days and he absolutely Be yoiu*s through an the coming refused.” year “My dear man, this club’s full of All Set And make a Happy Christmas Day. men like that. I’m another of them.” SCORCHY SMITH By John C Terr? —^Lustige Kolner 21eitimg. THREE CHRISTMAS "O’S”— Christmas Day is a day of three G’s: Gladness, Greetings and Giv* ing. Flapperllta.U.aFAT.OPF. Fanny Say& I DON'T KNOW WHETMER OLD GLADNESS, because the day riH' WOUP HOMTEft'S TURNIN' TELLER. brings tidings of great joy. Each CNtNcrr b u t t h is s t u n t b u s in e s s OF SCORCWV'S IS GITTIN MR TO year we listen anew to the happy SMWBRIN' UKE A MEXICAN Christmas chimes and remember ^HAMELESS FOOPLl.' that 1900 years ago the blessed Ghrist*ChUd was bom, to cleanse the world and make it a better, bap* pier place. And so, you see, be­ cause it is the birthday of the Baby Jesus, it is a day of radiant Glad­ ness. _____ GREETINGS is the second G. Greetings, because our hearts at this time are so overflowing with good will to all about us that we long to share our happiness with friends and lOv^ ones. And so it is that we hear on every side this wish; "A Merry Christmas.” OrviNa—that’s what the third G u S S BBS A. AM Biama lUaawrN TVW stands for—the best of them all— for Giving, which is the very soul and l^irit of Christmas. And today we offer our Christmas gifts Just os the Wise Men long ago offered Him rare qdces and fraAlneense and WASHINGTON TUBBS II By Crane OUT OUR WAY By Williams myrrh. For out of our grateful hearts we wish to spread this won­ derful happiness and make others happy; also we wish to show others the love and thought we have for them. Let us remember those less The only heat some radiators fortunate than ourselves, and let the bring is the hot words to the fur­ OB IVIN / -Tm K » SOO AQE,DuWE‘, VUELV. ,TVHAT A lM T WMuf one bright gift of all be our love nace man. MONTHS! WHY, I T * SOME OF M' \ IH a n * vaHAt* 9RAIMS M ADE h im OME, o f TH* m o t d r a f t s MEM ALOMdr US SPAIME -DOffT OEOON' W E P B - 1 MERE MAMS Po o p Du m m ie s s ia m d ORAFT a i m t a 0RAFT« FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS c a m 't FEBL Co U p u m n e o MERE ALL WINTe P, sMMUr MADE MIM^AN* A 9 » T O F iMAir IT WAS ■FIIMWiM rrth ORAFlV, v tu P G MiM OME O' *m' Bv Blosser V ^O P A F T . BPAIME , \% OECtOlN* OF TH* OUTF«r PflpNlG, IF A O R ^ ^(U. COfir NEITHER, PRE0HLE51 -1H’ COMFmV AKHIHimO* ZM B A W JStT HAMO,'Tf4A T WE'RE V/UAT kIMD O F A EAILIKIO IT’S A MOTOR -Tb Fix vT — TU e m f t AIMT NO DRAFT. A YACHT HAVE Va c h t . o r DRlVe.14 CRAFT.. V o o , UWCLE A STEAM jU S r A SMALL BOAT 1^' HARRY ? YACHT? OF 185 FEET.' & IN fNM , I HOPE HE NEVER coikbs b a c k . I (aorm n RAlNeOW ’ROUND, AW SHOULDERS ANP LADV LUCK BV (KV Sipe. « WH00P66I ^ I AIN’T MAD AT H O B O D ^


J « . v*rr Ar ^ - ^ ■ -^ :‘V " '■ ^vr V.’’r m # l:^ ^ 11,* . . - A’ , .-■ ■ ; ' ■V,. ., '. . i f V 'j ..-in- - .'"''a,fj.'''J p a q b t w b l v b

K -• T V - ‘f - 'r '" ’ THREE (M K r A M F S t ABOUTTOWN^ HOSPITAL NOTES ISSUES PRECAPO N S NOHERALD FOR U G H IIG TREES MONDAY ON MOST XMAS MAH. LAST MINUTE 2Cand»Mt«r Anembly, . Order of Burton Weir, 3, of Highland Park Rainbow, which usually meets on was treated last night for hot fat Twice As Many As Third Class Monday evenings, will hold its meet­ bums in the mouth and throat. The ' EmployfiM Man- -H. Chief Foy of. Fire.Department cheater Evening Hwald, will Stiekera Sold Here; Offices ing next wedc on Thursday evening child reached for a cup of hot fat CALL! V at the Masonlo Temple. on ttw stove at the home and i;ib- Gives Out Tips On ^ ety observe Monday (Dee. 26) as Clam ed Up. celved bums In the mouth and First Methods In Homes. the Christmas, holiday. No Have You Forgotten an— Margaret Shay of Garden The sale of three cent postage throat before his mother could take issue of The Herald will be street left yesterday for her home In the cup from him. stamps more than doubled that of Anything or Suggestions for the Installation published on that day. Pall River, where she will spend the Richard Fitzgerald, son of Mr. cent-and-a-half stamps at the two week-end and holiday. and Mrs. Michael Fit^erald of 46 of Christmas decorations and lights Anybody? local post offices during the Christ­ Merry Christmas Pearl street was admitted last night to avoid the hazards from fire, fre­ Gwendolyn. Preaoott of mas rush, it was disclosed today by after a fall in the cellar ef his home. quent during the Christmas holi­ Strong street left yesterday for her X-ray pictures will be taken of the the two postmastere. Frank B. days, were Issued yesterday in the KING’S DAUGHTERS SEND We Still Have Plenty home In Ra^^eley, Maine, where she boy’s head to determine the extent Crocker, postmaster of the south will remain during the school vaca­ foUowitig statement by Chief A1 of his Injuries. He spent a restful end office, reported that from Nov­ to Select from in To All tion. night last night. Foy of the South Manchester Fire MANY XMAS BASKETS ember 28 to date a total of 106,700 Mrs. Jane J. Aldrich, superin­ department: George Snow of Hilliard street, tendent of the Manchester Memorial ^threes’’ was sold compared to 48,- who has been spending several “The question of the proper loca­ 600 of the cent-and-a-half denomin­ hospital Is spending the holidays tion for the tree Is of first Import­ weeks In Montreal, has arrived with her family In Binghamton, N. Ever Ready Circle of King s ation. Thli Is 68 per cent threes and TOYS home for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. ance. It should neither be placed Daughters, through its relief com­ 82 per cent of the cheaper stamp. Y. near an open fireplace nor In such William Eecles and son of New Mrs. Julia Loomis of Boicon was mittee of which Mrs. E, P. Walton Postmaster Ernest F. Brown of g a B ! S ! B 8a a a g 3 Bedford, Mass., wlU be guests of a position that It would block an is chairman, assembled 32 Christ­ the north end office, said that his admitted yesterday with a dislocat­ exit. It should be anchored firmly Mr. and Mrs. Snow. Mrs. Eccles ed left shoulder sustained In a fall mas badcets for as many nee^ totals would be almost Identical so And Other Open Tonight ’Til 9. and Mrs. Snow are slaters. and, If possible, the base of the tree families. A check-up was made far as proportion .Is concerned. at her home. should be Mt in a pan of water. The with Miss Jessie Reynclds, town so­ Mrs. Belle Turklngton of 67 Oak Tbs demand for the cent-and-a- (Closed Monday. water helps to keep it fresh and at cial service worker, and today the Walter D. Crockett of New York street was discharged yesterday. balf .stamps wae so heavy early in City la spending the week-end and tractive for a long period, but, more baskets made happy famUles. living the .week that on Tuesday and part Useful Clifts holiday with Mrs. Crockett at the Important, In the event of a fire for the most part at the north end of WednesdayIV morning the loutb^ home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. the branches will not burn as read of the town. In addition to the office was without this denomlna- For the ^ohn McMenemy of Marble street. W.C.SCHIIELDGE NAMED lly as those which have become above a large supply of toys and tlon. The supply at the north of­ dried. fruit were sent to children, and 16 fice did not become exhausted. Only Entire Family. “Cotton should never be used baskets to shut-ins. , „ 2,000 remained on hand at the south HEAD OF TALL CEDARS around the base of the tree to Mrs. Walton states that Frank V. office this morning but these were create a snow effect. It Is easily Williams of Tolland Turnpike who believed to be enough to meet with Y. M. C. A. Notes Ignited and bums rapidly. A non made generous donations of vege­ the day’s demand. flammable product which is fully as tables for the Tlianksglvlng baskets Nutmeg Forest Entertains Out In both offices practically all Last night the “Live Wire" group effective Is sold. Celluloid, and assembled by the circle, sent 30 Christmas mall on hand will have PRICES ARE 'held a successful Christmas party. of Town Guests On Occasion paper decorations should not be bushels for the Cbvlstmas distribu­ been distributed when the afternoon Progressive games were> held and of Ceremonies After Elec used. tion. The relief committee is also dellverlee are completed today. The deeply appreciative of the Msneroslty there was dancing for a short time. “ Lighted candles on the tree cent-and-a-half stamped mall Is tion. of Walter Gorman of the Plnehurst There were refreshments, a Christ­ should be absolutely taboo. The third-class and first-class mail has CUT LOW small gay-colored electric bulbs Grocery who eupplled butter and inas tree, and exchange of pres­ sugar for the large family baskets, the preference In delivery. In the ents. The party closed with the William C. Schieldge, local print which have replaced them in most case of people who have moved out homes are safe If handled properly and to all other Indlviduale who do­ PHONE 6718 RALPH F. KING singing of Christmas carob. ing contractor, of 16 Church street, nated sums of money and other of town, mail intended for them Next Wednesday afternoon at 3, They should be of about one firefly bea^g only cent-and-a-balf etampe RADIO SERVICE 24 Moore St., Sontb Bfaneheete was named grand tall cedar of capdlepower. Care should be taken Items. ALL KINDS OF the ^rls who have attended Camp is not entitled t o be forwarded but Woodotock will hold a reunion at Nutmeg Forest, Tall Cedars of that there Is no bare wiring exposed 'Postmaster Crocker said he would OPEN W. J. DALTON AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING and each bulb should be securely the Y. M. C. A. They will start their Lebanon, at last night’s meeting of probably notify the addresseee eo 141 North Main S t Phone 4768 reunion by going to the Recreation the local Forest. Peter Wind was screwed into its socket. If a fuse AMERICAN LEGION that they might have the malL forr Open Until 8 p. m. Guaranteed work done on any blows out and there are no replace­ TO-NIGHT Center for a swim and then will re­ warded by paying another cent-and- type of car. elected senior deputy grand tall ments at band it is wise to call the turn for a get-together In the social Dilworth-Comell Poet, American a-half or get It by calling at the cedar, and the other officers named power and light company for re' room. At 6 o’clock, the banquet will are as follows: C. Leroy Norris, Legion, held Its regular meeting local office. placements. A fuse 1s to the light Both the north and south end be held. Over forty girls have made junior deputy grand tall cedar; ing system what a safety valve is to last night at the State Armory. ’The 4 t o l l P . M . reservations. Emil Miller, secretary; James Fl- regulaif meeting night is the last post offices will keep open this af­ a steam boiler. ternoon, closing at the regular daily There will be no dancing classes on liott, treasurer; Thomas J. Smith, “Trees should never be left light­ Monday in the month but owing to Monday but there will be classes as trustee for three years. the fact that it falls on the Chrlst- hour this evening. This change ed when you leave the house, from the Saturday half day was usual on Thursday. Following the election the grand especially if . there are children iras holiday thl's year it was decid­ The Y. M. C. A. building will be tall cedar made the following ap' ed to hold the meeting last night. ordered by the Post Office Depart­ around. The trees should be dis­ ment at Washington. closed all day and evening Monday. pointments: Ray Warren, chaplain; carded. Immediately after the New The post voted to hold its January OPEN Games at the Y tonight are Ox­ W. W. Eells, sentinel; C. Leroy Year since by that time they are meeting at the Y. M. C. A. building fords vs Talcottville boys and High­ Norris, guide; Thomas J. Smith, thoroughly dried out and hence and It was also voted to hold the land Park and Wapping also have preceptor; Edward Ogran, band' highly flammable. February meeting jointly with the ALL D A Y games scheduled. master; William Anderson, Thomas “Here are a few other fire pre Auxiliary. The Ways and means The Y. M. C. A. “A ” basketball Maxwell, Sidonlan degree. vention tips suggested for the committees of both organizations is WALTER team viidted Simsbury last night Ten candidates were given all Christmas season: Before a candle trying to raise a fund for special SUNDAY and came away with the long score three degrees 't the ceremonial is placed in the window every pre rehabilitation work. Definite action and of 37-22. During the first part of the which followed the election and in­ catition should be taken to see that on this proposition will be taken R . HOBBY stallation of the officers. Several oi' first half the score was even, one thin curtains are tied back secure­ soon. CONTRACTOR TO YOU team scoring a point after another the candidates were from out ol! ly so they will not fall into or near MONDAY until the teamwork of the locals town. Two bus loads of visitors the flame. It is safer, of course, to AND started to tell and from then on the were here from neighboring For­ use electric candles. Manchester boyt ran ahead. ests for the work. Refreshments BUILDER AND YOUR FAMILY were served following the work. ^oU y, pine branches, wreaths or FOR 8A.M.to9P.M. The retiring grand tall cedar, paper decorations should never bO Repair work of all kinds. ADVERTISEMENT Thomas J. SmitJi, was presented placed around or near electric light Also housepainting. ..la bulbs. Regular bouse lamps gener FUEL A reminder to the public that we with a wrist watch by the Forest, on. A drawing on the Forest’s Christ­ ate much heat, and are likely to PHONE 5773 Wishing All Our have replenished our stock with THAT mas raffle Jckets was held and the start a blaze. freshly made Christmas candy of BURNS LONGER Patrons and Friends winners were Philip Lewis, $10 “Electrical apparatus should not all varieties. The Princess Candy GIVES MORE HEAT Herbert L. Tenney, 35; Miss Mary be operated under a tree or near A M ERRY Shop. any flammable decorations.’’ PHONE 4866 Happiness and Peace McLagan, 32.50. CHRISTMAS PRPIljCPT DEUyERV New Portables of Mind, long as you Archie H. Hayes AH Purnell Place Makes live, long as they live We carry all makes of rebuilt /■ Wachtel’ s type writers. $20.00 and op Special Rental Bates DEPT. STORE, INC. 376-392 Front St., HARTFORD $ TO OUR MANY FRIENDS! K M r ^ S A Merry Xmas 763 Main St., Phone 5680 AND A f Family funds, if left in trust Happy New Year WE CUIM THAT here, will be faithfully guarded Wishing All Our Customers and The season's greetings to our friends and from one generation to the next.

Friends a customers with hearty good wishes for a ^ IS BETTE» ^ / Merry Christmas Merry Christmas and a In every way Prosperous New Year. The W. G. Glenney Co. The Manchester Trust Company 886 North Main St, ''I Thomas McGill, Jr. Tel. 4149 South Manchester, Conn. Off Hartford Road and Prospect St. Arthur L Hultman Buddy Burst AND HIS BUTTERMILK Music A Healthful W ishing You Just concluded six successful Drink a Very months at Castle Farm. (Thanks to Bill Fallon.) The rich tangy flavor of our M erry Dec. 27: Danceland, Hartford buttermilk makes it a favorite of everyone. Christmas New Year’s for the Lions’ Club. Good for children and A GLAOSOMM adults. THE PRINCESS Jan. 19: CUR/STMAS Roger Sherman Ballroom, Dial 7706 w . K. STRAUGHAN C A N D Y SHOP New Haven. Pure Milk and Cream. W EST SIDE 316 East Center St. Dial Manchester 4218. DAIRY 62 McKee St.

WHh SHAVING CREAM It’s Lather that Counts y u k l i d e with COAL lt*t Htating Quality G t c c I i n ^ s that Counts

PURE 6 ;E .W n X I S & S 0 N,INC. The SwingsBoikofManchester PURE PH0NE^‘57d. Cool. lAmibier. Mm o m ’ Siqipllae. Potot. JERSEY JERSEY SOUTH MANCHESTER. CONN. S Main S t, ' . TeLSUS, Manchester M ILK i CIREAM ESTABLISH ED.I|906 'llfllil I'. ’

< ■

•' . * ’ ’V. , , /. M- eUjK ^ j . v f M It?;: