11 - . |H • ■ >-.- i*» •.•», . ' ■ fb'v I:. ^ ? ’ \K '• V-*- . ii , " \ '^’ '•■;>‘:V ''‘ V- 'i i, ■ >’ .j ■ : ' u : , - vilS': ' w f e - ' • i s i i p W « M i i .... ■f - - ''S^'/v: : ~, n 7^ .• \ ■- .^Sr“- r " . ■ . ....... ....... AVDtiUM DAILY dBODLATlOlf TH P m B A T m iR , Foreoaot of 0. A Woathor fo r Hm Month of Nofnmher. 190 . B K tlp fd Chmdy tonight; ■nadsy 5 , 2 7 6 rain; not nmCli ohnngo In Meodtor of tho Anttt Bnrom tnra. of OreidallOBO. (OloMlfled Advertlolng on Page If.) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1932. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CBNlH VOL. L n« NO. 72. SEE FAST ACTION During: FrenCh Cabinet Crisis HDSSIATRIES TO BOOST rrs FRANCE TO GO SLOW ON BEER MEASURE il.SJJSINESS ON PROBLEM OF DEBT CheCk of Sente Jndidary CHURCHES HERALD •$> Soviet’s Forsign Trade Ex> OffiCial SpokamiB Raportt Conunittee Diidesee Me* CHRISTMAS SPIRIT pert Here To Talk With Father Watche<tMen jerity For Chenie In the 'Pramiar’i Viiit Yeitardif AmeriCan Boainaea Men; Kill His Daughter To U. S. EnbiHy W u To Voletead ACt. SerriCM Tomorrow Load In Trade On DaCraaaa. mainett LlBdBB, Tax., Deo. 84.— (AP) bright, it wai hour! before X raaltied Got InfonmllM — Wfli WHhlBfteB, Doe. 14.— (AP) —A ObiorranCo of Holiday; Beoauia he watChed hie orlppled iha wae dead.” Now York, Doe. 1 4 .- (A P )-W ith daughter die while two fanatleal Iberiff Nat Ourtright diioleiad a oheek of the |ioBato*i Mdiolary thi arrival la New York of Xvaa praaobera allegedly were perform­ itatement purpertedw ligaed by Woleomo Any Sugfoitioo eoBUBlttee whoro tho heuio 8>8 p » Mniic la Feature. ing "divlBB heallBg” ritei they be­ Paul Oakley in whleh the preaeher eoBt boor bUl fteii tto BMt ^ toot, Boyoff, viei oomBdHar of forilga lieved would eBorelee a "devif’ re- li quoted aa admlttlBg the child For SottUng Im m Thit diMloNd today a olear majority for trada of tho RuiiIbb lovlet Bopub- epoBiible for her afflletiOB, Iberman died with hie handi ob her threat. BMdlfleaUoB of tho VOlitoad aCt. Tbfl Ohrlitflaai spirit will be manl- lloi. It 11 iNpioted IB Wall l » N t aaytoB, baekewoodaman, w u held "Devil Killed Her" iBtorviiwi with mombori iBdl flit IB tbi MBBOhutir ohurotaM to­ that effort! m)i bt reniwod to lUm- today OB a murder ebarf e. ”1 thought Qed lent me to heal CofflH From Wiihliiiton. egtod that tho blU would reoolvo ulato trade between the> United Olay ton told offloere of the atraage the ohlld,’^ the itatemiBt attributed nofdy ooBilderatloB ubIm i a in arl morrow wltb iirvleM of lOBf 1b hon­ ItatM aad Ruiiia. eeremoBy when arreated late yeeter to the preaeher laid. "But the devil ^ i l m over Iti aloohollo ooBtOBt or of tbi Bftbo of BotUobom. Al- Beyoff vlilti the United ItiiU i day at tne rural eommunlty 10 mil hilled her through me. X thought It Parli) dee. 84.—(AF)—Ambai* ttn of miay oburobii will bo llght- reguiirly enei or twtoi a year, pri­ lid of the II eommlttee wait of UhdeB where hie o-i-year -0 wae Oed werklhi through mfi but lader Walter I . B d|e will p o i ^ e od with ChriitmM oandloi and )no- marily to get a flnt hand vltw of ehild, Bemieei died. after ihe w u d eu , Ood tdld me I membera remalBlBf 1b the elty over trade poiilbllltlei with thii eouBtiy, He eaid the preaoher brothera, wae deeelvad, that it w u the devil.” making a return eill on Rrailer the hoUdayi iBdloAed^ they ^u ld diival aBd modom oaroli will bo and, whenever opportunity afferda Paul Oakley and Ooy Oakley, who In hli jail eall Paul Oakley yelled Jeaepb Paui-Ueneeur until he heare leiallaatloB of beer at thli ouBf IB honor of tho Ohriotohild. Xb to further the trade Intereata of the llkewiee have been oharged with the repeatedly I "I'm Oed)” or '*X'm the from Waihlngten aiul li able ta n e ether b Ibo aald they pagoantry, oormoB and ooBg Obriot- lovlet. Id vote for beer, theu|h.0Be or , had prayed for the eure of devil.” He gave hie age ai 80. Hie (umlih the premier with general mas will 00 tho oiBglo thorns 1b Man- Peter A. Bogdanov, thi urbaae d. Bemiee had been paralyied brother li Bo. made NNnmtleBa ob the a)eep obostor, as throughout tho ontlro ohlof of thi Amterg Trading Oer- debt Information. »«..j ooBtmt. Three ^ the ab- » due to an attaek of InfahtlleWhen breufht to the jail bath he world tomorrow. sratien, worka eleiely with Boyeff paralyaia mere than two yeariand age. hla brother had their faoei An offlolal rrofloh ipokoeman eeatMi are.pem em ti ^ e ie partly PBUl-BoBoeur'i atw Frmoh otblait, plidgid to nigetlati with the laid today that II. Paui>BoBeour'i platform ealli for immediate modifi> Barig Morning MarCh. I the joint offerta of theee lovlet Wae Praying atreaked with paint or dye that MaBohootor oburonoo will oboorvo UBitfd lU tei OB the war debt iltuBtiofl, WM upheld la the Frenoh emleianea to etlmulate BuiilaB- lurprlii vlilt yeeterday to tho eatloBi "X didn't Interfere when they were gave them the appearanee of Indian llBoe the loBate deCided yeeter- tho Holy Day with various oorvloeo ohambir of depUtlei. BoBoour li ihown (In oenter, wearing blaek hat) Ameriean trada. Juet prior to Bey- werklBg with her on the floor be- medleine men. Tnelr hair wai long Amerlean Im b iiiy would bo moro ai an army ofnewipaper mea deie ended upon him while day to let the beer Mil take Iti reg­ throughout tho wook end. As ththe oablnet eff'e arrival Bofdanevlogi breadoait an oauee i didn’t have my mind on the and unkempt. oxaetly undoratoeid If It were Inter* ular oeurM through eemmitteei. the usual, tho oboorvaBoo will boglB with wai iB the proeeii of leleetloB. appeal to AmeriOBB bUBlfleei ineB lo ohiid,” Olaytofl explained to offloere. Mri. Olayton, 88, laid aha w u net pretea u a "vlilt for IfiformatlM.” Beat aetloB will eeme 1b the judl- • Ohriotmao moralBg maroh oob< Btudyidy thithe peeilbllltlee of trade •»- ”1 wai pra^Bg i&d had my mlad In tho room where the ritei were Xt wai pointed out that Franoo olary eommlttee, penlbly next m o b - duotod by tho lalvatloB Army Band P*' with th# lovlet. Amteri OB the Idord. oendueted and did net learn of her bellovei tho dobt proUom ihoiM Ipoolal maosoo will bo ouBg 1b tho II the lovlet trading tgeney in "The Oakleyi told me ihe wai la daughter’i duth for leveral heuri. Bot bo hiBdlid Ib • hurry, t h ^ Polish National ohuroh at midnight oountry. a heaviBly ordained oema. Paul Ihe w u ordered to appear u h wlt- Frafloe haa bo Ifitontion of lottlBf X .t .r Iferrli prepeiei to eoBd the quiitloB fall by the wayildo tho aaoaauro to the eame oub-oem- tOBli^t with spoolal muolo by Cho LAR(XST VOTE CAST Oemmeroe PiUe Offi laid ihe wae under Ctod'i power and neu Monday when the preaehere mlttN whleh li bow eoBilderlBg soBlor oholr, to olfioially ushor in tho Xb reoent yaare the oomfluroa of if X left her aleae ihe would be all will be given preliminary hearingi either. prehlMtloB repeal leglalatleB. day. tho two BatloBB haa faUea off iharp- PreHiiilBary l$udy The oheok ihewed thli oub-eom- At tho OoBtor OoBgrogational ly. The lateit degartment of oom> FraneeSTsnss uiBUiwaiBoUflee to— tho <ooBoopt^ mlttee, headed by loBater Blaine, ohuroh tho pastor will proaoh a IN RECENT ELECTION ffloroe figurei Indloato that a grow- Of a preUffllBary a' t u‘ ^ with tho R„ WIe., le everwhelmlBgly for beer. oormoB OB tho spirit of Ohriotmu at lag peroentage of Ruiila'i foreigB idea that whea F raal^ D._ R e e se - tho moralBg oorvloo, and tho ohuroh trade hae beeD going, to Oermany AETUROALESSANDEI NO HERALD velt taktt ever tho proildiiM» ^ ho oholr will roBdor aa oxooUoBtly and iBglaBd. at leu t oriu find the dooumontatlea arraagod program of Ohriotmu mu­ Nearijr 40 Milliona — Three Forrae first Bine moathi of 1982, MONDAY eempleU with, perbapi, aa .oipeel* TANK CARS READY olo. gpoolal muooo'Wlll bo bold 1b BOSTON TO REVIVE Ruaela exported approximately C fln r s PRESIDENT tiofl of the Frsfloh itBBdpeiBt on both It. Jamoo’ aad It. Bri^ot's $206,000,000 of good! aad imported '1 EmployaM of tho Mfiti- thedehtfl. ohurohoo and Ohriotmu oormono $27,000,000. Thla UBfBvorable trade Xt wu explaifipd that F rm Other ReCords Eetadilieh- ehoBtor Evonlng Hortld will WHENBEERCOMES and muolo will be the order 1b the ANCIENTPAGEANTRY balanee of roughly $70,000 oompared oeniiBUM to Believe geidral debt •outh Methodist ohuroh, North * \ * with $106,000,000 for the same obiervo Mondiy (Doe. 26) i« Begotiatieiu muit iBevltably flew Methodist ohuroh, loooBd Oongroga- ed— OfiChl Fignree Are period laet year. Sixth Presidedt In Seren tho Ghrlatmai hoMday. No from the Fraaoe-AmerleaB eoBvqp- Mtions whiCh Paul-BoaCeur tioBal ohuroh, I t Mary’s Bplooopal The United Itatee wae Ruisla'i IfBUo of The Horald will bo M. bOw ohuroh, ZloB Lutheru ohuroh, Oon- tenth beat ouatomer and fourth high- Monthi— Plans Sehu-So- hu launChed. ir MenfaCtarers flare Giant eordla Lutheran aad Uflaanuel Lti- ReleMed At Waehipgton.. Carol Singing, Canle Ml eat among the Country’! e e ll^ publlfhod on that day. FreBahFrenCh enoiaifleffldala taunCthink tnwth# vW wr^ ^ - ' thevBB ohuroh. A opootal Ohrlst- goods to RuMla. eo-,1 debt kf portod the m u eervlee wlULhe had at the lal- Lantemo and OpeaHoniet ’ "CialiatiC Re(ime.
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