Nova Ves 18 | 10000 Zagreb, hr
[email protected] [email protected] | Directors' Fortnight - Short Film Selection meet & greet tags & notes CROATIAN AUDIOVISUAL CENTRE AT THE FILM MARKET see Pavilion no. 134 Department of Promotion Village International Riviera
[email protected] Croatian Audiovisual Centre Debut Film Film focused on women or directed by a woman DIRECTORS' FORTNIGHT – SHORT FILM SELECTION Film with lgbtiq characters or motifs Film suitable for children up to 12 years old Cherries Trešnje Film dealing with social issues • by Dubravka Turić (pg. 12) fri | May 26th | 12:00 Film produced within Theatre Croisette (50, La Croisette) a film school or a film sat | May 27th | 16:00 academy Studio 13 (23, avenue du Docteur Picaud) One of the minority co-producers is a Croatian company MARKET SCREENING Film funded by the Croatian Audiovisual Centre through its public calls, film incentives programme (cash rebate) or matching funds My Life Without Air Moj život bez zraka • by bojana burnać (pg. 9) wed | May 24th | 12:00 Palais C CROATIAN SHORTS @ THE SHORT FILM CORNER editor's notes 13+ • by nikica ZDunić (pg. 11) Into the Blue The films in this catalogue are mostly • by anToneTa the editors´ choice. We tried to include alamaT kusijanović (pg. 14) all professional productions with a Baby Tooth release date in 2017 and some films • by saša ban (pg. 11) released in the last half of 2016. The Last Quest • by božiDar Trkulja (pg. 22) If not stated otherwise, films have been Gamer Girl publicly screened or broadcasted.